Star Wars - Force Commander

Star Wars - Force Commander

17.10.2013 07:20:10
Force Commander

As this guide gives an overview of every mission in the game it will no doubt
contain several spoilers. Please note that we do not want to reveal every
piece of information about the game to you, so we have done everything we
can to provide you with as little information as possible while still giving
overviews of every single mission. We do not reveal the final ending
sequence, and we try our best to limit giving away the information in the
movies sequences between certain levels.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Defense
3. Offense
4. Units Master List
Imperial Units
Rebellion Units
5. Imperial Missions Walkthrough
A. Tatooine Training, pt. 1
B. Tatooine Training, pt. 2
C. Tatooing Training, pt. 3
D. Ruul, pt. 1
E. Ruul, pt. 2
F. Sarapin, pt. 1
G. Sarapin, pt. 2
H. Yavin 4
I. Hoth
J. Endor
K. Abridon, pt. 1
L. Abridon, pt. 2
M. Abridon, pt. 3
6. Rebel Missions Walkthrough
I. Escape from the Empire
II. Return to Ruul, pt. 1
III. Return to Ruul, pt 2
IV. Tresse, pt. 1
V. Tresse, pt. 2
VI. Abridon, pt. 1
VII. Abridon, pt. 2
VIII. Endor
IX. Coruscant, pt. 1
X. Coruscant, pt. 2
XI. Coruscant, pt. 3
7. Copyright/Contact Info

1. Introduction

Force Commander is a game of strategy. In it you are a Imperial officer that
commands various troops in order to accomplish various objectives.
Throughout the game you will encounter various forms of resistance that
forces you to think fast in order to secure your base as well as your troops.
You will also have several chances to command as a Rebel leader, using
your gained knowledge to attack the Empire. The fate of the galaxy is now in
your hands.

2. Defense

Defense is helpful by allowing your army to be safe while it strengthens. A
good strategy is vital in your defense. A lot of enemy aircraft in your area
would probably require you to get several anti-air turrets for defense. Enemy
vehicles need anti-vehicle turrets, and enemy infantry would require anti-
infantry turrets. Offensive units can be used for defense while at your base.
The AT-PT's good infantry accuracy could help with invading troops, and
AT-AAs could assist in aircraft. AT-ATs could also easily destroy vehicles.
These could be a big help until they move on to be used as offensive units.
Faraway from your base you cannot order turrets, so you must fully rely on
offensive units used as defensive units to hold the land. Do not forget to
fortify your base quickly at the beginning of every level to ensure safety.

3. Offense

While defense is reasonably easy considering only offensive enemy forces
are used to attack you, offense is entirely different. Offensive units must
clear out an area that could have a lot of units in it, and it must be able
to infiltrate well defended areas. You must learn to find out what units
would be best against your enemies on specifics missions, and the units list
below can be useful. When you find out the best units and how many you should
get you should devise a plan on capturing each area so defensive units can
reinforce it.

4. Units Master List

This list has information about most of the diffrent units. There are simple
CP is how many command points this unit costs.
HP means hit points.
S is a unit's shields.
GP means gunpower. Gunpower is how much their gun hurt a unit's hit
points. If a unit cannot attack a certain kind of unit its GP will be 0.
V after GP shows how much damage a unit does to vehicles.
I stands for the damage a units does to infantry.
A shows the damage a unit does to aircraft.
If V I and A are not present this means the attacks are the same for all units.
? means I am unsure of what a statistic is.
SA is secondary ability. It might have a GP list depending on what it is.
TC means troop capacity. That is how many units a vehicle can carry.
After the above information there is also various other information about the
units that may be helpful.

Imperial Forces

Stormtrooper CP 50 HP 50 GP V 10 I ? A 10 SA Stun
SW Stuns a unit for a few seconds

AT-PT: CP 100 HP 100 GP V 10 I 30 A 0
Good accuracy vs. Infantry

AT-ST: CP 225 HP 350 GP V 40 I ? A 0 TC 2

AT-AT: CP 850 HP 1250 GP V 75 I 75 A 0 TC 6 SA Chin Gun GP 1000

AT-AA CP 100 HP 205 GP V 0 I 0 A 20

TR-SD CP 350 HP 500 GP V 600? I 600? A 0 SA Ion cannon.
Only damages the shields of another unit

Troop carrier CP 150 HP 300 GP V 10 I 30? A 0 TC 6

Mobile Artillery CP 250 HP 150 GP V 10? I ? A 0
Must be deployed for use. Medium Range

Probot CP 50 HP 10 GP V 10 I ? A 0 SA Extended visual scan
Extensive visually range; range extends even further with its SA

Heavy Artillery CP 750 HP 300 GP V ? I ? A 0
Must be deployed for use. Long Range

Speeder bike CP 150 HP 75 GP V 10 I ? A 0 TC 2
Comes with free stormtrooper

TIE Fighter CP 100 HP 100 GP 36

TIE Bomber CP 250 HP 100 GP ?

Dewback CP 150 HP 75 GP V 10? I 30? A 0 TC 1
Comes with free stormtrooper

A/I Turret CP 175 HP 1250 GP V 10 I 30 A 0 TC 2
Good accuracy vs. Infantry

A/V Turret CP 175 HP 1250 GP V 50 I 50 A 0 TC 2
Bad accuracy vs. Infantry

A/A Turret CP175 HP 1250 GP V 0 I 0 A 20 TC 2

Rebellion Forces

Trooper CP 50 HP 50 GP V 10 I ? A 10 SA Stun
Would lose to stormtrooper when attempting to capture something

Heavy Trooper CP 75 HP 75 GP V 10 I ? A 10 SA Grenades: GP 30?

