Dungeon Siege 2

Dungeon Siege 2

16.10.2013 01:16:46
Dungeon Siege 2
by Grawl (grawler (@t) gmail (dot) com)
Coauthored by Gray Fox (grayfox2510 (@t) gmail (dot) com)
09/02/05 - Version 0.75


Ok, so let us go over a few basic things...

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6) Mailing us to tell how good the guide is, is appreciated ;p You can write
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mails so if you expect an answer, it would take longer.

Table of Contents [DS.00.00]

+ = Completed
~ = Under Construction
- = Coming in next version(s)

* Table of Contents................................................[DS.00.00]+
* History & Next Version...........................................[DS.01.01]+
* Introduction.....................................................[DS.02.01]+
* Walkthrough......................................................[DS.03.01]~
* Act 1..........................................................[DS.03.02]+
* Chapter 1: The Siege of Greilyn Beach........................[DS.03.03]+
* Chapter 2: Prisoner of War...................................[DS.03.04]+
* Chapter 3: The Morden Towers.................................[DS.03.05]+
* Chapter 4: The Plague........................................[DS.03.06]+
* Chapter 5: The Dryad Exile Colony............................[DS.03.07]+
* Chapter 6: Leaving Geilyn Isle...............................[DS.03.08]+
* Chapter 7: Secret of the Azunite Beach.......................[DS.03.09]+
* Chapter 8: The Lost Azunite Artifact.........................[DS.03.10]+
* Chapter 9: Windstone Fortress................................[DS.03.11]+
* Chapter 10: The Temple of Xeria..............................[DS.03.12]+
* Act 2..........................................................[DS.03.13]+
* Chapter 1: The Town of Aman'Lu...............................[DS.03.14]+
* Chapter 2: Finala and the Broken Bridge......................[DS.03.15]+
* Chapter 3: The Elen'Lu Isles.................................[DS.03.16]+
* Chapter 4: The Royal Caravan.................................[DS.03.17]+
* Chapter 5: The Vai'Kesh and the Aegis of Death...............[DS.03.18]+
* Chapter 6: Princess Evangeline...............................[DS.03.19]+
* Chapter 7: The Siege of Snowbrook Haven......................[DS.03.20]+
* Chapter 8: The Siege of Snowbrook Haven, Part II.............[DS.03.21]+
* Act 3..........................................................[DS.03.22]~
* Chapter 1: Restore Kaltrathia's Water........................[DS.03.23]~
* Quests...........................................................[DS.04.01]~
* Act 1..........................................................[DS.04.02]+
* Primary Quests...............................................[DS.04.03]+
* Secondary Quests.............................................[DS.04.04]+
* Act 2..........................................................[DS.04.05]~
* Primary Quests...............................................[DS.04.06]+
* Secondary Quests.............................................[DS.04.07]~
* Act 3..........................................................[DS.04.09]~
* Primary Quests...............................................[DS.04.10]~
* Secondary Quests.............................................[DS.04.11]~
* Quest Log........................................................[DS.05.01]~
* Act 1..........................................................[DS.05.02]~
* Primary Quests...............................................[DS.05.03]~
* Secondary Quests.............................................[DS.05.04]~
* Act 2..........................................................[DS.05.05]-
* Primary Quests...............................................[DS.05.06]-
* Secondary Quests.............................................[DS.05.07]-
* Act 3..........................................................[DS.05.09]-
* Primary Quests...............................................[DS.05.10]-
* Secondary Quests.............................................[DS.05.11]-
* Lore.............................................................[DS.06.01]-
* Quest Items....................................................[DS.06.02]-
* Books..........................................................[DS.06.03]-
* Chants.........................................................[DS.06.04]~
* Bestiary.........................................................[DS.07.01]-
* Act 1..........................................................[DS.07.02]-
* Act 2..........................................................[DS.07.03]-
* Act 3..........................................................[DS.07.04]-
* Pets...........................................................[DS.07.05]-
* Handbook.........................................................[DS.08.01]+
* Specialities.....................................................[DS.09.01]+
* Melee..........................................................[DS.09.02]+
* Ranged.........................................................[DS.09.03]+
* Magic Combat...................................................[DS.09.04]+
* Magic Natural..................................................[DS.09.05]+
* Spells...........................................................[DS.10.01]-
* Weapons, Armor & Misc............................................[DS.11.01]~
* Sets...........................................................[DS.11.02]~
* Uniques........................................................[DS.11.03]~
* Prefixes/Suffixes..............................................[DS.11.04]~
* Party............................................................[DS.12.01]+
* Pets...........................................................[DS.12.02]~
* Cheats & Secrets.................................................[DS.13.01]+
* Unlocking Higher Difficulties..................................[DS.13.02]+
* Infinite Resurrection Scrolls..................................[DS.13.03]+
* Cheats.........................................................[DS.13.04]+
* FAQ..............................................................[DS.14.01]+
* Conclusion.......................................................[DS.15.01]+

History & Next Version [DS.01.01]

Version 0.1 (08/16/05) - Everything is new. (58,1KB)
Version 0.2 (08/17/05) - Walkthrough updated, added handbook, added a few
specialities, added some armor, added some quests. (115KB)
Version 0.3 (08/18/05) - Updated the walkthrough, added more armor, updated
FAQ, made the walkthrough easier to navigate, merged weapons and armor into
the section "sets" (for now), added more specialities, added one more party
member that I forgot. (169KB)
Version 0.4 (08/19/05) - Merged with Gray Fox =D, even more walkthrough
added, added cheats, chants added, chapter "sets" changed to "weapons, armor
& misc" and divided into "sets" and "uniques", quest log updated. (191KB)
Version 0.5 (08/19/05) - More stuff updated... (204KB)
Version 0.6 (08/21/05) - Added more sets and uniques, some quests updated,
fixed some small mistakes. (252KB)
Version 0.7 (08/27/05) - General update, items and stuff. Added the Pets
section, as well as the suffix/prefix one. (267KB)
Version 0.75 (09/02/05) - Small update, just items, pets and suffixes/prefixes.
This is while we can get an actual walkthrough update done... (271KB)

Introduction [DS.02.01]

This introduction is taken from page 33 and 34 of the official manual.

"You may wish to know the mysteries of this world: whom to trust, whom to
battle. I'll give you a taste of the tale; the rest you must experience for

Before your time, before the time of any ancestor you've ever known, Zaramoth
the Unmaker ruled the earth. He drew his nearly godlike powers from the River
of Souls, the underground flow that coursed the length of the planet from pole
to pole. It was here that souls travelled after death, and it was their
spiritual energy that transformed the river into a source of magical power.

Zaramoth and his Dark Wizards ruled the planet with a certain firmness, which
is to say, with an iron fist. There were many who were unhappy under
Zaramoth's rule, but his power was unquestioned for centuries until the day
when one tribe, led by Azunai the Defender, began to explore the power of the
subterranean magic for themselves.

Zaramoth had a problem with this, naturally. The inevitable result of this
conflict came quickly - Zaramoth and Azunai were at war.

Their forces ultimately clashed on the Plain of Tears and, at the front lines,
Zaramoth and Azunai met. As their men raged around them, Zaramoth lifted his
Sword and brought it down with a mighty roar against the Shield of Azunai.

Then everything changed.

Both Sword and Shield had destinies of their own - and the moment they
collided, their time began.

The earth opened.

With a terrible scream, the souls of the soldiers tore from their chests and
rushed into the fissure, leaving the lifeless bodies strewn on the field. In
one horrific instant, the armies of Zaramoth and Azunai were utterly

The onrush of dying souls overloaded the River of Souls, stretching it beyond
its limit. The river spilled over its underground banks into fractured lay
lines, tipping the balance of the planet.

And above the killing fields, the stars shifted.

The Second Age had begun.

A thousand years passed as a new world emerged from the ashes. Magic, which
once travelled a single, controlled channel, now crisscrossed the planet in
lay lines, putting its power in the hands of any brave enough (or foolish
enough) to wield it. The kingdoms of Zaramoth and Azunai were part of the
distant past; the world had become a far more chaotic, tribal, and wild
place. People fought and loved and lived in their tribes, and the old ways
were almost forgotten.

Then one day, a prince of one of these tribes succumbed to a powerful illness.
After several days of feverish delirium, Valdis, son of Utor, spoke of strange
visions, which compelled him to travel into the mountains. Following that
call, he spent three long weeks in solitude, and when he emerged, he wielded a
precious object, something thought forever lost - the mighty Sword of

How had he found it? That is not mine to say.

The whispering began - Had Zaramoth returned in the guise of Valdis? Might the
great conflict between Zaramoth and Azunai return to this Age?"

Walkthrough [DS.03.01]

When you start a new game, you'll first have to select a difficulty. Once
you did that, it's time to select the race of your character, appearance etc.
Refer to the manual (it's also on the first CD) to learn what fits you the
best. Dryads are the best archers and death magic; Elves can use any kind of
magic; Half-Giant should go with melee weapons; Human is an all-around class
with no real aim.

Some general hints before we start, though;

* Save often. It's not going to hurt you.
* Be sure to use the powers of the characters in your party.
* Once you or someone levelled up, be sure to set the specialities. Later in
the guide you'll find a full list of the specialities.
* When there are lot of weak enemies around, let your party fight for
them self by pressing G (Rampage Mode). Stronger enemies should be taking
together by pressing F (Mirror Mode).
* Pause the game with space when things get crowded. This give you the time
to use potions, select powers etc.

Act 1 [DS.03.02]

Chapter 1: The Siege of Geilyn Beach [DS.03.03]

This part of the game isn't hard at all, and doesn't even require a
walkthrough. Just follow the instructions you get on your screen. The path is
very linear, and there is nothing you can do wrong.

Eventually, you'll go through a cave, and then end up at a temple, where the
computer takes over. You fight a bit, and when you are about to take the
mighty treasure, you get kicked in your ass. Hard.

Chapter 2: Prisoner of War [DS.03.04]

Secondary Quests: * The Armorer's Apprentice (Finished in Chapter 4)
* Lumilla's Salve (Finished)
* Secrets of Xeria's Temple (Finished in Chapter 10)

You wake up in a cell. The Dryads have taken you as prisoner. Talk to the
people in the cells next to you, and then talk to the guard. Amren will show
up, and let you go. However, you're still a prisoner.

You have to prove yourself worthy by doing a small quest. First, head to the
blacksmith and talk to her. You'll get yourself the stones you need. Note
you can also talk to Telinu to get a quest. You won't be able to finish it
until you finished chapter 3, though.

Talk to Lumilla here, in the same room to get another quest. She wants four
nettle clusters you can find in the jungle. You can either get them in the
jungle, or you can buy them from the merchant outside the building. They are
quite expensive at this point though. Do as you please.

Before you leave town, be sure to get yourself a (free) party member. If you
have a person with melee attacks, get yourself the archer. If you use ranged
attacks yourself, I suggest to take the half-giant. For now you can only pick
one member (until you have 500 gold), but you can always kick them out of
your party. They'll both be at level 3 when they join you.

Head to the inn, and find the man at the bar. Talk to him to get a quest you
can't finish until much, much later.

Leave town the only way possible. Once you reached the ground, a guard will
escort you to the nearby post. Talk to people on your way. Once you reached
the post, you'll see Morden have taken it over. Kill them, and rescue the

Chapter 3: The Morden Towers [DS.03.05]

Secondary Quests: * The Hak'u (Finished in Chapter 5)

So, it's time to wreck some havoc. You can return back to town if you need
to get new gear and that kind of stuff. If not, just follow the arrow on your

You'll get to the first tower. Kill the enemies, and free the prisoner. You
need to low the tower up. Grab a stick from the cage, and hold it in the fire.
Now set the tower on fire, and back off a bit. You'll find a teleporter if you
keep going. Near the teleporter, you'll also find two chants.

Now simply follow the path again and keep blowing up those towers. Not really
needed for me to write down this in details. You'll run into a woman who gets
attacked by a Hak'u. Talk to her for the Hak'u quest.

Between the third and four tower, you'll be able to fight the hidden Hak'u
cave. It's a bit easy of the fourth tower. Once you found it, remember where
it was, but don't enter yet. We'll come back here later.

Once you blew up the fourth tower, walk a bit further to find a teleporter.
Go back to town, and go talk to Celia. She'll let you go. Now you can visit
all the parts of Eirulan. To finish this chapter, head to the great hall, and
talk to Taar. You have the plague, and you need to cure it. There is a rumor
that there is a fountain the Elven Shrine that might be able to cure you.

Chapter 4: The Plague [DS.03.06]

Secondary Quests: * The Armorer's Apprentice (Finished)
* Lelani's Sorrow (Finished in Act 3)
* Dire Wolf (Finished in Chapter 5)
* Secrets of the Elven Shrine (Finished)
* The Kithraya Hive (Finished in Chapter 6)

Before we head out to the Elven Shrine, we can get some additional quests.
Since the ring is removed, we are no longer limited in visiting the town of

First, head towards platform with the pets. Don't enter yet, but find the
house where Lelani lives. Talk to her to get a quest. Her daughter was
recently murdered, and she wants to fulfil the wish of her child, even though
she'll never see it. Pick up the doll.

Remember how Telinu wanted you to check on a book? Inside the great hall are
two books. Pick them up, and read them. She needs 5 squares of leather, 3 pots
of boiling wax, 12 stoneshrooms and 2 basketfuls of leaves. She'll craft some
armor for you. Note that in the great hall you can also listen to an old woman
telling you stories. This is just for fun.

Now head inside the place of the pets, and talk to Neda. Keep asking until
she begins to talk about the Dire Wolf. You'll get a quest, and you'll be able
to get a Dire Wolf as pet.

Head up the stairs outside the pet store, and talk to Leanne. You'll need to
go to the Elven Shrine anyway, so the quest can fit right in.

Head towards the falls. Go down with the elevator and walk around to the next
elevator. Go up, and find a house where Tamari lives. She's afraid of spiders
because she saw a pretty big one. We can't kill it yet, but at least we have
the quest. Pull the lever to lower the bridge, so it's not a pain in the ass
to reach the house later, just in case.

Talk to Fenella in this area too. You can trade the doll for ale.

In the great hall is the mage you needed to talk to for the Dire Wolf quest.
Pay him a visit. He'll give you the direction of where to meet him. We
certainly will... later.

If you wish to get a third party member, talk to the woman that runs the inn.
It'll cost you 500 gold, but it's worth it.

Now go to the teleporter, and teleport yourself to the western part of the
jungle, near the last tower you destroyed. Follow the arrow on your compass
to get to the shrine. You'll meet some monsters on your way, but nothing too
serious. Enter the shrine.

Inside, you'll find a door with a target on it. Let someone shoot an arrow
into the door, and it'll open. Inside is a chest. Take the other door. You'll
find an elevator down.

Remember the side-quest with the secret elven room? Push the brick on the
wall. Grab the stuff and then pick up a green block. Put it in the slot. Pull
the lever to go down. Push the brick here, pick up a yellow block, and put it
in the slot. Now pick up a black block, and use the level to go down.
Push the brick here too, and put the black block in the slot. And finally
pick up a purple block and put it in the slot near the chest. Open the chest
too, while you're at it.

Now, the final room has three slots. Just enter the block of the same color in
a slot, easy as that. Pull the lever to find the secret room. You'll find 3
chants here, the quest item and some other stuff you may like. Now return to
the elevator (stay down).

Follow the path. You'll find a room that needs magic to be opened. If you
can't open it, you can come back a bit later. There is a chest inside.

You'll end up in a room with quite some enemies. You'll need to defeat the
special ones in order to gain access to the next room. In the next room is the
fountain you need, so use it to fill the vial. Don't bother walking back,
there is a teleporter to be found in a room nearby. Be sure to get the chant
in the room with the fountain too.

Get back to town, and complete the Secrets of the Elven Shrine quest first.

Now return to the great hall and talk to Taar. If you wish her to join you,
buy yourself another slot. This will cost you 1500 gold.

Chapter 5: The Dryad Exile Colony [DS.03.07]

Secondary Quests: * The Hak'u (Finished)
* The Hak'u, Part II (Finished in Chapter 6)
* Taar's Investigation (Finished)
* Dire Wolf (Finished)
* Felwyr the Blacksmith (Finished in Act 1, Chapter 1)

The best thing is to select some spells you want Taar to use. She has some
great spells that boost your stats, so I recommend setting those to autocast.
She also has other great stuff, but it's up to you to decide what she should
use. Also set her specialities and equip her with the stuff she has herself.

