Virtual On - Operation Moongate

Virtual On - Operation Moongate

05.10.2013 04:30:58
Virtual On:Operation Moongate
VR Dorkas Guide/FAQ
Copyright © VR Dorkas Guide/FAQ David Tan Y.K. 2004

By David Tan Y.K. (

Version 1.0

Note: I am apparently trying my best to really master the
game perfectly and if you have any advice and such, don't
hesitate to drop a line to my email address (^above), and
we can discuss, thank you. This guide will be updated
from time to time.

This Guide/FAQ is done by me alone with the help of some
other friends of
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2/4/04 (Version 0.5)
I've rushed through at least half-way through the Dorkas Guide/FAQ
by today. Very significant improvement I've made, I can say. Dorkas
weaponry are quite similar to one another, and it's quite hard to
learn what variation does what. If anybody is willing to help me
test them out,say so. I appreciate the extra help!

3/4/04 (Version 0.6)
Done all the "Against the computer" section. I think the section
against what Dorkas will do well/bad/neutral against is pretty wrong,
I should test it again some other time, so it's not quite reliable
for now.

4/4/04 (Version 1.0)
Literally done all the parts of the Guide/FAQ :)
Should add on info on the spinning-hammer ability next time.

~~~~Table Of Contents~~~

1). Introduction
2). Weapons
3). Against The Computer
4). Against Human Players
5). Tips
6). Credits

Hmmm.....enough of those disclaimers and sorts above, anyways,
back on track on the Guide/F.A.Q.

If any of your beliefs or opinions differ from mine and you
want to clarify, just drop me a mail and I expect your words
to be at a more matured level and not about whining and crap.
Thank You. As Virtual On is an old game, there can be lots of
different ways and opinions to look at it, thus causing
misunderstanding between players. I am by no far a professional
player and am trying my best to help players, not to flaunt
nor exalt my own skill.

1). Introduction

Dorkas is one unique virtuaroid(apart from Bal-Bas-Bow). Equipped
with a hammer, a fireball launcher and a set of explosive devices
called phalanx, that make him unique enough. Strong if used properly,
I can say that he has the 2nd best in defense compared to Raiden.
Though he lack in areas such as speed and flight ability, his defense
and sturdyness make up for it.

VR Body Data:

Height: 13.4m
Body weight: 9.25t
Full-armed weight: 25.9t
Generator output capacity: 7840kw

Overview:DORKAS is the Heavy Battle Virtuaroid which was developed
based on the greedy request that it should have the same level of armor
and firepower as RAIDEN and the better mobility than that. As the
design concept has changed during the development, greater importance
was attached to universality than to firepower. Therefore, when using
each arms independently, its firepower is inferior to that of RAIDEN.
In general ability, however, DORKAS has a good potential comparable to
RAIDEN. Also, the problem of RAIDEN that the fighting ability in
hand-to-hand battle is low has been improved. Reflecting the demerits
of RAIDEN and BELGDOR, the body was made smaller and its center of
gravity was made lower. By this improvement, the stability and mobility
during running have been greatly enhanced, resulting in the body which
does not fall down easily. Also, the mobility performance has been
certainly upgraded comparing with RAIDEN.

2). Weapons


Left Weapon: Hammer

Standing Hammer: Dorkas throws his hammer which homes in and attempts
to hit the enemy.

Walking Hammer: Same as normal hammer throwing except that this time,
you are walking.

Crouching Hammer: More faster and accurate, trade in is it only does
a very slight damage lesser than normal hammer
variations. Can be used to hit air targets as well.

Forward/Back-Dash Hammer: Literally quite accurate, but not as accurate
as crouching variety. But since you are dashing
forward, your accuracy should increase, damage
is about the same as standing variation.

Jumping Hammer: MOST HOMING OF THEM ALL. Quite hard to dodge unless you
dodge at the last minute. Slow but strong, and besides
that, as it homes pretty well, you got to use it properly
to make sure it connects. It curves to hit you as well.

Side-Dash Hammer: Typical hammer attack. If Dorkas dashes right, his hammer
will be angled towards the left. If he dashes left, his
hammer will be angled to the right. Use this information
as an additional information for having an advantage for

Hammer in Close-Combat: Dorkas uses his hammer and smashes the enemy. Quite
strong, but the trouble is that you have to be very
close to the enemy to use it.....

Hammer is a good weapon which can be used against enemies as it homes very
well. I rather you use the fireball punch in Close-Combat instead of the
hammer(unless you have an advantage.) Using Hammer in one accord with phalanx
would result very well, as Dorkas is known for his infamous phalanx-hammer trap.

For additional info: Those blue spikes on Dorkas hammer are called beam spines
which are activated when the hammer is thrown or used in close-combat. This is
found off the VOOM manual.


Center Weapon: Phalanx

Standing Phalanx: Out from his missile pods come those explosive devices. 2 are
angled at the right of Dorkas and two are angled at the left
of Dorkas. All in all, there are four of those bombs, and the
one on the right will explode at an angle of extreme right,
and the other right one will angled right towards the front.
One of the left will explode at an extreme left direction,
and the other one will angled forward in a left manner. I
