Gunz - The Duel

Gunz - The Duel

15.10.2013 22:15:56

Online Alternative Shooting Game
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The Duel

Advanced Techniques FAQ

GunZ: The Duel
Advanced Techniques FAQ
Version 1.1 (Complete)
By: Kevin Dino
Copyright: June 28, 2005
(Dinosaur on GameFAQs - Linaus/Lenaus in-game)

Table of Contents

1) Version History

2) Introduction

3) Techniques

3-1. In-general Advanced Techniques

3-1a. Jump Dashing
3-1b. Melee Canceling
3-1c. Multiple Wall Jumping
3-1d. Multiple Wall Running

3-2. Advanced Attacking Techniques

3-2a. Butterfly
3-2b. Slashshot
3-2c. JSD(Jump, shoot, dash)
3-2d. Half Step
3-2e. Light Step

4) Strategies/Tips

5) FAQs

6) Contact info.

7) Disclaimer

8) Thanks to...

9) Conclusion

1) Version History

Version 1.1 - July 5th, 2005
- Melee Canceling section fixed in table of contents.

Version 1.0 - July 5th, 2005
- Incomplete sections completed. Typos fixed. Added texts to old sections.
More tips added. A section removed(because of low detailed inputs).
More people to thank ^_^

Version 0.8 - June 30th, 2005
- Advanced Techniques FAQ completed.

2) Introduction

GunZ is an online game that was produced out the idea of enabling
you to realize such a dream! GunZ is not simply a simulation game of a gun
fight. It allows you to imitate a famous hero, create your own fashion, and
perform a number of different actions such as shooting or stabbing while
running or jumping on the walls.

What makes GunZ more interesting than other games is the fact that the game
is available on-line allowing easy access to its exciting elements!
AND this game is FREE for playing.

(Text from:

This FAQ is to explain to you of the advance techniques that Korean
GunZ players execute, as well as some international GunZ players that have
mastered their type of play. These techniques include the butterfly,
slashshot, flying, JSD, half-step, etc. Now, witness...


Ok, so I know you guys are all sick of this introduction stuff, so
lets get to the good stuff...

3-1. In-general Advanced Techniques

This section of techniques covers the in-general advanced techniques,
which is generally movement. Sure, tumbling all around with your gun is
great. I was once in a game, and a korean-style player asked, "Why are you
all tumbling?" Lots of people answered back and replied with things like,
"OMG N00b so you can dodge!", and "It's good, you can move fast", etc.
Next round he killed everyone... because... of these techniques below.

3-1a. Jump Dashing

This technique is generally the most basic of advanced movement.
You should always be moving like this if you plan to get better. You move
VERY fast compared to regular running. And you might be saying, "Why don't
I just tumble. It's easier." It may be easier, but while jumping and dashing,
You move at a constant speed, you are harder to hit, and the biggest reason
is because you have a lot more control over your character. A melee dash is
VERY short as compared to a tumble, thus, more manuverability. Also, you can
perform all other advanced moving techniques only with melee, so thus, even
more manuverability. And plus, since you're jumping more, you're harder to
hit. It is pretty easy, too. Melee equiped, BTW for most of these techinques.

[Jump Dashing] Melee equiped:

1. Hold W(or if you set forward to a differnet key, then that)
2. Jump (while holding W)
3. Dash (double tap W)
4. When landed, Jump (holding W)
5. Repeat from step 3.

Key press: W > Space > doube tap > Space > doube tap W > Space
o----> o----> o---->

(The --->s mean that you hold the button the "o" is on when you press
the button the arrow is under)

The reason why you must hold your direction when you jump is to
maintain your speed during your jump. If you don't hold it, you will notice
that you will lose speed during your jump after the dash.

PS: This can be used for any direction. And phew, that was long for
such a simple technique... can't wait for Wall running...

3-1b. Melee Cancel

A melee cancel is when you cancel the neutrality by slashing after a
wall run or wall jump. Also, slashing before a dash enables you to look in
all directions instead of the regular fixed angle that is given when you dash.
This generally enables you to do another moving action after a wall run or
wall jump. As you have done before, you cannot control yourself after you
flip off of a wall jump or wall run. Slashing after you flip off the wall
cancels that neutrality, and you are able to look and move freely, as well
as being able to dash, and even wall jump or wall run again. Also, canceling
works will all melee weapons.

