Star Wars - Rogue Squadron 3D

Star Wars - Rogue Squadron 3D

17.10.2013 12:19:22



Hello and welcome. This is my FAQ for Star Wars Rogue Squadron. This is a
game based on events after the Battle of Yavin. For people who are
unfamiliar with the Star Wars timeline, this is after the first Star Wars movie.
It is a very interesting story, and I can say the same for the game.
This FAQ includes a fully equipped walkthrough, cheats, vehicle and world
descriptions and a section regarding any thoughts, questions or idea's that
could make the game better are posted.
Please feel free to email me at ''.


1.1 - Legal Disclaimer
1.2 - Other Requests
1.3 - The Story
1.4 - Navigation and Controls
1.5 - Tips and Hints

2.1 - Walkthrough
2.1.1 - Chapter One
2.1.2 - Chapter Two
2.1.3 - Chapter Three
2.1.4 - Chapter Four
2.1.5 - Bonus Levels
2.2 - The End
2.3 - Cheats and Glitches

3.1 - Rebel Alliance Vehicle Information
3.2 - Imperial Vehicle Information
3.3 - World Descriptions
3.4.1 - Basic Weapons
3.4.2 - Bonus's and Upgrades
3.5 - Tow Cable FAQs
3.6 - My Own Missions
3.7 - Characters

4.1 - Thoughts, Questions and Ideas
4.2 - Version Info
4.3 - Credits
4.4 - Conclusion

1.1 - Legal Disclaimer

Alright, I'm going to keep this short and sweet. My work is my work, and I find
it very annoying to encounter people who copy others work. If you want to post
this FAQ on your website, just drop in a mail to me, and I will most likely give
you permission. The only sites I have permitted to have this FAQ are GameFAQs
and Neoseekers and Any one else will have to mail me.

1.2 - Other Requests

Only four requests. One, if you see this FAQ anywhere other than Neoseekers or
GameFAQs, please tell me the website it is on so I can check up on it, and
your name so I can reply to you and thank you.
Two, if you want to ask me something that I HAVEN'T mentioned, don't hesitate
to ask. Also, share your opinions of how they could make the game better.
I will post these on the FAQ unless you ask me not to.
Three, if you're going to waste your time sending me Junk, abusive or simply
useless mails, I will ignore or even block your mail. And also, don't email
me asking questions I have already answered in my FAQ. You won't get an answer.
Four, if anything you see here is incorrect, please mail me and tell me. The
intention for this FAQ is that people get the right idea, not the wrong one.
It is probably as annoying for you as it is for me.

1.3 - The Story

The Battle of Yavin was over.The rebels had succeeded in destroying the first
Death Star and a majority of the Imperial navy. A few months later, Luke
Skywalker forms a miltary group called Rogue Squadron. Over the next 2 or 3
years, Imperials have tried to regain a foothold in the galaxy, but Rogue
Squadron do everything in their power to stop the Imperials at all costs. This
is where you come in. Playing as Luke Skywalker, pilot 8 different vehicles in
18 missions in attempt to prevent the Imperials from regaining what they once

1.4 - Navigation and Controls
This section contains information regarding controls used by Nintendo 64 and
PC. NOTE: You can alter the controls on PC unlike Nintendo 64.

For Nintendo 64

Lukes Settings

Analogue Stick : Controls the Vehicle
A : Accelerate
B : Fire Blasters
L : Cycle through camera views
R : Roll
Z : Brakes
Start : Pause / view objectives
C - Left : Fires Secondary Weapon
C - Down : Links and Unlinks blasters
C - Right : Activates the special function
C - Up : Look around

Wedges Settings

Analogue Stick : Controls the Vehicle
A : Accelerate
B : Fire blasters
L : Link or Unlink blasters
R : Roll
Z : Brakes
Start : Pause / View objectives
C - Left : Fire Secondary
C - Down : Look around
C - Right : Activate Special function
C - Up : Switch veiws

Jansons Settings

Analogue Stick : Controls the vehicle
A : Accelerate
B : Fire blasters
L : Link or Unlink blasters
R : Roll
Z : Brakes
Start : Pause / View objectives
C - Left : Fire Secondary
C - Down : Look around
C - Right : Activate Special function
C - Up : Switch veiws

Hobbies Settings

Analogue Stick :
A : Brakes
B : Accelerate
L : Switch view
R : Roll
Z : Fire blasters
Start : Pause / View objectives
C - Left : Link or Unlink blasters
C - Down : Fire Secondary
C - Right : Activates special function
C - Up : Look around

For PC

Spacebar : Fire Primary Weapon
Alt : Fires Secondary Weapon
Left Arrow : Turn Craft Left
Right Arrow : Turn Craft Right
Down Arrow : pitch up; craft will ascend
Up Arrow : Pitch down; craft will descend
~ : Link Weapons
ESC : Pause game
' : Cycles between camera views
F1 to F5 : Camera Views
F8 : Cockpit
F12 : Screen Caption
HOME : Camera look front
END : Camera look back
PgDn : Look right
Delete : Look left
TAB : Rotate camera
W : Thrust
S : Brake
A : Left Brake
D : Right Brake
E : Rolls
F : Special Action
Z : Drop camera
TAB : Rotate camera

For Nintendo 64

At the start, there are only two options.



By selcting Options, you will go to another screen with a list of options.

BIOGRAPHIES - It has a list of the characters and their biographies. Includes
Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles, Hobbie Klivian, Zev Senesca and
Wes Janson.

ELITE ROGUES - In here is a list of all the high scores. There are about ten.
It also shows you how many bronze, silver and gold medals you
have earned.

PASSCODES - Here is where you enter the codes that are shown in 2.2.
I have learned that using the D-Pad is easier than the
analogue stick because the analogue stick quite often
doesn't work.

GAME SETTINGS - This is where you go to edit the general game settings.

SOUND SETTINGS - This is where you edit the general audio settings.

CONTROLLER SETTINGS - Here you can change the controller style between four
different settings. Lukes, Wedges, Jansons and Hobbies.
I recommend Hobbies setting.

1.4 - Tips and Hints
In this section, I will mention numerous hints for getting you out of sticky
situations and speeding up the process of completing a mission.

This is the most essential item you will need to use. Most of the time
you will have a orange triangle thing sitting on your radar. It is
pointing out the direction you need to be travelling. Turn around until
the orange triangle is sitting at the top of your radar, then head in
that direction. You must know how to work your radar, otherwise you
might end up dawdling around somewhere and you won't know which way to

Tip 2 : To escape annoying missiles, try doing a flip. You know when a
missile has locked on because you hear a few beeps. If you're in a
speeder or a V-wing, just do your best to dodge it, as those vehicles
cannot do flips or any crazy moves like the others can. Sometimes, when
you are approaching a missile turret to destroy it, try shooting at it
from a long distance, and you might blow up some missiles before they
get to you.

Tip 3 : Remember to destroy as many buildings as you can, for some of them
have bonus's in them. See 3.4 for more details on Bonus's. They look
like yellow crates with a red pole through them. You can't miss them.

Tip 4 : When using craft with multiple blaster cannons, linking them may
come in handy. For example with the X-Wing, if you want to destroy
a building faster, link your blasters until it shoots four lasers at
once. However, this can also decrease rapid fire. On the V-Wing,
link the blasters once to switch to rapid fire. These are really rapid,
but can cause a burnout on the cannons. Try keeping them for short

Tip 5 : Some missions require you to destroy over a hundred enemies.
Blowing up buildings are a fast way to deal to enemies, plus adding
to your count. Also, on Kile II, drop bombs over a squad of storm
troopers, and all of them should blow up. This seriously increases
your kill-count.

Tip 6 : Instead of turning quickly to chase a fighter that has just passed
you, carry on ahead for a while before turning to pursue it. This
technique is used best in the Thyferra mission, when Moff Serdon is
trying to kill you. If you turn quickly to follow him, chances are
you'll lose him. Also, enemy fighters change course faster than they
change their underwear, so you might turn round and find no fighter

2.1 - The Walkthrough
This section is the main part. Here, I will explain extensively about the
mission, mission breifs, available crafts, recommended crafts, default crafts,
objectives, enemies you'll encounter and how to fight them, tactics and
mission descriptions.
I hope you find this the most useful FAQ you ever read, as I have put so much
trouble into completing this, it takes me about a day to do each mission.


================================Chapter One=====================================

Six months have passed since
the battle of Yavin. The Death
Star has been destroyed,
but the fight for freedom
is far from over.

As the war against the Empire
rages across the vastness
of space, Luke Skywalker
forms the legendary Rogue
Squadron from the Rebel
Alliance's most skilled X-wing

Their mission: to defend the
struggling Rebel Alliance
against the still powerful and
battle hardened Imperial
foe, in a last ditch effort
to control the galaxy...

============================Ambush at Mos Eisley================================

Mission Breifs :Take an early morning run over Mos Eisley with Wedge
Antilles, but keep your eyes open for any special

Planet : Tatooine
Available Craft : X-Wing Fighter
Recommended Craft : Naboo Starfighter / X-Wing Fighter
Default Craft : X-Wing Fighter
World Description : Tatooine is the homeland of Luke Skywalker. It is
a barren wasteland, full of moisture farmers, Jawa's
and Sand People, aka: Tusken Raiders. You may even see
some Tusken Raiders out with their Banthas, along with
a Jawa sandcrawler.

Recommended Tactic : Do one patch of Probe Droids at a time. Use your
radar, don't just fly around looking for kills. The
best way to deal with the bombers at the end is to use
your seekers. Save them up till the very end. If you do
happen to use them before you get to the bombers, you
can either commit suicide to replenish them, or just
spend longer trying to shoot them down.

Objectives explained : Protect to homesteads: Don't waste time only shooting
one droid per run, shoot the droids that are shooting
the homesteads first, then take care of the others.
make sure you find all of them, otherwise you will end
failing because you took too long.
Save Mos Eisley: Save up all your secondary weapons till
the end, where you have to eliminate the six TIE bombers
bombing Mos Eisley. Press C-Down or Alt to change to
secondary, and when you hear the beep and see the red
cross hair lock on, press C-Down or Alt again to fire
the secondary missile.

Enemies : 21 probe Droids, six bombers, 2 storm troopers and
2 storm troopers on animals. They are at the far right
off where you start off.
Enemy Tactics : A single sirect hit should destroy a probe, or
two glancing shots. For the bombers I recommend your
secondary weapons, as they will most likely destroy
a bomber in one shot. For the storm troopers, one
overall shot can kill them.

Walkthrough : You start off having a chat to your mates, just a flight over
Mos Eisley. Then Janson says he sees something out of the
ordinary. Luke pipes up, telling his mates to "accelerate to
attack speed!". When you regain control, fly over the dip and
the homestead-attacking probe out of the air. Don't worry about
the other two probes, Hobbie and Janson take care of them. Now,
go 90 degrees right, until you come to the end.
In the empty hollow, go to the end until you come to the four
storm troopers checking out the escape pod C-3PO and R2-D2
landed in. Blow these guys away, then go a bit left until you
to the place with the Jawa sandcrawler. Just follow your radar
from here. There are also seven or eight near Jabba's palace
as well. No, you can't destroy Jabba's Palace, so don't waste
your accuracy on it. Once you have eliminated all of the probes,
a cut-scene will show Mos Eisley getting bombed. If your using
the X-Wing, hit the special function to speed you to Mos Eisley.
If you're having trouble finding it, it's near the place with
Jawa Sandcrawler. Use your Secondary Weapons for this task.
It cuts down on time and accuracy. Try and kill the bombers
before they do too much damage. I think if more than three
buildings blow up, you won't get Gold. Once all six bombers
are knocked out, another cut-scene will appear, with the
successful fighters flying over Mos Eisley, having another nice

Coclusion : Congratulations, if you have done everything above within
time, you have just completed the first and easiest course in
the game. I'm afraid you don't get anything for it, except
another level. Sniff sniff...

Requirements : Completion Time: 3:00
Enemies Destroyed: 31
Accuracy : 15%
Friendly Saves : 50
Bonus : 0

===========================Rendezvous at Barkhesh===============================

Mission Breifs : Escort valuable Rebel supplies through dangerous
Imperial territory in the humid lands of Barkhesh.

Planet : Barkhesh
Available Craft : X-Wing Fighter
Recommended Craft : Naboo Starfighter / X-Wing Fighter
Default Craft : X-Wing Fighter
World Description : Barkhesh is a grassland, with dry soil. There aren't
many environmental features such as trees or bushes.
it is rather like tatooine with lots of trenches and
hills. Not very interesting.

Recommended Tactics : After you destroy the four probes in front of the
convoy, turn around and go back to where you started.
keep on going until you reach a little secret area with
lots of storm troopers, a large tower and an AT-ST.
The bunker is invunerable, so use this to boost
accuracy. It might help if you do this straight after
you kill the last of the four TIE bombers and turrets
as well, as then you know that the convoy will not be

Objectives explained : Escort the Supply vehicles to the landing zone: This
is actually quite hard despite how easy it sounds.
Basically, Reikan urges you to stay with the supply
vehicles. Do this to some extent, as fighters will
come at the worst of times, and sometimes you will
not be warned.

Enemies : Eight probe droids, seven AT-ST's, four bombers, five
turbo lasers, one turret tower, 10 stormtroopers and a
bunker (which is invincible).
Enemy Tactics : Like Ambush at Mos Eisley, probe droids can be
destroyed with one direct hit, whereas AT-ST's require
a bit of a pounding before snuffing it. Turbo lasers
can't handle more than a few direct hits anf the turret
tower will take maybe a missile and a lot of hits.
Storm troopers are vapourized in one hit.

Walkthrough : When you take control of the vehicle, blast the four probe
droids out of the sky. Carry on towards the convoy base, and
just after this, there are four more probe droids. Blow these
guys away. As you continue, you'll get a call from Reikan
telling you that it is imperative to stay with the supply
vehicles. Carry on till you get to the first chicken walker.
Head towards him holding down the laser button until his
head explodes. About now, one of your wingmates warns you
that there are bombers coming. Don't take this lightly, as
one or two hits can wipe out a supply vehicle. If you've got
seekers, I strongly recommend using them. Turn around quickly
back down the trench that the convoy is following, until you
see a pair of walkers. Leave them smoking with a nice headache.
Use this time to fly out of the trench and shoot a few turbo
lasers you might see to add to your kill total. Get back on
course to see not one, not two, but three AT-ST's shooting the
crap out of your supply vehicles. Immediately after you have
destroyed them, turn around and look for bombers, as your
wingmates don't warn you this time. If you're lost as to where
you should look, go to the very side of the map. If this
fails, go back to the trench that the supply vehicles came out
of. Once you have shot down the fourth bomber, your main worry
has gone. Turn to where the two military vehicles are battling
the two turbo lasers. Decimate these, then carry on behind the
fuming lasers. You will find the secret base. Here is the last
chicken walker, a large tower, lots of troopers and a bunker
that is invincible. Use this to your advantage however, as it
will increase your accuracy the more you shoot it. Take care of
the other enemies however, as the tower doesn't take long to
deprive you of your sheilds, and it's certainly not scared of
bringing you down. While you're there, as long as you have
destroyed everything that could harm the supply vehicles and
Reikan is not ranting and raving at you, you should see a cut-
scene of the landing ship coming out of the sky to pick up the
supply vehicles.

Conclusion : Well done. Even being the second course, it isn't one of the
easier courses to complete. Having said that though, as long as
you don't fly around doing nothing, you should be fine. It took
me two tries minimum to complete it, and I take my hat of to any
one who has or can do it in one!

