CTU - Marine Sharpshooter

CTU - Marine Sharpshooter

17.10.2013 15:26:47

CTU: Marine Sharpshooter

Unofficial Strategy Guide and FAQ

by Kasey Chang

released June 6, 2004

0 Introduction

This section is for "what the FAQ is about" and things like that.
Feel free to skip this section.

If you like the FAQ, please send me a dollar. :-) See [0.3]

This FAQ is about CTU:Marine Sharpshooter, the "sniper" game from
Groove Games and Jarhead Games.


There doesn't seem to be any FAQ for this budget game, so here it

This is a FAQ, NOT a manual. Not that you really need a manual to
play this budget sim.

This USG only covers the PC Version, which is the only one that

Some of you may recognize my name as the editor for the XCOM and
XCOM2: TFTD FAQ's, among others.


This document is copyrighted by Kuo-Sheng "Kasey" Chang (c) 2004,
all rights reserved excepted as noted above in the disclaimer

This document is available FREE of charge subjected to the
following conditions:

1)This notice and author's name must accompany all copies of
this document: "CTU Marine Sharpshooter Unofficial Strategy
Guide and FAQ" is copyrighted (c) 2004 by Kasey K.S. Chang,
all rights reserved except as noted in the disclaimer."

2)This document must NOT be modified in any form or manner
without prior permission of the author with the following
exception: if you wish to convert this document to a different
file format or archive format, with no change to the content,
then no permission is needed.

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embedded is okay. See IGN or Neoseeker for examples.]

3)No charge other than "reasonable" compensation should charged
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4)If you used material from this, PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE the source,
else it is plagiarism.

5)The author hereby grants all games-related websites the right
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for any websites that don't seem to understand this.

For the gamers: You are under NO obligation to send me ANY
compensation. However, I do ask for a VOLUNTARY contribution
of one (1) US Dollar if you live in the United States, and if
you believe this guide helped your game. If you choose to do
so, please make your US$1.00 check or $1.00 worth of US stamps
to "Kuo-Sheng Chang", and send it to "2220 Turk Blvd. #6, San
Francisco, CA 94118 USA".

If you don't live in the US, please send me some local stamps.
I collect stamps too.


Gamers who read this guide are under NO obligation to send me ANY

However, a VOLUNTARY contribution of one (1) US Dollar would be
very appreciated.

If you choose to do so, please make your US$1.00 check or $1.00
worth of stamps to "Kuo-Sheng Chang", and send it to "2220 Turk
Blvd. #6, San Francisco, CA 94118 USA".

If you don't live in the US, please send me some local stamps. I
collect stamps too.

For the record, out of ALL the FAQs I wrote (50 at last count)
over the past nine years or so, I've received exactly 19 dollars
and 4 sets of stamps, as of release of this guide. So I'm NOT
making any money off these guides, folks.


PLEASE let me know if there's a confusing or missing remark,
mistakes, and thereof... If you find a question about this game
that is not covered in the USG, e-mail it to me at the address
specified below. I'll try to answer it and include it in the
next update.

Please do NOT write me for technical support. That is
Activision's job.

Please do NOT ask me to answer questions that have already
answered in this FAQ/guide. It makes you look REALLY idiotic.

I will NOT answer stupid questions like the ones above unless I'm
in a really good mood. If you send questions like that, do NOT
expect a reply.

The address below is spelled out phonetically so spammers can't
use spambots on it:

Kilo-Sierra-Charlie-Hotel-Alpha-November-Golf-Seven-Seven AT
Yankee-Alpha-Hotel-Oscar-Oscar DOT Charlie-Oscar-Mike

To decipher this, simply read the first letter off each word
except for the numbers and the punctuation. This is "military
phonetics" or "aeronautical phonetics" in case you're wondering.

This document was produced on Microsoft Word 97. Some editing was
done with Editpad (editpadclassic.com).


I am just a game player who decided to write my own FAQs when the
ones I find don't cover what I want to see. Lots of people like
what I did, so I kept doing it.

Previously, I've written Unofficial Strategy Guides (USGs) for
XCOM, XCOM2:TFTD, Wing Commander, Wing Commander 2, Wing
Commander 3, Wing Commander 4, Privateer, Spycraft, 688(I)
Hunter/Killer. Mechwarrior 3, MW3 Expansion Pack, Mechwarrior 4,
Mechwarrior 4: Black Knight, Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed,
The Sting!, Terranova, Fallout Tactics, Starfleet Command Volume
II, DS9: The Fallen, DS9: Dominion War, Driver, Warlords:
Battlecry, Monopoly Tycoon, Dungeon Siege, and a few others. At
least count, that's 53 FAQs (this makes it 54).

