Army Men - Air Attack

Army Men - Air Attack

16.10.2013 05:42:00
System: PC
Type: Action/Shooter
Copyright 2005 ChiNo the KamiKaZe or known on GameFAQs as KamiKaZe_ChiNo
Version 1.01

Army Men: Air Attack

I. History
II. Intro
a. Why did I make this guide?
b. Background Story
III. Starting a new game
IV. Description of the co-pilots
V. The Campaign
a. Mission 1: Plastic Pandemonium
b. Mission 2: Going Car-razy
c. Mission 3: The Train That Could
d. Mission 4: Tan Terror-tory
e. Mission 5: Bug Bath
f. Mission 6: Uninvited Guests
g. Mission 7: Ants
h. Mission 8: Saucer Attack
i. Mission 9: The Heat is On
j. Mission 10: The Melting Pot
k. Mission 11: River Rapids Riot
l. Mission 12: Nighttime Teddy
m. Mission 13: Demolition Time
n. Mission 14: Pick up the Pieces
o. Mission 15: Have An Ice Day
p. Mission 16: Plastro's Revenge
VI. The Types of Helicopters-Strengths and Weaknesses
VII. Weapons
VIII. Credits/Legal Note
I. History:

06/14/05-Started the Army Men: Air Attack FAQ. Created Contents and Legal Note.
Made the Intro, Starting a New Game, and Description of the Co-Pilots. Also
finished Missions 1 & 2.
06/15/05- Finished missions 3-8.
06/16/05- Finished missions 9-11 and part of 12.
06/17/05- Finished missions 12, 13, and part of 14.
06/18/05- Finished missions 14, 15, and part of 16.
06/20/05- Finish mission 16, The Types of Helicopters: Strengths and
Weaknesses, Weapons, and the Credits. All finished!
06/21/05- Version 1.01-changed a few minor things, and this FAQ was accepted
and posted on gameFAQs. Happy bday to me!
06/22/05- Version 1.02- changed something that looked a lil' goofy to me. That
should be it for changes.

II. Intro

a. Why did I make this guide?

Well, I wanted to make a FAQ, and seeing as how there was no FAQ, or
pretty much anything for this game, and that I have it, and have beat it, I
figured I'd go through it again and make a FAQ for it to send it in. Something
to do right? And it's helping you out, assuming you need it. So everyone wins.

b. Background Story

For anyone who's ever played any other Army Men games, or with army men
toys at all, you know the drill. It's the Green army vs. the Tan army, with
the Tans this game being lead by General Plastro, and the Greens by Sarge and
Grimm. You take control of Green helicopters in this game to try and stop the
Tans who decided to try and invade the Green country again. You are known as the
Alpha Wolf Battalion. Why they would name a helicopter force after a wolf when
wolves don't fly is beyond me. Oh and occasionally there may be a few Blue
people who are allied with the Tans.

III. Starting a New Game
Starting a new game is simple. Just click Start Game from the main
menu, or if you already have a saved game, then load it from the load game
option. You can also go to Options and mess around with the Sound levels and
see the Credits for the game.
Controls can also be changed to suit your liking. I suggest taking a
good look at them, picking which ones you think will work best, and remembering
them, because you'll need to in order to be at your best for the campaign.
The main screen when you're doing a mission contains the number of missiles
left for whatever occupies your missile weapon (you can switch between
weapons), a compass to tell you what way you're going, and your health bar.
Health can be replenished by using the winch to grab the green boxes with a
sort of pentagon shape on them. Blue soldiers have them sometimes too, so
destroy them and you may get some much-needed health at crazy times.
And! You get two lives for any mission, so even if you die once, you still
have an extra life to fight on with.
Alright, here we go.

IV. Description of the Co-Pilots
Throughout the game, you get to choose from a few different co-pilots
that help you, for one, pilot your helicopter, and two, use weapons to fight
the Tan Army. They are (in order of appearance):

1. Lt. James Marshall 'Woodstock': This co-pilot's speciality is using
the machine guns. When using him, machine guns are much more effective.

