Doom 3 - Resurrection of Evil

Doom 3 - Resurrection of Evil

16.10.2013 17:09:21
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DV Morpheus
Last Update: 4.19.05
Version: 3.5 FINAL

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction ..................................................[D3XP.01.01]
2. Updates Information ...........................................[D3XP.02.01]
3. The Story .....................................................[D3XP.03.01]
* Ultimate Doom ...............................................[D3XP.03.02]
* Doom II: Hell on Earth ......................................[D3XP.03.03]
* Final Doom ..................................................[D3XP.03.04]
* Doom 3 ......................................................[D3XP.03.05]
* Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil ................................[D3XP.03.06]
4. Weapons .......................................................[D3XP.04.01]
* Flashlight ..................................................[D3XP.04.02]
* Ionized Plasma Levitator (The Grabber).......................[D3XP.04.03]
* Fist ........................................................[D3XP.04.04]
* Pistol ......................................................[D3XP.04.05]
* Shotgun .....................................................[D3XP.04.06]
* Double Barreled Shotgun .....................................[D3XP.04.07]
* Machine Gun .................................................[D3XP.04.08]
* Chaingun ....................................................[D3XP.04.09]
* Hand Grenades ...............................................[D3XP.04.10]
* Plasma Rifle ................................................[D3XP.04.11]
* Rocket Launcher .............................................[D3XP.04.12]
* BFG 9000 ....................................................[D3XP.04.13]
* The Artifact ................................................[D3XP.04.14]
5. Monsters ......................................................[D3XP.05.01]
* Zombie (Generic) ............................................[D3XP.05.02]
* Zombie (Fat) ................................................[D3XP.05.03]
* Zombie (Flaming) ............................................[D3XP.05.04]
* Zombie (Bio Suit) ...........................................[D3XP.05.05]
* Zombie (Z-Sec) ..............................................[D3XP.05.06]
* Zombie (Commando, Chaingun Commando) ........................[D3XP.05.07]
* Trite .......................................................[D3XP.05.08]
* Tick ........................................................[D3XP.05.09]
* Lost Soul ...................................................[D3XP.05.10]
* The Forgotten One ...........................................[D3XP.05.11]
* Imp .........................................................[D3XP.05.12]
* Vulgar ......................................................[D3XP.05.13]
* Maggot ......................................................[D3XP.05.14]
* Wraith ......................................................[D3XP.05.15]
* Cherub ......................................................[D3XP.05.16]
* Pinky .......................................................[D3XP.05.17]
* Cacodemon ...................................................[D3XP.05.18]
* Renevant ....................................................[D3XP.05.19]
* Archvile ....................................................[D3XP.05.20]
* Mancubus ....................................................[D3XP.05.21]
* Hell Knight .................................................[D3XP.05.22]
* The Bruiser .................................................[D3XP.05.23]
* The Hell Hunters ............................................[D3XP.05.24]
* Maledict ....................................................[D3XP.05.25]
6. Weapon vs. Monster Chart ......................................[D3XP.06.01]
7. Conclusion ....................................................[D3XP.07.01]
8. Legal Information .............................................[D3XP.08.01]
9. Credits .......................................................[D3XP.09.01]
10. Contacts .....................................................[D3XP.10.01]

1. Introduction [D3XP.01.01]

Doom 3 marked a milestone when it was first released on 8.4.04. Not only did
Doom 3 utilize the newest graphics engine, but also introduced new weapons,
new monsters, and above all, new areas. Combine this with a great storyline
and you get what some people deem the best game of the year.

After Doom 3 was released and ID heard about how good it was, they immediately
began working on a sequel for Doom 3, that takes place two years after the
horrible incidents on Mars. Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil was released on
4.4.05. Bringing new monsters, new weapons, and new environments to gameplay,
this was the perfect way to improve Doom 3.

My FAQ will be about the various weapons, items, monsters, and bosses you
may encounter on your trip through Mars and Hell itself. There will be
strategies for monsters whenever possible. Although I don't remember where
every single weapon can be found, I will try to give a location of where it
can first be found. Also, if something is wrong in this FAQ, please point it
out and I'll correct it. Contact information is found below.

2. Updates Information [D3XP.02.01]

Updates go from top to bottom, newer updates appear at the bottom.

4.04.05 - First draft of this FAQ.

4.05.05 - Added info on the Hell Knight, thank you helpful reader #001.
- Put the Vagary in the Weapon vs. Monster Chart.
- Added some minor stuff.

4.09.05 - Added The Forgotten One to the monster list.
- Fixed information regarding The Artifact.

4.10.05 - Added Pro's and Con's for using the Grabber on Trites, Ticks, etc.
- Added some minor stuff.

4.12.05 - Minor updates and fixes.
- New Table of Contents Layout.
- Have a FAQ/Walkthrough coming for D3: RoE.
- Added the Story section, very interesting reads.

4.14.05 - Updated Legal Information.

4.18.05 - Added the Maggot to the monster list.
- Added some more information for the weapons.
- Final version of the FAQ.

4.19.05 - Updated 'Contact' information for AIM.

3. The Story [D3XP.03.01]

I give credit to the .pdf manuals from the Doom Collector's Edition for giving
me all the stories from Doom, Doom II: Hell on Earth, and Final Doom. Stories
from Doom 3 and Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil were taken from their respective
manuals as well.

Ultimate Doom [D3XP.03.02]

You're a marine, one of Earth's toughest, hardened in combat and trained for
action. Three years ago you assaulted a superior officer for ordering his
soldiers to fire upon civilians. He and his body cast were shipped to Pearl
Harbour, while you were transferred to Mars, home of the Union Aerospace

The UAC is a multi-planetary conglomerate with radioactive waste facilities on
Mars and its two moons, Phobos and Deimos. With no action for fifty million
miles, your day consisted of suckin' dust and watchin' restricted flicks in
the rec room.

For the last four years the military, UAC's biggest supplier, has used the
remote facilities on Phobos and Deimos to conduct various secret projects,
including research on inter-dimensional space travel. So far they have been
able to open gateways between Phobos and Deimos, throwing a few gadgets into
one and watching them come out the other. Recently however, the Gateways have
grown dangerously unstable. Military "volunteers" entering them have either
disappeared or been stricken with a strange form of insanity babbling
vulgarities, bludgeoning anything that breathes, and finally suffering an
untimely death of full-body explosion. Matching heads with torsos to send home
to the folks became a full-time job. Latest military reports state that the
research is suffering a small set-back, but everything is under control.

A few hours ago, Mars received a garbled message from Phobos. "We require
immediate military support. Something fraggin' evil is coming out of the
Gateways! Computer systems have gone berserk!" The rest was incoherent. Soon
afterwards, Deimos simply vanished from the sky. Since then, attempts to
establish contact with either moon have been unsuccessful.

You and your buddies, the only combat troop for fifty million miles were sent
up pronto to Phobos. You were ordered to secure the perimeter of the base
while the rest of the team went inside. For several hours, your radio picked
up the sounds of combat: guns firing, men yelling orders, screams, bones
cracking, then finally, silence. Seems your buddies are dead.

Things aren't looking too good. You'll never navigate off the planet on your
own. Plus, all the heavy weapons have been taken by the assault team leaving
you with only a pistol. If only you could get your hands around a plasma rifle
or even a shotgun you could take a few down on your way out. Whatever killed
your buddies deserves a couple of pellets in the forehead. Securing your
helmet, you exit the landing pod. Hopefully you can find more substantial
firepower somewhere within the station.

As you walk through the main entrance of the base, you hear animal-like growls
echoing throughout the distant corridors. They know you're here. There's no
turning back now.

