Virtual On - Operation Moongate

Virtual On - Operation Moongate

16.10.2013 03:16:09
Virtual On:Operation Moongate
VR Belgdor Guide/FAQ
Copyright © VR Belgdor Guide/FAQ David Tan Y.K. 2004

By David Tan Y.K. (

Version 1.0

Note: I am apparently trying my best to really master the
game perfectly and if you have any advice and such, don't
hesitate to drop a line to my email address (^above), and
we can discuss, thank you. This guide will be updated
from time to time.

This Guide/FAQ is done by me alone with the help of some
other friends of
mine. It should suffice that only this guide/faq may be
found ONLY at sites which are authorised and have
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17/3/04 (Version 0.9)
Started from the beginning and finish all of those parts regarding introduction,
weapons and part of against the computers.

22/3/04 (Version 0.92)
Finish some extra parts of against the computers on BBB, Apharmd and Fei-Yen

24/3/04 (version 0.97)
Almost completing the whole Guide/FAQ in no time at all. Currently am doing the
tips section now and would soon finish off the Guide/FAQ with the credits.

26/3/04 (Version 1.0)
Completed all the basics requirements for a guide/FAQ of mine, will update it on
Belgdor tactics such as rowing and auto pilot.

~~~~Table Of Contents~~~

1). Introduction
2). Weapons
3). Against The Computer
4). Against Human Players
5). Tips
6). Credits

Hmmm.....enough of those disclaimers and sorts above, anyways,
back on track on the Guide/F.A.Q.

If any of your beliefs or opinions differ from mine and you
want to clarify, just drop me a mail and I expect your words
to be at a more matured level and not about whining and crap.
Thank You. As Virtual On is an old game, there can be lots of
different ways and opinions to look at it, thus causing
misunderstanding between players. I am by no far a professional
player and am trying my best to help players, not to flaunt
nor exalt my own skill.

1). Introduction
BELGDOR was developed as the firepower support VR for replacing RAIDEN
which is way too much expensive. It's a simplified version of
high-level virtuaroid RAIDEN, but it's fighting ability is pretty high.
The body of RAIDEN is used for the base body, but the inexpensive lower
capacity generator is mounted in it. As the armor weight is reduced
moderately, it has a better mobility than it is expected. However,
the center of gravity is rather high because a series of sight and
guidance systems for homing missiles are incorporated in the head
of the body. Therefore, the stability during running is inferior
to other VR'S of the same type, and it's liable to falling down
(Got that from the game manual, lame is it?)

Anyway, here's my opinion:
In layman terms: Temjin >All VR's(in VOOM only, since he's overpowered
with his beam rifle.)

I'm just writing this Guide/FAQ in courtesy of my best friend Lance Taliesin
(Grysvok on gamefaqs) and boy is he still an avid and good Belgdor/Grysvok
player and this rare breed of players who choose the least popular virtuaroid
should be praised as they do not follow the crowd.

VR Body Data:

Height: 17.2m
Body weight: 10.4t
Full-armed weight: 27.8t
Generator output capacity: 5270kw

Overview: I would prefer using Temjin than to Belgdor(duh!) but either
ways a good Belgdor player can thrash those "suck00b" temjin players any time
of the day. Using napalm and homing missiles effectively can put an end to
other players and focus-fired grenades are powerful enough for knockdown and
heavy damage.

2). Weapons


Left Weapon: Napalm

Standing Napalm: Napalm is thrown and moves in a straight line at direction
of being thrown at, normal damage, can be used as bomb barrier.

Walking Napalm: Belgdor slows down to throw down a napalm similar to standing
napalm, but i prefer standing as it is more accurate, but
walking napalm gives you more chance to run afterwards to dodge

Crouching Napalm: Once again, no difference except for the fact that Belgdor
crouches than he throw the napalm. Maybe this way, opponent
can't see the napalm just as clearly?(Making a wild guess)

Forward-Dash Napalm: Throws Napalm forward, and since you'll get enveloped by
napalm explosion in forward dash, aren't you more bold in
doing a forward dash attack immediately after that? Napalm
explosion acts as barrier against enemy attacks.

Back-Dash Napalm: Nothing happen. Surprising is it?

Jumping Napalm: Belgdor jumps and throws napalm, don't use it, you'll get hit.
Explosion effect is the same as Standing Napalm. So you must as
well use it.

Side-Dash Napalm: When dashing right, napalm is thrown to the left and explosion
is curved from the left to the right. When dashing left,
napalm is thrown to the right and explosion is curved from the
right to the left.

Napalm in close-combat: Belgdor trys to shoulder tackle the enemy, not quite
accurate, you must as well use the right-weapon CC.

The Napalm is a fairly damaging weapon and can cancel out attacks in it's
