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(c)2004 Barry Scott Will
Author's Web site:

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
License. To view a copy of this license, visit
or send a letter to
Creative Commons
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, California 94305, USA.

Catwoman is a trademark of DC Comics.
Catwoman software is (c)2004 Electronic Arts, Inc.

This game guide is not official, and is not endorsed by nor associated with
DC Comics, WB Interactive Entertainment or Electronic Arts.

ASCII title art courtesy of the ASCII Generator at

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Version History
[1] Overview
[2] Controls
[3] Gameplay
[3.1] Basic Combat
[3.2] Swinging
[3.3] Climbing
[3.4] Health
[3.5] Wild Cat Move
[3.6] Scaredy Cat Move
[3.7] Alley Cat Move
[3.8] Pussycat Move
[3.9] Earning Points
[3.10] Disarming (100)
[3.11] Neck Whip {250)
[3.12] Long Range Attacks (400)
[3.13] Grapple Flip Kick (500)
[3.14] Domination Mode (600)
[3.15] Smell Fear (750)
[3.16] Pose (850)
[3.17] Taunt (850)
[3.18] Advanced Cat Sense (1000)
[4] Walkthrough
[4.1] Jewelry Store
[4.2] Scrap Yard
[4.3] Parking Lot
[4.4] Scene 83
[4.5] Factory Perimeter
[4.6] Hedare Factory
[4.7] Mansion Grounds
[4.8] Mansion Interior
[4.9] Derelict Building
[4.10] Performance Center
[4.11] Hedare HQ
[5] Credits

Version History

1.00 (2004-08-06)
First Release

1.01 (2004-08-07) **Final Release**
- Added the locations of two more Blings to [4.11] Hedare HQ
- Added ASCII title art
- Fixed some typos
- This FAQ is full and complete and will no longer be updated

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| [1] OVERVIEW |

First, let me point out that, though this guide was written while playing
the PC version of Catwoman, it should be similar enough to the PS2, X-Box
and Gamecube versions that you might be able to use it for those as well.

Second, let me ask, why are you playing this game? If you have already
spent your hard-earned money on the game and insist on beating it, fine,
this walkthrough is for you. Otherwise, cease and desist now and go find
another game. You know, one that might actually be fun. Catwoman, the game,
is worse than Catwoman, the movie.

Of course, some people like it anyway, and others feel obligated to
complete it (like me) because they've already got it. Thus, this game

This walkthrough introduces the basic controls of Catwoman, describes the
special abilities that can be purchased (and lets you know if they are
worth the money) and helps you solve the puzzles. This walkthrough cannot
make the controls easier to operate or improve the poor camera angles in
the game. I can tell you what to do, but you'll still have to do it and
that's four-fifths of the challenge in this game.

Catwoman is divided into six locations. The first five locations are
subdivided into two "scenes" each. The final location has just one scene.
Each scene is further divided into checkpoints. Whenever you save your
game, it is saved as of the last checkpoint you reached.

The walkthrough is divided into the eleven scenes. Checkpoints are noted in
the descriptions, so you can see how far you have to go before you can
safely quit. I have attempted to include the location of every Bling
fragment in the game (the cat's eye jewels Catwoman collects for bonus
points). I may have missed one or two; but, I think I've got them all.

The game includes a "comic" that describes all Catwoman's moves and also
gives access to the purchased abilities (normally only available between
scenes) and a gallery of concept art. As you play the game, most of this
information will be unlocked.

Some of the gallery pages, as well as one of the purchased abilities, can
only be unlocked by entering a code you find while playing the game. If you
want to know the code, go to the end of this guide and look under the

Now, on with the show...

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| [2] CONTROLS |

Control in Catwoman is fairly complex. I recommend using a gamepad;
preferably one with dual analog sticks. I have a 13-button, two-stick plus
D-pad controller (Nyko AirFlo PC) and just about everything is used by the

The navigation controls cause Catwoman to move forward, left, right or
back. These movements are in relation to the current camera position, not
Catwoman herself. Thus, pressing forward causes Catwoman to move away from
the camera; back causes her to move toward the camera; left is toward the
left side of the screen and right is toward the right side of the screen.
If you're not experienced with this type of 3D, third-person perspective,
this can be confusing, especially when the camera angle changes suddenly.
When Catwoman is crawling on mesh, forward becomes up and back becomes

You have limited control of the camera in normal perspective and can pan it
only a short distance left or right. If you really want to look around, you
have to go into Hunt mode; then you can look in almost any direction (you
can't look straight down beneath your feet).

Since you can, and should, remap the controller configuration to suit your
playing style, I'll refer to keys/buttons by what they do rather than what
they are in the default configuration. My recommendation, with a two-stick
gamepad, is to map one stick to movement and the other stick to combat
moves. Map one main shoulder button to Crouch/Wall-climb and the other main
shoulder button to Jump. These are your four primary controls. Place Hunt
mode to a button that is easy to reach and hold. The other controls
(Domination mode, Pose and Taunt) can be set to anything left since they
are not used much during normal gameplay.

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| [3] GAMEPLAY |

The game is broken up into eleven scenes, divided among six locations:
Jewelry Store, Night Club, Hedare Factory, Hedare Mansion, Performance
Center and Hedare HQ. As you progress through each scene, you will reach
checkpoints. Whenever you continue your game, it will continue at the last
checkpoint you reached, if you saved your game after reaching that point.
You can also replay scenes by choosing an already completed scene when
continuing your game.

There are many different things Catwoman can do, some of which have to be
purchased as you play the game.

[3.1] Basic Combat
The combat controls are the same as the navigation controls: forward, back,
left and right. Pushing a combat control initiates an action in that
direction (forward is away from the camera, back is towards the camera,
left is to the left side of the screen, right is to the right side of the
screen). The combat action when Catwoman is standing, hanging on a wall or
jumping is to use the whip. The combat action when Catwoman is standing
very close to an enemy is a punch. The combat action when Catwoman is
crouching is a kick.

There are many times when you will need to use the whip even when not in
combat. Catwoman activates switches, pulls things off the wall, pulls Bling
fragments to herself and occasionally swings from her whip. All these
actions require using the combat controls. Many of the things that Catwoman
can grab with her whip will glow purple to indicate you can interact with

To activate a switch, push the combat control in the direction of the
object to whip it. To throw or pull something, push the combat control in
the direction of the object and then push the combat control in the
direction in which you want to throw or pull the object.

Catwoman can also dodge bullets. When a gunman takes aim at you, you will
see a purple tracking laser. When the tracking laser turns red, the gunman
has a lock on you and will shortly fire. Immediately jump, or, better,
crouch and roll (press Crouch, then Jump), to dodge the bullet. You can use
the tracking laser to find the gunman by following it back to its source.

[3.2] Swinging
Catwoman can swing from poles and from swing points on walls. All poles and
points that can be used will glow purple.

To swing from a pole, jump to the pole and Catwoman will catch and hang
from it. If the pole is too far away, you can use the whip to catch the
pole. To swing from the pole, press and hold the Crouch button. To release,
press Jump.

You can swing through a series of poles by holding Crouch and Jump;
however, doing this causes Catwoman to make a full revolution around each
pole. In order to ensure you get your Alley Cat bonuses (see below),
release the Jump button between each pole and press it again at the right
moment after Catwoman gets to the next pole (just as Catwoman is passing
under the bar). This will be even faster and will help you earn Alley Cat

You can also, while holding a pole, climb to the top of the pole and crouch
there. Just push Up on the navigational controls. You will do this most
often to collect a Bling fragment. You can drop from a pole by pushing Down
on the navigational controls. If you are hanging from a pole by your whip,
push Up to climb up and grasp the pole with your hands.

To swing from a swing point, climb the wall near the swing point and whip
towards it. Catwoman will grab the point with her whip and you can swing
back-and-forth by pushing Left-and-Right on the navigational controls. At
the height of your swing either press Jump to release your whip or whip
towards another swing point.