To contact me, see 0.4 above.


Jarhead Games is the creator of Marine Sharpshooter.

Groove Games is the publisher of Marine Sharpshooter

This USG is not endorsed or authorized by either company.

The information compiled in this USG has been gathered
independently through the author's efforts except where noted
otherwise. However, the "official" walkthru has been used to
verify a lot of the information.

This document is based on the retail version with 1.01 patch
applied. Thus, any patches applied later may affect its accuracy.


06-JUN-2004 Initial release

1 AAA General Info


Q: Can you send me the game (or portions thereof)?
A: No. It's like $10 in local stores.

Q: Can you send me the manual? (or portions thereof)
A: You don't need it. The controls are all listed in the game and

Q: Can you tell me how to play the game?
A: Read the manual please.

Q: How big is the install?
A: About 487 MB.

Q: Is there a patch?
A: V1.01 patch is available at Groove Games' website There may
be a V1.02 patch coming soon.

Q: What's the difference among the difficulty levels?
A: How easy you die, mainly, and how accurate the enemy is.

Q: Where is the pause button?
A: P, or hit ESC to pop up the in-game menu.

Q: What about some cheat codes?
A: There aren't any.


Jarhead Games had a good history of developing quality budget
shooters. Their SEAL Team and SEAL Team II made a bit of money
for ValuSoft. Jarhead Games decided to switch publishers and they
need to create a new "franchise". The result was CTU: Marine


Minimum requirements are:

Pentium II/300 MHz. or equivalent processor


500 MB Hard Disk Space

SVGA, high-color (16-bit)

16-bit DirectX 8 compatible sound card

8 MB DirectX 8 compatible video accelerator (capable of multi-

Recommended specs are:

PIII/550 MHz. or above

128 MB RAM

500 MB Hard Disk Space

SVGA, true-color 32 Bit Color

16-bit DirectX 8 compatible sound card

32 MB DirectX 8 compatible video accelerator (capable of hardware
accelerated transformation and lighting)


CTUMS is basically a first-person shooter with heavy emphasis on
the sniper rifle, but it's not the only weapon you use. You also
have a buddy, your spotter, who has an M-16, and he will not only
spot enemies for you, but also engage targets and watch your back
(unless you told him not to, as not to give away your position).
Also, there are segments where you must do close-quarters battle
with your pistol, and others where you must clear out segments of
enemies, cover fellow soldiers by taking out enemies before they
can engage your friendlies, and so on.


There is a patch to V1.01. It replaces some game files. You MUST
start a new game after installing the V1.01 patch. If you tried
to load an old save with the new patch in place, you will crash
the game.

The game is very stable and never crashed even once on my test
computer, even after repeated task switching. However, there were
a few in-game glitches that cannot be reproduced.


The sequel, Marine Sharpshooter II, is coming soon.

Jarhead Games also did SEAL Team series for ValuSoft, another FPS
series with elite units.

2 Your weapons and equipment

The USMC is the first American military branch to realize the
need to integrate sniper / sharpshooter into regular units. In
1966, USMC procured the first batch of Remington rifles, which is
then designated as M40. Of the 700 purchased, 550 of them have
scopes mounted, making them the first official sharpshooter

USMC's sharpshooting has came a long way since. Here are the
weapons you'll use, and a little bit of background info on them.

From time to time, Wolfman, your "advisor", will jump in with a
few comments of his own, like this:

Wolfman says: Pay attention, jarhead! Knowing these may just help
you survive, and you may even get to save the world in the

2.1 M40A3

The M40A3 is the successor to the highly acclaimed M40A1, which
can be traced back to the original M40 Remington 7.62 mm rifles
all the way back to 1966. The M40A3 differs rather minimally from
the M40A1, with slightly improved accuracy and a built-in bipod.
Carry weight is about 16.5 pounds NOT counting ammo. It has a
composite stock which resists weather changes and is lighter than
wood, along with match grade barrel and base.

M40A3 has a 5-round magazine, which is breech loaded, making it
rather slow in reloading. It is a bolt-action rifle, so it takes
a moment to pull the bolt, eject the spent round, and reload the
next round. Firing rate is relatively slow.

For more information on the real rifle, visit here:

In terms of the game, the pertinent facts are as follows:

Magazine Capacity: 5
Rate of Fire: Slow
Reload Speed: Slow

You use this rifle for level 1, in Afghanistan.

Wolfman says: While this rifle isn't bad, the small magazine
capacity can be a problem, as is the slow reload speed. Keep it
fully loaded at ALL times. Reload whenever you got a second to
spare. You will thank me later.

