Battlefield Vietnam

Battlefield Vietnam

17.10.2013 11:31:22
Battlefield Vietnam: Vehicle FAQ
By: DC_4_ever
Version: 1.06
Created: 3/19/04
Finished:3/19/04 and still updating
Copyright DC_4_ever 2004-2005
Gamefaqs Name: DC_4_ever

3/22/04-Corrected some mistakes on both APC's and some grammar.

2/24/04-Fixed some names, Cobra maps, added a passage about napalm, and added
Thank You section
Table of Contents
1. Introduction

2. US Land Vehicles
2.1 - M110A2 Mobile Artillery
2.2 - M113
2.3 - M151A1 MUTT (Military Utility Tactical Truck)
2.4 - M551 Sheridan
2.5 - M48A3 Patton Tank

3. NVA Land Vehicles
3.1 - M46 Artillery Cannon
3.2 - Vespa Scooter
3.3 - UAZ 469
3.4 - BM21 missile launcher
3.5 - Bronyetransporter (BTR) 60
3.6 - Zenitnaya Samokhodnaya Ustanovka (ZSU) 57/2 Antiaircraft Tank
3.7 - T-54 Medium Tank
3.8 - PT76

4. US AIR Vehicles
4.1 - UH-1 Iroquois (Huey) Transport
4.2 - UH-1 Iroquois (Huey) Gunship
4.3 - AH-1 Huey Cobra
4.4 - ACH 47 Chinook
4.5 - F-4 Phantom II
4.6 - A7 Corsair II

5. NVA Air Vehicles
5.1 - Mi8 Hip
5.2 - Mi8 Hip Cargo
5.3 - MiG 17 Fresco
5.4 - MiG 21 Fishbed

6. US Sea Vehicles
6.1 - Tango(ATC)
6.2 - PBR Patrol Boat

7. NVA Sea Vehicles
7.1 - Sampan

8. Controls
8.1 - Radio
8.2 - Airlifting
8.3 - Simple Controls

9. E-mail policy

10. Disclaimer

11. Thanks

1. Introduction
This FAQ is all about vehicles. It will give you general information on all 25
vehicles. Vehicles are a big resonson why the Battlefield series is popular
and makes life a lot easier for infantry. So if you want some good information
kick back, relax, and enjoy the FAQ.

2. US Land Vehicles
The US has a variety of ground based vehicles, although they have a lot less
then the NVA. The US land vehicles are sometimes hard to guide through the
thick foliage and can get fustrating, but in the long run they are
very powerful.

2.1 - M110A2 Moblie Artillery
Passengers:1-2(1 driver 1 gunner)
Wepons:8-inch howitzer artillery cannon

Although it doesn't have much armor, it has superior range to any tank and can
terrorize foes from a great distance. It seats a gunner and a diver. It is
available in five missions:Operation Albany, Quang Tri 1972, the Siege of Khe
Sahn, and both Ho Chi Minh missions.

2.2 - M113
Passengers: 1-6
Weapons: Roof-mounted machine gun

This is the US APC. It is amphibious and well armored. It seats a driver,
gunner, and 4 passengers, that can be healed. Both the gunner and driver are
exposed. The m113 is amphipious. The M113 is available in 11 different
missions: Operation Game Warden, Ia DrangValley, Operation Albany, Operation
Hastings, the Siege of Khe Sahn, both Hue maps, both Quang Tri maps, and both
Ho Chi Minh maps.

2.3 - M151A1 MUTT (Military Utility Tactical Truck)
Passengers: 1-3
Weapons: BGM-71A TOW (Tube launched, Optically tracked, Wire Guided) missile

This is a swift and moble four-wheeled jeep. The driver drives the jeep while
the passenger can fire their wepon from the side seat. In the back of the
jeep. The gunner uses a TOW missle laucher which is a good all around wepon.
The MUTT is available in 12 different missions: Operation Game Warden,
Operation Flaming Dart, Operation Albany, Operation Irving, the Siege of Khe
Sahn, the Fall of Lang Vie, both Hue maps, both Quang Tri maps, and both Ho
Chi Minh maps.

2.4 - M551 Sheridan
Passengers: 1-2
Weapons: 152mm cannon, 7.62mm coaxial machine gun and M240 machine gun

This is the lighter of the two US tanks. If you have read the loading screen
of Fall of Lang Vei you would know that this tank has a great deal of recoil
and has weak armor made of aluminum. The driver use the 152mm cannon, 7.62mm
coaxial machine gun and the gunner uses the M240 machine gun. The Sheridan is
available in seven missions: Operation Flaming Dart, Ia Drang Valley, Operation
Irving, Quang Tri 1972, the Siege of Khe Sahn,the Fall of Lang Vie, and the
evening Ho Chi Minh Trail map.

