Gabriel Knight 3

Gabriel Knight 3

17.10.2013 11:48:02

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
2.1. Day 1: 10 AM - 12 PM
2.2. Day 1: 12 PM - 2 PM
2.3. Day 1: 2 PM - 4 PM
2.4. Day 1: 4 PM - 6 PM
2.5. Day 1: 6 PM - 10 PM
2.6. Day 2: 7 AM - 10 AM
2.7. Day 2: 10 AM - 12 PM
2.8. Day 2: 12 PM - 2 PM
2.9. Day 2: 2 PM - 5 PM
2.10. Day 2: 5 PM - 10 PM
2.11. Day 3: 2 AM
2.12. Day 3: 7 AM - 10 AM
2.13. Day 3: 10 AM - 12 PM
2.14. Day 3: 12 PM - 3 PM
2.15. Day 3: 3 PM - 6 PM
2.16. Day 3: 6 PM - 9 PM
2.17. Day 3: 9 PM - Midnight
3. Item List
3.1. Gabriel
3.2. Grace
4. Point List
4.1. Day 1
4.2. Day 2
4.3. Day 3
5. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 23rd Nov, 2004 (First version)


1. Introduction


Being summoned to a gloomy castle in Paris by a mysterious man called Prince
James, and being told that Night Visitors may be arriving to take away his son
may all seem a bit too much. Gabriel Knight has seen cases like this before.
Being the last in a line of Schattenjagers, or Shadow Hunters, it has been the
job of Gabriel's family to fight supernatural forces for centures.

In the past two games, Gabriel has solved the mysteries of voodoo murders in
New Orleans and a werewolf case in Germany. Now, in Paris, Gabriel is faced
with his toughest mystery yet. After arriving at the castle, the Prince's son
is indeed kidnapped by the Night Visitors, as the Prince calls them. Gabriel
jumps on his bike and chases after the kidnappers. He tracks them to a remote
village named Rennes le Chateau, where the mystery begins.


2. Walkthrough


2.1. Day 1: 10 AM - 12 PM


The game starts in Gabriel's bedroom at the hotel. Open the wardrobe at the
corner of the room and get the hanger and the masking tape. Open the door near
the plant to exit the bedroom. Go down the steps at the other end of the hall
to arrive in the lobby of the hotel.

Walk toward the desk to talk to Jean at the reception desk. Ask about Rennes le
Chateau: The small town has a rich history. He suggests that Gabriel visit the
museum down the road. Ask about Two Men With a Trunk: He was not on duty last
night, which was when most of the guests checked in. Ask about Two Men With a
Trunk again: He tells Gabriel to ask the night clerk, Simone.

Exit the conversation and walk behind the red curtains at the corner of the
room. Open the inventory (Press I), and use Prince James' card on the phone to
call him. Gabriel tells Prince James about the case. Gabriel also learns that
Grace Nakimura will be coming along to help with the case. Walk through the red
curtains to return to the lobby.

Read the hotel registration book on the desk to find out that the guests have
all signed in within the last twenty-four hours. Walk through the door leading
to the dining room of the hotel to find Mosely. Get a package of maple syrup
from the left side of the table, and then return to the lobby.

Talk to the man reading the paper at the corner of the room. As with many other
the characters in the game, the introduce yourself option must be chosen first
before any other dialogue options can be selected. So select the option, and
the man will introduce himself as Emelio Baza. Ask Emelio about the Treasure.
Exit the conversation and exit the hotel.

Talk to Madeline Buthane standing near the van. Ask about the Tour Group: She
will let Gabriel join the tour group for two thousand francs. Ask about the
Tour Group: The tour starts tomorrow morning at 9 AM. Ask about the Treasure:
She leaves the theory of the treasure to her clients. Walk back into the hotel.

Talk to Jean about the Tour Group: He explains that all rooms in the hotel are
booked for members of the tour group except for Gabriel's room. Ask Jean about
the Tour Group again. Ask Jean about the Treasure: He thinks that the treasure
is a myth. Open the door to exit the hotel. Move the camera through the gates
and quarter turn left. Move forward to the fountain and quarter turn left to
see a bookstore. Read the San Greal sign in the window of the bookstore: San
Greal means Holy Grail. Move past the fountain and take the next entrance on
the right. Walk up the steps on the left to enter the museum.

Talk to Madame Girard behind the desk and ask her about the Holy Grail. Ask her
about Rennes le Chateau, the Templars, the Treasure three times and about Two
Men With a Trunk. Exit the conversation and walk up the steps. Walk behind the
panels and move forward to listen to the two women talking about the documents.
introduce yourself to the women, Estelle and Lily, and ask them about the Tour
Group and Treasure. Exit the museum and walk back to the hotel.

2.2. Day 1: 12 PM - 2 PM


Enter the lobby of the hotel. Open the door to the dining room to hear Madeline
and Wilkes talking about the treasure. Talk to Wilkes and introduce yourself.
Exit the dining room and walk up the steps to the second floor of the hotel to
see that Estelle and Lily are switching rooms with Emilio. Walk down the steps
to return to the lobby, and open the door to exit the hotel. Take the right
path outside the hotel and open the door to enter the church.

Inside, one of the members of the tour will complain to the priest about the
modified sign. Talk to the man, Vittorio Buchelli, and introduce yourself.
Select the Check Into Hotel option: He arrived late last night by train. Ask
about the treasure: He doesn't believe in it, and he only took the tour because
he was interested in the history of the area. Exit the conversation.

Introduce yourself to the priest, Arnaud, at the other end of the church. Ask
about the church twice. It was dedicated to Mary Magdalen, and was restored by
in the 1890s by Abbe Sauniere. Ask about the Holy Grail: It has connections to
Rennes-le-Chateau. Ask about Magdalen twice: The famous Black Madonna paintings
were really about Mary Magdalen, and the child in the paintings is unknown. Ask
about the Templars: There are some Templars buried in the church cemetary, and
a young scholar on the subject named Larry Chester is staying nearby. Exit the
conversation and open the door to exit the church.

Return to the hotel and walk up to the second floor. Knock on the door to room
33 and Mosely will let Gabriel into his room. Talk about The Case with Mosely:
Gabriel explains about the case and Mosely doubts Gabriel's story about the
vampires; Gabriel suspects that one of the members of the tour group could be a
suspect; Mosely asks about Grace. Noises could be heard in the hall outside the
room while Gabriel was talking to Mosely. Exit the conversation and sneak to
the door to see Emilio standing outside. He puts down his glass and leaves.

Talk to Mosely about Grace: She's doing fine; Gabriel doesn't want to be in a
relationship with her. Talk to Mosely about Schattenjager: Grace has programmed
a computer program, SIDNEY, to help out with cases; Mosely asks how Gabriel's
family became Schattenjagers, and Gabriel explains that it was an old family
tradition even before 900 AD, which was when the family journals began. Exit
the conversation and open the door to exit the room. Get Emilio's glass from
the table and walk down to the lobby. Open the door to exit the hotel.

2.3. Day 1: 2 PM - 4 PM


Move out of the hotel courtyard and walk down the alley at the right side of
the fountain to see the bike rental shop. Talk to the man in the shop and ask
about the Rent Moped option: Bikes are only available for members of the tour
group. Exit the alley and return to the hotel lobby. Talk to Estelle and Lily
about Room Change: Emilio wanted to change rooms. Get the candy from the table
and the black marker from the reception desk. Walk up the steps to the second
floor and look for the painting of the road opposite room 27. Put the candy on
the table below the painting. Walk down the steps to return to the lobby.

Press button 33 on the panel near the reception desk to call Mosely down from
his room. Quickly walk up the steps at the left side of the dining room
entrance and walk left around the hall to see Mosely leave his room. When
Mosely stops to eat the candy from the table, get the passport from his pocket.
Open the inventory and combine the black marker with Mosely's passport to draw
a moustache on it. Open the door to room 33 and get the gold blazer. Walk down
the steps and open the door to exit the hotel.

Move past the fountain and take the next entrance on the right. Walk up the
steps to enter the museum. Get the baseball cap from the lost and found box.
Exit the museum. Continue forward down the path to see the church. Follow the
grass path at the side of the church to enter the cemetary. Get the spray
bottle from the window of the hut and exit the cemetary. Half turn left and
follow the path all the way down to the cat at the end of the alley. Pet the
cat, and it will run through a hole in the door. Exit the alley, then return to
the alley again to see that the cat is up on the wall.

Use the masking tape with the hole in the door. Use the spray bottle with the
cat on the wall, and it will leave fur on the tape as it runs through the hole.
Get the tape from the hole to get the black fur. Combine the fur with the syrup
package, and then use the black moustache on the gold blazer. Use the baseball
cap on the gold blazer and black moustache to make the Mosely disguise. Return
to the bike rental shop and use the Mosely disguise on Gabriel. The man will
mistake Gabriel for Mosely, and will give him binoculars, a key to the bike and
a shovel. Return to the bike shop and use the green bike to leave the village.


Select Chateau de Blanchefort on the map. Face the road and wait for Wilkes to
drive by on his bike. When he does, click on him and select the Follow icon to
follow Wilkes to L'Ermitage. Select L'Ermitage on the map.


Use the notebook on Wilkes' bike to write down the license number. Follow the
path up the hill and talk to Wilkes. Ask Wilkes about the Machine three times.
Ask about the Treasure. Ask about the Holy Grail. Exit the conversation and
walk down the path to the road. Wait for Madeline to pass by in her van. When
she does, follow her to Coume Sourde. Select Chateau de Blanchefort on the map.


