Championship Manager 03/04

Championship Manager 03/04

17.10.2013 19:12:51
FAQ and PLAYER GUIDE : BY thy451

I hope to be able to collect all the tactics and training created by
CM 03/04 players in this guide. So that this can be a one stop shop for
CM 03/04. So if you have created any great tactic or training, simply send
me an email. You will be fully credited. My email and mailing info is
listed right at the bottom of this guide.

ENjoy reading!!

Section A: Getting Started
Section B: Training
Section C: Tactics
Section D: Player List

I have provided this full table for you so that you need not scroll through
the entire guide when you are just searching for a single item.

You can use the CHAPTER number as a search string (Edit>Find) to quickly
jump to the topic. Alternatively, if you prefer to scroll down the page,
the INDEX allows you to know whether have you scroll down too much or
not enough.

. .
. ------------------------------------------------------------.
. | Section A: Getting Started | 2 .
| A.01 | Starting a New Game | 3 |
| A.01.1 | Game Options - Preferences | 4 |
| A.01.2 | Start New Game v Quick Start | 5 |
| A.01.3 | League Selection | 6 |
| A.02 | Game Controls | 7 |
| A.03 | Dealing with Players | 8 |
| A.03.1 | Setting Squad Status | 9 |
| A.03.2 | Transfer | 10 |
| A.03.3 | Loans | 11 |
| A.03.4 | Contractual Negotiations | 12 |
| A.03.5 | Human Resource Management | 13 |
| A.03.6 | Discipline | 14 |
| A.03.7 | Report | 15 |
| A.03.8 | Youth Players | 16 |
| A.03.9 | Injury | 17 |
| A.04 | Training Staff | 18 |
| A.04.1 | Hiring | 19 |
| A.04.2 | Assistant manager | 20 |
| A.04.3 | Coach | 21 |
| A.04.4 | Scout | 22 |
| A.04.5 | Physio | 23 |
| A.05 | Finance | 24 |
| A.05.1 | Positive net value | 25 |
| A.05.2 | Bosman (Corporate) Raider | 26 |
| A.05.3 | Cost Cutting Measures | 27 |
| A.06 | Fixture and Friendly Matches | 28 |
| A.06.1 | Fixture pileup | 29 |
| A.06.2 | Forecast - Weather, odds and history | 30 |
| A.06.3 | Arrange Friendly | 31 |
| A.07 | Board | 32 |
| A.07.1 | Chairperson Attribute | 33 |
| A.07.2 | Expectation and Job Security | 34 |
| A.08 | Fourth Estate | 35 |
| A.08.1 | Transfer Speculation | 36 |
| A.08.2 | Release Media Story | 37 |
| A.08.3 | Discipline | 38 |
| A.09 | Match Day | 39 |
| A.09.1 | Selection | 40 |
| A.09.2 | Tactics and Substitution | 41 |
| A.09.3 | Post Match | 42 |
| A.09.4 | Referee and Appeals | 43 |
. .
. ------------------------------------------------------------.
. | Section B: Training | 44 .
| B.01 | Types of Training | 45 |
| B.01.1 | Training Graph | 46 |
| B.01.2 | Training Effectiveness File | 47 |
| B.01.3 | Training Instructions | 48 |
| B.01.4 | Retraining Sides and Positions | 49 |
| B.01.5 | Assign Training Staff | 50 |
| B.02 | Submitted Training Schedule | 51 |
| B.03 | Player's Response to Training | 52 |
| B.03.1 | Weekly Reports | 53 |
| B.03.2 | Over-training | 54 |
| B.03.3 | Discipline | 55 |
| B.04 | Set International Friendly Instructions | 56 |
. .
. ------------------------------------------------------------.
. | Section C: Tactics | 57 .
| C.01 | Formations / Positions | 58 |
| C.02 | Instrutions | 59 |
| C.02.1 | Team Instructions | 60 |
| C.02.2 | Player Instructions | 61 |
| C.02.3 | Set Priorities | 62 |
| C.03 | Set Pieces | 63 |
| C.03.1 | Free Kicks | 64 |
| C.03.2 | Corners | 65 |
| C.03.3 | Throw Ins | 66 |
| C.04 | Submitted Tactics | 67 |
. .
. ------------------------------------------------------------.
. | Section D: Players | 68 .
| D.01 | Player Attributes | 69 |
| D.01.1 | Visible Attributes | 70 |
| D.01.2 | Invisible Attributes | 71 |
| D.02 | Player Lists | 72 |
| D.02.1 | Players with -2 Potential | 73 |
| D.02.2 | U21 Players with at least 180 Potential Ability | 74 |
| D.02.3 | U22-23 Players with at least 180 Potential Ability| 75 |
. .


This is the introduction on how to play the game. Skip ahead if you already
know how to play.


A.01: Starting a New Game:


A.01.1: Game Options - Preference
The first thing that you may want to do is to proceed to the [Game Options]
[Preferences] menu. The two key options that you should examine are the:
1) Database Size and 2) Attribute Masking. The reason is that unlike the
other options, once you have started a new game these options cannot be
changed for that particular game.

Database Size:
The three available options are small, medium and large. The relates to the
number of players and staff in the game. If the player is quite famous and
well-known, they will appear in your game no matter the size of the selected
database. Thus players such as Owen and Del Piero would be in your game even
if one selected a small database.

However, there is a distinct difference between a FAMOUS and GOOD player. A
famous player is often a good player but a good player may not be a famous
player. The phrase uncovering a gem may come to mind. Therefore a smaller
database would mean that some of these undiscovered talent may not appear
in your game. Since there are more quality players if one selects a larger
database, it may be easier to get a better player. Of course this is a double
edged sword as other teams may also be able to get these better players.

The flip side to a larger database is simply that your game will be slower.
A large database can SIGNIFICANTLY slow your game down. Much more than
the number of leagues being selected. Therefore think of the database as
somewhat like the graphics options in other computer games. Most probably,
your game will still run no matter how large the database you select, the
only question to ask yourself is 'how patient are you?'

Attribute Masking:
This may be seen as the 'fog of war.' With this on you will not know the
attribute of players in other teams. Or if the players are famous then you
may only know a few attributes. Basically this option is to make the scouting
options available to you more useful. In previous games, I often do my own
'scouting' by simply going through all the players' attribute.


A.01.2: Start New Game v Quick Start
Quick start option obviously allows you to start the game faster. But as a
result you are not able to select many options yourself. Personally, I
always select the start new game option. After all what is waiting a few more
minutes and getting the game that suits you.

It should be noted that starting a game takes quite sometime. Think of it as
a second installation. You do not really need to do that much. Simply let the
computer process the data, while you perhaps take the time to glance at the
manual or clean your keyboard.


A.01.3: League Selection
Again much like the database selection, selecting more leagues takes up more
processing power thus slowing your game down. You may have to do a trial and
error to see whether are you waiting too long. Remember the initial
generating of game data takes a long time. Try to play for about a month
(game time) to see if you are waiting too much and staring at the screen. If
you find you can actually read a book and clean your computer table and the
room while waiting for the game to proceed each time you hit continue game,
I strongly suggest selecting less leagues. Also test out how long it takes
to save a game.

Generally this is how I select the leagues to play with:

Full Detail:
This is for the league that I wish to manage in. I usually like to also
select all the available lower division leagues in that particular country
which I wish to play. I do not change clubs when I play so usually I select
only one league to be run in full detail. But if you wish to move around
different national leagues, then you need to also select the other leagues
that you potentially want to manage. Remember, the more leagues running in
full detail the slower the game.

If you computer has sufficient power you should also select a few other
leagues even if you do not wish to go to another national league. Personally,
I like to select the top leagues in the region. That way when you play
regional competitions you can meet teams from thesee leagues.

Not Selected:
If the league is not selected, it does not mean that the club will not be
around. It simply means that there are less players from that league, the
teams in that league may only play regional championship games such as the
European Championship. So you may still meet these teams if you qualify for
the regional championship.

Top Leagues:
Just in case you happen to be a person who does not watch soccer but for some
reason want to play this game or that you are a person that plays soccer but
do not follow any leagues then here is the list of top leagues in Europe.
This is based on the European Coefficents.
Germany France

I am unable to provide much information on non-European leagues and how
they measure up vis-a-vis other leagues. But I would guess the better non-
European leagues would perhaps be Brazil, Japan and maybe Argentina.


Game Controls

Here are the list of game options. Most of them are self-explanatory.

1) Continue Game

2) [Player's Name]
[Club] Squad
This is your main squad of players.

[Club] Reserves Squad
This are your reserves and you may transfer players from reserve to the main
squad and vice versa. Basically place the players that are not featured in
your main sqaud here. Placing the players in the reserve squad allows them
to be selected for reserve matches. I usually treat this as a sort of
'older youth' squad. Players that have yet to mature but are too old for
the youth squad.

[Club] Youth Squad
The children are our future. Here are your youth players. You may promote
them to the main or reserve squad.

Here is where you get your information. From the media response, to
responding to transfer offers by other clubs, injury news, etc.

Information about the league that you currently are in.

Club Confidence
Here is where you get information about the:
A) Board's confidence
B) Board's expectation
C) Fan's opinion and
D) Fans expectation.

All Notes
You can make notes in the game relating to players and here are where they
can all be viewed.

All Transfers
Information relating to transfer news activities.

Job Information
If you are thinking of getting a new job or seeing whether your previous
hammering of a rival team has made their manager's position threatened, then
here is the place to look. Apart from that this also provides you with an
overview of the finances of other clubs

Player/Staff Search
Here is where you can search for players and staff. The options are:
A) Shortlist
You can view you shortlisted players here.

B) Player Search
As stated, this list only provides name of famous players rather than all
players. But do not worry about the undiscovered gem, as in Section D of the
guide I have the list of all the top players in the game.

C) Staff Search
Like the player search option, this is where you look for your staff

D) Scout for Players
There are three options available. Firstly you can can scout your next
opposition. Secondly, you can scout for youth players. Thirdly, you can send
your scouts to particular regions to look for players or send them to
certain international competition to look at the players. It takes time to
scout so do not be too alarmed when you do not see any players appear. When
the scout have completed their task, they will inform you. However, at any
time you can stop them at their task and recall them.

Quick Search
If youu happen to know a player is great either through experience or if you
happen to take a look at Section D of my guide, then quick search allows you
to zoom in on players. You can also search club and nations.

Manager options
This determines the amount of control your assistant manager or the
computer AI have in running the team. With the exception of the assistant
manager or a coach taking control of the reserves or the youth squad, it
is better too take control of the training and contract renewals. I like
to create friendly tournaments where I invite the winners of the top leagues.
But if you are not too interested in arranging friendly matches for
pre-season training then perhaps you may leave this to the assistant manager.

Assistant Manager Options
Responsible for training
Responsible for arranging friendly matches

Training Options
Train on Match day
Rest players the day after a match
Suspend all training during the period
Pre season training will occur during the period

[Club] First Team
Assistant manager/coach takes control of friendly matches
Contract renewals handled by assitant manager

[Club] Reserves
Control Team
Team managed by: Assistant manager or Coach
Use current match tactics
Assistant manager/coach takes control of friendly matches
Contract renewals handled by assistant manager

[Club] Youth Squad
Control Team
Team managed by: Assistant manager or Coach
Use current match tactics
Assistant manager/coach takes control of friendly matches
Contract renewals handled by assistant manager

Go On Holiday
Option used when one plays a multiplayer game and one player is indisposed
at the moment. You can use it if you are playing a single player game but
that kind of defeats the purpose of playing the game.

Resign from club
The game is not over when you resign from the club. Even if you are
unemployed you can still 'float around' in the game looking for a new job.

There is no 'return from retirement.' This effectively terminates the

3) Competition
Here is where you can see the other competitions and leagues that you have
selected. Awards such as the Golden boot can also be viewed here. The
european coefficients to determine the number of European spots for each
league can also be viewed here.

4) Nations & Club
Here is where you can view the various nations and clubs. I like too come
here to view the U21 squads of national team as a form of quicky scouting
mission once in a while. The choices are:
A) Nations
B) Under 21
C) Major Club
D) League
E) Non-League
F) Other

5) Screen History
Think of this as similar to the history button on your browser. Personally,
I do not really use it that much. You may find it useful as it also keeps the
history of players viewed. So if you need quick access when comparing players
here is the place.

6) Game options
Most of these options are quite self explanatory:

A) Add manager
B) Quick search: Similar to the quick search function stated abovee
C) Edit Preferences: With the exception of database size, use of real players
and attribute masking, all other options can be changed.
D) Manager Chat
E) Game Statusd
F) Hall of Fame
G) Game Credits
H) Research Credits
I) Community Info
J) Print Screen
K) Save
L) Save As
M) Quit Game

I would like to make some comments with regards to the save and load
function in this game. Unlike many other games, the use of save and load
have been seen by some as a form of cheating. This is because even if one
employ the exact same tactics and players against an opponent, each outcome
can be different. I once used this save and load to take a terrible English
conference league team (relegated from the conference in real life) and
basically won the FA cup when I was in the conference and the UEFA cup when
I was inn the third division. And in a span of seven seasons managed to
accumulate close to half a billion pounds in the bank. All aided through save
and load. If only you could have the option of launching a hostile takeover
of other clubs or spend money investing in shares, just like the game Theme
Park. Anywho, I digress, use the save and load as you please, most important
thing is for you to enjoy the game.


A.03: Dealing with Players

The actions button at the bottom right of the player screen provides you
with a list of options. They are:
1) Senior, Reserve or YOuth Squad Status
2) Transfer Status (Transfer listing and Loans)
3) Offer New Contract
4) Offer to Clubs
5) Release on Free
6) Discipline
7) Coach Report
8) Others: Nickname, Notes and Compare Players

The nickname option just seems kind of wierd. But then again it is just me.
I mean if you could actually tell you player something like 'We believe in
the team rather than individuals. As such from now on you willl be referred
simply by your playing position. Your name is irrelevant.'


A.03.1: Setting Squad Status

You can change the squad status of the players in your team. Demoting a
player would not generally be well received. The only exception to a certain
extent is when you purchase a young player. Sending him to the reserve or
youth squad would usually not result in a problem, unless of course you have
promised the player otherwise (Youngster/Hot prospect). It should be noted
that when you purchase a new player, they are always placed in the senior
squad so you should set the player status after the purchase.

Just because a player is in the reserve of the youth squad does not mean that
he cannot play a proper main competitive match. Simply click on the filter
button to show the reserve or youth squad. I often let the more promising
young players get some experience in a competitive match. What about the less
promising young players? Well transfer list them.


A.03.2: Transfers

The three options in the transfer status are:
1) Transfer Listed
2) No transfer status
3) Do not wish to Sell

Unless I wish to transfer list a player, I usually leave it in the no
transfer status and no instructions. The 'Do not wish to sell' option does
not mean no one will make an offer. Sometimes I think the players with that
option gets more offers. It is like the more you tell the person to back-off
the more interested the person becomes of you. But in reality it mostly is
because that particular player is very good.

As for the no instructions rather than the reject all offers or worse accept
all offers, that just seems kind of lazy. Even if you do not wish to sell
it is best to hear what are the offers. Not that it is going to happen but if
someone offers you hundred million pounds for a player, I would sell. As for
the accpet all offers. It would possibly only be useful if you want to get
rid of the player and do not mind letting him leave for free. However, since
once in a while you may get one single offer of money amid a sea of free
transfer with 50% of next sale option. So it is better to not have an accept
all offers option.

Player's Reaction
When you transfer list a player, the player will not be too happy. In my
view, arranged from the best reaction to the worst:
1) Player does not wish to leave the club. (Ohh, so sweet)
2) Player angry with you or states he expects leaving the club soon but does
not make any media complains.
3) Player complains to the media
4) Other players are disturbed and unhappy
5) Other players are disturbed and cannot be comforted, which leads to more

Take note of the player's favoured personnel. Or rather take note of the
players who like or think the transfer listed player is important. These are
the potential problem child.

