Police Quest 4

Police Quest 4

18.10.2013 05:24:37

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
2.1. Sunday
2.2. Monday
2.3. Tuesday
2.4. Wednesday
2.5. Thursday
3. Item List
3.1. Sunday
3.2. Monday
3.3. Tuesday
3.4. Wednesday
3.5. Thursday
4. Point List
4.1. Sunday
4.2. Monday
4.3. Tuesday
4.4. Wednesday
4.5. Thursday
5. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 24th Jul, 2005 (First version)


1. Introduction


With the three previous games featuring Sonny Bonds, the action now switches to
detecive John Carey of the Los Angeles Police Department. Arriving at an alley
at night, Carey and his team of officers discover two bodies. Initially the
evidence found in the alley seems to point toward to an LA gang as the members
responsible, but as more murders are committed, it soon becomes clear that a
killer is on the loose in the area. Carey sets off to investigate.


2. Walkthrough


2.1. Sunday


The game starts in an alley. Look at the badge in the inventory. Use the
notebook on the graffiti, the man standing near the pole and the man standing
near the fence. Show the badge to the man standing near the pole and the man
standing near the fence. Open the dumpster and use the notebook on the body.
Close the dumpster. Use the keys on the trunk of the car and get the homicide
kit. Close the trunk and look at the body on the floor. Use the notebook on the
cigarette and the body. Open the homicide kit and use the chalk on the
cigarette and the body. Talk to Woodbury twice to receive the crime scene log.
Talk to Chester twice to exit the alley.

2.2. Monday


Exit the office. Look at Carey's desk. Open the left drawer and get the
photograph. Open the right drawer and get a 3.14 form. Combine the notebook
with the 3.14 form in the inventory to complete the form. Get the memo on top
of the book at the left side of the desk and look at it. Look at the photograph
in the inventory to reveal a phone number. Use the phone and dial 8-8326 to
call the crash unit. Exit the view of the desk and use the computer at the back
of the room. Enter 612 for the ID number and Gunner for the password to log
onto the computer. Select Gang Information, Rude Boys Get Bail to see the
graffiti from the alley. Select OK, Main Menu, Log Out to exit the computer.
Give the completed 3.14 form to Hal. Give the crime scene log to Hal. Look at
Carey's desk and open the right drawer to get a 3.14 form. Exit the view of the
desk. Walk west to exit the office. Walk in either direction at the end of the
hall. Use the elevator and select L to enter the lobby. West. Exit the
building. Use the hand icon on the reporter to exit the area.


Enter the target range. Get a qualification form from the right side of the
counter and select form 13.5.1. Give the form to Bert. Give the wallet to Bert
and then get the bullets and head gear from the counter. East. Walk toward the
firing area and use the head gear on Carey. Select the gun and shoot the
targets that appear. Reload the gun by combining the bullets with the gun in
the inventory. After completing the target practice, walk north to return to
the range office. Give the head gear to Bert and exit the target range.


Enter the building. Show the badge to Sherry and then walk east to the weigh
station. Get Hickman's personal belongings envelope and Washington's personal
belongings envelope behind Russ. Exit the morgue.


North. Look at the graffiti and use the notebook on it. Open the homicide kit
and use the knife on the sixteen slugs on the wall. Use the plastic bags on the
sixteen slugs. Open the door and show the badge to the two men. Talk to the
right man five times. Use the notebook on both men. East. East. Show the badge
to the man outside the shop. Give the change to the man three times. Open the
door to enter the shop. Use the notebook on the shop owner. Get an apple from
the basket on the counter and glue from the shelf at the right side of the
shop. Use the wallet on the owner. Exit the shop. East. East. Show the badge to
LaSondra. Give the apple to LaSondra. East. Show the badge to Bernadette
Washington. Give Bobby Washington's envelope to Bernadette. Talk to LaSondra
about everything and then use the notebook on her to record the information
about the woman in the red dress. West. West. Exit the area.


