Insaniquarium Deluxe

Insaniquarium Deluxe

16.10.2013 05:50:49
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3.Adventure and Bonus Adventure*
4.Time Trial**
6.Virtual Tank**
7.Fish and other stuff encyclopedia

*=not finished
**=not started
***=very nearly finished
Hi, and welcome to my FAQ. This is my first FAQ,
so don't blame me if it's not that good.
My name is Anthony Vella, A.K.A. No1knew.I'm 13 and live
in England.
You can download this game at
You don't need to read this unless you want
to copy this, but anyway:
This is copyright No1knew (Anthony Vella). You MAY NOT copy this
unless you email me at
Only,, and can use this at present.
Boring legal stuff over. You can open your eyes now.
If there is anything I've missed, don't hesitate to e-mail
0.25:started the FAQ.
Finished tank 1 and added finished cheats. 9/1/05

0.35:Second update.
Finished cheats. Finished Adventure up to level 2-2. 10/1/05
Might send it to

0.40:third update.
Got rejected.Oh well. Try again when I have more stuff 11/1/05
in this FAQ. Started HELP.

0.45:fourth update.
Renamed help to fish and other stuff encyclopedia. 11/1/05
Seemed more apropriate. Carried on with it.
Added pet section.

0.50:fifth update.
Carrying on with sections 3,7 and 8. 12/1/05

0.50b:sixth update.
finshed up to tank 2-4. I'll send in again soon. 14/1/05

0.51: seventh update.
Hoping to finish tank 2. ?/1/05

0.60: eighth update. 26/1/05
Finally accepted. Woohoo! Finished 3-2. Added the appearan-
ces of the pets.

0.60b: ninth update.
Just writing to update about other sites using my FAQ. 27/1/05

0.65b: tenth update.
Sorry about the long wait for the update, I was
busy with homework, karate, playing on Crash Twinsanity etc.:-)
Hoping to finish help and tank 3-3.
Got my first reader mail. Added
3.Adventure and bonus adventure:
What to do:
Basically, you grow your fish by feeding them fishfood,
and you do that by clicking the mouse.
Grown fish (medium, big and king) drop silver coins,
gold coins and diamonds, which you collect.
Your aim is to buy three egg pieces, which finishes a level and
earns a new pet. On bonus adventure it's exactly the same,
but you play a bonus level instead of getting a pet.
If a fish turns green, it's hungry. Feed it!
If a fish goes white and turns upside-down, it's dead.(shock horror)
Pets that you unlock help in various ways.
Although I will recommend the pets that work best for
me, you don't have to choose any of the pets that I
say. They're just recommendations.
You can only have 3 pets in one level.
I will explain about each alien briefly here,
but for detailed explainations go to the

Tank 1-1
If you can't complete this, then I would
recommend seeing a local brain surgeon immediately.
Just feed your fish, and buy the egg pieces.

Guppys-$100 (after you get a medium guppy)
Egg pieces-$150 (after you get big guppy)


Congratulations! You unlocked Stinky the Snail!
'Stinky roams around the bottom of your tank,
catching any coins you may have missed'.

Tank 1-2
The first level with aliens. Get ready to fight!
You can make the alien move down by shooting his head,
up by shooting his tail,etc. Lure him into a corner
away from your fish, and shoot like mad! They drop
$200 diamonds when they die.
Buy some extra fish in case the alien kills some,
and to get more money. Sylvester (the alien) gets 'full'
for a few seconds between each fish.
Food quality makes it so your food makes fish grow faster,
and food quantity means you can drop multiple pellets at a time.

Guppys-$100 (after you get medium guppy)
Food quality upgrades-$200 (after you get big guppy)
Food quantity upgrades-$300 (after first quality upgrade)
Egg pieces-$500 (after first quality upgrade)


Congratulations! You unlocked Niko the Oyster!
'Niko produces pearls that you can click on for a hefty sum
of money'.