Purchasing Player
There are several ways to purchase a player:
1) Club Offer
This is when the player in question is under contract. You have to make an
offer to the club and have it accepted. Unless the player have a minimum
release clause, the club may refuse your offers. You can negotiate with
the club. Try to stay clear of the percentage of next sale especially if you
are certain that the player is going to be a star. For example, if you offer
to buy Mikel Arteta from Rangers for a 2.5 million pounds, they will make
a counter offer of 2.5 million plus 10% of future sale. If let us say you
happen to check out the player guide below and know he has great potential
and that he can easily be sold for at least $10 million pounds in several
years time, it may be cheaper to simply make an offer without the future sale
clause or simply offer $3.6 million pounds as that is his minimal release

There is I believe a problem with the transfer system where sometimes the
other side will make a counter offer which is WORSE than the offer you made.
Let me illustrate with Arteta. I once made an offer to buy Arteta for
2.6 million pounds with a 10% future sale and Rangers made a counter offer
of 2.6 million pounds without future sale clause.

Another issue is the inability to remember previous offers. I did not want
future sales so I keep uping the offer from 2.5 to 2.6 to 2.7 but each time
Ranger counter offer included the future sale clause. So my bid was getting
more and more expensive with each offer I made. It is much like those silly
comedy shows where the character goes into negotiation and each offer the
person makes, the seller instead of lowering his demand keep increasing it.

Rangers must have a great negotiator! That is until I decide to reduce the
offer so that I can get the original 2.5 million deal with 10% sale. So I
made a lower offer of 2.4 million without and future clause and to my
surprise, Rangers accepted it.

If negotiations are broken off you can simply make a new offer. So do not
be too worried.

2) Free Agent: Player Offer
This occurs when the player is not contracted to a club.

3) Youth:
If the player is under 17 years of age they would not have a contract. You do
have to make a compensation to the club. One important thing to note is that
sometimes it may be cheaper simply to make an offer to the club then to pay
for the compensation.

4) Bosman
This is similar to a player offer. It can be made about 6 months before the
end of the player's contract. Therefore it is best to shortlist all your
desired players and keep note of their contract expiry date. Take note of
the more famous players too. once in a while, the player will simply not
want to sign a contract. Then you can swoop in. Be prepared for stiff
competition from other clubs if the person is really good.

Favoured Club and Person
If you happen to be the player's favoured club or that you have a favoured
person of the player at your club then the player is more likely to want to
come to your club.

If the player has the same language as the national league or with several
other team members then there is a higher chance that the player will be
settled. Which simply means a better performance.

Selling Player
This is much simpler. You can accept the offer or negotiate. Unlike the
negotiations for purchase of a player it is more difficult to restart a

Offer to Club
Offering the player to the club may help restart the negotiations.

This option is quite useful in helping you to sell a player or generate
interest in the player. As seen by the two face response of the computer
manager who on one hand issue a hands off warning and the other hand send
you an offer to purchase the player in question, the offer option is a good
negotiation tool.

If let us say that one of your players has to leave either because he would
not sign a new contract or is unhappy, offering the player to other clubs may
improve the offers coming in. And you can cherry pick the offers.

Release on Free
I do not usually recommend this option since you have to pay the player
their salary to release them. Use it only if you need space in your team,
it is a youth player and it does not cost you to release the player or the
player is disrupting your team.

For a player to disrupt your team it often is the case that the player in
question is or was an important player in the team. You hardly see the
instance of a fringe youth player causing disruption. The problem then is
the board may not be too happy with you wasting money in releasing the

"Mind Games"
If you are a large club, you could constatly offer to purchase a player from
a smaller and and hope that the player becomes so unsettled that the manager
will eventually transfer list the player. However other than unsettling the
player, this does not really work too often.


A.03.3: Loans

If you are a lower division club or a club in dire financial position loans
may be the only solution to getting new players, albeit only for a short
while. Alternatively if you are a larger side, loaning your younger players
out may be the only way for them to gain meaningful experience.

The negotiations around a loan contract normnally centres around:
1) Length of loan and Wages the club will pay

2) Player can play in Cup
I usually do not allow them to play in cup. Unless the loan is for the
entire season. The reason is that once a player plays in a cup competition
he becomes cup-tied and may not play for any other clubs, including yours
in that cup competition.

3) Play against Parent Team
I usually have no problems with a player playing against myself. Of course,
it could be problematic if that player scores the winning goal against you.
Think Fernando Morientes:
Loaning a player out to save money: $15,000 per week
Having that player knock you out of a multi million dollar competition and
getting the sack: Mmmm Priceless.

4) Recall
It determines whether you can recall the player on a whim and fancy. Again
I usually do not require this option since I would not have load the player
out if I needed him. Although injuries could be problematic. But then again
you should have plan for the possibility of injuries when you loan out your

Player Reaction
In most instance, the players if they are youth are quite excited about
the chance for gaining experience in a loan. But older players are usually
less than thrilled.


A.03.4: Contractual Negotiations

1) Negotiations
As often is the case in contractual negotiations, the initial demands made
by the player can be brought down. And since principled negotiations is not
possible in this game, one can only rely on positional negotiations. And that
involves trying to lower the player's demands as much as possible. If you
are willing to reload with regards to contractual negotiations you may want
to reduce their demands as much as possible. If choose not to reload and
this is the first time you are playing, I suggest you start a new game,
and attempt to renegotiate all the contracts to have a feel as to how far
players may be willing to reduce their demands.

There are several key things to take note of when negotiating.

You can easily knock off at least 10-15% of the wage demands. A 25%
reduction may be around the average limit. Unless of course the player
desparately wants to leave their current club and that there are no other
offers around. If you are lucky you may even get the player to reduce their
wages despite the fact that the player have been putting in quality
performance for your team.

Wage Increase Clause:
The annual wage increase clause should be reduced as much as possible. Except
perhaps for youth players in the larger team where several hundred pounds
week is insignificant, try not to have the increase more than 15%. In fact
try not to have a wage increase clause at all. Simply take out a calculator
and have the initial salary multiplied by 1.(05/10/15/20/25) depending on
the increase to have a look at how much the wage will rise over the next
few years. Remember to multiply it over and over again to see the cost
over the length of the contract. It makes me ill to see me giving them so
much money.

Minimum release clause if demanded should:
reflect as ridiculously high a value as possible. Sometimes you will see
players with a minimum release clause of close to 90 million pounds. It
should be noted that even if you do not have a release clause or that its
value is extremely high, the player may be upset with you for not allowing
him to leave.

Since each negotiation would result in the player getting some signing fee,
it is best to increase the time frame of the contract. It is normally very
easy to increase it by a single year. However, if you are playing with
the fog of war on or that you are not too certain of the capabilities of a
particular player, you may choose not to increase the length of the
contract. But you should only adopt shorter contract length period if you
are not even certain any other teams would purchase the player. Remember
it is often quite difficult to sell a player that is nearing the end of
their contract especially if the player is not a good player.

2) Offer Contract

Renewing Contract
If you are at a larger club and you know that you can bring the trophies
in, I suggest that you review the contracts and renew them at the start
of the game. That way the players will not demanded greater wages due to
their good performances.

According to the advice of the assistant managers, they often believe that
renewing a contract two years before its expiry is too early. Personally,
I think one should renew at the very latest before the contract enters
its final two years.

Manager Promises and Happiness
Whether a player will sign a contract depends on how happy he is currently,
the promises made, comparison with other offers and the club and
manager's reputation.

The manager's promise is simply refers to whether the squad status matches
with reality. So if the player is promised to be a key member and does not
play any matches then that would be a broken promise.

If the player is unhappy either because of the promises were not kept, the
player does not like you or for whatever reason, chances are the player may
not sign a new contract. Just as an aside, if you transfer list the player,
he will obviously not sign any new contract. If the team is performing
below expectations than there might be a possibility that the player may
not wish to sign the contract.

If you are trying to lure the player to your club than all these unhappiness
would work in your favour.

Player's Interest:
Each player will have different priorities. Unfortunately with the exception
of a few basic and vague clues, only reloading will inform you of the
player's priorities. The priorities in most instance relate to wages or
squad status. If for example you have seen the player reject other offers
with the reason relating to the basic wage then there is a probability the
player is focused on the wages. And in this instance, reducing the wage
demands serious puts you as a disadvantage vis-a-vis other clubs. The good
news is that you can reduce his squad status demands quite a bit.

It should be noted that the annual wage increase clause is treated
separately from the basic wages. Therefore even if in the long run you may
be paying more to the player due to the wage increase, the player may still
reject that for a contract that pays less in the long run but have a better
basic wage. Therefore it is possible to remove the annual wage increase
component completely even if the player is driven by wage demands.

Competing with other clubs:
When you are trying to get a player to come to your club or enticing one of
your players who is either on a youth contract or is within six months of
the end of his contract there is a possibility that other clubs may offer
a competing contract. And if that is the case, the key things that are
looked at are:
A) Reputation of Club
B) Squad Status (Key, Important, Rotation, etc)
A good squad status may attract a player to your team over that of a larger
C) Wages
D) Reputation of Manager
If you manage to get a great reputation, sometimes you might be able to
tempt youngsters to come to a club which is currently at a lower division
even though there may be a competing offer from a large club such as Real
Madrid, Juventus, etc.


A.03.5: Human Resource Management

If your players are happy, they will perform better. If they are not
content, on top of possible bad performances, they could also affect other
players like a virus and possibly make them distressed too. You can click
on the information panel to get a sense of the happiness of the players.

1) Non-Foorball related Factors affecting happiness
The following are situations that affect the state of the player.

Selling Good Players
If you sell a good player, or rather a player perceived by the fellow
players as good, the team mates may be unhappy. Sometimes they will talk
to you and you can respond by reassuring them or simply telling them that
this is none of their business. I usually adopt the reassuring option of
telling them that I am going to purchase new players. However, as long as
the team is performing well, there is no actual need to purchase a new
player. Even if the player states that he is satisfied with your response
it will take several more days before the unhappy sign disappears.

Buying New Players:
The flip side of players getting angry at a sale is the players getting
angry at a purchase of a player. The players that might be angry are the
players in the position of the newly purchased player. This usually only
occurs if the player that your currently have is a relatively good player
and the new player is also a good player. This since one can only play a
limited number of people for a limited number of matches, by inference the
purchase of a new player in the particular position would mean that the
current player would not likely get to feature as much in the team.

Discipline and Relationships:
Once in a while you may choose to discipline the player for whatever
reason. Sometimes, even if that discipline seems justified, the player may
not accept it. And in this instance the player will be upset.

In a worse case scenario, other players may feel that you have treated that
particular player badly and also feel upset. However, there may also be the
instance of players who feel that you should have punished the player and as
such if you were leniant, these players will also be upset.

The way you treat the player in the media such as praising, criticizing,
responding to the player's criticism, etc may also generate a response.

Manager's Reputation and History:
If the manager has a great reputation and that the manager and the player
go way back (such as 'discovering' him) then chances are the player will
tolerate more from the manager. For example, just for fun I quit the a
club where I have 'nurtured' and 'discovered' all of the players that are
currently playing. The moment I quit, many of the players became upset at
their squad status and contract.

At the end of the day, each player responds to the situation differently and
that a boilerplate solution may not be the best response. Unless of course
you happen to purchase players that fit a particular profile, like me.

2) Promises and Club performance
If the squad status does not match reality such as a key player being used
sparingly or not at all then the player will soon be upset. Of course if
the player is under a backup or rotation status and is used for every
match the player will obviously not complain.

The best way to placate a player's unhappiness is to get a winning team and
ensure that the player is playing some part in it.

Transfering a player is perhaps the fastest way to make a player upset.
Sometimes you see sad things little like the player being upset as he feels
his mentor has abandoned him.

3) Responding to player's concerns
Every once in a while it pays to view the information screen of all your
players. Only major concerns show up in the main squad screen. So you have
to check the information screen to see if there are any slight concerns.
Usually they relate to the players seeking a new contract.


A.03.6: Discipline

Sometimes, you may have to punish the naughty players.

1) Reasons for discipline
There are five possible reasons for discipline and they are:
A) No reason
This pretty much would get the player angry. And would be a good way to
'persuade' the player to accept another club's offer.

B) Unprofessional Behaviour
This is used if for example the player turned up late for training. Or
perhaps criticised you in the papers. I usually do not punish criticism as
we should protect the freedom of the press.

C) Dismissal in prior match
I do not punish players for dismissal. However, if you so happen to have a
player that seems to be getting dismissed for silly reasons, then perhaps
such a punishment might help curb such behaviour in the future.

D) Violent Behaviour
I have seen this happen to done by the opposition but have not seen any of
my players engaging in violent behaviour. I would suppose if it did occur,
there should be punishment.

E) Poor Performance
I do not punish players for poor performance. After all some players might
react badly to it.

2) Discipline methods
There are three means of discipling the player and they are:
A) Issue Warning
B) Fine 1 weeks wage
C) Fine 2 weeks wage

I prefer to issue warnings rather than fines. Even if it is a repeat
offence, unless it is occuring with a high level of frequency, I find that
a warning often serves the requisite purpose.


A.03.7: Report

You can request a report from either the coaches or the physio.

I do not really rely on their report since in so many cases their advice
turns out to be wrong. And of course, you do not need some coach telling
you players like Owen or Del Piero is a good player.

The physio just reports on the injury and general level of fitness of the


A.03.8: Youth Players

If you are lucky, your team may find some top youth players. However, in
most circumstances, you actually have to get these players from other teams.
Once you find them, you should try to nurture them.

At the start of each season, (except perhaps for the first starting season)
new young players are generated. The trick is to look for good newly
generated players and attempt to poach them. What I usually do is to
actually go through all the teams in the various selected leagues (full
detail and background leagues) and other large clubs at the start of the
season and examine their players. Simply turn the squad view to the age tab
and look at the young players. This may be quite time consuming but is
quite profitable in the long run. Usually, a potentially good player
starts off with better attributes. It may take sometime but after viewing
almost all the young players at a large number of clubs, you will
generally have a good idea of what is a good set of starting attributes.

You can then place the players you think may be potentially good on the
shortlist and wait for their contracts to reach expiry or if the player is
so good and you are afraid others might purchase him, then you can make the
first move. But in most cases, it might be advisible to wait.

The first problem is that since many attributes improve over time, it
may be difficult to spot a young player with good attributes. This problem
is further compounded if you have the fog of war on it may be more difficult
to determine the attribute of the players. Therefore waiting at least helps
thin out part of this problem as you can re-evaluate the development of
the player.

The second problem is if the computer offers the player a new contract.
Therefore it may be feasible to check in on the more promising few
youngsters every once in a while. And if you see them considering a new
contract offer, then depending on how badly you want the young player, it
may be feasible to make an offer for the player. For usually after accepting
a new contract the player's value would increase.

If the player is able to cope with training with the first team, I often
would like to allow them to train with them. If not then at least make sure
that the coach training him is good with youngsters and has also great
qualifications. Just because the coach is training the reserve or youth
team does not mean that his attributes should be bad or second class.

You should make a point to use these players once in while. Try not to
introduce them in important matches against large teams. Here is the
sequence of events that I like to use:
A) Unused substitute.
B) Substitute at the end of a match.
C) First full match against a weak opponent preferably one in the lower
division during a cup match.
I am not too sure whether the above actually helps since it is a bit
difficult to compare player's attributes over a long term period and to
ensure that the situation remain similar and comparable with each other.

I do find that using players every once in a while greatly improves their
future attributes. So make sure that you use your more promising youngsters.

However, if you are from a lower division team then perhaps, you may choose
to use the player more often. Especially if the player is as good as your
current first team.

If your player is below 17 years of age, you will not be able to offer him
a proper contract. As such any other team can make a direct contract
offer to the player. You will still get compensation but if the player is
good, it may not be sufficient.


