Fifa 2002

FIFA 2002

08.09.2013 08:59:52


© Copyright 2004-2005 Ziffer 'bad boy' Szmaza(


'bout me:
I'm: Ziffer 'bad boy' Szmaza
Home State: Assam
ICQ: 220708558


As far as mailing me goes:

1. You are free to mail me with queries, suggestions or corrections as
long as you mail me in English and form complete words.

2. I am really bad in answering back (ask my alien masters, they still
haven't received my reply if there are any good games on Earth ) but I
do try to reply. Maybe instead of replying back directly I'll put up
the answer in some updated copy of this walkthrough. Please don't
lose heart.

3. When you mail me, in the subject line, write who you think is the
SEXIEST video game character and from which game. e.g: Lady Kagami from
TENCHU 2. I'm writing this report on video game characters but am too
lazy to write a HTML voting code. You can write the code for me if you
want. I'll give you the due credit. And you'll also have my heart and
my soul.

4. I've already had enough of dating biker gals. So, watch your
language in your mails. Flaming means I'll burn your mail.

5. Don't spam. I hate that. No junk mails. No advertisement.
And NO PORN. Specially not pics or vids of you or any member
of your family doing IT.

6. Keep the fake messages to yourself.

7. DON'T send me link to unethical websites (have a heart, I just
turned 19).

8. I HATE RACISM. I've had enough of it around me already. Keep your
comments to yourself.

9. Mail bombing/ Bulk mailing simply means I'll have to contact your ISP.

Hi to all my punk rock brothers.


To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.
- "Auguries of Innocence" by William Blake


Call me stupid but sometimes when I have nothing to do I just read some
game walkthrough, many a times of games that haven't even played. I know
its a weird habit but its kinda fun. So, when I started writing
walkthroughs I tried to make them as much fun as I could. I wanted them
to be for people who wanted something more than just about the games.
Thats why in my walkthroughs you get so much more other than game stuffs.
There are song lyrics, at times poetry, funny quotes and just general
cribbings. These might bore someone. Please bear with me.
It was hard with this document to put stuffs other than about the game.
So, most of you out there, heave a collective sigh of relief.


Anyone who is been reading my walkthroughs or general game stuffs
would realize that I have this really bad habit of doing games that
are two-three years old. Its not actually a habit, its just some
bizarre co-incidence. Really. Swear.

A reason for doing the games late is that most of the people
have already played through the game and thus it is easier for me
cause then I don't have to reply to the questions of too many over
zealous gamers. This doesn't mean I hate replying to your queries,
I really like doing that, but just that some of the experienced
FAQ writers have told me that sometimes the questions these gamers
ask are really difficult. You always got to be weary of that.

Now why am I doing this one on FIFA 2002? Thats cause I wanted some
tips and secrets of FIFA 2002 and when I looked at I
found FIFA World Cup 2002 but not anything more specific about
FIFA 2002. So, I thought there must be others who might face the
same problem as me. And this is for all of them.


No matter what others say EA Sports' FIFA series is the best soccer
action out there. The others are good but they struggle to live up
to the standards set by FIFA. If you ask me although EA Sports is
developing FIFA with every year, FIFA 2000 will always be a classic
to me. It had something, upon which I can't put my finger on, but
really made the game work for me.

But my favourite EA Sports' title forever will be NHL. I got NHL 2000,
NHL 2002 and NHL 2003. And the series is evolving with each of them.
The NHL series is light years ahead of EA Sports' any other title. I
mean, in even in NHL 2000 you should see the player likeness. I have
only seen games in 2004 achieving that kind of player likeness that
NHL achieved in 1999. Thats not all, you could even import your pic
and create yourself to play in the big league. In NHL 2003 you can
also import your favourite tunes into the game. From stimulation to
player stats to everything NHL rules. And the music in NHL is hell
lot better. Its mostly rock. If thats not all the player stats change
every season, increasing or decreasing depending on their performance
in the last season. There might be times in this document when I
compare EA Sports' NHL and FIFA series to show their technical

Another thing, I have just played the demos of FIFA 2003 and
FIFA 2004. So, any of my comments do not pertain to these games.


Here is your first tip on FIFA 2002. Stop looking to unlock the
World Cup. Its not there. To play the World Cup you'll have to get
FIFA World Cup 2002. I was really anxious to play the World Cup
after I play all those qualifying matches and unlocking the
tournaments. Damn all those corporate giants who will scoop to
anything to make a few millions more.


And when the stars threw down their spears,
And water'd Heavens with their tears,
Did He smile His work to see?
Did He who make the lamb make thee?
- "Tyger" by William Blake.

Soccer Glossary: (courtesy-

18-Yard Box - (British) - the penalty area; the large box adjacent
to the goal mouth, extending 18 yards out into the field from the
goal line and 18 yards in each direction from the goal posts to
towards the corners

3 Blind Mice - a derogatory term referring to the game officials

3 D's of Defense - deny, delay, and destroy

6-Yard Box - the small box adjacent to the goal mouth, extending
6 yards out into the field from the goal line and 6 yards in each
direction from the goal posts to towards the corners

Abuse - verbal (nonphysical) questioning, criticism, mockery,
disagreement, or characterization

Advantage - (1) when play is permitted to continue by the referee
following an infraction but the team on whom the foul is committee
maintains possession of the ball, and the official feels that the
team which has been fouled would be punished further by stopping
play; (2) when a team quickly advances the ball down the field in
an attempt to get its players near the opponent's goal before the
defenders have a chance to retreat; (3) where a team has possession
of the ball and outnumbers the opposition near the opposing goal

Advantage Rule - a clause in the rules that directs the referee to
refrain from stopping play for a foul if a stoppage would benefit
the team that committed the violation.

AFC - the governing body of soccer in Asia; acronym stands for
Asian Football Confederation; based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;
founded in 1954; membership of approximately 41 nations

Aggregate Goals - the total number of goals scored by a team
from more than one match

Air Mail - (British) slang for a ball sent way over the head of
an intended recipient

Arc - the half-circle at the top of the penalty box; alternatively,
the quarter-circle at each corner of the field in which the ball
is placed for a corner kick

Area (The) - The penalty area (box).

Attack - an attempt to score

Attacker - (1) a player who is moving into position to score;
(2) any player on the team that has possession of the ball

Attacking Half - the half of the field containing the opponent's

Attacking Team - the team that has possession of the ball

Away (Game) - a game not played on a team's home field

Back Door - the area on the opposite side of the goal mouth
from where a cross or corner kick is taken

Back Header - a player's use of their head to direct the ball

Back Pass - a pass made to a player behind

Back Tackle - an attempt by a defender to take the ball away
from a ball carrier by placing the defender's leg in front of
the ball

Ball Carrier - a player that has possession of the ball

Bench - the area or structure in which the coach and substitutes
remain during a game

Bend the Ball - make the ball curve (around a wall)

Bicycle Kick - a play where a player kicks the ball in mid-air
backwards and over their own head, usually making contact above
waist level

Book; Booked; Booking - a term referring to a player's name being
written down by a referee for either a yellow or red card

Breakaway - when an attacker with the ball approaches the goal
undefended; this exciting play pits a sole attacker against the
goalkeeper in a one-on-one showdown

Celebration (after a goal) - any action (removing one's jersey,
running to the sidelines, doing a flip, or the entire team making
a snake or chain) which is performed after the scoring of a goal

Center Line - the line that divides the field in half along its
width, parallel to the goals

Center Spot - the small mark inside the center circle that denotes
the center of the field from which kickoffs are taken to start or
restart the game.

