Viper V16

Viper V16

17.10.2013 06:25:59
Viper V16 Walkthrough Version 1.0
Author: Christopher Simonson

Table of Contents

i. Foreword
a) Disclaimer
b) Update history
c) Copyright

ii. System requirements

iii. Installation

iv. How to play

v. Rise
a) Premise
b) Battle
c) Endings

vi. Imagine
a) Premise
b) Endings

vii. Contact

i. Foreword

a) Disclaimer

Viper V16 is - in point of fact - a collection of two adults-only command
selection games over two CDs, Rise and Imagine. Viper V16 is produced by Sogna,
and distributed by Hobibox. These games contain graphic sexual and violent
material, and are absolutely not suitable for minors.

b) Update history

January 25th, 2005:
First version of the F.A.Q.

c) Copyright

This F.A.Q. is copyrighted to Christopher Simonson (2005). It may not be
copied, redistributed, or altered without prior permission from the author.

Viper V16 is a trademark of Sogna. All game content is copyright to their
respective holders.

Permission to display this FAQ is given to the following sites:

Any sites other than those listed above are likely using the FAQ without
permission. Before you light the torches and grab the pitchforks, though, drop
me an email. It may be I gave them permission but simply haven't had time to
update the FAQ yet.

ii. System requirements

Minimum requirements:

Windows 95/98
Pentium 133mhz
4x CD-Rom Drive

NOTE: I used Windows XP Home Edition while playing Viper V16, and have
encountered no problems of any kind.

Thank you very much to Sogna and Hobibox for providing the system requirement

iii. Installation

First, you must decide which game to install (Rise or Imagine). Rise is
contained on disc 1, while Imagine is contained on disc 2.

Place the chosen game CD in the CD-rom drive, and wait for the autoplay to
activate. If it fails to do so, manually go in to the CD folder and double
click "V16.EXE" to launch the installation.

A window should appear now. First choose your language from the drop down menu.
Then click "Install", and choose a folder to install the game in. Wait a short
time (actual time depends on your computer), and you're done.

iv. How to play

If you are new to hentai games, you are probably not familiar with the command
selection genre. This section will give a brief overview of how to play this
kind of game, and - more specifically - the controls and layout for Viper V16.

Command selection games are essentially interactive graphical novels or short
stories. Most of the gameplay consists of reading dialogue and descriptions,
mixed with the occasional option or action chosen by the player.

The top half of your interface will be an image or animation. This is a visual
representation of what is going on in the game. Directly below this is a
message area. Here, you will view dialouge, descriptive text, and - where
applicable - make choices that affect the game and ending.

When a conversation or description is visible in the message area, simply left
clicking inside it will forward the message. In some cases, there may be a
forced pause between messages. A small icon in the bottom right hand corner
indicates when messages can be forwarded.

When a choice is visible in the message area, move the mouse cursor over the
option you would like to choose (it will highlight on mouseover) and left click
once to indicate your choice.

In Viper V16, endings vary greatly based on the choices you make. Even small,
seemingly unimportant decisions can drastically alter the outcome of your game.

Some menus do not have a 'back' button. In this case, right clicking allows you
to return to the previous screen.

v. Rise

a) Premise

Rise is a story about three young women - Akira (the woman with red hair), Saki
(the woman with blue hair), and Karin (the woman with yellow hair) - who are
kidnapped from the restaurant where they work by a group of underground beings,
for the purpose of bearing their children. Aside from being waitress' in a
restaurant, no real back story is given for any character other than Akira.

Akira has experience in karate, aikido, and Chinese martial arts, making her a
formidable opponent. She currently works at a restaurant with Saki and Karin as
a waitress because she needs money.

In Rise, you will take the role of Akira, and your actions will be her actions.
While Saki and Karin will play secondary roles, you will have no direct control
over them.

b) Battle

Depending on how you choose to play Rise, you may experience either a small
amount or good deal of battle. Battles begin automatically at key points in the
game, and are fought in turns. First you will choose your attack, then your
opponent will attack you (only if you miss).

During battle, you will see the following:

- Your opponent (shown in the display area).
- Akira's HP (message area, right).
- Your opponent's HP (message area, left).
- Normal attack (message area, bottom left).
- Continued attack (message area, bottom right).

HP - or health points - represent your current physical condition (or the
physical condition of your opponent, as it may be). If your HP reaches 0, you
have lost the battle. If your opponent's HP reaches 0, they have lost the
battle. Attacks are used to lower HP. Akira's HP is automatically restored
between battles.

Normal attack is a quick, low power attack. It seems to have a higher accuracy
than continued attack. The only real purpose of using this I could find is to
forcibly lose a battle.

Continued attack is a prolonged, powerful attack. I recommend always using
this, unless you wish to lose the battle for story purposes.

