First Star Online Terraworld

First Star Online Terraworld

17.10.2013 22:53:51
First Star Online Terraworld, hosted by FVANtom
Noob Island Walkthrough and FAQ

This manual is an attempt to assemble all the bits of information
floating around about this game into one comprehensive guide. Strategies
will be added as will personal experiences, to help you better get a feel
for this game, as it has a rather unique character. It is intended to be
used as both a walkthrough of sorts for new people and as a reference to
more experienced players, who don’t want to be bothered committing all the
small details to memory. Without further ado, my first attempt at an MMORPG


1. FAQ
2. Notes for new players
3. Stats and their functions
4. Controls
5. Gameplay information
6. Walkthrough
7. Skills
8. Combat skills
9. Towns and shops
10. Enemies
11. Terms
12. Closing statements
13. Contact info


1. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: Can I get so and so armor/sword?
A: If its not in this manual, then no, its not on noob isle.

Q: Can I get someone to bring me so and so?
A: Possibly, if that person is on noob island too, but you cant
get any other weapons or items, because once you leave noob isle,
you will never be able to return.

Q: What’s the best way to make money?
A: See the section in skills on fishing.

Q: What are crystals used for?
A: For you, they will only be used for spells.

Q: Does so and so always take this long?
A: The answer is yes, if you don’t have patience, then this game is
probably not for you

2. Notes for new players

You should know the basic etiquette for playing online rpg’s. Those rules
generally consist of no swearing, no cheating, being respectful etc. In this
game small transgressions are usually tolerated to a point, but will get you
muted (where you cant speak) or jailed (meaning you cant play). You will almost
always get a warning before this happens (unless you verbally abuse an admin).
Just try to be nice and respectful to others unless they are rude to you, and
then you should just ignore them, most people online will take care of sticking
up for you if you are in the right.

Now lets talk about starting the game.
First you need to make a character, you have a few choices here. Warriors will
start with Ixnixion(allows one to see how far he is from leveling up), and
better fighting skills. Rangers have decent fighting skills and start with
Fireball. Mages are kind of weak, but have a lot of magic potential and start
with Minor Heal.

When it comes to statistics, this will help explain what they are.

Strength. This affects how much damage you do, and what armors and items you
can carry. This should be at least 15 at the start of the game

Stamina determines how fast you get hungry. You may not think this to be a big
deal but it gets annoying and eventually dangerous.

Intelligence affects the number of skills you can master. Mastering skills is
the only way to increase your stats.

Wisdom determines how much damage your spells do

Mysticism will determine which spells you can learn

It is agreed time and time again, both on terraworld and on other servers
as well, that the best statistics are as follows.
strength 20
stamina 1
intelligence 13
wisdom 1
mysticism 20

This combination will allow you to get the best armors sooner, learn all
spells, and be able to use food for healing more often ( a high stamina
will cause you to become full faster and food will not heal you)
The ammount of spell power increased by wisdom is miniscule even at high

3. Controls

Move Arrow keys
Attack/fish/mine/chop wood Tab
To chat with people on screen Type normally
To broadcast message Put a ‘ before the message
To see who is online Type who
To check bank balance Be in bank and type /balance
To deposit money Be in bank and type /deposit *number*
To withdraw money be in bank and type /withdraw *number*
To add someone to your buddy list Type /friends add *name*
To pick up something Stand in front of it and hit ctrl.
To join a tournament Broadcast the word join (will also cost money)

4. Gameplay information

Fishing, Mining, Blacksmithing and Lumberjacking

These skills require that you have a certain item to do them. Each one is
described later in the manual. But let it be known that to get them to work,
you have to unequip your weapon, and equip the right tool for the job, then
you just use the attack button (tab) like normal.

Unequipping armor and weapons.

To unequip something, click the blue x icon next to it. You must unequip
something before you can equip something else.


Tournaments can only be started by admins. When a tournament is starting
a message will be broadcasted letting you know. Most of the time, the entrance
fee is only 50 gold, and all you have to do to join is have your money on you,
and broadcast the word join. Keep in mind, that you will lose all of your items
and equipment until the tournament is over. Once the tournament is over, the
game will close, and you will have to open it again. When you do, all your
items and money, plus any prize money you might have won, will be in your
inventory. There are lots of different types of tournaments, its best to ask
the admin, what type he is running.

