

17.10.2013 23:48:28

written by endresults (

This document is copyrighted (c) 2003 by endresults. If you would like to use
any of the content in this FAQ, ask my permission at
Now, on with the FAQ.


V1.03 (08/08/03): Un-destroyed the formatting (Thanks Word!). Updated other
minor errors, and updated a few setions with new info from Daniel Jeppsson of
the SouthEnd crew (WOW, thanks!).

V1.01 (08/06/03): Minor formatting update, along with an updated thanks

V1.0 (08/05/03): Barring any additions or corrections, this guide is pretty


1a. The Beginnings
5a. Camera
5b. Teams
5c. Rules
5d. Conquest Division Standings Screen
5e. Messages
5f. Team
5g. Saving
6a. Winning
6b. Face-Off
6c. The Disc
6d. Last Second Shots
6e. Disc Respawn
6f. In-Game Indicators
6g. Health Status, Injuries, and KO's
6h. Momentum Meter
6i. Team Strategy
6j. Item Pickups
7a. Shot Accuracy
7b. Passing
7c. Curve Shot
7d. Jump Shot
7e. Deathrow
7f. Fake Shot
7g. One-Timer
7h. Neutralizing Goaltender
7i. Rolling and Jumping
8a. Punching and Kicking
8b. Jump Kick
8c. Throwing
8d. Diving Tackle
8e. Slide Tackle
8f. Goaltending
8g. Blocking
9a. Fighting Dirty
9b. Retaliation
9c. The Art of the Team KO
9d. Injuring Teammates
11a. Training Players
11b. Buying Players
11c. Inbox Messages
12a. Cost of Healing
12b. Cost of Moving to Divisions
13a. Player Attributes
13b. Team Attributes
14a. Blitzers
14b. Convicts
14c. Protectors
14d. Sea Cats
15a. Black Dragons
15b. Crushers
15c. Marines
16a. Disciples
16b. Nukeheads
16c. Sandraiders
17a. Demons
17b. Mercs
17c. Sentinels
18a. First Blitzers
19a. Angels
19b. Slashers
19c. Titans
19d. Training Droids
20a. Unlock Credit Amounts
20b. Players
20c. Teams
20d. Arenas
20e. Extras
21a. Think About the Developers
21b. Think About Me
21c. Anything I Missed?
21d. Thanks


Deathrow is a futuristic sports action game set in the year 2219. It combines
elements of hockey, basketball, football, and some unique elements of it's own
to make for a fun and addictive game. Deathrow is one of the best games nobody
has heard of on the Xbox, or possibly any current console. The graphics and
sound are incredible, with bump mapped surfaces, great lighting effects, and
hilarious sound bites everywhere. And there aren't many gaming experiences
that can match a heated Blitz match between friends while your own tunes play
in the background, thanks to the custom soundtrack feature. Deathrow is a very
violent game, with a ton of profanity and blood. While it's not for kids,
people of all ages can enjoy this game, even those who don't particularly like
sports games.

1a. The Beginnings

2197: In Los Angeles, Blitz - an extremely violent illegal sport - makes its
first appearance. It is said to be a way for gangs to recruit new members.

2218: Prime Network takes up the sport. It sets the rules and creates the BDA:
the Blitz Disc Association. Exhibition matches, with big prize money, are
held. The show becomes a big hit throughout the solar system.

2219: The 1st official Blitz competition. After a bloody pre-selection
process, 14 teams are still in the running. They were picked for their drive
in combat and their sheer brutality. The cybernetic, genetic and chemical
modifications made to the participants promise levels of violence never before
seen on TV. The credo of this new game is as simple as pie:



Left Analog Stick: Move Player
Right Analog Stick: Strafe (action view)
Start: Pause Game
Back: Previous Menu
D-Pad: Change Strategy (in-game)

A: Pass
B: Shoot/Deathrow (Hold to charge)
X: Block Attack (while standing still/Roll (in direction of movement)
Y: Jump
White: Taunt
Black: Switch Player
L: Attack Shift
LT+B+X: Fake throw, then roll
RT: Lock On Goal

A: Punch
B: Kick
A+B: Throw
X: Block Attack (while standing still)/Roll (in direction of movement)
Y: Jump (+B in air for Jump Kick)
White: TauntBlack: Switch Player
L: Attack Shift
LT+B: Slide Tackle
LT+A: Diving Tackle
RT: Lock On Disc


Tutorial: Helps you learn the controls and how to play the game in a match
against the training droids. Good for first time players.

Single Match: Play a single game. You will have the option to choose teams,
rules, round time, and arena.

Conquest: The heart of the game. In this mode you take control of a franchise
and take them from the rookie leagues all the way to the championship,
acquiring and training new players along the way.

Network: Allows you to connect up to 7 Xboxes for some good ol' LAN fun.

Unlocks: By winning matches, you gain unlock credits which can be used to
unlock players, arenas, teams, game modes, and concept art from the game. More
on these later.

Credits: The names of the great people who made this game.


Here you can adjust the many different options for Deathrow.

Controller Options: Here you can select a different controller configuration
if you don't like the default scheme, and turn controller vibration on or off.
You can also change the user name of each controller.

Video Options: Here you can view or change the aspect ratio of the game if
possible. On a normal square television set, this should be 4:3. You can also
adjust the screen borders.

Audio Options: Here you have the choice to remove or add Deathrow's default
music tracks, or add some from your own personal collection! You can have 20
tracks in the playlist, and can select whether to randomly play the tracks on
your playlist, or to play them in order. You can also choose to not have any
in-game music at all. Big thanks to SouthEnd for incorporating custom
soundtracks into this game.

Game Options: These following game options can be set to on or off.

Passplay: When turned on, the player you control will change to any player you
pass or attempt to pass to. When turned off. You maintain control of the
player at all times, until you switch it manually (black button)

Opponent passline: It doesn't seem to have a noticeable use. Someone let me
know on this.

(From Daniel Jeppsson of SouthEnd: "We must have missed that one when doing
the QA testing. It is supposed to turn off the passline for other players.
Maybe it works in LAN? Not in splitscreen as you said.")

Lockdown: Similar to a penalty box in hockey, lockdown locks a player's feet
to the field and prevents him from moving for 10 seconds if the player attacks
an opponent while he is already on the ground. A locked down player can still
pass, receive passes, and shoot while locked down. Great for multiplayer games
against abusive friends. When set to off, you can attack freely without
worrying about a lockdown, regardless of whether the player is on the ground
or not.

Multi-Scoring: When turned on, the disc is always in play, even after goals,
so if a team can maintain control of the disc they can score over and over
again. When turned off, the disc disappears after a goal and respawns in the
center of the arena five seconds later.

Fast Regeneration: When set to on, the regeneration speed of the health bar is
increased. When off, health regeneration is very slow.

You also have the choice of playing with no rules, rules, or custom. No rules
will turn all options on except for lockdown. Rules will turn off multi-
scoring, item pickup, and fast regeneration. And any other user-set option
combination besides those two are custom.

Advanced Options: These advanced options can also be set to on or off.

Radar: When set to on, all teammates and opposing players out of view of the
camera will show up as red or blue dots to indicate their position on the
playing field. Setting this to off disables it.

Passline: When set to on, a green line will point to any teammate you are
facing while you have the disc to indicate that the teammate is open and can
be passed to. This doesn't mean the pass won't be blocked in some fashion,
only that the teammate is open at that time. When set to off, this green line
will not appear.

Shootline: When set to on, a white line will point between your player and the
goal while you have the disc and are in shooting range of the goal, indicating
the approximate path the disc will travel if you shoot. When set to off, this
white line does not appear.

Slowdowns: When set to on, the game will occasionally slow down in a Matrix-
style fashion and pan around your player when you perform a throw. When set to
off, this will never happen.

Crowd Sound: On = crowd noise. Off = no crowd noise.

Fight assistance: When set to on, the game will try to help you face a player
you are attacking during a fight. When set to off, it is up to you to point
your player in the right direction while fighting.


After you are through with the tutorial and playing a few single matches, you
may be ready to start the REAL game: conquest mode.

5a. Camera

When you first begin a new conquest, you have the choice to play with one of
two camera views, action view and sports view. Action view's camera is right
in on the action, and has slightly different controls, incorporating the right
analog stick to strafe. This view may be more difficult, and it is easy to be
tackled from behind since the action view limits the amount of the playing
field you see, especially behind your blitzer. Sports view's camera is
positioned farther out, and you can see more of the playing field. In
addition, the controls are a little easier, as there is no need to use the
right analog stick to strafe. Also, the camera view you choose will determine
what type of arena you play in. Sports view fields are similar in size, shape,
and goal position, and basically play the same way. Action view fields vary
wildly in setting and goal position. Whichever view you pick, be sure to try
out the other view after you finish a conquest with the other, or just make
two conquests with different camera views. When you make your camera
selection, you will then choose your team.

5b. Teams

Each team in the BDA has their own strengths, weaknesses, and playing style
that they play best with. When you first begin a Conquest mode, you will only
be able to choose between four teams, the Blitzers, Convicts, Protectors, and
Sea Cats. Look at the players attributes and choose the team that fits your
personal playing style. Then it's off to the Rookie Division to begin your

5c. Rules

You will also be able to choose the round length, rules, and if you want
random teams or not. Round length can be between two and four minutes. Keep in
mind that there are four rounds in a BDA game. Random teams will shake up the
usual division setup a bit and scatter the teams around, possibly putting a
top tier team in the lower divisions.

5d. Conquest Division Standings Screen

When you have chosen your team and first begin your conquest, you'll notice
you are on the bottom of the division standings. you can challenge the team
directly ahead of you in the division standings by selecting them and pushing
A. You'll also notice a flashing blue button on the screen labeled "Messages."
When you first begin a conquest, you will always have a message in your inbox
from your manager who will give you 2,000 credits to get started and will tell
you to go kick some boo-tay.

