JFK Reloaded

JFK Reloaded

17.10.2013 23:39:39

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- R E L O A D E D -

J F K R E L O A D E D V1.03

F A Q / W A L K T H R O U G H

by Johnny " " Walker

FAQ V0.2 (7th December 2004)

GAME FAQ'D: JFK Reloaded
DEVELOPER : Traffic Software
PUBLISHER : http://www.jfkreloaded.net
RELEASED : 21st November 2004






F H - F A Q H I S T O R Y

Version 0.2 (7th December 2004) - Minor additions (separate walkthrough added).

Version 0.1 (6th December 2004) - Initial release. Basics are entered.

0 0 - C O N T E N T S

1.0 - MORALITY - A bit about this controversial game

2.0 - THE SHOTS - A guide to the bullets fired
2.1 - Where and when (history)
2.2 - Scoring and Tips
2.3 - Walkthrough

3.0 - CONSPIRACY? - A brief discussion about the conspiracies involved


1.0 - M O R A L I T Y

JFK Reloaded is a very controversial game for obvious reasons. It was released
by Traffic Software (based in Scotland) on 21st November 2004, the eve of the
anniversary of John Fitzgerald Kennedy's assassination.

Traffic have defended their morally dubious, if highly accurate, simulation
saying that they hope to "stimulate a younger generation of players to take an
interest in this fascinating episode of American history."

A spokesperson for Edward Kennedy (brother of the late President) called the
'docu'-game "despicable".

Since you're reading this I hope you're playing JFK Reloaded out of an
intellectual curiosity or a simple desire to do well in the simulation and not
for a base gross-out factor it could be exploited for.

In short: This guide assumes you're a mature responsible adult.

Now that's said, let me add I greatly appreciate any additional information put
forward. This FAQ is a tad incomplete at the moment! Thanks!

- Johnny "ThunderPeel2001" Walker (email address at end of FAQ)

2.0 - T H E S H O T S

Lee Harvey Oswald fired three shots from the sixth floor of the Texas School
Book Depository. Here's what they were.


SHOT 1 - Zapruder frame #157 (roughly)

The first shot missed the motorcade completely. It is unknown precisely were
this bullet ended up. It is possible this was a shot from Oswald that did not
take into account the inaccurate aim of his rifle (not emulated in JFK

SHOT 2 - Zapruder frame #223/4

The second shot caused seven wounds across two people; John F. Kennedy and
Governor Connolly and is known as the "Magic Bullet" because of this.

The bullet entered JFK's right shoulder, just below his neckline.
( )
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/ \

It then exited his throat (which is actually exactly opposite).
( )
) <
--->/ |-->
( \

See http://www.jfkfiles.com/jfk/html/concl2.htm

It then entered Governor Connally's back near his right arm pit and exited
under his right nipple.

The bullet then continued forward through his raised right wrist and deflected
and hit his left thigh.

Seven wounds in total.

SHOT 3 - Zapruder frame #313

The third, final and fatal shot hit Kennedy in the back of the head.

( ^)
__) (__
/ \
/ \

It exited the front right of his head, taking a sizable chunk of his brain
matter with it.

See http://www.jfkfiles.com/jfk/html/concl2.htm

Using Abraham Zapruder's film we can estimate the time between shots. His 8mm
camera was running at its maximum rate, which was at about 18.3 frames per

Since the first shot is estimated to occur around 157 and the second shot 223,
we can extrapolate the time between the two. Here's how it works out:

--> ~3.6 seconds
--> ~4.9 seconds

(This means that Oswald had a total of ~8.5 seconds to fire all three shots.)


The scoring system is broken down into the three shots and the ultimate status
of John F. Kennedy, Jackie Kennedy, Governor John Connally and his wife,
Nellie. (The status of other members of the motorcade, including Roy Kellerman
and driver William Greer, are not considered for your score.)

For each bullet there are two types of points, with a possible extra bonus for

Time - The time the bullet is fired (timed from the start of the scenario)
Target - If the bullet finds the right target
Accuracy - If the bullet is very close to the correct point on the target


1. Summary of Casualties

To get top scores in this section, this is how each should be found at the end
of the assassination attempt:

John F. Kennedy : DEAD (200 points)
Governor Connally: Injured (100 points)
Jackie Kennedy : Unharmed (50 points)
Nellie Connally : Unharmed (50 points)

If any of the above have a different status (eg. Governor Connally: DEAD) then
you will get no points for that person.

MAX TOTAL: 400 points

2. Shot #1

- Time (25 points)
Your time (in theory) must be about 28.15 seconds from the start of the
scenario to get the maximum 25 points. A certain leeway is given either side of
this time, but you will get less points the further away from it you are.

