Hugo's Whodunit

Hugo's Whodunit

15.10.2013 07:40:56

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Item List
4. Point List
5. Copyright information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 22nd Feb, 2004 (First version)


1. Introduction


In the second game of the Hugo trilogy, Hugo and his girlfriend Penelope travel
to Europe to stay in the cottage of Hugo's Uncle Horace. As they make their way
upstairs to the bedroom, Penelope goes to sleep and wakes up to find that Hugo
has disappeared. She hears a noise outside and looks through the keyhole to see
Hugo's Uncle getting stabbed by a mysterious person. And so it's up to her to
piece together the puzzle of the murder, and to find which of the many strange
occupants of the house murdered Uncle Horace.

Hugo 2 is a much longer and far more difficult adventure game than the original
title. Much of the game play is based in the huge cottage, though other areas
include a stroll through a giant hedge maze, a journey through dangerous fields
filled with snakes and bees, as well as travelling to a mysterious planet in a
phone booth. Overall, this is a very enjoyable addition to the series which has
the same fun and interesting atmosphere as the original.


2. Walkthrough



The game starts in the entrance hall of the cottage. Walk up the steps and move
to the door at the right side of the second floor. "Open door" to enter the
bedroom. Penelope will walk toward the bed and go to sleep, leaving Hugo to
explore the bedroom. Walk to the yellow book in the bookcase and "get book" to
open a secret passage. Hugo will go through, leaving Penelope alone in the
bedroom. When she wakes up, walk over to the door and "look through keyhole" to
see Uncle Horace arguing with someone, which ends with him getting stabbed.

Penelope will faint at this point. When she recovers, walk to the yellow book
on the bookcase and "get book" to go through the same secret passage that was
discovered by Hugo earlier. "Talk bird". "Use phone". "Open drawer" and "get
matches" that fall out. Walk to the dumb waiter and "get in dumb waiter" to
ride down to the first floor of the cottage. "Open cupboard" and "get garlic".
Walk north through the doorway to exit the cottage.


Walk east to arrive in an area with some venus fly traps and a magnifying
glass. Save the game at this point, as moving successfully through the venus
fly traps can be incredibly difficult. Start by tapping the down arrow key
twice to move very slightly south. Now walk east until you pass the bottom-left
fly trap, then walk south to stop at the border of the flowers. Walk east past
the next two fly traps above, then walk north through the gap and west to the
magnifying glass. "Get magnifier".

Move back out of the venus fly trap maze the same way you came, and continue
west to return to the area outside of the cottage. Walk south to see the
gardner's shed. Walk east twice to see a bridge leading over a stream, with
wild catnip plants growing at the side of the path. "Get catnip", then walk
close to the left side of the bridge.

"Drop matches", which will drop the matches on the path. If you attempt to
cross the bridge while holding the matches, it's very likely that they will
drop into the stream and be useless for the rest of the game. We'll need to
cross this bridge later with the matches, but for now just leave them at the
left side of the bridge. Walk east on the other side of the bridge to see some
ferocious bees. When the bees start flying toward Penelope and the warning
message appears, quickly walk west back to the previous area. Walk over the
bridge and "get matches", then walk west twice and enter the gardner's shed.


After the gardner puts his pliers away, "eat garlic" and he will run out of the
shed. Walk up to the panel and "push green button" to turn on the bug zapper in
the area with the bees. "Press blue button" to open the gates leading to the
hedge maze". Exit the shed, walk east and north to enter the hedge maze.


From the entrance of the maze, walk north. East. East. North. North. West.
West. South. West. North. North. "Get gun". North. West. North. North. East.
South. East. South. East. North. North. East. East. East. South. "Get bell".
North. West. West. West. South. South. East. East. South. West. West. West.
"Get bottle". East. East. East. North. West. West. West. North. West. North.
West. South. South. East. South. South. South. East. North. East. East. South.
South. West. West. South. South to exit the maze.


After leaving the maze, walk east to the area with the bridge. Now we do have
to cross the bridge holding the matches, so make sure to save the game before
attempting this. Start by walking across the lowest part of the bridge. As soon
as Penelope puts a foot down, tap the up and then right arrow keys to make her
move to the next section. Now just walk carefully over the top of the bridge
until Penelope gets near the right side. Tap the down arrow key, followed by
the right arrow key to make it across. Continue east to the next area.

The bees will now be attracted to the bug zapper as it was turned on by using
the green button in the gardner's shed. Walk east to the next area and wait for
Penelope to hit the man from the first Hugo game. Continue east to the next
area to find a snake which slithers its way toward Penelope. After it bites
her, "drink bottle" to cure the snake bite. Walk along the top-right path to
arrive in an area with a big white dog. "Get stick" and "throw stick" to make
the dog leave his dog house. "Look in dog house". "Get dynamite" and walk west.

After returning to the area with the snake, walk along the bottom-right path to
arrive in an area with a phone booth. Walk into the phone booth and Penelope
will call the police. She explains the situation and officer Higgins will agree
to meet her in the cottage living room at 6PM. "Dial". "1-800-333-hugo" to
transport to a the planet Retupmoc.


Quickly "shoot gun" to destroy the dalek and receive the screwdriver from
Doctor Who. Walk back into the phone booth, then walk through the gate and go
west to return to the area with the snake.


Walk west, then south to arrive in an area with a well. "Climb down rope" to
climb down to the bottom of the well.


Walk over to the blocked passage at the right side of the cavern and "drop
dynamite". "Light dynamite". Quickly walk left over to the rope and "climb
rope" to climb out of the well before the explosion. "Climb down rope" to
return to the bottom of the well and go through the newly opened passage to
arrive in an area with three tunnels. Walk through the left tunnel first of all
and "get lamp" near the rock.

