Star Wars - Galactic Battlegrounds Saga

Star Wars - Galactic Battlegrounds Saga

15.10.2013 17:50:03
Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds

Version 1.2
Began: March 2nd
Last Version: March
Author: Modine99

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any
other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited,
and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by
their respective trademark and copyright holders.

Copyright 2003 modine99

Version History
Version .5 Walkthrough for Rebel missions 2-4, intro
version .6 Added rebel first mission, filled in some earlier missions
version 1.0 Table of contents, general tips, began OOM-9 missions
version 1.2 Finished first 5 OOM-9 missions, first 2 Boss Nass missions

Table of Contents
1)Introduction and General Tips
2)Attichitcuk Campaign
3)OOM-9 Campaign
b)Behind The Lines
c)Spinnaker's Spoils
d)Capturing The Crown
e)Search For an Underwater Kingdom
4)Boss Nass Campaign
a)Otoh Sancture
b)The Gungan Who Would Be Boss
5)Darth Vader Campaign
6)Princess Leia Campaign
a)A Force From The Past
b)Chasing Ghosts
d)Echoes Of The Force
e)Loose Ends
f)Bonus Mission: Hoth
g)Bonus Mission: Endor
h)Challange Mission: Silken Asteroid Field
7)Chewbacca Campaign

Part 1) Introduction
I always liked Age of Empires but having the same engine with the units
and air force aspect of Star Wars makes this game just amazing. I came
here looking for a few hints for a tough mission and found that this game
hasn't been cover much so I have decided to give it a shot.

If you have anything you want to say on this game contact me at with the game name in the subject line.

General Tips
Most people have their own style of play and many people already use these
methods, but I'm going to offer these up for anyone who is having trouble with
this game.
1) Put all your like units into groups. Putting them into hotkey groups is
insanely important. Highlight them, Cntl+(number)
2) Put all units on Defense or Stand Ground posture. Aggressive posture is
as good as suicide. At some points in this walkthrough I exploit that fact
that the computer leaves its units on aggressive posture.
3) Workers are the key to speed. Get lots of workers out early. Always have
at least 20 workers going, more if you can.
4) When attacking enemy bases target Power Cores. They are easy to destroy
and will slow enemy troop production.
5) Don't build what you don't need. A lot of times you don't need a Fortress,
or certain military structures. In most missions I'll try and tell you if a
specific type of building is useless as well as which are important.

Part 2) Attichitcuk Campaign
I'm not going to do this section yet. Its a tutorial and Qui-Gon gives you
instructions every step of the way. I will give some help on the last two
at some point because they are a little trickier but still not too hard.

Part 3) OOM-9 Campaign
The mighty Trade Federation decides to stick it to the Naboo, and you are
going to help them do it. In this campaign you recreate the take over from
the early knock out of communitcation transmistters to the assault on Theed
with a bonus mission that recreates the final Gungan/Federation battle only
this time the droid army doesn't get frozen. Remember that the Federation
Troop Center units are very weak, but their Mechs and elite unit are quite

OOM-9 Mission #1: Beachhead

This is a pretty easy mission. The point is to destroy the communication
tower in each city, but you don't have a base so you'll have to conserve
troops. Its not too bad though as you get reinforcements at each city.

Group your starting army into two groups, Distance and Mounted. Leave OOM-9
where he is so he won't be in danger. Now follow the trail south a little way
until you see the outskirts of New Centrif. You don't have enough power to go
after those turrets so you'll have to find a way later. Instead head SE to go
around the city and you'll run into Vis. Attack the troops and send your
Mounted units in to attack the Troop Center. As you start your attack you
first set of reinforcements show up: 4 Mounted, some troops, and 3 Hvy
Destroyer Droids. Those Destroyer droids are very important as they are very
strong and have shields. Put them in a group and destroy the Transmitter.

Now leave Vis heading SW along the until you reach the bottom of the forest,
then swing over to the west. Have your destroyer droids in front to gun down
the enemy troops. You are now at New Centrif's back door. Just head north
killing enemy troops that attack you, but do not go near the turrets. Just
have your Destroyer Droids burn the transmitter while your mounted do the same
to the Troop Center. Thats two down so regroup and get ready to move.

Now head south from New Centrif and follow the road down and over to Parrlay.
Again have the Destroyers lead the way to handle enemy troops, but watch out
on the second turn south because their are two turrets. If you roll down and
take a few shots at their troops it does two things you have to react to at
the same time. 1) THey counter attack and 2) more reinforcements. Among the
reinforcements are 2 more Destroyer Droids, 3 Mech Destroyers, and 2 Pummels.
Have the Pummels go after the turrets while you Destroyer Droids give cover
from enemy troops. Have the Mech Destoryers pull back for now. After the
turrets are gone follow the road again with your Mech Destroyers and Destoyer
Droids in the lead. When you see a large arch prepare for a second attack.
Mech Destroyers should target their Mechs while your Droids handle the troops.
Head SE until you see the transmitter, but watch for the turret. You can use
the PUmmels to destroy the turret and then have your Destroyer Droids attack
the transmitter or if you place your Droids near the command Center (DO NOT
let them attack workers or they'll garrison and fire) you can attack from
out of the turrets range. Don't worry about finding the Troop Center because
once the last transmitter is gone you win.

OOM-9 Mission #2: Behind The Lines

This is a tricky mission, especially at the beginning, but if you know how to
handle it then it gets much easier. It took me a while to figure this one out
but I am now proud to share the answer with you. The first part of this
mission involves trying to unfreeze a deactivated army, and the second part is
trashing the Naboo base for trying to resist you. An enemy airbase to the
east makes this hard though.