Requirements : Completion time: 5:45
Enemies Destroyed: 30
Accuracy : 40%
Friendly Saves : 19
Bonus : 0

==========================Search for the Nonnah=================================

Mission Breifs : Race against time to recover a down rebel ship,
before the Imperials beat you to it.

Planet : Chorax
Available Craft : A-Wing
Recommended Craft : Tie Interceptor, V-Wing
Default Craft : A-Wing
Planet Description : Chorax is something that reminds me of a mini Grand
Canyon. It is sort of a bit sandy with cliffs and a
river running through the lower bits. It is used
heavily for smugglers hideouts.

Recommended Tactics : If you have a choice between shooting bombers
and interceptors, for goodness sake CHOOSE BOMBERS!!!
Two reasons...they are sluggish, and they drop bombs
that can do serious damage. And watch out for the
AT-PT's, they're not hard to destroy, but they have
fast firing lasers that aren't to be underestimated.

Objectives explained : Locate downed rebel ship: All you have to do is to
find a rebel ship that has crash landed on Chorax.
If you take to long, someone else will find it, so
hurry quickly to the site.
Protect evacuation shuttle: This is the fun part. All
you have to do is destroy enough enemies. It should
seem simple enough.

Enemies : At the start: 10-11 interceptors, 8 probe droids, one
bomber, one sentinal landing ship, 3 droid tanks and one
AT-ST. After walkers are destroyed: 8 bombers, 3 AT-PTS,
and an unlimited supply of Interceptors.
Enemy Tactics :Interceptors might take two direct hits, although some
have been known to crash after one. bombers are made
for more of a hiding, so give it to them. AT-PT's are
easily destroyed, unlike it's former, the AT-ST which
takes a bit of damage. Tank droids aren't a problem.

Walkthrough : Right, this takes quite a while to get the hang of, so I will
do my best to make sure you get the maximum help you can. When
you take control, you will see that you are in a trench. Behind
you is a dead end, so don't go there. I advise that you descend
down to the ground, as five or six interceptors come towards you
and from behind you. Go back up while shooting the interceptors,
it shouldn't be to hard because the interceptors are in packs of
three. Don't waste your concussion missiles on them either.
Fly around the dunes, toasting TIE's here and there, and if you
are lucky enough, you kight see a TIE Bomber as well. It doesn't
do anything, but it adds nicely to you tally. Also, there is a
trench with about 8 or 9 prboe droids. These are hard to shoot,
and you can still acheive gold without shooting them, so unless
you feel a bit lucky, I would leave them. After a wee while, you
might come across the Nonnah, but if you don't, someone else
will. If you do not find the Nonnah, and the message saying that
they have found the rebel ship" then the orange triangle will
appear on your radar. Follow it until you get to the ship.
Now, soon a Sentinal Class Landing Ship will arrive, and because
it devotes two thirds of it's power to sheilds, it's invincible.
Constantly shooting it however, can boost your accuracy, so
don't hesitate. Watch out for pesty little Interceptors that
like to fly around, shooting them can increase your tally, but
they just forever keep coming back, so I would take more care of
the three droid tanks and the AT-ST coming out of the Landing
Ship. It doesn't take long for these to be destroyed, but
when they are, two bombers will start to approach the site.
They appear either left or right of the Nonnah. But before
you shoot the Bombers, get rid of the AT-PT's, who can cause
some pretty nasty damage on the Nonnah. Now shoot the bombers
head on, and continue shooting next three pairs head on. It's
more efficient, sometimes more accurate and it saves the
evacutaion shuttle from a hefty beating. Talking of hefty
beatings, the shuttle is about to get one, so head back to where
it is taking off. After a while you will notice that umlimited
Interceptors are flying out from the cliffs. They attack the
shuttle, so be brave and try and shoot down the Interceptors
that are closer to thhe shuutle. You may die in this courageous
attack, but as long as you haven't died twice already, you will
be fine. When the shuttle gets back the place where you started,
It will fly out, and the mission is complete.

Conclusion : The difficulty here is increasingly getting harder, and once
you get Gold, you should be very proud. Using the TIE
Interceptor is interesting, as it is the vehicle I used
to win this mission. Bon Voyage...

Requirements : Completion Time: 10:00
Enemies Destroyed: 38
Accuracy : 20%
Friendly Saves : 1
Bonus : 0

===============================Defection at Corellia============================

Mission Breifs : Imperial Officer Crix Madine wishes to join the
rebel alliance, but the Empire will do anything to stop
him. Protect Corellia as General Madine makes good his

Planet : Corellia
Available Craft : Air Speeder
Recommended Craft : There is only one option, so what else?
Default craft : Air Speeder
Planet Description : Corellia is the home of Wedge Antilles and Han Solo.
It is a large, grassy and humid planet, covered in
a lot of cities. Because of it's fast orbit and slow
days, night lasts a lot longer than days, making it
a good smugglers trade planet.

Recommended Tactics : Grab the AT-AT's before they grab you or your freinds.
They are extremely effective killers, and if you leave
them unattended too long, they may lose you the mission.

Objectives explained : Investigate strange readings: All you have to do
is follow the radar until you find seven probe droids
hanging around.
Protect the Capitol Tower: You must get rid of the
bombers before the tower is destroyed.
Protect the Tech Center: Ward off the TIE bombers that
are making the Tech Center look like a card board box.
Protect the Evacuation shuttle: Dispose of the TIE
fighters attacking the evacuation shuttle.

Enemies : Seven or so probes, twelve bombers, six boats, fifteen
stormtroopers, two AT-ST's, two AT-AT's and six TIE
Enemy Tactics : Probes like all the rest are decimated in one shot.
Bombers and boats may take a bit more. The AT-ST's at
the end won't take much, but it's the introduction of
the AT-AT's that brings out the frustration. There are
two ways of bringing them down: by tow cable, or
shooting their bellies. I seriously don't recomend
to shoot their stomachs, it takes longer and is more

Walkthrough : Your wingmates pick up a long range reading, and because it is
unidentified, you must check it out. Follow your radar till you
come to a depression in the ground. Try to pick off the droids
in one run. After you have done this, a cut scene will tell you
that Corellia is getting the crap kicked out of them. It might
be helpful if you assist them. Gun your engines until you come
to the city. Shoot down all the bombers (when you are shooting
the ones on the coast, if you see some boats driving around,
don't hesistate to shoot them as your Enemies Destroyed count
is high). When the Capitol Tower is free of pesky bombers, a
next cut-scene will appear, with Crix Madine trapped in a Tech
Center. Fly over there, and dispose of the four bombers here.
Be hasty, as the buildings are not invincible. Once you are
done here, Reikan will plea for help as there are more bombers
headed his way. However, Han Solo comes for a hand. Some wing
mate has the decency to say that there is a walker on approach
to the Capitol Tower, but do nothing about. Head towards the
Captitol Tower and look around for the turtle. For a detailed
description on how to trip an AT-AT best, see 3.5, but for now,
just use the tow cable to trip it up. Once you've done this,
turn the last of the bombers assaulting the Tower into dark
impressions on the ground, then head back to the tech center.
Once you get there, you will see a number of enemies. First
I advise you get rid of the AT-ST's, maybe some storm troopers
but don't waste time. When you feel you have finished with them,
go and wrap up the last AT-AT...Literally. Reikan will state
that you have to protect the evacuation shuttle while it picks
Madine up. Thisisn't too hard, just keep the TIE fighters off
the shuttle's back. Be careful though, as sometimes if you
destroy a TIE fighter too close to the shuttle, the TIE might
crash into it and destroy it. That has happened to me more than
once. It shouldn't take long for Madine to escape, and once he
does, you're all done. Just wait for the cut-scene showing the
Capitol Tower exploding and Wedge having a heart attack over it.

Conclusion : Congratulations, course number four is complete. You are just
over half-way through the chapter. I'm looking forward to see
you in the next course.

Requirements : Completion Time: 10:00
Enemies Destroyed: 50
Accuracy : 20%
Friendly Saves : 95
Bonus : 1

Bonus : Okay, after you have finished beating the bombers bombing
Madine in the Tech Center, while you are flying over the place
that has three stealth boats docked with storm troopers, there
is a place in the middle between the buildings that has a bonus
in it. Two storm troopers are running aimlessly around it as
well. To get this, I suggest coming in from the opposite side
of the coastline. Descend slowly, and come down to the bonus's
level when you head towards it. Once you grab it, hold your
brakes and ascend as much as you can. Turn right before you
inevitably smack into the building.

============================Liberation of Gerrard V=============================

Mission breifs :

Planet : Gerrard V
Available Craft : X-Wing
Recommended Craft : X-Wing or Naboo Starfighter
Default Craft : X-Wing
Planet Description : This planet is much like Chorax, but it has cities
Corellia, and a coastline like Mon Calamari as you will
see in chapter four.

Objectives Explained : Protect the Y wings: All you have to do is destroy
the things attacking the Y-Wings. Madine will mention
when he's clear.
Destroy the big gun turret: In the second city, there
is a large gun turret like the one in Barkhesh. Destroy
it to complete this mission.

Enemies : 9 AT-PT's, 7 turbo lasers, 7 missile turrets
8 or 9 Interceptors and a nasty turret tower.

Enemy Tactics : For the AT-PT's, using the second linked weapon on the
X-Wing fighter is effective, but just holding down the
fire button from a long way away is also recommended.
Turbo lasers, just a few direct hits will sort these
fella's out. When you approach a missile turret, shoot
from a distance, so any missiles that lock on to you
might end up being destroyed by your lasers. The
Interceptors are really annoying without your A-Wing,
but trying to play with an A-wing is like trying to
play chicken with an AT-AT, so just try your best and
use your secondary weapons. The gun turret won't stand
up to a few secondary weapons and a constant blasting.
Try holding down the fire button from a long way away.
This will boost accuracy, but it may take two runs.

Walkthrough : Okay, once you take control, accelerate and blow the turret
out of the ground. Keep going the same direction until you come
to another turret. Uproot that one as well. Go higher and shoot
a few turrets that are sitting on top of the buildings. Reikan
will shout at you constantly, even if the Y-Wings haven't even
taken a hit yet, so just ignore him. Fly across the ridges on
the outskirts of the little city, and look for the missile
turrets. Turn all three of them into pockmarks in the ground.
Remember to flip if you hear a missile lock on. Turn around and
head back towards the city, and finish off any turrets that are
still around. Look around for the Y-Wings. If there are still
3 left, then you are doing good. While they are disabling the
rest of the yachts, shoot down any AT-PT's you see around. There
should be about two in that area. When you see the rest of the
X-Wings and the Y-Wings fly down the trench, follow them because
there is another missile turret and two AT-PT's down here. You
need to get these for your tally. Once you enter part two, leave
the turbo laser and the missile launcher as scrap metal. Turn
the AT-PT's into smoking chicken legs, and decimate the big gun
turret, the missile launcher and the AT-PT. Turn around, and
finish off the last missile launcher. By now the Interceptors
will have come, so use your secondary weapons to finish these
off. Once you have killed four or five, the last movie clip will
play showing a Y-Wing disabling an Interceptor. A conversation
starts between Kasan Moor and a Rebel pilot.

Conclusion : I'm sorry this FAQ wasn't as extensive as I intended it to
be. I will try and update it as I find more information, but
for now this is all I've got. Anyway, Congratulations, you have
just completed the last level in this chapter! By completing
this, A-Wings have been unlocked for the first, second and fifth
(this one), and the X-Wing has been unlocked on the third one.

Requirements : Completion time: 5.15
Enemies Destroyed: 33
Accuracy : 30%
Friendly Saves : 6
Bonus : 0

=================================Chapter Two====================================

Kasan Moor, Imperial ace
and leader of the dreaded
128th TIE Interceptor
Squadron, has now defected
to the Rebel Alliance.

As a loyal soldier for the
Empire, Moor witnessed both
its cruelty and hypocrisy
in the destruction of her
home world, Alderaan.

Convinced to join Rogue
Squadron, Moor offers her
flight expertise, in addition
to knowledge of hidden
Imperial strongholds...

=================================The Jade Moon==================================

Mission breifs :

Planet : Lorolar
Available Craft : X-Wing, A-Wing
Recommended Craft : X-Wing or Naboo Starfighter
Default Craft : X-Wing
Planet Description : The Jade Moon is the primary moon of Lorolar.
It is fairly rocky with lots of rifts in it. Very
barren, and no atmosphere.

Objectives explained : Use the trench to avoid missile turrets: This is just
using the rifts to get down low so the missile turrets
cannot fire at you. It is a bit self-explanatory.
Locate and destroy the shield generator: Find the sheild
generator amongst the trenches and destroy it.
Escort and protect the commandos: Destroy all enemies
that could potentially harm the commandos (the small
tank things you find in Barkhesh).

Enemies : 12-13 missile turrets, 3 AT-PT's, 5 or 6 bombers,
4-5 Interceptors, a sheild generator, 6 turbo lasers,
4 storage containers, 4 Imperial bunkers, one Imperial
supply building (the one the commandos are attacking).

Enemy Tactics : For the missile turrets, fly down the trenches and
occasianally come up and blast a missile turret, and
then dip back down again. Do this until you have killed
enough to just fly around shooting them. The AT-PT's
take a few direct hits, and the Interceptors will be
knocked out by a seeker likewise the bombers. You might
have to shoot the sheild generator constantly and do
a suicidal into it (in fact this is a good idea if you
have run out of secondary missiles). The buildings won't
stand up to much and neither will the turbo lasers.

Walkthrough : You will start off with a few invader tanks heading towards
the sheilded construction building. From here you should destroy
the two storage containers and the AT-PT guarding it. Next,
enter the trench left of where you started. On the left of the
trench is the power up, and on the right is the sheild
generator. Once you find the sheild generator, floor the brakes,
and pound some missiles into it. Next you should one by one
take out the missile turrets that are sitting around the trench.
The best tactics I can give are just to stay in the trenches
and come out only to kill a turret one at a time. If you stay
out too long, you will get conkered by about three or four
missiles at the same time. Once you have destroyed about six
by this tactic, it will probably be okay to come up and smash
the rest of the missile turrets that are there.
Once your done here, go back to the base and help your rebel
commandos getting smashed by the Imperials. While keeping your
seekers on stand-by, get rid of the AT-PT's and fire the
secondary when you see the red cross hair come up. Once you take
care of the turbo lasers, air strike and ground cover, the
mission should end.

Alternate Walkthrough : Do everything the same as above, but before going
down the trench, it may help to go to the base and
take out the turbo lasers. It saves a lot of wasted
time shooting them at the end, and it is safer.

Requirements : Completion Time: 6:00
Enemies Destroyed: 45
Accuracy : 40%
Friendly Saves : 7
Bonus : 1

Bonus : When are going down the trench, go left to find a storage
container. Blow it and the turbo laser up and you shall find
a bonus.

=========================Imperial Construction Yards============================

Mission breifs :

Planet : Balmorra
Available Craft : Airspeeder
Recommended Craft : Airspeeder
Default Craft : Airspeeder
Planet Description : This place is like Kile II which you will see next.
It has very deep cravises which you can travel through.
It is also quite dark, so turn up the brightness on
your TV or your computer screen if you are having

Objectives explained : Approach the base undetected: You must destroy the
scanners that lead to the base. If you get too close
you will fail the mission.
Destroy the AT-ST factory: When you reach the AT-ST
factory, decimate everything.
Destroy the AT-AT factory: When you reach the AT-AT
factory, decimate everything.

Enemies : 5 scanners, about 20 TIE's, 5 or 6 turbo lasers,
4 missile turrets, a landing craft, 3 mobile AT-ST's,
4 stationary AT-ST's, 2 mobile AT-AT's, 2 stationary
AT-AT's and a hell of a lot of buildings!