Before we go for great adventures, we should solve a quest we already have for
a while. Use the teleporter, and go to the western part of the jungle. Walk
east and go to the hidden Hak'u cave. Kill everything, and pick up whatever
you can. When you get near the cage, the woman will go free, and it's over.
Go back to the teleporter, and go to the great hall. Walk to Hesla, and talk
to her to finish the quest. You'll get a new quest right away though.

The new quest is in the same direction as your main quest, so that's a good
thing. Select Taar, and talk to Arianne near the great hall. She'll give you a
new quest. You need to investigate about a big Hak'u beast.

Teleport yourself northern teleporter in the jungle. From there follow the
path north until you find a Hak'u camp. You'll find the Hak'u Ceremonial
Blade here.

Now head to the south gate of town (from the pet shop). Keep walking south,
and you'll find a cave. Equip the Hak'u Ceremonial Blade, and use it to slay
the beast. Go back to Arianne, and she'll reward you.

Now head back to the south gate again, and follow the actual path. You'll find
a small Hak'u camp. You can enter ruins here. If you move the chalice, you'll
reveal a secret room with an enemy and some stuff. A bit east from the ruins
is a small cave. The enemies have good stuff on them.

Continue down the path. You'll be able to find two more small caves. The
one that's north of the ruins lead to the mage for the Dire Wolf quest. Talk
to him, and he'll open the portal. Simply kill all the Nawl Beasts and the
wolf will come true. When you have time, return to the pet shop. From that
moment on, you'll be able to buy a Dire Wolf.

Head back to the ruins, and continue down the path ahead of you. Once you
passed the bridge, leave the mean path, and enter the cave ahead of you.
Inside you'll find a blacksmith who needs your help. Accept the quest.
Head down into the cellar and find his gear. You can't get lost. Also be on
the look out for secret rooms (blue dots on your compass will tell you where
the buttons and statues are).

Once you've got the stuff he needs, head back to him. This time, the creatures
stole him hammer. Go after it. After you found it, give it back to him and
he'll send your weapon to Aman'lu.

Note; be sure you save your game for the next part and set your party mode
to mirror. Otherwise the game may crash on you. Follow the path again. You'll
end up at the colony, but everyone turned into monsters. Save the Azunite
Scholar, and talk to him. He'll tell you a story. Valdis has a sword, and if
he finds a shield, which is shattered, he'll be able to bring havoc upon the
world and change it to his wishes. Can you believe you helped him in the
beginning of the game? ;p He'll open a path for you, and tell you where to go.
Pick up the items he gives you too.

Chapter 6: Leaving Geilyn Isle [DS.03.08]

Secondary Quests: * The Hak'u, Part II (Finished)
* The Kithraya Hive (Finished)

Remember the Hak'u quest? Don't take the path the scholar opened, but the
other one. Enter it, and talk to Hrawn. Accept his quest to kill the Hak'u

You can find the leader by heading to the teleporter in the western jungle,
and going straight west. The compass indicates where he is. Once you killed
him, report back.

Now head back, and take the path that was opened for you. Follow it, and
you'll find another teleporter. You probably want to go back to town right
now to get rid of a lot of goodies and make money.

Continue down the path, and you'll find a cave. Pass through it, and you'll
find Vix. He tells you his story. You can either take him in the party, or
just tell him to get lost. You can also get two chants and a book here.

Enter the caves, and simply find the exit. You'll find an elevator, but it's
broken, so that'll have to wait till later. Outside you'll find a teleporter.

Follow the path to enter the lower level of the cave. You'll find one of
Tyr's man, but he'll transform into a zombie. A bit later, you can go either
left or right. Go right to find the Kithraya Hive Queen you need to kill for
Tamari. This area is hard, so beware.

Once you killed the Queen, head back and follow the other path. You'll be
outside again. Find the shard, and destroy it. This may just be the cause of
the plague. Walk a bit further to find the scholar. Talk to him. He'll
explain how the shard was indeed used to spread the plague. The plague isn't
a disease though; those spirits you saw take over the bodies of men and
beasts to fight again. Once they are killed, they'll find their peace.

Take the portal to leave this island. Then talk to Captain Suzor.

Chapter 7: Secret of the Azunite Desert [DS.03.09]

Secondary Quests: * Lelani's Sorrow (Continued)
* A Family's Heirloom (Finished)

Talk to Soldier Balamar to trade the Elven Ale with Skatch Cat ribs. Remember
who wanted meat? Indeed, someone in the inn. Take the teleporter home (the one
outside the camp, mind you) and go to the inn. Trade the Skatch Cat ribs with
Soldier Jordan for a statue of Xeria.

While you're here anyway, head to the falls and show the head of the spider
to Tamari. She'll reward you.

Head back to the desert, and follow the arrow. You'll find a big monster, but
he's not hostile (yet). Talk to him, and he'll try to kill you. Once you
killed him, you'll get the Stela of Blindness. Only three left.

Head straight west from there, and kill the monsters to find the Stela of
Life. Head back to were you found the first Stela, and open the other gate.
Head that way. Once you find a tower, enter it and take the elevator down.
Talk to Master Thestrin to get a quest.

Let's do this quest first. Head back to down, and go southeast to find the
crypt. Inside, don't open any door. There are level 28 monsters here, and it
can easily be your death. Talk to the statue, and give the answer. If you give
the wrong answer, you'll be attacked. I actually recommend to answer wrong
until no monsters will attack you anymore. Why? Because they give a great
deal of strong weapons and armor. Anyway, the correct answer is the order
3412. This will open the door, but inside are some level 28 and one level 30
enemies. What to do? Grab the quest item, try to open the chests (they
contain good stuff, trust me) and make sure no one dies. Then return to Master
Thestrin to get your reward - a chant. Give him his thing back, and he'll
teach you a real chant. The other one isn't very wise to use.

Now continue your main quest. Follow the path and kill the monsters to get the
Stela of Death. One final one to go. Head north and a bit east to find the
Stella of Sight. Now all you need to do is put them into the Lost Vault of the
Azunites. You can first enter the cave for some fun, but the main goal is to
walk east a bit, and enter the cave north. From there, you can reach the
Lost Vault by going down some elevators. Good treasures here too, but watch
out for the Mimics; they look like treasures, but are able to use magic
against you and hurt quite a bit. However, by opening all treasures new rooms
(where enemies come from) will be opened. One of them contains a chant.

Whatever you do, head down and place the Stelas. Open the door and grab the
chant in the main room. Then pick up the Silver Mirror and the map.

Chapter 8: The Lost Azunite Artifact [DS.03.10]

Enter the door that just opened, and go up. Then, walk to the north until you
find a teleporter. Perhaps it's time to sell some stuff? ;p

When you're done, follow the path. It'll lead to a cave, and eventually to
a room with lots of statues. Place the mirror you found in the statue that has
no mirror. Then just solve the easy puzzle; the light must shine into the
stone that's in the pillar next to you. Once this is done, the floor will lift

Head down, and pick up the artifact. Then talk to the Elven Spirit. You have
the blood of the Azunite in you, and are one of them. So much for that. The
elf will leave a chest. Open it for goodies.

Chapter 9: Windstone Fortress [DS.03.11]

Secondary Quests: * The Missing Squadron (Finished)
* The Imprisoned Half-Giant (Finished)

Go up, and talk to the Elven Spirit again. After a story of history, he'll
open a path (or you can tell him to cut it, and open it right away). Head

Outside is a teleporter. There is only one way to go, and that's inside
the cave. In here, one path goes up a staircase. It leads to a shrine to
chant. It's not really worth it, but the extra kills won't hurt you. In the
Room with the Skaths you'll be able to turn two valves in order to open a
secret room. Inside are enemies and goodies.

Now head back to the other exit. For a brief second you'll be outside, but
soon enough you'll be in the cave again. You can walk back to the other room
on a higher level to access a chest. Now continue down your little journey.

You'll find a teleporter, and a bit further the fortress. However, it's
pretty heavily guarded. Don't you love it when that happens?

Once you reached the fortress, someone will block the way to the bridge. What
a warm welcome.

Head to the end of the entrance, then head east. In the small hall, you'll
find a room where Private Banos stands. Talk to him for a quest. We need to
save some people.

Continue down the hall, and open the rooms for goodies. Watch out for Mimics
though. You'll find a book about half-giants on the floor. In that same hall,
enter the door to find a chant. Go back, and look at the small statue in the
hall. Active it to open a secret room.

Leave the hall. You can go either to the west wing, or continue the main
quest. First head to the west wing. You'll find a survivor here, a book about
Xeria and a chant. Now head the other way, up to the bridge.

You'll find a teleporter, and both Squadron Leader Taarth and Captain Dathry.
But first, head to the west, into the barracks and find the last survivor.
In the same room you'll find a chant. Head back, and talk to Squadron Leader
Taarth. He'll give you a key and some other stuff.

Now talk to the half-giant in the hole to start yet another quest. Talk to
Soldier Orayne about this matter.

Anyway, talk to Captain Dathry. You'll get one of the keys to the vault. Now
head down to the east, and open the vault. Continue to the next room. Pick
up a yellow block here, and put it down the socket. In the next room, find
yourself two green blocks, and put them down the socket. In the room after
that, kill the enemies to get a key, then put two red blocks down the socket.
Use the key to open the vault.

Inside, kill the enemies, grab the stuff and then combine the bowl with the
blue flames. Time to head back to Captain Dathry. Talk to him, and they'll
blow the barricade up. After that, talk to him again, and he'll let Sartan
free. You can let Sartan join your party, if you want to.

Anyway, continue over the bridge, into the temple. You may want to help the
soldiers slay the demons though.

Chapter 10: The Temple of Xeria [DS.03.12]

Secondary Quests: * Secrets of Xeria's Temple (Finished)

Inside, kill every enemy you'll find. Be sure you open every door as well,
just to be sure. Once they are all killed, the magical field will vanish.
Don't do anything with the artifact yet, though. Simply walk to the room
before the one with the statue, and find the green balls. Put it in the
socket. This will open a new room, with more balls, more sockets etc. I
explained this already, and I'm sure you'll manage. In the final room you'll
find a lot of stuff, and the quest item.

Go back to the inn one way or another, and talk to the man at the bar. He'll
give you some stuff.

Now head back to the statue and use the artifact on it. You can now enter the
next area. There are a lot of secret rooms here. Also find the book. Just
find the shard by taking the obvious route. You may find the earth chamber
when looking for secret rooms. You can't do anything there for now.

You'll find the boss of Act 1; a giant multi-headed snake. Fun stuff. You need
to kill each head, but it's not that hard. Once it's killed, destroy the shard
and enter the portal.

Act 2 [DS.03.13]

Chapter 1: The Town of Aman'Lu [DS.03.14]

Secondary Quests: * Tywlis' Broken Staff (Can be finished, no further info)
* A Dark Ohm (Finished in Chapter 5)
* Viperclaw (Can be finished, no further info)
* Arinth's Legendary Staff (Finished later)
* Mythrilhorn (Finished later)
* A Family Heirloom, Part II (Finished in Chapter 5)
* Lothar's Innocence (Lothar needed, finished in Chapter 4)
* Deru's Treasure Hunt (Deru needed, finished later)
* Mark of the Assassin (Finished later)

After the cinematic and the small talk, head inside the magic shop. Talk to
the woman to get a quest - it'll allow you to talk to the spirits later on.
On the top floor of the shop, you can find yourself two books.

Head towards the south gate (the bridge is broken). There is a small house to
the east. Enter it, and pick up the stone. This will start another quest.

After this, go to the pet shop and get another quest for another new pet.
After that, head south from there, and be sure you have Daru in your party.
Talk to the prospector for another quest.

Head back to the southern jungle of Act 1. From there, walk to the ruins next
to you. This is where you'll find the hidden treasure. Let Daru open it to
find some gold, and a riddle. That's it for now. Return back to the town of

Go northeast of the portal, and talk to Eolanda. Accept the quest for the
quest itself and a book. Inside her house is another book. Around the house
is Eumenidie. Talk to her for another quest that requires you to gather
ingredients. You can find them in the forest. You can buy a griffon feather
at the local magic shop. The house near her has the book "Dryads and their

From there, head to the northwest, and talk to Tywlis. She has another quest
for you. You can also find a book in her house. To help her, you need a
Rainbow Trinket. I got lucky and found it in town after a few tries at the

In the house behind the armor and weapon sellers is another book to be
found. If you did the quest for the blacksmith in Act 1, talk to his brother
to get your weapon.

Head to the inn. With Lothar in your party, talk to Roland. You'll get yet
another quest. Then talk to Athelas for another quest (that is, if you did
the Family Heirloom quest). You can get Amren to join your party, if that's
what you wish. I suggest you to wait. I'll get back to him once we can
finish his special quest later on. Upstairs is another book.

Now head to Celeb'Hel (the main quest, remember? ;p). Inside is another book.
After you got it, talk to him. You'll finish the quest, get a new one, get a
teleport stone and a map.

Chapter 2: Finala and the Broken Bridge [DS.03.15]

Not a hard part. Leave the town by heading north, and just stay on the path.
You'll cross a bridge once. You'll find Finala after a short while.

Chapter 3: The Elen'Lu Isles [DS.03.16]

A bit further north is a teleporter. Just keep going north. Why did you need
this walkthrough again? Just follow the path. When you get to a shrine for
chants, you can take a small shortcut by going north. Then follow the path
again to the next teleporter.

Head through the small temple, and then you'll find the isles. The FMV that'll
start spoils the whole "puzzle". You need to kill the enemies to find small
prisms. Use the magical bridges to access other isles. Put the small prisms
inside the devices you find in the north, east, south and west, and make sure
they point to the main structure. Once this is done, find the bridge that
leads to that main structure, and kill the enemies to find the large prism.
Put that on top of the structure.

The flames will go away, but you'll be ambushed by enemies. Kill them, and
then head back to town with either a spell or by the teleporter. Head to the
south and talk to Finala. She'll offer you to join your party. It's up to
you. If you follow my plan, wait a bit longer, and we can get her in the
party for the rest of the game.

Chapter 4: The Royal Caravan [DS.03.17]

Secondary Quests: * A Servant's Haunt (Finished in Chapter 5)
* Lothar's Innocence (Lothar needed, finished)
* Finala's Contempt (Finished later)
* A Servant's Haunt (Continued)

Leave town and head south. You'll see a house in the west. There is a book
here called Downfall of the Manu Ostar. Grab it. Then head to the house in the
east for a quest.

Head further south. Once you find two signs, you'll notice another path
that leads up a staircase. Head there. Inside the house are two chants;
Chant of Dexterity and Chant of Intelligence.

Head back and go south. You'll find a tree with a door. Enter it and push the
brick for a little treasure. Then follow the path again. You'll find a
teleporter. Head down south again, but once you're able to go to the west, do
so. You'll end up in a cave crawling with enemies. You only need to do this
when you're doing the quest "Lothar's Innocence". Find Magrus and talk to him.
He'll flee, but he'll drop the key to his house. Let's go find the house. Head
back to the teleporter, follow the path back to where you came from. Once you
see the health shrine, walk north a bit more, and then head east to find the
house. Talk to Magrus, but he'll fight for it. Attack him, and once you
damaged him enough, he'll surrender. Head to the inn, and talk to Roland to
finish the quest.

Depending on your situation, you might want to kick Lothar out of your party
now, and get Finala. His quest is done, after all. At least, that's what I did
;p We'll get him back in a sec.

Finala can active a new quest. You need to head to the Kithraya Valley, and
head inside the upper cave. There is a broken elevator here that Finala can
fix. Go down, and let her open the big chest. It seems the Morden have more
towers on the island, and we need to destroy them.

First head to the southern jungle teleporter. From there, walk away from the
big ruins (yes, away). You'll find an area with an entrance to some small
ruins. Finala will find a secret door there. Follow it to find the first
tower. Blow it up.

After that, head to the northern jungle teleporter, and go north. Remember the
wall that blocked a path? Finala will open it. Here you'll find tower two,
three and four. After that, you need to head to yet another Morden base.
However, we can't do that right now.