Use the door and talk to Valerie to enter the house. Give Bob Hickman's
envelope to Katherine to receive the kevlar vest. Talk to Katherine. Talk to
her again and ask her about specifics on drug and alcohol use. After she leaves
the room, talk to Valerie three times and she will mention the closet. Open the
closet and use the denim jacket to find a bottle of sedatives. Exit the house.


Enter the Parker Center. Use the Parker Center ID badge on Carey. North. Press
the button to call the elevator and select B to enter the basement. North. Give
the bottle of pills and the glue to Julie Chester. South. Press the button to
call the elevator and select 4. North. Give the slugs to Teddy and then talk to
him. Select the shelf storage option. South. Press the button to call the
elevator and select 3. East. South. Look at the desk and answer the phone to
talk to Emmo. Exit the Parker Center.


Quickly select the car with the walk icon to crouch behind it. Use the kevlar
vest on Carey. Walk to the right side of the car and use the keys on the trunk.
Use the keys on the shotgun. Get the shotgun and close the trunk. Use the
shotgun on the left building and shoot the two shooters to complete the day.

2.3. Tuesday


Combine the notebook with the 3.14 form in the inventory and then give the
completed 3.14 form to Hal. Look at Carey's desk and open the right drawer to
get a blank 3.14 form. Exit the office. Press the button to use the elevator
and select B to travel to the basement. North. Talk to Chester to get the gun.
Exit the Parker Center.


Enter the target range. Get a qualification form from the right side of the
counter and select form 13.5.1. Give the form to Bert. Give the wallet to Bert
and then get the bullets and head gear from the counter. East. Walk toward the
firing area and use the head gear on Carey. Select the gun and shoot the
targets that appear. Reload the gun by combining the bullets with the gun in
the inventory. After completing the target practice, walk north to return to
the range office. Give the head gear to Bert and exit the target range.


Use the notebook on the chalk outline. North. Look in the bush at the bottom-
right corner of the area and get the shoe. Use the door and show the shoe to
the bodyguard. Show the badge to the bodyguard and then talk to him to enter
the house. Show the shoe to Money and the woman. Talk to Money twice. Ask him
about Enemies and he will mention Walker. Talk to him about Dennis Walker. Wait
for the phone to ring. When it does, quickly get the cigarette from the
ashtray. Exit the estate.


Enter the Parker Center. Use the Parker Center ID badge on Carey. North. Press
the button to call the elevator and select 3. East. South. Use the computer at
the back of the room. Enter 612 for the ID number and Gunner for the password
to log onto the computer. Select Hate Crimes, "Walker" to see the record.
Select Cancel, Log Out to exit the computer. Exit the Parker Center.


Use the door and show the badge to Walker. Talk to Walker to enter his
apartment. Use the stereo to turn the music down. Walker will escape, and a
woman will enter the room holding a knife. Use the gun on the woman and then
talk to her to tell her to freeze. Talk to her again and she will drop the
knife. Use the handcuffs on the woman to take her to the Parker Center.


Talk to Garcia and she will leave. Combine the notebook with the 3.14 form in
the inventory and then give the completed 3.14 form to Hal. Look at Carey's
desk and open the right drawer to get a blank 3.14 form. Get the memo on top of
the book at the left side of the desk and read it. Exit the Parker Center.


Use the door to enter the house. Talk to Hickman four times. Exit the house to
travel to the Short Stop.


Get pretzels from the bowl. Talk to Julia and Sam to complete the day.

2.4. Wednesday


East. Select the gun from the inventory. Walk to the front of the hall and talk
to councilman De La Cruz, reporter Kristy Bilden and the mayor when they ask
questions. Select the gun and use it on Walker when he stands up to attack
Carey. Talk to Walker and he will drop the stick. Talk to him again and he will
lie down. Use the handcuffs on Walker to return to the Parker Center.


Combine the notebook with the 3.14 form in the inventory and then give the
completed 3.14 form to Hal. Talk to Hal about the Griffith Park discovery and
Case Updates. Go to the lobby in the Parker Center and get the matches from the
ashtray near the elevator. Exit the Parker Center.


