Space Quest VGA

Space Quest VGA

17.10.2013 18:37:45

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Item List
4. Point List
5. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 30th Jun, 2005 (First version)


1. Introduction


Roger Wilco is a janitor aboard the starship Arcada. Deciding to have a sleep
in the supply closet, Wilco is rudely awakened by an evil alien race known as
the Sariens. They have boarded the Arcada to steal the star generator, a device
that is capable of destroying planets. With the ship's auto-destruct sequence
slowly counting down, Wilco barely manages to escape in time before the ship
explodes. After crash landing on an alien planet, Wilco dusts himself off and
prepares to find a way to the alien ship to recover the star generator.


2. Walkthrough



The game starts in one of the corridors on the spaceship Arcada. West. West.
East. Wait until the man enters the room. Talk to the man and remember the
words that he speaks. Use the operation console and look at the monitor. Look
at the display and enter the data cart code (for the word that the man said)
from the manual. Get the cart from the robot. West. West. Search the man to
find a keycard. East. Enter the elevator. Go through the door and get the
widget on the star generator from the pedestal.

Exit the room. East. East. Enter the elevator. East. Walk behind the mouse to
avoid the guards. East. Use the control panel and push the left button to open
the bay doors. Use the keycard on the elevator to enter the airlock. Open the
closet and get the spacesuit. Use the button near the left side of the closet
to get the gadget from the drawer. Open the airlock door to enter the vehicle
bay. Enter the pod. Use the seatbelt. Look at the three buttons above Wilco and
push the right button. Use the lever to exit the Arcada. Look at the three
buttons and push the left button.


Use the belt to exit the ship. Get the kit from the ship and the piece of glass
in front of the ship. East. South. Get the plant. North. East. East. South.
South. Wait for the spider droid to appear. Walk up the path to the bridge.
Wait for the spider droid to appear again and then push the rock to destroy it.
Continue up to the top of the path. Walk toward the sign to fall down to a
cave. Get the rock from the stalagmite. West. Walk near the grate and use the
plant on the monster. West. Use the rock on the geyser. West. Use the glass on
the beams. Follow the path to the next area.

Walk carefully past the acid drops and continue east. Use the gadget in the
inventory. East. A holographic image sends Wilco on a quest to defeat a beast
called Orat on the surface. Wilco will return to the surface. East. East. Enter
the cave. Use the kit in the inventory to open it. Use the water on Orat to
defeat him. Get the Orat part and then walk back up the path to return to the
holographic image in the cave. Give the Orat part to the image. Wilco walks
through the doorway into the power generation facility. Use the data cart on
the monitor and remember the number that is shown. Use the skimmer to leave
Kerona. Either skip or play the arcade sequence to arrive at Ulence Flats.


Say no to the man when he asks to buy the skimmer. Use the skimmer to get the
key. Wait, and the man will arrive again with the offer of a jetpack. Accept
his offer. Enter the bar. Give the coupon to the barman. Buy two more beers
from the bar to hear people talking about a sector. Remember the name of the
sector. Use the widget on the arcade machine. Use buckazoids on the slot and
then keep playing to win at least $300. Exit the bar. North. East. North. Give
the coupon for Droids-B-Us to the salesbug. Wait for the NAV-201 to appear on
the screen and then give the buckazoids to the salesbug to buy the NAV-201.
West. South. North. Use the top ship and then give the buckazoids to Tiny. Use
the ladder to board the ship. When the droid asks where you want to go, enter
the navigation codes (for the letters that the people in the pub said) from the
manual. The ship will travel to Deltaur.


Select no when the droid asks to leave. Wilco will exit the ship and float over
to the door. Use the handle and then go through the door to enter the Deltaur.
Stand at the right side of the door to avoid being hit by the laser. Wait for
the droid to come out and then walk through the door to enter the storage room.
Move the crate and then use the knife on the vent grill. Go through the top
exit and open the grill. Exit the shaft to enter the room with the washing
machine. Open the washing machine and get the helmet to change into a Sarien
uniform. Get the ID card on the floor. East. Use the left elevator. East. Show
the ID card to the guard, and remember the code that he says.

