Heroes Chronicles - Master of the Elements

Heroes Chronicles - Master of the Elements

17.10.2013 14:26:05
Heroes Chronicles: Masters of the Elements FAQ
Table of Contents

1.Version History
3.F.A.Q (may be updated)
4.General Tips
5.Troop and Town Stats (incomplete)
7.List of Artifacts (incomplete)
8.Spell List (incomplete)
9.Legal Stuff

I. Version History
Version .125-February 16, 2005 YAY! I have begun my first (FIRST) FAQ. I got
to the first mission in the walkthrough so far, will update.

Version .25- February 24, 2005 Okay, finished mission two, updated troop
and city stat list. Next update should contain
spell and artifact lists that arw about half

II. Introduction

Heroes Chronicles is an old game, made in 2000, but awesome. I was introduced
to Heroes Chronicles via Warlords of the Wasteland. I own both Warlords and
Masters of the Elements, the game this FAQ is written on. In this FAQ I
will give you a walkthrough of the game’s eight missions, general tips,
and a list of all artifacts and spells that I have found. Now, without
further adieu, my FAQ!
III. F.A.Q (Frequently Asked Questions)

NOTE: I know some of these questions have very obvious answers, but for the
sake painstaking completion, I ask and answer them.

General Questions

Q: Can I copy your guide onto other internet sites?

A: NO. You can only read this on GAMEFAQS for your personal use.

Q: Why did you write a guide for a VERY old game that has no other FAQS and
has a dead board?

A: Because it is a great game.

Q: Would you recommend getting all of the other Heroes Chronicles games?


Your Kingdom

Q: What types of towns are there in Masters of the Elements?

A: I have so far recorded four types; Conflux, Inferno, Dungeon, Tower.

Q: What about Castles, Strongholds, Ramparts, etc... Those appear in other

A: I have gotten to mission five, and I have not seen any
other types of towns.

Q: I fast forwarded through your guide and you refer to terms like
-Consolidate- and -Homeland-. What do you mean?

A: Consolidate means establishing control over your starting area which is
your Homeland. You usually establish these borders by yourself.
Consolidation is ALWAYS the first part of the game.

Q: AHHH! My kingdom is getting too big! How do I keep track of it all!

A: Normally you will be shown enemy heroes that enter your field of
vision, so you can keep track of invasions. There is also a neat
button in the top left of your panel called -Kingdom Overview-.
This shows you all of your mines, your income, all of your heroes
and their troops, stats, and artifacts. Use it.

Q: My Empire’s size is giving me trouble visiting creature
dwellings, or water mills/windmills, or even reinforcing
my main armies! HELP!

A: Have your weak captains that won’t follow you to the next
scenario do the menial tasks. When your armies are hurting,
or are preparing for a major offensive, have them return for troops.


Q: These events are annoying! They take my resources! Do they
do ANYTHING useful?

A: Yes they do. Certain events give you resources and they
explain the storyline. Read them, sometimes they’re interesting.


Q: In mission one I cannot build a mage’s guild. Can I ever build one?

A: Not in mission one. Even though Tarnum caves in eventually, you still
an’t build a mage guild until mission two.

Q: Should I strive to build mage guild level five? If so, then why?

A: Yes you should. In each of the elemental planes, you can get all
of the spells of that element, thus you can get a HUGE arsenal of a
wesome magic. Also, you must build a library.

Q: Who should be my main magic user?

A: Tarnum. Tarnum appears in every mission, so he can amass a lot of spells,
and he learns the four magic skills.

Q: What ARE the four magic skills? What are their uses?

A: They are; Fire Magic, Earth Magic, Air Magic, and Water Magic.
They reduce the spell cost of that type of magic and make them a
lot better. For example; Lightning Bolt does a lot more damage,
while dimension door can be used four times a day instead of once.

Q: Do the elemental planes have any effect on magic?

A: Yes. When on elemental terrain, you will receive the expert level magic
skill of that element. For example, when on clouds, you receive expert
air magic while on the clouds.


A: A double edged sword. Chain lighting hits five units and does less
damage for each unit. So an enchanter that is hit last will receive
a LOT less damage than a storm elemental that is hit first.
If it is used AGAINST you, then you just have to bite the
bullet and rebuild your army, though there is an artifact that renders you
immune to the spell. It is the Chain of Negativity.


