Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2

17.10.2013 20:08:03
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In-Game Console Codes FAQ
Version 0.80
Last Revision Date: February 27, 2005

Copyright 2004 Max "Goaliexam" Cutler (

See the bottom of this document for copyright, distribution, and contact

Table of Contents:
I. Version History & Introduction
II. Enabling Cheats
III. Code List & Explanation
IV. "giveitem" Code List
IVa. Implants/Utility
IVb. Masks/Sensors
IVc. Hands (Gauntlets)
IVd. Arm Bands/Shields/Droid Special Weapons
IVe. Body/Plating and Upgrades
IVf. Belts/Droid Shields
IVg. Melee Weapons and Upgrades
IVh. Ranged Weapons and Upgrades
IVi. Lightsabers, Crystals, and Upgrades
IVj. Medical/Repair
IVk. Mines & Grenades
IVl. Stimulants/Utilities
IVm. Upgrades
IVn. Pazaak
IVo. Player-Specific Items
IVp. Miscellaneous
V. "warp" Code List
VI. Frequently Asked Questions
VII. Conclusion/Acknowledgements/Copyright
Part I: Version History & Introduction

Version History:
V0.8(02/27/05) - First Release. Majority of codes and information.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (TSL) is
an RPG for the XBOX and PC. It takes place 4,000 years before the Original Star
Wars Trilogy movie, and 5 years after the events of the original Star Wars:
Knights of the Old Republic (XB, PC). In the PC version of TSL, you can use an
ingame cheat console to add, modify, or get more information about a wide
variety of data in the game. If you are looking for a specific code, use your
browser's Find function, which is usually accessed by pressing Control+F or
Command+F on your keyboard. Alternatively, you can find this in most browsers
in the Edit menu at the top of the screen.

NOTE: When you use cheats, the text "CHEATS USED" will appear over your file's
picture in the load and save game menus. To prevent this, use a tool such as
the excellent KOTOR SaveGame Editor found at

Part II: Enabling Cheats

Before you can use codes in TSL, you must first enable them. Open notepad
or any other plain text editor (Textpad, Wordpad, BBEdit, etc.), and open the
file "swkotor.ini" in your TSL folder (by default C:\Program
Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2). In this file you will see sections with titles in
brackets ([title]).

Go to the [Game Options] section, and add the line
under the last setting (Disable Movies=0 by default). Then save the file and
close your program. Cheats are now enabled! To use cheats ingame, hit the tilde
key (~) on your keyboard (usually to the left of the 1 key), and a greater than
character (>) will appear in the top-left corner of the screen. Then just type
one of the codes with the proper syntax and enjoy!

Part III: Code List & Explanations
Replace x with a number:

Code Effect
addarkside x add x amount of dark side points
addlevel x add x levels
addlightside x add x amount of light side points
addexp x add x amount of experience points
bright Increases the brightness in dark areas
infiniteuses All limited use items (medpacs, grenades, stims, etc.) do
not expire
turbo Characters move three times normal speed
givecredits x Add x amount of credits to total credits
givecomspikes Gives 99 Computer Spikes.
givemed Gives 100 Advanced Medpacs
giverepair Gives 100 Repair Parts.
givesitharmor Gives 100 Armor
invulnerability God mode
heal Heals characters
restartminigame Restarts current mini-game (Pazaak, Swoop Racing, etc.)
revealmap Reveals the entire map (Press M)
setconstitution x Sets Consitution Attribute Level
setdexterity x Sets Dexterity Attribute Level
setcharisma x Sets Charisma Attribute Level
setintelligence x Sets Intilligence Attribute Level
setstrength x Sets Strength Attribute Level
setwisdom x Sets Wisdom Attribute Level
setawareness x Sets Awareness Skill Level
setcomputeruse x Sets Computer Use Skill Level
setdemolitions x Sets Demolitions Skill Level
setpersuade x Sets Persuade Skill Level
setrepair x Sets Repair Skill Level
setsecurity x Sets Security Skill Level
setstealth x Sets Stealth Skill Level
settreatinjury x Sets Treat Injury Skill Level
warp x Warps/Transports you to the map with ID x
whereami Displays current location (mapID, x,y,z)

Part IV: "giveitem" Code List
To recieve one of the many items in TSL, you can use the "giveitem" cheat
command. Use the following code:

giveitem *item_resref*

*item_resref* is to be replaced by the resref (the game's internal ID name) of
the item you wish to recieve. Listed below are the resrefs for all of the items
in the game.

NOTE: If an item is listed with multiple resref values, it means that each one
is slightly different (usually upgraded versions). Also, some of these
"upgraded" versions have high feat requirements, so it is generally best to
take the first one of that item in the list and upgrade it at a workbench.

IVa. Implants/Utility:

Implant Class 1:
e_imp1_01 - Reflex Package
e_imp1_02 - Pheromone Package
e_imp1_03 - Cardio Package
e_imp1_04 - Strength Package
e_imp1_05 - Response Package
e_imp1_06 - Fitness Package
e_imp1_07 - Skils Package
e_imp1_08 - Health Package
e_imp1_09 - Physical Boost Package
e_imp1_10 - Mental Boost Package

Implant Class 2:
e_imp2_01 - Retinal Combat Implant
e_imp2_02 - Lornan Implant
e_imp2_03 - Biotech Implant
e_imp2_04 - Power Implant
e_imp2_05 - Alacrity Implant
e_imp2_06 - Insight Implant
e_imp2_07 - Skills Implant
e_imp2_08 - Durability Implant
e_imp2_09 - Physical Boost Implant
e_imp2_10 - Mental Boost Implant

Implant Class 3:
e_imp3_01 - Bio-Antidote System
e_imp3_02 - Nerve Enhancement System
e_imp3_03 - Reaction System
e_imp3_04 - Advanced Combat System
e_imp3_05 - Bavakar Strength System
e_imp3_06 - Cardio Power System
e_imp3_07 - Skills System
e_imp3_08 - Numbnes System
e_imp3_09 - Physical Boost System
e_imp3_10 - Mental Boost System

