Flight of the Amazon Queen

Flight of the Amazon Queen

16.10.2013 04:55:00

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Item List
4. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 5th Jul, 2005 (First version)


1. Introduction


Pilot-for-hire Joe King is flying an actress over the Amazon in an attempt to
get her to a film set on time. Unfortunately for both, lighting hits the plane
which crash lands in a pirahna-infested pool. Meanwhile on the island, an evil
professor is kidnapping Amazon women to transform them into dinosaurs, which
he believes can be used in his plans to to take over the world. King must find
a way to save the Amazon women from the professor.


2. Walkthrough



Get the sheet near the radiator. Get the other sheet. Use the sheet on the
other sheet in the inventory. Use the sheet rope on the radiator and then use
the rope to climb down the laundry chute. Move the ladder. Get the comedy
breasts. Get the crowbar from the box on top of the shelf. Use the sheet rope
to climb up the storage room. Use the crowbar on the chest and then look at the
chest to get a towel. Use the curtain cord and get the wig. Use the sheet rope
to climb down the laundry chute. Walk to the door at the top of the steps.

Talk to the bellboy and say "About that key on your desk...". Say "I need to
borrow it for a while...". Say "About that key again...". Say "I'm Lola's
friend, she asked me to get it for her.". Get the key from the desk. Walk north
to the laundry room. Use the key on the red door. Enter the room to talk to
Lola. Say "Lola, I need your help.". Say "This is serious. Can you help me?".
Say "Can you help me get outta here?". Give the towel to Lola. Use the dress.
Walk up the steps to return to the lobby. Exit the hotel and walk to the truck.
Get the hay and the oil from the truck. Use the oil on the car. After talking
to Anderson at the airport, King will fly the plane to the jungle.


Look at the waterlogged seats to find a comic coupon. Talk to Sparky and say
"What supplies do we have?". Say "I'm starved. I'd love some beef jerky" to get
the beef jerky. Select any option and then say "Hang in there.". Open the
duffle bag and look at it to get a knife and a lighter. Open the hatch and exit
the plane. Use the beef jerky on the piranhas. Use the knife on the lily stem
under the giant lily pad. Get the propeller in the water and use it on the
giant lily pad to row to the path. North. Use the knife on the vine to get it.
North. Talk to the gorilla and say "Sorry pal, but I don't speak ape.". Say
"Say, you're a gorilla ain't you?". Say "I thought gorillas came from
Africa...". Say "This is South America. You shouldn't be here." to make the
gorilla disappear. Walk north to the pinnacle.


Get a flower. Walk north to return to the pinnacle.


East. North. Talk to Skip and say "What comic book are you reading?". Say "My
friend loves reading 'Commander Rocket'.". Say "My friend has every issue of
'Rocket' but one.". Say "The one where he battles the Chicago Mob." to get the
comic book. Say "I gotta go now.". Talk to Bud and say "Boy it's hot here, is
it always this hot?". North-east. West. West to the pinnacle.


Enter Bob's shop to talk to Bob. Say "Okay, I'll help. Fill me in on the
details.". Say "Now that I have the details. I guess I'll be off.". Give the
rest of the beef jerky to Bob to receive money. Get the vacuum cleaner. Exit
the shop. West to the pinnacle.


East. East. Talk to the dinosaur and say "That's a costume you've got on, isn't
it?". Say "I know who you are, you're the gorilla I saw earlier.". Say "If
you're a dinosaur, then why've you got fur?". Talk to the gorilla and say "How
did you do that disappearing trick before?". Say "Would you disappear again if
I said you don't exist?". Say "Sorry pal, but you don't exist." and the gorilla
will disappear. Walk into the hollow log. North. Use the vacuum cleaner on the
wasps. Get the orchid. North. West. North. West. West to the pinnacle.


Enter's Bob's shop. Give the orchid to Bob and get a net from the bucket o'
nets. Exit the shop. West to the pinnacle.