Infiltrator CP 125 HP 75 GP V10 I ? A 10
Can capture AT-STs and AT-ATs. Excellent at capturing buildings

Hover Transport CP 100 HP 300 S 50 GP V 10 I ? A 0 TC 6

Attack Tank CP 500 HP 200 S 200 GP 50 SA Missles: V 150 I 150 A 0
Proton Missiles have long range

Hovertank CP 350 HP 150 S 150 GP V 10 I 30 A 20

Torpedo Launcher CP 500 HP 150 S 150 GP ? SA Mines: GP?
Long range. No need to deploy

Airspeeder CP 175 HP 150 GP 36? SA Tow Cable:
Tow Cable can tie AT-ATs up with ease

Y-Wing CP 300 HP 150 S 50 GP ? SA Ion Cannon:
Ion Cannon disables vehicles for long period of time

Swoop CP 100 HP 75 GP None TC 1
Fast with long sight. Comes with free trooper

A/I Turret CP 200 HP 1250 GP V 10 I 30 A 0 TC 2
Good accuracy vs infantry. Comes with free trooper

A/V Turret CP 200 HP 1250 GP V 50 I 50 A 0 TC 2
Bad accuracy vs. infantry. Comes with free trooper

A/A Turret CP 200 HP 1250 GP V 0 I 0 A 20 TC 2
Comes with free trooper

5. Imperial Missions Walkthrough

A. Tatooine Training, pt. 1

This is an easy mission. Just follow his orders, then find the escape pod. If
you don't want to have to follow instruction when the mission objectives
come on the screen click on the box that says: Skip instructions. It will turn
green. Only do this if you want to skip them.

B. Tatooine Training, pt. 2

Follow the instructions, or skip them like in the last mission. Then, follow the
sandcrawler tracks to find the sandcrawler. Keep your units together. When
you reach the sandcrawler send Dellis in to capture it. It would be wiser to
send some troopers in with him, but it usually isn't neccesary.

C. Tatooine Training, pt. 3

Follow the instructions, or skip them. The city is the opposite direction of the
sandcrawler so head there as soon as you are ready. You can capture the
turrets in the city but you don't need to. Here is something fun to do. Capture
a turret, then wait for a tusken raider to come after it. Don't shoot the
tusken, and as soon as he gets in the turret leave it. He will capture it, and
after destroying the Imperial units in the area he will destroy the civilians.
The programmers really did a good job of making the tusken's artificial
intelligence accurate. There is a path that leads from the city to Ben's house.
Follow it, destroy the surrounding tuskens, and capture Ben's house. Then
send Dellis in and it's all over. If you want to see a podrace destroy the Jawa
camp that is near Ben's house thoroughly.

D. Ruul pt. 1

To start off, capture the mining facility to your right for a command point
flow. It is advisable to use AT-STs instead of troopers because they are
stronger and damage other units more. If you wish to capture turrets start out
by filling a troop car with troopers. Drive up to the turret and unload the
troopers. Tell them to capture the turret. When it is captured, load them and
head to the next turret. Use this method throughout the game; it is very

Move slowly through the level, securing each path with an AT-ST or two
and a few AT-PTs, since they are good against infantry. When you get to a
turret, use the capture method stated above to capture it. When you get to
the first Rebel Base capture the turrets surrounding it then capture the base
to have an outpost closer to your objective that you can order troops from.
There is a three-turret area guarding the next part of the level. Capture one
turret, and have extra troop carriers nearby. When the other two turrets are
shooting at that one turret move your other transports in to capture the other
two turrets without them attacking your troops. This is also a useful method
to use throughout the game.

Continue and then capture the other Rebel Base. Then order units(The
Complex is close to the Rebel Base) and capture the several turrets
surrounding the Complex. When one turret has been captured use the above
method to capture the rest of the turrets. Then capture the complex and send
Dellis in and you will complete the mission.

E. Ruul pt. 2

There are a few paths the enemy can get to you by so secure each one as
soon as possible with a turret(anti-vehicle) and an AT-ST or two and several
AT-PTs to stop invading troops from capturing the turret, which you should
fill of stormtroopers. Then capture the mining facility to your right and the
bunkers to your left for a command point flow. Capture the rebel base in the
middle of the map quickly to ensure safety before Dellis continues. It will
take many troop cars to actually secure that area, so just keep attacking
without giving the Rebels much time to reorder troops.

Use all your resources to capture the base and its surrounding turrets. When
it is in your hands the mission will be easy to win. Just have some AT-STs
(Put Dellis in the STs for maximum safety) with Dellis. There are a few
turrets near the other building you need to get a connection with. Capture
them, then get Dellis to make a connection using his beacons. Use your
beacons wisely, you only have a few. Be wary of heavy troopers, they do a
lot of damage with their grenades.