1) Capture the droid control program
After OOM-9 shows up and moves up to the base your starting army comes up from
the south. At first its kind of a let down seeing all those rows of troops
and realizing that they are deactivated, for now anyway. Anyway your starting
army is 5 Destroyer Droids, and a Cannon. There is also a Neimodian
technician that has to recover the Droid Program from the enemy base. Send
the group of Destroyers east and follow the road. Send the Cannon, OOM-9, and
the technician behind them. Usually you want to keep OOM-9 away from combat,
but you will soon face some enemy mechs and he helps a lot. Also he can
regenerate so its not that bad. First you'll run into some troops which are
not a problem, but once you can see water off to the west you are getting
close to danger. You may want to save so you can try to get through this part
without any loses. Its tough, but it can be done. Have OOM-9 take most the
hits because he will heal, but don't let him die. Also don't get drawn to far
forward because there are turrets nearby as well. Once the Mechs are dead
have the Cannon knock out the turrets, then cross the river and head west.
When you get to the intersection turn south keeping an eye out for turrets.
Just have your Cannon knock out the turrets and the gate to the small base,
and have the Destroyers Droids shoot down the troops. Make sure you Cannon
has taken out every turret and then run the Technician in to get the Droid
Control Program. Now get everyone back and take control of the Federation

2) Destroy the Airbase
As soon as the base is under your control grab your Destroyer Droid, Cannon,
and all the anti-air troops. You need to take out the enemy Airbase as quick
as possible. If you leave them alone they will continue sending small fleets
of ships that will hammer the weak Federation troops. So take the units I
just mentioned and head west to the water and then follow the shore NW. While
they are moving pop out some droid workers and start gathering food and carbon
to prepare for the next stage. Have your units keep going, following the
shore and then the road west til you find the airbase. If you have been
moving fast they may have 1-2 ships but thats it. Have the Cannon and the
Destroyer Droids destroy the Power Core and Airbases, then finish off the
Spaceport, Command Center, and Theed monument (miniature Washington monument).
THe monument doesn't do anything, but it doesn't say the base is dead til its

3) Prepare assault force
Try and get up to Tech level 2 and 3 as fast as possible. Get ALL upgrades at
Troop and War Centers, plus build a Mech Factory. You can build a Airbase
and/or Heavy Weapon plant, but they aren't necessary. If you do you may want
to have some of your droid troops suicide to free up population room. Anyway
get the upgrades and build a small fleet of Mech Destroyers (5-7) and send
them and your troops to meet your Cannon and Destroyer Droids. Some extra
Hvy Anti-air troops would be good too. If you built a Heavy Weapon Plant then
send your Pummels and Artillery now too. Group your forces so that your Mech
Destroyers and Destroyer Droids are in front with Troops and Anti-air guys
right behind. Have your army go north up the road you used to find the
Airbase. You'll come upon a turret and a couple of shipyards, have the cannon
take them out (you could do this while you are researching and building your
armies, but DO NOT go any further til your army is ready). Once the shipyards
are gone and your army is lined up have them move up north til you can see a
river crossing and the turrets beyond. I'd advise you save.

4) Assault on ___
Have your cannon fire on the turrets, but be ready because this will trigger
a massive counter attack. Enemy fighters, mechs, and elites will come pouring
out with some artillery to back them up. This attack is much easier to deal
with if you create a turret nest. Build 3-4 turrets and a few anti-air turrets
with a shield generator all on your side of the of the river. Put your troops
behind the turrets and have your cannon fire on the enemy turrets. When the
enemy troops start across get the cannon to the rear and deal with the attack
as normal.

Just pound everything, Destroyers on their mechs, troops on their elites and
artillery, AA on their fighters, and keep your cannon safe. Once the attack
is over finish off the turrets and cross the river. Even though the main
threat is gone you still need to watch out. Many turrets and a fortress are
in the base so just have your Cannon and artillery (if you brought it) pound
them while your Destroyers give cover from any troops that come along. Just
keep moving closer to the center of the base until you can fire on the Command
Center. THe Command Center is the main target once it is down the mission is

OOM-9 Mission #3: Spinnaker's Spoils

Because of the Trade Federation blockade Naboo can't send their resources off
the planet. Your mission is to destroy their 3 Spaceports and then raise 10K
nova. There are many enemy Fortresses that make this on long, but be patient.
You start off with only a decent army, but you get a base fairly quickly. I'd
advise you group your Destroyer Droids and Mech Destroyers in one group, empty
the troops out of the two Assault Mechs and put them in a group, then group
the two Assault Mechs together. Send the Destroyer group and Assault group
across the bridge. Have the Assault Mechs destroy the gate while your
Destroyers take care of any troops. Once the Gate is down send your troops
north to the Command Center and the town will surrender but you don't have
time to check it out because an attack is coming.

The town is shaped like a V with the gate you just destroyed being the bottom
of the V and both ends of the V have open archways to the NE and NW. Have the
Destroyers and Assualt Mechs head for the NW arch as soon as possible because
a large attack force is coming but it dribbles in so just take it one step at
a time. Get the surrendered workers mining and farming as soon as you send
your forces to the NW arch and send the group of Troops/Grendadiers to the NE
archway. Have them physically block the arch so that your ally camp doesn't
send workers in to steal your ore deposits. Have one Worker go to each gate
to heal your droids and mechs as necessary. Now that both gates are blocked
get to work doing research. Research everything you can at the War Center and
Troops Centers. You will also want to Research up to Tech Level 3 and get all
the War Center technologies that opens. This will take some time to do all
this but it makes your attacks easier because Assault Mechs with max range
enhancements can attack Fortresses from safe range.

One you are at Tech 3 and have researched everything at the war center its
time to start the attack. This will consist of three phases: 1) Naboo Royal
Navy, 2)North Spinnaker, 3)South Spinnaker. Both parts 1 and 2 will be out of
the NW arch and part 3 out the NE arch.

