Melty Blood React

Melty Blood React

15.10.2013 11:53:58
Melty Blood ReAct
Shiki Nanaya Character FAQ
By Mad Tea Party

Note: The most recent version of this FAQ can be found at

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or
otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission.
Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public
display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

This FAQ is for GameFAQs, ComboVideos, Neoseeker, and DLH only. It is
not to be posted anywhere else without permission. If you want to use
it, just e-mail me. I'll probably say yes, I'd just like to know
beforehand. This guide is copyright 2005 Mad Tea Party.

Melty Blood ReAct is copyright Watanabe Production / French Bread
Original Tsukihime story and characters are copyright Type-Moon.


Version 1.02: Completed everything I planned on including... kind of.

Version 1.015: I don't know jack!... But I added some matchups.

Version 1.01: Edited some bad grammar and added some strategies.

Version 1.00: First release with everything and is meant for version


Just who is Nanaya? I don't know... yet! (Thanks Sp00ky)

Table of Contents------------------------------------------------------

I. Terminology
II. Normal Moves
III. Throws
IV. Shield Moves
V. Special Moves
VI. EX / Super Moves
VII. Quotes
VIII. Miscellaneous
IX. Strategies
X. Matchups

I. Terminology---------------------------------------------------------

I’ll be using the notation that I’ve found on forums:

7 8 9
4 5 6 Pretend that it’s an 8 direction joystick or
1 2 3 whatever and 5 is at rest or just standing

A = weak attack
B = medium attack
C = fierce attack
D = shield

Also, when I talk about scaling, I might say that something has 70%
scaling. That means that if you start a combo with that particular hit,
the next hit in the combo will only have 70% of it’s original attack

This FAQ assumes that you already know the basics of the game, such as
throwing, teching, activating Heat, etc. If you don’t, read kalciane’s
FAQ. It’s the best (and probably only one) there is when it comes to
general FAQs about Melty Blood ReAct the game.

II. Normal Moves-------------------------------------------------------

Note: The following data will be given at the default damage level (3)
and is unscaled, that is, 100% of it’s damage.

Note: All the other attacks will follow the format of the first one so
I won’t be typing “damage”, “circuit gain”, and “scaling” over and over

4/5/6 A Nanaya does the standard quick jab. Since MBR is stupid
when it comes to over prioritizing A attacks, don’t
hesitate to use this an anti-air attack to start up air
340 damage, 6.8% (5.7% blocked) circuit gain, 70% scaling

7/8/9 A This is an air version of the quick jab. It’s still good
to use an anti-air, but avoid it in air combos as it
300, 5.1% (4.3%), 78%

1/2/3 A This is the almighty crouching quick jab that will beat
close to anything in the game. It’s fast and it has high
priority. Not bad to start up air combos with only
because the chances of it hitting are high.
300, 5.8% (5%), 68%

4/5/6 B Nanaya throws out his elbow and moves forward just a
little bit. If kara throws were possible, I suspect that
this would be the attack to use it with (If you didn’t
understand any of that, don’t worry. It doesn’t pertain
to this game). This attack can be followed up by another
4/5/6 B to launch the opponent with an upward slash (it
doesn’t matter if the first hit connects). Only the
second hit may be charged and cannot be air teched out of
if it successfully launches. Use this attack after
sweeping to start air combos, rather than using a 4/5/6 C
as this doesn’t scale.
1st hit: 700, 11.9% (10.1%), 100%
2nd hit: 1000, 17% (14.4%), 68%
2nd hit charged: 1700, 22.1% (18.7%), 75%

7/8/9 B This is a 2 hit mid-air knife slash. This is Nanaya’s
only normal attack that cannot be blocked low.
1st hit: 600, 10.2% (8.6%), 100%
2nd hit: 600, 10.2% (8.6%), 100%

1/2/3 B Nanaya extends his arm along the ground and moves
forward in the process to try and stab his opponent. This
attack has lots of reach and will also chip if blocked.
This move should be used to poke as it does chip damage
and has deceptive range.
1000, 15.3% (13%), 100%