2. Lt. John Lawless 'Hardcore': This co-pilot's speciality is using
explosives and missiles. When using Lawless, missiles and explosives do more
damage and are overall more effective.

3. Lt. Dave Parker 'Rawhide': Rawhide's speciality is the winch, which
works faster and more efficiently when he is the co-pilot.

4. Seargeant Hawk 'Sarge': This co-pilot you don't get until later,
but overall everything is better when he is used.
V. The Campaign

a. Mission 1: Plastic Pandemonium
1. Pick up plastic supplies from secret base.
2. Fly plastic supplies through portal.
Available copters: Huey

The object of this mission is pretty simple. Find the not-so-secret Green base,
grab the supplies you need, and fly through the portal. At this point the only
helicopter you can use is the Huey, so we'll just have to deal. Although the
Huey is pretty fast. Throughout the mission, pull up the map if you get lost.
Starting out, fly up through the base and grab the various missiles with your
winch. Follow the path through the mountains and blow up any enemies in your
way. It's probably best to use missiles to take out the Tan jeeps,
as missiles can take them out in 1 or 2 hits as opposed to 20 machine gun
bullets. Watch out for the Tan tanks that come up shortly, as their rounds can
do some nasty damage to your wimpy Huey. Use missiles to take those out. If you
keep flying you'll notice a mountain valley off to the side where the "secret"
base is. In that area you'll find the supplies that you need to pick up and
take through the portal. Although, it's much easier to save that for later, and
just concentrate on destroying all the Tan units in your way and the portal, to
ensure the supplies don't get damaged, if they even can. However, once you've
defeated all the Tan units and gotten to where the portal is, it won't be
there. It will just be a small green circle. But now that you have no
opposition, go back to the secret base, grab the supplies, and fly back to
where the portal is that you can now fly through. With that, you've beaten
the first mission. Wewt!
Note: To make it easier to understand, the portals are the pathways between
the worlds of the Green and Tan people to our world, where they are only as
large as regular army men toys. In their world, they are "normal-sized".

b. Mission 2: Going Car-razy
1. Stop 15 cars from entering the portal.
2. Destroy all Tan garages.
Available copters: Huey

Basically, this mission involves destroying the toy car garages the Tans are
using to create toy cars that carry supplies for the Tan Army. Great idea.
Bring up the map using whatever key its assigned to to help find out where the
garages are situated. Then find the garages and take 'em out to win. There's
only two. Beware though, there are massive amounts of Tan forces trying to kill
you, so be careful. The water sprinklers are also a pain. But if you switch
weapons to the, what I call "firebomb" missiles (the icon for this missile
looks like fire), it only takes one or two of those fired to destroy a garage.
Oh and don't take too long fighting Tans, because if 15 cars get out of those
garages and to their portals, you lose. But that still means you probably have
about 10 minutes or so to win, which is a LOT of time for this mission. PLus,
you can destroy the cars easily if you think there's too many running around.
A missile or two wil do fine. So overall, this mission is relatively simple
and easy.

c. Mission 3: The Train That Could
1. Destroy Tan helicopter.
2. Return Battery to train power pad.
3. Escort train to green base.
4. Fly through the portal.
Available Copters: Huey

Ok, the Green army got a hold of a really powerful tank. But the
battery for the tank was stolen by the Tans. First we have to destroy the Tan
helicopter that has the battery, then drop the battery on the power pad,
escort the train along its way, as in preventing the Tans from destroying it,
and then fly through the portal.
Starting out, fly forward and destroy the tanks and stuff in your way. Keep
flying until you find the train that looks a lot like Thomas the Tank Engine.
Hm...Anyway. You'll find it's under attack, so take out the Tans attacking it.
Once they're dead, there should be a Tan copter flying around. Destroy it and
it drops a battery. But HOLD UP! Putting the battery on the train act activates
the train and starts it rolling forward.
What I recommend is first following the train track all the way to where it
ends, taking out most, if not all, of the major Tan threats. Some will appear
during the time the train is on the track, but mostly it's best to destroy the
things like the water sprinklers, missiles launchers, etc. that could seriously
harm the train. Plus, with the Tans out of your way, it's a lot easier to
watch over the train during its voyage. Also in the trains path will be stuff
like apples and boxes, some of which don't appear until the train starts its
voyage. Once you start the train up, STAY WITH IT. It can be destroyed if you
aren't protecting it, and your new awesome tank will be ruined. Destroy any
Tans that start attacking it, and once the train reaches the portal and goes
through, follow it and you win. There's also a couple of invincibilty boxes
(they're purple) you can pick up and be temporarily invincible, should you
need them. The red box makes you super powerful and able to take out pretty
much anything in one hit.

