Fly for Fun

Fly for Fun

17.10.2013 10:15:52

Fly for Fun General FAQ by Kizunami
Version 0.9


I. Version History/Future Plans
II. Introduction
III. About FlyFF
IV. Getting Started/Game Basics
V. Parties
VI. Vagrant
VII. Mercenary
VIII. Assist
VIIII. Magician
X. Job Quest Guides
XI. Where to Train
XII. Flying Quests
XIV. Thanks/Disclaimers

I. Version History/Future Plans

Version 0.9 - 6/21/05

Added in the Magician quest.

Version 0.86 - 6/17/05

Took out things that were inaccurate, and tried to make the FAQ less subjective.
There were apparently lots of things wrong with version 0.85, so I think I've
learned my lesson: DO NOT use the official website as a source, ask other
players instead.

Version 0.85 - 6/17/05

Added a bit more detail to the quest guides, and added a description of the
first flying quest. Fixed a few grammatical errors here and there. Will add a
skills guide in the next update.

Version 0.8 - 6/15/05

I've got pretty much everything you need starting out (the game hasn't been out
that long), except for the Magician job quest, as I haven't actually done it
myself yet, and the flying quest, which I haven't done yet either. Those should
be added in version 1.1 in the very near future, as well as a weapons guide.
Also, in the farther future,
there will be information on the 2nd job classes.

II. Introduction

Welcome to Kizunami's (that's me) FlyFF FAQ. I started this game a few days
after it came out, and was enchanted by it, and thus decided to make this guide.
I hope that all the information that you need is here, or will be here later,
but if you have any questions, you can email me. (seishoku -at-

III. About FlyFF

FlyFF (Fly for Fun) is an MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer RPG) made by the Korean
company, Aeonsoft. It's a 3D-graphics game that is very similar to Gravity's
Ragnarok Online and R.O.S.E Online in style and system. If you've played those
2 games before, the job class system probably won't be too new for you.

However, FlyFF is different from most MMORPGs because of the Flight system. In
this game, you can fly around on broomsticks, snowboards, etc. You can also
fight enemies while flying. Of course, this skill can only be used once you
reach a certain level.

If you like adventure games with a nice community, then FlyFF is definitely for
you. Player interaction isn't nearly as important as it is in RO, but all
MMORPGs are more fun when played with friends.

IV. Getting Started/Game Basics

To install FlyFF, you need:
- PentiumIII 800MHZ (PentiumIII 1G is recommended)
- 128MB RAM (256MB is recommended)
- Geforce 2mx 200 VGA (Geforce 3 Ti 200 is recommended)

You also need DirectX 9.0, as well as a good graphics driver. (they don't give
recommendations for the graphics driver you need)

I'd also recommend a good sound system, a good mouse, and a comfortable chair.
You're going to be staring at the computer for quite some time.

In order to play FlyFF, you will have to go to [] and
register an account, then download the game, as well as any other drivers you
might need to install.

You basically left-click where on the screen you want your character to go, and
it will move there and then stop. If you alt+click somebody and choose "follow",
you will automatically follow that person until you click another destination
on the screen.

Right-click changes the camera angle and zoom. You click and hold, then use your
mouse to move the camera from side to side, or zoom in and out.

If you click on a person, their name will show up on the top of the screen, as
well as a health bar showing their current health amount.

You trade with a person by alt+click -> Trade. To add penya to the trade, open
your inventory (press i on the keyboard) and click the money symbol next to
the space where it shows how much penya you have, and drag it over to the trade
window. You can then specify how much penya you wish to trade.

You jump by pressing the spacebar. If you have to jump over a hole or something,
click a place on the other side of the hole as your destination, then hit space
right when you're about to reach the hole. You will then jump forward and over.
(this is how you jump over the hole in the bridge north of Flaris)

Ctrl+left click will auto-target an enemy, so you'll keep attacking them.
Pressing esc cancels the auto-target.

If you push K/I, it will open your skills/inventory menu. You can then assign
skills/items to hot keys, or double-click a skill/item to use it. If you click
a person and then use a support skill, the skill will be used on that person
instead of on yourself.

Unless you change this hotkey, F2 picks up nearby items. Otherwise, you can
left-click the item to pick it up. Pressing any number from 1-9 outside of
the chat window will change the hotkey set. (you can have 9 different sets
of hot keys)

Pressing E opens up the messenger/friendslist/party window. Pressing P opens up
the party option window, where you can specify how experience/items are shared.
Pressing H opens up your stat window. You get 2 stat points per level up, which
you can add to any stat. Pressing T opens your status window. Pressing N opens
or closes the mini-map.