2.2 M82A1

Ah, the Barrett 50-cal. Every sniper's dream... Not! This rifle
weights 32.5 pounds, and that's NOT counting ammo and
accessories! While effective range is about 80% further than the
M40A3, the accuracy is not as high. However, since this rifle is
magazine based and semi-automatic, reload is quite fast and rate
of fire is quite high. Being semi-automatic, you can actually
hold down the trigger and it'll just keep shooting and empty the
magazine. The main problem is the massive recoil and the delay in
getting the crosshairs back onto the target.

However, the Barrett is excellent against vehicles. The bullet
will punch through light armor in most cases, and will do wonders
to an engine block or a jet engine from over a mile away. That's
in real-life though. In the game this rifle doesn't do anything
against vehicles.

For more information on the real rifle, visit here:

In terms of the game, the pertinent facts are as follows:

Magazine Capacity: 10
Rate of Fire: medium-fast
Reload Speed: fast

You use this rifle for level 2, in Chechnya

Wolfman says: Don't even THINK about using this rifle standing
up. The crosshair will wave all over the place and you won't hit
a thing. The power of the Barrett is its ability to punch through
things, so see if you can spot outline of enemies through trees
and foliage and such. And shoot them through the trees and such.

One trick I use with the Barrett to survive Chechnya is the
sprint and drift tactic. Basically, run the distance of about
four to six trees, stay in cover. If your spotter spotted
something, stop immediately and hide behind a tree. Immediately
lie down and start scanning for enemies. Look for just the foot
showing, or a hint of their outline. Even if you don't see
anything, that's fine... Just take a good guess on how high the
enemy may be. If he moves around a bit, he's standing up, else
he's either kneeling or lying down. Then feed him a 50 cal

2.3 AW

The AW is based on the British Accuracy International L96A1,
which is also known as the PM. Supposedly AW stands for "Arctic
Warfare" since the specs were originally designed for the Swedish
army's sniper requirements. However, the rifle's so good, BAI
started selling it to everybody.

AW is a bolt-action rifle, and has excellent accuracy right out
of the box, and can be further improved in accuracy with match-
grade ammo.

For more information on the real rifle, visit here:

In terms of the game, the pertinent facts are as follows:

Magazine Capacity: 10
Rate of Fire: slow
Reload Speed: medium

You use this rifle for level 3, in Pacific Island

Wolfman says: AW is a bolt-action rifle so rate of fire is slow.
However, the rifle seems take both magazine feed AND breech feed,
thus reload speed is quite fast (not quite as fast as the Barrett
of course). It is quite accurate with low recoil.


The SOCOM's full name is Heckler & Koch Mk.23 mod 0 (the civilian
version is just plain Mk 23). This pistol uses the venerable .45
cal ACP (used in the old Colt 45!) with the base and chamber
upgraded to reliably shoot the upgraded ACP+P ammo. It has an
integrated spot for a laser module, and a quick-attach silencer.
You also get an extra-large magazine for this use, with 17 rounds
instead of the usual 12-round magazine.

For more information on the real gun, visit here:

In terms of the game, the pertinent facts are as follows:

Magazine Capacity: 17
Rate of Fire: fast
Reload Speed: medium-fast

This is your personal side-arm, so you have access to it at all

Wolfman says: SOCOM is your tool for close-in fighting. Do NOT
use your rifle for that! When you are moving, pull out your
pistol! When you see enemy, shoot him at least three times and
move aside. Keep shooting until he goes down. That red-dot in the
middle is your laser "death dot". Reload whenever you get a
chance. You'll never know when you'll exhaust your magazine.


The venerable marine K-bar, albeit Spec-Op'ed. As you can never
get close enough to the enemy to use it, why have it? Still, you
wouldn't be a marine without a K-Bar.


You carry a limited number of medical kits, as does your spotter.
They don't heal that much (at most 20%), but every bit of
patching helps when you're running low.

Note that your spotter cannot patch you, and you cannot patch
your spotter. He will use his med kits when he feels he needs it.
But once he's out, he's out, and same for you.

I don't know of a way for you to see how many med kits your
spotter still has.


Just turn it on and turn night into... not-quite-day. Fortunately
the batteries never run out during the game.

3 General Tactics


Your sniper rifle is a LONG-range weapon, It is NOT built for
close-in fighting. That's for your pistol. Thus, you should
maximize the distance between you and the next "corner" by
hugging the back wall and try to see as far down the next corner
as possible.