F. Sarapin pt. 1

Here are a few tips for this mission. Go around the lava with heavy vehichles
instead of using speeders to go over the lava, to ensure safety. Capture the
first energy binder quickly for the command point flow. Capture instead of
destroy the first rebel base so you can order units closer to the other energy
binder. Get a lot of AT-AAs to destroy the many airspeeders, and doing so
will give you a lot of command points. Take care when moving units around
this mission, have units to eliminate every possible threat. The final binder is
hard because it is surrounded by lava. Have AT-STs at the foot of the lava
to destroy the rebel units near the bunker, then use speeder bikes to get
across. Ensure total safety before bringing Dellis in.

G. Saripin pt. 2

Here is a short overview of the mission. Use Anti air turrets or AT-AAs to
destroy the airspeeders. Don't worry, you have plenty of time (30-1:15
minutes, not totally sure of the time). Don't rush in, gather your forces. Make
sure you have enough time after you capture the thing to get Dellis in. There
is a big line of troopers and heavy troopers gaurding the ramp to the, well,
you will find out. Use a bunch of AT-PTs and a few AT-STs to take them
out. There is one path leading out from your base troops usually never come
through (To the right if you're facing the path that will lead to the thing).
There is an energy binder on this path. If you capture it you can get a steady
command point flow, useful for getting new units. Avoid using TIEs, since the
rebels can easily destroy them. Have some ready just in case you need to
eliminate an enemy unit extremely quick, but besides that do not use them.
Mobile artilleries are good for defending your base as well.

H. Yavin 4

TIE fighters are useful to destroy the large amount of rebel troops over the
mountain to the right. Use the TIEs to protect the officer when you find him.
Go to him quickly because rebel troops will waste no time in destroying him.
Capture the shield generator to help destroy the rebel bases. Put AT-STs
inside the shield generator as they are highly protected by it. When you have
the shield generator captured, you've almost won the mission. The TR-SD is
useful on this mission to, but don't get a lot of them because they only disable
shields. Use one at a time and bring AT-STs with it when attacking.

I. Hoth

Once you know what to do, this mission is easy. All you need to do is send
your forces straight to the rebel base. Your AT-ATs can make short work of
it after that. Snowspeeders will try to down your walkers, but they can easily
be destroyed. When a snowspeeder connects it's tow cable to you, click on
your secondary weapon, the chin gun. When the snowspeeder comes in front of the
AT-AT right click on it. If you do it right, the walker will use its chin gun on
the snowspeeder. Use this method on all snowspeeders the try to tie you up. It's
pretty easy once you get used to it. When you get to the base, destroy the
turrets and rebel vehicles first. Then destroy the shield generator. Darth Vader
will then land with a group of stormtroopers. Use the troopers to capture the
base, then send Vader in. It's as simple as that.

J. Endor

When you begin, destroy the Ewoks close to your landing spot. After you
encounter them the Imperials will send reinforcements. Begin to clear a path
to the three areas. Look at your map often to find nuetral units where you
are. More than likely these are trees or other traps, waiting for a unit to come
close so it can nuetralize it, and then finished it off by falling on it. You
would be surprised how offensive trees can be. Use your AT-STs to attack the
traps and trees at a distance. More obvious traps have big logs tied to the
tree. These will crush your units when they walk through it. These are easier
to destroy because your units can get closer to the trap, allowing the weaker
units to help.

When you have cleared a path to the three areas, send a speeder bike in
each one to scout the area. It will be quickly destroyed, but it is worth it.
After that you will be told to clear out a specific spot. Send all your units in
to level all the buildings. Once that is done, you should be sucessful. Destroy
all the Ewoks in the area before attacking the buildings. Only stormtroopers
can destroy the Ewok gliders that hover about, so keep one safe to destroy
the glider in the area. Once the Ewoks are cleared out, you should have no
trouble destroying the buildings.

K. Abridon pt.1

Even though you start out with a considerable force, it will be no match for
the Rebel force protecting the goverment center. Head straight for your
captured base. Your walker's chin gun's damage of a thousand will be useful
in taking out a turret, so have those ready. If you put stormtroopers in a
transport and drive it up to the turret and quickly let them out you can easily
capture turrets as well. This is a very useful techenique as stated earlier.
Once the defenses are down, send a group of stormtroopers to capture the
base. Try to capture the hospital to heal troopers when enemies invade your
turrets. Stay at that base gathering forces. If you want a command point gain
you'll need to capture a Rebel turrets. Capturing Imperial buildings doesn't
give a command point flow since it was supposed to be yours to begin with.
When you have enough forces (AT-AT's are what I prefer due to their
strength and power), attack their base. Their base is in the gap to the right of
your path you took to reach your base.

They have another base on the same island as the goverment center, but
attack their base on the mainland first. If you have walkers use their chin guns
on the Anti Vehichle turrets, since Anti Infantry turrets don't hurt vehicles
that much. Waste no time in attacking the many torpedo launchers, since the big
group of them can destroy a walker pretty easily. If you go just to the right of
the canyon where your base was there are a few rebel units and another way
in. This way would be good for some AT-STs to ambush the torpedo
launchers while they were occupied with the walkers. Make sure the path is
clear before you attack, or the walkers might be down before the AT-STs
can help. Capture the base so you can order units closer to the island. A few
walkers with their chin guns could take on the few turrets, but it might be
better to send a troop car in to release troops to capture them instead. Once
you have dealt with the turrets and the vehicles, Bring troops in to capture
the goverment center. Also order a base on the field at the foot of the hill.
You'll know what it is when you see it. Make sure it's safe to do so first.
Once that is done you should complete the mission.