[3.3] Climbing
Catwoman can climb some walls and wire mesh. To climb a wall, press and
hold Crouch while running at the wall. You may not be able to climb all the
way to the top of the wall. Part of the puzzle of the game is determining
which walls you can climb and how far you can climb them. Also, Catwoman
cannot cling to walls forever. After a moment of hanging from a wall, she
will begin sliding down.

To climb a recess in a wall, climb up one side of the recess as far as you
can go, then jump to the other side of the recess. Catwoman will cling for
a moment, so quickly jump back to the other side. Continue in this manner
until you reach the top of the recess.

To climb wire mesh, simply jump onto the mesh (you do not need to press
Crouch). Catwoman can cling indefinitely to mesh and can crawl in any
direction. Simply move the navigation controls in the direction you wish to

To safely drop from either a wall or wire mesh, press Down on the
navigational controls and then press Jump.

[3.4] Health
Rather than a health bar, Catwoman has a Domination Bar filled with
diamonds. (Classy, eh?) Whenever you take damage, from a long fall or an
enemy hitting you, you lose diamonds from your Domination Bar (DB). To
refill your DB, you have to perform the moves described below and earn

[3.5] Wild Cat Move
Wild cat moves are earned in combat. Most scenes have a certain number of
WC moves as part of the scene objectives. The best ways of earning WC
bonuses are:
- Hitting an enemy with a thrown object (you throw with your whip)
- Knocking an enemy into an exit
- Hitting one enemy into one or more other enemies
- Disarming an enemy
- Knocking an enemy into breakable scenery
- Dropping an enemy off a ledge

[3.6] Scaredy Cat Move
If you beat on an enemy long enough, without knocking him or her into an
exit point, your foe will begin to glow yellow. This indicates he or she is
afraid of you. Hit them with a combat move while they cower in fear and
earn a scaredy cat bonus.

[3.7] Alley Cat Move
You earn alley cat bonuses by quickly completing sections of the obstacle
courses. For example, quickly swinging over several bars or quickly
ascending a wall and jumping to a platform can earn an AC bonus. If you
start a jump/swing sequence and you get the Alley Cat notice; but, you lose
the bonus (don't complete the sequence fast enough), go back to the point
where you got the notification and try again. Once you get an AC bonus for
a particular sequence, you cannot earn a bonus for that sequence again.

[3.8] Pussycat Move
In order to earn a pussycat bonus, you must successfully use the Pose and
Taunt moves on an enemy. If you use Pose or Taunt and your foe glows green,
push the combat control towards the enemy to earn the bonus. There's no
skill to this, you simply hit the button and hope it works.

Whenever you are about the earn any of the above bonuses, Catwoman will
display a glittering diamond trail as she moves. The type of bonus you are
about to earn will appear at the top center of your screen. Continue
successfully and the exact type of bonus and the score will show at the top
center of your screen.

[3.9] Earning Points
The primary goal in Catwoman (besides completing the story) is to earn
points. Earning points refills your Domination Bar. Earning points also
earns diamonds at the end of each scene. Diamonds can be used to purchase
the remaining abilities listed below. There are numerous ways to earn
- You earn points for each of the four "cat moves" listed above
- You earn points each time you strike an enemy
- You earn points for finding Midnight (Scene 3 and after)
- You lose points if you have to use any of the 9 lives Midnight provides
- You earn points for completing the Scene Objectives
- You earn points for collecting Bling fragments
- You earn points for kicking enemies into an exit point
- You earn points for kicking enemies into destructible scenery
- You earn points for your efficiency at hitting your enemies

[3.10] Disarming (100)
Catwoman can disarm enemies with her whip. Stand a few feet away from a foe
with weapon drawn and whip towards him or her. Catwoman will latch onto the
firearm. Then whip in a direction in which you wish to throw the weapon.
The ability to disarm enemies costs 100 diamonds and should be your first
purchase, as it is very useful.

[3.11] Neck Whip {250)
You can grab enemies with your whip and pull them towards you and then
throw them at other foes. This is a pretty cool trick. It's not
particularly helpful in any way, but once you've got Disarm, Pose and
Taunt, it's worth the little extra money it costs.

[3.12] Long Range Attacks (400)
This ability is supposed to give you longer range when launching your
attacks. I couldn't tell a difference, so it's probably a waste of

[3.13] Grapple Flip Kick (500)
I could never make this work. There's probably some trick to it I am
missing. It wouldn't have done much good anyway, as I had no problems
meeting my Wild Cat objectives just using normal kicks and punches.

[3.14] Domination Mode (600)
Once you purchase this ability, you can enter Domination Mode whenever your
Domination Bar is full. Domination Mode is a slow-motion mode and is pretty
much worthless. I only used it once, and turned it off pretty quickly. When
using Domination Mode, your Domination Bar is gradually depleted, so it is
very limited.

[3.15] Smell Fear (750)
You can use Hunt mode during combat to sniff out the weakest enemy: he or
she will glow with a yellow halo. Who cares? They're all pansies anyway,
plus you can't fight in Hunt mode so you set yourself up to get hit. Not
worth buying.

[3.16] Pose (850)
Using Pose causes Catwoman to make suggestive movements and comments to her
attackers. If it succeeds in tempting one or more, they will glow green and
you can attack them to fulfill the Pussycat objective of the scene. A must-
buy if you intend to score 100% in every scene.

[3.17] Taunt (850)
Taunt works the same way as Pose and is used for the same purpose (meeting
the Pussycat Move objective). Instead of being suggestive, Catwoman makes
insulting remarks to her attackers. If you're intent on meeting all scene
objectives, you will need to buy this as well as Pose in case one doesn't

[3.18] Advanced Cat Sense (1000)
In addition to costing 1000 diamonds, you can't purchase this one until you
have unlocked the vault (you can get the code from the SPOILER ALERT
section at the end of this guide). This ability allows Catwoman to see
enemies (and Midnight!) through walls while in Hunt mode. It's expensive
and not very useful; but, that describes just about all of Catwoman's
special abilities.

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In the following walkthrough, I will refer to directions such as left or
right, or forward or back. These directions all refer to the screen, not to
the Catwoman avatar. As the camera angle is relatively fixed, regardless of
how Catwoman is facing, this provides the most convenient method of giving

[4.1] Jewelry Store

Scene Objectives:
- 4 Wild Cat Moves
- 2 Scaredy Cat Moves
- 2 Alley Cat Moves
- 1 Pussycat Move

Bling Fragments: 5

After an extended cutscene, you begin on a balcony inside the jewelry
store. This scene, and the next, are basically the tutorial for the game.
You'll learn all your basic movements and how to control Catwoman. If this
is the first time you have played this scene, you will not be able to meet
the Pussycat objective, since you have not yet been able to purchase Pose
or Taunt.

During this scene you cannot use Hunt mode, and your whip is not useable
until you have reached the second checkpoint.

Begin by running along the balcony and kicking the thug through the glass.
After another cutscene, you'll be facing another thug. Kick him towards the
cabinet against the wall and he'll fall in and the doors will shut.

After another cutscene, they'll be another thug. His compatriot will be
upstairs shooting at you, so keep moving. Run past the fallen chandelier
and kick the thug towards the cabinet. He's too far away to go in, so wait
for him to get up and then kick him again.

You will then face another thug, but as you chase him down, there will be
another extended cutscene during which the police will arrive. After the
cutscene, grab the Bling and then hightail it to the back corner of the
shop. Kick the thug through the door and exit into the back room.

Climb the wall opposite the door to get up on the mesh. Crawl left on the
mesh, over the side wall and drop down into a small hall. Exit through the

In the courtyard, you will be accosted by two policemen. Your objective is
to kick them into the garbage containers. One of the dumpsters, once closed
on the cop, becomes your escape point.