It's NOT your job to run into enemy territory without knowing
what to shoot. Your spotter will spot enemies for you if you give
him a chance, so let him do his job. Move ahead with pistol out,
in case something jumps out from behind that next tree. Move
forward in spurts until you get shot at or your spotter sees
something. Lay prone and start shooting. When it's all clear,
resume the path.


Your spotter will try to cover you any way he can, and that means
running ahead with his M-16 and engage bad guys if you don't stop
him. As you can guess, this is NOT good for his health. And if he
dies, you lose.

Therefore, you should take the lead, always. Get your pistol out
and be ready.

If you don't want your spotter to run ahead, tell him "hold
fire", and he'll look for a spot to hide near you.

If your spotter already ran ahead, follow him quickly (stand up!)
and help him with the enemies. Or tell him to hold fire.
Obviously, don't do this in the middle of enemies.

In general, when you crouch or lay prone, you should set your
buddy to "hold fire". This way you will prevent him from suddenly
running off to engage a few guys around the corner.

On the other hand, if you're pretty sure there are no threats
nearby, just far-away threats, then feel free to set him "fire at
will", so he can cover your back in case anyone sneaks up behind


Both positions improve your accuracy by a lot. The crosshair
won't drift as much, and you can lead your moving targets better.
You should almost NEVER shoot standing up, except when using your
pistol, where it doesn't matter.

The price you pay is much lower movement speed.


When you need to engage RPG guys, you may need to use this "shoot
and scoot" tactic. Basically, the RPG guy will shoot as soon as
he sees you, so you have maybe TWO SECONDS to make the shot and
back off to avoid the incoming RPG. Start by pre-aiming to almost
the right spot. Move forward, shoot, and backpedal. Don't worry
if you miss. The RPG will miss and you'll live to try again.


Audio plays a big role in this game. If you hear conversation in
foreign language, enemies are just around the corner. If you hear
shots (or ricochets), enemies are either shooting at you or
shooting at friendlies. If you hear one round at a time, an enemy
sniper is gunning for you.


While this is a Navy term, you can use this as well. Basically,
you run forward (sprint) until your observer spots new hostiles
or until you've gone about 4 to 6 trees. If there are new
contacts, then you stop and lay prone to engage enemies (drift)
that were just spotted, if any. When you clean out the area (or
are sure nearby is clean), then run forward and repeat.

Remember to switch to pistol when you run, in case something
unexpected popped up in close range.


In general, your spotter should NOT be shooting, except when area
is very tight (like tunnels, corridors, etc.) and you need him to
cover your back. Then turn him loose, but keep in front of him.

When the area opens up, set him back to "weapons tight" unless
you notice enemies at your flank or rear. That happens move often
than you think, esp. in Afghanistan levels.

Your buddy will move by himself to be next to a cliff, a wall,
behind a tree, and so on. He will also copy your posture when
it's appropriate. However, he WILL move around, even move right
into your line of fire. Do NOT shoot your buddy from behind!

In general, your spotter will only shoot at enemies he can reach.
Thus, he will not shoot at enemies beyond 50 meters or so, even
if he can see them. However, if he sees a path to that enemy and
the enemy is within running distance, he will RUN toward the
enemy until he's in range of his M-16 and start shooting. And
he'll stay there until the threat is taken care of.

This is both a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing since you
don't have to do all the shooting. Your buddy is a decent shot
and he will take care of the flanks and sides for you. However,
he can miss point-blank, and you have to run up there and help
him with your pistol, esp. when he's reloading.

As for when to leave him back... That's hard to say. In general,
you need him to stay still when he will get himself killed, like
by running into a hail of bullets. Remember though, if you move
far enough away from him, he switches automatically back into
"follow" mode.

If you need your buddy in a specific spot, move around until your
buddy stops at the right spot, then set him to hold. This is
especially important in the "Alamo" scenario at the end of
Afghanistan 3 where you need to hold off the enemies for about 2-
3 minutes.


One of the best ways to surprise someone in a room is to go in
prone and shoot up. Most of enemy shots will go over you.

If you add movement from side to side, you can avoid even more

Move from side to side also works for when you're crouched or

4 Enemies

There are essentially three types of bad guys... assault rifle
bad guys, sniper bad guys, and RPG bad guys. There's also the
attack dog.


These guys carry AK-47 or similar assault rifles, enough said.
Most assault rifle guys are on patrol routes and thus will keep
moving, though they often will stay put for a few seconds.

They will shoot at you when they spot you, even when they're out
of range. Some of them will run at you to get closer, but some
won't. Some of them can even do rolls to dodge your shots.

If they are far away, use the sniper rifle when they stand still.
If they are close, use the pistol.