tried my best to explain this, it's pretty confusing, but
you have to see it for yourself(unless I come up with
a better explaination.)

Walking Phalanx: Dorkas stops and do exactly what he did with a standing

Crouching Phalanx: I can understand what exactly happens when you do this.
There are no explosions coming out of this one, and it's
freaking weird. (Unless it's flunk to the other end of
the arena. Someone test it out for me please.) Either
way if thats the case, you should use this attack when you
are near the enemy and if that happens, he can be hit with
the phalanx devices instead and take damage.

Forward/Back-Dash Phalanx: Phalanx explode in same manner as standing
variation. As you are forward dashing, you should
be more likelier to hit the enemy. The two forward
phalanx explosions are quite near to each other,
hence effectively hits the enemy. The extremes
explosions (one on right, the other on left) have
no point, unless the enemy is fast enough to dash

Jumping Phalanx: Same as all variations of phalanx, 4 devices flung out. But
this time, the gap between the explosions are further,
and the extreme right/left phalanxes are spread yet even
more further.

Side-Dash Phalanx: As usual again, as your dash right, 2,this time, phalanx
devices are flung to the left and 2 near explosions
explodes forward. If you dash left, 2 phalanx devices
are flung to your right and explodes forward.

Phalanx in Close-Combat: No such thing

Phalanx is a good weapon when used effectively. It can be used on it's own
or with the phalanx-hammer method or if used as a barrier from enemies before
using a forward-dash fireball attack. Thus it can serve three purposes, and
it is good.

Note: One bad thing is phalanx can't be used to hit air targets.


Right Weapon: Fireball

Standing Fireball: Shoots a "big fireball". Quite powerful and can be used to
focus fire by pressing the trigger repeatedly.

Walking Fireball: Same as standing variation, except that this time, you move...

Crouching Fireball: Launches 2 fireballs quickly(consecutively). It explodes
quite near to you, and it won't travel far. Can be use to
hit NEAR flying units. Can't be used from afar.

Forward-Dash Fireball: Dorkas does a forward dash and launches 4 sets of duo
big fireballs. Best fireball variation Ever.

Back-Dash Fireball: Launches a stream of mini fireballs when dashing backwards.

Jumping Fireball: Launch three big fireballs, one aimed straight, one aimed
left, and the other aimed right.

Side-Dash Fireball: Best variation of mini fireballs. Though a whole bunch
of them is not as good as a big fireball. If you want to
be precise, the mini fireballs are launched in sets of 3's

Fireball in Close-Combat: Dorkas Fireball launcher(right fist) envelops in fire
and he uses that that to punch the opponent. Faster
than his left weapon, but trade in for lesser damage.
Sometimes the attack may "slide" off an enemy and

Fireball is like one of those "never-ending" weapons like beam rifles. Using
it with phalanx as a barrier for the forward-dash variation is good. Pestering
with fireballs are good(though not as good as temjin's beam rifle though.)


3). Against the Computer

Dorkas is good against Viper II, Bal-Bas-Bow, Apharmd, Raiden
Dorkas is bad against Temjin, Fei-Yen, Jaguarandi
Dorkas is neutral against Dorkas, Belgdor, Z-Gradt

(All these are my opinion, so that do not mean necessarily it is correct.)

Against Temjin

Actually I wanted to place Temjin in the "Dorkas is good against" columm just
above, as in all my "temjin training." One of the longest virtuaroids I took to
kill was Raiden/Dorkas as their armor were thick and tough. But than again,
Dorkas attacks do not have the speed/homing ability which Temjin have. If you
are really up against a higher difficulty temjin, just try to fill the screen
with your projectiles and keep your distance away from him, by bombarding him
with hammers and offsetting his attacks with your phalanx and if possible nail
him with fireballs.
Against Viper II

When I first played at the arcade, I remembered my first Viper II career ended
as quickly as it started. Courtesy to Dorkas of course, not only was his hammer
irritating, but his phalanx crippled Viper II like paper. This should be easy as
if more of your hits connect, his dead.
Against Dorkas

Quite easy if you are a better player than the AI when using Dorkas. Just make
sure that you dodge all his hammer and you should be fine. Stay afloat when
phalanx is used against you, or if you are skilled enough, just walk and stand
inbetween the gaps of his phalanx itself. Fireball will be no real threat as you
can literally dodge all if you want to do so.
Against Belgdor

Just play medium-far range with Belgdor and you should do fine. If possible,
just smash him with your hammer in Close-Combat, and you'll do fine. He has the
speed advantage, but in damage-wise you are better than him. Just avoid his
homing missiles and napalm and you'll be fine, and beside that, the using of
phalanx and hammer to hit him at far range is quite effective.
Against Bal-Bas-Bow

Either you play quite well with Dorkas or you just thrash the controls(like me,
in very-hard difficulty when using some virtuaroids which I suck with), its very
hard to defeat BBB with either Dorkas or Belgdor. As I've mentioned in my
Belgdor Guide/FAQ, you should use homing missiles, but as for Dorkas, its very
hard to nail BBB as well, and using the phalanx-hammer combination should work
out. Try to do the "spinning hammer" ability when BBB is airborne just above you
to nail him when he comes down. Good Trick :)
Against Apharmd

