Delta Force - Land Warrior

Delta Force - Land Warrior

14.10.2013 14:41:36

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|| ||
|| Delta Force Land Warrior (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough ||
|| Copyright 2004 Rahul "Zakaloot" Goyal ||
|| Last Updated 7/28/04 ||
|| Version- 2.0 ||
|| ||

|| Table of Contents

[1.0] Introduction
[1.1] Revision History
[1.2] Legal Disclaimer

[2.0] Controls

[3.0] Characters
[3.1] Daniel Lonetree "Longbow"
[3.2] Rydel Wilson "Pitbull"
[3.3] Cole Harris "Gas Can"
[3.4] Jen Tanaka "Snake Bite"
[3.5] Erica Swift "Mako"

[4.0] Weapons
[4.1] Primary
[4.2] Secondary
[4.3] Sidearm
[4.4] Grenades
[4.5] Explosives
[4.6] Auxiliary
[4.7] Other

[5.0] Quick Missions
[5.1] Delta Force Training Center
[5.2] Operation Jail Break
[5.3] Operation Safe Passage
[5.4] Operation Crossed Swords
[5.5] Operation Free Press
[5.6] Operation Takedown
[5.7] Operation Special Delivery
[5.8] Operation Strike Camp
[5.9] Operation Pickpocket
[5.10] Operation Hornet's Nest
[5.11] Operation Gate Keeper

[6.0] Campaign Walkthrough

[7.0] General Strategies

[8.0] Last Words
[8.1] Credits
[8.2] Contact Info


|| [1.0] Introduction

Delta Force Land Warrior is the Third Game in the Delta Force series. Delta
Force Land Warrior (called DFLW from now on) strives for realism, which is
shown in the weapons, briefings and so on. That being said, one cannot run
into a room MP5 blazing and expect to live, as it takes very few shots to
kill you, which is good.

This FAQ was started many weeks ago and has since been a real roller coaster
for me, I started with high motivation, but it fell gradually to the point
where writing this has been torture. The last thing I want is for my writing
to suffer so I cut my losses and plastered 'under construction' all over this
FAQ so my writing wouldn't deteriate over time. Once my motivation is back I
will update and continue writing this FAQ.

| [1.1] Revision History

7/28/04 Version 2.0 - FAQ Submitted to GameFaqs

| [1.2] Legal Disclaimer

This document may not be transferred electronically without written
permission, if you would like this on you site, email me. Use of this guide
any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited,
and a violation of copyright. Sites that can legally use this document are:

1. Gamefaqs []

If you find this on any other site, IMMEDIATELY contact me.
You may print this out but you may not sell it.
All copyright materials are properties of their respective owners.

|| [2.0] Controls

[Under Construction]

|| [3.0] Characters

There are five Characters in Delta Force Land Warrior, each with different
specialties and names. Some missions are better off with certain characters,
likewise certain weapons are best used with certain characters. Below are
just the names and characteristics of each character, but if you want to see
what characters are best with what weapon, go to the weapons section, same
goes for the missions.

NOTE- The Character Description and the background info is from the game, but
everything below that is mine