Tank 1-3
The first level with carnivores. They eat
baby guppys but drop diamonds, so they are worth it.
If it turns green, buy a guppy immediately!
A laser upgrade makes your laser do more damage(and
look cooler too)
I would suggest buying more than one carnivore to
speed things up.
Buy carnivores immediately after aliens attack.
It's annoying to buy an expensive fish only to
have it torn to shreds 10 seconds later.

Guppys-$100 (after you get medium guppy)
Food quality upgrade-$200 (after you get big guppy)
Food quantity upgrade-$300 (after you get big guppy)
Carnivore-$1000 (after you get big guppy)
Laser upgrade-$1000 (after you get carnivore)
Egg piece-$2000 (after you get carnivore)


Congratulations! You unlocked Itchy the Swordfish!
'Itchy helps you by attacking aliens when they appear'

Tank 1-4
Beware of the Balrog!
He is exactly like Sylvester, only he has
about 3 times as much health. Itchy helps here.

Guppys-$100 (after you get medium guppy)
Food quality upgrade-$200 (after you get big guppy)
Food quantity upgrade-$300 (after you get big guppy)
Carnivore-$1000 (after you get big guppy)
Laser upgrade-$1000 (after you get carnivore)
Egg piece-$3000 (after you get carnivore)


Congratulations! You unlocked Prego the Momma Fish!
'Prego helps populate your tank by giving birth
to a new baby guppy every so often'.

Tank 1-5
As you can only have 3 pets in a level, you'll need
to drop one. I would use Prego, Itchy and Niko here.
Prego helps feed your carnivores for free, and you want at
least 3 carnivores here. When against 2 aliens at once,
try to lure them into the same corner and shoot them both
at the same time.

Guppys-$100 (after you get medium guppy)
Food quality upgrade-$200 (after you get big guppy)
Food quantity upgrade-$300 (after you get big guppy)
Carnivore-$1000 (after you get big guppy)
Laser upgrade-$1000 (after you get carnivore)
Egg piece-$5000 (after you get carnivore)

Sylvester and Balrog

Congratulations! You unlocked Zorf the Sea Horse!
'Zorf gives a hand in keeping your fish fed'.

Bonus level 1
Not much to say here. Just get as many
chains as possible. If you get a chain of
10, you get a big bonus.

Congratulations! You finished Tank 1!

Tank 2-1
Well, welcome to the shiny new
second tank. Expect 2 new aliens
later on in this tank (harder ones).
Also expect a replacement for the carnivore....
Use Niko, Prego and Zorf for this level.
You can feed BIG FISH ONLY star potions.
Baby/medium ones will explode. They will drop stars worth
40$ but the stars also feed starcatchers whom you meet
later on.

Guppys-$100 (after you get medium guppy)
Food quality upgrade-$200 (after you get big guppy)
Food quantity upgrade-$300 (after you get big guppy)
Star potion-$250 (after you get big guppy)
Egg piece-$750 (after you get big guppy)


Congratulations! You unlocked Clyde the Jellyfish!
'Clyde drifts slowly through your tank,
collecting any coins it passes by'.

Tank 2-2
Use the same pets as last time.
It would be a good idea to buy lots of food upgrades,
as you want as big a fishtank as possible.
This is your first level with starcatchers in it,
and you need to feed fish (big ones) star potions
in order to feed starcatchers. They eat...wait for
it...STARS!!! (insert gasps of shock here)
Starcatchers give diamonds, and so are the
equivalent of carnivores. Use them wisely.

Guppys-$100 (after you get medium guppy)
Food quality upgrade-$200 (after you get big guppy)
Food quantity upgrade-$300 (after you get big guppy)
Star potion-$250 (after you get big guppy)
Starcatcher-$750 (after you get big guppy)
Laser upgrade-$1000 (after you get starcatcher)
Egg piece-$3000 (after you get starcatcher)


Congratulations! You unlocked Vert the Skeleton!
'Vert drops coins just like a large guppy, but doesn't
need fish-food to survive'.