L. Abridon pt. 2

Using your command points you must fortify your base quickly. The rebels
will show no mercy, and they will continue to be merciless through the entire
mission. Here are diffrent units you could use:

AT-PT: Low in expense, but it's gun only hurts vehicles 10 points. It has
great aim against infantry, though, and hurts them 30.

AT-ST: Medium cost, and damages other units 40. Useful against vehichles,
but somewhat inaccurate against infantry.

AT-AT: Expensive, but damages units 75 and has a secondary chin gun that
damages 1000. Can easily step on infantry.

TIE Fighter: Cheap and damages 36. It won't last long against the rebel Anti-
Air units though.

TIE bomber: Medium cost, and can greatly damage units, including your
own. It will be destroyed as quickly as the TIE fighter, so it may be wise to
invest in something else.

Turrets: Cheap and very good, but can be easily captured by the hordes of
rebels. If you have a turret that's about to be captured, delete it so the
rebels don't get an extra unit.

When you think you have enough units to defend the base, get some extras
to explore a little. A couple AT-STs should work good, and bring along a
troop car full of stormtroopers to capture any turrets you face. When you
capture a diplomat, put them in an AT-ST for safekeeping. The rebels
probably will only try to liberate the prisoner, but it is best to be safe. When
you arrive back at base, put the prisoners in the prison platform since the
rebels do not usually attack it. To capture a diplomat you only need to
elimanate the rebel forces around him or her, then get close enough to them
and they will join you.

Use the method for capturing turrets (Ruul pt. 1) to capture the turrets next
to the rebel base. Once you capture or destroy their base, this mission will
be much easier. One of the diplomats will give you a lot of trouble. When
you get close you have about 1 second to get him in your AT-ST. The way I
got him was stunning him with a stormtrooper's stun, and then he cooperated
enough to get in the AT-ST. Use the same method to get him in the prison
platform. After you capture all 5 diplomats, you win.

M. Abridon pt. 3

This a a long level. You start off with the TR-MB, and some other units. Get
quite a few AT-AAs (All terrain anti-air) because they do great damage to
aircraft, 20 each hit, so you can get big command points from destroying the
hordes of aircraft the enemy sends after you.. They can only hit aircraft, so
get some vehicles to escort them. When you get on the main plaza that is
after the bridge and down the hill, a AT-AT will attempt to betray the Empire
(do not worry, it is your allies AT-AT, not yours). Make sure you have lot of
AT-AAs because of the swarms of aircraft in the plaza. AT-STs can deal
with the rebel vehicles in the plaza. AT-ATs are powerful, but they wouldn't
be able to catch up with the renegade AT-AT. You have thirty seconds to a
minute to destroy the walker before it reaches Rebel territory.

Once the AT-AT is down you can concentrate on your next goal, capturing
the plaza. The plaza is very open and has two straight routes to the enemy
bases. With your vehicles in front, and the AT-AAs right behind them, move
toward the plaza. Bring your TR-MB behind the AT-AAs with another wave
of them behind it to protect it from enemy aircraft. If you feel your force
insufficient for this task after destroying the walker, (remember, you do not
need to send all your units after the walker, just enough to defeat it) wait for
a while. The rebels should send out more aicraft so you can get points. They
cannot order more aircraft as far as I could tell, so after a big lull you will
need to move ahead. If you are confident they have absolutely no aircraft
left, delete your AT-AAs for extra command point space. There is a bunker
near the area where the renagade AT-AT came from. Capture it to get a
command point flow.

Once you have secured the plaze the rebels will send in small groups every
once in a while to attack you. Do not hesitate to use your walkers chin gun
on the rebels. It will usually have plenty of time to recharge before the next
attack. When you feel you have sufficient forces attack the base at the route
where their troops keep coming from. Save your game before you do this
because it could be fatal. Do not bring the TR-MB in until you have cleared
the rebel forces away. When your forces have been destroyed (believe me
they will be) quickly order more units and send them in. If you want to wait
to accumulate a medium sized force before attacking again do so, but do not
let the rebels have much time to repair.

Next you must capture the shield generator. The rebel shield generator
should be captured instead of destroyed, as AT-STs only take 1 to 2
seconds to fully recharge their shields. Inside a shield generator's influence
they are practically invincible. With AT-STs in the shield generator's
influence you should have no trouble clearing away the rest of the forces. The
other base is close to the one you destroyed. If you can get the enemies
turrets to attack your AT-STs, you should have no trouble getting troops
inside to capture the turrets. From there you can send another group of
stormtroopers to capture the base. After you capture the base, delete it.
Make sure you delete the first base to if you haven't done that yet. Once that
is done you should complete the mission.

6. Rebel Missions Walkthrough

I. Escape from the Empire

You are to be executed by the Empire. A stormtrooper agrees to free you,
and help you get to the rebel base on the other side of the planet. Use the
map below to help you understand what you read in this section better. Walk
up to the rest of the stormtrooper's group and they will join you. When you
have acquired his entire group, then you can continue. Move yourself (Dellis)
into the TR-MB. Send two stormtroopers into the two turrets (T1 and T2)
to capture them. Do not shoot anything yet. The Empire will not have been
alerted at this time.

