Gunz - The Duel

Gunz - The Duel

12.10.2013 08:32:39
Gunz The Duel "FAQ"
Verison 0.81
By: Thomas Zhou
Copyright: June 08, 2005 by Thomas Zhou

Table of Contents

1.0 Version History

2.0 Introduction

3.0 General Information

3.1 Starting "GUNZ"
3.2 The Weapons of "GUNZ"
3.3 Controls, and stunts
3.4 Basic Commands

4.0 Gameplay tips and guide

4.1 Advance Stunts and Gameplay Moves

5.0 Items stats

5.1 Daggers
5.2 Swords
5.3 Kodachi (Dual Swords)
5.4 Chest Armor
5.5 Leg Armor
5.6 Feet Armor
5.7 Rings
5.8 Kits
5.9 Grenades
5.10 Pistols
5.11 Revolvers
5.12 SMGs
5.13 Shotguns
5.14 Rifles
5.15 Rockets Launchers
5.16 Machine Guns

6.0 Frequently Asked Questions

7.0 Contact information

8.0 Disclaimer

9.0 Special Thanks

1.0 Version History

Version 0.50 - 6-08-05
Finished GUNZ "FAQ"

Version 0.80 - 6-10-05
Item Section is fully finished. Knives have been renamed to "daggers". Minor
Spelling errors. Parts of the FAQ had been reformed. Basic Commands section
has lots of new stuff added. Misc changes

Version 0.81 - 6-20-05
Minor corrections

Verison 1.00 - COMING SOON
I just gotten to lv 21, going to play a bit and improve my playing ability.
Hope to add much more to the gameplay section. Anyone that is fairly high
level, please email me any stunts or any gameplay moves you do. I am very
busy right now and don't have time to play GUNZ.

2.0 Introduction

GUNZ is a Korean shooter game, which is currently of June 08, 2005 in beta.
It's a shooter game with rpg elements such as experience points and items.
Very Matrix like stuns and moves can be done in GUNZ. The game system is
similar to Gunbound that you can create a game or join other people's game.
GUNZ can be downloaded at

3. General Information
3.1 Starting GUNZ

When you have logged in into the servers, you will first need to create a
character. Pick a name and customize your character's looks. After, choose one
of the five classes.

Axium Gun Knight
Travia Gun Fighter
Axium Assassin
Travia Scout
Axium Gun Priest
Travia Doctor

None of the choices effect your character at all besides the equipment they
start with. It's highly recommended that you pick the Travia Gun Fighter
because they have dual SMGs which are the best for starting off.

There's no difference at all between the classes except for the weapons you
start with. You can always buy other weapons if you don't like the ones you
start with, but the general agreement is that the guy with the two SMGs is
the best choice to begin with. So pick him, as he gets the best weapons for
starting off.

After creating your character, you will be at the main screen of GUNZ. From
here you can create a game, join a game, or go to another channel. By
winning matches you earn experience points which increase your level
and bounty which is money used in the shop to buy better equipment. You can
equip your bought items at the equip screen.

There are 5 types of gameplay modes in Gunz.

Deathmatch- A deathmatch game, free for all

Team Deathmatch- A Team based deathmatch with two different teams. When a
person is killed; they stay dead until the next round similar to

Gladiator- A deathmatch game, free for all. However, only melee weapons
are allowed.

Team Gladiator- A Team based deathmatch with two different teams. However,
only melee weapons are allowed. Similar to Team Deathmatch.

Assassin- Team based game where you kill a specific member of the other team.
They will glow purple and have a purple bar behind their name at the


Health Icons, which look like a red cross, recover either 100% of your health
or 30%.

Armor Icons, which looks like a green shield, recover either 100% of your
armor or 30%.

Ammo Icons, which look like a yellow bullet, gives all your guns more ammo.

3.2 The Weapons of "GUNZ"

Melee Weapons

Swords and daggers have two kinds of attacks. The primary attack of both is a
slash. Pressing it rapidly will allow you to chain a combo. Holding primary
attack will charge up your weapon making it glow. If you connect a attack
while it's glowing, that person will take extra damage and is stunned for
a second.