This is the only extended combat in this scene. So, if you wish to meet
your Wild Cat, Scaredy Cat and Pussycat objectives, you will have to toy
with the cops for a while. Once you are finished with them, climb the large
dumpster and then climb the wall. Run along the ledge and climb the next
wall to a ledge with a lot of fans. The police will begin firing at you, so
keep moving.

If you want a Bling, drop down off this wall and then run along it into a
little alcove. Climb the wall at the back of the alcove and jump to the
right onto a ledge. Climb the wall along the back of the ledge and whip a
Bling to you.

Head back to the area where you dropped down to find a pole. Stand under
it, jump and whip up to grab the pole. Swing and jump over the fence back
into the courtyard where you fought the police. Head back up to the ledge
with all the fans.

Run into the recess at the end of the ledge and climb one wall as far as
you can. Jump to the opposite wall and continue jumping back and forth
until you reach the top. If you aren't interested in getting your Alley Cat
bonuses and getting more Bling fragments, then run to your left across some
wooden planks and skip the next two paragraphs.

After ascending the recess, run to your right and climb onto another ledge.
Run around to the end of the platform and jump to the glowing, purple
cable. Swing to the next cable and then drop down onto a small platform.
Jump to another platform close by for a Bling.

Jump back to the first platform and then jump to the pole on this lower
level. Swing to the next pole and then climb on top of it to collect a
Bling. Jump up and whip up to get to the upper cable. Swing over to the
balcony to collect another Bling and then jump across onto another ledge to
the right.

Find another recess along the wall and climb it. That will trigger another
cutscene and the end of Scene 1.

[4.2] Scrap Yard

Scene Objectives:
- 6 Wild Cat Moves
- 2 Scaredy Cat Moves
- 2 Alley Cat Moves
- 1 Pussycat Move

Bling Fragments: 11

At the start of this scene you will be introduced to Hunt mode. Hunt mode
is a first-person perspective that can be used whenever you're standing
still. (You can't use it when hanging on a wall or swinging from a pole.)
Hunt mode not only allows you to look all around you, it also allows you to
see special items.

Objects that glow white are either destructible scenery (great for earning
Wild Cat bonuses) or are exit points (also useful for earning extra
points). You can also usually get a hint of where to go next by finding
Midnight's trail--some glowing white paw prints that give off a distinctive
odor symbolized by green smoke rising from them.

Play around with Hunt mode for a bit; then, head for the dumpsters that
will allow you to climb to a ledge and then Crouch through the hole in the

Drop down into the next courtyard, and then find the wall with Midnight's
trail and climb it. Run across the small ledge and drop down into the next
courtyard. Head to the left and climb another dumpster and up to another
ledge and go through the gate in the fence.

Go to the end of the courtyard and climb the chain link fence. At the top
of the fence, crawl right until you're over a ledge and drop down. Go to
the end of the ledge and drop off into a very small courtyard--to avoid
taking any damage, jump to the fence and then drop down. Go into the recess
and ascend to the next ledge.

Continue by dropping down into another little courtyard and then climb the
wall until you reach the wire mesh. Crawl to the right and then jump off
while holding the Right navigational control. You'll jump across to another
fence. Crawl right some more and then jump right to a ledge. Climb the
fence on the ledge and whip up to collect a Bling. Back down on the ledge,
whip at the glowing purple trapdoor to open it. This opens a convenient
shortcut back to this ledge if you fall trying to make the next jump.

From the ledge, jump right to another ledge and whip open the trapdoor.
Drop back down into the courtyard and then climb the recess made available
when you opened the trapdoor. When you get to the wire mesh, climb up until
you reach the top of the ventilation ducts.

Jump to the wall near the whip point and then whip towards the point and
swing and whip to the next point and then to the next. Make sure you get a
good, high swing going between each point. After the third point, get
yourself swinging far enough to reach the mesh and then use Jump to release
the whip and cling to the mesh. Drop down to the ledge and crawl under the
ventilation duct.

Go down the stairs and then climb the wall and whip up to a swing point.
Get a good swing going and then release to the left and cling to the wall.
Whip up to collect a Bling and then whip back to the swing point. Now
release when you swing right and cling to the wall; then, jump across to
the wire mesh.

Crawl right along the mesh and then jump back to the wall and whip to the
swing point. Swing right and jump to cling to the wall. Drop down onto the
catwalk. Go to the end of the catwalk and kick the barrel down, then jump
across to another catwalk. Jump to a third catwalk and then jump over to a
large mesh on the wall.

Crawl to the bottom left corner of this mesh and whip a Bling to you. Then
crawl to the upper right corner and whip to the swing point. Swing and whip
to two more swing points and then swing to a mesh on the wall. Jump across
to a ledge and then climb another ledge.

Jump to the pole and swing across to collect a Bling, then drop down. Jump
onto the wooden platforms and jump up to the top. (Note, if you fall down
from the wooden platforms, go back around the corner and ascend the recess
below where you ended your swinging.)

From the top of the wooden platforms, jump to a pole, swing to another pole
and then swing to a small catwalk. Go to the right end of the catwalk and
whip a Bling to you. Drop down into the courtyard.

Climb the recess at the end of the courtyard. When you reach the small
ledge near the top, jump across to the taller wall and then jump up and
out, back to the small ledge and collect a Bling hanging in midair. Getting
the positioning of this jump is a bit trying, so only keep at it if you
insist on a perfect score.

Now walk down the hall, climb the wall next to the fence and then jump,
pressing Right on the navigational controls, to jump over the fence.
Proceed down the hallway.

Exiting from the hallway, you find yourself on a high ledge. Go to the end
of the ledge, climb the wall and whip right for a Bling. Drop back to the
ledge, jump to the nearby pole, swing to the next pole and then drop down
onto the wrecked car.

Drop down into the scrap yard. On the side of the wrecking machine is a
glowing purple panel. Whip it to open two doors in the side of the machine.
These will be exit points for a later battle, and it's easier to open them

Run to the opposite side of the yard, jump up on some crates and jump to
the pole. Climb up on the pole and then jump/whip up to another pole. Swing
to the next pole, climb up and jump to get a Bling. Swing to the next pole
and then to the top of some boxcars.

Drop down into the side yard, whip the control panel next to the conveyor
belt, climb the conveyor belt and jump from the compressed cars to the
ledge with all the crates. Go around to the left side of the ledge and jump
on the light pole. You'll pull it down, opening a new path.

Climb the conveyor belt and jump to the glowing purple pole. Jump up to the
pole over the catwalk, and then climb on top of it and jump to collect a
Bling. Drop off the pole and walk to the end of the catwalk.

Jump towards the pole, in mid-jump whip towards the pole to grab it. Swing
from the whip and jump to the next pole, using your whip in mid-jump to
grab it. Then swing to the boxcars in the other side yard.

From the boxcars, jump onto the top of the hanging car and whip to collect
a Bling. Jump down off the car and kick the nearby pile of barrels to knock
the car into a control panel that opens the gate back into the main yard.

Enter the main yard and knock the two guards into the exit points you
opened earlier. After they have been disposed of, another guard runs out.
Toy with him a bit and then run through the exit he opened.

Climb the brick wall as far as you can, then jump back-and-forth until you
reach the small ledge. Drop down onto the small ledge below the iron beam.

Climb the mesh on one side of the ledge and whip a Bling to you. Then whip
the control panel to release the beam and smash through the opposite wall.
Use the poles to swing across. Smash through the glass and drop down into
one of the courtyards where you started this scene.

You'll find yourself in the grasp of a policeman. Use the combat controls
to kick the cop in front of you and then head-butt the one holding you.
Once you have broken free, the two will run away.

Follow them through the door and then kick them into the dumpsters. There's
a group of bottles on the ground you can use to earn extra points by
throwing them at the cops. Once the two are gone, another will come in.
Take care of him and then run through the door he came through.

You will come under fire in this courtyard, so quickly run around to the
right, jump the police cars, run through the gate and down the alley to end
the scene.

