

12.10.2013 13:52:14

GameFAQs Presents
A mslpanthers Creation
A Full-Length Guide for
Dust: The Tale of the Wired West

Guide Creator: mslpanthers
Date Created: 02/22/04
Last Updated: 01/17/05
Version: Final

You Can Always Find the Latest version of this guide at www.gamefaqs.com
These following sites are the only sites currently allowed to host my guides:
[http://faqs.ign.com]------------------------------------------------[IGN FAQs]
[http://www.dlh.net]--------------------------------------[Dirty Little Helper]

Please contact me at mslpanthers13@gmail.com if you find a site hosting this
FAQ and is not on this list.

01/17/04 Final Version: Redid layout

01/03/05 Final Version: Well I keep saying final version but
I keep adding stuff, weird huh? Well changed the Copyright
and thanks section. No biggies, but makes it better. Also
made table of contents look more organized.

01/01/05 Final Version: Redid the items part. Added some new
sections. Looks much better!

12/15/04 Final Version : Well thought I was finished, guess not,
changed the guide around a little bit, added some stuff because
I thought they should be added. Im pretty sure this will be the
last final version though, see ya ^_^

11/17/04 Final Version: Everything is complete. Redid Contact and
finished items and character list.

10/09/04 Version 1.3: Added a Contact Section and Characters Section!

7/25/04 Version 1.2: Complete unless I find something else to add

6/22/04 Version 1.1: Got the second day up and bunch more items!!!

2/12/04 Version 1.0: Got the First day and most of the FAQ up but
still alot to go!

0.........................Table Of Contents................DUST00

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Hi and welcome to my Dust: Tale of the Wired west FAQ. This game was never a
game that everybody knew. Actually I received this game from a kid in my class
for free, man he sure did make a huge mistake. This game might not have the
best graphics for the PC but it sure does make the most of the gameplay.

You are a stranger in an old western town. Your not sure what you are doing
ther or how you even got there, you just know, you need to get some money and
get out. You wake up and walk a little bit to approach a old chinese man named
help (how creative is that) that offers to help you out a little. You get some
money and a hotel and make many friends and hardship on the way. You must help
people out, learn to shoot, and make some money. But watch out, some people in
this town sure are mean. There is also the mean and wild Billy the Kid out on
the loose. This town is full of drunks, robbers, outlaws, bandits, and
anything else bad you can think of. Can you make it out?

This is quite simple:

Up Arrow Key: Moves you upwards and forwards, climbs ladders.

Down Arrow Key: Moves you backwards and Downwards, Climbs ladders.

Right Arrow Key: Turns you to the right.

Left Arrow Key: turns you to the left.

Mouse: Picking Up items, talking to people, knocking on doors; Action.

In this game you receive many items that might be a priority or a
must have for the game. Use them well.

Used for cheating in poker. Be careful though, cheating is one of the
worst things you can do in a saloon. You start out with this item.

Used for holding liquor and drinking out of. Usually makes you friends
with some of the drunks. Obtain in from the drunk at the shooting place.

| GUN |
This is the most obvious one. This item is a weapon that is used to shoot
items, people, and other things. This is your most needed item in the game.
Obtain it from the farmers well.

The gun requires bullets for it to shoot. You obtain this from the picture of
Abraham Lincoln in the stagecoach place. You must give him sleazy pictures to

| RING |
Give this to the Deputy, or Jack O' Lope's girlfriend. The item is used to
hook them back up and is obtained from Jack.

Wear it on your shirt to show your sheriff. Obtained from the Mayor in the
Sheriffs office.

Wear them on you feet. Obtained from the Morgue guy.(Hiram Sidewinder)

Give it to the horse, which does nothing except get happy. Obtained from
Hotel's breakfast table.

| PIE |
Give it to Hiram Sidewinder for the boots. Obtained from behind the Saloon.

Give them to the Stage Coach guy, so you can sneak and get the bullets.
Obtained in the Mayors house, in the cabinet.

Give it to the bird in Mayor Macintosh's house. It will make him quite
so you can obtain the pictures. Obtained on the table in front of the bird.

| BONE |
Give to dog at first of game. You start out with it.

| MASK |
Keep for ending puzzle, obtained from the Mayor's house.