Enemy Tactics : Scanners will take about 5 seconds of holding the
fire button down. TIE's that are sitting on the landing
bays are as weak as a storm troopers helmet, so use
these to tally up your kill count. TIE's in the air are
dead hard to get, and they take a while before they
retire, so don't worry about these unless you really
feel lucky. Turbo lasers and missile turrets: like all
the other times just a few direct hits should sort these
guys out. The landing craft takes a bit, likewise the
AT-ST's. The AT-AT's you shouldn't even worry about, as
I will explain in the walkthrough. The buildings are
generally quite weak in here, and because of the amount
of them, destroy as many buildings as you can. There
is also a few storm troopers, and despite the fact that
they are hard targets for laser guns, if you pick them
off right, they are a valuable source kills.

Walkthrough : Alrighty, I like this mission because you get to go out and
destroy for a change. There is a lot of action in this one, so
be prepared.
As stated above, the introduction by Reikan says that you must
avoid being detected by radar at all costs. The radar dishes
are NOT afraid to give you away. My tactic for this one was to
hold your brakes a little bit and let the other players do the
work. Although after a while I figured it was a chickening out
act and started to do it properly. Any way, for those that don't
want to chicken out like me, just stick close to your wingmates
and blast the heck out of your lasers at the general direction
of the scanners (You can make up for the lost accuracy by
blasting the AT-AT). Do this 5 times until the scanners are all
gone. Reikan will tell you when this happens. Turn right around
the edge of the cliff at the end of the canyon you were in, and
destroy the the buildings and TIE's on the landing bay. Don't
worry about the turtle walker, it takes time to kill the walkers
and they only add up to one point on your tally. Try to kill as
much as you can here, as the kill count for gold is about a
hundred and something? I don't know, see below for the Gold
requirements. Get rid of the turbo laser and carry on down the
wide canyon behind it. There should be an AT-ST guarding the
AT-ST factory. Blast anything and everything you see here, but
make the missile turret and the turbo lasers your first
priority. Once you're done here (making sure you got the two big
buildings, the four AT-ST's and everything between), go back to
the place where you destroyed the TIE's on the landing bay, but
go right. After a few rights, you'll see a left turn. Don't turn
as soon as you go around the corner, as you are likely to be
shot down by the AT-AT, two turbo lasers and two missile turrets
before you even see them. Go right to the end of the corner
before going left. Accelerate as fast as you can and move around
quickly to avoid getting hit by the AT-AT. Shoot the turbo guns
and missile turrets and enter the AT-AT factory. By best advice
for this part is: hold your brakes and the fire button. It is
very effective. Knock out any annoying turrets or AT-ST's trying
to take you out. Once your done here, Reikan will yell out.

Conclusion : Not the hardest of levels, getting bronze or silver is easy.
It's getting the gold that takes a bit of practice. Congrats!
You have completed the seventh level. You are about half way
to the finish!

Requirements : Completion Time: 6:30
Enemies Destroyed: 80
Accuracy : 45%
Friendly Saves : 0
Bonus : 1

Bonus : As you come out of the scanner canyon, there is a landing bay
with eight or so TIE fighters on it. After nuking everything
destroyable, head down to ground level and clear out the two
storage containers that are next to the landing bay. The one
in the general direction of the AT-ST plant has a bonus in it.
You need these advanced bombs for the next level...KILE II.

==============================Assault on Kile II================================

Mission Description : The deep canyons of Kile II hide the Imperial
enclave, a sprawling facility supporting the Empires
Navy throughout the sector.
Destroy key elements and help break the the Empires hold
on the local sectors.

Planet : Kile II
Available Craft : Y-Wing
Recommended Craft : Y-Wing or the Naboo Starfighter
Default Craft : Y-Wing
Planet Description : Like I said in the previous level walkthrough, Kile II
and Balmorra have a lot in common. Dark, dirty, big huge
cliffs and deep trenches. Might need to turn up the

Objectives explained : Locate and destroy the Imperial Garrison: This looks
like a bunch of four large rectangular buildings.
Clobber them to complete this mission.
Locate and destroy the Sensor Array: Just destroy the
radar dishes like those in the Imperial Construction
Locate and destroy the Spaceport: The massive spaceport
must be demolished. Bomb it.

Enemies : It's getting too hard to number them all, so from
now on I will just name the enemies you will find in
TIE Interceptors, trubo lasers, missile turrets, radar
dishes, garrison buildings, access buildings (the long
skinny structures), docking bays, storage containers,
office buildings, a landing ship and a large HQ

Enemy Tactics : Using the Y-Wing, all buildings are annihilated in one
bomb. For the landing ship and the Interceptors...lets
not go there. Impossible in other words.
For the Naboo fighter, save seekers for the Interceptors
and your lasers for the buildings. It isn't the fastest
way of destroying buildings, but the Naboo fighter has
way greater speed and manouverablity compared to the

Walkthrough : As the Y-Wing, going straight ahead will probably take you
to the space port. If you decide to go here first, take out
all the turbo lasers and missile turrets in the perimeter before
worrying about the buildings. Don't mess with the interceptors,
they are more trouble than they're worth. Bomb the buildings
here (ignoring the Interceptors), and make sure to drop bombs on
the storm troopers. If you hit the middle of them, the whole
group will be destroyed. Once your done here, go back to where
you came from. When you leave the narrow trench, go right 180
degrees around the corner. Follow this track until you reach
the garrison. Bomb this place to the ground, including any packs
of storm troopers you may see. Heading over to the sensor array,
which is located directly opposite of the garrison, clear out
the two turbo lasers and the two missile turrets. Then get to
work on the sensor array. Destroy the large building in the
middle first to release the storm troopers so you can increase
your kill. It doesn't take long to knock out the rest of the
base. Once your done, the cut-scene will end the level.

Walkthrough : As any other non-bomb equipped vehicle, follow the same route
as I have indicated above. Take out the ground defence before
moving on to the buildings. Hold the brakes and the fire button
to wipe out the buildings effectively. You may lose a live or
trying to do this. To increase your kill, it might help to use
a seeker to get rid of the Interceptors for a while, but as they
are unlimited, in won't be long before they return. Listen out
for the very distinctive sound of the TIE Interceptor to tell
when they're back. Move out of the space port and head off to
garrison. turn the garrisons into scrap metal, and pick off any
storm troopers you may see.
Again listen for the sound of Interceptors, as they are attached
to you like magnets. Finish off the sensor array to complete.

Conclusion : This mission is quite hard to beat, as the time factor is
quite short. For more efficiency when you have run out of
secondary weapons, is to crash into a building to destroy it.
However I only recommend this to those who use the Infinite live

Requirements : Completion Time: 6:00
Enemies Destroyed: 65
Accuracy : 60%
Freindly Saves : 0
Bonus : 0

===============================Rescue on Kessel=================================

Mission breifs : You must find Wedge before the Imperials deliver
him to the prison - and certain death.

Planet : Kessel
Available Craft : X-Wing fighter
Recommended Craft : X-Wing fighter
Default Craft : Huh?
Planet Description : In comparison to the last few levels, Kessel is rather
flat. Apart from a slight hill, Kessel is featureless.
Not very interesting...

Objectives explained : Prevent the hover train from escaping: Use your Ion
Cannons to disable the train. It takes about three
hits with the Ion cannon to disable one carriage.

Enemies : A hover train with three attacking carriages, AT-ST's,
turbo lasers, a few bunkers, missile turrets, three
convoy vehicles and two large buildings.

Enemy Tactics : DON'T DESTROY THE HOVER TRAIN!!! Just disable it by
using the Ion Cannons as your second weapons. Everything
else can be destroyed by simply blasting them.

Walkthrough : As soon as you take control, hit the special feature button
and turn about 45 degrees LEFT. When you come over the rise, you
will see three convoy vehicles like the ones you were protecting
in Barkhesh. These are enemies, so beat the daylights out of
them. There are also some missile turrets around and a few turbo
lasers. IMPORTANT NOTE: After you have destroyed the convoy and
the defence, destroy the bunker that was at the start of the
convoy train. Hit the special feature button again and race to
the hover train. Knock out the three armed carriages as these
will be annoying while you destroy the AT-ST's and ground
defences. Destroy the rest of these, and make sure you get the
ones near the place at the end of the convoy train route, and
the bunker and the tall power pole thingies at the start of the
hover train route. Don't let it get too far away though, as
when it comes to the last track pole thing that the train goes
over, it becomes impossible to disable it. Kasan will warn you
when it starts getting too close. Also, another tip is to
disable a few carriages (particularly the armed ones) straight
after you finish the convoy train. It is essential that you get
all the enemies you can find on this level, otherwise Gold is
quite challenging. Use your radar to whatever need, as it will
pick up enemies that you cannot see.

Conclusion : This is the first part in the Kessel levels, next you have to
rescue rebels that Wedge discovered were in captivity. But
for now you can relax, as mission 9 is now over.

Requirements : Completion Time: 4:30
Enemies Destroyed: 26
Accuracy : 40%
Friendly Saves : 5
Bonus : 0

=============================Prisons of Kessel==================================

Mission breifs : Now that Wedge is safe, help General Madine free other
Rebels from the notorious prisons of Kessel.

Planet : Kessel
Available Craft : X-Wing, A-Wing
Recommended Craft : Naboo Starfighter, X-Wing
Default Craft : X-Wing
Planet Description : No different than the other Kessel. They're the same
planet, but this one just has a few more hills.

Objectives explained : Destroy the sheild generator: Fly to the end of the
map, and destroy the sheild generator guarding the
Escort and protect Madine's commandos: Fly cover for
Madine and his commandos in the Sentinal shuttle.

Enemies : Probe Droids, AT-ST's, turbo lasers, missile
launchers, speeder bikes, storm troopers, bunkers,
storage containers...

Enemy Tactics : As turbo lasers and missile turrets are in twelve
out of the fifteen missions, I feel I do not need to
give tactics to beat these pathetic machines. However
for the speeder bikes, one or two shots will do. The
buildings will take a bit of a pounding. And lastly
the storm troopers. Storm troopers? You can figure that
one out for yourself.

Walkthrough : Okay. Madine isn't very good at giving instructions, as you
will see when he asks you to destroy the generator while he
gets a blasting from the turbo lasers. Any way, follow the
landing ship to the first prison. Blast all the turbo lasers
and AT-ST's before they have a chance at shooting Madine.
Once he is secure, use your radar and follow the orange triangle
to the generator. Be quick about shooting the generator and the
defence it has. Make sure you get everything, right down to the
last little black pole things. Return as fast as you can to
Madine and give him air cover, using your seekers to wipe the
smiles off the Interceptor's face. There may also be TIE
fighters hanging around as well, so get rid of them as well.
When Madine is clear, he will say so and fly off to the next
prison. Again destroy the turbo lasers, the AT-ST's and any
missile turrets that are around. WARNING: Missile turrets are
rare in this level but they are deadly. Listen out for the sound
of a missile locking on, then search around and destroy it!
The third prison is much like the rest. Take out the continous
line of Interceptors and fighters. Seekers are so useful here
it is just simply not funny. If you run out, crash into an AT-ST
or a building to get your seekers back.
At the last prison, fry the AT-ST trying sneak up on you.
Obliterate the TIE's and clear out the guns. Should be all
over if you did this correctly. Another tip. Don't dawdle if you
can't see any enemy. If you can't see it, find it. There is
usually always something to destroy on this level, be it walkers
or speeder bikes. Also, don't be tempted to go off and look for
enemies too far away, as the landing shuttle will probably get
attacked the moment you leave it. For a final note, destroy
every destroyable thing you see, as long as it doesn't
contradict anything I've said above.

Conclusion : This is one of the more...frustrating levels. If you want to
remain happy with the game, I suggest that you hurry up and get
gold; it is a painful level to be stuck with. Also, this level
needs lots of continous attempts before you might get the gold.
It took me ten goes in a row to complete it. In other words, an
hour or so.

Requirements : Completion Time: 10:30
Enemies Destroyed: 103
Accuracy : 40%
Friendly Saves : 35
Bonus : 1

Bonus : The A-Wings advanced missiles are found above the second
prison in a ridge, guarded by a single missile turret.
You need this upgrade to get gold.

================================Chapter Three===================================

With the rescue of Wedge
Antilles, and Rogue Squadron
at full strength, the Rebel
Alliance turns its attention
to a new Imperial threat
- Moff Kohl Seerdon.

Preparing to capture
Thyferra, with its precious
supply of healing bacta,
Seerdon is now consolidating
his power for a massive
attack. His success could
very well break the fledging
Rebellion, and surely doom
the galaxy to Imperial rule.

Luke Skywalker and Rogue
Squadron are assigned to
disrupt his operation with
swift hit-and-run missions
against key targets such
as he Imperial mining
operation on Taloraan...

==============================Battle above Taloraan=============================

Mission breifs : In the skies of Taloraan, fight the empire for control
of the Tibanna Gas platforms, but be careful not to harm
the civilian operations there.

Planet : Taloraan
Available Craft : A-Wing, X-Wing
Recommended Craft : Naboo Starfighter, A-Wing
Default Craft : A-Wing
Planet Description : Getting sick of big cliffs and trenches? Well this
level takes place on a Bespin look-alike. Lots of
Cloud cars, and even the Tantive IV which got captured
in the first movie.

Objectives explained : Destroy all Imperial gas Canisters: Destroy all the
gas canisters without a blue stripe on them.
Avoid civilian canisters casualties: Do not destroy
the canisters with a blue stripe on.

Enemies : TIE fighters, TIE Interceptors, cylindrical turbo
lasers, cylindrical missile turrets.

Enemy Tactics : TIE fighters are generally weak, not taking more than
a few potshots. Same for the Interceptors, except the
fact that they are a lot faster and manouverable. The
turbo lasers and missile turrets are harder to hit than
the normal ones, and are sometimes IINTANGIBLE due to
glitches. (thanks to BrotherReed for that information).

Walkthrough : Again I want to emphasise the important note: DO NOT DESTROY

Platform One: Floor the brakes and take shots at the canisters
WITHOUT blue stripes. There are some on the bottom and some on
the top. Also it might help if those annoying TIE's are turned
into falling debris as they attack your Blockade Runner (the big
long ship accompaning you for no particular reason). You must
protect it for your friendly save.

Platform Two: Follow your radar until you come here, where there
is some more TIE's and canisters. Pick off each of these to
complete this platform and don't forget to protect the poor
helpless Blockade Runner.

Platform Three: Here's where your Blockade Runner stops and no
longer requires your attention. Clear the platform of the gun
turrets, then wipe the platform clean of the Imperial canisters.

Platform Four: Located right above the previous platform, this
too has gun turrets to take care of. Watch out for these weapons
as they have more armour than normal turbo lasers and also are
better shots. They have no remorse in taking you out. For best
efficiency in taking out canisters, fly away from the place you
want to hit, then turn around and handbrake it all the way to
the canisters.

Platform Five: I like this place because everything here is
Imperial. Hit the brakes and just shoot. Shoot everything. But
be careful as the turrets here are notorious for the first kill.

Platform Six: Especially here you should watch out for the
ghostly turrets. Destroy all opposition here, canisters and all,
then move on to the next platform. It doesn't take long to
realize that this level is one of the harder ones. But hey.
Where's the fun without a challenge?

Platform Seven: You might die again here as well if you don't
your back. The gun turrets have turned into missile launchers,
and they're not very happy at the fact that you've toasted all
their brothers. They're out for revenge, so fry them quick.
Pick off the canisters, and move on.

Right here is a swarm of TIES: Interceptors and fighters. To get
the best of them, accelerate past them, turn around and chase
after them, taking them out with seekers. Once you've got a
majority of them, turn around and go back to sky city.