Walk up the right path and follow the path up to the top of the hill. Use the
binoculars with the mountain. Zoom in on Coume Sourde to see Madeline looking
for something. Zoom out and exit the view of the binoculars. Walk down the path
and use the bike to exit the area. Select Couiza Train Station on the map.


Introduce yourself to the taxi driver. Ask him about Two Men With a Trunk
twice: He saw them leave, but he refuses to give Gabriel any information. Exit
the conversation and use the wallet on the man. A black sedan car was waiting
for the two men for an hour, and they drove off toward Rennes-le-Chateau. Open
the door to enter the train station.

Introduce yourself to the woman in the ticket booth and ask her about Train
From Naples: There was no train from Naples last night; The trains that arrived
last night are listed on the board. Ask about Other Arrivals: One passenger
arrived from Rome and two arrived from Nice earlier in the day. Think about the
arrivals on the arrivals and departures board to see that there were no trains
from Naples yesterday. Exit the station and use the bike.

2.4. Day 1: 4 PM - 6 PM


Select L'Homme Mort on the map. Walk up the path and talk to Mosely twice. Walk
down the path and use the notebook with Mosely's bike to write down the license
number. Use Gabriel's bike and select Chateau de Blanchefort on the map.


Face the road and wait for Estelle and Lily to drive by on their bike. When
they do, click on them and select the Follow icon to follow them around the
road, which allows Gabriel to recognise their bike at Rennes Le Chateau later
on. After returning to Chateau de Blanchefort, follow the right path up to the
top of the hill and talk to Emilio. Use the binoculars with the mountain and
zoom in on L'Homme Mort to see Madeline and Mosely arguing. Zoom out and exit
the view of the binoculars. Walk back down the path and use the notebook with
Emilio's bike to write down his license plate number. Use Gabriel's bike to
exit the area and select Rennes Le Chateau on the map.


Walk down the grass path at the side of the church and open the window of the
office to listen to Arnaud and Madeline talk about the treasure. Use the bike
to exit the area and select Larry Chester's House on the map.


Knock on the door to enter the house and start the conversation with Larry. Ask
about the Holy Grail twice: It is linked to the Templars. Ask about Rennes le
Chateau: The Templars were digging in the region. Ask about the Templars twice:
They had several bases in the land. Ask about the Treasure: The treasure may
have been moved most of the treasure out of the region, but something may have
been left behind. Exit the conversation and open the door to exit the house.
Use the bike and select Rennes le Chateau on the map.

2.5. Day 1: 6 PM - 10 PM


Use the notebook on Estelle and Lily's bike to write down the license number.
Use the notebook on Buchelli's bike to write down the license number. Exit the
alley to see Grace Nakimura and Prince James' men: MacDougall and Mallory. They
come up to Gabriel's room, and Gabriel explains what he's discovered so far.
After they leave, walk down to the lobby and talk to Simone at the desk.

Ask Simone about the Check Into Hotel option: The big group arrived at 7:30,
Baza arrived at 10:00 and Buchelli arrived after midnight. Ask about Two Men
With a Trunk: Mosely and Wilkes arrived with the tour group, but she didn't see
a trunk. Exit the conversation and open the door to the dining room. Buchelli
and Wilkes will be talking about the treasure. Exit the hotel.

Walk down the grass path at the side of the church and hide behind the tomb to
see MacDougall and Mallory threaten Arnaud. After they leave, use the tape
recorder with the window to record Arnaud talking on the phone. Return to the
bike shop and use Gabriel's bike. Select Chateau de Blanchefort on the map.


Face the road and wait for Macdougall and Mallory to drive by in their car.
When they do, click on them and select the Follow icon to follow them to Larry
Chester's house. Select Chateau de Blanchefort on the map. Walk up the right
path and follow the next path down to the right to arrive at Larry Chester's
house. Hide behind the tree near the well to see MacDougall and Mallory use a
secret handshake on Larry. After they enter the house, return to Chateau de
Blanchefort and use the bike. Select Rennes le Chateau on the map.


Enter the hotel and walk up the steps to the second floor. Open the door to
room 25 to enter Gabriel's room, where Grace and Mosely are waiting. Tell them
about Prince James' men: Gabriel will explain about the handshake, and Mosely
will ask him to demonstrate. Five icons will appear. Select the second icon,
fifth icon, third icon, first icon and fourth icon. Mosely explains that the
handshake is Masonic. Ask about Freemasons: Mosely suspects that Prince James
is a Freemason. Ask about Abbe Arnaud: He may be involved.

2.6. Day 2: 7 AM - 10 AM


Get the fingerprint kit on the desk. Use SIDNEY. Select Search. Search for "San
Greal" and "Vampires". Select Main Menu and exit SIDNEY. Exit the room and get
the book. Grace leaves the poetry from the book in Gabriel's room. Exit the
room again and walk down to the second floor. Exit the hotel and move north
past the fountain. Walk on the grass at the end of the path to arrive at the
Tour Magdala. Enter the building and climb up the steps to the roof. Introduce
yourself to Arnaud: He explains that he is bird watching.

Exit the building and return to the hotel. Open the door to the dining room and
talk to Madeline about the Tour Group: She will charge extra for Grace to join
the group. Walk up to the second floor and knock on the door of room 33 to tell
Mosely that the tour is about to start. Walk down to the first floor and enter
the diniing room to meet the rest of the tour group. The group travels to the
Poussin's Tomb, where Madeline explains about Poussin. Use the sketchpad with
Emilio's writing. Wait, and Madeline will take the tour to Blanchefort.


Talk to Wilkes to hear him talking to Madeline. Talk to Estelle and Lily to
hear them talking about the Le Serpent Rouge. Ask Madeline about Le Serpent
Rouge. Ask Wilkes about Le Serpent Rouge: It is a pamphlet that contains clues
about the treasure. Ask Wilkes about Treasure. Use the flirt option on Wilkes:
He asks Grace to meet him later. Ask Mosely about Gabriel. Ask Mosely about
Treasure: He will tell her his ideas about the treasure at dinner. Ask all of
the other characters about Le Serpent Rouge to complete the section.

2.7. Day 2: 10 AM - 12 PM


Get the fingerprint kit from the desk. Exit the room to see the Roxanne the
maid. Wait for her to go into room 27, Emilio's room. At first the cart will be
blocking the way, but Roxanne will move the cart after she returns to drop the
towels in it. Enter the room and unlock the dumb waiter. Exit the room and wait
for Roxanne to open room 29, Madeline's room. Enter the room and open the doors
to the balcony. When Roxanne leaves, unlock the door to the room.

Exit the room and follow Roxanne into room 31, Estelle and Lily's room. Enter
the room and open the glass doors. When Roxanne leaves, unlock the door to the
room. Follow Roxanne into room 21, Buchelli's room, and unlock the dumb waiter.
Follow Roxanne into room 23, Wilkes' room, and unlock the dumb waiter. Exit the
room and open the door to room 25 to return to Gabriel's room.

Unlock the dumb waiter and open the door. Climb into the dumb waiter and open
the next door to arrive in Emilio's room. Look under the pillow on the left bed
to find a piece of cloth. Enter the dumb waiter and pull the left rope to ride
down to the bottom of the dumb waiter. Open the door to arrive in the kitchen.
Turn the handle outside the dumb waiter at the right side of the kitchen and
enter the dumb waiter. Pull the right rope to ride up to the top of the dumb
waiter, and then open the door to enter Wilkes' room.

Read the letter on the desk: Wilkes may be getting a book published. Enter the
dumb waiter and open the door to enter Buchelli's room. Use the fingerprint kit
with the suitcase. Get the brush and use it with the powder. To brush, hold the
left mouse button and move the brush up and down over the area with the print.
Brush the latch on the suitcase to find a print. Get the tape and use it with
the print, and then use the tape with the bag to get Buchelli's fingerprint.
Open the top drawer of the dresser and get the ticket stub. Exit the room.

Open the door to room 29 to enter Madeline's room. Search the bed to find a
gun. Use the fingerprint kit with the gun and brush the barrel area. Use the
tape with the print, and then use the tape with the bag to get Madeline's
fingerprint. Open the top drawer of the dresser and get the map. Exit the room.

Open the door to room 31 to enter Estelle and Lily's room. Open the door to the
bathroom and use the fingerprint kit on the hand mirror. Brush the handle of
the mirror to find the print. Use the tape with the print, and then use the
tape with the bag to get Lady Howard's fingerprint. Get the tube of Suppuration
H and open the door to exit the bathroom. Search the bed in the bedroom to find
a file, and then get the file to find two parchments. Exit the room.

Walk down the steps to the lobby and ask Jean about Food. Exit the hotel and
travel to the cemetary at the side of the church. Use the Suppuration H on the
window of Arnaud's office. Open the window and climb into the office. Open the
desk drawer. Use the fingerprint kit on the cigarette case. Brush the case to
find the print. Use the tape with the print, and then use the tape with the bag
to get Arnaud's fingerprint. Read the European Union magazine in the drawer.
Exit the office and return to Gabriel's room in the hotel.

Use SIDNEY. Select the Add Data button to view the inventory. Add the license
plate numbers of Buchelli, Emilo, Lady Howard and Estelle, Mosely and Wilkes.
Add the map from Madeline's room. Add the two parchments from the file found in
Estelle and Lily's room. Add the fingerprint of Arnaud, Buchelli, Lady Howard
and Madeline. Add the tape of Abbe's phone call. Select the Translate button,
Open File and translate the tape from French to English.