Keep for ending puzzle, obtained from Indian girl from Missionary.

| PIN |
Used to break into bank

Keep for ending puzzle, obtained from bank safe(you must use pin)

Put Scorpion in it. Obtained in Missioary drawer, with scorpion is located.

Give it to Billy The Kid (the outlaw). Obtained from Missionary Drawer.
You must open the matchbox, close the drawer, and open it back up then
take the matchbox.

Keep from ending puzzle. Obtained from help.

Stranger-This is you. You are the Sheriff of this town.

Oona- She is always in the saloon. She sure seems to know
alot about The Kid.

Mrs. Macintosh- The Mayors Wife. She always stands guard
of her house!

Dell- A Fat Drunk who likes to fight

Bloodstone- A Strange man thats always in a tux. He is kinda
curious but acts like a gentleman.

Help- The Chinese man who owns the shop. He gives you help!

Jackolope- A good ole Western Cowboy. This guy is your only
friend in the town.

Hiram Sidewinder- Owner of the Corpse/Haircut place.

Chet Flippo- Owner of the printing shop.

The Kid- One of the major outlaws in the west. Very Dangerous AVOID!

Thief- The Thief comes out to randomly. He will steal all of your money.

Spirit Lady(Sanoma)- Lives in the mission. Helps you on last quest.

Ruby- Is always in room 4 of the saloon. Knows alot about the kid too.

Laurel- Jackolope's Fiance.

Dr. Rodham- The Doctor of the town.

Mayor Macintosh- The Mayor of the town, married to Mrs. Macintosh.


Now your at the actual walkthrough just incase you did not know. heheh.
Well its pretty simple to use, no biggies, just follow the FAQ word by
word. Theres nothing you really need to know except eh, be a fast shooter
well I will shut up now. So what you all been waiting for, heres
"The Dust Walkthrough" presented in D minor.

Day 1-
Stranger enters town-

When you start click the old guy and he will talk to you. Then pick
"I'll best be moving". Sit there until he walks away and grab
The liquor jug. Keep walking forward until a dog growls at you.
Now turn around and talk to the guy in the green. Say what you want
And keeps talking to him until he says find a bone. Then go to the
Entrance and grab the bone. Go back to the dog, grab the bone and
Drag it to him, he will move. Talk to the old man and then head
straight down and talk to the man in the blue, this is Jackolope.
Go into the saloon and win 10$. If you lose all of your money the chinese
guy will give you 5$ more dollars. Once you got 10$ walk out of the saloon
and talk to the guy with the black suit on in the street. Take the cigar
that he offers your to smoke later.

There are a few more things to do for this day. Go talk to Sophie Delacasino
who is in room 2 above the saloon. Also talk to Ruby O' Downdle in room 4.
If you click room 4's door, it will knock and no one will answer, you must
click it 3 times for anyone to come to the door.

Now lets go meet the Mayors Wife. She is on the opposite side of town fromt
the saloon. She will be at the front gate, if you say that right things
she will let you in, its wise to choose the nicest choices, but if she still
doesnt let you in, use the mean chooses.

Head to othe place across from the saloon called the Cactus inn. Get a room for
3 nights at the Cactus Bed Hotel He will get the room ready. So go outside and
come straight back in and the room will be ready. Talk to him and he will give
you a room key and a note. Go outside and talk to Jackolope (guy in the blue
suit) So follow him. He will lead you to a guy named Dell Belcher, he wants to
fight, you can take him. This is very, click his face andchest to throw punches,
mostly on his head though. Hit him a bunch of times and he is down.

Day 2-
Stranger Gets Known-

Go downstairs and click the couch to find a few extra dollars! Then grab
the biscuits on the table and also the sugar. Then talk to everyone you

Talk with:
Mountain Laurel
Jackalope Jones
Nate Trotter
Hiram Sidewinder
Chet Flippo
Dr. Rodham
Mrs. Cosimo Macintosh
Marie Macintosh
Ned DeVries
Jonas Fearwitt

--Get The Boots--
Next you need to find the pie, its on the side of Telegraph/Coach office.
Once you find it go give it to Hiram Sidewinder and he will give
you some boots! Congragulations you completed the first task!