|-------------------------|-Character Description-|--------------------------|
| |
| [3.1] Daniel Lonetree "Longbow" |
| Name - Sergeant Daniel Lonetree |
| Specialty - Sniper |
| Age - 25 |
| Height - 6'0" |
| Weight - 180 Lbs |
| Hair - Black |
| Eyes - Hazel |
| Birthplace - Tuba City Arizona |
| Distinguishing Marks - Always sunburned on Cheeks and nose, Navajo Tribal |
| Tattoo |
| |
| |
| Having being abandoned by his mother and father as a child, Longbow |
| quickly learned to fend for himself. Although his Grandparents were there |
| to raise him, he grew distant from many people. Larger kids often avoided |
| getting into fights with him because of the intense he would get on his |
| face. During his Teen Years he became fascinated with his grandpa who was a|
| code talker during World War 2. It became obvious that he wanted to follow |
| in these footsteps and joined the Military straight out of high school. |
| |
| He Enlisted in the Army for Military Occupational Special (MOS) Infantry, |
| 11b. During weapons qualification straining, he displayed a natural |
| ability of handling all types of weapons. His particular expertise was |
| Shown during rifle training when he scored a perfect %100 on all target |
| at all ranges. After graduating Basic, Advanced, Individual and Airborne |
| training at Fort Benning Georgia, Longbow was assigned to Fort Bragg NC |
| with the 82nd Airborne division. Here he honed his skills as a Airborne |
| Infantryman, then he quickly worked his way up from an Infantry platoon to |
| joining the Elite, Long Range Reconnaissance Company. Rising to the rank |
| of Sergeant, he became keenly interested in joining the Special Forces. He |
| Applied and was accepted for the Special Forces Qualification Course at |
| the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center, FT Bragg. Here he was selected |
| for training as a Special Forces Weapons Sergeant, MOS of 18b. |
| |
| His dedication and finely tuned skills led him to being selected as |
| Distinguished Honor Graduate of his course. He was assigned to a Special |
| Forces Operational Detachment - Alpha (SFODA) in the 10th Special Forces |
| Group, Ft. Carson, CO. Due to his natural skills and excellent Marksmanship|
| He was selected for Training at the Special Operations Target Interdiction |
| Course (SOTIC) the Sniper School for SF. He distinguished himself during |
| Stabilization Force (SFOR) in Bonznia-Herzrgovania conducting |
| Counter-Sniper Missions, because of this Delta Force took notice of his |
| abilities and approached him about joining their ranks. |
| |
| Longbow is determined and ready for almost any challenge. This Pro Sniper |
| doesn't like to make small talk during missions. There is no more serious |
| Job than this, even hard core soldiers are impressed at how stoic this |
| sniper can be while under fire. |
| |

[Under Construction]

|-------------------------|-Character Description-|--------------------------|
| |
| [3.2] Rydel Wilson "Pitbull" |
| Name- First Lieutenant Rydel Wilson |
| Specialty- Heavy Gunner (Automatic Weapons) |
| Age- 31 |
| Height- 6'5" |
| Weight- 270 |
| Hair- Black (shaved) |
| Eyes- Deep Brown |
| Birthplace- Bronx, NY |
| Distinguishing Marks- Scar under Lip, Muscular |
| |
| |
| Born in the Bronx, NY Rydel is easily the toughest member of the Delta |
| Force team. Rydel grew up with his mother and sisters in a one room bedroom|
| located above a boxing gym. It was there he spent most of his time learning|
| from local boxers and trainers. By the age of Eighteen Rydel was 6'4" and |
| 290 Pounds of Pure Muscle. He often could not find anyone willing to spar |
| with him. At nineteen Rydel became a Golden Gloves Heavyweight Contender. |
| Even though Rydel had a future as a pro fighter he felt that he could make |
| more of a contribution to society by joining the Military. |
| |
| Rydel started his Military career in the Enlisted ranks, earning his E-6 |
| stripes before the age of 28. As a non-commissioned officer he found no |
| equal both Physically or with a Rifle. Rydel was a premier rifleman and |
| took easily to the difficulties involved with firing squad automatic |
| weapons. He became so good in fact, that he was asked to instruct for the |
| Army Infantry center in Fort Benning Georgia. He did this continusely for |
| two years but he longed to return to duty with a field unit. He got his |
| chance when he was prompted to apply to OCS. After his commission Rydel was|
| transferred to active duty with First Battalion 75th ranger regiment in |
| Hunter Army Airfield, Georgia. It was here that his professional dedication|
| and esprit de corps shined. He trained his men as rigorously as he trained |
| himself. It was this tendency and single-minded drive that earned him his |
| name "Pitbull" |
| |
| His squad entered nearly every Regimental and divisional competition, |
| earning top honors in most of them. It became no surprise when Rydel was |
| approached by Delta Force recruiters. He quickly jumped at the chance to |
| join the Elite task force. Due to his innate leadership skills he was the |
| natural choice to become the squad leader of the team. Rydel is still hard |
| pressed to find anyone to spar with him. |
| |