5e. Messages

This is your virtual inbox, and over the course of the conquest you will
receive challenges from different teams, endorsement deals from mega-
corporations, offers to buy players for your team, and more. Be sure to check
the messages box whenever the messages button is flashing.

5f. Team

The team button is next to the message button, and provides you with your
team's health status, attributes, and allows you to change the starting lineup
of your team (when you acquire more players through the inbox). Also, you can
train players and heal them after a match. It is important that you check this
screen after every match to see if they can be trained, which increases
certain attributes, and to heal, which is half the price of having to heal a
player in-game.

5g. Saving

In the bottom-right corner of the screen is the quit/save button. It is
important to save after you are finished playing, for obvious reasons.


When you first begin a game, the two teams will face off before a match and
talk trash to each other. Each team has a different thing to say to every
other team, which adds a lot of variety. These lines usually contain
profanity, as do some of the player exclamations in-game. This, in addition to
the fighting and the amount of blood led to the game getting an "M" rating.

6a. Winning

There are two ways of winning a match in Deathrow. One is by having a higher
score than your opponent, done by throwing the disc through the opponent's
goal, at the end of four rounds. The other is by KO'ing the other team by
constantly attacking them so that they have no players left standing on the
field. Keep in mind that you must have a higher score than your opponent to
win. There are no overtime periods in Deathrow, and while ties don't show up
as losses when you view your overall standings at the end of the conquest
mode, you will still have to play that team again until you beat them to move
on to the next opponent.

6b. Face-Off

After the pre-game introduction, it's time to face off. The disc will spawn in
the center of the arena, and after the announcer says "Fight!" the round
begins. You can either run towards the disc and roll (X), perform a slide
tackle (LT+B), or simply wait for the opponent to slide for the disc and punch
or kick (A or B) the disc away from him when he finishes his slide to win the
face off.

6c. The Disc

The disc is blue normally, and when offscreen, you can still locate it by a
blue or red arrow on the corner screen. If in a one player game, the arrow
will be blue if a teammate has the disc, or red if an opponent has it. If the
disc is flashing blue or red, it is being passed. This is good since you can
prepare to receive a pass from a teammate by getting into position, jumping to
set up an aerial one-timer, etc.

6d. Last Seconds Shots

Just like basketball, if the disc is in the air when the round ends, the shot
will count if it goes in. Use this to your advantage and always try to have
the disc when the round is about to end, as the CPU is very good at scoring on
last second shots.

6e. Disc Respawn

Occasionally the disc will become stuck in an area where nobody can reach it,
such as the top of the goal or the ceiling. When this happens the disc will
respawn in the center of the arena. Remember this, and camp on the disc spawn
point when the disc becomes stuck.

6f. In-Game Indicators

You'll notice indicators in all four corners of the screen while in-game. The
top-left two are simple enough to understand, with the top-left indicating the
score of the game and the top-right showing the time remaining in the round.
On the bottom-left is the health status of the player you are currently
controlling. On the bottom right is more of a team status bar, showing the
team strategy and the momentum meter.

6g. Health Status, Injuries, and KO's

On the health indicator in the bottom-left corner is a red bar above the
player's name, and between three to five red dots above the red bar. The red
line is the health bar. If the player is attacked, this red line will shrink.
If it reaches zero, the player will be injured, and will lose one of his
injury slots, indicated by the red dots above the player's health bar. If you
are controlling the player who is injured, you will have to quickly hit the A
and B buttons to regenerate the health bar. After the health bar is fully
restored, the player can get up and resume play. It should be noted that you
will not regain the lost injury slot after you regenerate the player's health.
If you are not controlling a teammate and he/she is injured, the player will
stay on the ground for a set amount of time (between 5-10 seconds) before
getting up and returning to play. If a player loses all of his/her injury
slots. The player will start to limp very slowly about the field. If the
player who is limping loses his/her final health bar, that player will be
KO'd, and will stay laying on the field for the remainder of the period. If
all four players on a team are KO'd at the same time, the match is over and
the other team wins by team KO. Be sure to heal any players that need it in
between periods or by controlling a player who is low on health and try to
find a health pickup for him/her.

6h. Momentum Meter

On the team status indicator in the bottom-right hand corner is a apace for a
vertical bar called the momentum meter which is empty when you first begin,
but will fill quickly with an orange bar if you dominate a team by scoring
goals or injuring opponents in a short amount of time. When this bar is
completely filled, your team's feet will burst into flames and they will
perform better on the field for a short amount of time, running, fighting, and
shooting more effectively. You will also lose momentum if your opponent
dominates play.

6i. Team Strategies

Also on the team status bar is a small circle which indicates your team's
current strategy. There are five different team strategies you can employ
which can be changed whenever you like using the up and down buttons on the D-

Full Defense (Large Shield): Your team will do their very best to prevent
goals by focusing almost completely on defense, aggressively protecting their
own goal. There will usually only be one offensive player pressuring upfield,
and when a team recovers the disc in their own end when in full defensive
mode, they will most likely dump the disc to the other end of the field. This
strategy should be used against offensive teams who are attacking and when you
are trying to maintain a lead late in a game.

Defense (small shield): Your team will focus primarily on defensive play
rather than offensive. There will most like be two players on defense, and
when the disc is recovered by a team in defense mode, they will sometimes dump
the disc out of their own end. This strategy can be used all game long, and is
effective at neutralizing opposition rushes, while not completely eliminating
your team's offensive production.

Neutral (large N): Your team will use a mix of offensive and defensive play,
helping out upfield when you have the disc, and (mostly) pinching back when
you don't. This is a decent strategy, but shows its weakness when playing
against aggressive offensive teams.

Attack (lightning bolt): Your team will try to create goals by keeping a
player in the offensive zone at all times. This can be a great strategy
against weak teams, or when playing with an offensive teams, but can lead to
quick goals for the opposition.

All-Out Attack (a clenched fist): In addition to keeping one player in the
offensive zone, your team will aggressively pursue the disc and often attack
opponents who don't have it. Obviously, sacrifices will be made on defense,
but often the offensive output from a team using this strategy outweighs it.
Skilled opponents can go on a multiple goal runs on teams using all-out attack
as the players are often going out of position to attack, so this strategy
shouldn't be used all game long in the higher divisions.

6j. Item Pickups

There are numerous item pickups that will spawn on blue glowing pods on the
field. On most fields, there is one in each corner of the field, but this
isn't always the case. Many times, opponents will try to pick these items up
when they spawn, so if you want/need it, go after them quickly. The frequency
of certain pickups showing up seems random, but certain team arenas may have a
higher frequency of pickups showing up that will help that team, like an
attack boost showing up more often in the Mercs or Convicts arenas or a speed
pickup showing up more often in the Sea Cats arena. This isn't for sure
though, and may just be me trying to find meaning in randomness.

Health (pill bottle surrounded by a white aura): This pickup will instantly
regenerate your health bar if you are missing any health.

Mega Health (first aid kit surrounded by a red aura): This pickup will
instantly regenerate the health bar plus one injury slot of any player who
picks it up. This is a critical pickup, and they show up often, so be sure to
pick them up to save yourself from having to emergency heal players between
rounds. Also, because this pickup is so commonly found, it can be advantageous
to not heal a player who is missing an injury slot and just pick up a mega
health for them the first chance you get.

Attack Boost (brass knuckles surrounded by yellow aura): This pickup will
boost the attack power of anybody who picks it up for 15 seconds, and is
useful for injuring opposing players quickly. Your opponents will remember who
attacked them and retaliate when they get the chance, though.

Speed Boost (engine surrounded by a green aura): The speed boost will increase
the significantly increase the running speed of any player who picks it up for
15 seconds.

Credits (stack of gold bars surrounded by white aura): A credit pickup will
give your team free credits. The amount depends on the division you are in
when you pick them up.

Momentum Boost (glowing red fireball): This pickup will add a small amount of
momentum to your team's momentum meter. It is always good to pick this up
before an opponent does.


When you have control of the disc and are near the goal, you will notice a few
things. A white line extending from your player toward the goal (If shootline
is set to on in the options menu), maybe a teammate next to you, and almost
always an opponent acting as a goaltender in front of the goal. These
offensive strategies will help you size up the defense and put the disc in the

7a. Shot Accuracy

You will notice when you have the disc and are close to the opponent's goal a
white line between you and the goal. This shows you the approximate path the
disc will take if you were to shoot at that moment. This white line will move
wildly about for a player with a low shooting attribute, and will not move
much at all for a player with good shooting stats. Even an accurate shooter
will have trouble scoring against the opponent with a normal shot, as the
goaltender will most likely intercept the shot. Accuracy is still a good thing
to have when you are facing an open goal.

7b. Passing

Passing (A) is essential to success in this game, on both ends of the field.
Opponents can swarm the disc carrier quickly, and sometimes your only option
is to dish it off to a teammate. Passing is also used to set up one-timers.

7c. Curve Shot

This shot can be performed by holding the left analog stick right or left when
approaching the goal and shooting (B). You will notice the white shootline
reflecting how this maneuver will affect your shot. This is useful for
shooting around a goaltender.

7d. Jump Shot

This is performed by jumping (Y) and pressing the shoot button. This shooting
method is good for jumping over the goaltender and getting a good shot at the
goal. This shot can be used in conjunction with the curve shot.

7e. Deathrow

This shot is performed by holding down the shot button until the disc glows
green and then releasing. The shot will knock over any teammate or opposing
player in its path. If a deathrow is charged for too long, the player will
release the disc, which will continue to glow green. If any other player tries
to pick up the disc, teammate or otherwise, it will discharge and knock the
player over. Try it near the opposing goalie, and then shoot at the open goal
when he is knocked over. The deathrow can be used in conjunction with the
curve shot and/or jump shot.

7f. Fake Shot

Hold down the shot button and press the pass button (A) to fake the opponent
out and possibly lure the goalie away from the goal. Most effective against
human opponents.

