Virtual On - Operation Moongate

Virtual On - Operation Moongate

17.10.2013 05:28:04
Virtual On:Operation Moongate
VR Bal-Bas-Bow Guide/FAQ
Copyright © VR Apharmd Guide/Faq David Tan Y.K. 2003

By David Tan Y.K. (

Version 1.0

Note: I am apparently trying my best to really master the
game perfectly and if you have any advice and such, don't
hesitate to drop a line to my email address (^above), and
we can discuss, thank you. This guide will be updated
from time to time.

This Guide/FAQ is done by me alone with the help of some
other friends of
mine. It should suffice that only this guide/faq may be
found ONLY at sites which are authorised and have
been given permission to host it. Using this faq on any sites without
MY acknowledgement will be found guilty of violating copyright
law, and legal pursuits will be on your tail. Reproduction/
alteration and the distributing of my guide/faq without my
consent will cause serious legal actions be taken against you.
The use of this guide for your own personal use is allowed while the
reproduction of this guide/FAQ to obtain monetary means and credit are
prohibited. Thank you for listening to all these crap...but it's necessary

This Guide/FAQ can only be found at:
(Inform me if you use my Guide/FAQ at your site)

(Note: for those who want to use this guide/FAQ on their sites, please inform
me first before you do that. I expect you to be at a decent intellectual level
as in, if you use my Guide/FAQ, you SHALL post it at your own forum and inform
me, I do not want to go through the hassle just to get my guide/FAQ published
at your site. This is your benefit, and you have to take the initiative in
both informing me and updating it at your own site, thank you. If you can't
understand that, you are the most pathetic parody of humanity.....thank you-__-
ARRANGEMENTS. I have to Highlight on that because some game companies DO NOT
know how to read.....)

For those who want to published my FAQ/Guide on their site:
1). inform me via email about your site addy.
2). Publish it at your own site.


27/3/04 (Version 0.1)
Currently starting my Guide/FAQ, typed out the disclaimers and so forth, with
some information about the virtuaroid itself.

28/3/04 (Version 0.3)
Finishing with the weapons section soon enough. Writing Guide/FAQ are easy man,
this is my third so far and the next virtuaroid I do would most probably be

29/3/04 (Version 0.41)
Starting on the list which states the weaknesses/neutrals/advantages of BBB
against the comp. Starting on Temjin. Quite busy today, can't do much. :(

30/3/04 (Version 0.5)
Damn, progress is so slow for both my belgdor guide/FAQ (which is up.) and my
BBB Guide/FAQ. I did my Apharmd Guide/FAQ so fast though,lol. Did almost halfway
across the "Against the Computer" section for BBB.

