Disciples 2 - Dark Prophecy

Disciples 2 - Dark Prophecy

17.10.2013 19:43:34
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(Dedicated to Matthew, ma vie)


¦ This walkthrough is copyrighted to Mister Sinister (2004) ¦
¦ I don't mind it being lifted in its entirity, but if you do so, ¦
¦ please make sure you give credit to the author (me) and DON'T pass it ¦
¦ off as your own. Thanks ! ¦


1) The Search for Timmoria
2) Uther's Blood
3) The Council
4) Retaliation
5) The Accursed Armour
6) Phantom Beasts
7) Taladrielle the Sorceress



This is a very quick key to some of the terms I'll use in this FAQ :-

In areas where I am talking about troops in cities, any troops mentioned in
[squared brackets] are within the city proper (an obvious example would be
Ashgan, who would be shown as [Ashgan] as he is IN the city and, in his case,
cannot leave - all troops NOT in squared brackets are just waiting in the city
(as in, healing there, etc.)

Map directions are as follows. North on the map is up and right. South is
down and left. West is up and left, and East is down and right.

Obviously the very nature of this game makes doing an FAQ quite a tricky task,
as you can go anywhere, do anything (within reason) and your opponents will
pretty much respond to the way you play ... so this is an account of what I
would suggest and expect, pointers I have learned, things I would pick up -
basically anything and everything which I could think of which might help you
play as the Undead Hordes in their Saga ... I have tried to keep this FAQ both
light-hearted, and informative.

Similarly, with troops garrisoned in cities, whilst my FAQ is accurate as at MY
playing the game, these may change - ESPECIALLY in cities owned by other
players (as you are doubtless aware if you've ever played this game, your
computer opponents are FOREVER changing the troops that they garrison in their

Comments are always welcome - you can reach me at shadowpath@hotmail.com.

Thanks for reading this !!


1) The Search for Timmoria


Mortis patiently awaits the rebirth of her consort Gallean. Hundreds of years
ago, Gallean was murdered by Wotan, the God of the Mountain Clans, and his body
was so horribly mutilated that his regeneration would take an eternity.

WELL unhappy about this, Mortis turns her attention to the living ... she
focuses in on a creature named Uther, who's body is presently serving as a
receptacle for the soul of Bethrezen - the God of the Legions of the Damned -
and is trapped at present in the ancient
Mountain Clan mine of Timmoria.

Mortis believes that Uther's Blood can bring Gallean back to life and, to that
end, sends her minions to harvest his blood. UNfortunately, nobody knows where
Timmoria is ! So in a-typical undead fashion, Mortis sends her hordes in search
of a library, to find the directions (AS you do).

The level proper begins with a conversation between Wraith Prusheen (a recurring
character in the Hordes Saga) and a Lich Queen. Prusheen tells you that Mortis
is calling to you, with a request that you locate the Timmoria mines ... he
tells you that you have begun what is to be the rebirth of a God ...

The level is quite basic and comparatively easy, as there is no real timeframe
within which you must look to complete it - your goal is a structure, and that
ain't goin' anywhere ;)

If you take the City of Frenien, a Peasant will tell you that they were
prosperous before YOU arrived and ruined everything (ever watched an episode
of Scooby Doo ?? And I'd have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you
DAMNED kiiiiiiiids !!) ... yeah right, who cares !! We are the UNDEAD Hordes
you little maggot - BEGONE !!

If you move around to the back of Frenien you will have an encounter with the
Shadow Wolves - a gang of thieves under the control of Hubert de Layle. One of
their members approaches you and proposes an arrangement. You kill Athron the
Black and his band of thieves, and the Shadow Wolves will give you something in

If you want to undertake this quest then to find Athron the Black you will need
to travel west from Hollar's Shop until you reach Perthin, and then take a turn
to the south (Athron the Black is just south of Perthin).

As you approach Hollar's Shop a Merchant angrily pops up to tell you that he
will not trade with your kind, and you should leave the lands of the living.
One of your Death Knights puts him in his place by threatening to make a daisy
chain out of his nose-hair, and he gets the SUBTLE message and accepts your
invitation to trade.

Athron the Black is QUITE well guarded (he has a band of Thugs, Master Thugs,
Archers and others around so you'd best stock up on potions and scrolls before
you tackle him methinks).

Once Athron has been slain, a Nosferat confirms this and reminds you that you
now need to head back to the Shadow Wolves to receive your reward.

If you take the City of Alderin en route back to the Shadow Wolves, one of your
Lich Queens pops up to tell you that you are nearing the Empire's Capital, and
she advises MUCH haste in order to locate the Library before they become aware
of your presence. Technically she's right - the mine is nearby - it's
north-east of your present location (Alderin), but WHICHEVER way you go to get
to it (north from Alderin or north-east from Frenien) the Empire WILL be made
aware of your presence.

The LOGICAL route to take would be north-east from Frenien, because you can go
past the Shadow Wolves en route to the Library, and you will go as far away
from the Empire's CAPITAL City as possible, and that can't be a bad thing,
non ??

If you decide to go north from Alderin instead, you will walk right into a trap.
See the unit represented by a spearman on the map to the north of Alderin, who
is guarding the passage to the Empire's Capital ? He is ready to set off a
trap ... if you get too close to him, an Archmage pops up to sound the alarm,
and casts a Chain Lightning spell on you and tells you that he is off to tell
Demosthene of your presence in Nevendaar ... to which a Death Knight admonishes
you, telling you that they are sure to double their efforts against you now,
so you'd better get your skates on and FIND THAT LIBRARY !!

I would suggest that IF you really Really REALLY wanna go north, that you
summon a creature and let HIM approach the Spearman ... that way your PROPER
troops won't take the damage ;)

If you instead opt to go the SENSIBLE route (as in, pop back to the Shadow
Wolves and from there head east and then north), then you should end your turn
near the Shadow Wolves, as on THEIR turn one of their members (Ronon) will grab
some treasure and run across to you.

He says "Ynngrel sent me to thank you ... The Empire is about to fall.
Throughout the realm, corruption has replaced justice. Even the Emperor
Demosthene is too weak to prevent this. Many say that he will not live long ..."

(to which your Death Knight tells him to put a sock in it, as you really don't
GIVE a sh!t about the Empire - Mortis just wants you to find the Timmoria
Mines ...)

He gesticulates and a section of the map to the north-west is revealed. He
tells you that you will find the information you seek in the Library there,
but that you must be careful, as the Library is guarded by a powerful Magi
named Zunther.

He also tells you that you will be aided by the Shadow Wolves when the time
comes ...

... BUT HE DOESN'T ACTUALLY GIVE YOU ANYTHING !!!!! In case you want to kill
him, he is carrying a Potion of Restoration, which I assume is what he was
going to bring you.)


IF you slay all the Shadow Wolves (including Ynngrel the Swift), one of your
Nosferats pops up to tell you that as you have just KILLED your backup, you
shouldn't expect to be bailed out by the Shadow Wolves when you face Zunther.

As you move from the City of Frenien and head to the north-east, a Nosferat
tells you that you are entering the Empire's territory, and that you must be
cautious. Furthermore, he says that he can see smoke from a small town up
ahead ...

A little further in, one of your Death Knight will advise you that peasants
are in your way (one has just run screaming from you in fact !!), and that he
would suggest razing the village before they are able to warn others of your

IF ONLY !! =)

Once you have taken the City of Cuneria, a Peasant pops out to tell you that
you must leave them be, or Zunther will kick your BUTT.

We'll see shall we ? (Makes sure everybody is watching him and then SLAPS the


As you continue onwards and round the corner to the west of Cuneria to travel
south on your final push towards the Library, a unit charges you, trying to
prevent you going any further. This unit comprises 2 Squires, 2 Archers and a
Spearman. Your Nosferat urges you to press forward, as Mortis DEMANDS you find
the plans for the Timmoria mines :">

JUST as you are about to lay your bony fingers on the Library, Zunther charges
you from the south ... that little BUGGER has been lying in wait all this
time !!

IF you helped out the Shadow Wolves earlier in the level, a unit of Shadow Wolf
troops will appear from a clearing the mountains to the east to help you battle
Zunther, and awaits your further instructions.

For your information, the Shadow Wolves Unit comprises :-

2 Thugs, 3 Archers

... and Zunther's Unit comprises :-

2 Knights, Zunther, Priest, Mage

Zunther is an Archmage, and quite powerful ;) I would strongly suggest that
you weaken him with spells and scrolls before you enter battle with him ...
it'll make it easier :">

Once you have defeated him you can concentrate your attacks on the Library.
MAKE SURE that you fully heal all your troops and use whatever positive
enchantments you can on them before you enter the Library - it's not just for
books you know ;)

Once the Library has been conquered, your mission is complete ... and (again,
IF you helped them before) a Shadow Wolf Thug pledges the allegiance of his
band of thieves to your cause.

You depart, telling him that you will meet them again some day ...




Name Inhabitants

Alderin 2 Goblin Archers, 2 Goblins, Orc
Frenien 3 Thugs, Peasant


Name Inhabitants

Cuneria Squire, Acolyte


Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ?

Lost Mastaba Master Thug, Thug, Peasant 150 Gp, Pestilence Scroll
Perthin Titan, Archer 250 Gp, Talisman of Vigor
Crumbled Outpost 4 Goblin Archers, Wolf 200 Gp, Banner of Striking
Library Knight, 2 Witch Hunters,
Cleric, Apprentice, Mage 100 Gp


Event Notes

OPERATION SHADOW The Shadow Wolves need a hand ridding the lands of Athron the
Black and his troop of worthless scumbags ... fancy helping
them out ?? G'waaaaaan ;)
BAD BUSINESS Hollar's Shop doesn't want to trade with you 'coz you're
dead !! That's UNFAIR discrimination that is !!
IT'S A TWAP !! If you approach the Empire's Capital from the south, you'll
be zapped !!
THE CAVALRY !! If you have helped the Shadow Wolves, they will bail you out
in your fight with Zunther (and, if they survive long enough,
the Library !!)

Emerald, 3 x Potion of Healing, Potion of Protection, Orb of Healing, Bronze
Ring, 2 x Life Potion, Menta Minoris Scroll, Orb of Earth, 2 x Silver Ring,
Gold Ring, Potion of Swiftness, Weakness Scroll, Potion of Restoration,
Dwarven Bracer (Artifact - just west of the Library), Summon I: Skeleton
Scroll, Potion of Strength, Potion of Striking.

2 x Potion of Restoration, 3 x Life Potion, Potion of Swiftness, Boots of


Name Sells

Hollar's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion
of Restoration x 10, Elven Boots x 1
Werric's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Treebark Potion x 2, Potion of
Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10


Along with the plans for the Timmoria Mines, the Hordes find confirmation that
a ritual is to be performed in 3 DAYS which will seal Bethrezen's Infernal Gate,
and imprison the child Uther there for a Century ... HOW WILL YOU GET TO HIM
THEN !?!?!?!


2) Uther's Blood


With the maps in her possession, Mortis raises her Undead Army, and has them
march on Timmoria. The Hordes would have to time their attack very carefully,
leaving the Legions just enough time to free Uther, before they mopped up the
remaining Cohorts and took the boy for their own dark purposes.

Timing their strike to perfection, the Undead descended like a plague upon the
Legions JUST as they had freed Uther from his imprisonment.


You're objective on this level is to kill Uther (oh THAT'S an easy one - kill a
GODLING on the second level ... THANKS !!) so that you can harvest his blood to
enable Mortis to resurrect her consort Gallean.

Wraith Prusheen is back to give you Mortis' new orders ... which I've already
given you !! =)

Basically Mortis wants you to destroy Uther before he flees, and bring her some
of his blood.