[Under Construction]

|-------------------------|-Character Description-|--------------------------|
| |
| [3.3] Cole Harris "Gas Can" |
| Name- Sergeant Cole Harris |
| Specialty- Demolitions/Grenadier |
| Age- 32 |
| Height- 5'10" |
| Weight- 130 |
| Hair- Blond (balding) |
| Eyes- Blue-Grey |
| Birthplace- Tyler, Texas |
| Distinguishing Marks- Old 3rd Degree Burns on Arms and Chest, Missing Left |
| Index Finger, Tattoo of Fiery Devil on right Arm, Goatee no Mustache |
| |
| |
| With a southern drawl and a blue-collared work mentality, this stocky |
| soldier is one of the best field demolition experts in SF. Before entering |
| the Military Harris worked for a leading Texan Fertilizer Exporter. |
| Experiments in his off time lead to his intense interest in Explosives. |
| |
| Harris began his Military Career undergoing OSUT (One Station Unit |
| Training) at Fort Leonardwood, Missouri. There he exhibited a natural |
| Talent for indirect fire weapons, easily earning his Grenadier Expert Badge|
| after a rigorous battery of tests. He was promoted to Private First Class |
| after only 6 weeks of basic training. After phase One was complete, he |
| moved on to the advanced training phase where he learned the fundamentals |
| of combat engineering with emphasis on demolitions. Harris finished at the |
| top of his class catching the eye of Delta Force recruiters. After |
| accepting their offer to undergo special operations training, he was |
| immediately ordered the rank of Corporal and was ordered to Fort Benning |
| for Airborne school. |
| |
| After receiving his jump wings and Sergeant stripes, Gas Can received |
| orders to undergo Advanced Demolitions Training at the John F. Kennedy |
| Special Warfare center at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He expanded on the |
| fundamentals he had learned but with a focus on small units tactics. Gas |
| Can finished in the top 3 Percentile in his class and moved on to regular |
| Duty with Delta Force. |
| |
| Some soldier have a hard time dealing with Harris's excessively belligerent|
| attitude but no one disputes him on facts about explosives. With one look |
| at a building, Harris can tell you 20 different ways of bringing it down |
| If he says he can have a specialized Satchel Charge armed and placed it 15 |
| minutes, you better get ready to set your clock at 14.59. |
| |

[Under Construction]

|-------------------------|-Character Description-|--------------------------|
| |
| [3.4] Jen Tanaka "Snake Bite" |
| Name- Sergeant Jen Tanaka |
| Specialty- CQB/Covert Ops |
| Age- 28 |
| Height- 5'5" |
| Weight- 115 |
| Hair- Black |
| Eyes- Brown |
| Birthplace- San Francisco, CA |
| Distinguishing Marks- Snake Tattoo on right arm |
| |
| |
| As a child Jennifer was extremely energetic and reckless. Her father ran a |
| martial arts studio and began teaching her as soon as she could walk. She |
| quickly picked up on advanced moves and was entering national tournaments |
| in her teen years. However, Jenn also had a knack for getting herself into |
| trouble. Her impatience with scholastic life led her to openly rebelling to|
| all authorial figures except her father. Her continual confrontations with |
| teachers, principals and other kids led her father to insist that upon |
| graduation she join the army to learn respect for authority |
| |
| She scored high on her Military entrance exam and was offered a wide |
| selection of Military Occupational Specialties. She chose Military |
| intelligence with a MOS of 97b, Counter-Intelligence Agent. She attended |
| basic training at the US Army intelligence center at Ft. Huachuca. AZ. |
| After graduating from training she was assigned to the 501st Military |
| Intelligence Brigade, Republic of South Korea. Her unit's mission was to |
| conduct reconnaissance, surveillance, interrogation of enemy prisoners and |
| Counter-Intelligence. Jenn excelled as a field agent, refining deadly |
| skills to a key edge. She quickly advanced to the rank of Sergeant. |
| |
| Delta Force recruiters took special notice of her achievements as they |
| visited Korea for prospective candidates. Upon accepting her Delta Force |
| added to Jenn's skills in Stealth and Martial Arts by sending her through |
| their intensive Close Quarters Combat Training. Her quickness, stealth and |
| expert skill with all close range weapons impressed her instructors so much|
| hat she was assigned active duty on one of the best 5-man squads. |
| |
| It is rumored that she has never been observed entering or leaving the |
| objective. The only signs of her presence are the neutralized targets |
| |