Naboo Royal Navy:
This part isn't necessary to win the mission, but really clears up headaches.
Take your Destroyer group and Assault group with a worker for repairs out the
arch and across the bridge to the fork in the road. Take the west fork and
have the Assault Mechs destroy the turrets from across the river. If you
position your Destroyer Droids right they can safetly fire on the Shield
Generator. After both turrets are gone cross the river and destroy the
Fortress. After that just clean up the base and head back to the fork.

North Spinnaker:
Now take the east road and destroy the gate. Have your Destroyers guard them
because their are troops and also some Cruisers on the river. Once the gate
is gone start firing on the Fortress to the NE. THis will take some time
because it is shielded. If you want to build some Pummels to make it go
faster go ahead, also some Fighters will help chase off the Cruisers but both
of these are optional. You will want some anti-air troopers to cover you once
you get in the city. After the Fortress is gone just keep moving through
the city destroying everything as you go, put your Spaceport where theirs was.
Now turn and go north to the other Spaceport destoying as you go and build
another one. Now north Spinnaker is done.

South Spinnaker:
There are a couple ways to get to that last Spaceport but the easiest is to
take your army back to the NE arch. There is a gate directly north of the
arch but skip it and keep going to the NE will you see a second gate that is
very near the last Spaceport. Destroy the gate and then the Fortress just
past there (again Pummels will speed this up). Then just keep destroying and
moving NE to the Spaceport. NOTE: Last time I played this I already had the
10,000 nova and the level ended before I rebuilt my Spaceport so they may not
even be needed.

Raise 10K nova:
Don't even bother with the Cargo Hovercraft. Its slow and doesn't earn much.
Its much easier to just harvest Carbon and Food and selling that and any excess
ore at the Spaceport. If you want the Cargo Hovercrafts running go ahead, but
don't make it your main income.

OOM-9 Mission #4: Capturing the Crown

Time to take the Palace and control Naboo. Problem is there is a Jammer that
is keeping you from sending in reinforcements. So lets go blow it up first.
Group your Destoryer Mechs in one group, then Troops and Strike Mechs into
another. Now have your Pummels tear a hole in the wall and move your units in
and expect a small counter attack. Proceed NE until you see a War Center.
There is a Fortress just past there. Let your Troops and Strike Mechs fire on
the War Center While your Pummels move forward to the Fortress. Have your
Destroyer Mechs cover the pummels or enemy troops will tear them apart, the
Mechs will be safe because the Fortress will fire on the Pummels. After the
Fortress go take out the Troops Center just past it. Remember as you move
through the city that many structures you are used to destroying shouldn't be
destroyed like Command Centers and Power Cores because they belong to the
neutral Naboo Civilians.

After you cross the river and turn NE you'll have a chance to go SE across the
river again or proceed to the Jammer. If you cross the river there is a
Fortress and a Troop Center. The Fortress will beat up your Pummels but if
you don't take out the Troops Center you'll be attacked from the rear once the
Jammer is gone. So your options are Destroy both, run your Pummels past the
Fortress and destroy the Troop Center only, or just be prepared to defend your
back as you proceed. Anyway once you have finished there its time to take the
road to the north. This direction has a Fortress (great another one), Troop
Center, Mech Factory, and finally the Jammer. The Jammer is guarded by two
turrets, hope you've been keeping your Pummels healthy. After the Jammer is
down a new force of Mechs, 4 Destroyer Droids, 3 Pummels, and some Workers
gets dropped off... on the other side of town.

Original Group:
Cross the bridge to the NW and turn SW taking out all enemy structures as you
go, another Fortress on the path. Keep heading south/southwest til you reach
a large arch in the bottom corner of the island.
New Group:
Group troops as you like and head SE, don't bother going NW. Destroy all
enemy structures Fortress, Troops Center, turrets while heading south/SE til]
you see a bridge heading to the main island your original force is on. This
group probably reach this point first so don't cross the bridge yet because it
triggers an attack. Once the original group gets to the arch link-up both
groups and head north along the main road.

As you head up the main road destroy enemy structures and gates til you reach
the last arch. If you see two Troop Centers stop. Just past the Troop Centers
are two Fortresses. With 5 Pummels this isn't to hard then head up north to
the gate. On the other side of the gate are 2 turrets that look like nice
towers so don't let your Pummels get beat up because you didn't know. Once
the Gate and turrets are gone send 5 troops in between the flags and a shuttle
will land dropping off more workers and resources to build a Monument (and
ONLY a Monument). Have your Troops destroying military structures around
courtyard during all this but don't go too far. THere are 2 Troops Centers
still left in the city, but its not worth hunting them down. Just have your
Troops guard the workers and once the Monument is up you're done.

OOM-9 Mission #5: Search For An Underwater Kingdom

Gungans on the planet? Lets kill them. I know that would be my plan. Plus
you get Darth Maul to lead the assault. Group your units and follow the road
south. If you see a break in the trees to the SW you can scout it to find
your reinforcements, but you don't get them now so it doesn't matter. Anyway
keep following main road til you reach a large clearing. The road continues
south, but if you go to the east you'll see some sparse trees you can move
through which leads to a road going NE. This is a back door to the Gungan
base and the Hidden Farm Gungans. Follow that road toasting Shelters and
Farms as you go then turn SE and finish off the farms. After the Hidden Farm
Gungans are wiped out you get a few more troops. SE of the farms you will find
a very narrow path. Set your Destroyer Droids and Mechs up in ambush around
the mouth of the path, then send Darth Maul down to draw the enemy up the path
into the guns of your troops. Have some Mounted Troops ready to charge in and
attack an enemy artillery unit. Once the enemy is gone head down the path and
hold up. Send your Destroyer Droids east and kill the Workers. If they
garrison and shoot back, just back off til they come out. Once they are gone
have your Pummels destroy the Command Center. To the east there will be a
second Command Center With a wall around it guarded by some Grenadiers. Send
your Mech Destroyers east til you see it and draw the Grenade Troops over to
the fence then back off. You Mechs have a better range then the Grenadiers
so they can fire from extreme distance and be safe. If you get drawn closer
just back off and make them come to the fence again. Repeat this til all 4
dead. Then get your Destroyer Droids and kill the workers, backing off if they
garrison. After they are dead blow a hole in the wall and send the Pummels to
destroy the Command Center. Boss Ganne's location will be shown so send Darth
Maul to him and he becomes yours.