[4.3] Parking Lot

Scene Objectives:
- 15 Wild Cat Moves
- 6 Scaredy Cat Moves
- 10 Alley Cat Moves
- 1 Pussycat Move

Bling Fragments: 10

You begin in a dirt lot and you have to fight off three security guards.
There are lumber scraps laying around that you can throw at the guards.
Once they are defeated, kick down the wood fence next to the guard shack.
Then, run over to the far end of the yard, climb a concrete column and whip
a Bling to you.

Climb to the roof of the guard shack and jump to the pole. Swing to the
third pole, climb on top of it and jump/whip up to the pole above you. For
a Bling, turn and swing right. Then swing back and land on the ledge.

Run around the ledge, jump over the gap and continue along the platform.
You will see a cutscene in which you are introduced to your "nine lives".
In every scene from now on, you have to find Midnight. Once you've found
him, you can die up to eight times and Midnight will revive you. If you die
nine times...well, it's reload time.

You've found Midnight for this scene, so climb the wood wall near where you
fell and jump to the pole. Turn and swing up to the ledge. Walk between the
buildings, climb the brick wall and use the pole to swing across to the
next wall.

Drop down into the courtyard. Continue going down until you are on the
lower landing with the Bling. Climb the wall back towards where you came
from, almost to the top, and jump out to catch the Bling. Now climb back up
to the upper landing, swing across the poles and smash through the window.

As you progress down the hall, the floor will collapse under you. In the
hall below, the same thing will happen; however, there's a Bling at the far
end. Examine the floor closely and you'll see the different texture that
indicates which part of the floor will collapse. Run onto that bit of
floor, jump and whip up to a bar running across the hall. Swing over to the
Bling, then drop down into the lower hall.

Crawl through the narrow space in this hall and jump down into the parking

After the cutscene, run down the ramp and over to the back corner of the
garage. Climb the wall next to the ledge and then jump onto the ledge.
Climb the wall along the back of the ledge and whip a Bling to you. Go to
the other end of the ledge and climb the wall along the back of the ledge.
When you can't climb any higher, jump off the wall while pushing Up on the
navigational controls to catch the pole.

Swing across the poles until you are on the mesh on the opposite wall.
Crawl left, whip to the swing point and get a good swing going. At the
highest left portion of your swing, press Jump to release the whip and
cling to the wall.

Immediately jump out while pressing Up on the navigational controls to
catch the pole. If it looks as if you will miss the pole, use your whip to
catch it. This is a difficult jump; don't be discouraged if you miss it a
few times. Swing across to the recess in the opposite wall.

Climb the recess. When you get to the ledge, jump back to the other wall to
pick up a Bling. Now run around the ledge and jump to the pole. You'll come
under fire and will be under fire for the most of the remainder of this
area, so keep moving.

Swing to the catwalk and follow it until it ends. Watch for sections of the
catwalk that get shot out. If you fall down, you have to go and repeat all
the preceding actions. From the end of the catwalk, jump to the pole and
swing to the third pole, climb on top of it, jump/whip up to the pole above
it and then swing to the catwalk.

On this catwalk, at the first concrete pillar, climb the wall and whip a
Bling to you. Continue on the catwalk, avoiding the holes that appear. When
you get to the end, use the poles to swing up to the highest catwalk level.
The gunfire stops at this point. (Good thing, too.)

Carefully jump over the large gap in this catwalk; at the end drop down
onto a lower catwalk. Go to the end, climb the wall and whip a Bling to
you. Then jump out from the wall and whip yourself to a pole. Climb to the
top of the pole and jump/whip up to another pole. Then swing across to the
roof of the parking garage.

Enter the room off to the side and take on the thugs. Try to knock one of
them into the concrete wall opposite the door you came in. If you get rid
of all the thugs and that wall hasn't been broken, kick it open. Follow
Armando down the hall.

In the next room, kick the thug into the wooden barricade and then through
the opening. Follow him down and then crawl through the small opening.

Continue down, crawling through the small openings until you come out on to
a landing with a fence and a bunch of high voltage generators. The path is
to crawl along the fence, but first drop down into the courtyard, defeat a
couple of guards and collect a Bling. Then climb back up to the landing and
climb on to the fence.

Crawl around to the left until you can drop down on a ledge. Go to the
other end of the ledge and swing across the poles to another landing. Climb
the wall on the other end of this landing and whip a Bling to you. Drop
down onto the landing and jump across to another landing to your right.

Use the pole to swing across to the fence and crawl to your left. Once you
are over the wall, drop down and turn the corner. Before dropping into the
alley, climb one of the walls and jump out to catch a Bling. Drop down into
the alley.

Follow the alley and climb the fence into the parking lot outside the night
club. There are four guards to deal with; the exit points are a dumpster
and a pickup truck on the left side and two chests on the right side.
You'll want to be sure you have finished up your Wild Cat and Scaredy Cat
objectives by this point.

After you've taken care of the guards, kick one of the LED panels next to
the door. This will open up some extra poles for you to use. Climb the wall
above the dumpster and jump to the pole. Swing across to the trailer and
climb onto the landing. Walk to the EXIT doors to end the scene.

[4.4] Scene 83

Scene Objectives:
- 25 Wild Cat Moves
- 8 Scaredy Cat Moves
- 3 Alley Cat Moves
- 1 Pussycat Move

Bling Fragments: 9

As you can tell from the Scene Objectives, there's a lot of fighting in
this scene. You'll also have your first boss fight with Armando at the end
of the scene.

Drop down from the landing and dispose of the two guards in the room. There
are three exit points: two chests to the right and the coat check window to
the left. There's plenty of trashable furniture in the room, so have fun!
After the first two are finished, a third rushes in. Take care of him and
then go through the door he conveniently left open.

Run through the room with all the red couches and into the bar. There are
four guards here, one packing heat. Kick them into the four chests or scare
them away. There's plenty of furniture to break and lots of bottles to
throw. After taking care of the guards, climb the wall behind the bar and
whip a Bling to yourself.

To the left of the bar is a wall with two pipes running along the middle.
Where the pipes go up to the ceiling, climb up the wall and jump to the
pole. Climb on top of the pole and jump for a Bling. Then swing to another
pole and then to a speaker grille (mesh). Whip down to collect a Bling.
Crawl around the speaker to the right, crawl down to the bottom of the mesh
and then jump to another pole. Swing to the platform and head through the

Cross the balcony and enter an office. In the corner is a wooden crate.
Kick it to destroy it and then open the panel behind it with your whip to
free Midnight. In the wall opposite the door is a glass case with a Bling.
Kick it or throw a bottle from the globe minibar (open the bar with your
whip) to free the Bling. Now whip the control panel on the desk to open a
door in the bar.

Walk out of the office. You can pass the red laser beams, they are just
there as a security device. Passing through them alerts a guard of your
presence, so as you go back over the balcony and through the hall, watch
out for him. Once you've taken care of the guard, you can drop down into
the bar and exit through the door you just opened.

Follow the service hall, crawling through a hole in the fence, until you
exit into a courtyard.

Head to the far end of the courtyard and climb the paneling inside the
scaffold and jump to the pole. Turn around and jump back to the top of the
paneling and whip to get a Bling. Jump back to the pole and swing across to
another pole and then a ledge. Run around the edge, either breaking or
jumping over the crates, and climb the wall at the end. Jump to another

You will come under fire during this part, so keep moving. Jump to the
pole, climb atop and jump up to get the Bling. Swing to the next pole and
repeat for another Bling. Finally, swing to the ledge and crawl through the
small opening.

From the ledge, leap over to the wood platform and climb the wall to get to
a Bling. Climb back up the ledge and go to the other end and leap off to
get another Bling. Now head into the large room and take on a lone gunman
who is soon joined by three other guards. Once those four are gone, three
more rush in. After disposing of them, head through the open doors. Follow
the hall until you get the cutscene where you knock Armando outside.

