Leisure Suit Larry VGA

Leisure Suit Larry VGA

17.10.2013 15:09:53

New VGA version

Author: Christopher Sutler
E-Mail: zaphodbblbrx1@yahoo.com


This is a step-by-step walkthrough of the VGA remake of Leisure Suit Larry In
The Land Of The Lounge Lizard (henceforth referred to as LSL to save typing).
As the puzzles are mostly the same between the two versions, it may be possible
to use this guide for both version, and it will not take much work to convert
the icon commands to text input.


Larry Laffer is a balding middle-aged nerd who has come to the town of Lost
Wages with one single goal in mind--to finally lose his virginity. There must
be some woman somewhere in this town who is desperate enough, right? Okay, so
not much plot, but there are a variety of puzzles to solve in order to achieve
this quest, and a few side quests that don’t help you win the game but will
give you the maximum number of points.

Now get ready to explore the not-so-large town of Lost Wages with everyone’s
favorite balding leisure-suit wearing computer-generated nerd, Leisure Suit


This walkthrough was written May 25, 2005 by Christopher Sutler. All rights
tossed out the window. If you want to post it on your site or link to it or
use it wrap fish or housebreak your dog, just e-mail me and ask. I will
usually say yes, as long as I get credit and you clean the dog poop off it
afterward. If you plagiarize it I will hunt you down and torture you with
extreme prejudice.


The game uses Sierra’s new(ish) point-and-click interface. By the use of icons
for various actions, Larry can perform all the necessary actions with no typing
(or almost none). The icons are as follows:

WALK -- Larry will walk to the last place the walk cursor was clicked. He will
usually walk around objects that are in his way.
EYE -- Use this icon to get a description of things in Larry’s current
location. Doing this can sometimes yield hints as to solutions to puzzles in
the game.
HAND -- This icon is used to manipulate objects in the game. This can mean
take, push, open, touch, or a variety of other actions.
TALK -- Use this icon to talk to people. Also use it on taxi signs to catch a
ZIPPER -- This icon should be self-explanatory, but for those who can’t figure
it out, this is used whenever Larry might need to unzip his pants (for whatever
WINDOW -- This shows the current active item. You can click here to use the
icon without accessing the inventory.
NOSE & MOUTH -- These icons can be used to smell or taste objects. I have
personally not found a use for this in the game except for some gags.
WINDOW -- This shows the current active item. You can click here to use the
icon without accessing the inventory.
SUITCASE -- This icon is used to access Larry’s inventory. Whenever you choose
an object, the cursor will change to the object and you can then click the
object cursor where you want to use or place the object.
OPTIONS -- Adjust the game settings, and allows you to save your game, restore,
or quit.
HELP -- Click this on any of the icons to find out what I just told you about

You can also right-click the mouse to cycle through the icons.


You will have to answer some trivia questions to “verify your age.” Some of
the questions are pretty funny, some are lame, and some are serious. If you
miss more than one, the game will kick you out. If you want to skip the trivia
test, simply press Ctrl + Alt + X and you will skip to the copy-protection
question. You must have the original documentation to answer this, unless you
just make a lucky guess.

I have been asked if I can post the answers to the copy protection questions in
a FAQ. The answer is no. For legal reasons, I can’t, and for moral reasons, I
won’t. If you don’t have a legal copy of the game, then you can’t play it.
Simple as that.


Examine everything. That’s why the eye icon is there. There are sometimes
valuable clues hidden in item descriptions, or at least some attempts at humor.

Save often. In adventure games, death or failure is a very real possibility.
Even if you don’t die, sometimes you might do something wrong, or forget to do
something right, that will prevent you from completing the game. Saving means
that if you do mess up, you don’t have to start all over from the beginning.

Use your breath spray. Bad breath doesn’t impress girls, and it will turn bad
during the game. If you run out, you can always purchase more.

Stay out of dark alleys. This is simply common sense.


Larry starts out in front of Lefty’s Bar. Look around a bit, then open the
door and walk inside.

Walk over to the empty stool and sit down. You’re here for a drink, so talk to
the bartender and order a drink. The one you really need is the whiskey. Now
get your butt off that stool and head into the hallway.

Take the rose from the table and walk over to the drunk (walk between his
legs). Talk to him. Wants a drink, does he? Give him the whiskey to get his
most prized possession--a TV remote control? Might be useful if you find a TV
somewhere. Now go open the bathroom door.