Select the Suspect button and select Suspect list. Select Buchelli and Open
File. Select Buchelli's license plate number, then select Links. Select Link to
Suspect to link the file to Buchelli. Link the fingerprint to Buchelli. Link
Emilio's license plate number to Emilio Baza. Link Lady Howard and Estelle's
license plate number and Lady Howard's fingerprint to Lady Howard. Link Wilkes'
license plate number to John Wilkes. Link Arnaud's fingerprint to Abbe Arnaud.
Link Madeline's fingerprint to Madeline Buthane. Exit SIDNEY.

Exit the room and open the door to room 31 to enter Estelle and Lily's room.
Use either parchment with the bed and Gabriel will return both parchments to
the file. Exit the room and open the door to room 29 to enter Madeline's room.
Use the map with the desk and Gabriel will return to the map to the drawer.
Exit the room and walk down the steps to the lobby.

2.8. Day 2: 12 PM - 2 PM


The tour arrives at Chateau de Serres. Open the door to the barn and talk to
Arnaud: Chateau de Serres is an old estate owned by Montreaux. Exit the barn
and walk through the arch at the right side of the house. Grace will hear what
sounds like a baby crying. Climb on the low sloped roof, and then use the vines
to climb into the room on the top floor of the house.

Open the trunk in the corner of the room and Gabriel will see feet. She quickly
closes the trunk when she hears someone climbing up the steps. Quickly hide in
the wardrobe to see Montreaux enter the room. Madeline calls him from outside.
After he leaves, open the trunk again and move the blanket to see that it was
only a doll. Open the wardrobe and use the sketchpad with the robe. Climb down
the spiral staircase to arrive on the second floor of the house.

Open the desk drawer and use the fingerprint kit with the book. Brush the cover
of the book for the fingerprint. Read the book. Move the chair nearest to the
painting. Climb on it and inspect the eye of the painting to see a picture of
the grail. Press the button at the left side of the desk and red beams will
appear. Turn each of the five statuettes to the right once and a hidden
staircase will appear in the middle of the room.

Walk down the staircase to enter the basement. Walk to the other end of the
basement and open the door to arrive in a room with a wine press. Talk to the
woman and Grace will run out of the basement. The tour group leaves Chateau de
Serres and finds the bodies of Prince James' men: MacDougall and Mallory.

2.9. Day 2: 2 PM - 5 PM


Use the glass with room 29 to listen to Madeline talking in French. Use the
glass with room 31 to listen to Estelle and Lily. Walk down to the lobby and go
through the red curtains. Use the tape recorder with the middle curtain to
record Buchelli's conversation. Quickly open the curtain to return to the lobby
and talk to Wilkes. Exit the hotel and travel to Tour Magdala. Climb up to the
top of the building and talk to Arnaud about the Dead Guys: He doesn't know the
men. Exit Rennes le Chateau and select Armchair of the Devil on the map.


Look at the tire marks in the dirt. Follow the direction of the tire tracks to
arrive in a clearing with a car. Use the notebook on the tire of the car to
make the tire tread pattern. Exit the clearing and walk up the path at the
other side of the road to see Mosely standing near the two men. Tell Mosely
about Vampires. Think about the faces of the men.

Walk up to the top of the hill and look at the blood. Think about the
indentations next to the blood twice: the indentations are knee prints. Think
about the indentations again. Exit the area to talk to Madeline, who wonders
what they were doing in the area. Gabriel drives Mosely back to Rennes le
Chateau. Use the bike and select Larry Chester's house on the map.


Knock on the door and he will let Gabriel into his house. Ask Larry about Dead
Guys: He doesn't know the men. Ask about Dead Guys again: He says that they did
stop by last night, but only to ask directions. Ask about Dead Guys again: He
seems surprised when Gabriel tells him about Prince James' men. Ask about the
Handshake: Larry demands that Gabriel leave the house. After Larry leaves, use
the hanger with the hole in the window to set the alarm clock to 2 AM. Use the
bike to exit the area and select Rennes le Chateau on the map.


Enter the hotel lobby to see Emilio and Estelle bump into each other. Emilio
will hurriedly pick up a file that he has dropped. Talk to Jean and tell him
about the Wake Up Call: He will have Simone wake him up at 2 AM. Open the red
curtain and use Prince James' card on the phone: He asks Gabriel to help him
find his son. Walk up to the second floor and enter Gabriel's room.

Ask Grace about the Holy Grail: The grail may have been an allegory for a
secret, that Jesus had descendants, and that the grail contained the bloodline.
Ask her about Bloodline twice: Some secret socities believe that Jesus had
desendants. Ask her about the Priory of Sion: They were an offshoot of the
Templars, and they still exist in Rennes le Chateau. Ask her about the
Treasure: It may have been ancient genaology charts from Temple of Solomon. Ask
her about Montreaux: He may be Priory. Ask about all of the remaining topics
and Mosely will leave the room. Exit the room.

Walk down to the lobby and use the fingerprint kit with Wilkes' glass. Brush
the glass and use the tape with the print, then use the tape with the bag to
get Wilkes' fingerprint. Walk up to the second floor and enter Gabriel's room.
Use the fingerprint kit with Mosely's bottle. Brush the label of the bottle and
use the tape with the print, then use the tape with the bag to get Mosely's
fingerprint. Grace will add him as a suspect later. Use SIDNEY.

Select the Make ID button and select the Reporter. Choose the Freelance ID and
select Print Identification to print the ID. Select Add Data and add Wilkes'
fingerprint and the tape of Buchelli's phone call to SIDNEY. Select Translate,
select Open File and select BuchTape. Translate from Italian to English to
read Buchelli's conversation with Father Grenna. Select Suspects. Select John
Wilkes from the Suspect List menu and link his fingerprint to his file. Exit
the hotel. Use the bike and select Chateau de Blanchefort on the map.


Face the road and wait for Estelle to drive by. When she does, click on her and
select the Follow icon to follow her to Lady Howard and Estelle's site.


Walk up the path and talk to Estelle about Lady Howard. Ask her about The Site
twice: Estelle thinks that the treasure may be here. Exit the conversation and
use the bike. Select Chateau de Serres on the map.


Knock on the door to the house to talk to the butler. Show him the Reporter ID
and he will let Gabriel talk to Montreaux. Ask him about the Holy Grail. Ask
him about the Murder: He doesn't know anything about the murder. Ask him about
Viticulture three times: There is an art to making the best grapes. Ask about
Himself twice, and then ask about Treasure. Use the bike to return to Rennes le
Chateau and enter Gabriel's room to complete the section.

2.10. Day 2: 5 PM - 10 PM


Exit the room and get the glass outside Estelle and Lily's room. Exit the hotel
and walk to the museum. Get the envelope on the door of the museum and Grace
will open it to find a copy of Le Serpent Rouge. Enter the church and get the
pamphlet from the table. Knock on the door to the office and Arnaud will let
Grace in. Ask Arnaud about Magdalen Statues: All four of the Magdalen statues
still exist. Ask Arnaud about Sunrise Line: The sun rises directly over Chateau
de Blanchefort on July 22nd. Exit the church.

Return to the hotel and open the door to the dining room to listen to Gabriel
and Mosely. Return to Gabriel's room. Use the fingerprint kit on the envelope
from the door of the church and brush it to find a print. Use the tape with the
print, and then use the tape with the bag to get the envelope fingerprint.
Return to Gabriel's room in the hotel and use SIDNEY.

Select Add Data, and add Montreaux's fingerprint. Add Montreaux's fingerprint,
the fingerprint from the envelope, Emilio's note and the symbols from the robe.
Link Montreaux's fingerprint to Excelsior Montreaux. and link Mosely's license
plate number to Franklin Mosely. Translate the SumNote from Latin to English
to discover that the Latin "Sum" means "To Be" in English. Analyze SerrSymb
and Start Analysis. SIDNEY will search and e-mail Grace with the results later.

Analyze Parch1 and select Start Analysis. A message will appear explaining
that there is hidden geometry in the image. Select the Text menu, and Extract
Anomalies in French to find the hidden message in the text. Select the Graphic
menu, and View Gemoetry to view the triangle on the parchment.

Analyze Parch2, select the Text Menu and Analyze Text. Extract Anomalies in
French to find another hidden message, which mentions blue apples. View
geometry to view a circle in a star. Rotate the shape to see a Priory of Sion
logo on the parchment. Return to the main menu of SIDNEY.

Analyze the Map and select Start Analysis. Select the Map Menu and select Enter
Points. Clicking on the map will show a magnified image on the left side. Enter
a point at Chateau de Blanchefort church and Rennes le Chateau church. Select
Start Analysis to draw a line between the two points.

Look at the pamphlet in the inventory to see three other churches mentioned
outside of Rennes le Chateau: St. Just et le Bezu, Bugarach and Coustaussa.
Enter points on the map at Rennes le Chateau, St. Just et le Bezu, Bugarach and
Coustaussa. Start Analysis and a message will explain that a shape must be
used. Select the Graphic menu, Use Shape and select a circle. Select the edge
of the circle and resize it so that it crosses all four points. Grace will
write down the coordinates of the center of the circle. Exit SIDNEY.

Exit the room and walk down to the lobby to see Gabriel and Mosely leaving with
Madeline. Return to Gabriel's room and use SIDNEY. Search for Quaternity, St.
Michael and Pythagoras, which mentions squaring the circle. Analyze the map and
use a square shape. Move the square to the middle of the circle and resize it
so that it crosses the edge of the circle. Exit SIDNEY.

Walk down to the lobby to see Lily inviting everyone for a game of bridge.
After she leaves, exit the hotel and enter to the church. There is a statue of
four angels near the entrance to the church. Trace the four angles and enter a
point on the hand of each angel to form a tilted square. Exit the church and
return to Gabriel's room in the hotel. Use SIDNEY.

