Crystal Key 2 - The Far Realm

Crystal Key 2 - The Far Realm

08.10.2013 17:10:32
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FAQ/Walkthrough by: The Spelunker
Copyright - 2004 - 2005. All Rights Reserved.




I've played a lot better adventure games than Crystal Key II. It's got some
neat puzzles jumbled up in it, but it couldn't hold my interest for squat.
There's a ton of back-tracking to do, and crucial points are often blocked off
with no explanation until later in the game (when you mysteriously have access
to them.) It's also very glitchy.

The best thing about it may be some of its puzzle techniques, but they're
still nothing new to the genre. The graphics, which would seem to be the
game's highlight, suffer from bugs and poor coding. All in all, I can't help
but feel that this game would have been better under the old, third-person
adventure interface, but I digress. If you get the game for free, it might be
worth playing, but I wouldn't pay for it.


Controlling Call is simple. The left mouse button performs an action, and the
right one brings up your inventory. Items can also be dragged from your
inventory to an on-screen item to signify intent of usage. You can even
combine items in rare instances. Spacebar is the most helpful tool you have,
though, as it allows you to skip the numerous, over-used cutscenes, as well as
drawn-out dialogue. Escape will take temporarily to menu, where you can save,
load or quit a game. There's also an options menu, where you can change the
music volume or disable subtitles (not recommended).


- - -

Walk two squares in the only direction you can go. Pick up Athena's diary and
the Crystal Key. Use the Crystal Key on the left side of the portal. Go into
the portal.

- -

Approach the man and talk to him.

- - - - - - - - - -

Follow the linear path all the way to an elevator. Look on the left side of
the elevator to find a switch. Down will lead to the area you need to go to.
Board the boat when you go down. Go to the Market.

- - - -

From your boat, go forward until you can't go forward anymore. Turn right and
go up the stairs. Click on the beach umbrella. Listen to the conversation, and
talk to the guy selling fruit. Play a game with his kid, too, if you want. Go
back to the boat. Travel to the Spaceport.

- - - - -

Go up twice. Open the doors and climb the stairs. Talk to Naoou. Get a drink
if you want, by selecting with the mechanism on the left-side and pouring with
the big button in the center. Take the tumbler when done. Go out the doors and
onto the walkway. Look through the telescope. Click on it three times to see
three different images. Go down. Leave the elevator and go to the area with
boxes just to the left of it. Talk to the man.

Go down the pathway and look to your right after two squares. Open the visor
on the robot.Go back to the man. Use the injection on him. Go down the
elevator. Take the Cargo Box to the left. Go back up the elevator. Give the
Cargo Box to the man. Go back down the elevator. Go to the boat. Travel to the

- - - -

Go forward. Go in the first store on your right. Talk to the shopkeeper if you
want. Give box to the shopkeeper. Leave store. Go back to boat. Travel to Pad.

- -

Go up ladder. Look at control panel. Open case. Pull lever. Go forward. Look
at other control panel. Open case. Pull lever. Go forward. Drag jetpack to
upper-right portion of screen. Travel to Desert House.

Desert House
- - - - - - -

Go around walkway to the right. Enter house. Take key from left wall. Leave
house. Go around walkway to left. Insert key into hole on stone slab. Take
key. Go back down walkway. Look at manhole in sand. Use key on manhole. Go
down manhole. Go back up. Go down walkway until jetpack icon appears. Use
jetpack. Travel to Nehli.

- - -

Turn around until you see a flute on a nearby rock. Click on it. Play the tune
you heard in the Market when the fruit was dropping down the shute. It goes
(middle note), (lowest note), (second lowest note), (note above middle). An
elevator drops down after you finish. Ride the elevator. Go forward two
squares. Turn right. Approach the man. Talk to him. Go back. Go forward one
square. Look left. Click on the bush. Take the berries. Go forward until a
fork. Go left. Turn right. Look at troughs. Use tumbler on trough.

Go back and straight. Open the door. Go in. Click on the bucket. Click on the
vines. Go outside. Take the empty crate. Go forward. Take the broken nutshell.
Go back inside. Use the vines. Use the bucket. Go back outside. Go to where
you picked the berries. Put berries in crate. Use crate with berries on
glowbugs. Go back inside. Approach the white gate. Open the white gate. Go
right. Go outside. Go forward. Go towards water. Click on leaf.

- - - - - -

Take empty spray bottle. Go forward. Talk to Kahleena. Go back to dock. Use
jetpack. Travel to Spaceport.

- -

Go to elevator. Operate handle. Get in boat. Travel to Spaceport.

