Delta Force - Black Hawk Down

Delta Force - Black Hawk Down

17.10.2013 14:39:55
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down FAQ\Walkthrough
Written by: Matt Ekinci, aka Bebop268170
Created: 6/30/04
Version .7


v0.15 - 6/30/04 - FAQ Created. Introduction, Controls, and Marka Breakdown
walkthrough added.
v0.2 - 7/1/04 - Bandit's Crossing walkthrough added.
v0.3 - 7/5/04 - River Raid and Besieged walkthroughs added.
v0.5 - 7/11/04 - Gasoline Alley, Radio Aidid, Russian Underground, and
Shattered Palace walkthroughs added.
v0.55 - 7/12/04 - Diplomatic Immunity walkthrough added.
v0.7 - 7/13/04 - Shore Patrol, Irene, and Lost Convoy walkthroughs added.

I. Introduction
II. Controls
III. Basics
IV. Mission Walkthroughs
V. Credits, etc

*******************I. Introduction*********************

Delta Force: Black Hawk Down is the 5th game in Novalogic's Delta Force series.
Tying in with the release of the Black Hawk Down movie and based on the events
and missions of Operation: Restore Hope in Somalia in 1993, BHD is a fast
paced first person shooter featuring both single and multiplayer (via LAN or
Novalogic's Novaworld gaming network) gaming and a variety of weapons and
character classes.

This FAQ is based on the North American release version.

**********************II. Controls*********************

ESC - Exit\Load Saved Game
F1 - Help
F2 - 1st Person View With No Gun
F3 - 1st Person View With Gun
F4 - 3rd Person View
F5 - Quick Save
F6 - Heads Up Display Detail Level
F7 - Cycle Waypoints
F8 - Cycle Flags or Targets
F9 - Emotes
F10 - Score
F11 - Screenshot
F12 - Map Legend
Scroll Lock - Toggle Auto-Run
` - Command Prompt
1 - Knife
2 - Secondary Weapon
3 - Primary Weapon
4 - Flash Bang Grenade
5 - Frag Grenade
6 - Smoke Grenade
7 - Explosives
8 - Satchel Detonator
9 - Call For Medic
0 - Access Armory
- - Map Zoom Out
+ - Map Zoom In
Backspace - Room Take Down
Home - MPG Host Screen
Tab - Goals
Q - Lean Left
W - Run Forward
E - Lean Right
R - Reload
T - Type Message (For All)
Y - Type Message (For Team)
U - Recent Message List
O - Adjust Aimpoint Brightness
P - Look Up
[ - Decrease scope zoom\Cycle Down Through Weapons
] - Increase scope zoom\Cycle Up Through Weapons
\ - Pause
Delete - Stand
End - Crouch
Page Down - Prone
7 (Number Pad) - Zoom In
8 (Number Pad) - Camera Up
9 (Number Pad) - Zoom Out
CapsLock - Teammate Commands
A - Strafe Left
S - Run Backward
D - Strafe Right
F - Toggly Friendly Tags (On\Brief\Off)
G - Mission Briefing
H - Toggle Heads Up Display
K - Player List and Ranking
L - Turn Left
; - Turn Right
' - Increase Scope Elevation
" - Decrease Scope Elevation
Enter - Fire Weapon
4 (Number Pad) - Camera Left
5 (Number Pad) - Default Camera View
6 (Number Pad) - Camera Right
2 (Number Pad) - Camera Down
Shift - Use Weapon\Attach To Vehicle
Z - Prone
X - Crouch
C - Stand
B - Binoculars
N - Night Vision
M - Toggle Map (None\Mini\Full screen)
. - Look Down
/ - Toggle Scope
Ctrl - Call for Medic\Use M203
Space - Jump
Up Arrow - Run Forward
Down Arrow - Run Backward
Left Arrow - Strafe Left
Right Arrow - Strafe Right
Left Mouse Click - Fire Weapon\Throw Grenade At Full Strength
Right Mouse Click - Raise Weapon Sights\Control Grenade Throw Power
Mouse Wheel - Increase\Decrease Scope Magnification

********************III. Basics************************

*** Aiming ***
Whenever possible, raise the sights of your weapon when firing. This provides
a better view of the target and makes your fire much more accurate. However,
you should not always leave your sights raised as it restricts your peripheral

*** Corners ***
When approaching a corner, it is always best to go into a crouch and lean so
that only your head and weapon are exposed around the corner. Doing so not
only lowers the chances of you being seen by the enemy while scouting ahead,
but enables you to fire on enemies around the corner while providing the
smallest possible target for enemies.

*** Sniping ***
When sniping, it is always necessary to make sure the elevation setting is
matched with the distance reading to the nearest hundred. Failure to do so
will often result in the shot going too high or too low, and needlessly
alerts the enemy. It is also necessary to "lead" moving targets at a distance
due to the time it takes the bullet to reach an enemy; that is, place your
sights ahead of them along their path of travel instead of directly on them in
order to hit them. The further away a target is, the larger the lead needed

*** Grenades ***
It is not always necessary or smart to throw a grenade at a target at full
strength. Hold the right mouse button to start the power meter, and release
it to throw or roll the grenade at the desired strength. Grenades can also
be bounced off of walls and other structures at an angle to take out targets
around a corner.