Simply head back to the teleporter in the forest we last found, and continue
the main journey from there. After a while, you'll notice you can take an
elevator down at some structure in the middle of a field. Do so.

Once you are down, the ghost wants a word with you. We can't talk to it yet
though. Take the only door that you can open. Inside you'll find the Chant of
Fighter Health. In the next room you'll find the Chant of Ranger Health and
the Chant of Mage Health. In this room, also push a brick to open a hidden
room. Now head back. We can't do a thing before we know the Chant of Dead.

Continue down the path, and you'll notice the caravan is shattered into quite
some pieces. Time to pay back the Vai'Kesh. Note the teleporter and how the
guy has a quest. You can't do this yet, since you need Eva for this. I'll get
back to this later.

Continue down the path. After a while, you'll see you can leave the main path
and go a bit higher. Do this, and you'll find a tree with an elevator inside
(right...). Open the secret room and kill the big fat nasty enemy. You'll find
a mysterious chant here.

Now go back to the path and follow it. You'll find the Vai'Kesh, but you can't
enter the gate. Just continue to find the sanctuary. Talk to the guard who's
standing next to the door. He'll let you in. Inside, talk with the prophet.

Chapter 5: The Vai'Kesh and the Aegis of Death [DS.03.18]

Secondary Quests: * A Servant's Haunt (Finished)
* A Servant's Haunt, Part II (Finished)
* A Dark Ohm (Finished)
* Deru's Treasure Hunt (Continued)

Apparently they don't want you to take the aegis. Then we'll get it by force.
Kill all the enemies to release the spell on the door. On the upper floor is
a brick you can push to gain access to the Chant of Fighter Power. In this
room you can push another brick to open another secret room. Inside is a Mimic
though, so I suggest to just leave it be. Enter the door that was protected

Now simple follow the path. You'll end up outside. From there, head south to
find a teleporter and a cave. Enter the cave. Once you are outside again (on
the other side, that is), you'll find another teleporter. Why they put it
there is beyond me. You just passed one. Before you head out and kill the
damn elf, first head south.

Enter the small cave here. The demon will be unleashed. Kill it, and talk to
Athelas for your reward. Now head back, and walk towards the elf. He'll flee
again. Kill his servants and enter the cave ahead of you.

Kill the enemies here, and open the door. You'll observe the ritual, so you
can learn the Chant of Dead. Finally. Kill the enemies here for some
experience. You'll find the Chant of Fortification here.

Head back to town and finish the quest for the Chant of Dead to finally get
it. Remember the ghost that wanted to talk with you? Head to the southern
Vai'Lutra forest to get there. Use the Chant of Dead on the shrine, and then
head to the structure in the middle of the field. Go down, and talk with the

After a short while, you need to follow him into the next room. Kill the
enemies, and pick up the portrait of the Lady of the Estate. Return to the
ghost and talk to it. He'll move to the next room, where you'll find a lock of
hair. Return it to the ghost for another story. He'll head to the next room.
Kill the enemies, pick up the love letter, and return it to the ghost once
again. He'll send you to a secret room where you'll find some jewels.
back to Amen'Lu, and talk with Eldoriath to finish the quest.

However, when you talk to the spirit again, he needs some more help. Accept
this for another quest. Head back to Eiluran, and head to the inn. Talk with
Lady Levreth here. She admits she murdered him, but tells her someone else
convinced her to do it. He is in Amen'Lu.

Head back to Amen'Lu and find Guardian Commander Withril (north of the
teleporter). Talk to him, and then kill him. The elder will reward you, and
the spirit can now finally rest.

Head back to the teleporter in the Vai'Kesh forest. Cross the bridge (the one
next to the cave where you learned the Chant of Dead). Follow the path again.
Once you crossed the second bridge, head to the west, and enter the cave. I
found an Onyx Fragment there, which you may or may not need.

Head back to the path, and follow it. After a while, you'll end up in the
Arinth's Ravine, and you'll find a teleporter. Continue until you walked over
a bridges. There is an ice cave when you walk away from the path around here.
Kill the enemies inside, and you'll find a chest. Let Deru open it for yet
another riddle.

When you follow the path again, you'll eventually find the prophet again. But
once again, he'll flee away. You'll find a teleporter here. Now simply follow
him again until you found him. This time it's finally time to kick his tiny
little ass. Do so, and also make sure you kill his "friends".

Now we only need to find the Aegis. The cave ahead of you have a shrine to
chant and a lot of treasures. The other cave contains more treasures, a
ghostly spirit (I'll get back to this later) and the Aegis. However, it's
guarded by a boss called Knotted Shamble. Defeat the stupid tree. Burn it
down. BUUURN! *Cough*

It's a harder fight than you'd expect. Before you can hit him, you first need
to cut through his armor. Fire is the best way. After the armor is gone,
ignore him for a while, and go after his hatchlings and leaf generators. Once
those are destroyed, finish the tree off.

When the fight is over, grab up the treasures and pick up the Aegis. Talk to
the Azunite scholar. You need to save the princess (they stole it from Mario).

Chapter 6: Princess Evangeline [DS.03.19]

Secondary Quests: * Rahvan's Curse (Finished)

Walk ahead and enter the portal. There is a crypt nearby. Enter it to find
the Chant of Self-Awareness in a secret room. Find the local teleporter after

Head back the east, and you'll find a frozen crypt. It's good for
experience and you'll find a Quest Item (which has no use yet) inside;
Champion's Death Mask. Also look around for secret rooms.

Feeling adventurous? (I know you are) Head further east to find another frozen
crypt. Inside is another one of those masks. And if that's not enough, you'll
also be able to find more secret rooms. Lucky you.

Now head back to the teleporter. We've had enough fun. Well not really. Next
to the teleporter is another crypt, with another mask. Go grab it tiger.

Simply continue down the road, until you find another crypt on your left.
Enter it for another mask. Don't forget to check the secret rooms. Now follow
the path to the next teleporter. Talk with Champion Rahvan here. Since you
have the masks, you can complete this part of the quest right away, and get
another one - kill the man who killed him.

Now enter the catacombs, and just follow the path around. There isn't really
anything else to tell you. Don't be afraid to take a detour in order to find
treasures and whatnot. Find the teleporter in the south.

Head back to the north a bit, and then head west. You'll end up outside. Find
the tower in the north, and go up. You'll find some treasures here, and two
chants; the Chant of Ranged Awareness and the Chant of Melee Awareness. Then
head back to the teleporter, and go south again.

There is a puzzle here. Good thing you wrote down the combination for it =D
Wait, you didn't? *Sigh* The life of a walkthrough writer can be hard
sometimes. Giving solutions and such. Anyway, the combination was written on
the ground at the beginning of the catacombs. It's dead tree, closed eye, open
eye, loving tree. Once the elevator is up, go down.

So, all we need to do now, is save the princess. Once you can go either south
or west, head south first. You'll find the dead symbol. Say the chant, and the
door will open. Kill the enemies inside, and grab all the extra treasures.
You'll also find the Chant of Purity. Now bring the soulstone back to the
spirit who was guarding the tomb. Another good job done.

Now head back to the serious business, and follow the path. Once you found
her, it's time to fight one Evil Wizard of Valdis. He'll summon big skeletons
to aid him. Destroy those first. When he summons a shield around him, you need
to destroy the shield, before you'll be able to hurt him. It's a long fight,
but not hard. Talk with Eva after the right. She wants to join your party.
Let's not do that for now, since we have quests to attend. I'll come back to
her later.

Chapter 7: The Siege of Snowbrook Haven [DS.03.20]

Secondary Quests: * Arinth's Legendary Staff (Finished)
* Arinth the Mad (Finished)
* Lelani's Sorrow (Continued)
* Evangeline's Folly (Finished)

Simply leave the room, go up the elevator and go through the many halls.
You'll end up outside. Follow the path to find a teleporter. Continue from
there. You'll find a tower ahead of you, with the Chant of Magic Awareness and
a chest.

Find the shrine to chant. Use the Chant of Dead, and head back to the tower.
Around there, look for a stairway that heads down. There is an elevator
here. Talk with the guardian down there, and open the chest to find a part
of the staff for Arinth. We'll go get the other two pieces in a second, trust

Now head back on the main path. When you're able to go south, do so. The
bridge to the west is destroyed and has no use. When you keep going south,
you'll find a teleporter.

There are more ways that lead to Rome, and there are more ways that lead to
the next teleporter. You can either wander through the snow, or you can walk
through the caves; the all link to the outside world. Do as you like, and
cross the bridge to the next teleporter. Be aware that the caves obviously
have more treasures.

From the teleporter you should follow the path. A movie will trigger after
a pretty long walk. That means you need to leave the main path, and go
there. You'll find a teleporter.

Before we continue with the main quest, let's do the staff-quest I mentioned
a bit earlier. The first part is in the Cliffs of the Azunai. Head to the
teleporter of the western cliffs, and head east. Enter the cave. From there,
simply walk south until you find a staircase. Head up there, and find the
shrine to chant. Then walk back and go down with the elevator. The button to
active it, can be found on the steps next to the elevator. When you're down,
talk with the spirit, and open the chest.

Only one part left. Head back to Amen'Lu, take the teleporter to
the Aman'lu Hills and walk north from there. When you find a shrine to
chant, use the Chant of Dead. Keep going north, until you find a bridge.
Head west from there, until you find a cave. Don't enter it, but turn around
and head east. You'll be able to take a small path down. You'll find an
elevator there (yes, go down with it). When you have the final piece of the
staff, return to Eolande in Amen'Lu. You'll finish the quest and get the

We can start a new quest right away. Let someone equip the staff (Finala
comes in mind), and head to the teleporter in the Lost Azunite Valley. Head
straight east, and take the elevator down (the button is hidden). Inside,
keep pressing buttons until you found the Elven Prison. Free Arinth. Lit the
lamp here to open a room where you'll find a bucket (yes, a bucket - you need
it for the secret area in the game). Teleport to the Emen'Lu Isles. You'll
find Arinth in the temple. Kill him to finish the quest.

Put the staff away, and get Eva in your party. She's waiting at the inn of
Amen'Lu. Get her some gear, and then take her to the broken caravan (Southern
Vai'Lutra Forest). Let her talk with Mylindril.

Head to the Western End of Arinth's Ravine, and walk west from there. Enter a
cave when you can (just before a bridge). Talk with the elf at the door, and
he'll let you in. Of course, we'll do it the hard way, so we'll have to fight
our way through. Find the enemy that holds the key, and open the cell.
Jessic can't be found here, so we need to search for him.

Leave the cave, and head east. Check your mini-map to find the next cave
(just east, and when possible north). Free the soldier inside. Of course, it's
not Jessic, but what did you expect?

Head to the eastern teleporter of the ravine. Walk back to the west, and when
you can head north. Then follow the path to find another stronghold. This is
where you'll find Jessic.

And now that we are finally done with all those silly quests, let's return to
the main quest. Return to the last teleporter. Walk further towards the
castle, and you'll enter through the servant's entrance.

Now follow the halls. Enter the side-rooms for extra goodies. Once you went
up some stairs, you'll find a room with a sprit (we'll talk with all
spirits in one go in Act 3, but if you want you can talk to it right now). In
the same room is a Mysterious Chant. When you crossed the bridge, you'll
find the book Kings and Queens of the Northern Reaches.

Head to the throne room, and get the key from underneath the throne. Kill
the enemies, and enter the door in the east. Follow the path from here until
you found the teleporter.

From there, just follow the arrow once again. Once you reached the courtyard,
you'll need to kill the Morden and talk with the captain. Before you do that,
enter the building straight ahead of you, and trade the statue of Xelia with
a Morden Head on a Pike. Now talk with the commander.

Chapter 8: The Siege of Snowbrook Haven, Part II [DS.03.21]

Enter the building in the east, and find your way up. Once you got there,
kill the Brall who are throwing things down. Take the elevator down, and talk
to the commander.

The Morden will break through the gate. Kill them, and talk with the commander
again. You need to destroy the dragon. Head up with the elevator, and head
south. You need to move the ballistic, so it aims at the dragon, and then use
the ballistic itself to fire at the dragon. In the mean-time, he'll shoot
fire at you, and enemies will drop down. Just finish the dragon off as quick
as you can, and you'll be fine. Report to the commander when it died.

She'll turn into a zombie, so just run, and get the Aegis (in the east).
Once you try to go further east, after you found the second Aegis, the dragon
will show up again. Finish it off once and for all. Pick up the stuff, and
talk to the scholar. Before you leave the castle, pick up the Greater Chant
of Intelligence behind the portal, the Greater Chant of Dexterity and the
Great Chant of Strength. Then leave.

Find Lord Kaltrathia in the town of Kaltrathia and talk to the little kid.

Act 3 [DS.03.22]

Chapter 1: Restore Kaltrathia's Water [DS.03.23]

Secondary Quests: * Dwarven Song of Ore (Finished later)
* The Lore of Aranna (Finished later)
* The Lost Jewels of Soranith (Finished later)
* The Legendary Mace of Agarrus (Finished)
* The Mage's Apprentice (Finished later)
* Mark of the Assassin (Continued)

So, the last act already. Talk with Historical Leontia for a quest. You need
to recover a song.

Then head to the inn, and talk with Khartos. He'll help you with a previous
quest. Also talk to Kevarre the Explorer for another quest. Head towards the
alchemy shops, and talk with Mage Boden for yet another quest. AFter that talk
to Enchantress Valeria for an old quest.

When you go straight east from the teleporter, you'll be able to enter a
house. There's the book "Elves and Elven Culture" here. Outside is Berseba,
who has another quest for you. Then walk to the house near the northern wall.
Inside is the book "The Legacy of Azunai".
Head up the stairs to the east, and enter the house to the north. Talk with
Telgrey the Scholar for... yes, a quest. He wants twenty books from you.
If you followed the guide, you'll have a great deal of them (but not all).
Four are hidden and can only be found during Amren's quest, which we didn't
start yet. Later, my friend.

Finally, find Nora in Kaltrathia, and talk to her for a quest (northern part
of town). We will do the quest right away. First, head to the Temple of Xeria.
Head west from the teleporter, and then north. Use the statue to find the
Chamber of Earth. Stand on the yellow symbol, equip the staff, and press
enter. Then type "acresso arcanum" (without quotes). That's number one. Now
the next one.

Head to the Lost Valley of the Azunite and head south from the teleporter.
You'll find the Caverns of the Phoenix. Do the same thing as before. For the
last one, head to the Snowbrook Haven Living Quarters. From there, walk back
towards the Servant's Entrance. Once you crossed a bridge, head north and
you'll find the Caverns of Frost. Do your thing. We'll get back to the quest

Return to Amen'Lu, and talk to Explorer Tai'esse in the tavern for an update
on a quest. Head to the Snowbrook Foothills, and enter the grotto. Then find
your way to two wooden doors, which you can open with the key (that's as
detailed as it gets). Inside, pick up the tablet and return it. We now need
to head to the Lost Valley of the Azunite. From there, walk towards the
fortress. You'll walk over a bridge in a small canyon, before you enter a cave
again. Here, seek the bridge that doesn't lead to the other side. Find the
button to active it. Take the elevator down and talk with the man inside to
finish the quest.

Head to Amen'Lu again, and talk with the bartender. Deny the stories, and you
can enter the arena. Use the elevator behind him to get down, and talk with
the man. He'll let you in. All the way down is another man. Talk with him,
and you can play. You need to buy a token, use it, and defeat the enemies.
Do this ten times to win. Once you did that (you may need to come back later
because you're too weak right now), you'll be able to get a token from the
mysterious set - needed to enter the secret area.

Quests [DS.04.01]

Act 1 [DS.04.02]

Primary Quests [DS.04.03]

Chapter 1: Simply follow the orders and follow the linear path.

Chapter 2: Once you are free, go to the blacksmith to get some stones. Then
leave the town through the only possible exit and follow the guard.

Chapter 3: Simply follow the arrows on your compass, and destroy the four
towers. Then return to town.

Chapter 4: Take the teleporter behind the fourth tower, and head south. Inside
the shrine, you'll find the fountain with the cure.

Chapter 5: Leave town through the south gate, and follow the path. You'll end
up at the colony. Save the old man and talk to him.

Chapter 6: Head through the cave ahead of you. You need to go through the
upper and lower level. Once outside, destroy the shard and talk to the old
man of chapter 5, who's standing on the beach. Take the teleporter and talk
to the captain.