Q: Enchanters are quite expensive. Are they worth it?

A: OH YEAH. Enchanters can only be made by Tarnum, but cast good spells
on your entire army or bad spells on your enemy’s entire army every turn.
They take a chunk out of your funds early on, but make it quite easy to
squash your enemy and expand your empire.

Q: The upgraded units cost a lot more in the long run. Are they
good enough to be worth it?

A: Again, yes! Several examples;

Gremlin/Master Gremlin: Masters are ranged, making them deadly.
Gold Golem/Diamond Golem: Diamond golems have 95% spell resistance!
Giant/Titan: Titans are ranged and have 300 HP compared to giant’s 190 HP.

In general, the upgraded versions do more damage or are faster or
are ranged, etc... Besides that, they look cooler.

Q: What is this thing -Troops of three alignments-?
Would you suggest alignment mixing?

A: It means that you have troops that are a product of three towns.
It’s bad because it decreases luck or morale (I forgot which).
Mix guys of only two towns. Many troops from different towns compliment
each other by having abilities like;
No melee penalty, ranged attack, spell resist, etc...

Q: Morale? Luck? What do these mean?

A: Morale represents the happiness/mood of your troops. High morale will
allow you to attack twice sometimes. Low morale will sometimes make your
guys freeze and lose their turn. Luck is self explanatory. Good luck will
sometimes allow your troops to do double damage. Bad luck will sometimes
make them do half damage.

Q: How do I increase my luck or morale?

A: Leadership is a skill that increases morale, while luck is a skill that
increases luck. There are also places that do these things.
They will be described later.


Q: Can you list all the artifacts you know of?

A: There is a section for that.

Q: How do I combine artifacts?

A: Certain artifacts can only be made by combining two certain artifacts.
To do this, just equip all of the required artifacts.

Q: What is the best artifact?

A: As I have not yet completed the game, I do not know.

Q: Would you suggest getting all the artifacts you can?

A: Yes. Artifacts aid you greatly by increasing stats,
giving you special abilities, etc...

Q: Do any artifacts transfer to other scenarios?

A: Yes. Several of these are; The Orb of Firmament, The Orb of Driving Rain,
and some others that I will put in here later.

One Last Question...

Q: I need more info on how to maintain my kingdom, strategies, etc...

A: Look in the tips section.
IV. Tips

--Might Makes Right--

Attack skill increases the damage inflicted by all units. So you formerly
sissy troops will do devastating damage in large numbers.
Believe me, it works. It might be a little hard to have a
lot of this due to the fact that Tarnum
is now a wizard versus his former barbarian self. But here are some ways
to increase attack;

-School of War-: For 1,000 gold, you can upgrade your attack by 1.
-Arena-: You can upgrade your attack by 2 for free!
-Mercenary Camps-: Free upgrade by 1.

There may be other ways. Search every stone!

--The Best Offense, Is a Good Defense--

While attack skill increases damage, defense skill reduces
the damage of your enemies. Using this in combo
with attack skill works obvious wonders.
Same problem with defense upgrade as most of your guys are magic users.
But, again, here are some good ways to upgrade defense;

-School of War-: 1,000 gold for +1 to defense.
-Arena-: Free +2 to defense!
-Marletto Tower-: Free +1 upgrade.
-Cage of Warlords-: Built in Fortress towns, these upgrade your
defense by one.

--The Power of Horde--

This is the absolute most obvious tip ever. More troops mean more
damage and longer periods between refresh. Meaning you can go longer
without having to return to your city to reinforce. Tips for horde making;

-Castles-: Castles double base creature growth.
Meaning that towns with castles
make twice the amount of troops per week that towns with measly forts do.
Add On: In every town, there is one type of building that increases the
growth of a certain type of creature by a certain amount. For example,
sculptor’s wings increase stone/obsidian gargoyle production by 4 (I think).
-Creature Dwellings-: Visit these places scattered across the map, and they
will give you basic versions of your troops. Then bring them to your towns
and upgrade them. Quite useful.
-Size Matters-: As you expand your kingdom’s borders, you get more towns.
Though some of these towns are bad and can’t build a lot of buildings,
they can still build the basics. Exploit all of your towns and use their
troops to build a horde.