Implant Class 4:
e_imp4_01 - Strength D-Package
e_imp4_02 - Immunity D-Package
e_imp4_03 - Perception D-Package
e_imp4_04 - Enhancement D-Package
e_imp4_05 - Immortality D-Package
e_imp4_06 - Quickness D-Package
e_imp4_07 - Skills D-Package
e_imp4_08 - Universal D-Package
e_imp4_09 - Physical Boost D-Package
e_imp4_10 - Mental Boost D-Package

Droid Utility Items:
d_interface_01 - Droid Optimized Interface
d_interface_02 - Droid Stabilization Subroutine
d_interface_03 - Droid Machine Interface
d_interface_04 - Droid Lockout Bypass
d_interface_05 - Droid Parabolic Guides
d_interface_06 - Droid Motivator Booster
d_interface_07 - Droid Durability Upgrade
d_interface_08 - Droid Agility Upgrade
d_interface_09 - Droid Wisdom Upgrade
d_interface_10 - Droid Exchange Interface
d_interface_11 - Droid Remote Interface
d_interface_12 - Droid Anatomy Library
d_interface_13 - Droid Scavenger Upgrade
d_interface_14 - Droid Source Ripper
d_interface_15 - Droid Systems Upgrade

IVb. Masks/Sensors:

100_mask01 - Survey Gear
a_helmet_01 - Neural Band
a_helmet_02 - Breath Mask
a_helmet_03 - Rakatan Band
a_helmet_04 - Stealth Field Enhancer
a_helmet_05 - Bothan Perception Visor
a_helmet_06 - Sonic Nullifiers
a_helmet_07 - Interface Band
a_helmet_08 - Targeting Visor
a_helmet_09 - Shielding Visor
a_helmet_10 - Spacer's Sensor
a_helmet_11 - Regal Visor
a_helmet_12 - Meditation Band
a_helmet_13 - Bothan Sensory Visor
a_helmet_14 - Arkanian Blinders
a_helmet_15 - Combat Sensor
a_helmet_16 - Multi-Spectral Target Assessor
a_helmet_17 - Consciousness Helm
a_helmet_18 - Rebreather Mask
a_helmet_19 - Das'skar Hunting Mask
a_helmet_20 - Force Mask
a_helmet_21 - Sith Mask
a_helmet_22 - Stabilizer Mask
a_helmet_23 - Matukai Meditation Band
a_helmet_24 - Target Assessor
a_helmet_25 - Circlet of Saresh
a_helmet_26 - Bindo's Band
a_helmet_27 - Enchanced Shielding Visor
a_helmet_28 - Force Shield
a_helmet_29 - Absorption Visor
a_helmet_30 - Force Focusing Visor

d_tool_01 - Droid Motion Tracker
d_tool_02 - Droid Upgrade Slot
d_tool_03 - Droid Surveillance Upgrade
d_tool_04 - Droid Advanced Upgrade Slot
d_tool_05 - Droid Reference Database
d_tool_06 - Droid System Fortification
d_tool_07 - Droid Fighting Upgrade
d_tool_08 - Droid Perception Sensors
d_tool_09 - Droid Memory Upgrade
d_tool_10 - Droid Warfare Upgrade
d_tool_11 - Droid Battle Upgrade
d_tool_12 - Droid CERS
d_tool_13 - Droid CESS
d_tool_14 - Droid CEPB
d_tool_15 - Droid Mico-Optics

IVc. Hands (Gauntlets):

a_gloves_01 - Insulated Gloves
a_gloves_02 - Exchange Casual Gloves
a_gloves_04 - Taris Survival Gloves
a_gloves_05 - Accuracy Gloves
a_gloves_06 - Gamorrean Gauntlets
a_gloves_07 - Exchange Work Gloves
a_gloves_08 - Czerka Defensive Gauntlets
a_gloves_09 - Detonator Gloves
a_gloves_10 - Unarmed Accuracy Gloves
a_gloves_11 - Infiltrator Gloves
a_gloves_12 - Jal Shey Perception Gloves
a_gloves_13 - Gamorrean Wargloves
a_gloves_14 - Eriadu Strength Amplifier
a_gloves_15 - Karakan Gauntlets
a_gloves_16 - Bothan Precision Gloves
a_gloves_17 - Sith Power Gauntlets
a_gloves_18 - Gamorrean Power Gauntlets
a_gloves_19 - Nagai Combat Gloves
a_gloves_20 - Kubaz Scoundrel Gloves
a_gloves_21 - Automation Gloves
a_gloves_22 - Jal Shey Meditation Gloves
a_gloves_23 - Echani Accuracy Gloves
a_gloves_24 - Zeison Sha GLoves
a_gloves_25 - Dominator Gauntlets
a_gloves_26 - Nikto Soldier Gloves
a_gloves_27 - Ossluk's Gloves
a_gloves_28 - Disruption Gloves
a_gloves_29 - Improved Automation Gloves
a_gloves_30 - Lightning Gloves

IVd. Arm Bands/Shields/Droid Special Weapons:

a_band_c01 - 's Armband
a_band_x01 - Nomi's Armband
a_band_x02 - Vao Armband
a_band_x03 - Ludo Kressh's Armband

100_fore01 - Telos Mining Shield
a_shield_01 - Energy Shield
a_shield_02 - Mandalorian Melee Shield
a_shield_03 - Arkanian Energy Shield
a_shield_04 - Echani Shield
a_shield_05 - Mandalorian Power Shield
a_shield_06 - Echani Dueling Shield
a_shield_07 - Verpine Prototype Shield

Droid Special Weapons:
d_device_01 - Droid Neural Pacifier
d_device_02 - Droid Repulsor
d_device_03 - Droid Flame Thrower
d_device_04 - Droid Toxin Emitter
d_device_05 - Droid Neural Scrambler
d_device_06 - Droid Ion Striker
d_device_07 - Droid Molten Cannon
d_device_08 - Droid Carbonite Projector
d_device_09 - Droid Plasma Thrower
d_device_10 - Droid Bio-Assault Spray
d_device_11 - Droid Carbonite Emitter
d_device_12 - Droid Ion Blast Mark I
d_device_13 - Droid Ion Blast Mark II
d_device_14 - Droid Ion Blast Mark III
d_device_15 - Droid Multi-Spectral Emitter