Challenge - an attempt to strip an opponent of the ball

Charging - a method of unbalancing (using one's shoulder and arm)
the player who has possession or is attempting to gain possession
of the ball

Clinical Goal - a textbook goal scored that was shot and scored

Coin Toss - a method used by the referee to determine which of
two teams kicks off and the respective directions of the two

CONCACAF (Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean
Football) - represents the region of North and Central America
and the Caribbean basin

CONMEBOL - organization representing South American soccer region;
acronym drawn from full name - Confederacion Sudamericana de Futbol;
based in Asuncion, Paraguay; founded in 1916; membership of
approximately 10 nations

Corner Arc - a quarter-circle with a radius of 1 yard located at each
of the 4 corners of the field; on a corner kick, the ball must be
kicked from inside this arc

Corner Kick - a direct free kick taken by an attacking player from
the corner of the defending team's end of the field in an attempt
to score

Counterattack - an attack launched by a defending team soon after it
regains possession of the ball

Crossbar - the horizontal beam that forms the top of a goal and
sits on top of the two posts

Dead Ball – stationary ball (stopped ball) such as a free kick or
corner kick

Deep - close to the penalty area or goal

Dive (to) - to fall to the ground, sometimes feigning injury, in
an effort to draw a foul or penalty kick on an adjacent player

Dribble - running with the ball at the fee and playing it on every
step or every other step

Ejection - An act (of showing the red card and requiring leaving the
field) taken by the referee against a player who has committed a
serious offense.

Extra Time - time added to the end of any period according to the
referee's judgment of time lost due to player injuries or intentional
stalling by a team

Extra Time - (1) the additional two periods each of 15 minutes of play
and prior to any sudden-death periods added to a game that has ended in
a tie but must result in a winner; (2) any time (e.g., injury time)
added by the referee at the end of a game.

Eye Save - a (derogatory) description of a goal scored in which the
goalkeeper doesn't move but merely watches the ball go into the net

FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) - world
governing body of soccer, founded in 1904 and based in Zurich,

Football - the name for soccer everywhere except in the USA

Free Kick - a kick awarded to a player for a foul committed by
the opposition

Ghost - (British) - an extra defensive player with no specific
side or position and that just wanders around the field

Goal - The actual structure consisting of two goal posts and a
crossbar; a ball that crosses the goal line between the goalposts
and below the crossbar for which a point is awarded

Golden Goal - where a game ends with the scoring of a goal in
overtime rather than by the expiration of an extra time period.

Half-Time - a period of rest between the two halves of the game

Holding - preventing the movement of a player by obstructing with
the hands or grabbing parts of the uniform

Illegal Slide Tackle - a tackle from the front "cleats up" and almost
any tackle from the rear

Indirect Free Kick - a free kick that is awarded for other
less-serious fouls, requiring two players (of either team) to touch
the ball before a goal can be scored

Injury Time - time added to the end of any period according to
the referee's judgment of time lost due to player injuries or
intentional stalling by a team

Kickoff - the kick that begins the game at each half and restarts
play after a goal is scored

Killer pass - a pass that sets up the receiver particularly well

Lob - a high, soft kick, lifting the ball over another player's heads

Long Ball - (1) a long pass, as from the backs to the forwards,
bypassing many players on the field; (2) a style of play using long
passes up the field, popular in England and other countries where
poor field conditions often prevent creative dribbling

Obstruction - when a defensive player illegally uses his/her body
to prevent an offensive player from playing the ball

Oscar - a term referring to a player who greatly exaggerates
an injury (e.g., "give him an Oscar for that performance)

Overtime - the extra periods played after a regulation game ends

Own Goal - a goal scored when a player accidentally puts the ball
in his/her own goal

Pass - (v) to give the ball to another player in a controlled,
considerate manner; (n) the transfer of the ball from one player to
another in a controlled, considerate manner

Pass Into Space - a pass sent ahead of a moving teammate

Penalty Mark - a mark on the field from which penalty kicks are

Penalty Shot - a kick taken from the penalty spot by a player against
the opposing goalkeeper

Penalty Spot - the small circular spot located 12 yards in front of
the center of the goal line from which all penalty kicks are taken

Punish - take advantage of a mistake

Rebound - to hit an object (e.g., a goal post) and return to the field
of play

Red Card - a card issued by the referee for a serious infraction

Sandwich (to) - an illegal act of obstruction is which two players
from one team impede the movement of a player from the other team
with contact from two different sides at the same time

Save - a block of a shot that would have resulted in a goal

Sell Yourself - to act, move, or overcommit in a manner that allows
you to be beaten

Substitute - a player who is not playing at the beginning of the

Substitution - replacement of one player with another player

Sudden Death - overtime in which the first goal scored by a team
ends the game and gives the scoring team the victory

Sunday Shot - a hopeless shot from long out that remarkably results
in a goal

Sweeper - a defender that plays between the defenders and the
goalkeeper, or in a triangle defense position, behind the stopper

Tackling - the act of taking the ball away from a player

UEFA - organization representing the European soccer region;
acronym stands - Union of European Football Associations; based
in Nyon, Switzerland; founded in 1954; membership of approximately
49 nations

Volley - a kick while the ball of off the ground

Worry the Goalkeeper - a tactic, punishable by a yellow card, of
bothering, distracting or interfering with the goalkeeper during

Yellow Card - a warning card issued by the referee; a caution

Controls: You probably see the controls on your screen everyday,
still here they are:

Pass/ Switch Player: S

Shoot/ Consevative Tacle: D

Lob/ Aggresive Tacle: A

Sprint: W

Player Runs/ Keeper Charge: Q

Add Ball spin left: Z

Add Ball spin right: C

Special Moves: E

1-2 Pass: Space

Advanced Controls ( courtesy: )

Shoot Volley: DD

Pass Volley: SS

High Volley: AA

Shot Header: D

Pass Header: S

High Header: A

Player Runs: Q

Skill Move 1: E

Skill Move 2: EE

Skill Move 3: TAP W then E

Fake Pass/Lob/Shoot: Hold Z and C then S/A/D

Fake Headers: Hold Z and C then S/A/D

Fake Volleys: Hold Z and C then AA/SS/DD

Player runs towards you: Hold Z and C then Q

Ballspin right for pass/lob/shot: Hold C then press S/A/D

Ballspin left for pass/lob/shot: Hold Z then press S/A/D

Onto the knee then clearance/shot (From air): Hold C then DD

Scorpion kick (From air): Hold Z then DD

Kick-ups: Hold Z and C then WW while stood

Keep an eye on your power meter. A strike too hard will definitely go
over the bar and one too gentle will be pitied upon by the keeper.
Press Z or C while you take a shot to curve the trajectory of your shot.
Its not too easy on a keyboard. Joystick maybe. Since I don't have
joysticks I just shoot them straight and hard. While with the ball
press E for your player to execute moves like Zidane, Figo or
Christiano Ronaldo. Yeah, it looks great. And 10 to 1 you'll lose the
ball to the opposition. These moves are nothing compared to the
360 degree turn of FIFA 2000.
In FIFA 2002, keyboard's 'Alt' and 'Ctrl' key have been disabled.
This has caused me much problems. Hey EA, I got five fingers and
its really difficult to get to the key for special moves and
spinning the ball cause you have disabled the most important keys.