It is time for your first boss fight. The boss fights (there are four) are
a bit different. When not stunned, the boss characters can block your
normal attacks. So you have to run away and throw something at the boss,
using your whip. This will damage the boss and also stun him or her so you
can attack with some kicks or punches.

There are a few things laying around in this courtyard that you can throw.
If you can knock Armando into some of the breakable items (or he knocks you
into them) you can get even more things to throw. Just keep moving and
don't attack up close unless you see stars around his head. About halfway
through the fight some gunmen will come out on the roof and start shooting
at you. This makes the last half of the fight even more fun.

Once you defeat Armando, the scene is over.

[4.5] Factory Perimeter

Scene Objectives:
- 8 Wild Cat Moves
- 4 Scaredy Cat Moves
- 8 Alley Cat Moves
- 1 Pussycat Move

Bling Fragments: 16

Begin by walking around the boxcars and defeating the guard. The dumpster
is the exit point. Go to the back corner of that section of the yard and
climb the wall opposite the scaffold. Jump to a wood platform, jump to the
pole and then swing to the mesh panel.

Crawl left on the mesh, whip to the swing point and swing to the next
section of mesh. Crawl left until you reach the end of the mesh, then jump
to the boxcars you saw when you first entered. Go left, and jump back to
the next section of mesh.

Crawl left. When you reach the end of the mesh, crawl near the bottom of
the mesh (be careful not to let go of the mesh!) and then jump out to grab
the pole. Swing across to the last pole, then climb on top of it and jump
to collect a Bling. Swing to the ledge and release Midnight from the
glowing purple panel.

Jump down, walk between the two sets of boxcars and destroy the security
camera using your whip. Defeat the four guards who come out of the office.
The only exit point is one of the boxcars. After they are gone, use the
jump back-and-forth method to climb the boxcars. From the left boxcar, jump
to the mesh panel, whip to the swing point and swing across to the ledge.
Climb the wall and whip a Bling fragment to you.

On the ledge, in between two columns, is a guard. Defeat him, then use the
jump back-and-forth method to climb the columns (look for Midnight's trail
on one of the columns). Jump left to a small platform. Get behind the
vertical mesh panel (the side facing the building) and wait for the green
steam to stop blowing. Jump on the panel and climb to the top.

Wait for the green steam to stop then jump to the mesh panel on the
building. Crawl right and drop down onto the ventilation ducts. Go to the
right to a platform. Wait for the green steam to stop and jump up to the
wire mesh and climb up. As you climb, a guard will break out a window on
your left and start shooting. Crawl near him and use your whip to pull him
out of the window.

Continue up the mesh and use the swing point to get to the next section of
mesh. A guard will now break out a window above you. Crawl up near him and
pull him out with your whip. Crawl left and use the swing point to get to
the next mesh panel.

Crawl up and then right. Use the swing point to get to the next section of
mesh. Crawl right, then jump up and out to get to the platform. Walk to the
end of the platform and jump to the pole. Drop down to the lower pole and
then drop to the lower platform. Defeat the guard, then climb the wall near
the mesh column and whip a Bling to you. Go to the other end of the
platform and do the same. Now crawl up the mesh column to get back to the
first platform.

Use the poles to swing across to a mesh column. Climb as high as you can,
then jump across to another mesh column. Repeat until you get to a small
platform. Jump on to the vertical mesh panel and crawl left. Jump across to
a mesh panel on the building and then whip to the swing point to the left.
Get a good swing going (you should pick up a Bling while swinging) and whip
to the next swing point. Swing to the small platform and then jump across
to the top of a ventilation duct.

Go left and drop down on the platform. A guard will break out a window
above you. You have to climb on the wall in order to whip him out of the
window. Once that is done, climb the wall next to the window and whip to
the swing point. Swing over to the L-shaped mesh panel and crawl left and

Jump down on some ventilations ducts and then drop down to a small platform
with a Bling. Whip the Bling to you, then crawl under the ducts back to the
larger platform and repeat the steps needed to get to the L-shaped mesh
panel on the wall. Grab the pole with your whip and press Jump to release
from the mesh. Swing along the poles to another mesh panel. Climb to the
top and jump to a ventilation duct.

Climb the wall and whip to the swing point. Swing to the left to a mesh
panel. Crawl left and whip to the swing point. Swing to a mesh panel. Crawl
up, wait for the steam to stop and crawl over the top to a ledge.

Walk along the platform until you get to a security door. Defeat the guard
that comes out of the door and destroy the camera. Climb the wall to the
left of the door and jump to a ventilation duct. When you get to the recess
with the Bling, use the jump back-and-forth technique to ascend the recess
and collect the Bling.

Drop down onto the lower duct, then go left on the slightly lower duct and
use your whip to collect a Bling. Head right and climb the ducts until you
reach a balcony.

Save your game. Collecting the next Bling can be a bit tricky. Use Hunt
mode to locate the Bling along the balcony to the left. There's a wall
keeping you from walking directly to it, but there is a door that has
fallen and is partially hanging off the balcony. You have to position
yourself just right to jump to that door.

The poor choice of camera angle doesn't help. If you fall, you should land
near the security door so there's not much retracing of steps. If you do
fall all the way down, just reload rather than climb all the way back up.
Or, just ignore this Bling altogether if you just want to complete the game
and are not worried about getting a perfect score.

Back on the main balcony, go through the open doors. Follow the hallway
until you have to drop down into another hallway.

Continue along this hall until you reach a large room. Defeat the security
guards in here and destroy the security cameras. The exit points for this
room are behind panels on the walls. Find the glowing purple panels and
pull them open with your whip so you can kick the guards out of the room.

Find the control panel with three lights: red, yellow and green. Kick it to
cause a large canister to dock with the central machine. Go to the opposite
wall and kick the small control panel three times to move another large
canister out to the center of the room.

Find the door you came in and climb the wall next to it and whip a Bling to
you. Then head for the opposite corner of the room and climb the brick wall
that is next to a mesh column. Jump to the top of the column, then jump
back to the wall and whip a Bling to you.

Jump back to the column and use the pole to swing across to a catwalk. Jump
to the top of one of the canisters you moved and then to the pole and swing
across to a mesh panel. Crawl left on the mesh and drop onto a catwalk.

Go to the end of the catwalk and kick the barrel to move another large
canister out into the center of the room. Swing over to the pole over the
canister and drop onto it. Use the pole to the left to swing to a mesh
panel on the wall.

Crawl right and use the swing point to get to another mesh panel. Jump to
the pole and swing to another canister. Swing over to a mesh panel on the
wall, crawl right and drop onto a catwalk. Hit the control panel with your
whip to open the exit from this room. Swing across to the catwalk and exit
the room.

In the next room, drop down to the center and go through the hall to emerge
on the roof of the factory. Defeat the guards and destroy the security
cameras. Find the two large canisters at the opposite end of the roof from
the glass ceiling. Whip the control panels nearby to move the canisters
towards each other, wait for each canister to finish moving and then whip
the control panels again to destroy them.

To the left of the canisters, find the security door in a recess. Climb the
wall to the left of the door and jump to the catwalk. Jump back to the top
of the wall and whip the Bling to you. Run around the walk and jump to the
first canister. Jump to the back wall and whip a Bling to you. Drop down
and go back and climb to the catwalk again and then jump all the way across
the canisters to another catwalk.

Run around the walk, climb the wall and jump to another catwalk. Jump back
on the wall and whip the Bling to collect it. Drop back to the catwalk, run
around, jump to the pole, swing to the platform, jump to the pole and swing
to the next catwalk. Run around the walk, crouch to crawl under the steam
vents, climb the wall and jump to a catwalk. Jump back to the wall, whip
the Bling and jump back to the catwalk.