7g. One-Timer

A one-timer is a shot that is taken immediately after receiving a pass. It can
be performed by pressing the shoot button immediately after passing to a
teammate or immediately before receiving a pass. If the player receiving a
one-timer pass is in the air when he receives it, time will slow down in
bullet-time fashion and you will have a second to line up a shot at the goal.
For some reason, holding down the shot button before receiving a pass also
counts as a one-timer, even though the player holds onto it and can charge up
for a deathrow. You will know you performed a one-timer correctly because the
announcer will say "one-timer!" Scoring one-timers goal are also a good way to
make bonus credits.

7h. Neutralizing Goaltender

Using a deathrow is not the only way to knock the goaltender down. Fighting or
taunting can also be used to get the goaltender out of position, leaving the
goal open for one of your teammates.

7i. Rolling and Jumping

The defense is going to try its best to get the disc away from you using any
means possible, so you are going to be evading defenders constantly during
games. Rolling (X) is one way to elude enemy attacks, and can be used in many
possible ways. Other than just using it to get away from someone who is
attacking you, you can use it to get an open shot off by rolling away from
defenders. Another good way to get away from enemy attacks is jumping (Y).
Jumping will keep you from being thrown or punched, slide tackled, and
sometimes kicked. With a fast player, you can take the disc from coast to
coast using nothing but jumps if you time them right.


The CPU offense can put up a pretty good fight in Deathrow, and can be
downright scary at times, going on multiple goal runs. Using effective
defensive tactics is critical in later rounds and especially the final
challenge if you want to win.

8a. Punching and Kicking

Using punches (A) or kicks (B) is a great way to get the disc away from an
opponent. You can string together combos using different combinations of punch
and kick attacks as well.

8b. Jump Kick

By jumping and pushing the kick button, your player will perform a jump kick.
It can be used when you think a player might try to jump and pass or shoot.

8c. Throwing

Throwing (A+B) is a great way to get the disc away from a player quickly, and
getting him on the ground and out of the play for a few seconds. This move can
also be used to neutralize goaltenders, which are usually immobile and easy to

8d. Diving Tackle

By holding the left trigger and pushing A, your player will perform a dive
tackle, knocking over any opposing player and separating him from the disc.

8e. Slide Tackle

By holding the left trigger and pushing the B button, your player will perform
a slide tackle. The slide tackle can be used from the front, side or from
behind, and works very well. The slide tackle also speeds up the player, and
the recovery time is very short, so taken to its full extent, slide tackling
can be used as a way to get from one end of the field to the other quickly,
and not just to attack opponents.

8f. Goaltending

I usually leave this up to the CPU teammates, but in multiplayer mode, using
one human player for offense and one for defense is a very good strategy. All
you need to do is get in the way of the disc, most likely by jumping, and you
will most likely intercept the disc. No need to push any buttons to stop the
disc. Also, if you move the goaltender out of position manually, another
player will come back to take on the role of goaltender.

8g. Blocking

Blocking (X, while standing still) will reduce, if not eliminate, damage from
enemy attacks. Can also be used on offense, but it won't keep you from losing
the disc if attacked.


Simply having a higher score than your opponent at the end of four rounds is
not the only way to win in Deathrow. If you have a team with good fighting
skills such as the Convicts or Black Dragons, you can win by KO'ing the other
team. KO'ing a player will earn you a lot of bonus credits as well.

9a. Fighting Dirty

Once a player is on the ground, he is still vulnerable to attack. If you run
up and stomp a player on the ground a few times (B), he will most likely
become injured. The announcer will say "Injured!" and that player won't get up
for a short while, giving you a powerplay of sorts.

9b. Retaliation

Some teams won't stand for being knocked around, and will back up a teammate
in trouble, go after any player who has attacked or injured them, or knock a
player down and stomp him until he is injured just because they can
(aggressive teams like the Convicts or Demons love using this tactic.)
Violence begets violence in Deathrow. Always remember this and pick your spots
to attack or simply don't attack at all unless you have to if you have a
physically weak team.

9c. The Art of the Team KO

If you have a fighting team, it may just be better to KO your opponents than
to try to beat them on the scoreboard. This doesn't work with every team, and
definitely won't get you anywhere in the Final Challenge against the First
Blitzers, but it will earn you a lot of bonus credits and is simply more fun

9d. Injuring Teammates

Keep in mind that you can injure your teammates and that they are not
invulnerable to your attacks or deathrows. Be careful when fighting around
your teammates.


After each round, you will get a chance to emergency heal or substitute
players if you have more than four players on your team. You can emergency
heal by highlighting a player who is missing an injury slot and pushing Y.
Sometimes you may want to save money and choose not to heal a player who is
missing a fair number of injury slots, and simply substitute him instead. This
can be done by simply highlighting the player and pushing X, and then choosing
the player you want to substitute him/her with. Substituting players can only
be done after you have acquired more than four players on your team.


Once the game is finished, won or lost, you should immediately check to see if
you have any new messages, you will often have players interested in joining
your team (for a price) along with other offers from corporations interested
in sponsoring you or selling you performance enhancing drugs. After the inbox
has been read you should check out the team information screen to heal players
and change your lineup if you need to. You can also upgrade players for a
price, which will always increase player attributes. After matches, any
players who were missing injury slots at the end of the game may gain one of
them back afterwards so you may not need to heal injured players at the end of
the game at all.

11a. Training Players

During the course of the conquest, some players will be able to be trained for
a price. This can be as cheap as 1,500 credits, but can be moderately
expensive for additional trainings. Some players can be trained up to three
times over the course of the conquest mode. You can see the amount of training
a player has by looking in the upper-left hand corner of the player's picture
on the team info screen. An "I" means the player is at level one of his
training, a "II" means level two, and "III" means the player is at his full
potential and can't be trained any more. Keep in mind that training a player
will not increase the amount of injury slots a player has, and if he/she
started with only three slots, it will stay that way throughout the conquest
mode. Also, in the late rounds, you may acquire a player or two with a yellow
star in the upper-left corner of the player's picture rather than a roman
numeral. This means the player is a star player and will never need to be
trained. He will also have five injury slots, making him/her a key part of
your team, especially in physical games. In the early part of conquest mode,
before you start acquiring players, training players is key to success on the

11b. Buying Players

You will periodically have players interested in joining your team throughout
the conquest mode through messages in the inbox. They will almost always be
better than the players you currently have, and may have more than three
injury slots. It is important to buy all the players who want to sign with
you. Be sure to train them if they need it as well.

11c. Inbox Messages

Throughout the course of the conquest, you will receive a variety of messages
in your inbox, here is a thorough, but not complete, summary of these

Endorsement Deals: Occasionally you will get offers from corporations who will
want to sign with you. These are basically free credits, so push Y to accept
the deals.

Hackers, Taxes, and Losing Credits: Sometime during the conquest, you will
lose credits due to taxes, hackers, and other seedy means. There is nothing
you can do about these. On a side note, I believe that the amount of credits
you lose on a few of these is based on a percentage of your total credits. It
may be the game's way of keeping you at a certain amount of credits through
each division.

(From Daniel Jeppsson of SouthEnd, on the randomness of losing credits: "It is
random with some cruelty tossed in for the fun of it. You generally lose more
if you have more. So spend your credits quickly. >) ")

Gene Therapy Offers: You will periodically receive offers to buy gene therapy
drugs to give to one of your players. Sometimes they will boost certain
attributes while reducing others, or they may have a certain amount of risk
involved, such as having the chance of causing an undesired effect. These
drugs aren't necessary to win, but if you have more than four players, you can
use one player as a guinea pig and try it out on him/her.

Bets: A few times during conquest mode, you will be offered bets on your next
match. The only thing that changes about these bets are the amount of credits
involved. You will have three choices:

A) Bet 2000 credits and win your next match to double it.

B) Bet 4000 credits and win by at least 5 points to triple it.

C) Bet 6000 credits and win by exactly 2 goals to quadruple it.

So basically you can easily double your money by choosing A, push your luck
and triple your money if you choose B, and have a chance at quadrupling your
amount invested if you can pull off winning by exactly two goals. Choose
whatever you like, but I believe choice C is very hard to pull off reliably. B
is somewhat easy, and A is basically easy money, depending on the opponent.
Keep in mind that this offer disappears from your inbox if you move up a
division, so be sure to use it. Also remember that the bet amount isn't always
set, too. If you are in a high division, bet A can cost 15,000, while bet C
will cost you 45,000 credits!

Good luck.

Challenges: You will occasionally get messages from other teams challenging
you to a match. They are better than most of the league teams, and you don't
have to play them at all to beat conquest mode, but if you're a completionist
as I am, you will want to play them at some point. I prefer to wait till the
later rounds to play them, as the team is usually well-trained and you get
more bonus credits in-game (more on this later). The challenges will still be
in the inbox if you move up a division. On top of the satisfaction you get
from beating them, you will also get a substantial amount of credits for
beating them (between 100,000 and 150,000 credits).

Manager Offers: Sometimes after a match, you will get a manager offer from a
team. Basically, you will play a game as another team and help them when an
important match. These can be pretty difficult as you are playing with the
starting four players of a team without substitutes and it is usually against
a tough opponent. Pretty useless as far as I can tell. Also note that the
match bonuses and healing costs for these games depend on the division you are
in when you play it (see below).

(From Daniel Jeppsson of SouthEnd, on the manager offers: "This was thought as
a way to unlock other teams but was later changed into just trying out another
team to whet your appetite for replaying with another team.")