Chapter 7: Head north of town, by taking the path down. Talk to the monsters,
then kill them. Head west for the second Stela. Head back and go north for
the third Stela. Then go north and west for the final Stela. Find the
vault in the cave to the northeast, and put the Stelas there. Then pick up
the goodies.

Chapter 8: Leave the vault, head up and then head north. In the next cave
you'll find a puzzle with mirrors. Put the mirror you found into the statue
and solve the easy puzzle. Check the map you got if you're unsure. Head down
the stairs, pick up the artifact and talk to the Elven Spirit.

Chapter 9: Head up the stairs and talk to the Elven Spirit. Follow the path
until you found the fortress. Inside, find the captain. Head inside the
vault, and kill the monsters to get the key to the inner vault. Put the
bowl into the blue flames, then return to the captain. Head for the temple
and head inside.

Chapter 10: Kill everyone inside, and put the artifact into the hands of the
statue. Then kill the big boss, destroy the shard and enter the portal.

Secondary Quests [DS.04.04]

The Armorer's Apprentice (lvl. 3) - Talk with the girl inside the shop of the
blacksmith to start this quest. Once you can access the great hall (at the
end of chapter 3), head inside and find the book she needs. Read it and
remember what she needs. Then tell her how it works, and she'll create armor
for you.

Lumilla's Salve (lvl. 3)- You need to get four clusters. You can either buy
them from the merchant near the shops, or find them in the jungle. Your
reward is an item to enchant your armor/weapons.

Lelani's Sorrow (lvl. 3)- Start this by talking to the woman near the pet
shop. She wants to get a safekeep. Pick up the doll. You can trade it with
Fenella near the falls. The ale you get can be traded with a soldier at the
end of chapter 6, in the desert. He'll give you meat, which you can trade for
a statue with a guy in the inn. The statue can be traded with a soldier
during Act 2, chapter 7, who's hiding in the building the commander stands
on when you first meet her. Go south of Aman'lu, past the bridge and talk
to the guy inside one of the houses there for some Elven water. Then, North
of Kaltrathia is a small tower, take the elevator down there and give the
water to that guy for an old relic. Take that to one of the guys sitting
in one of the corner towers of Kalrathia for some feathers. Take these to
the fletcher Ithirenne in Aman'lu for an Orchid, and finally, go back to
Eirulan and finish this quest.

Secrets of the Elven Shrine (lvl. 8)- Head to the district with the pet shop,
but don't enter the shop. Go around, and walk up. Talk to the woman to start
the quest. Then head to the elven shrine, and take the elevator down. Push
the brick. You need to put bricks into the slots with the same color. You'll
find what the woman wants, so return it.

The Kithraya Hive (lvl. 13) - Head to the Kithraya cave (you'll go there
during chapter 6 anyway), and find the spider. She's guarded by a lot of
enemies. Bring her head to Tamari, who's near the falls.

The Hak'u (lvl. 7) - During chapter 3, you'll find a woman who gets attacked
by a Hak'u. Talk to her. You'll find the secret cave between the third and
fourth tower. Inside the woman you're looking for will be freed.

The Hak'u, Part II (lvl. 10) - Talk to the woman you freed near the great hall
to start the second quest. You need to find a friendly Hak'u. You can find
him by heading to the Exile Colony, but taking the other road from there.
The Hak'u will ask you to kill a high Hak'u leader. Head to the teleporter
in the western jungle and head straight west to find him. Then head back to
the area around the great hall to complete the quest.

Dire Wolf (lvl. 10) - Talk to the woman in the pet shop about "something
powerful" to start this quest. Go to the mage in the great hall. He'll head
away. You'll find him by going to the ruins he mentioned, and be heading to a
cave north of there. Once you got there, kill the enemies that come through
the portal. Head back to the pet shop. From that moment on, you can get a
Dire Wolf as pet.

Taar's Investigation (lvl. 10) - With Taar as active party member, talk to
Arianne near the great hall. Head north from town to the Hak'u Camp to find
the blade you need. Then go through the south gate of town, and find a cave
with the beast. slay it, and head back to Arianne.

Felwyr the Blacksmith (lvl. 12) - Head to the Dryad Colony, and walk back
to the path you came from. Once you are near a bridge, leave the path and
enter a cave. Talk to the blacksmith, and help him to recover his gear.
Then get the weapon in Amen'Lu.

A Family's Investigation (lvl. 14) - Talk to the guy inside the tower between
the second and third Stela. Then head back to town, and head southeast from
there. Don't open any doors, but talk to the statue. The answers are in the
order 3412. Inside are strong monsters, but at least grab the quest item.
Return and give it. You'll get two chants; never use the first one.

The Imprisoned Half-Giant (lvl. 19) - At the barricade in the fortress, talk
with the half-giant. Then follow the main story until the barricade gets
blown up and talk with the captain. After that, talk with the half-giant.

The Missing Squadron (lvl. 18) - When enter the fortress, and walk through
the east wing, and enter the hall from there, open a room. Talk with the
soldier there. Help him recover this squad. Follow the mini-map to find
them. Then talk to the squadron leader.

Secrets of the Xeria's Temple - Talk with the guy in the inn, sitting by the
bar, and listen to his long story. Then, near the end of Act 1, find the
secret room with the treasures (refer to the Elven Shrine quest to see what
kind of puzzle it is). Return back to the guy, and tell him that his item
wasn't there.

Act 2 [DS.04.05]

Primary Quests [DS.04.06]

Chapter 1: Easy enough, talk to Celeb'Hel.

Chapter 2: Find Finala north of town.

Chapter 3: Find the isles, kill the protectors to get prisms. Put them in the
devices and make sure the devices point to the main structure. Kill enemies
there, use big prism on structure. Go back to town and talk to Finala.

Chapter 4: Head south until you found the caravan.

Chapter 5: Follow the path until you find the Vai'Kesh. Head into the
sanctuary, and talk to the prophet. Kill all the elves and go after him.
After a while, you'll find him and kill him. Enter the cave ahead, and find
the Aegis. Kill the boss, and grab the Aegis. Then head through the portal

Chapter 6: Find all the four masks in the crypts in this area. Then find
the spirit who's protecting the catacombs. Talk to him, and give him the
masks. Head inside and keep going down until you find an elevator with a
puzzle. The combination is dead tree, closed eye, open eye, living tree. Go
down and find the princess. Save her.

Chapter 7: Simple go outside, and follow the path to the castle. Enter
through the servant's entrance. Find the throne, and get the key. Then head
outside and talk to the commander.

Chapter 8: Head inside the castle and kill the enemies on the tower. Take the
elevator down, and talk to the commander. Take the elevator up, and kill the
dragon. Then head back to her to get the key to the Aegis. Find the Aegis,
and continue down the hall. Kill the dragon once and for all, and talk to the
scholar. Use the portal and then talk to the elder, who's a little kid.

Secondary Quests [DS.04.07]

Tywlis' Broken Staff (lvl. 30) - Talk with Tywlis in Amen'Lu. She needs a
rainbow trinket. You can either find it in the forest or in the shop.

A Dark Ohm (lvl. 26) - Talk with the woman from the shop in Amen'Lu. Then
during Act 2, chapter 5, you'll chase after the prophet. Once you found him,
he'll run off. In the cave nearby you'll be able to hear the chant. Return
back to her.

Spirits of Aranna (lvl. 26) - Once you have the Chant of Dead, you can talk
to the spirits all around Aranna. You can find them here:
1. In the Lost Valley of the Azunites, behind a wall of the ruins.
2. Inside the Hak'u Cave close to the Dryad outpost at the beginning.
3. In the Western Greilyn Jungle, near a half-broken wall.
4. Eastern Greilyn Beach, on the ledge overlooking said beach.
5. In the bridge overlooking the waterfall in Eirulan's Falls.
6. Inside the Temple of Xeria, overlooking the statue of Xeria. Access the
place by touching the statue by the shrine.
7. North Greilyn Jungle, inside the cave behind the waterfall.
8. In Snowbrook Haven, as you head towards the Living Quarters from the
Servant's Entrance, you will find it.
9. In the ravine close to the Snowbrook Haven portal.
10. In the Aman'lu Inn, on the second floor in the balcony.
11. In the basement of the fletcher's house in Aman'lu.
12. In the Ancient Burial Grounds, take the ramp leading out to the Garden of
the Ancients, this island-like place is not accessible otherwise.
13. Eastern Plains of Tear, east of Kalrathia. In a group of ruins.
14. In Kalrathia, on the upper balcony.

Viperclaw (lvl. 19) - Talk to Eumenidie in Amen'Lu. She needs three
ingredients you can find in the forest or in the shop.

Arinth's Legendary Staff (lvl. 26) - Talk with Eolande in Amen'Lu. She needs
three pieces for her staff. You can find the second part near the teleporter
of Snowbrook Valley. Use the Chant of Dead, and find a staircase that goes
down (next to an tower) to find an elevator (next to a river). Go down, and
talk to the spirit. In the chest is the second part. The first part can be
found by going into the cave that the elven spirit opened for you during
Act 1. Then head to the upper level, and find a staircase. Once there,
use the shrine for chanting, and head down the elevator. The final part can
be found by going to the teleporter for the Aman'Lu hills. Find the shrine,
and use the chant. Follow the path again till you found a bridge. Head
west until you found a cave. Turn around, go east, and find a way down. Use
the elevator here and get the final piece. Then talk to Eolande.

Arinth the Mad (lvl. 26) - Take the teleporter to the Lost Valley of the
Azunite. Go straight east, and take the elevator down. Keep opening
secret rooms until you found the prison. Use the staff you got in the
previous quest to free him. Teleport to the Emen'Lu Isles and kill him
inside the temple.

Mythrilhorn (lvl. 33) - Talk with Khartos in Kaltrathia. He's at the inn.
Fight him, and he'll agree to help you. (More to come)

A Family Heirloom, Part II (lvl. 26) - Talk with a man in the inn in Amen'Lu.
Then in the Vai'Kesh Forest (close to the second teleporter), you'll find
a small cave with a demon. Kill the demon and talk with the man again.

Lothar's Innocence (lvl. 24) - With Lothar in your party, talk with a man in
the inn in Amen'Lu. Then go south from the first teleporter in the forest
south of Amen'Lu. You'll find a cave in the southwest from it. Inside,
talk to Magrus. Head back to the teleporter and head northeast to find his
house. Enter, and fight him. Then return to the inn and talk to the man.

Deru's Treasure Hunt (lvl. 19) - With Deru in your party, talk with the
prospector in the south of the town. He'll give a map. Head to the ruins
in the eastern jungle and head down there. Open the door, and then the
chest. In the Vai'Kesh forest you'll be able to find a frozen cave. Here
is the second chest. (More to come)

Mark of the Assassin (lvl. 35) - In the south of Amen'Lu, pick up the green
crystal in an abandoned house. Talk to Enchantress Valeria in Kaltrathia
about this. (More to come)

The Aman'Lu Arena (lvl. 19) - Keep talking to the bartender at the inn of
Amen'Lu until he gave you a password. Walk behind him and go down with
the elevator. Then tell the man the password, and head down. You need to
buy tokens for a fight. Each fight will give you a key to a door. The
room behind the door holds a treasure. There are nine fights, and each
time it gets harder.

A Servant's Haunt (lvl. 26) - A bit south from Amen'Lu, you can get this
quest. Get the chant of dead in the "A Dark Ohm" quest. Then head to the
teleporter that's next to the broken caravan. Head back to the field and
go down with the elevator in the structure. You'll find a ghost here.
Talk to it, and follow his directions. Then head back to report with the

A Servant's Haunt, Part II (lvl. 26) - Talk with the spirit, and you'll
get this quest. First head to the inn in the town where you began, and
talk with the woman standing next to a table. Then head to Amen'Lu and
head to the house of the elder. Talk with the man standing next to him, and
kill him. Talk with the spirit.

Amren's Vision (lvl. 19) - You need to enter four secret areas, and do
stuff there. You can recognise the area by the circle of mushrooms. Use
Amren to use this as an elevator.
* One is near the big ruins in the jungle.
* One is next to an teleporter in the forest south of Amen'Lu.
* One is near the entrance to the catacombs of the Azunite.
* One is build under my desk, by little dwarfs that are my slaves. I
treat them good though. (I'll add the last one as soon as I find it).

Finala's Contempt (lvl. 22) - With Finala in your party, head to the Kithraya
valley. Enter the upper levels and fix the elevator. Open the big chest.
Head to the ruins in the jungle, and head the other way from there. You'll
find some smaller ruins. Enter the small underground room to find a secret
room. Follow it and blow the tower up. Then head to the northern jungle and
find the wall that's blocking a path. Blow up the other towers. (More info
to come)

Rahvan's Curse (lvl. 28) - The man who protects the catacombs of the Azunite
(yes, Rahvan) wants to rest. You need to simply enter the catacombs, and
find a mark of dead (a dead tree) somewhere. It's in the area after the
elevator with the puzzle, before you save the princess. Say the chant he
gave, and kill the boss. Head back to Rahvan to get your reward.

Evangeline's Folly (lvl. 28) - With Eva in your party, talk with the man
next to the broken caravan. Then head into the Vai'Kesh territory, and find
the soldiers.

Act 3 [DS.04.08]

Primary Quests [DS.04.09]

Chapter: Sing a happy song while you wait for this.

Secondary Quests [DS.04.10]

Dwarven Song of Ore (lvl. 35) - Talk with Historical Leontia in Kaltrathia.
(More to come)

The Lore of Aranna (lvl. 33) - Talk with Telgrey the Scholar in Kaltrathia.
You need to find twenty books. (More to come)

The Lost Jewels of Soranith (lvl. 33) - Talk with Kevarre the Explorer in
Kaltrathia. (More to come)

The Legendary Mace of Agarrus (lvl. 33) - Talk with Berseba in Kaltrathia.
Return to Amen'Lu and talk to Explorer Tai'esse about this. (More to come)

The Mage's Apprentice (lvl. 34) - Talk with Mage Boden in Kaltrathia. (More to

Quest Log [DS.05.01]

Note: This is boring work, and it may take a while to fully write this
section, since it's not as important as other parts.

Act 1 [DS.05.02]

Primary Quests [DS.05.03]

Chapter 1: The Siege of Greilyn Beach
Intended Level: 0

Having left your hometown to find fortune and glory and to see the world, you
and your best friend Drevin have been fighting as mercenaries in Valdis' Army
for the last few years.

You have been transported to Greilyn beach via Dragon flight, and ordered to
travel through the trenches the landing force has prepared to help Valdis
secure a powerful artifact. Not much is known about the artifact other than
that it lies within a temple nearby called the Temple of the Coast and that
the island's dryad inhabitants currently protect it.

1. Get your orders from Morden Lieutenant Jerind.
Morden Lieutenant Jerind will give you your orders now that you have arrived
on the beach.

2. Destroy the training dummy using a melee weapon.
A live soldier is much more effective than a dead one, so the Morden have set
up a combat training area to ensure the mercenaries know how to fight. This
will teach you how to use melee weapons.

3. Destroy the training dummy using a ranged weapon.
A live soldier is much more effective than a dead one, so the Morden have set
up a combat training area to ensure the mercenaries know how to fight. This
will teach you how to use ranged weapons.

4. Destroy the training dummy using a nature magic spell or combat magic
A live soldier is much more effective than a dead one, so the Morden have set
up a combat training area to ensure the mercenaries know how to fight. This
will teach you how to cast spells.

5. Get your orders from Morden Lieutenant Kargack.
Morden Lieutenant Kargack will give you your orders after your weapon
training is complete.

6. Destroy the Bracken shell.
The Dryads defending the island have summoned a shell filled with Bracken.
You'll have to destroy it in order to proceed.

7. Make your way to the front lines.
You have been ordered to report to the front lines to join the rest of the
mercenaries. You'll have to fight your way through the trenches to get there.

8. Reinforce the troops on the other side of the tunnel.
Travel through the tunnel to reach the Temple of the Coast and help Valdis'
army secure the artifact that lies within the temple.


Chapter 2: Prisoner of War
Intended Level: 3

After securing the Temple of the Coast at Greilyn beach, Valdis rather than
giving a reward for his success, savagely attacked all of the mercenaries.

