Restricted Area

Restricted Area

17.10.2013 12:28:21

* Restricted area *
FAQ\Walkthrough, version 3.79.
Author: Hedin2004 (
Date: 24 october 2005.

In 2083 a pollution of Earth turned nearly all planet into lifeless desert.
Only mutants lived there in ruins. Normal life has stayed only in oceans
and big cities. There is a dense mist in the air of the cities, and only a
small amount of sunlight can get through it. A lack of sunlight is met by
lots of lamps and ad lights. Somehow humans have survived, maybe with the
help of cyber technologies and gene engineering. All states we knew have
vanished. All big cities are united under the rule of the World Government,
but in fact corporations are in charge. Corporations encourage people who
are loyal to them. But of course the are some elements, who live without
corporation's laws. Corporation's databases doesn't have their personal
data, they are hunted, but they can't be annihilated, because they perform
dirty work for corporations. Two professions are claimed: warriors and
hackers. Corporations on the one hand hire such people, and on the other
hand companies suffer from them. That is why corporations began to hide
their treasures outside of big cities in secret places in the desert - in
restricted areas.


1. Version control.
2. Game basics.
2.1. Notes about the game itself.
2.2. Maps basics.
2.3. Equipment basics.
2.4. Menus basics.
2.5. Characters.
2.6. Cyber reality basics.
3. Walkthrough.
3.1. Story walkthrough.
3.1.1. The beginning.
3.1.2. Old bunker.
3.1.3. Factory.
3.1.4. Oxygen bunker (Jessica only).
3.1.5. Oxygen prison.
3.1.6. Oxygen laboratory (Victoria only).
3.1.7. Oxygen laboratory (Takahashi only).
3.1.8. Oxygen factory 1.
3.1.9. Oxygen factory 2.
3.1.10. Oxygen factory 3.
3.1.11. Oxygen research center.
3.1.12. Osaki's palace.
3.2. Mr. Smith's side quests.
3.3. Secret quests.
3.4. Battle strategy.
4. Primary skill list.
5. Secondary skill list.
5.1. Terminology.
5.2. Common skills.
5.3. Victoria's skills.
5.4. Johnson's skills.
5.5. Jessica's skills.
5.6. Takahashi's skills.
6. Weapon list.
7. Implant list.
8. Artifact list.
9. Item list.
10. Abnormal status list.
11. Enemies list.
12. Cheats and secrets.
13. Frequently asked questions.
14. Credits.
15. Conclusion.
16. Disclaimer.

1. Version control.

Version 3.79. 24 october 2005.
Updated Battle strategy and Credits sections.

Version 3.67. 18 october 2005.
Updated Secret quests, Artifact list and Credits sections.

Version 3.5. 17 october 2005.
Updated Cheats and secrets section.

Version 3.48. 10 august 2005.
Updated Secret quests and Credits sections.

Version 3.46. 6 july 2005.
Updated Disclaimer section.

Version 3.45. 28 june 2005.
Updated Disclaimer section.

Version 3.44. 27 june 2005.
Updated Disclaimer section.

Version 3.41. 23 june 2005.
Updated Disclaimer section.

Version 3.4. 22 june 2005.
Updated Disclaimer section.

Version 3.39. 20 june 2005.
Updated Cheats and secrets and Credits sections.

Version 3.36. 17 june 2005.
Updated Game basics, Cheats and secrets and Credits sections.
Fixed some bugs in Game basics, Artifact and Secondary skill

Version 2.86. 16 june 2005.
Updated Game basics, Credits and Disclaimer sections.

Version 2.81. 14 june 2005.
Updated Game basics, Frequently asked questions, Credits and
Disclaimer sections.

Version 2.77. 11 june 2005.
Updated Walkthrough and Disclaimer sections.

Version 2.74. 9 june 2005.
Finished Story walkthrough section.
Updated Game basics, Artifact, Item and Credits sections.

Version 2.59. 7 june 2005.
Updated Game basics, Credits and Disclaimer sections.

Version 2.56. 6 june 2005.
Updated Walkthrough, Frequently asked questions, Credits and
Disclaimer sections.
New chapter added: Cheats and secrets.

Version 2.41. 3 june 2005.
Updated Artifact and Enemies sections.

Version 2.39. 1 june 2005.
Fixed some bugs in Game Basics and Walkthrough sections.

Version 2.37. 31 may 2005.
Updated Game basics, Walkthrough, Abnormal status and Credits sections.

Version 2.28. 30 may 2005.
Updated Walkthrough, Weapon, Implant, Artifact, Enemies and Credits
New chapter added: Frequently asked questions.

Version 1.93. 28 may 2005.
Updated Game basics, Walkthrough, Secondary skill list, Implant, Artifact
New chapter added: enemies list.

Version 1.63. 26 may 2005.
Updated Walkthrough, Weapon, Implant, Artifact and Disclaimer sections.

Version 1.5. 25 may 2005.
All sections except skill lists, conclusion and disclaimer were updated.
New chapters added: implant list; artifact list and abnormal status list.

Version 1.0. 23 may 2005.
Game basics, walkthrough, primary and secondary skill lists, weapon and
item lists and some necessary staff added.

2. Game basics.
2.1. Notes about the game itself.

Restricted Area is a Diablo-like RPG. There are 4 types of characters in
this game. After selecting the type and code name, the data of your hero
is saved to his/her personal file. When you load the game, you select one
of the personal files. This files with the info about heroes can be
selected to play game in the net.

In Restricted area each character has only one save slot. There are two
types of saving the game: quick save (The quick save button can be
selected in main menu); save with exit. So, you can't reload game, because
you can't exit without saving. But the is a way of creating several saves
of one character. You can find a directory with saves and copy files with
saves. This will help you to overcome some bugs or to "reload" the game.

If you begin a new game, you can select one of the difficulty levels:
normal, hard, realistic. Normal level is the easiest way to play. On hard
level all the enemies become stronger. On impossible level you loose the
hero's data if killed.

In Restricted area you can take a lot of quests. If you complete the quest
you gain some prestige points. Prestige points influence desert monsters
level, the quality of side quests and your rank. If you are on a quest you
can exit the quest area in any time. Just talk to a pilot, who brought you
there. If you exit the quest area and return to the city before the quest
is completed or your character is defeated, you loose half of Prestige
points, which you can get for completing of this quest. I recommend not to
quit quest areas before completing the quest if you want to gain money
and experience. There are a lot of side quests in Restricted area, so
gaining experience and credits is not a problem. The maximum value of
prestige points is 100. Maximum character level is 100.
Experience table:

Lvl Exp Lvl Exp Lvl Exp Lvl Exp Lvl Exp
1 - 100 21 - 89600 41 - 619100 61 - 1988600 81 - 4598100
2 - 300 22 - 102300 42 - 664300 62 - 2086300 82 - 4768300
3 - 650 23 - 116150 43 - 711650 63 - 2187150 83 - 4942650
4 - 1200 24 - 131200 44 - 761200 64 - 2291200 84 - 5121200
5 - 2000 25 - 147500 45 - 813000 65 - 2398500 85 - 5304000
6 - 3100 26 - 165100 46 - 867100 66 - 2509100 86 - 5491100
7 - 4550 27 - 184050 47 - 923550 67 - 2623050 87 - 5682550
8 - 6400 28 - 204400 48 - 982400 68 - 2740400 88 - 5878400
9 - 8700 29 - 226200 49 - 1043700 69 - 2861200 89 - 6078700
10 - 11500 30 - 249500 50 - 1107500 60 - 2985500 90 - 6283500
11 - 14850 31 - 274350 51 - 1173850 71 - 3113350 91 - 6492850
12 - 18800 32 - 300800 52 - 1242800 72 - 3244800 92 - 6706800
13 - 23400 33 - 328900 53 - 1314400 73 - 3379900 93 - 6925400
14 - 28700 34 - 358700 54 - 1388700 74 - 3518700 94 - 7148700
15 - 34750 35 - 390250 55 - 1465750 75 - 3661250 95 - 7376750
16 - 41600 36 - 423600 56 - 1545600 76 - 3807600 96 - 7609600
17 - 49300 37 - 458800 57 - 1628300 77 - 3957800 97 - 7847300
18 - 57900 38 - 495900 58 - 1713900 78 - 4111900 98 - 8089900
19 - 67450 39 - 534950 59 - 1802450 79 - 4269950 99 - 8337450
20 - 78000 40 - 576000 60 - 1894000 80 - 4432000 100 - 10000000

When you take a quest, the quest area will appear on the world map. When
the quest will be completed, the quest area will disappear from the world

During the adventures your character will gain experience points (exp) and
level up. Each time your character gains a level, he/she receives
development points (DP). You can spend them to increase primary skills and
secondary skills. You can increase your primary skills in inventory window
while spending primary skill development points (1 point of primary skill
for 1 primary skill development point). You can increase your secondary
skills in secondary skill window while spending secondary skill development
points (view the cost in Secondary skill list section).

Boxes in deserts or bases can be hit and destroyed, and some of them can
contain items, so try to destroy all boxes you see. Chests can contain
items. If you move the mouse cursor to the chest and the chest will be
marked by the yellow bound, you can open it. If the chest will be marked by
the red bound - it is locked. To unlock all the chests you must have a crow
-bar in your inventory.

Barrels in deserts or bases are filled with fuel and explode when hit. When
the barrel explodes it hits all objects, which are near: close boxes are
destroyed; other barrels also explode; simple enemies are seriously damaged
or killed. If you kill enemies with the help of the barrels you also gain
experience. Do not hit barrels, when your character is near them.

2.2. Maps basics.

In Restricted area all maps except city maps have different for the each
character structure. The game has a fixed number of maps. Sometimes a map
is randomly selected, but a group of maps are connected to the story line.
Selected story maps depend on the character. Objects which are randomized:
positions of boxes, barrels, chests, enemies; places, where you can get
items; dropped items properties. Objects on maps are created during
traveling through them!

Mini-map is shown in the upper-right part of the screen, if enabled. You
can set mini-map activation button in main menu. Blue points on the map
show the location of characters you can talk with. Red points on the map
show the location of map exits or pilots, without whom you can't exit map,
characters, who can give you a quest, the location of key items. Yellow
points show the location of the terminals, which help to travel to the
cyber reality (Only hacker can use them). White point shows the hero
position on a map. When you arrive to the desert location, note that the
ship with a pilot are not shown on the mini-map.

When your character enters the map for the first time, it is unexplored.
When a character enters a room it becomes explored and appears on the map.
Desert maps are always explored, because they are "single-room maps". If
you see a red point on the unexplored part of a map - it is a destination

When your character is traveling with allies, each ally is shown on the
mini-map like a moving red point.

2.3. Equipment basics.

In Restricted area only weapons can be normally equipped. Instead of
equipping armor or accessories, characters implant artificial body parts.
To implant an item your character must have a tolerance equal or greater
than minimum tolerance value of an item. After an item is implanted the
current tolerance decreases by the minimum tolerance value of an item.

Some enemies can drop random items. If you stop the cursor on the dropped
item look at the name of the item. If the color of the name is white -
this is a simple item. If the color is blew - the item has additional
random properties, and it is made by one of the companies. If the color is
yellow - this item is an artifact: it has a great random additional
properties and doesn't belong to any corporation.

When you equip (implant) weapons and body parts with the same creator
corporation your character receives a primary skill bonus. The bonus is
connected to the quantity of body parts with the same creator.
Quantity Bonus
1 No bonus
2 +1
3 +2
4 +3
5 +5
6 +7
7 +9
8 +12
9 +15
Bonus types are listed below.

Body parts bonus:
1) Pharma Inc. - Dexterity.
2) Money Group - Intellect.
3) Invention Corp. - Reaction.
4) Life tech. - Constitution.
5) M.A.R.S. - Strength.
6) Life vision - Willpower.

Weapons bonus:
1) Any corporation - Weapon damage (Bonus*5%).

In Dee's weapon shop you can upgrade weapons. Each level of upgrade costs
some credits and increases weapon damage.
1) Machine-guns: +6 damage per upgrade level.
2) Flame-throwers: +50 damage per upgrade level.
3) Pistols: +10 damage per upgrade level.
4) Shotguns: +8 damage per upgrade level.
5) Katanas: +25 damage per upgrade level.
6) Cyber claws: +15 damage per upgrade level.
7) Plasma-guns: +8 damage per upgrade level.

You can also tune the grip in weapon shop. This costs a lot of money, but
increases your weapon stats. If you upgrade a weapon, it's grip
modification cost increases. Increased stats depend on a weapon type.
1) Flame-throwers: damage +20%.
2) Machine-gun: attack +20%, damage +20%.