2.5 - M48A3 Patton Tank
Passengers: 1-2
Weapons: 90mm cannon, 7.62mm coaxial machine gun and M240 machine gun

This is the heavier of the two US tanks, although classified as a medium tank.
The Patton is amphibious but can't be airlifted. The driver uses the 90mm
cannon while the gunner uses the M240 machine gun.The M48A3 is available in
four missions: both Hue maps and both Quang Tri maps.

3. NVA Land Vehicles
The NVA has a greater number to compensate for their lack of sea and air power.
In the right hands the NVA has very powerful land based units, not to mention
the best anti air vehicle in the game.

3.1 - M46 artillery cannon
Passengers: 1
Weapons: 130mm cannon

This is a staionary aretillery cannon that can devestate anything that stands
in its way. It has an impressive rate of fire and a large area of effect. You
can use the binoculars to increase the gun's accuracy. The M46 is available in
five missions: Ia Drang Valley, Operation Albany, Operation Irving, the Siege
of Khe Sahn, and the morning Ho Chi Minh Trail map.

3.2 - Vespa scooter
Passengers: 1-2
Weapons: None

The scooter is actually a great vehicle. It is very moble and can easily
manuver jungles and rubble. The main drawback it that it takes damage easily
and both players are exposed. The driver focuses on driving while the
passenger and fire from the back.The Vespa is available in five missions:
Operation Irving, both Quang Tri maps, and both Hue maps.

3.3 - UAZ 469
Passengers: 1-3
Weapons: Rear-mounted machine gun

The UAZ 469 is the equivalent of the US jeep. As with the jeep the driver
drives, the passenger can fire their wepon from their seat and the gunner uses
a rear-mounted machine gun. The UAZ 469 is available in 11 missions: Operation
Game Warden, Operation Flaming Dart, Operation Albany, the Siege of Khe Sahn,
the Fall of Lang Vie, both Hue maps, both Quang Tri maps, and both Ho Chi Minh

3.4 - BM-21 Grad ("Hail")
Passengers: 1-2
Weapons: Missile launcher

This is simply a truck with a missle launcher on its back. Its armor is on the
weaker side and can be taken down with ease by an M60. The driver pilots the
truck while the gunner uses the missle launcher. The BM21 is available in six
missions: Operation Flaming Dart, Operation Irving, Quang Tri 1972, the Fall
of Lang Vie, and both Hue missions

3.5 - Bronyetransporter (BTR) 60
Passengers: 1-6
Weapons: Roof-mounted machine gun

The Bronyetransporter or "armored transport" is well armored, moble and has a
great main wepon. Unlike the US APC the gunner is not exposed. Two
passengers can fire out windows and 2 can be healed. The BTR 60 is available
in 10 missions: Operation Game Warden, Ia Drang Valley, Operation Albany,
Operation Hastings, both Hue maps, both Quang Tri maps, and both Ho Chi Minh

3.6 - Zenitnaya Samokhodnaya Ustanovka (ZSU) 57/2 antiaircraft tank
Passengers: 1-3 Weapons
Weapons: Two 57mm flak guns

Although it can fight ground based targets, you should stick to the air. The
two flak guns have a great rate of fire and a large smmo capacity. This is
great vs helicopters, can can easily take them down. The pilots drives tank
while the gunner uses the two flak guns. Be careful the gunner is in the open
and can be taken down with machien gun fire. The ZSU 57/2 is available on five
maps: Operation Flaming Dart, Ia Drang Valley, Operation Irving, the Siege of
Khe Sahn, and the Fall of Lang Vie.

3.7 - T-54 medium tank
Passengers: 1-2
Weapons: 100mm cannon, coaxial machine gun and Roof-mounted machine gun

The NVA medium tank. This tank is very flexable and useful. The pilot uses
the 100mm cannon and coaxial machine gun while the passenger uses the roof-
mounted machien gun.

3.8 - PT76
Passengers: 1-2
Weapons: 76mm cannon, coaxial machine gun and Machine gun

The lighter of the two NVA tanks. The PT76 lacks power but it is amphibious
which makes it very valuable. The driver uses the 76mm cannon and coaxial
machine gun while the gunner uses the machine gun.