Platform Eight: More missile turrets. Come in from above so they
can't shoot you properly. Take them and the cans out to complete
this very difficult stage.

Also, between platforms seven and eight, there is an Interceptor
who will follow you to whatever end. He will go further than
just following you if you try to shake him off. Use a seeker
before he trails you, because he is a pain to have on your tail.

Conclusion : Whew!!! This was one of the most difficult levels yet. But
enough for the celebration. The next one is another dreaded
protect mission. Oh well, I wish you luck. Bet you 50 bucks
your gonna need it.

Requirements : Completion Time: 7:00
Enemies Destroyed: 90
Accuracy : 70%
Friendly Saves : 1
Bonus : 1

Bonus : Near Platform Eight is noticeably, Sky City. It is in the
centre of this metropolis that you will locate the Bonus.
Using the A-Wing or Naboo Starfighter, you should be able to
get this easily, but with the X-Wing, just slam on the brakes
and hope...

===============================Escape from Fest=================================

Mission breifs : During the Taloraan operation, a team of Rebel
commandos stole several AT-PT's from an Imperial base
on Fest. Unfortunately, their escape did not go as well
as planned.

Planet : Fest
Available Craft : AirSpeeder
Recommended Craft : just kidding.
Default Craft : Ummmmmm...
Planet Description : Snowy, bit like Hoth. Lots of AT-AT's. Pretty freaky.
Some hills here and there. Far out. Who do think I am?
A geologist?

Objectives Explained : Liberate the AT-PT's and escort them to the landing
zone: Protect the three AT-PT's at all costs.
Destroy the Research Facilty: Destroy the research
facility. It's self explanatory.

Enemies :AT-AT's, AT-AT's and more AT-AT's. Tank Droids, turbo
lasers, missile turrets, bunkers, bombers, stealth
generator and more AT-AT's!!!

Enemy Tactics : Damned AT-AT's. You'd think after our run in the
Construction Yards the Imperials wouldn't still have
the AT-AT's coming out of their ears! Anyway, they are
still a threat, so we must destroy them. Trip them up.
The bombers are the biggest problem. Although they take
a few hits before crashing, they usually drop their
payload of bombs on those poor AT-PT's first. Tank
droids won't handle much, likewise the turbo lasers.

Walkthrough : If you get embarrassed by using walkthroughs, I know the
feeling. Even a walkthrough couldn't get me through this level
for 5 months before I finally did on the PC. It's so much harder
on the N64.
Anyway, floor it to the site where the AT-PT's are getting a
beating from the AT-AT. When you come in to tie the walker up,
try taking a few storm troopers and the bunker with you. Once
have tripped the walker, boost it to the next AT-AT site while
the others are taking out the wall. If you are really efficient,
You can trip the AT-AT and start to take out the next AT-AT
before the gate is blown apart. You should also try to clean up
any wandering tanks or storm troopers you see. But upon saying
that, time is of the essence, and the longer you spend trying
to pick off storm troopers, the closer the AT-PT's get to doom.
Shadow the AT-PT's to the place where the tank droids start to
come. Take out the tanks closer to the AT-PT's before taking out
the rest. There are six coming from the research facility, and
six or seven coming from the opposite side of the rift. You
figure out which tanks are the most threatening, but to
me: just shoot the tanks closer to the AT-PT's.
When the AT-PT's have reached the home run, bombers will come
in packs of two. Destroy the first two before the come over the
rise, then take out the next two before they decimate the
AT-PT's. Another two bombers will come, followed by another two.
Man! The Empire goes to some extent to try and stop you from
taking THREE AT-PT's!!!! Any way, the last two bombers are shot
down by your mates, but whether they take them out after the
bombers take out the AT-PT's is still a mystery. I don't know
because I won't risk the destruction of those AT-PT's.
One blast from the bombs of one of these bombers can obliterate
an AT-PT. Be extremely careful. Watch out for any other harmful
weaponry threatening the little walkers until Reikan says it's
okay to destroy the research facility. If all the AT-PT's have
lived, all you have to worry about is time and enemies. Shut
down the sheild generator (where you killed the second AT-AT)
and incinerate it. Head back to the research facility.
In reaching it, melt it to the ground.

Conclusion : As you'll see in my level rating, I've rated this one the
hardest level. You may disagree, but I stopped playing the PC
game for a month before I felt like taking it up again. For some
strange reason I won the first time I tried it again. Any way,
you deserve some form of congratulations. Email me and I might.

Requirements : Completion Time: 6:30
Enemies Destroyed: 65
Accuracy : 25%
Friendly Saves : 7
Bonus : 1

Bonus : Luckily, you don't have to interupt your protection of the
AT-PT's to get this one. When you have shut down the sheilds
for the research facility, fly up round the back of the facility
to find a bunker. Guess whats inside the bunker? Wink wink-nudge

=============================Blockade on Chandrila==============================

Mission breifs : Moff Seerdon has chosen to hold Chandrila hostage, in
attempt to make the rebellion pay for it's raid on Fest.
You must help the innocent people of Chandrila. Protect
the supply train and stop the Empire.

Planet : Chandrila
Available Craft : X-Wing, A-Wing, V-Wing
Recommended Craft : Naboo Starfighter
Default Craft : The good old trusty X-Wing
Planet Description : This is the most relaxing planet I've been on so far.
It is the sister planet to Coruscant (in the same solar
system). However, what you may find inside Chandrila is
most certainly not relaxing.

Objectives explained : Protect the hover train: Use any means neccessary to
protect the hover train.
Protect the evacuation shuttles: Use any means
neccessary to protect the evacuation shuttles.
Secure the city: Destroy all the forces raiding the

Enemies : Bombers, Interceptors, AT-ST's, Moff Seerdon's
shuttle and just more of those agitating bombers.

Enemy Tactics : Bombers...the only Imperial craft no afraid to show
it's face. And that comes with some destructive effects.
But this time it's not the bombers that are the main
problem in this level. It's the AT-ST's for a change.
Anyway, the bombers like always will handle a seeker
or some shots to the head...sorry, body. The AT-ST's
seem to have more armour because it takes more that a
seeker to bring them down. By best advice for them is to
hit the brakes, launch some seekers, hold the fire
button, and crash into any survivors.

Walkthrough : The first thing you'll notice is that there are a LOT of
fighters assaulting the train. So get in there and seeker of
the bombers first. The bombers will keep on rolling in, so if
you are quite close to a bomber shoot it instead to save on your
seekers until you really need them. On and on and on the bombers
will come until you reach the city. As a general hint, follow
a little bit behind the train to get the best position on the
Once you reach the city, grill the two bombers trying in vain
to destroy the train.
Now you're in the city, foil the plans of the bombers trying to
bomb out the main buildings. These are very weak, so don't give
them any oppurtunities to knock them out.
As objective one ticks over and objective two comes in, a cut
scene will appear, showing three shuttles under heavy fire from
Floor it to the site, and quickly but carefully take
out each AT-ST. There are three on the other side as well, so
don't let up your attack so quickly. When the shuttles take off,
three Interceptors will try in a last attempt to destroy the
shuttles. Foils their plans and roast their metal brains.
Some wingmate will say that there are more bombers headed your
way, so go and blow their guts out. If you do this successfully,
the ending cut-scene will appear presenting a conversation
between Kasan Moor and Moff Seerdon.
But overall, this is another frustrating level.

Conclusion : First of all, why did the shuttles park in the middle of six
AT-ST's????????? Beats me. This is another one of those
frustrating levels. By the time you get gold you probably will
have forgotton how to play. Well done.

Requiremnets : Completion Time: 5:45
Enemies Destroyed: 35
Accuracy : 20%
Friendly Saves : 4
Bonus : 1

Bonus : When you go to destroy the first lot of bombers, hit the boost
to the end of the city. You will find a pitiful AT-ST shooting
a small tower. Destroy it to pick up the next bonus.

===============================Raid on Sullust==================================

Mission breifs : Kasan Moor is engineering an assault on a volcano
base at Sullust, in a retaliatory attack for the
blockade on Chandrila.

Planet : Sullust
Available Craft : Y-Wing
Recommended Craft : Naboo Starfighter
Default Craft : Y-Wing
Planet Description : If you can visualize what the crater of a volcano
would look like, this level isn't far from that vision.
It is quite rocky, very dark and and has a few pools of

Objectives explained : Destroy the thermal transmitters: Fry all the thermal
transmitters providing energy to the sheild generator of
the capacitor (the large probe droid looking thing with
a large sheild around it.
Destroy the capacitor: Once the shield is down, destroy
the power cells rotating around the capacitor.

Enemies : Missile turrets, turbo lasers, AT-ST's, a capacitor,
thermal transmitters, storage containers, crates,
bunkers, a garage and Interceptors.

Enemy Tactics : I'm just going to ignore any missile turrets and turbo
lasers. I'm sick of repeating the tactics time after
time. Same goes for AT-ST's. Thermal transmitters will
depend on what craft you use. Y-Wings can take out the
pimples in the ground with a single bomb. The Naboo
fighter (recommended) will take a few seconds of heavy
fire to knock them out. Crates are no different to storm
troopers. They are disintegrated within a shot or two.
If you are using the Y-Wing, just ignore the darned
Interceptors, but if you are the Naboo Fighter, seeker
them down, as there is a finite supply of them.

Walkthrough : When you start off the mission, you will see a bunch of plain
evil weaponry. A missile turret, AT-ST, a turbo laser and a
thermal transmitter. I will give you a list of the twelve, using
THT as an abreviation for Thermal Transmitter.

THT 1: Right behind you as you begin the stage. Try to get
the artillery and ground defense in one go, using your bombs to
whatever extent. Remember, if you run out of bombs, just crash
to replenish the payload of advanced bombs.

THT 2: After you finish off the first one, turn back around 180
degrees and use your radar to bring you to the next one. Look
out for a missile turret that isn't hesitating in firing
missiles. As you approach it, destroy it in whatever way you
feel best, then turn right to discover THT 2.

THT 3: This located a tinsy winsy bit left of THT 2 when you
were approaching it from destroying THT 1. This may seem a bit
confusing, so if in doubt, follow your radar. It plays a major
role in this course. Destroy it and the few turbo lasers
guarding it.

THT 4: Just follow the wall of the crater heading LEFT of THT 2
NOT right! Here is another Thermal Transmitter guarded by a few
gun turrets. Toast these guys, it is a volcano after all.

THT 5: Keep following the wall and you eventually will reach
another guarded Thermal Transmitter. Drop a few bombs on these
and you will have destroyed THT 5.

THT 6: You are half way. If you have died only once, you are
doing very well indeed. This is located 90 degrees right of
THT 5 when you are coming in from THT 4. This one (unlike all
the rest) is not guarded.

THT 7: Carry on towards the landing bay. Outside will be two
missile turrets and a THT. Kill the missile turrets but don't
get the THT yet. Go over the landing bay and obliterate any
harmful enemies. THT 7 is here, behind the landing bay.

THT 8: This one is the one I asked you not to get, as the
missile turret behind the landing bay will have probably taken
you out. Make sure you aren't too close while dropping bombs, as
the explosion will take a lot of damage off your sheild at the
top of the screen.

THT 9: Follow the wall again and look to your right for two
AT-ST's. In the middle of these is a Thermal Transmitter. Also
is a few turbo lasers, so knock the life out of these as well.

THT 10: Carry on along the wall, until you come to another
Thermal Transmitter guarded by two turbo lasers. It isn't hard
to destroy these, so carry on to defeat the last two.

THT 11: This is located about 80 degrees right of THT 10. It
is guarded by two missile turrets and a few turbo's, so take it
easy coming up to this place. Knock it out to take out THT 11.

THT 12: Go back to the wall and carry on left to encounter THT
11. Also, you may spawn here if you die from THT 11's missile
buddies. Flame grill the guys here to complete objective one.

Okay. You have completed the harder part of this course, and if
you are still alive and kicking, you will meet the capacitor.
Listen up because what Kasan or Wedge say can be deceiving.
Basically, just shoot the black-with-white-stripes cyliders that
are rotating around the capacitor. With the Y-Wing, it takes
a while to do, and if you are struggling to keep up with the
time, you may find the Naboo Starfighter better to complete the
mission with. But for PC players where the N1-Fighter is not
available, just try a combination of the Ion cannons and the
very very pathetic lasers on the Y-Wing. Once you have
destroyed the cylinders, a cut scene will appear with Reikan
saying that Seerdon has begun his attack on Thyferra.

Conclusion : Geeeez, that was a long FAQ. But the longer the better, and
this is probably the most reliable mission walkthrough out of
the lot. I have acheived Gold on both N64 and PC, but I'm
telling you, it isn't the easiest of courses. All you have to do
is look at the amount of missile turrets there are.

Requirements : Completion Time: 4:00
Enemies Destroyed: 40
Accuracy : 75%
Friendly Saves : 0
Bonus : 1

Bonus : In the landing bay, between Thermal Transmitters 7 and 8,
there is a garage like building. It helps if you have the
brightness turned up for this mission. Bomb it as the Y-Wing
or pound it as the Naboo Fighter. Once it explodes, the bonus
(Seeker Proton Torpedo's) will be yours.

=============================Moff Seerdons Revenge==============================

Mission Breifs : By sending Rogue Squadron to Sullust, Moff Seerdon
has secretly captured the bacta suppies of Thyferra,
and now intends to cut off medical supplies to the
Alliance. Free Thyferra, and defeat Moff Seerdon once
and for all.

Planet : Thyferra
Available Craft : X-Wing, A-Wing, V-Wing
Recommended Craft : V-Wing, Naboo Starfighter
Default Craft : X-Wing
Planet Description : This planet is sort of grassy, a bit mountainy and
quite interesting. It is one of the more larger levels,
and it has a variety of features and enemies.

Objectives explained : Protect the civilians and Rebel bacta: Destroy any
enemy harming the bacta tanks or civilians.
Destroy all Imperial forces: Destroy the Imperial
forces invading Thyferra...all of them.
Defeat Moff seerdon: Destroy the shuttle that Moff
Seerdon is attacking you in.

Enemies : Interceptors, bombers, turbo lasers, missile turrets,
AT-ST's and Moff Seerdon himself. There aren't many
varieties of them, but their quantity remains beyond

Enemy Tactics : Interceptors can be destroyed (or can they) by a
seeker. Unfortunately by the time one locks on, you
probably will have been shot down by another one coming
from behind. Bombers are a pain in the...hmm hmm. If you
see any while going about your business: DO NOT HESITATE
Moff Seerdon is obviously the hardest enemy to beat, but
this can be done by driving a few seekers into him, and
meanwhile pounding him with lasers.

Walkthrough : Bacta Clearing 1
When you start there is a missile turret in front of you. It
is a good idea to eliminate this before moving on. It may take
a while to get this, and it may get you once or twice before
you get it. Turn hard to your right, and destroy the missile
turret there. Try to destroy the AT-ST there, but if you don't,
don't sweat about it. Just knock out the Turbo laser there and
the bunker. You must get every Imperial building and unit before
you can face Seerdon. Turn around and finish of the AT-ST.
Carry on down the clearing, and ignore the Interceptor coming
from behind. Shoot down the missile turret and the bunker to
finish this clearing.

Bacta Clearing 2
Go left and head up the hill till you get to the place where you
find four or five bombers. Seeker them down, and clear out any
ground defense you see. Going along the top of the cliff right,
you will meet a Turbo laser and a bunker, and past that, some
more bombers. Take care of these with seekers and you have
cleared clearing two.

Bacta Clearing 3
This one is a small one. Hit the gas, following the edge of the
cliff in the same direction. After a while, you will see a small
group of buildings: two turbo lasers, a bunker and a bacta
container. Decimate all of them except the bacta container.