4/5/6 C Nanaya leans forward and advances about double the
distance of his 1/2/3 B in another stab. This move can be
charged. Don’t carelessly use this attack because you’re
just asking to be punished if you miss contact.
1500, 25.5% (21.6%), 80%
Charged: 2400, 30.6% (26%), 100%

7/8/9 C This is an aerial stab at about 45 degrees. I guess you
can use it as a jump in if you ever decide to do so. Be
warned: this attack is not a high attack; as in, it can
be blocked crouching.
1400, 20.4% (17.3%), 80%

1/2/3 C Nanaya slides similar to Shiki’s special attack and moves
only slightly farther forward than he does with his 4/5/6
C. This move cannot be cancelled if it connects at the end
of the slide. Keep that in mind unless you like taking
beatings. Don’t use this attack. Stick with his 1/2/3 B.
1000, 13.6%(11.5%), 60%

III. Throws---------------------------------------------------------

C throw Uh... this is a 2 hit combo because evidently the grab
and throw count as 2 different hits. With that said,
Nanaya grabs the opponent and then throws them to the
opposite side with a little flip. There’s no way in hell
you’re getting one hit without the other so I’ll put the
data together. Nanaya's throw is something you should get
used to using because of his godly dash.
1500 damage, 8.5% circuit gained

Air C throw Nanaya grabs his opponent out of the air then knocks
them into the ground as he does a physics defying forward
flip up then down to the ground a 1/2/3 B’s distance
back than where he started. End all air combos with this
unless you’re trying to confuse your opponent.
1200, 11.9%

IV. Shield Moves---------------------------------------------------

Note: Nanaya’s shield involves him sticking out his hand, thus giving him
the range of about his 4/5/6 B. Despite what it may seem, his shield
isn’t limited to just his hand, but is effective from his hand all the
way to his body.

236 D Ground: If done after a successful shield, Nanaya will
do an extended version of his 236 A/B/C special. It
pushes so there’s a slim to none chance that you’ll get
all (approximately 24) hits to connect. You can move
Nanaya around when he’s slashing away. You’ll only gain
circuit if Nanaya connects with one of the last hits.
Don’t do this. It leaves you wide open at the end, giving
the opponent an opportunity to shield counter or combo.
250/hit, 4.2%/last hit (3.8%/last hit), 100%

Air: Nanaya does his 7/8/9 C that bounces the opponent
back up for a combo opportunity. After connecting, the
opponent cannot ground or air tech. Mix up your air game
with shields, throws, and As to make your opponent
second-guess everything.
1800, 10.2%, 80%

Crouching: Nanaya does a forward dash that will switch
sides if you let it. The dash can be interrupted in any
way that his normal dash allows. This is pointless as
the dash doesn’t have invincibility.

214 D Nanaya’s shield bunker looks like both hits from his
4/5/6 B, but only the second hit will connect. The
opponent cannot air tech, but can break fall if it connects.
This move cannot be jump or back dash cancelled. For those
that don’t know yet, shield bunkers act similar to red
parry alpha counters ... if that makes sense. You can do
them anytime, but the shield has to catch the attack in
order for the bunker to be successful. The game stops for
a brief moment to let you know if it was successful or
not. Your best bet is to cancel this with a 22C and jump
up for a combo.
1200, 17% (14.4%), 100%

222D (Blood) Heat Activation: Nanaya’s activation is
unblockable, invincible and knocks his opponent upwards.
This can be air teched out of.
100 damage

Last Arc (Done by shielding while in Blood Heat) Nanaya holds up
his knife for a second then throws it across the screen.
If it connects successfully, Nanaya appears above his
opponent and says “Kyokushi... Nanaya!” as his opponent’s
blood bursts out of them. Nanaya then appears
in his original location. Don’t use this attack on
projectiles. The opponent can simply jump over the knife
if they’ve recovered from their projectile.
5000 damage

V. Special Moves--------------------------------------------------

236 attacks: Seisaya Hachitenshou

236 A Nanaya starts stabbing as if his arm is Chun Li’s leg
for a grand total of 6 hits. You can move around while
the attack is going on. The range on this move is about
the range of 1/2/3 B. This move can be air blocked. This
move can be super cancelled on the last hit (super
canceling scales to 65%). Don’t use this attack unless
you want to chip at your opponent.
250/hit, 2.5%/hit (2.1%/hit), 100%