Tank 2-3
Use the same pets as last time OR if
you can feed your fish well then use Niko, Vert
and Prego. Watch out for Gus (type-g). You need
to feed him as much food as possible. Tablets
and lvl9 autofeed food quantity should do the trick.
Don't buy a single laser upgrade. You don't need to,
'cause lasers dont do anything to him.

Guppys-$100 (after you get medium guppy)
Food quality upgrade-$200 (after you get big guppy)
Food quantity upgrade-$300 (after you get big guppy)
Star potion-$250 (after you get big guppy)
Starcatcher-$750 (after you get big guppy)
Laser upgrade-$1000 (after you get starcatcher)
Egg pieces-$5000 (after you get starcatcher)


Congratulations! You unlocked Rufus the Fiddler Crab!
'Rufus does heavy damage to enemies you've lured
to the bottom of the tank'

Tank 2-4
Beware of the destroyer!
This new alien is stuck to the ground,
and he doesn't hurt fish by touching them,
but he shoots out missiles at your fish!
Shoot the missiles, then shoot him.
I would recommend Niko, Rufus and Prego.

Guppys-$100 (after you get medium guppy)
Food quality upgrade-$200 (after you get big guppy)
Food quantity upgrade-$300 (after you get big guppy)
Star potion-$250 (after you get big guppy)
Starcatcher-$750 (after you get big guppy)
Laser upgrade-$1000 (after you get starcatcher)
Egg pieces-$7500 (after you get starcatcher)

Aliens:Destroyer (type-D)

Congratulations! You unlocked Meryl the Mermaid!
'Meryl's song cheers up all the guppies in the tank,
making them drop coins faster'.

Tank 2-5
Three pet combos here.
If you are good at fighting aliens
by yourself use Prego, Meryl and Zorf.
If you are good at feeding fish on your own
then use Prego, Meryl and Rufus.
If you are good at both, use Prego, Meryl
and Niko.
Use the same alien strategies as above.
I would recommend having 6 star fish
and 9 starcatchers. You should have a
3:2 ratio. You need lots of money for the egg here,
so don't be cheap with starcatchers.
Again, don't buy laser upgrades.

Guppys-$100 (after you get medium guppy)
Food quality upgrade-$200 (after you get big guppy)
Food quantity upgrade-$300 (after you get big guppy)
Star potion-$250 (after you get big guppy)
Starcatcher-$750 (after you get big guppy)
Laser upgrade-$1000 (after you get starcatcher)
Egg pieces-$10000 (after you get starcatcher)


Congratulations! You unlocked Wadsworth the Whale!
'Wadsworth helps by sheltering your baby and medium guppys
from hungry aliens'.

Bonus level 2
Same as the first only with an extra 15 secs. GO!

Congratulations! You finished tank 2!

Tank 3-1
Welcome to tank 3! Green + Japanese seems to be the theme
here. Nothing new execpt the guppycrunchers. The eat
guppys (baby ones) but only near the bottom. They spit
out $150 beetles. Use Prego, Meryl and Wadsworth for this level.

Guppys-$100 (after you get medium guppy)
Food quality upgrade-$200 (after you get big guppy)
Food quantity upgrade-$300 (after you get big guppy)
Guppycruncher-$750 (after you get big guppy)
Egg piece-$1000 (after you get guppycruncher)


Congratulations! You unlocked Seymour the Turtle!
'Seymour's presence makes coins and diamonds drift at
a slower rate'.

Tank 3-2
I would recommend the same pets as last time.
The new things are the beetlemunchers. They eat
the beetles that the guppycrunchers make and they spit
out $500 pearls! Also the price of lasers has doubled.
I would recommend 2 guppycrunchers and 2 beetlemunchers.