****************IV. Mission Walkthroughs*****************

Marka Breakdown
Date: February 16, 1993
Location: Marka Village, Jubba Valley, Somalia
Default Weapons Load: M21, M9, AT-4
Maximum Saves: 2
Suggested Weapons Load: M21, Colt .45, AT-4
Sit tight at the start of the mission, and don't shoot ANYONE or ANYTHING
inside the village itself. After a few seconds of riding, the convoy
take a sharp left out of the hills. Be prepared to start firing as soon
as you make the turn. Take out the two guys taking shelter near the
burned out cars and the technical on the right, then quickly aim forward
again. Take out the guy under the tree and two guys to the left, then
swing right again in order to take out the enemies running across the
field. After taking out the enemies in the field, aim ahead again, and
take out the few guys on the right side of the road. You should now see
a parked vehicle ahead to the left; quickly take this out, there is an
enemy with an RPG hiding inside of it. As your convoy heads toward the
hills, concentrate on the right hand side. There are several enemies
along the road side here, and the majority of the enemies in the hills
are on the right hand, including one with an RPG. Once you've cleared
the hills, immediately swing back and to the left and take out the two
incoming technicals. You've now reached the stranded convoy; now would
be a good time to use your first save. When your group of Humvees parks,
aim straight ahead and take out the group of 3 technicals that starts
across the field. Then immediately swing back left and begin spraying
bullets back and forth across the field and the bases of the hills on the
other side; there are going to be tons of enemies, you'll be sure to hit
something. After a few moments, a handful of enemies will appear in the
hills to the right; swing over that way and take care of them, then
refocus on the enemies sprinting across the field. When all enemies have
been eliminated, you will receive an order to dismount the Humvee and
continue on foot. Follow the waypoint lines until you reach a ridge just
above a group of technicals and other enemies. Sit tight here until
given the order to clear the Landing Zone of enemies. Then head to the
top of the hill and use the M21 to take out the enemy manning the .50
caliber on the technical, and begin shooting at the barrels in the bunker
off near the far hills and amonst the vehicles directly in front of you;
this will wipe out most of the enemies. Mop up what's left, then head
down the hill to wait for the Black Hawk to arrive. When the Black Hawk
sets down, man the other minigun and look toward the nose of the chopper.
Take out the two guys on the ground in between the two sets of hills, and
the man standing on top of the hill. The chopper will now bank left and
you will see a group of enemies on the ground. Concentrate on the men in
the middle, one of them is holding an RPG. Continue along focused
forward, and pick off the handful of guys on the hill and in the field
near the village. You'll now overfly the supply convoy. Off in the
distance you should see a dark, squarish structure. Open fire on this,
it's a burned out car with enemies using it as cover. Keep focused
forward as the helicopter flies in between the hills, and take out the
technical that enters the valley. Then swing left and begin taking out
the guys on the ground, and the bus full of enemies behind the small
ridge. Keep focused to the left and slightly ahead, the helicopter will
swing around and there will be another vehicle and enemy. Quickly look
back forward and take out the two technicals that will appear. Keep
looking forward as you overfly the convoy again, and destroy the two
technicals off in the distance as you approach them. You will now
overfly the convoy again; take out the technical passing the convoy on
the far side, then begin taking out the men along the ground along the
road. Then, look backwards and take out the technical passing the convoy
on the near side. Take out the enemies around the base of the hill and
the burned out bus. Look forward again and take out the three men near
the burned out bus, starting with the furthest enemy since he has an RPG.
Take out the technical that you catch site of as you fly over the town,
then take out the two men in the hills as you circle around. Take out
the two technicals on the near side of the convoy, and the mission is

Bandit's Crossing
Date: February 27, 1993
Location: Jubba Valley, Somalia
Default Weapons Load: M16, M9, Satchel Charges
Maximum Saves: 3
Suggested Weapons Load: CAR-15/M203, Colt .45, Satchel Charges
Sit tight on the boat until you reach the dock. When the boat reaches
the dock, hop off and sprint to the ridge just past the food distribution
trucks. Enemies will begin pouring into the clearing from the front
right. Use your M203 to take out the larger groups of them, and hose
the rest with automatic fire. After a moment, you will get word of
flatbed trucks approaching the village. Run to the next ridge, and shoot
the flatbeds with the M203 as they enter the village. Advance and turn
left in between the two buildings. You will see a group of enemies and a
vehicle advancing toward you. Wipe out the handful of enemies with
CAR-15 fire, then wait until the vehicle gets close and shoot the man
standing in the back of it. Advance toward the bridge. Shoot the man
guarding the bridge, and hop onto the half sunken boat to restock on ammo
and get health if needed. Head back to the beginning of the bridge, and
go into a crouch. Groups of enemies will begin trying to cross the
bridge; mow them down as they step onto the bridge. Soon, two technicals
will also try to cross; wait until the first one is half way across, and
then shoot it with the M203. It will explode and block the second one
from crossing. Move off the bridge and to the right to give yourself a
clear shot at the second technical with the M203. Advance across the
bridge. From near the end of the bridge, you should be able to take out
most of the enemies on the roof of and near the ruins with your CAR-15
without taking much, if any, damage. As you come off the bridge, turn
right and take out the three enemies in that direction. Head into the
ruins, and be sure to quickly take out the guy on the roof as you come
around the corner. Shoot all the crates to destroy them. You will now
be ordered to blow the bridge to prevent some vehicles from crossing it.
Walk backwards out of the ruins so you can fire on the enemies that will
be coming over the hill directly behind the ruins. As you near the
bridge, turn right and use your M203 to destroy the two technicals now
parked there. Run to the middle of the bridge and plant your satchel
charges. Run to the far side, then turn and wait for your teammates to
finish crossing the bridge. When they're off the bridge, blow the
satchel charges to complete the mission.