Sniper guys are like you... they lay prone or crouch/kneel to
look for a good shot against you, and you must out-sniper him. In
general, your spotter will spot them before they engage you.
However, sweep the horizon every once in a while just in case.

Sniper guys don't move. If you see a dot that does not move at
all, he's probably a sniper or RPG.

In general, you want to engage the sniper from as far as
possible, so you should NEVER kill one with a pistol. Unless you
are really good and managed to sneak up on one from behind.


RPG guys have their RPG launcher and they are NASTY. One
explosion will kill you if you're close enough to the fireball.
Fortunately, they aren't that accurate, and often the shooter can
be killed before they notice you. Still, you need quick reflexes
as you must engage him before he engages you.

Listen for the sound of RPG "whoosh".

Jump out just after the round he fired exploded. Then quickly
move out and shoot him.

RPG guys tend to hide on ledges, esp. in the later levels. Pay
careful attention to any ledge.

In general, you'll never get close enough to an RPG guy to use
your pistol.


You only see attack dogs in Chechnya 1. If one gets really close
to you, it can do some serious damage to you.

5 Walkthru

You are a Marine sharpshooter. All Marines are rifleman first,
and you are the best of the best.

You are a part of CTU, counter-terrorism unit, a group of elite
special operation soldiers ready to go behind enemy lines and
battle terror where they lie.

In the first mission, you are ordered to investigate this
mysterious convoy in Afghanistan headed by this warlord Kumar.


Mission briefing. Kumar the warlord has a convoy in the area.
Locate a position to observe and report on the convoy.

Time: oh-dark-hundred (that's a military joke, in case you don't
get it)

Start by going prone immediately. There's a sniper in the
distance. Then turn on your night-vis goggles and look in the
distance. You should see a bunch of guards, with at least one guy
lying flat acting as a sniper. Fortunately he's quite visible. If
you don't go prone quickly,

Take out all the guards that you can see, then get up and advance
up the ramp. Go behind the left house, and there's the tunnel
entrance. Get your pistol out, you're going CQB. Set your spotter
to fire at will, and head on in.

As you approach the first fork, your spotter will tell you it
doesn't matter which fork you take, you'll end up at the same
spot. So pick one, and head on down. Watch for enemies from BOTH
forks! Leave your spotter on "fire at will" as enemies will
appear from behind. Take out all enemies in your way. There
should be about 4-8 guards in small groups. Clear the ledge when
you come to it.

Now you get to watch the convoy arrive, as your buddy notices
that one of the trucks is carrying radioactive material! You can
go on and shoot the truck, but that wouldn't accomplish anything.
You can shoot the jeep, but it won't stop the trucks. And the
rest are already gone. [For practice, see if you can shoot the
jeep so you can get both the gunner and the driver in a single
shot!] Kill the rest of the guards running around. Then it's time
to leave.

Turn around, and you should see THREE entrances. You came through
either of two of them, so the third one is the exit. That would
be the leftmost one. Use your pistol and your buddy to clear the
tunnel until you come to a 180 turn, an upslope, to the entrance.
This part gets dangerous, so be careful. Go prone and set your
buddy to hold.

Creep up slowly, and you should see a rope bridge ahead to left
slightly. There should be a guard walking back and forth, though
he'll probably starting running the second he can see you. Take
him out when you can, but don't go any further forward.

Look to the left. At the end of the rope bridge is an RPG bad
guy! He'll shoot at you with RPG and that CAN kill you if he
manage to hit inside the tunnel. So take him out quickly. You may
have to use the shoot and scoot.

Once that's done, get on the ledge to the left, but be ready to
look right, as there's a guy on his own tiny ledge that'll show
up behind you. Crouch to get a better view and take care of the
problem immediately. Watch out for enemies appearing behind you.

Continue down the path, and look at the end of the rope bridge.
There should be some guards beyond that so take them out. There
is at least one sniper there, so be careful.

Continue up the path. You are in this little "valley". Clear it
out of enemies (beware of those who come up from behind!) and
shoot everybody. You should see a ramp to the right that goes
onto a ledge. There's another ramp further down on the left.
Climb on either and keep clearing forward down the path.

You'll come to this big valley with two guards on a ledge and two
more on ground level. Clear them all out, and a SpecOps Blackhawk
will arrive in the distance. Run until you're under it to end the


Mission Briefing: You're going back in. Intel knows where that
convoy is going. We'll fly ahead to drop you off with some
friendlies, who will take you into the destination town by truck.
From there, you're on your own. Find a place to observe the

You start in a "garage". Immediately go prone as guards will find
you very soon. Get your pistol out and tell your buddy to hold
position but fire at will. Take care of the two guards that will
come to you. Then look out and up, as there is a sniper just

Now the courtyard is clear. Exit the garage and go right, and you
should find a small alleyway. Continue down and clear it into the
second courtyard. Clear that as well.