NOTE: The little penguin (Pang) in the corner of your screen is supposed to be
your guide, but as far as I can tell, the guide screens show up blank. You can
right-click the penguin and make him go away by choosing "hide", or drag him
to different positions on the screen.

If you die in battle, you have the choice of going to town or respawning at
a Lodelight. If you find a giant blue fountain-looking thing guarded by a
penguin, then talk to the penguin. You can then change your Lodelight position
so if you're training and you die, you don't have to walk all the way back.

When you die in battle and respawn, you lose some EXP and your PXP resets to
0%. You can raise PXP by fighting monsters, of course.

To enter a user's store, left-click the user, then right-click. You have to
be fairly close to them for this to work. You can close the chat window that
pops up, unless you want to talk to the storekeeper. (most storekeepers are
AFK, which means "away from keyboard")

TY: thank you
NP: no problem
n00b/newb/nub: a person new to the game; usually really stupid
dupe: to duplicate an item through hacking
mage: magician
merc: mercenary
*"ass" is not short for assist, but nice try*
wep: weapon
atk: attack
pls/plz: please (as in "heal pls" meaning "please heal me")

V. Parties

The party system in FlyFF is slightly different from most MMORPGs. When you
make a party with 2 people, defeating monsters and doing quests raises the
level of the party. The amount of party members you can have depends on the
level of the party. When the party reaches level 10, it becomes an advanced
party and you can use party skills, as well as have a party name.

A party leveled 1-5 can have 3 party members.
A party leveled 6-10 can have 4 party members.
An advanced party can have 6 members.

In a party, you can change options for the sharing of EXP and for the sharing
of items. For the most part, you should leave it at equal sharing and personal
share, but it's really your choice.

Level 10: Summons - Sends summon message to members to get together around the
leader of the party.
A Concentrated Attack - Sends message to deliver an attack on the
target the leader appoints.
Retreat - Sends message to run away.
Level 12: Scout - Invites other users to the party.
Level 17: Spear Circle - Increases probability of critical attack when a
leader attacks (depends on the number of party members).
Level 20: Link Attack - Increases damage of attack when a leader attacks
(depends on the number of party member)
Level 25: Fortune Attack - Increases probability of drop of unique items.
Level 30: Stretching - Increase recovery rate of HP/MP/FP while you
rest together around the party leader. In this case, the
recovery rate increases 1.5 times faster than ordinary time. If
your class is the Assist, the recovery rate will increase 1.8
times faster.
Level 40: Gift Box - Amount of dropped items doubles.

VI. Vagrant

This job class is the one you start out as when you make a new character.
Vagrants attack with swords and axes (swords for speed, axes for power).

You start out with the skill Clean Hit. Once you level that move to level 3,
you get Brandish. Once you level Brandish to level 4, you get Over Cutter.

I would recommend pumping Dex and Str to start out with, to make it easier to
train, even if you want to be a Support Assist or Magician. When you change
jobs, you get a stat reset, so you can put all your stat points into Int at
that time.

At level 15, you can change jobs to Mercenary, Assist, or Magician after doing
the required job quest.

VII. Mercenary

This job class primarily specializes in close-range physical attacks with, like
the Vagrants, swords and axes. Most Mercenary weapons are one-handed, so you
can also equip a sword.

You start out with the attack Splmash, which is stronger than Clean Hit. Once
you level that move to level 4, you get Keenwheel. You also start out with
Protection, which raises your defense temporarily.

At level 60, you can change jobs to Knight or Blade after doing the required
job quest.

VIII. Assist

This job class primarily specializes in support magic such as healing. However,
you can choose to become either a Support or Battle Assist, as Assists do have
a few attack skills. Support Assists tend to use staff-like weapons, and Battle
Assists tend to use assorted fists and gloves. NOTE: In order to use certain
support skills, such as Heal, you MUST have an Assist staff weapon equipped.
(ie: the Maystick)

You start out with the support move Heal. If you use the attack without
clicking another person, you will cast it on yourself. If you click another
person and then cast the spell, it will heal them. Once you level that move to
level 4, you get Patience, Quick Step, MentalSign, and TampingHole.
At level 60, you can change jobs to Billposter or Ringmaster after doing the
required job quest.