The secondary attack of the sword is a uppercut which is slow,
however if it connects, your opponent will fly up and land on the ground
stunned for a while.

Swords can be used to block bullets by pressing shift. Your character will
hold their sword up and all bullets aim at you will be blocked. You will
stay in this stance for around three seconds where you must refresh it.
Bullets aim at your leg region cannot be blocked.

Daggers' secondary attack is a bit different from the swords'. The daggers'
secondary attack is a fast charging thrust. This attack is slow but the
distance covered and if its sheer fast starting speed makes it worth it.
However, if you miss, the recovery is huge, enough for someone to fill
your body up with lead.

To recover from the Melee secondary attack, hit space right as you been hit
by them. If your timing is good, your character will do a flip and land back
on their feet.


Gunz is not a realistic shooter, jumping, running and other such actions do
not impair how accurate you shoot. You should do many stunts and dodge to
make it harder for your opponent to hit you.

Tend to be fairly accurate and do decent damage, however they have a slow
rate of fire and hold a small clip size.

Revolvers do more damage than pistols, but their clip size is about halved.
Around 1 bullet of a revolver do 3 times the damage of a pistol bullet. Very
slow to shoot and reload.

Have massive damage up to 120 damage per shot, even more if all the
bullets hit. They have a slow rate of fire and holds a tiny amount of
bullets per clip. They are very non-accurate if not used within short range.

They're good if you use them at short or middle range. They do excellent
damage, but they are very inaccurate at long range. Fast rate of fire.

Is the most accurate gun in the game. King of long range. The bullets always
go where the dot is. It's the bad gun to use at close range because of its
slower rate of fire, and that it cannot be sprayed because the bullets
always go straight where you aim them at.

Rockets Launchers
Are slow at everything. You run slower, they shoot slow, and have a small
clip size. The splash and the damage of it is, however very high.

Machine Guns
Have the largest clip size and do slightly slower damage than
most smgs and rifles. You move slower when wielding this gun. Best used at
medium range.

Side Items

Frag grenades
Are cheap, powerful and they don't weight a lot. The damage is
high if a person takes a direct hit. The blast radius seems to be very
small however. I highly recommend to equip this if you have any leftover

Smoke grenades
Blinds the spot throw at with smoke. I don't see any use for this since
it requires over three grenades just to fully cover an area.

Flashbang grenades
Anyone near the range of it fully blinds the person looking at it. They
can't see anything or hear anything for over 3 seconds. Pretty good, but
anyone that got flash would just dodge all over. Nice for throwing this into
a crowd and gunning down everyone.

Medical Kits
They start to hold two med kits and up to four in the advance kits. They heal
about 15% health for each one. They do weight a lot and you can't refill
them in any other way than die.

Repair Kits
Same thing as the medical kit, but they recover armor not health.

3.3 Controls, and stunts

WASD are the buttons to move your character. The mouse is used to look around,
and to do your primary and secondary attacks. The shift key is used while
welding a sword to block bullets, and space is to jump.

To do a dodge, hit either W, S, D, A twice. Your character will do a dodge
move in that direction.

However, if you have a sword or dagger out, you will dash, not roll in that


Stunts are very important to get to unreachable places and makes it harder for
people to shoot at you. Stunts are very important in Gunz to surive. Master
using them at all times.

Run into a wall at a 40 degrees angle, and press, and than hold jump. You will
walk across the walk until it ends or if you press jump ending it.

Be near a wall and press jump. You will do a flip off the wall.

Run directly into a wall and press, hold jump. You will run up across, the
wall useful for reaching high places.

Hold secondary attack while having a melee weapon out in midair when you're
near a wall. Your character will thrust their melee weapon into the wall
hanging in their. By holding move forward and pressing jump and doing
another wall climb, you can climp to higher places. Can also be used to
prevent yourself from falling into a hole.

Canceling is doing a primary attack with a melee weapon. They allows you to
do another move. Do a wall jump and cancel; dash back to the wall and do
another wall jump. Another one is jumping off a high place and dash, cancel,
dash ect. Cancel is a advance move and is vital to dodging bullets and
getting to places swiftly.