There’s some interesting grafitti on the walls, so read it all. The password
might come in handy. Use the toilet. Make sure you click the hand icon on the
bowl, otherwise you will flush the toilet and this is deadly. After a couple
of tasteless remarks, use the hand icon to get back up. You can also use the
zipper icon on the toilet to do a “number one.” Now walk over to the sink and
look inside. Take the diamond ring. Leave the bathroom and go back outside to
the street. Ignore the other door in the bar for now.

You’ll need a taxi, so use the talk icon on the taxi sign to call one. Get in
and talk to the cabbie. He’ll tell you about the various locations. For now,
you want to go to the convenience store. Make sure you always pay the cabbie
BEFORE you get out of the cab, otherwise he’ll think you’re trying to stiff him.

Ignore the wino for now--don’t worry, he’ll reappear. Look at the phone and
dial the number you find. Answer the questions however you like. Also, reach
inside your wallet and find the business cards, then call the number on the
business card for points.

Go into the store. Walk over to the magazine rack. Look at them, then take
one. Read it for points and a hint for later. Go to the liquor rack at the
back and get some wine. Go to the counter and look at the sign, then talk to
the clerk to get some “protection.” Choose whatever your preferences are. Pay
the clerk and then leave the store.

The old wino will reappear at this point and again ask for money. Instead,
give him the bottle of wine you just purchased and he’ll give you his
pocketknife. If you took the survey, the phone will be ringing, so answer it.

Call another cab and go to the casino. Time to win some extra cash. Walk up
to the automatic doors and go in.

GLITCH ALERT! Sometimes, when you go into the casino, Larry will stop just
inside the doors. The doors will close and Larry will get “stuck.” If this
happens there is no way to get out. Always save before you go inside, so if
this happens you can just restore.

What’s your preference? Blackjack or slots? Walk over the machine of your
choice. Here is a strategy that will net you some money. Save your game, then
increase your bet to the maximum allowed. Play once. If you lose, restore and
try again. If you win, increase your bet to the max again, then save again.
Keep repeating this until you have the desired amount of cash. You will need
about $500, but you can always try for more. Once you are done, cash out.

Head one screen north and look in the ashtray. Take the disco pass, the head
east to the cabaret. If the dancing girls are there, you can watch them for a
while. Leave and return until the stand-up comic is in there. Walk over to
the chair at the far right and sit down for a point. You can listen to the
jokes, but most of them are pretty lame.

At some point during the game, a skinny man in a barrel will show up, selling
apples. He only wants a paltry ten dollars for the apple. Must be one hell of
an apple, eh? Buy it anyway, someone you will meet later wants it.

Go back to the street and catch a cab back to Lefty’s. Remember that door I
told you to ignore? Remember the password you read on the wall? Go into the
bar and knock on the door. Give the password when asked, then go inside. You
can pay the pimp, but it’s not necessary. Use the remote on the TV. Keep
switching channels until you find something that catches the pimp’s interest.
He’ll be distracted and you can go up the stairs. Walk over to the girl on the
bed and look at her. Talk to her if you like. Well, you know what you’re here
for--this is one of the times to use the zipper icon. Make sure you use
protection--you don’t know where this girl has been. Afterward, Larry’s not
completely satisfied, so he will continue his quest. Walk over to the window
and take the box of candy. Open the window and climb out.

Walk to the west end of the fire escape and you will fall into the trash bin.
You should remove your protection at this point, now that there is someplace to
dispose of it. Now look around in the trash. The hammer might be useful.

Head one screen west and you will be back in front of the bar. Call a taxi and
go to the disco. You can chat with the bouncer but he won’t let you in unless
you show him the disco pass. He will also let you in if you give him the
diamond ring, but if you do you can’t complete the game, so don’t do it.

You can wander around and talk to the various people, all of which are part of
the team that brought you this awesome game making cameo appearances. Your
main goal is Fawn, the blonde sitting all by herself. Go over to her and sit
down, then look at her. Talk to her for a while and she will tell you that she
can’t say no to nice presents. Well, girls seem to like flowers, candy, and
jewelry, all of which you happen to have with you. Give her all three and then
she will dance with you. It seems you’ve impressed her, and she wants to get
married to you. Give her the money she asks for, then leave the disco and
catch a cab to the wedding chapel.