Enter the target range. Get a qualification form from the right side of the
counter and select form 13.5.0. Give the form to Bert. Get the bullets and head
gear from the counter. East. Walk toward the firing area and use the head gear
on Carey. Select the gun and shoot the targets that appear. Reload the gun by
combining the bullets with the gun in the inventory. After completing the
target practice, walk north to return to the range office. Give the head gear
to Bert and exit the target range.


Use the badge on the window. North. Talk to the man twice and he will let Carey
see the patrol car. Open the patrol car door and get the piece of newspaper in
the middle of the seats. Read the newspaper. Exit the impound lot.


Enter the building. Show the badge to Sherry and then walk east twice to the
examination room. Talk to Sam twice and then ask him about Griffith Park Jane
Doe. Exit the morgue.


Give the pretzels to the dog and he will leave. North. Use the dirt to reveal a
bone. Use the notebook on the bone. Open the homicide kit and use the plastic
bag on the bone. Exit the park.


Enter the Parker Center. Use the Parker Center ID badge on Carey. North. Press
the button to call the elevator and select B. North. Show the bone to Chester.
Exit the Parker Center.


Enter the building. East. East. Give the bone to Sam. Exit the morgue.


Enter the Bitty Kitty and show the badge to the woman. Show the shoe to the
woman and then ask her about Barbie. Get the lighter on the table to light the
cigarette. Exit the Bitty Kitty. Enter Ragin' Records and show the badge to the
man. Talk to him about all topics and then exit the shop. Enter the Bitty Kitty
and show the badge to Barbie. Show her the shoe. Exit the Bitty Kitty and get
the broken mirror on the road. Exit the area.


Enter the Parker Center. Use the Parker Center ID badge on Carey. North. Press
the button to call the elevator and select 3. East. South. Combine the notebook
with the 3.14 form in the inventory and then give the completed 3.14 form to
Hal. Exit the office. Press the button to call the elevator and select B to
enter the basement. North. Show the cigarette, the shoe and the newspaper piece
to Chester. Exit the Parker Center. Go to the morgue to complete the day.

2.5. Thursday


Talk to Sam about all topics and then exit the morgue.


Enter the Parker Center. Use the Parker Center ID badge on Carey. North. Press
the button to call the elevator and select 3. East. South. Open the door and
talk to the lieutenant. Talk to him twice and select no to his question. Exit
the office. Press the button to call the elevator and select B to enter the
basement. North. Talk to Chester about the abandoned vehicle. Exit the Parker


Enter the target range. Get a qualification form from the right side of the
counter and select form 13.5.1. Give the form to Bert. Give the wallet to Bert
and then get the bullets and head gear from the counter. East. Walk toward the
firing area and use the head gear on Carey. Select the gun and shoot the
targets that appear. Reload the gun by combining the bullets with the gun in
the inventory. After completing the target practice, walk north to return to
the range office. Give the head gear to Bert and exit the target range.


Use the badge on the window. North. Talk to the man and he will let Carey see
the patrol car. Look at the license plate and use the notebook on it. Exit the
impound lot.


Enter the Parker Center. Use the identification badge on Carey. North. Press
the button to call the elevator and select 3. East. South. Use the computer at
the back of the room. Enter 612 for the ID number and Gunner for the password
to log onto the computer. Select DMV, "E2BSY669" to see the record. Select
Cancel, Log Out to exit the computer. Exit the Parker Center.


Open the door to enter the reception area. Show the badge to the woman and then
talk to her seven times to enter Parker's office. Look at the desk and get the
case files and the audio tape. Look at the case files in the inventory. Exit
the area.


Enter Ragin' Records. Talk to the shop owner and and give him the audio tape.
Look at the counter and select the drumsticks. Get the drumsticks and exit the
shop. Exit the area.


North. Show the badge to the man in the booth. Talk to the man and then use the
left door to enter the lobby. Talk to the man about all topics. Get the cup of
tea. Use the door to enter the theater. Exit the area.