In Doc's equipment shop you can rotate bio/cyber arms and legs for
credits: turn them from right to left or from left to right. You can also
pay credits for turning cyber implants wear proof (without wear) and tune
up bio implants (minimum tolerance value of an implant becomes 0).

Bio implants: bio arms, bio legs, eyes, brains, hearts, skins, boosters.
Cyber implants: cyber arms, cyber legs, artificial bones, skin guard;
adrenaline pump; reflectors; cyber hearts.

In shops you can modify implants and equipment. If you choose this option
the modifying window will appear where you can select implant's or weapon's
properties. The more quality - the more is the price.

In Restricted Area epuipment has an endurance like in Diablo 1, 2. You can
fix equipment if you talk to Doc and pay him money. But you can also use a
tool box to fix equipment.

2.4. Menus basics.

#1. Game screen options.
____________________ 1 - current health (full gauge - full health).
|1 ===== | 2 - current exp (full gauge - level up).
|2 ===== | 3 - current energy points (full gauge - full energy).
|3 ===== | 4 - left mouse button action.
| | 5 - right mouse button action.
| | 6 - middle mouse button action.
|4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11| 7 - med kits quantity and usage.
|___________________| 8 - inventory and primary skills section.

9 - secondary skills section.
10 - log section.
11 - main menu.

#2. Weapon shop screen options.
____________________ 1 - Dee's stock.
|____ ____ ___ | 2 - Equipped implants and weapons.
|| | | | | | | 3 - Your inventory.
||1 | | 2 | | 3| | 4 - Buy/sell option.
||__| | | |__| | 5 - Weapon upgrade option.
| |___|__ | 6 - Grip tune option.
|4 5 6 7 |_2|8 9 | 7 - Weapon modifying option.
|___________________| 8 - Auto-implant option.
9 - Auto-sort inventory option.

#3. Equipment shop screen options.
____________________ 1 - Doc's stock.
|____ ____ ___ | 2 - Equipped implants and weapons.
|| | | | | | | 3 - Your inventory.
||1 | | 2 | | 3| | 4 - Buy/sell option.
||__| | | |__| | 5 - Implants rotate option.
| |___|__ | 6 - Turning cyber implants wear proof and bio implants
|4 5 6 7 |_2|8 9 | tuning option.
|___________________| 7 - Implant modifying option.
8 - Auto-implant option.
9 - Auto-sort inventory option.

2.5. Characters.

In this section there is not only information about the heroes, but my
opinion how to equip and level up them too. It is only an advise, so raise
your characters as you want.

#1. Johnson.
Birthday: 10.10.2046.
Height: 1,89 m.
Weight: 98Kg.
Hair: Dark Brown.
Eyes: Pale Blue.
Class: ranger.
Exp receiving rate: the lowest.

Johnson is a former member of the global government special forces, which
were founded to make sure that the worldwide government maintains control
over the companies' private armies. After the political influence of the
companies became bigger, the special forces were dissolved. As a former
enemy of the companies, Johnson's chances of getting a job somewhere are
bad, and he doesn't like to work for his former enemies anyway. He decided
to become a professional criminal, living from jobs like stealing
prototypes of new cyber ware and assassinating important people.

Special features:
- he can equip flame-throwers and plasma guns.
- can throw grenades.
- flame-throwers and plasma guns have energy, but it can quickly recover.

Description: If you are playing the game for the first time, Johnson is the
best choice for you. It is easy to complete the game with his help. Equip
flame-thrower as quickly as possible (It is dropped by the enemies). Pay
attention to these primary skills when leveling up: constitution (always 1
DP), dexterity (always 1 DP), strength or reaction (choose where to spend 1
DP). Pay attention to these Johnson's secondary skills when leveling up:
flame-thrower, increased tolerance, first aid, running, head aiming, hyper
speed (see chapter 5.4 for more details).

#2. Parker Jessica.
Birthday: 15.07.2061.
Height: 1,72 m.
Weight: 56Kg.
Hair: Synthetic/Pink.
Eyes: Blue.
Class: hacker.
Exp receiving rate: the highest.

First accused of data crime at the age of 13, Jessica was jailed for life
when she was 17. In prison, she learned one thing: The executive is your
enemy. At the age of 22, she escaped with help of a self-build robot drone.
Now she has to hide from the police. As she is the weakest character
physically, the flying robot drone guards her wherever she goes--except for

Special features:
- she has a robot guardian.
- she can use computer terminals to visit cyber reality.
- some of her skills require control points, which can be received in
cyber reality.

Description: If you play as Jessica, equip machine-gun. Pay attention to
these primary skills when leveling up: constitution (always 1 DP),
dexterity (always 1 DP), strength or reaction (choose where to spend 1 DP).
Pay attention to these Jessica's secondary skills when leveling up: first
aid, machine-gun, running, and all skills, connected to the robot guardian
(see chapter 5.5 for details). Cyber guardian is her best weapon, so visit
cyber reality and search control points there to fill robot's energy.
Always spare robot's energy and use it only in difficult situations, for
example in boss battles.

#3. Takahashi Kenji.
Birthday: 12.01.2057.
Height: 1,76 m.
Weight: 72Kg.
Hair: Black.
Eyes: Brown.
Class: warrior.
Exp receiving rate: low.

Kenji is the son of a powerful Yakuza boss who tried to kill his father but
failed. Now he has to escape, as the Yakuza is trying to kill him. He
doesn't remember the exact incidents and believes that someone has betrayed
him, as he has no reason to kill his father. Grown up with traditional
japanese values he is a great sword fighter and a very loyal and honorable

Special features:
- he can use katanas and cyber claws.
- he can equip 2 pistols at the same time.
- he can use "super moves" and "battle magic", which spend Zen (energy).
- Zen recovers while hitting the enemies and barrels.

Description: At the beginning of the game choose, what type of fighter
Takahashi will be: close ranged or long ranged. This influences secondary
skills greatly. If he is closed-range level up Katana's skills, else level
up 2 pistols skills. Don't forget about evasion, health recovery, iron
skin, bullets evasion secondary skills (see parts 5.1 and 5.6 for more
information). Pay attention to these primary skills when leveling up:
strength (always 1 DP), dexterity (always 1 DP), constitution, reaction or
intellect (choose where to spend 1 DP).

#4. Williams Victoria.
Birthday: 02.03.2060.
Height: 1,78 m.
Weight: 62Kg.
Hair: Blond.
Eyes: Green.
Class: wizard.
Exp receiving rate: high.

Victoria is the first known human gifted with psionic abilities, a form of
mental magic, but these abilities were also a curse. The Osaki Company was
so interested in researching the psi phenomenon that she was kidnapped as a
child and doesn't know her parents or her surname. She was jailed in an
Osaki laboratory until she was 20, when she managed to escape. Although
this was four years ago, she is still persecuted by Osaki. As her last
hideout was discovered, she has to start a new life.

Special features:
- she can use magic, wich spends the energy points.
- if a dropped item is far away, she uses telekinesis to get it.
- energy points depend on remaining tolerance.
- energy points recover automatically.

Description: If you play as Victoria, equip machine-gun. Don't forget, that
Victoria's energy points depend on remaining tolerance. So try to equip as
many bio-implants as you can and tune them up as quick as possible. In this
game you'll really need 3 spells: Heal, Paralyze and Mind storm. Only bosses
have immune to paralyze, but simple monsters and semi-bosses (leaders) can
be paralyzed. Mind storm is a good thing to kill enemies through the walls.
It also good works in chapter 3.1.8 of walkthrough. Don't forget about
healer, machine-guns, running secondary skills (see parts 5.1 and 5.3 for
more information). Pay attention to these primary skills when leveling up:
intellect (always 1 DP), dexterity (always 1 DP), constitution, reaction or
strength (choose where to spend 1 DP).

Character development strategy by Grifman:

"Early on, you need to put points into stats other than intelligence
because you need the abilities the stat increases bring. However, by mid
game, the stat increases you can get from cyber/bioware far outweigh any
stat increases you get upon leveling up. I've got cyberware that have
basically doubled or tripled my base states. So at this point I start
dumping everything into intelligence to build skills - my stats are plenty

Takahashi's review by TemjinGold

"I know a lot of people complained that Sword Kenji seems impossible to
play on the higher difficulties. This is not true. With the right types of
items/stats, it is very possible. My Kenji has about 300 evade and even
big bosses can only hit him once in a while. I can walk into a crowd of
monsters my level and get hit 1 in 10-20 times. Heck, "Counterattack" skill
is useless because I don't get hit enough for it to go off...

Kenji's Kick is way better than I thought. I have Level 6 of it right now
and it says costs 10 and does 339 damage. I figured out why it costs way
more than 10 sometimes. It seems that the Kick will do 339 for every 10 you
can spend (until you run out of Zen or the enemy dies). Let me explain.
Because I have 54 Intelligence now (with items), I have 295 Zen. I was on
the story mission where you fight the 2 bosses at once. My sword does
90-300 or so. I tested by attacking once and it did less than 1 cm of damage
off the boss's lifebar. I had a full Zen bar and did a kick. The boss died
in 1 Kick and I lost like half my bar (down to 140 or so Zen). When I'm
fighting really weak enemies though (like Level 6 ones; I'm level 18 now),
the Kick will always only cost 10 because "1" Kick is enough to kill them.
Just from the numbers, Kick may even be better than his Level 25 skill
(Turnaround) since that one always takes all your Zen and Kick only takes
as much as needed plus can do much more damage
(right now, 339 * (Zen/10))."
2.6. Cyber reality basics.

Cyber reality is accessible by Jessica only. She can get there with the
help of computer terminals. If you have visited the cyber reality, the
computer terminal becomes inactive (shut down by the system), and you can't
connect to cyber reality once more.

Inside cyber reality Jessica receives a cyber life gauge (normal life gauge
is replaced by it), which is not connected with the normal life gauge. The
cyber reality always resists: the cyber life gauge slowly decreases. If it
becomes 0, the game is over. When you exit cyber reality a cyber life gauge
is replaced by the normal life gauge.

In cyber reality Jessica can shoot energy balls. Enemy types:
1) Pyramid (I.C.E.): slowly follows your character and shoots; can be
2) Thorn balls: when they "see" your character they charge and

In cyber reality your character can use and take information from special
terminals. There are 2 types of terminals.
/\ ___
/__\ |___|
\ / < Type 1. \ / < Type 2.
\/ \/
With the help of Type 1 terminals you can: destroy some I.C.E.'s and some
Thorn balls on the current cyber reality map; increase information loading
speed from all terminals on the current cyber reality map. With the help of
Type 2 terminals you can find: control points; cyber weapon modify
properties; credits; a map of a current building and special story
information. It takes some time to copy the information. If you leave the
terminal, and the information hasn't been fully copied, then you must load
an information from it from the beginning. When the copying process is
completed, the special terminal vanishes.

Jessica can set mines, set watch weapons, recover robot guardian's energy.
These actions require control points.

3. Walkthrough.
3.1. Story walkthrough.
3.1.1. The beginning.

When you take control upon your character, you will found yourself in the
First city. It's map is shown below.
___/8/ 1 - Mark.
/7 6 \__ ____ 2 - Jason (Pilot).
\ 5 \__ \__ \__ 3 - Shakier (Creditor).
\_ 4\___ \ \ 4 - Dee (Weapon merchant).
\__ 3\____/1 / 5 - Janie.
\__ \ 6 - Doc (Implant and Med merchant).
\_ 9 \__ 7 - Arthur.
\_ \ 8 - Mr. Jones (Employer).
/ / 9 - Mr. Smith (Employer).
\__ 2 /
\__ /
\___ /
When you take control over your character talk to Mark. You can ask him
about the city if you want. Before taking the first quest you can buy items
and equipment. First talk to Shakier. If you agree to take a credit from
him, you will give him 25% of your credit income after returning from
quests until you return him all the money. Take a credit if you want and
talk to Dee. You can buy and upgrade weapons. After that talk to Doc and
buy implants and Med kits from him. Note that further in the game Betty can
work instead of Doc.

You can take your first quest from Mr. Jones. Talk to him and he will hire
your character. When you are ready for a fight talk to Jason and agree his
conditions. He will take 25% of credits you get after returning from any
mission. You can negotiate 20% with him by offering 15%. He will say that
all he can go as low to is 20%. Take that offer. If you try 10% he will be
insulted and refuse, and you will be stuck with 25%.