Bacta Clearing 4
Head again to your right, up on top of the cliff. There are
three turbo lasers, 2 AT-ST's and a lot of bacta containers that
you have to watch out for. Shoot the AT-ST's a bit, then the
turbo lasers. Turn around and finish of the AT-ST's. Grab the
bunkers to finish off the clearing.

Bacta Clearing 5
Continue in the same direction you have been following. When the
Wedge on your radar fans out, nose dive into the fifth clearing.
Roast the bunker with the bonus in. That is all for clearing
number 5.

Bacta Clearing 6
Go down the wide trench in front of the bonus bunker. At the end
is clearing no. 6. Watch out for the Interceptors and missile
turrets combining their weapons. Stirfry the bunker, and go
right to claim this clearing. Once you have destroyed the
bunkers and the missile turret, turn your attention to the
pesky Interceptors. Seeker them out of the skies.

Moff Seerdon
Once you have eliminated all (four or five) Interceptors, Moff
Seerdon will enter with a terrifying speech. When you face him,
switch to seeker, and fire one as soon as the crosshair pops up.
As soon as it fires, boost until you pass each other, then slow
down and repeat this process until he blows up. He will usually
continue taunting you until he exits with an "Aaaaarrgh!!!"

Conclusion : You want my opinion on this level? I can't use words to
describe how much this level gets on my nerves. I finally got
gold on it a few months ago on PC, and a few weeks ago I got
gold on N64. But no matter what, this level ain't for the faint

Requirements : Completion Time: 6:00
Enemies Destroyed: 45
Accuracy : 30%
Frinedly Saves : 55
Bonus : 1

Bonus : The bonus is in the bunker closest to the residents castle.
Just blow it up to collect the Cluster seeker missiles.

==================================Chapter Four==================================

Six years after the Battle
of Endor, the fight for freedom
continues. Even without the
thousands of Jedi Knights
who formed the backbone
of the Old Republic, the Rebel
Alliance has managed to
control three quarters of
the galaxy.

Darth Vader is dead, but a
reborn Empire under a
mysterious new leader strikes
back at the struggling Rebel
Alliance, hoping to crush
the fledging new Republic.

Massive World Devastators,
more powerful and
unstoppable than the Death
Star, ravage entire planets.

Rogue Squadron, which is
now commanded by Wedge
Antilles, persists in mounting
daring missions throughout
the galaxy...

=============================Battle of Calamari=================================

Mission breifs : The world devastators are raining desctruction on
the peaceful world of Mon Calamari.
Fly as Wedge Antilles, and and battle againts all odds
to stop their evil conquest.

Planet : Mon Calamari
Available Craft : X-Wing, A-Wing, V-Wing
Recommended Craft : V-Wing
Default Craft : V-Wing
Planet Descriptions : Mon Calamari is a peaceful planet with oceans and
grass lands. In terms of geology, they saved the best
for last. Even though it is frustrating, I almost can't
get angry because the scenery is so cool.

Objectives explained : Destroy the world devastators: Destroy those big
hulking massive ugly...things.
Protect the cities: Mon Calamari don't hire very good
architects, as the buildings will collapse under little
fire, so do your best to protect the buildings.

Enemies : TIE'D fighters (a new tie fighter, driven by a droid
brain), world devastators and wave skimmers.

Enemy Tactics : Use seeker cluster missiles for the new fighters,
and the wave skimmers could do with a bit a lot of
laser poundings. World Devastators...damn! Take out the
sheild generator on top (have any of you ever played
Red Alert? If you have, it looks like the Iron Curtain)
and then take out two of the four leg jets.

Walkthrough : This time you get to play as Wedge Antilles. Hit the scramjets
to the site of the world devastator, which welcome you warmly.
Warmly as in the heat of your explosion as you get bombarded
with lasers and missiles from the devastator.
Fly up to the top of it, and pound the sheild generator with
your linked lasers. Note: THIS LEVEL IS SO MUCH EASIER WITH THE
INFINITE LIVES CHEAT! Any way, for those who modestly don't
cheat, I understand. Fly down, and take out the leg jets. Watch
out for the big vacuum cleaner at the end of the devastator, as
it will drag you in and you will most likely die. Destroy two
leg jets, then fly over to the city. Let fly some seeker cluster
missiles and shoot down the TIE'D fighters that swarm the city.
Being droids, they have no fear, and sometimes if you invade
their privacy, they won't hesitate to kamakaze into you.
After you destroy two, another two will appear. They tend to
travel in a figure of eight, so anticipate their flight plan
to get the best effect of destruction.
Once you're done here, follow your radar (approximately 90 deg
right of the city and the devastator.
Again, take out the sheild generator on the top, then take out
the leg jets. Try this tactic for effective tactics.

Position yourself so you are heading towards the front right
of the devastator. Head towards the rear left, taking the sheild
generator with you.
Keep on going, hit the brakes and turn round to face the rear
right (your right) corner of the devastator. Take out the right
rear leg jet, then take out the front right leg jet. This method
(created by me!!! hehe) is effective for all three devastators.

I completed gold ignoring the turbo lasers and missile turrets
on the top of the substantial machine, but for paranoid
rookies, I advise trying to shoot them down. They are destroyed
when you bring them down, but I do if they give you enemy kills
or not. I would gladly accept any infomation regarding that too

For The city, again, don't be afraid to let your seeker clusters
go; as long as they go in the direction of the TIE fighters.
Make sure you don't fire them downwards, as any missiles that
miss might end up being a statistic on the walls of buildings,
and sometimes that means the building becoming a statistic on
the ground. Not good. You need to save a phenomenal 87 mates,
so try not to put those poor guys in danger.

Devastator three is just asking for trouble. If you have lost
no lives yet: I'm very impressed. If you have lost a life, thats
okay. If you have lost two lives you may lose your last here.
Again, take out the top sheild generator, using my method if it
suits you. The leg jets aren't a problem. Once you have downed
this huge peice of scrap metal (which I'm sure Watto would be
very keen to get his hands on) the rest is no problem at all.
Just don't waste any time blowing those TIE's out of the sky.

Conclusion : How do you feel? Seriously, how do you feel? You have just
completed the 16th level in the game. For the story missions,
you have finished! Gone, complete, done! You should shout your
self some dinner out somewhere nice, or have a little tea party.
Conquering this is no simple walk in the park. If you have
acheived gold on every single level, you will get all the hidden
stages. Read on below for the four hidden stages.

Requirements : Completion Time: 5:30
Enemies Destroyed: 24
Accuracy : 25%
Friendly Saves : 87
Bonus : 0

=============================The Hidden Stages==================================

There are three stages that are unlocked by beating corresponding medals.
One is played by using a cheat (see the cheats section).
Below is a list.

Beggars Canyon = Get Bronze on each course
The Death Star trench run = Get Silver on each course
The Battle of Hoth = Get Gold on each course
Billy the Chicken Walker = Use the "CHICKEN" passcode.

Below is the walkthrough for each.

================================Beggars Canyon==================================

Mission breifs : Race through Beggars Canyon in your T-16 Sky hopper.
Test your skill againts Zev, Dack and Wedge.

Planet : Tatooine
Available Craft : T-16 Skyhopper
Recommended Craft : blah...blah...blah...
Default Craft : blah
Planet Description : Refer to "Ambush at Mos Eisley" for an elaboration.

Objectives explained : Win the race: Self explanatory...

Enemies : Wedge

Enemy Tactics : Uuuuuuuh...shoot Wedge down and lose the race.

Walkthrough : This level is actually quite hard for the keen beans who think
they can "rip up the course". To win gold, you must do the
following things that are very hard to do at the same time.
You must not brake at any point during the race, other wise
99 % of the time you will lose. Also, you must not crash. If you
do, you are likely to go BOOM. In conjunction with all this, you
must not acsned higher than the trench, or you will be had up
for cheating. To finish this regulation list off, don't crash
into your wing mates. Even if they crash into you, you will be
blamed. However unfair this may seem, that is the rules, and
you cannot change it.
To get gold, you must take the first right. If you are just
starting off, you might want to beat Zev or Dack first. Zev
takes the left branch, using the Im-an-old-Bantha excuse.
Dack takes the center, and Wedge takes the right. The right is
full of twisty turns and beady eyes just hungry for an excuse
to disqualify you, so take it easy againts Wedge.

You may encounter a Jawa Sandcrawler on the way. Don't panic and
fly too high, as Wedge will catch you and you will lose. Just
try and fly sort of beside it and above it. On the PC I once
played this game as the AT-ST and I managed to shoot down one
wing mate. See if you can shoot down more than one. Also, I
noticed with the AT-ST that it can walk up slopes steeper than
60 degrees! For maths nerds you will acknowledge that as quite
a lot. I also shot down the land speeder, the crawler and the
home stead.

If your having any problems with this, email me the question
and I'll do my best to answer it.

Conclusion : This would be a relaxing course for me. The only thing in here
that ruins my day is: "Someones cheating out there!!!". I hate
that phrase soooooooooooooo much.

Requirements : You must beat Wedge to acheive gold.

===========================The Death Star Trench Run============================

Mission breifs : Travel down the Death Star trench eliminating as many
laser cannons as possible. If the trench guns stop
firing, you can bet the Death Stars compliment of TIE's
will be in close pursuit.
Continue down the trench until you reach the exhaust
port area.

Planet : The Death Star
Available Craft : X-Wing
Recommended Craft : Naboo Starfighter
Default Craft : X-Wing
Planet Description : If someone turned up at Watto's junk shop offering the
Death Star for scrap metal, what do you think Watto
would do? That question was at a forum in
and I thought it fits in nicely right here. In other
words, the death star is just one big hunk of junk. No
offense Darth Vader...

Objectives explained : Destroy the Death Star: Shoot the hell out of every

Enemies : Turbo lasers, gun towers, TIE's and the Death Star

Enemy Tactics : Gun towers are a pain, so end their already short life
span and blow their guts out. A seeker should do the
trick, but if you want to save those, hold the brakes
and the fire button. TIE's? Just blow them out of the
sky with a seeker.

Walkthrough : As you enter the trench, blast any turbo lasers you see.
TIE's will come in pretty fast, so turn your seekers on stand
by, but only fire any if the red crosshair comes on. Don't
chase them. Hit the gas and shoot all the turbo lasers you see,
and any TIE's that have the fortune to stumble upon one of
your seekers. If you feel you still haven't got enough, shoot
a few gun towers but don't waste too much time on these, as they
take time to shoot, and you DON'T have time.
After taking the third turn (a turn? a turn in the trench?)
knock the lights out of any turbo's you see, race to the end,
wipe the exhaust port clear of gun towers and turbo lasers and
finish it off.

Conclusion : What happened to the explosion? Why couldn't we use Y-Wings?
Why can't we use the Millenium Falcon. Truly, this course is
fun, but probably the worst planned. I think some of my other
FAQ friends have said the same in their FAQ's as well. Any way,
good going!

Requirements : Completion Time: 2:45
Enemies Destroyed: 30
Accuracy : 70%
Friendly Saves : 0
Bonus : 0

============================The Battle of Hoth==================================

Mission breifs : Experiance the Battle of Hoth from the cockpit of your
speeder as you hold the Imperial forces and help the
Rebel transports escape.

Planet : Hoth
Available Craft : Air Speeder
Recommended Craft : Star Destroyer
Default Craft : The Death Star
Planet Infomation : Hoth is Hoth is Hoth. Watch the Empire Strikes Back
for a good movie and a detailed description. But for
those that can't be bothered, Tough. Nah, Hoth is pretty
snowy, a few trenches and riddled with AT-AT's.

Objectives explained : Destroy the probe droids: This is very simple,
straight forward and easy. I can make mince meat of all
the probe droids in one run, it saves time. And time
is of the essence here.
Rescue Rogue Ten: Blast the At-ST's to free Rogue Ten.
Protect the sheild generator: Destroy the three AT-AT's,
five AT-ST's and the hundreds of little snow troopers
that are completely and utterly useless.

Enemies : Probe droids, AT-ST's, AT-AT's and snow troopers.

Enemy Tactics : Probe droids and snow troopers are alike in the fact
that they are disintegrated in one shot. AT-ST's are
built for bashings, and take longer to bring down.
AT-AT's. You have no choice but to trip them.

Walkthrough : This is a smallish walkthrough for those who used cheating to
get here. For those who don't, well, you won't need one. But
it is part of the requirements...

Probe Droids: Behind the Rebel transports is a terrifying group
of probe droids. Turn their ugly interiors into scramble eggs.

AT-ST's: Rogue Ten got shot down by a chicken. Go help him by
roasting their fairly large heads.

Final Assault: As you fly over the ridge, gun down the two
loner AT-ST's. Fly to the far end of the clearing, and trip the
turtle walker that's sneaking up on the sheild generator.
There is an AT-ST here as well, so leave the stalks of it's
chicken legs smoking.
Head over to the pair of slugs over the small hill, and fry
the leading AT-ST's. Drop a line on the walker furtherest from
the one you just tripped, using the brakes to watch out for the
other walker. After that is done, repeat the same method for the
other one. If you do all this, you have completed a very
difficult (wink wink) mission.

Conclusion : Well. That's it for the bonus missions. All that is left is
AT-ST mission, which out of my spare time, have provided a FAQ
for it as well. Most of the stuff (apart from the FAQ and the
enemy list) is made up, but i hope you enjoy it.

Requirements : Completion Time: 3:45
Enemies Destroyed: 29
Accuracy : 60%
Friendly Saves : 0
Bonus : 0

============================Billy the Chicken Walker============================

Mission breifs : Use a stolen AT-ST called Billy and destroy all
buildings and vehicles you see.

Planet : Billyville
Available Craft : AT-ST
Recommended Craft : AT-ST
Default Craft : AT-ST
Planet Description : Billyville is grassy, with a mix of buildings. Ranging
from Tatooine homesteads, to Rebels laser cannons we
see on Defection at Corellia and Battle of Hoth, and
even turbo lasers.

Enemies : Now this is the weird bit. There are turbo lasers
shooting at you! They are meant to be on your side!
Cough Cough. Any way. Turbo lasers, bunkers, rebel
lasers, landing shuttle, Tatooine homesteads and
some other weird buildings.

Enemy Tactics : Start shooting the enemies from far away, other wise
you'll get fried like all the other AT-ST's got fried by
you. Watch out for the turbo lasers. Anything else is
history, as the cannons on the AT-ST are not to be
under estimated.

Walkthrough : First of all you have to know the controls. They are NOT like
the other controls.

Move = Hold B and move in the direction you want to,
using the analogue stick.
Fire = Z
Move head = Stop the vehicle, then use the analogue stick
to move it around.

Alright. Head off towards the small imperial base. Blast the
Turbo lasers as soon as you see them. They cause major damage,
and if you die, you have to abort the game and type in the cheat
again to play it. Blast the base, then turn around and fry the
small rebel laser cannon. Turn around quickly and flame grill
the landing ship before it takes off. I think it starts to take
off as soon as you start shooting at it, so get it early.
Turn around again and shoot the convoy vehicles and the bunker.
Carry on in the opposite direction of the previous landing
ship until you reach the homesteads. Shoot the guys running
aimlessy around, then incinerate all the homesteads.

Keep on going along the sloping hill, until you come to
another gathering. Toast them to end the mission.

Conclusion : This is just for fun, there is no aim to it. This mission
only applies to N64, as PC get to use the AT-ST in any ground
based level.