You were knocked unconscious and, had it not been for your best friend Drevin
stepping in front of you at the last moment, you probably wouldn't even be

You were discovered by the Dryads who took you back to the treetop village of
Eirulan as a prisoner where you overhead and Elf known as Amren asking your
warden to treat you kindly, but you do not know why.

1. Go to the Mercenary Shops and ask for the Basket of Sharpening Stones.
Find the merchant shops and ask Weaponsmith Duma or her apprentice for the
basket of sharpening stones. This will show Warden Celia that you can be
trusted and can make yourself useful, which will hopefully earn you some
amount of freedom.

2. Bring the Sharpening Stones to the Dryad Outpost.
Take the sharpening stones you received from Apprentice Telinu to the outpost
north of Eirulan. They are needed by the Dryad soldiers defending there. To
reach it, take the lift at Eirulan's north gate. A guard will escort you
to the outpost.

3. Kill all of the Morden Attackers and release the Captured Dryad.
The Morden have overrun the Dryad outpost and captured the soldiers stationed
there. Since you used to fight as a mercenary in Valdis' army alongside the
Morden, Warden Celia will probably blame you for this if you don't work to
free them.

4. Speak with Warden Celia at the Dryad Outpost.
After Valdis turned on the mercenaries and killed your best friend Drevin,
you had no qualms with dispatching your former employer's minions. By saving
the Dryads from the Morden, you have done them a favor. Hopefully, Warden
Celia will agree.


Chapter 3: The Morden Towers
Intended Level: 3

Freeing the captured Dryads has gained you more respect than is usually given
to a prisoner, but to earn full trust and freedom you must born down the four
Morden watchtowers in the jungles surrounding Eirulan.

1. Find the First Morden Tower.
The first Morden tower is located somewhere in the Greilyn jungle to the north
of Eirulan.

2. Burn down the First Morden Tower.
Protect the Dryad community from the Morden by burning down the first Morden
tower. You will need to create a torch using some kind of wood and a fire.

3. Find and burn down the Second Morden Tower.
Find the second Morden tower and burn it down just like the first tower.

4. Find and burn down the Third Morden Tower.
Find the third Morden watchtower and burn it down just like the first and
second towers.

5. Find and burn down the Fourth Morden Tower.
Find the fourth Morden watchtower and burn it down just like the first,
second, and third towers.

6. Return to Warden Celia in the Eirulan Prisoner's Terrace.
Inform Warden Celia that the four Morden watchtowers have been burned down.
Hopefully, she will your freedom. Warden Celia can be found outside of the

7. Speak with Taar in the Eirulan Great Hall.
Speak to Taar so that will return your equipment and remove the Ring of
Submission that marks you as a prisoner.


Chapter 4: The Plague
Intended Level: 7

Burning down the Morden watchtowers has gained you the respect of the Dryads.

Taar removed the prisoner's Ring of Submission from your neck, but the Dryads
believe that you were infected with a deadly plague. From what you've been
told, your only hope for a cure is to reach the Elven Shrine at the top of the
ridge in the western Greilyn jungle and drink from the fountain there.

1. Find the ancient Elven Shrine.
Taar believes that the fountain of water within the Elven Shrine will cure the
plague. Return to the western Greilyn jungle and travel south past the Dryad
outpost on the ridge to reach the shrine's entrance.

2. Locate the Elven Fountain.
The fountain that may contain your cure is rumored to be somewhere deep
within the Elven Shrine.

3. Fill the Empty Vial with water from the Elven Fountain.
The vial Taar gave you should hold enough water to cure yourself and the
plagued Dryads. More importantly, returning with a full vial will prove to
Taar that you no longer have the plague.

4. Report back to Taar in the Eirulan Great Hall.
You found the fountain, drank from it, and no longer have the plague. You
don't feel any different after drinking the water, but at least you have a
vial full of the cure for Taar and the Dryads.


Chapter 5: The Dryad Exile Colony
Intended Level: 9

After drinking from the fountain in the Elven Shrine, you filled your vial
with the last of the curative water. You have been asked to bring it to a
colony of exiled Dryads who have the plague.

1. Find the Dryad Exile Colony.
The colony of Dryad plague victims can be found in the Greilyn jungle to the
south of Eirulan. Take your filled vial to the encampment there.

2. Save the Old Man.
An old man is in great danger from the plagued Dryads. Save him from their
mad attacks.


More to come.

Secondary Quests [DS.05.04]

The Armorer's Apprentice
Intended Level: 3

Apprentice Telinu is new to the armorsmithing trade and is struggling to keep
up with her studies. She has been ordered to create Dryad armor for the Dryad
warriors, but cannot remember how to make it. She is afraid to ask her
employers and has begged you to research the correct recipe for her.

1. Read the Tome of Smithing and tell Telinu the correct material list for
Dryad Armor.
Find the Tome of Smithing in the great hall, read it, and tell Apprentice
Telinu the correct recipe for Dryad armor outlined in the book.


Lumilla's Salve
Intended Level: 3

Enchantress Lumilla of Eirulan is known far and wide for her specialty -- a
healing salve reagent made from nettle clusters. No other enchanter has been
able to master this technique, so Lumilla is your only source if you are
interested in it.

1. Collect Four Nettle Clusters and give them to Enchantress Lumilla.
Find four nettle clusters and bring them to Enchantress Lumilla so she can
make her special salve.


Lelani's Sorrow
Intended Level: 3

Lelani's only daughter was recently killed during the Siege of Greilyn Beach.
She is in heavy mourning and wishes for something to remember her daughter by.
Her daughter had always wanted some memorabilia from Aman'lu, and Lelani wants
to fulfil her lost child's wish.

1. Talk to Lelani about the Strange Doll on the table next to her.
There is a strange doll sitting on the table next to Lelani in her house near
the Eirulan pet shop. Speak with her to find out what it is.

2. Bring Fenella a Toy to Cheer up her Child.
Fenella in Eirulan has told you that she will give you a flask of Elven ale if
you can bring her something that will cheer up her child, Challe.

3. Bring Soldier Balamar Something Special to Quench his Thirst.
Soldier Balamar in the Azunite Desert has told you that he will give you some
fresh Skatch Cat ribs if you can find him something special to quench his

4. Bring Soldier Jordhan Some Fresh Meat.
Soldier Jordhan in Eirulan is hungry, and tires of the vegetarian fare that is
commonly found in the tree city. He has told you that he will give you a lucky
statuette of Xeria if you bring him some fresh meat.

5. Bring Lelani A Keepsake From Aman'lu.
Lelani of Eirulan seeks something that reminds her of Aman'lu. She doesn't
know exactly what she wants, but it should definitely be something that can
only be found in Aman'lu.


Secrets of the Elven Shrine
Intended Level: 8

Laenne, an art collector in Eirulan, has heard rumors of an artifact called the
'Lost Sapphire of the Elves' that is supposedly hidden somewhere in the Elven
Shrine within the ridge west of town. She will reward you well if you are able
to recover it for her.

1. Find the Secret Rooms rumored to be within the Elven Shrine.
Laenne claims that there are secret rooms in the Elven Shrine. Do some close
checking to see if you can locate them and gain entrance.

2. Find the Lost Sapphire of the Elves.
If the rumors are true, then it is likely the Lost Sapphire of the Elves can
be found somewhere within the secret rooms of the Elven Shrine. See if you can
locate it.

3. Take the Lost Sapphire of the Elves to Laenne in the town of Eirulan.
Bring the Lost Sapphire of the Elves to Laenne, who lives above the pet shop
in Eirulan. She has promised to reward you well for your effort.


The Kithraya Hive
Intended Level: 13

An insect hive living within the Kithraya Caverns has been terrorizing the
countryside. Tamari of Eirulan recently had a run-in with them and is
desperately afraid to leave the relative safety of the town. If the hive's
Queen can be destroyed, it will halt their widespread rampage and Tamari's
fears should be put to rest.

1. Destroy the Kithraya Hive Queen.
The Queen of the Kithraya hive can likely be found within an egg chamber,
deep inside the Kithraya Caverns. Find the Hive Queen and destroy it.

2. Show the Severed Head of the Kithraya Hive Queen to Tamari in the town of
Now that you have destroyed the Queen of the Kithraya hive, return to Tamari
in Eirulan. She should be very relieve to see that the insects are no longer
a threat. Tamari can be found in her house, on the Terrace of the Falls.


The Hak'u
Intended Level: 7

Tanzi the Dryad has been capture by the Hak'u. You have agreed to free her and
return her safely to her mother Hesla and aunt Morain in the Eirulan infirmary.

1. Find the Hidden Rear Entrance to the Hak'u Caves.
Greilyn jungle is riddle with caves. The Hak'u rear entrance could be hidden
anywhere. Morain thinks she saw a suspicious cave entrance in the western
area of the jungle, between two ridges, before the western Greilyn jungle

2. Rescue Hesla's daughter Tanzi.
Find and rescue Tanzi from the Hak'u before something horrible happens to her
as her mother and aunt fear.

3. Speak with Hesla in the Eirulan Infirmary.
Tell Hesla of your discoveries. The infirmary can be found just west of the
great hall.


More to come.

Lore [DS.06.01]

Chants [DS.06.04]

Lesser Chant of Fortification - Dono Armorum Es
Chanting this at an incantation shrine will temporarily boost the armor rating
of any nearby party members.
Obtained: From Esselte, the Dryad who teaches you about shrines.

Lesser Chant of Dexterity - Elevato Agilum Es
Chanting this at an incantion shrine will temporarily boost the dexterity of
any nearby party members.
Obtained: From a tome in the tower just North of Eirulan's North Gate.

Lesser Chant of Intelligence - Elevato Ingenum Es
Chanting this at an incantion shrine will temporarily boost the intelligence
of any nearby party members.
Obtained: From a tome on a platform, just across the Northern Greilyn Jungle

Lesser Chant of Strength - Elevato Vigorum Es
Chanting this at an incantion shrine will temporarily boost the strength of
any nearby party members.
Obtained: From a tome on a platform, just across the Northern Greilyn Jungle

Mysterious Chant - Rando Conjurum Es
Obtained: Found inside the Tranquil Cave hidden behind a waterfall, just pass
the second Morden Tower.

Lesser Chant of Casting - Incanta Rapida Es
Chanting this at an incantation shrine will instantly recover mana of any
nearby party members. Mana will continue to recover instantly until the chant
wears off.
Obtained: Go west from the teleporter after the fourth Morden Tower, to find
this on a tome above a set of stairs, near one of those ghosts.

Lesser Chant of Fighter Health - Vigorus Vitalis Es
Chanting this at an incantation shrine will temporarily boost the health
regeneration rate of any nearby party members who have Melee as their highest
Obtained: Obtained from a tome in the Dryad outpost just a bit further from
the Western Greilyn Jungle teleporter.

Lesser Chant of Mage Health - Ingenus Vitalis Es
Chanting this at an incantation shrine will temporarily boost the health
regeneration rate of any nearby party members who have Nature Magic or Combat
Magic as their highest skill.
Obtained: West of the Western Greilyn Jungle teleporter, near where the Hak'u
usurper is in a tome.

Lesser Chant of Ranger Health - Agilus Vitalis Es
Chanting this at an incantation shrine will temporarily boost the health
regeneration rate of any nearby party members who have Ranged as their highest
Obtained: West of the Western Greilyn Jungle teleporter, near where the Hak'u
usurper is in a tome.

Lesser Chant of Fighter Power - Vigorus Adeptus ES
Chanting this at an incantation shrine will instantly recharge powers for any
nearby party members who have Melee as their highest skill. Powers will
continue to recharge instantly until the chant wears off.
Obtained: From a tome inside the room with the Lost Sapphire of the Elves.

Bestiary [DS.07.01]

Coming in later versions.

Handbook [DS.08.01]

Lesson 1: Using the Camera

To rotate the camera side to side, move the mouse pointer to the right or left
side of the screen. To rotate it up or down, move the pointer to the top or
bottom of the screen.

You can also use the arrow keys to rotate the camera, or hold down the mouse
wheel and then move the pointer.

To zoom the camera in or out, rotate the mouse wheel forward or backward, or
press the EQUAL SIGN (=) or MINUS SIGN (-).

Camera Hotkeys:

* Rotate Down: S
* Rotate Left: A
* Rotate Right: D
* Rotate Up: W
* Zoom In: EQUAL SIGN (=)
* Zoom Out: MINUS SIGN (-)

Lesson 2: Basic Controls

To move your party through the world, LEFT-CLICK where you want them to go.

LEFT-CLICK friendly characters to talk to them. When the pointer is over
someone you can talk to, a talk balloon appears.

To interact with objects in the world, either LEFT- or RIGHT CLICK them. This
is how you open chests, pull levers, open doors, and more. When the pointer is
over an interactive object, the pointer turns into a hand.

You can find treasures by breaking containers you find, such as pots and
barrels. To break a container, RIGHT-CLICK it. When your pointer is over a
breakable object, an auction icon appears on the object.

Lesson 3: Important Characters

Characters who can provide information, trade goods with you, or perform
valuable services are identified by icons displayed above their heads.

Characters with gameplay information have a blue letter i above their heads.
You don't have to speak with them, but they often teach important lessons
about how to play the game.

Merchants are indicated as follows:

* Reagent Merchant -- an emerald
* Armor Merchant -- a shield
* Weapon Merchant -- crossed weapons
* Magic Merchant -- a potion
* Enchanter -- a hand and eye
* Pet Seller - a pack mule head
* Innkeeper - a candle

Characters who will offer to join your party are marked with three small
helms. Speak with them to find out if you want to bring them along!

Lesson 4: Items and Gear

To pick up an item, LEFT-CLICK it, or press Z to automatically pick up
everything around your party.

You can view and equip gear from the Inventory Tab in the Character Window.
To open the Inventory Tab, LEFT-CLICK the Character Window button in the lower
left of the screen, or press the I key.

You can also open a character's Inventory by DOUBLE-CLICKING his Character
Portrait to open the Character Window, and then LEFT-CLICKING the Inventory

To equip a weapon or piece of armor in your Inventory, LEFT-CLICK the item to
attach it to the pointer, move it to an equipment slot, and then LEFT-CLICK
again to drop it in the slot. You can also RIGHT-CLICK gear in your Inventory
to equip it. If you pick up a type of gear that you are not wearing, you
automatically equip it.

Item Hotkeys:

* Pick Up Items: Z
* Inventory: I

Lesson 5: Attacking Enemies

Throughout your adventure, you will encounter many hostile opponents. When
your pointer is over or near an enemy, it turns red. To attack as enemy once
only, equip a weapon and then RIGHT-CLICK that enemy.

To attack an enemy until it is dead, hold down the right mouse button.

Lesson 6: Equipping and Selecting Spells

Spells are managed on the character's Spell Book tab in the Character Window.
To open the active character's Spell Book, press B. You can also open a
character's Spell Book by opening the Character Window and then LEFT-CLICKING
the Spell Book tab.

Spells must be placed in an equipped Spell Book before they can be used. Equip
a character with a Spell Book and open it. To place a spell in his Spell
Book, RIGHT-CLICK a spell in his inventory or DRAG the spell to a Spell Book

The Character Panel on the left side of the screen is used to select
equipped weapons and spells. The first four spells in a character's Spell
Book appear in the Character Panel. LEFT-CLICK a spell icon in the Character
Panel to select it and use that spell.

Lesson 7: Casting Spells

To attack an enemy with spells, equip and select an attack spell and then
simply attack an enemy the same way you would attack with a weapon. When the
pointer is over a valid target for an equipped spell, the pointer turns red.

RIGHT-CLICK to cast other types of spells. To heal party members, RIGHT-CLICK
the characters or their portraits. RIGHT-CLICK the ground to cast summoning
spells and RIGHT-CLICK items to transmute them.

When the pointer is over a valid target for an equipped beneficial spell, such
as healing or embrace spells, the pointer turns blue, as shown.

Lesson 8: Autocast Spells

The fifth and sixth slot in a character's Spell Book are autocast slots. If a
character has a spell equipped in an autocast slot, they will automatically
cast that spell on any valid targets in their range.

The following types of spells can be autocast.

Characters will cast healing magic on any wounded allies in range.

Characters will enhance any characters in range that do not have the maximum
number of enhancements. They will recast any enhancement that wear off.