East. South. Give the comic book to Sparky to receive a file. Use the net on
the perfume in the water. South. Use the vine on the bridge. Get the banana at
the right side of the area. South. North. North. North to the pinnacle.


Enter's Bob's shop. Talk to Naomi and say "What's with the barber chair out
front?". Say "Could you give me a hair cut?". Say "How come you're nervous
about your date tonight?". Say "I think I'll look around.". Give the perfume to
Naomi to receive the scissors. Exit the shop. West to the pinnacle.


East. Use the net on the beetle. East. South. Give the banana to the monkey in
the middle of the area to get the coconut. Talk to Mary-Lou and say "Who did
you set the mission up for?", "Why did the pygmies run away?". Say "I would've
stayed for an encore.". Say "How did you talk to the pygmies?". Say "I'll swap
you for your dictionary.". Say "Would you like another nail file?" to receive
the dictionary. North. North. North. North-west. Use the flower on the three
toed sloth and then use the scissors on the sloth to get the sloth hair. West.
West to the pinnacle.


East. South. South. Get the banana at the right side of the area. South. North.
North. North to the pinnacle.


Talk to the witch doctor and say "What are you doing?". Say "Could you make me
a rash cure?". Say "Thanks for the information.". Say "Nice talking to you".
Use the knife on the coconut in the inventory. Give the coconut halves, sloth
hair and vacuum cleaner to the witch doctor to get the lotion. West to the


East. North. Give the lotion to Bud to get money. North-east. West. West to the


Enter Bob's shop. Get the record to buy it. Exit the shop. Walk west to the


Enter the building and talk to the secretary. Say "I'm curious. What are you
guys doing in the jungle?". Say "I'm the fumigator.". Say "What secret
passages?". East. Talk to the chef and say "What are you doing?". Say "This is
a waste of time.". Give the banana to the chef. Get the dog food from the shelf
and the cheeze bitz from the table. East. Open the second foot locker and get
the squeaky toy. Open the mail bag and then look at it to get a letter. East.
West. North. Look at the couch to get money. Use the record on the phonogram.
Use the elevator. Open the door at the left side of the hall. West. Look at the
box at the bottom-left corner to get the can opener. Exit the storage room.

South. Look at the letter in the inventory and then give the letter to John.
Open the door at the bottom-left corner of the hall. West. Look at the duty
roster. Exit the room. South. South. North. Get the super weenie serum on the
top shelf. Walk up the steps to talk to Princess Azura. Say "I'll be back
soon.". Walk down the steps. North. Open the door. West. Say "You're needed for
kitchen duty.". Say "Colonel Jackson". Open the left door. West. Get the book
on the table. East. North. East. Use the can opener on the dog food in the
inventory. Use the super weenie serum on the opened dog food in the inventory.
Give the chef's surprise to Klunk. Talk to Klunk and say "You really think
you're a tough guy, don't you?". Say "I don't think you're tough. I think
you're a weenie.". Return to the reception area and get the pencil on the desk.

Return to the basement and enter the office. Use the pencil on the writing pad
to discover the safe combination. North. East. Open the top door. West. Move
the cabinet and then use the piece of paper on the safe. Open the safe and then
look at it to get a padlock key and rocket plan. East. East. East. North. Walk
up the steps. Use the knife on the book in the inventory to find a key. Use the
key on the prison door to return to the lobby. Use the mannequins to hide from
the guard. Talk to Azura and say "Did you see the guard enter the door code?".
Use the wall panel to exit the building. Give the squeaky toy to the guard dog.
Open the shed door. Use the padlock key on the padlock on the box. Open the box
and look at it to get the rocket pack. Exit the shed. North to the pinnacle.