Requirements : Completion time: Forever
Enemies Destroyed: All of them
Accuracy : 0 %
Friendly Saves : You just blasted your "friends" who were
blasting you!
Bonus : Hundred million billion trillion megaton

2.2 - The End

By the time I did end up getting Gold on every single level, I thought to
myself, what reward did I get anyway. So I went back to see how good I would be
at Ambush at Mos Eisley, and wollah!!! I could use an AirSpeeder, Millenium
Falcon (not that it was much of a reward), an Interceptor and the Y-WING!!!!
Y-Wings suck, but you only get to use them in two levels, so it is nice to see
them in all the levels except for Corellia, Imperial Yards, Fest and Hoth.

I went back and did a few more levels, and I wasted Prisons of Kessel with more
enemies than I could ever had hoped for. I caned Moff Seerdons revenge in the
AirSpeeder, even to the bewilderment of me! Even though I had the Gold medals,
I was beating my old scores like donkey beats a chicken!

It is so worth completing Staw Wars Rogue Squadron, I hope you have the pleasure
of completing it too.

2.3 - Cheats and Glitches

Here I will list all the cheats for PC and N64 in a correnspondent list.
Below that are the glitches.

N64 Code Effect PC Code

KOELSCH Turns V-Wing into car None
FARMBOY Enables Millenium Falcon WOOKIEPELT
DEADDACK Enables all levels OOMPAWAMPA
TOUGHGUY Enables all powerups TOUGHGUY
RADAR Upgrades your Radar None
HALIFAX? Enter the next code None
!YNGWIE! Unlocks the Naboo Fighter None
ACE Makes the levels harder ACE
MAESTRO Opens up the concert hall MAESTRO
DIRECTOR Opens up the movies DIRECTOR
WOMPRAT! Opens the Beggars Canyon None

3.1 - Rebel Alliance Vehicle Information

This section may porvide useful infomation as to what fighter to use for what
mission. It contains a breif summary of its statistics, including the
secondary weapons, links, upgrades and what sort of mission it excells in.
Below that is a statistics list, showing speed, acceleration, turning, sheilds,
special function and it's overall rating. Below that is the ranking I have
placed it. I hope this information is useful to you. The ratings are out of
ten stars.

=================================X-Wing Fighter=================================

Description : This fighter was one of the first military craft used by the
Rebal Alliance. However, it's overall ability has proven so
valuable, that it has remained the most common used fighter in
the fleet. It has avergage stats in most areas, and iin most
cases, it is cheap to manufacture. These fighters were over
powered however by the new TIE'D fighter, and for a while the
X-Wing wasn't used, like in cases such as the Battle of
Calamari. But in general, the X-Wing has proven to be mans best
friend during the days of the early empire.

Speed : #####-----
Turning : ####------
Boost : #####-----
Lasers : ######----
Special : #######---
Sheilds : ######----
Second : ######----
Overall : #######---

Ranking : 2

Special : It closes it's S-foils and can travel at greater
speeds, although firing is not possible.

===================================A-Wing Fighter===============================

Description : One things for sure, this guys fast. It is a good match for
Interceptors, but for anything else, I would pefer something
with a little more sheilds. It's firing rate is average, but
can track the targets to an extent. The secondary missile is
handy as lond as you use it correctly. Without upgrades it isn't
a seeker, so use it mostly for stationary or slow moving

Speed : #####-----
Turning : ######----
Boost : #######---
Lasers : #####-----
Special : N/A
Sheilds : ###-------
Second : #####
Overall : #####-----

Ranking : 4

=================================V-Wing Fighter=================================

Description : This is a good overall fighter for experienced pilots. But
for those that can't handle extremely fast firing rates, and
extremely fast speed, don't bother. It's scramjets can shoot it
through the air so fast, that the camera can't even catch up to
it. If you fire the rapid firing lasers too long, the cannons
will burn out, and that can be a very bad thing if you are
in the middle of a critical point.

Speed : ######----
Turning : ####------
Boost : #######---
Lasers : #######---
Special : ##########
Sheilds : ######----
Second : #######
Overall : ########--

Ranking : 3

Special : Scramjets use oxygen sucked out of the air as a feul.
The extra space that the oxygen tank would normally take up can
be used for extremely powerful addatives, giving the V-Wing
enormous speed.

==================================Y-Wing Fighter================================

Description : These slow banthas move like Jabba the Hutt. However their
sheilds are good, and there secondary weapons (bombs) are
out of this world. I would like to compose a test with the
Y-Wing versus the At-AT and see what happens. I'm sure the
Y-Wing would end up winning.

Speed : ##--------
Turning : ###-------
Boost : ####------
Lasers : #---------
Special : ###-------
Sheilds : ######
Second : ########--
Overall : ####------

Ranking : 6

Special : Ion Cannons are suppose to disable things. But when I
shoot at anything other than the hover train on Kessel, it
blows up. It's not that great.

================================T-14 AirSpeeder=================================

Description : This vehicle is okay. It has fairly good rapid fire, and a
good turning factor. It is if not average, and wee bit below
it, but I think it equals the A-Wing in terms of overall rating.
It's secondary weapon is a bit disappointing, but the fact that
it is the only vehicle able to bring down an AT-AT is a
valuable factor in my ratings.

Speed : #####-----
Turning : ####------
Boost : ######----
Lasers : #######---
Special : N/A
Sheilds : #####-----
Second : #######---
Overall : ######----

Ranking : 5

=================================Millenium Falcon===============================

Description : "What a peice of junk!" Quotes Luke Skywalker in the first
Star Wars movie. I do beleive he is right in saying this, as
it as is true about the Falcon in this game as Emperor Palpatine
is evil. It's not worth half the credit Han Solo and his
carpeted freind Chewie give it. I think they both OVERRATED it.
Big time. See the stats below why I said so.

Speed : ###-------
Turning : ##--------
Boost : ####------
Lasers : ##-------- (accuracy)
######---- (power)
Special : N/A
Sheilds : #####-----
Second : #####-----
Overall : ####------

Ranking : Last

==============================Naboo Starfighter=================================

Description : Man I feel sorry for the PC players sometimes. I remember the
first time I tried to enter the Halifax? code in the PC I was so
frustrated by the fact that I couldn't enter symbols that I gave
up the game for a few weeks. This fighter is so wicked and the
stats show why. Wheeeeew!!!

Speed : ######----
Turning : #########-
Boost : #########-
Lasers : ######----
Special : N/A
Sheilds : ######----
Second : #####-----
Overall : #######---

Ranking : First by all means.

================================TIE Interceptor=================================

Description : If this had more sheilds and a second weapon, I might give
it more credit, but the poor Interceptor had a rough time
when that Y-Wing shot the life out of it with it's Ions at the
liberation of Gerrard V. No wonder it has no stats...

Speed : ######----
Turning : #######---
Boost : #######---
Lasers : ######----
Special : N/A
Sheilds : ###-------
Second : N/A
Overall : ####------

Rating : 7

===================================T-16 Skyhopper===============================

Description : Well, it only appears once, and the one time it did appear,
I hated it from start to finish. I'd perfer the Y-Wing to this

Speed : ###-------
Turning : ###-------
Boost : ####------
Lasers : #---------
Special : Special? What special...
Sheilds : " " sheilds...
Second : " " secondary...
Overall : ###-------

Ranking : Doesn't have one because it is soooo pitiful

3.2 - Imperial Vehicle and Building infomation
Here I will give breif infomation about each enemy you will see in the game.
For defense, this is a little guide as to how I've presented the stats.
Just reverse it for the attack standards.

#### = Can be shot down with one or two direct hits
###### = Can be shot down with constant fire
######## = Can be shot down with bombs
########## = Either a tow cable must be used, or it is invincible.

TIE Fighter

It has little to say for itself, but it can be a pain when in large numbers.
If you are behind one, unless recommended otherwise in my walkthrough, try
shooting them down with lasers to save on seekers, which you should use on
frontal encounters.

Primary : Lasers
Secondary : None

Attack : ####------
Sheilds : ##--------
Speed : ####------
Turning : #####-----

TIE Bomber

These craft are the formidible intimidators when it comes to protect missions.
At nearly every protect mission, bombers are there, not afraid to vaporize the
helpless soul that just happens to come between the bomb...and the area of

Primary : Lasers
Secondary : Advanced Bombs

Attack : ###-------
Sheilds : ####------
Secondary : ########--
Speed : ####------
Turning : ####------

TIE Interceptor

You must watch out for these, as they sometimes attach to you and won't leave
you alone. Their speed and manouverability are beyond underestimating.
They will take small pot shots at you, gradually downing your sheilds, and the
more there are, the more quickly your sheilds go down. Quite simple. Get them
before they get you.

Primary : Lasers
Secondary : None

Attack : ###-------
Sheilds : ##--------
Speed : #######---
Turning : #######---

TIE'D Fighter

These were developed by Raith Seinar, the company who made Darth Mauls Sith
Infiltrator. Both the Infiltrator and the TIE'D sport creepy similarities.
The TIE'D's are run by droid brains, making them more ruthless than the ordinary
TIE pilot. They are not afraid to kamakaze into you, as you may experiance in
the Battle of Calamari.

Primary : Lasers
Secondary : None

Attack : ####------
Sheilds : ###
Speed : #########-
Turning : #########-


The AT-AT is undoubtedly a terror weapon. There is something deeply
awe-inspiring about watching a 20 meter-high, heavily armoured behemoth walking
camly, unstoppably towards your your defensive position. Huge and heavy as
it may be, the AT-AT can reach a top speed of over 60 kilometers ( 50 miles)
per hour, giving opposing forces little time to prepare an effective defense.
That said, several elements in the design of the AT-AT are a key to it's
success. Firstly, it mounts powerful weapons - a pair of heavy laser cannons
equal nearly to the power of a standard Star Destroyer laser battery.
Secondly, it's armour can shrug off all but the heaviest artillery fire.
And to finish off, it carries six speeder bikes and up to 40 troops in it's
belly. Until the battle of Hoth, no force had ever succeeded in in even slowing
an AT-AT assault. This monster was designed and bred in the Kuat Construction
plant, the heaviest weaponry and starship manufacturer in the Galaxy.

Primary : Heavy duty laser cannons
Secondary : Turbo lasers

Attack : #########-
Sheilds : #########-
Speed : ###-------
Turning : #---------


AT-ST's are small, two legged walkers that were primarily used to defend the
AT-AT's legs from on-foot attacks. It isn't all that powerful, with a large
head and only two legs. It has a sophisticated balance system, allowing it
to travel up relatively steep slopes, and travelling over unlevel surfaces.
It is powered by a single powercell giving it quite short range, but a wise
AT-ST pilot doesn't straddle far from a bunker.
It is piloted by two crew members and has two short range blasters.

Primary : Lasers
Secondary : None

Attack : ####------
Sheilds : ###-------
Speed : ######----
Turning : #####-----


These are shorter versions of the AT-ST. They are built around the head of an
AT-ST head, but with shorter and more manouverable legs. They were tested in
the Search for the Nonnah, and proved themselves to be quite useful in close
combat. It has a considerable faster firing rate than the AT-ST, and it is
faster and by far more agile than the former. It uses four heavy powercells,
and can acheive faster movement with plasma leg motors instead of oil leg

Primary : Lasers with increased Rate Of Fire (ROF)
Secondary : None

Attack : ####------
Sheilds : ###-------
Speed : #####-----
Turning : #####-----

Tank Droids

Tank Droids, like the TIE'D runs by a droid brain. It doesn't experience fear,
making it ruthless with faster reactions and reflexes. It has a programmed
targeting system, and it will pursuit the target to the end of it the world
if need be. It is also quite fast, and has spot-on accuracy. For protect
missions, turn these guys into oil patches on the ground before they can return
the favour.

Primary : Single lasers
Secondary : None

Attack : ####------
Sheilds : ###-------
Speed : ######----
Turning : ######----

Storm troopers

Hah! These ants are so pitiful, I almost feel sorry for them. One hit and they
are dematerialized. On snowy missions they are hard to pick out, but they are
so weak, they hardly evn need attention of any sort. If you are in the Y-Wing,
you should get a few laughs out of dropping a bomb on a cluster of Storm
Troopers, as they all go BOOM and you hear a single "Aaaaaaarrrrgh!!!!!!".

Primary : EXO-56 Standard Blaster
Secondary : None

Attack : #---------
Sheilds : ----------
Speed : #
Turning : ###-------

Hover train

This is the first of the enemies listed that don't have any weapons. Instead,
they have low sheilds and speed. Seems a pretty awesome compensation doesn't it.
Any way, they sometimes are on your side, and sometimes on this side, so here
it is. They are electrically powered, and have a very long range, but lower
speed. It has the capacity to carry 20 people in each carriage, including 900
kg of cargo.

Primary : None
Secondary : None

Attack : ----------
Sheilds : #####-----
Speed : ####------
Turning : ####------

Convoy Vehicles

These like the Hover train above, can be on both sides, and have no weapons or
sheilds. There isn't much to say about these, except the fact that when you are
protecing them, you have to shadow them. When your trying to destroy them, it
is too easy.
They have a sheild link, which means that when they are in groups, you can link
sheilds to create a super sheild, which isn't all that great either.

Primary : None
Secondary : None

Attack : ----------
Sheilds : #####----- (max)
Speed : ###-------
Turning : ####------

Probe droids

Geeeez. And I thought the storm troopers were weak. Any way, it doesn't take
much to blow these probe heads out of the sky. They are more of a target as
well, almost saying "Look at me! I'm easy to shoot down!". Take every notice
of their suicidal calls, whatever they are saying.

Primary : Something similar to the storm troopers laser.
Secondary : None

Attack : #---------
Sheilds : #---------
Speed : ##
Turning : ??????????

Lambda class Shuttle

This is the shuttle that the Emperor used in the Return of the Jedi, and also
by Ham Solo in the same movie. It was designed and built in the Seinar Fleet
Manufacturers, who built the TIE'D and many more Imperial Space craft.
It's hyperdrive is Class one past light speed. In other words, It takes about
20 days to get from the Core of the Galaxy to the Outer Rim. Most versions of
the shuttle had twin laser cannons on each of the side wings.

Primary : Two twin laser cannons
Secondary : None

Attack : ----------
Sheilds : ####------
Speed : #####-----
Turning : #####-----

Sentinal class Landing ship

This is the shuttle used by the Imperials in the Search for the Nonnah, and
by the rebels in Prisons of Kessel. It devoted a whole third of it's power to
it's sheilds, and also has many concealed weapons, including an Ion cannon on
the head. It's hull is 25% thicker than it's brother, the Lambda shuttle.
It has the ability to start deploying just before it reaches the ground, giving
it the nickname, Sentinal.

Primary : Two quad laser cannons
Secondary : Ion Cannon

Attack : ----------
Sheilds : ########--
Speed : ####------
Turning : #####-----

Turbo laser

I hope this is the last time I have to mention turbo lasers, as I am getting
incredibly tired of explaining about them. They are like big dark heads
sticking out of the ground taunting you until you grill their metal innards.
They can't move (obviously) but can rotate. They can't do to much damage, but
still, don't ignore them as the gradual build up of damage will result in
Reikan not being to happy and the loss of your life. It doesn't take too long
to wipe them out.

Primary : Turbo lasers
Secondary : Stupidity

Attack : ####------
Sheilds : ###-------

Taloraan Turbo Laser

There are two forms of Taloraan ground defense, and we will come to the other
one later. This one is no different to it's former. It isn't all that powerful,
it is an easy target and it looks stupid. The only difference is, that some
times for strange reasons, they become untangible. This means that any incoming
projectiles can travel straight through it. They are found on the 4th or 5th
platforms in Taloraan.