VIIII. Magician

This job class primarily specializes in offensive magic using wand weapons. It
is not recommended for Magicians to fight in hand-to-hand combat.

You start out with Mental Strike, a basic magic attack. Once you level that move
to level 2, you get Strike Stone. When you level the move to level 3, you get
Fire Boomerang, Ice Missile, and Blink full.

At level 60, you can change jobs to Psykeeper or Elementer after doing the
required job quest.

X. Job Quest Guides

First things first, you need to find the NPC in Flaris named Juria. She is just
southeast of the weapon/armor shop
. Her name is in
bright blue above her head,
so she's hard to miss. Depending on the class you want, she will send you to
one of 3 other NPCs (non-playable characters).

Valin is northwest of Flaris, near a little bend in the river almost right
outside of town. He shows up on the mini-map as a blue dot when you're close
by, so watch for it. There's a map on the official site if you can't find him.
Once you find him, he will ask for a lunchbox from Losha. (frankly, I'm sure
he could afford to skip a meal) Losha is on the right side of Flaris.

When you find Losha, make sure you start a DIALOGUE with her. Not just any food
will do, you have to get a special lunchbox. Once you get it, go back to
Valin. He will then send you on a quest to find 20 Vision stones that are
dropped by Grownup Lawolves, which are in the mountain area at the extreme north
of the mini-map. You do not have to pick up the stones, they will automatically
appear in your inventory when you get them. However, not all the wolves drop
them. Out of every 3 you kill, it is likely that only 1 will drop the stone
you need. Also, the wolves only drop the stones when you are on this quest.

After you retrieve the stones, go back to Valin. He will then make you a
Mercenary and reset your stats. Congrats! You made it.

Rooney is north of Flaris near the lake with the little seahorse monsters. He,
too shows up on the mini-map as a blue dot when you're close by, so watch for
it. There's a map on the official site if you can't find him. Once you find
him, he will ask that you deliver a letter to his brother, Lui, in town. Lui
is on the left side of Flaris, which is the part with the fountain. Since
his name is
in bright blue above his head, it shouldn't take long to find him.
He will give you a letter to bring back to Rooney, who will give you another
letter to deliver back to Lui, who will give you yet another letter.

After you're done playing the mailman, Rooney will send you on an item quest. He
will neex 10 Luxos stones dropped by PukePukes, 5 Lumix stones dropped by the
small Doridomas, and 3 LUX stones dropped by the Grownup Lawolves. You do not
have to pick up the stones, they will automatically appear in your inventory
when you get them.The PukePukes
are a little south of the mountainous area
where the Lawolves are, and not all of them will drop the stones, but they
should be easy to kill once you're level 15. SMALL AND CAPTAIN PUKEPUKES DO
NOT DROP THE STONES. The Doridomas are left of the lake, and a few are IN the
lake. Not all will drop the stones, but they should be relatively easy to kill.
P THE STONES. The Grownup Lawolves are
in the northern part of the mountains. These are slightly harder to kill, but
as you only need 5 stones, the feat shouldn't be terribly difficult.

After you retrieve all the stones, go back to Rooney. He will then make you an
Assist and reset your stats. Congrats! You made it.

Mule is northeast of Flaris, near the river and mountains. He shows up on the
mini-map as a blue dot when you're close by, so watch for it. There's a map
on the official site if you can't find him.

Ask him about Magician, and he'll send you to Marche back in town for a book.
If you go almost straight south you'll hit Marche (she runs the Magic Shop,
a Cane on the map) and ask for the book. She'll give it to you, so then go
back to Mule and give the book to him.

Then, he sends you back to Marche for ANOTHER book. This time when you get
to Marche, the book is damaged and you need to help repair it. She will
send you on a mission to get 10 BookPieces from Demians. Kill them
(any kind) until you get 10 BookPieces, and go back to Marche and she'll
repair the book. Take the book to Mule. He will then make you a Magician and
reset your stats. Congrats! You made it.

XI. Where to Train

When you are just starting out, go directly north of Flaris. There should be
lots of Aibats flying around. Go after the normal and small ones first, then
at level 2, go for the Captain Aibats.

At level 3-5, you can stay at Aibats or go find the Mushpangs a little farther

At level 6-7, go attack the Burudangs. They are a little farther north of the
Mushpangs, though you can usually find the 2 monsters together.