East. East. East to the hollow log. North. East. Try to walk toward the door
and King will hide. Use the buttons on the door to enter the fortress. Talk to
the bedraggled prisoner and say "Nice hand puppets you have there.". Say "Yeah,
I like the one with the stick." to get the hand puppet. Faye will arrive. Say
"Why am I behind bars?". Say "Well, are you going to get me out of here?". Say
"Okay... I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused.". Say "Okay, I'm really,
really sorry. Will you forgive me?" to open the door. Walk north to receive the
tyranno horn from Azura. West. East to the pinnacle.


Talk to the ferryman and say "I'm Joe King, pilot for hire.". Say "You sound
upset bud. What's the matter?". Say "Are you fishing?". Say "What sort of bait
are you using?". Give the beetle to the ferryman. Talk to the ferryman and say
"Will you take me to Sloth Island now?".


North. North-east. Move the left body and get the arm bone. Move the second
body and get the skull. North-east. Move the second body and get the leg bone.
Move the right body and get the rib cage. North-east. Use the arm bone on the
left socket at the left side of the room. Use the skull on the top hole in the
middle of the room. Use the leg bone on the bottom-right hole. Use the rib cage
on the middle hole. Use the money on the the slot. Use the arm bone to open a
secret passage. North to talk to the guardian.

Say "Would it be some sort of weird animal?". Say "I know, it's man in his
three stages of life!". Say "Thanks for the riddle. I'll see you later.". East.
North. East. Talk to the left zombie woman about any topic twice and then say
"I don't see any Prince. Where is he?". Say "How do you know the Prince is
still in there?". Say "Prove to me he's still there, open the sarcophagus.".
Say "You're afraid he's not inside, aren't you?". Get the mummy wrappings. Talk
to the left zombie woman and say "I think you should open the sarcophagus
again.". Say "I pulled a pile of rags out of the sarcophagus.".

Open the sarcophagus to get the crown. Use the knife on the vines in the
sarcophagus to get the gnarled vine. Close the sarcophagus and then move it.
East. Use the knife on the tree sap and then get the tree sap. Move the bottom
fountain head and get the blue jewel. West to talk to Ian. Say "How do I get
over to where you are?". Say "I gotta go now.". West. Use the hand puppet on
the stone disc. East. East. Use the lever to return to the large statue room.
North. Use the stone disc on the spindle. Use the gnarled vine on the stone
disc. West to the large statue room. East. Use the loose vines on the pulley.
Use the bat on the pulley to raise the block. East. Get the pick. West. Use the
bat on the pulley to lower the block. West to the large statue room. North.
North. Use the pick on the stalactite. Get the flint. Use the pick in the hole
at the left side of the room. North. West to the large statue room.

West. West. Use the mummy wrappings on the arm bone in the inventory. Use the
flint on the lighter in the inventory. Use the lighter on the makeshift torch
in the inventory. Use the lit torch on the snake. North. North. Walk to the
middle of the room. Use the lever and nothing will happen. Talk to Ian and say
"I've got an idea!". Say "I'd like you to untie the rope tethering the cage.".
Use the lever and Ian will exit the cage. Walk up the steps at the left side of
the room and go through the doorway. East. Look at the body to get an ID card
and a bit of stone. West. East. West. West. Get the big stick.

East. East. East. Walk up the steps and go through the doorway. Walk up the
steps and go through the doorway. West. North to the large statue room. East.
North. East. East. West. West. Look at Ian's body to get the chunk of rock.
East. East. Use the lever to return to the large statue room. North. East.
West. Use the big stick on the crypt and then look at the crypt to get the
death mask. East. North. West to return to the large statue room.

West. West. North. Walk down the steps and go through the east doorway. West.
East. Use the rest of wrappings on the death mask in the inventory. Use the
death mask on the lizard heads. North. East. Use the tree sap on the bat in the
inventory. Use the sticky bat on the green jewel. North. West. West. West. Use
the blue jewel on the right eye of the statue. Use the green jewel on the left
eye of the statue. Walk through the right door. Use the knife on the sticky bat
in the inventory. Use the tree sap on the chunk of rock in the inventory. Use
the sticky chunk of rock on the bit of stone in the inventory. Use the stone
key on the statue to reveal steps.