Primary : Turbo lasers
Secondary : Same as above

Attack : ####------
Sheilds : ####------

Missile Turrets

Now these are a pain in the ass, as the missiles will follow you and follow you
until your death. Also, they can rip you out of the sky within two hits with
missiles. These are my least favourite machines apart from the next one.
The sheilds are like the Turbo laser though, so once you get the hang of
shooting accurately from a long distance, try your skill on these pests.
If you are heading directly toward a missile turret, you can shoot any missiles
that lock on to you. I once shot a missile trying to wipe one of my wingmates
out of the clouds, and I was shooting an AT-ST and one of my laser shots caught
the missile and blew it up.

Primary : Advanced seeker concussion missiles
Secondary : ?....

Attack : ######----
Sheilds : ###-------

Taloraan Missile Turrets

Again, they are just like the previous, but they are GHOSTLY. Spooky. Creepy.
More like exciting whenever you blow the head off one of these blundering
digletts. They look a bit like Diglett, the pokemon. Any way, watch out for
the Intangibility, and have fun decimating them. I know I do.

Primary : Advanced seeker concussion missiles
Secondary : ??.......

Attack : ######----
Sheilds : ####------

Gun towers

Likely the most annoying ground defense in the whole game. They take ages to
destroy, and meanwhile, they are shooting the crap out of you. The best tactic
is to come in from above. Fly up as high as you can, fly over the Gun tower,
then drop down. it is weaker above, and it cannot shoot vertically.

Primary : Turbo turbo lasers
Secondary : Usually a gang of more ground defenses

Attack : #####-----
Sheilds : ######----

World Devastators

These are like humungous caterpillars. Except the body isn't that long. My
comparison was that the World Devastator eats until there is nothing else to
eat. There are three in Mon Calamari, and if Rogue Squadron hadn't turned up,
Mon Calamari might now be in the belly of one of these beasts.

Primary : Turbo lasers hitching a ride on it's back
Secondary : Missile turrets " " " " " "

Attack : ##########
Sheilds : ##########
Speed : ###-------
Turning : ##--------

Wave Skimmers

Built around the frame of an AT-AT, the WaveSkimmer has V-Wing like wings and
can skim across the surface of the water elegantly and quickly, using it's
powerful radars to make a 3D map of the world it's deployed on.

Primary : Unknown
Secondary : None

Attack : Unknown
Sheilds : ######---
Speed : ####-----
Turning : #####----

Thermal Transmitters

Now we are getting into Imperial buildings that cannot move or attack, I might
just mention that usually they are harder to destroy. You may think that is
useless infomation, but I know a lot of people who are used to destorying
turbo lasers and missile turrets, and when they come to destroying Thermal
Transmitters and various other buildings like it, they take a few potshots and
expect it to blow up. They waste time coming back and having to destry it
properly, especially in less manouverable craft. make sure you have destroyed it
before you move on to something else, as it cuts of about 15-20 seconds of time
that you end up having to destroy it properly.

Sheilds : ######----
World : Sullust
Function : Provide thermal energy to the capacitor

Radar Dish

In one world, you must destroy these to pass, in another, it doesn't do
anything. They are large circular things that rotate (go round and round). The
Y-Wing makes good work of these, but heavy fire should also do the trick.

Sheilds : ####------
World : Balmorra and Kile II
Function : Senses enemy vehicles (us)

Sheild Generator

These are on so many worlds it's not funny. Where there is a sheild, there is
usually a sheild generator nearby. Except in the battle of Hoth. There is a
sheild generator but no sheild. Weird. They have pretty good armour, but
because all they do is stand there, it isn't hard t take them out.

Sheilds : #######---
World : Jade moon, Kessel, Fest and Hoth.
Fuction : Provides a very powerful sheild for a secret base or other
Imperial garrisons.


This is the big thing in the middle of Sullust. It has twelve Thermal
Transmitters beaming energy to the capacitor, and the rest is beyond my
knowledge. The only things you can shoot once the sheild is down, is the little
power cylinders, that are rotating around the top half of the capacitor.

Sheilds : ######----
World : Sullust
Function : Provides energy to surrounding Imperial bases.

3.3 - world Descriptions

In this section, I will point out obvious features, and features that may not
be so apparent. It isn't really to help you, just to give you an idea on what
you are flying on and over. If it does help you, thats great, but I didn't
intend for it to be helpful.


Location : Outer Rim
Neighbouring Planets : Kamino, Rishi, Geonosis
Terrain : Sandy


Tatooine was once home to a lush rainforest, until the birth of the second star
tore away all the beauty and richness of the planet. Now it is barren, sandy
and is inhabited by the wierdest and most dangerous species known to the Outer
In the games version, Ambush at Mos Eisley, they have done well to apply Sand
people to the game. They are located above mos Eisley, with their Banthas.

There are two Skyhoppers racing around in a circle trench. you can blow these
guys up, but it adds to your freindly saves and takes up time as well.

Where you found the last four storm troopers in the first level, there is also
a pod. It is the pod used to jettison C-3PO and R2-D2 in the first movie.
And 6 years after that happened, Imperials are still investigating, even after
the Death Star was destroyed!

In this level you will notice lots of landspeeders. When you are mucking around,
trying to kill them with a V-Wing is quite difficult. There is a Jawa
Sandcrawler, and Jabba's Palace that is invincible...I think.


Location : Expansion region, near the Core Worlds
Neighbouring Planets : Caamas, Neimodia
Terrain : Grassy


Barkhesh is the sister planet to Caamas, which was destroyed by the Second
Death Star. Barkhesh then opposed the Empire, so the Imperials invaded
Barkheshand took ownership.

There aren't much secrets here, apart from the fact that when your convoy
vehicles meet the first lot of bombers, a bomber appears over the base where
they left. It doesn't do anything, but when you appear there too, it panics
and starts bombing the base, which eats into your freindly saves.


Location : Senex sector
Neighbouring Planets : Xagobah, Dagobah and Sullust
Terrain : Rocky, rivers


I heard from a guy off the net, that when you end the mission (your shuttle
takes off), your wedge on the radar points to somewhere else. Whether there is
something there, I would like to know.
Some people have told me that they have blown up the shuttle as soon as they
have seen the radar switch, and before Reikan brings can end the mission, they
have boosted over there and seen another Nonnah, with more Interceptors and
another Landing ship.
whether they are truthing or lying, I don't know, I haven't tried yet.

I would like to try this mission in a Y-Wing, and see what I can make of the
Landing ship. It would be good on the AT-St and the other little midgets
surrounding it as well.


Location : Corellian sector
Neighbouring planets : Alderaan, Coruscant, Chandrila
Terrain : Shrubs, hilly


Corellia, Han Solos's home world is being threatened by the Empire. Corellia
has it's own army, and nearly matches the Empires.
So why wern't they there when it got attacked?

No secrets here, except that there are two storm troopers that are invincible.
When you try to get the bonus, in the clearing on the other side of the building
are two storm troopers. They cannot be shot down.

===================================Gerrard V===================================

Location : Outer Rim
Neighbouring Planets : Bothui, L'Whekk
Terrain : Bit like Chorax, but drier.


I can't wait for some more planets with secrets. These are too boring.
This planet is infested by people with wealthy lives. That is why they were
targetted by Governer Frugaal of the Imperial faction. He used his private
yachts to loot the city, and sell it to the galactic trade market.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's rogue squadron! They've come to save us!

I like this planet, it reminds me of something that I cannot for the life of me
think what it was. I will figure out some day, and if it is relevant I will post
See ya at Jade Moon


Location : Mid Rim
Neighbouring Planets : ? ? ?
Terrain : Grassy, oceanic


The Jade moon is (like all other moons) rocky and featureless. The terrain
description above is for the planet itself. It is a lone planet, and has been
owned by the Imperials for centuries. It is a luxury resort for Imperial
generals on holiday. It's moon provides the military recourses and energy
plants to keep the planet and all the Imperial staff safe.

Rogue Squadron is aiming to make Loronar an independent planet once again, and
so they piont their fingers in the direction of the Jade moon.

Can anyone try flying over the plains that siton the right side of the main
trench, and tell me whats over there? Nothing? This may sound strange, but after
I destroyed the sheild generator, I blew up a few turbo lasers and flew over
there. I found a probe droid sitting there, by itself doing nothing. Next time
I tried it, I couldn't find it. Must have been a glitch.


Location : Inner Rim
Neighbouring planets : Talus & Tralus, Neimodia
Terrain : Sandy, rocky


This planet is made up of canyons. Nothing more than canyons. No secrets either.
This planet is one of the most boring planets in the game.
It is the central construction yards for the AT-ST and the dreaded AT-AT.
It doesn't seem to do much, as in Escape from Fest, they have three AT-AT's.
It was all for nothing.

====================================Kile II=====================================

Location : Meridian sector
Neighbouring planets : Yavin, Montu Codru
Terrain : Canyons, Canyons, Canyons, Canyons, Canyons, Canyons,
Canyons, Canyons, Canyons, Canyons.


Canyons, Canyons, Canyons, Canyons, Canyons, Canyons, Canyons, Canyons, Canyons,
Canyons, Canyons.


Canyons are everywhere! They probably eat canyons for dinner! I can't stress
how much I want you to know this point.
There is a secret here. Make sure you have a full damage bar (blue or green).
Where there is a wall seperating CANYONS, line up with it, and head directly
towards it. Fly up before you get there as high as you can, and hit the top of
the wall. Keep flying up, and you may end up over the wall and on the other
Make sure you keep on the right side of things.


Location : Roche Asteroids
Neighbouring planets : Hapes consortium
Terrain : Reddish rocks


If this planet/Asteroid lookslike anything I know, I would have to say Mars.
It is quite red, and has lots of rocks. It is the center of mining, hence having
the largest prison compound as well. The Empire uses this prison extensively,
using the prisoners as miners in the unstable world of Kessel. Many die in the
process of this work, and that would have been Wedge's fate had he not been
rescued by the almighty Rogue Squadron.

Luke Skywalkers wife: Mara Jade co owns the Rebel mining factions with Lando.

In the first Kessel mission, there is a convoy far left of where the hover train
is, and there is where you pick up the last few kills to get gold.


Location : Perlemian Trade Route
Neighbouring Planets : Kashyyyk
Terrain : Tibanna Gas


High Spirits? They won't last for long. If this was real life, and you got hit
by a turret, I'm telling you, It would be a long ride to the middle of the
planet. It is like Bespin in many ways. Cloud cars, civilian balloons, and
the colour of the clouds, it might as well be Bespin.
I even wonder how Cloud city, personally designed by Lando, managed to wind up
on another gas planet half a galaxy away.
Now now, don't you go and get high on Tibanna Gas!


Location : Core Worlds
Neighbouring Planets : Ando Prime (on podracing), Abreggedo-Rae
Terrain : Snow


Fest is unnaturally like two other planets. Ando Prime (it's sister planet), and
Hoth. Ando Prime is featured on N64 podracing. Hoth is featured in this very
The dark white of the snow gives you a feeling of frustration, and it doesn't
help when you have AT-AT's in every nook, and bombers in every cranny.
Fest has more hours in dark than it does in daytime, because of it's eliptical
orbit. That is also why the mission is set in night-time.
I feel I am always leaning forward, tongue between my teeth and gritting hard,
trying to make sure I do everything right.


Location : Core Worlds
Neighbouring Planets : Coruscant, Brentaal
Terrain : Greenish, grassy. Cities.


Chandrila is in every way like Alderaan. The sam sort of cities, same sort of
terrain. This was the first course I got gold from in chapter 3, because the
calmity of it made me so persevering. I wish I could say the same about Fest.

The entire world is a peace enforcing organisation, currently the largest
peace organistaion world in the core worlds.

This was also the reason Moff Seerdon targeted Chandrila, is because
politically, Chandrila has been preventing Seerdon from turning Brentaal into
a military construction yard.

Scan the whole city for secrets, as you may come across a chicken with a prize
in it's head. (wink wink, nudge nudge).


Location : Outer Rim
Neighbouring Planets : Malastare
Terrain : Think of a volcano


Ever seen Lord of the Rings, Return of the King? If you have, try comparing
Mordor to Sullust. the outcome is a very similar effect.

Destroy every Imperial building that you can in here, you may just find what
you are looking for.

Sullust was an independant planet, and it did again after Rogue Squadron
had sone with it. About 20 years later, the Yuuzhan Vong came and over took
it, wiping out all civilisations.


Location : Inner Rim
Neighbouring Planets : Osarian, Rhomamool
Terrain : Swampy, grassy


This planet has so much greenery, I can't play this more than two times in a
There isn't much to say about this planet, so I won't waste too much time
repeating stuff I have already said.
Basically, Moff Seerdon tries to severe the medical supplies for the rebellion,
and we come along and knock his head off and thats that.

=================================Mon Calamari===================================

Location : Outer Galactic Region
Neighbouring Planets : Bissimari
Terrain : Water, land and more water


Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink. Mon Calamari is home to two
species, the Mon Calamari, and the Quarren. But we don't care about the Quarren.
Right now, lots of little Mon Calamari's are getting attacked on mon Calamari,
and we have to save Mon Calamari and all the Mon Calamari's that live in it.

This is also where the TIE'D fighters are tested for their power, manufactured
on the world devastators.
Once you destroy the world devastators, you destroy the production of TIE'D

===================================The Death Star===============================

Location : Anywhere
Neighbouring Planets : Duh
Terrain : Watto's scrap metal


A floating ball of metal that has a 100,000 kiloton laser cannon on it,
and a trench that has an exhaust port at the end.
Darth Vader commissioned it to be built, under the supervision of Emperor

Your mission, to fly down the trench, and destroy the exhaust port.

You all know what the Death Star was like. I'm assuming if you've played the
game, you've watched the movie.


Location : Outer Rim
Neighbouring Planets : Bespin, Ison
Terrain : Snow


This is the location of the Rebels second base, on the barren and snowy world
of Hoth.
Luke nearly got killed here, if it wasn't for his freind Wedge.
The inhabitants here are Wampa's, Tauntauns and rebel soldiers...and even
the odd probe droid coming to check out the babes on the beach.

3.4.1 - Basic Weapons

This section gives infomation about the basic weapons in the game.

Laser Cannons : These are the standard weapon for each craft.
They are not all that powerful, but they don't
run out. All the craft can link there lasers
except for the Airspeeder.

Proton Torpedo's : The X-Wing starts of with Proton Torpedo's,
the deadly weapons that destroyed the Death
Star. They are projectiles that are propelled
by extreme force.

Missiles : These are the A-Wings secondary weapon without
upgrades. They aren't seeker, but have a large
blast radius.

Bombs : Only carried by the Y-Wing, Bombs are great
forms of destroying surface targets. Too bad
you can only use them in two missions.

Cluster Missiles : The V-Wing is the holder of the Cluster
missiles, and can be upgraded to seeker by
finding the upgrade in Thyferra. 6 missiles
spread out when fired.

Tow Cable : The Snowspeeder is the oficial holder of
the Tow Cable. It is very strong, and is
constantly used for tripping AT-AT's.

3.4.2 - Bonuses and Upgrades

This section will give you infomation on where each Upgrade is found on the

Advanced Proton Torpedoes : Defection at Corellia
Between buildings in the second city section

Advanced Shields : The Jade Moon
In the storage container in crater

Advanced Bombs : Imperial Construction Yards
Inside storage container at shuttle landing pad

Seeker Missiles : Prisons of Kessel
On a mountain wall at second prison

Advanced Lasers : Battle above Taloraan
In the middle of the city

Seeker Proton Torpedoes : Escape from Fest
On the cliff above the research facility

Advanced Bombs : Blockade on Chandrilla
In the AT-ST behind the city

Seeker Proton Torpedoes : Raid on Sullust
In a garage near the landing bay

Seeker Cluster Missiles : Moff Seerdon's Revenge
In a bunker in the second to last bacta

3.5 - Tow Cable FAQ

This ection just gives a short paragraph containing how best to trip a turtle

AT-AT's and their legs.