Player positions: (courtesy:

GK - Goal Keeper


LWB - Left Wing Back
LCB - Left Center Back
LB - Left Back
CB - Center Back
RB - Right Back
RCB - Right Center Back
RWB - Right Wing Back
SW - Sweeper


LCDM - Left Center Defensive Midfield
LCAM - Left Center Attacking Midfield
LDM - Left Defensive Midfield
LWM - Left Wing Midfield
LAM - Left Attacking Midfield
LCM - Left Center Midfield
LM - Left Midfield

CDM - Center Defensive Midfield
CM - Center Midfield
CAM - Center Attacking Midfield

RM - Right Midfield
RAM - Right Attacking Midfield
RDM - Right Defensive MIdfield
RWM - Right Wing Midfield
RCM - Right Center Midfield
RCDM - Right Center Defensive Midfield
RCAM - Right Center Attacking Midfield


LF - Left Front
LS - Left Striker
CF - Center Forward
RF - Right Front
RS - Right Striker
ST - Striker

Some of the best players in the game:

Okay, the list doesn't include them all. Someday I'll finish it to
the best I can but till now it includes most of the players that I
like to play with. Also I consider the attributes 7 and 6 to be very
good but if any player has either SPD, SHT or TKL (three most
important qualities) less than 6, I have indicated it. Keep in mind
that strikers don't need a perfect TKL while defenders will do without
high SHT points. Midfielders need both, while SPD is a must for all.
I'm not too sure when Fitness and Strength come into play.
I'm also planning to list the names of the teams they play for. Forgive
me if I have excluded names of much better players and included lesser
mortals. Here is the list:

Goal Keepers:
Oliver Kahn - 94
Fabien Barthez - 92
Iker Casillas - 83 (he's really good actually)

Alesandro Nesta - 94
Francesco Coco - 90
Fernando Hierro - 94
Ivan Ramiro Cordoba - 92
Favio Cannavaro - 90
Sol Campbell - 88
Salio Lassissi - 84
Bixente Lizarazu - 87
Lilian Thuram - 78(With TKL:4 whatever you do don't use him in defense)
Patrik Andersson - 87 (SPD:5)
Paolo Maldini - 92
Kakhaber Kaladze - 91 (SPD:5, SHT:5)
Ze Roberto - 82 (PSS:3)
Ivan Campo - 86 (SPD:5)
Roberto Carlos - 94
Michel Salgado - 86 (SPD:5)
Jaap Stam - 90 (SHT:5)

Alexander Mostovoi - 90
Jens Jeremies - 92
No.9 - 86
Emile Mpenza - 90
Djalminha - 92
Rivaldo - 88
Gustavo Lopez - 90 (HDR:2)
Stephane Dalmat - 87
Juan Sebestian Veron - 87 (TKL:4)
Fernando Redondo - 89
Patrick Viera - 86 (SHT:5)
Edgar Davids - 92
Veleri Karpin - 88
Giazka Mendieta - 88 (SPD:5)
Ruben Bajara - 89 (TKL:4)
Francisco Fran - 89 (TKL:5)
Manuel Rui Costa - 88 (TKL:5)
Ivan Helguera - 91 (SPD:5)
Pavel Nedved - 90 (awesome player in reality)
Luis Figo - 97 (a perfect 10!!)
Zinedine Zidane - 94
Pablo Aimar - 90
David Beckham - 85 (SPD:5)
Phillip Cocu - 85
Roy Keane - 84 (SPD:5)
Gerrard - 88
Ivan Gennaro Gattuso - 90 (SPD:5)
Steve Mcmanaman - 86
Jose Maria Guti - 86 (SPD:5)
Savio - 88

Raul - 90
Frencesco Totti - 93
Andriy Shevchenco - 95
Hernan Crespo - 91
Henrik Larsson - 92
Hasan Salihamidzic - 90
Victor Agali - 90
Thierry Henry - 88
David Trezeguet - 80 (SPD:5)
Javier Pedro Saviola - 91 (TKL:3)
Patrick Kluivert - 87 (TKL:5)
Roy Makaay - 88 (TKL:5)
Gerald Asamoah - 86
Fernando Morientes - 86 (SPD:5)
Christian Vieri - 88 (SPD:5, SHT:5)
Ruud Van Nistelrooy - 81 (TKL:4, FIT:3)
Diego Tristan - 85 (TKL:5)

Players I wish who could be included in the list or hope will be
there in future FIFA editions.

Christiano Ronaldo (Portugal)
Marcelo Salas (Chile)
Fernando Torres (Spain)
Ariel Ortega (Argentina)
Wayne Rooney (England)
Johnny Heitinga (Netherlands)
Bastian Schweinstiger (Germany)
Johan Vonlanthen (Switzerland)
Arjen Robben (Netherlands)
Brooke Burke (!!)


Every FIFA guide that I have read says that the best
formation for soccer is 4-4-2. I'll admit that this is true for
FIFA 2000 but in FIFA 2002 the best formation is 4-3-3 or 3-4-3.
In these cases you'll have three forwards which will really help
you to score. And there is a little trick that you can do with
three forwards which you can read in the Offence part of this
Again, 4-3-3 or 3-4-3? That depends on you. Do you want
three defenders and four midfielders (3-4-3) or do you want four
defenders and three midfielders (4-3-3). If you ask me I'll you
that you might want to keep 3-4-3 for weak teams like
Estonia (think Carmen Kass!!) and then change to 4-3-3 for
stronger teams like Real Madrid. Ivan Ramiro Cordoba(92) has
SPD:7 SHT:6 and TKL:7. You can keep a player like him in
the team and when you change formations give him either the
newly vacant defensive position or a defensive midfielder role.
Works like a charm.

4-3-3 Formation:

In this formation you'll have four defenders, three midfielders
and three forwards. In this case you can keep your defensive
strategy as 'pressure' or 'contain'. You'll have three choices in
the arrangement of your defenders:


^ ^
ii. LWB-LB__RB-RWB (notice the arrow marks over the wings)


The first formation will allow you to have a sweeper. If the opposition
ST is really good then it will pay to have a SW between your CB and GK.
The second and third formations will check the wings better but will
leave a gap for the ST to attack freely. The second formation is bit
more attacking. I usually prefer the first formation.
Select your midfielders with care. Figo, Zidane, Pires,
Ronaldo (No.9, Inter Milan), Fran, Valeri Karpin, Mostovoi are my
usual choices. Again here you'll have three choices in the arrangement:


ii. LM RM

iii. CAM

The third formation will be more attacking but might leave you
wanting in your defense. Choose with care.

Forwards: Did you know that strikers are considered most
temperamental in the whole team? The slightest things and they
just walk off. Strikers are a coach's nightmare. And worst than
a striker - a striker's GF. So, choose yours with care. Both
strikers and GFs!! Larsson (Sweden) and Shevchenko (Ukraine) are
the best to choose from. Others include Totti, Crespo, Raul,
Saviola, Henry. And as far as choosing your GF goes, I won't
even comment!!
You can arrange your three strikers in the formations:


ii. ST

iii. LS RS

Each of the three work very well against all oppositions. But watch
out with the second formation. You might be offsided a bit too much.

3-4-3 Formation:

In an actual match this formation is rarely used. In this formation
you'll have three defenders, three forwards and four midfielders.
Its really good if you want to go all out attacking. But the success
of this formation will depend on how good defenders you choose. Since
you have only three of them choose wisely. With four midfielders pass
the ball around and let your strikers finish the job for you.

Defense: You can arrange your defenders in two formations:


ii. LB RB

In your defense you have to make the choice between having a centerback
or a sweeper. I'd rather recommend a centerback but change according
to the way the game progresses. Remember to keep your defensive
strategy as 'withdrawn' cause with only three defenders you don't
want them on the other side, leaving your keeper open.