--Get The Gun--
Its in the well of the farmers but he gets mad when you get near it so
you gotta find a way to distract him. Go talk to Ned DeVries and after
talking to him he will go talk to Quist. While their talking go grab the

--Get The Ammo--
Sneak into the Macintosh house and go up the stairs, there is a pattern:

After you look around find the pictures of the lady in the cabinet. Grab
them and head to the Stage Coach Office. Give them to him and click
the Abraham Lincon Picture to the left. There are bullets in there.

--That Evening--
Talk to everyone
Have you talked to Help?
Have you talked to Marie Macintosh?
Have you talked with Buick Riviera?
Have you talked with Sonoma in the Mission?
Have you listened in on Radisson and Marie at the shooting range?
Have you talked with Jackalope Jones at the Hard Drive?
Have you talked to Sophie? And got the hairpin?
Have you listened in on Room #4 (Ruby O'Dowdle)?

Theres not much to do this evening except get a book. Go to room #1 in the
saloon and get the black book from the guy in there. Head to the Cactus Inn
to sleep.

---Day 3---

Start by reading the morning paper.
Listen in on Hiram Sidewinder.
Talk to Jackalope Jones.
Talk to Oona in Bolivar's.

Go downstairs and grab the food if you want too. Then read the morning newspaper
to gather some news about what is going on and The Kid. Head to the barber shop
and talk to Hiram Sidewiner and listen to him complain.

You should then find Jackolope Jones, in front of the Cactus Inn and he has a
major problem, he can not find the ring that he bought for Laurel. You must find
it. Talk to Oona she might know. She says that the piano player has it.

Oona gives you the backdoor key to the saloon, go in and you should find the
piano player. Talk to him and he is working on a new song, now you must
do the right order to get it right.

Here is the order:
5th key, 1st key, 1st key, 3rd key, 2nd key, 4th key.

Next get the matchbox from Leroy by doing good in the Target range. Then
go to the old church and inside the doors there is a desk with a scorpion and
papers in it DO NOT STICK YOUR HAND IN THERE!! Put the matchbox in there and
the scorpion will get in it after you leave and come back. Go back get the
matchbox and the papers.

Now go talk to Jack.

If you done everything it should turn into afternoon.


The ingredients you need for the medicine:

Armadillo Wort
Sand Mushroom
Saguaro Extract
Wolf Rose

After that take the medicine to the doctor

Now you must get the Yuni mask from the mayors house! Once you get in and that
bird goes crazy grab the apple and give it to the bird it will be quiet and you
can get out of there with the mask. The mask is located on the far wall.

If Mrs. Macintosh is giving you a hard time say everything bad and she will
get mad and leave.


Jackolope and Laurel are in a fight and you must fix it. Go talk with Laurel
until she runs out of things to say. Then go talk to Jackolope, he walks
around the place so you got to find him. After he has nothing to say, talk
to Laurel yet again and then Jack, he has another chance with Laurel!

Now you must get the silver thunderbird. You must win this in a poker match.
If you cant win and you have lots of money just keep raising the bet and
they will fold and you will get the thunder bird.

Now you must get the Yunni emblem. Use the prick to open the bank door.
The combination to the safe is 8-23-41.

Go the mission and ring the bells. Then there should be a gunfight
Go talk to Nate Trotter and go to bed at the Cactus Inn.

--Day 4--

Go Talk to Jackolope, he is in the saloon, it it is time for the showdown
with the kid

To defeat The Kid:
You must give at least 4 of the 5 responses:
Son of a librarian.
...silk long johns...
...hung like a prairie dog...
...cigar's out, need a light...
Then, when the view switches and The Kid says "Goodbye Stranger":

Now to beat him you must be quick. Click on your hand and then your
gun and then the Kid's chest, and if you were quick enough, you win
and the kid will die.

Boom he is dead now just a little to go in the game!


Alright now go talk to Sanoma

Enter the mission and go through the door. Then the door on the right.
You should see some type of box, place the Yunni mask in there and the
door to the underworld should open.