Just as he finishes giving you your instructions the camera pans in on the
Infernal Gate, from which Uther emerges ... your forces make their attack, and
the fun begins ...

You are given control over a comparatively quite large army on this level ...
at the outset you are given the following units with which to attack Uther :-

[Nb. UNfortunately for you, before you can actually CONTROL these units, Uther
lashes out with 2 Ignis Potens Spells in strategic positions so as to hit as
many of your units as he can - damage has been taken into account when I
describe what units you have]

1) Zombie, Fighter
2) Gangren (a Nosferat), 2 Zombies, Dead Initiate
3) Zombie, 2 Dead Ghosts
4) Zombie, Dead Initiate
5) Gozlen'Ha (a Death Knight), 2 Zombies, Dead Initiate
6) Zombie, Fighter

Of all these units, the ONLY one that has taken NO damage is 6).

Now ... obviously you can do this one of several ways ... Uther KNOWS he is
surrounded, so he is going to try and make his escape as quickly as possible ...
so you DEFINITELY don't wanna withdraw your Undead troops and heal them before
hunting him down ...

So here's the dilemma. Uther's Unit looks like this :-


WITCH Berzerker

(Hope that makes sense - BASICALLY what I'm telling you is that your units will
have to get through the Demon AND the Berzerker before they will be able to hit
Uther. The REASON for this is simple ... he has a MASSIVELY powerful ranged
attack and, whilst it only hits one unit at a time, he will attack whatever
ranged unit is in your team first, so the Nosferat will die almost straight
away, and all the Ghosts and Initiates are ALREADY dead from his Ignis Potens
spells !!)

You have three real ways of dealing with this in my humble opinion :-

1) Charge Uther with all your units.
2) Try and block off his escape to gain time (but in all likelihood he
will just smash through the weakest of your units and run away)
3) GET OUT OF HIS WAY !! Save your troops and heal them and then kick
his ass ...

If you choose 1) then be VERY careful about how you approach him, as he has two
Demons - one on either side of him, so to avoid wasting your troops in battles
that do not involve Uther at all, you will need to perhaps move them away from
him a square or two to line up with him correctly, and then charge him in a
straight line. You should be able to kill the Berzerker and all but kill the
Demon (but don't forget that units not killed will gradually heal).

If you choose 2) then I would send your best units out of the Capital to try
and hunt down scrolls etc., that can be fired off against Uther whilst he is
being slowed by your units.

Whichever you choose it is a CERTAINTY that you will not be able to kill Uther
using THESE units alone ... so I would concentrate on the war effort closer to
home ... conquer as many cities as you can and use them to house troops to
spring on Uther as he draws near ... also try and research as many summoning
spells (Nightmare is a GREAT example) as you can ... even though Uther is
warded against most types of attacks you can at LEAST destroy the units he is
travelling with ;)

This would be a GOOD time to point out that you also have the City of Thaaxull
gifted to you at the beginning of this level. If you went for option 3) above
then you could always withdraw your troops back to Thaaxull to heal them ...
you'll have to fight to get there, but as you will see when he runs, Uther will
rush back to the Legions' Capital to strengthen his troops before he pushes
northwards to what is effectively his finish line ...

[HINT: ENSURE that the passage to the south of Thaaxull is heavily protected,
as Bethrezen MUST come through here to get to the end of the level ...]

As you enter the humans territory to the south of Thaaxull, you will be
chastised by a Spearman who tells you that this is THEIR land and you cannot
stay there ... ignore him and move onward with your slaughter ;)

[NOTE: Lupenzo has advised me that if you wait long enough, the humans in this
area will try and make a break for their own freedom and leave the area ... a
STUPID move on their part which should provide you with plenty of chance to
hone your fighting skills by annihilating them as they run ... screaming
.............. like a bunch of sissies ... lol ... apparently they are lead by
a Titan in their flight]

If you take the City of Inthuric, a Spearman asks why you have returned, saying
that their race has barely recovered since the First Great Wars, and your
presence here threatens to vanquish them completely ... HE'S RIGHT !! CRUSH

As you conquer the City of Oghock, a thief emerges from the shadows [NOTE: This
MIGHT not happen if you didn't help the Shadow Wolves in Mission One - I'm not
100% on that tho ...] to give you some useful advice ... he says that Uther can
only escape one way, and that is to the North. He tells you that he will be on
the move soon, but that they will alert you once he begins to move.

It's good to have mates, innit !! ;)

Once you have taken Tsullen'Hish, one of your Initiates goes to a Lich Queen
and asks her how it is possible that there are Undead Creatures on these lands
that are not under Mortis' control ... the Lich Queen says she will confer
with Mortis to ascertain what is going on ...

If you take the City of Dunera, a Cultist comes out to tell you that Bethrezen
will not allow your victory, and that you will perish ...

... erm ... what ?? You are the representative of a fallen God whos army is
in hiding ... even NOW, with his return to you, you flee from our MIGHT (bangs
fist on table).


Paying a visit to (and 'liberating') the City of Luycyx will cause one of your
Death Knights to pop up and tell you that it looks like the Dwarves are
travelling about Nevendaar once again ... and he QUITE RIGHTLY states that
you should have snuffed them out during the First Great Wars ...

If you travel to the south-easternmost corner of the map you will encounter a
Lizard Man who asks you for your help ... basically he wants you to take the
totem in the chest beside him to his tribe in the south-western corner of the
map ... and with that, he disappears !!

... leeeeeeeeeeeeet me get this right ... this guy can seemingly TELEPORT ...
and he wants me to CARRY his totem ?

"Oh ... I've got these tickets for me to fly by Concorde from Paris to New York
... but I need somebody to take my overnight bag BY BOAT. Is that ok with you
sweety ??"

You WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ????? ... oh allllllllllright ...

In order to reach this Lizard Man's tribe you need to go back to Luycyx, then
west to the Hideout, and then south-west to Krazius. From here, head due west
and you will encounter his tribe. As you approach what is a reasonably large
gathering of Lizard Men just past the Antique Temple in the south-western
section of the map, a Lizard Man unit comes out to tell you that you cannot go
any further, and that you are now in Shirlllessh Tribe Territory.

A Medusa then comes hurtling out of the Lizard Man Encampment, recognising the
Totem you are carrying as the Agshlisga Totem - a sacred totem to these
people ... and takes it from you, telling you you are nice (bless), and giving
you a Runestone for your troubles.

Now ... this MIGHT just be me being a *little* bit unappreciative ... but isn't
that kinda like offering me a bag of PEANUTS after I've carried the overnight
bag ON THE BOAT from Paris to New York ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????

In a fit of what can only be described as IMMENSE dissatisfaction, I
extinguished the WHOLE of the Shirlllessh Tribe (and why not - we ARE the
Undead after all !! Compassion is NOT a part of our Charter) ;)

If you take the fight to Uther and bear down on the Legions' Capital, the Thug
that said he would warn you of Uther's moves earlier on in the level pops up
again to tell you that he has received (as in, Uther has received) more
reinforcements from the East, and that he will soon begin his march ... you
must prepare yourselves ...

To the east of the Legions Capital (as in, on the edge of the map), the
following units then appear :-

1) 2 Fiends, Demonologist
2) Marble Gargoyle, Duke (Zaorish in my Saga), Demonologist
3) 2 Fiends, Demonologist

From the next turn, Uther (who is (in MY saga at least) travelling with 2
Cultists and 2 Possesseds now) makes a move to the east to unite with his
other units, so that they can begin their big push towards the finish line.
DO NOT FORGET what I said ... remember that narrow stretch just to the south
of Thaaxull ? Uther MUST come through there to reach his goal, so THAT is
where I would have all my troops waiting. Bombard him with spells whilst he
is en route, as you will be able to take out the units he is travelling with
... but Uther is warded against almost everything you can throw at him, so save
your troops for him.

Also try and take out as many of the OTHER units with which Uther is travelling
(i.e. the Fiends, Demonologists and Gargoyle, etc., which have just appeared
from the East).

I would SUGGEST that you save your summons until only Uther remains in his
party and then use those against him ... Uther should take more damage that way

Once you have slain Uther, a Sorcerer cries out that he has fallen, and the
legions flee for their lives ... you have won a MIGHTY victory this day.
Well done !! :)

OPPONENTS Uther, Legions of the Damned, Human Resistance



Name Inhabitants

Dunera Hill Giant, Crossbowman
Luycyx Hill Giant, Rock Giant [Polar Bear]
Krazius 2 Goblins, Ogre
Kuelluran [Spearman, 2 Man at Arms]
Inthuric [2 Spearmen, Knight, Cleric]
Oghock [2 Orcs, 2 Goblin Archers]
Tsullen'hish [Ghouls, Zombie]


Name Inhabitants



Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ?

Perthin 2 Master Thugs, Archer 150 Gp, Potion of Strength
Crumbled Fortress Goblin, Goblin Archer 30 Gp
Hideout 2 Goblin Archers, Ogre 500 Gp, Summon Living Armour
Antique Temple Deathdragon, Ghost 600 Gp, Banner of Protection
(the above is the Antique Temple near Krazius)
Antique Temple Imperial Knight, Mage,
2 Imperial Assassins 400 Gp, Call Decay Dragon
(the above is the Antique Temple near Kuelluran)
Crumbled Keep 2 Goblin Archers 35 Gp, Goblin Orb
Lost Mastaba 2 Wyverns 200 Gp, Sapphire
Ruined Tower Deathdragon, 2 Specters,
Initiate 1,000 Gp, Tome of Water


Event Notes

Undead Raid !!! You surround and assault Uther ... YEY !! :">
Human insults The PITIFUL Humans tell you not to enter their lands. BAH !!
Help the Lizards Act as errand boy for the Lizard Man and his totem ... if you
wanna ...

2 x Life Potion, Quicksilver Potion (at the eastern end of the valley on the
northern border of the map (just right of the middle)), 3 x Potion of Healing,
Treebark Potion, Silver Ring, Lightning Scroll, 2 x Potion of Restoration,
Staff of Thunder, Bronze Ring, 2 x Potion of Vigor, Potion of Speed, Ice Storm
Scroll, Zombie Orb, Pestilence Scroll, Call to Arms Scroll, 2 x Emerald, Bronze
Ring, Orb of Earth, Potion of Swiftness, Agshlisga Totem, Healing Ointment, Orb
of Vigor, Potion of Accuracy, Ruby, Lizard Man Orb, Sanctuera Scroll, Weakness

Sapphire, Gold Ring, Potion of Fire Warding, Potion of Healing, 2 x Life Potion,
Potion of Restoration, Potion of Protection.


Name Sells

Jolan's Tower (Magic Shop) Blizzard (200 Gp), Hymn of the Clans (400 Gp),
Stone Rain (400 Gp)
Werric's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion
of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 3,
Treebark Potion x 1, Potion of Protection x 2,
Potion of Striking x 1, Potion of Speed x 1
Sallat's Shop (Merchant) Orb of Healing x 1, Orb of Restoration x 1, Orb
of Life x 1, Orb of Vigor x 1
Under's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Treebark Potion x 5, Potion of
Healing x 10, Potion of Restoration x 10, Banner
of Speed x 1


With Uther's fall, you harvest his blood so that you can present it to Mortis
to enable her to revive her long-dead husband Gallean. Preparations for the
ritual can now begin !!


3) The Council


Whilst you and your cronies were busy kicking Uther's BUTT across Nevendaar,
the Empire was FAR from resting ... they despatched an emissary to the Mountain
Clans, requesting an audience. The Clans responded by asking Slookarijj
Blackstone - a member of the High Council and the Leader of the Blackstone Clan,
to meet with representatives from the Empire.