Walk down the steps. South. Walk to the lower-west exit. Walk to the lower-east
exit. Walk to the upper-west exit. Walk to the door at the top-right corner.
Move the embossed wall marking on the bottom row to change the patterns. Move
the embossed wall marking on the third row to open the door at the right side
of the room. Walk through the doorway. Say "Of course, I'm Joe Almaxaquottl,
prince for hire!" to the guardian. Give the crown to the guardian. Get the
crystal skull. North. West. Use both wall panels below the window. Use the
chair to return to the Amazon.


Talk to Ironstein until he leaves. Get the mug on the bench. Use the mug on the
prison door. Walk down the steps. North. South. Use the elevator. North. West.
North to the pinnacle.


Enter Bob's shop. Get the alcohol. Exit the shop. Look at the comic book in the
inventory to find a torn page. Use the comic coupon on the torn page in the
inventory. Look at the pocket rocket blueprints. Use the alcohol on the rocket
pack in the inventory. West to the pinnacle. Use the rocket pack to fly to the
valley of the mists.


East. North. North. Use the knife on the branches. South. Use the branches on
the large dinosaur. South. South. West. Use the tyranno horn to scare the large
dinosaur. East. Get the dino ray gun and use it on monster Frank. Talk to Faye
and say "I'd like you to turn your mirror around.". Use the dino ray gun on
monster Frank. Give the death mask to Sparky. Use the dino ray gun on monster
Frank to complete the game.


3. Item List


Found in Bob's shop. It is combined with the rocket pack in the inventory.

Found by moving the body in the temple on Sloth Island. It is used on the
socket in the temple entrance room. It is combined with the mummy wrappings
in the inventory.

Found on the tree in the area at the crash site. It is given to the monkey in
the jungle.

Found on the tree in the area at the crash site. It is given to the chef in
the Floda Inc. Camp.

Available at the start of the game. It is used on the pulley on Sloth Island.
It is combined with the tree sap in the inventory to get the sticky bat.

Found by talking to Sparky about beef jerky on the plane. It is used on the
pirahnas outside the plane to get the rest of beef jerky.

Found by using the net on the beetle in the jungle. It is given to the
ferryman on the jetty.

Found in the temple on Sloth Island. It is used on the crypt in the temple to
get the death mask.

Found by looking at the body in the temple on Sloth Island. It is combined
with the sticky chunk of rock in the inventory to get the stone key.

Found by moving bottom fountain head in the temple on Sloth Island. It is
used on the right eye of the statue in the temple.

Found on the table in the Floda Inc. Camp basement. It is combined with the
knife in the inventory to get the key.

Found by using the knife on the branches in the Valley of the Mists. They are
given to the large dinosaur.

Found by looking at the box in the storage room in the Floda Inc. Camp
basement. It is combined with the dog food in the inventory to get the opened
dog food.

Found on the shelf in the Floda Inc. Camp kitchen. They can be given to the
dino rat in the temple maze on Sloth Island.

Found by combining the opened dog food with the super weenie serum in the
inventory. It is given to Klunk in the Floda Inc. Camp basement.

Found by looking at Ian's body in the temple on Sloth Island. It is combined
with the tree sap in the inventory to get the sticky chunk of rock.

Found after Joe wears the dress in the hotel. They are automatically worn
after King lands in the Amazon.

Found by giving the banana to the monkey in the jungle. It is combined with
the knife in the inventory to get the coconut halves.

Found by combining the knife with the coconut halves in the inventory. It is
given to the witch doctor outside Trader Bob's shop.

Found on the shelf in the hotel laundry room. They are not used.

Found by talking to the man in the jungle about the comic book. It is given
to Sparky at the crash site to get the file. It is looked at in the inventory
to get the torn page.

Found by looking at the waterlogged seats in the plane. It is combined with
the torn page in the inventory to get the pocket rocket blueprints.

