Icewind Dale - Heart of Winter

Icewind Dale - Heart of Winter

17.10.2013 13:42:17

Author: Bubbles
Version: 1.0

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Influencing factors on your party


Males: Males of the Realms can excel in whatever profession they choose,
whether wizardry, theivery or the artso of war.

Females: Females of the Realms can excel in any area they wish, and are
easily the equal of their male counterparts in every skill or respect.


The race of your character will determine what their base abilities can
be as well as assign possible intrinsic talents such as infravision.
Some restrictions in class selection may also apply, because game
balance dictates that certain races are unsuitable for certain professions.

Humans: Humans are the predominant race in faerun. Humans rule most of the
significant empires and kingdoms in the Forgotten Realms. They are the
most social and tolerant of races, excepting perhaps teh Halflings. The
only special ability that a human has is that they may advance as any class
and advance to any level.

Elves: Elves tend to be shorter and slimmer than normal humans. Their
features are finely chiseled and delicate, and they speak in melodic
tones. Elves are looked upon as being frivilous and aloof. They concern
themselves with natural beauty, dancing, frolicking and other similar
persuits. Their humour is clever, as our their songs and poetry. Elves
have a natural resistance to charm and sleep magics. They can see in the
dark with infravision, and they are very skillful in the use of bow and the
longsword. They have a bonus to the dexterity, but suffer a penalty to their
constitution. There are 5 racial divisions of Elves within the Forgotten
Realms: Gold Elves, Wild Elves, Sea Elves, Moon Elves and Drow.

Half Elves: Half Elves are a mix of Human and Elven blood. They are handsome
folk, with good with good features of each of their races. A half elf has the
curiosity, inventiveness, and ambition of their human ancestors, and the
refined senses, love of nature and artistic tastes of their elven ancestors.
Half Elves have a limited resistance to charm and sleep spells. They can see
in the dark with infravision.

Gnomes: Kin to dwarves, Gnomes are noticably shorter than their distant
cousins. Gnomes, as they proudly maintain, are less rotund than dwarves.
Most have a dark tan or brown skin, white hair and rather large noses.
Gnomes have lively and rather sly senses of humour, especially for practical
jokes. They have a love for nature which is only matched by their love for
gems or jewels. Gnomes have natural resistance to magic. They can see in the
dark with infravision. They gain a bonus to their intelligence, but suffer a
penalty to the wisdom.

Haflings: Halfings are short, generally plump people, very much like small
humans. Their faces are round and broad, and often quite florid. Their hair
is typically curly, and the tops of their feet are covered with coarse hair.
Overall they prefer the comforts of their homes to dangerous adventuring.
They enjoy good living, good humour and homespun tales. Halflings are highly
resistant to poisons and magic. They are naturally skilled with slings as
weapons, and have a limited ability to see in the dark. They receive a bonus
to their dexterity, and incur a penalty to their strength. Their are three
racial divisions of Halflings within the forgotten Realms: Hairfoot,
Tallfellow and Stout.

Dwarves: Dwarves are short stocky fellows, easily identifiable by their
size and shape. They have ruddy cheeks, dark eyes, and dark hair. Dwarves
tend to be dour and taciturn. They are given to hard labour, and care little
for most humour. They enjoy beer, ale, mead, but most of all they enjoy gold.
Dwarves have a natural resistance to magic and poison. They possess
infravision, which allows them to see in the dark. They gain a bonus to thier
constitution, but incur a penalty to the charisma and dexterity. Their are 4
racial division of Dwarves in the Forgotten Realms: Shield Dwarves, Gold
Dwarves, Wild Dwarves and Duergar.


Strength: Strength measures a characters muscle, endurance and stamina. It is
the prime requisite of Fighters.

Dexterity: Dexterity measures a characters Hand-Eye coordination, agility,
reflexes and balance. It is the prime requisity of the Theif.

Constitution: Constitution measures a characters health, fitness, and physical
resistatnce to hardship, injury and disease. This ability is important to the

Intelligence: Intelligence measures a characters memory, reasoning and learning
ability. It is the prime requisite of the Mage.

Wisdom: Wisdom measures a characters englightenment, judgement and common sense.
It is the prime requisite of Priests.

Charisma: Charisma measures a characters persuasiveness, personal magnetism and
ability to lead. It important to the Druid, Bard and Paladin.

Party Creation:

The following is the party that i feel should be chosen based upon my
experience in the game. If an item is not specified in the list,
such as there is no gloves mentioned, it is likely because there was
no standout item, or no item found at all. Also is should be noted that
these may not be the best there is, but are merely my suggestions, aimed
at working with all characters listed, that is, you have a Paladin,
2 fighters, Ranger, Fighter/Theif and Cleric/Mage. Also sex has no influence
upon these characters.

Paladin: Human,

Strength: 12
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 15
Intelligence: 3
Wisdom: 13
Charisma: 18

Proficiency: large swords (to use the best sword in the game, only useable
by a paladin). Max large swords out, and then place them on whatever else you
wish, perhaps great swords or flails.