A.03.9: Injury

Every once in a while due to training, match or other reasons, a player
will be out injured. Hard tackling either by your own players or the
opposition increases the chances of injury. While over-training increases
the chances of an injury. Having a good physio lowers the chances of the
injury in training and also decreases the amount of time needed for recovery
from the injury. I think that having a good coach also reduces the chances
of injury but I am not too sure. One thing is for certain, each player have
an invisible injury proneness attribute. One possible way to determine it
is to examine the history of the player. If you see the player constantly
being injured with serious injuries or even minor ones, then you might want
to think twice before purchasing the player.

Putting a player who is not fit (Condition below 80) in a match may increase
the chances of injury. Also try not to be too hard either on training or
in playing them in a competitive match for players that just returned from a
long injury.

R.I = Recurring Injury
Min = Minimum Dyas Injured
Ext = Extra Days Injured

Injury | Category | Severity | R.I | Min | Ext |
Arthritis | Knee | Medium | YES | 14 | 90 |
Back Strain | Upper Body | Light | YES | 10 | 10 |
Broken Ankle | Foot | Medium | | 60 | 150 |
Broken Arm | Arm | Medium | | 30 | 30 |
Broken Cheekbone | Head | Medium | | 20 | 60 |
Broken Collarbone | Neck | Medium | | 30 | 45 |
Broken Finger | Hand | Light | | 3 | 5 |
Broken Foot | Foot | Medium | | 60 | 60 |
Broken Hand | Hand | Medium | | 10 | 10 |
Broken Jaw | Head | Medium | | 20 | 60 |
Broken Leg 1 | Shin | Medium | | 90 | 170 |
Broken Leg 2 | Thigh | Medium | | 90 | 100 |
Broken Nose | Head | Any | | 3 | 6 |
Broken Pelvis | Groin | Medium | | 90 | 150 |
Broken Ribs | Upper Body | Medium | | 20 | 40 |
Broken Shoulder | Shoulder | Medium | | 20 | 45 |
Broken Toe | Foot | Light | | 10 | 15 |
Broken Wrist | Arm | Medium | | 20 | 30 |
Bruised Head | Head | Any | | 5 | 5 |
Bruised Jaw | Head | Any | | 3 | 10 |
Bruised Rib | Upper Body | Any | | 3 | 5 |
Bruised Shin | Shin | Any | | 3 | 11 |
Bruised Thigh | Thigh | Any | | 3 | 10 |
Calf Strain | Shin | Any | YES | 15 | 25 |
Chest Injury | Upper BOdy | Any | | 5 | 20 |
Cold | Internal | Illness | | 1 | 3 |
Concussion | Head | Any | | 3 | 6 |
Cut Hand | Hand | Any | | 1 | 5 |
Damaged Achilles Tendon | Foot | Medium | YES | 20 | 40 |
Damaged Cruciate Ligaments | Knee | Medium | YES | 180 | 180 |
Damaged Elbow | Arm | Light | | 5 | 10 |
Damaged Foot | Foot | Any | | 10 | 15 |
Damaged Heel | Foot | Any | | 5 | 10 |
Damaged Knee Cap | Knee | Medium | | 20 | 40 |
Damaged Knee Cartilage | Knee | Medium | YES | 10 | 35 |
Damaged Neck | Neck | Light | | 10 | 25 |
Damaged Shoulder | Shoulder | Any | | 5 | 25 |
Damaged Spine | Upper BOdy | Medium | YES | 45 | 290 |
Dead Leg | Thigh | Light | | 3 | 5 |
Declared Unfit | Rehabilitation | Bad | | 7 | 0 |
Dislocated Jaw | Head | Light | | 20 | 20 |
Dislocated Shoulder | Shoulder | Light | YES | 30 | 60 |
Facial Injury | Hand | Any | | 3 | 10 |
Faith Healing | Rehabilitation | Bad | | 3 | 4 |
Flu | Internal | Illness | | 2 | 5 |
Food Poisoning | Internal | Illness | | 2 | 5 |
Fractured Arm | Arm | Light | | 20 | 15 |
Fractured Cheekbone | Head | Light | | 20 | 20 |
Fractured Jaw | Head | Light | | 20 | 20 |
Fractured Ribs | Upper BOdy | Light | | 20 | 40 |
Fractured Skull | Head | Medium | | 60 | 180 |
Fractured Wrist | Arm | Light | | 20 | 15 |
Gashed Arm | Arm | Light | | 3 | 5 |
Gashed Head | Head | Any | | 3 | 10 |
Gashed Leg 1 | Shin | Light | | 5 | 16 |
Gashed Leg 2 | Thigh | Light | | 5 | 12 |
Groin Strain | Groin | Any | YES | 15 | 25 |
Hip Injury | Groin | Medium | YES | 20 | 100 |
Holiday | Rehabilitation | Bad | | 14 | |
Physiotherapy | Rehabilitation | Bad | | 14 | 14 |
Pulled Hamstring | Thigh | Light | YES | 15 | 25 |
Radiotherapy | Rehabilitation | Bad | | 210 | 120 |
Serious Viral Infection | Internal | Medium | | 170 | 20 |
Shin Splints | Shin | Medium | YES | 25 | 100 |
Slipped Disc | Upper BOdy | Medium | YES | 45 | 180 |
Sprained Ankle | Foot | Any | | 10 | 20 |
Sprained Wrist | Arm | Any | | 3 | 3 |
Strained Ankle Ligaments | Foot | Light | YES | 15 | 30 |
Strained Knee Ligaments | Knee | Light | YES | 10 | 20 |
Strained Neck | Neck | Any | | 5 | 10 |
Strained Wrist | Arm | Any | | 5 | 5 |
Stubbed Finger | Hand | Any | | 1 | 5 |
Stubbed Toe | Foot | Any | | 10 | 10 |
Surgery | Rehabilitation | Bad | | 60 | 120 |
Thigh Strain | Thigh | Any | YES | 5 | 20 |
Torn Ankle Ligaments | Foot | Medium | YES | 30 | 150 |
Torn Calf Muscle | Shin | Medium | YES | 30 | 65 |
Torn Groin Muscle | Groin | Light | YES | 50 | 45 |
Torn Hamstring | Thigh | Medium | YES | 50 | 45 |
Torn Knee Ligaments | Knee | Medium | YES | 50 | 60 |
Twisted Ankle | Foot | Any | | 7 | 23 |
Twisted Knee | Knee | Any | | 10 | 15 |
Virus | Internal | Illness | | 2 | 5 |


A.04: Training Staff

There are visible and invisible attributes for training staffs.

1) Visible Attributes
The bulk of the visible attributes can be divided into technical and non
technical abilities.

Technical Abilities:
A) Coaching Goalkeepers
This obviously affects how well the coach can train a goalkeeper.

B) Coaching Outfield players
This affects the training of all other players other than a goalkeeper
such as defender, midfield or attacker.

C) Man management
This is one of the attributes I look for as a bonus in my coaching stuff.
It deals with how they deal with the large amount of players under their
training schedule.

D) Physiotherapy
This only matters for physios. It is not necessary for coaches.

E) Tactical Knowledge
Another attribute that I look for in my coaching stuff. They help you in
implementing your formations.

F) Working with Youngsters
A very important attribute, especially if the coach is working with your
youth team.

A) Adaptability
I do not usually bother with this attribute. It helps determine how well
your staff can settle in. This helps the staff to learn the local language,
which would aid in the training of your players. Therefore if let us say
you are in the English league and the staff is from the UK and speaks
English then this attribute is even less important.

B) Determination
It is good to have a determined coach. Lead by example for the players.
Actually, like many of the non-technical attribute this generally improves
on your basic coaching ability.

C) Judging player ability
This aids in the accuracy of the coach reports or the scouting trips. If
you are like me, a person who do not really believe in the advice of the
coach or scouts, then this ability is not that important. Although I still
recommend having some points in it.

D) Judging player potential
This is similar to the above attribute but it helps one to look into the
future to determine the player's hidden potential ability attribute. It
should be important since you would not want to accidentally sell a top
player. Alternatively you can look at my player list below at least with
regards to the pre-generated players.

E) Level of discipline
I normally look for a staff with a high level of discipline. However, this
might cause problems with certain players with a lack of discipline. But
since I usually try to offload or not purchase players with such problems
it does not really matter.

F) Motivating
Another attribute which I like. A coach that can motivate his players will
generate better results.

Preferred Formation
This does not usually matter in my consideration. Although a staff that
prefers a formation similar to yours may be useful.

Coaching Technique

2) Invisible attributes
The following are the invisible attributes of the staff. In most
circumstances these do not really matter to you as these are somewhat like
the preferred formation attribute. They matter if you want to gain an
understanding of the opposition.

The following are coaching related attributes and as you can see, they mostly
relate to how one would react in a match.
A) Attacking
B) Directness
C) Free Roles
D) Marking
E) Offside
G) Pressing
H) Sitting Back
I) Use of Play Maker
J) Use of Subs

The remaining invisible attributes are manager related.
A) Buying Players
I have always wondered, does having a bad attribute in player purchase
mean that it is easier to sell him bad players and harder to sell him good
B) Selling players
C) Mind Games
If only you can hear me, yes HEAR (rather than see) me roll my eyes whenever
anyone mentions these. I really wonder does anyone other than Ferguson and
Wenger ever play these?


A.04.1: Hiring

It should be noted that whenever it is stated that it would take a very
large wage to attract the staff, it mose likely means that the person does
not want to join. However, sometimes a way around this is to offer them an
assistant manager position.

Also if the person is contracted to another club you have to pay the club
compensation. So take note of the 'transfer fee.'

Here is a little table that I create to help myself to compare the staff
you wish to hire and the staffs that are currently working for you. Just
copy as many lines as need be andd print them out. I recommend actually
clicking on the staff rather than looking at the attribute list since the
list only shows nine attributes.

There are twelve attributes each with a maximum of 20. Therefore adding
them up will give you a maximum of 240. However, since physio attribute is
not entirely needed for a coaching staff, a better figutre to use would be
220. You might even want to use a 200 figure if you do not want to count
the adaptability. This number figure gives you a pretty nice gauge as to
whether the new staff is generally better than the old staff. But remember
at the end of the day one should not make a decision based completely on
this 220/240 figure.

If you wish to record the style of training. Sometimes if there is nothing
separating the coach you may wish to opt for a variety of training styles.

CG = Coaching Goalkeeper
CO = COaching Outfield
MM = Man Management
P = Physio
Ta = Tactical Knowledge
Yg = Working with Youngsters
Ad = Adaptability
Dt = Determination
JA = Judging Ability
JP = Judging Potential
LD = Level of Discipline
Mo = Motivating

Name |CG |CO |MM |P |Ta |Yg |Ad |Dt |JA |JP |LD |Mo |220/240|Tech|
| | | [ ] | | | | | | | | / | |
| | | [ ] | | | | | | | | / | |
| | | [ ] | | | | | | | | / | |
| | | [ ] | | | | | | | | / | |
| | | [ ] | | | | | | | | / | |


A.04.2: Assistant manager

This is your right hand person. On top of helping you in training, he offers
'advice' in dealing with several issues such as the media or the player's

You can have more than one assistant manager. However, it is the still first
assistant manager that tells you which club to offer the player.

The assistant manager should have a well rounded attributes. Man
management, tactical knowledge and working with youth are important for
the assistant manager. All the other attributes such as the coaching,
judging players, motivation and determination are also important. Some top
clubs in the game focus on the 'management side' attributes thuss they have
an assistant with a lower coaching ability. Personally, I find that coaching
ability is the key or passport before the person can even be considered a

Sometimes you will see a coach or even a scout with great abilities.
Usually, I would offer them a normal coaching position initially and then
perhaps promote them sometime later if I so desire. However, if they would
only join if you offer them an assistant manager position or that your
current assistant manager is so bad compared to the new person, go ahead
and offer them the job.


A.04.3: Coach

These are you key staff for training your players. First and foremost they
should have a good coaching abilities. Only a few staff are equally great
in both goalkeeping and outfield training. So it is better to find staff
that are more specialised in one of the area than a staff who is average in

Motivation, determination and tactical knowledge should also be looked at.
Man management or level of discipline is less important.


A.04.4: Scout

The most important attributes are both the judging attributes. However,
since I do not usually like to play with the fog of war on, I do not
usually bother with scouts.

For lower division teams, sometimes to save on money, I simply do not hire
any scouts.


A.04.5: Physio

It is quite simple to find a physio with a 20 attribute in physiotherapy.
The three are attributes to look out for are working with youngsters,
determination and discipline. Adaptability may be considered. The rest of
the attributes are capped at a low number. Do not trouble yourself with
these unless you want to use them as a tie breaker.


A.05: Finance

This is perhaps the most important aspect of the entire game, at least
in my opinion. Sometimes the only thing that gets me playing is to see my
bank account grow. My financial policy whether one is playing a top club or
the lower division club is always the same. I believe in fiscal restraints.
Unless you are planning to leave the club after a few years then I would
guess long term finance is not too important to you.


A.05.1: Positive net value
Rule number one of finance 101. One should not make any decision whose
result would be a non-positive net value.

Therefore, with regards to transfer, if the cost of the transfer including
the salary costs more than both future expected sale value of the player
and the increase in reward money due to better league or cup position
then one should not purchase the player. In other words, here are the
questions to ask yourself:
A) How much do you think you can get if you choose to sell the player at
a future date?
B) With this new player how much further do you think you can proceed in
the league and cup competition than without the player. And if there is an
improvement measured in terms of league and cup, how much more monetary
reward is generated.

There are a few general points that I like to adhere to. Firstly, I do not
usually make a transfer offer for players above 24 years old. And that as
time goes on, I reduce this age slowly to about 19-20 years old. However,
with a bosman signing you may hire an older player.

If I am playing in the lower leagues, I may even make a Bosman signing of a
player that is close to retirement. But if I am in the top flight, I tend
not to do that. Of course all this is dependant on you seeking out young
players constantly at the start of each season.

Selling Players:
If you manage to get a constant supply of good players either through
extensive scouting and purchasing of young players or through using the
Bosman Raiding method (below) then you may choose to sell your players when
they reach their peak. That way you can get the most value from the player.
I usually start selling when the players hit about 27 maybe 28.

Free Transfer:
I do not usually release my players on free transfer since you have to
pay compensation to them. Furthermore, there is a slight chance that someone
may make an offer to buy the player. So reduce your asking price
drastically. Sometimes, it may even be suitable to reduce the asking price
to $0. The only players I ever release on free are youth players under 17
who can be actually released for 'free' and you need not pay any


A.05.2: Bosman (Corporate) Raider

This is perhaps my favourite of all means of getting players and money.
As stated earlier, your assistant manager often tells you to renew contract
closer to the expiry. The computer managed clubs sometimes only renew the
player's contract at about six months before its expiry. That leaves you
a small window of opportunity to come in and snatch the player. I could
almost imagine the conversation:

Chairperson Susan: So you are telling me that to save some money on increase
wages you choose to renew the contract only six months before its expiry
and in the process lost Thiery Henry to a Bosman ruling?
Manager: Ermm yes, it seems like a good idea at that time.
Susan: Apparently!!

As you can tell I like the BBC show Couplings quite a bit. Anywho for those
who did not catch the reference, nevermind.

The most important thing is to take advantage of this window of opportunity.
To do so, the players in question need to be shortlisted. The computer will
inform you of any shortlist players that is about to expire within six
months thus allowing a Bosman signing. If however, the player is from a
club in the same league as you, compensation will have to be paid. The
result often is that within a few seasons, my first team would often not
have a single local player.

In most circumstances, the window would open during late november to
January. This is unless the league in question operates through the summer
and ends in the winter.

Remember to shortlist and move QUICK since this window of opportunity
lasts only for a few days.