Run around this walk, jump to the pole and swing to the platform. Jump on
the wall and whip the Bling. Jump to the next pole and swing to the next
catwalk. Wait for the bottom steam vent to stop, then crawl forward past
the vents. Continue along the catwalk until you get the cutscene where it
collapses under you. If at any time during the following exercise you fall
down, climb the collapsed ramp to return to the starting point.

You find yourself next to a steam valve. Use your whip to turn it. Three
poles will come out of the pipe near you. Jump to the first one, climb on
top of it, jump and whip up to the next one and repeat to get to the top
pole. Jump to the platform to the left and whip the valve.

Jump back to the pole, and drop down to the lowest pole. Swing across to
the new pole to the right and jump to the platform. Whip the valve. Repeat
the pole-climbing sequence on this side and whip the final valve at the top

The boiler will fall through the glass ceiling and the scene will end.

[4.6] Hedare Factory

Scene Objectives:
- 6 Wild Cat Moves
- 2 Scaredy Cat Moves
- 4 Alley Cat Moves
- 1 Pussycat Move

Bling Fragments: 11

Whip the panel out and crawl through the hole. Go into the control room to
the left and use Hunt mode to view footsteps on the floor that describe the
sequence in which you must activate the control panels. You may encounter a
guard here.

First whip the panel closest to the door, then whip the desk panel that is
furthest from the door. Then whip the other desk panel, and, last, the
large panel on the far side of the room. Carts full of boxes will begin
moving along the track in the main room.

Return to the main room and wait for a cart to get close and then jump from
cart to cart to the far side of the room. If you fall off a cart, you can
climb back up to the first ledge. There are two Bling fragments that can be
picked up while you're jumping across. On the far side of the room, whip
the panel to open the door.

Go through the hall and whip the control panel to open the door. In this
next room, security lasers cross the room. You can pass through them; but,
each time you do a guard runs into the room. You can also turn out the
lights, which restricts the guards' ability to see, by hitting the control
panel next to the first set of laser beams. If you want to play with the
guards for a while, you can do so; otherwise, jump over or crawl under the
lasers to the far side of the room.

There's a drum full of canisters on the right side of the room, and a
security door with a control panel next to it nearby. Grab one of the
canisters with your whip and throw it at the control panel. The lasers will
turn off and a door will open at the other end of the room.

Go through the door into the side room and whip the control panel to move a
crane around behind the truck. Jump onto the truck, jump to the pole, swing
to the muffler held by the crane and swing to the platform. Whip the
control panel and then go back in the main room.

On the wall where you came in, you will find the panel that hides Midnight.
Free him and head to the other end of the room. Climb the wall next to the
drum full of canisters and jump to the catwalk. Jump to the platform and
whip the control panel. Walk out on the cart of boxes, climb the wall and
jump to another platform.

Climb the wall on the back side of the platform. Whip left to collect a
Bling. Whip right to a swing point, swing to the next point and then swing
to a platform.

Now comes the fun part. From the top of the boxes, jump to one of the
moving canisters. Ride it around the track, whipping the Bling fragments to
you as you pass. When you come up to the other track, jump across to one of
the other canisters. Now you have to quickly jump from canister to canister
to get to the other side. There are two more Bling you can collect here if
you have the dexterity to whip them in between jumps. If you fall, you have
to go back and climb all the way back up.

When you finally do make it across, whip the control panel to open the
door, go through the hall and whip the next panel to open the next door.

The next room is full of green laser beams. The green lasers can hurt you
and you can't pass through them. First, climb the fence and crawl over the
opening to collect a Bling. Drop down, jump over the first laser, crawl
under the next two, jump over the next one, turn left, jump over the laser
and whip the panel to open the door.

Proceed through the hall, whip the panel and go through the door.

You are now in a control room above a warehouse floor. The two control
panels on the wall control a crane. The panel on the right moves the crane
around the track, the panel on the left rotates the arm of the crane. You
will use the crane to jump across the gaps in the next room.

Whip the right panel once and the left panel twice to position the crane
for the first jump. Jump down out of the control room and go to the next
platform. Right at the edge where you climb up on the platform, climb the
steel wall beam and jump up and out to collect a Bling.

Now position yourself directly across from the crane and jump and whip to
grab the crane arm. Swing across to the next platform and whip open the
trapdoor. Jump down and go back and climb into the control room. Whip the
right panel once and the left panel twice to move the crane into position
for the next jump.

Drop back down into the room, jump over the laser beams and jump over the
other laser beams to get in between the two far platforms. Climb the left
platform through the trapdoor you opened earlier. Climb the steel beam near
the edge of the platform and jump up and out to collect a Bling. Now use
the crane to swing across to the other platform.

If you don't want the last Bling fragment in this room, skip this
paragraph. Open the trapdoor on the platform. Go back to the control room.
Whip right control once, left twice and go back to the last platform. Use
the crane to swing up to the roof of the control room and collect the

Leave by the doors on the last platform. Climb the wall to the left of the
green lasers and use the swing points to get across. Whip the panel to open
the door and exit to end the scene.

[4.7] Mansion Grounds

Scene Objectives:
- 20 Wild Cat Moves
- 6 Scaredy Cat Moves
- 6 Alley Cat Moves
- 1 Pussycat Move

Bling Fragments: 13

The action switches to the Hedare mansion, which is nice because we finally
get a bit of color in the background. Run straight ahead to the main door
to the gymnasium (the big, white building to the right). Climb the wall
above the door, jump up and out and whip to the pole. Swing from your whip,
jump-and-whip to the next pole and then swing into the garden (you'll pick
up the Bling on the way).

Defeat the guard; and, if you do not knock him into the glowing electrical
box during combat, kick the box after he's gone. The panel hiding Midnight
is along the bottom of the wall next to the large chest.

Whip open the gate and deal with the guard outside. The exit points are two
large chests over by the SUV parked beside the gym. Lead him over there and
kick him into a chest. Jump on the SUV and then on top of the trellis. Run
to the end to get a Bling. Jump down and deal with the guard who came in
response to the SUV alarm.

After he's gone, kick the electrical box on the garden wall opposite the
SUV. This will open the side doors into the gym, so head over there and go

You've got four guards to fight and a big gymnasium in which to fight them.
Have fun! After they are defeated, a fifth guard comes out a stairwell,
conveniently leaving the door open. Dispose of him and head up the stairs.

Run all the way around the balcony and kick around two guards. Try to kick
them into the glass windows, since you need to destroy them anyway and it's
worth extra points. After they run away, kick the panel on the back wall
three times to lower the scoreboard.

Go back out to the landing and climb up on the boxes near the rail. Jump
straight up to grab the pole and swing to the scoreboard. Crawl right to
the center of the scoreboard and then climb on top of it. Jump up and grab
the pole and swing to the large Hedare banner. You can cling to the banner
like mesh.

Crawl right along the banner and then jump to the right to land on a
balcony. Use the poles to swing across to another balcony. In the center of
the landing, climb the wall and whip left and right for Bling fragments.
Continue on to the open door.

Exit onto a porch, jump and whip to the pole and swing from the whip to
jump into the enclosure. Throw tools from the toolbox into the generators
until the main gate opens. Exit the enclosure and head through the gate.
Climb the wall of the brick shed to the right and drop down through the
open skylight.

Run around or climb over the boxes and go into the next room of the shed.
Climb the boxes and whip two Bling fragments into your collection. Drop
down, leave the shed and go through the gate in front of you.

Kick the two guards into the dumpster to open the next gate. Ignore the
gate for now and run around the corner. Climb the brick wall right next to
a park bench and jump out to collect a Bling. Then head through the gate.

Just inside the gate are two Bling fragments, one to each side. Climb the
nearest wall and jump out to collect them. Deal with the guard, and when he
runs away the next gate will open. Before going through, go up on the main
porch and climb the wall to the right of the front door and whip a Bling to

Run through the gate, down the stairs and kick the two guards into the
dumpster (or scare them away). Go through the next gate and deal with two
guards. The exit point here is one of the small windows at ground level.