There is another prisoner you must free. Bring six stormtroopers into the
Imperial command center. When you have captured it, the prisoner will walk
out. Put the prisoner in the TR-MB for safekeeping until after your escape.
Position the rest of your stormtroopers next to the mobile artillery. When the
AT-ST comes near the captured turrets, open fire on the artillery. Use your
turrets to destroy the AT-ST. After the Imperial forces in the area are
destroyed, choose your course of action.

(1) The first action would be to run. I have not tried this, but you may be
able to run straight for the base is Dellis is securely in the TR-MB and if you
know the way. The map below can help you.

(2) The more efficient way to go is to capture things. Capture the turrets (T)
on the way to the rebel base to ensure the TR-MB's (A) safety. When
capturing a turret, always go towards it from a mountain side. It's harder for
the turret to hit you that way. The prisoner is strong, so he would be a great
help in capturing the turrets. I used him, but be careful with him, you do not
want to kill him. Resistance fighters (C) will join you if you walk next to
them. You have to drive the TR-MB to a certain point (B) before you can
aquire them.

The map is nowhere close to perfect, but I hope it gives you a general idea.
Blank spaces are other routes. They may lead to the base, but I'm not sure.

|--------------- |
| |
| Rebel Base |
|(Finish mission)|
| |----|---|--------------- T T --------
| | | C
| | | |-------------T| B |T|----------------------|
| | | | |--------| T1 |
| |----| | |
| | T| | ------------------------ A |
| | | | T2 |
| T? T| Imp. base Start Point |

II. Return to Ruul pt.1

Hey? Does this sound familiar? You are back on Ruul! This time for another
purpose: To free a prisoner held there. Throughout the mission you will be
able to see the prisoner. With only troopers, heavy troopers, and hover
transports, this is a hard mission. Stay where you are, defending yourself
against Imperials. When the prisoner passes you (there's two prisoners, but
wait for the one you need to capture), head to the place you are supposed to
bring him when you free him. They will pass that area, and you can get him
there a lot easier. Look at the briefing map before the mission to choose the
best route there.

When you free him, nearly all the Imperials will go after you, so you have to
make it quick. It is best if it only takes thirty seconds or less to get him to
the landing spot; that is why you should wait for him at the spot nearest the
escape spot. When you get there, order lots of troops to free him. Heavy
trooper's grenades are very useful. When they come by, ambush them with
the TR-MB nearby. When you free him, rush him to the TR-MB. Once he's
inside, travel the few feet to the place you need to take him. The TR-MB will
last a lot longer than he will, so make sure he gets inside, unless of course
you TOTALLY destroy his escorts. Otherwise you should not risk it. When
you get there, let him out, and you will have your first sweet victory in the
Rebel Alliance. This seems easy, but it's easier said then done.

III. Return to Ruul pt.2

Once again, your on Ruul. The prisoner wants to access information in the
computer complex (the thing you capture as an Imperial when you are first
on Ruul.) You still will have barely any units that you can get. There will be a
crevice surrounding you, with a small land bridge over it. When you cross the
bridge, wait for the first Imperial attack. Destroy it before moving on. Once
its destroyed, go on right route (the route opposite of where the attack came
from.) There will be a mountain on one side, and a crevice on the other.
Keep walking until you come to another land bridge. Go over the bridge.
You should find some captured AT-STs and AT-PTs. These will be very
useful in your mission. Continue on your way.

You should soon come to a clearing. The computer complex should be
somewhere in that clearing. Capture the turrets for backing. Every once in a
while the Empire will send a small attack group. Use your heavy troopers
grenades to deal with the AT-STs. When you feel it is safe enough, capture
the computer complex and send the prisoner in. After that you will have four
grueling minutes trying to survive Imperial attacks, sometimes from both
sides. It sometimes seems like their timer is too slow, but you still must hold
out, and you will have to protect the prisoner from the stormtroopers trying
to recapture the computer complex. Order as many units as you can to stop
the attacks and fill the complex with troopers so enemies cannot touch the
prisoner. When the four minutes are up, you will be able to breathe a sigh of
relief. Beware though, this relief won't last long.

IV. Tresse pt. 1

This mission isn't too tough, but be careful. It starts off showing the Empire
killing a poor, innocent person. More than that though, it reveals the location
to one of their bases. The other base is in the mountains. It's hard to get to,
so avoid it as much as possible. Use turrets to defend your base from enemy
attacks. Y-Wings are useful too. When you are sure there are no AT-AAs
attacking you can send Y-Wings out to easily destroy the rest of the attack.

Throughout the level there are anti-air(A/A) turrets. If you find one of these
alone while scouting with your Y-wing (yes, you should use Y-wings or
swoops to scout, as long as you are careful), hurry back to the base and get
a troop carrier with some troops in it to capture the turret. (infiltrators are
best, as you never know when you'll come across a AT-AT). Keep doing
this throughout the mission. To avoid the land base just do a big loop around
it. When you get close to the mountain base you should see an AT-ST or
two and some AT-ATs. You could try to sneak in quietly and have
reinforcements to destroy the other units, or you could do what I did.

I dropped bombs on them and destroyed the AT-STs(make sure you have a
hover transport or two with guys in them when you do this.). Then I quickly
drove in my hover transport in to capture a AT-AT before they could make
it to a base. The bombs had weakened the other AT-AT so when I captured
one a quick use of it's chin gun brought the other walker to it's knees. If the
walker you capture shot it's chin gun at your hover transport (and forced
itself to recharge, even after you captured it), you may need Y-wings to drob
bombs on the other AT-AT while your walker tries to escape. When the
other walker is down go around the loop again and to your base. When I
tried it no Imperials came after me, so the hard part was waiting for the slow
walker to get to the base. When it finally gets there, you will win the mission.
Unfortunately, you will have to stay on Tresse longer than you hoped.