236 B This is just double of 236 A as it does double the hits,
but seems to be slightly weaker.
220/hit, 2.5%/hit (2.1%/hit), 100%

214 attacks: Seisaya Hachisei/Nanaya/Ippuu

214 A Nanaya makes like he’s about to make a dash and then
disappears and reappears approximately 70% of the
distance of the screen. If the opponent is somewhere
in-between the starting and ending points, Nanaya will
do an overhead slice that ends with him flying through
the air and landing a 4/5/6 C’s distance from the
opponent. This move is a one hit wonder. No cancels and
no follow ups available. Be careful: if you are too close
to the opponent, Nanaya will not slash (for example,
running in and doing 214 A will be the simple disappear and
1200, 15.3% (13%), 100%

214 B Nanaya does the same start up motions for his 214 A,
but will start a horizontal slice before it ends. If the
opponent is in-between his starting and ending points,
Nanaya will do the horizontal slice early. This move will
wall slam in that case. If Nanaya is within an A attacks
distance when he attacks, the horizontal slice will knock
the opponent upward (which can be ground teched) allowing
for a combo or OTG 214 B relaunch.
Far: 900, 15.3% (13%), 100%
Close: 1600, 25.5% (21.6%), 100%

214 C Nanaya does the usual “now you see me, now you don’t” act,
but this time has a distance that is roughly an A attack’s
distance less of the A and B versions. Rather than
slashing, Nanaya reappears and throws if the opponent
is within range. Else, nothing special happens. This is
a great way to end a game if you’ve been doing the A and
B versions all day as they’ll sit and block... maybe.
1500 damage, no circuit

623 attacks: Seisou Rokkuusagi

623 A Nanaya does an upward heel kick that moves him forward
a little for 2 hits. This move can be super cancelled
and 22 cancelled to drop straight to the ground. I
personally prefer a 5 A to this any day as MBR != Street
1st hit: 1500, 20.4% (17.3%), 100%
2nd hit: 600, 13.6% (11.5%), 100%

623 B Nanaya does a beefed up version of his 623 A that moves
him forward the length of his 4/5/6 C and rises higher
as well. This attack gets one extra hit in. This move
can be super cancelled and 22 cancelled.
1st hit: 1400, 20.4%(17.3%), 100%
2nd hit: 600, 10.2%(8.7%), 100%
3rd hit: 600, 10.2%(8.6%), 100%

22 A Nanaya assumes his 214 position and teleports about a
body’s length distance less than his 214 A without
attacking. Nanaya disappears more quickly than he does
in this than in his 214 attacks.

22 B Nanaya assumes his 214 position, but simply disappears
and reappears in place. This move is just a fake out
teleport / 214 attack.

22 C Nanaya positions himself as if he is about to teleport,
but instead does nothing. If you cannot back dash cancel
a move, this should be next on your list. It’s especially
useful for canceling his Shield Bunker.

Mid-air 22 Nanaya drops straight down to the ground leaving some
after images. It’s a great way to trick your opponent
and relaunch them. Random is your friend.

VI. EX / Super Moves-----------------------------------------------

236 C This one’s just a longer version of its A and B
counterparts. Same ol’ story here, but now with a total
of 18 hits possible.
283/hit, 1.2%/hit (1.1%/hit), 100%

623 C Another lazy enhancement here. This kick goes higher,
farther, and gets 3 extra hits over the B version. No
more 22 cancel available.
1st and 2nd hit: 1000/hit, no circuit gain
2nd,3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th hits: 500/hit, no circuit gain

41236 C Also called an Arc Drive: Eyes of Direct Death /
Seisaya Meidakeshamon

Heat: Nanaya strikes an awesome pose then makes to hop
halfway across the screen with his hand and knife
following his body. Why’s that important? Because if
you touch that hand and knife, Nanaya will slash the
screen diagonally showing to all that you just became
victim to Eyes of Direct Death. This move is blockable /
shieldable and can be OTGed after.
4200 damage

Blood Heat: This looks almost the same as the Heat version,
but this time Nanaya has a double that jumps higher to
effectively cover 70% of the screen both horizontally
and vertically. If Nanaya touches the opponent, he will
disappear and 2 slashes will appear diagonally on the
screen about a second after. This move is unblockable.
6400 damage

VII. Quotes------------------------------------------------------------

Credit goes out to Security Bulletin #17 from Beast’s Lair for these
since I just copy pasted them from a post.