4. US Air Vehicles
The US clearly has the advantage in the air. They have superior helicopters,
which can destroy infantry effortlessly, and their planes are arguable better,
napalm is deadly in the right hands.

4.1 - UH-1 Iroquois (Huey) Transport
Passengers: 1-5
Weapons: Two side-mounted M60 machine guns

Great way to transport soliders and vheichles. Fully loaded you can quickly go
from flag to flag. 2 passengers fire side-mounted M60 machin guns while the
other two use their infantry wepons. As mentioned earlier this huey can use a
winch to airlift certain vehicles.The Huey transport appears in four levels:
Operation Game Warden, Ia Drang Valley, Operation Hastings, and the Fall of
Lang Vie.

4.2 - UH-1 Iroquois (Huey) Gunship
Passengers: 1-2
Weapons: Dual missile launchers, M5 40mm nose mounted grenade launcherand M134

This helicopter is in the middle of the Huey transport and the Huey cobra. It
packs a puch in all of its wepons but can still airlift vehicles. The pilot
uses the dual missle launchers, while the co-pilot uses the M5 40mm nose
mounted grenade launcher and M134 autocannon. Good for support or assaults.
The gunship is available in four levels: Operation Game Warden, Ia Drang
Valley, Operation Hastings, and the Fall of Lang Vie.

4.3 - AH-1 Huey Cobra
Passengers: 1-2
Weapons: Dual missile pods, heat-seeking missiles and M134 autocannon

Fast, agile, and great for assualts. Heat seeking missles are great for air to
air conflicts and the dual missles pods can take care of any ground threat.
The Cobra can't airlift vehicles. The pilot uses the missle pods while the
co-pilot uses the heat seekers and M134 autocannon. **If you get to a high
enough altitude you can switch between the 1 and 2 spots to quikly fire heat
seekers if you don't have a co-pilot** The Cobra appears in four missions:
Operation Flaming Dart, the Siege of Khe Sahn, and the Fall of Lang Vie.

4.4 - ACH 47 Chinook
Passengers: 1-6
Weapons: Two forward-facing autocannons, two missile launchers two door-mounted
M60 machine guns

Slow, ugly, and highly effective. This "flying bannana" is very valuable.
It can airlift heavy vehicles, including tanks. This huge ship carries up to
six passengers, including a pilot, a copilot, two side-gunners, a ramp
operator, and an additional passenger. The Chinook is available in three
missions: Operation Flaming Dart, Ia Drang Valley, and Operation Irving.

4.5 - F-4 Phantom II
Passengers: 1
Weapons: Heat-seeking missiles, napalm

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning." I'm sorry I had to say it. Anyway
this aircraft is at a slight disadvantage due to the lack of a mounted gun but
can still be deadly in air to air conflicts due to its speed. Napalm is a huge
advantage and is best used vs infantry. napalm is "sticky" and will burn huts
and vehicles. Napalm last 7 to 8 seconds. The F-4 is available on four maps:
Operation Flaming Dart, Ia Drang Valley, Operation Irving, and the Siege of
Khe Sahn.

4.6 - A7 Corsair II
Passengers: 1
Weapons: Autocannon, bombs

The Corsair is slower then the F-4, but can dog fight a bit better due to its
autocannon. The A7's bombs are useful vs tanks and other armor, but shouldn't
be used vs infantry that often. The Corsair is available in three missions:
Operation Flaming Dart, Operation Hastings, and the Siege of Khe Sahn.

5. NVA aircrafts
The NVA have far less aircrafts then the US, but they can still use them to
great affect. I actually prefer the Mi8 to any US helicopter. What the NVA
lack in air, they make up in anti-air.

5.1 - Mi8 Hip
Passengers: 1-6
Weapons: Four missile launchers

I love this thing. It is very fun and effective. This helicopter was
originally a civilian aircraft, so it can pull double duty as an assualt air-
craft and a troop transport. The Mi8 is available in five missions: Operation
Game Warden, Operation Flaming Dart, Operation Hastings, the Siege of Khe Sahn,
and the Fall of Lang Vie.

5.2 - Mi8 Hip Cargo
Passengers: 1-6
Weapons: None

Although it has no wepons and can only seat 6, it acts as a moble spawn point
which can fustrate the enemy a great deal. The Mi8 cargo appears in only two
missions: Operation Game Warden and the Fall of Lang Vie.