d. Mission 4: Tan Terror-tory
1. Destroy all Tan hangars.
2. Fly through the portal.
Available Copters: Huey

The Tan have decided to try making their own copter corps. As if. Use the map
to find their copter hangars and take them out, then fly through the portal to
win. The battle tank you helped escort in the last mission helps you out, and
it owns. You could pretty much let the tank itself take care of a bunch of the
Tan. Seriously. Use the firebombs to destroy the hangars. One firebomb is
enough to take out a hangar. Once you've destroyed all 5 hangars, you've won.
Pretty simple. Finding the hangars is no problem, although be careful if
you're trying to take on all of the Tan head-on. Plus, after beating this
mission, you now have the Chinook helpicopter.

e. Mission 5: Bug Bath
1. Open all bug boxes.
2. Destroy all Tan bases.
Available Copters: Huey, Chinook

The Tan have captures a lot of bugs and mutated them into giants. Free the
bugs and they will destroy the Tans. So basically in this mission you just need
to fly around, destroy the bug boxes, and watch them destroy the Tan. Easy
stuff. But be careful, the giant bugs can hurt you too, at least the flying
ones. So don't hesitate to destroy them if they start trying to fight you.
It's actually a lot easier to just destroy the bug boxes head on then taking
out the Tans first. Seriously. Let the bugs destroy the Tan. All you should
worry about is freeing the bugs, and occasionally blowing them out of your way.

f. Mission 6: Uninvited Guests
1. Protect all Green bases.
2. Destroy the Tan bases.
Available Copters: Huey, Chinook

Picnic food is attracting ants, and the ants are destroying the Green troops.
Distract the ants with food, and save the green troops. Basically, starting out
there is a donut in the middle of the Green base that is attracting ants. Pick
it up and drop it in the middle of one of the Tan bases. The ants will destroy
the Tan while trying to get to the donut. The other green base also houses
a donut that attracts ants. Pick that up and drop it in another Tan base to
have the ants destroy it. Repeat this process to destroy the Tan bases. Also,
one of the larger Tan bases has a fireworks box. Destroy it to blow up lots of
the Tan troops.
Remember: The ants will follow you when you have food in your winch, whether
it be donuts or chicken or whatever. Use that to your advantage and you should
win pretty easily. Just get the food out of the green bases quickly, and they
should be fine.

g. Mission 7: Ants
1. Destroy all anthills.
2. Stop destruction of Green base.
3. Find UFO and fly it through the portal.
Available Copters: Huey, Chinook

Ok, basically, ants are attacking a large green base, which holds a number of
cherry bombs. Call up the map, use the winch to grab a cherry bomb, and drop it
onto one of the anthills. This will stop the flow of ants from that anthill.
Once you've taken out all of the anthills, you will need to find the Tan UFO
and get it through the portal. As in, capture it.
Ok, starting out, you'll notice six red spots on the map. Those are the six
anthills, which you must start destroying immediately to prevent the green base
from being destroyed. Pick up a cherry bomb and simply drop it on an anthill to
get rid of the ants from it. Do this as fast as you can, because the ants
(especially the red fire ones) can cause a bunch of damage quickly. Ignore the
Tan units for now. Once you've gotten rid of all six anthills, find the Tan
base and destroy it. Inside the hangar will be a UFO. Pick it up and carry it
to the portal at the green base, and victory is yours.

h. Mission 8: Saucer Attack
1. Prevent all Green bases from being destroyed.
2. Eliminate all Tan forces.
3. Fly through the portal.
Available Copters: Huey, Chinook