Guppys-$100 (after you get medium guppy)
Food quality upgrade-$200 (after you get big guppy)
Food quantity upgrade-$300 (after you get big guppy)
Guppycruncher-$750 (after you get big guppy)
Beetlemuncher-$2000 (after you get guppycruncher)
Laser upgrade-$2000 (after you get beetlemuncher)
Egg piece-$5000 (after you get beetlemuncher)


Congratulations! You unlocked Shrapnel the Robot Fish!
'Shrapnel drops bombs which blow up fish on contact
but give lots of cash when clicked'.

Tank 3-3
Use the same pets as last time.
Be very careful with psychosquid.
He doesn't get full up, and ploughs through your fish
like a knife through butter. When it turns blue,
don't shoot it or it regains health.
Other than that, proceed as normal.
Lure him into a corner and shoot him til he turns blue,
then stop. It is very tempting to shoot him while blue
because although he doesn't harm your fish, he follows them
to turn red any second.

Guppys-$100 (after you get medium guppy)
Food quality upgrade-$200 (after you get big guppy)
Food quantity upgrade-$300 (after you get big guppy)
Guppycruncher-$750 (after you get big guppy)
Beetlemuncher-$2000 (after you get guppycruncher)
Laser upgrade-$2000 (after you get beetlemuncher)
Egg piece-$7500 (after you get beetlemuncher)


Congratulations! You unlocked Gumbo the Angler!
'Gumbo attracts guppies by using the lantern on his head,
luring them away from aliens'.

More coming soon.......

4.Time Trial
6.Virtual Tank
7.Fish and other stuff encyclopedia.

Here is where I will explain about lots of
different fish/things.

The main part of your aquarium.
It has many different stages.
You can buy it in all levels.
Medium-$15 silver coins.
Big-$35 gold coins.
King-$200 diamonds.
Star-$40 stars.

Note:You get all guppys EXCEPT star ones
by feeding them lots. You get star ones by
feeding them star potions(big ones ONLY!!!).

You first special fish.
It eats baby guppys and
drops $200 diamonds.
You get it on tank 1-3 to 1-5
and on all of tank 4.

Food quality upgrades
These cost $200 each and make your
fish hungry less often and grow more
quickly. There are 3 levels:
Brown lump (start with)
Green cylinder (first one you buy)
Red and White tablet (last one you buy)

Food quantity upgrades
These cost $300 each and are very useful.
There are nine levels, each corresponding to
how many pellets you can drop.
Ex. lvl2 for 2 pellets and so on.

Laser upgrades
These cost $1000 each and although it doesn't
seem very useful when you get the first one, they
are brilliant when you get all of them.
They make your laser more powerful and when you get all
of them, you get autofire. It also makes your gun look
0.Start off with. Makes light blue circle on screen.

1.Puny red trigger with purple pointer and button.
Makes red circle on screen.

2.Orange gun with bulbous middle section and
light orange trigger and point.
Makes orange circle on screen.

3.Looks like a hyper yellow water gun.
Makes yellow circle on screen.

4.Looks like a big green drill with no trigger.
Makes pale green circle on screen.

5.Dark green, with a thing to cover the trigger
and lots of spikes.Makes a green triangle on screen.

6.Big blue loudspeaker.
Makes light blue triangle on screen.

7.Big, fat and purple.
Makes purple triangle on screen.

8.Black and pistol looking.
Makes red cross.

9.Silver, shiny and spacey looking.
Makes blue cross.

MAX:Black and white, super cool and
built in auto-fire. Top of the range.
Makes purple cross.

Egg pieces
These are how you complete a level and get a new pet.
Buy three to finish the level and earn your pet.
Note that if you are on bonus adventure you get a bonus level instead.
Tank1-1:$150 each
Tank1-2:$500 each
Tank1-3:$2000 each
Tank1-4:$3000 each
Tank1-5:$5000 each
Tank2-1:$750 each
Tank2-2:$3000 each
Tank2-3:$5000 each
Tank2-4:$7500 each
Tank2-5:$10000 each
Tank3-1:$1000 each
Tank3-2:$5000 each
Tank3-3:$7500 each
Tank3-4:$10000 each
Tank3-5:$15000 each
Tank4-1:$3000 each
Tank4-2:$25000 each
Tank4-3:$50000 each
Tank4-4:$75000 each
Tank4-5:$99999 each!!!