5.3 - Mig 17 Fresco
Passengers: 1
Weapons: Machine guns, bombs

Great aircraft. Very fast and agile, this makes it great for dog fighting.
Its machine guns are very effective, my favorite aircraft in the whole game.
With the bombs it carries it can also take out ground targets. Good for hit
and runs due to its speed. The MiG 17 is available in three missions:
Operation Flaming Dart, Operation Hastings, and the Siege of Khe Sahn.

5.4 - Mig 21 Fishbed
Passengers: 1
Weapons: Machine guns, missiles

This aircraft is extremly deadly with a skilled pilot behind the wheel. The
MiG's missles are good at taking out both air and ground targets, and the
machine guns are decent in air to air battles. The MiG 21 is available in two
missions: Operation Flaming Dart and the Siege of Khe Sahn.

6. US sea vehicles.
The US are hands down kings of the sea, I guess you can say they are real
sea men(pun intended). The PBR is a great support vehicle but can be hard to
use and the Tango is very useful. Despite the great arsenal of sea vehicles,
I rarely see them in use.

6.1 Tango(ATC)
Passengers: 1-4
Weapons: 20mm cannon and side-mounted machine guns

This is a troops transport, moblie spawn point and a repair staion. The ATC
can come in handy when you need to get across the map quickly and quietly. Any
helicopters that land on the top deck are repaired. A gunner uses the 20mm
cannon while passengers use the side mounted machien guns.The Tango is
available in only two levels, Operation Game Warden and Operation Flaming Dart.

6.2 PBR patrol boat
Passengers: 1-3
Weapons: Front-mounted machine gun, rear-mounted machine gun , and two side
mounted machine guns.

The PBR provides fast transportation and doesn't draw much attention to itself.
A gunner uses the front machine gun, which is very powerful, while passengers
use three other mounted machien guns. The PBR is available in four missions:
Operation Game Warden, Operation Flaming Dart, Operation Irving, and Operation

7. NVA Sea Vehicles( or should I say Vehicle)
Just one ship here. Lots of seats but no wepons, I don't find it very useful.

7.1 - Sampan
Passengers: 1-5
Weapons: None

Like I said lots of seats, but not very useful. Passengers can use their
infantry wepons. The sampan is available in three missions: Operation Game
Warden, Operation Irving, and Operation Hastings.

Just some basic controls here.

8.1 - Radio
The radio is simple to use. First you hit the "0" key, this brings up the song
selection. Then you hit the letter key corresponding to the song you want to

8.2 - Airlifting

Hover over the vehicle or create you wish to transport. Once you are in close
enough range the hook and chain can be deployed using the alt fire button.
This is indicated by a bar and light in the lower left display indicator. The
chain is lowered and attaches itself to the cargo. I find this very hard and
can actually not do it myself. The best way to get better is practice.

A few tips...

Many find f9 is the best view to airlift

The instrument pannel can be used to level, but some find it useless

A joystick will make it easier

Level the helicopter at a low height (estimate it), lower the cable, and
slowly inch your way to the jeep until you see a green light,indicating
attachment. You have to keep the button down to keep the cable down, but
after it attaches, you can let go of the button. if you fail the first pass,
turn around and trye again. If it attaches, you can press the button again,
and you'll drop the.

8.3 - Simple Controls
"E" === enter/exit vehicle
"9" === open parachute
"1"-"7" === switch positions

9.E-mail policy
1.Make sure your topic is "Battlefield Vietnam Vehcile FAQ"
2.Send me your tips + tricks.
3.Tell me if i made a major mistake

I will give you credit for any of this if I use it.

My e-mail
10. Disclaimer
Battlefield Vietnam is trademarked and copyrighted by EA Games and Dice
Software. This FAQ is copyrighted 2004-2005 by DC_4_ever under the GameFAQs
copyright, and may be printed out for personal purposes only. This document is
not to be plagarized. The only exception to plagarism is copying and pasting
into a personal file to make a print-out smaller. As for now, this FAQ is only
to be found at You may copy and print this document
onto your computer for offline reference.

I'm not affiliated with Dice Software or EA Games.

11. Thanks
Thanks to...
GameFAQs (I think we all know why)
My Dog (He didn't bother me)
Me (I wrote it)
Don "Gamera" Chan (Name corrections)
Spruce (Sticky Napalm passage)
Jack McMahon (Correction on Cobra availibility on Operation Hastings)
Albert (Airlift tips)

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