SINCE such a meeting is sure to result in a long-term alliance between these
two Powers in such trying times, Mortis - assessing such an alliance as a
threat to her long-term plans, for the combined forces of the Empire AND the
Mountain Clans would surely be too much for even the Undead Hordes to oppose -
decides that Slookarijj Blackstone must be slain.

Your objective on this level is quite simply to slay Slookarijj Blackstone
before he can hook up with the representatives from the Empire.

The level begins with Wraith Prusheen giving you yet more instructions from
Mortis. He tells you that Mortis wants Slookarijj DEAD (haven't I just said
that ... like ... THREE TIMES ?? Come on Prusheen - tell us something we DON'T
already know !!)

... and then it's over to you !!

For your information, your Capital is located in the south-eastern corner of
the map, and Slookarijj Blackstone begins the level in the north-eastern corner
of the map (just outside the Mountain Clans' Capital City).

If you move westwards from your Capital City, one of your Nosferats pops up to
tell you that the lands are LITTERED with Greenskins, and you should be prudent
as you advance ...

If you take the City of Khaana, a Templar comes to you to confirm that the City
has been cleared of Orcs, but you should still remain vigilent, as others in the
outskirts may retaliate. (This is quite possible as just to the west of Khaana
is an Orc King !!)

From his starting position, Slookarijj moves out of the walled city
encompassing the Clans Stronghold and proceeds westwards to the Dwarven City of

A couple of turns into the level, a Shadow Wolf Thug comes to your Capital to
tell you that the lands surrounding you are infested with Greenskins (as if you
NEEDED him to tell you that !!). A Nosferat tells him of your mission to slay
Slookarijj Blackstone, and he responds by telling you that Slookarijj is already
on his way to Fhindar ... but that you do not need to worry unduly, as they will
attempt to delay Slookarijj any way they can ... he intimates that his master
(whom, if you have forgotten, is the LECHEROUS Hubert De Layle) has delayed
this meeting many times already.

He tells you that they will keep you advised as to Slookarijj's progress, and
urges you to hasten to their city of Hillgrin, where they have more information
for you.

Then he departs.

Hillgrin, for your information, is the only city controlled by the Shadow
Wolves on this level. It is located just south of Fhindar, so head to the
western edge of the map and then work your way north, and you will find

I should point out that the only way to get OUT of the south-eastern corner of
the map (once you have pacified the area) is a via a small channel leading to
the west along the southern edge of the map ;)

As you are about to enter the dead looking forest to the west of the City of
Khaana, your Nosferat comes back (again) to forewarn you of the presence of
dangerous creatures in the forests.

We ARE dangerous creatures ourselves !! We are inVINcible ... ONWARDS !!!!! =)

(The forests are a haven for Werewolves, and Werewolves are immune to physical
attacks, so a modicum of caution wouldn't go amiss ... I just didn't say it out
loud 'coz I didn't want to jeopardise the butch image of the Hordes) ;)

If you move in and take the City of Genran, a Thug pleads for his life,
offering to exchange treasure which he has buried in the Cemetery if he is
released ... one of your Fighters then goes to the Cemetery on your behalf,
finds the items the (presumably now DEAD) thug was speaking about, and deposits
them in the City for you ... they are :- an Emerald and a Silver Ring.

Genran is a very handy City to hold on this map as, even though it is on the
western edge of the map, it is quite centralised from the perspective that you
can go in practically any direction and reach a major point of interest on the
map. North of Genran is Hillgrin, and thereafter Fhindar. North-east of Genran
is the Clans Capital, and south-east of Genran is your Capital City.

If you move north from Genran to Hillgrin, a Shadow Wolf Master Thug comes out
to bid you welcome, and confirms that you may enter their city (one of the two
units standing guard at the entrance to the city moves to the side to allow you
to access it).

The Master Thug goes on to say that they have the means to wreak havoc on the
Empire, and the camera then pans to the north-east of Hillgrin to reveal a
Manticore trapped within a mountain prison. One of your Nosferats asks what
you must do with the beast, to whict the Master Thug responds by saying that
the Manticore is kept drugged by the guards, who feed it poisoned food. He
says if you slay the guards, the Manticore will awaken and slay everything in
its path ...........................

... sounds like a plan Stan !! =)

The Nosferat thanks the Master Thug, who then whizzes back into the walled
confines of the City of Hillgrin, zipping around to the furthest point, so as
to allow you full access to the city (and to Under's Shop, which is located

If you decide to be a COMPLETE b@stard and take the City of Hillgrin, one of
the Shadow Wolves accuses you of betraying them (fair comment), and tells you
that his Master will hear of this treachery ...

[Note : Since this will invariably jeopardise future assists from the Shadow
Wolves I would strongly suggest NOT taking the City of Hillgrin OR attacking
any Shadow Wolf Units unless you are provoked] ;)

I would suggest that from here you proceed directly north-east to the Empire's
Capital, in a bid to free the Manticore from its slumber (in the hopes that it
will head due west to Fhindar and mop up some of the Empire's luvvies who are
waiting there).


Fhindar is surrounded by the following Empire units :-

1) Elementalist, Cleric, Ranger, Imperial Assassin
2) Archmage, Imperial Priest, Imperial Knight, Grand Inquisitor
3) Archmage, Hierophant, Inquisitor, Grand Inquisitor
4) Archmage, Hierophant, Inquisitor, Grand Inquisitor
5) Ranger, Elementalist, Paladin, Inquisitor
6) 2 Hierophants, Holy Avenger, Imperial Assassin, Defender of Faith
7) 2 Hierophants, Holy Avenger, Imperial Assassin, Defender of Faith
8) 2 Hierophants, Holy Avenger, White Wizard, Defender of Faith
9) Ranger, Elementalist, Paladin, Inquisitor

With more Empire troops just milling around looking pretty ... and MORE in wait
of your arrival.

If you APPROACH Fhindar, Wraith Prusheen HIMSELF will show up to tell you that
you MUST NOT GO THERE ... the Empire is aware of your presence and has bolstered
its armies in preparation of your arrival. He judges it certain death for you,
and tells you not to venture there.

If you disregard his advice, you will AUTOMATICALLY fail the mission after you
pass the lone Titan who is standing guard outside Fhindar ... one of the
Empire's troops (Unit (1) on my list above) spots you and calls for
reinforcements - BILLIONS more units teleport onto the map to bolster Fhindar,
Wraith Prusheen tells you Mortis is displeased that you did not carry out her
orders, and you FAIL.)

... SO ... onto the Manticore =)

The Manticore is being kept just to the south of the Empire's Capital City,
under the watchful eye of 3 units of guards :-

1) 2 Man at Arms, 2 Archers, Beastkeeper
2) 2 Archers, Spearman, Beastkeeper
3) 2 Archers, Spearman, Beastkeeper

Once the Guardians have been slain, your Nosferat comes back to confirm this,
and to say that that Manticore should awaken soon.

[NOTE: Lupenzo has again kindly provided insight into this bit, to confirm that
if you use summoned units to kill the guards for the manticore, you don't have
to flee from it ...]

If *I* were you ? I would let it do its business ;) You COULD of course try
and slay it to gain some tasty XP ... but I thiiiiiiink it will attack Fhindar,
and that would be EQUALLY cool :">

... did I mean that it has over 1,000 Hit Points and is immune to paralysis ???
Juuuuuuust thought you might like to know that ;)

As you flee (did I say flee ? I meant tactfully withdraw :">) towards Unhira's
Tower, a unit comprising a Rock Giant, Tempest Giant and Druidess approaches
you, saying "What's that smell ? An animal probably died in the forest ..."

NOT A CHANCE MATE !! That's US !! =D

BOO !!! Bwahahahahahahaaaaaaaaar (sounds of swords hitting stone as we kick
their BUTTS)

(they do actually twig that it's us making the smell BEFORE we kill them -
unfortunately they don't have the time to get away and tell anybody) :">

... right ... so I've released the Manticore ... I've got my popcorn and my
super-sized coke and I'm ready to watch the mayhem unfold.

... turns pass, and the Manticore goes straight past the Empire's Capital City
... cool ... now on to Fhindar right ? GOOD BOY !!

... um ... nope ... what's ... he ... doing ? He's going ... across the waves
... to ... Hillgrin ?? Oh well ... if he kills the Shadow Wolf Clan I won't
have to do it later ... nope ... he's ... going ... on ... he's ... coming down
to ... oh no ... NO !! He's attacking Genran !!


[Note : Since the STUPID Manticore has a weapon-based attack and, as we've
already seen on this level, Werewolves are IMMUNE to physical attacks and, as
the Manticore only has an adjacent striking range of 1, if you front line of
troops comprises 3 Werewolves ? You will be 100% invincible to the Manticore !!
Suddenly this whole "DESTRUCTION OF FHINDAR" bit has taken a TOTAL turnaround
... but it's cool, 'coz at least you can drain this FREAK of its XP] ;)

Insofar as Slookarijj Blackstone is concerned ? If you are quick AND strong,
you can take him whilst he is still in the city of Burick ... this is how I
took him ... I am quite confident, however, that if you DON'T take him there,
he WILL make a final march to Fhindar, so be prepared ... if I were going to
strike him en route to Fhindar, I would at Unhira's Tower, as Slookarijj will
have to pass by this Tower to get to Fhindar, and if you did your strike any
closer to Fhindar, there is always the chance Empire troops would see your
ambush, and come to Blackstone's aid ...

Slookarijj is travelling with the following :-

1) Slookarijj Blackstone, Tempest Giant, Venerable Warrior, Flame Caster,
2) Ice Giant, Druidess, Crossbowman, Axe Thrower
3) Novice, 2 Veterans, Crossbowman, Axe Thrower

Since his unit itself is quite strong, I would suggest that you soften it up
with some summons (Nightmares are GREAT) before you go in ... he is carrying a
Holy Chalice (Artifact), Orb of Regeneration and Banner of Battle which you can
take after he has fallen.

With Slookarijj Blackstone's head adorning the bonnet of your car, you may
proceed to the next level - well done !! =)

OPPONENTS The Empire, Slookarijj Blackstone and the Mountain Clans.
ALLIES The Shadow Wolves



Name Inhabitants

Khaana 2 Goblin Archers, Orc, Orc Champion
Genran 2 Thugs, 2 Archers, Apprentice
Bhagu's City [Goblin, Orc]


Name Inhabitants

Hillgerin 2 Thugs, 2 Marksmen, Imperial Assassin, Master Thug


Name Inhabitants

Burick [2 Flame Casters, Warrior]


Name Inhabitants

Fhindar [2 Imperial Knights, Cleric, Priest, Wizard]


Name Inhabitants Gain anything from it ?

Crumbled Outpost Rock Giant 200 Gp, Orb of Thunder
Abandoned Chapel 3 Werewolves, Vampire, Initiate 550 Gp, Summon Nightmare
Crumbled Tower Goblin Archer 45 Gp, Goblin Talisman
Old Manoir 2 Orcs, Goblin, 3 Goblin Archers 300 Gp, Touch of Mortis
Abandoned Fort 2 Wyverns, Ghouls 100 Gp, Zombie Orb
Ancient Library Ice Giant, Yeti, Druidess,
Spirit of Fenrir 300 Gp, Highfather's Potion
Haunted Keep 2 Imperial Knights, Wizard,
2 Imperial Assassins 340 Gp, Staff of Light


Event Notes

GREEEEEEENSKINS You are told of the presence of Greenskins all over the place
- beware ;)
Shadow Wolf Aid The Shadow Wolves tell you to go to Hillgrin (which he has
mis-spelled), where they are awaiting you.
Free the 'Core You are sub-quested to free the Manticore that is being kept
prisoner just to the south of the Empire Capital.
Slay the Envoy Take out Slookarijj Blackstone and his envoy to complete the

2 x Potion of Healing, Orb of Fire, 2 x Silver Ring, 2 x Potion of Strength, Orb
of Water, Ignis Carn Scroll, Potion of Swiftness, Gold Ring, 2 x Life Potion,
Hymn of the Clans Scroll, Orb of Poison, Potion of Vigor, Incantare Belliarh
Scroll, 3 x Potion of Protection, Chronos Scroll, Potion of Striking, Unholy
Chalice (Artifact - just south of the Abandoned Chapel), Lightning Scroll,
Emerald, Ruby, Silver Ring, Seafaring Scroll, Diamond, Potion of Restoration,
Squire Orb, Strength Scroll, Haste Scroll, Potion of Speed.