--Efficency vs. Horde--

Using the troops you have efficently can be better than an army with endless
amounts of troops. Or you can use both and win easily. Here are
some tips to increase efficency;

-Which One?- Find the stack that is the greatest threat to you and target it
until it is down. Would you try to take down one hundred weak pixies or
one hundred ranged storm elementals?
-Magic For Dummies- Use magic well. Cure your important troops and
use awesome spells.

--Knowledge Is Power--

Spell power increases damage, but what does this matter if you have almost no
spell points to use your great spells? So you need to get good knowledge to
supply your vast array of spells. Need help? Here it is;

-Wall of Knowledge-: Built in Tower towns, these will increase visiting or
garrisoned heroes knowledge by one.
-School of Magic-: For a price, they increase your knowledge by one.
-Garden of Revelation-: Free +1 upgrade.

--Damage Dealing with Magic--

Spell power increases spell damage. Very useful. Combined with
good knowledge, you can make mages that devastate.
Here are power boosters;

-Star Axis-: The nice astronomers here will increase your spell
power by one for free.
-School of Magic-: For a price, you get a boost to your spell power.


Ah. When your heroes level, they can learn a new ability or upgrade an
existing one. They also receive a +1 stat boost depending on their class.
Experience is obtained thus:

-Tree of Knowledge-: For a fee, and not always gold, they increase your level
by 1 once per hero.
-Fighting-: Winning battles gets you experience.
-Treasure Chests-: When you find a treasure chest that has no
artifact in it, you can take the gold out of it or distribute
it among the common folk for experience. The values of
this are 500, 1000, 1500, or even 2000.

Extra Tip: If a hero who has reached the scenario’s limit on leveling
discovers a treasure chest, don’t waste the chest. Chose the gold instead.

If a level maxed hero finds a Tree of Knowledge, don’t waste your resources.
Use it on other captain’s instead.

--So Let Me Get This Straight, He Walked Into
The City, and They Surrendered?!--

Yah, this can happen. If you have no troops with which to defend your city,
then there isn’t even a completely one sided battle for you to fight,
you just lose the city and all benefits it provides. That is why you
always leave a garrison! This makes it so you at least put up a doomed
fight. If you actually have a good garrison, then you might win the
battle and keep your city. It’s also better to have a good hero in
there, because then you get to use magic (hopefully) and your
abilities might make it easier for victory (hopefully).

--Sharing Is Caring--

Sharing in Heroes Chronicles comes in two varieties.

1)Sharing your precious artifacts. Share your artifacts to people who need
them. After all, what is a low level alchemist going to do with increased
spell power as compared to a level 20 wizard who could use that to
wreak havoc on your foes?

2) Share your rewards gained from buildings. Take heroes you plan on
keeping for the game to places like Arenas and
Schools of Magic to improve their abilities.

--Merchant Empires--

Did you know? The more marketplaces you have, the better rates you get.
So have a marketplace in every town so you can trade for resources
you may not have.

Resource silos! They give you +1 of one or two resources every day.
This is nice so you don’t have to worry about leading dangerous forays
into enemy territory for the sake of capturing and defending a crystal mine.

V. Troop and Town Stats (incomplete)


Towers are magic user towns and you start with them in missions 1 through 5.
Towers are the best town for mages in Masters of the Elements (and indeed
maybe in all of Heroes Chronicles) as they can build mage guilds up
to level five, and have a Library to give more spells.

Defenses: Magi Arrow Towers


-Village Hall-
Cost: Free (you start with it automatically)

Prequisties: None

Use: Allows buildings to be built and produces 500 gold a day for
your kingdom.

-Town Hall- (village hall upgrade)
Cost: 2,500 gold

Prequesites: Tavern

Use: Allows buildings to be built and produces 1,000 gold a day for
your kingdom.

-City Hall- (town Hall upgrade)
Cost: 5,000 gold

Prequesites: Mage Guild Level 1

Use: Allows buildings to be built and produces 2,000 gold a day for
your kingdom.

-Capitol- (city hall upgrade)
Cost: 10,000 gold

Prequesites: Castle

Use: Allows buildings to be built and produces 4,000 gold a day for
your kingdom.

NOTE: You can only have one capitol at a time.

Cost: It is hard to find out, as most cities start with forts. Will
update if I find info, would appreciate any e-mails.

Prequesites: It is hard to find out, as most cities start with forts. Will
update if I find info, would appreciate any e-mails.