3-1c. Multiple Wall Jumping

After learning the jump dash, this may be a little easier for you.
This technique will enable you to pretty much "fly." I'm pretty sure you've
seen some people bouncing and slashing off walls and moving at the same
time. That is multiple wall jumping. Although you might not see the chara-
cter flip, they are wall jumping. So you're pretty much jumping off the
wall again and again for this technique. With this, you can reach high
areas MUCH faster. Get creative with this technique. Very useful.

[Multiple Wall Jumping] Melee equiped:

1. Jump toward wall
2. [Right after you]Press space, slash with your melee ASAP!
(this cancels the neutrality after the flip)
3. Dash toward wall directly after slash
4. Wall jump again (space bar)
5. Repeat from step 2.

Key press: (starting from a wall jump)
W > Space > Space(wall jump) > left click > dash > space etc.

(The --->s mean that you hold the button the "o" is on when you press
the button the arrow is under)

You will have mastered this if you can see your character not
even flipping. All you should see is your character slashing and bouncing
off of the wall. The wall jump and slash should be almost pressed together,
but the slash can come before or after the wall jump as it really doesn't
matter. If you find your character actually flipping, then there is room
for improvement as you are doing it too slow.

You might want to find a nice big wall to practice this on, like
in the battle arena or in town. Once you have got the feel for this, try
applying this everywhere. You can pretty much jump anywhere you want with
this technique if there's a wall near-by, and you can dodge bullets MUCH
easier. Try mixing some stuff up. I'm telling you how to do it, now you
have to apply it to battle and make it work! Practice makes perfect!

PS: Yet again, this also can be used in any direction, even going
backwards, thus replacing W with S, etc.

3-1d. Multiple Wall Running

This is a pretty hard technique to master. Heck, even I can't do
it sometimes. So don't give up or smash your head if you can't do it in
one day. You just have to be constantly practicing this stuff. In fact,
most of this stuff, you won't be able to get it all in one day. No way.
Unless you play for 24 hours and get really hardcore.

So... Multiple wall running is... well... multiple wall running.
You execute a wall run, and right when you flip off, slash to cancel
neutrality, dash towards the wall in a diagonal angle, then double tap space.
Sounds easy? It might be to you, but for most people(like me), it's frickin'

[Multiple Wall Running] Melee equiped:

1. Execute wall run
2. Jump off(by pressing space during wall run, or if it
automatically makes you jump off.)
3. Slash with melee
4. Dash (towards the wall at a diagonal angle, and make sure
you are not looking up or down, directly center diagonaly
at the wall)
5. When you hit the wall, double tap space
6. Repeat from step 2.

Key press: (starting from a wall run)
W > Space > (space) > slash > dash > doulbe tap space

(The "optional" refers to if you jump off the wall yourself by
pressing space, or if you just let the AI autojump for you from
hitting the end of the wall or because you did a wall run too long.

Yes, yes, looks easy, yet it is nothing near it when you try to learn
it. Lots of practice for this one. Practicing Multiple Wall Jumping helps.
You'll probably need some nice clean walls to practice this, like in the
battle arena and town. If you can't get the double space part right, then here
might be some of your problems: 1. You are facing the wall up or down. You
can't wall jump nor wall run when you face up or down. You must face the wall
directly centered. 2. You're pressing space too early. 3. Your angle at the
wall is not right. Also, pressing space multiple times instead of twice might
help you get the prespective of it. And if you all you're doing is wall jump-
ing, then try to press space right after the wall jump. That SHOULD work.
There's nothing else I can really say. It's all up to you to do it and how
you apply it in combat.


3-2. Advanced Attacking Techniques

Ahhh yes, now that you have figured out how to move like a pro, we
come at our next stop, how to fight like a pro. This part of the guide tells
you how to execute those crazy dashing shots you've always been getting killed
by. Now, less jibberish intro stuff and more explaination!

3-2a. Butterfly

You may have seen some people Jump dash at you with a sword, and see
their sword move in a weird way. If it was a girl, it looked like the sword
spun left and right. This technique is called the butterfly. It is when you
slash and guard very quickly while jump dashing. If you can do it right, you
can kill those swordie newbs in no time. Also, this only works with the sword
and kodachis, since the knife cannot block. Here we go!