Characters will curse any monsters in range that are not already cursed.

Characters will summon a creature whenever their summon dies or is dismissed.

Lesson 9: Class Experience and Character Level

Every time a character damages a monster he earns classes experience,
depending on the type of attack he uses. For example, melee weapons, such as
swords, increase Melee skill, while Nature Magic spells increase Nature Magic

Characters are most powerful when they focus on one class, but getting a few
levels in a second class is a great way to pick up useful skills. Parties with
a variety of classes are often more versatile and powerful.

Increasing class levels allow characters to use more advanced equipment and
spells. Progress towards the next class level is displayed in the progress
bar in the Class Stats on the Inventory Tab.

Character level increases when a character earns enough experience of any
type. It is a good indication of overall power level. Characters earn one
skill point each time they advance in character level. Progress towards the
next character level is displayed in the progress bar under the character's
name in the Character Window.

Lesson 10: Stat Experience and Experience Sharing

Fighting monsters increases statistics as well as class levels. The attack a
character uses determines which statistic increases the most. Melee weapons
primarily increase strength, ranged weapons primarily increase dexterity, and
spells primarily increase intelligence.

Strength increase melee weapon damage and maximum health. Dexterity increases
ranged weapon damage. Intelligence increases spell effectiveness and maximum

A character's progress towards the next class level is displayed in the
progress bar in the Class Stats on the Inventory tab.

All conscious party members in a region share experience equally, so even if
one of your companions isn't dealing as much damage as another, they will both
earn the same amount of experience.

Lesson 11: Journal

To open the Journal, LEFT-CLICK the Journal button in the lower left of the
screen, or press J.

Quests are listed on a Journal's Quest Log tab. They are organized by Act and
divided into Primary and Secondary sections. Primary quests must be completed
to progress in your missions, but Secondary quests are optional.

Whenever you complete a task or are assigned a new quest, the Journal button
flashes to indicate that the Journal has been updated.

You can also look in your Journal to find maps, information about monsters
you've defeated, and other useful information.

LEFT-CLICK the Journal's Lore tab to see important items you have collected.
Quest items, books, maps and chants that you find are stored on your Lore
tab instead of in your Inventory.

Journal Hotkey:

* Open Journal: J

Lesson 12: Finding Quests

There are two types of quests: Primary and Secondary. Primary quests must be
completed to progress in your mission, but Secondary quests are optional.

Characters with gold exclamation points over their head can assign Primary
quests to you, so you should speak to them to advance in your journey.
Characters with orange exclamation points over their heads will assign
Secondary quests.

If you are working on a quest task for a character, they will have a grey
question mark over their head. A character with a gold question mark over
their head will complete a task in the Primary quest if you speak to them.
A character that can complete a Secondary quest task will have an orange
question mark over their head.

Some Secondary quests can only be assigned to certain party members.
Characters who assign these Personal quests are indication by a green
exclamation mark.

* Gold Exclamation Point -- new Primary quest
* Gold Question Mark -- completed Primary quest
* Orange Exclamation Point -- new Secondary quest
* Orange Question Mark -- completed Secondary quest
* Gray Question Mark -- incomplete quest
* Green Exclamation Point -- new Personal quest

Lesson 13: The Active Character

All party members are marked by green circles around their feet. The active
character has a brighter green color around his feet and a brighter green
border around his Character Portrait. You control the active character
directly -- he does what you tell him to do and nothing more.

The active character will not move or defend himself.

Other party members act on their own, bases on the current Party Orders.

To select a different active character, LEFT-CLICK that character in the
world, or LEFT-CLICK his portrait in the upper left of the screen. You can
also use hotkeys to select a new active character.

Active Character Hotkeys:

* Make Next Character Active: .
* Make Previous Character Active: ,
* Make First Character Active: F1
* Make Second Character Active: F2
* Make Third Character Active: F3
* Make Fourth Character Active: F4
* Make Fifth Character Active: F5
* Make Sixth Character Active: F6

Lesson 14: Party Orders

Party Orders control how characters in your party act when you are not
controlling them directly. There are two options:

Party members actively seek out and attack any monsters they can see.

Party members imitate the active character. They move where he moves and
attack the same monsters he attacks.

To set Party Orders, LEFT-CLICK the View Party Option button in the lower
right of the screen, or use the associated hotkeys. To gather your party to
one spot, LEFT-CLICK the Regroup Party button or press the R key.

Hold Ground:
If you want everyone in your party to hold their positions, you can do so by
holding down the C key.

Formation Rank determines where in the formation each party member will
stand. You can change formations by holding down LEFT-CLICK and dragging a
character portrait up and down.

This is useful if, for example, you'd like to move a weaker character to the
back of the formation.

Party Order Hotkeys:

* Set Rampage Party Order: G
* Set Mirror Party Order: F
* Expand Formation: LEFT BRACKET ([)
* Contract Formation: RIGHT BRACKET (])
* Regroup Party: R
* Hold Ground: C

Lesson 15: Potions

If your party members become wounded, you can LEFT-CLICK the Health Potions
button in the lower left of the screen or press H to make them drink health
potions. Only party members who are not at full health will drink a potion,
and they will only drink as much as they need.

To restore your party members' mana, LEFT-CLICK the Mana Potion button in the
lower left of the screen or press M to make them drink mana potions.

Potions restore health and mana slowly, so plan ahead in dangerous fights.
Party members share potions automatically, so if a character is out of
potions she will drink a potion a companion is carrying.

Party members use only as much of a potion as they need. You can combine
partial potions of the same type by DRAGGING one to the other in a
character's Inventory.

Potion Hotkeys:

* Drink Health Potions: H
* Drink Mana Potions: M

Lesson 16: Monster Information

Some monsters are stronger than others. When you attack a monster, you will
see its Health Bar appear at the top of the screen. The more ornate the
Health Bar border, the more powerful the monster. However, you should be able
to defeat any monster that is close to your level. When you place the
pointer over a monster, information about it will appear in the Status Bar
at the top of the screen.

The monster's level is shown in parentheses next to its name, and its name and
level are color-coded bases on the difference between its level and your own:

* Green -- five or more levels below you
* Blue - between four levels and two levels below you
* Yellow -- between one level below you and one level above you
* Orange -- between two and four levels above you
* Red -- five or more levels above you

Focus on fighting monsters that are close to your own level. If the monsters
you fight are many levels above or below you, you receive reduced experience
for defeating them.

Lesson 17: Resistances and Weaknesses

There are many ways to attack enemies in Dungeon Siege II. You can attack them
with melee weapons, shoot them with ranged attacks, or cast damaging spells at
them. Some monsters are particularly resistant or weak to certain types of
attacks. It is good to know what types of attacks there are:

* Melee -- damage from melee weapons
* Ranged -- damage from ranged weapons
* Physical -- damage from ranged or melee weapons
* Magic -- damage from any spell attack
* Fire -- damage from fire attacks
* Lightning -- damage from lightning attacks
* Death -- damage from necromantic attacks
* Ice -- damage from ice spells

When you are attacking a monster, you can see its resistance and weakness
below its Health Bar at top of the screen. Try to use attacks the monster is
weak to. Be careful -- if the monster's resistance to and attack is more than
100%, the attack will heal it!

Your characters can find spells and items that increase their own resistance.
Look for resistance items and use them when facing monsters that attack with
elements. You can never resist more than 95% of an attack.

Lesson 18: Compass Map

The Compass Map is located in the lower right of the screen. It shows an
overhead view of the area around the party and serves as a compass. Important
locations, such as shops, are marked on the Compass Map with icons.

Enemies are displayed on the Compass Map as red dots and neutral characters as
green dots. Interactive objects, such as levers, appear as blue dots.

The Compass Map also guides you to important quest goals. Primary quests goals
are marked by gold starts on the Compass Map, and secondary quest goals are
marked by silver stars. A gold arrow points in the direction of your next
primary quest goal.

Resize the Compass Map by LEFT-CLICKING the up and down arrow buttons below
it. Zoom the Compass Map in and out by adjusting the slider below the Compass
Map. Hold down TAB for a larger version of the Compass Map.

Map Hotkeys:

* Show Overlay Map: TAB

Lesson 19: Configuring Powers

Powers are special abilities that can turn the tide of the battle for the
party, but they require wisdom and strategic timing to use properly.

To set powers for characters to use, LEFT-CLICK the Specialities tab in the
Character Windows and DRAG powers to the circular slots in the Character
Panel. You can configure up to four powers per character.

LEFT-CLICK a power in the Character Panel to select it. When a power is
selected, a small border appears around it.

The party's currently selected powers appear as button in the Power Bar at the
bottom of the screen. Each character can only have one power selected at a
time, so the first slot in the Power Bar always contains the first character's
selected power, the second slot always contains the second character's power,
and so on.

Lesson 20: Using Powers

To use a character's power, LEFT-CLICK the button for that power in the Power
Bar at the bottom of the screen. Powers with orange icons active immediately
and do not need to be targeted.

If you LEFT-CLICK a Power Bar button with a blue icon, you will enter
targeting mode. A power targeting reticule will appear; place it over your
target and RIGHT-CLICK to fire the power. LEFT-CLICK to exit targeting mode if
you decide not to use the power.

Different powers target different things. Check the power description on the
Specialities tab to see what the power targets and whether it chooses targets

You can also use hotkeys to active powers. Each Power Bar button displays
that power's hotkey in its corner.

Power Hotkeys/Buttons:

* Fire Powers: RIGHT-CLICK
* Exiting Targeting Mode: LEFT-CLICK
* Active Power 1: 1
* Active Power 2: 2
* Active Power 3: 3
* Active Power 4: 4
* Active Power 5: 5
* Active Power 6: 6

Lesson 21: Recharging Powers

After using a power, characters must recover their strength before they can
use a power again. After a power is used, that power's icon becomes dark. The
darkness lifts as the party damages creatures. When a power is fully
recharged, the Power Bar button flashes to indicate that the power is ready to
use again.

Powers have different recovery rates bases on their potency. If a character
attempts to use a power before he has recovered, nothing will happen and an
error message will appear.

Characters can gain abilities or special items that help their powers
recharge more quickly. Keep an eye out as you explore the world.

Lesson 22: Learning Powers

To view a character's powers, LEFT-CLICK the Specialities tab in the Character
Window or press P. Under the Specialities tab are four additional tabs -- one
for each class. Each tab displays the powers a member of that class can learn.

Place your pointer over a power on the Powers panel to display a tooltip with
information on what the power targets, what it does, and what happens when you
upgrade it.

Each power has three levels of strength, and each level requires certain

The skills that your character must gain before they can learn or upgrade the
power are displayed in red. To learn a power, assign the needed number of
points to each of the required skills.

The character will learn the power automatically once they have the required
skills. Plan ahead what powers you want to learn and assign points carefully.

See the 'Skills' and 'Upgrading Skills' lessons for more information.

Lesson 23: Skills

Skills give characters passive bonuses that enhance their effectiveness in
combat. Characters purchase skills using skill points that they earn from
quests and by advancing in character level. Characters earn one skill point
each time they advance in character level.

To view a character's skill tree, LEFT-CLICK the Specialties tab in the
Character Window or press P.

Under the Specialties tab are four additional tabs -- one for each class. Each
tab has a skill tree for that class. Place the pointer over a skill for
information about its effects and requirements.

Every skill has a class level requirement that characters must meet before they
can purchase it, and most skills require characters to learn other skills

Each class has a unique set of skills. Some abilities can only be acquired
through skills, and powers have skill requirements before characters can learn
them. Some weapons can only be used by characters who have learned certain

Skills Hotkey:

* Specialties Tab: P

Lesson 24: Upgrading Skills

When a character earns a new skill point, a plus icon appears over his
portrait. When a character has skill points available to spend, a smaller plus
icon appears in the lower left of his portrait. LEFT-CLICKING either icon
opens the Specialties tab in the Character Window.

If you place the point over a skill that you do not meet all the requirements
for, any skill that you still need to upgrade will flash green.

If you meet the requirements to upgrade a skill and have a skill point to
spare, LEFT-CLICK the skill to assign a point to it. You can assign up to 20
points to a skill. To unassign an unconfirmed skill point, RIGHT-CLICK a

Assigning skill points does not automatically upgrade skills! You must LEFT-
CLICK the Confirm button to lock in your upgrades permanently Unconfirmed
skill point assignments will be reset if you LEFT-CLICK the Reset button or
leave the Specialties tab.

The number of points that you have left to spend is displayed at the bottom
of the Specialties tab.

Lesson 25: Saving and Loading Single-Player Games

When you save your game, all information about your character and the world
is saved, including experience, equipment, monsters killed and quests
completed. When you load a game, the party returns to the nearest major town.

To save your game, press ESC and then LEFT-CLICK Save Game. You may also
save your game by pressing CTRL+S.

To continue your most recently saved Single Player saved gamed, LEFT-CLICK
the Continue option from the Main menu. You can also choose a party from the
Single Player menu to play your last saved game for that party.

Any tombstones from dead party members that were in the world when you
last saved appear in town next to your party when you load the game.

Save Hotkey:

* Save Game: CTRL+S

Lesson: 26: Item Shops

There are many different shops in Aranna that sell a variety of goods,
including weapons, armor, spells and potions. To shop, talk to a shopkeeper
and ask to see their wares.

The Shop window will appear next to the Character Window of your primarily
selected character. To shop with a different character, LEFT-CLICK his
portrait. The Shop window has tabs for the different types of items that
the shopkeeper sells. LEFT-CLICK the arrows at the top of each tab to see more
items for sale.

Place the pointer over items to see their sell price. To sell an item, DRAG
it from your Inventory to the store. To buy an item, DRAG it from the store
to your Inventory. If you don't have enough gold, you won't be able to buy
an item.

To quickly sell or buy an item, hold down CTRL and LEFT-CLICK the item in your
Inventory or in the store.

When you sell an item to the shop, it immediately appears in the shopkeeper's
Inventory. For a short time you can change your mind and buy it back for the
same price you sold it for. Shopkeepers update their Inventory periodically,
so if you see an item you really want, you should try to buy it right away.

As your party grows stronger, the items offered by shopkeepers improve. If you
didn't find anything you needed the last time you went shopping, check again

Shopping Hotkey:
* Instantly Buy or Sell and Item: CTRL (and LEFT-CLICK item)

Lesson 27: Enhancement and Curse Spells

Nature Mages can learn enhancement spells, including Embrace and Wrath spells,
that can increase your party's abilities. Combat Mages can learn Curse spells
that weaken the abilities of your enemies. Your enemies can also enhance each
other and curse you!

Small icons appear on your characters' portraits if they have been enhanced
or cursed or have summoned a creature. Place your pointer over these icons to
see the name of the spell and the time remaining until it fades.

A character can be affected by at most two enhancement spells and one curse,
and they can summon only one creature at a time. If you want to summon a new
creature or cast a different enhancement, you must remove a beneficial spell

To remove an enhancement from a character or dismiss their summoned creature,
open that character's Inventory tab and LEFT-CLICK the View button to show
the Character Viewer. The icons for any spells affecting the character are
displayed here. RIGHT-CLICK a beneficial spell's icon to remove the spell.

Lesson 28: Reagents and Enchanting Items

Reagents are items such as animal teeth or gemstones that have absorbed
magical energy from the world. Each reagent has different magical properties,
according to its nature. Enchanters can weave the magic from reagents into
existing weapons and armor, creating an object with unique abilities. All major
towns have an enchanter who uses reagents to enchant items -- for a price.

Reagents come in all shapes and sizes. Place the pointer over a reagent to see
what enchantment it grants and what types of items it can be applied to.

Only non-magical items of good quality or better can be enchanted. Speak to
an enchanter and place the item you wish to enchant in its item slot to
see its reagent grid.

Item quality determines how much space there is for reagents on that item:

* Good Items -- 2x2
* Great Items -- 3x2
* Exceptional Items -- 3x3
* Legendary Items -- 4x4

To create an enchanted item, arrange the desired reagents in the reagent grid,
and then LEFT-CLICK the Enchant Item button. The cost to enchant an item is
based on the quality of the item and the number and power of reagents you wish
to combine with it.

Lesson 29: Teleporters

In your journeys through Aranna, you will come across networks of ancient
teleporters, once used to travel across the world but now in poor repair. Your
party can use them to instantly travel to locations they've previously visited.