NOTE: If you capture the other walker you should start the next mission with
two AT-ATs, making it MUCH easier.

V. Tresse pt. 2

You are stuck on Tresse. A star destroyer has blocked your way, making it
impossible for heavy lifters to pick up the walker(s). You must keep at least
one walker alive, so if you captured an extra one in the last mission this one
will be much easier. If you only captured one do not worry, you will have a
chance to capture a few more AT-ATs in this mission. This mission starts off
with a pretty big attack, so order reinforcements as quickly as possible.
Order a repair droid too, because your AT-AT(s) could take a lot of
damage. The prisoner is also there, so protect him with your life as well.

Your mission is to capture the Ion Canon and get the prisoner in the Ion
Canon so he can blow up the star destroyer. After their first attack the
Imperials will not give up, and they will continue to pelt you with smaller
attacks. Try to capture as many AT-ATs as you can during this time. Nearly
all turrets are located on mountains where hover transports can't go, leaving
the troopers unprotected as they climb the mountains. This allows the turrets
to pick off as many troops as they can. The good thing is, turrets are
automatically controlled by the Empire. Because of this, the Empire usually
won't have stormtroopers in the turrets, so once they get up there, it should
be smooth sailing.

AT-AT chin guns can help greatly in destroying a turret, since it takes off
1000 hit points. Another trouble are the mobile artilleries positioned on hills
vehicles can't climb, and far enough away so vehicle's blaster's can't reach
them. You will just have to avoid these as much as you can. A/A turrets are
everywhere, so aircraft won't last long. AT-ATs are practically your only
choice, assisted by the rebellion's anti-air vehicles. It doesn't hurt to put
some troops in the AT-AT(s) for when you reach the Ion Canon. If your sending
your entire fleet of walkers, don't forget a repair droid for when things start
heating up.

This is virtually how you must beat the level. First make sure your base is
secured with A/A turrets, A/I turrets, and A/V turrets. Capture several AT-
ATs throughout the empire's many attacks, then start heading to the Ion
Cannon. When you make it to the Ion Canon capture it, and then bring the
prisoner in in a hover transport. With the star destroyer out of the way, the
heavy lifters will be able to get the AT-ATs.

VI. Abridon pt. 1

Another visit to Abridon! You nearly undo everything you did as an Imperial
when you become a rebel. You will start off with a base, some vehicles and
a scanner jammer. Protect the scanner jammer as much as possible, it's the
only one you get and it will be useful. The empire will keep you on your toes
with their attacks. Capture AT-ATs, but also go for AT-STs. If you capture
an AT-ST order a shield generator so the AT-ST will be nearly invincible.
The more you get the better security you will have. You can also use them to
divert enemy fire while you capture an AT-AT.

If you reconize where you are, you will remember there is an Imperial base
to your right that you captured last visit to Abridon. The base, turrets, and
other buildings are useful for command points, so try to capture them. To
capture the base use walkers, hover tanks, and a few hover transports with
infantry (preferably infiltrators). When you get there, the base should appear
to be asleep. Go the back route, don't use the road. There should be an
airfield with lots of aircraft near the base. If you want to try picking of the
fighters one by one go ahead, but I just shot a chin gun at the airfield. The
TIEs hurried to attack mode but were quickly destroyed by my hover tanks.
When the TIEs are down and you have destroyed the airfield, bring in your
hover transports to capture turrets, the base, any other buildings.

The other imperial base near the Government Center should start sending out
forces to destroy or recapture the base. If you don't care about it, let them
destroy it, but you should probably try to destroy the attacks. When the
attacks stop, move into position near the other enemy base. If you have not
the patience to wait for the the scanner jammer, send your forces in at once,
but save before doing so. If you have the patience, use the scanner jammer's
secondary scan to scan the Imperial base. Use attack tank's missle launcer to
launch missles on Imperial units from a good distance away. Wait for the
scanner jammer to recharge, then do it again. When enough Imperial forces
are down, go in and capture the base. With the base captured, destroy or
capture the turrets surrounding the Government Center, then capture the
Center itself. You will then be asked to liberate a prison camp. The camp is
in the area where you start off as an Imperial. Go there with a walker or
hover transport, get the prisoners, bring them to your base, and unload them.
The Imperials will begin attacking your base near the Government Center, so
get enoungh forces up there to destroy the attacks, and make sure your base
has enough infantry in it to defend it against the invading stormtroopers.
When the prisoners are home, your mission should come to an end.

VII. Abridon pt. 2

You do not start off with a base on this level, nor a TR-MB. You must move
quickly with what you have. Your goal is to avoid Imperial unit and to
capture the shipyard. After that you must bring four pilots to their A-wings.
Put the pilots in a hover transport to increase their safety. The best route is
straight north, through one Imperial base. Be sure you have enough troopers
left after the journey to defeat the three stormtroopers inside the shipyard.