[Under Construction]

|-------------------------|-Character Description-|--------------------------|
| |
| [3.5] Erica Swift "Mako" |
| Name- Chief Warrant Officer 2 Erica Swift |
| Specialty- Aquatic/Medic |
| Age- 25 |
| Height- 5'8" |
| Weight- 125 |
| Hair- Blond |
| Eyes- Green |
| Birthplace- France? |
| Distinguishing Marks- ? |
| |
| |
| Born to an American Embassy worker in South France, Erica's childhood was |
| filled with adventure. By age 10 she was fluently speaking 5 different |
| languages and meeting some of the most powerful European leaders. When she |
| was 15 her father retired and moved the family to Southern California. |
| extremely intelligent and worldly, Erica quickly became bored with average |
| teenage activities. Adrenaline sports such as big wave surfing, Extreme |
| Mountain Biking, and deep sea ship wreck diving became her passions. Upon |
| graduation from college with a degree in chemistry, Erica put her |
| intelligence to work at a major pharmaceutical company. During a diving |
| vacation in the Caymans, Erica met a retired Navy Seal who, inspired her |
| with his tales of Military adventure. Upon returning to the States she |
| immediately quit her job and joined the Military. |
| |
| During boot camp Erica routinely requested additional training to see how |
| far she could push herself and impress her superiors. Being a female |
| however, she was not eligible for the CDQC. She did the next best thing by
| entering the EOD training program at Indian Head, Maryland. After |
| successfully completing the program with high honors, she was stationed to |
| Fort Shafter, Hawaii in the USARPAC EOD Control team where she attained the|
| rank of Chief Warrant 2. |
| |
| Her flawless service dedication and scuba background eventually caught the |
| attention of Delta Force recruiters looking to fill their team with an |
| underwater demolitions expert. They brought Erica on board as a consultant |
| and sent her to the CDQC. Her remarkable proficiency under pressure quickly|
| got her a field position on one of best 5 man squads. On her time off she |
| can be found surfing the biggest waves on the north shore of Hawaii. |
| |

[Under Construction]

|| [4.0] Weapons

Weapons are the killing tools in DFLW, In the right hands, they can be
extremely deadly and efficient killing machines. Keep in mind that you should
only aim your crosshairs at someone if you intend to shoot, never keep your
crosshairs on a hostage or a friendly because your finger may very well slip
and cause you to loose the entire mission. Anyway a list of the weapons and
what slot they go in are below:

Slot One - Knife
Slot Two - Side Arm (pistol)
Slot Three - Primary (Rifle)
Slot Four - Secondary (Sub-Machine Gun)
Slot Five - Explosives (Rocket Launcher, Satchel Pack)
Slot Six - Detonator
Slot Seven - Grenade
Slot Eight - Laser Designator

NOTE - Weapons listed in alphabetical order

| [4.1] Primary

| AK-47

[Under Construction]


[Under Construction]

| G11

[Under Construction]

| M-249 SAW

[Under Construction]

| M40 Sniper Rifle

[Under Construction]

| M4/MK

[Under Construction]

| M82A1 Barret

[Under Construction]

| MM-1 Grenade Launcher

[Under Construction]

| OICW Land Warrior

[Under Construction]

| Pancor Jackhammer

[Under Construction]

| PSG-1

[Under Construction]

| Underwater Rifle

[Under Construction]

| [4.2] Secondary

| Calico

[Under Construction]

| Silenced MP5

[Under Construction]


[Under Construction]

| [4.3] Sidearm

| .45 SOCOM

[Under Construction]

| Glock 18

[Under Construction]

| P-11 Underwater Pistol

[Under Construction]

| Silenced .45 SOCOM

[Under Construction]

| [4.4] Grenades

| Delayed Grenade

[Under Construction]

| Frag Grenade

[Under Construction]

| [4.5] Explosives

[Under Construction]

| AT-4

[Under Construction]

| Claymore

[Under Construction]

| Satchel Charge

[Under Construction]

| [4.6] Auxiliary

[Under Construction]

| Extra Ammo

[Under Construction]

| Kelvar Vest

[Under Construction]


[Under Construction]

| [4.7] Other

| Knife

[Under Construction]

| Laser Designator

[Under Construction]

|| [5.0] Quick Missions

| [5.1] Delta Force Training Center

| |
| Delta Force Training Center |
| North America 0900 |
| Mission Data- This course reviews the basic combat maneuvers and weaponry |
| that keep Delta Force Members prepared for immediate Action. |
| |
|----------------------------|-Win Conditions-|------------------------------|
| |
| - Retrieve Case From Training Pool |
| - Drop Case in Obstacle Course Tower |
| - Knock Down all the Targets in the Firing Range |
| - Return to Command Center When Finished |
| |
|---------------------------|-Squad Members-|--------------------------------|
| None |
| |