[Butterfly] Melee equiped:

1. Do jump dash(jump, dash)
2. Right after double tapping W, slash
3. Right after slash, block
4. Repeat from step 1.

Key press: W > space > double tap W > slash > block > repeat

Again, it sounds pretty easy, but it's actually kinda hard since
you're adding in 2 new steps from a jumping step and aimming at your opponent.
When you do it in a game, you will find it's usefulness. And not only for
gladiator games, but for real games, as you will be able to block incomming
shots. It's attacking and guarding at almos the same time, what more can you

Try to master this bad boy. Mastering in meaning being able to do this
VERY fast and consecutively. From my own experiences against korean pros,
I have been killed only by their mad fast butterfly skills, and that was
a game with guns, too. So mastering this and able to execute fast = ownage.

PS: Can be used in all directions.

3-2b. Slashshot

Ahhhhhh yes, the "Slashshot." This technique is the basis of attacking
of all korean-style players. This is what pretty much makes a korean-style
player. You're probably wondering what's so good about it. Well... I'll number
it for ya.

1. You can move at fast speeds and attack.(Thus dodging and shooting. TONS
better than tumbling)
2. If you're close, the slash kicks in and stuns opponent for 0.5 seconds,
leaving him/her open for a nice shot. Or they just get a nice gash.
3. You can easily confusing opponents on your location if you move fast.

Once mastered, you will pretty much kill everyone who doesn't know
how to do it, unless the other person knows how to, they have range weapons
and can get away from you, or if they can JSD(Jump shoot dash). Well,
here's how to do the wicked thing.

[Slashshot] Melee equiped:

1. Do jump dash(jump, dash)
2. Right after double tapping W, slash and HOLD left click
3a. Switch to desired weapon, and still holding left click
3b. The gun should auto-shoot
3c. By the time you auto-shoot, you should have hit the ground.
Jump once you hit the ground.
4. Switch to sword
5. Repeat from step 1.

Key press:
W > space > double tap W > slash > switch to gun > jump > switch to melee

(The --->s mean that you hold the button the "o" is on when you press
the button the arrow is under)

It doesn't look easy. And it's not. Aimming while executing this
Technique is very hard. Also, movement is very hard, as you will find your-
self moving only foward while doing this, making you an automatic weapon
magnet. Mastering it during practice might be pretty easy, but applying it in
battle is not... if you play hardcore for hours, you will master it within a
day or a few, but if not... It'll be something you'll eventually do.
Probably one of the best techniques in the game. In-fact, it probably is the
best technique in the game. Every gun may apply to this.

If you are hitting the ground when you shoot, that is fine. Once
you hit the ground, jump, switch to sword, dash, slash, etc. etc. So don't
worry if you're hitting the ground before you shoot. Many people ask this
question and think they're doing it wrong, it's supposed to be like that
and jump when you hit the ground.

When doing this, you should approach the enemy at a diagonal or side
angle. If you move directly forward, the foe probably has a rifle and will
nail you with every shot. Also, when you're close, it gets VERY hard to aim
as you are moving up and down. Also, when you execute this, keep repeating it
over and over for it to be effective. That's why you see many good players
moving and dashing all over the place, and they still hit you. If you pause
during any step(Like when you land and forget to jump) and it happens
often, this technique would be rendered pretty much useless. This is the main
focus of the slashshot, slashing, shooting, and mad movement at the same time.
Try to mix up your movements when battling. Good luck trying to learn
and master this.

If you have a hard time aimming during a slashshot, a way to practice
is to make your own game, find an object to aim for at a reasonable range,
then slashshoot away. Many people prefer to aim for windows in the town
level. Also, as for straight up point blank shots while doing the SS, try
not to aim downward. If you aim straight, you actually might have a chance
to hit them and maybe even other people.

PS: Can be used in all directions.

There is an easy version of slash shot, Its where you...

Dash (quickly) > Jump during dash > slash (timing is pretty easy) > change
to weapon to shoot > switch to sword and dash in another direction or the
same direction

The idea of this SS is that the quick dash gains you velocity, and you
propel forward or whichever direction. This SS style allows you to lose only
a minimal amount of speed and also give you a running or chasing chance.
Also during the slash and the transition of weapons, you can cancel the shot
and change to the sword quickly in mid air and dashing off or wall running.
This type of SS gives me a great amount of edge against sprayers and other
SSers because I can predict their movements to dash away or shoot to kill.

