Goblins 3

Goblins 3

15.10.2013 23:16:24

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Item List
4. Passwords
5. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 26th Aug, 2004 (First version)


1. Introduction


Gobliiins is a strange blend of genres that includes point and click adventure
with more traditional puzzle-style gameplay. The basic plot of the game is that
the goblin King Angoulafre has turned crazy, and only the wizard Niak can make
a potion that may cure the king. Three characters are chosen to go out on a
quest to search for the wizard: Asgard, Ignatius and Oups. Three goblins who
have never so much as set foot outside the kingdom before, but have heard many
frightening stories of some of the monsters and enemies in the world outside.

Each of the three characters has completely different abilities, and it is only
by combining all of these abilities together that players can progress. Asgard
for example can only punch things, Ignatius can only cast spells, while Oups is
able to pick up one object at a time to use. There are 22 levels in total, and
each is filled with so many red herrings, multiple paths to take and things to
do that they really become mini-adventure games in their own way. Overall, this
is a superb game from a time when Sierra were really at their best.


2. Walkthrough


A = Asgard the warrior
I = Ignatius the wizard
O = Oups the technician


A: Hit the right side of the arch and the wobbly horn will fall down.
O: Get the horn and use it to make a stick fall down from the tree.
I: Cast a spell on the stick and it will turn into a pickaxe.
O: Get the pickaxe and exit the area.


I: Cast a spell on the second and fourth apples to make them grow.
A: Hit the two big apples and they will both fall.
O: Get the two big apples and put them in the gap in the bridge. Get the
pickaxe and use it with the diamond in the rock. Get the diamond.


O: Use the diamond with the door of the house to complete this simple level.


O: Get the left yellow pot and use it with the right plant to stop it from
attacking anyone that walks near it.
I: Cast a spell on the left plant and it will grow.
A: Climb up the left plant and hit the book at the right side of the desk.
O: Get the diamond, climb up the book and give the diamond to the wizard.


I: Cast a spell on the small pole in front of the right hand of the statue.
A: Climb up the pole and hit the right eye of the statue.
O: Stand on the tongue of the statue.
I: Cast a spell on the sign above the coffin to make the skeleton appear.
Quickly walk down to the tongue of the statue and stand on it.
A: Hit the eye of the statue to raise the tongue with Ignatius and Oups on it.
When the skeleton has passed back under the tongue, hit the eye again.
O: Get the mushroom at the right side of the level.


A: Climb up the rope in the middle of the area. Climb on the far left white
rope to pull the spider up from between the bridges.
O: Walk over the bridge and get the pistol. Use it under the big red spider and
the small spider on top of the pillow. Get the pillow and drop it under the
spider in the middle of the area.
I: Cast a spell on the spider in the middle of the area.
O: Get the bottle on top of the pillow.


A: Stand near the left side of the scarecrow.
I: Cast a spell on the bag of seeds to make them float onto the tree branch.
O: Get the bag of seeds from the tree branch. Use the bag of seeds on the patch
of mud in front of the scarecrow, which will make birds appear.
A: As soon as the birds appear, quickly hit the scarecrow to scare them away.
I: Cast a spell on the right cloud above the scarecrow to make a plant grow.
O: Get the plant and walk to the wizard who appears on the tree stump.


I: Cast a spell on the skeleton and it will drop a bone. Cast a spell on the
bone and it will turn into a flute.
O: Get the flute and play it near the snake to make the snake grow tall. Climb
up the small ladder and stand on the bottom-right board.
A: Climb up the snake and hit the rock above the mug. The rock will land on the
board and Oups will be launched up to the high path.
I: Stand on the bottom-right board.
A: Hit the rock above the mug. The rock will land on the board and Ignatius
will be launched up to the high path.


O: Walk around the outside of the area and get the meat at the top-left corner.
Put the meat down at the right side of the tree, near the guard dog.


O: Use the meat with the bottom-left hole to stop the monster from appearing.
Get the windsock on top of the branch.
I: Cast a spell on the small branch with the moving leaves.
O: Walk to the right side of the newly made branch.
A: Walk on top of the big rock and grab onto the right side of the branch below
Oups to launch him up to the branch above.
I: Walk to the right side of the newly made branch.
A: Grab onto the right side of the branch below Ignatius to launch him up to
the branch above.
I: Walk to the top-left corner of the tree and cast a spell on the cork.
O: Get the cork from the top-left corner of the tree and put it in the left
small hole at the top of the tree.
A: Hit the bottom-right hole.
O: Just before the bird appears from the top-right hole, use the windsock on
the hole to catch the bird.


