Front Office Football 2001

Front Office Football 2001

16.10.2013 03:46:06
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By: Atom Edge

ToolBar FAQ Version: Final (c)2003
Game: Front Office Football 2001
Platform: PC
Release Date: 2001
Author: Nintendomaster14

Table Of Contents
A. Game
B. Records
C. Franchise
D. Roster
E. Gameplan
F. Season
G. Draft
H. Progress

Legal Info

This is purposed for people in doubt of toolbar options...

A. Game

1. New Game: Enables you to start a new game by choosing a team and difficulty

2. Load: Load's a previously saved game.

3. Save: Save's a current game.

4. Save As: Pick a name to save as.

5. Delete: Delete's a saved game.

6. Choose New Team: When playing a season, you can switch teams.

7. Options: Set depth charts, autosaves, and automatic scout drafting.

8. Franchise Nicknames: Change team nicknames. Example: Colts<-->Kings

9. City Names: Changes city names of teams. Example: Indianapolis<-->Phoenix.

10.Exit: Takes you out of the program.

B. Records

1. GM Records: This is all time ratings records after a season.

2. Hall of Fame: People from around the league admired for their talent.

3. Individual Records: Your personal season records for all teams.

4. Franchise Records: Your personal season records for your team.

5. Season Awards: After a season players are sometimes awarded for special

6. Front Office Bowls: The winners of the front office bowl placed in
chronological order.

7. Team Performances: How your team is performing in seasons.

C. Franchise

1. Franchise Value: Rates your stadium, support, economy, and city.

2. Balance Sheet: Shows last years profits in money.

3. Attendance Report: Shows how many people bought season tickets.

4. City Information: Gives your general city information.

5. Ticket Prices: Set ticket prices according to fan support.

6. Stadium Proposal: Request a stadium or build a new one.

7. GM Performance: Shows your records each season.

D. Roster

1. Team Roster: Organize your roster.

2. Offer Trade: Trade with other teams.

3. Free Agents: Sign players here.

4. Scout Overview: Scouts personal opinions on what you need.

5. Roster Strength: Shows your ratings on starters and backups.

6. Scouting Staff: Shows scouts of each team. Hire/Release scouts here.

7. Coaching Staff: Shows coaches of each team. Hire/Release coaches here.

8. Transaction Log: Shows trades and signings of all teams.

9. Injury Log: Shows who is injured at the present time on all teams.

E. Game Plan

1. Game Plan: Decided how many of what plays you do per game.

2. Offensive Depth Chart: Organizes your offensive positions.

3. Defensive Depth Chart: Organizes your defensive positions.

F. Season

1. Simulate Games: Where you play your games during seasons.

2. Box Scores: In depth stats on games.

3. Schedules: What team plays what team.

4. Exhibition Standings: Standings after the first 4 exhibitions games.

5. Standings: Regular Season standings.

6. Power Ratings: Team power rankings after a season.

7. Individual Statistics: Individual player stats.

8. Team Statistics: Team total season stats.

G. Draft

1. Draft Order: Shows drafting order by teams.

2. Draft Players: Allows you to draft players.

3. Past First Selections: Who was picked 1(1) in previous years.

H. Progress

1. Begin Free Agency Period: Start the signing of free agents.

2. Continue Free Agency Period: Continues the signing of free agents.

3. Begin Amateur Draft: Begin Drafting.

4. Set Protection List: Set people you will give up in expansion draft.

5. Begin Expansion Draft: Starts the draft of a new expansion team.

6. Begin Training Camp: Start's the camp before a season.

7. End Season: End's current season to next season.

Legal Info

Sites allowed to use this FAQ:

There should be no passing of this FAQ. It is (c)2003 to nintendomaster14.
If I catch you with this on a site other than the one above charges wall be
filed. Thanks for all your support. If you want to use this FAQ please e-mail
me for permission. My email is bjsalari[at]hotmail[dot]com

Thanks to Cjayc for posting this.
You for reading this.
Friends for being friends.
Parents for the PC and game.
Everyone who helped me on all game.

END OF DOCUMENT%%%%&*%%%%@@@@@%%%%&*%%%%@@@@@

I hope you enjoyed it....
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17.Octombrie 2013
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