Open the door and get the rope from the containers. Open the door and exit the


Use the rope on the dog and he will lead Carey to an alley.


Open the homicide kit and use the prybar on the door to enter the house.


Open the homicide kit and use the flashlight on the room. Move the beam to the
right side of the room to see the wooden door. Open the homicide kit and use
the putty knife on the lock on the wooden door. Open the door. Combine the glue
with the mirror in the inventory and combine the mirror with the drumstick. Use
the mirror on the crack in the door at the top of the steps until the coast is
clear message is displayed. Open the door to enter the kitchen. Open the
refrigerator and use the notebook on the head. Close the refrigerator West.
West. Give the sedatives to the dog. North. Open the closet and move the rug.
Open the trapdoor to enter the storage closet of the theater.


North. North. Get the right soda can on top of the display case. Open the doors
to return to the theater. Use the soda can in the inventory to reveal a
skeleton key. Use the skeleton key in the door at the top-right corner of the
area. Open the homicide kit in the inventory and use the flashlight on the room
to return to the house.


Get the ball under the couch and throw it at the window. West. Walk through the
doorway at the left side of the hall to enter the bathroom. Open the mirror
cabinet and get the can of hairspray. Close the cabinet and exit the bathroom.
South. East. Open the refrigerator and get the lighter from the mouth of the
head. Close the refrigerator. West. West. Combine the lighter with the can of
hairspray in the inventory to make a torch. Walk through the doorway at the end
of the hall and use the torch on the killer to complete the game.


3. Item List


3.1. Sunday Item List

Found by talking to Woodbury twice. It is given to Hal in the Parker Center
on Monday.

Available at the start of the game. It is shown to the man near the pole in
the alley. It is shown to Sherry in the morgue on Monday and Wednesday. It is
shown to the two men at the road, the man outside the shop, to LaSondra and
to Bernadette Washington at South Central LA on Monday. It is shown to the
bodyguard at Yo Money's house on Tuesday. It is shown to Walker at Dennis
Walker's place on Tuesday. It is shown to the man at the impound lot on
Wednesday and Thursday. It is shown to the woman in the Bitty Kitty on
Wednesday. It is shown to the man in Ragin' Record on Wednesday. It is shown
to Barbie in the Bitty Kitty on Wednesday. It is shown to the woman at the
social services office on Thursday. It is shown to the man in the booth at
the Third Eye Theater on Thursday.

Available at the start of the game. It can be used on the vending machine in
the Parker Center lobby to get the chocolate on Monday. It is given to the
man three times outside the shop at South Central LA.

Available at the start of the game. It is used to shoot the targets at the
Los Angeles Police Academy on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. It is
used on the woman holding the knife in Dennis Walker's place on Tuesday. It
is used on Walker in the city hall on Wednesday when he stands up to attack

Available at the start of the game. It is used on the woman holding the knife
in Dennis Walker's place on Tuesday. It is used on Walker in the city hall on
Wednesday when he stands up to attack Carey.

Found in the trunk of the car in the alley. It is opened in the inventory to
find various items that are used in the game.

Available at the start of the game. They are used on the trunk of the car in
the alley. They are used on the trunk of the car in South Central LA on
Tuesday. They are used on the shotgun in the trunk of the car.

Available at the start of the game. It is used to record information on
various items in the game.

Available at the start of the game. It is used on Carey in the Parker Center
lobby on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Available at the start of the game. It is used on Bert in the Los Angeles
Police Academy on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. It is used on the
shop owner at South Central LA on Monday to buy the apple and the glue.

3.2. Monday Item List

3.14 FORM
Found in the drawer in Carey's desk at the Parker Center. It is combined with
the notebook in the inventory to write about events of the day. The completed
form is given to Hal in the Parker Center.

13.5.1 FORM
Found on the counter in the target range at the Los Angeles Police Academy.
It is given to Bert in the target range.