- - - - -

Get on elevator. Go up twice. Go forward. Open door. Go up stairs. Go to
dispenser. Select the drink with the berry icon. Pour drink. Use spray bottle
on drink. Go out doors you came in. Go down twice. Get on boat. Travel to Pad.

- -

Go up elevator again. Use Jetpack. Travel to Desert House.

Desert House
- - - - - - -

Go right along walkway. Look at manhole. Go down manhole. Put crate with
berries and bugs on ground. Spray bottle of berry juice on wall. Go down
tunnel. Turn right. Turn the handle. Go through door. Turn the handle. Take
crank off pipe. Go back out door. Leave tunnel. Go left along path. Put crank
in opposite end from where you got the key. Take blue flower. Continue left
along path. Take red flower. Continue along path. Take white flower. Continue
along path. Take pink flower. Approach house. Turn right. Use faucet handle.
Take purple flower.

Enter house. Go forward and turn right at symbol door. Go into room. Look on
right wall. Turn hidden spicket. Take dark red flower. Leave house. Move along
path. Use Jetpack. Travel to Roy's Crash.

Roy's Crash
- - - - - -

Move forward. Talk to Roy. Select wrench. Take wrench. Go back. Use Jetpack.
Travel to Desert House.

Desert House
- - - - - - -

Go left along path. Go under shelter. Turn faucet with wrench. Take yellow
flower. Leave shelter. Go along path. Enter house. Go forward until symbol
door. Place flowers where they belong on symbol door. Door will fall. Enter
door. Move right. Take vase. Go to manhole at end of room. Open manhole. Go
down manhole. Go down tunnel. Approach door at the end. Enter door.

Fishbot Beach
- - - - - - -

Walk down beach. Move through water to side of fish. Take metal plate from
side of fish. Go back to beach. Use jetpack. Travel to Nehli.

- - -

Use flute. Go up elevator. Go to end of path. Turn right. Open door. Enter
door. Approach gate. Open gate. Go left. Go forward. Use metal plate on noisy
area. Leave Nehli. Use Jetpack. Travel to Fishbot Beach.

Fishbot Beach
- - - - - - -

Walk around to the other side of the fish. Put the new metal plate on its
side. Push the red button. Wait for the hatch to open. Use the lever in the

Merari Palace
- - - - - - -

Listen to the Merari guy. Go up the steps. Go down the hallway. Open the door.
Open the door on the left. Go through. Talk to the other Merari guy. He'll
open a portal eventually. Go through the portal.

- - - -

Go through the left tunnel. Look at the cell door to your immediate right.
Talk to Athera. Go back. Exit through the portal.

Merari Palace
- - - - - - -

Leave the palace and board the fish.

Fishbot Beach
- - - - - - -

Go onto the beach. Use the jetpack. Travel to Desert House.

Desert House
- - - - - - -

Go right along the walkway. Enter the house. Go right of the symbol door.
Close the window. Leave the house. Go under the overhang/shed. A lizard will
run away. Enter the house. Go back into the room with the window. The lizard
will run into a hole. Go back under the overhang. Use vase on the lizard
trapped in the gate. Go back down walkway. Use jetpack. Travel to Fishbot

Fishbot Beach
- - - - - - -

Go around to the side of the fish. Push the red button. Wait for the hatch to
open. Pull the lever.

Merari Palace
- - - - - - -

Go left and up the stairs. Go through the doorway. Open the left door. Go
through the portal.

- - - -

Go straight. Go left. Go right. Use vase on the handprint. Examine cell when
guard falls.

Merari Palace
- - - - - - -

Talk to Athera. Go out of room. Go down stairs. Go down hallway. Open right
door. Enter right door. In this room, there are six stands and six maps
surrounding the center pedestal. Two of the stands are around back. Your goal
is to select the gifts in the order Merik received them. But that alone won't
solve the puzzle. After pressing the correct sequence of buttons on each
stand, you'll only be shown a map. You then have to select the maps in the
order that correspond to Merik's gift that correspond to the order he received
them in. In other words, follow these directions:

**note that the sequences of the buttons don't seem to have any logic behind

1) Gem - around back. Push left button once, middle button three times and
right button three times. You'll see a map. Click on that map where it lies
around the center pedestal.

2) Knife - left from the entrance. Push left button once, middle button twice,
and right button three times. Click on the corresponding floor tile, as you
did before (and continue doing so for all 6 gifts)

3) Grail - right from entrance. push left button two times, middle button
three times and right button two times. " "

4) Helmet - around back. push left once, middle three times, right once.