On top of the credits you receive from the inbox, beating teams, and winning
bets, you will also receive credits in-game for scoring goals, injuring or
KO'ing players, picking up credit bonuses on the field, etc.. These bonuses
will be tallied up at the end of each round for you to see. The amount you get
for each task depends on the division you are in while you are playing the
match. Here is a list of all bonus credit amounts by division.

|Division | Rookie | Pro | Elite | Champ | Final Challenge |
|Goal | 200 | 1000 | 2800 | 4000 | 4000 |
|One-Timer Goal | 400 | 2500 | 7000 | 10000 | 10000 |
|Injury | 100 | 500 | 1200 | 1500 | 1500 |
|KO | 400 | 1700 | 5000 | 7000 | 7000 |
|Credit Pickup | 800 | 3000 | 11000 | 12000 | 12000 |
|Opponent Win | 6000 | 30000 | 80000 | 150000 | 0 |
|2nd Opponent Win| 3000 | 15000 | 40000 | 75000 | N/A |

In the case of the challenge matches against the Droids, Angels, Slashers, or
Titans, the bonus credit amount against those teams depends on the division
you are in when you accept their challenge. For instance, if you challenge the
Training Droids while you are in the Pro division and score a goal, you will
receive a 1000 bonus. But if you play that same team when you are in the Champ
division and score a goal, it will now be a 4000 bonus. As you can see, it is
better to wait until the later divisions to play challenge opponents.

12a. Cost of Healing

Healing can be very expensive in the later divisions, and it is always better
to heal after games instead of during games if you can. Here is a rundown of
the cost of healing in-game as opposed to afterward by division.

|Division | Rookie | Pro | Elite | Champ | Final Challenge |
|Not In-Game| 500 | 2500 | 7000 | 10000 | 10000 |
| In-Game | 1000 | 5000 | 14000 | 20000 | 20000 |

As with the bonus credits, the cost of healing during a challenge match will
be dependant on the division you are when you play them.

12b. Cost of Moving To Divisions

Once you have beaten the all of the teams in a particular division, you still
need to have a certain amount of credits to move on to the next division.
These are the amounts you will need to have before the "next division" button
will appear.

| Division to Move to | Cost |
| Pro | 10000 |
| Elite | 30000 |
| Champ | 80000 |
| Final Challenge | 200000 |


There are eight different attributes for every player in the game along with
two team attributes which affect how the team plays on the field. These
attributes are based on a 1 to 10 scale. Training players and using gene
therapy drugs will change these, and picking up speed, momentum, and attack
items on the field will temporarily change them. Injury slots are the only
exception to this, as every player has between three and five of these, and
this will not change through training or drugs. These are the attributes and
their functions.

13a. Player Attributes

Strength (STR): Determines the throwing distance of a player and how much
damage is dealt when fighting.

Speed (SPD): Determines the running speed of a player.

Health (HLT): Determines how much damage a player can take before falling or
being injured.

Toughness (TGH): Determines health regeneration speed of a player.

Shoot (SHT): Determines the accuracy of a player's passes or shots.

Catch (CTH): Determines a player's chance of intercepting discs and also
effects goaltending skill.

Fight (FGT): When a player is controlled by the CPU, this determines the
player's fighting skill.

Injury Slots (INS): This determines the amount of injuries a player can take
before being KO'd.

13b. Team Attributes

Aggression (AGG): How likely a player is to pick a fight or respond to

Team Play (TMP): Determines a player's likelihood to shoot or pass to a
teammate when the opportunity arises. This is also linked with aggression and
how much a player likes or dislikes fighting.

The team attributes are consistent for almost every player on a given team,
and there are only a few exceptions where the aggression and team play
attributes are different for a few players on a given team. Because of this, I
will list these attributes for every player along with the player attributes.


!All of the following attributes are of players at their full potential. If
you are starting a conquest mode with any of these teams, most of the player's
stats will be lower than this, with the exception of star players!

14a. Blitzers

"The Blitzers make up the BDA's official team. It's rumored that the players
come from forced training camps created by the Prime Network. They're cyber-
modified and drugged up to the eyeballs - all at the TV channel's expense -
and they'll put on a show to slay all those TV junkies out there."

| T E A M A T T R I B U T E S |
|Blitzers | 4 |3.5|3.5| 4 | 6 |5.5|3.5| 6 | 8 |

| S T A R T I N G P L A Y E R S |
|Jano | 3 |2.5|2.5| 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 6 | 8 | 3 |
|Mack |2.5| 3 |2.5| 3 | 5 | 4 |2.5| 6 | 8 | 3 |
|Rhames | 3 | 3 |2.5| 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 6 | 8 | 3 |
|Lenny |3.5| 3 | 3 | 3 |4.5|4.5| 2 | 6 | 8 | 3 |

| O T H E R P L A Y E R S |
|Bax | 4 | 3 | 3 |3.5| 5 | 5 | 3 | 6 | 8 | 3 |
|Kahn |4.5|3.5| 3 | 4 |5.5|5.5|3.5| 6 | 8 | 3 |
|Damon | 5 | 4 | 4 |4.5| 7 | 7 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 4 |
|Andy |5.5| 4 | 4 | 5 |7.5|7.5| 4 | 6 | 8 | 4 |
|Burns |5.5| 4 | 5 | 4 | 8 | 8 | 5 | 6 | 8 | 5 |
|Barret | 6 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 8 | 8 | 5 | 6 | 8 | 5 |

Playing With: The Blitzers are a good shooting and goaltending team with great
team chemistry. You won't often feel like a one-man team with the Blitzers.
Even though they have great shooting skills, it may be wiser to play a neutral
or possibly even a defensive game with them, as they are very slow, and can't
make it back to their goal in time to stop opposing offensive pressure.

Playing Against: These guys are a good team, but easily beatable by playing
almost any type of game. Just be sure to get back on D as they pass and shoot
well, and even though they will most likely be the first team you face in the
rookie division, they can go on multi-goal runs.

Sports View Field Size: Medium
Item Pods: 4

Action View Field: This is a Blitz practice field built high atop a
skyscraper. I believe it was built for them by Prime Network, and that is the
building they are in, since they are the ones that fund the Blitzer team.
Item Pods: 4

14b. Convicts

"Convicts are the worst scum of the galaxy - the most hardened criminals,
sentenced to death for the most abominable acts. The penitentiary governors
lured them on with the promise that victory would lead to freedom, but it's
mostly out of sheer bloodlust that they enter the arena. For these guys, it's
victory or death."

| T E A M A T T R I B U T E S |
|Convicts |5.5| 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 |5.5| 8 | 4 |

| S T A R T I N G P L A Y E R S |
|Alvarez | 4 | 2 |2.5| 3 | 3 |2.5| 4 | 8 | 4 | 3 |
|Zeke |3.5| 2 |2.5| 3 |3.5|2.5| 4 | 8 | 4 | 3 |
|Becker | 4 | 2 |2.5|2.5| 3 |2.5| 5 | 8 | 4 | 3 |
|Toro |4.5| 2 |2.5| 3 | 2 |2.5|4.5| 8 | 4 | 3 |

| O T H E R P L A Y E R S |
|Duke | 5 |2.5| 3 | 4 |3.5| 3 |5.5| 8 | 4 | 3 |
|Scar | 5 |2.5|2.5| 4 |2.5|3.5|5.5| 8 | 4 | 3 |
|The Gimp |5.5|3.5| 3 | 5 |3.5|3.5| 6 | 8 | 5 | 4 |
|Riddick | 9 |3.5| 3 |4.5|3.5|3.5|6.5|10 | 1 | 4 |
|Reaper | 7 | 4 |3.5| 5 | 4 | 4 | 7 | 8 | 4 | 5 |
|Hector | 7 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 7 | 8 | 4 | 5 |

Playing With: The Convicts are a flat out brawling team with poor speed,
catching, and shooting skills. This team needs to rely on defense and team
KO's to win.

Playing Against: This team is a pushover as long as you stay away from
physical conflict. Their goalie is easily lured out of position, and not hard
to beat even when he is in position. They can be team KO'd with physical
teams, but it is easier to beat them on the scoreboard.

Sports View Field Size: Small
Item Pods: 4

Action View Field: The Convicts field is a converted prison block, with jail
cells along one side. There is a narrow second level containing item pods that
can be reached by ramps on either side or by jumping while standing on one of
two fans on the lower level.
Item Pods: 4

14c. Protectors

"The Protectors - a private militia, much prized by the celebrities of New
Beverly Hills - have chosen their finest guards for this prestige team. Their
sophisticated equipment makes them highly mobile in the arena. They're
dazzlingly victorious. They strike first, and they strike hard."

| T E A M A T T R I B U T E S |
|Protectors |4.5|5.5|2.5| 4 |5.5| 4 | 5 | 4 |7.5|

| S T A R T I N G P L A Y E R S |
|Cordo | 3 |4.5| 2 |2.5|4.5| 4 |3.5| 4 |7.5| 3 |
|Knox |3.5| 6 | 2 |2.5|4.5|3.5| 3 | 4 |7.5| 3 |
|Camro |4.5| 4 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 4 |3.5| 4 |7.5| 3 |
|Dent |3.5| 4 | 2 | 3 | 4 |3.5|3.5| 4 |7.5| 3 |

| O T H E R P L A Y E R S |
|Blane | 4 |4.5|2.5|3.5|5.5| 4 |4.5| 4 |7.5| 3 |
|Gordon | 4 |5.5|2.5|4.5|5.5| 4 | 5 | 4 |7.5| 3 |
|Blades | 5 | 7 |2.5|5.5|6.5|4.5| 6 | 4 |7.5| 4 |
|Paxton | 6 | 6 |2.5| 6 |6.5|4.5|5.5| 4 |7.5| 4 |
|Chase |6.5| 7 | 3 |6.5| 7 | 5 |6.5| 4 |7.5| 5 |
|Vegaz |6.5| 8 | 3 | 6 | 7 | 5 |6.5| 4 |7.5| 5 |

Playing With: The Protectors are an offense-oriented team that combines good
shooting skills with speed. They can also fight when they need to. They play
well with a neutral strategy and as an all-out attack team. On a side note,
some of their exclamations are hilarious, especially when they are behind.

Playing Against: This team is pretty decent, but just about any strategy is
effective against them as long as you remember to play defense. Remember:
offense wins games, but defense wins championships.