Note: It appears that this aspect of the game is bugged(?) as I have been
unable to score higher than 21 points no matter when I shoot! :(

Also note: The timing required is different from version 1.01.

- Target (25 points)
Your target for this bullet is simply the ground! Make sure the bullet hits
some scenery (like the road) and nothing in the motorcade.

- Accuracy Bonus (0 points)
As no-one knows for sure where this bullet hit, there are no bonus points for

Tips: Simply aim at the road to get the maximum 25 points.

MAX TOTAL: 50 points

3. Shot #2

- Time (50 points)
Note: It appears that the second and third shots fired are timed based on the
amount of time elapsed from the first shot and NOT from the scenario's start.
This shot should be fired about 3.5 seconds after the first (almost

Tip: When you watch the replay, the shot should be fired just as JFK is about
to appear from behind the road sign.

- Target #1 (25 points)
Hit JFK in the upper back.
- Accuracy Bonus (25 points)
Tip: See http://www.jfkfiles.com/jfk/html/concl2.htm

Note: The rest of the targets are pure luck!

- Target #2 (25 points)
Exited JFK's chest.
- Accuracy Bonus (25 points)

- Target #3 (25 points)
Hit the Governor's upper back.
- Accuracy Bonus (25 points)

- Target #4 (25 points)
Exited the Governor's chest.
- Accuracy Bonus (25 points)

- Target #5 (25 points)
Hit the Governor's right wrist.
- Accuracy Bonus (25 points)

- Target #6 (25 points)
Exited the Governor's right wrist.
- Accuracy Bonus (25 points)

Note: The damage to Governor Connally's left thigh does not seem to be

MAX TOTAL: 350 points

4. Shot #3

- Time (50 points)
Tip: When you watch the replay, this shot should be fired just as the limo
slows down and the roof bar is in a completely straight line with the camera.
This shot should be fired about 5 seconds after the previous (second) shot.

- Target #1 (25 points)
Hit JFK in the brain and killed him.
- Accuracy Bonus (25 points)
Tip: See http://www.jfkfiles.com/jfk/html/concl2.htm

- Target #2 (25 points)
Exited JFK's head.
- Accuracy Bonus (25 points)

- Target #3 (25 points)
The bullet became lodged in the limo.
- Accuracy Bonus (25 points)

MAX TOTAL: 200 points

General tip: Never fire more than three bullets, you will be penalised -100
points for every extra you fire!

Feedback is greatly appreciated!


First of all, I usually set the Motorcade to 'simple'. It seems to make it
easier to concentrate on what you're doing (for me at least) but having it set
to 'the best' and Reactions to 'chaotic' is more enjoyable if you mess up.

Improving Your Score

My first recommendation for improving your score is to concentrate on your
timing. The first shot should be fired about 28.1 seconds from the scenario
start (just as the vehicle's front wheels go over the line in the road).

Experiment and email yourself detailed analysis to get an idea of what you're

Once you score around 20 points for timing consistently on the first shot,
concentrate on the timing of the second.

(Note: I have been unable to score higher than 21 points for time in version
1.03. If you have managed to score higher, please email me, thanks!)

The second shot should be fired almost immediately after you've reloaded from
the first. It will probably seem too close, but this is correct. On the replay
the second shot should be fired just as Kennedy is appearing from behind the
Simmons Freeway sign.

The third shot should be fired 5 seconds after the previous (second) shot just
a few moments after the limo has started to slow down. On the replay the roof
bar of the limo should just go past being completely in line with your view
when the third shot is fired.

(Note: On the Zapruder film, the limo's roof bar is perfectly straight when the
third shot is fired, not sure if this is an inaccuracy in the game somewhere.)

After a bit of practice and looking at your emailed analysis's you should be
getting around 20 for the first shot's timing, and 40+ for the 2nd and 3rd

Remember: The timing and scoring of the second and third shots is based on when
the first shot was fired, NOT the start of the scenario!

Targets and Accuracy
You should have a very good idea of where the bullets went from section 2.1 of
this FAQ, so all this comes down to is combining aiming with your timing.

There are a few things to remember:

- The bullet is moving down (as it is affected by gravity like everything
else), so the further away your target, the higher above it you should aim.

- If the target is moving, you should also take into account the time it will
take your bullet to arrive at your target. That means aiming slightly ahead
of your target depending on its speed.