River Raid
Date: April 27, 1993
Location: Brava Village, Jubba Valley, Somalia
Default Weapons Load: M16/M203, M9, AT-4
Maximum Saves: 5
Suggested Weapons Load: CAR-15/M203, Colt .45, AT-4
After getting off the helicopter, look toward the village; you should be
able to take out a few enemies from your current position. Proceed
directly along the waypoint line, and only go after enemies that are in
your line of vision while traveling along the waypoint line. The other
enemies don't pose a threat, won't follow you, and it isn't mission
critical to kill them. After a while, you will reach a narrow alley.
Proceed down the alleyway until you reach the end. Near the end, go into
a crouch and lean right. From this position, you can take out most of
the enemies in and around the weapons cache. When no more enemies are
visible from your position around the corner, proceed towards the arms
depot. Proceed up the steps on the right. Kill anyone left in the
depot, then head along the catwalk to the room in the back. Walk up to
the desk to take the intel documents. There are health and ammo pick ups
next to the couch if you need them. Head back to the ground floor, and
go out the back door to the waiting truck. Now would be a good time to
save. Get onboard the truck, take out your AT-4, and face forward-right.
After a while, a broken down technical will come into your view. Wait
until you have a sure shot, then fire the AT-4 to take out the technical
and the enemies around it. Switch to the M203, and face your left. In a
moment, another technical will pull alongside your truck. Take the enemy
on the .50 out with a M203 shot quickly before he has a chance to do
serious damage. Eventually your truck will stop at a minefield, which
you will have to navigate on foot. Head forward of the truck, and you
will notice a corridor through the minefield with white sticks as its
border. Head down this, and stick near the white sticks when it's
unclear where the path is. You will now be near the bank of a river
swarming with crocodiles. Continue down the bank until you are near the
bridge before crossing to avoid the crocs. Follow the waypoint and hook
up with Victor 2 outside of Deka. Now would be a good time to save.
From your position outside of town, you should be able to take out a good
deal of the enemies on the main road and a bunch toward the docks and on
the boats. Once you've thinned out the ranks some, head forward and left
toward the docks. Take out any nearby enemies, then head down the dock.
You will be ordered to destroy the fleeing boat. Shoot it twice with the
M203 to destroy it and accomplish the mission.

Date: May 5, 1993
Location: Mogadishu, Somalia
Default Weapons Load: M16, M9, Satchel Charges
Maximum Saves: 6
Suggested Weapons Load: Barret, M9, Satchel Charges
When the mission starts, do not fire; all of the people on the road at
the start are unarmed civilians, and killing too many leads to mission
failed. After about the second turn, enemies will appear. Around
the next corner, a technical will appear at the intersection. Around the
next turn, just after the group of enemies walks out from the one alley,
a technical will turn onto the road ahead of you. Quickly destroy it,
the man in the back has an RPG. Around the next corner, two technicals
will appear at the far intersection. Quickly destroy them, as the men in
the back have RPGs. As you round the corners, another technical will
appear behind you. As you finish the turns, destroy the vehicles up
ahead. When your Humvee stops, dismount the .50 and head around the
corner. Stand near the back of the blown up truck and use the Barret to
clear the roof tops and balconies of enemies. Watch out for the handful
of enemies that advance on foot. Advance to the next intersection, face
left, and take out the two roof top and one window enemy on the building
at the end of the road. There is a health pickup on the right hand side
of the intersection if you need it. Move to the left side of the trucks
and advance to the next corner. The AI controlled friendlies will take
care of the enemies on foot; take out the enemies in the windows of the
tall building on the left side of the road. Get back on the right side
of the trucks, and move in between the first UN truck and the large green
truck. Turn left and shoot the nearby enemy, then the two enemies on
the upper floor of the building on the left. Advance up next to the
green truck and take out the enemies that appear ahead. There are health
and ammo pick ups in the alley to the right if you need them. Save now.
Move up to just ahead of the green truck and take out the enemies on the
roof of the building on the right side of the road. Move around the
corner and quickly take out the enemy behind the flaming tires and the
one in the window above the flaming tires. Advance to the front of the
second green truck and take out the enemies in the windows of the
building to the left. Move forward to the group of Pakistanis in the
middle of the burned out trucks and take out the enemy in the window to
the left above them. Around the corner is a group of enemies; if you
want, throw a frag or flashbang grenade first before going around the
corner and shooting. Immediately turn right upon entering the building
and shoot the enemy waiting there. Save again. Move forward and shoot
the group of enemies in the hallway. Enter the hallway and immediately
turn left; shoot the two enemies there. Shoot the enemy visible through
the second doorway on the right. Advance to the end of the hallway and
quickly turn right; shoot the two enemies that run into the building.
Head up the stairs but stop at the first landing; throw a flashbang onto
the upper floor, then head up and take out the large group of enemies
there. Head through the door on the right into the next room. Go up the
stairs and shoot the enemy waiting at the top. Shoot all the enemies in
the windows of the buildings across the street, then head back down to
the ground floor. There is a health pickup in the room to the right as
you come down the stairs if you need it. Exit through the front of the
building and shoot the two enemies that come around the corner. Go into
a crouch, lean left, and slowly peek around the corner. Snipe the enemy
manning the emplaced .50 caliber, then run forward to the roadblock and
plant a satchel charge. Retreat back a good distance, then blow the
satchel. Advance past the blown up roadblock with the convoy and the
mission is passed.