IVe. Body/Plating and Upgrades:

g_a_clothes01 - Clothing
g_a_clothes02 - Clothing (Variant 2)
g_a_clothes03 - Clothing (Variant 3)
g_a_clothes04 - Clothing (Variant 4)
g_a_clothes05 - Clothing (Variant 5)
g_a_clothes06 - Clothing (Variant 6)
g_a_clothes07 - Clothing (Variant 7)
g_a_clothes08 - Clothing (Variant 8)
g_a_clothes09 - Clothing (Variant 9)
g_a_clothes10 - Clothing (Variant 10)
g_a_clothes11 - Clothing (Variant Czerka)

Misc. Clothing:
a_robe_01 - Clothing
armoredflightsuit - Armored Flight Suit
dancersoutfit - Dancer's Outfit
mineruniform - Miner's Uniform

a_robe_02 - Padawan Robe
a_robe_03 - Dark Padawan Robe
a_robe_04 - Baran Do Novice Robe
a_robe_05 - Matukai Apprentice Robe
a_robe_06 - Zeison Sha Initiate Armor
a_robe_07 - Jal Shey Neophyte Armor
a_robe_08 - Jedi Robe
a_robe_09 - Dark Jedi Robe
a_robe_10 - Norris Robe
a_robe_11 - Jal Shey Advisor Armor
a_robe_12 - Gray Jedi Robe
a_robe_13 - Jedi Knight Robe
a_robe_14 - Dark Jedi Knight Robe
a_robe_15 - Matukai Adept Robe
a_robe_16 - Zeison Sha Warrior Armor
a_robe_17 - Jedi Master Robe
a_robe_18 - Dark Jedi Master Robe
a_robe_19 - Baran Do Sage Robe
a_robe_20 - Jal Shey Mentor Armor
a_robe_21 - Ossus Keeper Robe
a_robe_22 - Natth Cowling
a_robe_23 - Arca Jeth's Robe
a_robe_24 - Aleema Keto's Robe
a_robe_25 - Sylvar's Robe
a_robe_26 - Darth Malak's Armor
a_robe_27 - Jolee's Robe
a_robe_28 - Thon's Robe
a_robe_29 - Crado's Robe
a_robe_30- Nomi's Robe
a_robe_x01 - Handmiden's Robe

Light Armor:
khoondamilitiaarmor - Khoonda Militia Armor
a_light_01 - Light Combat Suit
a_light_02 - Combat Suit
a_light_03 - Heavy Combat Suit
a_light_04 - Mandalorian Combat Suit
a_light_05 - Zabrak Combat Suit
a_light_06 - Bonadan Alloy Heavy Suit
a_light_07 - Echani Light Armor
a_light_08 - Massassi Ceremonial Armor
a_light_09 - Manadalorian Heavy Suit
a_light_10 - Zabrak Battle Armor
a_light_11 - Ubese Environmental Suit
a_light_12 - Echani Shielded Suit
a_light_13 - Reinforced Fiber Armor
a_light_14 - Zabrak Field Armor
a_light_15 - Ulic Qel Droma's Mesh Suit
a_light_x02 - Atton's Ribbed Jacket
a_light_x08 - Electromesh Suit
a_light_x09 - Mira's Ballistic Mesh Jacket

Medium Armor:
a_medium_01 - Military Suit
a_medium_02 - Light Battle Armor
a_medium_03 - Echani Battle Armor
a_medium_04 - Cinnagar War Suit
a_medium_05 - Sith Battle Suit
a_medium_06 - Bronzium Light Battle Armor
a_medium_07 - Verpine Fiber Mesh
a_medium_08 - Krath Heavy Armor
a_medium_09 - Powered Light Battle Armor
a_medium_10 - Krath Holy Battle Suit
a_medium_11 - Exar Kun's Light Battle Suit
a_medium_12 - Heavy Cinnagar War Suit
a_medium_13 - Verpine Fiber Ultramesh
a_medium_14 - Electromesh Armor
a_medium_15 - Jamoh Hogra's Battle Armor

Heavy Armor:
a_heavy_01 - Battle Armor
a_heavy_02 - Heavy Battle Armor
a_heavy_03 - Echani Heavy Armor
a_heavy_04 - Durasteel Heavy Armor
a_heavy_05 - Powered Battle Armor
a_heavy_06 - Flex Heavy Armor
a_heavy_07 - Mandalorian Battle Armor
a_heavy_08 - Mandalorian Heavy Armor
a_heavy_09 - Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh
a_heavy_10 - Mandalorian Assault Armor
a_heavy_11 - Corellian Powersuit
a_heavy_12 - M'uhk'gfa
a_heavy_13 - Iotran Braceman Armor
a_heavy_14 - Felenar Armor
a_heavy_15 - Matrix Armor
a_heavy_x01 - Mandalore's Armor

Overlay Upgrades:
u_a_over_01 - Heat Shielding Mark I
u_a_over_02 - Armorply Plating Mark I
u_a_over_03 - Sound Dampening Overlay Mark I
u_a_over_04 - Ablative Plating Mark I
u_a_over_05 - Energy Shielding Mark I
u_a_over_06 - Ballistic Shielding Mark I
u_a_over_07 - Bonded Plates Mark I
u_a_over_08 - Heavy Bonded Plates Mark I
u_a_over_09 - Heat Shielding Mark II
u_a_over_10 - Armorply Plating Mark II
u_a_over_11 - Sound Dampening Overlay Mark II
u_a_over_12 - Ablative Plating Mark II
u_a_over_13 - Energy Shielding Mark II
u_a_over_14 - Ballistic Shielding Mark II
u_a_over_15 - Bonded Plates Mark II
u_a_over_16 - Heavy Bonded Plates Mark II
u_a_over_17 - Heat Shielding Mark III
u_a_over_18 - Armorply Plating Mark III
u_a_over_19 - Sound Dampening Overlay Mark III
u_a_over_20 - Ablative Plating Mark III
u_a_over_21 - Energy Shielding Mark III
u_a_over_22 - Ballistic Shielding Mark III
u_a_over_23 - Bonded Plates Mark III
u_a_over_24 - Heavy Bonded Plates III
u_a_over_25 - Heat Shielding Mark IV
u_a_over_26 - Armorply Plating Mark IV
u_a_over_27 - Sound Dampening Overlay Mark IV
u_a_over_28 - Ablative Plating Mark IV
u_a_over_29 - Energy Shielding Mark IV
u_a_over_30 - Bonded Plates Mark IV