O: Use the bird on the guard dog to distract it.
I: Cast a spell on the guard dog and it will fly away.
A: Hit the left door.


O: Get the cup and ball from the small desk on the right and use it with the
right hand of the skeleton. Get the feather on top of the table and use it
with the right foot of the skeleton to make a key drop down onto the table.
Get the key and use it with the cage at the top-right corner of the room.
I: Cast a spell on the feather and it will change into a flyswatter.
O: Get the flyswatter and use it on the bee.
I: Cast a spell on the bee and it will change into a dart.
O: Get the dart and use it on the picture of Niak the wizard. Get the doll that
drops out of the cupboard and get the yellow elixir from the table.


I: Cast a spell on the root of the tree.
O: Get the bird call. Climb up to the highest branch of the tree and use the
bird call to make a bird land on the nest.
A: After a while, the bird will fly away and one of the eggs wil start to jump.
Walk up to the bird's nest and punch the jumping egg to crack it. Climb down
from the tree and stand near the left side of the gate.
I: Cast a spell on the cracked egg and it will carry Ignatius over to the right
side of the level. Cast a spell on the horn to move it closer to the gate.
O: Get the elixir near the root of the tree and walk near the left side of the
gate. Use the elixir and then quickly walk right to get the carrot. Use the
carrot with the hole to make the creature appear.
I: Cast a spell on the creature in the hole and it will distract the wizard.
A: Quickly walk right past the gate.


I: Cast a spell on the small rock below the left side of the big flat rock.
O: Get the stick near the right side of the area, and use it on the tiny button
on top of the right side of the big flat rock. Get the watering can and use
it with the left plant and the middle plant to make two carrots grow.
I: Cast a spell on the two carrots.
A: Hit the left carrot to make the key fall.
O: Get the key from the left carrot and use it with the right carrot.


A: Hit the pile of cannonballs at the bottom-right corner of the room. Hit the
cannon so that it points up.
O: Get the matches at the top-right corner of the room and drop them near the
cannon. Get the cannonball that fell from the pile and put it in the cannon.
A: Hit the cannon again so that it points up.
O: Get the matches and use them with the cannon. The cannonball will fire out,
causing a carrot to drop down to the floor. Get the carrot and put it in the
cannon. Get the matches and use them with the cooking pot.
A: Hit the cannon again so that it points left.
O: Use the matches with the cannon. The carrot will be fired into the cooking
pot, which will eventually wake up the creature in the chair.
A: Hit the cannon so that it points up. Hit the pile of cannonballs at the
bottom-right corner of the room.
O: Get the cannonball that fell from the pile and put it in the cannon.
A: Hit the cannon so that it points up.
O: Get the matches and use them with the cannon to make another carrot drop
down to the floor.
I: Cast a spell on the carrot to make it turn into an ear trumpet.
O: Get the ear trumpet and use it to talk to the creature in the chair. He will
make a mallet appear on the floor before going back to sleep. Get the mallet
and use it with the gong to make a pendulum appear. Get the pendulum.


O: Get the small round stone at the left side of the area, and drop it on the X
at the right side of the area.
I: Cast a spell on the stone and it will grow bigger. Cast a spell on the big
rock to make a ladder leading up to the island. Climb up the ladder and cast
a spell on the small left tree to turn it into a pickaxe.
A: Climb up the ladder and hit the pickaxe.
O: Get the pickaxe and use it in the middle of the area four times.


A: Hit the pile of logs so that one falls off.
O: Get the single log and use it with the bear trap on the right.
I: Cast a spell on the bag of seeds near the dragon and then quickly climb back
up the ladder before the dragon has a chance to breathe fire.
O: Get the bag of seeds and climb quickly back up the ladder.
I: Cast a spell on the log to turn it into a bottle of deodorant.
O: Get the deodorant and drop it at the top-left corner of the area. Get the
bag of seeds and use them at the top-left corner of the area. Get the bottle
of deodorant and use it on the foot when it stops near the seeds. Get the
foot and drop it on the small ledge at the left side of the dragon. Walk
down the steps and wait for the dragon to breathe fire at the foot. Get the
roast foot and use it with the bridge at the right side of the bear trap.
Cross over the bridge and get the dagger. Drop the dagger on the small ledge
at the left side of the dragon. Walk down the steps and wait for the dragon
to breathe fire at the dagger. Get the dagger and walk down the steps.