Already, the Tan have launched a final attack on the Green alpine bases. With
the stolen UFO aiding you, you must protect those bases and take out all the
Tan forces. The UFO is pretty powerful, and will do fine on its own. You
should mostly worry about the bases being under attack.
Starting out, there's four main green bases you're supposed to watch over.
Whenever you see yellow (Tan) spots on the map, go to where they are as they
represent Tan forces attacking that green base. Also, there are several portals
that Tan forces pour out of. Check back with those portals constantly and if
you can take out the Tan forces coming out of them before they can get to the
bases, that helps out all the much more.
At times, it can be difficult patrolling back and forth trying to save the
bases, so an alternative strategy would be to just stay near one of the bases,
thwarting any attacks the Tan make against it, and holding out until the end.
The above strategy is probably best, because as great as your efforts may be in
trying to protect all four bases, you'll probably lose them pretty quickly.
Once Tan forces stop coming through the portals, wait a few minutes just to
make sure, then go out and wipe out any other Tan spots you see on the map,
and then fly through the portal. Wahoo! Now you've beaten half the missions,
AND as a reward for getting this far, the Super Stallion helicopter has been
added to your arsenal.

i. Mission 9: The Heat is On
1. Save at least 2 scientists.
2. Rescue Sarge.
3. Return rescued people to Green base.
Available Copters: Huey, Chinook, Super Stallion

The Tan are attempting to use a gigantic magnifying glass to melt Sarge and a
few other allied scientists. Save Sarge and at least 2 of the 3 scientists
before they melt.
Starting out, you'll notice there are tons of Tan boats, missile launchers,
etc. everywhere. Also, you get the, I guess what I call "cluster missiles".
Use them as they are very effective and helpful. At first, spend time just
blowing up Tans, because there isn't much else to do. Soon a red target will
appear on the map. That will be the first scientist. Fly to it quickly and pick
him up with the winch, but avoid the magnifying light. It hurts.
Fly around some more destroying stuff. Another red dot should appear soon,
marking the 2nd scientist. Try to save him. Same goes with the 3rd. Remember
you only need 2. Then Sarge will soon appear being chased. Save him and
immediately start heading back for base, for it would seem the Tan are now
actually getting smart and decided to get a magnifying glass to chase YOU
instead. Once you make it back to base with Sarge and at least 2 scientists
you win. Sweet.

j. Mission 10: The Melting Pot
1. Make machine produce Green army men.
2. Prevent 30 Tan soldiers from entering Super Battleship.
3. Defeat the Super Battleship.
Available Copters: Huey, Chinook, Super Stallion

Well, the Tan have a device that changes Green soldiers from Green to Tan. Make
the device produce Green guys instead of Tan, and prevent 30 of them from
entering the Tan's new Super Battleship. Once that's done you've got to destroy
the Super Battleship (although I think it'd be easier just to capture it, but
oh well.)
Starting out, follow the path, ignoring most of the Tans unless you really feel
like beating 'em up. Once you've arrived at the picnic area, you might want to
grab one of the green crayons, as you'll need several to change the machine
from making Tan to Green. There's also a sort of "secret path" that'll get you
around a lot the Tans. It's around a bend that's near the last gate to break
through when arriving near the Super Battleship. Go up the hill and follow the
path on top of the hills to find some good items and an easy, enemy-free path
to the ship area. Pick up and drop about 3 or 4 crayons (there are some already
near the machine) into the square part of the machine where the translucent
bodies are falling through. The crayons will break. Once you've dropped enough
crayons, the machine will stop working, and somehow I won even though I didn't
destroy the Super Battleship. You might have to. I don't really know. I think
you only have to destroy it if 30 Tan get in. Anyway, on to the next mission.

k. Mission 11: River Rapids Riot
1. Rescue Teddy from Tan Chinook.
2. Escort the Teddy Bear to waiting Green helicopters.
3. Fly through the portal.
Available Copters: Huey, Chinook, Super Stallion