Droid Plating:
d_armor_01 - Droid Impact Armor Mark I
d_armor_02 - Droid Modular Plating Mark I
d_armor_03 - Droid Impact Armor Mark II
d_armor_04 - Droid Desh Plating
d_armor_05 - Droid Impact Armor Mark III
d_armor_06 - Droid Modular Plating Mark II
d_armor_07 - Droid Modular Plating Mark III
d_armor_08 - Droid Agrinium Armor
d_armor_09 - Droid Dura Plating Mark I
d_armor_10 - Droid Quadranium Armor
d_armor_11 - Droid Dura Plating Mark II
d_armor_12 - Droid Diatium Plating
d_armor_13 - Droid Energized Armor Mark I
d_armor_14 - Droid Energized Armor Mark II
d_armor_15 - Droid Energized Armor Mark III

IVf. Belts/Droid Shields:

100_belt01 - Safety Harness
a_belt_01 - Adrenaline Amplifier
a_belt_02 - Cardio-Regulator
a_belt_03 - Stealth Field Generator
a_belt_04 - Czerka Utility Belt
a_belt_05 - Advanced Adrenaline Amplifier
a_belt_06 - Aratech SD Belt
a_belt_07 - Strength Enhancer
a_belt_08 - Systech Cardio-Regulator
a_belt_09 - Hyper Adrenaline Amplifier
a_belt_10 - Exchange Shadow Caster
a_belt_11 - Inertial Inhibitor
a_belt_12 - Electrical Capacitance Shield
a_belt_13 - Thermal Shield Generator
a_belt_14 - Eriadu Stealth Unit
a_belt_15 - CNS Strength Enhancer
a_belt_16 - Exchange Utility Belt
a_belt_17 - Immunity Belt
a_belt_18 - Adrenaline Stimulator
a_belt_19 - Nerve Amplifier Belt
a_belt_20 - Jal Shey Belt
a_belt_21 - Multishield Generator
a_belt_22 - Defel Mimicker
a_belt_23 - Frozian Scout Belt
a_belt_24 - Tech Specialist Belt
a_belt_25 - Aratech Cardio-Regulator
a_belt_26 - GNS Strength Enhancer
a_belt_27 - Qel-Droma Belt
a_belt_28 - Immortality Belt
a_belt_29 - Aratech Echo Belt
a_belt_30 - Jal Shey Mentor Belt

Droid Shields:
d_shield_01 - Droid Deflector Mark I
d_shield_02 - Droid Deflector Mark II
d_shield_03 - Droid Defense Barrier
d_shield_04 - Droid Energy Collector
d_shield_05 - Droid Deflector Mark III
d_shield_06 - Droid Unity Belt

IVg. Melee Weapons and Upgrades:

Melee Weapons:
w_melee_01 - Short Sword
w_melee_02 - Long Sword
w_melee_03 - Energy Baton
w_melee_04 - Quarterstaff
w_melee_05 - Vibroblade
w_melee_06 - Vibrosword
w_melee_07 - Double-bladed Sword
w_melee_08 - Exchange Negotiator
w_melee_09 - Gamorrean War Axe
w_melee_10 - Zabrak Vibroblade
w_melee_11 - Rodian Blade
w_melee_12 - Sith War Sword
w_melee_13 - Trandoshan Sword
w_melee_14 - Force Pike
w_melee_15 - Vibro Double-Blade
w_melee_16 - Gamorrean Cleaver
w_melee_17 - Rodian Death Blade
w_melee_18 - Gand Silencer
w_melee_19 - Ryyk Blade
w_melee_20 - Trandoshan Double-Blade
w_melee_21 - Echani Vibrosword
w_melee_22 - Sith Tremor Sword
w_melee_23 - Gand Shock Staff
w_melee_24 - Shyarn
w_melee_25 - Arg'garok
w_melee_26 - Geonosian Electro-Staff
w_melee_27 - Tehk'la Blade
w_melee_28 - Zhaboka
w_melee_29 - Gand Discharger
w_melee_30 - Freyyr's Warblade
w_melee_x01 - Handmaiden's Staff
w_melee_x02 - Twi'lek Spinning Blade
w_melee_x03 - Twi'lek Spinning Blade
w_melee_x12 - Ludo Kressh's War Sword

Grip Upgrades:
u_m_grip_01 - Agrinium Grip
u_m_grip_02 - Contoured Grip
u_m_grip_03 - Zabrak Grip
u_m_grip_04 - Basket Hilt
u_m_grip_05 - Nagai Grip
u_m_grip_06 - Advanced Agrinium Grip
u_m_grip_07 - Advanced Contoured Grip
u_m_grip_08 - Advanced Zabrak Grip
u_m_grip_09 - Advanced Basket Hilt
u_m_grip_10 - Advanced Nagai Grip
u_m_grip_11 - Superior Agrinium Grip
u_m_grip_12 - Superior Contoured Grip
u_m_grip_13 - Superior Zabrak Grip
u_m_grip_14 - Superior Basket Hilt
u_m_grip_15 - Superior Nagai Grip

Cell Upgrades:
u_m_cell_01 - Ion Cell
u_m_cell_02 - Vibration Cell
u_m_cell_03 - Enhanced Energy Cell
u_m_cell_04 - Sonic Discharge Cell
u_m_cell_05 - Ion Cell Mark II
u_m_cell_06 - Vibration Cell Mark II
u_m_cell_07 - Enhanced Energy Cell Mark II
u_m_cell_08 - Sonic Discharge Cell Mark II
u_m_cell_09 - Ion Cell Mark III
u_m_cell_10 - Vibration Cell Mark III
u_m_cell_11 - Enhanced Energy Cell Mark III
u_m_cell_12 - Sonic Discharge Cell Mark III
u_m_cell_13 - Ion Cell Mark IV
u_m_cell_14 - Vibration Cell Mark IV
u_m_cell_15 - Enhanced Energy Cell Mark IV