Now its time to go the the Trade Federation base to the west and pick your
reinforcements. If you took the backdoor path then there are some troops left
on the road west. Either send Darth Maul to kill them or take the path north
and go around them. When you get to the base you get a few new troops, not
much. Now take Darth Maul to the west most point of the base and take the
trail south killing all the Gungans you find up til the gate. Make sure you
check all the little nooks and destroy anyone you find. Now bring the rest of
your army down to the gate on your map. Maul forces Ganne to open the gate.
Send Maul and your Destroyers in. Have Maul go after the Gungan Assault Mech
while the Destroyers attack the troops. Once they are gone have your Pummel
head SE to take out a turret next to the second gate. Send Darth Maul through
and send him after the Mech Destroyers (blue lizards). Once the enemy starts
firing on him send your Destroyers through to attack the enemy from behind.
After they are gone have your PUmmels go south and destroy two more turrets.
Now send Maul and Ganne through the third gate and down onto the marsh. This
ends the mission.

Part 4) Boss Nass Campaign

Even though its called the Boss Nass Campaign you spend half of it playing as
Boss Gallo. Its kind of interesting seeing animals turned into various units
and its got one of the better stories of the campaigns (though that isn't
saying too much) if you can deal with listening to the Gungans speaking.

Boss Nass Mission #1: Otoh Sancture

This is a pretty easy mission if you can figure out what it is they want you
to do. The mission starts out with you searching for food for your village,
but it soon changes. I'll just say that you can't change what happens so don't
bother trying. Just head NE, when you find 5 nerfs bring them with you and
keep going until you Captain Marsune and his village. He says he'll trade you
workers for 5 food animals. What a coincidence. Anyway he won't just take
the 5 animals you actually have to garrison them in the Nursery to get the
workers. Now you get 4 workers but no instructions but you just want to head
east of town and turn south. Keep following that path til it starts a
dialogue scene. After its over take a few steps SW and you'll uncover some
nova, ore, and ruins. This is where they finally give you some intstuctions
to build a Command Center and then an army. After your 4 workers build the
Command Center get them harvesting carbon and pop out a few more workers. Get
a Animal Nursery and Barracks, then the Power Core. There are some nerfs south
of the ruins. Do not explore past the river to the SW. Be prepared for a
small attack.

Now just build up an army of about 15 Troop Recruits and 7 Mounted Troops and
head SW. There will be a group of Bursas you will have to kill. A bursa is
a beast that attacks close range, is fast, tough, and strong but you shouldn't
lose to many guys. As long as some of your Mounted Troops make it you are
fine. Just burn the Bursa Nests and then head up into Otoh Sancture and comb
the town burning Bursa Nests as you find them. Once they are gone the mission
is over.

Boss Nass Mission #2: The Gungan That Would Be Boss

Okay, the point of this mission is to spread peace and love through Gungan
society by military force. This one is pretty easy if you don't let your army
get beat up because you only get a couple troops to start. As you complete
missions and convince the other tribes to join you'll get more troops (but not
a lot so don't get your hopes up).

From the starting point head east and follow the patches of road and river
crossings til you reach Otoh Janai where they want you to retrieve their tribe
sacred staff before they join you. They say it was stolen by Otoh Langua (but
wasn't). Now head east to the river crossing which will fork in the middle of
the river. For now take the east fort which will lead you into Otoh Langua.
They deny having the staff and ask for 1000 Nova before they join. They say
you can get this from a Spaceport to the north. Now head back to the fork in
the river and take the northern branch. There will be a few enemy Troops there
and during the fight more will probably show up. Have Boss Gallo lead the
fight and the rest come in a second wave because he regenerates. You also have
a medic so just try to get through will as few losses as possible. Once the
enemy stops coming at you head up til you reach a crossroad. First take the
north road and the staff is just there next to a giant statue head. Go back
to Otoh Janai and trade it for four Hvy Troopers. Now go back to the
crossroad and take the east path which will lead you to a Sentry Tower and the
Spaceport, but be prepared for a few troops positioned north of the Spaceport.
Once they're dead, burn the Spaceport and take the 1000 nova to Otoh Langua to
get 4 strike Mechs. Now take the west road at the intersection and follow it
to Otoh Urs.

Otoh Urs says they can't help you til the Bursa threat is gone. The Bursas
are located SW of the village. Head south til you see a path lined with dead
trees and follow it. This is a very tough fight to get through with few losses
so you may have to load this fight a couple times. Set your Troopers and
Mounted troops in the wider part of the path and make sure they are on
Aggressive mode. Send your Strike Mechs down into the Bursas and draw them
back to the waiting troops. Like I said, try it a few times til you get the
results you want. After the Bursas are dead and the Nests burned go back to
Otoh Urs and get four Artillery. Now take your army out the NW side of town
and follow the road around to the NE to Otoh Raban. Their Boss has been
captured and taken to a camp to the NE so you have to save him. Head NE and
when you reach a stretch of land with water on both sides you are almost there
so stop and prepare. Set your troops and have your artillery attack the
turrets. When this happens two events occur: 1)Enemy troops come rolling out
to attack, and 2)all captive troops in the are yours to control. Quickly set
all your new troops (some Mounted, Troopers, and Grenade Troops) on Stand
Ground so they don't get killed by turrets. Do have them attack the Power
Core and Troop Centers. Back at your first army have the Strike Mechs attack
the Mech destoyers and just handle the fight as best you can. The only
important units that need to survive are Gallo, Marsune, and some artillery.
Once the turrets are down punch a hole in the wall (ignore the high hit point
gate) and move in to help the ex-captives destroy the base. Finish the Troop
Centers and start taking out turrets with Mounted or Artillery around the
camp. Boss Hoxie is in a cell to the rear of the camp. Once he comes under
your control don't move him til nearby turrets are down then punch a hole in
the wall and take him home. Mission complete.