Sports View Field Size: Medium
Item Pods: 4

Action View Field: This is another Blitz practice field set in a skyscraper.
There are goals on either end that sit on top of huge fans. It's hard to score
from behind the goal as the goal mounts obstruct the view of the goal. I'm
guessing that this is the Protectors' private militia's building.
Item Pods: 4

14d. Sea Cats

"Sea Cats are amphibian mutants created by the Party to exploit marine
resources. Hardened by more than a century of submarine combat for the
survival of their species, they quickly showed what they were made of in the
pre-selection contests. Their legendary speed and precision shooting give them
a clear advantage in the arena."

| T E A M A T T R I B U T E S |
|Sea Cats |3.5| 7 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 8 |

| S T A R T I N G P L A Y E R S |
|Anna | 2 |6.5|2.5|2.5|3.5|2.5|4.5| 4 | 8 | 3 |
|Miko | 3 | 5 |2.5|2.5| 3 |3.5| 3 | 4 | 8 | 3 |
|Meraya |2.5| 5 |2.5|3.5| 3 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 8 | 3 |
|Liza | 3 | 6 | 3 | 3 |3.5|3.5| 3 | 4 | 8 | 3 |

| O T H E R P L A Y E R S |
|Claws |3.5| 6 | 3 | 3 |4.5| 4 | 4 | 4 | 8 | 3 |
|Cathy | 3 |6.5|3.5|3.5| 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 8 | 3 |
|Gina | 4 | 7 | 4 |3.5| 6 |5.5|4.5| 4 | 8 | 4 |
|Xzara |4.5| 8 |3.5| 4 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 8 | 4 |
|Melie | 5 | 9 | 4 | 4 | 7 | 7 | 5 | 4 | 8 | 5 |
|Nelinna | 4 |10 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 7 | 6 | 4 | 8 | 5 |

Playing With: The Sea Cats are a speed-oriented team with decent shooting and
goaltending skills. They can run rings around some teams which makes them
potent on offense. Playing offensively is a good idea with this team, as any
mistakes on offense can be neutralized by their speed, enabling them to get
back to the defensive end quickly.

Playing Against: If you aren't prepared, this team can give you some trouble.
They are fast, and surprisingly tough. If you go into a game with the Sea Cats
thinking you can easily team KO them, you may be in for a big surprise. Their
speed is a major asset, and they can quickly seperate you from the disc or
help out a teammate in trouble. In my opinion, this is the most dangerous team
in the rookie division.

Sports View Field Size: Medium
Item Pods: 4

Action View Field: This is a flat-out gorgeous arena set in an underwater
dome. There is a second level on each side of the arena that can be reached by
jumping or from ramps on either end of the second level. There are two item
pods on each of end of the second levels. There is also a lot of room behind
each net to maneuver.
Item Pods: 4


15a. Black Dragons

"The Black Dragons' combat school remained unbeaten throughout the martial
arts' tournaments. Now they turn their attention to the BDA. These weird
warriors owe their power to the genetic inheritance of the illustrious masters
they were implanted with by the Mitsutomo Corp. No-one can match them in
combat, and their agility is awesome. They are aesthetes in the fine art of

| T E A M A T T R I B U T E S |
|Black Dragons | 4 | 5 | 5 |4.5|6.5| 7 | 7 | 5 | 6 |

| S T A R T I N G P L A Y E R S |
|Chi-Ling |2.5| 3 |3.5|3.5|4.5| 5 |4.5| 5 | 6 | 3 |
|Woo-Ping |2.5| 3 |3.5|3.5| 4 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 3 |
|Hiroko | 3 |3.5| 4 |3.5|4.5|5.5| 5 | 5 | 6 | 3 |
|Koyama | 3 |3.5|4.5|3.5|4.5|5.5| 5 | 5 | 6 | 3 |

| O T H E R P L A Y E R S |
|Tanizaki | 4 | 5 | 5 | 4 |5.5|6.5|6.5| 5 | 6 | 3 |
|Miyuki | 4 |4.5|5.5| 4 |6.5|6.5|7.5| 5 | 6 | 3 |
|Otaki |4.5| 6 |5.5|5.5| 8 | 8 |8.5| 5 | 6 | 4 |
|Kishida |4.5| 6 | 6 |5.5|8.5| 8 | 9 | 5 | 6 | 4 |
|Shimura | 5 | 7 | 7 | 6 | 9 | 9 |10 | 5 | 6 | 5 |
|Dragon | 5 | 7 | 7 | 6 | 9 | 9 |10 | 5 | 6 | 5 |

Playing With: The Black Dragons are a force to be reckoned with on the playing
field. Their shooting and passing skills are very good, and combined with
their fighting skills, the Black Dragons can control play at both ends. This
is an all-out offensive team that can win on the scoreboard or by KO'ing the
other team.

Playing Against: This team can give you trouble, and even playing defensive
might not help much as their offense is often overpowering. Playing an
offensive game and deathrowing the goalie helps, as does staying away from
physical confrontation. They're ninjas after all, and exist only to flip out
and kill people.

Sports View Field Size: Medium/Large
Item Pods: 4

Action View Field: This is a great looking field set in a Japanese-style
gymnasium of sorts, complete with wooden floors, a house and statues out the
window on one side of the field and a beautiful view of the water and
mountains on the other. There are two item pods on either side of each goal.
Item Pods: 4

15b. Crushers

"Crushers are miners whose metabolisms have been modified to withstand the
extreme gravitational force on Saturn. The BDA noticed their colossal strength
when they fought ruthless tournaments in the mining towns. It's now giving
them a shot at the gold mine. They're ultra-powerful and determined, and
they'll crush the bones of anyone who gets in their way."

| T E A M A T T R I B U T E S |
|Crushers |5.5| 2 |2.5|3.5|2.5| 2 |2.5|6.5| 8 |

| S T A R T I N G P L A Y E R S |
|Grubb |5.5| 2 |2.5|3.5|2.5| 2 |2.5|6.5| 8 | 3 |
|Stoner | 6 |1.5|2.5| 3 |1.5| 2 |4.5|6.5| 8 | 3 |
|McWry | 6 |1.5|2.5| 4 |1.5| 2 |3.5|6.5| 8 | 3 |
|Rutger |5.5|1.5|2.5|4.5|1.5| 2 |3.5|6.5| 8 | 3 |

| O T H E R P L A Y E R S |
|Ironside | 7 | 2 |2.5|3.5|2.5|2.5| 5 |6.5| 8 | 3 |
|Moralez | 7 | 2 |2.5| 4 |2.5|2.5| 5 |6.5| 8 | 3 |
|Ingram |8.5| 2 |2.5|4.5| 3 | 3 |5.5|6.5| 8 | 4 |
|Harsk |8.5| 2 |2.5| 5 |3.5| 3 |5.5|6.5| 8 | 4 |
|Iron Jaw |10 |2.5| 3 | 5 |3.5|3.5| 6 |6.5| 8 | 5 |
|Rock |10 |2.5| 3 | 5 |3.5|3.5| 6 |6.5| 8 | 5 |

Playing With: This is just one big, strong, slow team. Their star players are
as strong as they get, and in their small sports view arena they can score
from anywhere on the field. This team relies on doing physical damage and
keeping the other team on the ground to maintain a man advantage throughout
the game. Oh, and fear the Iron Jaw!

Playing Against: This team is extremely strong, and can score from anywhere on
their small field. Fighting the Crushers is not wise. The Crushers are
extraordinarily slow, and even an average offense can go on 5+ goal runs on
them before they can retrieve the disc. Just don't fight them and play
offensive. You should come out on top by a good margin.

Sports View Field Size: Small
Item Pods: 4

Action View Field: The Crushers' field is set in a long, narrow, underground
Saturnian mine. There is a tunnel that leads to either goal on one side
containing two item pods, and another path to the goal on the other. One of
the goals on one side is positioned close to the side of the field, which
makes the strategy for attacking either goal a little different.
Item Pods: 4

15c. Marines

"The Marines are the human army's reply to its detractors - those who'd like
to see congress replace human soldiers with combat drones. They're disciplined
experts in combat and tough opponents. In the arena, they're out to prove that
nothing can replace the Marines corps on the battlefield."

| T E A M A T T R I B U T E S |
|Marines |4.5|3.5| 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 7 | 8 |

| S T A R T I N G P L A Y E R S |
|Pvt. Butch | 3 |2.5|2.5| 3 |2.5| 3 |3.5| 7 | 8 | 3 |
|Pvt. Rivera|3.5|2.5| 3 |2.5|2.5|2.5| 3 | 7 | 8 | 3 |
|Cpl. Spears|3.5|2.5|2.5| 3 | 3 | 3 |4.5| 7 | 8 | 3 |
|Cpl. Sam |3.5|2.5|3.5| 3 |3.5| 3 |4.5| 7 | 8 | 3 |

| O T H E R P L A Y E R S |
|Sgt. Jacs | 4 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 |3.5|5.5| 7 | 8 | 3 |
|Sgt. Priss |4.5| 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 3 |
|Lt. Bowman | 5 | 4 |4.5| 5 | 5 | 5 |7.5| 7 | 8 | 4 |
|Lt. Wedge |5.5| 4 | 5 |5.5|5.5|5.5| 8 | 7 | 8 | 4 |
|Cpt. Powell|6.5| 5 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 9 | 7 | 8 | 5 |
|Cpt Jericho|6.5| 5 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 9 | 7 | 8 | 5 |

Playing With: The Marines are a balanced team with no particular strengths,
which ends up being a weakness as they can't do any one thing well. As you
gain more players, the Marines fighting skills increase dramatically, and
become a better team on both ends of the field. This is primarily a defensive
team that needs to pick its spots on offense.

Playing Against: This team isn't as bad as their attributes may make it seem.
They pass around very well and can really give you trouble in your own end if
you aren't careful. Playing offensively is probably the best way to go against
the Marines.