Tip for aiming during SS - I don't know if it applies to all people but,
when you are changing and the weapon begins to draw out, move your screen in
a sweeping motion (left to right or right to left). This allows you to sweep
the area of an enemy and shoot where he/she/it is (and I mean during
movement). For some reason instead of just firing my SS, I find that I can
immediately hit a moving object right away by doing this sweeping motion.

Tips on SS timing - Now for the Jump Dash > Slash part is easy, but when you
slash don't wait till it finishes. Just switch right away if you pressed the
slash. This will make the arm move in a sword manner with guns equipped.
When you fire make sure that you see the flash of the Gun, before or a
second later will make you vulnerable in the last stage of the SS. When you
see the flash switch immediately to a sword.

I know these are crappy tips but hope it helps ^_^;;;;

Awsome stuff Jong-Woo Kim... or Shardukars...

3-2c. JSD(Jump, shoot, dash)

I'm sure you've never heard of this technique before, but if you've
ever played with me(Linaus), it's a technique I use. It is called "Jump,
Shoot, Dash." I made this technique myself, and i've never seen anyone else
do it. It is an easier alternative to the slashshot. It works very well
if you can aim, it's a lot easier to learn, and it's not bad either. I am
able to kill slashshooters with this technique myself. Although, I don't
really use it anymore since I can slashshoot, but still, if you're willing
to give this a try, go for it, it's a good tech. So, it pretty much
goes like this: Jump, shoot, dash, repeat.

[JSD] Melee equiped:

1. Jump
2. Switch to desired weapon
3. Shoot
4. Switch to sword
5. Dash (in mid-air)
6. Repeat from step 1.

Key press:
Space > switch to weapon > shoot > switch to melee > dash(in mid-air)

It sounds easier, and it is easier, although it might be hard for
some people. I've you've played any fast-paced FPS extensivly(CS doesn't
count, but Half-Life does), you SHOULD be able to find this technique easy
to learn.

As you see, the technique does not have a slash, a hold, nor a
dash before the slash, so it's a lot more basic. This is effective, too.
If you move and aim very aggressivly(like me) while doing this, you should be
able to compete with the slashshot. In general though, the slashshot is a lot
better, but a lot harder to use. The JSD is easier to learn, easier to use,
and pretty effective.

Just be sure you keep moving like the slashshot. Jump, shoot, sword-
dash, land and jump again, shoot, sword-dash. Over and over, just like
the slashshot. Remember that the shot and sword dash must be in mid-air. When
you land, jump and repeat. I told you it's pretty much an alternative...
And remember to always mix up your movements. Moving directly foward toward
the enemy makes you a very easy target. Also, try to move as fast as you
can. Have fun using this technique!

PS: Can be used in all directions.

3-2d. Half Step

Now that I have actually learned this technique myself, I can see
how effective it can be. But, if I can actually apply the stupid thing in
combat and master it, then great... But, I still havn't even mastered
the slashshot... But anyways, the half step is basically the slashshot,
but except when you land after slashing, you ground dash(with melee) in any
direction then switch and auto-shoot. Very confusing, but I will explain
it further.

[Half Step] Melee equiped :

1. Jump
2. Dash(Double tap W)
3. Slash and hold
4a. Switch to desired weapon
4b. Once you land, do not jump, dash in any direction
4c. Auto-shoot occurs.
4d. The dash(without windstreaks and with gun) occurs.
5. Repeat from step 1.

Key press:
Space > double tap W > Slash > Switch > Dash(once landed) > auto-shot

(The --->s mean that you hold the button the "o" is on when you press
the button the arrow is under)

The reason why there is 4a, b, c, and d is because these steps occur
around the same time. In this technique, you must be VERY fast, especially if
you plan on doing the technique consistantly.

So what SHOULD happen is that you jump, dash, slash(hold), switch,
then once you land, dash in any direction. You should have auto-shot once you
landed and when you dash when landed, the wind streaks from the dash should
not be visible, and you will move at dash speed immediately after the shot
with your gun in the direction you dashed. If you tumbled, then you did it
too slow. This technique does not have tumbling in it. You must remind your-
self that step 4 must be done VERY quickly all together.