This mission is very similar to Mission 3, except now instead of a train you
have a teddy bear floating down a river instead of train tracks. The bear is
at first being dragged by a Tan Chinook to a portal. Destroy the Chinook and
the bear will float and be stopped by a gate in the water. I suggest next doing
what I said to do in mission 3. Going down the river destroying the Tan missile
placements and other junk. Just like in mission 3, Tan units will appear along
the bear's journey trying to destroy it, but you gotta stay with the bear and
protect it. Once you feel you're ready, destroy the gate and start the journey
with your bear, that turns out to be a lethal killing machine later on.
Off to the side of part of the river is a Green base with a few copters in it.
Once the bear gets near it, Tan tanks and troops come out of a portal and
attack. Destroy the Tan tanks and men and the helicopters will come out to join
you in protecting the bear. Watch out for the sewage pipe that is near the
Green base. At some point a bunch of Tan boats will come out of it. Also when
the bear arrives right near the Green Chinooks, a Tan battleship will come out
of the last pipe. Destroy it along with the half-dozen of so Tan copters that
make a last ditch effort to take you and the bear out. Fly through the portal
after that and you win.

l. Mission 12: Nighttime Teddy
1. Reactivate all radar dishes.
2. Destroy the Tan base.
3. Fly through the portal.
Available Copters: Huey, Chinook, Super Stallion

The Tan have taken out a bunch of Green radar. With the assistance of the giant
teddy bear, take the radar batteries and place them next to the radars to
reactivate them.
First off, use the map to find the radar dishes. The batteries will be
somewhere near the dishes. Once you've taken a battery place it next to the
radar dish to reactivate it. You can tell if it's reactivated because it will
start spinning, and its red spot on the map will go away.
The batteries look like green rectangles split into two boxes, each with a
lightning bolt shape on them. Oh yes, and try not to drop the batteries onto
the actual radar dishes, as that destroys the batteries.
The only main Tan stronghold i.e. their base will be near the 2nd to last
radar dish. Destroy that and any other Tans in your way. You can let the bear
do it or do it yourself. After you've reactivated all the dishes and fly
through the portal, you've won again.

m. Mission 13: Demolition Time
1. Destroy all remote control devices.
Available Copters: Huey, Chinook, Super Stallion

Well now the Tan are using remote controlled cars to kill the Green army. How
creative. You must stop those RC cars by destroying their remote controls.
As you begin, ignore everything, pull up the map, and go immediately for the
first remote, located by a red dot on the map. It's in the sandbox area.
Destroy it using whatever works fastest, and then take a minute to take out
some Tans and find some health, then move on to the next area. That remote is
hidden in the hopscotch area in a small corner. Take that one out quickly.
These RC cars destroy Green troops easily, so it really is best to render them
useless as fast as possible. The third RC device is located among some trees.
Once you've destroyed all three remotes the mission is over.

n. Mission 14: Pick up the Pieces
1. Collect each Super Helicopter piece.
2. Return each piece to the Green base
3. Fly through the portal.
Available Copters: Huey, Chinook, Super Stallion