Once you choose either normal or continued attack, you must then choose one of
three sub-types of attack; from left to right: kick, punch, chop.

Depending on if you choose the correct sub-type of attack or not, you will
either hit the enemy and they will lose some HP (shown via purple lines
flashing across the enemy), or you will miss the enemy, and they will attack
you (shown by various enemy animations).

This process is continued until either Akira's or her opponent's HP reaches 0,
at which point the battle ends.

c) Endings

Rise features a total of 8 endings. You can see which endings you have unlocked
- and replay the choices that lead to them - by going to the title menu and
choosing "REPLAY". Left clicking on a highlighted ending will play that story
from start to finish, with no interaction on behalf of the player, other than
optionally forwarding messages faster than normal by left clicking.

The endings you get are based on the choices you make. Here is a step by step
guide on how to achieve all 8 endings, as well as a brief explanation of each
ending. Please note, there may be more than one way to get any given ending;
these are simply the ways that worked for me.


To make this as simple as possible, only the choices you need to make are
explained. Simply forward through the game text, choosing the appropriate
options as you go along.

Ending #1 (first column):

- Choose "Anyways, to run away"

Result: Akira, Saki and Karin are drugged. Akira is impregnated by the
underground beings.

Ending #2 (second column, top):

- Choose "To observe the situation"
- Choose "Going right"
- Lose the fight with blue Sub. A (may require several tries)

Result: Akira is impregnated by the underground beings. It is inferred that
Saki and Karin are as well.

Ending #3 (second column, middle):

- Choose "To observe the situation"
- Choose "Going left"
- Choose "Going right"
- Lose the fight with green Sub. A (may require several tries)

Result: Akira is impregnated by the underground beings. It is inferred that
Saki and Karin are as well.

Ending #4 (second column, bottom)

- Choose "To observe the situation"
- Choose "Going left"
- Choose "Going right"
- Win the fight with green Sub. A (continued: punch, chop, kick)
- Lose the fight with Boss (use normal kick until you lose)

Result: Saki and Karin are impregnated by the underground beings. Akira is kept
as a 'pet' for them.

Ending #5 (third column, top):

- Choose "To observe the situation"
- Choose "Going left"
- Choose "Going right"
- Win the fight with green Sub. A (continued: punch, chop, kick)
- Win the fight with Boss (continued: kick, punch, punch, kick)

Result: Saki, Karin, and Akira are impregnated by the underground beings, and
becomes slaves to them via mind control.

Ending #6 (third column, bottom):

- Choose "To observe the situation"
- Choose "Going left"
- Choose "Going left"
- Win the fight with green Sub. A (continued: punch, chop, kick)
- Win the fight with Boss (continued: kick, punch, punch, kick)

Result: Saki is impregnated by the underground beings. Boss agrees to set all
three of you free, but Saki feels it is her destiny to help the underground
people, and chooses to stay behind. Several months later she appears in the
restaurant with Boss, carrying an infant.

Ending #7 (fourth column, bottom):

- Choose "To observe the situation"
- Choose "Going right"
- Win the fight with blue Sub. A (continued: kick, chop)
- Choose "Going left"
- Win the fight with green Sub. A (continued: punch, chop, kick)
- Lose the fight with Boss (use normal kick until you lose)

Result: Saki and Akira are set free, however Karin is impregnated by the
underground beings, and stays underground with them.

Ending #8 (fourth column, bottom):

- Choose "To observe the situation"
- Choose "Going right"
- Win the fight with blue Sub. A (continued: kick, chop)
- Choose "Going left"
- Win the fight with green Sub. A (continued: punch, chop, kick)
- Win the fight with Boss (continued: kick, punch, punch, kick)

Result: Boss agrees to set all three of you free, but Saki feels for the plight
of the underground people, and chooses to stay behind to help them. Several
months later she appears in the restaurant with Boss, carrying an infant.

vi. Imagine

a) Premise

In Imagine, you play the young man Io. He's a college student studying
programming, and has an interest in games and girls.

You will have the chance to meet and court three young women at your school:
Haruka, a cute blue-haired young woman who wants to be an actress; Takako, a
somewhat tomboyish blonde-haired woman who wants to be a singer; and Nami, a
shy brunette who wants to be a voice actress.

Which girl you end up with - if any - depends on your choices throughout the
game. Be careful, as not all choices have an obvious impact.

b) Endings

Imagine features a total of 6 endings. You can see which endings you have
unlocked - and replay the choices that lead to them - by going to the title
menu and choosing "REPLAY". Left clicking on a highlighted ending will play
that story from start to finish, with no interaction on behalf of the player,
other than optionally forwarding messages faster than normal by left clicking.

The endings you get are based on the choices you make. Here is a step by step
guide on how to achieve all 6 endings, as well as a brief explanation of each
ending. Please note, there may be more than one way to get any given ending;
these are simply the ways that worked for me.