explosion radius. Though it is not as efficient as temjin's bomb, it is slightly
more damage(I expect.) As you can see from the information above, all the damage
of the different variations of Napalm do around the same damage, and the purpose
of this weapon is to when to use the correct version of napalm against the
enemy. An example is using a normal napalm to hit the opponent during the freeze
time instead of doing a jump-napalm which would affect your freeze time. So the
weapon information could be summarized by saying that it depends on your
circumstances and when and where you should use the various kinds of napalm.


Center Weapon: Homming Missiles

Standing Homing Missiles: Belgdor opens his missiles launcher(Delay time!) and
shoots out 2 pairs of homing missiles one after the
other. Quite useful if you know how to time it well so
that you don't get hit during the freeze time.

Walking Homing Missiles: There's no point in doing this, Belgdor stops
everything that he is doing and does the same thing as
a standing homing missile. You must as well do a
standing homing missile attack than.

Crouching Homing Missiles: Commonly known as "Blue missiles", this version of
homing missiles are used to knock enemies hiding
behind buildings, though the damage dealt is slightly
lesser than a normal homing missile.

Forward-Dash Homing Missiles: Quite effective, as you forward dash, you turn to
face the enemy, thus the missiles are yet even
more accurate.

Back-Dash Homing Missiles: This puts you in danger of getting hit, don't use it
unless as a last resort to finish the enemy.

Jumping Homing Missiles: Quite accurate as well if you use this version of
homing missiles, the risk is up to you.

Side-Dash Homing Missiles: Missiles curve to hit an enemy, but if they are
dashing, the missile would probably miss, use it
when you are sure it will hit.

Homing Missiles in close combat: There is no such thing as this....but either
way if you use it when you are next to the
enemy, it'll hit.(Duh! this is common sense

As usual, the weaponry of Belgdor packs a punch if you use it right. Use the
less significant grenade and napalm to flush out the enemy and trap them before
using the homing missiles. To use homing missiles to the optimum effectiveness,
make sure the enemy are far from you. I've heard that when you are further from
the enemy, the homing missiles do more damage. This is partly true, but only for
a slight damage increase. You want heavy damage or knockdown is when either they
are dashing or jumping. Use this to your full advantage. Remember the blue
missiles for use when people are hiding, use it in accord with napalm.


Right Weapon: Grenade Launcher(Grenades for short)

Standing Grenade: Grenades are shot out. Tap the button/trigger for more
grenades. Don't hold trigger, just tap for focus-fired damage.
Quite good if multiple of grenades hit.

Walking Grenade: Since Grenade ain't homing, using this will be to your
disadvantage as you can't see whether they hit the opponent or
not, either way, you have more chance to dodge attacks if they
are sudden. Tap for focus fire damage as usual.

Crouching Grenade: First time I tried it, shoots a volley of three quick
grenades in rapid succession. Quite average damage, but it's
good and useful. Freeze time isn't all that long. :)

Forward-Dash Grenade: Can't see that properly but Belgdor shoot around 4-5
grenades cluttered together, guaranteed knockdown I think
and the damage is good.

Back-Dash Grenade: Haven't you learn that in VOOM, MOST backdashing attacks put
you in a disadvantage? But either ways, same thing as
forward-dash grenade which knocks people down. You must as
well use forward-dash grenade.

Jumping Grenade: Same like forward/back dash attacks, knockdown, good damage and
grenades are cluttered up together.

Side-Dash Grenade: Unless due to freeze time, the opponent are more likely to be
hit by this variation of attack. Clutter of missiles shots
sideways which tries its best to curve in the direction to
the opponent. knockdown as well.

Grenade in Close-Combat: Most people call it the "Karate chop". But I rather
call it bashing. Belgdor uses his grenade launcher to
smash the opponent in a downward motion.

Try your best NOT to use side-dashing grenades. I would mostly rather use homing
missiles combo and when they freeze up, I bombard them with focus-fired grenades
which guaranteed for knockdown/heavy damage. Forward-dashing Grenades are
powerful (though not as powerful as temjin's forward dashing beam rifle), but
they still pack a punch but make sure, as most of belgdor's accurate and strong
attack variations always put him in a risk of getting damaged, such as the
forward-dash grenade ability.


3). Against the computer

Belgdor is good against Dorkas, Apharmd, Viper II, Belgdor
Belgdor is bad against Fei-Yen, Temjin, Bal-Bas-Bow, Jaguarandi
Belgdor is neutral against Raiden, Z-gradt

(All these are my opinion, so that do not mean necessarily it is correct.)

Against Temjin