Ok, the Tan are attempting to build a Super Helicopter. You must find its 6
pieces, steal 'em and take them to the Green base. This is probably one of the
hardest missions. I remember my first time through this game it took several
tries to finally beat this mission. Don't be frustrated if you face the same
situation. I'll give the best advice I can. The first of that being:
Avoid taking damage.
You'll be faced with plenty of opposition, and not a lot of health to deal with
it all. At least you have two lives. Another good piece of advice:
Every time you return a piece to the portal where you start out, you get an
item or two to help you out. So just remember that. Sometimes they can be
really useful.
Starting out, destroy the enemies near where you are, but avoid taking any
damage. The shielded Tans are annoying, as it's difficult to kill them when
their shield is facing you. Wait till they turn around, launch a missile, and
move so their round doesn't hit you, but you kill them. First, or last, you'll
want to grab piece A that's right near you. It's best to get that one first to
get it out of the way. For dropping piece A off in the portal you get a pack of
missiles. Next, let's grab the piece in the northeast corner. Take the downhill
route right next to the Green base (it's all pink), but watch out for shield
Tans and tanks around the corner. There are some jack toys near the main Green
base that you can also use to drop on enemies and kill 'em. There are a couple
of water cannons and a missile launcher up ahead. Be careful in taking those
out. But there's nothing else past them, so go ahead and grab piece B and take
it back to base. For dropping off B you get homing missiles. All right. Only
4 pieces to go. The next four will be the most difficult, as they are all
near an area filled with Tans and their weapons. Be careful in taking out what
you must, but just flying through and getting all the pieces will most likely
get you killed. It may work, but more than likely won't. And if you die the
first time, since you start out invincible for a few seconds, use that time to
destroy as many Tans as you can. There's also a Green base within this Tan
madness that has some health and you can use that as a staging area if you need
to. When you first get into the area with tons of enemies, it's best just to fly
through and stay to the side and get into the Green base. From there, start
forcing your way, bit by bit, to where you need to go. There's a piece in that
small Green base. However, let's wait and return that one later. Take out the
Blue soldier and get health from him if you need it, and keep fighting.
Let's get piece C located almost right across from the Green base, guarded by a
few Tan units. Grab it quickly, and avoid all enemies while carrying it back to
base. That's three! We're halfway done. Let's go ahead now and get piece D from
the smaller Green base. And now we've only got 2 pieces left. Pieces C and D
will give you firebombs and cluster missiles, although after piece D several
Tan copters attack the main Green base. Take those out and continue with your
mission. Piece 5, the rubber bands, are near the big Tan area, but behind a
missile launcher, and Piece 6, the Top Secret Box is located deep in the woods.
This one is probably most difficult to get, but most rewarding. Just fly as
fast as you can once you've grabbed it, avoiding all enemies.
The rubber bands piece gives you invincibilty, while the Top Secret box gives
you a one-hit kill box. Once the six pieces have gotten through the portal
you win, and you now have the ultimate helicopter, the Apache, ready for the
next mission, which brings me to my next point.

o. Mission 15: Have an Ice Day
1. Keep all of the Green escapees alive.
2. Escort the Jeep and fly into the portal.
Available Copters: Huey, Chinook, Super Stallion, Apache

This mission is also difficult. Not because of the amount of Tan, but because
you must watch over three different people who are taking three differnt paths
to the same destination, while constantly being bombarded by Tans. Save Vicki,
Sarge, and the other commando and you win. Though I do wish they would just
all travel together and make it a lot easier on my part. Either that or just
let me winch them to safety...
Starting out, go out and blow up all the landmines you see along any paths.
Those present the biggest threat, and they must be cleared. The three Greens
should be fine while you do that. Fortunately the paths they take arent'
VERY far apart, and there are several valleys that serve as shortcuts between
their paths. Also, they get closer to each other as their paths come to an
end. They finish by getting into a Jeep and riding through a portal with you.
Constantly Tans will ambush them. When you see one of them standing still on
the map, that usually means they are under attack, and even if they aren't just
stick near in case they are about to be. Sarge should be the last one to be
attacked, and before him is the commando who falls under attack by several
Tan Hueys. Sarge at the end is attacked by a couple of those big
snowbulldozer machines. After all of you are safely through the portal you win
and go on to the last mission. Oh man.

p. Mission 16: Plastro's Revenge
1. Defeat any threat.
2. Survive
Available Copters: Huey, Chinook, Super Stallion, Apache
(note: Sarge is available in this mission as a co-pilot. I suggest using him.)

All right. This is it. Using the information Sarge and them gave, you must
find and defeat the last major Tan threat and win the war. Here we go.
Starting out, you'll notice you're basically in the middle of a small Tan army.
Destroy what you want, but be careful. You only have two lives. And to win you
must destroy the super-robot that is the Tans' last major weapon. You'll
probably notice there are some batteries lying throughout the level closely
guarded. Those are the batteies that keep the super-robot functional. They must
be destroyed or you can't even harm the robot.
How do you destroy the batteries? Well, Tan trucks and other fun enemies come
in through portals stationed throughout the area. The trucks carry a variety
of items, but mostly cherry bombs, which are what are needed to destroy a
battery. One cherry bomb should take out one battery, and there are four
batteries..Hm...that's one bomb...takes battery..uh...I know Chino!
I need four cherry bombs! Good job! Ok. Anyway. Once the batteries are taken
care of the super-robot is no longer invulnerable.
Use this to unleash all weapons on it, without trying to sustain too much
damage, seeing as how just all-out attacking it won't work. Try flying around
some and picking up health and stuff like that. But after enough damage, the
robot will explode, you'll win, and get to watch the ending video and credits.
YAY! I guess.