3.1.2. Old bunker.

Now lets return to our first quest.
Type: receiving item.
Place: Old bunker.
Employer: Mr. Jones.
Reward: 500 credits.
Description: Find a box with micros in the old bunker.

After landing make your way through the enemies and search the entrance of
the old bunker. When you enter bunker you'll find yourself ON THE FIRST
FLOOR. Make your way to the third floor and find the box with micros. After
that you may return to the city. You'll receive 2 prestige points.

In the city you can buy and sell equipment. When you are ready, talk to Mr.
Jones, take another quest, talk to Jason and fly to the mission.

3.1.3. Factory.

Type: purge.
Place: Factory.
Employer: Mr. Jones.
Reward: 1000 credits.
Description: There are a lot of mutants in a factory. Kill their leader.
You can get an additional reward: 5 credits for each killed mutant.

After landing make the way through the enemies and search the entrance of
the factory. When you enter it make your way to the third floor and enter
the large room. The door will be closed and you face the boss.
BOSS: Giant mutant.
Strategy: He is easy. He slowly runs after the character to perform close
attacks. Sometimes he stops for a moment and summons smaller mutants
(close ranged). Just run from him and shoot. Try to kill smaller mutants
in order not to interfere. If you play as Victoria shoot smaller mutants
and cast Mental attack on the Giant mutant. Giant mutant's damage is not
high, so if you play as Takahashi Kenji, just equip katana and charge. If
you play as Johnson, equip flame-thrower. Flame-thrower is the best weapon
against Giant mutant. If you play as Jessica, activate the robot guardian.
After dealing with Giant mutant enter the Log section and click "To the
city" button. You'll get 2 prestige points.

In the city you can buy and sell equipment. From now on you can talk to
Mr. Smith and take additional quests. It is a good way of gaining exp. and
credits. When you are ready for the story quests, talk to Mr. Jones, take
another quest, talk to Jason and fly to the mission.

If you play as Johnson, Victoria or Takahashi, then skip part 3.1.4. But if
you play as Jessica you'll receive different mission, so skip parts 3.1.5,
3.1.6 and 3.1.7.

3.1.4. Oxygen bunker (Jessica only).

Type: purge.
Place: Oxygen bunker.
Employer: Mr. Jones.
Reward: 5000 credits.
Description: Find restricted information about Oxygen corporation.

After landing make your way through the enemies and search the entrance of
the bunker. When you enter it make your way to the second floor and search
for computer terminal. Enter cyber reality and search all special terminals
there. All terminals will contain secret information. Search the terminals
in cyborg reality until you see the movie. Jessica will be caught and
thrown to the prison.

But then Takahashi will come and rescue Jessica. After the movie you'll be
in a sever with Takahashi as an ally. Search the destination point. Enter
the roof and you'll see another movie. Takahashi will leave your party.
You'll receive 2 prestige points.

In the city you can buy and sell equipment. If you talk to Mr. Jones, he
will remark, that they are searching for the information about Jessica and
he will ask you to come later.

So, talk to Mr. Smith, take a quest you like, complete it and return to the

3.1.5. Oxygen prison.

Type: rescue.
Place: Oxygen prison.
Employer: Mr. Jones.
Reward: 2000 credits.
Description: Find and rescue Jessica. She must survive.

After landing make your way to the third floor and stop before the large
room. Prepare to the boss fight: equip long range weapon. When you are
ready enter the large room. The door will be closed and you face the boss.
BOSS: Cyber centaur x 2.
Strategy: They are much harder than the previous boss. First Cyber centaur
quickly runs to the character and performs close ranged attacks, and the
second Cyber centaur rapidly shoots at the character. Long ranged Cyber
centaur can perform rapid fire or shoot several bullets at ones (Like "S"-
weapon in Conrta). To my mind long ranged Cyber centaur must be the first
victim, because it is much easier to evade close ranged Cyber centaur's

If you know how to beat them they become quite easy. Search the large room
for the group of boxes. The trick is that the long ranged Cyber centaur
can't shoot throw the boxes, but you can. So run around the boxes (very
close to them) and when the long ranged Cyber centaur is at the other side
of the boxes and he can't reach you stop for a moment and shoot him. Repeat
these actions until long ranged Cyber centaur will be dead. After this
event continue to perform quite the same tactics. Run around and very close
to the boxes. The close ranged Cyber centaur is much larger than your
character, so sometimes he falls behind. When the distance between your
character and the close ranged Cyber centaur increases, stop for a moment
and shoot. Repeat these actions until close ranged Cyber centaur will be

Strategy 2: It is useful with a long ranged weapon equipped. When you enter
the room, and when the door is closed, just shoot forward. You can kill
both Cyber centaurs without even seeing them. But I'm not sure that it
will always work. Just try: if you will fail - use the first strategy.
After beating the boss continue to the next room and talk to Jessica. She
joins you for a while. You'll see the movie and in the middle of it you
must choose, where to go: to the roof or to the sever. There are more
monsters in the sever than on the roof, but you can receive more exp in the
sever, so choose wisely.

After that the movie continues. When the movie ends you'll find yourself
at higher flour or in the sever with Jessica in your party. Don't forget
that Jessica must survive! Jessica uses a pistol as a weapon and will help
you a little in battles. Search the destination point. Enter the roof and
you'll see another movie. You'll receive 2 prestige points.

In the city Jessica will leave your party. You can buy and sell equipment.
If you talk to Mr. Jones, he will remark, that they are searching for the
information about Jessica and he will ask you to come later.

So, talk to Mr. Smith, take a quest you like, complete it and return to the
NOTE: You can go to the Mr. Smith's quest and then quickly return back to
the city. It is no difference. But to my mind it is not a good thing to
loose your prestige points.

Read part 3.1.6. if you play as Victoria only! Else skip it!
Read part 3.1.7. if you play as Takahashi only! Else skip it!

3.1.6. Oxygen laboratory (Victoria only).

If you play as Victoria, then to the left of Mr. Smith's position you'll
see Johnson. Talk to him. Some time ago Johnson nearly killed your
character. He was hired by one of the Oxygen company. And now it is time
to take a revenge. Victoria will knock Johnson down with magic. You will
receive a quest.

Type: - .
Place: Oxygen laboratory.
Employer: - .
Reward: - .
Description: Find and kill scientists as many as possible.

After landing make your way through the enemies and search the entrance of
the laboratory. When you enter laboratory make your way to the third floor.
Here kill everyone and the scientists also. One of the scientists begs you
to spare his life. You can spare him, if you want. After dialog with that
scientist mission will be complete.

3.1.7. Oxygen laboratory (Takahashi only).

If you play as Takahashi, then after returning to the city after Mr.
Smith's random mission after completing part 3.1.5, to the North-East
you'll see Victoria. Talk to her. She'll tell Takahashi that he has no
aura, and he is a cyborg. Takahashi won't believe her.

Talk to Doc. He'll confirm that Takahashi is a cyborg and send him to the
technician (Jessica). Jessica is standing in front of Mr. Jones. Talk to
her. Takahashi will tell Jessica that he is a cyborg and he wants to know
who and why has created him. After some conversation Jessica will "sneak"
into his brains. Talk to her once again. Jessica will tell him that Dmitry
Zaginov is his creator, but because of an error or a breakage he can't
control Takahashi. Jessica also will delete a block, which helped Dmitry
Zaginov to control Takahashi. After receiving the information Takahashi
will get a quest.

Type: - .
Place: Oxygen laboratory.
Employer: - .
Reward: - .
Description: Find doctor and professor Dmitry Zaginov.

When you are ready, go to the mission. After landing make your way through
the enemies and search the entrance of the laboratory. When you enter
laboratory make your way to the third floor. Here you'll see Dmitry
Zaginov. First of all prepare for the boss fight and then talk to him.

Dmitry Zaginov will tell you that he have caught the real Takahashi and
made Cyber Takahashi instead of him to kill Takahashi's father. And Cyber
Takahashi has succeeded. So, from the beginning of the game you've played
as a Cyber Takahashi. Then Dmitry Zaginov will say that it is time to kill
Cyber Takahashi. Cyber Takahashi 2,5 will appear and attack.
BOSS: Cyber Takahashi 2,5 and Dmitry Zaginov.
Strategy: Dmitry Zaginov simply do nothing. He only runs throughout the
room. Cyber Takahashi 2,5 slashes the character with Katana. Well, simply
charge Cyber Takahashi 2,5 and use Med Kits. Don't forget to kill Dmitry
When the boss is defeated you'll see a movie, where you must choose, to
kill real Takahashi or to free him. If you choose to free true Takahashi,
Cyber Takahashi will tell him everything he did before and say that a girl
named Jessica is his true savior. Then Cyber Takahashi will perform
Hara-kiri. True Takahashi will bow to Cyber Takahashi. Then you'll play
as a True Takahashi (Be careful, when your character appears in the city,
he has only 1 HP!). If you choose to kill True Takahashi, then you'll
continue playing as a Cyber Takahashi.

3.1.8. Oxygen factory 1.


If you play as Johnson, then after returning to the city after Mr. Smith's
random mission after completing part 3.1.5, to the North-East you'll see
Victoria. Talk to her. Johnson will remember an event from his past (12
years ago). Then he took part in Oxygen laboratory assault. When you take
control over Johnson, he will be in Oxygen laboratory with a machine-gun as
a weapon and with an ally. Access to inventory and skills is denied. He
and his allies are invincible in this map, so there will be no problem
killing your enemies. Make your way to the second floor and then search the
destination point. Talk to the girl (Victoria). You'll see a movie where
you must choose: to kill Victoria or not to kill her. Select any option you
like. If you spare Victoria, Johnson will save her, and if you shoot her,
she will survive herself. When you return to 2083, talk to Victoria for the
second time. She'll get information about the Oxygen laboratory from
Johnson and go away.



If you play as Jessica, then after returning to the city after Mr. Smith's
random mission after completing part 3.1.4, to the North-East you'll see
Victoria. Talk to her. She'll tell Jessica, that Takahashi is looking for
her, and he has identification problem. Jessica won't understand it. So,
find Takahashi near Shakier. Talk to Takahashi. He'll tell Jessica that he
is a cyborg and he wants to know who and why has created him. Jessica will
"sneak" into his brains. Then you'll see Jessica in cyber reality. When you
take control over her find 10 terminals and read their data. Do it as
quickly as possible if you don't want the game to over. After receiving
information Jessica will move into normal reality. Talk to Takahashi.
Jessica will tell him that Dmitry Zaginov is his creator, but because of
an error or a breakage he can't control Takahashi. Jessica also will delete
a block, wich helped Dmitry Zaginov to control Takahashi. After receiving
the information Takahashi will go away.


To take the next story quest talk to Mr. Jones. He'll tell you that Oxygen
company has 3 factories. Your next mission will be the destruction of the
first factory. You will receive 4 explosives. BE CAEFUL! DON'T LOOSE
THEM! When you are ready, move to the mission.

Type: purge.
Place: Oxygen Factory.
Employer: Mr. Jones.
Reward: 2000 credits.
Description: Set C4 explosives on 4 main columns at the basement of Oxygen

After landing make your way through the enemies and search the entrance of
the factory. When you enter the factory make your way to the third floor.
Here you'll see a group of destination points. These are the columns. Make
your way through the enemies and set the explosives on 4 columns. When the
fourth explosive is set, the quest will be completed. You'll receive 2
prestige points.

In a city talk to Mr. Jones. Your next mission will be the destruction of
the second factory. You will receive 4 explosives. BE CAEFUL! DON'T LOOSE
THEM! When you are ready, move to the mission.

3.1.9. Oxygen factory 2.

Type: purge.
Place: Oxygen Factory.
Employer: Mr. Jones.
Reward: 3000 credits.
Description: Set C4 explosives on 4 main columns of the second Oxygen
factory. You have 2 minutes after the first column.

This mission is much harder than the previous one. After landing make your
way through the enemies and search the entrance of the factory. When you
enter laboratory make your way to the third floor. Here you'll see a group
of destination points. These are the columns. KILL ALL THE ENEMIES in the
factory FIRST. You can also get rid of obstacles: destroy all boxes and
barrels in a factory you can, move away boxes, which can't be destroyed
but can be moved from the future escape way. Before setting the explosives
choose the shortest future route between 4 columns. The first column must
be the farthest to the floor exit. The last (fourth) column must be the
nearest to the floor exit. Then QUICKLY SET ALL 4 EXPLOSIVES AND RUN DOWN
THROUGH ALL THE FLOORS OUT OF THE FACTORY. You'll have 2 minutes after
setting the first explosive to run away.