Temjin is easy to be dealt with on those typical easy/normal difficulties. Just
play foolishly and you would still prevail. But seriously though, the main
purpose of the Guide/FAQ is to enlighten you in various aspects, and in this
case, versus a "very hard" difficulty temjin with a belgdor is no easy feat. As
I said in VOOM temjin> All. The temjin would just normally dash sideways or
start with a forward dash beam rifle! Which will hit you.....and that is just
so stupid, as your can't evade that. I can only say that I have luck to win this
guy or that i try to do walking-dashing attacks to hit him which means that i
fire projectiles at him and before his projectiles hit me, i do a dashing
attack. I know most VO prodigies would discourage this, but if you are a VO
prodigy, don't mind sending in some helpful tips. And besides, look at freeze
time and go to mid-range to engage him. At far range, the obstacles in flooded
city would make your attacks miss even more.
Against Viper II

Viper II with his weak armor but yet high speed is considered an easy foe if you
hit him once or twice with some hard weapons and he'll(she?it?) fall. Just be
wary of the homing beam as it tends to hit Belgdor easily. Focus-fire from
vulcan ain't that strong compared to your grenade focus-firing. Using homing
missiles when a viper II jump is effective as it usually knocks the Viper II
down(except for jump-cancels.) Use Napalms to effectively counter his 7-Way
Missiles/Homing beam.
Against Dorkas

As I would say, Dorkas would probably be the "brother" of Belgdor. One is
tougher than the other and excels at close combat, while the other is more agile
and excels at far range. (I won't consider Raiden, because Dorkas and Belgdor
structure is made out from him.) Try mostly to dodge Dorkas hammer as it is
fairly homing and it will knock you down if it connects. All of Dorkas weapons
are very damaging if you consider it against you. The only way to defeat him is
to play far range with him, but make sure that his hammer rarely connects with
you. If you are at far range, you are more likely to dodge his phalanx and
fireball attacks in that case.
Against Belgdor

Are you kidding? this is one of the simpliest part ever, and do I have to write
on this? XD Anyways back to point, the computer uses Belgdor in a very pathetic
fashion and you could kill him easily. Advice to kill him with 3-4 homing
attacks: Just somehow knock him down. After he get up, he'll get a temporary
invulnerable effect, time it so that once that effect goes off, your homing
missile will hit him. As you are standing still and you launch faster, the
homing missile of yours WILL hit him while his missile will miss you(dash away
after that). He has a freeze time and thus is stuck, and he'll get hit. Rinse
and repeat, he dies. When fighting comps of your same kind, you must outwit
their stupidity and that can be so easily done.
Against Bal-Bas-Bow

I hate this guy when I'm using Dorkas or Belgdor to go against him. Hit him with
something hard and fast a few times and this guys down. It's easier said than
done, and that weapon is none other than homing missiles. BBB(Bal-Bas-Bow) loves
to fly when your weapons are just about to hit him, but whatsoever aim your
weapons in his freeze time and it's more likelier to connect. As with Dorkas,
force BBB with napalm/homing missiles and if you are able, pack in a combo of
focus-fired grenades but beware of focus-fired ring laser. They are powerful.
Just play running about when going against floating mines, and just dash when
hand bit comes.
Against Apharmd

Apharmd is just as quick(though slightly slower than temjin) and playing close
range with him is hazaradous by far and that is common sense, and that would
tell you not to engage him in close combat. Either way, due to the lack of
V-armour in the game(play Virtual On:Oratorio Tangram for it, it's an armour
which block off newbies pathetic side-dash right weapon killing enemies at far
range in a pathetic way), and because of that all of Apharmd's weapons do
average to tons of damage to Belgdor. That's why i hate slow Virtuaroids in
VOOM, but either way, I'm here to help you cope the problem with that. Pit your
napalm against your bomb and know when and where to regulate your fire. He
always throws the bomb at the precise timing to block out your attacks. One
thing Apharmd is bad is in VOOM, forcing him seriously will kill him and do just
that by going in for the kill, but beware don't get into close-combat.
Against Fei-Yen

Even harder than Apharmd is Fei-Yen, not only she do those pathetic far range
bombardment of Noobs which often work(literally!) which end up killing you. Just
try to blue missile your way out and napalm at far range. If she somehow enters
close to mid range fire and unload with all that you got, but using those
grenades to knockdown and stall for time is useful as you can plan what to do
next in the battle. Usually I win fast virtuaroids in late game with slow
virtuaroids by stalling till the time runs out. Unglorious it seems, but that's