Potion of Restoration, 6 x Life Potion, 2 x Potion of Healing, Ruby, Potion of
Striking, Orb of Healing.


Name Sells

Ebhon's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 4, Potion of Healing x 6, Potion of
Restoration x 6, Potion of Strength x 1
Thurin's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of
Restoration x 10, Potion of Strength x 3
Unhira's Tower (Magic Shop) Vithar's Might (200 Gp), Healing (400 Gp), Chant
of Arms (600 Gp), Ymir's Blessing (900 Gp)
Under's Shop (Merchant) Air Ward Scroll x 1, Water Ward Scroll x 2, Mind
Ward Scroll x 1, Death Ward Scroll x 1
Furren's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 5, Potion of
Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 4


With Slookarijj and his team dead, and their rotting corpses having been
resurrected to join Mortis' cause, the alliance between the Empire and the
Mountain Clans looks ... well ... shagged, basically !! =)


4) Retaliation


Mortis' murdering Slookarijj Blackstone had BAD consequences, as when the
Empire learned of this, they launched an all-out attack on the Hordes ...
Mortis quickly decides that she needs to take control of the City of Hunneria
if she is to thwart this attack ...

When the level begins Wraith Prusheen (bless his cotton socks) pops up to give
you your instructions, as per usual ... he says that Mortis has ordered you to
capture the City of Hunneria, to break the morale of the allies, and disrupt
their communications ...

He also alerts you to the presence of a Knight named Dasannar who is on these
lands, and who is VERY powerful, and quite possibly able to throw a spanner in
the works. Slaying him would be a BIG bonus ;)

Hokay ... it's the start of the level ... are you ready !! =)

First off, your Capital City is just south of the north-western corner of the
map ... and both Knight Dasannar AND the City of Hunneria are in a walled
enclosure in the south-eastern corner of the map. The Empire's Capital is in
the same walled enclosure, and the Mountain Clans Capital is located in the
north-eastern corner of the map.

So to MY beady little eye it looks like the south-western corner of the map is
ENTIRELY up for you to take !! This is because not only are Hunneria and the
Empire's Capital walled in, but there is a huge mountain range preventing them
from travelling west without first going east and then north :)

... so I'm going to conquer the entire western wing of the map and then move
across like a wave of terror =)

[SPOILER: The Shadow Wolves are going to betray you on this level ... BE

A couple of other things of interest geographically that I should point out
before I get cracking ... 1) There is a LARGE expanse of water sweeping from
the north of your Capital City down to the south-east, and this is HEAVILY
patrolled by the Clans, who have at least SIX ships' worth of units waiting for
you on the high seas.

Also, there is a training camp RIGHT BESIDE the Empire's Capital ... so you
should expect the troops within the walled enclosure I keep referring to to be
QUITE well trained ;)

Right. Enough of my babbling. WE RIDE !! =D

If you travel due north from your Capital City you will encounter a rather
PANTS unit of Peasants on the open seas, who are TERRIFIED of everything !!
First they see you ... then they flee. THEN they see a sea serpent and they
CACK themselves ... then one of your Nosferats tells you that this section of
water is inhabited by merfolk ...

... which it is ... but only sparsely so compared to the Dwarven presence on
these waters ;)

In the crumbled outpost you will find a pair of Boots of the Elements - which
are INVALUABLE when you are travelling on the seas, as they allow you to move
WITHOUT penalty ... i.e. no more 6 points per square on water - WOOHOO !! =D

If you take the City of Venaril, a Speamen calls after you to tell you that you
are treacherous creatures (why THANK you little man - tell me more !!), and that
the combined forces of the Empire and the Mountain Clans Fleet (which I referred
to above) will crush you.

FAT CHANCE. We're already dead - what the HELL have we got to worry about ???
Hmmm ????

Get a grip you little sodbucket !! (Slaps the Spearman and moves on)

A little later one of your Nosferats pops up to tell you BASICALLY what I
already have - that the Mountain Clans have a great fleet upon the high seas,
and you should be VERY careful if you travel across the waters.

For your information, the "fleet" comprises :-

1) Archdruidess, Engineer, Veteran, Crossbowman
2) Engineer, Rock Giant, Flame Caster
3) Dwarf Champion, Dwarf
4) Rock Giant, Druidess, King's Guard
5) 2 Mountaineers, King's Guard, Alchemist
6) Wolf Lord, Ice Giant, Loremaster

... so AS you can see, it's quite a robust little flotilla of units they have
there ...

If, after leaving the City of Venaril, you head due south, you will bump into a
Shadow Wolf Thug who tells you that they have found an almighty artifact which
you can use to smite your foes, and offers to lead you to it ..............
sound too good to be true ? It is. He is TOTALLY leading you into a trap
where little nasty pigmys will be waiting with short sharp pointy thingies to
poke and prod you until you go EEK ! at which point they will attach electrodes
to your bits and (wait till electricity is invented and then) fry 'em off !! =O

... so following him is not necessary. If you are going to explore the whole
of the map like I am, you'll find him anyway - and he leads you a LONG way off,
which (if you're only using one unit to move around like I am), can really slow
down the level ;)

[NOTE: Lupenzo has offered this tidbit for this situation :- Use thief to
follow thug and you can spring the trap without having to fight your way out.
Instead you fight your way in at your own leisure. THANKS Lupenzo :) So now
you have THREE different approaches to take ... spoiled for choice aren't ya !!

I am not going to follow the Shadow Wolf Thug, but if you DO, you can just skip
down a bit, and I will describe what happens for you (only difference is I will
do it from the perspective of NOT following him, and just coming upon him later,
by chance) =)

If you head south-west from Venaril, a Ghost will pop up to warn you that you
are about to enter Empire Territory, and that they have planned an ambush for
you ... she's right !! If you move onwards, 2 Titans jump you ... those

Due WEST of where you are attacked is a Cemetery ... if you approach it, Mortis
will raise two units to help you on this level (bless her - she's such a
CUTIE !!). They are :-

1) 2 Zombies
2) 2 Zombies

... wow ... HOW generous ...

... I'm the Goddess of Death, and I give you ? ............. earthworms ...

... ooh ! And a spade as well ...

... sigh ...

Well it's better than nothing I guess ... you could always use them to protect
the City of Beruria once it has fallen to your military might ;)

If you take Beruria, then there is a brief dialogue between a Witch Hunter and
one of your Death Knights which goes a little bit like this :-


WITCH HUNTER : "My kind and I will search out the likes of you and extinguish
you AND your evil which plagues our land like a virulent ...
um ... viral thing ... in the rainy season ..."
DEATH KNIGHT : (whips out his sword and cuts the Witch Hunter's head off in
one deft move)
AUDIENCE : "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh"

A little while later a Wizard pops up tell you that your attempt to thwart the
alliance between the Empire and the Mountain Clans from forming has failed, as
Slookarijj Blackstone was just one of the MANY emissaries sent to meet up with
the Empire ... to which your Death Knight (who has just finished wiping the
blade of his unholy sword clean from the blood of the Witch Hunter) smiles and
says "KILLER ! That means we'll have more of you to kill !! You KNOW you're
going to die trying little man ... play on !!"


If you chose to follow the Thug from the Shadow Wolves, or you are just bumping
into him now (if you move south from Sallat's Shop you will find him), he tells
you that Hubert has designs on the Empire, and you are no longer of any use to
the Shadow Wolves ...

(cough cough splutter) We are no longer of use to THEM ??? WHAT A JOKE !!!!!

A unit of Greenskins closes the gap behind you and traps you in the valley, to
which the Shadow Wolf Thug laughs at you and then sails off the end of the
map ...

... I just trashed the joint - I slew EVERY SINGLE UNIT in the area ... AND
made a mental note to kick the SH!T out of the Shadow Wolves the next time I
saw them ... duplicitous little MAGGOTS ...

If you take the City of Allanar, an Imperial Knight pops up to tell you that
Demosthene AND the Mountain Clans are BOTH aware of your plans, and that you
will be crushed.

TALK TO THE HAND BUDDY ... I ain't interested ... :">

If you take the Dwarven City of Ludevic a Forge Guardian there is GOBSMACKED
that you were able to make it past their "almighty" fleet.

BE amazed little one ... for we are the undead !! Watch ! We can even juggle
our own heads !

Ready boys ?? (much hilarity ensues)

If you take the City of Wunerioc, one of your Fighters confirms that you have
stopped the supply lines that were being provided by the Barbarians ... which
KINDA makes sense to me, but not entirely - I get the impression I stumbled
upon these barbarians before I should have ...

... but nay matter - now they can no longer supply OR defend Hunneria, so it's
gonna fall easier I would hope :">

If you press on towards the north-eastern corner of the map, you will be advised
that you are now entering Empire Lands (again - they only seem to occupy pockets
of land on this map), and that they are once again prepared to face you ... to
which Knight Dasannar pops up and tells you that he fought against your kind in
the First Great Wars, and that he will once again help to send you back to the

... so it's on to kick his @ss basically !! Please take note that the Pegasus
Knight immediately to the south-east of where you are when Dasannar makes his
speech is NOT Dassanar. Knight Dassanar is awaiting your arrival just inside
the city walls ...

... and he's (shock, horror) NOT alone ...

He is hiding (the COWARD) behind the following units :-

1) 2 Archers, 2 Man at Arms, Apprentice, Spearman
2) 2 Archers, 2 Man at Arms, Acolyte, Spearman

... and here is the breakdown for Knight Dassanar's Unit :-

Knight Dasannar (Defender of Faith), Matriarch, Imperial Priest,
Imperial Assassin

Once Knight Dassanar has been vanquished he runs away blubbering about how he
feels really let down by the Highfather ................. BOTHERED ?? BUZZ OFF
you CREEP !! =O

Then it's off to take Hunneria !! I would suggest doing this in 3 stages ...

1) Clear all the troops from the walled city so that you can lay siege
to Hunneria.
2) Clear out the troops that are resting there, but not garrisoned

FORTUNATELY there are 2 shops right smack bang up next to Hunneria, so you
shouldn't have a problem buying supplies ...

Ooh ! And one more thing ... you might like to spend all your remaining gold
on buying XP for your best leader ;) Juuuuuuuuuuuuust a thought =)

Once Hunneria has fallen, Mortis' victory against the Empire is complete =D

OPPONENTS Knight Dasannar and the Empire, The Mountain Clans, The Shadow



Name Inhabitants

Methral 3 Lizard Men, Medusa
Wunerioc [2 Barbarian Warriors, Barbarian Chieftain]
Venaril 3 Man at Arms, Spearman


Name Inhabitants

Ludevic [2 Dwarves, Warrior, Druidess]


Name Inhabitants

Allanar [Knight, Archer, Acolyte]
Hunneria Son of Ymir, Archmage, Marksman, Squire, Paladin
[2 Squires, 2 Archers, Apprentice]
Beruria [Squire, Acolyte]


Name Inhabitants Gain anything from it ?