Once you mastered canceling, you could start with a wall run, cancel it and
dash to another wall where you wall run there. Mastering cancels is a
important move in advance Gunz playing.

3.4 Basic Commands

Whispers to that person.

/friend add
Adds that person to your friends list.

/friend remove
Removes that person to your friends list.

/friend list
Shows a list of your friends

Kicks that person if you're the host of the game.

In game only. Starts a votekick for a person.






Your character kills themselves. Experience loss occurs.

Color Text

By typing ^1what "what" will be the color red. Other colors can be used by
replacing the number 1 at the number of the color you want it to be.

5=dark red
6=dark green
7=dark yellow
9=dark gray

4.0 Gameplay tips and guide

Your character can carry up to 100 weight of items. You cannot equip more
than 100 weight of items. Weight becomes a major issue when you reach lv 18+.
Careful balance of weapon, armor, and off items is vital to having a good

Levels 1-10

Play a few games to get used to Gunz. The bounty you earn should first be
used to buy dual Renards if you didn't pick Travia Gun Fight for some reason.
Buy a secondary weapon, a pistol, rifle or even a shotgun. The rest of the
bounty you earn should be used to upgrade your armor. Buy the health plus
series armor since if your health is zero, you're dead. Any other bounty
earn should be saved up for the lv 10 tier armor.

Levels 10-20

Continue to upgrade your armor to the next level at this point. At lv 12,
buy the Dual Walcom SS smgs. At lv 18, buy the Maxwell LX30 rifle. Both
of these guns are very good for a long time. You can equip both of these
guns if you don't equip rings and use a dagger. You shouldn't upgrade
your melee weapons if you don't play Gladiator mode a lot. The damage
upgrade and the less delay is not worth the cost of the bounty. Weight is
also increase as the sword level increases.

General Gameplay Tips

*Look for group of people fighting and shoot them after they have weakend
each other.

*Never run straight at someone if they are shooting at you. You will take
massive damage if you do so.

*If you need to reach someone far away, if there's open space do a wall
run and cancel it right when you reach them/

*If a sword user is after you, aim at their legs as the defend move doesn't
block bullets shot at the legs.

*Dodge, dodge, dodge!

*Use your mouse to look over corners and ambush people

*You can recover from melee weapons secondary attacks by pressing space as
it hits you

*Learn to control your gun. If your crosshair is not even near someone,
don't keep on holding the fire button.

*Do not get involve in melee fights, chances are that you will not finish
a person before someone else comes your way.

*A massive strike with a melee weapon can easily be followed up by a shotgun
blast, or 5-10 smg//rifle shots. A massive strike has longer range than a
regular strike.