Found on top of the shelf in the hotel laundry room. It is used on the chest
in the hotel storage room.

Found by opening the sarcophagus in the temple on Sloth Island. It is given
to the guardian in the temple.

Found after giving the crown to the guardian in the temple. It is not used.

Found by using the big stick on the crypt in the temple on Sloth Island. It
is combined with the rest of wrappings in the inventory. It is used on the
lizard heads in the temple on Sloth Island. It is given to Sparky on the
Valley of the Mists.

Found by giving the nail file to the Mary-Lou in the jungle. It is
automatically used to talk to the witch doctor outside Trader Bob's shop.

Found on the Valley of the Mists. It is used on monster Frank.

Found on the shelf in the Floda Inc. Camp kitchen. It is combined with the
can opener in the inventory to get the opened dog food.

Found by giving the towel to Lola in the hotel. It is worn by King to exit
the hotel.

Found by giving the comic book to Sparky at the crash site. It is given to
Mary-Lou in the jungle to get the dictionary.

Found by using the pick on the stalactite in the temple on Sloth Island. It
is combined with the lighter in the inventory.

Found outside the Floda Inc. Camp. It is used on the three toed sloth in the

Found by using the knife on the vines in the sarcophagus in the temple on
Sloth Island. It is used on the stone disc on the spindle in the temple.

Found by using the sticky bat on the green jewel in the temple on Sloth
Island. It is used on the left eye of the statue in the temple.

Found by talking to the bedraggled prisoner in the fortress in the jungle. It
is used on the stone disc in the temple on Sloth Island.

Found on the truck after exiting the hotel. It is not used.

Found by looking at the body in the temple on Sloth Island. It is not used.

Available at the start of the game. It is not used.

Found on the desk in the hotel lobby. It is used on the red door in the hotel
laundry room.

Found by combining the knife with the book in the inventory. It is used on
the prison door in the Floda Inc. Camp.

Found by opening the duffle bag in the plane. It is used on the lily stem
outside the plane. It is used on the vine at the crash site. It is combined
with the coconut in the inventory to get the coconut halves. It is combined
with the book in the inventory to get the key. It is used on the vines in the
sarcophagus in the temple on Sloth Island. It is used on the tree sap in the
temple on Sloth Island. It is combined with the sticky bat in the inventory
to get the tree sap. It is used on the branches on the Valley of the Mists.

Found by moving the body in the temple on Sloth Island. It is used on the
bottom-right hole in the temple entrance room.

Found by opening the mail bag in the Floda Inc. Camp locker room. It is given
to John in the Floda Inc. Camp basement.

Found by opening the duffle bag in the plane. It is combined with the flint
and the makeshift torch in the inventory.

Found by combining the lighter with the makeshift torch in the inventory. It
is used on the snake in the temple on Sloth Island.

Found by giving the coconut halves, sloth hair and vacuum cleaner to the
witch doctor outside Trader Bob's shop. It is given to Bud in the jungle.

Found by giving the lotion to Bud in the jungle. It is used on the slot in
the temple entrance room on Sloth Island.

Found on the couch in the Floda Inc. Camp library. It is used to buy the
alcohol from Trader Bob's shop.

Found by combining the mummy wrappings with the arm bone in the inventory. It
is combined with the lighter in the inventory to get the lit torch.

Found on the bench in the Floda Inc. Camp prison. It is used on the prison

Found in the sarcophagus after talking to the zombie women in the temple on
Sloth Island. It is combined with the arm bone in the inventory to get the
makeshift torch.

Found in Trader Bob's shop after giving the orchid to Bob. It is used on the
perfume in the water at the crash site. It is used on the beetle in the

Found on the truck after exiting the hotel. It is used on the car.

Found by combining the can opener with the dog food in the inventory. It is
combined with the super weenie serum in the inventory to get the chef's

Found on the plant in the jungle after using the vacuum cleaner on the wasps.
It is given to Bob in Trader Bob's shop to get the net.