Crumbled Outpost 2 Mermen, Mermaid 200 Gp, Boots of the
Kerthin Rock Giant, Dwarf, Crossbowman,
Druidess 250 Gp, Elven Boots
Antique Temple 2 Crossbowmen, Alchemist, Dwarf,
Spirit of Fenrir, Wolf Lord 1,000 Gp
Watch Tower Warrior, Forge Guardian, Dwarf,
Druidess 300 Gp, Staff of Celerity
Kassel 2 Orcs, Goblin, 2 Goblin Archers 300 Gp, Potion of Fire
(the Kassel above is just south-west of the City of Venaril)
Kassel Defender of Faith, 2 Angels,
Priest 400 Gp, Ice Spirits Scroll
(the Kassel above is just south-west of the Empire's Capital City)
Old Keep Beast, Fiend, Devil 500 Gp, Tome of War


Event Notes

Scaredy-Cats Peasants running (well, sailing) away from EVERYTHING !!
Nellies :">
Clan Fleet !! The Mountain Clans have amassed a fleet in the waters near
your Capital !
IT'S A TWAP !! The Shadow Wolves betray you and set you up for a fall with
the Greenskins.
KILL DASANNAR Slay the VILE Knight Dasannar who threatens to do something
GOOD to you.
SACK HUNNERIA !! Take the City of Hunneria from RIGHT under the Empire's noses

4 x Potion of Restoration, Life Potion, Talisman of Icefall, Plague Scroll,
Potion of Protection, Bronze Ring, Orb of Poison, Incantare Hellhound Scroll, 2
x Silver Ring, Summon Living Armour Scroll, Banner of Strength, 6 x Potion of
Healing, Summon Roc Scroll, Potion of Striking, Blizzard Scroll, Orb of Thunder,
Potion of Might, Sapphire, Bronze Ring, Spirit Staff, Potion of Speed, Potion of
Vigor, Stone Rain Scroll, Orb of Healing, Potion of Vigor, Orb of Vigor, Potion
of Strength, 2 x Gold Ring, Ring of Strength (Artifact - just east of the City
of Wunerioc), Tempest Scroll, Ruby, Chant of Arms Scroll, Summon Skeleton Scroll

8 x Potion of Restoration, 3 x Life Potion, Death Storm Scroll, Healing
Ointment, Treebark Potion, Potion of Swiftness


Name Sells

Malavien's Tower (Magic Shop) Vithar's Might (200 Gp), Hymn of the Clans (400
Gp), Chant of Arms (600 Gp), Ymir's Blessing (900
Turion's Camp (Mercenary) Lizard Man (850 Gp), Medusa (1,310 Gp)
Sallat's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion
of Restoration x 10, Titan's Might Potion x 1
Nibor's Tower (Magic Shop) Haste (400 Gp), Call to Arms (800 Gp), Celerity
(200 Gp)
Kilgen's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion
of Restoration x 10, Potion of Invulnerability x 2
Forcecus's Camp (Trainer) Train your units here !!
Turion's Camp (Mercenary) Master Thug (240 Gp), Thug (40 Gp)
Thurin's Shop (Merchant) Orb of Healing x 2, Orb of Restoration x 3, Orb
of Regeneration x 2, Orb of Life x 4


With Hunneria's Fall, the threat posed by the Empire to Mortis' plans wanes.
Mortis orders her troops to find a location where Gallean can be revived ... in
Nevendaar, only holy ground could be used to revive a God, and the Hordes soon
learned that the Elven lands contained such a magnificient garden.


5) The Accursed Armour


During the Search for the Elvish Garden, one of Mortis' Undead Warriors broke
free of her control and, transfixed by an enchanted suit of armour, headed off
on his own. The Bone Armour that now possessed him demanded a fresh blood
sacrifice each day and, in return for being so satiated, it granted its wearer
- the rebel Bone Lord - great powers AND eternal life.

The Armour was forged by a Powerful Necromancer during the First Great Wars,
but was lost during an assault on Sturmir Thunderhammer's Keep. The Power of
the Armour had grown since then, to the point where it now possessed a will of
its own, and Mortis decided to put a rapid stop to developments on this front,
as the armour was still growing, and had begun to gain the Power to subvert
other Undead units to its service as well ...

Your objective on this level is to destroy the Bone Lord's Tower.

At the start of the level one of your Nosferat's confirms that he has found the
location of the Bone Lord's Manor, and says that it is on an island to the west
of your Capital.

Wraith Prusheen tells you that Mortis has advised him that the Bone Lord is NOT
to be underestimated, as he has great powers AND control over the Undead
Hordes ...


Right ... as soon as you come out of the area where your Capital City is
located (i.e. as soon as you approach the shoreline to the south-west of your
Capital City), one of your Nosferats pops up to tell you that there is a great
island to the west (being the Bone Lord's Island), but VERY few people have
ever ventured that far, as their flesh is devoured by the sea-witches that live
in the area.

....... I WANNA MEET THESE SEA-WITCHES ... they can't ALL be that nasty
surely !! =)

As you draw closer to the shoreline, a Merman darts across to you from the
south and tells you to halt, saying that he has a message for you from his
Queen, Tilligillash.

(what a silly name)

The camera then pans to the location where Tilligillash (who I'm going to call
Chicken Tikka from now on 'coz it's easier) will be waiting for you ...

Then he departs, saying that he hopes you decide NOT to meet up with her, for
he hates your race ...

... if he hated us THAT much, why didn't he just forget to deliver the
message ?? =./

Nevermind ... you'll be pleased to hear that this one ISN'T a trap ... in fact
I would VERY strongly suggest that you meet Queen Chicken Tikka and hear what
she has to say =)

If you fell the City of Mundian, a Nosferat pops up to tell you that there are
rumours flying around of a sacred artifact called the DEATH STAR (sorry - just
having a Star Wars moment) - actually it's called Doragon's Eye ... and it was
purportedly once owned by an ancient and accursed God ... sounds PRETTY nifty
eh ;)

(I'm going to stop exploring for a second to zip off and have a meeting with
Queen Chicken Tikka).

When you approach Queen Chicken Tikka and her envoy of drumsticks, she comes to
the front to greet you, and says that (and this bit is IMPORTANT for the plot)
she needs the help of their former Goddess, Mortis ...

[Pause it]

Basically Chicken Tikka has just confirmed that Mortis used to be the God of
the Seadwellers, but then she changed (somehow - we don't know how ... yet),
and turned into the Goddess of the Dead ............................... VERY

A Nosferat responds saying "What do you want from us ?"

Queen Chicken Tikka goes on to say that Mortis used to be called Solonielle,
and during this time she ruled the Elves with her Consort, Gallean. The Elves
went to war with the Dwarves though and, in a great war, Gallean's body was
thrown into the Sun by the Dwarven God Wotan.


She goes on to say that Solonielle tried to save him from his fate, and her
eternally beautiful face was burnt beyond measure by the intense heat of the
Sun ... all she could save of her Consort was his heart, and this tragedy
caused her soul to darken, and soon after she lost her followers (and I think
we can guess where she went from there, right ?).

Pass me a tissue - that really is just so sad !! :'(

Queen Chicken Tikka tells you that her race is aware of your Quest to revive
Gallean and, to that end, she can direct you to a powerful item that will help
you against the Bone Lord's Powers (and no, it's not Doragon's Eye) ... all you
have to do is escort her daughter Unttilliggullish, who I shall from this point
refer to as MINI Chicken Tikka because it took me about FIVE MINUTES just to
type the Queen's name, let alone her bleedin' daughter's ...

... ahem ...

Where was I ? Oh yeah ... sorry ... all you have to do is escort Mini Chicken
Tikka through Mountain Clans Territory and the item is yours.

Wraith Prusheen intercedes to confirm that Mortis has accepted Queen Chicken
Tikka's proposal, and that her Undead Hordes will escort Mini Chicken Tikka as

Queen Chicken Tikka voices her approval, and advises you that Mini Chicken
Tikka must make it to her destination to participate in a ritual with a group
of priests, and ALSO tells you that the Mountain Clans actively hunt down and
slay her kind to make weapons from their scales, so you should be VERY careful.

The camera then pans to where you need to escort Mini Chicken Tikka ...
basically you need to lead her right up to Underik's Tower to earn this
precious artifact.

With that, Queen Chicken Tikka returns to her original starting position, and
you gain control of Mini Chicken Tikka.

... I would strongly suggest that you scout ahead to clear a path ... you
REALLY do not want to let Mini Chicken Tikka get cold (hee hee - I mean die)
... you want to keep her safe until she gets to the end, 'coz the item you gain
for this little sub-quest is REALLY useful ;)

If you manage to escort Mini Chicken Tikka to west-side of Underik's Tower then
Queen Chicken Tikka pops up to thank you for your assistance, and to confirm
that she has teleported a magic item called "Ocean's Charm" to your Capital ...
she says that if you take it to the Bone Lord's Tower you will negate his
powers ... WOOHOO !! =D

Queen Chicken Tikka ALSO gives you control over the two Sea Serpents that were
standing guard whilst she was having her meeting with you ... and then she pegs
it off the side of the map, leaving a piece of treasure floating on the southern
edge of the map as she goes !!


(For your information, they aren't JUST Sea Serpents in the units you have been
given - each unit comprises a Sea Serpent and 2 Mermen) ;)

Going back to the Underik's Tower area, if you take the City of Sumeric then a
King's Guard comes out and tells you that they will avenge their Lost King, and
Yataa'Halli will drive us back into oblivion.

... don't these people ever get tired of talking such UTTER rubbish ? YOU,
little man, are about to learn what steel TASTES like ... C'MERE !! =O


If you take the City of Eucmere, one of your Nosferats advises you that the
Peasants there speak of a great treasure beyond a hidden passage in the
mountains to the south of Eucmere ... they SAY it is guarded by our old friends,
the Shadow Wolves.


If you want to find this secret item, you will need to travel southwards BY
WATER, and stage an assault on the City of Asgaaril. Do this decisively and
brutally, and with as MANY casualties as you can manage, remembering that these
are the WASTERS who tried to sell you up the river on the last level (BIG time
angry face for them).

Once you have taken the city, a Master Thug of the Shadow Wolves pleads with
you to spare his life, saying that he will tell you everything he knows ...
your Nosferat QUITE RIGHTLY tells him that it had better be good or you might
change your mind ... =./

He tells you that they were FORCED to fight you, as their Master is desirous of
taking over the Empire ... he says that de Layle has allied with the Bone Lord,
whom YOU are tracking, in the hopes that it would strengthen his position ...

The Nosferat grills him further, asking him why de Layle allied with the Bone
Lord, and for what REAL purpose.

He confirms that he allied with the Bone Lord because he has a Necromancer in
his army called Erhog (a name which will be familiar to you if you have played
as the Empire), who is the leader of the "Occultists", and that Erhog is in
leagues with the Bone Lord, and that Erhog will be waiting for you before you
attack the Bone Lord. He even intimates that (shock, horror) the Bone Lord can
possess YOUR troops !!

You let him live, but tell him that if he EVER crosses your path again you will
spank him until his eyes pop out.


Once you have killed the units just to the east of the City of Asgaaril the
"secret" passage through the Mountains to reveal ? DORAGON'S EYE !! Yeah
bayBEE =D

This item is SO cool even Wraith Prusheen comments on it ... he says (basically)

"You have found the biggest conker in the playground. Mortis orders you to
keep it, 'coz it just needs a little varnish and it'll be TOTALLY killer
dude !!"

(This is no joke. Doragon's Eye has a great power that can be used later on in
the game, and I would STRONGLY suggest taking it with you into the next
level ... for THIS level you can just drop it back at the Capital IF you've not
already gone that way to pick up the Ocean's Charm (otherwise you can just
carry it with you).)

If you take the Legions' City of Kanaran, a Duke threatens you by saying that
Bethrezen will make you PAY for what you have done ... yadda yadda yadda yeah
yeah yeah ...