Player Trading
I recommend that you use the player search function and filter out all
players whose value is below 5 million pounds. Then click on the contract
expiry tab. There may be top players whose contract is about to reach
the bosman signing window of opportunity. Even if you do not really intend
to use the player, you could sign him and maybe use him for a year then
sell him for great profits. Of course you can immediately sell him but
I think that seems kind of wrong as that seems to suggest that the players
who are humans are no more than commodity.


A.05.3: Cost Cutting Measures

Dump unnecessary people, reduce wages and remove people when their wage
demand get to high.

When you begin the game. Take a good look at your players and transfer list
players that are surplus to requirements. Most of the clubs in this game
starts off with too large a squad.

Try to remove the annual wage increase clause. You may seek a long term
approach by increasing the basic wage but remove or reduce the annual wage
increase. When the players becomes very famous and their wage demands proves
a bit too much too handle, it may be time to sell the players and allow the
changing of the guard.


A.06: Fixture and Friendlies

Clicking on the fixture list allows you to set friendlies or to examine the
calender to plan your player selection. Afraid that there is nothing much
other than that.


A.06.1: Fixture pileup

This often occurs when you are a a club challenging several trophies. The
more cup matches you are in, obviously the more matches you are going to
play. And if you need to replay some of those matches then things could get
problematic. I once played 7 matches in 15 days. But then this is a 'good
problem' since this would mean that you still are in several competitions.

Use the fixture list to determine which are the important matches. And plan
to rest your key players accordingly. So you have a champions league match
say against Juventus, it would be advisable to not play your key players
in the match against some third division team in the cup competition the
day before.


A.06.2: Forecast - Weather, odds and history

By clicking on the match, you can see the forecasted weather, the odds and
the history between both sides. I would guess that you could tailor your
strategy to the weather. Therefore if you are playing a passing game and it
is predicted to rain, or if you are adopting a hoof and hope approach and
high winds are predicted then things could be a bit more difficult.


A.06.3: Arrange Friendly

You can arrange friendly single matches, tournament or tours in the fixture
screen. The greater the reputation of the club the greater the possibility
of the otherclub accepting the proposal.


A.07: Board

You can view the board and fans current opinion of you over here. Sometimes
even if you are performing well the fans may be sad at a sale of a good
player. Actually from the way I constantly sell players, there often is
someone the fans miss. But as long as you are getting the results, the
fans will be behind you.

You can make 5 different request of the board and they are:
A) Extra time to rebuild the squad
Basically this means, don't mind me performing below expectations

B) Extra Transfer Funds

C) Extra Funds for Wages

D) Expand the Stadium
I usually try to select this whenever attendance is about 90% to 95% of

E) Improve Training Facilities
If the club has terrible training facilities, I suggest that this should be
a priority.


A.07.1: Chairperson Attribute

"Whose the boss of you?" The board. Or actually to be more precise it is
the chairperson. Forget about independent directors, only one opinion
matters in the board and that is the Chairperson.

There are four attributes to the chairperson and they are:
1) Business
This measures how well you club generates income from the fans and sponsors.

2) Interference
This measures how your actions may be curbed. For example, they may veto a
player purchase or sale, or a particular contractual offer.

3) Patience
The measures how fast results are demanded or how bad results are dealt with.
So, in real life, I would presume that the Liverpool board is highly patient
and the Chelsea or almost every top Italian side have a board with less

4) Resources
This measures whether the chairperson will pump in more money when you make
a request.


A.07.2: Expectation and Job Security

At the start of each season, the board will set out their expectations.
Meet them and it is highly likely your job is safe. Fail to meet them and
you job may be in jeopardy. This is where the patience attribute would come
into play.

The fans also have their expectations. Most of the time their expectation
is either on par or slightly higherr than the board. Getting the fans on
your side greatly helps in your job security.


A.08: Fourth Estate

Where would we be without the press? For they are the eyes and the ears of
the people.


A.08.1: Transfer Speculation

Sometimes the press will discuss the possibility of a player leaving the
club. The three reply options are:
A) Hands off
B) Willing to sell only at the right price
C) Willing to listen to offers
Personally, if I do wish too get rid of the player I would pick option C.
But other than that I usually select option A. Obviously every player has
their price. A hands-off does not mean other teams will not make an offer.
Sometimes absence makes the heart goes yonder. The hands off warning acts
as a form of screen so that less ridiculous offers comes in. Such as
offering to buy Owen for 1.4million pounds to be paid only after 50 matches.


A.08.2: Release Media Story

I do not usually release any media stories. On one hand I want the player's
value to increase yet on the other hand I do not wish the player to have
too large an ego. Praising a player may of course spur the player to
perform even better. And may even make the player like you more, which is
good for future contract negotiations. Even if your team is performing
badly praising an individual that have performed better than the rest of the
team may help motivate the other players.

For certain players, if you criticise them they will feel motivated to
prove you wrong and thus perform better. Of course, the player may feel
that you have treated him unfairly and become unhappy. It depends on the
player's personality.


A.08.3: Discipline

If the player criticises you in the media, often you will have the option
of responding. I feel that the best route to take is the high road. If
the player continues to create trouble you may discipline him but usually,
I normally transfer list the player.


A.09: Match Day

Select the speed of the commentary, replays and how often the 2D game
engine would be used. If you only want to watch goals, then select replay
and turn off the commentary. They will only replay the goals.

Not too sure if you notice this cute thing in the game engine. The players,
if you look closely, sometimes show their two tiny feet sticking out like
a rabbit's ear.


A.09.1: Selection
If you have already set out your tactics then on match day there is usually
nothing much to do except to do some last minute checks and considerations.
A) Condition
I usually try not to use players with condition lower than 90.

B) Match Fit
Try not to use players lacking in match fitness for important matches. Unless
perhaps that player is your key player.

If you do not use a player for sometime he will not be match fit. Therefore
try to use most of your first squad players once in a while. At the start of
the season you may want to rotate the players more often as in most instance
unless you happen to play quite a bit of friendlies, many of them will be

C) Morale
Not something that I usually look at. However, generally happy players play


A.09.2: Tactics and Substitution

I am not a tinkerman. I do not usually switch tactics during the match,
although I do quite a bit of substitutions. Change the team tactics or
make substitutions by clicking on the club's button at the lower right of
the screen.

If you are defending a slim lead and you are getting pounded then
perhaps bringing in another defender or switching to a more defensive
formation might help. Of course, one might argue that offence is the best

If the player is showing signs of fatigue such as his condition falling
below 70 then it really is time to make a substitution.

There is something which I do like to do. And that is if let us say the
player has scored a hat-trick or have performed exceedingly well, I would
substitute him towards the end of the match. That way he can get a standing
ovation from the crowd. Of course if you are playing away the standing
ovation is less likely, obviously.


A.09.3: Post Match

The physio will make a report on the state of the players. Injuries will
be reported and there is nothing much you can do about it.

Usually towards the middle of the season, some players may get tired. And
the physio will report on it. If do train the day after a match, which
I do not really recommend, then for the players that are tired, it may
be best to place them on the rest schedule.

There is no real solution to this problem except for rest or not using
the player. What I usually do is to rest the player for the next match.
Do not even put him in on the bench. And then for the next few matches,
try to substitute him before the end of the match. Once in a while I
may allow the player to rest and not train for a few days but often I
do not really adopt that method.

One way to avoid this is to rotate your players throughout the season
rather than making the player an ever present. However, this tired player
problem often affects attacking players. So the more the player is involve
in the attack the greater the chance of being tired. I rarely ever see this
problem affect my defenders. Younger players are also more affected by
this problem.


A.09.4: Referee and Appeals

To cap of this section, let me briefly mention about the attributes of the
referee. ALthough there is nothing you can do with regards to most of the

They are:
A) Allowing flow
B) Discipline
This attribute has the most important bearing on the way you play since it
can help determine what tactics (hard tackling) to use.
C) Important matches
D) Pressure
E) Refereeing
F) Running Line
G) Timekeeping

If you get a Red Card, you may appeal. I am not too sure if this is the
case for all leagues since I have not played all leagues in the game.
However, in the event an appeal is possible, you may choose to appeal
or let the red card stand. In most cases I just let it stand.

I suggest that if one of your players receive a red card, click on the
match report and then click on the sentence telling you the player has
been sent off. It is in red. Examine the 2D engine depiction of the incident
if you have not already seen it during the match and read the comments
relating to the incident. If it seems that the red card is patently and
obviously wrong rather than aa judgement call or a strict intepretation of a
rule, then you may choose to appeal. But do not get you hopes up.

Sometimes you may appeal just to push back the match ban so that the player
may play in an important match.


Here is the section on training. Feel free to submit any training schedules
that you think is good. Full credit will be given. Scroll down to B.02 see
a suggested way in which you may format the schedule. But any format
will do.


B.01: Types of Training

The manual provides a pretty good description of the training. And the game
itself also reproduces the exact same description if you hover the mouse
over the training regime. Unless you desire, I do not really see a need to
reproduce the description which seems informative but yet if you think
about it, does not really provide any insight as to what is improved.

Therefore, I have chosen to instead provide two tables that list the
supposed improvement of the training.


B.01.1: Training Graph

This table merely reproduces the little graph in the game's training
screen. The + and - merely states the increase or decrease in the little
graph. It is a rough estimation. If the particular regime has more than
one +, it simply means that there is a greater proportion of increase
in the graph vis-a-vis the other abilities. The base I use is an 'empty'
schedule, meaning a rest regime for every slot.


Men = Mental
Phy = Physical
Goa = Goalkeeping
Def = Defensive
Att = Attacking
Ovr = Overall

Type | Men | Phy | Goa | Def | Att | Ovr |
5-a-side (large pitch) | + | + | + | + | | + |
5 a side (small Pitch) | + | | + | + | | + |
cross country | | + | | | | + |
crosses | | - | ++ | | + | + |
overloading (attacking) | ++ | | | ++ | + | + |
Overloading (defensive) | +++ | | ++ | +++ | + | + |
Penalties | | | ++ | | + | + |
Pig in the middle | + | + | | + | + | + |
Set pieces (attacking) | ++ | - | + | ++ | + | + |
Set pieces (defensive) | + | | | + | + | + |
Sprints | | + | | | | + |
Tactical Training | ++ | - | | + | | + |
Technique | | | ++ | | + | + |
Training Match | | + | | | | + |
Weight Training | | + | | | | + |
Outfield | Men | Phy | Goa | Def | Att | Ovr |
Agility | | | | | | + |
Closing-Down Session | + | + | | + | | + |
Heading | | + | | + | + | + |
Shadow Play | + | | | + | | + |
Shooting | | | | | + | + |
Goalkeepers | Men | Phy | Goa | Def | Att | Ovr |
Agility (GK) | | | ++ | | + | + |
Distribution | | | ++ | + | | + |
Handling | | | ++ | | + | + |
Shot Stopping | | | ++ | | + | + |


B.01.2: Training Effectiveness File

The training file can be openned with a notepad and the following is the
table listing the improvement made possible by each different set of
training. These figures are taken from version 4.1.5 like everything else in
this guide. I am thus not too sure if there are any changes from the
earlier versions. I have also slotted in the graph from the above section
that shows the improvement in mental, physical, goalkeeping, defensive and
attacking attributes.

Fit = Fitness
B.C = Ball Control
Mov = Movement
T.W = Team Work
S.P = Set Pieces
S.S = Shot Stopping
Tac = Tactics
Sht = Shooting
Ref = Reflexes
Int = Intensity of training. This is my ROUGH estimate on how intense this
particular training is.
M = Mental
P = Physical
G = Goalkeeping
D = Defensive
A = Attacking

Type |Fit|B.C|Mov|T.W|S.P|S.S|Tac|Sht|Ref|| Int |M|P|G|D|A|
5-a-side (large pitch) | 5 | 2 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 2 || +++ |+|+|+|+| |
5 a side (small Pitch) | 2 | 2 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 2 || ++ |+| |+|+| |
cross country | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 || +++ | |+| | | |
crosses | 0 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 7 | 7 | 0 | 2 | 5 || + | |-|+| |+|
overloading (attacking) | 2 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 2 | 2 | 5 | 4 | 2 || ++ |+| | |+|+|
Overloading (defensive) | 2 | 4 | 6 | 3 | 0 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 5 || ++ |+| |+|+|+|
Penalties | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 5 || + | | |+| |+|
Pig in the middle | 5 | 7 | 5 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 || ++ |+|+| |+|+|
Set pieces (attacking) | 0 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 7 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 2 || + |+|-|+|+|+|
Set pieces (defensive) | 2 | 5 | 2 | 5 | 7 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 2 || + |+| | |+|+|
Sprints | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 || +++ | |+| | | |
Tactical Training | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 || + |+|-| |+| |
Technique | 2 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 2 || + | | |+| |+|
Training Match | 5 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 || +++ | |+| | | |
Weight Training | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 || ++ | |+| | | |
Outfield |Fit|B.C|Mov|T.W|S.P|S.S|Tac|Sht|Ref|| Int |M|P|G|D|A|
Agility | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 || + | | | | | |
Closing-Down Session | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 || ++ |+|+| |+| |
Heading | 5 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 7 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 || + | |+| |+|+|
Shadow Play | 2 | 0 | 7 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 || + |+| | |+| |
Shooting | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 0 || + | | | | |+|
Goalkeepers |Fit|B.C|Mov|T.W|S.P|S.S|Tac|Sht|Ref|| Int |M|P|G|D|A|
Agility (GK) | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 7 || + | | |+| |+|
Distribution | 2 | 2 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 0 | 5 || + | | |+|+| |
Handling | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 2 | 7 || + | | |+| |+|
Shot Stopping | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 7 || + | | |+| |+|
Rest | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 || | |+| | | |


B.01.3: Training Instructions

There are three training instructions that can be changed from the manager's
option screen. They are

A) Train on Match Day
I usually do not train on match day. There is no need to tire the player
out before the actual match.

B) Rest after Match Day
I usually rest after match day. This is to allow the players to recover.

C) Pre Season Training
If you select pre-season training then the computer will automatically place
every one onto the default pre-season training schedule.


B.01.4: Retraining Sides and Positions

You may if you choose, retrain the sides and the position of the players.
This should be done if at all only to a young player. Furthermore, this
will not always be successful. Each player have a value with regard to
each side and position. You may see these values for some players in my
player list below. Only players that strt off with a significant amount
of points in the position or side that you wish to train them to will
eventually be able to make the change.

This is a long and hard process, which is why I do not really recommend
it. After all, I believe it is better to improve on the abilitites of the
player and seek other players that are naturally suited for the position.


B.01.5: Assign Training Staff

After you have created a schedule, remember to assign training staff/s to
it. This includes assigning physios. If you can afford it and have
sufficiently good coaches, I recommend that each coach should focus only
on one schedule or at most two. If for example you split your training
up into different positions such as defence, midfield, etc. And then you
subsequently further split that into a first team and a reserve, then
I would think it is fine for a coach to take both the first and reserve
schedule for one position. This is unless you have a very large squad.

As for assistant managers, I like to assign them to more than one areas
since they are suppose to have a good overview of the players.

Remember to assign training staff when you hire them. Their default schedule
to take over is the default first team schedule.

Another thing you should take note is that sometimes when another team
offers a contract to one of your staff, you are not informed about it.
Therefore the staff leaves without so much as a message. You should check
up on your staff every once in a while to make sure none have left.


B.02: Submitted Training Schedule

Well, if you have any schedule that you have created and feel it to be very
effective simply submit them. Full Credit will be given. You could submit
the schedule in the format below or whichever format suits you. I hope to
be able to collect most of the training schedule. That way people need not
have to hunt around the forums looking and asking for training schedules.

