Casual Romance Club

Casual Romance Club

17.10.2013 21:39:44
Casual Romance Club [PC]

Author: haruna13763 ( Japan
Last revision: December 14th, 2004
Version: 1.04

CRC is copyrighted Libido 2003

Table of Contents:
1. Walkthrough
2. Special information
3. Credits

About System configuration requirements,General Hints/Tips and Characters,
please reference Mr.Geo's FAQ/Walkthrough
*I referenced the Mr.Geo's form.

1. Walkthrough

Referrence this Walkthrough,you'll get all pics.

PC - Private Chat
GO - Going Out
DATE - Appointment of date
ABS - she's absent, you can go out or just chat with other members, it has no
effect on the outcome
IRR - not important. You can choose anythig.

- May 19, PC, The CRC, 'Because you're in the club', DATE
- May 20, PC, Kate, 'Nothing', GO
- May 21, PC, Sidney's character, 'It's for you', GO
- May 22, PC, Rival, 'Don't worry about such a small thing', GO
- May 23, PC, Tomorrow's plan,GO (monologue01,at Midnight)
- May 24, 'It was fun. Thanks'
- May 25, ABS
- May 26, PC, Dates, 'That's one of the cute part of you', GO
- May 27, PC, Charlotte, 'That's too much,Isn't it', DATE
- May 28, PC, Charlotte, 'She cares about you', GO (monologue02,at Midnight)
- May 29, PC, Charlotte, 'Ofourse I am, GO
- May 30, PC, An ideal girl, 'I prefer a girl like you', GO
- May 31, PC, Dates, 'No way', GO
- June 1, ->Hugging
- June 2, PC, Celery, 'I dislike celery too', GO
- June 3, PC, Charlotte, 'No way', GO
- June 4, PC, Charlotte's behaviour, 'Why don't you ask her?',
GO (monologue03,at Midnight)
- June 5, PC, Cooking skills, 'I'm looking forward to it',
- June 6, PC, Rival, 'Are you confident about winning?', GO
- June 7, PC, Classmates, 'You're too friendly with everybody',
DATE (masturbation scene,at Midnight)
- June 8, -> sex scene
- June 9, PC, Yesterday's date, DATE
- June 10, PC, My feelings got through to you, 'Be confident', GO
- June 11, PC, Charlotte's behaviour, 'It was weird story', GO
- June 12, PC, The CRC, 'I don't think it's bad'
GO (monologue04,at Midnight)
- June 13, PC, The CRC finishes, 'I want to have more romance' GO
- June 14, -> sex scene
- June 15, PC, IRR, DATE
- another day -> sex scene

* Album filled for this character

- May 19, PC, The opportunity for conversation, 'I don't mind if you interrupt',
- May 20, PC, A passionate person, 'Be honest with yourself',
GO (monologue01,at Midnight)
- May 21, PC, The Casual Romance Club, 'You just being here is enough for me',
- May 22, PC, Bridget's ability in sports, 'Why don't you talk more about
yourself', DATE
- May 23, PC, Sophie the undergraduate, 'Not necessarily unfair', GO
- May 24, PC, Romance, 'I think it's very difficult', GO
- May 25,
- May 26, PC, Making lunch, 'We're going to be', GO
- May 27, PC, Classmates, 'You should be more positive',
GO (monologue02,at Midnight)
- May 28, PC, Bridget, the childhood friend, 'I didn't say a bad thing about
her', DATE(Failured)
- May 29, PC, What guys like, 'I like it', DATE(Failured)
- May 30, PC, Amy and Charlotte, 'That sounds fair', DATE
- May 31, PC, Seasonal change of uniform, 'Yeah sort of', GO
- June 1,
- June 2, PC, Mondays, 'It sure is' DATE
- June 3, PC, Europe, 'It's because of cultural difference', GO
- June 4, PC, Charlotte the Piscean, 'No, you can't',
GO (monologue03,at Midnight)
- June 5, PC, Horoscopes, 'Of course I do', GO
- June 6, PC, Jordan, 'He's my friend afterall' GO(Failured)
- June 7, PC, Style, 'You're right', GO(Failured)
- June 8, 'You should know that' -> kiss scene
- June 9, PC, Feeling insecure, 'Don't be stupid',
GO (monologue04,at Midnight)
- June 10, PC, Charlotte's feelings, 'Because you like me', GO
- June 11, PC, Other boys, 'It doesn't matter, I still like you', GO
- June 12, PC, Charlotte's feelings, 'That's not very thoughtful',
DATE (masturbation scene,at Midnight)
- June 13, PC, The kiss we had, 'I want more than that', GO
- June 14, -> sex scene
- June 15, PC, IRR, DATE
- another day -> sex scene