There are strange etchings carved into the inner walls of the City of Iilsta
... Wraith Prusheen confirms that the images were carved into the walls by the
merfolk many years ago, and depict a Great City that was destroyed by a Dwarven
Army ... he feels that this information could be used against the Mountain
Clans ...

After you have finished pottering about the map, and are finally ready to begin
your assault on the Bone Lord (and, we presume, Erhog the Necromancer), you
need to move your troops to the large island to the south of the Dwarven
Capital City, to the south-west of YOUR Capital City, and to the north of the
Legions' Capital City.

prepare your troops for the assault.

The only way to gain access to the Bone Lord's Tower is through a valley at the
TOP of the Island (i.e. on the western end of the island). As you approach, one
of your Death Knights confirms that this is the Bone Lord's Lair, and that you
need to prepare yourselves. I would suggest that you amass your troops along
the westernmost edge of the map, and then send your weakest unit in first.
This is because as soon as you start to enter the Valley, the Bone Lord spots
you and sends Erhog after you ... and Erhog immediately casts a Call Red Dragon
spell on the first unit to enter the Valley (inflicting 75 points of fire damage
to all units who are not immune to fire). Sending a weak unit to bear the brunt
of this attack means that the other units will be fine.

Once the weak unit has been toasted, remove it from harm's way and let the
battle begin !!

For your information, the units in the Bone Lord's Island (at least, the INNER
section of which, which is where you are right now) are as follows :-

1) Deathdragon, Wight, Wraith, Specter
2) 2 Skeleton Warriors, Erhog, Wizard, Shade
3) Doomdrake, Phantom Warrior, Elder Vampire, Necromancer
4) 2 Wights, Skeleton Champion, Death
5) Dark Lord, Templar, Skeleton Champion, 2 Specters

(The Bone Lord is residing in the Bone Lord's Tower)

Really speaking, owing to the layout of this area, you need to take out all the
units in the order I have stipulated.

Once Unit 1 has fallen, you may attack Erhog the Necromancer and her Unit.

Erhog the Necromancer is powerful, but has one FATAL weakness. She can only
attack using death magic and, as you are the Undead and most of your units are
IMMUNE to Death Magic, she really shouldn't give you too much hassle.

Once Erhog has fallen, you can proceed to take out Unit 3.


If this attacking unit does NOT have Ocean's Charm, the Bone Lord will take
control over it !!

This can obviously make for an EXTREMELY more difficult level if you sent your
best unit in without Ocean's Charm, so BE CAREFUL.

If the attacking unit has Ocean's Charm, all is well ;)

Assuming you have Ocean's Charm, once you move to attack Unit 4, you will
receive confirmation that the Bone Lord is not powerful enough to take your
troops, and then Unit 5 will move to attack your lead Unit.

Once you have despatched Units 1-5, I would suggest you heal yourself and then
assault the Bone Lord's Tower !!

In the Tower are the following Units :-

2 Phantom Warriors, 2 Imperial Assassins, Shade, Bone Lord

The Bone Lord is a fighter unit, who attacks on the front line. He is
REASONABLY powerful, but nothing spectacular - 400 HP, immune to mind and death,
does 65 points of damage, bla bla bla ... he DOES however, use a Drain Life
Overflow attack (which, for those of you who have ever had the joy of
commanding an Elder Vampire will know, is an attack which drains life from your
opponent and gives it to whoever in your TEAM needs it (not just the attacking
unit). This is obviously quite a natty power, so I would hit him hard and fast
;) ALSO remember that the Phantom Warriors can paralyse ... so it should be
quite an interesting little battle all things considered :">

Once the Bone Lord has fallen, Wraith Prusheen praises you, saying that Mortis
is pleased with your progress, and that you must keep Doragon's Eye for the next
level ... one of your Death Knights confirms that he will arrange for the Bone
Armour to be transported back to the Capital City, which pleases Wraith
Prusheen as well ...

Congratulations - another level down !! =)

OPPONENTS The Legions of the Damned, the Mountain Clans, Bone Lord & Erhog
the Necromancer



Name Inhabitants

Eucmere 2 Spearmen, Man at Arms, 2 Archers
Asgaaril Master Thug, 2 Spearmen, 2 Archers, Marksman
Iilsta [3 Merman, Mermaid]
Mundian 2 Spearmen, Marksman, Archer, Neutral Male (Master Thug)
Iikst 3 Lizard Men, Medusa


Name Inhabitants

Kanaran Duke (Baalhu in my Saga), Anti-Paladin, Sorcerer


Name Inhabitants

Sumeric 2 Warriors, Engineer (Goderic in my Saga), Alchemist


Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ?

Old Tower Paladin 100 Gp
Ancient Monastry 2 Onyx Gargoyles, Demonologist 450 Gp, Infernal Knight Orb
Rigel Ruins Master Thug, 2 Thugs, Archer 200 Gp, Potion of Strength
Ancient Fort Rock Giant, Forge Guardian 200 Gp, Orb of Restoration
Crumbled Farm Skeleton Warrior, 2 Wyverns 400 Gp, Tome of Arcanum
Lost Temple Blue Dragon, 2 Orc Champions 800 Gp, Staff of Dragon
Bone Lord's Tower 2 Phantom Warriors, Bone Lord,
2 Imperial Assassins, Shade 100 Gp
Abandoned Keep Ice Giant, 2 Wolves 650 Gp, Potion of Fortune


Event Notes

MERFOLK =) A merman directs you to an audience with the Chicken Tikkas.
THIS WAY, MA'AM Escort Mini Chicken Tikka to her meeting, and get the
Ocean's Charm.
WHO'S GOT THE EYE The Shadow Wolves are looking for Doragon's Eye ... take it
from them !!
TAKIN' IT TO 'EM With the Ocean's Charm in tow, attack the Bone Lord's
Island Fortress.

Weakness Scroll, 6 x Potion of Healing, 5 x Life Potion, 5 x Potion of
Restoration, Incantare Beliarh Scroll, True Sight Scroll, Sapphire, Bronze Ring,
Staff of Protection, 2 x Potion of Striking, 2 x Potion of Vigor, Orb of
Freezing, Goblin Orb, Silver Ring, Potion of Invulnerability, Potion of
Celerity, Healing Ointment, Lizard Man Orb, Death Storm Scroll, Potion of
Protection, Bronze Ring, Talisman of Inferno, Ruby, Orc Orb, Seafaring Scroll,
Gold Ring, Potion of Water Warding, Potion of Air Warding, Orb of Earth, Wrath
of God Scroll, Treebark Potion, Summon Roc Scroll, Healing Ointment, Silver
Ring, Zombie Orb, Ignis Carn Scroll, Orb of Lightning, Potion of Swiftness,
Emerald, Orb of Frost, Plague Scroll, Tortio Menta Scroll, Orb of Vampire, Call
Decay Dragon Scroll, Hag's Ring (Artifact - in the Bone Lord's Island just
south of his Tower), Royal Scepter, Bronze Ring, Sapphire.

3 x Life Potion, 2 x Potion of Restoration.


Name Sells

Furren's Shop (Merchant) Has no items for sale, but is willing to buy ;)
Fraggin's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Restoration x 10,
Potion of Speed x 4, Potion of Celerity x 2
Dennar's Camp (Mercenary) Master Thug (240 Gp), Thug (40 Gp)
Notralar's Shop (Merchant) Imp Orb x 1, Goblin Orb x 1, Orc Orb x 1, Orc
Talisman x 1
Underik's Tower (Magic Shop) Tormentio (200 Gp), Cursa Demoneus (400 Gp),
Menta Potens (600 Gp)


With the Bone Lord vanquished, the Bone Armour once again becomes faithful to
Mortis. She selects another from her ranks to wear it, and thus strengthens
her already powerful army.

She orders the search for the sacred Elven Lands to continue ...

NEXT LEVEL. I can foresee no further use for the Ocean's Charm, however ...]


6) Phantom Beasts


With Uther's Blood in her possession, the ritual to revive Gallean could begin.
In order for the rite to succeed, it had to be enacted on sacred land in Elven
Territory. Unfortunately the only way to reach this land was to go directly
through the Mountain Clans territory ... namely, the Devil Mountains ...

Stories abound of man-eating beasts and terrible things that lurk in the Devil

The Clan Elders had long since forbidden their people from venturing near the
Mountains, but the soulless, fearless Undead Hordes just marched on regardless.

Your objective on this level is to take Uther's Blood to the Elven Lands so
that the ritual can begin.

If you brought Doragon's Eye from the previous level like I had suggested,
Wraith Prusheen will commend your decision ... even though he is unwilling to
tell you at THIS point what can be done with it ... he reiterates that your
mission on this level is to take Uther's Blood to the Elven Lands, and confirms
that to help you DO this, Mortis is giving you control over the Bone Lord !!


Finally, Wraith Prusheen confirms that the road ahead WILL BE guarded by
ancient beasties ... but tells you that regardless, Mortis NEEDS you to get
this Blood to the Elven Lands.


[NOTE: If you DIDN'T bring Doragon's Eye with you, Wraith Prusheen's
conversation is exactly as above, MINUS the first bit ... however, whilst HE
won't be shouting at you for not bringing Doragon's Eye with you, I will be
giving you some VERY piercing looks] ;)

First off ... the Bone Lord ... you are given control of a Unit including the
following :-

Bone Lord, Fighter, Warlock, Ghost.

The Bone Lord is EXACTLY the same as the one you just fought (i.e. no weaker,
no less HP, bla bla bla). The ONLY difference is that his leadership value has
been reduced from 5 to 3.

Your Capital City is in the south-western corner of the map, and your objective
(the Elven Lands Marker) is in the south-eastern corner of the map. HOWEVER,
in order to get there, you must travel due north of your Capital City to the
northernmost edge of the map (Clans territory), then east (through the Legions
Lands), and only THEN can you travel south to reach the marker.

If you have brought Doragon's Eye from the previous level, MAKE SURE you have
yous strongest unit carry it forth, as you will need it on this level ...

If you take the City of Henzador, then a Mountaineer gloats over you, telling
you that you will never reach the Elven Lands, as the passage that leads to it
is HEAVILY protected ...

... this is level 6 of 7 ... we KNEW it wouldn't be cake-walk little one (pats
him on the head and knifes him in the back)

... sighs and moves on ...

If you venture to the north-east of Nvidal's Tower, a Nosferat tells you of a
town occupied by Barbarian Forces ahead, and urges caution when "dealing" with
it ;)

He is referring to Instar - a Barbarian Stronghold just up ahead.

Once Instar has fallen, you are treated to a sob-story by one of the Peasants
there. He tells you that his kiddies were eaten alive by beasts in the
mountains (which IS sad, no questions asked), and that he and his wife have had
to live off jellybeans ever since, because they cannot afford the money for the
trek to civilisation ... (ok so I made that up, but dammit !!)

Your Death Knight, in his a-typical sympathetic tone, says that Mortis will
succeed in her quest to revive Gallean, and that no mere "beasts" can stop
them ...

If you follow the river upstream from your Capital, then just as you are
drawing level with both the Crumbled Manoir and the Keletha Ruins, a Dwarven
Loremaster named Dagaric calls out for you to stop ...

The conversation goes a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'l bit like dis :-

Dagaric : "Halt !"
(Dagaric's Unit moves to intercept you)
Dagaric : "I have been sent to slay you by da Big Boss Lady. Pweepare to
DIE !!"
Death Knight : (assumes the position and motions for the music to start playing)
(slip my Mortal Kombat Soundtrack into the CD-player)
Dagaric : "I will pluck out your eyebrow hairs one by one and weave a fine
mesh of armour from them"


Dagaric travels with 2 Ice Giants ... but you should be able to take him ;)

Dagaric is an 8th level Loremaster ;)

In Penuric your Nosferat will discover a parchment detailing Queen Yataa'Halli's
orders to her Mountain Clan Troops ... it appears they are on a specific
mission to disrupt your intended course of action ...