Gasoline Alley
Date: August 27, 1993
Location: Mogadishu, Somalia
Default Weapons Load: M16, M9, Satchel Charges
Maximum Saves: 4
Suggested Weapons Load: CAR-15,Colt .45, Satchel Charges
This mission starts with you manning the M2 on a Humvee. There will not
be any enemies on road you first turn onto while joining the convoy.
Around the next turn is where the fun starts. Take out the guy who comes
running out of the alleyway on the left, then quickly dispatch the enemy
on the roof of the tall lefthand building and the enemy on the ground
directly below him. Slightly further ahead there will be one or two more
enemies who come running from the left side alleys; take them out, then
swing right and begin scanning the rooftops for enemies. At map
coordinate (ZY,-4), enemies will start appearing on the rooftops on both
sides, so keep alert and always swing back and forth between the two
directions. As you hit coordinate (ZZ,-4), the convoy will begin to go
around a bend; quickly look down and to the left at the shacks. There
will be several enemies running around and crouched waiting for you to
pass. As you head down the next road, keep focused on the rooptops to
the right; most of the enemies will be concentrated here, including a few
with RPGs. At around (ZZ,-2) a few enemies will come running out of the
left hand alleys; kill them then swing back to the right side rooftops.
Just before you begin to round the turn at (ZZ,0), keep focused ahead of
you. A large group of enemies will come running out of the alleys, take
them out. As you round the turn, a similarly sized group will come
running out on this road. Take them out, then focus back on the right
side roof tops. At (C,0), quickly take out the group of enemies around
the burned out van on the right, then swing left and take out the two men
on the roof to the left. Look straight ahead, and you will be able to
pick out two men on the roof at the far end of the road. Take them out;
one of them has an RPG. Swing right again, take out the man on the roof,
then begin gunning down the enemies that come running out of the right
hand alleys. As you head into the smokey area, look right and take out
the enemies around the bus and the one on the rooftop above them. You
will now pull up outside the garage. Dismount your Humvee, and proceed
a few steps forward to the insertion point. Go into a crouch, move to
the right side of the shack ahead of you, and lean right. Take out the
two enemies on top of the containers around the corner. Run forward
along the edge of the shacks until you reach the one that is about 37m
from the next waypoint. Crouch, lean right, and take out any visible
enemies. Advance forward to the ruins, crouch, and head to the large
crack on the right side of the closest wall. Take out the enemy on the
ledge inside the ruins, then take out any more guards visible from this
position outside the garage. The occasional enemy may come around the
corner to the left of you, but the other members of your team will take
care of them more often than not. Advance inside the ruins and take
the health if you need it. Save now. Advance to the far side of the
ruins, and look backwards and up; take out the enemy on the top level.
At this point, a handful of enemies will appear from the containers
behind you, and a large group will begin running out from the garage.
Ignore the enemies behind you unless they actually begin hitting you;
your teammates will take care of them. Gun down as many enemies as
possible as they run out from the garage. Advance to the end of the bus,
crouch, lean right, and take out the enemy on the roof of the tall
building in the distance. Advance a few feet further forward, and take
out the enemy on the roof of the smaller building in front of the tall
one. Swing back right, and take out the free enemies around the
containers in front of the garage. Advance to the end of the crates on
the left, crouch, and lean right. Take out the three visible enemies
near the unmanned .50 caliber. Advance forward to the burning barrel
near the entrance to the garage. Head right along the containers, and
continue along the waypoint line until you're out front of the garage.
Take out the enemy on the roof to the right, visible through the open
doors of the other garage. Head into the garage and approach the door
on the left side. Lean around the corner and take out the enemy in the
back room, and the two in the front of the main bay. Rush through
the door into the back room and take out the one enemy there, then head
back into the main bay and take out the two enemies on the catwalk there.
There are health pick ups and an ammo pick up in the back room if you
need them. Save now. Head back to the garage bay you were first in when
you entered the garage, and begin gunning down the enemies on foot that
will start trying to enter. STAY CLEAR OF THE MAIN BAY. An enemy in a
technical will crash his truck through the door of the main bay, and you
will be killed if you are inside it when he does. Try to remain behind
the trucks and lean; you will be shredded by enemy fire if you stay
exposed. After the explosion from the truck crashing into the main bay
has subsided, head back there and gun down the HUGE group of enemies that
will have now gathered where the door once was. Move to the left side of
the bay, crouch, and begin gunning down anyone that tries to enter the
main bay. Be aware of the occasional enemy that may try to come in
through the side bay. Run back and get the second health pick up if you
need it; now would be a good time to save. A second large group of
enemies will begin forming outside the entrance to the main bay; throw
a frag grenade, or throw a flashbang and then quickly hose then with gun
fire to break this up. Head back and use the ammo pick up in the back
room now, you probably need it. Return to the main bay, and try to stay
low and use the vehicles there for cover. Gun down any enemies that try
to enter the main bay. After a few moments, you will be told that the
convoy is approaching the garage to pick you up. Move forward and take
out any enemies visible outside the garage. Then, proceed to the side
bay and drop your satchels between the technicals there. Head back to
the main bay and out the main door. Turn to your right as you advance
toward the trucks, and gun down the handful of enemies that will come
running out. Hop on the truck and detonate your charges, and the mission
is passed.