After escaping you'll see a movie. The factory will collapse, but anti-air
system will shoot your airship down. Jason will need 7 minutes to repair
the ship. During this time your character must protect him/herself and
Jason. The quantity of attacking monsters is unlimited. If you play as
Johnson, a flame-thrower will be the best weapon here. If you play as
Victoria use the Mind storm magic. If you play as Jessica, enable a robot
guardian. If you succeed you'll see a movie, where the legion of monsters
will fail to destroy Jason's ship. You'll receive 3 prestige points.

In a city talk to Mr. Jones. Your next mission will be the destruction of
the third factory. Mr. Jones remarks that you'll have a partner during the
mission. Your ally is standing near Jason. If you play as Johnson, Vicroria
will be the ally. If you play as Victoria, Johnson will be your ally. If
you play as Jessica, then Takahashi will be your ally. If you play as
Takahashi, your ally will be Jessica. Talk to your ally, and if you are
ready talk to Jason and fly to the factory.

3.1.10. Oxygen factory 3.

Type: purge.
Place: Oxygen Factory.
Employer: Mr. Jones.
Reward: 4000 credits.
Description: Take X14 explosive to the center of the building. After that
run away as quickly as you can.

After landing make your way through the enemies and search the entrance of
the factory. When you enter laboratory make your way to the third floor.
Here search the column. When you set the explosive on it, you'll see a
movie. Your character and an ally will jump down into the sever. Here make
your way through the enemies to the destination point. When you exit the
sever you'll see another movie. Your command will steal a car and escape.
After the mission your ally will live your party. You'll receive 4 prestige

In a city talk to Mr. Jones. Your next mission will be the destruction of
the secret laboratory in Oxygen research center. There will be 2 groups
with 2 mercenaries per each (all main characters). You must lead the first
group. If you play as Johnson your ally will be Victoria. If you play as
Victoria your ally will be Johnson. If you play as Takahashi your ally will
be Jessica. If you play as Jessica your ally will be Takahashi.

Your can find your ally near Jason. Talk to your ally.

If you play as Johnson or Victoria, Johnson will ask Victoria's pardon.
Victoria will answer that it is OK, and they will reconcile with each


Takahashi and Jessica will talk about Jessica's mother. Jessica don't love
her, because of their relations. Takahashi will remark that it'll be better
to forgive her, but Jessica will say, that it is not Takahashi's business,
and cyborgs can't feel such things. Takahashi will say that Jessica has
time to reconcile.


Then if you are ready for a mission talk to Jason and fly to the

3.1.11. Oxygen research center.

Type: purge.
Place: Secret laboratory.
Employer: Mr. Jones.
Reward: 10000 credits.
Description: Destroy Oxygen research center.

After landing make your way through the enemies and search the entrance of
the laboratory. When you enter laboratory make your way to the third floor.
Here prepare for the boss fight.
BOSS: Vormed.
Strategy: Vormed slowly runs to the character and attacks with the
flame-thrower. Be careful! He does a great amount of damage. Run away from
him and shoot him from a distance. He is not very high on HP. If you play
as Jessica, then activate the guardian.
After the boss fight you'll see a movie. Your characters will understand
that they are tricked, the mission is a trap, and Osaki's corporation wants
to deal with them with the help of Mr. Jones. Your team will run on legions
of monsters and your ally will die saving the life of your character. The
main character will be safe and receive 5 prestige points.

In the city, where Mr. Jones once stood, you'll see 2 remaining characters
(For example : if you play as Johnson or Victoria, you'll se Jessica and
Takahashi). Talk to them. The main character wants to take revenge upon
Osaki. The other characters refuse to help you. You'll receive the last
story quest.

If you talk to Jason, he will refuse to fly to Osaki's palace first, but
your character will persuade him to help. Before flying to the palace it
will be better for you to prepare. The monsters are very strong in Osaki's
palace. So, talk to Mr. Smith and complete several quests to gain level,
credits and equipment. One more thing is necessary: BUY THE NIGHT-VISION
DEVICE from Dee. You can also buy some med kits to use them while battling
the bosses. When you are ready, fly to Osaki's palace.

3.1.12. Osaki's palace.

Type: purge.
Place: Osaki's palace.
Employer: -.
Reward: -.
Description: Take revenge for your friend. Find and kill Osaki.

Your character will find him/herself at Osaki's palace. Make your way
through the enemies to the fourth floor. After entering the fourth floor
prepare to the boss fight. You'll get into Mr. Jones' second trap. He will
block doors, shut down the light and send a demon on your character.
BOSS: Behemoth.
Strategy: When the fight begins, immediately use NIGHT-VISION DEVICE.
Behemoth runs after your character and strike with a whip. His strikes do
not deal great damage, but they are quick and very accurate. It is very
hard to evade his attacks. Run away and shoot from a long distance. Do not
stand to long after a shot. If your character has a pistol or a gun
equipped run close to the wall around the room. Choose 2 opposite corners,
and when your character is near any of them quickly turn to the Behemoth
and shoot then quickly run further around the room. Beware of 4 statues in
the room. They can impede your character's movement, and you can be an easy
target for Behemoth then. If you play as Jessica, then enable the guardian.
If you are playing as Takahashi, use Jump, Berserk, Rotation and Iron coat
secondary skills.
After beating the boss find Mr. Jones on the current floor and kill him. On
the fifth floor you'll face Osaki himself.
BOSS: Osaki.
Strategy: Osaki is not only a Samurai. He is a mage. He drains EP from your
character, attacks with Para-psychological strikes. But the worst things he
can do are casting Paralyze spell and becoming invinsible for some time.
When your character is paralyzed, Osaki runs to him/her and slashes him/her
with Katana. Katana attacks deal the greatest damage. You can't evade magic
drain and paralyzing attacks.

But there is a strategy that makes Osaki an easy boss to beat. Unequip all
close- and middle-ranged weapons (Katanas and flame-throwers). Equip long
ranged weapons. Osaki usually stands and shoots, so note where he has
stopped and run so far from him, that he won't be visible on the screen.
Then turn around and shoot at him. If Osaki casts Paralyze, it won't
bother you, because your character will be far away. While paralyzed
quickly click left mouse button to run away. If you are far away, Osaki
won't be able to reach your character in time. If you play as Victoria you
can quicken boss killing process. Cast Mind storm on him, but only if your
character is far away and run farther from Osaki immediately. When Osaki
won't be visible on the screen, turn around and shoot at him. If you are
playing as Jessica, then enable her guardian. If you are playing as
Takahashi, use Jump, Berserk, Rotation and Iron coat secondary skills.

When Osaki is defeated the game is finished. After the last movie and the
starring, the difficulty level will increase and you'll start the game from
the beginning with the same level, equipment and inventory. Your character
will also receive a rank. For example, when I beat the game for the first
time I've received "Mercenary" rank.

3.2. Mr. Smith's side quests.

There are a lot of Mr. Smith's side quests. This list is incomplete.

#1. Type: receiving item.
Place: Living vision bunker GHH.
Employer: Mr. Smith.
Reward: 500 credits.
Description: An important research information was stolen. Return it as
quickly as possible.

After landing make your way through the enemies and search the entrance of
the bunker. When you enter bunker make your way to the fifth floor and find
the box with information storage. After that you may return to the city.
You'll receive 2 prestige points.

#2. Type: liquidation.
Place: Life tech. bunker CT 59.
Employer: Mr. Smith.
Reward: 300 credits.
Description: An ex-worker continues information stealing and gives is to
competitors. Finish him as quickly as possible.

After landing make your way through the enemies and search the entrance of
the bunker. When you enter bunker make your way to the third floor and the
aim. After dealing with it you may return to the city. You'll receive
2 prestige points.

#3. Type: receiving item.
Place: Life tech. bunker AC 60.
Employer: Mr. Smith.
Reward: 900 credits.
Description: A new prototype of a weapon exists. Our clients want to see
it with pleasure.

After landing make your way through the enemies and search the entrance of
the bunker. When you enter bunker make your way to the third floor and find
the box with a weapon prototype. After that you may return to the city.
You'll receive 2 prestige points.

#4. Type: receiving item.
Place: Life tech. bunker GHH.
Employer: Mr. Smith.
Reward: 1100 credits.
Description: Our clients need information about their competitor's

After landing make your way through the enemies and search the entrance of
the bunker. When you enter bunker make your way to the fifth floor and find
the box with information storage. After that you may return to the city.
You'll receive 2 prestige points.

#5. Type: receiving item.
Place: Invention bunker CT 74.
Employer: Mr. Smith.
Reward: 2400 credits.
Description: An important research information was stolen. Return it as
quickly as possible.

After landing make your way through the enemies and search the entrance of
the bunker. When you enter bunker make your way to the fifth floor and find
the box with information storage. After that you may return to the city.
You'll receive 3 prestige points.

#6. Type: purge.
Place: Money group laboratory DOM 72.
Employer: Mr. Smith.
Reward: 8 credits per mutant.
Description: An important research laboratory was captured by mutants. Put
the laboratory in order.

After landing make your way through the enemies and search the entrance of
the lab. When you enter the lab make your way to the fifth floor and to the
aim. After dealing with the mutant's leader (semi-boss) you may return to
the city. You'll receive 3 prestige points.

#7. Type: entice.
Place: Life tech. factory AC.
Employer: Mr. Smith.
Reward: 3750 credits.
Description: Our client wants you to trace a worker from opponent

After landing make your way through the enemies and search the entrance of
the factory. When you enter the factory make your way to the fourth floor.
Here find the scientist and talk to him. The quest will be completed, so
you may return to the city. You'll receive 4 prestige points.

#8. Type: receiving item.
Place: Invention prison DOM.
Employer: Mr. Smith.
Reward: 6000 credits.
Description: A new prototype of a weapon exists. Our clients want to see
it with pleasure.

After landing make your way through the enemies and search the entrance of
the prison. When you enter prison make your way to the fifth floor and find
the box with a weapon prototype. After that you may return to the city.
You'll receive 4 prestige points.

3.3. Secret quests.

They are given by the NPC's in the city. Talk to the NPC and if you are
lucky you'll receive a quest. If a NPC wants to give a quest to you, he/
she is marked with red point on a city mini-map. You can see the quest list

#1. Janie's quest.
If you talk to Janie you can see an additional dialog option. She'll tell
your character that she has a debt of 10000 credits to Shakier. Agree to
help. Then talk to shakier and buy Janie from him for 10000 credits. Then
talk to Janie and tell her that SHE IS FREE. From now on you can use
Janie's services for free. But that is not all!!! Talk to Dee. She will be
glad that you've helped Janie and will give you some rewards. From now on
the chance of item appearance will increase and you can see any dropped
item's properties!
This quest is for the male characters only.

#2. Arthur's quest.
If you talk to Arthur he'll mention something about a medicine, named
"Arabian nights".
Now I don't know exactly what can you receive from this quest.

#3. Doc's quest.
If you talk to Doc he'll mention that Arthur visited him in a bad
condition. So, Doc helped him for free. Talk to Arthur. He'll ask if you
have a blanket. Give him 25 credits.
Now I don't know exactly what to do next and what can you receive from this

#4. Jason's quest.
If you talk to Jason, he will mention that he wants to buy a weapon from
Dee. Then he'll note that he don't need a weapon, he likes to communicate
with Dee. Tell Jason that he fell in love. He'll agree and ask, can you
help him. Agree to help. Then talk to Dee. Tell her about Jason and also
tell her, that you are helping Jason by your own will. Dee will ask, if
Jason can invite her to the supper. Agree to deliver a message. Now talk to
Jason and tell him that you succeeded.
After completing this quest, you can buy Dee's weapons with lower prices,
and from now on Jason will take only 5% of received money for his services!
This quest is accessible for all characters.

#5. Dee's quest.
If you talk to Dee she'll tell you that Shakier beats Janie. If you ask why,
she'll answer that Janie has a debt. Now talk to Janie, read and complete
#1 secret quest.
This quest is for the male characters only.

#6. Dee's quest 2.
If you talk to Dee she'll ask if you've heard about WDG. If you ask, what
it is, she'll answer that that was a strong organization, which struggled
with corporations, but it vanished. You can say that WDG worked
ineffectively and tell Dee your opinion about WDG crash.
Now I don't know exactly what to do next and what can you receive from this

#7. Doc's quest 2. (Thanks to Sa-BOT-eur for the information about this
If you talk to Doc he'll mention that he really need anaesthetize. You'll
receive "receiving item" mission. If you complete it and then talk to Doc
once again, he'll give you a tuned up bio-implant.