See you later in hell.

So, my next target is....

Did you decide where to go? If you go to hell, say hello to enradaioh
( lord of hell).

Did you understand, That is what it means to kill.

Well, It's something like this. You'll die anyway so there is no big

You don't deserve my words. Try harder after you reincarnate.

Easy. Then, I will fade away until tomorrow night.

I am a spider, webbing in darkness. Welcome, to this beautiful killing

Vs. Tohno Shiki
One without worries go swifter, Don't worry and die, Shiki. I will
succeed you!

Vs. Nrvnqsr

Aah, I really wanted to fight you. The result is set and there is nothing
changing it. So, the other choice is, only this.

VIII. Miscellaneous--------------------------------------------------

As in most games with air blocking, grounded normals cannot be air
blocked. This gives all the more power to Nanaya’s 5 A.

Nanaya leaves very little red health to his opponent for all of his

His air dash has been nerfed since previous versions so don’t try his
instant air dash combo unless you’re VERY confident and you’re playing
Nero or Wara.

Nanaya’s forward dash has several frames of invincibility at the
beginning just as he leans forward.

Nanaya has a "double" backdash. Double tap 44 after his first hop back
to have him do a backflip. This is great for avoid really long attacks
because backdash = invincible.

IX. Strategies---------------------------------------------------------

#1 Strategy (and I cannot stress this enough): Back dash cancel
EVERYTHING. If you’re not wailing on your opponent, back dash after
your last attack unless you like losing. This includes back dash
canceling his forward dash. (More like a tip rather than a strategy,
but eh).

Take advantage of Nanaya’s dashing speed and constantly dash in to poke
only to back dash cancel the poke. The poke preferred is a 1/2/3 B as
it chips. Every now and then, cancel the poke with an A attack then
dash in and throw. His speed should eventually overwhelm his opponent.

Don’t use any of his special attacks and just learn to get ways to
start comboing. The only exceptions to this might be his 623 B super
cancelled into Eyes of Direct Death. Why? Because I do it all the time
to look cool. You want to look cool, don’t you? Like me, right? No? You
just want to win? Bah, kids these days...

Learn to tech punish. The end.

Don’t always end combos with an air throw. Mix it up with his 22 and go
for relaunches.

Nanaya has no mixup game besides some choice special attacks. He should
rely on horizontal play, rather than high low. Speed should be your main
weapon. Punish!

Now for actual strategies:
Dash in, poke with some attack and back dash cancel. Repeat that, but mix
it up with a whiff cancel instead and go in for a throw.

When air comboing in the corner and in Heat mode, end with a 22, then
try to activate Blood Heat to juggle them. With any luck, they'll
tech right into an unblockable Eyes of Direct Death.

The idea when dashing in and out constantly is to force them to make a
mistake. Nanaya is fast enough to dash out of range, see and opening,
then back in to punish their mistake.

Turtling works well with Nanaya, I suppose. Sit around all day and just
jab your opponent whenever you want and start up a combo.

Alternate between throws, A normals, and shielding. Your opponent
might want to block an oncoming A normal only to get thrown / they'll
want to try to hit you before being throw, in which case you beat them
with an A normal / they do an attack that has enough range to beat
As and a throw, in which case you shield.

A nice trick to do on their wakeup is to dash jump over them, then back
air dash cross up, or no cross up at all. It's up to you. Remember that
air B is the only attack that hits high.

Let's take this to the next level:

X. Matchups-------------------------------------------------------

Vs. Sion

Sion isn't a great character so you shouldn't have trouble overwhelming
her with just speed. Her normals do provide shielding and she has a roll,
but it's still not enough to make her any threat. She's just too slow.
A attacks will be your best bet against anything she throws at you.
Unfair, but it works. If you see something coming, A it. If it was a
setup and she shielded, back dash cancel. Seriously, this chick only
looks good in combo videos.

