Tribes - Vengeance

Tribes - Vengeance

29.09.2013 12:40:07
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Copyright 2005
Version: FINAL\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Last updated: 6/7/05/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

This FAQ is a proud user of the quickfind function of computers.
Press Ctrl+F to bring up a small panel and type the section number
plus the sub-section number and click the "find" or "search" button.
If a window does not appear, and you are useing Windows Me, you can
highlight the entire FAQ and copy it to notepad. There you can click
the Search button on the toolbar, then click "Find". You can also use
Windows XP, but the formatting is screwed up if you do. (Quick Hint:
You can highlight this entire FAQ with a computer that uses XP, then
copy it to the XP notepad and it will look all screwed up. But if you
save it to a floppy and take it to a ME notepad, it'll look fine.)
(Another way to make this look good on an XP computer is to copy it
to notepad as before, save it, then open it with internet explorer.)
1.0: Intro. \__________________________________
1.1: Moving About. \
1.2: Energy. |
1.3: Jets. |
----->1.3.1: Advanced Jets. |
1.4: Skiing. |
----->1.4.1: Skiing Effectively. |
________________________ |
2.0: Packs. \__________________________________|
2.1: Repair. \
----->2.1.1: Why Use The Repair Pack? |
2.2: Shield. |
----->2.2.1: Why Use The Shield Pack? |
2.3: Speed. |
----->2.3.1: Why Use The Speed Pack? |
2.4: Energy. |
----->2.4.1: Why Use The Energy Pack? |
________________________ |
3.0: Armor. \__________________________________|
3.1: Heavy. \
----->3.1.1: Why Use The Heavy Armor? |
3.2: Medium. |
----->3.2.1: Why Use The Medium Armor? |
3.3: Light. |
----->3.3.1: Why Use The Light Armor? |
________________________ |
4.0: Weapons. \__________________________________|
4.1: Grenades. \
4.2: Energy Blade. |
4.3: Spinfusor Disc Launcher. |
4.4: Chaingun. |
4.5: Blaster Shotgun. |
4.6: Grenade Launcher. |
4.7: Grappler. |
4.8: Burner. |
4.9: Rocket Pod Launcher. (Rocket Pod) (RPL) (Pod) |
________________________ |
5.0: Special Weapons. \__________________________________|
5.1: Da Jackal Sniper Rifle. \
5.2: Buckler. |
5.3: Mortar Launcher. |
________________________ |
6.0: Turrets. \__________________________________|
6.1: Anti-Aircraft. \
6.2: Sentry. (Double Chaingun.) |
6.3: Burner. |
6.4: Mortar. |
________________________ |
7.0: Deployables. \__________________________________|
7.1: Sentry Turret. \
7.2: Mine. |
7.3: Repairer. |
7.4: Inventory Station. |
7.5: Catapault. |
________________________ |
8.0: Vehicles. \__________________________________|
8.1: Rover. \
8.2: Jump Tank. |
8.3: Fighter Pod. |
8.4: Assualt Ship. |
________________________ |
9.0: Strategic Capping. \__________________________________|
9.1: Player Stratagies. \
9.2: Vehicle Stratagies. |
9.3: Stratagies Submitted By Other Players. |
________________________ |
10.0: More E-Mail info. \__________________________________|