Hunger and its effects

In this game you will need to keep your character from getting hungry. This can
be done by buying food and eating it, cooking it yourself, or eating it raw, as
you find it. As hunger sets in, you will get a note on the screen letting you
know you are hungry. This is just a warning. If you do not eat, you will
receive another message, telling you that you are very hungry. At this time,
you will no longer regenerate health. After this message, you will receive
another telling you that you are starving. Starving characters will begin
losing health until you reach 1 hp. Hunger will not kill you directly, but at
1 hp, anything that hits you will kill you. Be sure to keep food with you at
all times, and stock up on it when you are mining, lumberjacking or hunting,
to save trips back to the towns.

5. Walkthrough for Noob island

First thing you need to do, is get used to the controls, and chatting. Take
your time. If you need help, refer to this manual before asking anyone, as
most people get annoyed very fast with someone who asks a lot of questions
about simple things. Once you have the hang of moving around in Terraworld,
your first task should be to get a fishing pole and start fishing.
You can move just one screen outside of town and start attacking slimes.
These drop 2 gold each when they drop gold. Start saving. Once you have
250 gold, you will never need to hunt monsters again for money. (if you
are having real trouble with this, and keep getting killed, I guess it
would be ok to ask someone for help. If you get help make sure to thank
them and offer to pay them back)
Now, you will need to head west (or left) from Karmiel, to the western
shore. Search up and down the coast and you will come to the docks. The
building here is where you can buy your fishing pole and cook and sell
what you catch. This is going to be your home for a little while. Equip
your fishing pole and start fishing. Don’t stop fishing until you are
catching squid (level 80) this wont take as long as you think, maybe an
hour tops. Be sure to switch fishing spots often, as you will catch more
and level faster. After you have caught all you care to, head inside the
shop and go to the ovens. Start cooking your fish (this is described in
the skill section under cooking) don’t worry about raising your skill up
to max in this, as it will take a lot longer than fishing.
Once you have cooked everything, click on the shopkeeper to sell to him.
Sell all the things you have cooked, and then check to see how much gold
you have.
Once you have about 1000 gold, head back into Karmiel and go to the armor
and weapon shops. Buy a short sword, leather armor, leather cap and
leather boots.
Now you can go take on those slimes
Raise your hp a little bit, maybe to 25 or 30, and then you can start
hunting wolves. (located south and east of Karmiel) once you feel like
you have the hang of it and can handle yourself, go back and start fishing
and cooking again.
Get another 1000 GP or more, and then head east of Karmiel (from the
crossroads) go east for 3 screens and you will come to a bridge with a
cave near it. Don’t bother going into the cave, as it’s the mining cave,
and you don’t have a mining hammer yet.
Once you cross the bridge, go south, and you will see a small black path
leading off to the right. Take it, and you will be in Edgewood, the second
town. Here you can buy a blacksmith hammer, mining hammer, chain armor and
helm, and a small shield, which I suggest you do. You can also buy a
longsword. You may have to fish some more, but in the end you should have
all of the things listed here. Now you can try to raise your hp by fighting
orcs. These are located in the forests east and south of Edgewood. Once you
have about 35 hp, you can take a break, or you can go for 40.
Now comes a bit of decision time
You can either go mining, fish some more, or start lumberjacking. I suggest
maxing out mining before you go to mainland, as its harder to do on mainland
than on noob island. (the mines on noob island don’t have monsters in them).
Now to continue on with the game, you must talk to the mermaid in the north
part of Edgewood. She will tell you about her brother, who is very ill and
needs an herb that only the elf has.
Now you need to buy at least one orc burger from the food shop and make sure
not to eat it. Then start making your way towards Karmiel.
Once you arrive do any last minute shopping you need, such as food, to restore
health, also make sure you have 2 paintings on you, for a good strategy for
your quest (ill explain later) and then head north from Karmiel.
After one or two screens you will see a sign to your right. This leads into
the dark forest. Nothing to worry about in here, just slimes and wolves.
Start heading south, and maybe one screen to the west, and you will come
across a cave. Inside the cave is a man who loves orc burgers. If you stand
in front of him, and click give, on your orc burger, he will teleport you to
the elf’s lair.
There are 3 imps and an elf in here. Your goal is to kill the elf, who drops
the herb.
Pick up the herb, and make a run for the white space in the lower right hand
corner. This will teleport you back to Karmiel.