... good job they're so small !! (OMIGOD I can't believe I just said that)
ANYHOW ... the Parchment speaks of a proposed alliance between the Dwarven
Mountain Clans and the Barbarian Peoples ... the Nosferat urges haste to reach
your goal.

If you head all the way across the northern edge of the map to the
north-easternmost corner and then head due south you will find the city of
Ssemmar, in which is hidden a book worthy of note - your Lich Queen will
comment on it, saying that it speaks of an ancient half-human, half-dragon
being named ?? You guessed it ... Doragon. Doragon ruled the Dragon Race for
a thousand years before he was slain. Since his death, the Dragons have caused
much pain and suffering to the other races, and warred with each other over the
thorny subject of finding a replacement ruler for their kind.

Have you guessed what Doragon's Eye does yet ? Let me give you three guesses :-

1) It makes GREAT soufflé
2) It controls Dragons
3) It's a funky-@ss bowling ball !!

Let's HOPE it's 2 ... 'coz if you come out of the City of Ssemmar and go north,
then west and then south, you will encounter a SH!TLOAD of dragons ... and I do
mean, Dragons :">

The following units are milling about in the area to the south of your present
location :-

1) Green Dragon
2) Blue Dragon
3) Black Dragon
4) White Dragon
5) Blue Dragon
6) Red Dragon

As you are approaching the Valley of the Dragons, Unit 2 comes screaming out to
attack you.

You can attack Unit 1 as per normal, but as you are milling back around to
attack Unit 3, you are advised that you should put Doragon's Eye on the Dragon
Statue to make it work ...

The camera pans back to your Capital where a spell is cast, and then to the
Dragons again, and ... WOOHOO !! ... Units 3, 4 and 5 switch their allegiance
to your cause !!

This is GREAT news ... even though Wraith Prusheen warns you that you will not
have control over them forever (and he's right) ...

I would suggest that you throw them into battle with each other, and try to
weaken them as much as possible so that when they revert to computer control,
you can polish them off and earn XP the EASY way ;)

As you take the City of Xundell, the Oracle Elf that resided there cries out
that they will not let you take Uther's Blood through their lands, and that you

(Nice words from somebody who's entire City has just been razed by the might of
our armies.)

[NOTE: You CAN actually attack the Dragons whilst they are still under your
banner, but a few turns before they revert to computer control] ;)

After your little Dragon Soirée is over, you may proceed south.

As you move through the Valley your path is blocked by an Elf who proudly
declares that their Queen Taladrielle will not allow you to accomplish your
goal ... dispose of his unit and move on.

Just to the south of Lisallat's shop you will be advised that the Mountain
Clans are attacking over the mountains ... and a section of the mountain range
to your west will disappear.

You may now attack the Mountain Clans (should you wish). Failing that, you
could always make a mad rush for the finish line, BUT you should be aware that,
guarding the entrance to the Elven Lands PROPER are the following units :-

1) Green Dragon, 2 Centaurs, Elf Lord, Oracle Elf
2) 2 Centaurs, 2 Elf Rangers, Centaur Lancer
3) 3 Centaur Lancers, 2 Elf Rangers

Once these units are despatched, your route to the Elven Lands Marker is
clear !!

OPPONENTS The Mountain Clans, The Legions of the Damned, The Barbarian



Name Inhabitants

Henzador 2 Barbarian Warriors, Barbarian Chieftain, 2 Axe Throwers
Instar Barbarian Warrior, Barbarian Chieftain, Polar Bear
Xundell [2 Green Dragons, Oracle Elf]
Ssemmar [2 Spearmen, Imperial Assassin]


Name Inhabitants

Penurik Warrior, Engineer (Charulf in my Saga) [2 Rock Giants]
Grumsch [2 Barbarian Warriors]


Name Inhabitants Gain anything from taking it ?

Ruined Church 3 Archers, Thug 200 Gp, Strength Scroll
Ancient Temple 3 Goblins 35 Gp, Bronze Ring
Crumbled Manoir 2 Polar Bears, Veteran 600 Gp, Venerable Warrior
Keletha Ruins Devil, Fiend, 2 Imps 400 Gp, Boots of Travelling
Abandoned Keep Abyssal Devil, 2 Imps,
Demonologist 400 Gp, Iron Skin Potion
Kassel White Dragon, Green Dragon,
Elf Lord 800 Gp, Ring of the Ages
Ruined Farm Elder One, Rune Master,
Warrior, Druidess 100 Gp


Event Notes

Dagaric The Mountain Clans Loremaster Dagaric thinks he can take you
out !! HAHA !!
Doragon's Eye You learn what Doragon's Eye can do, and take control over
the Dragons =D
Ambush The Mountain Clans attack from over the Mountains behind you.

Life Potion, Potion of Swiftness, Orb of Nosferat, Chain Lightning Scroll, 3 x
Potion of Healing, 2 x Potion of Vigor, 2 x Emerald, Blizzard Scroll, Summon
Roc Scroll, Stone Rain Scroll, 2 x Potion of Restoration, Orb of Water, Orb of
Icefall, Skeleton Champion Orb, Ignis Carn Scroll, Potion of Protection, Orb of
Healing, Potion of Accuracy, Orc Orb, Treebark Potion, Potion of Strength,
Vithar's Might Scroll, Talisman of Bane, Orb of Vigor, Summon II: Valkyrie
Scroll, 2 x Silver Ring, 2 x Bronze Ring, Potion of Speed, Orb of Life,
Lightning Scroll, Ignis Mare Scroll, Potion of Water Warding, Air Ward Scroll,
Talisman of Stone Rain, Potion of Might, Healing Ointment, Orb of Lycanthropy,
Curse of Nygrael Scroll, Ancient Relic, Diamond, 2 x Gold Ring, 2 x Ruby, Royal
Scepter, Imperial Crown, Etched Circlet (Artifact - being guarded by the Red
Dragon near Xundell), Orb of Regeneration, Potion of Striking.

7 x Potion of Restoration, Treebark Potion, 2 x Potion of Speed, Potion of
Accuracy, 6 x Life Potion, Infernal Knight Orb, Incubus Orb, Healing Ointment,
Potion of Celerity.


Name Sells

Nvidal's Tower (Magic Shop) Water Ward (200 Gp), Earth Ward (400 Gp), Holy
Strength (600 Gp)
Sallat's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion
of Restoration x 10, Potion of Vigor x 3
Thurin's Shop (Merchant) Has no items for sale, but will buy them ;)
Furren's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion of
Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 3
Lisallat's Shop (Merchant) Vampire Talisman x 1, Lich Talisman x 1, Skeleton
Champion Talisman x 1, Zombie Talisman x 1


The Hordes finally manage to set foot on Elven Lands ... the forest are lush
and the lands verdant ... obviously they have never been forced to endure the
ravages of war ... until NOW !

The Elves are, however, aware that you are coming ... =./


7) Taladrielle the Sorceress


The entire Elven army awaited the Undead Hordes upon their arrival to the Elven
Lands. Queen Taladrielle had been forewarned of the arrival of the Hordes by
her High Elf Prophets, and the Elves were resolute that nothing would enter the
Sacred Burial Grounds without a fight.

Although not renowned for their ability to wage war, the Elves are revered for
their high levels of agility and skill in the Magic Arts. This will surely be
a battle worth remembering.

Your objective on this final level is to slay Taladrielle the Sorceress, and to
protect Uther's Blood.

The level begins with Wraith Prusheen praising you for your efforts, and
telling you that Mortis is pleased with you.

A Death Knight asks Prusheen what Mortis' latest instructions are ... Prusheen
responds by saying that Mortis commands you to reach the Elven Sacred Burial
Grounds and there enact the ritual to revive Gallean. In order to secure these
lands, Taladrielle the Elven Sorceress must be slain. At the start of the level
the Bone Lord pops out of your Capital and OPENLY questions Mortis' orders ...
he says that you should be waging out and out war and slaying the Elves. He is
pulled back into line by Wraith Prusheen, who tells him that he is to obey
Mortis, and her orders are NOT to be questioned.

He begrudgingly accepts this.

The Bone Lord starts this level with a Ghost, Warlock and Initiate as his

[IMPORTANT NOTE : I have been reminded by DMPatrickF that, if you play this
level up until about turn 35, the Bone Lord actually betrays Mortis and runs to
the "neutral" undead units near the center of the map and converts them to
follow him. This being the case I would strongly recomment that you just use
him as cannon fodder really ;) It's easier to deal with him whilst he's on YOUR
side, non ??]

Your Capital City is in the north-eastern section of the map (not in the corner
- just east of the center of the map), and Queen Taladrielle is in the
south-westernmost corner of the map.

Your objective, as has been stated above, is to SLAY Queen Taladrielle AND to
protect Uther's Blood. I would therefore leave the blood in the Capital City -
there's no safer place for it ! Ashgan won't die ;)


So ... off we go ...

If you take the City of Hagken, a Lich confirms that some of the relics of
Gallean are located inside ... the Lich maintains that Gallean cannot be far ...

If you venture just south of the Rigel Ruins, a Nosferat shouts that there are
Elves just ahead of you, and that their presence signifies that you are nearing
your goal.

If you take the City of Lennora, an Elven Lord comes out to tell you that
Queen Taladrielle will put an end to your evil plans (altogether ? OH NO SHE
BL**DY WELL WON'T !!) =">

An Archlich responds by saying that the Elves should be HELPING us to resurrect
Gallean, and puts forth that Gallean was an Elven God in times gone by.

The Elf Lord is shocked, exclaiming "How do you know about our God Gallean ?"

The Archlich responds by saying that Mortis has sent you on a quest to revive
Gallean's flesh ... for after his battle with Wotan he was slain, and now his
revival is the will of Mortis ...

The Elf stands by his original statement, saying that even WITHOUT the help of
their Gods, Queen Taladrielle will be your downfall.

(He may well be right - Taladrielle is VERY VERY VERY powerful.)

If you take the Dwarven City of Lumeric, an Alchemist screams that this is the
beginning of the Ragnarok, and Doom for their race is near (nearer than you
THINK little one !!)

Your Lich Queen confirms that Gallean's rebirth is at hand, and with it, Mortis
will rule ALL.

If you take the Empire's City of Begguni, one of your Warlocks confirms that
the well of the City contains Elven Water, and advocates caution, as he
believes they are TOTALLY expecting you ...

If you sack the City of Sollonia, an OH-so-virtuous Oracle Elf appears to tell
you that you had better pray that your evil forces never encounter Solonielle -
the Elven Goddess of Life and Light !

The Lich Queen is only TOO happy to set her straight, telling her that, perhaps
she hasn't heard, but Solonielle is DEAD - she BECAME Mortis, the Goddess of
the Death, and does she REALLY believe that the Undead's own Goddess will try
to stop them ??!!?? HMMMM !!!!?????!!!!

The Oracle Elf has no retort to that, and the Lich Queen presses her further,
saying that she KNOWS the score, and has obviously neither seen nor heard from
her Goddess in a looooong time.

The Oracle Elf responds by saying that if what the Lich Queen says is true, the
the Elves MUST destroy the Undead, for Solonielle would never have permitted
such a thing to transpire.

.............. don't you just HATE these do-gooders ?????

A little while on a Venerable Warrior pops up to tell you that, by Wotan's
Beard, he and his people will destroy you. His words are sadly echoed by a
Paladin who confirms that the Empire will stand by the Mountain Clans to help
rid Nevendaar of our kind.

I shoulda stood up and clapped when the Death Knight responded, simply by
saying that they have both proven MANY times that they are cowards. WOOHOO !!