Doom II: Hell on Earth [D3XP.03.03]

Back at last. After days of hard fighting in space, you've returned home on
well-earned leave. You're one of Earth's crack soldiers, hard-bitten, tough,
and heavily-armed. When the alien invasion struck Mars, you were the first on
the scene. By killing, killing, and killing, you won. You stopped the
invasion, saved Mars base, and became a war hero. What they don't talk about
so much is that you were the only survivor.

But that's all behind you now. You've quit the military, and are heading home.
Your drop pod lands with a crunch. You open 'er up, and look out. Damn! The
city ahead is on fire. What the devil is going on? You stagger forward,
clutching at your sidearm. Packs of refugees are fleeing the flaming
metropolis. A band of them shriek in terror. You squint. What's that? Someone
is attacking the refugees. You rush up and blast away, killing the
troublemaker. It looks like a human, but something's wrong. His mouth is
filled with half-chewed flesh, and he's all messed up, like a zombie from a
bad horror movie. Hell, not again!

You can feel it. It's all starting again, just like on Mars. First, people are
taken over, turned into cannibal Things. Then the real horror starts, the
deformed monstrosities from Outside. But now it's on Earth.

It turns out that the invaders are all over. Monsters range from Tokyo to
Timbuktu, from Stockholm to Scranton. Billions are dead. Some people have been
transformed into flesh-eating mutants, but a few, a very few, are still alive
and fully human. The wise men of humanity have evolved a plan to save what's
left of the human race. They have built enormous ships to carry the remaining
people into space, safely away from the ruined world.

Unfortunately, Earth's only ground spaceport has just been taken over by the
demons. They've instituted a sort of force field flame barrier over the port;
no ships can land or take off. You gotta go back into action. The pathetic
remnants of Earth's soldiers are making an assault on the invaders at the
spaceport. If you win, you might be able to turn off the barrier, so that the
ships can leave, and Homo sapiens may not go extinct just yet. If you lose,
that's it. Humanity is history.

You and your comrades make their attack. Soon, brave men drop like flies. You
lose track of your friends, though sometimes you can hear them scream when
they die, and the sounds of combat echo from deep within the starbase.

Something hisses with rage from the steel tunnels ahead. They know you're
here. They have no pity, no mercy, take no quarter, and crave none. They're
the perfect enemy, in a way. No one's left but you. You... and Them.

Final Doom [D3XP.03.04]

Though all the top management of the UAC were dead, and so were most of their
personnel down to the janitors, the corporation survived, now under strict
government supervision. The UAC still sought the secret to matter apportation,
and continued its experiments under vastly increased safety measures.

The UAC's base was set up on one of the moons of Jupiter, hoping that the
increased distance would enhance Earth's safety if something went wrong.
Marines were stationed at the base, ready for anything.

Soon after the UAC opened its first Gate, the minions of Hell made their first
attack. Suddenly, through the Gate flowed spiked, fanged, dripping
techno-terrors. Meat machines flailed their armored limbs and slavered with
bloodlust, seeking soft bleeding manflesh to rend. But in their seeking, they
found only death. The United States Space Marine Corps was prepared for such
an event, and they poured molten death into the hordes of Hell. More demons
massed, hoping to overwhelm the defenders by their endless numbers. But mass
alone was no match for the marines. Set up in defensive positions around the
gate, the marines were able to slaughter the monsters by the hundreds, taking
few losses.

As suddenly as it had begun, the invasion ended. The last flaming skull
screamed through, was hit by twenty simultaneous shotgun blasts, and the
chamber was silent once more, except for the dripping of blood. Hell had

The research went on, more boldly, and less cautiously. All the marines
received the Silver Star from a grateful government, and the UAC made an
enormous contribution to the Veteran's Fund. The defensive positions were
strengthened, and the marines watched closely for another attempt, all their
attention drawn inward towards the Gates. They were looking in the wrong

Hell knew more than one trick. Months after the Gate incident, the yearly
supply ship came ahead of time. On radar, the ship looked far larger than
usual. And it was coming from the wrong direction. Strange, but not
inexplicable. The lax radar operators reported the ship's approach, and
personnel went out to the landing field to meet it. But it never landed.
Instead, it hovered over the base, miles in the air. The men and women looked
up at it, and saw that something was terribly wrong.

The ship could not have come from Earth. It was huge, kilometers long, and was
built of bone, steel, flesh, corruption, and death. It was a
bio-mechano-magical construct from the depths of Hell and It had come through
space for its vengeance. Enormous doors, large as football fields, irised open
and hideous demons poured out, plunging to the ground and blanketing the
entire base with their throbbing, pulsing bodies. They were everywhere at
once. The marines' defenses, set up to prevent an attack from the direction of
the Gate, were worthless. The monsters poured through the sewers, the air
vents, the hallways, everywhere, rampaging, corrupting, and feasting.

Once more, the surviving humans were left as zombified brain-dead
monstrosities. existing only to kill and kill and kill.

Only one man escaped death or zombification. The marine commander. You. You
weren't at the base when the skies opened and devastation poured from the
stars. You were miles away, enjoying a walk across the moon's rough-hewn
landscape. Then you heard a snortling gurgle behind you, whirled, to face one
of Them. The beings that still haunted your nightmares. Your reflexes weren't
dulled by your expierences, and you pulled out your pistol and blew the imp to
gory shreds.

Hot-footing it back to the base, you saw it all and realized what had happened
in a flash. The demon ship still floated above the infested base. Your boys --
the men you'd trained to fight and kill and die as no fighting man had ever
been trained before -- were dead. You were not there when it happened, to die
with them.

Unlike the ancient Samurai, who chose to die with their men, you cocked your
pistol. You were going to kill for your men. And if you died trying, well, you
were going to die anyway, some day. Death at the fangs of demons might be the
very worst way to die, but if they did manage to get you, Hell would know it
had been in a fight.

After Hell's catastrophic invasion of Earth, the United States took steps to
prevent such an invasion from recurring. The old UAC corporation was
refounded, under completely new management (since the old trustees and
stockholders were all dead, this wasn't much of a problem), and sent to
research tools and technologies to prevent such an incursion from happening
ever again.

Though the invasion had been stopped, and the remaining demons were gradually
being exterminated by mopping-up squads, it was clear that the powers of Hell
remained strong. While the Spider Mastermind and Baphomet seemed to no longer
threaten, who knew what else lay Outside? Waiting. Watching. Preparing.

The new UAC began working on quantum Accelerator devices, intended to close
interdimensional gates at a distance and so prevent future incursions forever.
The project began innocently enough. Naturally the scientists, in order to
learn how to close Gates, had to relearn Gate technology first. This ability
was rapidly regained. Perhaps too rapidly.

Soon, beings from Outside had their dire attention drawn to the new
experiments, and then, one day, a Gate opened in the heart of the research
complex. Unnatural horrors from the pit poured in, ravening for destruction.
But the UAC scientists had learned their trade. The Quantum Accelerator
Device performed perfectly in its maiden test -- the invasion Gate was closed
instantly and permanently when the Accelerator flicked on. A cyberdemon,
halfway through, was snipped in two when the Gate closed. Earth would now be
safe from literal invasion by Hell. At least, once the technology could be
set up around the globe.

The next day, a ring of seven Gates opened, throughout the base, and a
monstrous legion rampaged through. The Quantum Accelerator began putting out
the Gates at once, and within an hour, six were closed. But the hellish army
was now too strong, too numerous. The marines fought like mad dogs, but were
finally pulled down by the enemies' claws. The scientists, marines, and
bureaucrats were all slain or transformed into undead mankillers.