Midfield:Your midfield will be very important in this formation.
Following are the ways to arrange your midfielders:


^ ^


iv. CAM

v. ^ CAM ^

The first formation is more conservative while the wings on
the seconds mostly play as your forwards. The third and fourth
are okay and then with the fifth again the wings play as your
forwards. Its good to have wings but it pisses me off to see
my forwards behind and my wingers as forwards. So, I basically
avoid second and fifth formation. The third never works for me.
So, I usually go with the first or fourth formation. With the
first one, if your forward's shot has been deflected by the
keeper away from the goal then your wingers would zoom in and
send it to the back of the net before the goalie can collect
his wits. So, select only those with speed to be your wings
(Figo, Pires). In the fourth formation you'll already have a
center defensive midfielder, so you can have a sweeper in your
defensive formation.

Forwards: Did you know that strikers are considered most
temperamental in the whole team? The slightest things and they
just walk off. Strikers are a coach's nightmare. And worst than
a striker - a striker's GF. So, choose yours with care. Both
strikers and GFs!! Larsson (Sweden) and Shevchenko (Ukraine) are
the best to choose from. Others include Totti, Crespo, Raul,
Saviola, Henry. And as far as choosing your GF goes, I won't even
You can arrange your three strikers in the formations:


ii. ST

iii. LS RS

Each of the three work very well against all oppositions. But watch
out with the second formation. You might be offsided a bit too much.

And I'm done with the two formations that I consider the best. Maybe
someday I'll do the other formations but not today, not today....

The formation that I consider the most unhelpful is 5-3-2. What will
you do with five defenders? And what team are you playing against with
such a weak offence?
And I also find it unhelping if you have two forwards and they are
arranged as:


This will leave your left and right sides totally bare. Barcelona plays
with this formation with Saviola and Rivaldo being the forwards.


So, now you are ready with your team with just the perfect formation
that you want. Now onto the game. Here are a few tips and tricks that
might help you win. I'm not saying that you'll become a good player
if you s--ked before but with these tips and tricks you might just
learn to love the game.



Cameras: You have 10 different camera views but the best view is
when you get to see the most of the field. It should allow you to
see the positions of your players as well as your opposition's. The
one I find best is the tower camera (num key 2, default PC), with
the zoom at the minimum and height at the maximum. Its not important
if you get to see the player's faces or not but sure is important to
plan your moves perfectly and you'll not be able to do that if you
can't see all the players' positioning, both of the opposition and
your own.


Sound: Basically its your call what you want to do with the sound options
but here is something that I like to do. Go to the sound menu. Change
SFX Mix from 'commentary' to 'On the Pitch'. Now make the Game SFX volume
maximum. Turn off all other sounds eg: Menu SFX vol., Menu Music vol,
Game Music vol. So, what do you think? Like the way the game sounds now.
Thanks to Korben for liking this tip. So, this one's dedicated to Korben.


Tackles, Injuries and Cards:
This should be probably written under three different headings. But
I'll do this in just one cause they are just interlinked. I don't
know whats wrong with FIFA 2002 but injuries and cards are very,
very uncommon. Unless you bring down the keeper. Thats a sure red
card. In FIFA 2000 there was a key for definite rough tackle. Most
of the times it would mean injury to the opposition player and card
for yours. I loved it. In FIFA 2002 not only are injuries rare but
the injuries also don't last long in a season. In the NHL series
injuries can last upto months and may also force a player to retire.
Thats called reality.
However bad you tackle cards are rare and injuries even rarer in
FIFA 2002. So, I just go on making rough tackles. Many a times I
tackle from behind. Yeah, sometimes my players are carded but most
of the times I get away with it. In fact the last season I played
was a custom season and each team had to play 46 games and in 46
games I was carded 3(!!) times. Thats counting the numerous fouls
that I had committed. And just so that you know the ref strictness
was user defined at the highest. But NEVER tackle inside the box.
That will end up as a penalty shot. Read Goalkeeping to learn about
saving penalty shots.
When I get carded I usually shout, "He barely touched him!" and when
my players get tackled," You're letting him get away with THAT?" I
think I might just have a career in coaching.
Basically, you want the ball? Then tackle.


Set Pieces:
Corners, Free Kicks, Spot Kicks all seem like child's play. Yeah,
they are if you know how to work them to your advantage. Free Kicks
and Spot Kicks more or less depend on chance. If you get a Spot Kick
or Free Kick just outside the box then instead of passing to another
of your player try aiming for the far end of the goal post closest
to you, farthest from the keeper. Try to curve the ball around the
wall of players in front of you. It will take practice to make perfect
and I'll admit that I have done it only a few times but its a charm.
Or you can simply be traditional an pass to the player closest to the
goal line and pray that the keeper is slow enough to allow him to head
it home.
With Free Kicks half way between the kick off line and the box also you
can go for the ends of the goal post. If you perfectly curve and time
it right your team will be celebrating a goal. I totally miss the
training mode of FIFA 2000. All these could have been made perfect
in the training mode instead of trying in an actual game.

Corners: "Hey, Ziff, how do you score with a corner kick?" This is
something that my friends ask me a lot. Really a lot. I really don't
know if you can actually curve the ball into the goal with a corner
kick but a perfect pass to your player will definitely see it home.
The perfect corner kick depends on two major things:

i. Your formation
ii. Kick Taker

Most of you must be thinking that I'm out of my mind ("what has
formation got to do with it?") but let me elucidate my point. To me the
perfect corner is when you are able to pass the ball to your player
closest to the goal and the keeper doesn't rush out to catch it. In that
case you can surely head it home. Or even if the keeper rushes out he
doesn't catch the ball but punches it away. Then your player in the
midfield will head it back to one of your forwards. And send it home
marked "Return to sender!!" And how to do that??
I know this for sure with only two formations.

With 4-3-3 formation have your LM to take the kick. In that case W will
be the key to pass to the player closest to the goal. He can head it
home. Or if the keeper punches it away your RM will be in the center
field to head it right back to one of your forwards. Whats you waiting
for. Shoot!!

With 3-4-3 formation (midfield arrangement no.i, refer to formation
section above) again have your LM take the kick. Scenario will mostly
be same as above but I'm not too sure if there will be someone of yours
in the center field.

Okay, the above two kick taking techniques are not fully disaster proof.
I mean there will be times when the keeper WILL grab the ball or you
won't be able to pass to one of your players closest to the goal post
or something like that. It will work with some teams but maybe won't
work with others but in a match these arrangements may be your last hope.
Even with the same kick taker the field arrangement for left and right
corners are different. So, things will not always be the same.
Also avoid taking corners with your defenders. Cause if the keeper
punches it away to one of his forwards and your defense has one man
missing then you'll be in deep trouble. Never take kicks with your
keeper, unless its a penalty shot.
Also experiment with different kick takers. Sometimes, with some kick
takers the players don't stand too near to the goal but a bit away,
just outside the 6 yard box. I think this happens if your kick taker
is a forward or CAM. But I'm not too sure. Just experiment with different
kicktakers with two things in mind. You need to have a player near the
goal and if the keeper punches the ball away you need someone in the



| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | ___________ | |
| | | |
| ____________________ |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| ,'" "', |
| / \ |
|__________| x |___________|
| \ / |
| `.___.' |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| ____18 yrd_________ |
| | | |
| | ___6 yrd___ | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
R------------Goal line----------

The whole diagram you see above is a soccer pitch. Doesn't look like it,
but don't argue with me. I did the whole thing in Notepad. Didn't use any
ASCII software, so appreciate the effort. I did it all for you. See, I made
you feel special :-}
Okay, back to topic. You'll see two marks on the diagram (X and R). When you
take corners from the 'X' position press downward key and left direction key
together, then D to surely head the ball into the net. This can be done if you
followed the above stated corner taking rules.
On taking corners from 'R' position press down key and right key.
Doesn't work on the other two sides. Ball will go wide.