Version 1.0: Started FAQ.
Version 1.1: Got rid of "tab" spaces, due to format problems on
certain computers, and added section 1.4
Version 1.2: Added "Stratagies submitted by other players" area in
section 9.
Version 1.5: Yes, i know it's a large version jump, but i added the
Notes section. (also fixed "Last Updated" date.)
Version 1.7: Made various updates, corrections, re-formats and other
small things.
Version 2.2: Corrected some typos, fixed a few other small things,
Broke section 8 into smaller sections for easier
navigation, Also added section 1.2.1. (is now section
Version 2.9: Made some major changes in section 1, fixed some
false info in section 3.1, which was "more info on the
deployable repairer in section 8: deployables", which i
must have forgotten to add that entire section, it will
be added soon.
Version 5.0: Incredibly, insanely huge changes in locations of info.
Moved Vehicles towards the end, put Packs before Armor,
Added Deployables, which is incomplete, and made several
other large changes of which i cannot remember. (also
fixed the "last updated" thing at the top again.)
(updated the same day as version 2.9, that's alot!)
Version 6.5: Made and altered more sections, as well as fixed yet
another unmade section, "Grenades" in the weapons
section. Boy, i missed alot of stuff...also made
various updates according to my recent experiences.
Version 7.5: Deployables is now complete! Also made
some other corrections as usual.
Version 8.0: ASCII ART GALORE! Thanks to a ascii art generator =P
Thanks to for the link. Send
feedback on the art style. Not finished yet, however,
so check back in a day or two.
Version 9.0: Alright, ASCII art is staying, but it hasn't been updated
yet. Instead, i added dividers to paragraphs and fixed
QuickFind. The problem was i had replaced the headers of
info (i.e. 1.0: Intro) with the ASCII art, thusly the
quickfinder could only find the ones in the table of
contents. I also fixed small things like typos. Please
see the email section again, as i have now changed email
Version 9.5: Made yet more adjestments in info, fixed tons of
unnoticed typos (send me email about this! I can't do it
all myself, guys.), and, once again, no update on ASCII
art. Grr...almost to 10.0.....
Version 10.0: Finally, i have finished the FAQ! (right on 10.0)
Prepare to be bombarded by a rant about what i have and
have not done. I decided not to put all of that other
ASCII art because it would simply make the FAQ less
convenient on terms of navigation. I removed one peice
of ASCII. I also added a nice bit of eye-candy on the
table of contents, as well as new section dividers
and yet more typo fixes and very small info updates.
This is the final version of the FAQ, but i may release
one more version, which will contain absolutely no typos.
Version FINAL: No typos to my knowledge, and no more updating for me!
Please not that i will no longer post stratagies, but
you may still ask questions, andi will still answer.
Happy Gameing!
Alright, this is the last version of the FAQ, hope you enjoyed
reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it.
Notice that at the same time i released this, i released three
brand new, out of the box, gametype FAQs for this game, including
guides for ARENA, CTF, and FUEL. See y'all later, and game hard.
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/_/_(_)____/ /___/ /_/ /_/\__/ /_/ \____/

1.0: Intro.\
Let's start off with why I made this FAQ.
I made this FAQ to help people understand the uses of certain weapons,
armor and vehicles. I hope this FAQ helps as I have put alot of time
into it and would be dissappointed if it was for nothing. I must also
add that all information is of my experience. Also keep in mind that I
am also a big time gamer and absolutely LOVE this kind of game, so i
know my stuff better than most, or so I'm told. And yes, one more
thing to keep in mind, this is the veterans view of these weapons, if
you are a "nOOb", i recommend you read this to better understand the
uses of these weapons and possibly formulate better stratagies and
become what we know as "veterans" like myself. This FAQ is also
based for CTF fanatics use. Now, on with the show!

1.1: Moving About. }
Moving is simple, but can be difficult if useing the arrow keys.
I prefer to use the "WASD" controls to move, because they are easily
accessable and are near all of the other command keys. Try to make a
habit of moving in directions you're not looking , kinda like a tank.
If you do this, you'll be able to aim behind you while flying through
the air, giving you more chances to fire at chasers, etc..

1.2: Energy. }
Energy powers your jets, along with some of your weapons as well.
It recharges over time when not being used, but can run out easily,
so it is better to manage it, rather than use it as much as you can.
Instead of useing your jets consantly, try to use short, quick bursts
to decrease energy useage, and when you land, try to land at an
incline, and use smaller, shorter bursts, and try holding down the ski
button if you need to keep going, because you usually have some good
momentum left over after you land.

1.3: Jets. }
Jets allow you to fly, in case you couldn't figure that out yourself.
They run off energy, and use it rapidly at a steady rate until the jet
button is released, and the jets are turned off.

1.3.1: Advanced Jets. >
The first rule of jetting is "watch your energy", which i'm sure you
can figure out it's meaning by yourself, so i won't get detailed about
that. You need to constantly watch your energy, however, because when
you run out in mid-air, you usually take extensive damage. Another
thing to point out, is when you go in for a landing, try landing on a
slope similar to your current angle, or at least level off, and instead
of laying on the jets, try quick, short bursts to conserve your energy.
Remember, energy management plays a very important role in
Tribes: Vengeance, and you'll find your head in a feild if you stay on
the ground too long. I would also recommend leaving the jet
command on the right mouse button, as it's easily accessable,
which is important because your jets are undoubtedly
your most important tool in the game.