Vs. Arc

Ok, I've only fought one really good Arc and you're pretty much
going to stick with your dashing poke strategies. The person I played
turtled so that stopped me from taking advantage of any openings, but
speed should be able to get you some throws in. As of 2.009a, the main
threat is a 2C -> 623 attack OTG. At first, it may seem that this
leaves no opportunity for you to dash in and attack because of the
623 claws and their range / lack of lag. I'm thinking that this is
one of those few times that it's ok to use EX moves and Arc Drives
as they're your only real offense to use to win against that 623.
If you're pretty godly (like me), block the 2C, then dash in and
have the invincibility protect you from the 623.

Last thing to worry about Arc is her Arc Drive. It's pretty much
a Wara tornado that homes in. Uh... take it easy and block. Not
a bad strategy if I don't say so myself.

Vs. Ciel

Be VERY careful about that dashing poke strategy if you're going
to use it. Her EX Runpast will murder you if you stick out your limbs
too often. That goes for jump ins as well. Besides that, I treat Ciel
as I would any other opponent. Her main weapons against you will
be the Runpast and a super jump -> back dash cancel overhead, but
exercising caution and doing fake outs and feints should stop the
Runpast and just keep a heads up for that overhead... literally.

Of course, you could always turtle and just do A counterhits into

Vs. Akiha

She's a bit similar to Ciel in the sense that she has a 236 C that
will kill your attempts to poke / pressure on her wakeup. Again,
there's nothing you can do against it, but you can always avoid
the attack by taking things easy. She'll eventually slip up,
thus letting you get a combo in. Remember, it'll only take 2 slips
for you to win at default damage.

I doubt any serious player would use a flame pit on Nanaya because
he's able to get to her by the time she lands. Though sometimes
it happens, in which case: Stay in the air if you like and watch
out for the ignition and her 236 Cs. Her 236 attacks in general
are not jokes, but I like to deal with them with Arc Drives. It
comes out quickly and you're invincible throughout it.

The last of Akiha's weapons to keep an eye out is her Arc Drive,
especially if you're cornered. Super jump and runaway!... Or you
can waste your Arc Drive and go through her.

Vs. Hisui + Kohaku

Of the two, Hisui is the bigger problem. Her combos are more damaging
and her dust and bento boxes are annoying. The best plan is to block
her combos and if she ends with a 5C chair, dash in and 5A then
start a combo. The timing for the first hit of the chair coincides
with the shielding of your dash. Back dash cancelling should throw
her off enough for you to catch an opening and get in a combo.
Try to throw often, as well. If you're caught by her dust, do an
Arc Drive on an opening or just jump into the air. Try to stay away
from her when that happens because you can't block her 5A so she
may knock you back to where you came from. Shield the lunch boxes.
If you get Last Arc ed, just go crazy with A attacks.

Against Kohaku, don't go rushing in recklessly via the air because
her B sword will kick your sorry butt. If you're psychic, go in and
just shield counter it. Up close, you can either try to combo her
or just wait until she tries something. You back dash is your savior
as it will be useful in avoiding normals, Mr. Chin, and her bunker.
If you get knocked down, be careful of a Mr. Chin setup. Go ahead
and block it, but look out for a possible high low game due to
Hisui assists. If you get a Mr. Chin Arc Drive setup pulled on you,
jump and get hit, then tech towards Kohaku. Besides that, her Arc
Drive can be avoided by simply jumping.

That's all I can think of for now.

Vs. Shiki

Ha. This match is a joke. So what if he's got better specials than
you? He uses a stupid butter knife! Just play as you normally would.
Even if you get hurt by combos here and there, you can even the score
with half of the combo that hit you.

If you haven't already, mess around with Shiki in training mode. Learn
which attacks lead into which attacks and figure out the timing on his
multi-hitters as he has quite a few. With that, you can either shield
counter or bunker for fun times. Nothing to worry about really, except
for his Blood Eyes of Direct Death, but you should be able to teleport
if you can't escape in time. If he has you cornered, walk towards him
then duck as he begins to jump. The first couple of frames of the
attack are just for show and don't hit.

Last Arc? Pshaw! Jump cancel / backdash cancel / 214B (my personal
favorite) cancel your attack and that stupid slice will miss.