Found in the basket in the shop at South Central LA. It is given to LaSondra
at the side of the road in South Central LA.

Found in the weigh station at the LA county morgue. It is given to Katherine
in Hickman's house to get the kevlar vest.

Found in the weigh station at the LA county morgue. It is given to Bernadette
Washington in South Central LA.

Found in the denim jacket in the closet in Hickman's house. It is given to
the dog in the house on Thursday.

Found on the counter in the Los Angeles Police Academy after giving the
qualification form and the wallet to Bert. They are combined with the gun in
the inventory at the firing range.

Optional item. Found by using the change on the vending machine in the Parker
Center lobby. It can be given to Linder in the Parker Center lobby.

Found on the shelf in the shop at South Central LA. It is shown to Chester in
the Parker Center basement. It is combined with the mirror in the inventory.

Found on the counter in the Los Angeles Police Academy after giving the
qualification form and the wallet to Bert. They are used on Carey at the
firing range.

Found by giving Bob Hickman's personal belongings envelope to Katherine in
Hickman's house. It is used on Carey at South Central LA after talking to
Emmo on the phone at the Parker Center.

Found on top of the book on Carey's desk in the Parker Center. It is not

Found in the left drawer on Carey's desk in the Parker Center. It is looked
at in the inventory to reveal the number for the crash unit.

Found by using the plastic bag from the homicide kit on the sixteen slugs in
the wall at South Central LA. It is given to Teddy on the fourth floor of the
Parker Center.

Found by using the keys on the shotgun in the patrol car trunk at South
Central LA. It is used on the two shooters at South Central LA.

3.3. Tuesday Item List

3.14 FORM
Found in the drawer in Carey's desk at the Parker Center. It is combined with
the notebook in the inventory to write about events of the day. The completed
form is given to Hal in the Parker Center.

13.5.1 FORM
Found on the counter in the target range at the Los Angeles Police Academy.
It is given to Bert in the target range.

Found on the counter in the Los Angeles Police Academy after giving the
qualification form and the wallet to Bert. They are combined with the gun in
the inventory at the firing range.

Found in the ashtray in Yo Money's house. It is shown to Chester in the
Parker Center basement.

Found on the counter in the Los Angeles Police Academy after giving the
qualification form and the wallet to Bert. They are used on Carey at the
firing range.

Found on top of the book on Carey's Desk in the Parker Center after entering
Dennis Walker's place. It is not used.

Found in the bowl at The Short Stop. They are given to the dog in Griffith
Park on Wednesday.

Found in the bush outside Yo Money's house. It is shown to the bodyguard and
to Yo Money on Tuesday. It is shown to the woman and Barbie in the Bitty
Kitty on Wednesday. It is shown to Chester in the Parker Center basement.

3.4. Wednesday Item List

3.14 FORM
Found in the drawer in Carey's desk at the Parker Center. It is combined with
the notebook in the inventory to write about events of the day. The completed
form is given to Hal in the Parker Center.

13.5.1 FORM
Found on the counter in the target range at the Los Angeles Police Academy.
It is given to Bert in the target range.

Found on the road after exiting the Bitty Kitty at Hollywood and Vine. It is
combined with the glue and the drum in the inventory. The mirror is then used
on the crack in the door in the house on Thursday.

Found on the counter in the Los Angeles Police Academy after giving the
qualification form and the wallet to Bert. They are combined with the gun in
the inventory at the firing range.

Found on the counter in the Los Angeles Police Academy after giving the
qualification form and the wallet to Bert. They are used on Carey at the
firing range.

Found on the table in the Bitty Kitty at Hollywood and Vine. It is used to
light the woman's cigarette in the Bitty Kitty.

Found in the ashtray in the Parker Center lobby. They are not used.

Found in the patrol car at the impound lot. It is shown to Chester in the
Parker Center basement.

Found by using the plastic bag from the homicide kit on the bone in Griffith
Park. It is shown to Chester in the Parker Center basement.

3.5. Thursday Item List

Found on the desk in the office in the social services office. It is given to
the Ragin' Records shop owner in Hollywood and Vine.