Outside the wedding chapel. You'll notice a guy in a trench coat. Talk to
him, then walk in front of him. Look at him (them?) and talk again to get some

At the wedding chapel, the game will take over during the wedding ceremony, and
you will pay another hundred bucks (which is why you needed so much money).
Fawn will tell you to meet her at the honeymoon suite at the hotel.

Go next door (west) to the casino, and head north to the elevators. Take the
elevator to the fourth floor. Go over to the door with the heart on it and
knock. Fawn will let you in. Trying anything, you will discover she’s not in
the mood yet. She wants some wine, but some music might also help, so turn on
the radio. Listen to the commercial. They deliver, huh? Perhaps give them a

Go back downstairs and find the payphone. Okay, so you can’t use that one. Go
outside and catch a cab to the store, you can use the payphone there. If
you’re low on funds, you might want to play a couple of quick games, since
you’ll need cab fare. Don’t take any wine on the cab, the cabbie will snatch
it and guzzle it, and you know what happens when cabbies drive drunk. Instead,
call Ajax Liquor on the payphone (you did write down the number, didn’t you?).
Larry will ask them to deliver some wine to the honeymoon suite, and you can
then return to find it waiting for you there. Of course, you can’t walk there,
so take a cab.

Go back up to the honeymoon suite and find the wine waiting for you like I told
you it would be. Pour some wine for you and Fawn, and things will start to
happen. One thing that will happen is Fawn will tie you to the bed, take
(almost) all your money, and leave. Cut yourself free with the pocketknife you
got from the wino, and you will discover that Fawn didn’t find ten dollars
hidden a secret compartment of your wallet. Take the ribbon, as it might come
in handy, and head back to the casino.

Using the strategy mentioned above, play until you win about $50.00, it should
be enough for your purposes. Head back to Lefty’s Bar, and go up to the
hooker’s room again (don’t worry, the pimp is still watching TV). You can’t
really do anything with her again, so go back out the window. So what’s in
that other window? Time to find out. Remember that article in the magazine
you read? You don’t have a rope, but that ribbon might work. Tie one end of
the ribbon around your waist and the other to the railing, then reach for the
window. Locked! Well, good thing you found that hammer. Smash open the
window, and grab that bottle of pills, then get back over to the fire escape
before the ribbon gives way.

Take a cab back to the casino. If the apple vendor hasn’t shown up yet, go
east to the wedding chapel and back to the middle of the casino screen until he
does. With apple and mysterious pills in hand, head into the casino and take
the elevator up to the eighth floor.

Locked doors and a cute-looking guard. She’s not likely to let you in, but
take a look at her anyway. Talk to her. Not getting anywhere, it seems.
Well, some medical stimulant might help, so give her the pills. You discover
that they are Spanish Fly, but Faith, true to her name, goes to find her
boyfriend before the pills wear off. But now, the desk in unguarded, and if
you look at it, you'll notice a button. Push it, and the elevator will open.
Hop in.

Somebodu's penthouse apartment, huh? You don't know who lives here, so head to
the right into the bedroom, then open the closet door. What's this? An
inflatable doll! Might as well get your jollies, so blow her up and go to it
(you'll have to ask twice). Finally, she'll leave you (just like all of
Larry's other women). You follow her out to the balcony where you discover a
hot tub, and it's occupied. Talk to the woman, and she'll invite you into the
water. Zipper Larry and he will jump in.

Look at the woman, then talk to her all you can. Hasn't got much to say, has
she? If you want to, you can turn off the bubbles to (almost) see more of her
than you could before :-D and if you look at her towel, you'll discover that
her name is Eve. What might a woman named Eve want from you? Well, Eve ate
the apple, so let history repeat itself. Now sit back and watch the end of the
game. Congrats!

If you know any other glitches, alternate solutions, or "Easter eggs" that I
left out, feel free to e-mail me and point them out. I will include them in an
update, and give you full credit for this.

Thanks to:
Steve, for suggesting that I write this
My wife Mary, for putting up with my spending the time to write this
My daughter Gillian, for being my daughter
Al Lowe, for making such a fun game
and you, for putting up with all my feeble attempts at humor while writing this.

This is the end of the FAQ. You can't scroll down any further. Really!
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