* Album filled for this character

- May 19, PC, Romance, 'Then you've got to like me', DATE
- May 20, PC, Renting pets, 'Some can't keep pets forever', GO
- May 21, PC, New members, 'I want friends too but', GO
- May 22, PC, Trouble for others, 'It's okay to cause trouble for others',
GO (monologue01,at Midnight)
- May 23, PC, The CRC, 'Am I special?', GO
- May 24, 'I'll negotiate the price'
- May 25, PC, Family, 'You've got to be independent eventually', GO
- May 26, PC, Dog, 'Poor thing', GO
- May 27, PC, Ko-gal, 'A small girl', GO
- May 28, PC, Practice riding a bicycle, 'I can imagine that', GO
- May 29, PC, Practice riding a bicycle, 'I'll go if I can go with you', GO
- May 30, PC, Sports, 'I'll forgive you because you're cute',
DATE (monologue02,at Midnight)
- May 31, PC, Being late for school, 'Lend me Mark for a day', GO
- June 1, 'We don't have to bring the others here'
- June 2, PC, Loneliness, 'I'll be next to you', DATE
- June 3, PC, Bicycle, 'It's dangerous if you get carried away', GO
- June 4, PC, A lock for a bike, 'You can never be too careful',
GO (monologue03,at Midnight)
- June 5, PC, Mail-order, 'I agree', GO
- June 6, PC, Participation in the club, 'It depends on the person', GO
- June 7, PC, Jeannie's body, 'I don't care', GO
- June 8, -> sex scene
- June 9, PC, The club activity from now, 'It's okay as long as it's fun',
GO (monologue04,at Midnight)
- June 10, PC, Wit, 'It doesn't matter', DATE
- June 11, PC, Mark, 'He's kind only to you', GO
- June 12, PC, Reading books, 'Same here' GO
- June 13, PC, Friday the 13th, 'It's a foreign superstition, no relation
with us', GO (masturbation scene,at Midnight)
- June 14, -> sex scene
- June 15, PC, IRR, DATE
- another day -> sex scene

* Album filled for this character

- May 21, PC, Motivation to join the club, 'You're very conservative', DATE
- May 22, PC, The boy members, 'Then go out with me', GO
- May 23, PC, About Amy, 'Of course it's you', GO (monologue01,at Midnight)
- May 24,
- May 25, PC, Looking for a boyfriend, 'I'll be your boyfriend', GO
- May 26, PC, Advice about what?, 'That might be a problem', DATE
- May 27, PC, Girls who prostitute, 'Can you do that with me?', GO
- May 28, PC, Strange dream, GO (monologue02,at Midnight)
- May 29, PC, What Amy complained about, 'I don't think she had bad
intentions', GO
- May 30, PC, Meaning of the pager message, 'I can do it if it's you', GO
- May 31, PC, The reason for her prostitution, 'You should tell
her straight', GO
- June 1, 'This is fine'
- June 2, PC, Compatibility, 'You mean our sexual compatibility?', DATE
- June 3, PC, Problems, 'Can you ask me for advice?', GO
- June 4, PC, Naughty topics between girls, 'It's fun talking with you',
GO (monologue03,at Midnight)
- June 5, PC, Looking like a naughty girl, 'Please do it when we do it',
- June 6, PC, A virgin girl, 'I respect peole's past', GO
- June 7, PC, An alarm clock, GO (masturbation scene,at Midnight)
- June 8, 'I'm not going to let you go' -> sex scene
- June 9, PC, Charms, 'It sounds so you', DATE
- June 10, PC, The reason that she can't get up, 'Me too', GO
- June 11, PC, Plans for the summer holidays, 'I'll take you to the beach',
GO (monologue04,at Midnight)
- June 12, PC, Aware of the opinion the others, 'You might not stand being
alone', GO
- June 13, PC, The reason for joining the club, 'Do you still think that?', GO
- June 14, -> sex scene
- June 15, PC, IRR, DATE
- another day -> sex scene