Now that you have the herb, make your way back to Edgewood, and back to the
4 way crossroads.
From here head east and then south. Head all the way south, and then one
screen west, and you should arrive at a castle (you might have to search
around a few screens but its very near there) go inside and you will find the
man you need to give the herb to. Do this the same way you gave the orc burger
to the other guy. He will teleport you to a room and you will get a password.
Follow the instructions here, and then you will be warped back out.

You are done with everything you need to do on noob island, and if your hp is
at least 40, you can go to the mainland.

Before you go, you should keep in mind you will never be able to come back to
noob island again. You should also take this time to get some money saved up
and level any skills you want, while you are safe from being killed by other
players. Your next armor and weapons will cost in the thousands, so might as
well save up some money, about 20k if you want to be able to buy everything
when you get to the mainland. But this is only a suggestion to make it a little
easier on you. Also , you should stock up on crystals from the mines, as you
will be able to buy more spells on the mainland, and all of them use different
crystal types.

When you are ready, go back to the docks, click the sign and follow the
Welcome to the mainland!

6. Skills

There are lots of skills in this game, but so you wont be confused, I will only
list here the skills that you can master on noob island.
Skills all run in levels of 10, meaning that levels 1-10 show no increase in
effectiveness from your starting score, but once you hit level 11, you will get
better at them. It keeps progressing this way for all skills in the whole game.
A person with a mining level of 65, will be just as good as someone with a
skill of 70, but a person with 71 would be better than both. Even though
skills go up to level 100, they master at level 90.


Fishing is one of the most, if not the most important skill in the game. You
will make more money fishing than anything you will ever be able to do, no
matter how far you get in the game, fishing will always net you the most money.

As you begin fishing, your skill levels will raise fairly fast, even at low
intelligence. You start out catching one type of fish, and as you get higher
in skill, the fish you catch changes. I did not list what level you catch what
at, because you will eventually be catching squid at level 80, and you will
never catch any other type of fish after that. Squid can be cooked and sold
for 15g each, meaning 100 would get you 1,500 gold, and 1000 will get you
15k gold. Mastering fishing will increase your intelligence by 1 permanently.
The order of the fish is as follows.

Fish Caught Cooked into
Raw fish Fish sticks
Trout Trout fillet
Catfish Catfish sandwich
Swordfish Swordfish steak
Squid Squid platter


Cooking is another must have skill. It goes hand in hand with fishing. It
starts out being very slow. Especially when you burn something.
If you burn what you were trying to cook, you don’t lose it but you will
have to wait about 20-30 seconds before it will let you attempt cooking again.

To cook, you must stand in front of a stove, facing it, and then open your item
screen. Click on the item you want to cook, and then click cook. As this skill
levels up it will decrease the time it takes to cook.
After you hit level 51, its all downhill from there. At level 91, your cooking
will be so fast, you will almost be able to cook as quick as you can click it.
Keep in mind that even though you may have mastered cooking, you still burn
things occasionally, just not very often. Mastering cooking will increase your
stamina by 1 point permanently


Mining is not a skill that you will really need on noob isle, but it is a good
idea to try and master it. The reason for this is that noob island has the only
mine in the game that is free of monsters. So you should take this opportunity
to at least level it up to 50, if not master it. As you mine you will find
crystals and ores, and maybe a star chunk. if you don’t feel like holding on
to it, you can sell it for a decent profit. The following is a table to help
you understand what each level of mining skill does. Mastering mining will
increase your strength by 1 point permanently

Level of Mining Number of hits to break rocks
1-10 18
11-20 15
21-30 14
31-40 13
41-50 12
51-60 10
61-70 8
71-80 6
81-90 4
91-100 4, but the rate you swing the hammer slows down.