There is no way out of the second courtyard, and all the doors
are locked... except one door. That door doesn't have a light
over it, and the door doesn't have a "lock" on it. Go through
slowly, and you'll see there's a hole in the wall to your left.
On the other side is a bad guy next to a body (of a UN soldier?).
Shoot the bad guy, and continue forward, through the doors you
can open. Take out guards as you go, until you come to this right
turn into a stairs heading down.

Head on down and take out the guards inside, as there may be four
or five of them. Examine this room and you should see there's
only one way out (NOT the way you came in). Go there, and kill
guards as you get into yet another building.

Kill the guards you can see, and make your way up the stairs one
level at a time. Several guards may be above you. Get to the
highest level, and locate the door that lets you onto the roof.

Go to the edge, and you see the convoy. That ends this level.


Mission Briefing: You've just observed Kumar selling the nuclear
material to this unknown European guy, who just drove off with
the material. It's too late to stop the truck, but HQ has just
ordered you to take out Kumar and escape until you can be

Start by locating Kumar and put a bullet through his head. Be
quick, or he'll get into the jeep and drive away.

After you shot Kumar, two snipers will appear on nearby rooftops,
and gunfire will echo in the streets, Your spotter should see
them and remarked that you just kicked over a hornet's nest, so
take the snipers out if you want to. You can also just rush to
the door and get back inside.

Get your pistol out and take care of any guards running up (2-3
of them). Retrace your steps and clear out any guards in your
way. You'll get back onto that "basement" room. Your buddy said
the only way out is through the sewers. See a door that's already
open? Down you go.

Get down there, and watch for ambush to left. Move down the path
and take out any enemies to left and right in the branches. There
are no exits yet, so just keep going and keep shooting.
Eventually you'll come to this door that you can open. Open and
clean out inside. Go through into another sewer. Continue and
clear out more enemies.

You will come to a ladder. Climb it (just point to look up and
press forward to climb). Take out the guard on top, and keep
going. You're now back on ground level. Just around the corner is
the "second courtyard" very close to where you started in. Your
buddy said this place is big enough for the Blackhawk to do evac,
but you need to hold on until then. That will take about 2-3

You should see a large rock in the corner of the plaza. Run for
it. Position your spotter behind the rock, then tell him to hold
and fire at will, as you crouch behind the rock. Get ready to
shoot bad guys. They will come from that door you opened to
escape from, as well as from above (diagonal across from the
rock, upper level). Your spotter will say "they're above us!"
when that happens. You basically have to shoot bad guys for about
2-3 minutes quickly, don't let them get close to you or do you
much harm.

Once the timer is up, the Blackhawk arrives. Run out there and
get under it, and the mission is done!


Mission Briefing: Good job in liquidating Kumar. The Russian FIS
has been tracking some of the information as well, and they
believe the material is at this base. You will approach the base
from the ledge overlooking the route. You need to take out the
guards around 3 gates so the Spetnatz (Russian special forces)
can go through. There will be plenty of guards between the gates.
Good luck.

You start as the trucks leave in the distance. Despite the
implication that you must hurry, the trucks will "wait". Nothing
will happen until you get there.

You should see a hill. Go prone and climb it SLOWLY. There is a
sniper on top as well as several guards. Climb it slowly and look
to the left for the sniper. Guards will also shoot at you if they
spot you. Pop them when their head pops just above the peak. The
sniper is your main threat. Leave your buddy at the bottom.

Once you clear the top of the hill, things get easier, though not
by much. Start doing the sprint and drift. Run forward about 4-6
trees. If your buddy spots anyone, drop prone and engage the bad
guys. If not, wait a few seconds, then go another couple trees.
Repeat until your buddy says something about approaching the
first gate. (May want to save now)

The trick to doing the gate is run as close to the rock wall
(i.e. right) as possible, until you get close to the towers, then
run to the edge and drop prone, and start doing the guys on the
towers. More may run out. Take them out. Then you need to take
out the guys down at the gate itself, esp. at the guardhouse next
to the gate. One may be tucked in next to the Spetnatz truck

If you run outside the treeline, the guards will spot you and you
fail the mission immediately. The idea is to surprise them.

Once you've cleared the area of bad guys, a Spetnatz will jump
out and run into the guardhouse to open the gate. You should
continue down the road, and do more of the sprint and drift.

Beware of dogs, as these guards do employ dogs. Better to shoot
them from a distance then to have one up close and personal as
they can do you quite a bit of damage.