* Album filled for this character

- May 19, PC, Desire for Romance, 'You've got to have a romancein the club',
- May 20, PC, Targets, 'I prefer you' GO
- May 21, PC, The idol of Moriyoh Gakuen School, 'Because she wants a
romance', GO
- May 22, PC, Degree of Injury, 'You're a girl', GO (monologue01,at Midnight)
- May 23, PC, Nosey, 'I'm the same', GO
- May 24, PC, Lesbian, 'Better than fags', GO
- May 25, PC, The reason she doesn't go out with anyone, 'You mean you want
men to know different women', GO
- May 26, PC, Childhood friends, 'I Know the truth', DATE
- May 27, PC, The person I want to go out with, 'I want to go out with you', GO
- May 28, PC, Paige's lie, GO (monologue02,at Midnight)
- May 29, PC, Something to say to Kate, 'You're wrong', GO
- May 30, PC, Relationship with Paige, 'Please pay attention to me', GO
- May 31, PC, Borderline friends and lovers, 'Exactly', GO
- June 1, 'Because that's nosey'
- June 2, PC, Close friends, 'You can get over that distance', DATE
- June 3, PC, Classes, 'Then do it', GO
- June 4, PC, Part-time jobs, 'I can't be bothered either', GO
- June 5, PC, Diet, 'Not at all', GO
- June 6, PC, The basketball tournament, 'It's enough if you enjoy it',
GO (monologue03,at Midnight)
- June 7, ABS
- June 8, -> sex scene
- June 9, PC, Making love yesterday, 'No I'm not',
GO (masturbation scene,at Midnight)
- June 10, PC, Karaoke, 'Aren't you embarrassed by saying that?', DATE
- June 11, PC, Paige, 'Yeah a little bit', GO
- June 12, PC, Secret efforts, 'Alittle bit', GO
- June 13, PC, Making love, GO (monologue04,at Midnight)
- June 14, -> sex scene
- June 15, PC, IRR, DATE
- another day -> sex scene

* Album filled for this character

- May 21, PC, A super hero, 'I want to be a super hero',
GO (monologue01,at Midnight)
- May 22, PC, The CRC, 'I'll talk to you until you get used to it', GO
- May 23, PC, New members, 'I only look at you', GO
- May 24, PC, Amy, 'She'll be fine soon', GO
- May 25, ABS
- May 26, PC, Romance, 'You don't have to', DATE
- May 27, PC, School, 'You can have time to make books', GO
- May 28, PC, Picture books, 'People's evaluation is useful', GO
- May 29, PC, Amy, 'You've got a hard job', GO
- May 30, PC, Cooking, 'I want to try the food you make', GO
- May 31, PC, Amy, 'I think she's cute', GO (monologue02,at Midnight)
- June 1,
- June 2, PC, Picture books, 'I don't mind', GO (monologue03,at Midnight)
- June 3, PC, Picture books, 'I can, but I'm no expert', DATE
- June 4, PC, Picture books in progress, 'I haven't looked at it yet', GO
- June 5, PC, Things she misunderstood, 'Because you're cautious', GO
- June 6, PC, Picture books, 'Okay I can read it later', GO
- June 7, PC, Library, 'I don't read very much', GO
- June 8, -> sex scene
- June 9, PC, Jordan, 'No you two would never match', DATE
- June 10, PC, Amy, GO (monologue04,at Midnight)
- June 11, PC, Exercise, 'I like to exercise',
GO (masturbation scene,at Midnight)
- June 12, PC, Romance, 'Casual romance is possible', GO
- June 13, PC, Picture books, 'You should do it often' GO
- June 14, -> sex scene
- June 15, PC, IRR, DATE
- another day -> sex scene