The Quantum Accelerator and its prototypes are deep inside the ravaged
complex. A demon Gatekeeper guards them and mans the last Gate of Hell. The
government, frantic that the Quantum Accelerator will be destroyed or used in
some alien fashion upon us, has ordered all marines to the site at once,
regardless of their location.

You were on leave at the beach, only a few minutes from the complex, when you
got the word. You suited up, grabbed a pistol, and raced your pickup truck to
the complex. When you arrived, flashes of light, howls, and chanting could be
heard from the interior. Corpses were scattered everywhere. Obviously the
Gatekeeper was doing something inside -- something that would soon reach some
kind of awful climax.

You know that within an hour or two, an entire division of marines will arrive
to assault the base with full artillery and air support. You also know that
they will be too late. Far too late. The airplanes will be plucked from the
sky by floating terrors, the cannons melted by diabolic rockets and fireballs,
the soldiers blasted to shreds as they charge into the armored shell of the
UAC buildings. In an hour or two, the monstrosities inside will have finished
their awful task, and will be prepared, once more, to take on the world.

It's up to you. You have to enter the complex and stop the Gatekeeper. Alone.

Doom 3 [D3XP.03.05]

You are a marine, one of Earth’s toughest, hardened in combat and trained for
action. Shortly after reporting for duty at the Union Aerospace Corporation’s
Mars research facility, a massive demonic invasion overwhelms the base,
leaving chaos, horror and uncertainty in its wake. As one of only a few
survivors, you must use overwhelming firepower and all of your combat skill to
battle through the demon hordes, find out what went wrong and prevent the evil
from spreading. Only you stand between Hell and Earth.

Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil [D3XP.03.06]

It has been almost two years since the mysterious incident shut down the UAC
base on Mars. Several months ago, one of the UAC satellites still monitoring
the red planet detected a beacon originating from Site 1. This early research
facility was long forgotten, even before the invasion. Now, you're a Marine
combat engineer, part of a massive research and security team lead by Dr.
Elizabeth McNeil. Your team is being sent back to Mars in an attempt to find
and investigate the source of this strange signal. What you'll find, nobody
knows, but hopefully it will offer new insight into the ancient civilization
that once inhabited Mars.

As your transport nears the surface, you cannot help but wonder what type
of "accident" could have killed so many two years ago... and could it happen

4. Weapons [D3XP.04.01]

With the exception of the Soul Cube and Chainsaw, all of the weapons from
Doom 3 came back and made an appearance in the expansion pack. On top of
that, we have newer weapons also: The Ionized Plasma Levitator (The Grabber),
the Double Barreled Shotgun (Yay!), and The Artifact.

Each weapon will have a layout of this:

Name (Simply, the name of the weapon).

Power (Out of 5 stars, 5 being the most powerful).
Accuracy (Out of 5 stars, 5 being the most accurate).
Maximum Ammo (How much ammo can you obtain before you hit the maximum?).
Clip Capacity (How much ammo does it store per clip?).
Rate of Fire (How fast does it shoot?).
Damage Per Round (How much does each round do?).
Reload Time: (How fast does it reload?)

Notes and Description (General techniques, descriptions, and other stuff).

Flashlight [D3XP.04.02]

Power: **/*****
Accuracy: N/A
Maximum Ammo: N/A
Clip Capacity: N/A
Rate of Fire: Very Slow.
Damage Per Round: 40.
Reload Time: Very Slow.

The main purpose of the Flashlight is to illuminate dark areas. You can use it
as a weapon, but it's not highly recommended. It may do more damage than the
Pistol or Fist, but the reload time is atrocious, which can mean the
difference between life and death in a firefight.

If you need to use this as a weapon, never use it on anything better than an
Imp, simply because you will die, or get badly damaged.

Ionized Plasma Levitator (The Grabber) [D3XP.04.03]

Power: N/A.
Accuracy: N/A.
Maximum Ammo: N/A.
Clip Capacity: N/A.
Rate of Fire: N/A.
Damage Per Round: N/A.
Reload Time: Normal.

One of the new weapons that Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil proudly introduces,
the Grabber has two uses: Defensive and Offensive.

While in defensive use, you can do a lot of things. If you see that some ammo
or health is on a high ledge that you cannot reach, you can target that object
and bring it back to you. You can also move boxes, oil drums, and objects
like that to uncover secrets to ammo caches and other goodies.

While in offensive use, the real fun begins. One of the best things the
Grabber can do is grab monster projectiles out of the air, and throw them
back at them, killing them in most cases. You can also pick up the explosive
barrels and toss them at Vulgars and other monsters, killing them with ease.
Another thing you can do is grab some of the smaller monsters, like Cherubs,
Ticks, etc. and fling them against the wall or into lava, killing them
instantly. This is a very fun thing to do, and will have you laughing for

There are tons more uses for the Grabber, just waiting to be discovered. How
many can you find?

Fist [D3XP.04.04]

Power: */*****.
Accuracy: N/A.
Maximum Ammo: N/A.
Clip Capacity: N/A.
Rate of Fire: Normal.
Damage Per Round: 20.
Reload Time: Medium.

The Fist is absolutely useless. You should never use this unless you are out
of ammo, unless...

...Once you defeat the Hell Hunters, the Artifact will give you the power
of Berserk. This dramatically increases the damage and usefulness of the
Fist. This can be useful to save up ammo for when you really need the

Pistol [D3XP.04.05]

Power: */*****.
Accuracy: *****/*****.
Maximum Ammo: 372 Bullets.
Clip Capacity: 12 Bullets.
Rate of Fire: Normal.
Damage Per Round: 14.
Reload Time: Slow.

The standard issue firearm for UAC personnel. The Pistol will be forgotten
when you get halfway through the first level, but until then, it will have
to do. The Pistol lacks in power deeply, but is very accurate, so it makes
up for it.

If you absolutely have to use the Pistol because you have no more ammo in any
of your other weapons, aim for the monster's head if possible. Headshots do
an extra 25% damage to monsters, which can save you ammo or the time reloading
during fights.

With a meager 12 rounds a clip, you need to make your shots count. Not only
does the Pistol take long to reload, but the bullets, as I said above, don't
do very much damage.

Shotgun [D3XP.04.06]

Power: ***/***** (Close proximity), */***** (Far away).
Accuracy: ****/***** (Close proximity), */***** (Far Away).
Maximum Ammo: 320 Shells.
Clip Capacity: 8 Shells.
Rate of Fire: Slow.
Damage Per Round: 90 (Estimated).
Reload Time: Very Slow to Fast.

This will become your main weapon until you get the Double Barreled Shotgun.
The Shotgun packs a huge punch up close, but the spread cone sucks at long

One of the biggest pluses for this weapon is that it has the ability to kill
some of the weaker monsters, such as Imps and Zombies, in one hit up close.
This can save a ton of ammo and that time for reloading in between. For best
results, try to aim at their head to do that extra 25% damage. Doing this
can kill a Pinky in about two hits if the shots are timed right.

The biggest drawback for the Shotgun is the time it takes to reload. If you
have to reload 8 shells because you expended the clip, it's going to take a
long time before it fully reloaded. Thankfully, if a monster sneaks up on you
when you reload, you can cancel the reload instantly and engage firing. Always
try to find a safe place to reload the Shotgun, perferably a room with one
enterance and exit, to avoid being suprised.

Double Barreled Shotgun [D3XP.04.07]

Power: *****/***** (Close Proximity), **/***** (Far away).
Accuracy: ****/***** (Close proximity), **/***** (Far away).
Maximum Ammo: 320 Shells.
Clip Capacity: 2 Shells.
Rate of Fire: Very Slow.
Damage Per Round: 210 (Estimated).
Reload Time: Medium.