Analyze the map and enter points at Chateau de Serres and at the Paris Meridian
which crosses the edge of the circle. Start Analysis to find that the line
intersects with conjoining features on the meridian. Select the square and tilt
it. Return to the main menu and search for Asmodeus, Chessboard and Duality.
Analyze the map and draw an 8 x 8 shape in the shape to complete the section.

2.11. Day 3: 2 AM


Exit the hotel and use the bike. Select L'Homme Mort on the map.


Walk up the path and talk to Mosely: He has his own theory about the treasure;
Grace is angry with Gabriel. Use the bike and select Chateau de Blanchefort.


Walk up the right path and continue down the next path to arrive outside Larry
Chester's house. Look through the window and Gabriel will see Larry leave the
hosue. Follow Larry to the clearing and wait for him to leave. Use the shovel
on the dirt to find a manuscript. Use the fingerprint kit with the manuscript
and brush it to find a print. Use the tape with the print, and then use the
tape with the bag to get Larry Chester's print. Walk back to the house and use
the bike to see the black sedan. Select Chateau de Serres on the map.


Use the tire tread pattern on the tire tracks in the dirt near the road. Use
the bike and select Rennes le Chateau on the map. Return to the hotel and enter
Gabriel's room to complete the section.

2.12. Day 3: 7 AM - 10 AM


Exit the hotel and enter the museum. Get the three postcards from the top shelf
and then return to Gabriel's room in the hotel. Use SIDNEY.

Select Add Data and add the three postcards from the museum to SIDNEY. Analyze
the Poussin postcard and select Start Analysis to find hidden geometry. Select
the Graphic menu and View Gemoetry to reveal a hexagram shape. Zoom and Clarify
from the Graphic menu to reveal words: Et in Arcadia Ego. Select Yes to save
the words to a new file. Return to the main menu and Select Translate. Open the
ArcadTxt file and translate from Latin to English. Select Yes to add text, and
add the word "sum" to the text: I am also (even) in Arcadia.

Return to the main menu and analyze the Teniers2 postcard. Start analysis to
find hidden geometry. View geometry to reveal a tilted square on the postcard.
Zoom and Clarify the postcard to zoom in on a biblical verse. Select Yes to
retrieve the verse, which gives instructions for the building of the Temple of
Solomon. Return to the main menu and analyze the map. Enter points beteween
L'Ermitage and Poussin's Tomb to find that it hits the Meridian at exactly the
same point as the sunrise line. Exit SIDNEY.

Get the Harley keys on the table. Read the manuscript on the table, and then
exit Gabriel's room. Use Mosely's key on the door of room 33 to enter Mosely's
room. Open the wardrobe and search the bed. Move the clothes on the floor to
find the coordinate fixing machine. Exit the hotel and enter the bike shop
alley to get the binoculars from the back of Estelle and Lily's bike. Use
Gabriel's bike and select L'Ermitage on the map.


Walk up the path to arrive in the location where the center of the circle was
shown on the map. Use the second Tenier postcard on the rock outside the cave
and Grace will see that the rock formation matches the one shown in the Tenier
painting. Point up to the rock, and Grace will see that St. Paul was pointing
northeast toward Mt. Cardou. Enter the cave and get the note.

Exit the cave and use the coordinate fixing device on Grace. Walk forward until
the Longitude is shown as and Latitude is shown as
Grace will mark an X at the exact center of the circle. Use the shovel on the X
and Grace will start digging. After finding nothing, she will say that she
needs more information before she digs any deeper. Walk down the path and use
the bike. Select L'Homme Mort on the map.


Walk up the path and talk to Madeline: She wants to talk to Mosely. Walk down
the path and use the bike. Select Rennes le Chateau on the map. Return to the
hotel and open the door to the dining room.


Talk to Buchelli: He thinks that Prince James' men were involved in conspiracy
and subterfuge. Exit the dining room and return to Gabriel's room. Use SIDNEY.

Search for St. Vincent, Solomon, Temple of Solomon and select Links on the
Temple of Solomon page to find that the link is down. Search for Hexagram, Soul
and Seal of Solomon. Analyze the map to see that there is a grid in the square.
Move three small squares from the left and enter a point at the bottom of the
big square: Just above Le Bec. Move two small squares to the right and enter
another point at the bottom of the big square. Enter two more points at the top
of the square, exactly in line with the bottom two points.

Start Analysis to define a rectangle, which matches the shadow shown on Wilkes'
map. Select the Graphic menu and Use Shape. Select a hexagram and move it to
the middle of the circle. Resize the hexagram so that the six points touch the
edge of the circle, and then rotate the hexagram to find that two points of the
shape are found in the shadow on Wilkes' map.

2.13. Day 3: 10 AM - 12 PM


Jean and Roxanne will enter Wilkes' room. Listen at the door to hear Jean and
Roxanne talking about Wilkes not being in the room last night. Open the door to
talk to Jean and Roxanne: Jean tells Gabriel not to worry. Open the supply
closet and talk to Roxanne about Wilkes: His window was open and things in his
room have not been used. She lets Gabriel into Wilkes' room. Exit the room and
knock on Mosely's door to talk to him about Grace. Exit the hotel and use the
bike, then select L'Homme Mort on the map.


Walk up the path and look at the footprints near the path at the other side of
the area. Gabriel will follow the footprints to the next area, where he finds
Wilkes' body. Search Wilkes to find a letter, which mentions that he found the
caves. Look at the blood behind the rock. Look at the footprints near the
blood. Use the bike and select Rennes le Chateau on the map.


Return to the hotel and open the door to Gabriel's room to see Mosely. Enter
Gabriel's room and use SIDNEY. Select Add Data and add Larry's fingerprint,
then select Suspects and link LaryPrnt to Larry's file. Exit SIDNEY and exit
the hotel. Use the bike and select Larry Chester's house on the map.


Knock on the door to Larry's house and he will let Gabriel in. Ask Larry about
the Manuscript: Prince James will be annoyed if the manuscript isn't returned.
Ask about the Baby. Ask about Montreaux: He is not a Freemason. Ask about
Rennes le Chateau and the Throne. Open the door to exit the house and use the
bike. Select Poussin's Tomb on the map.


Walk up the path and talk to Emilio: He explains that he is meditating. Use the
bike and select Rennes le Chateau on the map.


Return to the hotel and open the door to Gabriel's room to see Madeline leaving
Mosely's room. Enter Gabriel's room and talk to Grace about the manuscript. Ask
her about the Bloodline: Descendants of Jesus are called Desposyni and their
symbol is the unicorn. Ask about Freemasons: The Templars and the Priory Sion
were divided over the bloodline. Ask about the Holy Grail: The grail represents
the bloodline. Ask about Prince James' men: Prince James is mentioned as the
current Stewart heir. Ask about the Throne. Ask about the Unicorn. Ask about
Wilkes and Gabriel will explain that he found Wilkes' body. Prince James will
arrive at Rennes le Chateau and the section will end.

2.14. Day 3: 12 PM - 3 PM


Use SIDNEY and check e-mail. Select the Re: Temple of Solomon e-mail to read
that there is the Holy of Holies at the top 1/4 of the temple, a sanctuary in
the middle 1/2 of the temple and a porch at the bottom 1/4 of the temple. Close
the e-mail and analyze the map. Enter two points at the top 1/4 of the map and
Start Analysis to connect the two points. Enter points at the bottom 1/4 of the
map and Start Analysis to connect the two points, which identifies the various
three areas in the temple. Enter a point on the line near Pech Cardou and Grace
will write down the coordinates of the center of the Holy of Holies.

Analyze the ArcadTxt file and Start Analysis. Select the Text menu and Anagram
Parser. A list of words from the anagram appears in the left window. Select the
words Arcam (Tomb), Dei (God) and Tango (I touch). The last four letters are
Iesu (Jesus), and the translation is "I touch the tomb of God, Jesus." Return
to the main menu and analyze the map. Enter points on the river at the top of
the map: Enter one point at the top of the loop of the river above Peyrolles,
one point in the middle of the river and one at the end of the river above
Chateau se Serres. Return to the main menu and exit SIDNEY.

Exit the room and Grace will see Buchelli leaving Madeline's room. Walk down to
the lobby and enter the dining room to hear Estelle and Lily talking about the
treasure: They are going to return to their site later. Exit the hotel and use
the bike. Select the Northeast Arm of the Hexagram on the map.


Get the note from the fence, which mentions the Magi. Use the bike and select
the Southwest Arm of the Hexagram on the map.


Walk over to the other side of the area and get Wilkes' red handkerchief near
the rocks. Use the coordinate fixing device on Grace and she will say that
there is something under the rocks. Use the shovel with the rocks and get the
note, which mentions Osiris. Use the bike and select The Site on the map.


Grace will arrive at Chateau de Blanchefort. Cross over the bridge on the other
side of the road and walk along the path to arrive at The Site. Get the note
from the tree, which mentions the vampires. Walk near the northeast corner of
the area and use the coordinate fixing device with Grace to mark an X in the
dirt. Use the shovel with the X: Grace won't find anything.


Cross over the road to return to Chateau de Blanchefort, and walk up the right
path. Continue up the path to the top of the hill and use the binoculars on the
mountain. Zoom in on the orange rock to see Buchelli. Walk down from the hill
to return to the road. Use the bike and select the Orange Rock on the map to
see Buchelli's bike. Exit the view of the binoculars and walk down the path to
the road. Use the bike and select the Orange Rock on the map.