And what to do when a corner is being taken against you? Let your players
come into position. Keep pressing the S key to bring the pointer over your
best defender. Now bring this player in front of the opposition player
closest to the goal mouth. Keep pressing D to head the ball in the opposite
direction. This is where Nesta's height scores over Roberto Carlos'. Taller
players have better chances of clearing the ball for you. Still this method
is not full-proof. There will be times when the opposition players will jump
over yours to score.
Also not always the ball is passed to the player closest to the goal mouth
with a corner kick. Sometimes the ball is passed on to a player further away.
In that case, keep pressing the S key while the ball is in air to bring the
pointer over the player closest to the landing point of the ball.


Sometimes when the opposition players converge in on your ball carrier
it plays to quickly press the left and right direction keys. This makes
your player weave the ball out of danger.


Fatigue is caused when you keep running a lot. Even though player
fatigue is not visible here as much as in NHL yet try switching
quickly from one player to another. Pass the ball around. Replace
a severely fatigued player. To get to see player fatigue let the
opposition have the ball and keep a player of yours running about.
See his fatigue meter. Let it fall to the lowest. Still don't stop.
He'll bend over with fatigue and get horribly slow. This is a real
fatigued player. All this time remember NOT to switch players. I
like to this with the GK. With the ball I make him run around inside
the 6 yard box. The opposition player can't tackle him and he just
keeps on going till he almost drops. Then CPU makes a suggestion for
you to substitute the player. Okay, I'll admit, I switch sides and do
this to the opposition GK not mine!!
In NHL I used to put my favourite player in all the four lines and
then wonder why he was getting slow towards the end of each period!!


Shots, Shots on target, ball control% are all statistics and mean
squat in the game outcome. I usually control about 30-40% of the
ball in a game. In the only game I controlled 85% was one I lost.
I take multiple shots on target yet when I proudly see the Stats
I'm shocked to see only 2 or 3 shots have been counted. Thats cause
there are definite guidelines about counting the shots. If you take
a vicious shot but it deflects from the goal mouth hitting a
defender's body then it won't be counted and things like that.
The only stat that might matter is percentage of action on each part
of the field. Keep this minimum in your half and max in the opposition
goal area.


I usually find it rewarding for long lobed passes to pass them
diagonally across the field. That means from my left defensive back
to my right wing or from my right wing to my left forward. Straight
lobed passes for me somehow don't reach who they are supposed to.
Pass the ball exactly to fall IN FRONT of a player making a run so
that he doesn't have to slow down to collect it and definitely not
stop, turn around and chest it down (and be tackled). Slide passes
(ground passes) are great for small distances.


Get the injured player out as soon as you can. Kick the ball out
of play quickly. There is no use keeping an injured player unless
you might want to sing - "...and they say that a hero could save us,
I'm not gonna stand here and wait..." - "Hero" by Chad Kroeger and
Josey Scott. I only did that once. I mean score with an injured player.
With Owen. And it felt real good. Did you know even when an INJURED
player scores the celebration video shows him celebrating without an
injury. EA, listening??
But when an opposition player gets injured try to keep the ball in
play as much as you can. Try to take advantace of his injury by
finding an opening for yourself.


During seasons players can be traded. But most of the time the
teams do not have enough funds if the team is not a big name. So,
this is what you do. Before starting the season go to team
management menu and get the costliest players into the team that
you'll be playing as. While trading in the team management your
funds are not affected. Now start the season with your team. Now
go to team management here and then trades and sell your costly
players and get the players that you want. Remember to get fresh
blood after every season. And the original team management would
remain unaffected because you haven't changed the changes. And
you'll have players like Shevchenko, Nesta playing in
BSC Young Boys (Switzerland).


Suppose your ball carrier is moving in to score and you see an
opposition player coming in to intercept. If you are able to turn to
the direction that he's moving in from (eg: east-west, whatever) and
the defender attempts a slide tackle then he will just brush the
ball a bit away from you. By the time he gets up on his feet you
can get the ball and score!!


Its not always your best players will be on the pitch. Argentina starts
with Saviola on the bench. In Inter Milan's starting line-up there is no
Ronaldo (No.9) even in the starting 15. Get your best players off the
bench and onto the starting line-up.


Know the away goal rule? An away goal is worth two at home. If you
are playing in a tournament where you have to play each teams twice
in the play-offs then this rule will be very important. Try to be
more defensive when you play at home, stop the opposition from scoring.
But when you play away games, go all out. You have got to score. First
criteria is always the number of goals scored to determine who advances
to the next round. If the number of goals scored is same then the away
goal rule comes into play. And if even that is equal then the outcome
is determined by penalty shoot-out.

In 2003 Champions league AC Milan and Inter Milan met in the semi-final.
Since AC Milan and Inter are both based in Milan they share the same
stadium. It was decided that the first game would be home for one team
and away for the other while the other game will be away for the
previously home team and home for the previously away team. Both
AC Milan and Inter scored 1 goal each but Inter were ejected out of
the tournament on the away goals rule. It was heartbreaking for Inter
to lose on the away goals rule in their home turf. This was irony of
the Gods.


GOALKEEPING: Goalkeeping is an art. Its really great that you don't
actually have to control the goalkeeper in FIFA. Except for the goal
kicks and passes.

i. After catching the ball the keeper usually makes a slow 360 turn.
Heavens know how many times impulsive that I am, I have put the ball
in my own net. The keeper makes the turn very slowly but keep this in
mind, wait to turn the direction you want to face only then press the
key. Pressing the key before will send you my way, with the ball in
your own net.

ii. When a wing or the Left or Right strikers is charging in alone then
press the Q key for the keeper to rush out. Doing this usually makes
the player shoot the ball wide. But it doesn't work every time. Keeping
in mind that if your keeper stays rooted to his position its more often
than not a sure goal, so the above tactic could be a definite gamble.
Also remember to try this only if your keeper is fast (Kahn), the attack
is from the left or right side not the front and that the opposition
player is on a breakaway (that is he is alone, looking for glory). If
you rush out to a striker who is not alone he will pass to his partner
on the other flank and with your goal keeper down, things don't look too
good. Don't rush out if the attack is from the direct front. You'll
almost never stop that. This very often works with weak strikers. With
someone like Larsson its a rarity but not complete failure.

iii. Scoring with goalkeepers is hard but not impossible. To do this when
the ball is in the GK's hands press Q to drop it now head along the left
or right side lines. Take it slow because it is a long way home. Press E
for skill move. Tapping W along with E helps. Mind you, your keeper will
be attacked. So, if you keep close to the side lines even if you are
tackled the ball goes usually for a throw-in and also a tackle on the
keeper (however mild) usually is a free kick. So, it is a win-win
situation for you. Well, not actually. Firstly your goal is unguarded.
Anything goes wrong you are done for. Secondly, its a long way. Avoid
running at first. Fatigue factor. Tap the skill moves whenever necessary.
But run like hell when you reach the opposition goal. Shoot!!

iv. Saving penalty shots: Even though I mentioned above to read this
space about saving penalty shots I'll admit I have no idea, like hell,
how to save penalty shots. Don't let your jaws drop and say," I thought
FAQ writers knew everything." Yeah, I spent a lot of time with FIFA 2002
but so what, I also spent a lot of time with girls that doesn't mean I
understand them either!!
Seriously, about saving penalties, well, I'm not even sure which key to
use. Its either A or S (default PC). Press the direction you want the
goalkeeper to dive and then try either A or S. And pray. During penalty
shootout what I usually do is keep my GK rooted to the same place.
Amongst five opposition shooters at least there would be one who would
shoot straight. Thats at least one definite save. I usually lose in
penalty shootouts.