Sports View Field Size: Medium
Item Pods: 4

Action View Field: The Marines' field is set in a military base at nighttime.
There are two levels, with the bottom level having a sort of underpass where
the disc spawn point is, and goals on either side. The top level can be
reached by two ramps on either side, and has two item pods. It's better to
attack from the top level, since there is only two ways to reach it from
either side of the field, and you can simply jump off of it from anywhere.
Item Pods: 4


16a. Disciples

"The Disciples are members of the Church of DNA-Ethics. They're on the lookout
for the ultimate gene. For them, the human body is simply a huge experimental
laboratory. Mutation by mutation, they try to reproduce the divine pattern and
shift mankind into the Golden Age. Victory would prove the superiority of
their evolutionary model, for the entire world to see on TV."

| T E A M A T T R I B U T E S |
|Disciples |4.5| 3 |5.5|3.5| 3 | 4 |2.5| 5 | 5 |

| S T A R T I N G P L A Y E R S |
|Mengar |2.5| 3 |3.5|2.5|2.5|2.5|2.5| 5 | 5 | 3 |
|Salvatore |2.5|2.5| 4 | 3 |2.5|2.5|2.5| 5 | 5 | 3 |
|Berengar | 3 |2.5|4.5|2.5|2.5|2.5|2.5| 5 | 5 | 3 |
|Nero Gui | 3 |2.5|3.5|2.5| 3 | 3 |2.5| 5 | 5 | 3 |

| O T H E R P L A Y E R S |
|Venantiou |3.5| 3 | 5 | 3 |3.5|3.5|2.5| 5 | 5 | 3 |
|Verimus |3.5| 3 |5.5| 3 | 3 |3.5|2.5| 5 | 5 | 3 |
|Varec | 6 |3.5| 7 |3.5|3.5|4.5|2.5| 5 | 5 | 4 |
|Trogg | 6 |3.5| 7 |3.5|3.5| 5 | 3 | 5 | 5 | 4 |
|Dimar | 7 | 4 | 8 | 5 | 4 | 6 | 3 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
|Martor | 8 | 4 | 8 | 7 | 4 | 6 | 3 | 5 | 5 | 5 |

Playing With: These freaks are strong and tough, but that's about it. It can
be tough to score at times with these guys, beause of their slow speed, and
atrocious accuracy, but defense can win the day against most every team.

Playing Against: If their arena wasn't so small, this team would be much
easier, but they aren't that hard to begin with, so you shouldn't have much
trouble. If you're confident in your fighting skills, you can possibly come
out with a team KO, or just beat them on the scoreboard with an offensive

Sports View Field Size: Small
Item Pods: 4

Action View Field: The Disciples' field is set in a church, possibly the
Church of DNA-Ethics. It is a wide multi-level arena, with the very narrow top
level running along the middle of the field and housing goals on either side.
The bottom level on either side is large, and have two item pods in each
corner. This can be a tough field to play in.
Item Pods: 4

16b. Nukeheads

"The Nukeheads team comes from the lowest depths of L.A., where street Blitz
is played illegally. They're as mean as they come, and so notorious that a lot
of sponsors have shown an interest in their careers. The BDA snapped up the
team for the championship to attract a new type of viewer."

| T E A M A T T R I B U T E S |
|Nukeheads |4.5| 4 |3.5|3.5|3.5| 5 |5.5| 7 | 4 |

| S T A R T I N G P L A Y E R S |
|Dave |3.5|2.5|2.5|2.5|2.5|3.5| 4 | 7 | 4 | 3 |
|Toby | 4 | 3 |2.5|2.5|2.5| 3 | 4 | 7 | 4 | 3 |
|Danno |3.5| 3 |2.5|2.5| 3 | 3 |4.5| 7 | 4 | 3 |
|Marco | 4 | 3 |2.5|2.5| 3 | 4 |4.5| 7 | 4 | 3 |

| O T H E R P L A Y E R S |
|Piper | 4 | 4 | 4 |3.5|3.5| 5 |5.5| 7 | 4 | 3 |
|Grinder | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |3.5| 5 |5.5| 7 | 4 | 3 |
|Babbit |4.5|4.5| 4 |4.5| 4 |6.5|6.5| 7 | 4 | 4 |
|Tyler | 5 |4.5|4.5|4.5|3.5| 7 |6.5| 7 | 4 | 4 |
|Shade | 6 | 5 | 5 | 5 |4.5| 7 |6.5| 7 | 4 | 5 |
|Alwa | 5 | 6 | 5 | 5 |4.5| 8 | 8 | 7 | 4 | 5 |

Playing With: The Nukeheads resemble the Marines in many respects as they
start out at as a relatively weak team with no strengths and turn into a
fighting team as they gain players. While the Marines have better teamplay,
the Nukeheads are very good defensively with their high goaltending
attributes. It's important to keep a tight leash on this team to be successful
in later rounds.

Playing Against: The Nukeheads are an odd team to play against, because they
seem to be a pushover one game, and challenging the next. This is most likely
due to changes in strategy. I prefer to go neutral to start off with and go to
D if they start to challenge or go all-out attack if you feel you can.

Sports View Field Size: Small/Medium
Item Pods: 4

Action View Field: This multi-level field looks to be set in a warehouse, and
has the disc spawn point on the top level, with two ramps to jump off of on
either side to the bottom level, which the goals are located on.
Item Pods: 4

16c. Sandraiders

"The Sandraiders are victims of a political clean-up operation in the urban
zones. They were thrown out of the towns onto vitrified wastelands. The
extreme survival conditions have changed their metabolisms, making them
stronger and more resilient. The BDA championship is their big chance to get
their own back and avenge the honor of the wasteland tribes in blood."

| T E A M A T T R I B U T E S |
|Sandraiders | 4 | 3 | 5 |5.5| 4 | 4 |4.5|6.5| 5 |

| S T A R T I N G P L A Y E R S |
|Skink |2.5|2.5| 4 | 4 |2.5|2.5|2.5|6.5| 5 | 3 |
|Fixx | 3 |2.5|3.5|4.5| 3 |2.5|3.5|6.5| 5 | 3 |
|Wes |2.5|2.5| 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 |2.5|6.5| 5 | 3 |
|Sallow | 3 |2.5|4.5|4.5| 3 |3.5|3.5|6.5| 5 | 3 |

| O T H E R P L A Y E R S |
|Rebecca | 4 | 3 | 5 |5.5|3.5| 4 |3.5|6.5| 5 | 3 |
|Max |4.5| 3 | 5 |5.5| 4 | 4 |4.5|6.5| 5 | 3 |
|Uma | 5 |3.5|5.5|6.5|4.5| 5 |4.5|6.5| 5 | 4 |
|Scorpio | 5 |3.5| 6 |6.5|4.5|4.5|5.5|6.5| 5 | 4 |
|Phipps |5.5| 4 | 7 | 7 | 5 | 5 |6.5|6.5| 5 | 5 |
|Snake | 6 | 4 | 8 | 7 | 5 | 5 | 7 |6.5| 5 | 5 |

Playing With: It's hard not to feel sorry for the Sandraiders, being thrown
out into a wasteland and everything, but on the field, they are anything but
pitiable. They can take quite a beating and dish it out as well. Even though
they don't excel at any one thing, they are still a very formidable team.

Playing Against: This can be a tough team, so playing physical isn't going to
work out too well most times. It's OK though, as they can be beaten on the
scoreboard without any trouble. Just watch your back.

Sports View Field Size: Medium
Item Pods: 4

Action View Field: This multi-level field is set in a desert. It can be odd to
play on since the goals are located near the middle of the arena on the bottom
level of each side. The goals are separated by the top level path that runs
right through the middle. There are also three item pods on each end of the
Item Pods: 6


17a. Demons

"The players in this team came out of nowhere and - incredibly enough - won a
lot of matches against some of the best teams in the pre-selection league.
Tumor has it, they are mutants bred in a corporate laboratory, especially made
for the BDA. This could explain their ghoulish appearance and unquenchable
thirst for blood."

| T E A M A T T R I B U T E S |
|Demons | 7 | 2 |4.5| 5 | 2 | 2 | 5 |10 | 1 |

| S T A R T I N G P L A Y E R S |
|Baron | 5 |1.5| 4 |4.5|1.5|1.5| 4 |10 | 1 | 3 |
|Maahn | 5 |1.5| 4 | 4 |1.5|1.5|3.5|10 | 1 | 3 |
|Taranto |5.5|1.5| 4 | 4 |1.5|1.5| 4 |10 | 1 | 3 |
|Mefiast | 6 |1.5| 4 | 4 |1.5| 2 | 4 |10 | 1 | 3 |

| O T H E R P L A Y E R S |
|Mierda | 7 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 2 |2.5|4.5|10 | 1 | 3 |
|Draak | 7 | 2 |4.5| 5 | 2 | 2 |4.5|10 | 1 | 3 |
|Kazui | 8 |2.5|4.5|6.5|2.5|2.5| 6 |10 | 1 | 4 |
|Juba | 8 |2.5|4.5|6.5|2.5|2.5| 6 |10 | 1 | 4 |
|Djaru | 9 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 3 | 3 | 8 |10 | 1 | 5 |
|Basura | 9 | 3 | 6 | 7 | 3 | 3 |8.5|10 | 1 | 5 |

Playing With: I really don't like to play with this team, as they live and die
by their physical play. It's hard to win on the scoreboard, and with their
nonexistent teamplay and insane aggression, it's like playing on a team with a
bunch of ADD kids.

Playing Against: Don't let the Demons intimidate you with their strength,
aggression, and claustrophobic arena. This team is so easy it's not even
funny. They can't shoot, can't score, can't guard their net, and are very
slow. Just staying on neutral or possibly attack is going to win you the game
nine times out of ten. The only way you can really hurt yourself against them
is by playing physical. They will fight anybody who attacks them, including
the goaltender. Use this to your advantage. This match can be compared to a
hockey game between a skill team and a team full of goons, bodybangers, and
hotheads. Playing a physical game against them is about the dumbest thing you
can do.