31/3/04 (Version 1.0)
Everything is done, I should be starting on my Dorkas Guide/FAQ soon enough. :)

~~~~~Table Of Contents~~~~~~~

1). Introduction
2). Weapons
3). Against the Computer
4). Against Human Players
5). Tips
6). Credits


Hmmm.....enough of those disclaimers and sorts above, anyways,
back on track on the Guide/F.A.Q.

If any of your beliefs or opinions differ from mine and you
want to clarify, just drop me a mail and I expect your words
to be at a more matured level and not about whining and crap.
Thank You. As Virtual On is an old game, there can be lots of
different ways and opinions to look at it, thus causing
misunderstanding between players. I am by no far a professional
player and am trying my best to help players, not to flaunt
nor exalt my own skill.

1). Introduction

Bal-Bas-Bow (or BBB for short) is an experimental virtuaroid. Though it is
somewhat unique, few people can really master BBB in voom as it does not have
many advantages against other opponents.

VR Body Data:

Height: 20.2m
Body weight: 9.48t
Full-armed weight: 17.3t
Generator output capacity: 5480kw

Overview:BAL-BAS-BOW is called a prototype Virtuaroid as an origin of all the
VRs. At present, the test machine of BAL-BAS-BOW is still under development,
based on the prototype. The current BAL-BAS-BOW, the 11th experimental machine,
does not well conform to the V converter, and the generator output is not
stabilized, either. This effects the moving performance badly, resulting in
much inferior performance comparing to other VRs developed after this. However,
it has some original characteristics and performance as shown in each armament.
Although it is an experimental VR, it has some battling ability comparative to
the currently used VRs. It means that this type of VR has a good potential,
implying that it may occupy a significant position as the 2nd generation
Virtuaroid when it is put into practical use in the future.

2). Weapons


Left Weapon: Floating Mines (F-Mines for short)

Standing F-Mines: Shoots one floating mine forward, short freeze time if you
keep tapping trigger for more F-Mines, not quite reliable.

Walking F-Mines: Same as Standing F-Mines except for the fact that you walk
this time.

Crouching F-Mines: Crouches and shoots 3 F-Mines

Forward-Dash F-Mines: Shoots 4 F-Mines which are clustered together and split
up later to hit the opponent.

Back-Dash F-Mines: Nothing happen........

Jumping F-Mines: By far the best of all the F-Mines variation. Not only is
it useful as it launches out 4 F-Mines(which is the same by
the side-dash variation) but it is also useful as using it
as a jumping attack is an advantage as BBB has more
advantage in the air than on the ground doing side-dashes

Side-Dash F-Mines: Prior to all the F-Mines variation except that of the
jumping variation, this method can be considered good,
but the jumping version is better, as BBB lacks the
speed needed.

F-Mines in Close-Combat: As you know, using the right arm of BBB in close
combat yields the beam claw formation, as for the
left hand, instead of the beam claw formation,the
"fire flame" as the game designers called it is
launched out in close combat as the beam claw
formation is not stabilized and not working smoothly.
Advantage of the fire flame that it is launch out
faster than that of the beam claw, but the trade off
is the damage. As for CC activation range, both are
the same.

The Floating Mines are a very good weapon to use against both newbies and
veteran players as not only the damage it dealt out is quite severe(in great
multitudes) and besides that the homing ability excels very well against
opponents. F-Mines could also be used as a barrier to block off incoming fire
from enemy and thus it serves it's purpose as both an offensive and a defensive


Center Weapon: Hand-Bit

Standing Hand-Bit: BBB launches out both of his arms which flys to the enemy and
shoots out "bullets" at the opponent.

Walking Hand-Bit: Same as above except for the fact that he stops down
everything and do a standing Hang-Bit.

Crouching Hand-Bit: Many people asked how do you do the variation of the
Hand-Bit where floating mines are launched and crouching
Hand-Bit is the answer. I guess you have to press the
triggers precisely or sometimes you don't get it. 8 F-Mines
are launched in this style.

Forward-Dash Hand-Bit: Same as walking/standing Hand-Bit.

Back-Dash Hand-Bit: Ring lasers are shot out this time.

Jumping Hand-Bit: Laser are shot out this time, the most powerful out of the
four variations.

Side-Dash Hand-Bit: Same as standing/walking/forward-dash Hand Bit.

Hand-Bit in Close-Combat: Nothing Happens

Hand-Bits are not only effective in tracking down enemy and dealing them damage,
they are good for harassing enemy. The best hand-bit variations are the jumping
ones were lasers are shot out. Impressively powerful and quick fast to the
enemy. The normal variation where "bullets" are shot out are more homing and
used to harass enemy effectively. The tradeback is that you have no more limbs
to use floating mines/ring lasers when you use hand-bits. Using F-Mines prior to
using Hand-Bits are more effective as the F-mines take time to go to the enemy,
thus when the hand-bits are launch, floating mines + hand-bits makes it harder
for the opponent to prevail.


Right Weapon: Ring Laser

Standing Ring Laser: The Ring Laser is a powerful attack which is effective
sometimes as it is used in great multitudes. "Focus fire"
shots of ring lasers such as holding the ring laser trigger
yields great damage and the freeze time is relatively
short. But due to that, the weapon gauge is toned down and
the weapon is easily used up. Recharging time is average.

Walking Ring Laser: Same thing as standing but this time you move. (Duh!)

Crouching Ring Laser: BBB crouches and launch a stream of ring lasers upward
angled. As it is upward angled, it is used to hit jumping

Forward-Dash Ring Laser: BBB dashes forward and shoots a stream of ring lasers.

Back-Dash Ring Laser: BBB back-dashes and shoots a stream of ring lasers,
unreliable same as the forward-dash variation.

Jumping Ring Laser: Shoots out 4 ring lasers, 2 are angled toward the right and
the other 2 are angled towards the left. Unreliable if enemy
is standing straight in front of you.

Side-Dash Ring Laser: Shoots 3 streams of multiple ring lasers, by far the best
of them all (unless compared to focus fire variation.)
There is little gaps between them and most likely the
enemy will be hit. Damaging as well as there are a
multitude of them.

Ring Laser in Close-Combat: BBB uses the beam claw to attack the opponent. Slow,