|-----------------------|-Best Weapons For Mission-|-------------------------|
| |
| The only time you will ever need a weapon in this mission will be during |
| the firing range, and since all the targets are long range, I wouldn't |
| recommend anything outside the realm of Sniper Rifles unless you want to |
| experiment. |
| |
| As for Sub-Machine guns, the UMP is far more accurate making it an |
| excellent choice for the target range, the silence of the MP5 in useless |
| here but you can still practice with it, same goes for the Calico. |
| |
| For pistols, if you want you should get an underwater pistol you practice |
| on the targets in the pool, then you can switch to another pistol from the |
| weapons building. |
| |
| I would bring along the AT-4 because it can be used to take town the |
| targets using the scope and the other explosive weapons are near useless in|
| this mission. |
| |
| As for auxiliary, nothing will shoot back at you in this mission so Kelvar |
| is not necessary, and the LAR-V is also not needed as most of the time you |
| will be above the surface and it will slow you down. The best way to go |
| would be Extra Ammo. |
| |
|-----------------------|-Best Weapons For Mission-|-------------------------|

|----------------------|-Best Characters for Mission-|-----------------------|
| |
| This is really your decision, but the 2 I would pick would be either |
| Longbow or Mako. Longbow and his sniping skills would be great for the |
| firing range. Mako specialty is Aquatic Demolitions, so she can swim faster|
| than any one else, making the pool a breeze. The other 3 aren't great for |
| this mission but are still useable. |
| |
|----------------------|-Best Characters for Mission-|-----------------------|


Objective One: Retrieve Case From Training Pool

You'll start in a chopper, an instructor will explain about the radar and
other important things, be sure to listen to him. You will also notice
firefights occurring outside you helicopter, DO NOT attempt to fire at any
soldiers on the ground or the pilot. Also do not try to get out as you will
likely die from the fall. Eventually you should land, it is best to exit when
the chopper has come to a complete stop.

The instructor will tell you about swimming in DFLW and then he will tell you
to grab a suitcase from the pool, do so and make sure to keep your head above
the water surface so you don't drown. After you go near the case this
objective will be complete.


Objective Two: Drop Case in Obstacle Course Tower

If you want, on your way back you can shoot some target in the water but it
is not necessary. Swim out of the pool and follow the blip on your radar to
get to the obstacle course. All you have to do is jump over the obstacles and
avoid fire by the helicopter above (don't shoot back at it). This is quite
easy. After you've made it through the obstacles, you will see a tower, climb
into it and press [F8] this will drop the package and complete this


Objective Three: Knock Down all the Targets in the Firing Range

After dropping off the package climb down the ladder and head for the next
blip on your radar. This is a shooting range, there are many target and you
must knock all of them down, this is the reason I recommended the M82A1, this
the best gun to take down the long range targets. You can try the Mounted
Machine Gun but it has far to much recoil to do any good damage.

If you would like to try out other weapons, go to the green box on your
radar, enter the building and the instructor will tell you how to get new
weapons so you can practice with all different types of weapons.


Objective Four: Return to Command Center When Finished

After you are done experimenting with all the guns, head to the blip on the
radar and this task will be done. Congratulations, you just beat the Training
Missions of DFLW! Now you can move on to harder missions like the one below,
start the campaign or jump into Multi-Player the choice is yours.

| [5.2] Operation Jail Break

| |
| Operation Jail Break |
| Eastern Europe, 1330 |
| Data: Terrorists are holding NATO Personnel captive at a nearby mountain |
| prison camp. Liberate the Hostages before they are executed. |
| |
|-----------------------------|-Win Conditions-|-----------------------------|
| |
| - Contact POWs At Objective Fire |
| - Release POWs at Objective Ice |
| - Escort POWs to Extraction Point |
| |
|-----------------------------|-Lose Conditions-|----------------------------|
| |
| - Too Many POWs Killed |
| - Black Widow Destroyed |
| - SAR Chopper Destroyed |
| |
|------------------------------|-Squad Members-|-----------------------------|
| |
| Longbow/Snakebite, Pitbull/Snakebite, Gas Can/Snakebite, Snakebite/Mako |
| Mako/Snakebite |
| |