Edge Upgrades:
u_m_edge_01 - Mild Devaronian Edge
u_m_edge_02 - Basic Ionite Edge
u_m_edge_03 - Basic Mullinine Edge
u_m_edge_04 - Basic Neutronium Edge
u_m_edge_05 - Moderate Devaronian Edge
u_m_edge_06 - Improved Ionite Edge
u_m_edge_07 - improved Mullinine Edge
u_m_edge_08 - Improved Neutronium Edge
u_m_edge_09 - Sever Devaronian Edge
u_m_edge_10 - Superior Ionite Edge
u_m_edge_11 - Superior Mullinine Edge
u_m_edge_12 - Superior Neutronium Edge
u_m_edge_13 - Deadly Devaronian Edge
u_m_edge_14 - Quadranium Edge
u_m_edge_15 - Ostrine Edge

IVh. Ranged Weapons and Upgrades:

w_blaste_01 - Blaster Pistol
w_blaste_02 - Ion Blaster
w_blaste_03 - Field Survival Pistol
w_blaste_04 - Sonic Pistol
w_blaste_05 - Distruptor Pistol
w_blaste_06 - Heavy Blaster
w_blaste_07 - Scout Enforcer
w_blaste_08 - Systech Aural Blaster
w_blaste_09 - Republic Blaster
w_blaste_10 - Aratech Droid Oxidizer
w_blaste_11 - Arkanian Heavy Pistol
w_blaste_12 - Mandalorian Blaster
w_blaste_13 - Systech Static Blaster
w_blaste_14 - Arkanian Sonic Blaster
w_blaste_15 - Sith Disruptor
w_blaste_16 - Mandalorian Heavy Blaster
w_blaste_17 - Heavy Sonic Blaster
w_blaste_18 - Watchman Blaster
w_blaste_19 - Zabrak Blaster Pistol
w_blaste_20 - Mandalorian Ripper
w_blaste_21 - Aratech Ion Master
w_blaste_22 - Onasi Blaster
w_blaste_23 - Dashade Sonic Blaster
w_blaste_24 - Zabrak Heavy Blaster
w_blaste_25 - Systech Electric Blaster
w_blaste_26 - Micro-Pulse Blaster
w_blaste_27 - Elite Watchman Blaster
w_blaste_28 - Mandalorian Disintegrator
w_blaste_29 - Dashade Sonic Disruptor
w_blaste_30 - Freedon Nadd's Blaster
w_blaste_x05 - Luxa's Disruptor
w_blaste_x20 - Remote's Blaster

Blaster Rifles:
w_brifle_01 - Blaster Carbine
w_brifle_02 - Ion Carbine
w_brifle_03 - Sonic Carbine
w_brifle_04 - Blaster Rifle
w_brifle_05 - Bowcaster
w_brifle_06 - Repeating Blaster Carbine
w_brifle_07 - Ion Rifle
w_brifle_08 - Disruptor Carbine
w_brifle_09 - Sonic Rifle
w_brifle_10 - Repeating Blaster Rifle
w_brifle_11 - War Bowcaster
w_brifle_12 - Arkanian Blaster Rifle
w_brifle_13 - Disruptor Rifle
w_brifle_14 - Argazdan Riot Buster
w_brifle_15 - Bothan Droid Disruptor
w_brifle_16 - Combat Enforcer
w_brifle_17 - Heavy Repeating Carbine
w_brifle_18 - Plasma Projector
w_brifle_19 - Mandalorian Assault Rifle
w_brifle_20 - Verpine Droid Disruptor
w_brifle_21 - Ceremonial Bowcaster
w_brifle_22 - Heavy Repeating Rifle
w_brifle_23 - Charric
w_brifle_24 - Zabrak Blaster Carbine
w_brifle_25 - Slavemaster Stun Carbine
w_brifle_26 - Onderon Repeating Carbine
w_brifle_27 - Sonic Disruptor
w_brifle_28 - Mandalorian Heavy Repeater
w_brifle_29 - Verpine Droid Disintegrator
w_brifle_30 - Zersium Rifle

Targeting Upgrades:
u_r_targ_01 - Pinpoint Scope Mark I
u_r_targ_02 - Accuracy Scope Mark I
u_r_targ_03 - Targeting Scope Mark I
u_r_targ_04 - Crippling Scope Mark I
u_r_targ_05 - Pinpoint Scope Mark II
u_r_targ_06 - Accuracy Scope Mark II
u_r_targ_07 - Targeting Scope Mark II
u_r_targ_08 - Crippling Scope Mark II
u_r_targ_09 - Pintpoint Scope Mark III
u_r_targ_10 - Accuracy Scope Mark III
u_r_targ_11 - Targeting Scope Mark III
u_r_targ_12 - Crippling Scope Mark III
u_r_targ_13 - Pinpoint Scope Mark IV
u_r_targ_14 - Accuracy Scope Mark IV
u_r_targ_15 - Targeting Scope Mark IV

Power Pack Upgrades:
u_r_powe_01 - Ion Charger Mark I
u_r_powe_02 - Power Pulsator Mark I
u_r_powe_03 - Basic Rylith Power Cell
u_r_powe_04 - Ion Charger Mark II
u_r_powe_05 - Power Pulsator Mark II
u_r_powe_06 - Standard Rylith Power Cell
u_r_powe_07 - Ion Charger Mark III
u_r_powe_08 - Power Pulsator Mark III
u_r_powe_09 - Advanced Rylith Power Cell
u_r_powe_10 - Ion Charger Mark IV
u_r_powe_11 - Power Pulsator Mark IV
u_r_powe_12 - Superior Rylith Power Cell
u_r_powe_13 - Ion Charger Mark V
u_r_powe_14 - Power Pulsator Mark V
u_r_powe_15 - Pure Rylith Power Cell

Firing Chamber Upgrades:
u_r_firi_01 - Broadening Chamber Mark I
u_r_firi_02 - Amplifying Chamber Mark I
u_r_firi_03 - Precision Chamber Mark I
u_r_firi_04 - Beam Splitter Mark I
u_r_firi_05 - Mandalorian Chamber Mark I
u_r_firi_06 - Broadening Chamber Mark II
u_r_firi_07 - Amplifying Chamber Mark II
u_r_firi_08 - Precision Chamber Mark II
u_r_firi_09 - Beam Splitter Mark II
u_r_firi_10 - Mandalorian Chamber Mark II
u_r_firi_11 - Broadening Chamber Mark III
u_r_firi_12 - Amplifying Chamber Mark III
u_r_firi_13 - Precision Chamber Mark III
u_r_firi_14 - Beam Splitter Mark III
u_r_firi_15 - Mandalorian Chamber Mark III