(had the desired effect too, 'coz) The Paladin responds by saying that his
blade craves WHATEVER it is that flows through our veins, and that he will
fight us ANYTIME.

What a KNOB.

The Death Knight is on form, saying that Mortis NEEDS no allies to achieve her
goals, and that only FEEBLE races like the Empire and the Clans need to ally
with each other and hide behind their paTHETIC treaties.

If you take control of the City of Timoric a Rock Giant calls for his troops to
flee, and that the Ragnarok is nigh ... an Initiate turns to Wraith Prusheen to
ask him what this "Ragnarok" they speak of is, to which Prusheen responds by
saying that the Mountain Clans are a superstitious race, and they believe that
the end of time will come soon ... he confirms that Mortis has used this fear
against them masterfully.

There is a Spider's Nest to the north of the City of Effrezem, which I would
suggest you clear out as it is a good source of XP - the following Spiders are
in the nest :-

1) Giant Black Spider, 2 Goblin Archers
2) Giant Spider, Giant Black Spider, Goblin Archer
3) 2 Giant Black Spiders
4) Giant Black Spider, 2 Goblin Archers

If you sack the City of Regunil, an Acolyte PLEADS with you not to proceed with
your quest, to which a Death Knight just brushes her out of the way, and on you
go =)

As you approach Ebhon's Shop, your Nosferat pops up to tell you that he has
spotted an Elven Outpost, and that is SURE to signify that you are nearing an
Elven City (he's right, of course ...)

Just to the south-west of Ebhon's Shop (across the waters) Wraith Prusheen
tells you that before you lie the Elven Lands, and that Taladrielle, the Elven
Queen and Sorceress, MUST be slain.

Let slip the dogs of war !! =D

In order to get to the Gates of the Elven City you will have to destroy the
following Units :-

1) 3 Forest Elves, 3 Elf Rangers
2) 3 Wolves
3) 2 Wolves
4) Centaur Lancer, Forest Elf, 3 Centaurs

After you have defeated this last unit, Taladrielle herself makes her
introduction. When challenged by one of your Arch-Lichs' as to HOW she plans
on defeating you, when you have the support of a God and they have NOTHING, she
responds by saying that she needs to God to destroy the likes of you - her magic
will prove more than sufficient ...

The conversation is then interrupted by an Elf Lord, who decides HE is going to
try and take you out, and then charges into combat with you ...

... fat chance ... bomb this FREAK BISCUIT back to the Stone Age =)

His unit comprises :- Elf Lord, Oracle Elf, Elf Ranger, 3 Forest Elves

Moving on - STILL guarding the Gate we have :-

5) Forest Elf, Skylord
6) Centaur Lancer, Skylord, Centaur

So ... after you've destroyed all 7 of THOSE units, you can advance through the
outermost wall of the Elven City ... there is still an inner wall that must be
breached, however ...

... the troops in THIS area are as follows (you don't have to kill ALL of these
if you are really REALLY quick !!) :-

7) Forest Elf, Centaur Lancer, Elf Ranger, Griffin
8) Forest Elf, Elf Ranger, 2 Griffins
9) 2 Forest Elves, Elf Lord, Oracle Elf, Griffin
10) Forest Elf, Griffin, Centaur

The following units are guarding the gate leading to the inner section of the
Elven City :-

11) Centaur Lancer, 2 Skylords
12) Centaur Lancer, 2 Skylords

As you approach the inner sanctum, Queen Taladrielle rips into your first unit
with a Wrath of God spell, followed by which that Paladin from earlier pops up
again to chivvy her on, and offer the assistance of the Empire (to which
Taladrielle and 1 of her 2 aid units switch their allegiance and become units
of the Empire) in the destruction of the Hordes.

Queen Taladrielle then calls forth three units of DRAGONS to assist her in
destroying you as well !! This is looking REALLY bad dude =(

SO ! You now have the following units to dispose of (all in the innermost
sanctum of the Elven City) :-

13) Green Dragon, Oracle Elf, Centaur
14) Green Dragon, 2 Centaurs
15) Blue Dragon, 2 Centaurs, Oracle Elf
16) Centaur Lancer, 2 Centaurs
17) 2 Wolves
18) 3 Centaur Lancers, 3 Centaurs
19) 2 Forest Elves, Elf Lord, Griffin
20) Forest Elf, Elf Lord, Oracle Elf, Sky Lord
21) Forest Elf, Centaur Lancer, Elf Lord, Skylord


22) Elf Lord, Oracle Elf, Taladrielle the Sorceress, Blue

2 pieces of advice :-


It's very simple really ... use the map to your advantage ... Queen
Taladrielle has some SERIOUS range with her 2-headed dragon, so make SURE that
she cannot pin you in or you will die like THAT (snaps fingers). Once you have
either lured her out into the open or defeated the other units in the Elven
Inner Sanctum, BOMBARD that BIATCH with spells to weaken and HOPEFULLY destroy
the units she is travelling with, and then go in for the kill.

This is one instance where I would SERIOUSLY suggest that you study your prey
before you move in for the kill or you'll be VERY unpleasantly surprised ...

Here are her stats :-

HP = Hit Points AR = Armour Rating
IMM = Immunities WARD = Warded Against
ATT = Attacks (methods of attacking % HIT = Percentage Chance to Hit
DAM = Damage inflicted SRC = Source of the Attack(s)
INIT = Initiative REA = Reach
TAR = Targets


SORCERESS 800 30+20 Mind - Dragon Breath 95 125 Life 60 Any 6

So as you can see, with her high Armour Rating and immunity to Mind Spells, she
is QUITE ze tough cookie ... wear her down with spells and then commence the
final assault ... once she has fallen, your Saga is Completed !! =)


OPPONENTS The Empire, The Legions of the Damned, The Mountain Clans, the



Name Inhabitants

Hagken [2 Orcs, Goblin Archer]
Lennora Centaur, Centaur Lancer, Elf Ranger
Sollonia [2 Forest Elves, Skylord, Elf Lord]


Name Inhabitants

Begguni [Defender of Faith, Imperial Priest, Knight, Grand Inquisitor,
White Wizard]
Regunil [Paladin, Witch Hunter, Cleric]


Name Inhabitants

Timoric [2 Flame Casters, Forge Guardian, Venerable Warrior]
Lemuric [2 Warriors, Veteran, Alchemist, Forge Guardian]


Name Inhabitants

Pollzien [Marble Gargoyle, Doppleganger, Sorcerer]
Effrezem [2 Berzerkers, Demon, Hag]


Name Inhabitants Gain anything from it ?

Rigel Ruin 3 Goblins, Goblin Archer 200 Gp, Emerald
Tanheras Keep 2 Yetis, Novice 300 Gp, Talisman of Vigor
Lair Rune Master, Warrior, Hermit,
2 Crossbowmen, Druidess 500 Gp, Tome of Air
Ancient Fort 2 Marksmen, 2 Master Thugs, Thug 600 Gp, Gold Ring
Abandoned Temple Wyvern, 2 Skeleton Warriors 500 Gp, Zombie Orb
Antique Temple Ice Giant, Yeti, Dwarf, Alchemist 600 Gp, Ancestor's Call
(the Antique Temple above is north-west of Timoric)
Antique Temple 2 Master Thugs, 3 Thugs 200 Gp, Death Storm Scroll
(the Antique Temple above is north-west of Gunner's
Lost Mastaba Beast, 2 Imps, 2 Cultists 1,000 Gp
Destroyed Halls 2 Blue Dragons, Elf Lord, Centaur 1,000 Gp, Banner of War


Event Notes

TO WAR !! Find Taladrielle and Kill Her !! =D

5 x Potion of Protection, 2 x Seafaring Scroll, Talisman of Restoration, 3 x
Emerald, 2 x Potion of Strength, Ice Shield Scroll, Lightning Scroll, Orc Orb,
Orb of Life, Orb of Earth, Water Ward Scroll, Sanctuera Scroll, 2 x Potion of
Air Warding, Orb of Vigor, Diamond, 3 x Silver Ring, Orb of Stone Rain, Summon
I: Roc Scroll, Menta Minoris Scroll, Venerable Warrior Orb, Talisman of
Regeneration, Orb of Healing, Death Storm Scroll, Orb of Icefall, Potion of
Speed, Talisman of Fire, 2 x Healing Ointment, Incantare Beliarh Scroll,
Runestone (Artifact - just south of the City of Begguni), Potion of Fire
Warding, 5 x Potion of Restoration, 2 x Potion of Vigor, Orb of Restoration,
Talisman of Nosferat, 2 x Bronze Ring, 3 x Potion of Healing, 2 x Potion of
Striking, Ice Storm Scroll, 3 x Life Potion, Cursa Demoneus Scroll, Chronos
Scroll, Orb of Fire, Imp Orb, 2 x Treebark Potion, Potion of Accuracy, Ruby,
Potion of Water Warding, Blizzard Scroll, Orb of Icefall, Imp Talisman, Tempest
Scroll, Ancient Relic, Potion of Fortune (in the Spiders' Nest to the north of
Effrezem), Wotan's Blessing Scroll, Strength Scroll, Highfather's Blessing
Scroll, Sinestra Ignis Scroll.

16 x Potion of Restoration, 5 x Healing Ointment, 20 x Life Potion, Potion of
Healing, 3 x Treebark Potion, Elven Boots, Angel Talisman, Talisman of
Regeneration, 2 x Horn of Awareness (Artifact), Banner of Celerity, Infernal
Knight Talisman, Incubus Talisman, Thanatos Blade (Artifact), Water Ward Scroll,
Potion of Accuracy, Sapphire, Banner of Fortitude, Tiara of Purity (Artifact),
Elf Lord Talisman, Boots of the Elements.


Name Sells

Underik's Tower (Magic Shop) Holy Armour (600 Gp), Call to Arms (800 Gp),
Summon II: Golem (800 Gp)
Thurin's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Restoration x 10,
Potion of Might x 1, Healing Ointment x 1
Furren's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Healing
Ointment x 5, Treebark Potion x 4
Gunner's Tower (Magic Shop) Lightning (200 Gp), Chain Lightning (900 Gp),
Holy Strength (600 Gp)
Tralar's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion
of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 4
Werric's Shop (Merchant) Orb of Healing x 1, Orb of Restoration x 1, Orb
of Regeneration x 1, Orb of Life x 1
Ejella's Shop (Merchant) Life Potion x 5, Potion of Healing x 10, Potion
of Restoration x 10, Healing Ointment x 5
Malavien's Camp (Mercenary) Barbarian Chieftain (1,800 Gp), Barbarian Warrior
(850 Gp)
Ebhon's Shop (Merchant) Blizzard Scroll x 2, Ice Pillar Scroll x 2,
Tempest Scroll x 2, Vengeance of Ymir Scroll x 1,
Potion of Restoration x 1


With Taladrielle dead, the Elves could offer no further resistance to the Hordes
who promptly set about reviving Gallean. The sun rose that night, and from it
Gallean was reborn. But when he saw the death, destruction and mayhem that
Mortis had caused in her quest to revive him, he disappeared, refusing to
accept that this was his once beautiful bride ...

In unspeakable rage and sorrow at having been spurned by her long lost love
after all she had done for him, Mortis' rage grew beyond measure.

She could not see what she had done to bring him back. She could not see what
SHE had become.



Thanks and credit go to DMPatrickF for his insight into Taladrielle the
Sorceress level ... Credit and thanks go to Lupenzo for his encouragement and
insight into several points of the Undead Hordes saga missions ... and thanks
also to everybody at gamefaqs.com who has posted on the messageboards and
encouraged me to keep going !! =)


Copyright David Booth, 2003-4

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Engl. FAQ

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Engl. FAQ

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