#8. Jason's quest 2. Talk to Jason. He will mention, that his ship needs
some spareparts, which are situated in a bunker full of mutants. The level
consist of 3 floors and after retrieving them from the box he will give you
discount from his services. From now on you pay "only" 15%. This quest is
available only for male charecters and it replace different quest about
date with Dee, which is only available to female charecters - it even has
in the dialog with Jason phrase "... since you are also women...". In the
dialog Jason can mention the hard times with spareparts to his ship even
to female characters when you catch him speaking on the cell phone with
his dealer and can even agree to help him, but there is no quest out of
this conversation.

#9. Dee's quest 3. Talk to Dee. She will ask you to do something for her
and not only for this mr. Smith. If you agree she will tell you to obtain
prototype of new Plasmarifle in a decent bunker. On the 3rd floor there is
a box we need to accomplish this quest with real Plasmarifle artefact with
"tracer bullets" which you can give to Dee for a discount from her wares
or keep to yourself with threat from her from now on sell only trash to
you for high-high prices.

3.4. Battle strategy.

If you've chosen a long range weapon, don't forget that Dexterity is your
main primary skill, and if you've chosen close ranged weapons - so is

Save, Save, Save: Use the “F-5” button as much as possible, especially
when you’re on a mission. You’ll be able to reload from your last save if
you run into trouble. Also, it is a good idea to remap the “quickload”
from F-6 to something else, so you don’t accidentally quickload from your
last save instead of saving where you already are.

Turn them Off: Turn off any programs that run regular updates while you are
playing RA, or you might find yourself back at the desktop because some
other program wanted to check for updates. Having a lot of other programs
running in the background can also hurt general game performance as well.

Redo Early Mission Levels: You can gain valuable experience and loot, by
redoing some of the mission levels before going on. Use the “M” option to
go back to the city, replenish, upgrade, resupply, and then go back. Your
reputation won’t suffer as much as you think, and your character will be
stronger for the experience.

Be Loot Savvy: Early on, your loot won’t be worth much, so keep what you
can use and sell the rest. Once you get through the first few missions,
some loot will be worth more than others. My “rule of thumb” is to keep
only that which is worth more than 1,000 credits and dump the rest. Sell
off what you can’t use to enhance what you can.

Take the Extra Missions: Don’t be in too much of a hurry to take on only
the plot missions. You need the extra missions provided by Mr. Smith to
help enhance your levels, skills, weapons, bio/cyberware, and of course,
your credits. If you are in too much of a rush to take only the plot
missions, you’ll be fighting enemies that are too hard for you to kill.

Mob Rules: Your enemies will try to swarm and overwhelm you whenever they
get the chance. Avoid allowing them to surround and trap you. Freedom of
movement is almost always your best defense.

Work the Tight Corners: There are many situations in which you can maneuver
yourself into a corner, or around a doorway, so that your enemies cannot
attack you all at once. Some of them will even get “stuck” while you blast
away at them (this is especially useful when playing Johnson equipped with
a flamethrower, which can shoot through walls).

Timing is Everything: Every weapon in the game has a base attack speed
(even Takashi’s sword). Pay attention to the character, the weapon they are
wielding, and how much time it takes before you can attack again, or you’ll
end up wishing you had. Enhancements to your attack speed are always a

Threat Assessment: In battle, it is crucial that you determine which enemies
deal the most damage to you, and which are the most difficult to kill. Try
to concentrate your fire on the most immediate threats before taking out
the annoying ones.

Be Methodical: Just because you find the way to the next level in a mission
doesn’t mean you shouldn’t clear out every area of level you’re on. In your
hurry to advance the mission, you may be leaving behind valuable loot and

Go back to Town: There are times when it is necessary to go back to town,
even when you haven’t completed a mission, such as: restocking on medkits
and combat drugs, selling off excess gear to enhance your bio/cyberware and
weapons, and freeing up valuable inventory space. But the rank will
decrease. Remember that.

If you've chosen long ranged weapons, note that their hit range is far
beyond the screen, so if you are not in a hurry, shoot forward as often as
possible. You'll hit far away enemies or barrels, which can detonate and
destroy nearby monsters.

If there are a lot of close-ranged monsters charging you quickly run out to
the room, where are no monsters, turn around and rapidly shoot at the
doorway. Only one monster can move through the door at the same time, and
when an enemy as walking through the door it slows him for a moment. If you
know this you can effectively shoot the group of monsters down.

If your ally is Victoria she always casts Paralyze spell. While your
character is running Victoria is following you. While your character is
standing Victoria is paralyzing nearby enemies. So, for effective
cooperation move as slowly as possible.

If your ally is Johnson he will rapidly shoot from a plasma gun. It is very
easy to cooperate with him - just shoot all the enemies down. But note,
that plasma guns can't shoot throw box groups and walls.

If your ally is Takahashi he will charge and slash enemies with his Katana.
He can't run over the screen, so if he charges, it is better to follow him,
otherwise he can be hited by the enemies' long ranged attacks.

If you play with Jessica as an ally, she shoots enemies with the pistol and
tries to hold by your character. Her robot guardian also shoots the
enemies. If you play with Jessica as an ally just play as always: she can
stand up for herself.

4. Primary skill list.

Strength - increases damage in close combat and tolerance.
Dexterity - increases ranged damage and hit chance.
Constitution - increases health points.
Intellect - increases Energy points (Victoria and Takahashi), attacking
magic power (Victoria); if increased after level up each point gives
additional 3 DP.
Reaction - increases hit evasion chance.
Willpower - increases resistance.
Evasiveness - shows the chance of the enemy to hit a hero.
Health points (HP) - shows how much damage can be done to the character.
Tolerance - shows, how many implants the character can equip.
Energy points (EP) - is needed for special skill.
Ballistics - decreases ranged damage done to the character.
Resistance - decreases any damage done to the character.
Armor class - decreases close ranged damage done to the character.
Toxic resistance - increases toxic resistance.
Weapon attack - shows weapon's hit chance.
Weapon damage - shows weapon's damage.

5. Secondary skill list.
5.1. Terminology.
Here is the structure of the secondary skill tree. Common skill tree and
personal skill tree structures are the same.

/ \
13 14
/ \ / \
10 11 12
/ \ / \ / \
6 7 8 9
/ \ / \ / \ / \
1 2 3 4 5

When I described the skill's properties I used this template:
[] means that the property can be absent

Name - the name of a secondary skill.
Type - is it active or passive. You must perform active skills yourself.
Passive skills are used automatically after learning.
Description - the description of current skill.
Minimum level - minimum level required to learn this skill.
Development cost - DP cost of leveling up a skill.
[Cost] - EP cost of a skill if it is active.
[Increment] - shows the increment of a value, described in Description if
the skill is passive.
[Damage] - shows the damage the skill inflicts if it's active.
[Delay] - shows the delay in seconds between 2 uses of an active skill.
[Duration] - shows the duration of an active skill.
[Chance] - shows how often the active skill will work.
[Spell duration] - I don't exactly know what it does.

Property: increment/decrement (increment/decrement) - shows the increment
/decrement of a property at it's first level, and the values in brackets
show the firther increment/decrement at skill level 2 or higher.

5.2. Common skills.

#1. Name: Hardiness.
Type: passive.
Description: Increases the HP capacity.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Increment: 10% (+10%).

#2. Name: Machine-gun.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases equipped machine-gun's attack and damage.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Attack increment: +30% (+5%).
Damage increment: +10% (+10%) .

#3. Name: Shotgun.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases equipped Shotgun's attack and damage.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Attack increment: +30% (+5%).
Damage increment: +10% (+10%) .

#4. Name: Pistol.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases equipped Pistol's attack and damage.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Attack increment: +30% (+5%).
Damage increment: +10% (+10%) .

#5. Name: Running.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases running speed.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Skill level Increment
1 2%
2 5%
3 7%
4 10%
5 12%
6 15%
7 17%
8 20%
9 22%
10 25%

#6. Name: Luck.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases the quality of dropped items.
Minimum level: 5 (+1).
Development cost: 4 (+1).
Skill level Increment
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10

#7. Name: First aid.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases the HP, recoverd by the Med Kit.
Minimum level: 5 (+1).
Development cost: 4 (+1).
Increment: 5% (+5%).

#8. Name: Negotiations.
Type: Passive.
Description: decreases shop's prices.
Minimum level: 5 (+1).
Development cost: 4 (+1).
Increment: -8% (-7%).

#9. Name: Search.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases the chance of item appearance.
Minimum level: 5 (+1).
Development cost: 4 (+1).
Increment: +15% (+5%).

#10. Name: Aiming.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases the attack of all weapon types.
Minimum level: 10 (+1).
Development cost: 5 (+1).
Increment: +15% (+15%).

#11. Name: Leadership.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases HP and weapon damage of all allies.
Minimum level: 10 (+1).
Development cost: 5 (+1).
HP increment: +10% (+10%).
Damage increment: +10% (+10%).

#12. Name: Quickness of wit.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases gained exp.
Minimum level: 10 (+1).
Development cost: 5 (+1).
Increment: +10% (+10%).

#13. Name: Athletics.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases all phisical attributes (Strength, Dexterity,
Minimum level: 15 (+1).
Development cost: 6 (+1).
Increment: +1 (+ 1).

#14. Name: Intuition.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases all mental attributes (Intellect, Reaction,
Minimum level: 15 (+1).
Development cost: 6 (+1).
Increment: +1 (+ 1).

#15. Name: Will to Survive.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases the chance of staying alive when the strike can kill
the character.
Minimum level: 25 (+1).
Development cost: 7 (+1).
Skill level Increment
1 10
2 19
3 27
4 34
5 40
6 46
7 51
8 55
9 59
10 63

5.3. Victoria's skills.

#1. Name: Energy regeneration.
Type: passive.
Description: increases EP regeneration rate.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Increment: 25% (+25%).

#2. Name: Parapsychological strike.
Type: Active.
Description: bullets appear with the help of parapsychology and fly to the
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Cost: 5 (+0).
Damage: 5 * (5+Skill level*2) * (100 + Intelligence*2))/100.
Spell duration: 75%.

#3. Name: Heal.
Type: Active.
Description: restores HP.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Cost: 12 (+2).
Damage: -15 (-5).
Spell duration: 100%.

#4. Name: Mind control.
Type: Active.
Description: controls the enemy for some time.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Cost: 11 (+1).
Delay: 14 (-1).
Chance: 64% (+4%).
Skill level Increment
1 32%
2 40%
3 47%
4 55%
5 62%
6 70%
7 77%
8 85%
9 92%
10 100%
Spell duration: 100%.

#5. Name: Paralyze.
Type: Active.
Description: the enemy becoms unactive for some time.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Cost: 11 (+1).
Duration: 7 (+2).
Spell duration: 100%.

#6. Name: Reflection.
Type: Active.
Description: creates a shield, which reflects ranged attacks.
Minimum level: 5 (+1).
Development cost: 4 (+1).
Cost: 11 (+1).
Skill level Chance
1 16
2 27
3 34
4 39
5 42
6 44
7 46
8 47
9 48
10 48
Duration: 40 (+15).

#7. Name: Teleport.
Type: Active.
Description: teleports to distant location.
Minimum level: 5 (+1).
Development cost: 4 (+1).
Cost: 11 (+1).
Delay: 9 (-1).
Spell duration: 100%.

#8. Name: Illusion.
Type: Active.
Description: creates an illusion, which will be attacked by the enemies.
Minimum level: 5 (+1).
Development cost: 4 (+1).
Cost: 11 (+1).
Duration: 15 (+5).
Skill level Number of illusions
1 - 5 1
6 - 10 2
Spell duration: 125%.

#9. Name: Mental attack.
Type: Active.
Description: Parapsychological strike whithout obstacle influence.
Minimum level: 5 (+1).
Development cost: 4 (+1).
Cost: 11 (+1).
Damage: 5 * (15+(5*skill level) * (100 + Intelligence*2))/100.
Spell duration: 75%.

#10. Name: Telekinesis.
Type: Active.
Description: pushes enemies and objects, damaging them.
Minimum level: 10 (+1).
Development cost: 5 (+1).
Cost: 11 (+1).
Damage: 5 * ((10 + skill level * 3 ) * (100 + Intelligence * 2))/100.
Spell duration: 100%.

#11. Name: Shield.
Type: Active.
Description: changes the enemy attack direction with the help of
parapsychological energy.
Minimum level: 10 (+1).
Development cost: 5 (+1).
Cost: 23 (+3).
Damage: 240% (-10%).
Duration: 60 (+10).
Spell duration: 150%.