IVi. Lightsabers, Crystals, and Upgrades:

g_w_lghtsbr01 - Blue Lightsaber
g_w_lghtsbr02 - Red Lightsaber
g_w_lghtsbr03 - Green Lightsaber
g_w_lghtsbr04 - Yellow Lightsaber
g_w_lghtsbr05 - Violet Lightsaber
g_w_lghtsbr07 - Bronze Lightsaber
g_w_lghtsbr08 - Orange Lightsaber
g_w_lghtsbr09 - Silver Lightsaber
g_w_lghtsbr10 - Cyan Lightsaber
g_w_lghtsbr11 - Viridian Lightsaber
g_w_drkjdisbr001 - Dark Jedi Lightsaber
w_ls_x01 - Visas Marr's Lightsaber

Short Lightsabers:
g_w_shortsbr01 - Blue Short Lightsaber
g_w_shortsbr02 - Red Short Lightsaber
g_w_shortsbr03 - Green Short Lightsaber
g_w_shortsbr04 - Yellow Short Lightsaber
g_w_shortsbr05 - Violet Short Lightsaber
g_w_shortsbr07 - Bronze Short Lightsaber
g_w_shortsbr08 - Orange Short Lightsaber
g_w_shortsbr09 - Silver Short Lightsaber
g_w_shortsbr10 - Cyan Short Lightsaber
g_w_shortsbr11 - Viridian Short Lightsaber
w_sls_x02 - Freedon Nadd's Short Lightsaber

Double-Bladed Lightsabers:
g_w_dblsbr001 - Blue Double-Bladed Lightsaber
g_w_dblsbr002 - Red Double-Bladed Lightsaber
g_w_dblsbr003 - Green Double-Bladed Lightsaber
g_w_dblsbr004 - Yellow Double-Bladed Lightsaber
g_w_dblsbr005 - Violet Double-Bladed Lightsaber
g_w_dblsbr007 - Bronze Double-Bladed Lightsaber
g_w_dblsbr008 - Orange Double-Bladed Lightsaber
g_w_dblsbr009 - Silver Double-Bladed Lightsaber
g_w_dblsbr010 - Cyan Double-Bladed Lightsaber
g_w_dblsbr011 - Viridian Double-Bladed Lightsaber
g_w_drkjdisbr002 - Dark Jedi Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Lightsaber Color Crystals:
u_l_colo_01 - Blue Crystal
u_l_colo_02 - Green Crystal
u_l_colo_03 - Yellow Crystal
u_l_colo_04 - Red Crystal
u_l_colo_05 - Violet Crystal
u_l_colo_06 - Cyan Crystal
u_l_colo_07 - Silver Crystal
u_l_colo_08 - Orange Crystal
u_l_colo_09 - Viridian Crystal
u_l_colo_10 - Bronze Crystal

Lightsaber Crystals:
u_l_crys_01 - Adegan Crystal
u_l_crys_02 - Rubat Crystal
u_l_crys_03 - Ruustan Crystal
u_l_crys_04 - Nextor Crystal
u_l_crys_05 - Dragite Crystal
u_l_crys_06 - Firkrann Crystal
u_l_crys_07 - Phond Crystal
u_l_crys_08 - Bondar Crystal
u_l_crys_09 - Velmorite Crystal
u_l_crys_10 - Sigil Crystal
u_l_crys_11 - Jenruax Crystal
u_l_crys_12 - Kasha Crystal
u_l_crys_13 - Opila Crystal
u_l_crys_14 - Eralam Crystal
u_l_crys_15 - Stygium Crystal
u_l_crys_16 - Damind Crystal
u_l_crys_17 - Sapith Crystal
u_l_crys_18 - Pontite Crystal
u_l_crys_19 - Upari Crystal
u_l_crys_20 - Ultima-pearl
u_l_crys_21 - Solari Crystal
u_l_crys_21x - Qixoni Crystal
u_l_crys_22 - Lorridian Gemstone
u_l_crys_23 - Barab Ore Ingot
u_l_crys_x23 - Hurrikaine Crystal
u_l_crys_24 - Ankarres Sapphire
u_l_crys_25 - Kaiburr Crystal

Personal Crystal:
qcrystal_1_0 - Very Dark: Level 1
qcrystal_2_0 - Very Dark: Level 2
qcrystal_3_0 - Very Dark: Level 3
qcrystal_4_0 - Very Dark: Level 4
qcrystal_5_0 - Very Dark: Level 5
qcrystal_6_0 - Very Dark: Level 6
qcrystal_7_0 - Very Dark: Level 7
qcrystal_8_0 - Very Dark: Level 8
qcrystal_9_0 - Very Dark: Level 9
qcrystal_1_1 - Dark: Level 1
qcrystal_2_1 - Dark: Level 2
qcrystal_3_1 - Dark: Level 3
qcrystal_4_1 - Dark: Level 4
qcrystal_5_1 - Dark: Level 5
qcrystal_6_1 - Dark: Level 6
qcrystal_7_1 - Dark: Level 7
qcrystal_8_1 - Dark: Level 8
qcrystal_9_1 - Dark: Level 9
qcrystal_1_2 - Neutral: Level 1
qcrystal_2_2 - Neutral: Level 2
qcrystal_3_2 - Neutral: Level 3
qcrystal_4_2 - Neutral: Level 4
qcrystal_5_2 - Neutral: Level 5
qcrystal_6_2 - Neutral: Level 6
qcrystal_7_2 - Neutral: Level 7
qcrystal_8_2 - Neutral: Level 8
qcrystal_9_2 - Neutral: Level 9
qcrystal_1_3 - Light: Level 1
qcrystal_2_3 - Light: Level 2
qcrystal_3_3 - Light: Level 3
qcrystal_4_3 - Light: Level 4
qcrystal_5_3 - Light: Level 5
qcrystal_6_3 - Light: Level 6
qcrystal_7_3 - Light: Level 7
qcrystal_8_3 - Light: Level 8
qcrystal_9_3 - Light: Level 9
qcrystal_1_4 - Very Light: Level 1
qcrystal_2_4 - Very Light: Level 2
qcrystal_3_4 - Very Light: Level 3
qcrystal_4_4 - Very Light: Level 4
qcrystal_5_4 - Very Light: Level 5
qcrystal_6_4 - Very Light: Level 6
qcrystal_7_4 - Very Light: Level 7
qcrystal_8_4 - Very Light: Level 8
qcrystal_9_4 - Very Light: Level 9