Random Eggs
Only appear on time trial, these eggs give you a random
pet that you have unlocked and are not using.
Starting at $100, their prices double for each one that you buy.

Star potions
Only appear on tank 2-1 to 2-5.
They cost $250 each.
Feed to BIG FISH ONLY!Makes guppys drop
$40 stars which you can collect or use to
feed starcatchers.

Only on Tank 2-2 to 2-5,
these are the equivalent of carnivores.
They cost $750 each.
They eat stars and shoot out $200 diamonds.
They are restricted to the ground.

Only appear Tank 3-1 to 3-5.
Cost $750 each.
Eat guppys and shoot out $150 beetles.
The beetles also feed beetlemunchers.
They are restricted to the ground, so lure
baby guppys in close with food.

Only appear Tank 3-2 to 3-5.
Cost $2000 each. They eat the beetles that
guppycrunchers produce, so buy guppycrunchers first!
They spit out $500 pearls.

Only appear Tank 4-2 to 4-5.
Cost $10000 each. They are MMMAAASSSSSSIIIVVVEEE!!!!
They eat carnivores and drop $2000 treasure chests.
The best fish.

Appear in of tanks,starting with tank 1-2.
The first alien. Lure him into a corner
away from your fish and shoot away!
Gets'full' for a few seconds after eating a fish.

Exactly the same as Sylvester, but with 3 times
as much health. You meet him on tank 1-4.

Big, fat and hungry. You feed him till
he dies. You want full food quality and quantity
for this big guy.
You meet him on tank 2-3.

Beware of the destroyer!
This new alien is stuck to the ground,
and he doesn't hurt fish by touching them,
but he shoots out missiles at your fish!
Shoot the missiles, then shoot him.
You meet him on tank 2-4.

Big, red and the first hard alien.
Doesn't get full up, and ploughs through your fish
like a knife through butter. When it turns blue,
don't shoot it or it regains health.
Lure him into a corner and shoot him til he turns blue,
then stop. It is very tempting to shoot him while blue
because although he doesn't harm your fish, he follows them
to turn red any second.
He has an interesting combo of weapons, a meatknife, a pitchfork
and a.....flyswat?!?!

A big cyclops who is stuck to the ground and shoots out
two energy balls at a time. They only hit fis they aim at
unless you shoot them and then they go green and
go through any fish that's in thier way. They can hurt
ulysses if aimed correctly, though.

Very fast and deadly, a snake's skeleton with a head at both
ends which you have to kill TWICE!!! It is random which head
you will have to shoot first, and the heads will occasionally
change over if you kill it too slowly. Beware, the spine can
kill as well, and if the attacking head is stuck in a
corner the other head can still move around freely.
Be careful with this one.

The boss of the game. He has lots of health and summons
minisylvesters, but does not hurt fish.

Like a sylvester, only smaller and only
takes one hit to kill.


Stinky the Snail
Appearance: Brown shell and slimy green body with eyes(?)
on stalks.
Purpose: Collects coins at bottom of tank.
Quote:'Stinky roams around the bottom of your tank,
catching any coins you may have missed'
Comments: More efficient than Clyde. Very useful on tank 4.

Niko the Oyster
Appearance:Black/dark blue with pink lips.
Purpose: Produces a $250 pearl every so often.
Quote: 'Niko produces pearls that you can click on for a hefty sum
of money'
Comments: Only useful until you have a better pet,
like Meryl (Tank 2-4).

Itchy the swordfish
Appearance: Turquoise not very dangerous
looking swordfish.
Purpose: Helps fight aliens.
Quote:'Itchy helps you by attacking aliens when they appear'
Comments: Does hardly any damage.