but powerful. The fire flame yields lesser damage
but trade back for faster attack speed.


3). Against the Computer

Bal-Bas-Bow is good against Dorkas, Belgdor, Apharmd, Raiden, Z-Gradt
Bal-Bas-Bow is bad against Temjin, Viper II, Fei-Yen, Jaguarandi
Bal-Bas-Bow is neutral against Bal-Bas-Bow,

(All these are my opinion, so that do not mean necessarily it is correct.)

Against Temjin

As Temjin is the first virtuaroid you battle, he should be a piece of cake. Just
use any weapon variation and you should be able to defeat him. If you are
fighting him at the "very hard" difficulty, you should do more aerial attacks
but as well as moving around the air to avoid getting hit. Ground movement is
not a good idea as you excels over temjin in aerial combat.
Against Viper II

Viper II is easy as well if you fight him in easier difficulties(same as
temjin.) He can run, but he can't hide from your floating-mines. Just avoid his
homing beam(which is a killer!) and you should be ok. Just stand in-between his
7-way missile fire as well and that would be ok. Ring laser can also be used to
nullify some of his attacks.
Against Dorkas

Dorkas is easy on one hand if he do not force you and trap you into his
phalanx-hammer combo. His hammer is dangerous so as well as his phalanx, but all
means dodge all of his weapons as possible as they are very damaging. But since
you have a higher ground speed(Even though it ain't reliable enough) and the 2nd
best aerial movement(compared to Viper II) you can just play hard-to-get with
him and he should die.
Against Belgdor

Belgdor is slightly faster than Dorkas and that spells more problems with you.
Either than playing aerial/hard-to-get/dodging abilities you should do fine, and
different dash irrelevantly as homing missiles are very homing(Same as homing
beam and heart beam or Viper 11 and Fei-Yen respectively.) Jump-cancels should
work out against him and besides that don't try to get knock-downed. His napalm
nullifies your attack and that should serve as a reminder.
Against Bal-Bas-Bow

May the best player wins. (Duh!) Just make sure that YOU are the better player
of BBB instead of the AI. The AI tends to be smart by doing a jump attack when
you almost always happen to hit him. (I hate that.) But don't forget that you
know how to jump cancel to go against that. If the opponent sends a wave of
f-mines, than you should send a wave of f-mines to counter them. Send a wave
of ring lasers to counter his ring lasers. Easy enough? Know when to use the
Hand-Bit for extra damage.
Against Apharmd

Apharmd, no matter how much he try to force you to death, you can easily evade
his wrath! If he wants to inflict severe damage, he have to come right up close,
that's why I rather you do not go close to him in this case. Just do flying
attacks from afar and if he throws a bomb, jump up and do aerial attacks as most
probably some of your attacks will not be nullified by his bomb. Shot gun is not
so good use in pestering you, so you should be able to take it out with ring
Against Fei-Yen

Fei-Yen is one sort of a legend to you. Not only she dodges most of your
projectiles, her attacks somehow always connect with you. I usually defeat her
in the weirdest of weird ways, such as using nothing but jumping f-mines
variation with the help of hand-bit once in a while. Anyways, just make full use
of the BEST of the different variations and you should do fine.
Against Raiden

Raiden is still one pathetic loser when used by the AI, just don't get his by
his lasers and you'll do fine. As deathtrap has lots of hiding areas, his
bazooka won't hit much if you hide behind them. Using the laser variation of the
Hand-Bit will net you an easy kill as he is so stupid sometimes that he can't
even dodge that.
Against Z-gradt

Just dodge his lasers and you should be doing fine. Before he transform, just
distance yourself from him and use lots of F-Mines and when he is transforming
do a jump Hand-Bit for laser version. So when his in golden form, he will both
be hit by your hand-bit and your floating-mines. Besides that, a jumping
hand-bit variation does around HALF-LIFE DAMAGE TO HIM :). So he's practically
killed in a single transformation if you hit him hard enough in his gray form.
This is just so easy. :)
Against Jaguarandi

Z-gradt is easy enough and Jaguarandi is seriously tough. Not only he out-dash
you in land speed, his "Grand boom" literally destroys you in the air.
(Grand Boom is the technique in which he launches a floating mines which splits
into projectiles which hits you.) I'll try to think of some ways to defeat
Jaguarandi besides those methods. As far as possible, try to avoid the penalty
stage, BBB really have a great disadvantage.

4). Against Human Players

Just look at how the AI uses BBB and your skill using BBB and that you should
know that there is a great difference between you and the AI. Not only they jump
at the right time, they dash-cancel quite accurately and always force the enemy
with ring lasers/hand-bit/f-mines. Make sure that you add in jump-cancels as
well(which the comp don't use) and you'll be on your way to victory with BBB.
But I doubt few people use BBB as it seriously suck,lol. But anyways its for
those who want to take up the challenge(like me,lol)

5). Tips

-Use jump attacks during freeze time when they try to attack you with forward
dash attacks.

-Use Hand-Bit which shoots out "bullets" for harassing shots, and for the laser
variation, that is used to heavily damage the enemy.

-Use Ring laser/f-mines to nullify enemy attacks.

-I suppose dash-cancels/jump-cancels can be used to improve your battle

-Try not to stay land-bound but stay air-bound for the better.

-Doing dashing attacks on ground are not recommended.

(That's all for now in the tips section. It'll be updated.)


6). Credits

-To myself for making this guide

-To all who read this guide and learn from the information stored in

-To Lance_Taliesin/Grim_Frostfire (AKA. Grysvok on Gamefaqs) for being
my best friend.

-To Eizaz Azhar, the very good guy who helped me weeks after weeks to sort
out my FAQ/Guide

-My mum for letting me play VO

-CJAYC for some guy who host a game site called Gamefaqs
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Engl Leitfaden

05.Octombrie 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Octombrie 2013
VR Bal-Bas-Bow Guide/FAQ
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Octombrie 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

14.Octombrie 2013
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