Walk east to the previous area and go through the middle tunnel to arrive in an
area with a chasm. Start by walking down to the rocks at the bottom of the area
and then walking right toward the chasm. Stop before reaching the chasm, tap
down and then left to walk onto a hidden ledge. Now walk right over to the
other side of the chasm and "get banana". Walk back over the hidden ledge and
go west to return to the area with the three tunnels.

Walk through the right tunnel and continue east to the area with the ladder.
"Rub lamp" and "give banana to genie". Climb up the ladder to enter the store
room of the cottage. "Look in mouse hole". "Open safe with screwdriver". "Read
will". Walk west to enter the hall of the cottage.


Walk through the top doorway to find the maid in the parlor. Walk through the
right doorway to find the cat. "Rub catnip on bell". "Give bell to cat".
Quickly walk west out of the room to return to the parlor and wait for the cat
to ring the bell. When the maid exits the parlor, "open cupboard" to get the
photo album. Walk east to the room with the cat and "get bell". Walk west twice
to enter the kitchen, where the cook is holding a bloody knife.

Her explanation for this is that she has just been preparing dinner for
tonight. Walk back through the door on the right, south to the hall and then
west to the section of the hall with the mirror. "Open door" at the left side
of the mirror to meet Aunt Hester. Walk over to the table and say "yes" when
Aunt Hester asks if Penelope would like some wine. "Read letter" on the table,
then exit the room.

"Open door" at the right side of the mirror to enter cousin Harry's room. "Talk
Harry" and he will start laughing when told about Uncle Horace's murder. Exit
the room and walk south to see officer Higgins walking into the living room.
Enter the living room to find that all of the suspects have gathered there to
find out who killed Uncle Horace. When asked whodunit, say "nobody". The game
now returns to Hugo. "Get paper". "Read paper". "Get pencil". "Slide paper
under door". "Push pencil through keyhole" to complete the game.


3. Item List


After the cat has rung the bell in the room at the side of the parlor, the
album is found in the cupboard in the parlor. It is not used.

Found after crossing the chasm in the cavern under the well. It is given to
the genie in the area of the cavern with the ladder.

Found in the hedge maze. After the bell has been rubbed with catnip, it is
given to the cat in the room at the side of the parlor.

Found in the hedge maze. It is drunk after Penelope is bitten by the snake.

Found in the area with the bridge leading over the stream. It is rubbed on
the bell to make the cat more interested in the bell.

Found in the dog house after the stick is thrown. It is dropped near the
blocked passage at the bottom of the well.

Found in the hedge maze. It is used on the dalek on the planet Retupmoc.

Found in the cavern under the well. It is rubbed in the area of the cavern
with the ladder to make the genie appear.

Found in the area with the venus fly traps. It is used to read the will.

Found by opening the cupboard in the study. They are used on the dynamite
after it has been dropped near the blocked passage at the bottom of the well.

Found in the room with Hugo near the end of the game. It is read with the
magnifying glass, and is also slid under the door.

Found in the room with Hugo near the end of the game. It is pushed through
the keyhole after the paper has been slid under the door.

Doctor Who will give the screwdriver to Penelope after she has shot the dalek
on the planet Reptumoc. It is used to open the safe in the store room.

Found in the area with the dog house. It is thrown to make the dog leave his
dog house.

Found by opening the safe in the store room. It is not used.


4. Point List



3 3 Get the yellow book in the bedroom as Hugo.

8 5 Look through the keyhole as Penelope.

11 3 Get the yellow book in the bedroom.

12 1 Talk to the bird in the study.

17 5 Use the phone in the study.

22 5 Get the matches after opening the drawer.

32 10 Get in the dumb waiter in the study.

37 5 Get the garlic from the cupboard in the kitchen.

52 15 Get the magnifier from the field with the venus fly traps.

57 5 Get the catnip in the area with the bridge.

52 -5 Drop the matches on the left side of the bridge.

57 5 Get the matches after returning from the field.

72 15 Eat the garlic in the gardner's shed.

82 10 Push the green button to turn on the bug zapper.

92 10 Push the blue button to open the hedge maze gate.

102 10 Get the gun from the hedge maze.

107 5 Get the bell from the hedge maze.

122 15 Get the bottle from the hedge maze.

127 5 Meet the old man in the area east of the bees.

142 15 Drink the bottle of serum after being bitten by the snake.

147 5 Get the stick from the area with the dog house.

152 5 Throw the stick for the dog.

157 5 Walk into the phone booth to call the police.

172 15 Dial "1-800-333-hugo" to transport to the planet Retupmoc.

182 10 Shoot the gun to destroy the dalek.

197 15 Get the screwdriver from doctor who.

202 5 Climb down the rope in the well.

222 20 Light the dynamite near the blocked passage.

232 10 Get the lamp from the left tunnel in the cavern.

237 5 Get the banana from the chasm in the middle tunnel.

246 9 Rub the lamp in the area with the ladder.

253 7 Give the banana to the genie.

254 1 Look in the mousehole in the store room.

266 12 Open the safe with the screwdriver in the store room.

271 5 Get the will from the safe.

279 8 Read the will.

284 5 Walk through the door to meet the cook in the kitchen.

289 5 Give the bell to the cat.

294 5 Get the photo album from the cupboard.

299 5 Get the bell from the room with the cat.

314 15 Read the letter on the table in Aunt Hester's room.

319 5 Talk to Harry in the organ room.

320 1 Answer "nobody" when asked whodunit?

325 5 Get the paper in Hugo's room.

326 1 Read the paper.

331 5 Get the pencil.

338 7 Slide the paper under the door.

350 12 Push the pencil through the keyhole.


5. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2004-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at
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