Vs. Miyako

Miyako = linalys's main. Everything here is from personal experience:
Be careful about poking and using Ex moves / Arc Drives if you decide
to use them. She will win chicken games with her super armor 214
attacks. Since those attacks have to approach you before you can get
hit, try to shield and go into a 623 kick. Another option would be
to throw her when she gets close enough, but don't try that unless
you're very confident in your abilities / luck.

If she's getting close, don't give her the opportunity to throw you.
Do an A attack and combo her if it hits, otherwise, back dash cancel.
You can also try to dash in after the A attack to throw her first.

If you've already let Miyako come in too close, get ready for some
jumping B cross ups. If you time it right, your 5A can beat this.
However, don't go jumping after her unless you KNOW you can get a
combo in, else Miyako will tech and air throw you. In the case of
air throws, either tech far away or don't tech at all. Miyako can
punish ground techs with more air combos. It's better to take those
few invalid hits than to start the process over again.

Your strategy should be to get combos off by countering her attacks
first or avoiding them. Play the counter game. Chances of you winning
if you take the initiative aren't as high as they would be if you
sit back and wait.

Last note: Her ground stomp is shieldable. :)

Vs. Wara

I can't explain how much I hate fighting good Wara players. Here's the
deal: His attacks hit multiple times and push you far away. This makes
it hard to bunker his attacks and even harder to punish a whiffed attack
because you're going to end up more than halfway across the screen for
blocking his normals. His stupid tornados and clones won't be helping
you much either.

But anyway, here's how I take care of good Wara's:
Start using those 22 and 214s like a madman. It's one of your few attacks
that can get in close and land you a hit. So what, the damage sucks.
The idea behind using those attacks is to just get in close. It's,
uhh... a lot easier if you're psychic. With enough time, the distance
gap between you and Wara should close. Staying in his face and going
crazy with A attacks along with that back and forth dashing strategy
should keep the Wara user on his or her toes and keep you relatively

Next up: those stupid tornados. These will cause you much grief.
Whatever you do, don't try to dash through them. If anything, backdash
through them. Yeah, I know, getting farther away isn't ideal, but
if you play around a bit, those tornados will become predictable, thus
allowing you to land a successful 214 attack. Keep an eye on his
circuit, though. His Arc Drive looks just like his tornado at start up,
but he'll be invincible. Don't be greedy!

That's all I can think of for now...

Vs. Nero

Nero isn't quite as bad as Wara because he's weak. There aren't any
scary jump ins to worry about that you can't handle with your 623 kicks.
Why no 5A? I might have bad luck, but 5As just can't win as easily over
multi-hitting attacks as they do one hit wonders. Another thing about
the air: stay out of it. If you do manage to get into the air,
specifically for a jump in, be prepared to eat EX crows -> 2C -> Air

All the crap that Nero puts on the screen shouldn't be too much of a
problem as they have crazy long startup / can be seen coming. Know
what that means? Attack him when he's lagging, then back dash cancel
before taking the hit... Or if you're me and want to live in the edge,
jump cancel then do a shield counter.

That's about it for Nero. Don't stay away the entire match because
any good Nero will spam the screen with annoyances. When approaching,
stay out of the air, or at least avoid those EX crows if you do get
some air. Any moron can avoid his Arc Drive.

Vs. V Sion

I very rarely play V Sion so there isn't much that I can say. If she
starts doing whip loops when you're blocking, try to bunker. Don't
jump in when she has circuit because you'll get Katto looped. I guess
if you stayed in her face she would have less options as some of her
moves have start up, mainly the clones. The problem is, Kattos come
out even if you trade hits with her. Back dash cancelling comes in
handy here. Also, maybe go crazy with Arc Drives? I'm fairly certain
that if you see an attack coming, you can throw out Eyes of Direct
Death and you'll hit her before she recovers.

Vs. AkaAkiha

You can more or less use the same strategy that you use against Akiha
against AkaAkiha. Try to stay on your toes, though, as she's a lot
faster and gains an extra air dash. This means that one extra thing
to look out for is her meaty 214C, then (double) air dash cross up
attacks. Try to balance your time in the air and ground because she
can match Nanaya's speed in the air and you're likely to get thrown
if you fool around too much.