When fighting with Apharmd, playing far range would not get you down with his
tongfer, but as for your far range hammer attack and phalanx would result in an
easy win. As his shotgun is not as pressurizing as some other virtuaroids
weapons, careful use of phalanx would be better use than his bomb. If you want
a quick win against Apharmd, pressure him with your Forward-dash Fireballs which
do insane damage to him.
Against Fei-Yen

Tough luck here, against Fei-Yen, you should try to kill her quick before
she wipes you out in her hyper mode. Hand Beam is quite decent, but as for her
normal bowgun, you got to be careful. As she is usually running around the
field, I encourage you to chase her and to kill her with fireballs. If she's
hiding behind anything, just throw at her your hammer and she'll get her lifebar
cut seriously. Phalanx if she's mid range. If she's in hyper mode, all the more
that you should kill her faster.
Against Raiden

Raiden is easy as the AI usually sucks when playing him. If you want to go
frontline and kill him quick, go ahead! If you want to go mid-range than go
ahead as well. Dorkas is good at destroying Raiden simply because the AI control
over him is limited. Just watch out for standing lasers. Hammer is useful for
knockdown and that the phalanx can be used to neutralise the lasers of Raiden.
4-Way laser of Raiden are freakingly powerful as well, I've learned not to
underestimate them. A whole bombardment of Bazookas are very strong. Just
remember something, take cover when he attacks, and you attack after he
attacked, so as to lessen the freezetime in-between fires. Try to do
forward-dashing phalanx for greater effect, standing ones are slower, and you
might be screwed by lasers(just as I did for testing.....)
Against Z-Gradt

Easy does it. When fighting against Z-Gradt, Dorkas is pretty decent. At the
start of the round, as usual, hit him to damage him little by little. If you
have a chance, doing focus-fired fireballs at him will result in a slight damage
to him in his normal form. Just avoid his lasers at the start. Phalanx and
hammer occasionally, but make sure that you save them up before he transforms
into his "golden form." When he transforms, you should be around mid range and
in the process of it, you should do a dashing phalanx at him.After that, do a
hammer throw. Focus-fired fireballs are useful when you stand next to him, as
his "grand laser cannon" can't hit you when you are exactly next to him. If
possible, do a 2nd phalanx when you are near him before he transforms back to
Against Jaguarandi

Boy, he's tough, but slightly tougher than Dorkas only. I expected Jag to be
the bane of everyone, but little did I know that Dorkas could stand so well up
against him. At the start of the battle, do a forward-dashing Phalanx(that's
what I always do, and it always connects.) Phalanx deal quite a large sum of
damage against Jag, followed closely behind is Dorkas hammer. Trouble is that
sometimes my phalanx miss, and if multiple phalanxes connect, Jag will be
killed. Never try to play air-borne, you'll get killed(Dash-cancel as well,
it's not reliable now). Just to get him far from you, use Phalanx, and to face
him, you have to do walking fireballs and rotate at the same time. Dash-cancels
should be used instead of dashing attacks. I almost killed him, but courtesy to
Dorkas' speed, I lost.......

4). Against Human Players

Using Dorkas against the computer players would be considered easy enough. But
to use Dorkas effectively against Human Players, you have to be smart enough to
devise tactics such as the phalanx-hammer combination. Use Dash-cancels and
Jump-Cancels often. Try not to stay airborne and besides that, if you want to go
airborne, use fireballs only. In phalanx-hammer, use phalanx first to trap the
enemy, and use hammer after that. To force the enemy, lure them to the edge of
the map to trap them and than use phalanx, followed by hammer. Dorkas is
sturdy enough to handle some attacks and that should do the trick. If you look
carefully, Dorkas fireball neutralises some weak weapons as well and you could
use that against enemies. Try to force enemy to death as well with forward-dash
fireballs. If they jump, prepare to kill them when they land with your spinning
hammer ability.

5). Tips

-Use your spinning-hammer ability when another jump to dodge your attack, he
should be hit by it when they land.

-Forward-dash fireball+phalanx+jumping hammer> most enemy

-You can hit enemy easily if they stand too close to you by doing a crouching
phalanx. The devices will explode on contact and since you are crouching, you
take lesser(?) damage.

-Attack when they are stuck in freeze time, or most of your attacks won't

-Jump-cancel/Dash-Cancel to re-aligned yourself with the enemy.

-Remember that phalanx does not hit aerial targets.

(That's all for now in the tips section. It'll be updated.)


6). Credits

-To myself for making this guide

-To all who read this guide and learn from the information stored in

-To Lance_Taliesin/Grim_Frostfire (AKA. Grysvok on Gamefaqs) for being
my best friend.

-To Eizaz Azhar, the very good guy who helped me weeks after weeks to sort
out my FAQ/Guide

-My mum for letting me play VO

-CJAYC for some guy who host a game site called Gamefaqs
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Engl Leitfaden

05.Octombrie 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Octombrie 2013
VR Bal-Bas-Bow Guide/FAQ
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Octombrie 2013
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14.Octombrie 2013
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