Sports View Field Size: Small
Item Pods: 4

Action View Field: The Demons' field looks to be set in Hell, but it is
probably just on a very hot planet. This is a multi-level field, though it
plays more like a single level field with a rise in the middle of it.
Item Pods: 4

17b. Mercs

"Mercs are fighters who became undesirables in many sectors of the solar
system. For them, the Championship is a chance to make up for their losses and
put their special skills to good use. They're merciless and they don't give a
damn about rules, regulations and the niceties of etiquette. Nothing will stop
them in their runaway thrust for victory."

| T E A M A T T R I B U T E S |
|Mercs |6.5|2.5|2.5| 6 | 4 | 4 | 5 |6.5| 5 |

| S T A R T I N G P L A Y E R S |
|Gali | 4 |1.5| 2 | 4 | 3 |2.5| 4 |6.5| 5 | 3 |
|Craven | 4 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 3 |2.5| 4 |6.5| 5 | 3 |
|Webb | 4 | 2 | 2 |4.5| 3 |2.5| 4 |6.5| 5 | 3 |
|Bardo |4.5| 2 | 2 |4.5|3.5| 3 | 4 |6.5| 5 | 3 |

| O T H E R P L A Y E R S |
|Vorg |5.5|2.5|2.5|5.5| 4 | 4 | 5 |6.5| 5 | 3 |
|Geztur | 6 |2.5|2.5|5.5| 4 | 4 |4.5|6.5| 5 | 3 |
|Carbine |6.5| 3 |2.5| 7 |4.5| 5 | 6 |6.5| 5 | 4 |
|Tracer | 7 | 3 |2.5|7.5| 5 | 5 | 6 |5.5| 5 | 4 |
|Xylo | 8 |3.5| 3 |8.5| 6 | 6 | 7 |6.5| 5 | 5 |
|Cudo | 8 |3.5| 3 |8.5| 6 | 6 | 7 |6.5| 5 | 5 |

Playing With: The Mercs can make a good fighting team with their strength, but
will have trouble scoring until the later rounds when you get more skilled
players. This is still a good team, and is pretty well rounded, but they just
can't break a game open.

Playing Against: The Mercs can give you trouble with their physical play and
offense. This is partly due to their small arena. Playing neutral is a safe
bet and gives you good chances in the offensive end. If you can pull it off,
go for all out attack, but most teams shouldn't stray too far from neutral or
slightly offensive play.

Sports View Field Size: Small
Item Pods: 4

Action View Field: The Mercs' field is set in a space ship or station of some
kind orbiting a planet (GREAT view!). It is roughly shaped like a donut, with
the "hole" being an elevator shaft that you can run through.
Item Pods: 4

17c. Sentinels

"Sentinels are combat drones. Their designers hope to persuade Congress to
replace regular human armies with mechanical combatants. They're more
reliable, more powerful and utterly soulless. Victory in the arena will prove
the supremacy of machine over man. Mechanical beings feel no pity for anyone!"

| T E A M A T T R I B U T E S |
|Sentinels | 6 | 3 | 1 |6.5|5.5|5.5| 6 |7.5|8.5|

| S T A R T I N G P L A Y E R S |
|Alpha I | 5 |2.5| 1 |3.5| 4 | 4 |4.5|7.5| 8 | 3 |
|Nerox | 4 |2.5| 1 |3.5|4.5| 4 |3.5|7.5| 8 | 3 |
|Zolon |4.5|2.5| 1 |4.5| 4 | 4 |3.5|7.5| 8 | 3 |
|Scanner |4.5|2.5| 1 |4.5|4.5|4.5| 4 |7.5| 8 | 3 |

| O T H E R P L A Y E R S |
|Phantom |5.5| 3 | 1 | 6 |5.5| 5 |5.5|7.5| 8 | 3 |
|Vortex | 6 | 3 | 1 |6.5| 5 |5.5| 6 |7.5| 8 | 3 |
|Hazard |7.5|3.5| 1 | 8 |6.5| 7 |7.5|7.5| 8 | 4 |
|Spectre | 8 |3.5| 1 | 9 | 7 | 7 | 8 |7.5| 8 | 4 |
|Probe | 9 | 4 | 2 |10 | 8 | 8 | 9 |7.5|10 | 5 |
|Annihilator| 9 | 4 | 2 |10 | 8 | 8 | 9 |7.5|10 | 5 |

Playing With: The Sentinels are a very, very good team. In the later divisions
when you acquire Probe and Annihilator this team becomes near unstoppable on
offense. The only hole in the armor is team speed, which can leads to goals
against when the team can't get back on defense in time.

Playing Against: This is the last match before the final challenge, and it is
a doozy. Fighting doesn't help much, the offensive game is tough due to great
goaltending, and defense doesn't work all the time as the Sentinels can shoot
and pass very well. The small arena compounds the Sentinels strengths. Disc
control is key, and keeping the Sentinels away from it helps a lot. Also,
change up your strategy depending on the situation. This team is very winnable
with good strategy.

Sports View Field Size: Small
Item Pods: 4

Action View Field: The Sentinels' field is set in yet another skyscraper,
possibly the building of the corporation that constructs the combat drones. It
is a multi-level field, with a large bottom level with goals on either side,
and a very narrow top level that goes around the perimeter of the field and
can be reached by one of two ramps. There are no item pods on the bottom, but
the top level contains 6 item pods. If you are playing with item pickups
turned off, there isn't much of a reason to be up on the second level.
Item Pods: 6


18a. First Blitzers

"The First Blitzers are the most violent and most successful team ever to have
entered the BDA championship. Once witnessed, nobody forgets their golden
armor spattered with blood. They vanished from sight for a few years, then
announced their return with a terse press release addressed to their
challengers: 'We march forward victorious on the red carpet of our enemies'

| T E A M A T T R I B U T E S |
|First Blitzers | 9 |8.5| 9 | 9 |8.5| 8 | 9 | 6 | 4 |

| S T A R T I N G P L A Y E R S |
|Thrasher |10 | 8 | 9 | 9 | 6 | 5 | 9 |10 | 1 | 5 |
|Dash | 7 |10 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 5 | 5 | 4 |
|Comba |10 | 8 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 5 | 5 | 4 |
|Cyclone | 8 | 8 |10 |10 |10 |10 |10 | 5 | 5 | 5 |

Playing With: Too bad I can't play through conquest mode with this team, as it
would save me the trouble of going outside to take a stroll through the park.
You really can't lose with this team unless you run out of money to heal
players since there are only four players on the First Blitzers. Have fun with
this team, own your friends, rack up easy unlock credits on hard or extreme in
single match mode, and laugh maniacally after every team KO. You will be a
megalomaniac in no time at all.

Playing Against: Don't let the First Blitzer's attributes intimidate you.
Well, maybe a little bit, but don't cry. This match can be won through disc
control and a delicate mix of offense and defense. I have beat this team on
the first try a few times with some teams you wouldn't expect, like the
Marines and Protectors. The First Blitzers field is huge, and you can use this
to your advantage. First of all, you should play with a neutral strategy,
regardless of team. This team will plow through defenses easily and will make
you pay for going all out on offense. When you have the disc, you should
charge up a deathrow and go for the rebound. You will rarely score on a first
shot, but due to the field size, you have a good chance at nabbing the rebound
and scoring a goal or two before the defense recovers. Next, you need to get
back on D. Slide tackling doesn't help much, and trying to attack them is just
silliness, as they will beat you to within an inch of your life when they get
the chance. I usually let the CPU goaltend and just try to intercept passes
and block shots when I can. Remember that every shot or pass you intercept
saves you a goal or two against. When you have the disc again, just repeat the
deathrow offense again. Going on multi-goal runs is critical, and very doable.
In the fourth round, they will throw everything at you. Don't get scared or go
on full defense. You want to start hogging the disc whenever you get the
chance now. The field is large, and you can kill off 20-30 seconds and whip
off a deathrow, possibly get the rebound, and start the process over. If they
double team you, either pass it off or dump the disc into a corner. Another
important thing is to have the disc in the last seconds of any round against
the First Blitzers. They more than likely WILL score on a last second shot
from anywhere, and every goal counts, especially with this team. If all goes
well, the BDA championship is yours, and you can view the nice, short ending
movie and check out your conquest statistics. After that, give yourself a pat
on the back, wipe off your sweaty palms, and do a little dance.
Congratulation! A winner is you!

Arena: A very large arena with metal floors that creates a very daunting
atmosphere. You KNOW you are playing the BDA champions when you walk into this
Item Pods: 4


These teams all play in small warehouse arenas. Also, you cannot use sports
view camera for any of these matches. If you unlock any of these teams, you
will only be able to use them in single match mode. As with all the challenge
matches, scoring at every opportunity is critical to success. After an
offensive rush you should get back on D quickly and try to separate the
opponent from the disc. You will get a hefty bonus for winning any of these
matches, but they aren't necessary for completing conquest mode.