Use: Allows more buildings to be built (need to find out, hard for reasons
stated above. Can produce troops, adds minor defenses to city. (gate, walls)

-Citadel- (Fort upgrade)
Cost: 5 ore, 2,500 gold.

Prequesites: None.

Use: Allows more buildings to be built. Adds even more defenses to town.
(One arrow tower, traps, terrain obstacles.). Adds 50% to base creature
Example: +10 with fort becomes +15 with citadel.

-Castle- (citadel upragde)
Cost:10 wood, 10 ore, 5,000 gold.

Prequesites: None.

Use: Allows more buildings to be build. Adds final defeses to town.
(Two more arrow towers, three total) Doubles base creature growth.
Example: +10 with fort becomes +20 with castle.

Cost: 5 wood, 500 gold.

Prequesites: None.

Use: Allows more heroes to be recruited. You can listen to rumors
at the tavern.

Cost: 5 wood, 1,000 gold.

Prequesites: None.

Use: Allows ammo carts to be purchased at your city.

Cost:5 wood, 500 gold.


Use: Can trade resources or gold for other resources or gold.

NOTE: The more market places you have, the better rates you
get on everything.

-Resource Silo- (marketplace upgrade)
Cost:5 ore, 5,000 gold.

Prequesites: Marketplace

Use: Earns +1 gems each day.

NOTE: Resource bonus vaires depending on type of town.

-Mage Guild-
Cost: Level 1: 5 wood, 5 ore, 2,000 gold.
Level 2: 5 wood and ore, 4 of every other resource, 1,000 gold
Level 3: 5 wood and ore, 6 of all other resources, 1,000 gold.
Level 4: 5 wood and ore, 8 of every other resource, 1,000 gold.
Level 5: 5 wood and ore, 10 of every other resource, 1,000 gold.

Use: Teaches visiting or garrisoned heroes the spells kept within.

NOTE: Library must be purchased to fill the guild completely.

Cost: 5 of every resource, 1,500 gold.

Prequesites: Mage Guild Level 1

Use: Adds more spells to Mage Guild.

-Wall of Knowledge-
Cost: 5 ore, 1,000 gold.

Prequesites: Mage Guild Level 1

Use: Gives visiting or garrisoned hero +1 knowledge once in the mission.

NOTE: One time rule only applies to that city, you can use the Wall in
another city.

-Artifact Merchants-
Cost: 10,000 gold

Prequesties: Marketplace

Use: Sells artifacts to visiting or garrisoned hero.

-Lookout Tower-
Cost: 5 wood, 1,000 gold.

Prequesites: Fort

Use: Extends town's line of sight. By a lot.

-Sculptor's Wings-
Cost: 1,000 gold

Prequesites: Workshop

Use: Increases stone/obsidian gargoyle production by 4 per week.

Cost: 5 wood, 5 ore, 300 gold.

Prequesites: None

Use: Produces gremlins every week.

-Upgraded Workshop-
Cost: 1,000 gold.

Prequesites: Workshop

Use: Allows master gremlins to be produced. Allows upgrading of gremlins
to master gremlins.

Cost: 10 ore, 1,000 gold.

Prequesites: Workshop

Use: Allows production of stone gargoyles.

-Upgraded Parapet-

Prequesites: Parapet

Use: Allows obsidian gargoyles to be produced. Allows upgrading of stone
gargoyles to obsidian gargoyles.

-Golem Factory-
Cost: 5 wood, 5 ore, 2,000 gold.

Prequesites: Workshop

Use: Allows stone golems to be produced.

-Upgraded Golem Factory-

Prequesites: Golem Factory

Use: Allows iron golems to be produced. Allows upgrading of stone golems
to iron golems.

-Mage Tower-
Cost: 5 of each resource, 2,500 gold.

Prequesites: Workshop
Golem Factory

Use: Allows magi to be produced.

NOTE: Magi can be upgraded into enchanters by Tarnum.

-Upgraded Mage Tower-

Prequesites: Library
Mage Tower

Use: Allows arch magi to be produced. Allows upgrading of magi into
arch magi.

NOTE: Arch magi can be upgraded into enchanters by Tarnum.

-Altar of Wishes-
Cost: 5 wood and ore, 6 crystal and gems, 3,000 gold.