a sure win,lol.
Against Raiden

Prior to Z-gradt, Raiden is so pathetic, unless somehow or his
standing/side/forward/back or (whatever) dash laser seems to hit you countless
times. If he wants to play far fire, he has the disadvantage because his laser
ain't going to save him, as it can't go through walls. Going near for the kill
is also useful, forcing him will drive him to his graveyard quick enough. his
G-bomb is no real threat, his bazooka is average, and his laser is terrific, but
it rarely connects unless it is those 4 way lasers. Even if it connects, it
should serve as a warning for you. Homing Missiles will own him seriously if you
bombard him from a further range though, and most likely it should work.
Against Z-Gradt

Ok, fine Z-gradt is tough to fight against while using Belgdor, I presume he was
easy before because somehow or rather I killed him by thrashing the attack
triggers,lol. But i've researched and somehow I find that to kill Z-gradt with
Belgdor, just rotate/walk to always face him while firing him with grenades.
When his projectiles are most likely to hit you than do a side-dash attack.
Before he turns golden form, do a forward dashing homing missile(standing homing
missile is less effective though) for more damage and make sure that somehow or
rather, you don't dash head on into his projectiles/large beam cannon or you'll
get kill. So timing is important if you want to hit him, hit him hard at the
back, so the cannon will be no additional problem for you. Meanwhile after that,
use napalm as napalm is more effective against him compared to grenades. Since
you dash close to him with your forward dash homing missile, his large beam
cannon is both at his front part of the body, and as well as it's too big to hit
close virtuaroids, you are safe. After that, just thrash him with grenades, and
with another napalm and yet another volley of homing missiles and that should do
it. If you are slow, don't do a second napalm, rather you do a second homing
missile attack. Rinse and repeat afterwards, he's dead.
Against Jaguarandi

All in all, I do not like slow virtuaroids at all cost, and using Belgdor to go
against Jag is tough work. Just make sure that he's far from you and use your
napalm to buy you some life(time=life.) Homing missiles should work to knock him
down and besides if he's far, you can use grenades as bait and if he comes close
just try to walk away firing still. If he dashes, you dash as well. But Jag
won't dash UNLESS you dash, I've heard of it, but either ways, jump-cancels work
pretty well as well and that should do the trick when you are all surrounded.
Napalm can also improve the distance between the both of you as well.

4). Against Human Players

Uh-huh, this should be hard work. Most people would either choose the famous 4,
Temjin for his infinite beam rifle. Viper II for his speed and still fairly
strong abilities. Apharmd for his legendary Tongfer and Raiden for his Laser
despite his slowness. And well, Belgdor can be classified as a slow virtuaroid
and that's what makes him seriously bad. His homing missiles ain't that capable
to take down the meaniest of meanies, but as all cost using your skills against
the AI and using them on players is bad work as players are known for their
capricious nature. Either way, don't try to do dashing attacks. Do plenty of
dash cancels to avoid attacks from them as well, and if you have the chance fire
from afar with blue missiles, and forward dash grenades/homing missiles into the
fray to knock them down.

5). Tips

-As I have said before, Belgdor has different kinds of attacks, those that are
neutral, those that are risking himself to hit, and those that trade lesser
damage for more accuracy, and you should learn when and where to use each.

-Players often think that they are safe to hide from Belgdor from afar, do a
crouching Center-weapon which is blue missiles to hit them. Most of the time it
would connect, unless the player is very alert and vigilant against your sudden

-Use dash cancels/jump cancels frequently and do not try to do jump attacks
unless you are sure they will hit.

-Do not overuse the napalm gauge, once it is finished up, it takes a longer time
for it to recharge.

-Make the full use of homing missiles by targeting the enemy at the end of their
freeze time.

-The using of the Grenade/Napalm combo or the Missile/Napalm combo can be used
to force the enemy.

-Use napalm to neutralize attacks if possible.

(That's all for now in the tips section. It'll be updated.)


6). Credits

-To myself for making this guide

-To all who read this guide and learn from the information stored in

-To Lance_Taliesin/Grim_Frostfire (AKA. Grysvok on Gamefaqs) for being
my best friend.

-To Eizaz Azhar, the very good guy who helped me weeks after weeks to sort
out my FAQ/Guide

-My mum for letting me play VO

-CJAYC for some guy who host a game site called Gamefaqs
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