- This is a game of CHANCE! Even if you time everything perfectly and aim
perfectly that is not a guarantee that the bullet will follow your intended
path, especially on shot #2! So remember that before you buy another load of

- Taking the above into account, don't even bother getting tense, it's not
worth it!

Good luck!

3.0 - C O N S P I R A C Y ?

Ever since Kennedy's death there has been a glut of conspiracy theories that
have given inspiration to countless books, documentaries and even Oliver
Stone's acclaimed movie, "JFK". The conspiracy theories surrounding the
assassination have captured the imaginations of millions of people all over the

A large portion of the conspiracy theories centre around Kennedy's alleged
assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, supposedly being unable to fire three shots in the
8 seconds speculated by investigators, and the impossibility that he inflicted
7 gunshot wounds with just one bullet.

Thanks to computer simulations like this one, however, we can now clearly see
for the first time that not only was it possible, but it was also highly

Firstly, if you want to learn more about the assassination and the theories
surrounding it you should watch "JFK" and then brace yourself for a bitter
blow: Despite the excellence of Oliver Stone's movie it is unfortunately filled
with deliberate fabrications and obvious inaccuracies.

The key issues regarding the alleged conspiracies centre around the following
"official" facts:

1. Lee Harvey Oswald fired three shots from his Mannlicher-Carcano rifle in
approximately 8.5 seconds from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book
Depository Building.

2. The first bullet missed completely.

3. The second bullet caused 7 gunshot wounds between Kennedy and Governor
Connally (seated infront of JFK) - aka the "Magic Bullet".

4. The third shot was the fatal shot that killed Kennedy.

Conspiracy theorists nearly all agree with the following for each of the above

1. It's impossible to fire the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle three times in 8.5
seconds due to the time it takes to reload.

2. No argument with this point.

3. The required path the bullet would have to have taken to have caused so
many wounds is beyond plausibility.

4. The Zapruder film clearly shows Kennedy's head moving "back and to the
left" after being hit, supposedly showing he was hit from the front right,
towards the Grass Knoll and not from the School Book Depository.

Now with JFK Reloaded, you can test these conspiracy theories for yourself and
see quite clearly that it's a load of honk.

In 1993 a computer animator named Dale Myers embarked on a 10 year project to
completely render the events of November 22nd in 3D computer animation. His
results were shown to the world as part of ABC's documentary "The Kennedy
Assassination - Beyond Conspiracy" in 2003 and ended up winning an EMMY award.

To render his animation he took every conceivable piece of information;
photographs, home footage, blueprints and plans, and used them to create the
most accurate recreation of events possible. His work was assessed by Z-Axis
(http://www.zaxis.com) who have been involved in producing computer generated
animations of events, processes and concepts for major litigations in the
United States and Europe. They participated in most of major air crash
litigations in the U.S. over the past 15 years including the crash of Delta
Flight 191 in Dallas, the crash of USAir 427 in Pittsburgh, the crash of
American 965 in Cali, Colombia and the crash of Korean Air 801 in Guam. They
also performed work for the prosecution in the Oklahoma City bombing trials of
Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols.

Their assessment concluded that Myer's animation allowed the assassination
sequence to be viewed "from any point of view with absolute geometric
integrity" and that they "believe that the thoroughness and detail incorporated
into his work is well beyond that required to present a fair and accurate

(See their full report here: http://www.jfkfiles.com/jfk/html/zaxis.htm)

Myer's animation conclusively proved that the bullet wounds were absolutely
consistent with JFK's and Governor Connolly's positions at the time of shooting
and that by following the bullet's trajectory backwards learnt that they
originated from the sixth floor of the School Book Depository.

When you add this to the following facts about Oswald:

- He shot and killed Officer J.D. Tippit soon after JFK's assassination.
- Oswald had previously tried to kill General Edwin Walker, a prominent member
of the John Birch Society on April 10, 1963, with the same rifle.
- The rifle was registered in a name that Oswald was later discovered to have
used as an alias.
- On the day of the shooting Oswald arrived at work with a long, thin brown
package which he told colleagues was "curtain rails".

It doesn't seem so far fetched that Oswald was responsible.

Recommended further reading:

Dale Myer's animation conclusions:

An excellent investigation into the many myths:


All text is Copyright 2004 Johnny "ThunderPeel2001" Walker. All rights

This document cannot be exchanged for money in any way, not even as part of a
compilation. It also cannot be used as a buying incentive or to increase sales
value without express permission from the author.

You may distribute it freely so long as the above conditions are strictly
adhered to and no part of the text is altered. Thanks.

The author of this FAQ can be contacted at: thunderpeel @ sbcglobal . net
(Remove the spaces.)
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