Found under the couch in the house. It is thrown at the window.

Found on the counter in the Los Angeles Police Academy after giving the
qualification form and the wallet to Bert. They are combined with the gun in
the inventory at the firing range.

Found on the desk in the office in the social services office. It is not

Found under the counter in Ragin' Records at Hollywood and Vine. It is
combined with the mirror in the inventory.

Found in the homicide kit. It is used on the dark room in the house and at
the Third Eye theater.

Found in the mirror cabinet in the bathroom in the house. It is combined with
the lighter in the inventory to make the torch.

Found on the counter in the Los Angeles Police Academy after giving the
qualification form and the wallet to Bert. They are used on Carey at the
firing range.

Found in the mouth of the head in the refrigerator in the house. It is
combined with the can of hairspray in the inventory to make the torch.

Found in the homicide kit. It is used on the door in the alley outside the

Found in the homicide kit. It is used on the wooden lock on the door in the

Found on the containers in the alley at South Central LA. It is used on the
dog at Griffith Park.

Found by combining the hairspray with the lighter in the inventory. It is
used on the killer in the bathroom in the house.

Found by using the soda can in the inventory. It is used on the door in the
Third Eye theater.

Found on top of the display case in the Third Eye theater. It is used in the
inventory to get the skeleton key.


4. Point List


4.1. Sunday Point List


3 3 Look at the badge.

6 3 Use the notebook on the graffiti.

8 2 Use the notebook on the man standing near the pole.

10 2 Use the notebook on the man standing near the fence.

12 2 Show the badge to the man standing near the pole.

14 2 Show the badge to the man standing near the fence.

19 5 Open the dumpster.

21 2 Use the notebook on the body.

23 2 Use the keys on the trunk.

25 2 Get the homicide kit.

28 3 Use the notebook on the cigarette.

31 3 Use the notebook on the body.

35 4 Use the chalk on the cigarette.

39 4 Use the chalk on the body.

42 3 Talk to Woodbury twice.

4.2. Monday Point List


44 2 Get the photograph.

46 2 Combine the notebook with the 3.14 form.

48 2 Get the memo.

50 2 Look at the memo.

52 2 Look at the photograph.

55 3 Call the crash unit.

63 8 Log onto the computer.

65 2 View the graffiti.

67 2 Give the completed 3.14 form to Hal.

69 2 Give the crime scene log to Hal.

73 4 Use the hand icon on the reporter.

75 2 Get form 13.5.1.

76 1 Give the wallet to Bert.

77 1 Use the head gear on Carey.

81 4 Complete the target practice.

85 4 Get Bob Hickman's envelope.

89 4 Get Bobby Washington's envelope.

91 2 Use the notebook on the graffiti.

107 16 Use the knife on the sixteen slugs.

123 16 Use the plastic bags on the sixteen slugs.

125 2 Show the badge to the left man.

127 2 Show the badge to the right man.

131 4 Talk to the right man five times.

133 2 Use the notebook on the left man.

135 2 Use the notebook on the right man.

139 4 Give the change to the man outside the shop three times.

141 2 Use the notebook on the shop owner.

143 2 Get the apple.

145 2 Get the glue.

149 4 Use the wallet on the shop owner.

151 2 Show the badge to LaSondra.

153 2 Give the apple to LaSondra.

155 2 Show the badge to Bernadette.

158 3 Give Bobby's envelope to Bernadette.

164 6 Use the notebook on LaSondra.

167 3 Talk to Valerie.

170 3 Get the kevlar vest.

177 7 Get the bottle of sedatives.

180 3 Use the Parker Center ID badge on Carey.

181 1 Give the bottle of pills to Chester.

182 1 Give the glue to Chester.

187 5 Give the slugs to Teddy.

189 2 Talk to Emmo.

192 3 Use the kevlar vest on Carey.

197 5 Use the keys on the shotgun.

199 2 Get the shotgun.

204 5 Shoot the two shooters.