DEFENSE: Always get the best defenders. All defenders need good TKL
and SPD points. Nesta is by far my favourite defender. I'll place him
above Roberto Carlos because of his height, it helps in some cases.

i. Main job of the defense is to get the ball out of the danger zone.
If you are able to pass to one of your forwards with a perfect pass he
might be open to the goal because most of your opposition players
might be stuck in your half.

ii. No question about it, when your defender has the ball and your
half is covered with opposition players use the D key to get rid of
the ball quickly. No time for a long shot. Don't take chances.

iii. I find this rather amusing. Whenever you are close to the
opposition ball carrier and you slide on the ground,
press A key (aggresive tackle), even if you don't make contact the
opposition player passes the ball prematurely. I do this a lot in
the defense zone. This makes them shoot the ball wide. It actually
works. But inside the box be careful. Do this if only you have no
chance of making contact. Cause contact would mean a card and penalty
shot against you. Even you are some distance away from the opposition
ball carrier just slide, he'll either pass or shoot prematurely. It
works all over the field - defense, midfield, offence. A premature pass
has more chance of being intercepted by your players. But in the
offensive zone take care cause here making contact might mean a shot
at the goal but not making contact would mean that the opposition
defense would pass the ball to the midfield.

iv. I usually keep my defensive strategy as 'withdrawn'. This strategy
keeps your defenders within your half and you are not open to breakaways.

v. When you have a SW (Sweeper) take care, because if the opposition
has a ST (Striker) then the opposition striker can be deep inside your
half without being off-sided, not that FIFA 2002's off-side judgments
are always perfect. Seems like the CPU always gets away with off-sides.

vi. Sometimes you might have to sacrifice a player for the greater good
of the team. Like when the opposition player is on a breakaway. Bringing
him down is a sure red card but not bringing him down a sure goal against
you, so what do you do? I say tackle him. Maybe from behind. Sacrifice
your player (red carded, most of the time). Save a definite goal. But
it would s--k if you get red carded and the opposition scores. Don't
try this inside box.

vii. When you have a fast defender and are chasing a player on a
breakaway, try overtaking the player before you slide tackle
(pressing A) him. Or when you are just adjacent to him slide forward.
This way you'll win the ball without being carded of giving away a
free kick.



Midfielders: Midfielders need to pass the ball around. Not look for
glory themselves. How do you think Zidane, Nedved made their names
as playmakers - by setting up excelente goals.

i. When the ball is with you midfielder and you need to pass to your
forward, look for an opening and then send a ground pass (press S).
Don't lob unless the forward is on a run. But usually leave the lobbing
to the defenders to pass the balls to the forwards. Ground passes are
more prone to interception but they are faster and the reception is
more definite.

ii. Remembers your midfielders are there to set up your forwards with
sweet passes but when the opportunity comes just score. Usually when
the forward takes a hard shot from the front the goal keeper deflects
to the right or left and falls down upon impact. This is the cue for
your wing to rush in and send the ball home.

iii. Try to intercept as many opposition passes as you can. Keep
sliding along the ground in front of an opposition player just
before he gears up for a pass or a shot. You might just win the


Forwards: This is where your 80% of goals are going to come from
(16% from midfielders and 4% from defenders). When the midfielder
passes on the ball don't wait, take a well timed shot.

i. I wrote in the formation section to read this section about a
trick with 4-3-3 and 3-4-3 formations. To tell the truth this is
also possible with other formations only you need to have a CAM in
your team, I think. Okay, lets concentrate on 4-3-3 and 3-4-3. With
this two formations along with the kick takers in the center circle
you'll have another player (two incase of 3-4-3) on the central
line. As soon as you kick off the ball pass it to this player (or
one of the two player on either side). If you passed the player
to the left side of the field, go ahead and a bit right trying to
be parallel to the goal post closest to you. With the right player
go a bit left. From here take a shot at the goal. Yes! this is
possible. And its my most favourite scoring habit. This will take
practice. First you'll shoot over the crossbar, into the goalkeeper's
hand, but know that you are on the right path when the keeper punches
the ball away for a corner kick. Soon you'll be scoring masterpieces.
You'll have to time the ball just right with just the perfect power
for it to into the goal over the keeper's head. The keeper can only
make an eye save. The goal scored is spectacular. This way if a goal
is scored against you, you can have your sweet revenge just as soon
as kick off takes place to restart the game.
To score in this way the ball has to be shot with just the perfect
trajectory. The ball rises, attains greatest height and the starts
its descent. And for you to score the ball has to descent over the
GK's head and into the net.
You can also shoot the ball diagonally aiming for the far post of
the net. This too will fly over the GK's head if shot perfectly.
This happened to me only twice but sometimes when you don't power
the shot enough it bounces just in front of the keeper and through
under the keeper's legs end up at the back of the net. Both times
it happened to me the opposition goalkeeper was Seaman.
Taking this shot is really great cause you'll be creating a scoring
opportunity within the first five mins of the game. In a real game
this has a devastating effect on the opposition morale. Good luck!!

ii. I should have included this in the midfielders section but I
wanted you to read the above portion first. You can have a midfielder
take a shot at the goal from the between the center line and the goal
line and perfectly timed it will be a goal. Just don't try this from
straight front but from the left or right fields. I have created this
midfielder (height 170 cm and weight 70 kgs) who scores from outside
30 yards midfield. I think his height has much to do with this.

iii. When you're on a breakaway run parallel to the goal post closest
to you, just enter the 18 yard box and then shoot hard. Very hard. Just
not too hard. The keeper is never able to save this goal. The diagram
shows the path you take with your left forward:

! <- Follow this path
____18 yrd_____!___
| ! |
| ___6 yrd___ ! |
| | | |
| | | |
-----Goal line------

The exclamation marks(!) show the path you should take. The ball goes
diagonally towards the goal no matter how far you are from the goal

iv. Its best to score with a left or right forward from closest to
the endlines. The goal keeper can almost never make a save. Here
is a diagram to show the path you should take with your left

____18 yrd________/
| |/ <- Don't go to the other side of this diagonal line
| ___6 yrd___ |
| | | /|
| | |/ | <-close in from here
----Goal line-----

You can also run along the diagonal line shown.

v. When your forward is being chased and the opposition defender runs
alongside your player try to side step little by little till you're
open to score. If you slow down or go too close to the defender you'll
be tackled.

vi. Whenever an opposition defender tries a conservative tackle
(not sliding) on you just stop in your tracks. Your player will shield
the ball and the defender will go just past. Then run ahead. Stopping
in your tracks inside the box while the opposition was trying a sliding
tackle might just earn you a penalty shot.

vii. I can't curve the ball. At least not to perfection. CPU players
do this a lot. Playing against Roma and Real Madrid is my nightmare.
These players do this a lot. They take a curving 30 yard shot and kill
me with it. Since I'm not too good with curves(!!) I just try to shoot
straight and fast.

viii. When you run ahead to the opposition goal and the goalie rushes
out you can press A very quickly to send the ball over the goalie's head.
But try this if only there are none of your players around otherwise
your player will pass the ball to the other guy no matter how far he
is. Also keep the direction key (which way you want the ball to go)
firmly pressed. Still many times my player ends up passing the ball
instead of lobbing it in.

ix. Again when the keeper rushes at you, you can quickly pass the ball
to another of your player on the other flank. Take care that the defense
doesn't intercept the ball. With the keeper down if you are quick enough
you'll score.

x. Again when the goal keeper rushes out at you just stop in your
tracks before the keeper can reach you. The goalkeeper will be down
on the ground and an empty net infront of you. Side step the goal
keeper and put one in.

xi. When you approach from the front, and the goalkeeper rushes
at you don't stop or anything but as the goal keeper starts to
dive for the ball send a fast one home.