|-----------------------|-Best Weapons For Mission-|-------------------------|
| |
| The best type of the weapons to use in this mission would be the Sniper |
| Rifle hands down, this entire mission can be completed with a Sniper Rifle |
| no problem. If you have some sort of a problem with a Sniper Rifle, any gun|
| with a scope will do fine but guns with out Scopes like the AK-47 are no |
| good for this mission. |
| |
| As for SMGs, you probably shouldn't need one since this is mostly long |
| range mission, but in case you do any of the three are fine. |
| |
| As with the SMGs, you really shouldn't need a pistol unless your accuracy |
| is so bad that you used up all your Primary and Secondary Weapons you need |
| better aim. Anywho The .45 SOCOM should do the job. |
| |
| You will absolutely need the AT-4 in this mission to destroy the Chopper |
| that leaves the base shortly after you get there. |
| |
| All the enemies in this map (to my knowledge) have AK-47s so Kelvar is |
| useless and there is no water so the best way to go is extra ammo. |
| |
|-----------------------|-Best Weapons For Mission-|-------------------------|

|---------------------|-Best Characters for Mission-|------------------------|
| |
| This is mostly a long range map, so again I highly recommend Longbow, as |
| he is the best equipped with a Sniper Rifle. Pitbull is not good on this |
| mission, same goes for Snakebite (even though she is your partner for the |
| mission) Gas Man is useless because there is no need for Demolitions and |
| Mako is not needed as there is no water, which is her specialty. Of course |
| if you are skilled enough you can use any of the 5 characters, but I |
| recommend Longbow. |
|---------------------|-Best Characters for Mission-|------------------------|


Objective One: Contact POWs At Objective Fire

When you start this mission you will start out in a chopper, like the
previous mission DO NOT try to get out before it lands or kill the Pilot.
After it lands, make your way to the blip on your radar. One of your comrades
will tell you that they are in position, when this happens go to where your
comrade is and stand right beside him and face the way he is facing, you
should see two Terrorists, kill them quickly.

Now your comrade will tell you that She sees the POWs and that she is going
in. You are told to kill the pursuit group, you will see 4-6 Terrorists
coming from behind the hills, kill them all. Now run up to the POWs and this
Objective will be done.


Objective Two: Release POWs at Objective Ice

At this point, your comrade will lead the POWs to the extraction point, now
it is time to release the other POWs, this can be tricky and multiple reloads
will likely be required but done exactly right, it can be quite easy.

Now head towards the blip on your radar. You should receive a radio
transmission that tells you there is chopper leaving the fortress and to not
let it get away. Keep running towards the blip and you should see a grey
fortress. To the right you should see a chopper lifting off or already in the
air, depending how quickly you got there. Pull out your AT-4, scope in on the
chopper and fire you rocket. This should destroy the chopper.

After you destroy the chopper, many Terrorists will come and see what
happened, kill them. Now comes the tricky part, if you try and release the
POWs now, the Terrorists dug in the hills will kill them, so you must go into
every nook and cranny on the left side of the fortress and kill all the
Terrorists. Once you are %100 sure the only alive Terrorists are in the
fortress, kill the guards on top of the fortress. If you move closer, a
person on your radio will tell you all the POWs are outside for a head count,
and to kill all the guards. Do it. After all the guards are dead, the POWs
will run out, they have guns so don't worry, meet up with them at the gate
and this Objective will be completed.


Objective Three: Escort POWs to Extraction Point

This is the easy part, just keeping following the blip on your radar and as
long as you killed the Terrorists around the hills you should be fine.

| [5.3] Operation Safe Passage

| |
| Operation Safe Passage |
| South America 1300 |
| |
| Data- An Squad of Army Rangers is surrounded by Guerillas and requires |
| immediate assistance. Neutralize the threats, then escort the Rangers |
| safely to the extraction point. |
| |
|-----------------------------|-Win Conditions-|-----------------------------|
| |
| - Contact Rangers at Objective Grave |
| - Escort Rangers to Extraction Point |
| |
|----------------------------|-Lose Conditions-|-----------------------------|
| |
| - All Rangers are Killed |
| - Black Widow is Destroyed |
| |
|-----------------------------|-Squad Members-|------------------------------|
| |
| Longbow/Pitbull, Pitbull/Longbow, Gas Can/Pitbull, Snakebite/Pitbull, |
| Mako/Pitbull |
| |

Objective One: Contact Rangers at Objective Grave

Compared to the last mission this mission is a walk in the park. You will
start out near a valley. Head forward until you see an enemy run by, kill him
and head left, kill anyone else you see. You will come to a clearing and
there will be a hill making a left and right path. Go left and you will see
another clearing with Rangers in the middle, this is your target. Kill the
Terrorist on the mountain and walk up to he Rangers, doing so will complete
this Objective.