Radio Aidid
Date: September 3, 1993
Location: Mogadishu, Somalia
Default Weapons Load: MP5, M9, Satchel Charges
Maximum Saves: 6
Suggested Weapons Load: MP5, Shotgun, Satchel Charges
You start this mission with your Night Vision Goggles on, and it's
suggested that you leave them on for the duration of the mission.
Turning them off drastically reduces your field of view. It's also
suggested that you use no other weapon than the MP5. It has a silencer
equipped; any other weapon you use will make noise and attract attention.
Advance to the first waypoint, and turn down the alley on the right.
Head down the alley until you get back to the main road. Take out the
enemies on the left and right. Another enemy will come running down the
road to the right, gun him down, then swing back left and take out the
enemy near the fire at the end of the road. Head right from the alley,
and advance to the next corner. Go around the corner, and take out
the enemy that walks out from the group of shacks and any that come
running out of the far alley. Make a right into the alley. Continue
down the alley to the end, and make a left. Take out the three enemies
standing around the fire. Head toward the fire, then make a right.
You will be an enemy come running out of a gap between two shacks, take
him out. Advance along the sides of the buildings, and stay focused
on the gap where the enemy you just shot ran out of. You will be two
other enemies running around just through here, shoot them both then
head through the gap. Avoid the fire by circling around just to the
right of it, then advance forward until you are about 32m from point
Echo. Look to your right, you should see two enemies patrolling. Shoot
them both, and continue to look in that direction; two or three enemies
will come walking or running across your field of view. Advance forward
a few feet, and shoot the three sentries near the fire. Stay as far
away from the fire as you can as you advance to Echo. Look to your
as you begin advancing along the waypoint line to Foxtrot; there will be
several fires visible, around which there will be multiple enemies both
standing and patrolling. Run forward to the group of shacks. At about
65m to Foxtrot, turn right and look backwards; shoot the enemies near
the fire and the ones patrolling next to you. Turn back forward and
take out the three enemies around the fire. Advance to the first alley
on the right and look down it; wait here for a moment and take out any
enemies that begin walking down it. Turn back forward and advance to
the second alley. Quickly shoot the enemy here, then shoot the enemy at
the next corner. Advance to Foxtrot and go around the corner. There
is a health pick up next to the dumpster on the left if you need it.
Save now. Advance toward the streetlight, and take out the two enemies
ahead and the few that will come running from the right hand side.
Head around the corner, and stop just short of the door to the building.
Hit backspace and your team will perform the room takedown procedure.
After the flashbang goes off, rush in and take down the enemy guards in
the hallway. Head into the sleeping quarters directly across from the
door, and take out the two or three enemies in there. Head down the
hallway and turn right; take out the enemy in the doorway further down
the hall. Toss another flashbang into the second sleeping quarters if
you want, then rush in and take down the group of enemies in there.
Head into the generator room just next to the door you came in, and plant
a satchel charge. Head out of the room, and blow the charge. Head up
the stairs; be aware of the two enemies on the second landing. Take
out the two enemies at the top of the stairs, then advance to just short
of the door. Hit backspace to perform the take down procedure again.
Rush in and take out the enemies in the hallway. Advance down the hall
to the radio room. Shoot the two enemies there, then shoot the radio
gear. Climb the ladder, and head across the roof. Take the ammo and
health pick ups, then save. Place a satchel at the base of the antenna,
then run back towards the ladder and blow the charge. Head back to the
ground floor and exit the building. Head along the way point to the
corner. A vehicle with several enemies will come to a stop here; gun
down all the enemies and blow up the vehicle with a grenade or gun fire.
Head around the corner, and take out the two enemies that will come
running out from the wide alley on the right. Head down this wide alley,
all the way to the end. Make a left and head through the group of
shacks ahead; stick to the right side, and be aware of a handful of
enemies that may appear to your right. Advance to the burning bus;
take out the enemies in the alley to the right of the bus and through
the gap in the shacks to the left. Head around the corner and down
the alley to the left of the fire; head all the way down this alley.
Take out the two enemies in the windows of the building across the
street. Take a left and head to the next corner. Crouch and lean right
so you can view around the corner to the left; you will see two
technicals. Lob a few grenades to take them out. Head down the road
to the extraction point and wait for the Humvees to arrive to pass the

Russian Underground
Date: September 10, 1993
Location: Mogadishu, Somalia
Default Weapons Load: CAR-15, Colt .45, Satchel Charges
Maximum Saves: 5
Suggested Weapons Load: M60, Shotgun, Satchel Charges
When the mission starts, run to the edge of the roof and gun down the
few enemies who start running toward the troops fast roping down from
the other Black Hawk. Head toward the western sky light and gun down
the two enemies on the roof of the building next to yours. Head to the
left side of the skylight and look down through; take out the two enemies
there. Hop down through the skylight. Take out the enemy in the hall,
then rush into the first room in the hall on the left and shoot the
enemy there. Now run into the next room on the opposite side and shoot
the enemy there. Continue alternating down the hall like this, taking
out the enemies in the rooms as you go. Stop just short of the door to
the main room, and shoot the two enemies near the stairs. Rush into the
room while turning left and take out the enemy in corner behind the desk.
Turn back and shoot the enemy who comes running up the stairs. Take out
the enemies in the two rooms on the right in the next hallway, then head
downstairs. Stop at the waypoint on the first floor, then run downstairs
and blow the door with a satchel. Immediately switch back to the M60 and
take out the two enemies on the other side of the door. Head down the
hallway and around the corner, gun down the two enemies there. Shoot the
box in the corner to reveal a hole in the floor. Hop down. Shoot the
enemy visible behind the crates and on the landing of the steps. Circle
around the barrels to the left. Go into a crouch and face right. Slowly
move left and gun down the enemies in the room as they enter your field
of vision. Lean left and take out the enemy against the far right hand
corner. Move forward slightly and shoot the last remaining enemy near
the near right hand corner through the chair in front of him. Head down
the stairs to get the health and ammo pick ups, then save. Proceed up
the stairs to the top floor. Head into the tunnel, then down the stairs.
Be careful not to shoot the lady to the left at the bottom of the stairs.
Continue through the tunnels, gunning down enemies as you go. EVentually
you will reach an emplaced .50 caliber. Go into a crouch, and get as
close to the corner as you can without exposing yourself, and lob a frag
grenade at the enemy manning the machine gun. There are health and ammo
pick ups in the room behind the machine gun if you need them. Save
again, the proceed along the waypoint line down the tunnel. Try to keep
up a rapid pace, because from this point onward you will be pursued from
behind by enemies. Head up the ladder at the end of the tunnel, and then
outside. Gun down the enemies to the left, then proceed through the
ruins to the next waypoint. Head down the alley; be aware of enemies
that will appear to the right and left. At the end of the alley, lean
left and slowly advance around the corner; gun down all the enemies to
the right. Swing left and take out the handful of enemies there, then
run to the next waypoint. Hop in the Black Hawk to complete the mission.