Prego the Momma Fish
Appearance: Big, fat guppy. Very feminine with
a blue and whie spotted bandana.
Purpose:Gives a baby fish every 30 secs or so.
Quote:'Prego helps populate your tank by giving birth
to a new baby guppy every so often'
Comments:Very useful until tank 4.

Zorf the Sea Horse
Appearance:Green with tube-like mouth and
purple webbed head.
Purpose:helps feed your fish.
Quote:'Zorf gives a hand in keeping your fish fed'
Comments:Useful in virtual tank.

Clyde the Jellyfish
Appearance: Purple annoyed looking jellyfish.
Purpose:collects your coins.
Quote:'Clyde drifts slowly through your tank,
collecting any coins it passes by'
Comments:good on tank 4, but not as good as stinky.

Vert the Skeleton
Appearance:Like a big guppy, only white. And
evil looking. And dead.
Purpose:drops gold coins.
Quote:'Vert drops coins just like a large guppy, but doesn't
need fish-food to survive'
Comments:Not very useful.

Rufus the Fiddler Crab
Appearance: Orange and red crab with
one claw bigger than the other.
Purpose: Attacks enemies on the ground stongly.
Quote:'Rufus does heavy damage to enemies you've lured
to the bottom of the tank'
Comments: Good on ground enemies like destroyer.

Meryl the Mermaid
Appearance:Purple hair, small shell bikini and
green tail. Why are mermaids supposed to be beutiful? Mutants.
Purpose: makes all guppies in tank drop
2-3 coins within next 5 seconds.
Quote:'Meryl's song cheers up all the guppies in the tank,
making them drop coins faster'.
Comments:Useful with a big tank.

Wadsworth the Whale
Appearance:Very miniature whale.
Purpose: hides baby and medium guppies
in his mouth so that aliens can't get them.
Quote:'Wadsworth helps by sheltering your baby and medium guppys
from hungry aliens'
Comments:almost impossible to lose with this pet.

Seymour the Turtle
Appearance:Depressed looking hunchback turtle.
Purpose: Makes coins and diamonds drift more slowly.
Quote:'Seymour's presence makes coins and diamonds drift at
a slower rate'.
Comments:Much more useful than he seems at
first glance, especially in tank 4.

Shrapnel the Robot Fish
Appearance:Evil mad scientist's dream fish.
Purpose:Drops $150 bombs which blow up fish if
you don't click on them.
Rating: 4/10
Quote:'Shrapnel drops bombs which blow up fish on contact
but give lots of cash when clicked'.
Comments: Not very useful/good.

Gumbo the Angler
Appearance:A black angler fish.
Purpose: Leads all guppies away from aliens.
Quote:'Gumbo attracts guppies by using the lantern on his head,
luring them away from aliens'.
Comments: Use as a replacement for Wadsworth.
The only flaw is when he tries to lead fish away from
2 aliens at once, often getting stuck in between, but this is
easily avoidable by herding the 2 aliens into the same corner.
Also watch out because a deflected ulysses ball will often kill
every single one of your fish.

Buy a normal guppy from the virtual store
and name it Santa. It will drop bags of shells and
sing christmas carols.

Type in 'space' for a space bacground.

Type in 'void' for a blank background.

Type in 'zombie' to make your fish look dead.
You can still see when they're hungry.

Type in 'welovebetatesters' to change breeder noise to a pop.

Type in 'supermegaultra' for a massive prego sound!

Type 'time' to display time.

Type in 'wavy' to make wave effects.

Type 'give' at main menu to give shells
to other users.

Press:up,up,down,down,left,right,left,right,b,a after
getting silver trophy to unlock sandbox mode and
be able to use 11 pets on each level.


Q: Once you type in a cheat, how do you you reverse
A:Type in the cheat again.

Me for writing this FAQ.
You for reading it.

Copyright No1knew (Anthony Vella) 2005
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