You will come up to a type of puzzle. You must put the items you have
collected in a certain order.

The puzzles should be completed in the order of:
Silver Thurnderbird

Now you come to a dial.

Match up on the dial:
Winter symbol
3/4 Moon

It should open up a hall, with a hole to place the flute. Put the
flute in there and then you must play a certain song.

Play the holes in this order:

Once you place that song yet another door opens and yes you guessed
it, yet another puzzle.

Match up on the dial:
Summer symbol
No Moon

How do you complete the Dagger puzzle?
If the explanation below confuses you, try the following:
Write down how many times each disc turns clockwise. Now,
subtract each of these numbers from 6 to
obtain seven new numbers, turn each disc
clockwise the same number of times as its corresponding number.
Note: this solution does NOT always work, but it is the fastest.

Label the seven pieces of the puzzle as follows:

When performing moves, a plus after the piece name means rotate
that piece clockwise; a minus means rotate it counterclockwise.
Step 1:
If piece "T" needs
Two turns counterclockwise:
One turn counterclockwise:
One turn clockwise:
Two turns clockwise:
Rotated 180 degrees:

Step 2:
If piece "TR" needs
Two turns counterclockwise:
One turn counterclockwise:
One turn clockwise:
Two turns clockwise:
Rotated 180 degrees:

Step 3:
If piece "BR" needs
Two turns counterclockwise:
One turn counterclockwise:
One turn clockwise:
Two turns clockwise:
Rotated 180 degrees:

Step 4:
If piece "B" needs
Two turns counterclockwise:
One turn counterclockwise:
One turn clockwise:
Two turns clockwise:
Rotated 180 degrees:

Step 5:
If piece "F" needs
Two turns counterclockwise:
One turn counterclockwise:
One turn clockwise:
Two turns clockwise:
Rotated 180 degrees:

How do I go through the Mask hallway?
Match up on the dial:
Fall symbol
1/4 Moon

I'm lost in the maze, where do I go?

This is the easiest puzzle of them all.
Just follow the Masks's directional hints down the tunnels.
Then give the mask to the Fallen One.

How do I go through the Spring hallway?
Match up on the dial:
Spring symbol
Full Moon

What is the Yunni sentence for this puzzle?
You want to form the sentence:
Mesa - Bird - Open - Evil - Sky

How do I get the treasure?
To get the treasure, match up on the dial:
Spring symbol
Full Moon

How do I get rid of Mr. Bloodstone?
To Kill Bloodstone, use the sentence:
Mesa - Bird - Kill - Evil - Man

Day 5 Morning
What ending is the best?
That is entirely up to you. Won't effect anything except
the ending animation sequence. So have
fun and congratulations at finishing the game!!


Well there always comes a time for this part, the end of the FAQ.
Well I really hope this helped you out with the Dust which is a
totally awesome game. Please check out my other FAQs if you would
please. Thanks for reading this!

I would like to think God because he is number one in my life and
I could not do anything without him, then there comes the time to
thank the second most important person about my faq, good ole ceej.
Well I would like to thank you for hosting FAQs and making an
extremely good website. You have been great over the years man!
Then last but certaintly not least, is the FAQ contributor board.
Wow you all have been a huge part in my life, and have helped me
by critizing and giving me your comments on everything. Thanks guys
for all the help you have been. Thanks a lot!

This FAQ is protected under the copyright code of law. It is illegal
to take this FAQ and edit it or use it to your advantage. You do
have permission to: print this FAQ out, use this FAQ, show your
friends. You do not have permission to: Edit this FAQ, Host this
FAQ without my permission or concern, sell this FAQ, or make any
profit off of it whatsoever. If you really want to use my FAQ on
your website or other purpose, please contact me, and I will
most likely let you use it. You can make no money off of it
(i.e. costing website, charge per FAQ view)
Copyright 2005 (C) MATT LUDWIG

If you have any questions,comments,or info you would like to add:

Email: mslpanthers13@gmail.com
AIM: mslpanthers12
MSN: mslpanthers13@hotmail.com
Website: www.dcsplash.com/gamefaqs

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