Repeat at the second gate and in between, kill lots of guards,
both the sniper kind and assault weapon kind, even a dog or two.
Take out the guards at second tower as usual.

The third tower gets a bit interesting, as there is a guy with
RPG on the left tower. Take him out first! Then clear the rest

Continue, take out all guards forward of you and keep advancing.
You should get to a snow bank. You should see big buildings
beyond it. Climb the snow bank, continue forward, and this
mission will end.


Mission Briefing: you've arrived at the base, but you need to
help the Spetnatz get inside. You will assault the rooftops and
take out the defenders from above, continue to cover the convoy.

You are on the ground, and there's this building in front of you,
with fire-escape ladder on the side. Go ahead and climb up all
the way to the rooftop, and clear the rooftop of any opposition.
Set your spotter to weapons free as enemies will pop out from
behind you.

Clear this first rooftop, then look at the other rooftop you can
access by the catwalk. Clear any bad guys you can see. Continue
forward and cross the catwalk to the other rooftop.

Clear this next rooftop, then shoot and clear the visible portion
of the third rooftop.

Advance to the third rooftop. Run to the edge. Your Spetnatz
buddies in the convoy have arrived, and there are a couple guards
below trying to shoot them. Take them out from your high ground.
There is one way out of this rooftop, which is a small catwalk
that leads to a door.

Get your pistol out and explore this "barracks" building. Shoot
the guards in the washroom (should be 2 of them). Shoot two more
guards in the cafeteria. Explore down the corridor and take out a
couple more guards. There's a small "comm room" with a radio
inside and one more guard. Go to another corridor. If you turn
around, you'll see a stairway leading to the roof.

Get onto the roof and clear it of a few guards. Use your sniper
rifle and take out the guards on the next roof over (there's a
catwalk too). Cross over to that other roof. A guard should come
out the roof access door, kill him and head down the same door.
Climb down the stairs, and you should be in the garage /
warehouse on the second level balcony. Clear it from your
"balcony", then use the ladder to climb down.

Clear the warehouse of any bad guys. There's a "tunnel" to the
"left" of the warehouse. Go through the tunnel. You're at another
garage/warehouse. Run up and surprise the bad guys. Shoot all of
them (you'll probably get hurt for this one, but the trick is
keep moving).

Once you've taken out the guards, you'll probably hear assault
rifles outside. The convoy is under attack again. Go out through
the door and you should see some guards. Take them out. There's
also a sniper on the other side of the convoy. Take him out too.
Then follow the snow bank until you see this ridge. Climb on it
for the next segment.


Mission Briefing: The Spetnatz colonel thanks you for the cover.
Now for the grand finale... The Spetnatz will need your help to
assault the final portion of the base. Continue along the ridge
line and cover the assault.

This part sounds simple but can be difficult as you must shoot a
lot of bad guys to cover your own guys. You have to learn how to
lead targets now and if you don't, you'll likely fail this

Continue along the ridge, take out any guards you encounter.

When you get to the guard towers, take out the guards.

Continue and take out the enemies at the "checkpoint". Remember
to "surprise" the checkpoint by running along the cliff, then
dash out.

Finally, you'll reach the base as the ridge ends. Get comfortable
as you'll be here a while. Start taking out all the guards you
can see, both near and far.

The Spetnatz convoy will arrive (or is already here). The
soldiers (in gray freckled winter camo) will assault the base.
They will send guys into both left and right buildings, while bad
guys will send reinforcements from up ahead down toward you. The
idea is to take out any reinforcements so your assault goes

After the Spetnatz made it into both rooftops and have advanced,
enemy reinforcements, in form of a couple trucks will pull up
behind the convoy. While Spetnatz have left a couple guards
behind, it's up to you to take care of the few reinforcements
that show up, and you need to do that quickly. AVOID Spetnatz

Once that's done, keep shooting guards until you hear your buddy
said the scientists are escaping. You should see a couple guys in
thick winter coats appear and run toward the waiting chopper in
the distance. Feel free to kill a few of them. But it doesn't
matter. The waiting chopper will leave, and the mission ends.
Good job!


Mission Briefing: The documents Spetnatz recovered have led us to
this remote island in the Pacific that was once a WW2 fortress.
It is supposed to be abandoned, but apparently someone thought
this would make a great hideout. You must clear the beach of all
hostiles, take out the anti-aircraft batteries in the process.
Then Blackhawks will ferry in the assault force (Army special

You just landed on this rocky beach in your Zodiac boat with your
buddy, Explore to the left carefully and take out a few guards.
Look up and you should see a catwalk with a couple guards. Take
them out too.