4.1 Advance Stunts and Gameplay Moves



5.0 Items stats

5.1 Daggers


Rusty Dagger 0 20 5 8 360

Iron Dagger 5 200 5 9 356

Military Dagger 9 400 6 11 356

Light-weight Dagger 18 1000 5 10 346

High-end Dagger 27 2500 6 12 351

Phantom Slaying Dagger 36 5000 4 13 356

KEUK-CHO-HON 45 10000 6 14 356

5.2 Swords


Rusty Sword 0 20 10 15 359

Iron Sword 5 300 10 16 359

Military Sword 10 600 12 18 349

Light-weight Sword 20 1500 9 15 339

High-class Sword 30 3600 13 20 339

Devil Slayer 40 7200 11 22 339

YONG-WOL-RANG 50 15000 12 24 329

5.3 Kodachi (Dual Swords)


Iron Kodachi 10 850 18 14 290

Light-weight Kodachi 21 2000 14 15 280

High-end Kodachi 32 5000 20 16 280

Red Blood 43 12000 18 18 260

5.4 Chest Armor


Ares Running Shirt 0 50 5 5

Ares Military Jacket 0 200 12 8 2

Renaut Cotton Shirt 0 200 10 10

Venico Leather Coat 10 800 15 20

Vinz Winter jacket 20 1600 18 25

Vinz Long Coat 20 1600 16 22

Miz Leather Coat 30 3200 20 28

Renaut Aqua Shirt 0 500 10 10

5.5 Leg Armor


Vinz Training Trousers 0 50 10 10

Ares Military Trousers 0 200 10 8 8

Renaut’s Active Trousers 0 200 10 15

Venico Ankle Band Trousers 10 1200 15 22

Miz Leather Trousers 20 2400 15 25

Web’s Blue Jeans 20 3000 14 23

Renaut Aqua Pants 0 500 10 12

5.6 Feet Armor


Ares Combat Shows 0 50 5 5

Venico Casual Shoes 0 100 5 10

Renaut Climbing Shoes 10 500 5 15

Vinz Casual Shoes 20 1500 6 18

Ares Iron Shoes 20 1000 8 20

Renaut Aqua Sandals 0 250 4 4

5.7 Rings

Ring for the citizens 0 400 2 5

Crying Hawk Ring 0 400 2 5

Warriors’ Cry 10 1000 2 8

Pierre’s Ring 10 1000 2 8

FMT Ring 20 10000 2 5 5

Ring of Good Fortune 20 10000 *Adds 2 to the weight maximum

Altema’s Ring 30 20000 2 10

Band of the Blood 30 20000 4 10

Ring of a Feather 40 40000 *Adds 3 to the weight maximum

5.8 Kits


Medical Kit MK-1 0 400 5 2/2 1000

Medical Kit MK-2 20 5000 6 3/3 1000

Medical Kit MK-3 40 20000 7 4/4 1000

Repiar Kit MK-1 0 400 5 2/2 1000

Repiar Kit MK-2 20 5000 6 3/3 1000

Repiar Kit MK-3 40 20000 7 4/4 1000

5.9 Grenades

Frag Grenades

Canox FG1 0 200 2 100 2 1500

Canox FG2 11 500 3 100 3 1500

Canox FG3 22 1000 4 100 4 1500

Canox FG4 33 2000 5 100 5 1500

Canox FG5 44 4000 6 100 6 1500


Flashbang Grenades

Canox FB1 0 200 2 2 1500

Canox FB2 10 500 3 3 1500

Canox FB3 20 1000 4 4 1500

Canox FB4 30 2000 5 5 1500

Canox FB5 40 4000 6 6 1500


Smoke Grenades

Canox SG1 0 200 2 3 1500

Canox SG1 12 500 3 3 1500

Canox SG1 24 1000 4 3 1500

Canox SG1 36 2000 5 3 1500

Canox SG1 48 4000 6 3 1500

5.11 Pistols


Raptor 50 0 20 7 60/10 8 250

Raptor 50 X2 0 40 14 60/10 16 250

Raptor 80 5 200 7 72/12 8 200

Raptor 80 X2 7 360 14 72/12 16 200

Raven 5 6 300 8 60/10 10 250

Raven 5 X2 8 540 16 60/10 20 250

Raptor 120 10 500 7 72/12 9 200

Raptor 120 X2 12 900 14 72/12 18 200

Raven 6 14 800 8 84/14 12 220

Raven 6 X2 16 1440 16 84/14 24 220

Raptor 160 24 2500 8 78/13 11 180

Raptor 160 X2 26 4500 16 78/13 22 180

Raven 7 32 5000 9 90/15 13 210

Raven 7 X2 34 9000 18 90/15 26 210

Raptor 200 40 8000 8 84/14 11 160

Raptor 200 X2 42 14400 16 84/14 22 160

5.12 Revolvers


Minic 567 0 20 8 48/6 16 400

Minic 567 X2 0 40 16 48/6 32 400

Dynax 7000 5 220 7 64/8 14 300

Dynax 7000 X2 7 396 14 64/8 28 300