ID Software proudly introduces the return of the infamous Super Shotgun!

Remember how much ass the Super Shotgun kicked in Doom II? Well, in Doom 3:
Resurrection of Evil, this is no exception. The Double Barreled Shotgun
is easily one of the best weapons in the game. It has very few drawbacks,
its power is amazing, and for a Shotgun, it's deadly accurate.

Since this Shotgun is double barreled and only holds two shells a clip, you
have a reload after every shot. It does take some time to reload, but it's
not as slow as the Shotgun. The power makes up more than enough for its reload
time. The Double Barreled Shotgun is excellent at killing anything from a
Renevant on down in one shot, provided you're up close. Due to this, you can
save a lot of ammo by just firing one shot, instead of using a better weapon.

As always, aim for the head. You can take down a Hell Knight, one of the best
monsters in the game, down in 2-3 shots by aiming for the head. Amazing, no?

Try to save the Double Barreled Shotgun for something big, because as you go
farther into the game, Shotgun shells become harder to find.

Machine Gun [D3XP.04.08]

Power: */*****.
Accuracy: *****/*****.
Maximum Ammo: 600 Rounds.
Clip Capacity: 60 Rounds.
Rate of Fire: Very Fast.
Damage Per Round: 9.
Reload Time: Medium.

The Machine Gun is another standard issue rapid-fire weapon for UAC Marines on
Mars. This is also the choice of 90% of the Z-Sec Zombies you will encounter
in the game.

The Machine Gun lacks in power, doing only roughly 9 damage a round. It makes
up for its power from its excellent accuracy and huge clip capacity. The
Machine Gun is not designed for pure stopping power, but rather for very
small riot control against hordes of Zombies or Imps.

The bad thing about this weapon is the fact it goes through a clip of ammo
in a matter of seconds. If you rely on this weapon too often, you might be
found short of ammo, even though the ammo for the Machine Gun is common.

To save ammo, aim for the head of monsters. This will make the Machine Gun do
more damage and save ammo. When reloading the Machine Gun, find a safe place
to hide, because it does take up some space on your screen.

Chaingun [D3XP.04.09]

Power: ***/*****.
Accuracy: ***/*****.
Maximum Ammo: 600 Chaingun Rounds.
Clip Capacity: 60 Chaingun Rounds.
Rate of Fire: Very Fast.
Damage Per Round: 20.
Reload Time: Medium.

A step up in power from the Machine Gun. If you know how to use this weapon
properly, this can be your best friend when confronting monsters in the Mars

The first thing you should know is that this weapon, once operating in fully
automatic status, has horrible recoil. Your accuracy suffers a significant
drop because of this, so take note.

When you first start to operate this weapon, it takes a few seconds to power
up first before you start killing things, so beware of this. Once you get it
going, however, nothing will stand in your way for too long. You can kill
a Mancubus or a Hell Knight in a full clip if your accuracy is good. I don't
recommend going for headshots with this weapon, mainly because you'll end up
missing more shots than actually having the rounds make contact with the
monster's head.

The actual time between reloading and starting it up again can mean the
difference of life and death when faced in a situation in which you have to
think off the top of your head. Try to keep some distance between yourself
and the monster when reloading and powering the Chaingun up to fire.

Grenade [D3XP.04.10]

Power: ****/*****.
Accuracy: N/A.
Maximum Ammo: 50 Grenades.
Clip Capacity: 1 Grenade.
Rate of Fire: Slow.
Damage Per Round: 150 Direct Hit, Up to 150 Splash Damage.
Reload Time: Medium.

The Grenade is one of those weapons that's a "Fire and Forget" weapon, but
at the same time, easy to kill yourself or damage you very badly.

Before you use the grenade, you need to know on how it works. When you pull
the pin, a series of beeps will grow higher and higher in pitch until BOOM!
The more you hold it for, the farther it will go.

Be extremely careful when throwing the Grenade. There's always that potential
of you killing yourself because of the Grenade bouncing off the wall and
landing back at your feet. Watch where you're aiming before you throw it,
because if you're faced in a situation where you have to act fast and you're
using a Grenade, it will bounce back and blow you to kingdom come.

One of the best tactics to use with Grenades is to use throw them around
corners in dark places where monsters may be hiding. You never know what
you may blow up when you throw a Grenade down an unlit hallway =)

One omre additional thing about detonation times. A Grenade will detonate
roughly 3-4 seconds after the pin is pulled or until it makes contact with
a monster. Keep this in mind.

Plasma Rifle [D3XP.04.11]

Power: ***/*****.
Accuracy: *****/*****.
Maximum Ammo: 500 Cells.
Clip Capacity: 50 Cells.
Rate of Fire: Very Fast.

Damage Per Round: 16.
Reload Time: Medium.

Another one of the best weapons in the game. Most players will use this when
they have a surplus of ammo for it. The Plasma Rifle is well rounded in terms
of damage and accuracy, and has a pretty huge clip. On top of that, it holds
an amazing 500 Cells. Can you see why players make this their main weapon
when they have all the ammo for it in the world? On top of that, the reload
animation is just so cool =)

There are two drawbacks to the Plasma Rifle though. First, when you fire it,
the plasma moves at a somewhat slow pace. Any fast monster can easily dodge
the projectiles you fire. Secondly, the projectiles do tend to take up a bit
of space on the screen when they are fired, so you may not be able to see
enemy fire when you shoot the Plasma Rifle. Well... that's it for the
drawbacks. Headshots are unimportant when using the Plasma Rifle, mainly
because the ammo is made of plasma. Still, the plasma does fairly good damage.

Rocket Launcher [D3XP.04.12]

Power: *****/*****.
Accuracy: ****/*****.
Maximum Ammo: 96 Rockets.
Clip Capacity: 5 Rockets.
Rate of Fire: Slow.
Damage Per Round: 170 Per Rocket, Up to 150 Splash Damage.
Reload Time: Slow.

Easily the best destructive weapon in the game, besides the BFG 9000. Anything
will pass away under this in a clip or less, especially those Bruisers (Good
thing, those bastards).

The Rocket Launcher is another "Fire and Forget" weapon because of the fact
it launcher unguided rockets. As with any Rocket Launcher in any game, do not
use this up close if you value your life. The splash damage from the Rocket
Launcher is killer. On the other hand, the splash damage actually sends Imps,
Vulgars, and Zombies sailing 50 feet into the air =)

The Rocket Launcher takes skill to use, even for the expert players. Since
there are quite a few tight hallways with monsters lurking in there in
Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil, you can't go in headstrong thinking you'll come
out alive, because sometimes you won't. Use your head and actually think how
you'll use the Rocket Launcher down a narrow corridor.

The reload time is pretty slow, so duck out of the way to reload whenever

Since ammo is pretty hard to come by, save the Rocket Launcher for something
huge, such as a Hell Knight. This will make confrontation with bigger monsters
a thing of the past.

BFG 9000 [D3XP.04.13]

Power: ******/*****.
Accuracy: ****/*****.
Maximum Ammo: 32 BFG Cells.
Clip Capacity: 4 BFG Cells.
Rate of Fire: Very Slow.
Damage Per Round: 1,500 Fully Charged, Up to 900 Splash Damage.
Reload Time: Slow.

The best weapon in the game. When fully charged up, this weapon will take out
any monster in one hit, regardless where you hit them.

The BFG 9000 operates in a way different from the other Doom games. The fact
that you can charge it up makes it different. Basically, the more you charge
it up for, the more damage it will do. Be careful: If you charge it up too
much, the gun will self-destruct and you'll lose the weapon, and you'll lose
your life. Also, more more you charge it up, the more cell ammo it will take
from the clip.