Created by: (Please state the name you wish to use. If not I may assume that
that the name you wish to use is the one you are using to
Email: (If you wish. Default is no revealing of email because of Spam)
Name of Schedule:
Position: Goalkeepers / Outfield / Youth / Reserve
Defenders / Midfielders / Attackers / (Youth / Reserve)
Sweepers / Wingers
Pre Season / Injury Recovery
Retrain Position / Retrain Side
Others (Please Specify)
Day/Time | Early Morning | Morning | Afternoon |
Sunday | | | |
Monday | | | |
Tuesday | | | |
Wednesday | | | |
Thursday | | | |
Friday | | | |
Saturday | | | |
Train on Match Day | YES / NO |
Rest after Match | YES / NO |

Email Address:
Please put CM Guide in the title
For more information scroll to the end/bottom of this guide and check the


B.03: Player's Response to Training

You should adapt your training schedule to the way the player respond to


B.03.1 Weekly Reports

There are two reports. One refer to the attribute improvement, the other
refer to whether the training is suitable for the player

You can view the improvement or deterioration in the player's attribute
over the past week either by looking at the training screen or clicking
on the player profile and the [Show Effects of Training] button. These
arrows only represent short term (week-long) changes and do not reflect
changes since the creation of the player. The player screen shows the
individual breakdown for each improvement while the training screen shows
a more generalised status based on mental, physical, goalkeeping, defensive,
attacking and also gives you an 'overall arrow.'

If you click on the player (football icon) in the training screen, there
will be a short report on the effectiveness of the training.

1) Training not Suitable
A) Too Intensive for a professional and dedicated player
This usually occurs if you decide to use the pre-season training schedule or
adopt a schdeule that is to physically demanding. This perhaps is good only
for the first week the player return from their holiday. It is not a
sustainable schedule.

B) Not suitable for player in the particular position
This occurs if there is a mismatch between the training and the position of
the player. For example asking your goalkeeper to train too much in
outfield activities.

C) Step up to first team training too arduous
This actually comes and goes and it does not exactly mean that the player
should not train together with the same schedule as first team members.
It simply means that the training is a bit more than the player can handle
at the moment.

2) Good training Attitude
A) Professional attitude is shining example to younger squad members.

B) Delighted in player's dedication
Yeah, we are delighted too!

C) Happy with the player's commitment
Not as good as delight but still quite acceptable.

3) Bad Training Attitude
A) Not training as hard
You could issue a warning to the player but usually I find this goes away
after sometime. And it affects younger players a bit more than older

4) Injury Related
A) Patient and not expect too much
This is when the player is injured.

B) Should not undertake such intensive training so soon after injury
This is when the player is recovering from injuring. (Orange rather than red
icon depicting the injury)

5) Opps, you forgot to assign a trainer
A) Unsupervised training
If you place a player in a schedule where there are no trainers then this
would be the message. Rectify the problem immediately. This usually occurs
if you have a custom schedule and did not replace the original schedules.
Thus when players return from loans they are sent to the original schedule
which has no trainers in them. So remember to check on the training schedule
whenever players are purchased or have returned from their loan.


B.03.2: Over-training

If for example you see your players not recovering before the next match,
meaning a significant amount of the players are not at maximum condition
and the reason is not because it do happens that, in that particular week
there is a large number of games, then you may wish to reduce the training
and increase the amount of rest. You may either insert more rest into the
schedule or substitute a particular regime which is tiring such as cross
country for one that is less intensive.

There may be times especially if you are a top team and have to play several
matches in quick session that your players become more exhausted then usual.
You may seek to modify the training just a bit in that particular period.
Sometimes, I may even completely rest my players for a few days.

Certain players, especially younger ones and those in attacking position
may tire out faster. So you have to keep an eye on all the players. YOu may
also have to take into account your tactics used. An instruction to always
close down may be quite tiring.


B.03.3: Discipline

Sometimes you have to play the mediator between the player and the coach.
Once in a while a coach will complain about the training attitude of the
player. It is best to decide which response is the best rather than simply
charge out and issue the most severe punishment.


B.04: Set International Friendly Instructions

I have place the international friendly instructions here because I
primarily see the international friendly as a form of extra training for
the players.

If your players are called up for a friendly, you may set instructions for
how long they should play. When the players are called up for a friendly,
along with the news is the response button to set the instruction. You
do not set the instructions before they are called up nor is the instruction
set in the player screen. It is set in the news screen.

The options for instructions are:
A) Withdraw from Squad
B) Play 45
C) None

Usually I select option C) as I am a fan of international matches because
they may help increase the value of the player. Instructions are only
possible for friendlies and not proper competition matches.


I believe there are three ways people make use of tactics.
1) Good Players
If you have good players, you should be able to make use of any tactic.
Afterall you do not really see big clubs changing their basic formation
in every single match. This sometimes calls for you to change your tactic
to fit the players. The phrase building a team round a player comes to mind.
This is my preferred tactic.

2) Responding and Counter
You attempt to counter the opponent by changing the tactic. Generally it
means responding to the opponent's tactic. Weaker teams supposedly do this.
For example, one may fill the midfield to counter one of their influential
midfielder. Or you may adopt an off-side trap if the opponent are decided
to use the long balll approach. Or closing down to disrupt the passing.

3) Killer Tactic
This adopts a tactic that for some reason or other allows you to really
over-run the other side. Some may disapprove of it but I really am not
too bother by it. After all it is your game.


C.01: Formations / Positions

Here are all the possible position one can place a player in.

G = Goalkeeper
S = Sweeper
D = Defender
M = Midfielder
A = Attacking Midfielder
F = Forward

Left Right

Right click on the player and drag to require location to create the arrow.

The following are the preset tactics already in the game. Simply load them
up to take a look.

1) Defensive Minded formations
532 Sweeper
532 Defensive
532 Attacking
These formation adopts the use of full backs to sprint (hopefully) down the
flanks and score on a counter attack.

2) Normal flat back four formations
442 Diamond
442 Defensive
442 Attacking
This is perhaps one of the more common formations around
This employs an attacking midfield. The role in the hole.
The 'wingers' in this formation are placed in the more forward position.
The formation created by Hungry many years ago and used to great effect.
The above few formations employs the defensive midfielder. This player sits
behind the midfield and 'anchor' it. Defensive cover is provided by this
defensive midfielder. And hopefully, the defensive midfielder will be
able to control the midfield.

3) These are more offensive formations and adopt the use of wingers
This formation attempts to crowd the midfield and disrupt the attacking runs
and supply of balls to the forwards.
This is quite an offensive formation. You may attempt to use this to great
effect if the other side do not have much defenders or their defenders are
not exactly fast.

4) Very offensive but still not all out attack.
These formations are often not used as a general default team formation.
You may use them if a win is vital. However, a 334 formation can to a
certain extent be used as a default. But you had better have a good defence
that can handle crosses and a good midfield to prevent yourself from being
over runned and also to supply the balls to the strikers. Strikers should
have good work rate and be willing to fall back and help out.

5) Only 2 defenders? I think you have lost you mind!
Use this only if you are running out of time in a cup match, relegation or
league deciding match and that you are trailing. It is a desparate attempt
and be prepared to face the consequences of a swift counter attack.


C.02: Instrutions

You can set instructions on a more general level across the entire team or
you can individually set instructions for each player.


C.02.1: Team Instructions

The manual provides quite a good description of each instruction. You
should take a look.

1) Passing
The three options are:

A) Short
The supposedly best way to play. Top teams use this but it requires quite
a bit of ability from your players. This can sometimes be countered using
the direct style of play.
B) Direct
This mean passing directly to the other players.
C) Long

This is the hoof and hope approach.

2) Focus Passing
This determines where your attacks or movement is going to be concentrated.
The options are:

A) Down Both flanks
B) Down left flanks
C) Down right flank
D) Through the middle

I do not usually bother with this. Unless you have a particular player in
one position and you wish to direct all things through him. Or that you
have a formation that is focused on the flanks or you have a no-nonsense
long ball through the middle, route one attack strategy. You may use this
to respond during the match. Thus if the opponent has a great full back
or his winger is completely cancelling out your runs down the flank, then
perhaps you might as well choose to concentrate through the middle.
Alternatively, if the opponent is playing with three defenders and they are
all in the center, then you might as well make use of the flanks.

3) Tackling
The three options are:

A) Easy
B) Normal
C) Hard

Hard will win you more balls but get you more cards and injuries. I usually
just stick with normal. But it really depends on the tactics you are using.

4) Closing Down
This decides how if you so desire your team will chase after every ball.

A) Own Half Only
B) Always

This will make your player more tired. However this is a great way to
counter teams playing short passing. I usually get my players to close down
the opponent.

5) Mentality
Apart from normal, here are the four other ways your team can play.

A) Ultra Defensive
B) Defensive
C) Attacking
D) Gung Ho

If you do not want to change a formation but want to defend your lead, you
could always change the mentality. It is a small and easy tactical change.

6) Defence
There are several options in deciding how to operate your defence.

A) Offside trap
This depends on the formation used and the player's ability. However, it is
a good tactic to employ against those long balls.

B) Zonal Marking (No Man Mark)
Choose between zonal and man marking.

7) Counter Attack
Defend, defend and defend and strike quickly on a counter. It usually means
that there is one or two players up front waiting for the counter. You may
seek to adopt this method when playing away or against superior opponents
or teams that are strong in their attack but suspect in their defence. Of
course the success of it depends on how good is your defence. Are they
able to 'weather the storm?' NO use adopting the counter if you have a
leaky defence.

8) Men Behind Ball
This is a more defensive approach. It literally means what it says. If there
are more men behind the ball, it means that there are less players upfront
to pass the ball to when attacking.


C.02.2: Player Instructions

You may set individual instructions and that there are several preset
individual instructions already loaded up. These are:

A) Goalkeeper
B) Central Defender
C) Full Back
D) Defensive Midfielder
E) Attacking Midfielder
F) Winger Striker

1) Team-Individual
Giving an instruction that is different from the team. The following
instructions are similar to the instructions you can give a team. If
you do not set them the default is the team. You can seek to customise
some of these to suit your tactics. For example, you may choose to have
your defender adopt a defensive mentality while the entire team adopts a
gung ho approach.

A) Passing
B) Closing Down
Stand off
Own Half
C) Tackling
D) Marking
E) Mentality
Ultra Defensive
Gung Ho
F) Distribution
This refers to how you would like the goalkeeper to deal with the ball.

2) Crosses
These determine how and where your crosses are directed.
A) Cross From
A deep cross is good if one is playing a long ball tactic. But it is also
great for quick attacks.

B) Cross Aim
Near Post
Far Post
This determines where your player should aim the ball to. Try not to aim
it to the near post but place no strikers on the winger's side to finish
the job. Make sure the cross aim is suited the to tactic.

3) Other instructions
There are several other instructions for the players. Selecting them simply
means the player will attempt to do more of it. Not selecting it does not
mean the player will not do any of the selected thing, just simply they
will do less.

A) Cross Ball
Select only if your player is good are crosses or your formation calls for

B) Long Shots
This is a trade off. More long shots mean that there is less chance your
players will get to the penalty box with the ball.

C) Forward Runs
This is an attacking run. Good for supporting the attacks.

D) Run with Ball
Rather than pass, your player will try to move with the ball.

E) Try Through Ball
A through ball is something that splits the defence and allows you striker
to pounce and hopefully score. You should have a quick forward although
this can be countered with an off-side trap.

F) Free Role
Mmm, my favourite. But there is a free role attribute. Unfortunately it is
hidden. Free role means the player roams around. Somewhat like Zidane. The
player should also have high creativity and flair.

G) Hold Up Ball
This delays passing the ball forward and allows players to move up front
for the attack.


C.02.3: Set Priorities

The follwing can be set.

1) Captain
Select a player with high influence, determination and generally good
abilities to lead the team.

2) Penalty Takers
Use the penalty taking attribute to set this.

3) Free Kick Takers
Use the set piece attribute.

4) Corner Takers
Use the set piece attribute.

5) Throw in Takers
Use the throw in attribute. Opps they are hidden. You have to play around
to determine which of your player has a good throw in attribute.


C.03: Set Pieces

You can give individual or team instructions for set piece taking


C.03.1: Free Kicks

1) Player: Defend Free Kick
A) Back
B) Forward
C) Man Mark
D) Form Wall
E) Near Post
G) Far Post
Try to have some players in the forward position, if you wish to launch
a possible counter attack. Try not to have all in the forward position
as that might leave you defenceless!!

2) Player: Attack Free Kick
A) Always Stay Back
B) Stay Back if needed
C) Forward
D) Disrupt Wall
E) Disrupt Goalkeeper
F) Stand with taker
G) Run over ball
I usually select a few players to stay back if needed. Three is more than
enough. Stay back if needed simply means that if the opponent have players
forward, your player will stay back and mark the person. The always stay
back is good especially if the other side has a quick striker and you are
afraid that one player staying back is not sufficient to contain him

3) Team: Attack Free Kicks, Left/Right
A) Short
B) Long
C) Cross Near
D) Cross Far
E) Cross Centre
F) Aim for Best Header
This is the team instructions determining how you should launch your
free kicks. I find myself changing them to suit my players more so than
suiting any particular stratefy.


C.03.2: Corners

1) Player: Defend Corner
A) Back
B) Stay Forward
C) Mark Man
D) Near Post
E) Far Post
F) Mark Tall Player
G) Close Down
Again similar to the instructions on free kicks. Leave players forward if
you wish to launch a counter. I strongly urge you to mark the tall player.
Try to get more than one player marking the tall player. Or best get your
tall player to mark their tall player. Not use marking him if your player
cannot reach the ball before him.

2) Player: Attack Corner
A) Always Stay Back
B) Stay Back if needed
C) Go Forward
D) Attack near post
E) Near Post Flick on
F) Stand on Far Post
G) Attack Ball from Edge of Area
H) Challenge Goalkeeper
I) Lurk outside Area
J) Offer Short Option
I STRONGLY recommend you have players staying back. Whether you have one
always staying back or one merely staying back if needed, you better have
players staying back. If not you will see goals being scored against you
quite often when you get a corner. The short option is the player passing
the ball the the player near him rather than hitting it into the penalty

3) Team: Attack Corners Left/Right
A) Short
B) Near Post
C) Far Post
D) Edge of Area
E) Edge of Six Yard Box
This is the genrally team instructions for corner taking. I recommend you
get yourself familiarise with the individual instructions and use them
rather than the team instructions.


C.03.3: Throw Ins

1) Player: Attacking Throw Ins Left/Right
A) Stay Back
B) Come Short
C) Lurk Outside Area
D) Near Post
E) Go Forward
Again have some players stay back just in case your throw goes all wrong
and you find yourself under attack.

2) Team: Throw Ins, Left/Right
A) Short
B) Long
The long option may get your ball into or near the penalty area but of
course there is a higher chance of the opponent intercepting it.
C) Quick
Use the quick option to surprise the opponents.


C.04: Submitted Tactics

If you have created any tactic which you think is good please feel free to
submit it. I will give full credit.

Email Address:
Please put CM Guide in the title
For more information scroll to the end/bottom of this guide and check the


Here is the player guide.


D.01: Player Attributes

Attributes are divided into hidden and visible values.


D.01.1: Visible Attributes

The following are the visible attributes for the players. The game manual
gives quite a good description for them I will just summarise them in a
table format for you to see what attributes are needed for each different
position and role.