No matter what you do for later on in the mission, you should send a unit into
the base area you encounter on the way to the shipyard on a suicide mission
to cause their vehicles to begin an attack. Their vehicles should then come
after you, allowing you to capture an AT-AT without the annoying turrets by
the base around. Use the AT-AT to destroy the rest of the attack, then use
its chin gun to destroy the turrets around the base. Go for the A/V turrets
first; they will do more damage to your vehicles. You have to avoid as many
Imperials as possible so head to the shipyard as quickly as possible; you will
have time later to deal with this base. When you get to the shipyard clear the
area of Imperials, then station your pilots near the A-wings.

Send your troopers in to capture the shipyard. Note: Pilots have NO
offensive abilities and will do NO help capturing the shipyard. When the
shipyard is captured the pilots should get in their A-wings and take off. Now
comes a new challenge: Clear, and I mean clear, the area of Imperials. None
can remain when you are done. Also, have a unit stationed near the shipyard
to protect it from the speeder bikes which come around. Head towards the
base you just plowed through. With the bases now weakened defenses it will
make capturing the base easy. If you want to destroy it that is fine; they send
down the TR-MB when the A-wings take off. To destroy the other base's
defenses and to clear away the turrets and fixed artillery in the middle you
can use the scanner jammer/attack tank combination using proton missles.
Also, you can see the fixed artillery when it's firing at you so you can use
proton missles then too. Using the combination of the scanner jammer and
attack tank you should be able to level the turrets (proton missles hurt
buildings and turrets 450 instead of 150), and take out AT-ATs and AT-STs
protecting the other base. With them gone you can easily take out the minor
units. Oh yes, have hovertanks ready to deal with all the TIE fighters the
Empire has. Actually, once you capture the shipyard, this shouldn't be too
hard of a mission.

VIII. Endor

The return to Endor! It's time too take out the shield protecting the Death
Star II so that the fighters can destroy it. You start of with a medium-sized
force consisting only of troops. Han, Leia, Luke C-3PO, R2-D2, and
Chewie are there.

Here are their special abilities:

Leia and C-3PO: They can make Ewok units join the rebellion when they
see them. Any other unit would attack the Ewoks and be attacked. Make
sure you have them aquire as many Ewoks as possible.

Chewie: He's really good at infiltrating AT-STs. Consider using him when
you see an AT-ST.

Luke: He has a scan. Click on his scan then right-click on a part of the map
to see it. It sees really long so as soon as you stop seeing one area it will be
ready to scan again.

R2-D2: He has a jammer in him.

Han: Han is required to blow up the shield bunker.

Go left (left, that is, if you are facing the same direction as the Imperial
shuttle. All of the directions are given under those terms) with Leia or C-
3PO and get the few Ewoks there. Then go right, using Luke's scan to help
you. Go up by the right side of the mountain that you can see when you begin.
You should find two speeder bikes you can get from the Ewoks with Leia or
C-3PO. A few stormtroopers are hanging around, but they should not be too
hard. Make sure you have used Luke's scan as much as you want before continuing.
A little ways up and to the right is the Ewok village. Get Leia or C-3PO to have
them join your side. When you get to the village Luke will leave. From there you
have two choices.

(1) Follow Luke with a glider. He will go to the Imperial base. If you go
close enough to it, and turn around as you reach the A/A turret, you should
set off an Imperial attack. The attack will then head to the Ewok village
where you must destroy it, and possibly capture an AT-AT to help you. You
should then head to the bunker, not using the route the attack came from.
When you get to the bunker, an AT-ST and several stormtroopers or more
may be there guarding it. Destroy them and capture the bunker. When it is
captured, send Han in. He should set the charges. It may take a while, so be
patient. When the bunker blows up a trooper should tell you about an
Imperial counterattack. You must protect the Ewok village for 30 minutes to
an hour from the attack until reinforcements arrive. If you upset this attack by
using the glider technique I mentioned this part will be very boring, as you
have already destroyed the Imperial units that would normally attack you..

(2) If you decide not to set off the Imperial attack simply head to the bunker
and use Han to destroy it (see choice 1). When the bunker blows up a
trooper should tell you about an Imperial counterattack. Use infiltrators to
stop the AT-ATs, as they are your biggest threat.

You must decide whether to upset this attack early when you have more
guys and possibly capture an AT-AT for your use, or to wait for after you
destroy the bunker when you have less people. It's you choice: Do you want
to capture the bunker with more units, or destroy the counterattack with
more units? After the time is up (there's a timer) the rebels will send you a
massive amount of vehicles to destroy the Imperial base. You should be able
to go straight to the base and just destroy it. Use the attack tank's missles to
help with turrets you meet. The way you took to get to the bunker is the
safest way to my knowledge, the heavy artillery I saw when upseting the
counterattack gave me that idea. Anyways, the base is close to the bunker,
with two or three turrets in the way. When it's down, you'll be able to relax.
(you might want to save a lot during this mission, you never know what will

IX. Coruscant pt. 1

Well, there is three more missions before you can totally rest. Actually this
mission isn't too hard, but try to beat the other two, especially the last one.
If you still have an attack tank and a torpedo launcher I would advise you to
take them on your journey through the artic of Coruscant. If you choose to
have two attack tanks or two torpedo launchers you can do that to. Medical
droids and one repair droid would also be useful. Study the map, it's not
hard to learn.

There are four sensor nodes cornering the enemy base. The enemy base is in
the middle, with two A/V turrets on each side of it. AT-STs, AT-PTs and
stormtroopers guard the main route to the base. Use the torpedo launcher to
take out many troops at once, and use the attack tank's more damaging laser
bolts and proton missles to defeat the AT-STs and AT-PTs.