Shattered Palace
Date: September 17, 1993
Location: Mogadishu, Somalia
Default Weapons Load: CAR-15/M203, Shotgun, Claymores
Maximum Saves: 6
Suggested Weapons Load: CAR-15/203, Shotgun, Claymores
Keep focused ahead as the mission starts. As the choppers round the
bend in the road, you will see an enemy with an RPG on an arch over the
road. His first shot always misses, but take him out before he can
reload. Quickly switch to the M203, and begin firing them into the
crowd of enemies on the rooftop as the other Delta team fast ropes in.
Take out the lone enemy on the roof of your target building. After
detaching from the Little Bird, head to the edge of the roof and take
out any visible enemies on the ground below. Head to the ladder down
into the building, and throw a flashbang down through the hole. After
the flashbang goes off, hop down through the hole and gun down all the
enemies on the top floor. Head over towards the stairs, and shoot the
enemy that will come running up them. Then hit backspace for your team
to perform the takedown procedure for the lower floor. After the
flashbang goes off, run downstairs and gun down all the enemies there.
Take the health pick up if you need it, then save. Crouch, and head out
the door. Advance slowly and pick off any enemies that come running at
you. You will be told to take out the two emplaced machine guns guarding
the entrance to the hotel. If you look carefully between the plants,
you can pick out the heads of the men manning the MGs; shoot them both.
If you can't see them, stay crouched and advance to the right, along the
wall of the building you just came out of. If you still can't hit them,
make a mad dash for the taller section of the wall, then lob grenades.
After the emplaced .50s are taken care of, shoot the last enemy outside
the hotel entrance, and advance to the door. From the right side, you
should be able to see and take down several enemies on the inside. After
this, run to the left side of the door and hit backspace. After the
flashbang goes off, rush in and clear the first floor of any remaining
enemies; be aware of a few that may appear at the top of the stairs.
When the room is clear, proceed along the waypoint to the door on the
right. Lean right, and take out the single enemy inside the room.
Proceed to the next room, take the health pick up, then save. Be aware
of enemies that may try to follow you in. Kill any of them that do, then
head back out to the main room, and head to the door on the left. Crouch
and lean left at the doorway, and take out the one enemy on the right;
then turn around and lean right to take out the lone enemy on the left.
Head into the room, then head to the next doorway. Lean right, and take
out any enemies in the hallway, then dash forward and kill the lone
enemy in the second room on the right. Exit the room, and kill the two
enemies on the left if your teammates have not done so already. Now,
head upstairs. Follow the waypoints into the room with the prisoners
and other friendlies. Take the health pickup, and save. You will be
told to take a M60 from the armory; ignore this. Take the M21, and head
to the roof. Now, turn right, and start sniping. Start with the ledges
and buildings to the right, and work your way counter-clockwise around
the square. When you can't see any more targets, advance forward to the
furthest part of the roof, and take out the enemies you couldn't see
before in the windows of the buildings to the right and on top of the
smaller building to the left. After a moment, you will be told good job,
and a Little Bird will land on the roof of the building you were on.
Attach to the Little Bird to complete the mission.

Diplomatic Immunity
Date: September 24, 1993
Location: Mogadishu, Somalia
Default Weapons Load: CAR-15, Colt .45, Claymores
Maximum Saves: 4
Suggested Weapons Load: CAR-15/203, Colt .45, AT-4
This mission can and will drive you nuts. Don't fire too much on the
first pass the Little Bird makes, it's bouncing around too much to be
accurate. The second pass, the pilot will fly much steadier, giving you
an opportunity to begin picking off the enemy gunners and those with
RPGs. Concentrate on the RPGs, as they pose the largest threat by far.
When you start the second pass, there will be one directly below you,
along with a few gunners. The pilot will then fly forward toward the
main gate of the complex; shoot the gunner standing there. Look up and
you will see two enemies with RPGs standing on the lower roof of the
building; quickly shoot them both, then take out the two gunners standing
in the open air area at the very top of the building. As the Little Bird
swings around to the next side, keep your attention focused along the
wall. Shoot the two gunners, and be looking straight down as the Little
Bird clears the far wall; there will be a gunner and RPG directly below
you, and if you don't kill the enemy with the RPG immediately, he'll nail
you. The two Little Birds will now set down in the courtyard outside the
building. There are ammo and health pick ups in between the two choppers
if you need them. Save now. Advance forward, and stop just short of the
front door to the building, and hit backspace to perform the take down
procedure. After the flashbang goes off, rush in and shoot everyone in
the main room. DO NOT SHOOT INTO THE SIDE ROOM, this is where the
hostages and other Delta members are. Proceed up the stairs. Stop at
the last landing, and throw a frag grenade through the door at an angle
so that it bounces off the wall and further into the room. This will
clear every enemy on that floor. Go into a crouch and approach the
ladder. Circle around the ladder while remaining in a crouch, and shoot
the enemies on the upper level. Save now. Head up the ladder. Switch
over to the M203, and shoot one at the enemywith the RPG in the middle of
the road to the front right; if timed right, you may be able to take out
a technical with this shot as well. Take out the AT-4, and use it on one
of the groups of technicals and enemy foot soldiers that will begin
coming in from the left and right. Switch back over to the M203, and
begin raining grenades on the group of technicals and men with RPGs that
will show up directly in front of you. Make sure to get the two men
with RPGs first, they pose a bigger threat than the .50 calibers on the
the technicals. When you run out of grenades, hop on the .50 caliber
next to you. Take out the technical that will appear behind you, and
any remaining foot soliders. Head back down to the first floor, and take
the health pick up there. Save now. Head out the backdoor of the
building and proceed to the rear gate. Enemies will now come running at
you from the left of the gate, and the alley behind and to the right of
the bus; gun them down. Head over to the bus, and shoot the man with an
RPG on the roof to the left. Head to the left of the crates next to the
bus, and shoot the two enemies in the alley to the left. Advance to the
next alley on the left, and shoot the enemy with the RPG on the roof.
Head to the next alley on the left, and shoot the man on the roof there.
Advance all the way to the end of the alley and make a left; shoot the
one or two enemies that may come running around the corner ahead of you,
then run forward to the trucks to complete the mission.