She heard the dead man say,
I'll come to thee by the moonlight,
Though Hell should bar the way.
- "The Highwayman" by Alfred Noyes

The unethical:

I wasn't sure if I really wanted to include this but I just wanted
to include everything so here it is. These are the unethicals that
might make playing the game more fun. Definitely not for those with
strong sense of honour and equality and all those stuff. For them I
would like to say - you know when I'm two down and Raul scores a
curving 30 yard goal, it just kills all the ethics for me. All these
are most fun when you increase the half-time length to 4-6 mins. Thats
perfect to execute all these moves.

i. EA has allowed the switching of sides during a game even in
season and tournament mode. Thats a major no-no, EA. But you might
as well exploit it. Every time your team is losing switch to other
team and put in some goals for you. Or stand rooted and just watch
as your team put in some goals for itself. But even for someone
as unethical as me this is unacceptable. I never do this.

ii. This one is more fun. Switch to the other team then go to team
management, here change all the kick takers to the goal keeper. Make
the goalkeeper take all the kicks (corners, spot kicks and free kicks).
Now switch back to your team.
Everytime you are down, just kick the ball for a corner. When the
opposition goal keeper takes the corner remember that his net is
unguarded. Get the ball to your forward and take a 30 yard kick at
the yawning net. Score!! This more or less becomes a timed run like
in the Tomb Raider games. Just like you have to reach the door on
the other side before it closes in TR, here you have to score before
the opposition goalie takes position.
But sometimes the joke may be on you cause the GK might make a perfect
pass resulting in an opposition goal. And sometimes after changing
the opposition team management when you switch back to your team, CPU
automatically reverts the opposition setting to the defaults.

iii. Read fatigue part above about fatiguing the opposition goalie.
But remember that this requires time and patience and if the opposition
team has two goalies you might have to work on both of them. But later
just relax. You'll have a much slower GK to deal with. Remember that
in time the goal keeper will recover but till then enjoy. All the much
better if you make the fatigued goalie take a corner. Its fun to see a
tired GK running towards his net.


You can change the captain of your team in the team management menu.
Select a player in the starting line-up and click captaincy. Its one
of the least important part of the gameplay but its nice to see the
captain's arm band on your chosen player. In a real match when the
captain is substituted he ties the band around another player before
leaving the field. In FIFA 2002 if you substitute the captain the arm
band automatically goes to the next eligible player. Its small things
like this that makes the FIFA series so great. And its the small
things that all of us should notice and appreciate.
BTW, captaincy can't be changed by you during a game.

Man of the Match:

FIFA 2002's MoM awardees are unquestionable. It always goes to the
most deserving player. In a match where I scored two goals against
a nil score line the MoM went to the opposition GK because he had
made 17 saves. And I don't grudge him that. Rather I'd like to
applaud EA Sports.


i. Sometimes when you pass the ball to a player who isn't making a
run (but the pointer is upon him) he'll run towards ball half way
but then suddenly stop in his tracks even if he is open to the goal.
No matter how much you tap on W he'll not run. Or he'll just not run
towards the ball. That pisses me off big time.

ii. Injury: The lack of injury to players is something unrealistic.
Pires didn't play the 2002 WC due to injury. Same with many other
players. In NHL 2003 if you keep the injury frequency at the highest
then by the end of the game half of your team will be battling injury.
Okay, I really hate to see players injured in a real game but in a VG
these can be allowed. Otherwise I usually stick to my usual line-up and
my benchers don't get a chance at glory. Even incase of injury, the
injury doesn't last long.

iii. Stimulation: Stimulation will always be a FIFA issue. But its worse
in FIFA 2002. If you are playing a created team and you stimulate the
next game there is 10 to 1 chance that you'll lose the game, no matter
who you have in the team. Whereas if you severely deplete a Real Madrid,
AC Milan team and stimulate still these teams will win. I think
stimulation in FIFA somehow depends on the team name rather than the
team strength. Create a team with the best players. Put it in a league.
But play as another team. The performance of the team you're playing as
will depend on you but your created team will be near the bottom of the
league if not the last. This is no matter how strong your team is.
Whereas in NHL if you put all the good players in a team and all losers
in another the former will win all stimulated games while the latter will
lose all its (give and take some).

iv. User created teams: If you are not playing as an user created team,
it stands squat chance of winning a league championship on its own no
matter how strong a team it is.

v. Keeper Charge: Some of the keeper tackles are vicious and in a real
game the keeper would be promptly red carded. But here the keeper just
gets away with it. Specially when you're on a breakaway the keeper
rushes forward to dive for the ball. Whether he gets the ball or not
is secondary but more often than not he brings down your forward with
a vicious tackle. This should amount to red card for the keeper and a
penalty shot for your team.

vi. The option to switch teams and restart matches in a season mode and
tournament mode should be removed. These just bring down the competitive
spirit and make it all too easy. One should learn to live with one's
performance. Sometimes there are no second chances. But these options
can be retained in exhibition mode.

vii. User Tournament Progress: In a user created tournament, in
the second round, the first match is always between the teams
advancing from the same group and not against teams advancing from
other groups as the law of FIFA states. In the second round you'll
meet teams from other groups unless you have four teams advancing
from your group in which case again in the second round you'll face
a team from your group.

viii. CPU trading should be allowed. There should be trading between
CPU teams also. Its no fun if only you get to make the trades. This
feature is there in NHL and its great because without your knowing
some teams get stronger and that always surprises me.

ix. In user created seasons trading of players cannot be done. Thats
no fun. And also players from user created teams cannot be traded.

x. Both CPU and my players make conservative tackle (pressing D) but
why do my players take much more time to recover from a CPU tackle
than CPU players take to recover from my tackle?

xi. If the ball hits the goal post and then hits the goalie to end up
inside the net its an own goal in the name of the goalie but if this
happens in FIFA 2002, the striker walks away with all the honours.