Continue to the bunker, clear out guards nearby. Then circle to
the back of the bunker and get inside (two entrances), and take
out the two guards inside. That's clear.

Continue down the beach. You'll run into more guards and a sniper
or two. Take them out.

You will find a "slope" where two guards are coming down from.
Take out the guards, then take out two more that will come. Go up
the slopes. Turn right and clear your path toward the other
bunker. It's behind barbed wire fence, but you can peek at the
top of the guard's heads and take them out. Beware of more bad
guys hiding nearby.

Once the area is clear, your buddy will comment on that drainage
pipe that you will use to get inside. Go there, and this level
will end.


Mission Briefing: You are to advance through the enemy forces and
clear the enemies to help the assault. You're in the sewer line
and you're about to climb into the buildings inside, when you get
this little cutscene where two guards talk about the beach patrol
haven't checked in yet. One of them will go check on it. You have
to take him out!

Head past the spotter and go up the ladder, pistol out. Go to the
other end of the room, go left, and you'll see another ladder.
Climb that and take out the guard. Follow the walkway and go up
the stairs. Follow the corridor as it turns right, and take out
more guards. Follow corridor and take out more guards. You're
almost at the roof. Get ready, then rush out, and shoot all the
guards you see, starting right and sweep left. The rightmost guy
is the guy you need to shoot. When you do so your buddy will say
"That was close". Clear the rest of the rooftop.

Continue forward, and you'll find stairs up to your left. Climb
up, clear the guards out, and continue up the stairs. This is a
great vantage point to clear bad guys out of the area, so take
them out from up here. When it looks clear, look to your right
for exit down to ground level.

Once at ground level, head to the gate. Your spotter will tell
you about the next objective. You need to shoot out the three
transformer boxes to stop the alarm from sounding. Get as close
as you can, then shoot the three boxes. Your spotter will keep

When that's done, it's shooting gallery time, as enemies are
pissed off and they will "assault" your position. There will be
armed jeeps and plenty of armed men jumping out from behind those
guard towers. Keep shooting them until the Blackhawks arrive and
a cutscene plays, and this mission ends.


Mission Briefing: the assault forces have landed. You have been
ordered to clear the enemies from up ahead. The road is long and
there's plenty of ways to die though...

You start next to the convoy. You need to clear the road ahead of
all ambushes, and there sure are a lot of them, including quite a
few RPG guys.

Continue down the road, keep to the sides, switch sides
frequently. Take out all guards in your way. There will be
assault rifle guys and a couple snipers, even a few RPG guys up
on the ledges.

There really isn't much to say, except go slow, save often, and
be very careful. Stick to the sides and you may be able to sneak
up on the back of enemies. Try walking on the slopes of the sides
and you may be able to spot enemies before they see you.

Continue clearing enemies down the road. You'll reach the gate.
Your spotter will radio in about needing something heavier. Then
you watch this cutscene, where the convoy will get there, and
they will blow the gate open. Then it's up to part 4...

5.10 PACIFIC 4

Mission Briefing: You are inside the gate, and you're ordered to
cover the convoy from the ledge.

There's a ledge to your right. Climb up as the lead jeep came
under attack by an RPG. Shoot the guys at the guard tower and on
the ground. When the area is clear, look to your right. There's a
tunnel there that'll let you pass through and follow the convoy.

NOTE: Do NOT stay at ground level. If you advance past the jeep,
a sniper will shoot you. That guy does NOT exist. You cannot kill
him. You can only go around him.

Clear the tunnel of bad guys, and continue to next area. You come
to another ledge. Clear the ledge, then support the special
forces commandos in dealing with the enemy threat. Enemy shooters
will keep appearing and want to engage the three guys that ran up
to the platform. Cover them and do NOT shoot any friendlies. Keep
shooting until your spotter deems the area secured.

Continue through the tunnel, clear the next area (one guy has
RPG!). Then clear the area of enemies, until your buddy say you
can go.

You arrived at the control tower. There are a bunch of RPG-guys
at the bottom of the tower. You cannot go prone as you can't back
up fast enough to dodge the RPG shot. (Yes, that blast into the
bottom of the cliff will kill you some how). Instead, pre-aim
where he will be, run forward, shoot, back off.

Keep killing RPG guys until your buddy says "There he is! Put a
bullet in his skill!" The guy who paid $$$ for all that nuke
material will run up the stairs to the control room on the top.
Take him out while he's still on the stairs, and the world is
saved! If you didn't, then the missile is launched... and you

Congratulations, you've just saved thousands of lives from

6 Miscellaneous


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