There are few missions containing AT-AT's. But when they do, they can be a right
pain in the neck. It took me ages to perfect the Tow cable manouvere, and when
I did, the game was so much easier.

There are only two walkers in here, and the first one appears after you rescue
Madine the first time.
Fly towards the AT-AT, keeping in mind that it has huge fire power, and if you
get too close, he will most likely blow you away.
When you are near his side, brake and and turn until you are heading towards
his bum. When Luke tells you it's okay to fire the harpoon tow cable, press
the second function button. If it worked, you should change veiws. Don't panic,
the controls are still the same. Don't get too close to the AT-AT, and don't
hit the ground and don't go too high. Cutting the corners could result in you
crashing and dying, or being knocked out of the pattern. Going too high might
end up in his head, and going too low, you will hit the ground (Duh!).

If you are nervous about doing this the first time, hold your brakes down while
you are doing it, but for experienced rogue junkies like me, we spin around it
with boost on.

Do this three times, Luke will tell you when there is one more pass. Once you
are done, you will go back into the veiw you were in before, and you can
continue with the game.

This is the best way to tackle most AT-AT's, the only exception may be when it
is near something else. A prime example is on Hoth, where there is two AT-AT's
quite close to each other. Use brakes to whatever extent, and get the one behind
the other one, as you have less contact risk.

3.6 - My own missions

This section is completely made up by me, and any other things to do that I
have got off other people will be credited in the credits.

==============================Taunting Tatooiners===============================

Mission Breifs : Fly over Tatooine, eliminating ONLY Probe droids
attacking the drug houses (homesteads), then destroy
the drug runners (Sky Hoppers).

Planet : Tatooine
Available Craft : TIE Interceptor

Enemies : Rebel Probes, Drug Runners

Walkthrough : Head over to the clearings that have rebel probe droids in
them. Destroy only the ones that are attacking Imperial Drug
Houses. Moff Seerdon wants to capture all the rest for testing
and for his own use.
For gold, you need to go to Mos Eisley and destroy the Drug
Theifs (Sand People) and their rides.
Turn around and blast the Drug Runners, which are stealing your
drugs. Shhot them down to recover the stolen goods.

Mission complete. Have fun destroying Mos Eisley until Moff
Seerdon comes (mission failure).

Conclusion : How was your first try as an Imperial? How many buildings did
you get before the missione ended.

Requirements : Completion Time: Forever
Enemies Destroyed: As many as you can
Accuracy : Never mind.
Freindly Saves : As low as you can
Bonus : One

Bonus : Blow up the Jawa Sandcrawler to get your imaginary bonus.
These are plans to Koelsch Car.

=============================Destruction of the Nonnah==========================

Mission Breifs : Go and destroy the Nonnah. Knock out any A-Wings
first though.

Planet : Chorax
Available Craft : Koelsch, TIE Interceptor

Enemies : Nonnah, A-Wings

Walkthrough : The Nonnah is a construction ship, trying to start a military
base on Chorax. Fortunately, it's repulsorlift cluttered out,
and left it open for us to take. The TIE Interceptors are
not worried about who they shoot, so don't be concerned if you
shoot some of them down.
When you start, choose a target and go. Follow an A-Wing to it's
death. Once you get one, go off and find the Nonnah. Try and get
a few more A-Wings before you take out the Nonnah. If the Nonnah
isn't destroyed by the time the shuttle comes, focus on the
shuttle instead. Shooting either one will end the mission, and
90 % of the construction cargo needs to be destroyed.

Conclusion : This is fun.

Requirements : No more requirements are in place for the rest of the

===============================Blockade Runner Boom=============================

Mission Breif : The rebels are attempting to liberate the Tibanna
platforms of the Imperials. The Blockade Runner is
with them, so take it out as soon as you get the chance.
But before you do that, take out the A-Wings. Once
both of these are done, destroy as many civilian gas
canisters as you can.

Planet : Taloraan
Available Craft : TIE Interceptor

Enemies : A-Wings, Blockade Runner

Walkthrough : The Blockade Runner is the cause of the loss of ownership over
Chorax. Destroy it, before it has the chance to liberate more
planets. While you're there, take out the best of their A-Wing
Squadron. After you have finished there, help the TIE fighters
finish of the civilian gas canisters.

Conclusion : That was cool.

==========================Blockade Runner Boom Part II==========================

Mission Breif : We found out that the Blockade Runner had a clone.
The risk is still there TIE squadron, make sure this
one doesn't leave Taloraan either. Then, leave the
A-Wings and go the Cloud city, and decimate as much
buildings as you can.

Planet : Taloraan
Available Craft : TIE Interceptor

Enemies : Blockade Runner, Cloud City

Walkthrough : On the other side of the world, TIE fighter Squadron 76 is
being attacked. Assist them in destroying the Blockade Runner,
then destroy as much of Cloud City as you can. Cloud City serves
as the main Head Quarters to the Rebel Alliance.

Conclusion : Yaaaa-Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

===============================Major Hijackings=================================

Mission Briefs : The Rebel Alliance has stolen a whole squadron of
bombers and Interceptors. It looks like we aren't going
to get them back, so destroy them before they destroy
the drug train. Once you have done that, head to the
large drug city of Empire II (chandrila) and destroy
the Alliances bombers that are trying to uproot the
drug factory chimneys. Once done there, destroy the
landing shuttles that are trying to deploy rebel troops.

Planet : Chandrila
Available Craft : TIE Interceptor, Koelsch

Enemies : Hijacked Bombers, Hijacked Interceptors, X-Wings

Walkthrough : Your train is carrying the Imperials future: Drugs.
The rebel alliance dissaproves and is trying to destroy
it with hijacked fighters. Make sure the train gets to
the Empires biggest drug manufacturer city.
Bombers will try and bomb the chimneys in the city,
so take them out.
Rebels will try and deploy troops via shuttles, so
take them out to end the mission.

Conclusion : Sometimes I sit in awe of my imagination...


Mission Breifs : In retallion for the hijacking of many of our
fighters, we have managed to steal the Millenium Falcon,
Han Solos pride and joy. Fly it into Thyferra, and
destroy as many bacta tanks as you can, before
the Rebels arrive with reinforcements.

Planet : Thyferra
Available Craft : Millenium Falcon

Enemies : Rebel missile turrets, Rebel turbo lasers.

Walkthrough : The fighters that the rebels hijacked haven't all been
destroyed, we expect that this is the last lot here.
They also have missile turrets and turbo lasers, so what
you do with these is your choice. Destroy as many bacta
tanks as you can until the mission ends.

Conclusion : That was the last Empire mission. I hope you enjoyed

3.7 - Characters

Luke Skywalker

The greatest hero of the Rebel Alliance, Luke Skywalker needs little
introduction. Among his accomplishments, are blowing up the Death Star,
rescuing his twin sister Princess Leia, and helping to fend off Imperial forces
in the Battle of Hoth so that the Rebel Base could be evacuated. After the
Battle of Endor, Luke and Wedge formed Rogue Squadron.

Wedge Antilles

One of Rogue Squadrons true aces, this native of Corellia was orphaned as a
teenager, then began smuggling weapons for the Rebels. Once he took to flying
X-Wing fighters, he soon proved himself to be a crack fighter pilot and an
extremely competent, if low-profile leader. Wedge saved Luke Skywalker during
the attack on the first Death Star at the Battle of Yavin. Later, they formed
Rogue Squadron together.

Dack Ralter

This young Alliance hero was Luke Skywalkers air-speeder gunner during the
Battle of Hoth. Dack's parents are both political prisoners of the Empire,
and he escaped from an Imperial prison barge when he was a teenager.
Ralter is both skilled as a pilot and a gunner.

Wes Janson

This tough, smart, action-loving lieutenant was a gunner in Wedge Antilles
air speeder during the Battle of Hoth, and helped bring down an AT-AT walker
by tangling it's legsin a cable. Janson is a past winner of the True Gunner
award for outstanding accuracy. This rogue is one of those rare soldiers who is
as competent on the ground as he is in the air, and can shoot and fly with
tremendous skill.

Zev Senesca

A highly decorated pilot and a long time member of the Rebel Alliance, Senesca
shot down 48 Imperial Craft prior to the Battle of Hoth. Politically motivated
to become a member of the Rebel Alliance because his parents were killed by the

Derek "Hobbie" Klivian

That rare pilot who is both extremely capable and extremely humble, Hobbie was
a former Imperial Cadet, who mutinied and deserted his Imperial Academy to join
the Rebel Alliance. Hobbie has a reputation for enjoying bacta baths, and for
crashing every craft he ahs touched.

General Carlist Reikan

This former officer in the old Republic Army joined the Rebel Alliance after his
home planet, Alderaan, was vapourized by the first Death Star. Riekan was named
Theater Commander in charge of all Rebel ground and fleet forces in the Hoth
System. Later, he was forced to evacuate th Hoth Base when it was overun by
Imperial forces. After the Hoth evacuation, General Riekan was given command
of military operations for the Rebel Alliance.

Crix Madine

This Corellian is a highly decorated Imperial officer. He originally earned his
reputation as a brilliant leader in charge of Storm Commandos, an elite
Imperial unit. He later defected to Rogue Squadron on Corellia.

Kasan Moor

This native of Alderaan was one of the rising stars in the Imperial Navy,
quickly moving up in ranks from crack TIE fighter pilot to the leader of the
128th TIE Interceptor squadron. Her allegiance toward the Empire soon wavered
however, when she was informed that her home planet had been obliterated by the
Death Star. She beleives that her Imperial allegiance is worth nothing if they
can coldly destroy her freinds and family.

Moff Kohl Seerdon

Formerly Kasna Moor's mentor, Imperial Moff Seerdon is now angry at her, since
he is not sure which side she is fighting for. Moff Seerdon is attempting to
consolidate bacta supplies under his control, and sees Rogue Squadron as a
threat to his plans for domination.

4.1 - Thoughts, Questions, Ideas

This section regards any emails that have been sent in. All your questions,
ideas and thoughts are posted here.


Q : I can't get the bonus on Taloraan. Sometimes I can find it, but I
get the A-Wing down there and out before I crash.

A : Try holding your brakes while you are going down, and when you pull
up again, boost to get away from buildings. If you are on N64, I suggest
that you try beating the level with the N1 StarFighter.

Q : There must be something I'm doing wrong on Escape from Fest. When I
start, I go around destroying a few lasers and tanks before I go and
rescue AT-PT's. How come they keep on getting destroyed when I haven't
even got there yet?

A : You've put your finger on the problem. There is an AT-AT blowing the
guts out of your poor AT-PT's, so never mind about the buildings and
tanks, just go to their rescue.

Thoughts & Ideas to make the game better

Turn Star Wars Rogue Squadron into a Grand Theft Auto game. Being able to play
as Luke Skywalker, run around and hijack vehicles whether they are Imperial
or Rebel. Pick up different weapons, even lightsabres and jump in turbo lasers,
shooting craft out of the air.


Add more levels, I raced through the levels like the Millenium Falcon in
Hyperspace. Perhaps, add in the story line of the Battle of Yavin, Fly the
Tantive IV and run away from the Star Destroyer at the start. Fly the landing
craft out of the second death star when it blows up.


ADD MORE SHIPS!!!! I wanna fly a B-Wing, an E-Wing and even the shuttle
that Han Solo flies. Add Slave One, add cloud cars, add TIE fighters, add
TIE bombers, and world devastators!!!! Even add the DEATH STAR! Imagine that
just having a crosshair on the screen only, and press the fire button to
destroy anything!


(this one is going a bit over the top)
Be able to fly into outer space, jump into Hyperspace and zoom to another
planet. Go to coruscant and look at Dexters Restaurant, crash into Palpatines


4.2 - Version Info

Version 1.0 - I did 98 % of this FAQ. I just needed to include some more
credits to certain people.

Version 1.5 - Finished credits section, Characters section and Imperial Vehicle
section (I forgot to add the WaveSkimmer).

Trial Version - I have finished all the stuff that is currently here. However
I will leave it open for now to add more info.

4.3 - Credits

Firstly, I want to thank LucasArts for creating one of the best Star Wars game
on PC and N64. And Factor5 for making this game possible. And most specially
of all, George Lucas for setting the scene and creating 3 fabulous movies to
base the game on.


Mark Haigh-Hutchinson : For leading the project and programming.

Kevin Schmitt : For Lead level designing.

Chris Klie : Level designer
Jeffrey Kung : Level designer
John Kathrein : Level designer
Ryan Kaufman : Level designer

Craig Rundels : Lead Artist

David Bogan : 3D artist
Gaurav Mathur : 3D artist
Razmig Mavlian : 3D artist
Suzanne House : 3D artist

Buddy Hannon : Texture artist

Paul Topolos : Aesthetic Advisor

Kristen Monkaitis : Additional Art work

Marc Overney : Cut scenes

Aaron Young : Lead tester

Micheal Dillon : Assistant lead tester
Corey Navage : Assistant lead tester

Leyton Chew : Tester
Erik Ellicock : Tester
Jesse Moore : Tester
John "Buzz" Buzolich : Tester
Julio Torres : Tester
Marcus P. Gaines : Tester
Leland Chee : Tester
Jeff Sanders : Tester
Darren Keopp : Tester

Adam Pasztory : International Coordinator

Andre Bremer : International Programmer

Dana Fong : International Tester

Tamlynn Nigilo : LEC Voice department
Darragh O'Farrell : LEC Voice department
Coya Elliot : LEC Voice department
Cindy Wong : LEC Voice department
Peggy Bartlett : LEC Voice department

Brett Tosti : Production Managers
Dan Conners : Production Managers

Dino Ago : Production Coordinator

Joel Dreskin : Product Marketing Manager

Victor Cross : Manual Writers
Mollie Boero : Manual Writers

Patty Hill : Manual Design

Factor 5

Holger Scgmidt : Lead Programmer / Design

Thomas Engel : Technical Lead, sound and microcode programming

Jens Patersam : AI design, effects and programming

Florian Sauer : Front end and cut-scene programmer

Dirk Jagalski : Level Editor Programming

Mario Wagner : 3D and 2D art

Bastian Hope : Additional Art

Rudolf Stember : Sound designs / Cut-scenes

Tobias Ritcher : Cut-scenes

Julian Eggebrecht : Producer

Rene Henke : Data Managment

Don James : Nintendo

Other Game FAQ members

BrotherReed : Your FAQ was my guide. I didn't copy anything, but
your FAQ was what I needed to make this work.

Family members

My Dad, Neil : He took a great interest in this FAQ, and he really
encouraged me to persevere with it.

My little brother, Ben : He constantly told me to hop off the PC so he could
have a go. But he still pointed out a few errors, there
fore he deserves a place in this FAQ too.

My cousin, Thomas : He was the one who inspired me to write the FAQ in the
first place. If he is reading this, I would like to
thank you for that, my little Rotorua freind.

My cousin, Henry : Along with Thomas, he was the starting point of this
FAQ. He provided a lot of infomation neccessary to
complete it. Cheerz.

Mum, Debs : She didn't take an interest really, but she pays for
the net bill, so I would like to thank her for giving
me the oppurtunity to support GameFAQs.

Me...BIGGS DARKLIGHTER : Without me, there would be no FAQ. If this FAQ helped
you a lot, I feel I haven't wasted my time. Look out
for me whenever you can...BIGGS DARKLIGHTER.

4.3 - Conclusion

So, now I depart. If you have Star Wars Podracing on N64, check out my FAQ, it
is awesome. Don't hesitate to email me, I am free most of the day, apart from
school (of course).
I will probably reply to everyone who sends me stuff, as long as it is friendly
and has nice things inside.
If you find any mistakes, please report to me.

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