Walk up the path and look behind the orange rock to see a pile of dirt. Use the
shovel with the dirt to find Larry's manuscript. Use the fingerprint kit with
SIDNEY and brush the cover of the manuscript to find three fingerprints. Use
the tape to get all three fingerprints, and then return to the road. Use the
bike and select Lady Howard and Estelle's Site on the map.


Talk to Estelle and Lily about the Treasure: They haven't found any treasure
yet. Use the bike and select Rennes le Chateau on the map.


Enter the hotel to talk to Prince James: He wants Gabriel to visit him at the
Villa Bethania. Enter Gabriel's room and use SIDNEY. Select Add Data and add
the three fingerprints from the manuscript. Select Suspects, select Bld1Prnt
and then select Match Analysis from the Links menu to match the fingerprint to
Buchelli. Link the file to suspect. Do the same thing with the other manuscript
fingerprints to link the fingerprints to Madeline and Mosely. Exit SIDNEY.

2.15. Day 3: 3 PM - 6 PM


Grace will meet with Buchelli, Gabriel, Madeline and Mosely in the dining room.
Four questions are asked: Mosely was the first thief, Madeline was the second
thief, Buchelli was the third thief and he disposed of the manuscript by
burying it. Grace shows them the fingerprints as proof, and Mosely admits that
he took the manuscript. Madeline explains that she is from French Internal
Secret Service, and Buchelli says that he is a priest. They are both surprised
when Gabriel tells them about the kidnapping.

After the meeting, exit the hotel and travel to the top of Tour Magdala. Talk
to Arnaud about the Priory of Sion. Ask about Excavations: He won't talk about
the excataion. Ask about Montreaux: He is not a Priory member. Ask about the
Throne: The Priory doesn't want the Stewarts to regain power. Talk about the
Treasure: He doesn't know where the treasure is. Exit the conversation and walk
down from the Tour Magdala. Enter Villa Bethania to talk to Prince James.

Ask him about the Bloodline: He considers himself to be a Bloodline descendant.
Ask him about the Manuscript: The kidnapping is a response to the manuscript;
The Priory are not responsible. Ask him about the Negotations: Wisdom is shared
between the Priory and the Freemasons. Ask him about the Viticulture: The grape
represents the body of Jesus, and the grapevine represents the Desposyni. Talk
about all of the other topics to exit the house. Use the bike and select Lady
Howard and Estelle's site on the map.


Use the fingerprint kit with the bottle in Estelle and Lily's bike and brush it
to find a print. Use the tape with the print, then use the tape with the bag to
get Estelle's print. Use the bike and select Rennes le Chateau on the map.


Enter Gabriel's room in the hotel and use SIDNEY. Select Add Data and then add
Estelle's fingerprint. Select Suspects and link the EstlPrnt to Estelle. Exit
the hotel and use the bike. Select Chateau de Serres on the map.


Climb over the gate to talk to Marceau, who will get Montreaux. After Gabriel
returns to the courtyard, open the garage door and use the light switch to see
the black sedan. Look at the bats in the garage to complete the section.

2.16. Day 3: 6 PM - 9 PM


Use SIDNEY and select e-mail. Read the Hermetical Symbols e-mail: Montreaux and
his friends are the vampires. Select Suspects and open the LSRPrnt. Select the
Links menu and match analysis to find Estelle's fingerprint. Exit SIDNEY. Exit
the hotel and follow Emilio to the cemetary to hear his conversation. Return to
the hotel lobby and ask about Le Serpent Rouge: She didn't leave the anonymous
notes. Ask her about Egyptian Artifacts: She takes Grace to her room and gives
her an Egyptian artifact photo. Knock on Emilo's door to complete the section.

2.17. Day 3: 9 PM - Midnight


Gabriel, Mesmi and Mosely arrive at the porch of the temple, where they find a
huge chessboard. Inspect the chessboard to view the entire board. The goal here
is to move like a Knight in chess: Like an L shape consisting of four squares.
The destination is the door with the glowing circle on it at the top of the
room, but this door will only open after all of the red sword pieces on the
board have been stepped on. Follow the map to exit the chessboard room.

|[ ] [ ] [ ] [14] [27] [ ] [ ] [16]|
| |
|[ ] [13] [26] [ ] [ ] [15] [24] [ ]|
| |
|[ ] [10] [ ] [ ] [25] [ ] [17] [ ]|
| |
|[12] [ ] [08] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [23]|
| |
|[09] [ ] [11] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [18]|
| |
|[ ] [07] [ ] [03] [ ] [19] [22] [ ]|
| |
|[ ] [ ] [05] [ ] [ ] [02] [ ] [20]|
| |
|[06] [ ] [ ] [01] [04] [21] [ ] [ ]|

The next room contains a spinning floor and a pendulum. Step onto the spinning
floor and land on the green tile after the white tile with the circle on it.
Wait for the pendulum to go into the hole in the wall, and then grab onto the
pendulum when it returns to start swinging over the pillar in the middle of the
room. Select the pillar when the pendulum is near to drop onto the pillar.
Gabriel will land near a table with six golden shapes. Put the apple, the egg
and the number eight on the scale to complete the puzzle.

Radio Grace after landing in the new area: The room has something to do with
the hexagram. Get the black glove from the panel and use it with the pot of
fire on the panel on the other side of the room to get the stone. Use the stone
with the hand of the devil statue to light a different section of the room.
Stand on the panel in front of the left mirror and look at the mirror to see an
old version of Gabriel. Turn the switch near the mirrors to the left and press
the Ying Yang button on the panel to enter the next room.

Mesmi and Mosely will arrive in the room with Gabriel. The right bridge will
fall down if Gabriel steps on it, so walk to the left invisible bridge to see a
disappearing tile. Step onto the tile as soon as it appears, and jump across to
the next tile that appears. Keep doing this to make it across to the far side
of the bridge. Gabriel will enter the room with Montreaux.

Montreaux will summon Asmodeus the guardian to kill Gabriel. Select the tomb to
climb on top of it. Use the talisman with the guardian and he will raise his
head. Use the dagger with the guardian to complete the game.


3. Item List


3.1. Gabriel

Day 2: 10 AM - 12 PM: Found by using the fingerprint kit with the cigarette
case in Arnaud's Office. It is scanned into SIDNEY.

Day 1: 2 PM - 4 PM: Found in the lost and found box in the museum. It is
combined with the gold blazer in the inventory to make the Mosely disguise.

Day 1: 2 PM - 4 PM: The man at the bike rental shop will give Gabriel the
binoculars when Gabriel is wearing the Mosely disguise. They are used to zoom
in on various locations from the top of Chateau de Blanchefort.

Day 1: 2 PM - 4 PM: After using the masking tape with the hole in the door at
the end of the alley, use the spray bottle with the cat for the black fur. It
is combined with the syrup package in the inventory.

Day 3: 9 PM - Midnight: Found on the panel in the hexagram room. It is used
to get the stone from the pot of fire.

Day 1: 2 PM - 4 PM: Found on the reception desk in the hotel. It is combined
with Mosely's passport in the inventory.

Day 1: 2 PM - 4 PM: Made by combining the syrup package with the black fur in
the inventory. It is combined with the gold blazer in the inventory to make
the Mosely disguise.

Day 2: 10 AM - 12 PM: Found by using the fingerprint kit with the suitcase in
Buchelli's room. It is scanned into SIDNEY.

Day 1: 6 PM - 10 PM: Found by using the notebook on Buchelli's bike at the
bike rental shop. It is scanned into SIDNEY.

Day 2: 10 AM - 12 PM: Found in the top drawer of the dresser in Buchelli's
room. It is not used.

Day 1: 2 PM - 4 PM: Found on the table in the hotel lobby. It is used with
the table below the painting of the road on the second of the floor.

Available at the start of the game. It is used with the demon's throat in the
temple at the end of day 3.

Day 1: 4 PM - 6 PM: Found by using the notebook on Emilio's bike at Chateau
de Blanchefort. It is scanned into SIDNEY.

Day 3: 3 PM - 6 PM: Found by using the fingerprint on the bottle found in
Estelle and Lily's bike. It is scanned into SIDNEY.

Day 2: 10 AM - 12 PM. Found on the desk in Gabriel's room. It is used to get
various fingerprints in the game.

Day 2: 2 PM - 5 PM: Made by printing an ID from SIDNEY. It is shown to the
butler at Chateau de Serres.

Day 1: 10 AM - 12 PM: Found in the wardrobe in Gabriel's room in the hotel.
It is used with the hole in the window at Larry Chester's house on day 2.

Available at the start of the game. It is not used.

Available at the start of the game. It is used to open the door to room 25 on
the second floor of the hotel.

Day 1: 12 PM - 2 PM: Found on the table outside Mosely's room after Gabriel
sees Emilio listening to the conversation. It is used to listen to other
members of the tour group in their rooms.

Day 1: 2 PM - 4 PM: Found in Mosely's room at the hotel. It is combined with
the black moustache in the inventory.

Day 1: 2 PM - 4 PM: Made by combining the black moustache with the gold
blazer. It is combined with the baseball cap to make the Mosely disguise.

Day 1: 6 PM - 10 PM: Found by using the notebook on Lady Howard and Estelle's
bike at the bike rental shop. It is scanned into SIDNEY.

Day 2: 10 AM - 12 PM: Found by using the fingerprint kit with the hand mirror
in Estelle and Lily's bathroom. It is scanned into SIDNEY.

Day 3: 2 AM: Found by using the fingerprint kit with the manuscript. It is
scanned into SIDNEY.

Day 3: 2 AM: Found by using the shovel with the dirt near Larry Chester's
house. It is combined with the fingerprint to find Larry's fingerprint at 2
AM, and Buchelli, Madeline and Mosely's prints at 12 PM - 3 PM.