Lens Upgrades:
lspart03 - Lightsaber Focusing Lens Fixture
u_l_lens_01 - Synthesized Kunda Lens
u_l_lens_02 - Dragite Lens
u_l_lens_03 - Synthesized Byrothsis Lens
u_l_lens_04 - Beam Gem Lens
u_l_lens_05 - Vibration Lens
u_l_lens_06 - Pure Kunda Lens
u_l_lens_07 - Adegan Lens
u_l_lens_08 - Pure Byrothsis Lens
u_l_lens_09 - Improved Beam Gem Lens
u_l_lens_10 - Improved Vibration Lens
u_l_lens_11 - Ossus Dueling Lens
u_l_lens_12 - Pontite Lens
u_l_lens_13 - Enhanced Byrothsis Lens

Emitter Upgrades:
lspart02 - Lightsaber Emitter Fixture
u_l_emit_01 - Deflection Emitter
u_l_emit_02 - Disrupting Emitter
u_l_emit_03 - Crude Phobium Emitter
u_l_emit_04 - Fencing Emitter
u_l_emit_05 - Improved Deflection Emitter
u_l_emit_06 - Advanced Disrupting Emitter
u_l_emit_07 - Synthesized Phobium Emitter
u_l_emit_08 - Improved Fencing Emitter
u_l_emit_09 - Expert Deflection Emitter
u_l_emit_10 - Superior Disrupting Emitter
u_l_emit_11 - Phobium Alloy Emitter
u_l_emit_12 - Expert Fencing Emitter
u_l_emit_13 - Refined Phobium Emitter

Cell Upgrades:
lspart01 - Lightsaber Energy Cell Fixture
u_l_cell_01 - Discharge Energy Cell
u_l_cell_02 - Diatium Energy Cell
u_l_cell_03 - Ion Energy Cell
u_l_cell_04 - Telgorn Jolt Cell Mark I
u_l_cell_05 - Improved Discharge Energy Cell
u_l_cell_06 - Improved Diatium Energy Cell
u_l_cell_07 - Improved Ion Energy Cell
u_l_cell_08 - Telgorn Jolt Cell Mark II
u_l_cell_09 - Superior Discharge Energy Cell
u_l_cell_10 - Superior Diatium Energy Cell
u_l_cell_11 - Superior Ion Energy Cell
u_l_cell_12 - Telgorn Jolt Cell Mark III
u_l_cell_13 - Ultimate Diatium Energy cell

IVj. Medical/Repair:

Medical Items (Non-droid characters):
g_i_medeqpmnt01 - Medpac
g_i_medeqpmnt02 - Advanced Medpac
g_i_medeqpmnt03 - Life Support Pack
g_i_medeqpmnt04 - Antidote Kit
g_i_medeqpmnt08 - Squad Recovery Stim

Droid Items:
g_i_drdrepeqp001 - Repair Kit
g_i_drdrepeqp002 - Advanced Repair Kit
g_i_drdrepeqp003 - Construction Kit

IVk. Mines/Grenades/Wrist Launchers:

g_i_trapkit001 - Minor Flash Mine
g_i_trapkit002 - Average Flash Mine
g_i_trapkit003 - Blinding Flash Mine
g_i_trapkit004 - Minor Frag Mine
g_i_trapkit005 - Average Frag Mine
g_i_trapkit006 - Deadly Frag Mine
g_i_trapkit007 - Minor Plasma Mine
g_i_trapkit008 - Average Plasma Mine
g_i_trapkit009 - Deadly Plasma Mine
g_i_trapkit010 - Minor Gas Mine
g_i_trapkit011 - Average Gas Mine
g_i_trapkit012 - Deadly Gas Mine
g_i_trapkit013 - Minor Sonic Mine
g_i_trapkit014 - Average Sonic Mine
g_i_trapkit015 - Deadly Sonic Mine
g_i_trapkit016 - Strong Flash Mine
g_i_trapkit017 - Devastating Flash Mine
g_i_trapkit018 - Strong Frag Mine
g_i_trapkit019 - Devastating Frag Mine
g_i_trapkit020 - Strong Plasma Mine
g_i_trapkit021 - Devastating Plasma Mine
g_i_trapkit022 - Strong Gas Mine
g_i_trapkit023 - Devastating Gas Mine
g_i_trapkit024 - Strong Sonic Mine
g_i_trapkit025 - Devastating Sonic Mine

g_w_adhsvgren001 - Adhesive Grenade
g_w_cryobgren001 - CryoBan Grenade
g_w_firegren001 - Plasma Grenade
g_w_fraggren01 - Frag Grenade
g_w_iongren01 - Ion Grenade
g_w_poisngren01 - Poison Grenade
g_w_sonicdet01 - Minor Sonic Detonator
g_w_sonicdet02 - Sonic Detonator
g_w_sonicgren01 - Sonic Grenade
g_w_stungren01 - Concussion Grenade
g_w_thermldet01 - Thermal Detonator

Wrist Launchers:
wristlauncher - Wrist Launcher
w_rocket_01 - Explosive Rocket
w_rocket_02 - Tranquilizer Dart
w_rocket_03 - Buster Rocket
w_rocket_04 - Kyber Dart
w_rocket_05 - Plasma Rocket
w_rocket_06 - Poison Rocket
w_rocket_07 - Poison Dart
w_rocket_08 - Piercing Dart
w_rocket_09 - Paralysis Dart
w_rocket_10 - Ion Rocket
w_rocket_11 - Concussion Rocket