Found by getting the second sheet in the hotel storage room. It is combined
with the sheet in the inventory to get the sheet rope.

Found by opening the safe in the Floda Inc. Camp office. It is used on the
padlock on the box in the shed outside Floda Inc. Camp.

Found on the desk in the Floda Inc. Camp reception area after the
receptionist leaves. It is used on the writing pad in the Floda Inc. Camp

Found by using the net on the perfume in the water at the crash site. It is
given to Naomi in Trader Bob's shop to get the scissors.

Found in the room behind the block in the temple on Sloth Island. It is used
on the stalactite in the temple to get the flint. It is used on the hole at
the left side of the stalactite room.

Found by using the pencil on the writing pad in the Floda Inc. Camp office.
It is used on the safe in the office.

Found by combining the comic coupon with the torn page in the inventory. They
are looked at in the inventory.

Found in the water outside the plane. It is used on the giant lily pad in the

Found in Trader Bob's shop. It is used on the phonogram in the Floda Inc.
Camp library.

Found by giving the beef jerky to the pirahnas outside the plane. It is given
to Bob in Trader Bob's shop.

Found after combining the mummy wrappings with the arm bone in the inventory.
It is combined with the death mask in the inventory.

Found by moving the body in the temple on Sloth Island. It is used on the
middle hole in the temple entrance room.

Found by opening the box in the shed outside Floda Inc. Camp. It is combined
with the alcohol in the inventory. It is used on top of the pinnacle.

Found by opening the safe in the Floda Inc. Camp office. It is not used.

Found by giving the perfume to Naomi in Trader Bob's shop. It is used on the
three toed sloth in the jungle to get the sloth hair.

Found by getting the first sheet in the hotel storage room. It is combined
with the other sheet in the inventory to get the sheet rope.

Found by combining the sheet with the sheet rope in the inventory. It is used
on the radiator in the hotel storage room.

Found by moving the second body in the temple on Sloth Island. It is used on
the top hole in the temple entrance room.

Found by using the scissors on the three toed sloth in the jungle. It is
given to the witch doctor outside Trader Bob's shop.

Found by giving the beef jerky to Bob in Trader Bob's shop. It is used to buy
the record from Trader Bob's shop.

Found by opening the second foot locker in the Floda Inc. Camp. It is given
to the guard dog outside the Floda Inc. Camp.

Found by combining the tree sap with the bat in the inventory. It is used on
the green jewel in the temple on Sloth Island. It is combined with the knife
in the inventory to remove the tree sap.

Found by combining the tree sap with the chunk of rock in the inventory. It
is combined with the bit of stone in the inventory to get the stone key.

Found by using the hand puppet on the stone disc in the temple on Sloth
Island. It is used on the spindle in the temple on Sloth Island.

Found by combining the sticky chunk of rock with the bit of stone in the
inventory. It is used on the statue in the temple on Sloth Island.

Found on the shelf in the Floda Inc. Camp basement. It is combined with the
opened dog food in the inventory to get the chef's surprise.

Found by looking at the comic book in the inventory. It is combined with the
comic coupon in the inventory to get the pocket rocket blueprints.

Found in the chest in the hotel storage room. It is given to Lola in the

Found by using the knife on the tree sap in the temple on Sloth Island. It is
combined with the bat in the inventory to get the sticky bat. It is removed
from the sticky bat with the knife. It is combined with the chunk of rock in
the inventory to get the sticky chunk of rock.

Azura gives the tyranno horn to King in the fortress. It is used on the large
dinosaur on the Valley of the Mists.

Found in Trader Bob's shop. It is used on the wasps in the jungle. It is
given to the witch doctor outside Trader Bob's shop.

Found by using the knife on the vine at the crash site. It is used on the
bridge at the crash site.

Found by using the curtain cord in the hotel storage room. It is not used.


4. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2005-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.
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