The BFG 9000 has the capability to damage monsters in the area by "seekers".
The weapon will fire off a continuous green laser from the main ball, and
damage anyone who's unlucky around it.

The green ball itself can be destroyed by small arms fire from a Machine Gun
or a Chaingun, or even monster attacks. If you see a BFG Cell coming your
way, be sure to destroy it.

the BFG Cell itself moves pretty slow in midair. Due to this, there's that
possibility in which a monster can dodge out of the way and the ball
completely missing him, resulting in you wasting a BFG Cell. Try to avoid this
by getting close to your target.

Finally, BFG 9000 cell ammo is very rare. Use this weapon only when you need

The Artifact [D3XP.04.14]

Power: N/A.
Accuracy: N/A.
Maximum Ammo: 3 Human Souls.
Clip Capacity: N/A.
Rate of Fire: N/A.
Damage Per Round: N/A.
Reload Time: N/A.

Little is known about this strage item from hell, other than the 3 Hell
Hunters and Dr. Betruger seek it for their material posession. You are asked
by Dr. Elizabeth McNeil to being this strange item back to the surface for
further investigation.

You get 3 powers from The Artifact, each coming from a Hell Hunter. Once you
defeat a Hell Hunter, his power gets added to yours. The 3 powers you get
for The Artifact are: Hell Time, Invincibility, and Quad Damage.

The Artifact gets its charges from human corpses. When you have The Artifact
working and you see a corpse, it will have an orange-like aura surrounding
the body. Take your Artifact out and it will add the corpse's soul to The
Artifact's power. You can have only a maximum of 3 charges at a time.

When you activate it, all 3 abilities will become activated, you don't have to
choose which one to use. The Artifact's power will last for about 10-15
seconds, so make good use of it.

5. The Monsters [D3XP.05.01]

What Doom game would it be without the monsters? Probably a very boring one,

Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil added new monsters to gameplay, while some were
removed. So far, the new monsters we have are the Bruiser, the Vulgar, the
Bio Suit Zombies, and the Hell Hunters. I'll go through every monster in
detail, and tell you how to get rid of them.

Each monster will have a layout like this:

Name (Simply, the name of the monster).

Power (Out of 5 stars, 5 being the most powerful).
Defense (Out of 5 stars, 5 being that they just won't die).
Weapon of Choice (The best weapon for taking out this monster).

Notes and Description (General techniques, descriptions, and other stuff).

For any monster that has a projectile for an attack, you can "kill" the
projectile by firing bullets at it.

Zombie (Generic) [D3XP.05.02]

Power: */*****.
Defense: */*****.
Weapon of Choice: Pistol, Shotgun, Machine Gun.

These guys won't even touch you if you don't walk near them. Since they move
so slow, this gives you the opportunity to land a headshot on these guys

You can kill these guys fairly easily with any weapon. If you only see one
Zombie, use the Pistol instead of wasting ammo on the bigger weapons. If you
are surrounded by more than one, get a better weapon out, like the Shotgun
and Machine Gun, and just start filling them with lead.

These guys love to lurk in dark places, so have your Flashlight out whenever
you see a dark area. A Zombie may be near. Also, listen for the grunts a
Zombie makes when he is nearby.

Zombie (Fat) [D3XP.05.03]

Power: */*****.
Defense: */*****.
Weapon of Choice: Pistol, Shotgun, Machine Gun.

These guys are not any better than the Generic Zombies as above. Since they're
fat, they eat a little more lead, but not too much. Use the same tactics as
above and you should be fine.

Also, do you find it ironic that since these guys are fat, they sometimes can
be found munching on a corpse that's on the ground? :P

Zombie (Flaming) [D3XP.05.04]

Power: */*****.
Defense: */*****.
Weapon of Choice: Shotgun, Machine Gun.

This is basically a Zombie that's on fire. Flaming Zombies make a different
grunt than the other Zombies, and also attempt to kamikaze attack you.

Since they move so fast and have a higher hit point range, it would be best
to use a Shotgun or Machine Gun to kill them. Don't be afraid to backpedal,
these guys do run pretty fast.

Zombie (Bio Suit) [D3XP.05.05]

Power: */*****.
Defense: */*****.
Weapon of Choice: Shotgun, Machine Gun.

Another new monster for the expansion, this zombie is the one you seen in
the screenshots on various websites. He's no different to kill than the
Generic Zombies, so don't sweat it.

Once you kill these guys, they drop a Bio Suit Oxygen Tank for when you are
down in the toxic waste. Be sure to kill these guys when you see them.

Zombie (Z-Sec) [D3XP.05.06]

Power: **/*****.
Defense: **/*****.
Weapon of Choice: Shotgun, Machine Gun, Grenade.

These guys come in 3 flavors: Pistol Z-Sec, Shotgun Z-Sec, and Machine Gun
Z-Sec. the Pistol one won't give you any trouble since his bullets are weak,
but the Shotgun and Machine Gun Z-Sec Zombies will give you a little harder

Z-Sec Zombies love to hide behind crates when they fire off a few rounds. In
other words, they use the "Duck and Cover" technique. You can easily get
around this and flip a Grenade behind whatever they're hiding behind, and blow
them up.

You could also beat them to their own game. Hide behind crates also, while
coming up and firing off a few shots at them, hopefully capping one of them
good. If you prefer not to do it this way, what you could do is run up to them
kamikaze style, and put a Shotgun Round through their head.

There's one last thing to remember. Since Z-Sec Zombies have all the armor on
them and that they have a helmet, they are immune to headshots.

Zombie (Commando, Chaingun Commando) [D3XP.05.07]

Power: **/*****.
Defense: **/*****.
Weapon of Choice: Double Barreled Shotgun, Machine Gun, Grenade.

These guys are annoying...

The Zombie Commandos without the Chaingun attempt to run up to you and start
whipping you around with their tentacle on their mutated arm. Due to this,
if you are quick enough, one single Double Barreled Shotgun shell will
put them down for the count.

The Chaingunners take more strategy, because all they do is crouch and just
continuously fire off Chaingun rounds. If there's anything to hide behind,
use it. Now, you can either charge up to them and unload a Double Barreled
Shotgun round into them and kill them in one shot, peek out and shoot them in
the head with the Machine Gun, or toss them a Grenade to play with. The first
method is probably the one method that will cost you some health. The second
method takes a little longer than the rest of the methods. The last method
is probably the easiest, since you take them out fast and will lose very
little health. I'd go with the third method, but use the one you feel
comfortable with.

Trite [D3XP.05.08]

Power: */*****.
Defense: */*****.
Weapon of Choice: Pistol, Machine Gun.

Trites are perhaps the weakest monsters in the game. They only take 2 Pistol
bullets to kill, and they don't do much for damage, unless they are in large
groups and swarming you. If that's the case, pull out the Machine Gun. You
should be able to pick these guys off before they can even get to you.

Just watch out when you're reloading. Reload in a safe place, away from the
packs of Trites. You don't want these guys swarming you when you're in the
middle of reloading.


Helpful reader Mike said this:

Hey dude,

I like the guide, though I find it a little lacking in the area of how
to deal with some of the monsters. Especially the trites, tickes,
forgotten ones, and lost souls. You listed the classic weapons for
taking these guys out, but you didnt mention the new improved ways to
take them out, the Grabber. You did mention it for taking out the
cherubs though... This weapon will kill any of the above monsters in
one shot. Pick them up and fire them away, they die without a fight.
Better yet, you dont have to waste a lick of ammo for it. This is
espcially good when they come at you one at a time, as you can unload
several times before the weapon has to recharge.