Boss Nass Mission #3: Raid On Spearhead

Part 6) Princess Leia Campaign
This is an in-depth walkthrough of the Rebel Campaign which starts out
really slow and is kind of a pain. For the first two missions all you
have is Troop Center units with which to assault two forts. After the first
two though it gets better so lets get you past the first two.

Leia Mission #1: A Force From THe Past

Well once again we see a story started by Princess Leia's ship coming
under fire. Shot down on a hostile world she needs to locate a Bothan spy
named Utric Sandov. That won't happen until mission #2, but this one will
keep you busy. Actually the first time I played this mission it had me
tearing my hair out. Now I think I've got a good way to beat it, though
I admit its not great, it works soundly.

This mission has two main parts to it. 1) Defend at least one of three
bridges. 2) Destroy one of two Imperial bases (with only Troop Center

First grab Leia and the Troopers and send them east. Send 3PO a little to
the SE to scout out some nova and nerfs. When Leia and the troops see a
Command Center stop them. Some stormtroopers will come and fire on the
Command Center; let them. Soon a Jedi will come and attack them and once
their attention is on him then shoot them in the back. Brief dialogue and
the town becomes yours. Start pumping out workers and get 3-4 harvesting
ore quick. Garrison Leia, 3PO, and Master Echuu in the Town Center. Build
a gate in the small canyon to the SE.

1)Defending the bridges:
Send all you original troops, 2 medics, and two workers to the town of
Peche at the center of the map. Do this as soon as you've assigned other
workers to collect ore and other resources because you don't have too
much spare time. The map shows you 3 bridges. Enter the town from the
NW side to avoid Imp turrets on the west side of town. Then head for the
southernmost bridge. Send the workers across and build a medium wall
around the far end leaving enough room to build three turrets between the
wall and the bridge. NOTE: Make sure not to cut your droids off with the
wall or the turrets. Keep them on the same side as the troops. Now cross
back and build 3 turrets on the near side of the bridge, then surround
them with a wall as well.

You have the option of doing this to the center bridge as well. You have
enough ore, but in my game they never even managed to burn down the wall
of one bridge. Its your call, but if you only do one bridge put all your
troops, medics, and workers on the bridge and then seal it with walls and
turrets. Garrison the workers and medics. That way if they start to burn
through you can rebuild and heal your guards. If you want to defend two
bridges do this on the second bridge.

2)Destroy enemy base:
In my first game I went after Camp Kaxol and had a very hard time. This
time I went for Sagol and it was much easier and I'll show you why soon.
Remember to have all your units on Stand Ground so they don't go off and
get themselves killed.

While you were building your defenses at the bridge you should have had
some of the droids back home building a Troops center and War Center and
do all your troop upgrades. A Spaceport is a good idea because you'll
need more ore than you can mine. Build an army of 12 Troopers, 6 Mounted
Troops (split into 2 hotkey groups), 6 Grenade Troops, 2 medics, and a
worker. With this meager force you will rule the day. Send your army SE
staying close to the SW cliff. When you see the edge of the cliff stop
them. Send out your two mounted groups one SE and one west up the hill to
burn down the turrets there. If enemy troops come and attack just send
your troops in and protect your mounted guys. Heal everyone and replace
your loses (if any) from Troop Center. Create 8 new Troopers and send
them down. Send these 8 troops and the the Grenadiers up the hill to the
SE, not down the side of the cliff. Up here there are a lot of workers
and some supply buildings. Have your Mounted burn the buildings while the
12 Troops guard the bottom of the hill. As you are burning these
buildings you will notice what makes this base easier. Sagol is built at
the foot of a cliff. After you have destroyed all the buildings on the
hilltop send your Mounted back to the main group. Leave the 8 Troops and
Grenadiers at the top. Have the Grenadiers start putting a big hole in
the wall while the Troops give them cover from stormtroopers.

Send your Troops and Mounted SE along the low road underneath cliff til
you see a narrow chokepoint between the cliff and Peche's city wall. Have
your Troops block the chokepoint with your medics right behind them to
heal. Have your worker build turrets that block most of the chokepoint,
but still have room to get through. Keep that space blocked with troops
so enemies can't run by. Now have the worker build a Power Core and Troop
Center. Build six troops and put them on Stand Ground. During this time
your Grenadiers should be making a big hole in the wall. Once it is 3-4
sections big move Group 1 (the original 12 troops) down through the gap in
you turrets followed by your Mounted Troops (split into 2 groups). Plug
the gap with the six new troops. You may want to start a few new Mounted
as well.

This is the hard part, but also the key point in the attack. Send one
group of your Mounted troops down through the hole in the wall. A turret
will start firing on them and they need to burn it down. This will be
hard because their will be enemy troops and a Command Center. If you time
your attack right after killing a group of their troops this will go a
little easier. Try and run you guys out if they get too hurt and heal them
if you can. Send the second group in to continue the damage. Bring in
new Mounted troops as needed. Once its gone get rid of the Power Core
next to the turret. Now heal your Mounted guys and bring in more til you
have about 8 and go burn the Command center. Once it is gone its just a
matter of mopping up. Send 2 Mounted troops to take care of the last
turret SE of the Troop Centers but they won't be under fire so its no
problem. Have the rest of the Mounted troops and your troopers start
destroying the Troop Centers and Mech Factory and you are done.