4.3. Tuesday Point List


206 2 Combine the notebook with the 3.14 form.

208 2 Give the completed 3.14 form to Hal.

211 3 Talk to Chester.

213 2 Get form 13.5.1.

214 1 Give the wallet to Bert.

215 1 Use the head gear on Carey.

219 4 Complete the target practice.

221 2 Use the notebook on the chalk outline.

225 4 Get the shoe.

227 2 Show the shoe to the bodyguard.

229 2 Show the badge to the bodyguard.

232 3 Show the shoe to Money.

235 3 Show the shoe to the woman.

238 3 Ask Money about Enemies.

241 3 Ask Money about Dennis Walker.

245 4 Get the cigarette.

247 2 View Walker's record.

249 2 Show the badge to Walker.

255 6 Use the gun on the woman.

259 4 Talk to the woman.

263 4 Talk to the woman.

266 3 Use the handcuffs on the woman.

268 2 Combine the notebook with the 3.14 form.

270 2 Give the completed 3.14 form to Hal.

272 2 Get the memo.

274 2 Read the memo.

4.4. Wednesday Point List


277 3 Use the gun on Walker.

281 4 Talk to Walker.

285 4 Talk to Walker.

288 3 Use the handcuffs on Walker.

290 2 Combine the notebook with the 3.14 form.

292 2 Give the completed 3.14 form to Hal.

295 3 Get the matches.

297 2 Get form 13.5.0.

298 1 Use the head gear on Carey.

302 4 Complete the target practice.

304 2 Use the badge on the window.

306 2 Talk to the man twice.

308 2 Get the newspaper.

310 2 Read the newspaper.

312 2 Give the pretzels to the dog.

315 3 Find the bone.

317 2 Use the notebook on the bone.

320 3 Use the plastic bag on the bone.

321 1 Show the bone to Chester.

325 4 Give the bone to Sam.

327 2 Show the badge to the woman in the Bitty Kitty.

330 3 Show the shoe to the woman in the Bitty Kitty.

334 4 Get the lighter.

336 2 Show the badge to Barbie.

338 2 Show the shoe to Barbie.

342 4 Get the broken mirror.

344 2 Combine the notebook with the 3.14 form.

346 2 Give the completed 3.14 form to Hal.

4.5. Thursday Point List


351 5 Answer no to the lieutenant's question.

353 2 Get form 13.5.1.

354 1 Give the wallet to Bert.

355 1 Use the head gear on Carey.

359 4 Complete the target practice.

361 2 Use the badge on the window.

363 2 Talk to the man.

367 4 Look at the license plate.

369 2 View the license plate record.

370 1 Show the badge to the woman in the social services office.

372 2 Get the case files.

374 2 Get the audio tape.

378 4 Look at the case files.

380 2 Give the audio tape to the Ragin' Records shop owner.

382 2 Get the drumsticks.

384 2 Show the badge to the man at the Third Eye Theater.

387 3 Get the cup of tea.

390 3 Enter the theater.

393 3 Get the rope.

398 5 Use the rope on the dog.

401 3 Use the prybar on the door.

403 2 Use the putty knife on the lock.

406 3 Combine the glue with the mirror.

411 5 Combine the mirror with the drumstick.

414 3 Enter the kitchen.

416 2 Open the refrigerator.

418 2 Use the notebook on the head.

421 3 Give the sedatives to the dog.

424 3 Move the rug.

428 4 Enter the storage closet.

432 4 Get the soda can.

436 4 Use the soda can.

438 2 Use the skeleton key on the door.

441 3 Use the flashlight in the room.

443 2 Get the ball.

447 4 Throw the ball at the window.

449 2 Get the can of hairspray.

452 3 Get the lighter.

457 5 Combine the lighter with the can of hairspray.


5. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2005-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.
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Engl. Lösung

18.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013
Wo bekommt man die Punkte ?
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14.Octombrie 2013

09.Octombrie 2013
Engl. Lösung

18.Octombrie 2013
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