Goal = Goalkeepers
Defn = Defenders
Midf = Midfield
Attk = Attacker
Wing = Wingers and Wide Players
Capt = Captain
SetP = Set Pieces
T = Tactics. Importance of attribute is dependant on the tactics employed
Note = Some additional notes on the attribute
* = Added bonus for players in the particular position
** = Secondary attribute for players in the particular position
*** = Primary essential attribute for players in the particular position

Technical |Goal|Defn|Midf|Attk|Wing|Capt|SetP|T| Note |
Crossing | |D* |M* | |W***| | | | |
Dribbling | | |M** |A** | | | | | |
Finishing | | |M* |A***| | | | | |
Heading | |D** | |A** | | | | |Use with Jumping |
Long Shots | | |M** |A***| | | | | |
Long Throws | | | | | | |S***| | |
Marking | |D***|M* | | | | | |Defensive midfield|
Passing | |D* |M* |A* | | | |T|For Short/Direct |
Penalty Taking | | | | | | | | |Set Penalty Takers|
Set Pieces | | | | | | |S***| | |
Tackling | |D***|M** | | | | | |Closing Down |
Technique | |D* |M* |A* | | | | |Forward Runs |
Mental |Goal|Defn|Midf|Attk|Wing|Capt|SetP|T| Note |
Aggression | |D** |M* | | |C* | | |Increase tackling |
| ability. Good for defensive midfielders |
Anticipation |G* |D***|M* |A***| | | | | |
Bravery |G* |D***|M* |A* | |C* | | | |
Creativity | | |M** |A** | | | | |Attacking midfield|
| Free role. Personally I always look for this for my |
| strikers |
Decisions |G** |D* |M* |A* | |C* | | | |
Determination |G** |D** |M** |A** | |C***| | | |
Flair | | |M* |A***| | | | | |
Influence | | | | | |C***| | | |
Off the Ball | | | |A***| | | | | |
Positioning |G** |D***|M* | | | |S* |T|Zone Mark |
Teamwork | |D* |M* |A* | | | | | |
Work Rate | |D* |M* |A* | | | |T|Closing Down |
Physical |Goal|Defn|Midf|Attk|Wing|Capt|SetP|T| Note |
Acceleration |G** |D* |M* |A***|W***| | |T|Dribbling. Counter|
|Attack |
Agility | |D* |M* |A* | | | | | |
Balance | | |M* |A* | | | |T|Run with ball |
Jumping |G***|D* | |A* | | |S* | |Use with heading |
| Corner |
Pace |G** |D** |M** |A***|W***| | | |One of my |
| favourite attributes due to the way I play |
Stamina | |D** |M** |A** | | | |T|closing down |
Strength | |D** |M** |A** | | | | | |

The following attributes only relate to goalkeepers.
?? = Questionable as to whether is this even a positive or negative
* = Not an essential attribute
D** = Secondary attribute that improves the ability of the goalkeeper and
his defence or aid in the counter attack
A** =
*** = Primary attribute of the goalkeeper
**** = Primary and essential attribute of a goalkeeper

Goalkeeping | ?? | * |D **|A **| ***|****| Note |
Aerial Ability | | | | | |****|Crosses, Corner |
Command of area | | |D **| | | |Think Peter Schmeichel |
Communication | | |D **| | | | |
Eccentricity | ? | | | | | |Think Barthez |
Handling | | | | | |****| |
Kicking | | | |A **| | | |
One on Ones | | | | | ***| | |
Reflexes | | | | | |****| |
Rushing Out | | | | | ***| | |
Tendency to punch | | * | | | | |Think Eric Cantona, hehe |
Throwing | | | |A **| | | |


D.01.2: Invisible Attributes
These attributes can only be inferred indirectly from the way the player
responds and play.

The following are invisible non playing mental attributes of the players
A) Adaptability
Makes changing clubs or moving to a new country easier on the player. They
may settle faster.

B) Ambition
Great for improving the abilities of the player.

C) Loyalty
Whether would the player leave if tempted by money.

D) Pressure
How the player perform if there is pressure.

E) Professionalism
Good for training. Less prima donas.

F) Sportsmanship
Kicking the ball out when someone is injured.

F) Temperament
How the player would react to criticisms or attack on the pitch.

G) Controversy
Whether the player will criticise you or others in the media.

Technical |Goal|Defn|Midf|Attk|Wing|Capt|SetP| Note |
Throw Ins | | | | | | |S***| |
First Touch | |D** |M** |A***| | | | |
Non-Technical | |
Mental |Goal|Defn|Midf|Attk|Wing|Capt|SetP| Note |
Dirtiness | | | | | | ? | |Dirty Captain may |
| make the entire team more dirty |
Consistency |G** |D* |M* |A* | |C***| | |
Important Matches |G* |D* |M* |A* | |C** | | |
Physical |Goal|Defn|Midf|Attk|Wing|Capt|SetP| Note |
Injury Proneness |G* |D* |M* |A* | |C** | | |
Versatility | | | | | | | | |
Natural Fitness | | |M* |A* |W* | | | |


D.02: Player List

I have the full list of players with -2 potential ability and the list
of players aged 24 and below with a potential ability of at least 180.
Please do not submit any players which I have not listed but in your
game is a great player. This is because I am focusing on players that will
be good to every one. Generated players are not useful since they are to
a certain extent unique in your game. Also there are many players with a
zero potential ability. This means that in each game these players will
get assigned a value from 1-200. And there is a possibility and it happens
quite a bit that a high value is generated. However, that information would
not be useful to others as in another game, that player may not have the
high generated value.

HOWEVER, if I have missed out on players with -2 potential ability or
players under the age of 24 with 180 potential ability, then feel free to
submit. I also have the list of all the players with 180 ability. But I am
currently deciding what information to include or exclude and whether should
I keep the current format. I will release them soon.

Here are the list of players that are good. They are divided into -2
potential and players with at least 180 potential ability.

The maximum ability of a player is 200. I am focused on potential ability
therefore, some of these players may not be that good at the moment you
start the game but given the chance they will improve.

Remember not all these players will be available in your game. It depends
on the database selection.


D.02.1: Players with -2 Potential

-2 Potential means that a value between 120-200 potential ability will be
generated. The value generated by a player with -2 ability would be in the
high spectrum of the 120-200 range. While a player with -1 potential will
have a high probability of generating a value closer to the lower spectrum.

Therefore a -2 potential ability player may generate a 120 ability and a
-1 potential ability player may generate a 190++ potential ability.

Cur = Current Ability
$M = ESTIMATED listed value based on the editor
L = Left (Max Value: 20)
C = Central (Max Value: 20)
R = Right (Max Value: 20)
W = Winger (Max Value: 20)
F = Free Role (Max Value: 20)
Co = Consistency (Max Value: 20)
I = Important Matches (Max Value: 20)
The following refer to the letters and numbers that may appear below the
player's name. If the letter is in capital it means that the position is
listed in the editor. It should be noted that just because one has a higher
value in one position does not mean that the player will be listed in that
SW = Sweeper (Max Value: 20)
D = Defender (Max Value: 20)
DM = Denfensive Midfielder (Max Value: 20)
M = Midfielder (Max Value: 20)
AM = Attackiing Midfielder (Max Value: 20)
A = Attacker (Max Value: 20)
AF = Player listed as a Forward (Max Value: 20)
AS = Player listed as a striker (Max Value: 20)
There is only one value for attackers. Whether the player is a forward or
a striker is dependant on what the editor states. However, generally as you
can see for yourself, strikers tend to be more central.
* = This simply means that the player is listed in two different sections.
Thus the player may be listed as a defender and a midfield.

Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Bruno |16 |Brazil |Sao Paolo |71 | | | | | | | | |
Chico |17 |Brazil |Vasco |60 | | | | | | | | |
Igor Akinfeev |17 |Russia |CSKA Moscow |92 | | | | | | | | |
Iker Casillas |22 |Spain |Real Madrid |175|18 | | | | | |13|20|
Jan Lastuvka |20 |Czech |Banik |135|.8 | | | | | |17| |
| | | Ostrava | | | | | | | | | |
José de Jesús |21 |Mexico |Atlas |134| | | | | | | | |
Corona | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Kasper Schmeichel |16 |Denmark |Man City |55 | | | | | | |12|13|
Kim Young-Kwang |19 |S. Korea |Chunnam |110|.4 | | | | | | | |
Marcelo Marinho |19 |Brazil |Corinthians |64 | | | | | | | | |
Maarten |20 |Netherlands|Ajax |125| | | | | | | | |
Stekelenburg | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Manu |27 |Spain |Poli Ejido |85 | | | | | | | | |
Moisés Muñoz |23 |Mexico |Morelia |135| | | | | | | | |
Robert Almer |19 |Austria |Austria |85 | | | | | | | | |
| | | Vienna | | | | | | | | | |
Rubinho |20 |Brazil |Corinthians |128| | | | | | |16|14|
Wilfredo Caballero|21 |Argentina |Boca |123| | | | | | | | |
Yury Tsigalko |20 |Belarus |Dinamo Minsk |110| | | | | | |10|15|

Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Aarón Galindo |21 |Mexico |Cruz Azul |125| |10|20| | | |14|11|
*SW/D:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Diego Rosende |17 |Chile |Universidad |80 | | |20| |1 |8 | | |
*SW/D:20|DM:15 | | | Catolica | | | | | | | | | |
Gonzalo Rodríguez |19 |Argentina |San Lorenzo |130| | |20|10|1 |10| | |
*SW:15|D:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Matei Mirel Rãdoi |22 |Romania |Steaua |141| | |20|12|1 | |16|14|
*SW:16|D:20|DM:15 | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Aarón Galindo |21 |Mexico |Cruz Azul |125| |10|20| | | |14|11|
*SW/D:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Bruno Leite |21 |Brazil |Vasco |78 | |15| |20|20| | | |
Carlos Henrique |19 |Brazil |Vitoria |76 | | | | | | | | |
Diego Rosende |17 |Chile |Universidad |80 | | |20| |1 |8 | | |
*SW/D:20|DM:15 | | | Catolica | | | | | | | | | |
Dudu Paraíba |18 |Brazil |Vitoria |60 | | | | | | | | |
Eduardo Rergis |22 |Mexico |Tigres |137| |20| | |20| | | |
D:20|am:10 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Ênio |18 |Brazil |Cruzeiro |64 | | |20| | | | | |
Fábio Santos |17 |Brazil |Sao Paulo |111| |20|15| |17| | | |
*D:20|M:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Gonzalo Rodríguez |19 |Argentina |San Lorenzo |130| | |20|10|1 |10| | |
*SW:15|D:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Ilsinho |17 |Brazil |Palmeiras |61 | |20| | |13| | | |
*D:20|M:15 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
James McEveley |18 |England |Blackburn |118|5 |17|20| |10|1 | |11|
John Welsh |19 |England |Liverpool |120| | |20|20| |1 |12|16|
d:14|DM/m:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Joseph Yobo |22 |Nigeria |Everton |160|10 | |20|10|8 |1 |13|16|
José Julián de la |20 |Columbia |Atletico |95 | |20|20| | | |15|16|
Cuesta | | | Nacional | | | | | | | | | |
sw:14|D:20|dm:10 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
João |17 |Brazil |Internacional|63 | | |20| | | | | |
Leonardo |17 |Brazil |Santos |61 | | |20| | | | | |
Léo |17 |Brazil |Flamengo |60 | |20| | |10| | | |
*D/M:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Matei Mirel Rãdoi |22 |Romania |Steaua |141| | |20|12|1 | |16|14|
*SW:16|D:20|DM:15 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Mauricio Romero |20 |Argentina |Lanus |123| | |20|10|10|10| | |
*D/DM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Michael Dawson |19 |England |Nottingham |140|7 | |20| | |1 |15|14|
| | | Forest | | | | | | | | | |
Naoya Kikuchi |18 |Japan |Jubilo |100| | |20| | | |12| |
*sw:10|D/DM:20|a:10 | | | | | | | | | | | |
Nicolás Burdisso |22 |Argentina |Boca |142|2.5| |20|10|10|10|13|16|
sw:10|D:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Pablo |21 |Spain |Albacete |120| | |20| |1 |1 | | |
sw:10|D:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Pablo Oré |17 |Peru |Universitario|63 | | |20| | | | | |
Rincón |15 |Brazil |Man Utd |45 |.35| |15|20|1 |1 | | |
D:20/dm:12 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Robert Huth |18 |Germany |Chelsea |133|3 | |20| | | | | |
sw:12|D:20|dm:12 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Robin Faber |16 |Netherlands|De |65 | |20|20| |1 |1 | | |
D:20|dm:10 | | | Graafschap | | | | | | | | | |
Rodrigo Dias |17 |Brazil |Atletico |64 | | | |20|17| | | |
| | | Mineiro | | | | | | | | | |
Rodrigo Fernandes |18 |Brazil |Botafogo |92 | |20|10| |20| | | |
Sandro |17 |Brazil |Vitoria |61 | | | |20|16| | | |
Simon Francis |18 |England |Bradford City|118|1 |10|20|20| | |15| |
*D/DM:20|m:18|am:15 | | | | | | | | | | | |
Stephen Brennan |20 |Ireland |Newcastle |105|.15| | |20|20|1 |14|13|
*D|M:15 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Steven Taylor |17 |England |Newcastle |115|.5 | |20| |1 |1 |14|14|
Tom Huddlestone |16 |England |Derby |99 |.25| |20| | | | | |
*D:20|dm:10|M:15 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Vágner Leonardelli|18 |Brazil |CFA |90 | | |20| | | |11|12|