O: Use the dagger with the sphere on the chest of the statue. Drop the dagger
on the hand at the left side of the statue. Stand on the hand at the right
side of the statue to drop the doll of the king. Return to the hand at the
left side of the statue, and the statue will breathe fire on the doll,
revealing a key inside. Get the key and use it on the ear at the left side
of the statue. Walk to the hand at the right side of the statue.
A: Walk to the hand at the right side of the statue.
I: Walk to the hand at the right side of the statue.


A: Hit the bunch of bananas at the top-right corner of the area.
O: Get the banana and show it to the creature behind the desk. Get the soap and
show it to the creature behind the desk. Get the false nose on the top-left
platform and show it to the creature behind the desk, who will change into a
human. Get the witchcraft book.
I: Cast a spell on the gate at the left side of the area.


I: Cast a spell on the small object under the shield to make a lever appear.
A: Hit the lever to make a ladder appear.
I: Climb up the ladder and cast a spell on the cork in the giant's ear.
O: Use the book of witchcraft on the giant's ear to make him laugh. Get the
bait from the top-left tower and get the bowl from the top-right tower. Drop
the bowl under the giant's left eye. Get the book of witchcraft and use it
on the giant's ear to make him cry into the bowl. Get the bowl of tears and
use them with the creature in the top-right tower. Get the catapult.


O: Use the catapult with the bunch of bananas.
A: Hit the lever that was behind the bunch of bananas to make a dolphin appear.
Climb down both ladders and walk onto the fish.
I: Walk onto the fish.
O: Walk onto the fish.


O: Use the catapult on the wizard to knock him into the cauldron. He returns as
a bat to take Oups to the top of the bird skeleton.
I: Cast a spell on the white stone near the left side of the empty bag.
A: Climb up the ladder and walk to the top-right corner of the bird skeleton.
I: Cast a spell on the bat and he will change into a turtle.
A: Hit the turtle and it will change into a spider.
O: Use the catapult on the web below the spider. Get the empty bag and drop it
below the spider.
I: Cast a spell on the spider and it will fall into the empty bag.
O: Get the full bag and put it in the cauldron to complete the game.


3. Item List


Found after ignatius casts a spell on the bag of seeds in level 7. They are
used with the mud in front of the scarecrow to make birds appear.

Found on the ledge near the dragon in level 17. Ignatius must cast a spell on
the bag of seeds before Oups can get them. They are used at the top-left
corner of level 17 to make the foot appear.

Found in the top-left tower in level 20. It is swapped with the bowl in the
top-right tower in level 20.

Found after Asgard has hit the bunch of bananas in level 19. It is shown to
the creature behind the desk in level 19.

Found by casting a spell on the right in level 2, and then having Asgard hit
it. It is put in the gap in the bridge.

Found by casting a spell on the second apple from the left in level 2, and
then having Asgard hit it. It is put in the gap in the bridge.

Found by using the windsock on the top-right hole of the tree in level 10
after the cork has been put in the top-left hole of the tree and Asgard has
hit the bottom-right hole of the tree. It is given to the guard dog outside
of the house in level 11.

Found by casting a spell on the root of the tree in level 13. It is used on
the highest branch of the tree in level 13 to call the bird.

Found in the top-right tower in level 20. It is dropped under the giant's
eye so that he can cry into it when the witchcraft book is used on his ear.

Found after Asgard hits the pile of cannonballs in level 15. It is used with
the cannon when it is pointing up.

Found at the right side of the area in level 13. It is used with the hole in
level 13 to make the creature appear.

Found after shooting a cannonball up in level 15. It is put in the cannon and
is fired left into the cooking pot in level 15.

Found after shooting another cannonball up in level 15. Ignatius casts a
spell on it to turn it into an ear trumpet.

Found by using the bowl of tears with the creature in level 20 that appears
in the top-right tower after the bait has been dropped there. It is used with
the bunch of bananas in level 21. It is used with the wizard Niak in level
22. It is also used with the web below the spider after Asgard has been
caught by the wizard Niak in level 22.

Found after Ignatius casts a spell on the cork in the branch at the top-left
section of the tree in level 10. It is put in the top-left hole of the tree.

Found on the small desk in level 12. It is used with the right hand of the
skeleton to stop him from hitting anyone that walks near.