Just thought I would drop you a line,

Take care,


DV Morpheus' Thoughts:

Although you can do this for Trites, Ticks, and Cherubs without wasting ammo,
I wouldn't recommend this when you are facing a group of these at a time
with the Grabber. Why? Since the Grabber has a normal reloading time, you
could be caught receiving damage back from the group of Trites, Ticks, or
Cherubs while toying around with their buddy. This can cost you dearly when
playing on Nightmare or any high difficulty for that manner. The Pistol and
Machine Gun is much more effective, but do whatever is easier for you.


Tick [D3XP.05.09]

Power: ***/*****.
Defense: */*****.
Weapon of Choice: Pistol, Machine Gun.

They only take two Pistol bullets to die, but you're probably asking why
their power rating is so high. Well, when these things die, they release
a suicide explosion. If you're unlucky to even be by these guys when they
explode, they will take 50 health points off. Ouch.

These guys are really easy to spot and can be picked off before they even
get to you. Try not to let them get close to you. If they do, move away fast.
What's worse, suffering around 20 health points from getting away from them
or suffering 50 health points because they exploded? You decide.

Lost Soul [D3XP.05.10]

Power: */*****.
Defense: */*****.
Weapon of Choice: The Grabber (Single), Pistol (Single), Machine Gun (Single).

Lost Souls are more annoying than damaging. They charge at you at
a high speed, but they have one drawback to them: They will always fly in
a straight line towards you. Due to this, you can kill them with 2 Pistol
shots before they even have impact on you. If there is more than one Lost
Soul on the screen at a time, take out the Machine Gun.

The Forgotten One [D3XP.05.11]

Power: */*****.
Defense: */*****.
Weapon of Choice: The Grabber (Single), Pistol (Single), Machine Gun (Groups).

ID Software did us a big favor and brought back the classic skin for the
Lost Soul. This time around, the Lost Soul is named The Forgotten One.

The Forgotten One is slight weaker in terms of damage than the Lost Soul,
and they're a little slower moving. They move in a straight line as their

The one bad thing about a Forgotten One is that if you see one, expect there
to be more to respawn. Sometimes they will respawn one at a time, while other
times they'll spawn as many as 3 at a time.

If you're facing up against one, use the Pistol and drop them in 2 shots.
If you're up against 3 or more, break out the Machine Gun and release hell
to these guys.

Imp [D3XP.05.12]

Power: */*****.
Defense: */*****.
Weapon of Choice: Shotgun.

Imps aren't very common in Resurrection of Evil anymore, thanks to the Vulgar.
If you do manage to see these guys, they haven't changed much. One perfectly
aimed Shotgun blast will put one to rest.

Imps also have that nasty tendency to crouch and be prepared to leap attack
you. Due to this, if your reaction are up to par, you can shoot them in the
head while their airborne. If you don't feel confident about this, simply
dodge out of the way and shoot them to death then.

Vulgar [D3XP.05.13]

Power: **/*****.
Defense: **/*****.
Weapon of Choice: Grabber, Shotgun, Double Barreled Shotgun, Grenade.

This is the monster that takes over the Imp's spotlight. You will know one
of these guys has respawned because they emit a high-pitched scream before
starting their attack.

Vulgars take more punishment than their friends, the Imps. You can sometimes
get lucky to kill them in one Shotgun Shell, but mostly it will take two.
Use the Double Barreled Shotgun for best results.

You can also use the Grenade to kill them in one blast. This is one of the
most efficient ways.

Another fun thing to do is use the Grabber and catch their fireball in mid-air
and send it back to them. This will kill them in one hit, but requires more

Maggot [D3XP.05.14]

Power: **/*****.
Defense: */*****.
Weapon of Choice: Shotgun, Machine Gun.

They make a horrid sound when pissed off, but nonetheless, they are very easy
to kill. If you see one, start backing up into a corner. With luck, you can
take one down with one Shotgun blast to the face. If the Shotgun is not an
option, try the Machine Gun.

Maggots aren't the most damaging monsters, but if done nothing about them,
they can cause a good dent in your health. They are pretty quick for running
on four feet, so watch out.

Wraith [D3XP.05.15]

Power: **/*****.
Defense: */*****.
Weapon of Choice: Shotgun, Double Barreled Shotgun.

Wraiths love to get in your face and slash away. When you see a Wraith and he
seems fairly close, pull out your Shotgun. 9 times out of 10 he will attempt
a leap attack and then start slashing. If you are skillful with the Shotgun,
you can kill him in one hit to the head. Otherwise, plug him full of holes
with the Double Barreled Shotgun. Explosives are not recommended as these
guys love to leap.

Cherub [D3XP.05.16]

Power: */*****.
Defense: */*****.
Weapon of Choice: Grabber, Machine Gun, Shotgun.

The most disturbing monster in the ways of looks, and also the Cherub has
been voted as the most annoying monster Doom 3 by majority.

Cherubs love to leap towards you and begin clawing at you. Not only is their
leap attack their most deadly attack, but when you have several on your ass
at a time, this can get nasty.

Your best bet is to keep your distance from all Cherubs in sight, while
unloading on them with the Machine Gun. If you get cornered by a Cherub,
pull out your Shotgun, take aim, and fire. With luck you will kill it once
and for all. Because of how small they are, you can also fling them against
the wall or into lava, killing them instantly.

Pinky [D3XP.05.17]

Power: **/*****.
Defense: ***/*****.
Weapon of Choice: Double Barreled Shotgun, Machine Gun.

When you hear the sound of mechanical legs roaming the hall, that's your clue
that a Pinky is near. Also known as a Demon in the other Doom games, Pinkys
love to run up to you and take a big chomp out of you.

To prevent this, you can kill them with one Double Barreled Shotgun blast
to the face when they are near you. If you don't feel confident about this,
then what you can do is get up somewhere high and pelt him with Machine Gun
rounds. Because the Pinky is so short, he won't be able to reach you. Cruel,
isn't it? There are only a few of these in the game, so you shouldn't have
any problems with these guys.

Cacodemon [D3XP.05.18]

Power: **/*****.
Defense: **/*****.
Weapon of Choice: Double Barreled Shotgun, Machine Gun, Chaingun.

When you see the Cacodemon, think of the monster as a giant, floating
beach ball. Because of the fact that he floats and is lightweight, you can
knock him around all over the place with weapon fire. This gives you the
advantage when dealing with him.

If you manage to get close to him, he will die in one shot with the Double
Barreled Shotgun. Use this to your advantage, but watch out so that he doesn't
bite you when he's up close.

Revevant [D3XP.05.19]

Power: **/*****.
Defense: **/*****.
Weapon of Choice: Double Barreled Shotgun, Chaingun, Rocket Launcher.

He passes away with 2 rockets from the Rocket Launcher, but he can get
a pest sometimes. He likes to shoot rockets two at a time, but thankfully,
his rockets don't hurt as much as ours do.

The Double Barreled Shotgun works wonders, able to kill him in one shot if
you are up close. This was a very rare sight in Doom II as I think the odd of
killing him in one SSG blast were 1 in 1800 or something. Not anymore.

If you use the Chaingun, be sure to shoot his rockets down if possible. If
you can't do this, simply duck for cover, but they do tend to home in on you,
so watch out.

Archvile [D3XP.05.20]

Power: ***/*****.
Defense: ****/*****.
Weapon of Choice: Plasma Rifle, Rocket Launcher, BFG 9000.

Don't spend your time toying around with these guys. Archvies are a threat
that must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Although they dont resurrect monsters anymore, they do a different attack like
that on a different scale: They like to summon Imps and Wraiths. Don't waste
time killing the summons yet, work your way into eliminating the Archvile
first, or otherwise you'll end up wasting more ammo and he'll just keep

A BFG 9000 shot will kill him in one hit guaranteed. After that, take out
your Plasma Rifle or Rocket Launcher and begin unloading on his summoned
monsters. As with Doom II, he has his fire attack, so watch out for that.