Defensive Midfielders
Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Alexandre Song |16 |France |Bastia |80 | | |20| |1 |1 | | |
Andrés Iniesta |19 |Spain |Barcelona |100| | |20| | | |16|15|
DM/m:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Carlos Diogo |19 |Uruguay |River Plate |122| | |20|20|20|15|13| |
d:13|DM/m/am:20|a:10 | | (URU) | | | | | | | | | |
Diego Martínez |22 |Mexico |Necaxa |136| | | |20|20| | | |
DM:20|am:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Diego Rosende |17 |Chile |Universidad |80 | | |20| |1 |8 | | |
*SW/D:20|DM:15 | | | Catolica | | | | | | | | | |
Fábio Santos |17 |Brazil |Sao Paulo |111| |20|15| |17| | | |
*D:20|M:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Hamed Yahiaoui |16 |France |Marseille |40 | | |18|20|1 | | | |
DM:20|m:15 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Ilsinho |17 |Brazil |Palmeiras |61 | |20| | |13| | | |
*D:20|M:15 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
James Dens |17 |Brazil |Coritiba |60 | | | |20|20| | | |
*D/M:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Javier Mascherano |18 |Argentina |River |115| | |20| |1 |1 | | |
Joseph Yobo |22 |Nigeria |Everton |160|10 | |20|10|8 |1 |13|16|
*sw:10|D:20|DM:15|m:12| | | | | | | | | | | |
Jürgen Säumel |18 |Austria |Sturm Graz |93 | |20| | |1 |1 | |14|
DM:16|m:12|AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Leonardo Ponzio |21 |Argentina |Zaragoza |140| | |20|15|1 |10|13|16|
DM:20|m:15 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Lucas Biglia |17 |Argentina |Argentinos |50 | | |20| | | | | |
Matei Mirel Rãdoi |22 |Romania |Steaua |141| | |20|12|1 | |16|14|
*SW:16|D:20|DM:15 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Mauricio Romero |20 |Argentina |Lanus |123| | |20|10|10|10| | |
*D/DM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Naoya Kikuchi |18 |Japan |Jubilo |100| | |20| | | |12| |
*sw:10|D/DM:20|a:10 | | | | | | | | | | | |
Rodolfo Soares |18 |Brazil |Fluminense |68 | | |20| | | | | |
DM/m:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Sebastián Páez |16 |Chile |La Serena |78 | | |20| |1 |1 | | |
DM/m:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Xabi Alonso |21 |Spain |Real Sociedad|168|16 | |20| |1 |1 |19|19|
DM:20|m:16 | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Arouca |16 |Brazil |Fluminense |65 | | | | | | | | |
Basaran Irfan |13 |Turkey |Galatasaray |35 | | |20| | | | | |
Ben Watson |17 |England |Crystal |95 |2.5| |20| | | |12|16|
M:20|am:13 | | | Palace | | | | | | | | | |
Diego Rivero |21 |Argentina |Chacarita |130| | |10|20|1 |5 |14|14|
Fábio Santos |17 |Brazil |Sao Paulo |111| |20|15| |17| | | |
*D:20|M:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Jakob Rasmussen |15 |Denmark |OB |31 | | |20|15|4 |1 |12|16|
M:20|am:10 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Osmar Ferreyra |20 |Argentina |River |105| |20| | |20|1 | | |
Simon Francis |18 |England |Bradford City|118|1 |10|20|20| | |15| |
*D/DM:20|m:18|am:15 | | | | | | | | | | | |
Stephen Brennan |20 |Ireland |Newcastle |105|.15| | |20|20|1 |14|13|
*D|M:15 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Tom Huddlestone |16 |England |Derby |99 |.25| |20| | | | | |
*D:20|dm:10|M:15 | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Attacking Midfielders
Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Aaron Lennon |16 |England |Leeds |80 | | |15|20| | | | |
m/AM:20|a:14 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Alberto Bolaños |18 |Ecuador |LDU de Quito |85 | | | | | | | | |
*m/AM/AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Andrey Arshavin |22 |Russia |Zenith |118| |8 |20|17|1 |6 |7 |13|
m:13|AM:20 | | | Peterburg | | | | | | | | | |
Andrés Aimar |21 |Argentina |River |90 | | |20| |1 |1 | | |
m:15|AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Arthur |17 |Brazil |Sao Paolo |67 | | |20| | | | | |
m/AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Boy-Boy Mosai |18 |S. Africa |Chelsea |90 | | |20| | | | | |
Bruno Gama |16 |Portugal |Braga |50 | |5 |20|20|1 |10|15|12|
m:15|AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Capi |26 |Spain |Betis |156|7 | |20|20|1 |10|14|15|
dm:10|m/AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Carlos |16 |Brazil |Santos |63 | | | | | | | | |
m/AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Damián Luna |18 |Argentina |San Lorenzo |120| |15|20| |1 |10| | |
m:15|AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Darren Campbell |17 |Scotland |Reading |85 | | |10|20|1 |1 | | |
*m:15|AM:20|AF:15 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Daneile Siobhan |20 |Ireland |Limerick FC |72 | | |20| | | | | |
Dinélson |17 |Brazil |Guarani |107| | |20| |1 | |10|12|
m:17|AM:20|a:11 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Éderson |17 |Brazil |RS Futebol |79 | | |20| |1 |17|11|13|
*m/AM/AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Fernando Ismael |17 |Paraguay |Cerro Porteno|68 | |20|20| | | | | |
Rodríguez | | | | | | | | | | | | |
m:20|AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Francesco Lodi |19 |Italy |Empoli |92 |2 | |20| |1 |14|12| |
Gustavo Rodas |17 |Argentina |Newell's |75 | |20|20| |1 |10| | |
m:15|AM:20|a:10 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Gérson |17 |Brazil |Cruzeiro |69 | | | | | | | | |
m/AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
James Milner |17 |England |Leeds |115| |14|18|20| | |11| |
*m/AM:20|AF:18 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Jermaine Pennant |20 |England |Arsenal |135|6 |10|14|20| | | | |
AM:20|a:14 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Joaquín |21 |Spain |Betis |175|22 | | |20|8 |13|17|17|
m:10|AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Johan Absalonsen |17 |Denmark |Brondby |86 | |20|12|16|20|15| |15|
*m/AM/AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Jonan |20 |Spain |Athletic |115| |20|15|10|1 |5 | | |
*m/AM:20|AF:15 | | | Bilbao | | | | | | | | | |
Jorge Pina |20 |Spain |Zaragoza |95 | |20| | |1 |1 | | |
m/AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Juliano |17 |Brazil |Fluminense |57 | | | | | | | | |
AM/a:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Jussi-Pekka |16 |Finland |P-Iirot |69 | |20| | | | |16|9 |
Savolainen | | | | | | | | | | | | |
m:15|AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Kim Källström |20 |Sweden |Djurgarden |148|2.9|10|20| |1 |15|16|12|
dm:11|m/AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Labinot Harbuzi |17 |Sweden |Feyenoord |67 |.3 |13|20| |1 |1 |6 | |
m/AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Leandro Depetris |15 |Argentina |River |25 | | |20| |1 |1 | | |
*m:15|AM:20|AF:15 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Leandro Gracián |20 |Argentina |Velez |127|.94| |20| |1 |1 | | |
m:15|AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Lee Croft |17 |England |Man City |81 | |10|20|10| | |12|10|
m:10|AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Leonardo |19 |Argentina |Argentinos |125|1.5|20|20| |1 |10| | |
Pisculichi | | | | | | | | | | | | |
*m:15|AM:20|AF:15 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Marat Izmailov |20 |Russia |Lokomotive |119| | | | | | | | |
AM:20/a:12 | | | Moscow | | |10|20| |1 |18|16|20|
Mariano González |22 |Argentina |Racing |135| | |10|20|1 |5 |19|17|
m:15|AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Martín Ligüera |22 |Uruguay |Fenix |140| |10|20|10|1 |20|14|15|
m/AM:20|a:10 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Matías Delgado |20 |Argentina |Basel |123| |20|15| |1 |10| | |
m:15|AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Matías Fernández |17 |Chile |Colo Colo |79 | | |20| | | | | |
m:16|AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Mourad Meghni |19 |France |Bologna |140|2 |11|20|14|1 |18|10| |
m:15|AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Nélio |19 |Brazil |Flamengo |119|2 |20|20|20| | | | |
m/AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Oskitz Estefanía |16 |Spain |Real Sociedad|60 | | |20| |1 |20|11|20|
m/AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Osvaldo David |17 |Paraguay |Libertad |74 | | |20| |1 |10| | |
Martínez | | | | | | | | | | | | |
m/AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Patricio Pérez |17 |Argentina |Velez |120| | |20| |1 |1 | | |
m:15|AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Renzo Pozzi |18 |Uruguay |Tacuarembo |93 | | | | |1 |13| | |
m/AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Riccardo Montolivo|18 |Italy |Atalanta |103| |15|20| | |20|13|15|
m/AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Rodrigo Ferrante |23 |Brazil |Siena |143|.4 |20|20|20|20| | | |
Taddei | | | | | | | | | | | | |
m/AM:20|a:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Roger |18 |Brazil |Ponte Preta |113| | |15|20| | | | |
*m:17|AM:20|AF:16 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Sergio Agüero |14 |Argentina |Independiente|30 | | |20| |1 |1 | | |
m:15|AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Tiago |17 |Brazil |Campo Grande |75 | |20| | | | | | |
m/AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Timofei Kalachev |22 |Belarus |Shakhter |102| |17|15|20|20| | |15|
dm:10|m/AM:20|a:10 | | Soligorsk | | | | | | | | | |
Toledo |21 |Brazil |Catanzaro |100| | |20|20| | |6 |13|
m/AM/a:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Toró |17 |Brazil |Flumimense |68 | | |20|16|1 |1 |10| |
*m:15|AM:17|AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Tranquillo |18 |Switzerland|St. Gallen |110| |15|15|15| | | | |
Barnetta | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Valdo |22 |Spain |Osasuna |119| | | |20|10|16| | |
m:15|AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Vicente |21 |Spain |Valencia |164|6 |20| | |1 |15|14|15|
m:10|AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Abuda |17 |Brazil |Juventus (SP)|85 | | |20| |1 |14|11|14|
am:17|AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Akin Ibrahim |19 |Turkey |Altay |110| |20|20| | | | | |
am:20|AF:17 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Alberto Bolaños |18 |Ecuador |LDU de Quito |85 | | | | | | | | |
*m/AM/AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Alberto Medina |20 |Mexico |Chivas |126| | |10|20| |20|12|11|
am/AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Alex Brosque |19 |Australia |Marconi |102| |20|20| |1 | | | |
m:14|am:16|AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Andrea Gasbarroni |21 |Italy |Juventus |131|8 |20|16|18| | |12|11|
am:20|AF:15 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Ates Necati |23 |Turkey |Adanaspor |135|.45| |20| | | |15| |
am:15|AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Carlos Daniel |17 |Columbia |Pasto |78 | |20|20|20| |20|15|12|
Hidalgo | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Carlos Villanueva |17 |Chile |La Serena |85 | | |20| |1 |1 | | |
am:20|AF:18 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
César Delgado |21 |Argentina |Cruz Azul |149| |15|10|15|1 |15|17|15|
Danilo Arrieta |16 |Denmark |Valencia |45 | |20|20|20|1 |20| |15|
am:20|AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Darren Campbell |17 |Scotland |Reading |85 | | |10|20|1 |1 | | |
*m:15|AM:20|AF:15 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Edú |23 |Brazil |Celta |159|4 | |20|20|1 |15|14|13|
m:10|am:15|A:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Evandro Roncatto |17 |Brazil |Guarani |106| | |20|20| | |16| |
am:20|AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Éderson |17 |Brazil |RS Futebol |79 | | |20| |1 |17|11|13|
*m/AM/AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Fabián Estoyanoff |20 |Uruguay |Fenix |131| |15|20|20|1 |20|14|15|
Fernando Torres |19 |Spain |Atletico |165|7.6| | | | | | | |
am:10|AF:20 | | | Madrid | | | |20|15|1 |10|16|16|
Germán Hornos |20 |Uruguay |Sevilla |135| |13|20|13|1 |15|15|15|
am:10|AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Horacio Peralta |20 |Uruguay |Nacional |135| |20|20|20|1 |20|13|14|
m:13|am/AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Hélder Barbosa |16 |Portugal |Porto |59 | |20| | |1 |5 |10|10|
am:20|AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Ismael Íñiguez |21 |Mexico |Pumas |138| | |20|20| | |13|13|
James Milner |17 |England |Leeds |115| |14|18|20| | |11| |
*m/AM:20|AF:18 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Jeppe Lund Curth |19 |Denamrk |Feyenoord |85 | |14|20|17|1 |20|11|18|
m:14|am/AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Johan Absalonsen |17 |Denmark |Brondby |86 | |20|12|16|20|15| |15|
*m/AM/AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Jonan |20 |Spain |Athletic |115| |20|15|10|1 |5 | | |
*m/AM:20|AF:15 | | | Bilbao | | | | | | | | | |
Jonathan Soriano |17 |Spain |Espanyol |65 | | |20| |1 |10| | |
am/AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
José Antonio Reyes|19 |Spain |Sevilla |170|11 |20| | |1 |1 |16|15|
m:13|am/AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
José Sosa |17 |Argentina |Estudiantes |90 | | |20| |1 |1 | | |
am:20|AF:15 | | | (LP) | | | | | | | | | |
José Soto |17 |Chile |Santiago |82 | | |20| |1 |1 | | |
am:15|AF:20 | | | Wanderers | | | | | | | | | |
Juan Carlos |19 |Argentina |River |90 | | |15|20|1 |10| | |
Menseguez | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Klaus Salmutter |19 |Austria |Sturm Graz |89 | | |20| | | | | |
am:20|AF:16 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Leandro Depetris |15 |Argentina |River |25 | | |20| |1 |1 | | |
*m:15|AM:20|AF:15 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Leonardo |19 |Argentina |Argentinos |125|1.5|20|20| |1 |10| | |
Pisculichi | | | | | | | | | | | | |
*m:15|AM:20|AF:15 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Luke Moore |17 |England |Aston Villa |90 | |20|20|20|1 |1 | | |
Malzoni |19 |Brazil |Coritiba |82 | | |20| | | | | |
am/AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Papa Waigo |19 |Senegal |Verona |109| |15|20| | | | |11|
Roberto Javier |18 |Ecuador |Huracan |75 | | | | | | | | |
Mina | | | | | | |20| |1 |1 | | |
am/AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Rodrigo |17 |Brazil |Gremio |62 | | |20| | | | | |
am:19|AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Roger |18 |Brazil |Ponte Preta |113| | |15|20| | | | |
*m:17|AM:20|AF:16 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Samir Ben Saïd |15 |France |Marseille |40 | | |20| |1 | | | |
Nasri | | | | | | | | | | | | |
am:15|AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Samuel Eto'o |22 |Cameroon |Mallorca |165|10 | |20| |1 |1 |14|14|
am:17|AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Toró |17 |Brazil |Flumimense |68 | | |20|16|1 |1 |10| |
*m:15|AM:17|AF:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Vieirinha |17 |Portugal |Porto |60 | |10|15|20|1 |15| |12|
am:20|AF:15 | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Advaldo |16 |Brazil |Vitoria |97 | | |20| | | | | |
Aksu Cafercan |16 |Turkey |Galatasary |60 | | |20| | | | | |
Albert Luque |25 |Spain |Deportivo |165|10 |13|20| |7 |10|16|17|
am:14|AS:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Alessandro |17 |Italy |Roma |100| | |20|14| | |12|12|
Simonetta | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Anatoli Todorov |18 |Bulgaria |Litex |107|.3 | |20| | | | | |
Benjamin Onwuachi |19 |Nigeria |Juventus |120| | |20| | | | | |
Björn Zwikker |13 |Netherlands|Emmen |25 | | |20| |1 |1 | | |
César Carignano |20 |Argentina |Colon |135|1.8| |20| |1 |1 |16|15|
David Aganzo |22 |Spain |Real Madrid |121|4.5| |20|10|1 |12|14|12|
Davide Moscardelli|23 |Belgium |Triestina |123| | |20| | | | | |
Franco Cangele |18 |Argentina |Boca |110| | |20| | | | | |
Gastón Fernández |19 |Argentina |River |115| | |20| |1 |1 | | |
am:10|AS:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Georgi Kakalov |18 |Bulgaria |Litex |103| |10|20|10| | |14| |
am:10|AS:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Germán Herrera |19 |Argentina |Central |90 | | |20| | | | | |
Hiroyuki Hayashi |19 |Japan |Avispa |92 | | |20| | | | | |
James Graham |15 |Scotland |Leicester |60 | | |20| | | | | |
Jami Puustinen |16 |Finland |Man Utd |61 | | |20| | | |18| |
Jeremías Caggiano |20 |Argentina |Independiente|111| | |20| | | | | |
Jorge Torales |19 |Paraguay |Chacarita |120| | |20| | | | | |
Juan Carlos Cacho |21 |Mexico |Cruz Azul |125| | |20| | | |15|17|
Jérémie Aliadière |20 |France |Arsenal |139|3 | |20| | | | | |
Jô |16 |Brazil |Corinthians |108| | |20| | | | | |
Lasse Qvist |16 |Denmark |Lyngby |35 | | |20|10|5 |1 | |17|
am:10|AS:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Luigi Della Rocca |18 |Italy |Bologna |109|2.8| |20| | |1 | | |
Luiz Carlos |17 |Brazil |Santos |70 | | |20| | | | | |
Mads Torry |17 |Denmark |FC Copenhagen|46 | | |20| |1 |1 | | |
Mario Ortiz |19 |Mexico |Cruz Azul |122| | |20| | | | | |
Maxi López |19 |Argentina |River |123|2.5| |20| |1 |1 | | |
Michael Chopra |19 |England |Newcastle |120|2.5| |20| | | | | |
Olexiy Belik |22 |Ukraine |Shakhtar |128| | |20| |1 |1 |15|6 |
Pavel Beganskiy |22 |Belarus |BATE |105| | |20| | | |10|16|
Portillo |21 |Spain |Real Madrid |125|4 | |20| |1 |1 |13|16|
Radamel Falcao |17 |Columbia |River |50 | | |20| |1 |1 | | |
García | | | | | | | | | | | | |
am:10|AS:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Rodrigo Tiuí |17 |Brazil |Fluminense |104| | |20| | | | | |
Russell Mwafulirwa|20 |Malawi |Jomo Cosmos |92 | | |20| |1 |1 | | |
Santiago Fernández|18 |Mexico |America |115| | |20| | | | | |
| | | (MEX) | | | | | | | | | |
Supat Rungratsamee|15 |Thailand |Portsmouth |35 | | |20| | | | | |
Thyago |17 |Brazil |Corinthians |64 | | |20| | | | | |
Valeri Emilov |17 |Bulgaria |Lecce |114| | |20| |1 |11|13|17|
Bojinov | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Wilson |18 |Brazil |Corinthians |112| | |20| | | | | |
Xisco |16 |Spain |Villarreal |90 | | | | |1 | | | |
Yulian Gunchev |18 |Bulgaria |Slavia Sofia |87 | | |20| | | | |14|


D.02.2: U21 Players with at least 180 Potential Ability

Players with a stated potential ability are more valuable than those with
merely a (-2) potential ability. This is because there is no doubt about
what the potential ability is. Try to get these players as fast as possible
when you start the game. Especially those undiscovered and cheap youngsters.