Objective Two: Escort Rangers to Extraction Point

This is much harder since there will be many more Terrorists. The Rangers
will head forward and you should follow them. You will come to yet another
clearing with a lake, take out all the Terrorists on the opposite side of the
lake and help the Rangers kill the Terrorists around the lake, after they are
all dead the Chopper will land on the opposite side of the lake, swim there
and the mission is complete.

| [5.4] Operation Crossed Swords

| |
| Operation Crossed Swords |
| South East Asia 2200 |
| |
| Data- Intel has located a Mercenary stronghold on a small Island in |
| Indonesia. To disrupt their Operations, destroy the power plant system |
| supplying the base with Electricity. |
| |
|----------------------------|-Win Conditions-|------------------------------|
| |
| - Destroy Power Plant at Objective Archer |
| - Reach the Extraction Point |
| |
|----------------------------|-Lose Conditions-|-----------------------------|
| |
| - Black Widow is Destroyed |
| |
|-----------------------------|-Squad Members-|------------------------------|
| |
| Longbow/Mako, Pitbull/Mako, Gas Can/Mako, Snakebite/Mako, Mako/Gas Can |
| |

Objective One: Destroy Power Plant and Objective Archer

You will start this mission in a Parachute, you cannot control it so sit
tight until you reach the ground. Once you hit the ground head to the Blip on
your radar and then towards Mako. Once you get close enough the Pilot will
inform you that there are guards on the roofs. If you follow Mako for a
while, you will find a Radar Tower. Kill all the Terrorists on the roof and
around it. If you go in the Radar Tower the person at HQ will tell you that
is not your Objective and to move on.

Follow the Blip on your Radar and you will see a building, this is your
Target. Circle the building and kill any guards outside. Mako will then say
something on the Radio. After her transmission is over several Terrorists
will come running out looking for you, depending on where you are you may be
attacked from behind so watch out.

Kill all the Terrorists (obviously) and when you think you are safe, go into
the building. From here on in you can turn your NV goggles off. In the
building there are many entrances, rooms and dead ends so giving exact
directions is hard, therefore I suggest you search every room and follow your
Radar. You will know you are in the room with the generator when you see a
large object and when the Person at HQ confirms you are in the room. Pull out
your satchel charge, throw it, run out of the room, pull out the detonator
and watch it explode. Blowing up the Generator will complete this Objective.


Objective Two: Reach the Extraction Point

After you destroy the generator make your way to the exit. Once outside, be
careful! There are many guards around so be sure to kill them all. The rest
is simple, simply follow the blip on your radar and the mission will be over.

| [5.5] Operation Free Press

| |
| Operation Free Press |
| Southern Europe, 1530 |
| |
| Data- Militant Forces have seized a communication center near the Swiss |
| Border. Recapture the site by eliminating all hostiles. |
| |
|----------------------------|-Win Conditions-|------------------------------|
| |
| - Eliminate all resistance at Objective Raven |
| |
|---------------------------|-Lose Conditions-|------------------------------|
| |
| - Any Equipment is destroyed |
| |

[Under Construction]

| [5.6] Operation Takedown

| |
| Operation Take Down |
| North America, 1800 |
| |
| Data- A drug cartel is meeting with a notorious assassin in an abandoned |
| town. This potential association must be stopped. Eliminate the Assassin |
| and any hostiles that interfere. |
| |
|----------------------------|-Win Conditions-|------------------------------|
| |
| - Eliminate Coyote at Objective Spirit |
| - Reach the Extraction Point |
| |
|----------------------------|-Lose Conditions-|-----------------------------|
| |
| - Black Widow is Destroyed |
| |

[Under Construction]

| [5.7] Operation Special Delivery

| |
| Operation Special Delivery |
| South American, 0530 |
| |
| Data- A radical group is storing a cache of in the wetlands near the Japur |
| River. Find the weapons and destroy them by any means necessary. |
| |
|---------------------------|-Win Conditions-|-------------------------------|
| |
| - Destroy Weapons at Objective Hurricane |
| - Reach the Extraction Point |
| |
|--------------------------|-Lose Conditions-|-------------------------------|
| |
| - Black Widow is Destroyed |
| |