Approach a teleporter to activate it or LEFT-CLICK it to open a list of
teleport locations that you can travel to. DOUBLE-CLICK a location or select
a location and then LEFT-CLICK OK to teleport there.

You can teleport back to the nearest town by casting the Summon Teleporter
spell, which creates a limited-use, two-way teleporter. Activate the teleporter
by LEFT-CLICKING it to teleport back to town.

Teleporters expire when your party creates a new teleporter, or when all
character that teleported to town have teleported back to the field through
the teleporter.

Lesson 30: The Storage Vault

The storage vault is a chest located next to the teleporter in every large
town. Your party can use the storage vault to store items that they don't want
to carry, but don't want to sell.

The contents of the storage vault are the same in every town, and are saved
with other party data.

To open the storage vault, LEFT-CLICK on the vault chest. The Storage Vault
window appears in the same location as the Store window. The Inventory of the
primary selected character is also displayed.

You can DRAG items between your character's Inventory and the storage vault,
or hold down CTRL and LEFT-CLICK items in the storage vault or your character's
Inventory to transfer them instantly, just like shopping.

You can select a different character while the storage vault is open by LEFT-
CLICKING his portrait; this allows you to manage multiple character Inventories
without closing the storage vault.

Lesson 31: Death and Unconsciousness

When a character loses all his health, he falls unconscious -- his portrait
gradually fills with red to indicate how far below zero health he has fallen.

An unconscious character regenerates normally and can be healed by magic.
When his health rises above zero, he regains consciousness.

If an unconscious character takes enough damage to fill his portrait entirely
with red, he dies. His portrait turns grey.

Dead characters do not regenerate and cannot be healed. They must be
resurrected with a spell or a scroll. Resurrection scrolls can be purchased at
the magic shop in town.

Lesson 32: Party Death

If every character in your party dies or is knocked unconscious, the entire
party dies and may respawn in a safe place, such as a town. If you choose to
respawn, all of your party's equipped items and 25% of their gold will remain
at the spot where they died, marked by a tombstone.

To recover their gear, the party must travel to where they died and approach
their tombstones. When they are close enough, they will automatically reequip
all the gear they can and place the rest in their Inventories.

If a character's Inventory is too full to retrieve all his gear, the
remaining items will stay on his tombstone until he can make room for them.
When all his equipment has been retrieved, his tombstone disappears.

If you choose, you can talk to a member of the Guild of Death, who can
instantly warp your tombstones to town. He will keep the gold that the party
dropped, but you will be able to retrieve your equipped items.

If you save and reload the game, the Guild of Death automatically warps your
tombstones to town, and keeps the dropped gold.

Lesson 33: Hiring Companions and the Inn

Throughout your adventure, you'll encounter heroes who can join your party. It
is your choice whether to take them with you; many are skilled fighters, and
they may have skills that will complement your party.

You can't invite someone to join your party if you don't have an available
party slot. You start with enough slots for two characters, and you may
purchase more from the innkeeper at any major town.

If you decide that you no longer need a companion's company, open his
Character Window and LEFT-CLICK the Disband Character button in the upper
left of the window. Disbanded characters will return to the inn and will
not gain experience while they are not in your party.

You can rehire disbanded characters by talking to the innkeeper at any major
town. The innkeeper will show you a list of former companions and pets. LEFT-
CLICK the View button to see their statistics, and LEFT-CLICK the Add button
to add them to your party.

Lesson 34: Managing Party Inventories

It is possible to view and manage the Inventories of the entire party at once.
Press V to open the Inventories of all party members. DRAG items between
character Inventories to trade, or DRAG an item to a Character Portrait
to give the item to that character.

If multiple character Inventories are open, hold down CTRL and LEFT-CLICK an
item in a character's Inventory to transfer it to the next character without
dropping the item on the ground. This is a handy tool for rearranging items

You can still RIGHT-CLICK to equip gear from a character's Inventory Panel,
even if multiple Inventories are open.

To close a single character's Inventory, LEFT-CLICK the X button in the
upper-right corner of her Character Window, or hold down CTRL and LEFT-CLICK
her portrait. You can also hold down CTRL and LEFT-CLICK a portrait to open
an additional character's Inventory.

Party Inventory Hotkeys:

* Open Multiple Character Inventories: V
* Transfer Item to Another Party Member: CTRL (and LEFT-CLICK the item)

Lesson 35: Adventuring: Health and Mana Bushes

Following the great cataclysm, as the newly formed web of ley lines spread
across Aranna, small trickles of magical energy rose to the surface.

In some places, the flow was strong enough to create a permanent upwelling.
Any plants growing in those places eventually take on magical properties
of their own, becoming reservoirs of either health or mana replenishing energy.

Some adventurers have mastered the art of harvesting the energy from these
bushes in the form of berries that can restore health or mana, like potions.
Rangers harvest health bushes by specializing in the Survival skill, while
Nature Mages harvest mana bushes by specializing in the Natural Bond skill.

Lesson 36: Adventuring: Incantation Shrines

Incantation shrines are mysterious structures that stand on nodes of magical
power. By standing in the shrine and reciting a chant, your party can
draw upon that magical energy for temporary bonuses.

Incantation shrines are circular stone structures with five pillars, marked
with runes and glowing with an eldritch blue light. When a character stands
inside, the glow intensifies, indicating that a chant can be used.

To recite a chant, open the Chants page on the Lore tab of your Journal. Select
a chant and then LEFT-CLICK the Recite Chant button in the lower right of the

You can also recite a chant directly. Open the chat interface by pressing
ENTER, type the chant, and then press ENTER again.

There are many ways to learn chants. You can learn some chants from wise
teachers, and others are written in tomes or on scraps of paper in long-
forgotten dungeons. When you learn a chant, it is added to the Chants page of
the Journal's Lore tab.

Lesson 37: Adventuring: Sanctuary Doors

The origin of the traveller's sanctuaries remains shrouded in mystery. These
small treasure rooms locked behind magical doors serve as a welcome boon to
any traveller able to access them. They are usually found along the old trade
routes within ruins of ancient civilizations -- remote, dangerous regions where
only adventurers dare to tread.

Each sanctuary door can only be opened by a character sufficiently skilled in
a certain class; the necessary class is marked with an icon on the door. If
you place the pointer over the door, the Status Bar at the top of the screen
will display the level and class required to open it.

To open the sanctuary door, select a character with a high enough level in the
necessary skill, equip him with the appropriate type of weapon or spell,
and direct him to attack the door.

Lesson 38: Adventuring: Rare Items

Most magical items in Aranna have only one or two modifiers, but some were
forged by exceptionally skilled mages or under particularly intense
circumstances. These rare items can have up to four modifiers, and are
especially valuable to adventurers. These items' names are displayed in
light blue.

Adventurers may also find lost magical relics. These weapons and pieces of
armor once belonged to the legendary heroes of Aranna's past, and often carry
a fragment of a hero's essence with them.

Some increase in power when combined with other items that once belonged to
the same hero. These 'set' and 'unique' items are the most powerful tools in
an adventurer's arsenal. Set item names are yellow, and unique items names
are purple.

Lesson 39: Adventuring: War Pedestals

The origin of the war pedestals remains shrouded in mystery. These strange
monuments are scattered throughout the ruins of Aranna and are avoided
by most travellers.

Unknown to many, the war pedestals house magic that those with good hearts can
use to instantly recover their powers.

To activate a war pedestal, RIGHT-CLICK it to attack it with your active
character. This will release the pedestal's magic, and the active character
will instantly recover his powers and will be able to use them again

Lesson 40: Adventuring: Monster Hatreds

Every time a character does something to oppose a monster, such as attacking
it or healing his companions, the monster will become angry.

Normally, monsters attack whatever target is easiest for them to reach, but
if a character makes it especially angry it will flare red with anger and
attack only that character. Clever parties can use monster anger to their

Some monsters have hatreds -- certain actions that make them particularly
angry. When attacking a monster, look for information about its hatreds in its
Health Bar at the top of the screen. Avoid performing that action with your
character unless you want to make the monsters so angry that they attack him!

Some powers, such as Provoke and Summon Provoke, can instantly make monsters
angry at the character of your choice. Use these powers to keep monsters away
from vulnerable party members.

Lesson 41: Hiring Pets

Pets are special non-humanoid party members that can help you on your journey.
They cannot learn skills or wear gear, but you can customize them by feeding
them items, and they can learn special powers that your other party members

Your pets will get more powerful as your party increases in levels, but they
don't earn experience. Unlike your other party members, a pet's level is always
equal to your hero's level, even if it is disbanded and rehired later on.

A pet's stats grow according to its level.

You can purchase pets at pet shops. Pet shops exist in each town, and new
pets become available in the pet shops as the party discovers them along
their journey. Speak to a pet seller to see a list of the pets they sell.
LEFT-CLICK the Details button to show the abilities and stats of each pet.
LEFT-CLICK the Buy button to add the selected pet to your party.

When you disband a pet from your party, you can choose whether to send it to
the inn or release it into the wild. Released pets are gone forever. If you
send your pet to the inn, you can talk to the innkeeper to get it back in your
party. You can also release your pets into the wild from the inn.

Lesson 42: Powering Up Pets

You can feed pets items to increase their maturity. The more expensive an
item you feed them, the more they grow. To feed an item to a pet, DRAG the
item to the Character Viewer on your pet's Inventory tab.

LEFT-CLICK the pet's Development tab to see its stats. Pets can gain bonuses
depending on the items your feed them:

* Fighter weapons give a large strength increase.
* Ranged weapons give a large dexterity increase.
* Mage weapons and spells give a large intelligence increase.
* Fighter armor increases armor and adds a little strength.
* Ranger armor increases armor and adds a little dexterity.
* Mage armor increases armor and adds a little intelligence.
* Potions increase health and mana.
* Reagents, rings and amulets give a small bonus to everything.

Lesson 43: Pet Emanations and Powers

Your pet can learn an emanation or power at certain maturity levels. Each pet
has a unique power and emanation. Pets learn their power when they have eaten
enough items to reach juvenile maturity and their emanation when they become
fully mature.

Pet powers are used the same way as character powers. To learn more about a
pet's power, place the pointer over the Power icon on the pet's Development

And emanation is a powerful aura that grants a bonus to all character's
within a certain radius of the pet. Each type of pet grants a different bonus
with their emanation.

To learn more about a pet's emanation, place the pointer over the Emanations
icon on the pet's Development tab. Emanation bonuses from the same type of
pet don't combine.

Lesson 44: Saving and Loading Multiplayer Games

Your multiplayer party -- including all experience and equipment data -- is
periodically saved as you play a multiplayer game. No information about the
world is saved, however, unless you save the session.

To exit and save your party data only, press ESC and then LEFT-CLICK Save and

To save your party and the current session, press ESC and then LEFT-CLICK
Save Session. World data, such as quests completed and monsters killed, is
saved along with your party's information.

When you start a multiplayer game, you can start at the beginning of the
game or load a saved session. To load a saved session, select it from the list
of saved sessions in the host's Game Options window.

Specialities [DS.09.01]

Melee [DS.09.02]
Level 1----------Level 5----------Level 12----------Level 24---------Level 36

/ [ Armor ]
[Critical]-----------------------------------------------------------[Deadly ]
[ Strike ] \ [ Strike]
----[Dual ]---------[Alacrity]--------[Fierce ]
[ Wield] [ Renewal]

Brutal Attack
"Though originated by half-giant warriors, many warriors learn this
technique, focusing all their strength into their next attack, fighters
deal massive damage with a single, brutal strike."
Can only be used with a melee weapon
Automatically Enhances Next Attack - Fast Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Critical Strike Level 1.
Level 2
Requires: Critical Strike Level 5.
Level 3
Requires: Critical Strike Level 8.

Elemental Rage
"The highest art of the Elven Blademaster is a meditative frenzy that causes
elemental energy to manifest in his weapons and speeds his attacks. Ignoring
his own defence, he leaps into battle."
Can only be used when dual-wielding two weapons
Automatically Enhances Self - Slow Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Critical Strike Level 8, and Fierce Renewal Level 2.
Attack Speed: +10%
Vulnerability to Melee and Ranged Damage: +12%
Power Duration: 15 seconds.
Level 2
Requires: Critical Strike Level 10, Fierce Renewal Level 6.
Attack Speed: +15%
Vulnerability to Melee and Ranged Damage: +15%
Power Duration: 15 seconds.
Level 3
Requires: Critical Strike Level 14, Deadly Strike Level 12, and Fierce
Renewal Level 12.
Attack Speed: +20%
Vulnerability to Melee and Ranged Damage: +20%
Power Duration: 15 seconds.

"Knights protect their allies by using their shields to provoke nearby
enemies, causing them to become angry and attack the knight. The knight's
concentration also temporarily increases his armor."
Can only be used when equipped with a shield
Automatically Provokes Enemies around Self - Fast Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Barricade Level 1.
Provoke Radius: 6 Meters.
Provoke Armor Bonus: +25%
Armor Bonus Duration: 5 seconds.
Level 2
Requires: Barricade Level 6, and Toughness Level 4.
Provoke Radius: 7 meters.
Provoke Armor Bonus: +30%
Armor Bonus Duration: 8 seconds.
Level 3
Requires: Barricade Level 10, Rebuke Level 5, and Toughness Level 10.
Provoke Radius: 8 meters.
Provoke Armor Bonus: +50%
Armor Bonus Duration: 10 seconds.

Staggering Blow
"When a two-handed weapon master activates this ability, his next attack will
be a Staggering Blow. He slams his weapon into his target, creating a
shockwave that stuns any enemies caught within it."
Can only be used with a two-handed melee weapon
Automatically Enhances Next Attack - Normal Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Overbear Level 1.
Stun Radius: 2.8 meters.
Stun Duration: 6 seconds.
Level 2
Requires: Overbear Level 5, and Toughness Level 4.
Stun Radius: 3.3 meters.
Stun Duration: 8 seconds.
Level 3
Requires: Overbear Level 12, Smite Level 8, and Toughness Level 10.
Stun Radius: 4 meters.
Stun Duration: 10 seconds.

War Cry
"Barbarians of the Plain of Tears can unleash a deafening war cry, energizing
themselves and terrifying their enemies, causing them to run in fear and
leave their defences open for a short time."
Can only be used with a melee weapon
Cone Effect Targets an Enemy or Terrain - Normal Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Critical Strike Level 8, and Smite Level 1.
Enemy Armor Reduced by 35%
Reduced Armor Duration: 20 seconds.
Next 8 Attacks are Critical Hits.
Enemies Flee in Fear.
Level 2
Requires: Critical Strike Level 12, Deadly Strike Level 2, and Smite
Level 8.
Enemy Armor Reduced by 50%
Reduced Armor Duration: 20 seconds.
Next 12 Attacks are Critical Hits.
Enemies Flee in Fear.
Level 3
Requires: Deadly Strike Level 8, and Smite Level 12.
Enemy Armor Reduced by 60%
Reduced Armor Duration: 20 seconds.
Next 15 Attacks are Critical Hits.
Enemies Flee in Fear.

Waves of Force
"A student of Elven dual-weapon techniques learns to perform a beautiful
sequence of rapid swings, each creating a wave of force that rushes out in
front of her, tearing apart enemies caught in its wake."
Can only be used when dual-wielding two weapons
Targets an Enemy or Terrain - Normal Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Dual Wield Level 1.
5 Waves.
Level 2
Requires: Alacrity Level 4, and Dual Wield Level 5.
5 Waves.
Level 3
Requires: Alacrity Level 10, Deadly Strike Level 8, and Dual Wield
Level 10.
5 Waves.

Whirling Strike
"A legendary fighter known only as the Tempest of the Tel'Kilae originated
this technique, in which the fighter whirls his weapon in a circle,
damaging and briefly stunning all nearby enemies."
Can only be used with a melee weapon
Automatically Strikes Enemies around Self - Normal Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Critical Strike Level 6, and Fortitude Level 8.
Radius: 3 meters.
Stun Duration: 1.5 seconds.
Level 2
Requires: Fortitude Level 10, and Reinforced Armor Level 6.
Radius: 3.5 meters.
Stun Duration: 1.5 seconds.
Level 3
Requires: Fortitude Level 12, and Reinforced Armor Level 12.
Radius: 4 meters.
Stun Duration: 1.5 seconds.