Also, mining will get you crystals and chunks of metals, shown by this table.
Items Frequency found
Blue crystal Most common
Red crystal Common
Purple crystal Uncommon
Yellow crystal Uncommon
Green crystal Uncommon
White crystal Rare
Chunk of iron Rare
Chunk of steel Rare
Chunk of star Very rare


This is one of the most aggravating skills to master, because trees are hard
to find, and they don’t grow back quickly. First off you need to have an axe
for this skill, which can be bought in the first town, Karmiel, for 250 GP.
A lot of people have trouble with this, because they cant figure out which
trees to cut. I will simplify it for you, it’s the roundish fluffy looking
trees. If you are in doubt, equip your axe and take a swing. It will make a
“whuff” sound if it’s the wrong type, but if it’s the right type of tree, you
will hear a “thwack” sound(if still having trouble finding the right trees,
there is a lumberjacking area filled with those trees just a bit north west
from Karmiel). Below is a table describing what each level of lumberjacking
does. Mastering lumberjacking will give you a +1 to strength permanently.
There is roughly a 25% chance you will get logs from chopping down a tree

Level of lumberjacking/Number of hits to fell trees
1-10 18
11-20 15
21-30 14
31-40 13
41-50 12
51-60 10
61-70 8
71-80 6
81-100 4


You will have to blacksmith your items and weapons all throughout the game.
Every time they break, you must smith them again. There is no level progression
chart for this yet. You can smith by equipping a smith’s hammer in your right
hand, and standing in front of an anvil. (anvils are located in weapon shops
and some mining shops) make sure you have a piece of the material required for
smithing. In your case since the best armor on noob isle is chain, you will
need to have 1 iron chunk in your inventory for every item you need to smith.
Once you have all this and are standing in front of the anvil, click your
damaged item (it has to be in your inventory, it cannot be equipped) and click
smith. You will repair your weapon and the chunk of iron will disappear.

***You can also farm and make potions (the alchemy skill) but neither one is
any use to you here. You cannot increase farming without hoeing the land, and
all the land that is hoeable, is already hoed. Even most high level players
never master this. Alchemy is also useless to level while on noob island.
The costs are astronomical, and your time would be better spent fishing,
or leveling other skills.

7. Combat skills

There are also a lot of combat skills to be mastered throughout the course of
the game, but again, I will only list the ones you will be using on noob isle


Slash is the level at which you use your sword. This will increase as you
attack monsters,it isn't possible to master this on noob island, but it is
a good idea to raise it, as it increases your damage with swords.


The only way to level this skill is to be hit by monsters. The higher the
level, the better able you are to stop an enemy from damaging you.


This can be raised by attacking enemies with the wood axe. Its not a very
effective weapon, and its best to wait till you are at atleast 100 hp and
able to kill quite tough enemies(on the mainland)


This is increased when you are about level 50 in parry and are attacked
by an enemy, it works the same as parry.


This is increased by casting fireball, and as it raises so will magery
(only rangers start with this), you cannot get this skill above 30 on
newbie isle.


This is increased as your other level of spell related skills increases,
it helps add extra effectiveness to your spells, you cannot get this
skill above 30 on newbie isle.


This is increased by casting Heal,and as it raises so will magery (only
mages start with this), you cannot get this skill above 30 on newbie isle.

8. Towns and shops

The first town you will come to is Karmiel. You will spend some time here
at the start of the game. The stuff here isn’t very good, but be sure to
pick up an axe while you are here, you will be using it for the rest of
the game. The second town later on is Edgewood, they have the best items
you can buy on noob isle. Be sure to buy a smiths hammer, and mining
hammer here, you will use both of them for the rest of the game.

Below is a listing of shops and their buy and sell prices. This should
help to avoid getting somewhere only to find out you don’t have enough
to buy what you need. Any time a N/a appears under price, that means
that you cannot buy/sell this item.