#12. Name: Brilliant thought.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases spell casting speed.
Minimum level: 10 (+1).
Development cost: 5 (+1).
Increment: +5% (+5%).

#13. Name: Nova.
Type: Active.
Description: greatly damages all nearby enemies.
Minimum level: 15 (+1).
Development cost: 6 (+1).
Cost: 27 (+2).
Damage: 5 * ((20 + skill level * 6) * (100 + Intelligenz*2))/100.
Delay: 13 (+3).
Spell duration: 250%.

#14. Name: Mind storm.
Type: Active.
Description: damages enemies in some region for some time.
Minimum level: 15 (+1).
Development cost: 6 (+1).
Cost: 15 (+2).
Damage: 5 * ((15+skill level * 5) * (100 + Intelligence*2))/100.
Duration: 4 (+1).
Spell duration: 150%.

#15. Name: Parapsychological mastery.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases all spells damage.
Minimum level: 25 (+1).
Development cost: 7 (+1).
Increment: +10% (+10%).

5.4. Johnson's skills.

#1. Name: Critical hit.
Type: passive.
Description: increases all weapon's damage.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Increment: 4 (+4).

#2. Name: Plasma-gun user.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases equipped plasma-gun's attack and damage.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Attack increment: +30% (+5%).
Damage increment: +10% (+10%) .

#3. Name: Berserker's Shotgun.
Type: Active.
Description: increases equipped Shotgun's damage for 5% of HP.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Damage increment: +115% (+15%) .

#4. Name: Flame-thrower.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases equipped Flame-thrower's damage.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Damage increment: +10% (+10%) .

#5. Name: Increased tolerance.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases cyber tolerance.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Increment: +10% (+10%).

#6. Name: Drill.
Type: Passive.
Description: decreases enemy's armor.
Minimum level: 5 (+1).
Development cost: 4 (+1).
Skill level Increment
1 -25%
2 -43%
3 -57%
4 -67%
5 -75%
6 -81%
7 -85%
8 -88%
9 -91%
10 -93%

#7. Name: Backbone.
Type: Passive.
Description: decreases recovery time after being hited.
Minimum level: 5 (+1).
Development cost: 4 (+1).
Increment: -15% (-15%).

#8. Name: Explosive grenades.
Type: Active.
Description: increases the damage and accuracy of Explosive grenades.
Minimum level: 5 (+1).
Development cost: 4 (+1).
Damage Increment: 86 (+86).
Delay: 19 (-1).

#9. Name: Blind grenades.
Type: Active.
Description: increases the blind duration and accuracy of Blind grenades.
Minimum level: 5 (+1).
Development cost: 4 (+1).
Delay: 19 (-1).

#10. Name: EMP-grenades.
Type: Active.
Description: Greatly damages cyborgs, useful against living beings.
Minimum level: 10 (+1).
Development cost: 5 (+1).
Delay: 19 (-1).

#11. Name: Parry.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases evasiveness.
Minimum level: 10 (+1).
Development cost: 5 (+1).
Increment: +10% (+10%).

#12. Name: Head aiming.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases critical hit rate.
Minimum level: 10 (+1).
Development cost: 5 (+1).
Skill level Increment
1 10%
2 20%
3 27%
4 34%
5 39%
6 44%
7 48%
8 51%
9 54%
10 57%

#13. Name: Flexibility.
Type: Passive.
Description: gives an opportunity of side steps with the help of a keybord
and character's rotation speed.
Minimum level: 15 (+1).
Development cost: 6 (+1).
Rotation speed increment: +20% (+20%).
Flexibility speed increment: +55% (+5%).

#14. Name: Rapid fire.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases all weapon's attack speed.
Minimum level: 15 (+1).
Development cost: 6 (+1).
Increment: +3% (+3%).

#15. Name: Hiper speed.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases characters speed for some time, so it seems that
the world around is slowing down.
Minimum level: 25 (+1).
Development cost: 7 (+1).
Duration: 11 (+1).
Delay: 60 (+0).

5.5. Jessica's skills.

#1. Name: Robot control.
Type: Active.
Description: Enables robot activation option (it shoots when active only).
Increases robot's attack and damage.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Attack Increment: +20 (+17).
Damage Increment: +6 (+6).

Robot's status (skill level 3):
Energy: 93.
Attack: 146.
Damage: 34 - 49.
Reaction: 54.
Armor: 24.
Ballistic armor: 25.
Energy restoration rate: 0.
Additional attack speed: 10.

#2. Name: Robot modification.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases robot's energy.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Increment: +17 (+18).

#3. Name: Mines.
Type: Active.
Description: enables mines setting.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Damage: 12 (+12).

#4. Name: Viruses creation.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases a chance of reprogramming enemy in cyber reality.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Chance of success: 73% (+3%).

#5. Name: Loading.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases speed of loading information from virtual terminals.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Increment: +6% (+6%).

#6. Name: Robot's interface.
Type: Active.
Description: enables robot's energy restoration with the help of the
control points.
Minimum level: 5 (+1).
Development cost: 4 (+1).
Energy restoration: 25 E/DP (+25).

#7. Name: Weapons modification.
Type: Active.
Description: enables weapons modification.
Minimum level: 5 (+1).
Development cost: 4 (+1).
Cost Increment: -5% (-5%).

#8. Name: Watch weapon.
Type: Active.
Description: activates watch weapon.
Minimum level: 5 (+1).
Development cost: 4 (+1).
Damage Increment: 8 (+3).
Energy Increment: 12 (+12).

#9. Name: Cyber reality mask.
Type: Active.
Description: makes a hero invisible for some time in virtual reality.
Minimum level: 5 (+1).
Development cost: 4 (+1).
Cost: 14 (-1).

#10. Name: Robot's technology.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases robot's attack speed.
Minimum level: 10 (+1).
Development cost: 5 (+1).
Increment: +10% (+10%).

#11. Name: Cyber weapons modification.
Type: Passive.
Description: enables weapons modification.
Minimum level: 10 (+1).
Development cost: 5 (+1).
Cost increment: -5% (-5%).

#12. Name: Cyber reality shield.
Type: Passive.
Description: decreases I. C. E. damage.
Minimum level: 10 (+1).
Development cost: 5 (+1).
Increment: -10% (-4%).

#13. Name: Control increment.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases control points received in virtual reality.
Minimum level: 15 (+1).
Development cost: 6 (+1).
Increment: +10% (+10%).

#14. Name: Control programming.
Type: Active.
Description: enables enemy cyborgs control.
Minimum level: 15 (+1).
Development cost: 6 (+1).
Control chance: 30% (+5%).
Delay: 8 (+0).

#15. Name: Robot's recovery.
Type: Passive.
Description: enables robot's energy restoration.
Minimum level: 25 (+1).
Development cost: 7 (+1).
Increment: 2 (+2).

5.6. Takahashi's skills.

#1. Name: Cyber claws mastery.
Type: passive.
Description: increases attack and damage of equipped cyber claws.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Attack increment: +30% (+5%).
Damage increment: +10% (+10%).

#2. Name: Katana mastery.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases attack and damage of equipped Katanas.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Attack increment: +30% (+5%).
Damage increment: +10% (+10%).

#3. Name: Evasion.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases the chance of close ranged attack evasion.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Increment: +14% (+4%).

#4. Name: Health recovery.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases health recovery rate.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Increment: 6 (+1).

#5. Name: Jump.
Type: Active.
Description: the hero jumps and greatly damages enemies in a row. Throws
away enemies. Damage Zen (EP) icrease the damage.
Minimum level: 1 (+1).
Development cost: 3 (+1).
Cost: 10 (+0).
Damage: ( strength * skill level ) * 9.
Delay: 5 (+0).

#6. Name: Iron willpower.
Type: Passive.
Description: decreases enemies' armor in close combat.
Minimum level: 5 (+1).
Development cost: 4 (+1).
Increment: -30% (-5%).

#7. Name: Iron skin.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases armor, but only when hit in close combat.
Minimum level: 5 (+1).
Development cost: 4 (+1).
Skill level Increment
1 9%
2 14%
3 18%
4 23%
5 27%
6 32%
7 36%
8 41%
9 45%
10 50%

#8. Name: Bullets evasion.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases the chance of long ranged attack evasion.
Minimum level: 5 (+1).
Development cost: 4 (+1).
Increment: +13% (+3%).

#9. Name: Counter.
Type: Active.
Description: counters in close combat.
Minimum level: 5 (+1).
Development cost: 4 (+1).
Cost: 15 (+0).
Duration: 35 (+15).
Counter chance: 12% (+7%).

#10. Name: Haste.
Type: Active.
Description: increases close ranged attack speed.
Minimum level: 10 (+1).
Development cost: 5 (+1).
Cost: 10 (+0).
Duration: 10 (+10).
Increment: +14% (+4%).

#11. Name: Two pistols.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases attack speed of two pistols equipped.
Minimum level: 10 (+1).
Development cost: 5 (+1).
Increment: +5% (+5%).

#12. Name: Zen.
Type: Passive.
Description: increases Zen quantity, wich a hero gets hitting the enemy.
Minimum level: 10 (+1).
Development cost: 5 (+1).
Increment: 1 (+1).

#13. Name: Iron coat.
Type: Active.
Description: makes a hero invinsible for a short period of time.
Minimum level: 15 (+1).
Development cost: 6 (+1).
Cost: 12 (+0).
Duration: 6 (+1).
Delay: 60.

#14. Name: Berserk.
Type: Active.
Description: a small amount of dealt damage recovers HP.
Minimum level: 15 (+1).
Development cost: 6 (+1).
Cost: 25 (+0).
Duration: 10 (+10).
Amount: 1% (+1%).

#15. Name: Rotation.
Type: Active.
Description: uses all Zen! Damages all nearby enemies.
Minimum level: 25 (+1).
Development cost: 7 (+1).
Damage increment: 50 + (Value * Strength) %.
Attack increment: +25% (+12%).

6. Weapon list.

Each weapon, produced by a corporation has 1 - 5 random properties, which
raise character's stats.

#1. Flame-thrower.
Energy: 100.
Basic damage: 120 per second.
Upgrade damage bonus: 50 per upgrade level.
Attack rate: uninterrupted.
Range: middle ranged.
Description: Surely, the best weapon in the game! The flame has a good hit
square and a half screen length. You also can "rotate" a flame! The damage
is great! When the enemy's life is 20 - 25% they receive "confuse" and
"burn" statuses! "Burn" status kills an enemy when some time passes, and
"confuse" status makes an enemy to run away. Flame-thrower can also burn
through the walls! Disadvantage - limited fuel. But it "regenerates", so
it will be OK, if you not always charge.

Random properties: additional minimum and/or maximum damage; additional
damage against cyborgs/living beings; armor break property (decreases
enemies' armor); easy-modified; increased energy recovery rate.

#2. Machine-gun.
Basic damage: 10 - 20.
Upgrade damage bonus: 6 per upgrade level.
Attack rate: very fast.
Range: long ranged.
Description: To my mind, the second best weapon in the game. The fire is
rapid. But the main advantage is a high chance of hit, after which the
enemy must retaliate.

Random properties: additional minimum and/or maximum damage; increased
attack speed; additional damage against cyborgs/living beings; increased
attack; armor break property (decreases enemies' armor); chance of
poisoning the opponent; easy-modified.

#3. Pistol.
Basic damage: 20 - 30.
Upgrade damage bonus: 10 per upgrade level.
Attack rate: average.
Range: long ranged.
Description: Ineffective weapon, I think. Even with 2 pistols equipped
you'll run away from the enemies many times. If you want to equip them,
increase attack speed as soon as possible.

Random properties: additional minimum and/or maximum damage; increased
attack speed; additional damage against cyborgs/living beings; increased
attack; armor break property (decreases enemies' armor); chance of
poisoning the opponent; easy-modified.

#4. Plasma-gun.
Basic damage: 10 - 30.
Upgrade damage bonus: 8 per upgrade level.
Attack rate: fast.
Range: long ranged.
Description: Maybe it has a high attack rate and good damage, but it has
more disadvantages then advantages. The bullets speed is slow, and it can't
shoot through walls and "triple boxes".

Random properties: additional minimum and/or maximum damage; increased
attack speed; additional damage against cyborgs/living beings; increased
attack; armor break property (decreases enemies' armor); chance of
poisoning the opponent; easy-modified.