* Album filled for this character

- May 21, PC, Idol of the school, 'Aren't you happy about you?', GO
- May 22, PC, Caitlin's mother, 'I bet', GO
- May 23, PC, The introduction photos, 'I can image that',
GO (monologue01,at Midnight)
- May 24, PC, Romance, 'This is it', DATE
- May 25, ABS (She don't come)
- May 26, PC, Idol, 'Somehow I understand', DATE(Failured)
- May 27, PC, Date, 'You can say it's my fault', GO
- May 28, PC, Operation "skip", 'I don't care', GO
- May 29, ABS
- May 30, PC, Fun of bad guys, 'It is a good sign', GO
(monologue02,at Midnight)
- May 31, PC, An elder brother, 'I can be your elder brother', DATE
- June 1, ABS (She don't come)
- June 2, PC, Date strategy, 'Then why don't you say good-bye to your mom', GO
- June 3, PC, Talk with mom, 'I guess you don't have to hate her that much',
- June 4, PC, An ordinary girl, 'You don't have to live up to them', GO
- June 5, PC, Date, 'You can fell more at ease', GO (monologue03,at Midnight)
- June 6, PC, Good upbringing, 'That's right', GO
- June 7, PC, It's Sunday tomorrow, 'It depends who I will go out with', GO
- June 8, 'I'll make you a bad girl' -> sex scene
- June 9, PC, Coming home early in the morning, 'Don't ask mean things',
- June 10, PC, Independent, 'Anyway it's good', GO (monologue04,at Midnight)
- June 11, PC, Change of mind, 'Now you have mental elbowroom', GO
- June 12, PC, A spoiled girl, 'I can accept Caitlin's spoiled side',
DATE (masturbation scene,at Midnight)
- June 13, PC, After the Club ends, 'I don't think so', GO
- June 14, -> sex scene
- June 15, PC, IRR, DATE
- another day -> sex scene

* Album filled for this character

- May 21, PC, About boys, 'Why are you so sure?', GO
- May 22, PC, Amy, 'I'm going to think abouy it', GO (monologue01,at Midnight)
- May 23, PC, My romance experience, 'What do you think?', GO
- May 24, PC, Complex, 'You're attractive', DATE
- May 25,
- May 26, PC, Charlotte, 'You should worry about yourself', GO
- May 27, PC, Bridget's assets, 'You're not second to her',
GO (monologue02,at Midnight)
- May 28, PC, An object of romance, 'I think that's beautiful', GO
- May 29, PC, Honest behaviour, 'You're just you', DATE
- May 30, PC, Condition of being a popular girl, 'I prefer slender', GO
- May 31, PC, Other sports, 'You're cool', GO
- June 1,
- June 2, PC, Cosmetics, 'You're confident of your appearance', GO
- June 3, PC, Fast metabolism, 'Of course', GO
- June 4, PC, Injury, 'Don't be stupid', GO
- June 5, ABS
- June 6, PC, Making love, 'Of course I do', GO (monologue03,at Midnight)
- June 7, PC, Tomorrow, DATE
- June 8, -> sex scene
- June 9, PC, Yesterday, 'It's painful for everybody', DATE
- June 10, PC, A casual romance, 'That's a big leap',
GO (masturbation scene,at Midnight)
- June 11, PC, Kids, 'I do totally', GO
- June 12, ABS
- June 13, PC, Nervousness, 'I think so', GO (monologue04,at Midnight)
- June 14, -> sex scene
- June 15, PC, IRR, DATE
- another day -> sex scene

* Album filled for this character

- May 23, PC, Massage parlor experience, 'Nope', GO (monologue01,at Midnight)
- May 24, PC, Sexual desire, 'You are tough on yourself', DATE
- May 25,
- May 26, PC, Attitude for naughty things, 'It's nothing like that', GO
- May 27, PC, The needs of the body, GO
- May 28, ABS
- May 29, PC, Sophie's question, 'Love can be nurtured by sex',
GO (monologue02,at Midnight)
- May 30, PC, Sex in the process of love, 'I guess so', DATE
- May 31, PC, Guiltiness, 'I'm glad that you need me', GO
- June 1, -> sex scene
- June 2, PC, Form of Love, 'Cute', GO
- June 3, ABS
- June 4, ABS
- June 5, PC, About us making love, GO
- June 6, PC, Development of romance, 'Very much', DATE
- June 7, PC, Strictness on yourself, 'You should depend more on others',
GO (monologue03,at Midnight)
- June 8, -> sex scene
- June 9, ABS
- June 10, PC, Getting a license, 'It was great that you passed', GO
- June 11, ABS (monologue04,at Midnight)
- June 12, PC, Getting rid of anxiety, 'Leave it to me', DATE
- June 13, PC, Positive attitude towards making love, 'That's what I
like about you',
GO (masturbation scene,at Midnight)
- June 14, -> sex scene
- June 15, PC, IRR, DATE
- another day -> sex scene