Karmiel weapon shop

Item Buy sell
Knife 20 10
Dagger 100 N/a
Short sword 200 100

Karmiel armor shop

Item Buy sell
Leather armor 200 100
Leather cap 150 75
Leather boots 200 100

Karmiel potion shop

Item Buy sell
Potion bottle 6 3
Blue sand 1000 500
Blue potion 20 10

Karmiel docks fishing store

Item Buy sell
Pole 250 125
Raw fish 5 1
Trout 12 2
Catfish 20 3
Swordfish 25 4
Squid 35 5
Fish sticks N/a 3
Trout fillet N/a 6
CFish sandwich N/a 9
Swordfish steak N/a 12
Squid platter N/a 15

Karmiel casino

Item Buy sell
Fishle 50,000 N/a
Silver token 100 N/a

Karmiel food store

Item Buy sell
Apple 5 2
Pie 10 5
Orc meat 15 7
Orc pot pie 20 10
Orc burger 20 10

Karmiel lumber store

Item Buy sell
Axe 250 125
Logs N/a 5

Edgewood weapon store

Item Buy sell
Short sword 200 100
B Smith hammer 400 200
Long sword 600 300

Edgewood armor shop

Item Buy sell
Chain armor 500 250
Small shield 300 150
Chain boots 500 250
Chain helm 300 150
Leather armor N/a 80
Leather cap N/a 60
Leather boots N/a 80

Edgewood bar

Item Buy sell
Ale 6 2
Pie 12 4

Edgewood farm house

Item Buy sell
Hoe 200 100
Watering bucket 150 75
Seeds 10 N/a
Premium seeds 20 N/a
Magic seeds 15 N/a
Flower seeds 25 N/a
Rose seeds 25 N/a
Watermelon N/a 4
Corn N/a 5
Nectar N/a 7
Flowers N/a 10
Roses N/a. 10

Edgewood mining store

Item Buy sell
Mining hammer 300 150
Chunk of iron 100 80
Chunk of steel 300 150
Blue crystals 3 N/a
Red crystals 3 N/a
Green crystals 4 N/a
Yellow crystals 6 N/a
Purple crystals 8 N/a
White crystals 10 N/a
Silver token 150 N/a
Chunk of ice N/a 400
Chunk of fire N/a 500
Chunk of star N/a 300

Edgewood arts store

Item Buy sell
Canvas 30 N/a
Camera 500 50
Film 70 20
Painting N/a 5

Edgewood food store

Item Buy sell
Apple 5 2
Pie 10 5
Orc meat 15 7
Orc burger 20 10
Orc pot pie 20 10

9. Enemies

This section will cover the enemies you will encounter on noob island.
Some of these enemies are on the mainland as well, but you needn’t
worry about that now. If you are in doubt as to whether or not you are
strong enough to take on a monster, please check here first.

Name Slime
Hp 15
Attack 1
Defense 2
Experience 14
Location All around Karmiel, and in dark forest
Items dropped 50% chance of either an apple or 2 GP

Name Wolf
Hp 24
Attack 4
Defense 4
Experience 22
Location Beach of Karmiel, dark forest, path to Edgewood
Items dropped 50% chance of either a pie, or 5 GP

Name Orc
Hp 33
Attack 7
Defense 6
Experience 41
Location All around Edgewood
Items dropped 50% chance of either orc meat, or 10 GP

Name Imp
Hp 33
Attack 10
Defense 9
Experience 44
Location Elf cave
Items dropped 50% chance of pie or 20 GP. 25% chance of dropping
blue crystal

Name Elf
Hp 43
Attack 13
Defense 10
Experience 65
Location Elf cave
Items dropped 100% chance of herb

11. Terms and legal mumbo-jumbo

Copyright Information
This document © 2003 Josh Hines/Volyren Nightsong. This
document, either in whole or in part, may not be reprinted,
redistributed, or reposted on any location except for the sites listed
below without explicit written consent..

Authorized Sites to post this FAQ:
-Wolf pack HQ (

12. closing statement.

This guide was written to try and help people new to the game, and also
players that have been playing a while, by taking off some of the burden
put onto them by new players constantly asking questions. This is not meant
to discourage new players from asking questions, but it would be much
appreciated if you read this guide through before asking someone for help.
If I have missed anything that you think should be included in this guide,
please contact me, or if you have found an error here, please do the same.
My contact info can be found below.
I hope you enjoy this game as much as I have, and keep looking for another
manual soon, as I will cover the mainland, possibly in 2 sections instead
of 1 massive one. Take care all, and thanks for reading this guide.

13. Contact Info

Contact me in game, my name is volyren
Or contact me through the sites that you got this guide from.
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