Shore Patrol
Date: October 1, 1993
Location: Port Area, Mogadishu, Somalia
Default Weapons Load: CAR-15, Shotgun, Satchel Charges
Maximum Saves: 5
Suggested Weapons Load: CAR-15, Shotgun, Satchel Charges
The beginning of this mission will drive you frikkin' insane. As the
mission starts, look toward the pier on the right; try and take out the
enemy standing on it, and the two that will run onto it. Once the boat
reaches shore, immediately hop out and run to the rocks. You must keep
moving after this, or the mortars will nail you. Once on the beach,
head for the group of rocks immediately to your front left. Continue
along this group. Once you reach the end, turn and head for the group
to your front right that forms a circle. Once you reach this, turn right
and head for the next group. From this group, look straight ahead.
You will see a fence, and a small gate in that fence. Aim for the gate,
and run straight for it. Take out the handful of enemies here. Take the
health pick up if you need it, and save. Proceed up the hill, and take
out the enemies at the top and the ones standing around the barrels. As
you head for the gap in between the two buildings, a few enemies may
come running from the left. Advance to the corner, and turn right.
There is an enemy here, but there are also several civilians; be careful
not to shoot them. Advance to the next waypoint; you will be told that
your route to the target has been blocked, and that you must find a new
route. Turn and head back the way you came, toward the two buildings at
the top of the hill. Head to the left of the container on the right hand
side, and shoot the enemies there. Lean around the entrance to the alley
and shoot the enemy there, then proceed down the alley. Make another
left, then turn right down the alley. Turn right at the next corner, and
shoot the group of enemies there. Head straight across to the group of
shacks, then turn right down the alley, and immediately make a left turn
down the next alley. Head down this alley. At the end, turn right and
gun down all the enemies that will appear from this direction. Advance
toward the burned out car, and shoot the man on the roof to the front
left with the RPG, then take out the enemy manning the .50 caliber near
the target building. Advance forward to the container on the right, and
shoot the two enemies on the right. Several enemies will now come
running around the corner to the front left, shoot them as they do so.
Head toward the front of the pick up truck to the left of the entrance
to the radio tower, and shoot the enemy visible inside on the right.
Switch over to the right hand side of the entrance, and shoot the enemy
visible inside on the left. Head to the doorway on the right, and enter
the hallway there. Shoot the enemy inside the room on the left, take the
health and ammo pick ups if you need them, then save and proceed up the
stairs. Proceed up the stairs to the top floor. Shoot the enemy in the
doorway, then head out onto the roof and shoot the enemy on the right.
You can perform the take down procedure on the main room if you want, but
it's not necessary; run in and fire a few rounds from the CAR-15, and
you'll have hit all the enemies inside. Shoot all the radio equipment in
the room (the big black boxes with glowing white panels) and proceed to
the next room, shoot the enemy there. Head to the stairs, and shoot the
two enemies on the ground floor from the landing. Head to the ground
floor and out the exit. Advance to the shack on the left, lean, and take
out the enemies around the corner. Be sure to get the gunner and RPG
that will come running in from the far left. Advance forward, pick up
the health, and save again. Follow the waypoint forward, and take out
the two enemies on the right. As you enter the alley, there will be one
enemy on the left. Make the right turn, and gun down the enemy there; be
careful, there are also several civilians around him. Proceed to the
waypoint; there will be an enemy on the left. Head right, then turn left
and run all the way to the end of the long alley. Take out the enemy
ahead of you and the two or three to the left. Advance forward along the
waypoint line to the top of the hill; kill the enemy here, take the
health and ammo if you need them, then save again. There will be two
enemies immediately to your left, take them out, then look down at the
docks. Locate the two .50 calibers with your binoculars if you need to,
then take out the enemies manning them. Gun down as many enemies as you
can from the top of the hill, then run down to the docks to provide
cover fire as the other soldiers fast rope in. Gun down all enemies
around the landing zone, then shoot all the crates to your left. Once
all the crates are destroyed, you will be told to blow up the cargo ship
itself. Advance to the end of the dock, and take out the gunners and RPG
here. Climb aboard the boat; be aware that there may be a gunner or two
behind the barrels on the deck. Before hopping into the cargo hold,
look into it and shoot the enemy whose legs are visible. Hop into the
cargo hold, plant your satchel charges, climb out, and run to the Little
Bird on the dock. Attach to the Little Bird. After it has taken off,
detonate the satchel charges to complete the mission.

Date: October 3, 1993
Location: Mogadishu, Somalia
Default Weapons Load: CAR-15, Shotgun, AT-4
Maximum Saves: 5
Suggested Weapons Load: CAR-15, Shotgun, AT-4
Here we are, the first of the six 'Black Hawk Down' missions. When the
mission starts, follow the waypoint line to the Little Bird and attach,
then sit tight as the assault teams fly in. As you get over the city,
you will begin taking fire from below; concentrate on taking out the RPGs
as they pose the only real threat. Once you've landed on the roof of the
building, proceed to the door and head down to the first landing of the
stairs. Take out the two enemies at the bottom of the stairs, then
advance halfway down the stairs. Take out any enemies visible in the
room ahead to the left, and take out the enemy on the floor below to the
left. Head to the bottom of the steps, and take out the enemy in the
doorway of the western room, and any more enemies visible in the main
room. Advance to the door of the main room, and hit backspace to
perform the takedown procedure. Rush in, and gun down the few enemies
there. Head to the steps down the next floor. Head halfway down the
steps, then look down and right. Shoot the enemy visible in the room
there. Head all the way down the steps, then over to the locked doors
on the right. Drop a grenade next to the door, then back up so you won't
get caught in the explosion. After the door blows, move to the side out
of your enemies' line of fire, and throw a flashbang into the room.
After it goes off, rush in and shoot everyone that **DOESN'T HAVE A GUN.*
After all enemies in the main room are dispatched, move into the side
room on the right and take out the three or four guys there. Head
down the stairs, and then outside. Wait for the trucks to pull up, then
look to the northwest; a large group of enemies will begin coming out of
the alley here. Advance forward to the corner (about 50m from Foxtrot),
and look left, there will be another group of enemies here. Head down
the road and hook up with the Rangers from chalk 4. Take the health if
you need it, then save. Look right and begin gunning down the enemies
that will appear; two enemies with RPGs will appear to the north, and
between the shacks to the northeast. After gunning down all the enemies
here, head back the way you came and straight down the road to chalk 2.
As soon as you reach them, enemies will begin coming around the corner
directly ahead of you. Gun them all down, then hop over the wall to the
right, and man the .50 caliber there. Take out the group of enemies
to the front right, then the group directly ahead of you. Swing back
to where the first group was, and mow down the second group that has
appeared. At this point you will see one of the Black Hawks get hit by
an RPG, and the mission is over.