1.4: Skiing. }
Skiing is more effective than you might think, and will allow you to go
faster than anything in the game if done right. The spacebar is the
best place to put the command in my opinion, because it is easily
accessable and will allow you to press any other buttons while you
hold it down.

1.4.1: Sking Effectively. >
The most basic way to ski is like so: Fly up and find a
ravine-like terrain area, then drop down into it on one side and hit
the spacebar, once you reach the bottom and start going up the other
side, turn on your jets while holding down the spacebar and fly up the
other side. You will spend alot of time practiceing this, and you
should, as it is one of the most important actions in this entire
game, and will help you win more games. That's really all i can put
into words about skiing, so you might just want to experiment with
differant terrain types. Good Luck.

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_ __/__/ /_/ / _ ____// /_/ // /__ _ ,< _(__ )
/____/(_)____/ /_/ \__,_/ \___/ /_/|_| /____/

2.0: Packs.\
Each pack has a Passive and an Active effect. You get the passive effect
just by wearing the pack, but the active effect must be activated and
only works for a period of time once activated. However, the packs
DO recharge. Choose wisely, as only one pack may be worn at a time.

2.1: Repair. }
Passive: You slowly recharge health, but too slow to make much of a

Active: All teammates and team deployables get repaired at a good
rate if they are near you. Lasts a fairly long time.

This pack may be found in any base at the "Emergany Station" in case
your generator is destroyed, because if that happens, all deployable
stations close, and inventory stations stop working. You can get this
pack from a inventory station as well, and also comes as a deployable.
More info on the deployable repairer in section 7: Deployables.

2.1.1: Why Use The Repair Pack? >
The repair packs passive effect is quite useless because it repairs at
a very slow rate, but the active effect is quite useful as it repairs
teammates and team deployables at a good steady rate, as well as all
other items within your teams base that can be destroyed.

2.2: Shield. }
Passive: Slightly reduces all damage recieved.

Active: Greatly reduces all damage recieved, but for a short time.

I honestly wouldn't go for this pack unless you'r part of an ambush
party, reinforcment party, heavy defense, or if you're going in to
take out deployed sentrys or other defenses.

2.2.1: Why Use The Sheild Pack? >
This pack has a few good uses, but it does require timing. Most
people frown upon the usage of it, but other people that still
remember that it's just a game could care less. The only time you'll
use this is multiplayer. An example of it's usage is on the Winterlake
level. The flags are in a small space, and when you try to cap, they
just have to shoot inside with any explosive and they'll surely cut
down your health if not kill you. To avoid this, use the shield pack
just before the explosive hits/explodes, and it should keep
it from hurting you entirely, or cut down on the damage greatly.

2.3: Speed. }
Passive: Faster run speed

Active: Much faster reload speed

2.3.1: Why Use The Speed Pack? >
The speed pack actually increases your running-walking speed by quite
alot, and when activated you can reload much faster, which allows you
to fire many more rounds of ammunition/energy than before. The only
downside is when you use energy weapons, and you lose more energy, so
you shouldn't use this with an energy weapon in an air fight, or when
you're trying to run away for whatever reason. This is great for
heavys, however, because they can really use the extra speed, and they
will certainly be on the ground since they can't stay in the air as
long as meduims and lights can. Another nice part when using this with
heavy armor is the faster reload active effect. Rapid-fire mortars,

2.4: Energy. }
My personal favorite

Passive: Improved energy recharge

Active: Gives an awesome speed boost in the direction you're facing.

Absolutely AWESOME for lights and people useing energy-based weapons.

2.4.1: Why Use The Energy Pack? >
The energy pack is my personal favorite of all the packs. It's passive
effect increases your energy recharge by a good rate and the active
effect gives a wonderful speed boost which paired with the passive
effect and when used correctly can greatly increase your survival rate
and speed. An example of useage, once again, is in a cappers position.
when you are going to go get the enemy flag, it's nice to go as fast
as you can, because there really is such a thing as confusion in this
game. But, when you're on your way there, use the pack, too, and you
should go much faster. Once you get the flag, haul ass back to base.
By now, the pack should have charged, so use it again. If it charges
up again, use it again, just remember to go the right direction,
because it gets difficult to steer at high speeds, so try getting a
grappler, they help.