Some other things that I've taken from personal experience is that
you should mixup your combos as her bunker lets her go into a combo.
Final note: Block. Her 236C and 5B (super armor launcher) will beat
the crap out of you if you try to win a chicken contest with 2As.

Vs. Mech Hisui

Ah, Mech Hisui. I haven't seen anyone besides myself use her seriously.
Her main weapon would be that troublesome whip loop. All of her
projectiles and such don't pose a problem if you stay in her face.
Staying low and comboing will cause quite a few of Mech Hisui's
attacks to whiff and that means there's more of a chance that you
won't be far away enough to get hit by an EX whip. If you do decide
to stay away from her, just duck. A nice thing to do is back yourself
into a corner then do a 2B -> back dash cancel loop. The corner
actually helps you because you don't lose any range on the 2B. The
last thing I can say is that you should block her / bunker her multi
hitting attacks. She leaves many openings if one of them miss and
if your opponent thinks that you always block them, you can eventually
create an opening.

Vs. Satsuki

Here's what Satsuki can do to you:
Grab your crotch
Punch you

With that said, your strategy should be to try and stay out of the air
and just wail on her with random ground dash pokes. Shielding is fun,
too. Really, that's about it. If she jumps at you, you can 5A her or
air throw her or shield the attack. It's easy to see coming. If you're
on the ground, she walks absurdly slow and her dash can't be cancelled.
Free hits!

Vs. Ren

Ren is another one of the weak characters, but her size sort of limits
you. Whenever I play against Ren, I tend to runaway because up close
she'll go crazy with her air 2C and will probably cross up. I also
tend to get throw a lot. If you're far away, she won't be able to trap
you with Neko Arc and her Ice attacks should be fairly easy to avoid.
Lots of 2Bs and running away with air shields is what I do. She's a
small character though, so just don't do lots of high attacks. The last
thing that I can think of is to just not ground tech and air EX Ice
attacks will punish you.

Mirror Matches

Hmm... the best way to explain this is how you would fare against someone
reading this FAQ and more / less doing the same things you may / may not do.
The best thing to do against any Nanaya user is to make the match go
at your pace. If you're winning at rushdowns, keep it up until one thing
goes wrong. After that, try to turtle. Constantly changing strategies
that vary in speed will always keep you one step ahead of the opponent.
This will make them predictable. If you're going on the offensive with
jump ins and pokes and you all of a sudden get countered, feint the same
action and punish the opponent when they expect you to do the same.
Normally, any Nanaya user would be more or less at a stalemate if the
person is turtling and not falling for throws, but you won't be able
to win the match with just turtling. All of your attacks are equally
matched so you can't count on a counter hit getting you anywhere
reliably. You'll have to really create your own opportunities. So, yeah.
This is very general and all. Don't just turtle. Do stuff.

If you get shielded on a Blood Heat, jump or shield the knife. If you
get set up for an Eyes of Direct Death, back dash to avoid the slashes.
Once you've taken away those weapons, keeping Nanaya from comboing you
by running away / pressuring them when they don't expect it should
put things in your favor.

Random crap------------------------------------------------------------

I’ve created several videos that are up at There is
a video dedicated solely to Nanaya titled Volume 5. Several match videos
are there as well.

Other useful links:
The best English resource for all things Type-Moon.
Uh, yeah. Lots of fighting game stuff here, including a Melty Blood ReAct

Find the rest yourself. Find Eternal Romancia. Everything you need is
there when it comes to MBR... probably. A link to ER can be found on

Thanks go out to linalys for playing me several times and teaching me
more mechanics about the game so that I was able to improve. Thanks go
out to kalciane because he has a crazy huge FAQ out that’s so in-depth
that I MUST’ve picked something up from it, even if unknowingly. Evospace
for his awesome site Beast’s Lair providing translations to things and
attack names.

Contact info:
madt3apar7y (at)
I’m sure you all have it in for me or something, but save that for
another time. E-mail me only if you have something constructive to say,
as in a mistake I made or you have something you’d like to add.

My AIM screen name is the same as my yahoo name above.
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Miyako Arima Character FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Octombrie 2013
Shiki Nanaya Character FAQ
Engl. FAQ

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Warakia/Walachia FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

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