The character you end the story with is listed at the top of each ending
description. As a side note; when you see something like (Haruka - Takako)
listed next to an ending, it means you start off on the path towards being with
Haruka, but swing over to Takako before the end of the story.


To make this as simple as possible, only the choices you need to make are
explained. Simply forward through the game text, choosing the appropriate
options as you go along.

Ending #1 (Haruka)

- Choose "Go to school"
- Choose "move on"
- Choose "Towards own class."
- Choose "Talk to HAruka"
- Choose "Move on"
- Choose "move on"
- Choose "Towards the music classroom."
- Choose "Talk to Takako."
- Choose "Move on"
- Choose "move on"
- Choose "Towards the recording room."
- Choose "Talk to Nami"
- Choose "Move on"
- Choose "Playing"
- Choose "go to school"
- Choose "behave seriously"
- Choose "Go to school"
- Choose "Answer the phone"
- Choose "Don't go to school"
- Choose "Go to school"

Result: You confess your feelings to Haruka, and you hook up with her.

Ending #2 (Haruka - Takako - Haruka)

- Choose "Go to school"
- Choose "move on"
- Choose "Towards own class."
- Choose "Talk to HAruka"
- Choose "Move on"
- Choose "move on"
- Choose "Towards the music classroom."
- Choose "Talk to Takako."
- Choose "Move on"
- Choose "move on"
- Choose "Towards the recording room."
- Choose "Talk to Nami"
- Choose "Move on"
- Choose "Playing"
- Choose "go to school"
- Choose "behave seriously"
- Choose "Go to school"
- Choose "Answer the phone"
- Choose "Don't go to school"
- Choose "Don't go"
- Choose "I need Haruka"

Result: You tell Takako you were with Haruka, which hurts her, and causes her
to admit her feelings for you. In the end, you confess your feelings to Haruka,
and hook up with her.

Ending #3 (Haruka - Takako)

- Choose "Go to school"
- Choose "move on"
- Choose "Towards own class."
- Choose "Talk to HAruka"
- Choose "Move on"
- Choose "move on"
- Choose "Towards the music classroom."
- Choose "Talk to Takako."
- Choose "Move on"
- Choose "move on"
- Choose "Towards the recording room."
- Choose "Talk to Nami"
- Choose "Move on"
- Choose "Playing"
- Choose "go to school"
- Choose "behave seriously"
- Choose "Go to school"
- Choose "Answer the phone"
- Choose "Don't go to school"
- Choose "Don't go"
- Choose "I need Takako"

Result: You tell Takako you were with Haruka, which hurts her, and causes her
to admit her feelings for you. In the end, you fall in love with Takako, and
hook up with her.

Ending #4 (Takako)

- Choose "Go to school"
- Choose "move on"
- Choose "Towards own class."
- Choose "Talk to HAruka"
- Choose "Move on"
- Choose "move on"
- Choose "Towards the music classroom."
- Choose "Talk to Takako."
- Choose "Move on"
- Choose "move on"
- Choose "Towards the recording room."
- Choose "Talk to Nami"
- Choose "Move on"
- Choose "Playing"
- Choose "go to school"
- Choose "go and play"
- Choose "Assault"

Result: You confess your feelings to Takako, and hook up with her.

Ending #5 (Nami)

- Choose "Go to school"
- Choose "move on"
- Choose "Towards own class."
- Choose "Talk to HAruka"
- Choose "Move on"
- Choose "move on"
- Choose "Towards the music classroom."
- Choose "Talk to Takako."
- Choose "Move on"
- Choose "move on"
- Choose "Towards the recording room."
- Choose "Talk to Nami"
- Choose "Move on"
- Choose "Be serious"
- Choose "go to school"
- Choose "behave seriously"
- Choose "Go to school"
- Choose "Don't assault"

Result: Takako is saddened because you don't see her as a woman. You confess
your feelings to Nami, and hook up with her.

Ending #6 (Takako - No girl)

- Choose "Go to school"
- Choose "move on"
- Choose "Towards own class."
- Choose "Talk to HAruka"
- Choose "Move on"
- Choose "move on"
- Choose "Towards the music classroom."
- Choose "Talk to Takako."
- Choose "Move on"
- Choose "move on"
- Choose "Towards the recording room."
- Choose "Talk to Nami"
- Choose "Move on"
- Choose "Be serious"
- Choose "go to school"
- Choose "behave seriously"
- Choose "Go to school"
- Choose "Assault"

Result: You hook up with Takako, but then you try to hook up with Nami as well.
Nami saw Takako coming out of your apartment, and rebuffs you. When you go to
school the next day, none of the three girls - including Takako - want anything
to do with you.

vii. Contact

If you would like to use this walkthrough on another site, if you notice any
errors or omissions, or if you have any questions or comments, please feel free
to contact me at the email below.
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