Leia Mission #2: Chasing Ghosts

Once you start send one of your mounted troops north along the path and
pick up 2 nerfs. Put all your troopers into Group 1, all your Mounted
into Group 2, and the 3 VIPs into Group 3. Put all groups on Stand Ground
You won't be going to Ghost Base just yet because there is a small
captured camp just north of Ghost Base that is guarded by a turret.

Send all three groups directly NE of the start point (you'll pick up three
more nerfs along the way), but stop them once you see a cluster of nova
deposits. Run your mounted units forward and have them burn down the
turret. Once is is gone you can control the 3 worker droids. Get 2 of
them working on a Command Center and the last one build a house. Start
cranking out workers to gather carbon as fast as possible because you need
a Power Core and a Troops Center built very early. Also have one of your
early droids build a Turret on the path in front of your base. Garrison
your VIPs in the turret for added power. Attacks will start about 10
minutes into the mission, but that is enough time to have the turret,
Power core, and Barracks. Once those are up you can build a Animal
Nursery and War Center to help upgrade your troops.

Once your defense is up its just a matter of time. Build 15 troops, 4
more mounted troops, and 2 medics. Make sure to upgrade Troops at War and
Troops Center. Have your Troops move a little to the south with your
Medics behind your troopers. Send your Mounted Troops in groups of 4 to
burn the turret to the south. Enemy troops may attack them so send them
back to the Medics to get healed up and send the other 4 down. Once the
turret is burned down move your troops down the path around the lake and
follow it south through the trees. By now Ghost base should be on your
map. Do the same 'burn and run' tricks to take out the turrets near the
gate. This will take a long time because the turrets have interlocking
fields of fire and your guys are going to get hurt. While this is going
on start getting a group of Grenade Troops together.

Once the gate turrets are gone have your Grenadiers attack the gate while
your Troopers give them cover. After the gate is gone send your Mounted
Troops in to burn the Command Center and Power core while your Grenadiers
and Troopers fire on the Troop Centers. Make sure to keep your troops
away from his remaining turrets. Once the Command Center is gone split
your Mounted Troops in two groups and take out the last two turrets which
is easy because they have no protection now. Now just burn down all the
Imperial structures inside the walls. Anything outside is unimportant.

While you troops are finishing off the Imp buildings send you VIPs south.
Once they are done Le Roche will contact you and send two transports to
pick up your VIPs and ferry them across to meet the Bothan, Utric Sandov.

Leia Mission #3: Vor'Na'Tu

The Empire has captured a powerful Jedi artifact and you have to get it
back. Luckily the Wookies have decided to help you out. This is a
limited troop mission so remember to save when things are going your way,
and load when they are not. This mission should only take about 20
minutes so pay attention and your guys will make it through.

Send your troops, mechs, pummels, and Master Echuu south to the Wookies.
Group all troops into Group 1, mechs into Group 2, heavy weapons into
Group 3, and give Echuu a hotkey so you can access him quickly. Make
everyone except the heavy weapons in Defence mode. Send Attichitcuk north
to hang out with Leia and 3PO by the transport.

Send all your groups directly SE of the Wookies position about halfway
down the NE side of the map (about where the + sign is on the mini-map).
Once there you should see some water surrounded by walls. Send them SW
down the south side of the water until you see a narrow bridge. This is
a good point to save for the first wave of your attack.

1st Wave: This part is tricky because you are waking up a bee's nest. As
soon as you move in a ton of troops and mechs will come at you so you have\
to act fast. Send your troops and mechs in until you see the Command
Center. Tell your heavy weapons to destroy it and have Echuu move in to
convert the Exposive Droids just north of the Command Center. NOTE: Be
careful that your troops don't kill the droids before he converts them.

There are 9 droids in a small enclosure. Once the droids are converted
send 1 to the Power Core SE of the enclosure. Send 5 into the Mech center
right in front of the enclosure and 3 up to the turret directly N of the
enclosure. The Power Core will slow production of the 2 Troops Centers
and the Turret will let you bring your troops north to cover the bridge
heading to the NE part of the Base. Have your Artillery and Pummels
crush the Troops Centers and turrets to the east. Make sure your troops
do not get on the bridge or the turret will pick them apart.

2nd Wave: Because of how the walls are placed your Artillery can't reach
the turret guarding the bridge so send your Pummels across with Master
Echuu to kill the troops and mech that fire on them. Watch his health.
Once its down send your Pummels and Artillery after the Fortress and bring
your troops and mechs across. The Fortress will ignore them so have them
defend your Heavy Weapons. After the Fortress is dead have Artillery
destroy the Sith Temple while your Pummels finish the Mech Center and
Troop Center. Have 1 Pummel go after the turret in the north corner and
then punch a hole in the wall at the corner.

Have Echuu grab the Holocron and run through the hole in the wall headed
for the transport. He'll run into Vader and get killed, but you still
win, and as we know Jedi never really die they just glow.

Leia Mission #4: Echoes of the Force

When we left of Master Echuu had destroyed the Holocron, Vor'Na'Tu, before
Darth Vader killed him. Now his spirit appears to Leia 7 years later and
says the pieces need to be recovered from the planet Geddees. Great.
Luckily Luke is there to carry the pieces. This is actually a pretty easy
mission and kind of fun if you know what to expect. There are 4 towns
that each have a different requirement before they give you their shards,
and 1 Imperial Base that you don't even have to attack.