Day 2: 10 AM - 12 PM: Found by using the fingerprint kit with the gun in her
room. It is scanned into SIDNEY.

Day 2: 10 AM - 12 PM: Found in the top drawer of the dresser in Madeline's
room. It is scanned into SIDNEY.

Day 1: 10 AM - 12 PM: Found in the wardrobe in Gabriel's room in the hotel.
It is used with the hole on the door at the end of the alley.

Day 1: 2 PM - 4 PM: The man at the bike rental shop will give Gabriel the key
when Gabriel is wearing the Mosely disguise. It is used to start the bike.

Day 1: 2 PM - 4 PM: Made by combining the the baseball cap with the gold
blazer and black "moustache". It is used on Gabriel at the bike rental shop.

Day 1: 4 PM - 6 PM: Found by using the notebook on Mosely's bike at L'Homme
Mort. It is scanned into SIDNEY.

Day 1: 2 PM - 4 PM: Found in Mosely's pocket when he bends down to get the
candy from the table. It is combined with the black marker in the inventory.

Day 1: 2 PM - 4 PM: Made by combining the black marker with Mosely's
passport. It is shown to the man at the bike rental store.

Available at the start of the game. It is used to write down various license
plate numbers in the game.

Day 2: 10 AM - 12 PM: Found by searching the bed in Estelle and Lily's room.
It is scanned into SIDNEY.

Day 2: 10 AM - 12 PM: Found by searching the bed in Estelle and Lily's room.
It is scanned into SIDNEY.

Available at the start of the game. It is used on the phone in the hotel to
call Prince James.

Day 1: 2 PM - 4 PM: The man at the bike rental shop will give Gabriel the
shoel when Gabriel is wearing the Mosely disguise. It is used with the dirt
near Larry's house at 2 AM on day 3 to find the manuscript.

Day 1: 2 PM - 4 PM: Found on the window of the hut in the church cemetary. It
is used with the cat at the end of the alley.

Day 3: 9 PM - Midnight: Found by using the black glove with the pot of fire
in the hexagram room. It is used with the devil statue.

Day 2: 10 AM - 12 PM: Found in Estelle and Lily's bathroom. It is used with
the window of Arnaud's office in the church cemetary.

Day 1: 10 AM - 12 PM: Found on the table in the dining room in the hotel. It
is combined with the black fur in the inventory to make the black moustache.

Available at the start of the game. It is used with the demon in the temple
at the end of day 3.

Day 1: 6 PM - 10 PM: Found by using the tape recorder with the window of
Arnaud's office. It is scanned into SIDNEY and is translated from French.

Day 2: 2 PM - 5 PM: Found by using the tape recorder with Buchelli on the
phone in the hotel. It is scanned into SIDNEY and is translated from Italian.

Available at the start of the game. It is used to record Arnaud's phone call
in his office on day 1 and Buchelli's phone call in the hotel on day 2.

Day 2: 2 PM - 5 PM: Found by using the notebook on the tire tread at the
Armchair of the Devil. It is used with the tracks outside Larry Chester's
house at 2 AM on day 3.

Available at the start of the game. It is used on the taxi driver at Couiza
Train Station to get information.

Day 2: 2 PM - 5 PM: Found by using the fingerprint kit with Wilkes' glass in
the hotel lobby. It is scanned into SIDNEY.

Day 3: 10 AM - 12 PM: Found by searching Wilkes' body at L'Homme Mort. It is
not used.

Day 1: 2 PM - 4 PM: Found by using the notebook on Wilkes' bike at
L'Ermitage. It is scanned into SIDNEY.

3.2. Grace

Day 3: 7 AM - 10 AM: Found in the cave at L'Ermitage. It is not used.

Day 3: 12 PM - 3 PM: Found on the fence at the Northeast Arm of the Hexagram.
It is not used.

Day 3: 12 PM - 3 PM: Found under the rocks at the Southwest Arm of the
Hexagram. It is not used.

Day 3: 12 PM - 3 PM: Found on the tree at The Site. It is not used.

Day 3: 7 AM - 10 AM: Found on the back of Estelle and Lily's bike at the bike
rental shop. It is used to view the orange rock from Chateau de Blanchefort.

Day 2: 5 PM - 10 PM: Found on the table in the church. It is not used.

Day 3: 7 AM - 10 AM: Found by moving the clothes in Mosely's room. It is used
with Grace at L'Ermitage to find the exact center of the circle. It is also
used with Grace at Southwest Arm of the Hexagram and The Site.

Day 3: 6 PM - 9 PM: Found by talking to Estelle in her room. It is not used.

Day 2: 5 PM - 10 PM: Found on the door of the museum. It is combined with the
fingerprint kit to find a print.

Day 2: 7 AM - 10 AM: Found on the desk in Gabriel's room. It is used to get
various fingerprints in the game.

Day 2: 5 PM - 10 PM: Found outside Estelle and Lily's room. It is not used.

Available at the start of Grace's section. It is not used.

Available at the start of Grace's section. It is used to open the door to
room 25 on the second floor of the hotel.

Day 3: 12 PM - 3 PM: Found by using the shovel with the dirt behind the
orange rock. It is combined with the fingerprint kit to find three prints.

Day 2: 5 PM - 10 PM: Found in the envelope on the door of the museum. It is
not used.

Day 2: 12 PM - 2 PM: Found by using the fingerprint kit with the book in
Chateau de Serres. It is scanned into SIDNEY.

Day 3: 7 AM - 10 AM: Found on the table in Gabriel's room. It is used to
start the bike.

Available at the start of day 3. It is used to open Mosely's door.

Day 2: 5 PM - 10 PM: Found after finding the exact center of the circle on
SIDNEY. It is used to find the center of the circle at L'Ermitage.

Found on the top shelf in the museum. It is scanned into SIDNEY, where hidden
geometry can be found on the postcard.

Available at the start of Grace's section. It is not used.

Available at the start of Grace's section on day 3. It is used with the X in
the dirt at L'Ermitage, with the rocks at the Southwest Arm of the Hexagram,
with the X in the dirt at The Site, and with the dirt behind the Orange Rock.

Available at the start of Grace's section. It is used with Emilio's writing
at Poussin's Tomb and with the robe in Chateau de Serres on day 2.

Day 2: 7 AM - 10 AM: Found by using the sketchpad with Emilio's writing at
Poussin's Tomb. It is scanned into SIDNEY.

Day 2: 12 PM - 2 PM: Found by using the sketchpad with the robe in the
wardrobe in Chateau de Serres. It is scanned into SIDNEY.

Found on the top shelf in the museum. It is scanned into SIDNEY.

Found on the top shelf in the museum. It is scanned into SIDNEY, where hidden
geometry can be found on the postcard.

Day 3: 12 PM - 3 PM: Found by using the fingerprint kit with the manuscript.
It is scanned into SIDNEY and is identified as Buchelli's fingerprint.

Day 3: 12 PM - 3 PM: Found by using the fingerprint kit with the manuscript.
It is scanned into SIDNEY and is identified as Madeline's fingerprint.

Day 3: 12 PM - 3 PM: Found by using the fingerprint kit with the manuscript.
It is scanned into SIDNEY and is identified as Mosely's fingerprint.

Day 3: 12 PM - 3 PM: Found near the rocks at the Southwest Arm of the
Hexagram. It is not used.


4. Point List


4.1. Day 1 Point List (219 points)


10 AM - 12 PM

2 2 Get the hanger from the wardrobe in Gabriel's bedroom.

4 2 Get the masking tape from the wardrobe in Gabriel's bedroom.

8 4 Use Prince James' calling card with the phone in the hotel.

10 2 Read the registration book on the hotel desk.

14 4 Meet Mosely in the dining room of the hotel.

16 2 Get a package of syrup from the table in the dining room.

18 2 Introduce yourself to Emilio Baza in the lobby of the hotel.

20 2 Ask Emilio about the Check Into Hotel option.

22 2 Talk to Madeline Buthane about Tour Group.

24 2 Talk to Madeline about the Check Into Hotel option twice.

26 2 Ask Jean about the Tour Group.

28 2 Ask Jean about Two Men With a Trunk twice.

30 2 Read the sign in the window of the bookstore.

32 2 Introduce yourself to Madame Girard in the museum.

34 2 Ask Madame Girard about the Holy Grail.

36 2 Ask Madame Girard about the Treasure twice.

38 2 Walk behind the panel to listen to Estelle and Lily.

40 2 Introduce yourself to Estelle and Lily.

42 2 Ask Estelle and Lily about the Treasure.

12 PM - 2 PM

44 2 Enter the dining room to see Madeline and Wilkes.

46 2 Introduce yourself to Wilkes in the dining room.

48 2 See Estelle and Lily on the second floor of the hotel.

50 2 Meet Vittorio Buchelli in the church.

52 2 Introduce yourself to Buchelli.

54 2 Talk to Buchelli about the Check Into Hotel option.

56 2 Talk to Buchelli about the Treasure.

58 2 Introduce yourself to Abbe Arnaud in the church.

60 2 Ask Arnaud about the Church twice.

62 2 Ask Arnaud about the Holy Grail.

64 2 Ask Arnaud about Magdalen twice.

66 2 Ask Arnaud about the Templars.

68 2 Talk about The Case with Mosely in the hotel.

73 5 Look through the keyhole of the door to see Emilio.

75 2 Talk to Mosely about Grace.

77 2 Talk to Mosely about Schatenjager.

79 2 Get Emelio's glass from the table in the hall.

2 PM - 4 PM

81 2 Talk to the man in the moped rental shop about a moped.

83 2 Talk to Estelle and Lily in the about Room Change.