West. West. Enter the elevator. East. East. East. Show the ID card to the
robot. When it leaves, open the counter and get the grenade. Close the counter
and wait for the robot to return. West. Use the grenade on the guard below.
West. West. Wilco will lose his helmet at this point. Enter the elevator. Use
the gun on the guard. East. Use the gun on the guard. East. Search the guard to
find a remote control. Use the remote control on the star generator. Walk up
the steps in front of the star generator and enter the number that the guard in
this room mentioned. West. Use the elevator. Use the gun on the guard. Use the
right elevator. Use the escape pod to complete the game.


3. Item List


Three buckazoids are available at the start of the game. Thirty buckazoids
are found by selling the skimmer to the man at Ulence Flats. Five buckazoids
are found by giving the bar token to the barman in Ulence Flats. Buckazoids
can be won on the arcade machine in the bar at Ulence Flats. They are used to
buy beers at the bar in Ulence Flats. They are used on the arcade machine in
the bar at Ulence Flats. They are used to buy the Nav-201 droid from
Droids-B-Us at Ulence Flats.

Found by accepting the man's second offer at Ulence Flats. It is given to the
barman in Ulence Flats to receive a free beer and five buckazoids.

Found by accepting the man's second offer at Ulence Flats. It is given to the
salesbug in Ulence Flats.

Found by entering the correct data cart code on the operation console on the
Arcada. It is used on the monitor in the power generation facility on Kerona.

Found by opening the kit on Kerona. It is given to Orat on Kerona.

Found in the drawer in the airlock on Kerona. It is turned on in the
inventory on Kerona to understand the holographic image.

Found in front of the ship after landing on Kerona. It is used on the beams
in the cave.

Found behind the counter on the Deltaur. It is used on the guard standing in
front of the star generator.

Found by showing the ID card to the robot on the Deltaur. It is used on the
guards after Wilco loses his helmet.

Found on the floor on the Deltaur after Wilco uses the washing machine. It
can be shown to the guard in front of the star generator on the Deltaur. It
is shown to the robot on the Deltaur.

Found by accepting the man's second offer at Ulence Flats. It is used to
board the Deltaur.

Found on the body in the Arcada. It is used on the elevator to enter the

Found by using the dehydrated water on Orat on Kerona. It is given to the
holographic image in the cave.

Found on the rock in the desert on Kerona. If missed in the desert, the plant
can also be found under the rock on the stalagmite in the cave on Kerona. It
is given to the monster in the cave.

After using the grenade on the guard in front of the star generator on the
Deltaur, the remote control is found by searching the guard. It is used on
the star generator.

Found on the stalagmite in the cave on Kerona. It is used on the geyser in
the cave.

Found by using the skimmer after arriving at Ulence Flats. It is given to the
man after accepting his second offer at Ulence Flats.

Found in the ship after landing on Kerona. It is opened in the inventory to
reveal the dehydrated water and xenon army knife.

Found on the pedestal of the star generator on the Arcada. It is used on the
arcade machine in the bar at Ulence Flats.

Found by opening the kit on Kerona. It is used on the vent grill in the
storage room on the Deltaur.


4. Point List



2 2 Talk to the man.

7 5 Get the cart.

8 1 Get the keycard.

9 1 Get the widget.

11 2 Open the bay doors.

13 2 Enter the airlock.

15 2 Get the spacesuit.

17 2 Get the gadget.

32 15 Use the lever.

34 2 Push the left button.

36 2 Get the kit.

39 3 Get the glass.

41 2 Get the plant.

46 5 Push the rock.

48 2 Enter the cave.

53 5 Use the plant on the monster.

57 4 Use the rock on the geyser

62 5 Use the glass on the beams.

65 5 Pass the acid drops.

70 5 Use the water on Orat.

72 2 Get the Orat part.

77 5 Use the data cart on the monitor.

87 10 Use the skimmer.

112 25 Arrive at Ulence Flats.

117 5 Accept the jetpack offer.

122 5 Hear the conversation about the sector.

127 5 Use the widget on the arcade machine.

131 4 Buy the NAV-201.

135 4 Buy the ship.

160 25 Arrive at the Deltaur.

161 1 Enter the storage room.

164 3 Enter the washing machine room.

169 5 Change into the Sarien uniform.

171 2 Get the ID card.

172 1 Get the grenade.

173 1 Get the gun.

178 5 Use the grenade on the guard.

181 3 Use the gun on the guard.

184 3 Get the remote control.

187 3 Use the remote control on the star generator.

197 10 Enter the number on the star generator.

198 1 Enter the right elevator.

201 3 Use the escape pod.


5. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2005-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at
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