Found at the right side of the bridge in level 17. It is put on the ledge
near the dragon in level 17 to set the dagger on fire. The dagger on fire is
used with the sphere on the chest of the statue in level 18. It is then put
on the left hand of the statue in level 18.

Found by casting a spell on the bee after it has been hit by the flyswatter
in level 12. It is used with the picture of Niak the wizard.

Found by casting a spell on the log in level 17. After the bag of seeds have
been used at the top-left corner of level 17, it is used on the foot.

Found after using the pickaxe with the diamond in level 2. It is used with
the door of the house in level 3. It is given to the wizard in level 4.

Found after throwing the dart at the picture of Niak the wizard in level 12.
It is dropped on the right hand of the statue in level 18.

Found by casting a spell on the second carrot in level 15. It is used to talk
to the creature in the chair when he is awake.

Found on the table below the picture of Niak the wizard in level 12. It is
used in level 13 to make Oups turn invisible, allowing him to walk past the
gate without Niak the wizard noticing.

After Asgard has been caught in level 22, the empty bag is put below the
spider before Oups shoots the catapult at the web.

Found on the top-left platform in level 19. It is shown to the creature
behind the desk in level 19.

Found on the table near the second ladder in level 12. It is used with the
right foot of the skeleton to make him drop the key.

Found by casting a spell on the small skeleton and then the bone in level 8.
It is played near the snake to make it grow tall.

Found by casting a spell on the feather in level 12. It is used with the bee
that lands on the top table in level 12.

After the bag of seeds have been used at the top-left corner of level 17, the
foot is found at the top-left corner of the area by spraying deodorant on it.
It is put on the ledge near the dragon to make the roast.

Found after the wizard lands in the empty bag in level 22. It is used with
the cauldron to complete the game.

Found by having Asgard hit the right side of the arch in level 1. It is used
in level 1 to make the stick fall from the tree.

Found after Asgard hits the pile of logs in level 17. It is used with the
bear trap.

Found after using the feather on the right foot of the skeleton in level 12.
It is used with the cage at the top-right corner of level 12.

After casting a spell on the left carrot in level 14, the key is used with
the keyhole in the middle carrot to complete the level.

After the dagger on fire has been put on the left hand of the statue in level
18, and the doll has been put on the right hand of the statue, the key is
found by walking back to the hand of the statue holding the dagger on fire.
It is used on the ear at the left side of the statue.

Found after using the ear trumpet to talk to the creature in the chair in
level 15. It is used with the gong in level 15.

Found on the path at the top-right corner of level 15. They are used on the
cannon when it is pointing up and is loaded with a cannonball, which will
make a carrot fall down onto the floor. They are used on the cannon when it
is pointing left and is loaded with the carrot. They are also used on the
cannon when it is pointing up to make another carrot fall down.

Found at the top-left corner of level 9. It is given to the guard dog. It is
used with the bottom-left hole of the tree in level 10.

Found after Ignatius casts a spell on the stick in level 1. It is used with
the diamond in the rock in level 2.

Found after the pistol has been used on the small left spider in level 6. It
is is dropped under the middle spider.

Found by crossing the bridge after the spider has been raised in level 6. It
is used with the big right spider to reveal the exit to the level, and is
used with the small left spider to reveal the pillow.

Found on top of the table at the left side of level 4. It is used with the
right plant to stop it from attacking Asgard.

Found by using the foot on the ledge near the dragon in level 17. It is used
with the bridge in level 17.

Found in level 19. It is shown to the creature behind the desk in level 19.

Found after the horn is blown in level 1. Ignatius changes it into a pickaxe.

Found at the right side of the path in level 14. It is used to press the
small button on the big flat rock in level 14.

Found by putting the bowl under the giant's left eye in level 20, and then
using the witchcraft book on his ear. They are used with the creature that
appears in the top-right tower after the bait has been dropped there.

Found after pressing the small button on the big flat rock with the stick in
level 14. It is used to water the plants in level 14 to make carrots grow.

Found on top of the left branch in level 10. After the cork has been put in
the top-left hole of the tree, the windsock is used to catch the bird after
Asgard hits the bottom-right hole of the tree.

Found after using the banana, false nose and soap on the creature behind the
desk in level 19. After the cork has been removed from the giant's ear in
level 19, it is used on the giant's ear to make him happy. It is also used on
his ear when the bowl is below the giant's eye to fill the bowl with tears.


4. Passwords




5. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2004-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.
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