Helmet: Sune's Laurel of favour (armour class bonus: 1, charsima +1)
Necklace: Symbol of Correlon Larathian (Thaco +2)
Shield: The Argent Shield (Armor Class bonus:3, 25% magic resistance)
Gloves: Gauntletts of weapon skill(Thaco +1)
Girdle: Shimmering Sash(Wearer is under the effects of blur)
Girdle of Stromnos (Strength set to 19, handy due to the strength of 12)
Ring1: Ring of Resistance (+10% missile resistance, +10% fire resistance)
Ring2: Ring of free action
Boots: Boots of speed
Sword: Pale Justice (1d8 +4, +7 vs evil creatures, Immunity to cloack of fear
horror, dire charm and Symbol of hopelessness

Why such low strength? Well you need to put points into the other 2 areas.
You will have a cleric mage who will cast strength spells on you, or items.

Note: Your paladin maybe helpful against undead with the turn undead,
but it is better to leave it up to the cleric. However the lay on hands ability
is extremely handy.

Cleric/Mage: Half elf

Strength: 10
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 18
Wisdom: 18
Charisma: 3

Cloak: Mithrans Cloak (Armour Class Bonus: 3, +2 Saving throws)
Helm: Blessed Helm of Lathalander(Ac Bonus: 2, free spells)
Necklace: Black wolf Talisman
Armor: Robe of Enfusing
Gloves: Bracers of Defense Ac 6
Ring: Kontiks ring of wizardry
Ring: Ring of Holiness
Shield: Reinforce Large shield +2
Sling: Jamisons Sling
Weapon: Three White Doves

Experiment with strength! Lowering it, and then using a spell to boost it up
to 18. I haven’t tried it, but it is defiantly worth a go. Also, dexterity
isn’t as important as constitution, so you may wish to swap a point or 2 over
to constitution, as ure focusing on magic not combat. Give him missiles and
hammer or mace or that, but don’t be too concerned with his fighting ability.

Fighter/Thief : Halfling

Strength: 17
Dexterity: 19
Constitution: 18
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 3

Armor: Studded Leather of Resistance +3
Crossbow: Reinforced Heavy Crossbow
Weapon: Either The Celebrants Blade (1d8 +4) or Throwing Axe +2 (Returns to
Ring: Ring of Shadows
Shield: Shield of the Hand (Ac Bonus: 3)

Charisma isn’t needed for any other than paladins and your leader, which should
be put together. Give her the cross bow or bow
proficiency, and small swords or long swords, perhaps small swords to use
the swords that other fighters won’t use.

Fighter/thief’s level up well still, my thief side of fighter
thief was highest level in my party. Being a fighter gives the thief access to
more weapons and that, and later when there are no traps you can put on some
non thief armour if you need (I didn’t).

Well there is half your party. What for the rest? Well your best bet is for all
melee people, so I would go for all fighters and You may wish for a ranger:

Ranger: Elf

Strength: 18/67
Dexterity: 19 (This is the characters key feature, being a ranged attacker)
Constitution: 17
Intelligence: 13
Wisdom: 14
Charisma: 8

Armor: Elven Chainmail of the Hand +3 (Armour Class: 2, +20% cold resistance)
Bow: Long Bow of Marksmenship
Weapon: Starforged Halberd + 3 (1d10 +3, +1 dexterity)
Ring: Kaylessa ring (+15% hide in shadows)

Racial Enemy: SALAMANDERS!!!! Why? Because near the end, you will get faced
with quite a few, and they are my choice to hate :)

Give the ranger a bow (that dexterity is handy) and I give a two handed sword,
then halberd. (or vice versa). Using a weapon with a bonus to dexterity,
there is both a helberd (above) and two handed sword which do this, will give
quite a significant boost to ure character.

Now add your two fighters, or if you wish a bard, tho ure cleric will do its job

Bard: Half Elf

Strength: 11
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 13
Wisdom: 3
Charisma: 18

Doesn’t look promising does it? Once again you can fiddle with the strength
to make it lower and beef up other areas, and use magic or items to increase
it. I personally wouldn’t use a bard.

Fighter Outfitting

Armor: Bathed in blood (AC -1) (you may wish to give this to ure paladin,
though i found my fighter to be a stronger
melee person so i put him in the battles
always and used my Paladin as the talker
and back up person)
Sword: Great Sword profieciency: Amuanator's Legacy (2d4 +3, plus various
other effects)
Helm: Dead Mans Face (Don't give this to the Paladin, it has -2 charisma!!!)
Boots: Boots of the north

Your party should look something like this in terms of classes
Fighter or Ranger

The bottom 3 are ranged attackers. For the Fighter/Thief I had a crossbow,
for the Cleric/Mage I had a sling (can use a shield!!!), and for the ranger
I had a bow. If you used a fighter instead of Ranger, then give it axe
proficiencies as well. There are some nice axes, and one throwing axe which
returns to your hand which you may like.

Formation to use:

Paladin |
| These are your melee fighters
Fighter Fighter |

Cleric/mage |
| These are your ranged attackers
Ranger Fighter/Theif |

Author: Bubbles
Version: 1.0
Copyright ©2004 Bubbles
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Engl. Lösung

14.Octombrie 2013
Party Creation Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.41)

17.Octombrie 2013
Engl. Hinweise

16.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

15.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

14.Octombrie 2013
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17.Octombrie 2013
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