At level 8-9, go for PukePukes, which are farther north and Peakyturtles.
Peakyturtles are near the edges of bodies of water.

At level 10-12, go fight Demians. The Urchin Demians and Demians are level 9,
and the Bad Demians are level 10. The Demians have their own little village
up north. If you see a bridge "guarded" by an NPC Urchin Demian, then cross
it and go into the Demian Village.

At level 13-14, go fight Lawolves in the northern mountain region. Grown-up
Lawolves are good once you're level 14.

Optional: If you cross the bridge with the hole in the middle (see the part
in IV. where I explain jumping), you will find level 15 monsters named Feferns.
If you are really lazy and don't feel like staying at the Lawolves' mountain,
then you can go train there. I personally stay at Lawolves until I reach
level 15.

Level 15-19, you can train across the broken bridge against Feferns,
Nyangnyangs, and Bangs. You can also go back to the older training places
and fight the GIANT *insert monster name here*. These are bosses that are
much higher levelled than the other monsters in the area, and they are
AGGRESSIVE. If you don't want to fight a Giant Monster, then stay away from
it or it will attack you.

Level 20+, go to SaintMorning and train there.

XII. Flying Quests

In order to gain the ability to fly (on broomsticks or boards), you need to
do 3 quests. After the completion of each quest, you will get 1/3 of a broom.
When you get all 3 parts, you will have a broomstick and you will be able to
fly and fight while flying.

The first quest is in Flaris and can be done when you reach level 16. Find the
NPC named Dior in the middle of a circular garden-type thing on the right side
of Flaris. She will send you on a quest to get 6 Fefern Legs from the 2Class
Feferns in the area across the bridge with the hole in the middle. This is a
relatively easy quest and when you get the Fefern Legs, go back. She will
then give you a Broom Head and a special item that takes you to SaintMorning
instantly. I suggest using the item when you get to level 18, because that's
when you can do the 2nd quest.


Q: Are you REALLY female?
A: I know that the rule is 90% of girls in MMORPGs are guys, but I'm actually
a girl. Sorry to disappoint. (:

Q: How do you use Brandish?
A: Brandish is an action slot skill. Drag Clean Hit to the action slot and put
Brandish behind it. Then drag the dollar sign to an keyslot. Use that key
to use Brandish.

Q: Do I have to do what you recommend?
A: No, I'm just telling you what I myself did. It may or may not work for you,
I'm just giving friendly suggestions. It's good to figure out your own
build for your characters and train however you think is best.

Q: I have a lot of lag. How do I fix it?
A: If you go into the Option menu and change all your graphics options to Low
instead of High, it should help a little, I think.

Q: Somebody attacked 5 monsters at once and is hogging the mob! What can I do?
A: The block against KSing (kill-stealing) only applies if the person is
attacking the monster. If someone has a giant mob attacking them, the only
monster you can't attack is the one they're hitting. You can still attack,
kill, and gain EXP from any of the other monsters that they are not hitting.
Don't blame me if the person gets mad at you for doing this, though. ^^;

Q: Why is that monster with a red name following/attacking me?
A: Any monster with a red name is agressive. If you get near it, it'll target
you and attack you until somebody else hits it enough to get its attention.

Other questions? Email (seishoku -at- me, or you can Whisper me in-
game as Kizunami, Tsunami, or Aram. (i'll probably be on Kizunami, who is my
Assist) Please do not email/whisper me asking to party up or give you penya,
because I'll ignore you. ONLY ask me legitimate questions that are not answered
in this FAQ. Or you can give suggestions. Yeah. But no spam, please, or I'll
change email addresses and you won't be able to ask me stuff anymore.

XIV. Thanks/Disclaimers

This FAQ was made originally for use on, where you will always find
the latest version. You can quote from this FAQ, post it on other websites, etc,
but please give me credit. Typing this thing up and doing the research took
quite a bit of my time. Also, do not make a profit off of this FAQ. I made
it for general use.

I do not own FlyFF, and any general information that I did not find out for
myself was copied from the official website [] and
elaborated on, as the website is filled with errors and does not go into much

A VERY LARGE THANK YOU to the other FlyFF players that are members of GameFAQs
that decided to point out my mistakes. (even if some were a little rude) I'm not
claiming to be an expert on the game at all, so it's not hard for me to admit
to my mistakes. If there is still anything wrong, please tell me. I don't mind.

Also thank you to Ness26 for sending me the Magician quest information.
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