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3.0: Armor.\
Armor allows for many differant variations of movement and weapons,
and has a way of beating and being beaten by each and every
weapon/armor combination weather it be a light armored person carrying
a spinfusor, chaingun and blaster, to a medium armored person carrying
a grenade launcher, burner and buckler. Choose your favorite and do
some experimenting to get a good feel for it, but be sure to add some
variety, because there's no way you'll get good at the game useing the
same thing over and over again.

3.1: Heavy. }
The heavy armor has a very high health rating, and is the only armor
that can use the mortar launcher.

3.1.1: Why use The Heavy Armor? >
The heavy armor can do just about anything other armors can do, plus
the ability to use the mortar. The nly problem is the speed, so throw
on the speed pack to help that out, and get rapid-fire mortars with
the active effect. Heavys are always either on the defense or on the
offense, but are usually seen on offense. They can take out defenses
the best, and rape the base faster.

3.2: Medium. }
The medium armor has a decent health rating, and is the only armor
that can use the buckler.

3.2.1: Why Use The Medium Armor? >
Medium armor is the most balanced armor and highly useful when
stationed in the driver seat of vehicles or turrets, because they
have the highest health rating next to heavy, and heavys can only be
gunners. They have decent speed and health, as well as the ability to
carry the Buckler.

3.3: Light. }
The light armor has the smallest health rating, and is the only
armor that can use the sniper rifle (known in the instruction manual
as "Da Jackal Sniper Rifle")

3.3.1: Why Use The Light Armor? >
Light armor is the Fastest armor, and when coupled with the energy
pack, even faster. A good tactic is to drop off from a vehicle,
depending on how many people are on your team. It's best to have at
least three people on your team, so that any vehicle will work, but if
it's just you they will still work, just not as effectively. One way
is to jump into a Fighter Pod and fly straight into the enemy flag and
jump off at the last second, grab the flag and run like hell to your
flag while some heavys wait behind objects while watching their radar
for you so they can jump out and get rid of enemies following you back
to your base. You do, however, need to watch your health, as it has a
very low health rating. This armor seems best when paired with the
energy pack, as it's main advantage is speed.

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4.0: Weapons.\
Weapons, you won't succeed in much without them in this game.
In order to become a good player you will need to master many if not
all of them.

4.1: Grenades. }
Grenades don't have many uses, but one that stands out is the ability
to destroy generators and sensors faster, the trick to doing it is to
throw a grenade, and fire a disc at it at the right time so that they
both explode at the same time, which seems to be the best way
to take out the generator/sensor because of it's sheilds.

4.2: Energy Blade. }
Useless, even for close range because it deals very little damage,
and should only be used as a last resort if used at all. I
recommend you run rather than use this.
4.3: Spinfusor Disc Launcher. }
Basically everyones favorite.
It fires a disc at a fair speed, then the disc explodes on impact.
If it explodes, and it's not my ass, i like it.
Especially when it's a big explosion and when it is capable of
one hit kills and gives you points for having enough skill to
hit enemies with the disc while they are in mid-air.

------------- \
4.4: ChainGun. }
The chaingun is useful when the enemy is too far to hit with a disc.
Switch to this to dish out decent damage at a short to medium distance.
The bad thing about it is it over-heats, which causes it to lose

4.5: Blaster Shotgun. }
The blaster is an energy-based weapon, if your energy is too low, it
will not fire. However, the blaster also has a shotgun-style firing
path (Hence the name), meaning that it is still useful at short to
medium ranges, and is more effective at close range.

4.6: Grenade Launcher. }
Nothin' like a good ol' 'Nade Launcher.
Useful for taking out turrets, but not as much as the Mortar is.
Also useful for bouncing grenades into small spots you wouldn't
normally enter, such as a room full of turrets or mines, but otherwise
useless against humans, unless they're stationary.