To know if you're doing it right, you should see yourself shoot
right when you land(also at the end of the first dash), and then immediately
after the auto-shot, you should move to the direction you dashed toward
on the ground with no wind streaks with your gun out. Be reminded that
this must be a dash without wind streaks, not a tumble. I hope you understood
all of that! Have fun trying to learn this bad boy. If you're accustomed to
the slashshot, you'll find yourself jumping when you land!

PS: Can be used in all directions.


Half Step is basically like slash shot but just repeated dashes from
side to side. The command is Jump - Dash - slash - weapon change - shoot-
dash. Its simple and can be repeated.

Gunz name is ThunderAce>

Simple?! Are you kidding me?!

3-2e. Light Step

Input from: phonomenon (On GFAQs)

Light step AKA Silent dash

Light step is a technique that one of Korean's partner uses
exclusively, because it is only good if you can do it well. Err... I believe
Korean explained it as so:

[Light Step] Melee Equiped:

Jump -> Slash -> Switch -> Melee -> Dash -> Slash -> Switch -> Melee -> Dash

("Switch" refers to switch to switch to any weapon/item.
"Melee" refers to switch to melee weapon.)

All in one jump, there are two weapon changes from sword to SG and
back, and two dashes.

PS: Can be used in all directions.

(From Dino: I don't know what exactly this technique is used for, but...
whatev'z... I guess it's for... dashing silently?)

If there are any other certain techinques that you would like to
submit, I would gladly put them in the FAQ. Please make sure I can fully
understand what you are trying to say, and please make sure that the
technique is not basic. If it is something like "sword climbing with right
click", "Double pressing space to recover from melee special attacks", or
"Melee canceling." As the first two are no exception, melee canceling is
already explained in this FAQ.

- Dino

4) Strategies/Tips

In this section, I will explain of the little strategies I use and
have come across of my time playing GunZ. Most of these strategies are VERY
effective. They include sneaking up, using corners and 3rd person view, etc.

Here I will list a couple of tips that can be very useful at
most times...

- Use corners and 3rd person view to your advantage. ALWAYS. Hide behind a
corner, and when someone's running by, pop them in the face with your shotgun.
Make sure you shoot a little bit before he gets close to you, as there is
a high chance that lag isn't perfect, and that the foe is actually one step
ahead of where you see him.

(When I say "pop them in the face with your shotgun", I meant just blast them.
Don't actually aim for the head with the shotgun. Most hits will not
connect. Always aim for the stomach. More hits will connect with it.)

- Charge your melee weapon and hit someone with the smash. They will be
unconscience if you didn't miss, they're lagging, or if they blocked it.
This gives you the perfect time to pull out any weapon(Preferrably a shotgun)
very quickly and cap them in the face. Do this ASAP, as you want to deal
out as much damage as you can. Also, react one step ahead of the enemy.
When they get out of unconsciousness and are still alive, you might have
the tendency to still be standing still after they have moved, so time it
right and get out of the way. This technique can also be used in conjuntion
with the first tip I stated.

(When I say "cap them in the face", I meant just blast them.
Don't actually aim for the head with the shotgun. Most hits will not
connect. Always aim for the stomach. More hits will connect with it.)

- If you play lots of team games, med-kits are a god-send. If you're low on
HP, run away, heal up, and then go back to fight. Very, VERY useful. If you
4 med-kits or more, you will then find it's effectivness. Saves me all the
time. +10 HP per med-kit by the way. Also, Repair kits(AP healing) are a
no-no, unless you've started with them and they're a part of your only
starting accessories. Med-kits are just better. Trust me.

- If you've ever used magnums or pistols, you may have noticed that they
actually have recoil after each shot(Thus, the shot getting more inaccurate
after each repeated shot if shot fast). To shoot fast and still have its
pin-point accuracy for each shot, just shoot the pistol/magnum, switch to
melee(Not sure if you can change to any other weapon, but you probably can),
then switch back to your magnum/pistol, and shoot again. Although, this
is A LOT faster if you shoot and switch to the sword in mid-air, then jump,
switch to gun, shoot, switch to sword, etc. etc. like my techinque, JSD, with-
out the dashing. Works wonders. (With pistols, you should be able to shoot
twice in mid-air, although, it depends on what the delay of the pistol is)

- If you know someone is lagging(like 100+ ping), try and aim a step
ahead of a foe. Works most of the time.

- The level 18 rifle is mandatory for everyone. Once you can use it, use it.