Minic 567 7 340 8 48/6 18 400

Minic 567 X2 9 612 16 48/6 36 400

Zaurus A 10 550 7 48/6 20 400

Zaurus A X2 12 990 14 48/6 40 400

Phantom Cruise 16 1200 9 48/6 22 400

Phantom Cruise X2 18 2160 18 48/6 44 400

Phantom Cruise N 21 2500 8 48/6 23 400

Phantom Cruise N X2 23 4500 16 48/6 46 400

Dynax 8000 26 4000 7 64/8 18 300

Dynax 8000 X2 28 7200 14 64/8 36 300

Minic 567 MK.II 34 7000 8 48/6 25 400

Minic 567 MK.II X2 36 12600 16 48/6 50 400

Zaurus B 42 12000 8 48/6 25 360

Zaurus B X2 46 21600 16 48/6 50 360

5.13 SMGs


Renard 0 30 15 160/32 7 90

Renard X2 0 60 30 160/32 14 90

Walcom S5 10 750 15 180/36 8 90

Walcom S5 X2 13 1350 30 180/36 16 90

Ellan 10 700 12 300/60 5 90

Ellan x2 12 1260 24 300/60 10 90

Renard V 24 2800 15 160/32 7 85

Renard V X2 27 5040 30 160/32 14 85

Walcom S6 24 2800 16 180/36 9 95

Walcom S6 X2 27 5040 32 180/36 18 95

New Renard V 36 5600 15 200/40 8 80

New Renard V X2 39 10080 30 200/40 16 80

Walcom XL 36 5800 14 160/32 9 95

Walcom XL X2 39 10440 28 160/32 18 95

Renard V1 45 12000 14 200/40 8 80

Renard V1 X2 48 21600 28 200/40 16 80

Walcom XLS 45 12000 14 160/32 11 95

Walcom XLS X2 48 21600 28 160/32 22 95

5.14 Shotguns


Breaker 3 5 200 15 15/3 6 1100

Breaker 5 10 800 18 25/5 6 1000

Breaker 6 15 1600 20 25/5 7 1000

Breaker 7 30 8000 20 25/5 8 1000

Avenger 30 9000 15 10/2 10 1200

Breaker 8 45 20000 20 25/5 9 1000

Avenger MK.II 45 24000 16 10/2 11 1200

5.15 Rifles


Nico R2 5 400 15 160/32 11 120

Nico R5 10 1500 18 160/32 12 110

Walcom Warrior 77 15 2800 20 120/24 15 100

Maxwell LX30 18 3000 20 200/40 13 80

Nico R6 26 6000 18 160/36 15 90

Maxwell LX44 34 12000 20 200/40 14 80

Nico R7 42 24000 18 200/40 16 90

Walcom Warrior 88 50 48000 20 160/32 19 100

5.16 Rockets Launchers


Maxwell RW-66 10 2000 30 16/4 30 1000

Walcom L1 15 3200 30 12/3 50 1200

Maxwell RW-77 20 5200 28 20/5 35 900

Walcom L1 mk.II 30 12000 30 12/3 55 1200

Maxwell RW-88 40 24000 28 20/5 36 800

Walcom L2 50 50000 25 16/4 55 1200

5.17 Machine Guns


Nico MG-K8 25 8000 28 240/120 16 100

Nico MG-K9 35 16000 28 240/120 17 100

Nico MG-KX 45 32000 28 240/120 18 100

6.0 Frequently Asked Questions

"Whenever I see somebody during a game, they don’t move, shoot or attack, and
my attacks do no damage. I was wondering why. Thanks in advance!"

Lag, GUNZ isn't server based, it's not like games like CS, Half-Life, or
Battlefield. It's similar to Gunbound.


7.0 Contact information

1)Make sure the subject line has "GUNZ" somewhere in it
2)Any correction or spelling mistakes, even small ones please email me and
credit will be given
3)I may or may not respond to your Email

My Email

8.0 Disclaimer

"GUNZ The Duel" is trademarked and copyrighted by MAIET entertainment Inc.
I'm not affiliated with MAIET. This guide may be used for personal reasons.
Copying the text to your own computer for your own personal reasons is ok,
but, NO plagarism. If you want to host this faq on your site, please
email me before you do. It makes it easier to keep track of where to send
updates and such.

9.0 Special Thanks

Gamefaqs, IGN, Neoseeker and anyone else that are hosting my faq, thanks!
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