1st Shard
When you start out you have some troops, a cannon, and the twins. To the
NE is the town of Reticul which has 3 turrets threatening it. Deploy your
cannon and trash the turrets from a safe distance. Once you do they not
only give you the holocron shard but the Command center and a couple
worker droids. Start creating more worker droids and collecting resources
quickly. Build 3 turrets to the south of town and 2 to the NE to help
defend it from Dark Troopers. Also try and build a Troop Center as fast
as possible. The Reticule Power Core will power your buildings too. When
the town becomes yours the Nursery empties and you have to convert the
nerfs and send them back in. For now garrison Luke and Leia in the
Command Center while building troops. Build War and Research Centers to
upgrade your troops and turrets. If you upgrade your turrets well they
will be all you need to defend the town.

2nd Shard
Don't bother building Mech Center, Anti-air units, or walls because you
don't need them at all. Once your defenses are up build a Airbase and
make 2 Bombers, 4 Fighters, and 2 Transport. Load the cannon and 4 troops
on one transport and Luke on the other. Now have this fleet fly to the
middle of the map. Move around til you uncover the town Reeche. Reeche
wants 500 carbon and 500 nova to give you their shard. It can wait til
later though. Now head all the way to the side of the map opposite your
base and swing up toward the east corner. Near the corner is the town
Libreck which has 2 Troops Centers and some hostages. Have your Bombers
and Cannon destroy the Troop Centers while your Fighters kill the troopers
and Anti-Air troops. Just have your troops guard the Cannon. Once the
buildings are destroyed load everyone back on the Transports. Garrison
the hostage Parthenian and his guards to keep them safe. Have Luke grab
the holocron and take it back to your base.

3rd Shard
While you are getting the Holocron from Libeck build a Heavy Weapon plant
and spit out 2-3 Pummels and load them on the Transport with the Cannon.
Send transports back to the opposite side of the map but this time head
for the southern corner. Here you will find Magentic which has a Fortress
camped on the southern side. Have your troops guard the bridge to the
north while your cannon and pummels attack the fortress. Once its
destroyed get the holocron and load everyone back on the ships and go

4th Shard
Start building a Jedi Temple to put the holocrons in. Now you can
go ahead and give Reeche the tribute and collect the last holocron. If
you want to destroy the Imp base you can, but you can do it on your own
time. Just keep in mind that he has fighters and mechs for defense so now
you will want to build anti-air units. Just remember doing this does not
effect the next mission.

Leia Mission #5: Loose Ends

To thank the planet of Geddees for giving you the shards of the Vor'Na'Tu
she decides to free them from Imperial Control. The very beginning is the
only tricky part of the whole mission. You only have a limited number of
troops and a lot for them to do. Leave the transport, Luke, and Leia
where they are. Now start creeping the rest SE along the road. Keep the
Anti-air tank near your units because the occasional TIE comes in and gets
a few hits in. Have the 2 Assault Mechs work on all turrets, military
buildings, and Command Centers. Have the Cannon do the same for everything
on the other side of the canal. The troopers need to protect the assault
Mechs and Cannon. If you keep moving at a steady pace you won't have to
much trouble, just make sure you don't miss any buildings or you could get
stabbed in the back. The airbase on the other side of the canal is the
most important one to remember.

Once you make it down and clear out the base around the Terraform Processor
it time to build a base of your own. Make very sure that you have
destroyed all the turrets in this area, but don't cross the bridge yet. I
missed one in the North corner and it took out my workers and set me back.
When you take out that turret, do it before you destroy the Animal Nursery
because then you can steal his nerfs and use them yourself. Once this
clean up is done send your transport down and drop the workers of at the
Terraform Processor. Once this happens the clock is ticking. A large
wave of fighters and bombers is just a few minutes away. The instructions
at the beginning of the level advise building a Airbase fast to defend
yourself with, and while an Airbase is useful Anti-Air Turrets are better
at this point.

Start your workers building a Command Center, 3 Anti-Air turrets on the SW
side. Then start on a Power Core, Animal Nursery, Airbase, and houses.
DO NOT build War Center (all techs have been researched), Barracks, or
Heavy Weapon Factory because you won't need them. A Research Center will
help upgrade your Turrets, but you won't have time before the big attack.
Still your Anti-air turrets and tank should do just fine. Once you've
shot down the bombers and fighters start building your army. The main
force in your army will be a group of 4 Assualt Mechs and a couple of
Bombers with some Strike Mechs and Fighters for cover. And honestly the
Bombers aren't all that necessary since you can't use them too well at

Send your Mechs to the bridge at the western corner of your base.
Have them destroy the turrets while the Strike Mechs pick off troops. A
enemy Anti-Air turret keeps the Bombers from coming in just yet. Once its
gone have the Bombers start working on the north part of the base while
the Assault Mechs burn down some military buildings and 2 Fortresses.
After that its just a matter of using your Assault Mechs and Bombers to
Keep destroying the town. Luckily this isn't as big a job as it looks.
Both sides of the canal are built up with buildings, but since you
destroyed most of the military buildings with your Cannon earlier their
are no troops coming from that direction and Moff Yittreas is killed you
mission changes. For me he was somewhere near the end of the canal. He
may have been hiding in one of the Fortresses, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, once he is dead a Jedi Temple appears near the east corner of the
map across the canal. The objective says Luke has to protect it from
attack but no attack ever came. I flew Luke up there in a Transport and
as soon as he landed next to the Temple it did a short dialogue and said
I had won.

Leia Bonus Mission #1: Hoth

This is much easier than the Darth Vader Hoth Mission

The map looks kind of cool and is actually a decent recreation. You
see the giant Ion Cannon and the Power Station from the movie. It wasn't
very hard though, I beat it the first time even though almost all my
Snowspeeders were destroyed. I had just meant to check it out before I
went to bed and was done in less than ten minutes.