* Album filled for this character

- May 23, PC, Treating me like a kid, 'I do', GO (monologue01,at Midnight)
- May 24, PC, Friends in the class, 'Don't say such a thing', GO
- May 25, PC, Longing, 'Sure you can be', GO
- May 26, PC, Date course, 'You know if you have a date with me', DATE
- May 27, PC, Sophie, 'She worries about you', GO
- May 28, PC, Friends, 'You're reliable', GO
- May 29, PC, Perfume, 'I don't mean that', GO (monologue02,at Midnight)
- May 30, PC, Dissatisfaction, 'Aren't you misunderstanding Valerie', GO
- May 31, PC, Nice things, 'I agree', GO
- June 1, 'If she really betrayed you'
- June 2, PC, About yesterday, 'I don't like that reason', DATE
- June 3, PC, Opening of pool, 'Then I'll teach you', GO
- June 4, PC, Message from Valerie, 'Of course I am', GO
- June 5, PC, Patience, 'Isn't it slick?', GO (monologue03,at Midnight)
- June 6, PC, Expression of love, 'I think it's good to be more ordinary', GO
- June 7, PC, To become an adult, 'It's no problem if you become an
adult', GO
- June 8, 'Are you prepared to come to my home?' ->
sex scene
- June 9, PC, Things about yesterday, GO (masturbation scene,at Midnight)
- June 10, PC, Tutoring schools, 'That's true though', DATE
- June 11, PC, Center of people's attention, 'I understand', GO
- June 12, PC, Valerie, GO (monologue04,at Midnight)
- June 13, PC, Amanda's mom, 'She thinks you are a treasure', GO
- June 14, -> sex scene
- June 15, PC, IRR, DATE
- another day -> sex scene

* Album filled for this character

- May 23, PC, Impression, 'You might be a bit strange', GO
- May 24, PC, Kate, 'Why do you think so', GO (monologue01,at Midnight)
- May 25, ABS
- May 26, PC, Paige's type, 'Do you want people to fit in for you?', GO
- May 27, PC, Kate's feeling, 'I didn't know at all', GO
- May 28, PC, What I did to Jordan 'Of course it' bad', GO
- May 29, PC, Kate's feeling, 'It doesn't matter', GO (monologue02,at Midnight)
- May 30, PC, Relationship with Kate, 'It's more fun', DATE
- May 31, PC, Nice romance, 'If you think so', GO
- June 1
- June 2, PC, Pearsonal Relationship, 'You can do well from the next time', GO
- June 3, ABS
- June 4, PC, Part-time job shift, GO
- June 5, PC, troubled customers, 'If you really need it',
GO (monologue03,at Midnight)
- June 6, PC, Part-time job, 'Well,that is life', DATE
- June 7, ABS
- June 8, 'Of course' -> sex scene
- June 9, PC, Complicated feeling, 'If you escape, I'll come after you',
DATE (masturbation scene,at Midnight)
- June 10, PC, A vocalist, 'Then sing here and now',
GO (monologue04,at Midnight)
- June 11, ABS
- June 12, PC, The part-time job, 'Don't be selfish', GO
- June 13, PC, Music I like, GO
- June 14, -> sex scene
- June 15, PC, IRR, DATE
- another day -> sex scene