#5. Shotgun.
Basic damage: 5 - 35.
Upgrade damage bonus: 8 per upgrade level.
Attack rate: slow.
Range: long ranged.
Description: A good weapon. It shoots four bullets at once (like "s"-weapon
in Contra). But it has a slow attack rate.

Random properties: additional minimum and/or maximum damage; increased
attack speed; additional damage against cyborgs/living beings; increased
attack; armor break property (decreases enemies' armor); chance of
poisoning the opponent; easy-modified.

#6. Katana.
Basic damage: 45 - 75.
Upgrade damage bonus: 25 per upgrade level.
Attack rate: average.
Range: close ranged.
Description: Deals good damage, but it is harder to evade enemy attacks in
close combat, and it is harder to hit an enemy several times in succession
in close combat. Can't crush boxes.

Random properties: additional minimum and/or maximum damage; increased
attack speed; additional damage against cyborgs/living beings; increased
attack; armor break property (decreases enemies' armor); chance of
poisoning the opponent; easy-modified.

#7. Cyber claws.
Basic damage: 25 - 50.
Upgrade damage bonus: 15 per upgrade level.
Attack rate: fast.
Range: close ranged.
Description: Deals good damage, but it is harder to evade enemy attacks in
close combat, and it is harder to hit an enemy several times in succession
in close combat. Can't crush boxes.

Random properties: additional minimum and/or maximum damage; increased
attack speed; additional damage against cyborgs/living beings; increased
attack; armor break property (decreases enemies' armor); chance of
poisoning the opponent; easy-modified.

7. Implant list.

Each implant, produced by a corporation has 1 - 5 random properties, which
raise character's stats.

#1. Cyber arms.
Random properties: increased Toxic resistance; self fixing (with endurance
recovery); health recovery; increased Evasiveness; increased attacker's
damage; decreased minimum tolerance values of equipped implants; increased
attack speed; additional Resistance; increased attack; easy-modified;
additional Dexterity; additional Constitution; increased Ballistics;
additional health; additional Reaction; unbreakable; increased Armour

#2. Brains.
Random properties: additional Intellect; increased Robot modification skill
(Jessica only); decreased cyber reality resistance (Jessica only);
additional EP; increased attack; increased skills (all secondary greater
than 0 level skills' level will increase); increased attack in cyber
reality (Jessica only); additional Willpower; slots for chips; easy-
modified; increased Robot control (Jessica only); decreased minimum
tolerance values of equipped implants; Bullets evasion (Takahashi only).

#3. Bio legs.
Random properties: more quick recovery from "imbalanced" status;
additional health; additional Dexterity; additional Reaction; decreased
minimum tolerance values of equipped implants; easy-modified; increased
Toxic resistance; faster movement; additional Constitution; increased
Armour class; increased Evasiveness; increased health recovery.

#4. Eyes.
Random properties: increased attack; increased field of view; increased
chance of finding an item; decreased minimum tolerance values of equipped
implants; easy-modified; unbreakable.

#5. Hearts.
Random properties: additional Dexterity; additional health; decreased
minimum tolerance values of equipped implants; easy-modified.

#6. Skin armor.
Random properties: increased attacker's damage; decreased minimum tolerance
values of equipped implants; increased Ballistics; increased Armour class;
easy-modified; increased Armour class; increased Ballistics.

#7. Booster.
Random properties: increased Evasiveness; additional Reaction; decreased
minimum tolerance values of equipped implants; easy-modified; additional

#8. Bio arms.
Random properties: increased Toxic resistance; additional Reaction;
increased attack speed; increased Armour class; increased attack; increased
Evasiveness; easy-modified; additional Dexterity; additional Constitution.

#9. Cyber legs.
Random properties: increased Evasiveness; increased health recovery;
increased attacker's damage; additional health; decreased minimum tolerance
values of equipped implants; additional Dexterity; additional Constitution;
additional Resistance; easy-modified; additional Reaction; increased
Ballistics; more quick recovery from "imbalanced" status; unbreakable;
increased Toxic resistance; increased Armour class.

#10. Adrenaline pump.
Random properties: additional Dexterity; decreased minimum tolerance values
of equipped implants; additional Constitution; easy-modified.

#11. Skins.
Random properties: increased Armour class; increased Ballistics; decreased
minimum tolerance values of equipped implants; easy-modified.

#12. Artificial bones.
Random properties: additional Resistance; more quick recovery from
"imbalanced" status; easy-modified.

#13. Reflectors.
Random properties: increased Evasiveness; easy-modified.

#14. Cyber hearts.
Random properties: additional health; self-fixing; easy-modified;
additional Constitution.

8. Artifact list.

Artifacts don't belong to any corporation. They have unique names, unique
attributes and random properties. This list is incomplete for now.
If required minimum level of an artifact is 1 - 5 then it has 1 first
listed property; 6 - 10 - 2 properties; 11 - 15 - 3 properties; 16 - 20 -
4 properties; 20 - 30 - 5 properties.

#1. Name: "IPSP factory".
Type: booster.
Endurance: 100.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: increased Reaction (random); increased Evasiveness x 2(random).

#2. Name: "Fire storm".
Type: adrenaline pump.
Endurance: 100.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: additional Strength (random); additional Dexterity (random);
increased attacker's damage (random).

#3. Name: "Strong arm".
Type: Bio arm.
Endurance: 100.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: additional Strength (random); additional Dexterity (random);
additional Constitution (random).

#4. Name: "Cold as a stone".
Type: Bio arm.
Endurance: 100.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: additional Strength x 2 (random); increased minimum and
maximum damage (random).

#5. Name: "Heavy athlete".
Type: Cyber arm.
Endurance: 100.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: additional Strength (random); additional Dexterity (random);
additional Constitution (random).

#6. Name: "Rest in peace".
Type: Pistol.
Requirements: Pistols level (random); minimum level (random).
Unique attributes: self improving (auto upgradeable).
Properties: increased minimum and maximum damage (random); increased attack
(random); increased attack speed (random).

#7. Name: "Avenger".
Type: Shotgun.
Requirements: Shotguns level (random); minimum level (random).
Unique attributes: "quick" ammunition.
Properties: increased damage (random); increased minimum and maximum damage

NOTE: when a weapon has a "quick" ammunition attribute, enemy and a
character are thrown back (away from each other) if the enemy or box or
barrel is damaged. It is a very useful attribute, because it will be harder
for the enemy to reach your character. But don't stand near the walls! It
can slower the attack speed when the weapon with a "quick" ammunition
attribute is equipped.

#8. Name: "Hammer".
Type: Machine-gun.
Requirements: Machine-guns level (random); minimum level (random).
Unique attributes: "quick" ammunition.
Properties: increased minimum and maximum damage (random); increased attack
(random); increased attack speed (random).

NOTE: "Hammer" is a great weapon. If you are playing as Victoria or Jessica
grab it and equip. Don't forget to upgrade it and to level up Machine-guns

#9. Name: "Defender".
Type: Cyber arm.
Endurance: 100.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: increased Ballistics (random); increased Armor class (random);
additional Constitution (random); increased Toxic resistance (random).

#10. Name: "TG5000".
Type: Shotgun.
Requirements: Shotguns level (random); minimum level (random).
Unique attributes: self-improving (auto upgradeable).
Properties: increased minimum and maximum damage (random); increased attack
(random); increased attack speed (random).

#11. Name: "Prolonged".
Type: Cyber heart.
Endurance: 100.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: increased Toxic resistance (random); increased Armour class
(random); increased Ballistics (random); additional health (random).

#12. Name: "Defender".
Type: Heart.
Endurance: 100.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: increased Toxic resistance (random); additional Constitution
(random); more quick recovery from "imbalanced" status (random); increased
Resistance (random).

#13. Name: "Sprinter".
Type: Bio leg.
Endurance: 100.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: increased movement speed (random); increased health (random);
additional Dexterity (random); more quick recovery from "imbalanced" status

#14. Name: "Titanium armor".
Type: Skin armor.
Endurance: 100.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: increased Armour class (random); increased Ballistics (random);
increased Toxic resistance (random); additional health (random); additional
Strength (random).

#15. Name: "Ideas bearer".
Type: Brain.
Endurance: 100.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: additional Intellect (random); additional Willpower (random);
additional Reaction (random); increased Toxic resistance (random).

#16. Name: "Elastic bone".
Type: Artificial bone.
Endurance: 100.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: increased Evasiveness x 2 (random); additional Dexterity
(random); additional Reaction (random).

#17. Name: "Eve".
Type: Machine-gun.
Requirements: Machine-guns level (random); minimum level (random).
Unique attributes: self improving (auto upgradeable).
Properties: increased minimum and maximum damage (random); increased attack
(random); increased attack speed (random).

#18. Name: "Strong link".
Type: Cyber arm.
Endurance: 100.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: increased attack x 2 (random); additional Dexterity x 2
(random); increased minimum damage (random).

#19. Name: "Toxic defender".
Type: Skin.
Endurance: 100.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: increased Toxic resistance (random); additional Constitution
(random); increased Resistance (random); more quick recovery from
"imbalanced" status (random); increased Armour class (random).

#20. Name: "Stabilizer".
Type: Bio-leg.
Endurance: 100.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: increased attack (random); additional Dexterity (random);
increased health recovery (random); increased health (random); more quick
recovery from "imbalanced" status (random).

#21. Name: "Volcano".
Type: flame-thrower.
Requirements: Flame-throwers level (random); minimum level (random).
Unique attributes: super long-ranged.
Properties: increased minimum damage (random); increased damage (random);
increased energy recovery rate (random).

#22. Name: "Cobra".
Type: cyber claws.
Requirements: Cyber claws mastery (random); minimum level (random).
Unique attributes: radio-active rockets.
Properties: increased attack x 2 (random).

#23. Name: "Wire transmission system".
Type: reflector.
Endurance: 100.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: additional Reaction x 2 (random).

#24. Name: "Takamoris' sword".
Type: Katana.
Requirements: Katana mastery (random); minimum level (random)
Unique attributes: Zen sword.
Properties: increased damage (random); increased attack (random).

#25. Name: "Devastator".
Type: Shotgun.
Requirements: Shotguns level (random); minimum level (random).
Unique attributes: Pump action.
Properties: increased minimum damage (random); increased damage (random);
increased attack x 2(random).

#26. Name: "Acrobat".
Type: Bio arm.
Endurance: 100.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: increased attack x 2 (random); more quick recovery from
"imbalanced" status (random); additional Health (random).

#27. Name: "Acetylcholinesterase booster".
Type: booster.
Endurance: 100.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: increased Reaction (random); increased attack speed (random);
additional Dexterity (random); increased Toxic resistance (random);
additional Health (random).

#28. Name: "Seeker".
Type: Cyber Eye.
Endurance: 100.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: additional chance of finding items (random); increased attack
x 2 (random); increased health recovery (random).

#29. Name: "Zyklus".
Type: Heart.
Endurance: 100.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: increased health recovery (random); additional Health (random);
additional Constitution (random).

#30. Name: "Shed tank".
Type: Skin.
Endurance: 100.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: increased Ballistics (random); increased Armour class (random);
additional Strength (random); additional Health (random).

#31. Name: "Punisher".
Type: Plasma-gun.
Unique attributes: Red plasma.
Requirements: Plasma-guns level (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: increased damage (random), increased attack speed (random),
increased energy recovery rate (random).

#32. Name: "Lifter".
Type: Cyber Arm.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: increased Strength (random), additional Constitution (random),
additional Dexterity (random), increased Ballistics (random), increased
Armor class (random).

#33. Name: "Walker".
Type: Cyber Leg.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: increased Dexterity (random), additional Strength (random).

#34. Name: "Balancer".
Type: Bio Arm.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: increased Attack x 2 (random), increased recovery from
"imbalanced" status (random), increased Health (random).

#35. Name: "Prometheus".
Type: Machine-gun.
Unique attributes: Laser Weapon.
Requirements: Machine-guns level (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: increased Damage x 2 (random).

#36. Name: "Guardian".
Type: Cyber leg.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: increased Psi resistance (random), increased Armor class
(random), increased Toxic resistance (random), increased Health (random).

#37. Name: "Detector".
Type: Cyber eye.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: increased Attack (random), increased Willpower (random),
increased Health recovery (random), additional Health (random), Vision in
low lights.

#38. Name: "Heavy armor".
Type: Brain slot.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: increased Ballistics (random), increased Armor class (random),
additional Health (random), increased Will power (random), additional
Constitution (random).