- Running away and faking it is a fantastic plan. Just run away, and the
foe will probably chase you. Then hide and pop out with a melee smash or
something. Look at the first two tips for some nifty ideas.

- As I've stated before TWICE, don't aim for anywhere else but the stomach
with the shotgun. More hits will connect.

- Use walls as your advantage. Jump off 'em for suprise, evading attacks
(especially while you're reloading), and just for the heck of it, caz it
looks cool and makes you look good.

- Once you're around level 20 or so, try out pistols. More preferably raptors
because they are more accurate and shoot faster. The piercing damage is
great as pistols arn't AP magnets like rifles. But ammo might be a problem
if you spam it too much. I just use my pistols for long range or if I know
the guy is almost dead. Or just for the heck of it.

- If slash shooters are owning you, use the tactic I call, "Nub Spray."
Get like a rifle, MG, or heck, even an SMG, and just tumble mostly backwards,
but left and right to dodge a little, and SPRAY. But aim kind of... I've
killed many using this technique. With a game full of Slashshooters, etc. I
got 45 - 11 in a game that I just nub sprayed.

- Once you're around level 20, play team games. Team games = skill. If
you need the EXP, then go for some Solo DM.

- On over head walls such as the ones in the middle of battle arena, use
multiple wall jumping on those walls. Once you can see above it, you can
quickly pull out a gun and shoot anyone in your sight. This is a nice
quick way to pull off suprise attacks. You might want to use a magnum,
shotgun, or pistol because those weapons can do much damage in a short
period of time. You can keep repeating this as much as you want. IMO, I use
it if there is an over head wall all the time.

- Thank Lancer for some typos and face thing in this section.

- Dino

5) FAQs

Ahhh yes... the Frequently Asked Questions...

Q: Am I landing before I autoshot during a slashshot. How can I stop this?
The autoshot also seems too slow...
A: You are supposed to land. Once you do, jump. Then repeat the slashshot
process again and again. Also, be sure you dash before you slash.

Q: I can't dash after I block when trying to do the butterfly.
A: You're supposed to dash, THEN slash then block.

Q: Multiple Wall Running is impossible! What's wrong?!
A: Read my section to see if you're doing anything wrong. Other than that,
there's nothing else I can really do. It's a hard trick to master, so
just keep trying.

Q: Should I get repair kit or medical kit?
A: Medical kit always. It is tons better than the repair kit. Although
at high levels, you might want to reconsider having both.

Q: What is the half half step?
A: Honestly, I do not know. Try asking somewhere else...

Q: I have trouble aimming with the slashshot
A: I have a little section on that in the slashshot section itself. Read it

6) Contact info.

If you see any false information, spelling errors, etc. please E-Mail
me about it. Also, if you have information to send to me that you would like
to be put in this FAQ, E-Mail me, and please put the subject with GunZ and
a word in the subject the pretty much explains what you're going to talk about
(e.g: GunZ: Half Step). You may also contact me on AIM, but I recommend
through E-mail.

AIM: oosomeone41oo

7) Disclaimer

"GUNZ The Duel" is trademarked and copyrighted by MAIET entertainment
Inc. I am not affiliated with MAIET entertainment inc. in any way(with the
exception of playing their game >.>) Please do not copy this text and post
it on any website without my permission(through E-mail). That is plagiarism.
If you wish to use this FAQ on your website, please notify me via. E-mail.
Printing this document and having this text on your computer is fine.

8) Thanks to...

Just to mix things up here, I wanna thank some people first, instead
of thanking in the last section. I would like to thank everyone just for being
there. But in particular...

All the nice GunZ players.
GameFAQs (For hosting this badboy).
Maiet for making such a nice game.
Bernd Wolffgramm (For publishing this on
And for you guys, who are taking the time to read my text. Thank you.

For correcting errors, inputs on techniques, and just for saying thanks: (Lancer) (Jong-Woo Kim) (Itachi Sannin) (Tony Bart)
Ultima0Zero on GFAQs for the misunderstanding of the multi wall jump text
phonomenon on GFAQs for the light step
And all the other people I didn't thank.

And my will to actually make this thing...

- Dino

9) Conclusion

Now that you know all these crazy techniques, go out and own people.
Go. Now. Hey, why are you still reading this? You could be logged onto GunZ
already and killing people with your new moves. Go on now.

This FAQ was made by: Kevin Dino
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Engl. Leitfaden

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