19a. Angels

"In the final two years ago, the Angels where brutally slaughtered by the
First Blitzers. The game was stopped in the second round and the First
Blitzers won by Team KO. Two of the Angels' team members later died due to
their severe injuries. This left the team crippled and morally beaten, and to
make matters worse, their sponsors left them. With a huge debt to Chromelabs
Inc for their cybernetic implants and body enhancements, the Angels have
Become one of the most desperate and dangerous opponents out there. Today the
Angels are still struggling to get back in the league to take revenge on the
ones who killed their sisters. You have been selected for the Angels' first
game in their struggle to achieve Blitz league status again."

| T E A M A T T R I B U T E S |
|Angels |4.5|7.5|10 |6.5|7.5|6.5|10 | 5 | 5 |

| S T A R T I N G P L A Y E R S |
|Zink |4.5| 7 |10 | 8 | 5 | 8 |10 | 5 | 5 | 3 |
|Zechs | 5 | 7 |10 | 7 | 8 | 5 |10 | 5 | 5 | 3 |
|Missile | 4 | 9 |10 | 5 | 8 | 6 |10 | 5 | 5 | 3 |
|Angel | 5 | 7 |10 |6.5| 9 | 7 |10 | 5 | 5 | 3 |

Arena: Small warehouse with a partition that runs along middle. The disc spawn
point is in a gap in the center of the partition.
Item Pods: 2
Credit Bonus for Winning: 100,000Cr

19b. Slashers

"In the early years of the Blitz league, before corporate sponsoring and media
involvement, there was a vicious team infamous for their brutality. With claws
mounted to their hands, the Slashers rarely finished a match with any
opponents left standing. Then came the legalization of the sport, and the
Slashers where [sic] banned from the league when they refused to give up their
weapons. Not many league teams accept the offer to fight the Slashers, knowing
well it could be their last game ever. Now the offer is made to you. Are you
strong enough to stand up to the ultimate fighting machines?"

| T E A M A T T R I B U T E S |
|Slashers | 6 | 6 |6.5|7.5|7.5|10 | 8 | 5 | 5 |

| S T A R T I N G P L A Y E R S |
|Edge | 8 | 5 | 5 | 8 | 8 |10 | 7 | 5 | 5 | 4 |
|Tanto | 6 | 4 | 6 | 7 | 8 |10 | 8 | 5 | 5 | 4 |
|Blades | 5 | 9 | 7 |8.5| 7 |10 | 8 | 5 | 5 | 4 |
|Slash | 6 |6.5| 8 | 7 | 8 |10 | 9 | 5 | 5 | 4 |

Arena: Small warehouse with two partitions running along either side of the
Item Pods: 6
Credit Bonus for Winning: 150,000Cr

19c. Titans

"In an effort to be accepted for play in the official league, the Titans need
to prove their strength and skill against the best teams."

| T E A M A T T R I B U T E S |
|Titans |7.5| 4 | 4 | 6 |6.5|5.5|7.5|8.5|3.5|

| S T A R T I N G P L A Y E R S |
|Vozer | 8 |3.5| 4 | 6 | 7 | 5 | 7 |8.5| 3 | 4 |
|Narks | 7 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 8 |8.5|3.5| 4 |
|Steel | 7 |4.5| 4 | 6 |6.5|5.5| 6 |8.5| 4 | 4 |
|Magnor |7.5| 4 | 4 | 6 | 7 | 6 | 9 |8.5|3.5| 4 |

Arena: Small warehouse with two pillars along the side by the item pods. This
arena has lots of corners to get stuck in.
Item Pods: 2
Bonus Credits for Winning: 100,000Cr

19d. Training Droids

"Are you ready for lesson number two? This time it won't be about stumbling
about in the arena. We're going to teach you how to handle excruciating pain
and total defeat!"

| T E A M A T T R I B U T E S |
|Training Droids|5.5| 4 |3.5| 5 |6.5|5.5|7.5|2.5| 6 |

| S T A R T I N G P L A Y E R S |
|Vectrex | 4 |3.5| 3 | 4 | 7 | 5 | 7 | 1 | 5 | 4 |
|Gort | 6 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 5 | 8 | 2 | 6 | 4 |
|Spectrum | 6 |4.5| 4 | 5 |6.5|5.5| 6 | 3 | 6 | 4 |
|Lazer |6.5| 4 | 4 | 6 | 7 | 6 | 9 | 4 | 7 | 4 |

Arena: Small warehouse with an item pod in an enclosed area behind each goal.
Again, lots of corners.
Item Pods: 2
Bonus Credits for Winning: 100,000Cr


The vast amount of unlockables in this game add a lot of replay value to
Deathrow. After each division complete, you will always have enough to credits
to unlock at least SOMETHING, be it a player, arena, game mode, or team.
Again, I can't give enough thanks to SouthEnd for adding so much content to
this game.

When you first start, you will have 4 out of 18 teams, 16 out of 150 players,
2 out of 32 arenas, and 0 out of 3 extras unlocked by default. The rest are up
to you to unlock. Remember that you must first beat a team in conquest mode to
be able to unlock its players or arena.

20a. Unlock Credit Amounts

You will receive unlock credits for each match you win in Deathrow. The amount
depends on the difficulty setting and whether you are playing a single match
or conquest mode. Here are the unlock credit amounts.

|Match Type | Conquest | Single Match|
|Easy | 100 | 50 |
|Medium | 400 | 200 |
|Hard | 600 | 400 |
|Extreme | 1000 | 800 |

20b. Players

There are six players to unlock on each BDA team, with the exception of the
First Blitzers and the challenge teams, who have only four players on the
team. Unlocking them will only let you use them in single match mode, and you
will still have to acquire players the usual way in conquest mode. You must
beat a team in conquest mode to be able to unlock that team's players.
Unlocking a team will give you the team's starting lineup free of charge, with
no need to unlock enough players to play a match with them. The cost for
player unlocks are as follows:

First Substitute: 100Cr
Second Substitute: 200Cr
Third and Fourth Substitutes: 400Cr each
Fifth and Sixth Substitutes (Star Players): 600 Cr each

If you want to know the cost to unlock a specific player, look at the "other
players" on the team attributes. The first other player will be 100, the
second 200. The players with 4 injury slots will be 400 each, and the star
players with 5 injury slots will be 600Cr cost unlock.

20c. Teams

The Blitzers, Sea Cats, Protectors, and Convicts are unlocked at the start,
which leaves 12 more teams to unlock. Here they are, along with their unlock
credit cost.

|Team |Credit Cost|
|Black Dragons | 500 |
|Marines | 600 |
|Crushers | 700 |
|Nukeheads | 1000 |
|Sandraiders | 1200 |
|Disciples | 1400 |
|Demons | 2000 |
|Mercs | 2500 |
|Sentinels | 3000 |
|First Blitzers | 4000 |
|Angels | 2000 |
|Slashers | 2000 |
|Titans | 2000 |
|Training Droids | 2000 |

20d. Arenas

Each team, with the exception of the First Blitzers and challenge teams, have
two arenas. One is the sports view field, which looks all look alike with the
only slight size, shape, and goal position differences. The other type is the
action view fields, which are a team's true home field. The venues are wildly
different for each team, and look to be the arenas that the teams practiced in
before entering the BDA. Keep in mind that you must beat a team in conquest
mode to make their arena available to unlock, and even then, it will only make
the specific arena you beat them in available, not both. To make a team's
action AND sports view fields available to unlock, you must make two conquests
with two different camera views and beat the team.

|Team | Cost |
|Angels | 800 |
|Slashers | 800 |
|Titans | 800 |
|Training Droids | 800 |
|First Blitzers | 2000 |
|All Other Team's Arenas| 600 each|

20e. Extras

There are three extras to unlock, with each one costing 5000 credits. They add
a ton of replay value to the game, with the exception of concept art, which is
still good to unlock just to see the work that went into the game.

MultiDisc: This is an insanely fun game mode that will let you play with three
discs on the field instead of one. You can forget all about defense with this
mode, as this is all about grabbing a disc and putting it in the goal, while
letting your teammates worry about defense. There is no multi-scoring in this
mode, and once a goal is scored, that disc will spawn in one of three
locations in the center of the field a few seconds later. You can either camp
the disc spawn point, or grab another disc and score again. If I don't make
this mode sound fun enough for you, than I'm not doing a very good writing
job. You MUST try this mode.

Difficulty Extreme: This will unlock a new difficulty mode for those of you
who don't find the game's three default difficulty settings challenging
enough. Not only will the CPU put up a very good fight, you will earn more
unlock credits for defeating an opponent in this mode (see 20a).

Concept Art: This will unlock 48 pieces of concept art and in-game screenshots
from the game. Some are beautiful, others are interesting, and others are
simply hilarious. You should definitely unlock this when you get the chance.
The concept art can be viewed by going to the extras unlock section,
highlighting concept art, and pushing A.


I hope this FAQ was helpful to you, and helps you understand this great game a
little more. I really wish more people would REALLY play this game, instead of
assuming it's a shallow game after playing the tutorial or a single match.
Those of us who do know what a truly great game this is should put the word
out. Play it with friends, ask why the heck there is only one copy of the game
at your local Blockbuster... things like that.

21a. Think About the Developers

I'm sure many of you have played a licensed hockey, basketball, football, or
baseball game at some point, and have seen the arenas and your favorite
players duplicated almost perfectly in the game and thought about how much
work went into making that happen. This game is like that too, except that
they aren't modeling real arenas, and getting a player's picture and putting
it to a name and assigning attributes to it to reflect that player's real life
strengths and weaknesses. Everything had to be created, and all the rosters,
names, arenas, models, and rules of the game made from scratch. It's just
mind-boggling to me, though i'm not a particularly creative person. I'm not
saying that this game had as much effort put into it as the latest 80-hour
RPG, just that you should take a second and really think about how many man-
hours you think went into making a fun game for us to sit around and play with
our friends. No, I'm not in the videogame business in any way. It just looks
like it.

21b. Think About Me

I'm a 22 year old from Washington State and started playing videogames at age
3 on a Mattel Intellivision, staying up late playing Astrosmash and Snafu.
Since then i've owned quite a few consoles, including the NES, Sega Genesis,
Sega Game Gear, Nintendo 64, Sony Playstation and Playstation2, Gamecube,
Xbox, and PC. I've always enjoyed videogames and this has led to an interest
in all sorts of jobs in the game industry, although currently I'm not doing
much of anything besides PLAYING games. Apart from videogames, I enjoy playing
ice hockey, and have been skating for over 18 years. It's a great sport, and
you should try skating some time if you haven't yet. It's fun!

21c. Anything I missed?

If there is anything I missed or misspelled, or am just playing wrong about,
please drop me a line at, and I will correct it and
give you credit for it in the thanks section.

21d. Thanks

Mom and Pops: know....

Daniel Jeppsson: For taking time out of his undoubtedly busy schedule to
answer all of my questions.

The great group of people on the GameFAQS FAQ Contributors board. I would like
to specifically thank these people for their input on the layout of the FAQ:

Nnguyen11490 (
kenb215 (
Karpah (
Masamune3 (
War Doc (

Everybody on the Deathrow GameFAQ's messageboard: For keeping the board alive,
and generally being a great group of people.

Microsoft Word: For making my life difficult.

And most of all, UbiSoft and SouthEnd: For making this game happen.

T H E E N D (finally!)

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