4.7: Grappler. }
The grappler is considered useless by many, many people, but when used
correctly, they can make things go much faster, and boy are they
useful. If you are currently jetting up a hill, or skiing, slam on the
skis if they aren't already on and shoot the grappler to your left or
right a fair distance away and viola, an instant 180 degree turn.
Or you can swing by the flag and grab it or turn around by grappling a
tower. Speaking of grappling towers, try grappling off the side of the
towers in Tropics, or try grappling the bottom of a Fighter and
shooting from the bottom while it takes you to the flag, then hop back
on and go home. Who says you can't ride vehicles with a game item?

4.8: Burner. }
The burner is an energy-based weapon. It fires a ball of fire that
will explode on impact, or explode in mid-air a medium distance
away from the firing point. It's actually somewhat useful. Shoot this
in front of an enemy and watch them fly into the lasting explosion.

4.9: Rocket Pod Launcher. }
The rocket pod launcher (RPL) is only useful against airbourn targets,
mainly vehicles, as the rockets can be guided after they are launched
(guide by pointing in the direction you wish them to go) They are
somwhat useful against land vehicles and sometimes humans,
but not if the players are good. One problem, however, is the fact
that the rockets will not launch if you are too close to an object.i.e.
if you are standing next to an object that you can see to your right
and you are aiming right past it, only the rockets that fire to the
left will launch. Aim directly at a wall while standing right up
against it once and fire, then watch what happens, you'l understand

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5.0: Special Weapons.\
Special weapons can only be used by certain armors, and every armor
only has one Special weapon that must be equipped to use.

5.1: Da Jackel Sniper Rifle. }
The sniper is a very useful weapon only for use by light armored
humans. It is obviously 100% accurate, and it uses both energy and
bullets, so you can't continueously pick off opponents, and it deals
more damage when your energy is charged all the way up, as well as when
you hit you opponent in the head, which scores style points as well.

5.2: Buckler. }
The buckler is a boomerang, meaning at has infinite ammo and returns
after boing fired. It also can be guided, which is fun to watch.
However, it is hard to hit with, as it follows your cursor, you might
be running from an opponent with no ammo and constantly need to watch
where you're going, if you fire, you have to turn around and see what
you're doing, then it goes off course and lands in the ground,
increaseing the time it takes to get it back and throw it again.
The buckler is for the medium armor.

5.3: Mortar Launcher. }
The mortar launcher is the most powerful weapon in the game, and is
able to be bounced into areas, however, it has a short timer, so
it won't be bounced far, and it will only go off on the ground, so
you can launch it far and not worry about it blowing up before it
reaches it's target. The mortar laucher is the special weapon for the
heavy armor, and is almost always equipped to it when it is used.

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6.0: Turrets.\
Turrets are manned guns that come in several varieties, and they offer
protection to the front to a certain extent. Here is a list of the
differant types of turrets and their main uses:

NOTE: Use of turrets is often frowned upon for various reasons.
I am not goin gto list these reasons so i don't get bombarded
with email.

6.1: Anti-Aircraft. }
Mostly used to get rid of air vehicles, or players in the air, but
can be used to get rid of ground troops as well. But because of the
slow fire and travel rate, it isn't the best for either job.

6.2: Sentry. (double chaingun.) }
It's a chaingun on a mount, just faster and better. It can be used for
almost anything, including getting rid of ground and air troops, and
fighters as well as assault ships and rovers, and sometimes tanks, too.

6.3: Burner. }
This is simply a non-movable burner, but it seems to have increased
range and damage rate. One way to use it is to make a "wall" of fire,
and wait for enemies to fly through it, causing moderate damage.

6.4: Mortar. }
It's a mortar on a stick! What more could one ask for?
It has a faster firing rate that the regular mortar but the same
power and stuff so lights and mediums can weild the power of the
mortar just as good as heavy!

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7.0: Deployables.\
Deployables will also play a big part in the game. They enhance defenses
greatly if placed properly, and can help on the attack as well. Heed my
words carefully, i'm going to tell you very important information
in the next few sections.

7.1: Sentry Turret. }
The sentry turret is one of the most useful, if not the most useful
deployables in the game, and should be GROUPED rather than spread.
Place a repairer near the group to keep them healed, but try to keep it out
of sight.

7.2: Mine. }
The mine should be placed in priority, rather than proboility.
The flag should be first priority. Two right next to the flag stand will
be sufficient to kill anyone who gets near. Second priority is the
generator room. Place mines at all entrances you can to make defending
the generator less of a hassle, and if you don't have enough mines,
use the most likely entrances that the enemy will use.
Any extras can places at various areas, such the enemy flag itself,
so if they do manage to get past the ones around yours, they'll
have to worry about theirs.