85 2 Get the candy from the table in the hotel lobby.

87 2 Get the black marker from the desk.

89 2 Put the candy on the table in front of the road painting.

96 7 Get the passport from Mosely while he eats the candy.

98 2 Use the black marker on Mosely's passport.

100 2 Get the gold blazer from Mosely's room.

102 2 Get the cap from the lost and found box at the museum.

104 2 Get the bottle from the window of the hut in the cemetary.

106 2 Use the tape with the hole at the end of the alley.

108 2 Use the sprinkler on the cat.

110 2 Get the tape with the black fur from the hole.

115 5 Combine the jacket and moustache with the baseball cap.

125 10 Use the Mosely disguise on Gabriel at the bike rental shop.

127 2 Follow Wilkes from Chateau de Blanchefort to L'Ermitage.

129 2 Use the notebook with Wilkes' bike at L'Ermitage.

131 2 Ask Wilkes about the Machine three times.

133 2 Ask Wilkes about Treasure.

135 2 Ask Wilkes about Holy Grail.

137 2 Follow Madeline from L'ermitage to Coume Sourde.

142 5 Use the binoculars and zoom to see Madeline at Coume Sourde.

147 5 Use the wallet on the taxi driver at the train station.

149 2 Ask the woman in the booth about the Train from Naples.

151 2 Ask the woman in the ticket booth about Other Arrivals.

153 2 Look at the arrivals and departures board in the station.

4 PM - 6 PM

155 2 Talk to Mosely twice at L'Homme Mort.

157 2 Use the notebook with Mosely's bike at L'Homme Mort.

162 5 Use the binoculars to view L'Homme Mort.

164 2 Use the notebook with the bike at Chateau de Blanchefort.

169 5 Listen to Arnaud and Madeline in the church office.

171 2 Enter Larry Chester's House.

173 2 Ask Larry about the Holy Grail twice.

175 2 Ask Larry about Rennes le Chateau.

177 2 Ask Larry about Templars.

179 2 Ask Larry about Templars again.

181 2 Ask Larry about Treasure twice.

6 PM - 10 PM

183 2 Use the notebook with Estelle and Lily's bike.

185 2 Use the notebook with Buchelli's bike at Rennes le Chateau.

187 2 Talk to Simone about the Check Into Hotel option.

189 2 Talk to Simone about Two Men With a Trunk.

191 2 Listen to Buchelli and Wilkes in the dining room.

196 5 Hide behind the tomb in the church cemetary.

203 7 Use the tape recorder on the window of the office.

205 2 Follow the green car to Larry Chester's house.

210 5 Hide behind the tree outside Larry Chester's house.

212 2 Tell Grace and Mosely about Prince James' men.

217 5 Show Mosely the secret handshake.

219 2 Tell Grace and Mosely about Abbe Arnaud.

4.2. Day 2 Point List (338 points)


7 AM - 10 AM

220 1 Get the fingerprint kit on the desk.

221 1 Search for "San Greal" on SIDNEY.

222 1 Search for "Vampires" on SIDNEY.

224 2 Get the book on the floor outside Gabriel's room.

226 2 Introduce yourself to Arnaud on top of the Tour Magdala.

228 2 Talk to Madeline in the hotel dining room.

232 4 Listen to Madeline talk about the history of Poisson Tomb.

236 4 Use the notebook with Emilio's writing.

238 2 Listen to Madeline talk about the history of Blanchefort.

240 2 Listen to the conversation between Madeline and Wilkes.

242 2 Listen to Estelle talk about Le Serpent Rouge.

244 2 Ask Madeline about Le Serpent Rouge.

246 2 Ask Wilkes about Le Serpent Rouge.

248 2 Ask Mosely about Gabriel.

250 2 Ask Mosely about Treasure.

10 AM - 12 PM

251 1 Get the fingerprint kit from the desk.

253 2 Unlock the dumb waiter in room 27.

257 4 Open the glass doors to the balcony in room 29.

259 2 Unlock the door to room 29.

263 4 Open the glass doors to the balcony in room 31.

265 2 Unlock the door to room 31.

267 2 Unlock the dumb waiter in room 21.

269 2 Unlock the dumb waiter in room 23.

273 4 Use the dumb waiter to access Emilio's room.

275 2 Look under the pillow on the left bed in Emilio's room.

277 2 Climb into the right dumb waiter in the kitchen.

281 4 Use the dumb waiter to enter Wilkes' room.

282 1 Read the letter on the desk in Wilkes' room.

286 4 Use the dumb waiter to enter Buchelli's room.

288 2 Get the fingerprint from Buchelli's suitcase.

290 2 Open the top drawer of the dresser in Buchelli's room.

292 2 Get the the train ticket stub from the top drawer.

294 2 Search the bed in Madeline's room to find a gun.

296 2 Get the fingerprint from the gun in Madeline's room.

298 2 Get the map from the dresser in Madeline's room.

300 2 Get the mirror fingerprint from Estelle and Lily's bathroom.

302 2 Get the Suppuration H tube from Estelle and Lily's bathroom.

304 2 Search the bed in Estelle and Lily's room to find a file.

306 2 Get the parchments from the file in Estelle and Lily's room.

308 2 Ask Jean about Food.

310 2 Use the Suppuration H on the window of Arnaud's office.

312 2 Open the window of Arnaud's office.

314 2 Get the cigarette pack fingerprint from Arnaud's office.

316 2 Read the European Union magazine in Arnaud's office.

317 1 Add Buchelli's license plate number to SIDNEY.

318 1 Add Emilo's license plate number to SIDNEY.

319 1 Add Estelle and Lily's license plate number to SIDNEY.

320 1 Add Mosely's license plate number to SIDNEY.

321 1 Add Wilkes' license plate number to SIDNEY.

322 1 Add the map to SIDNEY.

323 1 Add parchment #1 to SIDNEY.

324 1 Add parchment #2 to SIDNEY.

325 1 Add Arnaud's fingerprint to SIDNEY.

326 1 Add Buchelli's fingerprint to SIDNEY.

327 1 Add Lady Howard's fingerprint to SIDNEY.

328 1 Add Madeline's fingerprint to SIDNEY.

329 1 Add the tape of Abbe's phone call to SIDNEY.

332 3 Translate the AbbeTape from French to English.

333 1 Link Buchelli's license plate number to suspect.

334 1 Link Emilio's license plate number to suspect.

335 1 Link Estelle and Lily's license plate number to suspect.

336 1 Link Wilkes' license plate number to suspect.

337 1 Link Arnaud's fingerprint to suspect.

338 1 Link Buchelli's fingerprint to suspect.

339 1 Link Lady Howard's fingerprint to suspect.

340 1 Link Madeline's fingerprint to suspect.

341 1 Leave the parchments in the file in Estelle and Lily's room.

342 1 Leave the map in the desk drawer in Madeline's room.

12 PM - 2 PM

344 2 Talk to Arnaud in the barn.

346 2 Climb up to the roof of building near the house.

350 4 Climb the vines to enter the room on the top floor.

352 2 Open the trunk in the room of the house.

354 2 Hide in the wardrobe.

356 2 Move the blanket in the trunk.

358 2 Use the sketchpad with the robe in the wardrobe.

360 2 Get the fingerprint from the book cover.

362 2 Read the book from the desk drawer.

364 2 Move the chair nearest to the painting in the house.

366 2 Stand on the chair to inspect the eye of the painting.

368 2 Press the button on the left side of the desk.

373 5 Turn each of the five statuettes to the left once.

375 2 Open the door in the basement to enter the wine press room.

380 5 Talk to the woman in the wine press room.

2 PM - 5 PM

382 2 Use the glass with Madeline's door.

384 2 Use the glass with Estelle and Lily's door.

391 7 Record Buchelli's phone call in the hotel.

393 2 Talk to Wilkes in the hotel lobby.

395 2 Talk to Arnaud about the Dead Guys on top of Tour Magdala.

397 2 Look at the tire marks at the Armchair of the Devil.

399 2 Follow the tire tracks to the clearing with the car.

401 2 Use the notebook with the tire on the car.

403 2 Talk to Mosely at the Armchair of the Devil.

405 2 Tell Mosely about Vampires.

407 2 Think about the face of Prince James' men.

412 5 Look at the blood at the top of the hill.

414 2 Think about the indentations near the blood.

416 2 Think about the indentations near the blood again.

418 2 Ask Larry Chester about the Dead Guys.

420 2 Ask Larry Chester about the Dead Guys again.

424 4 Ask Larry Chester about the Handshake.

429 5 Use the hanger with the hole in the window of Larry's house.

431 2 See Emilio and Estelle in the hotel lobby.

433 2 Tell Jean about the Wake Up Call.

438 5 Use Prince James' card with the phone in the hotel.

440 2 Ask Grace about the Holy Grail.

442 2 Ask Grace about the Bloodline twice.

444 2 Ask Grace about the Priory of Sion.

446 2 Ask Grace about Treasure.

448 2 Ask Grace about Arnaud.

450 2 Get the fingerprint from Wilkes' glass.

452 2 Get the fingerprint from Mosely's bottle.

454 2 Use SIDNEY to make a Reporter ID.

455 1 Add Wilkes' fingerprint to SIDNEY.

456 1 Add the tape of Buchelli's phone call to SIDNEY.

459 3 Translate the BuchTape from Italian to English.

460 1 Link Wilkes' fingerprint to John Wilkes.

462 2 Follow Estelle from Chateau de Blanchefort to the forest.

464 2 Ask Estelle about Lady Howard.

466 2 Ask Estelle about The Site twice.

471 5 Show the Reporter ID to the butler at Chateau de Serres.