Prequesites: Workshop
Golem Factory
Mage Tower
Mage Guild LEvel 1

-Upgraded Altar of Wishes-
Cost: 5 wood, 2,000 gold

Prequesites: Altar of Wishes

Use: Allows master genies to be produced. Allows genies to be upgraded
to master genies.

-Golden Pavillion-
Cost: 5 wood and ore, 2 of every other resource, 4,000 gold.

Prequesites: Workshop, Parapet, Golem Factory, Mage Tower, Mage Guild Level 1

Use: Produces naga.

-Upgraded Golden Pavillion-
Cost: 3 mercury, sulfur, crystal, and gems.

Prequesites: Golden Pavillion

Use: Produces queen naga, allows naga to be upgraded to queen naga.

-Cloud Temple-
Cost: 10 wood, ore and gems, 5,000 gold.

Prequesite: All previous creature dwellings, mage guild level 1.

Use: Produces giants.

-Upgraded Cloud Temple-
Cost: 5 wood and ore, 30 gems, 25,000 gold.

Prequesite: Cloud Temple

Use: Produces titans, the Tower's ultimate unit, allows giants to be upgraded
to titans.


-Gremlins/Master Gremlins- ( first creature's stat/second creature's stat,
if there is only one number, than it is for
both the base version and the upgraded version.)

Attack Skill: 3/4
Defense Skill: 3/4
Ranged?: NO/YES
Base Damage: 1-2
Maximum HP: 4
Speed: 4/5

Special Ability: NONE/ Ranged Attacker

-Stone Gargoyles/Obsidian Gargoyles-

SPEED: 6/9

Special Ability: NONE

-Stone Golems/Iron Golems-

Attack Skill: 7/9
Defense Skill: 10/10
Ranged?: NO
Maximum HP: 30/35
Speed: 3/5

Special Ability: Spell Damage Reduction 50%/75%


Attack Skill: 11/12
Defense Skill: 8/9
Ranged?: YES
Base Damage: 7-9
Maximum HP: 25-30
Speed: 5/7

Special Ability: No Melee Penalty
Hero Spells Cost Less

-Genie/Master Genie-

Attack Skill: 12/12
Defense Skill: 12/12
Ranged?: NO
Base Damage: 13-16
Maximum HP: 40
Speed: 7/11

Special Ability: Hates Efreet (both)
Spellcasting: Random Benefit (Master Genie)

-Naga/Queen Naga-

Attack Skill: 16/16
Defense Skill: 13/13
Ranged?: NO
Base Damage: 20/30
Maximum HP: 110
Speed: 5/7

Special Ability: No Enemy Retaliation


Attack Skill: 19/24
Defense Skill: 16/24
Ranged?: NO/YES
Base Damage: 40-60
Maximum HP: 150/300
Speed: 7/11

Special Ability: Mind Spell Immunity (both)
No Melee Penalty (Titan)
Hates Black Dragons (Titan)


VI. Walkthrough (incomplete)

There are eight scenarios in the campaign. In each one you may chose one
of two bonuses before starting. In my guide you will recieve general
tips, and I will describe what you need to do to consolidate and attack,
but only for the first few missions, after that it will become routine.

Scenario 1- The Trouble With Magic

Bounuses: Start with 10 obsidian gargoyales
+1 spell power

I Reccomend: +1 spell power. It stays with you for the game, but the
gargoyles will die quickly and won't transfer to the next scenario.

Ok, first mission is simplicity in itself. Lets start by looking around.
You should have Tarnum (the Wizard!?) and Rissa the Alchemist. Good.
Now lets look at our randomly named Tower. WOW. That sucks. No city hall,
no mage guild, no golden pavillion, no cloud temple. Thats bad.
Get Tarnum and attack the two groups of master gremlins.
They will both join you and get you a strike force. Build your city up so
you can start amassing an invasion army. Take the mines and when you feel
ready, take down the air elementals to the south. The little morons are
guarding a gem pond. Get more troops and take the gold mine to the southwest.
Now continue moving in that direction and visit the windmill.
Move no further or you will be ambushed by air elementals.