3 waves of AT-AT's come at you with Anti-Air Mechs and some Troopers to
support them. All three waves come from the NE which isn't surprising
since the base is in the SW corner. The first wave is more north and hits
the Power Station (like the movie). The second is more to the south, and
the third comes between where the others were.

You have a group of Troopers, some Mounted units, and some completely
useless Grenade Troops. After the AT-AT's blow up the Power Station you
gain a fleet of Snowspeeders. As soon as the level starts grab the
Repeater Troops and pull them back behind the Turrets. Put the mounted
units into two groups and pull the Grenadiers back too, since they don't
do anything but get killed.

When the first wave comes send a group of Mounted units to attack the Anti-
air units and a group of Snowspeeders to hit the AT-ATs and troops. If an
enemy unit is under fire by a unit it can't hit it will try and run instead
of firing on someone else. If you split the targets of your Snowspeeders
then less of the Walkers will fire on the Mounted guys and if the Mounted
guys split up the Anti-Air units then they'll fire on less Snowspeeders.
If you have good control and reflexes this tactic will stop all three
waves without much trouble. Note that if all your Snowspeeders die then
your Mounted units may still save the day. If you charge them into the
AT-AT's then the enemy has to move back because of minimum range and if
your mounted units are getting in close to attack then the Walkers will
just keep moving and never be at the correct range so they die. Good luck.

Leia Bonus Mission #2: Endor

Okay. So many missions and campaigns in the game, but here, finally you
will control and army of Ewoks. You have to earn their trust first, but
once you do you get about 15 Ewoks, which are close attack units that tear
buildings down really fast. You'll also get a couple Ewok Gliders (bombers)
and later some Ewok Catapults (artillery). This is a fairly easy level as
long as you remember not to try and attack either Imperial Garrison base. They
don't effect you in any way.

Group the Repeater Troops into a massive death squad, then put all the VIPs
and medics into another. Start east, meet Wicket. He says that the Ewoks
will help it you prove yourself by destroying the Imperial Scout Camp. Okay.
Take your death squad up the NE trail destroying troops and watchtowers as you
go. As you near the camp you will get hit with one mass attack but you should
be able to handle it. Just have your medics heal any wounded. Start tearing
the base apart. Once the Command Center is destoyed (which is easy if you kill
the workers so they can't garrison) then the Ewoks join you. Just have them
move up to your main group and put them into a group. Around this time
Chewbacca will show up on the far side of the map in a Imperial Destroyer
Mech. Just let him hang out for now.

Now take the whole army back SW til you get to the 4 way intersection and take
the south road. Follow it until it turns SE and you start running into some
of the watchtowers for Imperial Barracks base. Be prepared. The mass attack
this time will be much bigger but even if you lose guys it won't matter much.
Once its over move everyone down til you see turrets and back out of range.
Put your Repeaters on line and send a few of the fast Ewoks down past the
turrets and draw the stormtroopers out to get mowed down. Heal them and send
them back until the enemy is dead. Then send the gliders over the base to
draw out the anti-air troops. Too easy. Then send the gliders to bomb the
turrets. Once they are down have the Ewoks charge in and burn down the base.

Once that is done the way is clear. Have your army follow the trail NE, don't
forget to pick up Chewbacca on the way. Now just head for the bunker. It is
very lightly defended. Once you get there garrison Han, Leia, and R2 in the
bunker. After that is a cut-scene and you are done.

Leia Challenge Mission: Silken Asteroid Field
Upside: Free, prebuilt base
Downside: They have one too, plus a strike force on the way.

Structures start with: Airbase, Troop Center, Research Center, War Center,
Spaceport, and Carbon Center (I missed it at first)
Structures you need: Mech Factory, Shield Generator

Quick defense is the key at the beginning. Build anti-air turrets on the west/
northwest side of the Command Center. Be careful because if you go as far to
the west as you can it sets off the first attack very early. Once those are
built, start pumping out workers. Put another anti-air turret near the Animal
Nursery. Try to reach Tech Level Four as fast as you can so you can upgrade
your turrets and spacecraft. Upgrading to Hvy Assault Mechs is good too.

Resources. There are a lot of everything except food. They hint at having
workers kill and harvest mynock meat, but I say just buy it at the Spaceport.
Get to harvesting nova and ore. You need 800 nova to go to Tech 4 so get
cracking. Use the ore to place a few anti-air turrets around your base to
shoot down scout fighters. You'll also want to move off your asteroid to find
more resources. A short distance directly south of your Command Center is a
small asteroid with good deposits of all three minerals. Build a few anti-air
turrets just in case. Also there is a nova/ore rich asteroid all the way
across the map directly SW of your Command Center. I know my turrets here
shot down some enemies.

Okay, so you've upgraded everything and are ready to go knock out the enemy.
Thats the only thing to worry about now that your anti-air turrets are knockin
everything out of the sky. They never do send a ground assault at you so do
not bother setting up a big defense. Recall the transport you used for your
workers and build two more. Fill one transport with Assault mechs, one with
Strike mechs, and one with anti-air troopers. Fly them a little SW to the
asteroid that the Imperial base is on and drop everyone off. Have your
Fighters fly cover on the way over. Due to Fortresses, Anti-air turrets and
mechs your fighters and bombers aren't very useful so keep them in the back.
Have your Assault mechs attack buildings, Strike mechs and anti-air troops
protect the Assault mechs. Just move forward at a steady pace and this will
be enough. If you want you can bring over some more Strike mechs just to
be sure. For this mission once the base is destroyed you still have to track
down all the workers and resource collection buildings that have been set up.
Have you fighters comb the map and take out anyone you see. This could take
a while but be patient cause once they are dead, you are done. The entire
campaign is over.

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