473 2 Ask Montreaux about the Holy Grail.

475 2 Ask Montreaux about the Murder.

477 2 Ask Montreaux about Viticulture three times.

5 PM - 10 PM

479 2 Get the glass outside Estelle and Lily's room.

481 2 Get the envelope on the door of the museum.

483 2 Get the pamphlet from the table in the church.

485 2 Ask Arnaud about Magdalen Statues.

487 2 Ask Arnaud about Sunrise Line.

492 5 Listen to Gabriel and Mosely in the lobby of the hotel.

494 2 Use the kit to get the fingerprint from the envelope.

495 1 Add Montreaux's fingerprint to SIDNEY.

496 1 Add the fingerprint from the envelope to SIDNEY.

497 1 Add Emilo's note to SIDNEY.

498 1 Add the symbols from robe to SIDNEY.

499 1 Link Montreaux's fingerprint to Excelsior Montreaux.

500 1 Link Mosely's license plate number to Franklin Mosely.

502 2 Translate the SumNote from Latin to English.

504 2 Analyze SerrSymb on SIDNEY.

506 2 Analyze Parch1 on SYDNEY.

508 2 Extract hidden anomalies in French from Parch1.

510 2 View the geometry from on Parch1.

512 2 Extract hidden anomalies in French from Parch2.

516 4 View the geometry from on Parch2.

518 2 Rotate the shape on Parch2.

523 5 Draw points at Chateau de Blanchefort and Rennes le Chateau.

528 5 Draw the circle around the four correct points on the map.

530 2 See Gabriel and Mosely leaving with Madeline in the lobby.

531 1 Search for Quaternity on SIDNEY.

532 1 Search for St. Michael on SIDNEY.

533 1 Search for Pythagoras on SIDNEY.

538 5 Draw the square around the circle on the map.

540 2 See Estelle and Lily in the hotel lobby.

542 2 Trace the square on the four angels statue in the church.

544 2 Draw points at Chateau de Serres and Paris Meridian.

549 5 Tilt the square on the map.

550 1 Search for Asmodeus on SIDNEY.

551 1 Search for Chess on SIDNEY.

552 1 Search for Duality on SIDNEY.

557 5 Draw an 8 x 8 grid on the circle on the map.

4.3. Day 3 Point List (408 points)


2 AM

559 2 Talk to Mosely at L'Homme Mort.

564 5 Look through the window of Larry Chester's house.

568 4 Use the shovel with the dirt near Larry's house.

570 2 Get the fingerprint from Larry's manuscript.

572 2 Use the bike at Larry's house to see the black sedan.

574 2 Use the pattern with the tire pattern at Chateau de Serres.

7 AM - 10 AM

575 1 Get the Poussin painting postcard from the museum.

576 1 Get the Saint Anthony and Saint Paul postcard.

577 1 Get the Temptations of Saint Anthony postcard.

578 1 Add the Poussin painting postcard to SIDNEY.

579 1 Add the Saint Anthony and Saint Paul postcard to SIDNEY.

580 1 Add the Temptations of Saint Anthony postcard to SIDNEY.

582 2 View the geometry on Poussin.

584 2 Zoom and clarify Poussin.

589 5 Translate the words shown on Poussin.

591 2 Zoom and clarify Teniers2.

596 5 Enter points on the map at L'Ermitage and Poussin's Tomb.

598 2 Get the Harley keys on the table.

600 2 Read the manuscript on the table.

602 2 Use the key to open the door to Mosely's room.

606 4 Move the clothes on the floor in Mosely's room.

608 2 Get the binoculars on Estelle and Lily's bike.

613 5 Use the second Teniers postcard on the rock at L'Ermitage.

615 2 Point up to the rock.

617 2 Get the note in the cave at L'Ermitage.

619 2 Use the coordinate device to find the center of the circle.

621 2 Use the shovel to dig at the coordinates.

623 2 Talk to Madeline at L'Homme Mort.

625 2 Talk to Buchelli in the hotel dining room.

626 1 Search for Solomon on SIDNEY.

627 1 Search for Temple of Solomon on SIDNEY.

629 2 Select Links on the Temple of Solomon page.

630 1 Search for Hexagram on SIDNEY.

631 1 Search for Soul on SIDNEY.

632 1 Search for Seal of Solomon on SIDNEY.

633 1 Search for St. Vincent on SIDNEY.

638 5 Enter the four correct points on the map.

643 5 Make a hexagram in the circle on the map.

10 AM - 12 AM

645 2 Listen to Jean and Roxanne in Wilkes' room.

647 2 Talk to Jean and Roxanne in Wilkes' room.

649 2 Talk to Roxanne in the supply closet about Wilkes.

651 2 Talk to Mosely in his room about Grace.

653 2 Look at the footprints at L'Homme Mort.

658 5 Find Wilkes' body at L'Homme Mort.

660 2 Search Wilkes to find a letter.

661 1 Look at the blood at L'Homme Mort.

662 1 Look at the indentations near the blood at L'Homme Mort.

664 2 Return to the hotel to see Mosely.

665 1 Add Larry's fingerprint to SIDNEY.

666 1 Link Larry's fingerprint to suspect.

668 2 Talk to Larry about Montreaux.

670 2 Talk to Larry about Rennes le Chateau.

672 2 Talk to Larry about the Throne.

674 2 Talk to Emilio at Poussin's Tomb.

676 2 Return to Gabriel's room in the hotel to see Madeline.

678 2 Ask Grace about the Bloodline.

680 2 Ask Grace about the Holy Grail.

682 2 Ask Grace about Prince James' men.

684 2 Ask Grace about the Throne.

12 PM - 3 PM

686 2 Read the Temple of Solomon e-mail on SIDNEY.

691 5 Mark the divisions on the temple on the map.

696 5 Enter a point at Pech Cardou on the map.

716 20 Find the anagram on the ArcadTxt file.

721 5 Enter points from Peyrolles to Chateau de Serres.

723 2 See Buchelli leave Madeline's room.

725 2 Listen to Estelle and Lily in the hotel dining room.

727 2 Get the note at the Northeast Arm of the Hexagram.

729 2 Get the handkerchief at the Southwest Arm of the Hexagram.

731 2 Use the coordinate fixing device to find the target.

736 5 Use the shovel at the Southwest Arm of the Hexagram.

738 2 Get the note at the Southwest Arm of the Hexagram.

740 2 Get the note on the tree at The Site.

742 2 Use the coordinate fixing device to find the treasure.

744 2 Use the shovel with the X at the site.

749 5 Use the binoculars at Chateau de Blanchefort.

753 4 Use the shovel with the dirt behind the orange rock.

755 2 Get the first unknown fingerprint from the manuscript.

757 2 Get the second unknown fingerprint from the manuscript.

759 2 Get the third unknown fingerprint from the manuscript.

761 2 Talk to Estelle and Lily at their site about the Treasure.

763 2 Talk to Prince James in the hotel lobby.

764 1 Add the first unknown fingerprint to SIDNEY.

765 1 Add the second unknown fingerprint to SIDNEY.

766 1 Add the third unknown fingerprint to SIDNEY.

767 1 Match the Bld1Prnt to Vittorio Buchelli.

768 1 Match the Bld2Prnt to Madeline Buthane.

769 1 Match the Bld3Prnt to Franklin Mosely.

3 PM - 6 PM

771 2 Answer Mosely for Gabriel's first question.

773 2 Answer Madeline for Gabriel's second question.

775 2 Answer Buchelli for Gabriel's third question.

777 2 Answer Burying it for Gabriel's fourth question.

787 10 Wait for Grace to show the fingerprints.

797 10 Wait for Buchelli and Madeline to see the fingerprints.

799 2 Talk to Arnaud about Excavations.

801 2 Talk to Arnaud about Montreaux.

803 2 Talk to Arnaud about the Throne.

805 2 Talk to Arnaud about the Treasure.

807 2 Enter Villa Bethania to give the manuscript to Prince James.

809 2 Ask Prince James about the Bloodline.

811 2 Ask Prince James about the Manuscript.

813 2 Ask Prince James about the Negoations.

815 2 Ask Prince James about the Viticulture.

817 2 Get the fingerprint from the bottle in Estelle's bike.

818 1 Add Estelle's fingerprint to SIDNEY.

819 1 Link Estelle's fingerprint to suspect.

824 5 Climb the gate at Chateau de Serres.

826 2 Open the garage door at Chateau de Serres.

828 2 Look at the bats in the garage.

6 PM - 9 PM

833 5 Read the Hermetical Symbols e-mail on SIDNEY.

837 4 Match Analysis on the LSRPrnt.

847 10 Follow Emilio to the church cemetary.

849 2 Ask Estelle about Le Serpent Rouge.

851 2 Ask Estelle about Egyptian Artifacts.

856 5 Get the Egyptian artifact photo from Estelle.

861 5 Talk to Emilo in his room.


871 10 Solve the chess puzzle in the Templar porch.

876 5 Climb onto the pendulum.

881 5 Land on the pillar in the middle of the pendulum room.

891 10 Put the apple, the egg and the number eight on the scale.

893 2 Radio Grace in the hexagram room.

895 2 Get the black glove from the panel.

900 5 Get the stone in the pot of fire.

905 5 Use the stone with the statue of the devil.

910 5 Turn the switch near the mirrors to the left.

915 5 Press the Ying Yang button on the panel.

920 5 Enter the bridge area of the temple.

930 10 Cross over the disappearing bridge.

935 5 Jump up on the tomb in the room with the guardian.

940 5 Radio Grace in the room with the guardian.

965 25 Use the dagger with the guardian's throat.


5. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2004-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at
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