[xii]. I'm including this in glitches part because I want everyone to
notice it and it seems nobody skips the glitches part. Its not that
I hate FIFA 2002 that I compare all its little details with NHL. Its
just that I see that FIFA could be so much better and I want EA Sports
to know that and get it on. FIFA is already amazing. The team detailing,
the uniform details are unbeatable.
I have had FIFA 2002 a year more than NHL 2003. Even though I just love
both games I score more than 10 goals in NHL in every game now no matter
what settings, what team whereas sometimes I still struggle to break the
Real Madrid defense or lose against Austria Memphis in FIFA. So,
replayability of FIFA is much higher. Actually I loved FIFA 2002
so much that I promised myself that I wouldn't get FIFA 2003 and
FIFA 2004. And I didn't. Now I can't wait for FIFA 2005.


i. I really wish the keeper could be red carded.

ii. Hand balls should be introduced. Hand balls inside box should be
penalty shots.

iii. EA Sports should also turn to women soccer. Or just include a
women team in the FIFA series. It would be really nice to see
Mia Hamm (she's retire after 2004 Olympics) score against
Van der Saar. The team must also include Heather Mitts, Maren Meinert,
Birgit Prinz, Briana Scurry (GK), Abby Wambach, Julie Murray,
Tiffeny Milbrett, LaKeysia Beene (GK) and while they are at it
Tara Dakides and Gretchen Bleiler. Hell, they can also include
Anna Kournikova, Maria Sharapova, Jenna Jameson and Paris Hilton
for all I care. Just have a team, EA.

iv. Indirect free kicks should also be introduced. These require two
players touching the ball before a goal.

v. VOILA (very obscene or insulting language abuse) could be introduced.
It would be nice to hear the players swear. There is no need to go
overboard EA, but just a little swearing. C'mon don't tell me pro soccer
players don't swear.

vi. As long as I'm wishing for the almost impossible I might as well
wish for a FAQ/Walkthrough on girls. Yeah, that would be most helpful
to all mankind. Specially about the times when they say no and mean
'yes' or say yes and mean 'no'.

Me: God, I wish for world peace.
God: Son, thats impossible.
Me: Then I wish that men may understand women.
God: Let me try on world peace.

Creation Center:

Seems like I have told you all that I have learned. One last thing.
Here is how to create Ziffer Szmaza in FIFA 2002(!!) >;-)
Go to the creation center, create new player. Enter the fields as

Name: Ziffer Szmaza
Nationality: Asy. (thats why withhelded)
Age: 19
Position: RWM
Number: 20
Foot: Right

Height: 172
Weight: 54
Face Type: 4
Hair Style: 9
Facial Hair: 7
Boots: 39 (Adidas, please)
Hair Colour: 4
Skin Colour: 2
Sleeves: No

Fitness: 4
Speed: 7
Shot: 6
Pass: 5
Strength: 4
Header: 4
Ball Control: 6
Tackle: 6
Overall: 81

The List:

Aki told me the only way she'd proof read this document is if there
was something of special interest to her. And I spent days searching
for the perfect thing. And I found it in one of those teen girlie
mags (not telling you which one) [the name is a number. Hint! Hint!],
so here goes nothing, specially for Aki and all the hot chicks out
there, the list of sexiest soccer players 2004. :-)
The numbers indicate their score.

List I: Of the young and beautiful.

1. Fernando Torres (Atletico de Madrid, Spain) - 8/10

2. Rafael Van der Vaart (Ajax, Holland) - 7.5/10

3. Stilian Petrov (Glasgow Celtic, Bulgaria) - 7/10

4. Christiano Ronaldo (Manchester United, Portugal) - 7/10

5. Sebastian Deisler (Bayern Munich, Germany) - 6.5/10

6. Maris Verpakovskis (Dynamo Kiev, Latvia) - 6.5/10

7. Angelo Charisteas (Werder Bremen, Greece) - 6/10

List II: Of established stars who depend more on their playing
abilities than their looks.

1. David Beckham (Real Madrid, England) - 9.5/10

2. Alessandro Del Piero (Juventus, Italy) - 9/10

3. Christian Vieri (Inter Milan, Italy) - 8.5/10

4. Luis Figo (Real Madrid, Portugal) - 8/10

5. Zinedine Zidane (Real Madrid, France) - 7.5/10

6. Fernando Morientes (Real Madrid, Spain) - 7.5/10

7. Raul Gonzalez Blanco (Real Madrid, Spain) - 7/10

8. Thierry Henry (Arsenal, France) - 6.5/10

To all the hot chicks: If I left out your fav. player then don't lose
heart and write to me. Maybe I'll include the name in an update. Also
send the score you think he deserves. Another thing, you may not be able
to play with some of them, of list I, thats cause this list is the latest
while the game is two years old. You'll definitely get all of them in
FIFA 2005. Good luck with that.


World Cup 20-- Final:

"....and the ball has been passed on to the young forward. She/he
dribbles it past the defenders. The whole world watches. This is
her/his one chance at immortality. And she/he shoots...."



Writing this document literally kept me alive. While writing this
document I was battling acute manic depression. So much so that the
docs had put me on the strongest anti-depressants and a 24 hr watch.
But I didn't give up on me and saw this to the end. Sometimes even
aiming for the smallest things feel like Hell.
If you ask me, I don't want to live forever, just till I receive the
first mail that someone read this document and liked it.


I'm finally done. Now for all the people I've to thank.

- my foster parents for adopting me and giving me a new life.

- my sisters Saima, Nabeela and Nida. You always believed in me
and proved that some relationships are thicker than blood.

- Irshad, cause you believe that one day I'll make it to the list
of sexiest men of RANK™ and also into Juiciest Hookups™!!

- Im, Dee and Jo. We did make an awesome foursome, didn't we? Especially
Jo who believes I have the raunchiest love-live ever except that she
calls it corrupted!!

- Akash, who loves Lara Croft and Wonder Woman, for always being there
for me.

- Korben (Mexico City), for being the first (and the last?!) person to
read this doc.


Everything I write will always be a tribute to Aphrodite, Goddess of
love and beauty cause she seems to have some greater scheme in the
tapestry of existence for me.
To you, my Goddess.


Zeya once asked me, "What is there to live for, if you don't
live for your dream?"
Today I can say to her that I did live for my dream.
She changed my life. But all I can say to her this moment
is - sleep well, sweetheart.


In the end its dedicated to the girl I'll never have. I'll happily
live a lifetime if only just to stare at her from afar.

Her boyfriend, he don't know anything about her
He's too stoned,
I wish I could make her see,
She's just the flavour of the week.
-"Flavor of the Week" by American Hi-Fi.


Also dedicated to:

Paula Malai Ali - my favourite VJ.

Evanescence, Blink-182, Amorphis, Archenemy - Music that kept me going.

Rogue - I wish I could...

Christiano Ronaldo - Cause he's the same age as me and has proved his
worth to the world. Defines poetry in motion.

Gautam - If Ukraine has a sudden population explosion, then he'd be
the cause of it!! Miss you, bro.


Coming from a boy who wasted half of his life in rehab, trust me,
stay away from drugs. You'll be only letting down everyone who
ever believed in you. Peer acceptance is not worth enough living
through Hell. I have watched my best friend whither away.

I found a reason for me,
To change who I used to be,
A reason to start over new,
And the reason is you....
- "The Reason" by Hoobastank

This document is still far from complete. My mind is mosaic and I can
still see the pieces falling into places. I add things as they come to
mind. I'm still trying to catch that song in my head....

The only place you might catch me-

This walkthrough is also available at:

© Copyright 2004-2005 Ziffer 'bad boy' Szmaza(

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Engl. FAQ

08.Septembrie 2013

16.Octombrie 2013
Version 1.5
engl. FAQ

28.Septembrie 2013
Single & Multiplayer Hints by OHMCS110
Engl. FAQ

14.Octombrie 2013
Alle Rewards freischalten

16.Octombrie 2013

16.Octombrie 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die Euro PAL Version

16.Octombrie 2013

11.Octombrie 2013
NTSC zu PAL Patch, US-Version

15.Octombrie 2013

13.Octombrie 2013
Liga/Team/Roster & faq

17.Octombrie 2013

10.Octombrie 2013

16.Octombrie 2013

14.Octombrie 2013
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