Pot = Potentail Ability
Cur = Current Ability
$M = ESTIMATED listed value based on the editor
L = Left (Max Value: 20)
C = Central (Max Value: 20)
R = Right (Max Value: 20)
W = Winger (Max Value: 20)
F = Free Role (Max Value: 20)
Co = Consistency (Max Value: 20)
I = Important Matches (Max Value: 20)
The following refer to the letters and numbers that may appear below the
player's name. If the letter is in capital it means that the position is
listed in the editor. It should be noted that just because one has a higher
value in one position does not mean that the player will be listed in that
SW = Sweeper (Max Value: 20)
D = Defender (Max Value: 20)
DM = Denfensive Midfielder (Max Value: 20)
M = Midfielder (Max Value: 20)
AM = Attackiing Midfielder (Max Value: 20)
A = Attacker (Max Value: 20)
AF = Player listed as a Forward (Max Value: 20)
AS = Player listed as a striker (Max Value: 20)
There is only one value for attackers. Whether the player is a forward or
a striker is dependant on what the editor states. However, generally as you
can see for yourself, strikers tend to be more central.
* = This simply means that the player is listed in two different sections.
Thus the player may be listed as a defender and a midfield.

Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Petr Cech |21 |Czech |Rennes |150|5 | | | | | |14|14|
| | | <185> | | | | | | | | |

Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Philippe Mexès |21 |France |Auxerre |157|15 | |20| | | |15|13|
*SW:18|D:20 | | | <185> | | | | | | | | |

Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Fabricio Coloccini|21 |Argentina |Milan |156| | |20| | | |17| |
| | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Glen Johnson |18 |England |Chelsea |140|6 | |15|20| | |12| |
| | | <185> | | | | | | | | |
Philippe Mexès |21 |France |Auxerre |157|15 | |20| | | |15|13|
*SW:18|D:20 | | | <185> | | | | | | | | |

Defensive Midfielders
Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Daniele De Rossi |19 |Italy |Roma |151| |15|20| |1 |1 |14| |
DM/m:20 | | | <185> | | | | | | | | |
Fabrício |20 |Brazil |Corinthians |141| | |20|20| | |14| |
DM/m:20 | | | <181> | | | | | | | | |
Markus Feulner |21 |Germany |FC Bayern |131| | |10|20|15|1 |12|12|
d:10|DM:20|m:12 | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |

Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Mikel Arteta |21 |Spain |Rangers |153|8 |10|20|10|1 | |12|12|
M:20|am:10 | | | <182> | | | | | | | | |
Stephen Hughes |20 |Scotland |Rangers |135|2 | |20|18| | |11|14|
M:20|am:13 | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |

Attacking Midfielders
Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Anthony Le Tallec |18 |France |Liverpool |140| | |20| |1 |20|15|18|
*m/AM/AF:20 | | | <190> | | | | | | | | |
Arjen Robben |19 |Netherlands|PSV |152| |20|20| | | |13|17|
*m:17|AM/AF:20 | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Carlos Alberto |18 |Brazil |Fluminense |128| |10|20|13|1 |1 |16|13|
m:20|AM:16|a:11 | | | <181> | | | | | | | | |
Diego |18 |Brazil |Santos |158|4.5| |20|14|1 |12|13|15|
m:18|AM:20|a:13 | | | <191> | | | | | | | | |
Freddy Adu |13 |USA |None |109| |10|20|12| |13|15|18|
*m:15|AM/AF:20 | | | <189> | | | | | | | | |
Joe Cole |21 |England |Chelsea |160|7 |16|20|10|1 |16|13|18|
m:10|AM:20 | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Kaká |21 |Brazil |Milan |174| |10|20|12|1 |20|14|14|
m:10|AM:20|a:13 | | | <190> | | | | | | | | |
Koç Okan |21 |Turkey |Besiktas |143|6.2| |11|20|8 |20| |15|
| | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Mario Alberto |21 |Argentina |Chievo |158|1.0| | |20|11|20| | |
Santana | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
*m/AM:20|AF:15 | | | | | | | | | | | |
Rafael van der |20 |Netherlands|Ajax |160|15 |20|18| |5 |18|15|17|
Vaart | | | <190> | | | | | | | | |
dm:11|m:20|AM:17|a:13| | | | | | | | | | |

Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Anthony Le Tallec |18 |France |Liverpool |140| | |20| |1 |20|15|18|
*m/AM/AF:20 | | | <190> | | | | | | | | |
Antonio Cassano |20 |Italy |Roma |176|12 |15|20|16|1 |20|12|13|
am:15|AF:20 | | | <193> | | | | | | | | |
Arjen Robben |19 |Netherlands|PSV |152| |20|20| | | |13|17|
*m:17|AM/AF:20 | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Carlos Tevez |19 |Argentina |Boca |163|6.3| |20| |1 |1 |19|15|
am:15|AF:20 | | | <191> | | | | | | | | |
Cristiano Ronaldo |18 |Portugal |Man Utd |145|12.|20|20|20|1 |15|12|12|
m:10|am:20|AF:15 | | | <190> | | | | | | | | |
Dagoberto |20 |Brazil |Atletico |144| |11|20| |1 | |15|12|
am:17|AF:20 | | |Paranaense | | | | | | | | | |
| | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Diego |18 |Brazil |Internacional|128|.1 |20|20| | | |17| |
am/AF:20 | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Freddy Adu |13 |USA |None |109| |10|20|12| |13|15|18|
*m:15|AM/AF:20 | | | <189> | | | | | | | | |
Hatem Ben Arfa |16 |France |Lyon |60 | |15|20| |1 |1 | | |
m:10|am:20|AF:17 | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Javier Saviola |21 |Argentina |Barcelona |180|19 |10|20|10|1 |15|14|15|
| | | <185> | | | | | | | | |
Mario Alberto |21 |Argentina |Chievo |158|1.0| | |20|11|20| | |
Santana | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
*m/AM:20|AF:15 | | | | | | | | | | | |
Sanli Tuncay |21 |Turkey |Fenerbahce |165|5 | |20| | |12|15|15|
am:20|AF:15 | | | <185> | | | | | | | | |
Wayne Rooney |17 |England |Everton |160|20 | |20| |1 |18|14|14|
m:12|am:16|AF:20 | | <190> | | | | | | | | |

Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Adriano |21 |Brazil |Parma |180|8 | |20| |1 |10|13|14|
| | | <194> | | | | | | | | |
Alberto Gilardino |20 |Italy |Parma |157|2.4| |20| | |10|15|10|
| | | <186> | | | | | | | | |
Fernando Cavenaghi|19 |Argentina |River |148|6.3| |20| |1 |1 |16|19|
| | | <189> | | | | | | | | |
Giampaolo Pazzini |18 |Italy |Atalanta |110| | |20| | |1 |17|15|
| | | <185> | | | | | | | | |
Jermain Defoe |20 |England |West Ham |140|10 | |20| |1 |1 |13|16|
| | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Martins |18 |Nigeria |Inter |157| |10|20|10|1 |10|10|10|
| | | <185> | | | | | | | | |
Robinho |19 |Brazil |Santos |152| | |20| |1 | |12|15|
am:12|AS:20 | | | <191> | | | | | | | | |
Roque Santa Cruz |21 |Paraguay |FC Bayern |160| | |20| |1 |1 |16|16|
am:14|AS:20 | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Rudy Carlier |17 |France |Strasborg |40 | | |20| |1 |1 | | |
| | | <185> | | | | | | | | |
Zlatan Ibrahimovic|21 |Sweden |Ajax |147| | |20| |1 |1 |7 |15|
| | | <180> | | | | | | | | |


D.02.3: U22-23 Players with at least 180 Potential Ability

Pot = Potentail Ability
Cur = Current Ability
$M = ESTIMATED listed value based on the editor
L = Left (Max Value: 20)
C = Central (Max Value: 20)
R = Right (Max Value: 20)
W = Winger (Max Value: 20)
F = Free Role (Max Value: 20)
Co = Consistency (Max Value: 20)
I = Important Matches (Max Value: 20)
The following refer to the letters and numbers that may appear below the
player's name. If the letter is in capital it means that the position is
listed in the editor. It should be noted that just because one has a higher
value in one position does not mean that the player will be listed in that
SW = Sweeper (Max Value: 20)
D = Defender (Max Value: 20)
DM = Denfensive Midfielder (Max Value: 20)
M = Midfielder (Max Value: 20)
AM = Attackiing Midfielder (Max Value: 20)
A = Attacker (Max Value: 20)
AF = Player listed as a Forward (Max Value: 20)
AS = Player listed as a striker (Max Value: 20)
There is only one value for attackers. Whether the player is a forward or
a striker is dependant on what the editor states. However, generally as you
can see for yourself, strikers tend to be more central.
* = This simply means that the player is listed in two different sections.
Thus the player may be listed as a defender and a midfield.

Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Chris Kirkland |22 |Liverpool |Liverpool |150|9 | | | | | |19|16|
| | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Ivan Pelizzoli |22 |Italy |Roma |151| | |20| | | |14|14|
| | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Sebastián Saja |23 |Argentina |San Lorenzo |145|2.5| | | | | |18|17|
| | | <180> | | | | | | | | |

Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Gabriel Milito |22 |Argentina |Zaragoza |150|3.1| |20| |1 |1 |20|14|
*SW:15|D:20 | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Zdenek Grygera |23 |Czech |Ajax |155|2 |10|20|20|15| |17|14|
*SW/D:20 | | | <185> | | | | | | | | |

Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Christoph |22 |Germany |Dortmund |172| |14|20| |10|1 |17|18|
Metzelder | | | <185> | | | | | | | | |
sw:10|D:20|dm:10 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Cristian Chivu |22 |Romania |Roma |163|12.|12|20| |10|20|17|14|
sw:11|D:20 | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Daniele Bonera |22 |Italy |Parma |161|4 | |20|18| |1 |16|14|
| | | <187> | | | | | | | | |
Gabriel Milito |22 |Argentina |Zaragoza |150|3.1| |20| |1 |1 |20|14|
*SW:15|D:20 | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Hanno Balitsch |22 |Germany |Leverkusen |151| | |10|20|10|10|15|14|
*D/DM:20|m:15 | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
John O'Shea |22 |Ireland |Man Utd |158|2 |16|20|14|1 |1 |17|14|
sw:12|D:20|dm:12 | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Mancini |23 |Brazil |Roma |165| | | |20|15|1 |17|12|
*D:17|AM:18|a:20 | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Matteo Ferrari |23 |Italy |Parma |163|4 | |20| | | |11|12|
| | | <184> | | | | | | | | |
Zdenek Grygera |23 |Czech |Ajax |155|2 |10|20|20|15| |17|14|
*SW/D:20 | | | <185> | | | | | | | | |

Defensive Midfielders
Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Kléberson |23 |Brazil |Man Utd |155|7 | |20|16|10|16|17|15|
d:10|DM:16|m:20 | | | <182> | | | | | | | | |
Hanno Balitsch |22 |Germany |Leverkusen |151| | |10|20|10|10|15|14|
*D/DM:20|m:15 | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Matteo Brighi |22 |Italy |Juventus |149|4.8|13|20|17|1 |1 |14|15|
DM:15|m:20 | | | <181> | | | | | | | | |
Sebastian Kehl |23 |Germany |Dortmund |165| |10|20| |1 |1 |17|16|
d:10|DM/m:20 | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Stephan Appiah |22 |Ghana |Juventus |168|4 |10|20|15|1 |5 |13|16|
DM/m:20 | | | <186> | | | | | | | | |
Steven Gerrard |23 |England |Liverpool |175|15 | |20|16|10|1 |13|17|
d:10|DM:15|m:20 | | | <185> | | | | | | | | |

Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Belözoglu Emre |22 |Turkey |Inter |174| |15|20| |1 |12|12|15|
M:20|a:10 | | | <188> | | | | | | | | |
Christian Rahn |23 |Germany |HSV |147| |20| | |20| |13|12|
d:14|dm:10|M:20|a:14 | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Enzo Maresca |23 |Italy |Juventus |160|.08| |20|14|1 |1 |14|18|
dm:13|M:20|am:13 | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Scott Parker |22 |England |Charlton |155|6 | |20| |1 |1 |18|16|
| | | <180> | | | | | | | | |

Attacking Midfielders
Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Andrés |22 |Argentina |Wolfsburg |165| | |20| |1 |20|19|16|
D'Alessandro | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
m/AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Lucas Martín |22 |Argentina |Velez |147|5.0|14| |20|14|10|14|18|
Castromán | | | <185> | | | | | | | | |
dm:13|m/AM:20 | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Mancini |23 |Brazil |Roma |165| | | |20|15|1 |17|12|
*D:17|AM:18|a:20 | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Pablo Aimar |23 |Argentina |Valencia |183|15 |10|20| |1 |15|14|17|
m:10|AM:20 | | | <190> | | | | | | | | |
Sebastian Deisler |23 |Germany |FC Bayern |157| | |20|20|1 |10|16|16|
m/AM:20 | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Tomas Rosicky |22 |Czech |Dortmund |173| |10|20|10|1 |20|20|17|
m:15|AM:20|a:10 | | | <188> | | | | | | | | |

Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Andriy Voronin |23 |Ukraine |1.FC Koln |143| |20|20| |1 |16|14|13|
am:15|AF:20 | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Andy van der Meyde|23 |Netherlands|Inter |168|4.7|16| |20|10|1 |9 |12|
m:10|am:20|AF:18 | | | <185> | | | | | | | | |
Chevantón |22 |Uruguay |Lecce |149| | |20| |1 |20|13|10|
| | | <185> | | | | | | | | |
Fabrizio Miccoli |23 |Italy |Juventus |167| |13|20|15|1 |15|15|15|
am:15|AF:20 | | | <193> | | | | | | | | |
Gil |22 |Brazil |Corinthians |156|1.5|17|20| |1 |14|16|16|
am:16|AF:20 | | | <183> | | | | | | | | |
Mohamed Kallon |23 |Sierra |Inter |159| |15|20|15|1 |20|13|15|
am:12|AF:20 | |Leone | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Nihat |23 |Turkey |Real Sociedad|174|10 | |15|20|1 |1 |17|11|
am:15|AF:20 | | | <185> | | | | | | | | |
Paul Freier |23 |Germany |Bochum |151| |10|10|20| | |15|10|
m:10|am:20|AF:15 | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Ronaldinho |23 |Brazil |Barcelona |175| |10|20|10|1 |20|13|15|
m:10|am:20|AF:16 | | | <190> | | | | | | | | |
Sidney Govou |23 |France |Lyon |153|1.5| |16|20|1 |18|13|14|
m:14|am:20|AF:18 | | | <180> | | | | | | | | |

Name |Age| Nation |Club |Cur|$M |Side | | | |
| | | | |L |C |R |W |F |Co|I |
Dimitar Berbatov |22 |Bulgaria |Leverkusen |150| | |20| | | |12|15|
| | | <180> | | | | | | | | |
Luís Fabiano |22 |Brazil |Sao Paulo |160|1.8| |20| | | |17|15|
| | | <181> | | | | | | | | |
Michael Owen |23 |England |Liverpool |175|25 | |20| | |10|15|16|
| | | <190> | | | | | | | | |



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