Mancubus [D3XP.05.21]

Power: ****/*****.
Defense: *****/*****.
Weapon of Choice: The Artifact, Chaingun, Rocket Launcher, BFG 9000.

Mancubi have the highest hit point count than any other monster in the game.
This monster also has one of the most damaging attack in the game. He will
pump out fireballs like no one's business. His drawbacks are that he's so
slow and that hes a nice, wide target, which makes it easier to hit him.

As with any monster, if you don't want to deal with him (Who doesn't?), he
dies in one hit by the BFG 9000, 5 rockets from the Rocket Launcher, and
about a clip each from the Chaingun and Plasma Rifle. If you are using the
Chaingun, what you want to do is use the Artifact and use Hell Time. Once
time is slowed down, run up to him and pump his head full of Chaingun rounds.
He will die rather easily that way, and it'll be much easier to avoid his

If you are using the Rocket Launcher, take cover whenever possible and unload
5 rockets into him. He will be down for the count.

Hell Knight [D3XP.05.22]

Power: *****/*****.
Defense: *****/*****.
Weapon of Choice: The Artifact, Plasma Rifle, Rocket Launcher, BFG 9000.

One of the toughest monsters in the game. The Hell Knight can throw you
across the room with ease, throw fireballs that do a lot of damage, and can
take a lot of ammo to the chest and still be happy for more.

The BFG 9000 will kill him in one hit, thank God. If you don't have access
to the BFG 9000, take out your Artifact and use Hell Time. Now, take out
either of the weapons listed above, and just start to unload on him. He takes
a lot to kill, considering he has around 900 life. 5 rockets will do the
job nicely, but if you are out of rockets, take out the Plasma Rifle and
unload on him. He will die eventually, but just be careful with the Plasma
Rifle as the plasma balls may conceal his fireball attack.

The Bruiser [D3XP.05.23]

Power: ******/*****.
Defense: *****/*****.
Weapon of Choice: The Artifact, Rocket Launcher, BFG 9000.

The Bruiser is one of the toughest monsters in the game. He has the speed
of a Mancubus' fireball attack, only faster, and has the strength and life
of a Hell Knight. This is a Bruiser.

If you don't use The Artifact in a fight with the Bruiser, you're screwed,
especially if you're on a higher difficulty level. It is near impossible
to dodge his fireball attacks unless you take cover or use Hell Time
using the Artifact.

First, take out your Artifact and use Hell Time. Next, pull out the BFG 9000
and release the charge on him. He will die in one hit, and you won't have to
play "Cat and Mouse" with him. If the BFG 9000 is out of the picture, use
the Rocket Launcher. It takes 5 rockets to put him down if you're lucky,
but sometimes it can take upwards to 7. Be sure to come well equipped for this
fight with a good supply of armor and health, just in case.

Helpful reader #001 said this:

"Even though the Bruiser has the speed of a Mancubus, the fireball damage
seems to be less than a Hell Knight's fireball."

Thanks for pointing that out.

The Hell Hunters [D3XP.05.24]

Power: ******/*****.
Defense: ******/*****.
Weapon of Choice: You will need every single weapon you have up to the Hell
Hunter fights.

Hell Hunters look like Hell Knights who had a mass overdose of steroids. These
guys may seem to you that they never die, but they do after a long battle.
There are a total of 3 Hell Hunters in the game, and each require your own
strategy to defeat. Each time you fight a Hell Hunter, you have unlimited
stamina, so keep note of this.


Hell Hunter 1.
Weapons You Need: The Grabber.

You will fight this guy suprisingly early, at the mid-point of level two.
When you first enter the arena to fight this guy, you should notice right off
the bat that there's two cannons on the right and left of the arena that fire
off green plasma blasts randomly. What you want to do is avoid the attacks
the Hell Hunter throws out, and with the Grabber, grab one of the green plasma
blasts. When you have one, throw it back at the Hell Hunter. If you hit him,
he will emit a scream confirming you hit him. You need to repeat this about
5 times before he finally is defeated. You will receive the ability of Hell
Time once he's dead.


Hell Hunter 2.
Weapons You Need: The Artifact, Machine Gun, Chaingun, any damaging weapon.

When the battle first starts, get out your Artifact. When he powers up (It's
very obvious that he does as electricity surges through him), his chest will
open up and reveal an orange object. Activate The Artifact and get out any
rapid-fire weapon you have. While under Hell Time, keep pumping rounds into
the orange object in his chest. After some damage, it will close back up.
Wait for the Hell Hunter to power up, and repeat the same process. If you need
corpses for The Artifact, they will be littered around the arena. Once you
defeat the Hell Hunter, the power of Berserk will be available to you.


Hell Hunter 3.
Weapons You Need: Everything you have.

This will be the hardest battle of them all, but the reward is well worth it.
As soon as you enter the arena, a surge of electricity will enshroud him.
He will then proceed to beat your ass down in any way possible. Great...
This guy's surrounded by electricity and nothing kills him, so what are you
supposed to do?

Well, look around the room. You should see four poles that power up the Hell
Hunter. Each pole has a screen. Three of the four poles will have a red
screen, while one of the four will have a green screen. Press the green
screen. An electricity core will be revealed. Take out a damaging weapon
and blow the core up. This will dispower the Hell Hunter for you to damage
him. Enable your Artifact and keep pounding on him. After taking some heavy
damage, he will power up from the next pole. Do the same thing. Touch the
green screen, and blow up the electricity core. Deal out some heavy damage,
and do it for the rest of the cores. Once all the poles are destroyed, he will
have no source of being invincible from you. Keep unloading on him until he
finally dies. Your reward? The power of Invincibility for The Artifact.

If you run out of charges for the Artifact, go to the right of the arena of
where you first entered it, and you will drop down to an underground area.
There is a Health Station if you need it, some items, and most importantly,
corpses. Go back up by going to the right while underground and return to the

W. Maledict [D3XP.05.25]

Power: ******/*****.
Defense: ******/*****.
Weapon of Choice: Everything you have. Most importantly, The Artifact.

First of all, before you enter the teleporter that leads to the arena of the
Maledict, pick up every single bit of ammo, you will need it.

Once the battle starts, Dr. Betruger will taunt you from on the Maledict's
tongue, then it really gets hot and heavy here.

First of all, the Maledict will release fireballs almost constantly through
the fight. Get out your Artifact, and activate it. Now with everything in
Hell Time and you invincible, the fun begins. Get out your best weapon,
preferably the BFG 9000. Charge it up, and aim it at the Maledict. Keep
hitting the Maledict with everything you got until finally the Maledict will
go into the volcano. When we comes out, he will throw an inferno all over
the place, trying to burn you to death. Activate The Artifact again and keep
unloading on him. Once you hit him enough times, the ending will be revealed
and you will have beaten the game. The ending is VERY interesting too =)

If you run out of charges for The Artifact, there are corpses scattered around
the arena.

6. Weapon vs. Monster Chart [D3XP.06.01]

If you ever wanted to know how many Pistol bullets a Bruiser or a Hell Knight
can take before they finally die, or wanted to see how much Machine Gun
rounds you have to pump into a Mancubus to kill him, this is the information
you need to look at.

The information obtained for this was done by me. As I looked through Prima's
Doom 3 guide, they showed weapon damages for each round. I took the number
and divided it by the monster's health, which is also found in the guide.
Some of this may not be accurate, as we don't know the true health values
of some of the newer monsters. Once we get the true values, I'll come back
and update.