* Album filled for this character

- May 23, PC(Round 3), Uniform, 'Don't ask an embarrassing question',
GO (monologue01,at Midnight)
- May 24, PC, School, 'Your parents' don't say anythung?', GO
- May 25, ABS
- May 26, PC, Things about yesterday, 'Ya, I was lonely', GO
- May 27, PC, Grown-ups, 'You're fully grown-up', DATE
- May 28, ABS
- May 29, PC, The manager, 'It's hard to be the little guy', GO
- May 30, ABS
- May 31, PC, Cooking, 'I'm going to ask Valerie to cook',
GO (monologue02,at Midnight)
- June 1, -> sex scene
- June 2, PC, Yesterday's Date, 'I want to take falling in love seriously', DATE
- June 3, ABS
- June 4, ABS
- June 5, PC, Beauty, 'It makes better sense', GO
- June 6, PC(Round 3), Recent young people, 'This is a very serious situation',
GO (monologue03,at Midnight)
- June 7, ABS
- June 8, -> sex scene
- June 9, ABS
- June 10, PC, Body shape, 'I don't care', DATE (monologue04,at Midnight)
- June 11, PC, Period, 'I wouldn't doubt it', GO
- June 12, PC, The Casual Romance Club, GO (masturbation scene,at Midnight)
- June 13, ABS
- June 14, -> sex scene
- June 15, PC, IRR, DATE
- another day -> sex scene

* Album filled

2.Special information

Go to ""(Official Site of Libido),
and download the file "2MHit No2.lzh".
You can get All Gilr's Album including "another day".

This tool's ReadMe is Japanese only,so I translate it.
But my translation is too difficult to understand.
'Cause "Nameless Mofo" sends me the correct translation,I updated it.
By reading my translation,his problem was solved.
So this ReadMe is more useful than my original translation.

//ReadMe.txt(Translated by "Nameless Mofo")
Using the downloaded version of Casual Romance Club, you can view the pics
that you already have in each girl's album, kind of like a CG gallery
(which is not really present in the original version).
Use the following procedure to do

1) Insert the Casual Romance Club DVD
2) If the game starts automatically, exit it
3) Start up the downloaded version of CRC (crc.exe)
4) The downloaded version of CRC will register the pics you see as you play
5) Start up the downloaded Club Album tool (clubalbum.exe)
6) The Club Album tool lets you browse any of the girls' album pics

1. The pics you saw by the using the original version of CRC will not appear
because the original version of CRC does not save the data.
2. However, you can use your game saves in the downloaded version of CRC, so
you can replay using your game saves. After you do so, the data will
saved and you will be able to see the pics using the Club Album tool.
3. The Club Album tool can also display the "another day" pics that you can not
view using the game's album. So if you have a game save from just before
the "Another Day" sequence, you can load it and play through it using the
downloaded version of CRC. The "another day" pics will then appear in the
Club Album tool.
4. If you are playing from the hard disk, you should replace the original CRC
executable (crc.exe) with the downloaded CRC executable. The pics you see
using the new CRC executable will appear in the Club Album tool. Also, both
the CRC executable (crc.exe) and Club Album tool (clubalbum.exe) should be
in the same directory.

Supported OS: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP

If you follow these instructions, you can see the pics.
Of course, you must see the pics at least once in order for them to appear
in the Club Album tool.

If the pics don't show up, reference the 100% CG game save site below.

If you want only to collect the All pics,go to
You can get the completed save date.
Because it's Japanese site,
it may possibly appear in the style being not able to read.
but the rightest line's 'ClubAlbum' is Common font maybe.
The link of the left is the file.
If you can't find it,please try to click all the links of the center line.
'crc_doumo.LZH'is the file's name.

More information:

This game is the re-make edition of 'HOOKAGO REN-AI CLUB' released in 1997.
'HOOKAGO' means 'after school'.and 'REN-AI' means 'casual romance' in Japanese.
'AI' is 'LOVE'. All we need is LOVE.

Because the original is old,there is old-fashioned description.
(Pocket Bell,for example).

Most of Jananese game guide site have the guide of old editin.
But there is no guide for 'CRC'.
By referencing the guide for old's,we can get the best endings,
however 'CRC' has a few tricks.
we can't get a few girl's 5th monologue event by old edition' guide.

My guide is updated for 'CRC'.(by may trial and error ,and the answer on board)

3. Credits

Made by me,haruna13763
(If you find wrong points,please tell me.), for hosting this walkthrough

Copyright 2004 haruna13763

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