7.3: Repairer }
These can be place din many areas, but few are actually useful.
One way is to place then around your group of sentry turrets as
afore mentioned, another is to place them near the front of your base
to heal vehicles. Always place one near your group of turrets, and
you may be able to split it into two smaller groups if it's
needed / feasable.

7.4: Inventory Station. }
This can be placed near snipers so they don't have to go far for
ammo, or you can place them just before the last hill to enemy
territory for quick rearming / reloading. Use your best judgment
with these.

7.5: Catapault }
These have few uses, but can be effective, try placing them in a row
so you bounce from one to the other, which will greatly decrease the
time it takes to get back and forth.

_______ _______ ___ __ ______ _____ ______
__( __ ) __ __ \ __ | / /_______ /____(_)________ /____________
_ __ | _ / / / __ | / /_ _ \_ __ \_ /_ ___/_ /_ _ \_ ___/
/ /_/ /__/ /_/ / __ |/ / / __/ / / / / / /__ _ / / __/(__ )
\____/_(_)____/ _____/ \___//_/ /_//_/ \___/ /_/ \___//____/

8.0: Vehicles.\
Vehicles are good for almost all occasions, including ambushes,
offense, defense, backup, transportation (obviously), and much more.
Before you start playing with other people, host a password-protected
game and experiment with all the vehicles and try them out on all kinds
of terrain. Just familiarize youself with them because they will play
a big part in your game.

8.1: Rover. }
The Rover is a ground vehicle with awesome speed and good steering
capabilities. It has six positions:
One driver
One gunner (Anti Aircraft)
and Four Passengers
The passenger area is accessed be simply intering the inventory
if you can't drive, don't drive. And keep in mind that heavys CAN be
gunners, but can't be drivers. If you can't drive, and CAN'T shoot
either......Shoot anyway, you might get lucky.

8.2: Jump Tank. }
The tank can climb almost straight up so it's the vehicle of choice
for bumpy terrain. The Jump Tank has two positions:
One Driver
and One Gunner (Improved Chaingun)
The driver, however, controls the main gun, an impact grenade that
shoots straightforward and doesn't drop from what i can tell.
Remember, if you can't drive, don't drive, if you can't shoot either,
shoot anyway.

8.3: Fighter Pod. }
The fighter is very useful in many ways, especially with one of it's
stratagies for capturing the flag. Well, it flys so that's a plus,
and it's fast too, so another mark for that. Not to mention that it's
weapons are especially good for taking out peopole on foot, another
mark. It's weapons are also useful for taking out air vehicles, yet
another mark there too. But wait! There are also downsides if you
don't use it right. It's weak, it's easy to hit(even though it's
small, a rpl can take it down easily), and you will HATE it when it's
used against you. But if you keep moving, strafing, going up, going
down, you'll never be hit.

Another mark.

8.4: Assualt Ship. }
The assualt ship has three positions:
one driver,
and two gunners (Anti Aircraft Turrets on each side).
It can be used for two major purposes as well as many smaller ones.
1) Fly in, Shoot like hell, fly out, repair, repeat.
2)Fly in, start shooting as you head to the flag, drop one guy off,
follow him home while shooting down any followers, repair, repeat.

_______ _______ ____________ _____ _____
__ __ \ __ __ \ __ ___/_ /_____________ __ /____________ ___(_)______
_ /_/ / _ / / / _____ \_ __/_ ___/ __ `/ __/ _ \_ __ `/_ /_ ___/
_\__, /__/ /_/ / ____/ // /_ _ / / /_/ // /_ / __/ /_/ /_ / / /__
/____/_(_)____/ /____/ \__/ /_/ \__,_/ \__/ \___/_\__, / /_/ \___/
_________ _____
__ ____/_____ ___________________(_)_____________ _
_ / _ __ `/__ __ \__ __ \_ /__ __ \_ __ `/
/ /___ / /_/ /__ /_/ /_ /_/ / / _ / / / /_/ /
\____/ \__,_/ _ .___/_ .___//_/ /_/ /_/_\__, /
/_/ /_/ /____/