#39. Name: "Co-processor BX-12".
Type: Brain slot.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: increased Attack (random), increased maximum damage (random),
increased Evasioness (random), increased Attack speed (random).

#40. Name: "Metal skelet".
Type: Artificial bone.
Requirements: minimum tolerance (random); minimum level (random).
Properties: recovery from "imbalanced" state.

9. Item list.

#1. Night-vision device.
It has 100 points of energy. If it is enabled (to enable it right click it
in your inventory) the darkness on the screen vanishes. It can be disabled
the same way as enabled. When enabled the energy slowly decreases. When the
energy reaches 0 Night-vision device will be automatically disabled.

#2. Crow-bar.
If a crow-bar is in your inventory, all chests will be unlocked. Otherwise
some chests are locked.

#3. Tool box.
You can perform several equipment fixes with the help of a tool box.

#4. C4 explosive (quest item).
Needed to blow away a building.

#5. Readiness chip.
A "bottle like" chip which can be inserted to brain slot and increase a
secondary skill level.

#6. Chip of learning.
A brown rectangle chip wich gives the character 1 secondary skill DP when

10. Abnormal status list.

#1. "Burn".
The aim burns in flames. The aim receives damage until death. "Burn" status
can't be cured. This status can be inflicted by a flame thrower.

#2. "Confuse".
The aim runs away and hide in a corner, it can't attack. But the aim can
perform a "save throw" against "confuse" status. If a "save thow" has
succeeded, the aim can attack, but can't move. I don't know if an aim can
recover from this status, because during my playing all confused enemies
were killed by "burn" status. "Confuse" status can be inflicted by a flame

#3. "Imbalanced".
The aim suffers and can't do anything for a short period of time. The aim
can recover from this status. There are some skills, which can quicken the
recovery from "Imbalanced" status. Each strike has a chance to inflict this

#4. "Paralyse".
The aim can't do anything for some time (Like "Stop" in Final Fantasy). The
aim can recover from this status. A Paralyse spell can inflict "Paralyse"

#5. "Poison".
The aim suffers additional damage. The aim quickly recovers, but the damage
is great. Boost Toxic resistance to receive less damage from a "poison"
status. This status can be inflicted with poisoned weapons. Poison can't
kill the target: it can decrease HP to 1.

11. Enemies list.

#1. Beast (close): a mutant-beast. The weakest enemy, which gives a small
amount of exp.

#2. Blue Beast (close): a mutant-beast. The weakest enemy, which gives a
small amount of exp. Stronger than beast.

#3. Red Beast (close): a mutant-beast. The weakest enemy, which gives a
small amount of exp. Stronger than blue beast.

#4. Mutant (close): an orc-like creature with Katana. Gives a good amount
of exp. He is very quick.

#5. Mutant (long): an orc-like creature with a plasma-gun. Gives a good
amount of exp.

#6. Zombie (close): a mutant-zombie. He is very slow, but not low on HP.
Gives a good amount of exp.

#7. Zombie with a corpse (close): a mutant-zombie, who uses a corpse as a
weapon. He is very slow, but not low on HP. Gives a good amount of exp.
Deals damage, higher than Zombie's.

#8. Fat mutant (close): a human-like fat mutant. Gives a good amount of
exp. He is very quick.

#9. Fat mutant (long): a human-like fat mutant, who uses a plasma-gun as
a weapon. Gives a good amount of exp.

#10. Spider (close): a spider-like mutant. It can't do anything great, but
gives a good amount of exp.

#11. Unnatural (close): an armored mutant with a bat. He is very slow, but
not low on HP. Gives a good amount of exp.

#12. Mutant with a shot-gun (long): a mutant-zombie, who uses a shot-gun as
a weapon. He is very slow, but not low on HP. Gives a good amount of exp.

#13. Cyborg (close): a male syborg. He is fast. Gives a good amount of exp.

#14. Cyborg (long): a female syborg, who uses a plasma gun as a weapon.
She is fast. Gives a good amount of exp.

#15. Watchman (close): an armored "knight" with a shield and a sword. He is
fast and not low on HP. Gives a good amount of exp.

#16. Watchman (heavy, close): an armored watchman with a giant club. He is
not fast, but strong and not low on HP. Gives a good amount of exp.

#17. Watchman (long): an armored watchman, who uses a plasma-gun as a
weapon. He is fast and not low on HP. Gives a good amount of exp.

#18. Cyber watchman (long): lightly armored cyborg, who uses a plasma-gun
as a weapon. He is very quick, but not high on HP. Gives a good amount of

#19. Minotaur (close): a minotaur cyborg from Osaki's army. Strong and
fast. Gives a great amount of exp.

#20. Cyber demon (long): a demon cyborg from Osaki's army. Strong and
fast. Gives a great amount of exp.

You can also meet a leader: an enemy of one of the listed types with
boosted attributes.

Some enemies are toxic (they have a green aura) and can poison your

12. Cheats and secrets.

#1. "Reloading" the game.

When you've saved your game, you can anytime (when not playing Restricted
Area) copy the save, connected to the character to another directory. Then
you can copy it back, and "reload" the game this way. This "trick" can help
you to avoid game glitches.

#2. Duplicate items trick by Moogheart.

You need 2 characters for this.
The Trick is to place the good / valuable items in the "Shared Storage".
First copy the 2 save folders to a safe place, so you can use them later if
something should go wrong.

Now, lets say: Character 1 has a good item that you wish to duplicate,
place the item in the "Shared Storage", exit and save.
Load character 2 and get that item from the "Shared Storage", place it
wherever you like except in the "Shared Storage", then exit and save.
In the menu where you load characters, delete Character 1. Then exit the
whole game.

Find the folders you saved, and copy the Character 1 folder and then paste
it back into the "original" save folder on your drive.
When you now load that character, the item is still in that characters
inventory. (right before you put it in the shared storage), you can now
repeat the process.

#3. "Extreme reloading" by TemjinGold.

if you die in Realistic, you have a few seconds to quickload before the
game takes you to the menu and wipes your files. So, as long as you
quicksave often, you can't lose your character in Realistic!

#4. "Money Maker" by Reinhart_lightmourn.

Money Maker (+15% Faster Earnings, -30% Reduced Requirements, +300%
Earnings). First of all, fill ALL available cargo space in Jason's cargo
bay. If you can, only place high price items in the cargo. After filling
it, save and quit to Windows. Brwose your game character's folder. Notice
theres a file '.item' in it. Copy it to another
directory. Play the game. Sell everything in your cargo. Save and quit to
windows. Copy back the "ITM"-files and reload the game. Your empty cargo
now fills with stuff you just sold. Repeat the process.

#5. "Free Active Skill" by Reinhart_lightmourn.

Raises an active skill to level 1. Assign that skill to right mouse button
or middle button. Go see Doc and remove that skill completely from your
skill tree. The level in your skill tree is now zero, but you can still
use it via right mouse or middle mouse button. But once you assign another
skill to that button, your free skill will be gone too. Just repeat above
process to get it again.

#6. A more efficient version of the money maker/item duplication trick.

1. Put the stuff you want more of into Jason's cargo hold.
2. Quit Restricted Area, and go to your save game where the .itm file is.
3. Set the file to read-only by right clicking on the file and choosing
4. Go back into the game.

You can now take everything out of the cargo hold, and when you ask Jason
see the cargo hold again, everything will still be there! And you can do
this an infinite number of times without having to constantly quit the
and futz around with the files. Keep in mind that if you want to put
anything new into the hold, you MUST disable the read-only flag, or
anything you put in there will be gone.

13. Frequently asked questions.

#1. Question:
Some of Mr. Smith's quests can't be completed. What should I do?

Yes, 5 - 10% of Mr. Smith's quest are incompletable (They have an empty
destination point). Maybe patches can solve this problem, but I can tell
you 2 ways of solving this problem without any patches.

First way (the best). You want to get and complete Mr. Smith's quest.
DON'T TAKE A MISSION YET! Stand near him, save and exit game. Then copy
your save to another place. Now you can take a mission from Mr. Smith, and
if a destination point is empty, save and exit, and copy the directory
back. So you can "reload the game" and avoid the quest.

Second way (If you don't want OR FORGOT to use a first way, and a mission
has an empty destination point). 5 - 10% is a small amount, so you can do
the following. You are in a building on a quest and you understand that a
destination point is empty. Kill all the monsters you can to receive
maximum exp. here, take the best items you can here (to sell it later or
equip), enter the log section (it is one of the icons in the lower right of
the screen, second from the right, if I'm not mistaken), select a "bad"
quest you can't complete in the log section and press "To the city" button.
You'll loose some prestige points, but gain exp., money and equipment.

#2. Question:
Can you name some excellent weapons?

Here they are:
Character | Weapon
Johnson | "Volcano" (flame-thrower artifact).
Victoria | "Hammer" (machine-gun artifact).
Jessica | "Hammer" (machine-gun artifact).

#3. Question:
How can I restore Jessica guardian's energy?

There are 3 ways to do it:
- Each time your character returns to the city from a mission, robot
guardian's energy restores.
- Jessica has "Robot's interface" active secondary skill, which can restore
guardian's energy in exchange on the control points. You can receive
control points in cyber reality by reading the information from type 2
terminal (read section 2.6 to learn more about terminals).
- When Jessica reaches level 25, you can level up "Robot's recovery"
secondary skill, which enables guardian's energy restoration.

#4. Question:
I can't escape the "Oxigen factory 2" because of explosion. What should I

Kill all the enemies in the factory first. You can also get rid of obstacles:
destroy all boxes and barrels in a factory you can, move away boxes, which
can't be destroyed but can be moved from the future escape way. Before
setting the explosives choose the shortest future route between 4 columns.
The first column must be the farthest to the floor exit. The last (fourth)
column must be the nearest to the floor exit. Then QUICKLY SET ALL 4
have 2 minutes after setting the first explosive to run away.

14. Credits.

Special thanks to:
- TANSTAAFL! for some game strategies.
- Shadow Master for some secret quests and artifacts.
- Sa-BOT-eur for the information about the second Doc's quest.
- Reinhart_lightmourn for "Money Maker" and "Free Active Skill" cheats.
- Restricted Area web site ( for
Experience table and secondary skills information.
- TemjinGold for Corporation's bonuses, "Extreme reloading" trick, names
of difficulty level (English notation) and for Takahashi's review.
- txa1265 for the information about character's maximum level.
- Mournbladebeare for prestige points maximum value.
- Grifman for the Character development strategy.
- Kelleyberry77, for finishing Jason's secret quest with Takahashi,
this way fixing a bug in Jason's secret quest info.
- Moogheart for Duplicate items trick.
- Nanobain for fixing some bugs in Characters section.
- Lordtoast for information about flame-throwers and machine-guns grip
tune; Jason service's cost information; for finding bug in Jason's
secret quest and for the information about 3 artifacts.
- Kkhaine for a note about "poison" status, for information about machine-
guns grip tune and for information about "Devastator".
- LordGek for the first "review" of my FAQ, for the information about a
tool box and for good questions.
- Alucard2000 for the information about the crow-bar and the connection
between the prestige points and desert monsters level.
- Restricted Area official website ( for
information about the main characters.
- Master Creating for this game.
- for your existence.

15. Conclusion.

This concludes my general FAQ for Restricted Area. I hoped my FAQ helped
you get through the game a little. If you have any questions,
contributions, concerns, or comments, please, e-mail me at Your contribution can make a difference on this FAQ
and I will update it with proper recognition to the author.

16. Disclaimer.

This FAQ may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without my permission. Please, e-mail me if you want to host it

List of sites, which I gave permission to post my FAQ:
#1. - Germany's biggest gaming web site;
#2. - Cheat Code Central;
#3. - Neoseeker;
#4. - the tips/strategy community at
#6.[port:8002,SSH] - one of biggest BBS of students in China.
#7. - Gameguru Mania website.
#8. - The Gamers' Temple.
#9. - Super Cheats.
#11. & - Gamerspot
#12. - Cheat channel.
#13. - Cheat book.
#14. - CheatBook-DataBase 2005.
#15. - Whiptail Interactive.
#16. - "AbsoluteCheats" web site.

Copyright 2005 Lyskov Oleg
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17.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013
Dt. Megatrainer (für v1.7b)

17.Octombrie 2013
Dt. Megatrainer (für v1.06)

17.Octombrie 2013

18.Octombrie 2013
Trainer für Geld, Erfahrung, Attribute und Skills (für v1.5)

15.Octombrie 2013
Trainer für Geld, Erfahrung, Attribute und Skills (für v1.0)

16.Octombrie 2013
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