Hire two more heroes and pick your favorite one. Now, build your army until
you're satisfied (don't forget that magi need to be in Tarnum's army until
they can be upgraded into enchanters). When you are happy, move West of
the windmill until you are ambushed by air elementals. Kill them with
your deadly and super awesome enchanters. Move further west into a
forest clearing with an alchemist's lab and several magi. Kill the
magi and take the lab. Take any other treasure around. Move North
until you are ambushed yet again by more elementals. When they are
finished, use the Marletto Tower and proceed further north. Take
your two favorite captains to the Tower to upgrade them.
If Tarnum needs more reinforcements give them to him. Now move
North and turn right at an intersection to a mercenary camp.
Have Tarnum and your two good heroes use the camp.

Have Tarmum kill the gold golems to the North and take the gold mine.
Prepare yourself for the assault on the Conflux town. When you are
ready attack teal and kill any of his remaining heroes. If you HAVE
to then go to the south where there is a windmill, a farae ring,
and some more things. Either way, attack the Conflux town. When it falls,
you should win.

Scenario 2- Walking on Clouds

Bonuses: Start with a lookout tower
Start with extra 1,000 gold.

I Reccomend: Lookout tower. The 1,000 gold doesn't really help, and the
lookout tower gives you some early reconissance that is quite useful.

Now, we are on mission two. You should know that there are two level
in this mission, meaning that there is the first map and there is
an "underworld", another level that is accessed by a two way monolith.
Your enemy is in the underworld and the Monolith is in the North.

Ok, now that that is cleared up, lets look at what we have. You should
have two captains along with Tarnum if you hired two during mission one.
You should have another (randomly named) Tower. Look inside. Yay! We can
build mage guilds! But we still cannot build golden pavillions
or cloud temples.

Start building your city with the usual creature dwellings. Tarnum should
start with about nine enchanters. Take Tarnum and kill the air elementals
so you can take the nearby mine. Don't forget to build a mage guild
(and try to get it to level three at least.) Take down all the wandering
creatures and tax the windmill and water mill. To the East is
a crystal cave and a trading post. The post acts as a market place
but counts itself along with all other marketplaces to increase your
discount. (So if you have one marketplace and you trade at the trading post
it will give you a discount as if you had two.) If you have money troubles,
build a Capitol ASAP and look for a gold mine slightly Northwest of your

When you feel ready, march north. Recruit another captain to do the menial
tasks (visiting mills, visiting unit making buildings, reinforcing your
armies, etc...) Clear the place out and ensure that Tarnum and your
two best captains visit the Arena (northwest) and the School of Magic
(slightly to the Arena's East) Maintain a garrison because your enemies
will attack the overworld and make use of a one way monolith...
that exits right near your town.

Keep marching East and share the bonuses with your other two
captains. When you reach the far East, you will find a Tower. Take it
and build it up. To the south is a School of War, so make good use of that
too. Build your armies and choose your weakest captain (that your going to
take to the next mission) to attack the underworld. The Monolith is
in the North.

Enter the Plane of Air, and notice it is all clouds. No worry. Keep in mind
that all your heroes have Expert Air Magic while on clouds. But so does
your enemy. To the Direct West is a collection of
Altars of Wishes, all guarded by genies. You will have a popup saying
that 5 genies join you. Great. Move north and notice a school of war,
an arena, a Marletto Tower, and a Rally Flag. Use them with Tarnum and
you two favorite captains. You should see a lot of Air Altars. Recruit
the air elementals if you wish. The Conflux Town is in the extreme Northwest.

Explore around and do not leave until you are sure that you have these two
artifacts; The Orc of Firament, and the Book of Air. MAKE SURE! When you are
ready, exterminate teal's heroes and take the Conflux town. Victory is yours!

VII. List of Artifacts (incomplete)
*will be done at game's end*
VIII. Spell List (incomplete)

*Will be done after I beat mission 5, I should have all or most
of the spells by then.

IX. Legal Stuff

This document may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal or private use. It may not be placed on any web site or
otherwise distributed publicly without advance written. Use of this
guide on any other web site or as part of any public display is
strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

To contact me: email is farae_slayer@yahoo.com

Thank you for reading. I would appreciate any comments or questions
you have to offer.
Please note something of the FAQ in your email title.

Credit Is Due to...

Mom and Dad- For buying me the game

3DO and New World Computing- for making the game and writing the manual

GAMEFAQS- for existing

My Friend Paul- for introducing me to this awesome game!

My Friend Sean- for letting Paul borrow the game
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