9.0: Strategic Capping.\
Capping the flag can be explained in one sentence; Get the enemy flag
and bring it back. However, it can be capped stratigically for those
games with lots of players. Here are a few that i am willing to share
at the moment, and i may add stratagies e-mailed to me if they are

I will post any and all of the stratagies that i am sent, regardless
of the probobility that they will work (Meaning that i will post any
stratagy even if it is unlikely that they will be pulled off or even

9.1: Player stratagies. }
The diversionary tactic:
Try making diversions, most of the time, people will want to repair
inventory stations, sensors, and generators, which is a good idea, so
destroy theirs before they destroy yours. But while they repair them,
get the flag at that time while they are oblivious to the fact that
you're right outside, and then they have to abort repairing and get
outside before you take off and cap the flag....not an easy task.
Try to destroy their sensor and their generator, or everything if you
can, that way they won't even know you're outside getting their flag
until they see the warning message. It's a good stratagy that works
on noobs and veterans alike.
My stratagy.

The other diversionary tactic:
Have allies run in mindlessly and try to cap the falg, if they fail,
send them in via a previously placed rover and weaken them down over
and over till you cap the flag. If you fail again, run in amidst the
carnage and cap it in seceret.
My stratagy.

9.2: Vehicle stratagies. }
A rover tactic:
When there is a ramp-like structure or terrain before the flag, ramp
it and jump out as you're flying through the air in the rover and you
will be traveling at a speed relative to the rovers. Use your jets to
fly to the flag and get back home.
My stratagy.

A fighter tactic:
Fly as fast as you can towards the flag and jump out when you are near
it. Do the same thing you do for the rover tactic above.
My stratagy.

Another fighter tactic:
You can grapple to the bottom of a fighter, so have someone fly above
you, grapple it, and fly to the flag. Then drop off, get the flag, and
grapple back on and go home to cap the flag. Who says you can't ride
vehicles with a game object?
My stratagy.

9.3: Stratagies submitted by other players. }
I like to drive the assault ship with me driving, 2 gunners, and 3
people in heavy armor grappleing under the ship. I drop them off the
gunners and the heavys and circle in the air waiting for them. They
come out, grapple on and away we go.
Submitted by:

NOTE: Somehow, this managed to be the only stratagy sent to me,
so a big thanks goes to this player even though it's somewhat
unlikely that you could get six people to cooperate with one

____________ _______ __________ ___________
__< /_ __ \ __ __ \ ___ ____/ _______ _________ ___(_)__ /
__ /_ / / / _ / / / __ __/________ __ `__ \ __ `/_ /__ /
_ / / /_/ /__/ /_/ / _ /___/_____/ / / / / / /_/ /_ / _ /
/_/ \____/_(_)____/ /_____/ /_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/ /_/ /_/

________ ________
____ _/_________ __/_____
__ / __ __ \_ /_ _ __ \
__/ / _ / / / __/ / /_/ /
/___/ /_/ /_//_/ \____/

10.0: More Email info.\
Do not E-mail me with the following:

Spam will be deleted at first sight.

AOL talk, such as "u" "r" "some1" "@$$" and other abbreviations
that are for incredible losers who cannot spell is unacceptable.
The email of which it is contained will be replied to asking for it
to be put into actual english before being deleted.

Any absolute critisism will be read, and taken into consideration,
but may be deleted as well.

E-Mail with extreme profanity will be deleted without consideration.


All E-Mail must be sent to:

You will notice that i have taken my AOL names down.
I have quit useing AOL for email purposes and i now ask you to email
me at either of the two email addresses listed above.

Please ask before useing this guide, it is currently available to be
viewed at:

A few questions i wish to answer before they are asked:

Q: Can i E-Mail you with questions not answered on you FAQ?
A: YES!! Please E-Mail me with questions i don't already answer.
I may post them here for others to see.

Q: Can i post MY stratagies for you to put on section 8?
A: Yes, i will most definately allow for this to happen, i will also
post your name there unless you don't want me to.

Q: WTF IS RONG WIT U R U IN SANE?!!?!?11//!?!/1/!?
A: One word. DELETED. (By the way, this was an actual e-mail sent to
me by some ungrateful moron that can't spell.)

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17.Octombrie 2013
Weapons and Vehicles Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

29.Septembrie 2013

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