Lost Convoy
Date: October 3, 1993
Location: Mogadishu, Somalia
Default Weapons Load: M21, Colt .45, Claymores
Maximum Saves: 8
Suggested Weapons Load: M21, Colt .45, AT-4
Be prepared to start shooting as soon as you make the first turn. Take
out the group of enemies on the right, then the RPG on the rooftop ahead.
Mow down the large group of enemies in the courtyard, then gun down the
RPGs on the rooftops behind them. As you turn the corner, take out the
enemy on the emplaced .50 caliber at the end of the road, then the enemy
in the window above him. As you make the next turn, take out the enemy
with the RPG ahead and to the right, then the enemies on the ground and
in the windows to the right. Blow up the technical that will appear
ahead of you, then take out the enemies in the windows of the building
at the end of the road. As you make the turn, take out the enemy on the
roof to the left, and the group of enemies on the right. Focus your
attention left before you make the next turn; take out the two technicals
and group of enemies waiting here as you make the turn. As you get to
the end of the alley, shoot the enemy in the window. As you make the
left turn, gun down the enemies on the right hand side, but be careful
not to hit the group of civilians there. Take out the enemy with the
RPG on the rooftop ahead and to the left hand side. As you make the next
turn, look up and to the right; take out the RPG there. Take out the
emplaced .50 caliber on the right as you make the next turn, then
immediately look behind you and gun down the large group of enemies
there. Save now. Look back ahead and take out the RPG and other
enemies in the windows of the building at the end of the road, then
gun down the enemies that come running in from the left hand side.
Take out the technical ahead of you as you make the turn, then look
behind and take out the enemies in the windows. Swing back forward and
mow down the group of enemies ahead of you. As you stop at the road
block, take out the enemy on the roof to the right and the one standing
next to the road block. Look back forward and take out any enemy that
comes running as you start to move again. After you make the next turn,
take out the emplaced .50 caliber far ahead and to the right, then look
left and gun down all the enemies on the ground and on the roof tops.
As you make the right hand turn after the tiny alley, shoot the RPG
and enemy gunner in the windows ahead. Take out the enemies on the
ledges to the right as you make the left turn, then look ahead and mow
down the group of enemies on foot. Take out the RPG on the roof at the
end of the road, then the .50 caliber below him. Save again. There
will be no enemies for the next few turns. At the right hand turn near
coordinate (H,-3), there will be two gunners on the roof to the left, a
gunner on the roof to the right, and an RPG at the end of the road next
to the two unmanned .50 calibers. As you make the left turn, fire into
the two windows of the tall building ahead to take out an RPG and a
gunner. Look up and to the left, and take out the two gunners on the
roof. The next road is a bit dangerous; there are gunners in nearly
every window on both sides of the road, just keep firing and swinging
back and forth between sides to get as many of them as possible. At the
end of this road you will be instructed to proceed on foot. Dismount the
Humvee, run forward to pick up the health, and save. Head into the long
alley on the left; shoot any enemies visible at the end, then advance
all the way to the end. Head forward and to the left and into the next
alley. Head down the alley and around the right hand turn; shoot the two
enemies at the end of the alley. Turn left, and shoot any visible
enemies. Advance to the end of the alley, turn right, and head all the
way down the road, sticking along the buildings on the right hand side.
Turn right round the corner at the end and shoot the enemy here. Head
forward and to the right, and into the next alley. Head down the alley
to the second left, look left, and shoot the two or three enemies here.
Continue forward to the end of the alley, and shoot the enemy ahead of
you and the one or two that may come running in from the right. Head
forward, and climb the stairs of the ruined build on the right. Shoot
the enemy at the top of the stairs, then run forward and take the ammo
and health near the window. Save now. Look out the window, and you
will see the crash site and the survivors. At this point, enemies
will begin running at them from all sides. You will be told to take out
all the RPGs on the rooftops. Scan the rooftops with your M21, and take
out all the RPGs; the majority of them are directly ahead of you, with
one on the lower roof to the left. After taking out all the RPGs, give
the survivors cover fire until the second Black Hawk arrives.

Valiant Soldiers
Date: October 3, 1993
Location: Mogadishu, Somalia
Default Weapons Load: CAR-15/M203, Colt .45, AT-4
Maximum Saves: 9
Suggested Weapons Load: M60, Colt .45, AT-4
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Engl. FAQ

17.Octombrie 2013
Multiplayer Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

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Engl. FAQ

16.Octombrie 2013
Munitionstrainer (für v1.3.0.37)

17.Octombrie 2013

15.Octombrie 2013
Trainer für Gesundheit, Munition und Saves (für v1.2.1.1)

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Munitionstrainer (für v1.2.0.4)

16.Octombrie 2013
Munitionstrainer (für v1.1.0.10)

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Alle Missionen spielbar

16.Octombrie 2013
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