Run to the end of the garden, climb the brick column and jump out to get a
Bling. Climb the wall to the left of where you got the Bling and jump to
the left to get to the upper garden. Run to the end of the garden and deal
with the guard (the exit point is a window), then climb the wall marked by
Midnight's trail and jump left to get on to the roof.

Climb up to the balcony and disarm the guard before kicking him off the
roof. Jump over the rail to the long roof and walk to the end to collect
two Bling fragments using your whip. Go back to the balcony and use the
poles to swing over to another balcony to end the scene.

[4.8] Mansion Interior

Scene Objectives:
- 15 Wild Cat Moves
- 4 Scaredy Cat Moves
- 5 Alley Cat Moves
- 1 Pussycat Move

Bling Fragments: 10

You begin in a bedroom, and the doors close on you. Use an item off the
shelf, or open the globe minibar and use a bottle to break the security
camera next to the door. The door will open and a guard will enter. Kick
him into the chest and a door on the landing will open.

Exit the room, turn left and walk up close to the green lasers. Whip
through them to collect the Bling. Go through the open doors opposite and
whip the window to the left to free Midnight.

Go down the hall and open the globe minibar. Throw a bottle at the security
camera to open the door into the library. Enter the library and find the
bookcase with the glowing, purple feet. Whip the feet (three of them) out
and the bookcase will fall creating a domino effect that ends with the
breaking of a glass door.

Crawl through the hole in the door, collect the Bling and then whip the
glowing, purple book. A secret door will open in the library and two guards
will rush in. Crawl back into the library and deal with the guards.

Go back through the hole, whip the book again and then hurry through the
open door. Collect the Bling, kick over the table with the statue on it and
crawl through the table to avoid the lasers.

Open the globe minibar and throw bottles at the two security cameras and
the electrical box on the opposite wall. The lasers will start flashing on-
and-off, so hurry through when they turn off.

Go through the door and down the stairs. Kick the electrical box to cause
the lasers to start flashing. Go back up the same stairs and whip the
control panel to open the opposite door. If you go back down the stairs,
the door will close; so, instead, jump to the mesh panel on the wall.

Crawl left to the end of the panel, wait for the lasers to turn off and
jump across to the film screen. Crawl right along the screen, wait for the
lasers to go out and jump to the next mesh panel. Crawl left, wait for the
lasers, jump to the landing and go through the door (when the lasers turn

Open the globe minibar in the hall and throw a bottle at the security
camera. Go through the door into a bedroom. After the gas is released, run
up the stairs, kick the curio cabinet to break it open and throw one of the
objects d'art through the window opposite. Go through the window and drop
down into a koi pond.

Go to the far end of the pond and locate the electrical box. Grab a stone
from the fountain and throw it at the electrical box. A path will open
above you, and the water will also be electrified. (Burnt koi! Yummmmm...)

Jump across the small platforms to the landing. Whip through the small gate
to get a Bling. Crawl up the wall under the window you jumped out of and
jump to the pole. Swing across to the trellis and crawl right. Whip the
planters out of your way.

Jump out to the pole and swing to another trellis. Crawl around to the left
and jump to another pole. Swing across the poles, stopping to pick up a
Bling along the way, to another trellis. Crawl around to the left, jump to
the pole, swing to another trellis.

Crawl to the left, whipping planters out of the way. Make sure you are not
under them when you whip them or they'll take you down with them. At the
end of the trellis, jump to the center trellis and crawl around to the
right. Jump to the pole and swing across to the glass ceiling.

After the cutscene, kick the guards out the window and enter the next room,
which has lots of crystal art sitting on glowing, purple pedestals.

Walk over to the glass door and whip through it to collect a Bling. Now go
around the room whipping every pedestal to turn it. Once turned, it will no
longer glow purple. Make sure every pedestal has been turned, then kick the
electrical box. Watch the lasers blow everything up, including the door to
the next area. Exit into the main entryway of the mansion.

You now have to face three waves of five or six guards each. There's
nothing really to tell you except try to disarm the guards with guns as
quickly as possible.

After the final wave, head up to the balcony and jump down near the front
door to collect a Bling. Go back up to the balcony, position yourself
opposite the chandelier with the Bling underneath and jump out and whip to
hang from the chandelier and collect the Bling. Now head through the open
doors on the balcony.

It's time for your first fight with Laurel Hedare. She's a pushover right
now. Four hits with a thrown object will take her down. Kick open the curio
cabinet to get more things to throw at her. The scene ends after your

[4.9] Derelict Building

Scene Objectives:
- 8 Alley Cat Moves

Bling Fragments: 15

As you might guess from the scene objectives, there's not much in this
scene but running, jumping and swinging. In fact, it's a little hard to
describe this area, as it is kind of chaotic.

It begins peacefully enough, in the shell of an abandoned building. Climb
the stairs opposite your starting point, run out on the platform and jump
to the pole. Turn around and swing up to another pole and swing to the
platform. Go left and free Midnight from his panel behind the crate. Jump
back on the pole and swing up to a higher pole. Climb on top of the pole
and jump to the platform. Go up the stairs and climb the small wall in
front of you.

Oh goody! Laurel has hired snipers to kill you! You'll spend most of the
remainder of this scene under fire and you have to keep moving or you're
going to get shot. As if that were not enough, you can't use Hunt mode
while under fire; so, basically, you're running blind.

When you start this scene, you hear Catwoman say "The rooftop's my natural
path." That holds true in this scene. The idea is to stay on the top path.
That's the shortest path and the one containing all the Bling fragments; it
is also the hardest path. You start on the top, so at least you're getting
off on the right foot.

Staying on top is a different matter. Platforms will get shot out from
under you. There are long jumps to make. All while under fire. I'll
describe, as best as possible, the top path. If you do fall, keep moving
forward until you get to a place where you can climb back up. At that
point, if you want to collect any Bling fragments, you can run backwards
over the top path to get them.

Start by jumping from this ledge to the wood platform below. You'll be
momentarily motionless because it's a long drop, but keep pressing Jump and
jump and run to the right as soon as you can move. Keep moving, jumping
over the next gap to collect a Bling.

Run through the door and jump to the platform. Note the dark color of the
wood? That means it's about to be shot out from under you. Jump again to
get to the next ledge. Run through the door for a little peace and quiet.

Do not drop down--the lower portion of this room is where you enter if you
fell previously. Go out through the other door that is on this upper part
of the room, drop down and climb the fence opposite.

You're under fire again. Run through the door, through a small hall and out
onto a ledge.

You have a long row of scaffolding to cross. There are two Bling fragments
on the upper path; but, they are very difficult to get. The floor will be
getting shot out from under you as you run toward them, so you have to time
it just right.

If you fall down, you may find your way up blocked at the end of the
scaffolding. Just find the nearby recess in the wall and use that to get
back up to the next ledge.

Run through the door, out onto another scaffolding. Run along, collecting
another Bling and turn the corner. Run to the end, where there is another
Bling, and jump to the pole. If you fall, when you get to the lower poles,
use your whip to get back up to the upper poles. Swing from your whip on
the top pole to catch the Bling.

Swing across the poles to the next scaffold and get another Bling. Turn the
corner and run along until you get to the hole in the wall, collecting
another Bling in the process. If you fall, there's a fence to climb at the
end of the scaffolding.

Run through the room and out on to another scaffold. Run along the
scaffold, collecting two more Bling fragments, until you get inside a room.
Don't drop down--if you fell earlier, you'll come in at the bottom and have
to climb up. Go through the other door, drop down and climb the fence.

This next part is a little tricky. Drop down until you get to the wire
catwalk. The glass room below looks inviting, but the roof will fall in
when you jump to it. Besides, there are two Bling fragments to collect. Go
ahead and jump to the roof of the room below, let yourself fall in and head
back the way you came.