[Under Construction]

| [5.8] Operation Strike Camp

| |
| Operation Strike Camp |
| Middle East, 0200 |
| |
| Data- A Militant Terrorist group is using a camp to prepare for an |
| offensive against U.S. Embassies. Assault the camp and eliminate all the |
| Hostiles. |
| |
|---------------------------|-Win Conditions-|-------------------------------|
| |
| - Eliminate all Resistance at Objective Cell |
| - Secure Hostages at Objective Cell |
| |
|--------------------------|-Lose Conditions-|-------------------------------|
| |
| - Any Hostage is Killed
| |

[Under Construction]

| [5.9] Operation Pickpocket

| |
| Operation Pickpocket |
| Mediterranean, 0800 |
| |
| Data- Terrorists have stolen a Briefcase containing a powerful Viral |
| Agent. Locate and retrieve the Briefcase from the island fortress. |
| |
|---------------------------|-Win Conditions-|-------------------------------|
| |
| - Acquire Package From Objective Web |
| - Reach the Extraction Point |
| |
|--------------------------|-Lose Conditions-|-------------------------------|
| |
| N/A |
| |

[Under Construction]

| [5.10] Operation Hornet's Nest

| |
| Operation Hornet's Nest |
| Eastern Europe, 1630 |
| |
| Data- A Mid East Terrorist Group has acquired five attack helicopters. |
| Proceed to the base and Lase the Targets for an artillery strike. |
| |
|-----------------------------|-Win Conditions-|-----------------------------|
| |
| - Destroy all helicopters at Objective Valkyrie
| - Contact Black Widow at Objective Icarus |
| - Escort Black Widow to Extraction Point |
| |
|----------------------------|-Lose Conditions-|-----------------------------|
| |
| - Black Widow Pilots are Killed |
| - SAR Helicopter is Destroyed |
| |

[Under Construction]

| [5.11] Operation Gate Keeper

| |
| Operation Gate Keeper |
| Southeast Asia, 1300 |
| |
| Data- A Terrorist group plans to destroy a UN built Power Plant. Prevent |
| all incoming Hostiles from detonating the generators. |
| |
|----------------------------|-Win Conditions-|------------------------------|
| |
| - Protect Generators at Objective Orphan |
| |
|---------------------------|-Lose Conditions-|------------------------------|
| |
| - Power Generators at Objective Orphan are Destroyed |
| |

[Under Construction]

|| [6.0] Campaign Walkthrough

[Under Construction]

|| [7.0] General Strategies

[Under Construction]

|| [8.0] Last Words

| [8.1] Credits

Novalogic - For making and publishing this game

GameFaqs - For being my favourite Game Site

CjayC - For Operating GameFaqs and posting this guide

Anyone I forgot - To whatever contribution you made in the creation of this

| [8.2] Contact Info

My email addresses are

zakalot [at] hotmail [dot] com
zakaloot [at] yahoo [dot] com

Don't send me spam, hate mail or anything of the sort, it wastes your time and
mine. Also whenever you email me regarding this guide be sure to put in the
subject line 'CS FAQ', making the subject line 'hi' or something will
make me delete it on sight, I read all email regarding my FAQs but will delete
any suspicious looking email on sight.

If I don't respond to your email within a week, FEEL FREE TO RESUBMIT IT,
sometimes I get careless with my email deleting and sometimes delete
important mail, so if you don't get a response with a week (7 days) resend
your email.

An another project by
_____ _ _ _
/ _ / __ _| | ____ _| | ___ ___ | |_
\// / / _` | |/ / _` | |/ _ \ / _ \| __|
/ //\ (_| | < (_| | | (_) | (_) | |_
/____/\__,_|_|\_\__,_|_|\___/ \___/ \__|

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Engl. FAQ

14.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Octombrie 2013
AutoRanger (für v1.00.42)

18.Octombrie 2013
Alles aufgedeckt (für v1.00.31)

15.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013
Ich hab sowas noch nie gesehen ... (Achtung: 1,0 MB für v1.00.30)

17.Octombrie 2013

04.Octombrie 2013
Munitionstrainer (für v1.00.31)

14.Octombrie 2013
Ich hab sowas noch nie gesehen ... (Achtung: 1,0 MB für v1.00.29)

14.Octombrie 2013

16.Octombrie 2013

10.Octombrie 2008

16.Octombrie 2013

13.Octombrie 2013
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