All monsters will be included here for reference, even the old bosses of
Doom 3.

Information will NOT be recorded for the Ionized Plasma Levitator, as the
damages are just too random.

Weapon damage values for the Cyberdemon will NOT be listed, naturally because
the Cyberdemon cannot be killed by conventional fire. Just for fun though,
if he was killable by conventional weapon fire, I put down how much he would

Each ammo for each weapon will be for assuming that you hit the chest area.
Headshots will not be counted. To count headshots, subtract 50% off the number
of ammo for the designated monster.

Zombie (Commando, Chaingun Commando) will be shortened for the sake of space.

Grenade and Rocket Launcher counts do not include splash damage. If it did,
the number would be significantly less for monsters.

This chart doesn't factor in the use of Quad Damage from The Artifact, mainly
because the proportions would be out from the massive damage weapons receive
from The Artifact.


PSTL - Pistol
SG - Shotgun
DBSG - Double Barreled Shotgun
MG - Machine Gun
CHG - Chaingun
GRD - Grenade
PLR - Plasma Rifle
RL - Rocket Launcher
BFG - BFG 9000

Monster Name | PSTL | SG | DBSG | MG | CHG | GRD | PLR | RL | BFG |
Zombie (Generic) | 8 | 1 | 1 | 12 | 5 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 1 |
Zombie (Fat) | 8 | 1 | 1 | 12 | 5 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 1 |
Zombie (Flaming) | 11 | 1 | 1 | 17 | 8 | 1 | 10 | 1 | 1 |
Zombie (Bio Suit) | 8 | 1 | 1 | 12 | 5 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 1 |
Zombie (Z-Sec) | 7 | 2 | 1 | 12 | 5 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 1 |
Zombie (Commando) | 12 | 2 | 1 | 25 | 12 | 1 | 15 | 1 | 1 |
Zombie (Chainsaw) | 17 | 3 | 1 | 28 | 13 | 1 | 16 | 1 | 1 |
Trite | 2 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Tick | 2 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Lost Soul | 2 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
The Forgotten One | 2 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Imp | 9 | 1 | 1 | 15 | 7 | 1 | 9 | 1 | 1 |
Vulgar | 12 | 1 | 1 | 18 | 9 | 1 | 12 | 1 | 1 |
Wraith | 9 | 1 | 1 | 15 | 7 | 1 | 9 | 1 | 1 |
Maggot | 6 | 1 | 1 | 9 | 4 | 1 | 5 | 1 | 1 |
Cherub | 4 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 1 |
Pinky | 16 | 3 | 1 | 25 | 11 | 2 | 15 | 1 | 1 |
Cacodemon | 15 | 3 | 1 | 23 | 10 | 2 | 13 | 2 | 1 |
Renevant | 20 | 4 | 1 | 31 | 14 | 2 | 17 | 2 | 1 |
Archvile | 31 | 6 | 2 | 48 | 22 | 3 | 27 | 4 | 1 |
Mancubus | 72 | 14 | 4 | 112| 50 | 5 | 63 | 5 | 1 |
Hell Knight | 65 | 12 | 4 | 100| 45 | 4 | 57 | 5 | 1 |
Bruiser | 72 | 14 | 4 | 112| 50 | 5 | 63 | 5 | 1 |
The Hell Hunters | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Maledict | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
Vagary | 92 | 18 | 6 | 145| 65 | 7 | 82 | 9 | 1 |
The Guardian | 57 | 14 | 5 | 89 | 40 | 5 | 50 | 7 | 1 |
Sabaoth | 125 | 25 | 11 | 194| 88 | 10 | 110 | 11 | 2 |
Cyberdemon | 286 | 57 | 21 | 445| 200 | 25 | 250 | 25 | 3 |

7. Conclusion [D3XP.07.01]

Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil is one of the best games out on the market right
now. In fact, I love the whole Doom series.

I had a lot of fun writing this FAQ, and I hope that you liked reading it.

If you have any questions about the game itself, no matter what it is, contact
me below.

8. Legal Information [D3XP.08.01]

Webmasters! Do NOT:

Post this FAQ on your site directly. The only sites that this rule DOES
NOT apply to is:

No if's, and's, or but's about it. Ask me first if you would like to make
this FAQ available on your site. If I find it on your site and you never
asked me for permission, I will take legal action against you.

Webmasters! Please DO:

If you are a webmaster of a site that wants to post this FAQ, what do
you do? As you read above, you can not post it directly. Instead, link
to the page at that lists all the FAQs for this game.
Why GameFAQs? Because I said so. To clear up some confusion, you can not
link to the URL if it ends in ".txt" or ".doc", you just can't use that.
If it ends in anything else, such as the page where it lists all the
FAQs for a game, you can link to THAT, but not to the actual FAQ. I'm
only repeating myself, but I had to because some people have to be told
something twice. If you have any questions on linking, notify me. To
answer the most common question I'll get, you can not link to any
GameFAQs URL that ends in ".txt" or ".doc" because it's in GameFAQs'
legal section. So there.

This FAQ cannot be used in magazines, guides, books, etc. or in any
other form of printed or electronic media involved in a commercial
business, in part or in whole, in any way, shape, or form, PERIOD. It
may not be given away freely, as a "bonus" or "prize", or given away
with the game itself, etc. This FAQ cannot be used for either profitable
or promotional purposes, regardless of the situation. Breaking any of
these rules is in direction violation of U.S. law.

9. Credits [D3XP.09.01]

I wrote 100% of the FAQ myself, mainly because I've been playing the Doom
series for pratically 10 years and running. Here are a few people I'd like
to thank:

Grawl here at GameFAQS. I used his Table of Contents outline.

CJayC here at GameFAQS. You made a really nice site, I love it. Always keep
up the hard work.

Prima Games' Official Doom 3 Strategy Guide. The weapon damages and monster
life values came from here. Nice job on making a kickass guide book you guys!

Marshmallow here at GameFAQS. He's known for making FAQs from Goldeneye 007
and Perfect Dark for the N64, among other names. Thank you very much for the
legal information section.

Helpful reader #001 for pointing out the damage difference between the Bruiser
and Hell Knight. Thanks a lot.

Mike here for pointing out that the Grabber can pick up small monsters. Forgot
to add it, so thank you.

Everyone on the Doom boards that's been really helpful to me over the years.
I appreciate it you guys.

The readers who read this.

That's really about it. If I haven't mentioned anyone (Does happen, my brain
fails to work 75% of the time), let me know and you'll be added. People who
send in user tips will surely be added here as well :)

10. Contacts [D3XP.10.01]

If you need to contact me for whatever reason, be it a question, complaint,
whatever, contact me in a few ways below.

1. AIM me @ MorpheusDV. This is probably the best way, even though I do have
my away message on most of the time, but I will get your message.

2. E-Mail me. The second way, but I usually only check my E-Mail once a day,
so don't pray for a quick response. My E-Mail address is as follows, except
replace -AT- with @ and -DOT- with . :

nick -DOT- novak -AT- comcast -DOT- net

This is to prevent the numerous god damn spam bots that are E-Mailing me

= Rules About IM or E-Mail: =

* No spam. Heaven help you if I find spam...

* Don't come E-Mailing me saying "Hey, I noticed a typo in section...". It's
fine if you send me an E-Mail or IM saying I got a couple errors, but don't
go rampant finding errors. I don't have Microsoft Word so spellcheck is out
of the question.

* If you have a question that is not already answered in this FAQ, please, go
ahead and ask.

* If you want to set up a server in which you want to learn how to play, I'll
be glad to help you. See Contacts above for more information.

This document is © 2005 DV Morpheus
All rights reserved.
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