5) Lute - left from entrance. push left twice, middle once, right twice.

6) Coin - this one should be obvious now.

A ladder will appear. Go up.

Merari Cave
- - - - - -

Wander through this cave until you reach a waterfall. Click on it when
possible. Go left around it and into the next area. Navigate around here until
you reach dripping water. Gaze up and use your tumbler filled with algae on
it. Leave the cave.

Merari Palace
- - - - - - -

Leave through the door. Go down the stairs. Board your fish.

Fishbot Beach
- - - - - - -

Go to the beach. Use your jetpack. Travel to Desert House.

Desert House
- - - - - - -

Go around to the crank insert on the stone slab. Put the crank in. The water
will drain. Go around to where the house meets the empty pool. Use the tumbler
filled with algae and bacteria on it. Enter the portal.

- - - - -

Go forward. Stop before stairs. Turn right. Pull lever. Go up stairs and
around to open manhole. Enter manhole.

- -

Go forward. Use tumbler filled with algae and bacteria on pool. Turn right.
Pull right lever. Go into control room behind you. Click on radar. Leave room.
Go up manhole.

- - - - -

Go down stairs. Go forward. Go through portal.

Desert House
- - - - - - -

Go around to other side of pool. Use crank on crank-insert. Pool will fill up.
Go around to other side of pool. Enter pool.

- - - - -

Go to before stairs. Go left. Take small machine from vine. Go back to portal.
Enter portal.

Desert House
- - - - - - -

Go to other side of pool. Use jetpack. Travel to Nehli.

- - -

Use flute. Ride up elevator. Go forward. Go right. Open door. Approach white
door. Open white door. Enter white door. Go forward. Go left. Use boat.

Jakar Island
- - - - - - -

Go towards house. Access panel by the door. If the panel were a phone, type 5
-5-7-1 (these codes correspond to the various enscriptions we've seen on
machines). There's another door past it. This door is 1-7-6-4. The next code
is 6-9-7-*. Approach following door. Open door. Enter door. Go down stairs.
Approach doctor. Talk to doctor. Give doctor small machine.

Go back. Go up stairs. Leave house. Go across bridge and down elevator. Leave
the island. Go forward and turn right when you see bucket. Use bucket. Leave
tree. Go forward. Go left to ground. Use jetpack. Travel to Pad.

- -

Go down elevator. Get on boat. Travel to Market.

- - - -

Go up hill. Go right into shop. Give money to shopkeeper. Take fuel combiner
off of top shelf behind you. Leave shop. Get on boat. Go to Pad.

- -

Go back up elevator. Use jetpack. Travel to Roy's Crash.

Roy's Crash
- - - - - -

Approach Roy. Give fuel combiner to Roy. Give krakelnut shell to roy. Go back.
Use jetpack. Travel to Kahleena's.

- - - - - -

Go forward to door. Turn around. Look at cauldron. Put krakelnut tin in
cauldron. Take tin when able. Go forward to dock. Use jetpack. Travel to

- - -

Use flute and ride elevator up. Go forward to end of path. Go right. Open
door. Enter door. Use bucket. Use vines. Go outside. Go forward. Put
krakelnut tin in fire ring. Squirrel will come. Ride squirrel. Talk to man.
Ride squirrel. Go back inside. Use vines. Go down bucket. Leave tree. Go down
path and turn left. Go forward. Go down elevator. Go forward. Use jetpack.
Travel to Fishbot Beach.

Fishbot Beach
- - - - - - -

Go around to other side of fish. Push red button. Wait for hatch to open. Pull

Merari Palace
- - - - - - -

Go left. Climb stairs. Climb stairs again. Go in right room. Look at bug.
Leave room. Go down stairs. Go down hallway. Open left door. Go in left door.
Talk to guy. Go in portal.

- - - -

Turn left. Go left twice. Go right all the way to dead-end. Click on elevator.
Look at ground when you get off elevator. Take cage. Go up elevator. Go back.
Turn left. Turn right at portal. Enter portal.

Merari Palace
- - - - - - -

Leave room. Go right. Go up stairs. Go in right door. Use cage on bug. Leave
room. Go down stairs. Go down stairs again. Go around to fish. Use fish.

Fishbot Beach
- - - - - - -

Go to beach. Use jetpack. Travel to Desert House.

Desert House
- - - - - - -

Go around to where pool meets house. Enter pool.

- - - - -

Go forward. Go up stairs. Go right. Go down manhole.

- -

Go forward. Look at right wall. Hang soulbug on left lever. You win.
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