Go up the ramp and jump back to the platform, picking up a Bling. Climb the
wall to the left and jump back to the ledge next to the glass room, getting
the other Bling Run around the room and find the ramp. Go up the first ramp
and about halfway up the second ramp. Jump over the side to the vertical
mesh panel and climb to the top.

Jump to the glass roof and keep jumping to keep ahead of it falling from
under you. At the end there is a Bling, catch it while jumping to a small
platform. Immediately jump to the next platform and keep jumping (they fall
out from under you). There's another Bling when you reach the wall at the
end of the platforms.

Drop down from the wall, drop down to the ledge to the right and jump the
gap to collect the Bling. Continue to the right, drop down to a ledge and
drop down to a ramp and go down it to collect another Bling. Now go back up
the ramp, turn and jump to the ledge, climb the wall, jump the gap and
climb the wall to get back to where you first came down from the wall.
NOTE: If you fall before or on the small platforms, you will come up this
ramp and collect these Bling fragments as you come.

Now continue to the right, climbing to a ledge, jumping to a catwalk and
then climbing to another ledge. Thus ends the most infuriating scene in the
game (in my opinion, of course).

[4.10] Performance Center

Scene Objectives:
- 25 Wild Cat Moves
- 8 Scaredy Cat Moves
- 4 Alley Cat Moves
- 1 Pussycat Move

Bling Fragments: 10

This is a short scene with only one area and a boss fight; but, it is kind
of complicated.

Whip the fan next to you to turn it on. Climb the tall scene board next to
it and jump to a pole. Turn around and swing to a ledge and whip the panel
to free Midnight. Jump back to the pole and swing out to collect a Bling.

Go to the center of the room and whip another fan to turn it on. Before the
guards get to you, climb the scene board, jump to the pole and swing to a
Bling. Then have fun destroying all the stage props with the guards. There
are some large fish and dragon heads behind the scenery on the far side of
the room. They make fun exit points for the guards.

Once a guard comes out of the small, fenced-in enclosure in the corner,
defeat him and whip the control panel on the wall inside the enclosure.
Climb the wall next to the control panel and jump left to the elevator
platform that just lowered. From the platform, jump to the back wall and
whip a Bling to you. Jump back to the elevator platform.

Swing across the poles to a catwalk. Run around the catwalk, jumping the
gaps and defeating the guard that runs out, until you get to the next
corner. Whip open the trapdoor to make a shortcut for getting back to this
area quickly if you fall. Go ahead and drop down it now to collect the
Bling, then climb back up.

Swing across the poles to a small catwalk, whip the Bling to you and whip
the control panel. Swing back to the catwalk with the trapdoor and jump to
the center catwalk. Jump to the pole and swing to the lighting platform. Go
right and jump to the mesh panel. Crawl left, whip up for a Bling and jump
across to another mesh panel.

Crawl right, whip to the swing point and swing to the next panel. Crawl
right and jump across to another panel. Crawl left and jump to the lighting
platform. You have to take the circuitous route around the platform: turn
the corner, jump the gap, use the pole to get across the next gap, jump the
next two gaps and then use the pole to swing to the center catwalk on the

Defeat the guard, go left, jump the gap, whip the control panel, step on
the elevator platform and whip the control panel again. Defeat the guard,
then go left, climb the wall and jump out to get a Bling. Go back right,
climb the recess to the platform, whip the control panel, jump to the high
mesh wall and whip up to collect a Bling.

Drop back down and jump out to the pole from the center catwalk and swing
to the light platform. Walk around the platform, use the poles to swing
across the gap, turn the corner, jump to the mesh panel, crawl left and
whip up for a Bling.

Jump across to the mesh panel, crawl right and jump across to another
panel. Crawl left and drop down on the platform. Go around the corner and
use the poles to swing across. Go around the corner and use the pole to
swing to the center catwalk on the wall.

Defeat the two guards, go left, jump out to the wall and climb up, then
jump back to the catwalk to collect the Bling. Head to the right side of
the catwalk and go through the doors marked "Exit".

After the cutscene, run down the hall until you get to your third boss
fight, against Tom Lone. Whip the glowing panels on the sides of the
lighting platform to cause some light kits to fall. Use the lights to
thwack Lone. When he gets to 50% health, he'll hit a button that causes
lights to randomly crash down on the platform, so keep moving.

[4.11] Hedare HQ

Scene Objectives:
- 15 Wild Cat Moves
- 4 Scaredy Cat Moves
- 8 Alley Cat Moves
- 1 Pussycat Move

Bling Fragments: 10

You begin by facing three waves of models (yes, models). First three, then
four, then five. Some of them are armed; try to disarm them quickly. The
exit points are the elevator shafts. Send them screaming to their doom--
there's no cutscene of them sitting up and shaking their heads at the

After the third wave, climb the wall next to the door the models used to
enter and whip the Bling to you. On the opposite wall, climb on top of the
main entrance for another Bling. Then head for the wall where the glass was
broken for you and climb it. Jump to the platform, then jump back to the
wall for the Bling.

Jump back to the platform and swing across the poles to a mesh panel. Crawl
up and right and jump to the balcony. Defeat the two models and walk around
the balcony. Climb the wall, jump to the pole and swing to the platform.
Make sure you stand on the slightly protruding edge of the platform and
jump to the pole.

Swing across to another small platform and jump across to the balcony.
Defeat the two models and walk around the balcony. Next to the elevator
shaft, kick out the glass panels and jump to the pole. Swing across to a
mesh panel and crawl left. Jump to the pole, swing to the balcony and
defeat the models.

Go right, jump to the Hedare logo panel, jump across to the other panel and
then jump to the pole. Swing to the mesh panel and crawl left. Jump to
another panel, crawl left, jump to another panel, crawl left, jump to a
pole and swing to the balcony.

Defeat the model. Climb the wall to the right of the door and jump out to
get the Bling. Walk to the left end of the balcony, destroy the scenery and
free Midnight. Jump to the Hedare banner over Midnight's prison and whip
left for a Bling. Go through the elevator doors.

After the cutscene, run around the room you're in until the snipers shoot
down one of the large blocks that prevent you from reaching the glowing
purple hook. There are Bling fragments on the wall to either side of the
catwalk. Climb the walls and whip up to collect them.

There's another Bling on the wall to the right of the large billboard.
Climb the concrete column and whip it to you. Once one of the blocks falls,
climb the wall where it was located and whip the hook to release the
catwalk and break the billboard. Run into the hallway and through the door.

Stand between the two turbines and jump first to one and then to the other
until you reach the mesh on the turbine that is next to the dropped
billboard. Crawl around the mesh and drop down the other side of the
billboard; head through the door.

Laurel Hedare keeps popping out and shooting at you, and she's a pretty
good aim. Break the boxes on the wall opposite where you entered and find a
control panel. Whip it to shut out the light and prevent Laurel from
getting a lock on you.

Run around and wait until she shoots down a banner of herself, then climb
it, jump to the pole and swing across to a ledge. Jump to the other set of
poles and swing across, pausing to collect two Bling fragments on the way.

On the next ledge, break the piles of boxes to reveal a toolbox. Grab a
tool with your whip and throw it at the fan on the left. Crawl through
while the fan is stopped. Drop down to the lower level.

Jump on the mesh on the first turbine, crawl around, jump to the next
turbine and repeat until you reach the other side of the gap. Climb the
wall and go through the door.

This is it! The final fight against Laurel Hedare. Kick apart the cosmetic
cases to get things to throw at her. When she reaches 50% health, the fight
will move outside, and a circling helicopter will be shooting at you.

Whip the control panels on the wall to bring things crashing down and keep
moving while breaking stuff to find things to throw at Laurel. This part is
fun because Laurel's hair keeps changing color! Watch it, it's pretty

And thus ends the tale of the Catwoman...

| |
| [5] CREDITS |

Written by and (c)2004 Barry Scott Will

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
License. To view a copy of this license, visit
or send a letter to
Creative Commons
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, California 94305, USA


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