IVl. Stimulants/Utilities:
g_i_adrnaline001 - Adrenal Strength
g_i_adrnaline002 - Adrenal Alacrity
g_i_adrnaline003 - Adrenal Stamina
g_i_adrnaline004 - Hyper-Adrenal Strength
g_i_adrnaline005 - Hyper-Adrenal Alacrity
g_i_adrnaline006 - Hyper-Adrenal Stamina
g_i_cmbtshot001 - Battle Stimulant
g_i_cmbtshot002 - Hyper-battle Stimulant
g_i_cmbtshot003 - Echani Battle Stimulant

g_i_parts01 - Parts
g_i_progspike01 - Computer Spike
g_i_secspike01 - Security Spike
g_i_secspike02 - Security Spike Tunneler

IVm. Upgrades:

Upgrade items:
g_i_upgrade001 - Scope
g_i_upgrade002 - Improved Energy Cell
g_i_upgrade003 - Beam Splitter
g_i_upgrade004 - Hair Trigger
g_i_upgrade005 - Armour Reinforcement
g_i_upgrade006 - Mesh Underlay
g_i_upgrade007 - Vibration Cell
g_i_upgrade008 - Durasteel Bonding Alloy
g_i_upgrade009 - Energy Projector

IVn. Pazaak:

Pazaak Decks:
g_i_pazdeck - Pazaak Deck
g_i_pazsidebd001 - Pazaak Side Deck

Pazaak Cards:
g_i_pazcard_001 - Pazaak Card +1
g_i_pazcard_002 - Pazaak Card +2
g_i_pazcard_003 - Pazaak Card +3
g_i_pazcard_004 - Pazaak Card +4
g_i_pazcard_005 - Pazaak Card +5
g_i_pazcard_006 - Pazaak Card +6
g_i_pazcard_007 - Pazaak Card -1
g_i_pazcard_008 - Pazaak Card -2
g_i_pazcard_009 - Pazaak Card -3
g_i_pazcard_010 - Pazaak Card -4
g_i_pazcard_011 - Pazaak Card -5
g_i_pazcard_012 - Pazaak Card -6
g_i_pazcard_013 - Pazaak Card +/-1
g_i_pazcard_014 - Pazaak Card +/-2
g_i_pazcard_015 - Pazaak Card +/-3
g_i_pazcard_016 - Pazaak Card +/-4
g_i_pazcard_017 - Pazaak Card +/-5
g_i_pazcard_018 - Pazaak Card +/-6
g_i_pazcard_019 - Pazaak Card +/- 1/2
g_i_pazcard_020 - Pazaak Card Double
g_i_pazcard_021 - Pazaak Card Tie Breaker
g_i_pazcard_022 - Pazaak Card Flip 2&4
g_i_pazcard_023 - Pazaak Card Flip 3&6

IVo. Player-Specific Items:

d_g0t0_01 - Droid Stealth Booster
d_g0t0_02 - Droid Omniscience Unit
d_g0t0_03 - Droid Singularity Projector
d_g0t0_04 - Goto Targeting Module

d_hk47_01 - Droid Assassin's Rifle
d_hk47_02 - Droid Capacitor Armor
d_hk47_03 - Droid Assassination Module
hkpart01 - HK Droid Processor
hkpart02 - HK Chassis
hkpart03 - HK Control Cluster
hkpart04 - HK Vocabulator
hkpart05 - HK Protocol Pacifist Package

d_t3m4_01 - Droid Shock Arm
d_t3m4_02 - Droid Self-Sustaining Unit
d_t3m4_03 - Droid Renewable Shield

IVp. Miscellaneous:

g_i_credits001 - 5 credit stack
g_i_credits002 - 10 credit stack
g_i_credits003 - 25 credit stack
g_i_credits004 - 50 credit stack
g_i_credits005 - 100 credit stack
g_i_credits006 - 200 credit stack
g_i_credits007 - 300 credit stack
g_i_credits008 - 400 credit stack
g_i_credits009 - 500 credit stack
g_i_credits010 - 1000 credit stack
g_i_credits011 - 2000 credit stack
g_i_credits012 - 3000 credit stack
g_i_credits013 - 4000 credit stack
g_i_credits014 - 5000 credit stack

Lab Station Items:
components - Components
chemicals - Chemicals

Part V: "warp" Code List:
To use the "warp" code, you need to know the ID name of the map you wish to
warp to. Below are listed the ID names for all of the maps in TSL. To warp
to a map, type "warp " at the cheat console.

WARNING: I do not suggest using this code under any but the most extreme
circumstances. Warping can severly "screw up" your save file, so if you are
going to try this code, save your file first. I highly suggest against using
this code except for experimental purposes. Use this code at your own risk.


Part VI: Frequently Asked Questions:

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions I have recieved
concerning this FAQ.

1. Q: I hit ~ but the console is not coming up!
A: There are two possibilities.
1) First, you are decieved by the word console.
No big big or anything comes up on the screen like in most PC games.
The ONLY change on the screen that you will see is that a tiny,
white "<" will appear in the top left corner. If you hit ~ and
start typing or hit TAB you should be able to notice it. I
suggest doing cheats from the menu so you can see the white text
in the console/commandline better.
2) You are using a non-English version of the game or a non-English
keyboard. If this is the case, then ~ will probably not be the key to
bring up the console for you. At this point I do not know which key(s)
are used for what localized versions. This could possibly be in a
future version of this FAQ.

Part VII: Conclusion/Acknowledgements/Copyright:

Please feel free to email me if there is anything I left out or you have
comments/questions. My email is I hope to revise and add
to this FAQ whenever new information is found, but I cannot garauntee updates

- Thank you Obsidian Entertainment and LucasArts for making this great Star
Wars RPG.

- Finally, a big thanks to my brother, Ben and many on the GameFAQ and Obsidian
Entertainment forums, for checking the list for missing items and then letting
me go find them.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, characters, items, etc. are trademarks
and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.

This FAQ is the intellectual property of myself, and is Copyright ©2003 Max
Cutler ("Goaliexam") and may not be taken in part or whole to be claimed as
your own work, nor altered in any way. Please contact me for permission if
you're interested in posting this on your site.

Currently, the following sites have permission to post my FAQ:

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

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