When you destroy the guards protecting the base, turn either right or left and
head to a sensor node. They should be empty. Send a trooper in to capture
a node. You may want more backup than that, as occasionally one stormtrooper
will come into a captured node. Stormtroopers can defeat troopers so a heavy
trooper might be better. Go around, avoiding the base, and capture all four
sensor nodes. When all four have been captured gather the available troops and
head toward the base.

Capture the turrets first, and when they have been captured capture the
base. Taskeem will congratulate you. A trooper will then warn you of an
Imperial counterattack. Gather all kinds of turrets on each side of the base,
the Imperials do not always land in the same place. Get infiltrators too to
capture the AT-ATs. After capturing one or two of the walkers that come
you can move on with them and some hovertanks to deal with aircraft. Use
the AT-AT's chin guns to obliverate turrets, but bring infiltrators to help with
any other ATs you encounter. When you destroy their first attack and capture
a walker it will get a lot easier. If you don't capture an AT attack the enemy
base with attack tanks and a hover transport with infiltrators, not forgeting
the hover tanks. When the Imperials are cleared from the area this mission will
be over.

X. Coruscant pt. 2

In this level you must get into the city. You must capture four of the things
rebel command marked for you. Use the scanner jammer and attack tank to
destroy the fixed artillery on the side you want to attack (it is nearly
impossible to capture it). Also, destroy the turrets using the same method.
There is a group of AT-ATs and AT-AAs near each gate. Try to capture as
many walkers as you can before continuing. When enough turrets are cleared
away go for the gate. If you destroy one section both gates will destruct so
you can get in. Imperial attacks can also get out, but you can capture any
AT-ATs that come around. Use infiltrators and a hover transport to capture
the base near the artillery. Build defenses around it, and slowly move on,
capturing the primary buildings. When you have four of the buildings this
mission will be over.

XI. Coruscant pt. 3

If you made it here, you are probably getting pretty good. Your goal is to
capture the Imperial Palace. The main goal is to get large forces to destroy
the stuff in your way. Here's my guide:

There are four routes: (See Map Below) There are four ways for the empire
to get to you. The route straight right (SR) (these directions only work if you
are looking towards the Imperial Palace) has troop carriers packed with
guys and AT-STs. Plan accordingly. Anti-Infantry turrets will help deal with
infantry. Infiltrators can capture AT-STs and if you get a shield generator,
this will make defense really easy, except for the large amount of guys that
threaten your base.

Straight to the left (SL) usually has AT-ATs and AT-AAs. Infiltrators would
be good over here to. Up right (UR) has a whole bunch of things that come
out of it. Here is where your primary defense should be, consisting of: A/I
turrets to stop the hordes of infantry, A/V turrets to help with vehicles, A/A
turrets to stop aircraft, and attack tanks for their proton missles which can
destroy mobile artilleries that set up faraway and pound your base. A captured
AT-ST and shield generator (SG) are also excellent to ensure good defense, even
when all else fails. A repair droid should also be there to repair the vehicles.
Due to the massive amounts of enemies that come you may actually witness the
damage of AT-STs protected by a shield generator. Have the repair droid to fix
it.Have infiltrators to keep the shield generator and base from being captured.

The upper left (UL) route hardly has anything come out of it. Have some defenses

because there are several exceptions. Your airfield takes up a lot of room and
is difficult to protect sometimes, so due to the lack of usefulness of aircraft
in this level it might be better to let your airfield be destroyed than to let
it take up your precious little space. Attacks are frequent so be always ready.

After a while you should begin to move on. The upper left (UL) route has a
base (IB) close to yours. Capture it and get shield generators and AT-STs
and AT-ATs. Destroy the surrounding turrets and the mobile artilleries.
Capture the bunker (B) to the right of the base too. Only troops can get to it,
so keep this in mind. The upper right (UR) and upper left (UL) routes will
join a little further up. When you are ready to advance get a shield generator
and move all the things guarding the upper right (UR) route up to protect this
route. A little ways ahead is the mountain of metal where the palace stands.
Use AT-ATs with infiltrators and go to the left (or right) and capture the
walker depot. It makes walkers so capture it quickly. Next, capture the base
next to it. Destroy the turrets on the mountain with the chin gun of an AT-
AT, then have a hover transport with infiltrators and hover tanks head up the
first incline. Go behind the palace where you will find another incline, which
only troops can climb. Use your hover tanks to destroy the TIEs, then have
your infiltrators climb the final incline and head into the palce, ignoring the
turrets. Do not worry about the turrets as they are a pretty bad aim because
they are A/V. Go into the palace, which should be easy to capture, and then,
well, you will just have to wait and see.
| |
| IB | | | | |
| __| B |__ |
| |_________________|UR |
| UL SG|(Advised spot to place)
| Rebel Base |
| |
___________| Airfield |___________

7. Copyright/Contact Info

Copyright 2004

This guide is copyrighted by law to TheDSCentral and may not be posted on
any other sites or published in any other publications without the written
consent of TheDSCentral. If you wish to use this guide you may e-mail your
request to us at Upon receiving your request we will
make every effort to get back with you as soon as possible. Also, if you
have any other questions concerning this guide, problems you are havings
with this game, or questions about other games do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your interest!

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