VI. The Types of Helicopters-Strengths and Weaknesses
(note: I went ahead and changed the rating system from bars in the game to
numbers, seeing as how I can't take those bars and precisely fit them onto this
FAQ. So yes, these numbers are just an estimate, but as close as I can get.
Also, these are based out of 10. 10 being the best, and 1 being the lowest.)

1. Huey
Armor: 4 Weapons: 5
Mobility: 10 Winch: 3

The Huey is mostly just a mobile helicopter, seeing as how its weapons are
weak, it's winch not good, and armor not good either. It's good for the
starting missions, and missions where you need speed, but that's about it.
It has the lowest armor, weapons, and winch out of the four copters, but
exceeds all of the others in mobility.

2. Chinook
Armor: 8 Weapons: 7
Mobility: 5 Winch: 10

The Chinook is good for delivering items and withstanding attacks. It's winch
is the best of any of the four copters, and is pretty good overall except for
its mobility. The Chinook is best suited for delivery missions, where the
winch is needed a lot.

3. Super Stallion
Armor: 9 Weapons: 9
Mobility: 7 Winch: 8

The Super Stallion is like the Chinook and Huey mixed. It has the armor and
some of the speed. It's armor and weapons are where it is best, and only lacks
in mobility, and even then its mobility is ok. It is good for use in just about
any mission, seeing as how its overall ratings are pretty good. However, it is
not the best in any of the four qualities. Those belong to the next copter.

4. Apache
Armor: 10 Weapons: 10
Mobility: 8 Winch: 7

The Apache is the ultimate helicopter, so the game says. It's armor and
weapons are unmatched. Even the Chinook, with all its armor, cannot compare to
the Apache. The only category the Apache lacks in is its winch, but then
again, with the power it has, it probably can blow any enemies away before
needing to pick something up.

VII. Weapons

Throughout the game, you can pick up a variety of weapons. They include, with
a small description:

Missile: These basic weapons you can get in pretty much every mission. They
are fast to shoot, easy to use, and can get the job done in pretty much any

Homing Missile: These missiles are slower than regular missiles, but lock in
on enemies so you don't have to worry about that. I don't use them much mostly
because of their slowness.

Laser: This weapon causes tons of damage, and can strike multiple enemies if
you move fast enough. They can destroy most enemies with ease.

Cluster missiles: These are like homing missiles, only shoot out four at a
time. Great for targeting multiple enemies, or taking out a really strong one.

Suicide bombers: The symbol for these guys looks like a dynamite stick, which
they pretty much are. Launch one of these and a couple of Green paratroopers
will drop down and run into any enemy they see, blowing themselves up.

Firebombs: These are very devastating. You launch these and a fire wall goes
up, taking out anything in its path. Great to use if you're being swarmed by
enemies, and don't have the time and/or life to take them all out.

That should cover all of the weapons you can use.

VIII. Credits/Legal Note

-Me, for making this FAQ
-3D0 and all the people who made this fun game.
-You for reading this FAQ.
-The guy who made Notepad+ for making it much easier to make this FAQ on my
- GameFAQs for being the first to host this FAQ on their site.

Legal Note:
The following sites have permission to use my FAQ:

Any other websites, etc. wishing to post this FAQ must contact me and ask
permission at:

The above e-mail address can also be used for people wishing to contact me
in response to an error I've made in this FAQ or giving me helpful information
about the game that I did not put up. People who send this information and get
it put up on the FAQ will be properly credited.

ALSO (yes almost done), people may print out this guide for help with the
actual game, but not for business purposes or to sell this, because that is
illegal. Duh. This FAQ was made using NotePad and later Notepad+ because
Notepad's memory is....yeah. Bad. At least on Windows '98 it is.
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