"Giften Elven Blademasters can harness the wind itself to hasten their
attacks. Masters of this skill appear to be no more than a blur as they cut
through their opponents."

Increase in Melee Attack Speed:
Level 01: 3% Level 11: 16%
Level 02: 5% Level 12: 17%
Level 03: 7% Level 13: 18%
Level 04: 9% Level 14: 19%
Level 05: 10% Level 15: 20%
Level 06: 11% Level 16: 21%
Level 07: 12% Level 17: 22%
Level 08: 13% Level 18: 23%
Level 09: 14% Level 19: 24%
Level 10: 15% Level 20: 25%

"The training of Snowbrook Haven elite knights teaches them to wield their
shields with unparalleled strength and tenacity, phalanxes of knights can
turn away nearly any attack."

Character can equip shields
Increase in Shield Armor/Chance to Block Melee/Ranged:
Level 01: +20%/2% Level 11: +98%/15%
Level 02: +35%/4% Level 12: +102%/16%
Level 03: +45%/6% Level 13: +106%/16.5%
Level 04: +55%/8% Level 14: +109%/17%
Level 05: +63%/9% Level 15: +112%/17.5%
Level 06: +70%/10% Level 16: +114%/18%
Level 07: +76%/11% Level 17: +116%/18.5%
Level 08: +82%/12% Level 18: +118%/19%
Level 09: +88%/13% Level 19: +119%/19.5%
Level 10: +93%/14% Level 20: +120%/20%

Critical Strike
"Using techniques developed by Elven masters, skilfull warriors can
occasionally slip their weapons through weaknesses in their enemies'
defences, dealing double damage with a single attack."

Increase in Chance to Inflict Critical Hit: (Damage always 200%)
Level 01: 10% Level 11: 40%
Level 02: 14% Level 12: 41.5%
Level 03: 18% Level 13: 43%
Level 04: 22% Level 14: 44.5%
Level 05: 25.5% Level 15: 46%
Level 06: 28.5% Level 16: 47%
Level 07: 31% Level 17: 48%
Level 08: 33.5% Level 18: 49%
Level 09: 36% Level 19: 49.5%
Level 10: 38% Level 20: 50%

Deadly Strike
"Expert warriors learn to take every opportunity they can, as each could be
their last. Whenever Elven Blademasters breach their enemies' defences, the
strike is incredibly devastating.

Increase in Melee Critical Hit Damage:
Level 01: 224% Level 11: 322%
Level 02: 242% Level 12: 327%
Level 03: 256% Level 13: 332%
Level 04: 268% Level 14: 336%
Level 05: 279% Level 15: 340%
Level 06: 288% Level 16: 343%
Level 07: 296% Level 17: 346%
Level 08: 303% Level 18: 348%
Level 09: 310% Level 19: 349%
Level 10: 316% Level 20: 350%

Dual Wield
"Elven warriors have long known techniques for wielding melee weapons in both
hands. They require strength, coordination, and a reckless mindset willing
to sacrifice defence for an extra blade."

Character can equip one-handed melee weapons in both hands
Increase in Dual-Wield Weapon Damage:
Level 01: 8% Level 11: 55%
Level 02: 15% Level 12: 58%
Level 03: 21% Level 13: 60%
Level 04: 26% Level 14: 62%
Level 05: 31% Level 15: 64%
Level 06: 36% Level 16: 66%
Level 07: 40% Level 17: 67%
Level 08: 44% Level 18: 68%
Level 09: 48% Level 19: 69%
Level 10: 52% Level 20: 70%

Fierce Renewal
"Berserkers are always on the verge of flying into a blinding rage. They do
not see this as a liability, but use their anger to recover from their most
powerful attacks more quickly than normal."

Increase in Melee Power Recovery Rate:
Level 01: 3% Level 11: 22%
Level 02: 6% Level 12: 23%
Level 03: 8% Level 13: 24%
Level 04: 10% Level 14: 25%
Level 05: 12% Level 15: 26%
Level 06: 14% Level 16: 26%
Level 07: 16% Level 17: 27%
Level 08: 17.5% Level 18: 28%
Level 09: 19% Level 19: 29%
Level 10: 20.5% Level 20: 30%

"Ancient half-giant warriors developed gulling training regimens to toughen
their bodies, allowing them to withstand an unnatural amount of punishment."

Increase in Maximum Health:
Level 01: +6% Level 11: +34%
Level 02: +10% Level 12: +36%
Level 03: +14% Level 13: +38%
Level 04: +18% Level 14: +39%
Level 05: +21% Level 15: +40%
Level 06: +24% Level 16: +41%
Level 07: +26% Level 17: +42%
Level 08: +28% Level 18: +43%
Level 09: +30% Level 19: +44%
Level 10: +32% Level 20: +45%

"Warriors who have mastered this skill can channel all their rage and anger
into their attacks, adding huge power to every devastating two-handed blow."

Character can equip two-handed melee weapons.
Increase in Two-Handed Weapon Damage:
Level 01: 8% Level 11: 40%
Level 02: 14% Level 12: 41.5%
Level 03: 18% Level 13: 43%
Level 04: 22% Level 14: 44.5%
Level 05: 25.5% Level 15: 46%
Level 06: 28.5% Level 16: 47%
Level 07: 31% Level 17: 48%
Level 08: 33.5% Level 18: 49%
Level 09: 36% Level 19: 49.5%
Level 10: 38% Level 20: 50%

"The final stage in the training of Snowbrook Haven elite soldiers is
learning to use their shield as a weapon, striking back at those who
attacks they block and knocking them senseless."

Rebukes Opponent when Character Blocks a Melee Attack
Increase in Rebuke Damage * Melee Level/Stun Time:
Level 01: 0.4/1 Level 11: 2.0/1.5
Level 02: 0.7/1 Level 12: 2.1/1.5
Level 03: 0.9/1 Level 13: 2.1/1.5
Level 04: 1.1/1 Level 14: 2.2/1.5
Level 05: 1.3/1 Level 15: 2.3/1.5
Level 06: 1.4/1.3 Level 16: 2.3/2
Level 07: 1.6/1.3 Level 17: 2.4/2
Level 08: 1.7/1.3 Level 18: 2.4/2
Level 09: 1.8/1.3 Level 19: 2.5/2
Level 10: 1.9/1.3 Level 20: 2.5/2

Reinforced Armor
"The soldiers of Windstone Fortress learned to modify their armor to enhance
its effectiveness and often emerged unscratched from even the most
catastrophic battles."

Increase in Armor:
Level 01: +4% Level 11: +26%
Level 02: +7% Level 12: +27.5%
Level 03: +10% Level 13: +29%
Level 04: +13% Level 14: +30%
Level 05: +15% Level 15: +31%
Level 06: +17% Level 16: +32%
Level 07: +19% Level 17: +33%
Level 08: +21% Level 18: +34%
Level 09: +23% Level 19: +34.5%
Level 10: +24.5% Level 20: +35%

"In the days after the cataclysm, a roaming band of barbarians used focused
attacks from two-handed weapons to stun prey. Would-be thieves discovered
they were equally effective on human opponents."

Increase in Two-Handed Weapon Stun Chance/Stun Duration:
Level 01: 5%/1 Level 11: 38%/1.5
Level 02: 10%/1 Level 12: 40%/1.5
Level 03: 14%/1 Level 13: 42%/1.5
Level 04: 18%/1 Level 14: 44%/1.5
Level 05: 22%/1.3 Level 15: 45%/1.5
Level 06: 25%/1.3 Level 16: 46%/2
Level 07: 28%/1.3 Level 17: 47%/2
Level 08: 31%/1.3 Level 18: 48%/2
Level 09: 34%/1.3 Level 19: 49%/2
Level 10: 36%/1.3 Level 20: 50%/2

"Tales tell of a Half-Giant wandered who could survive in any climate and
shrug off many attacks entirely. He taught his secrets to those he met on
his journeys, and they live on long after he has disappeared."

Increase in Physical Damage Resistance:
Level 01: 3% Level 11: 19%
Level 02: 5% Level 12: 20%
Level 03: 7% Level 13: 21%
Level 04: 9% Level 14: 22%
Level 05: 11% Level 15: 23%
Level 06: 12.5% Level 16: 24%
Level 07: 14% Level 17: 24.5%
Level 08: 15.5% Level 18: 25%
Level 09: 17% Level 19: 25.%
Level 10: 18% Level 20: 26%

Ranged [DS.09.03]
Level 1----------Level 5----------Level 12----------Level 24---------Level 36

-------[Biting]---------[Far ]----------------------------[Mortal]
/ [ Arrow] [ Shot] / [ Wound]
[Critical] [Penetrate]
[ Shot ] \
[ Draw] \
[Dodge] [Survival] ------[Cunning ]
[ Renewal]


Charged Shots
"Elves have a talent for magic, so it is no surprise that their rangers
discovered how to charge their arrows with magic. For a short time, every
enemy they hit is also struck by lightning."
Can only be used with a bow or crossbow.
Automatically Enhances Self - Slow Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Critical Shot Level 8, and Shockwave Level 4.
Power Duration: 12 seconds.
Level 2
Requires: Critical Shot Level 10, Mortal Wound Level 8, and Shockwave
Level 8.
Power Duration: 14 seconds.
Level 3
Requires: Critical Shot Level 14, Mortal Wound Level 12, and Shockwave
Level 12.
Power Duration: 15 seconds.

"Elven adventurers learn to focus their strength into a burst of energy,
temporarily allowing them to throw multiple weapons at a rapid rate; but the
increase in speed comes at the cost of accuracy."
Can only be used with a thrown weapon.
Automatically Enhanced Self - Long Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Critical Shot Level 8, and Cunning Renewal Level 4.
1.2 times Faster Attack Rate.
Decreased Accuracy.
Power Duration: 15 seconds.
Level 2
Requires: Critical Shot Level 10, Cunning Renewal Level 8, and
Ricochet Level 8.
1.4 times Faster Attack Rate.
Decreased Accuracy.
Power Duration: 15 seconds.
Level 3
Requires: Critical Shot Level 14, Cunning Renewal Level 12, and
Ricochet Level 12.
1.5 times Faster Attack Rate.
Decreased Accuracy.
Power Duration: 15 seconds.

"The Crimson Hunter Laethel liked to get close to his enemies, but developed
this ability to survive when they got too close. Repulse knocks enemies away
from the ranger and stuns them."
Automatically Repulses Enemies around Self - Long Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Dodge Level 4, and Survival Level 3.
Radius: 3 meters.
Knockback Distance: 3 meters.
Stun Duration: 1.5 seconds.
Power Duration: 12 seconds.
Level 2
Requires: Dodge Level 10,and Survival Level 6.
Radius: 3.5 meters.
Knockback Distance: 5 meters.
Stun Duration: 1.5 seconds.
Power Duration: 16 seconds.
Level 3
Requires: Dodge Level 14, Ricochet Level 12, and Survival Level 10.
Radius: 4 meters.
Knockback Distance: 7 meters.
Stun Duration: 1.5 seconds.
Power Duration: 20 seconds.

Shrapnel Blast
"When this thrown weapon strikes a target, a blast shatters it into many
pieces that fly in all directions. Stories of a single ranged defeating a
crowd of foes are often tales of this power in action."
Can only be used with a thrown weapon.
Targets an Enemy or Terrain - Normal Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Quick Draw Level 1
Number of Missiles: 5.
Level 2
Requires: Bleed Level 5, and Quick Draw Level 5.
Number of Missiles: 7.
Level 3
Requires: Bleed Level 8, Penetrate Level 6, and Quick Draw Level 10.
Number of Missiles: 9.

"Azunai's armies relied of Dalziel, one of the Champions of the Northern
Reachers, to destroy Zaramoth's mages. Dalziel's hatred of their magic
manifested as an ability to silence them temporarily, preventing them from
casting spells."
Area of Effect Targets an Enemy or Terrain - Fast Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Dodge Level 5, and Survival Level 3.
Silence Radius: 4 meters.
Silence Duration: 15 seconds.
Prevents Monsters from Casting Damage, Heal, Summon, Enhancement, Curse or
Resurrect Spells.
Level 2
Requires: Dodge Level 10, and Survival Level 6.
Silence Radius: 5 meters.
Silence Duration: 20 seconds.
Prevents Monsters from Casting Damage, Heal, Summon, Enhancement, Curse or
Resurrect Spells.
Level 3
Requires: Dodge Level 14, Mortal Wound Level 12, and Survival Level 10.
Silence RadiusL 6 meters.
Silence Duration: 25 seconds.
Prevents Monsters from Casting Damage, Heal, Summon, Enhancement, Curse or
Resurrect Spells.

Take Aim
"Dryad archers conceal themselves to surprise their enemies, but their first
shot reveals their position. They learn to focus their concentration and
take careful aim, making their next shot as devastating as possible."
Can only be used with a bow, crossbow, or thrown weapon.
Automatically Enhances Next Attack - Fast Recharge
Level 1
Requires Critical Shot Level 1.
Level 2
Requires Critical Shot Level 5.
Level 3
Requires Critical Shot Level 8.

Thunderous Shot
"A thunderous arrow or crossbow bolt travels faster than the eye can see,
punching through all enemies in its path and leaving them stunned. Azunai's
archers turned many battles with this attack.
Can only be used with a bow or crossbow
Targets an Enemy or Terrain - Normal Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Biting Arrow Level 1.
Stun Duration: 6 seconds.
Level 2
Requires: Biting Arrow Level 8, and Far Shot Level 1.
Stun Duration: 8 seconds.
Level 3
Requires: Biting Arrow Level 12, Far Shot Level 8, and Mortal Wound Level 5.
Stun Duration: 10 seconds.


Biting Arrow
"When a student of archery chooses to master the bow and crossbow, his battle
meditation takes on a new purpose. His arrows seem propelled by unseen winds
and strike with thunderous force."

Character can equip crossbows
Increase in Bow and Crossbow Damage:
Level 01: 8% Level 11: 40%
Level 02: 14% Level 12: 41.5%
Level 03: 18% Level 13: 43%
Level 04: 22% Level 14: 44.5%
Level 05: 25.5% Level 15: 46%
Level 06: 28.5% Level 16: 47%
Level 07: 31% Level 17: 48%
Level 08: 33.5% Level 18: 49%
Level 09: 36% Level 19: 49.5%
Level 10: 38% Level 20: 50%

"Thrown weapon masters prefer to get close to their targets so they can aim
at major veins and arteries. An accurate strike causes their target to bleed
away health for several seconds after the attack."

Increase in Chance to Cause Bleed/Damage per Second * Dexterity:
(Bleed Duration is always 4)
Level 01: 10%/0.1 Level 11: 25%/0.4
Level 02: 15%/0.1 Level 12: 25%/0.4
Level 03: 18%/0.1 Level 13: 25%/0.4
Level 04: 22%/0.2 Level 14: 25%/0.4
Level 05: 25%/0.2 Level 15: 25%/0.4
Level 06: 25%/0.3 Level 16: 25%/0.5
Level 07: 25%/0.3 Level 17: 25%/0.5
Level 08: 25%/0.3 Level 18: 25%/0.5
Level 09: 25%/0.3 Level 19: 25%/0.5
Level 10: 25%/0.4 Level 20: 25%/0.5

Critical Shot
"Skilled adventurers practice a form of battle meditation, focusing their
mind and allowing them to occasionally strike vulnerable areas, dealing
twice-normal damage with any ranged weapon."

Increase in Chance to Inflict Critical Hit: (Damage always 200%)
Level 01: 10% Level 11: 40%
Level 02: 14% Level 12: 41.5%
Level 03: 18% Level 13: 43%
Level 04: 22% Level 14: 44.5%
Level 05: 25.5% Level 15: 46%
Level 06: 28.5% Level 16: 47%
Level 07: 31% Level 17: 48%
Level 08: 33.5% Level 18: 49%
Level 09: 36% Level 19: 49.5%
Level 10: 38% Level 20: 50%

Cunning Renewal
"Thrown weapon masters dive into battle with reckless abandon. They all
relish the rush of danger and adrenaline, but only the greatest know how to
channel that rush into restoring their skills."

Increase in Ranged Power Recovery Rate:
Level 01: 3% Level 11: 22%
Level 02: 6% Level 12: 23%
Level 03: 8% Level 13: 24%
Level 04: 10% Level 14: 25%
Level 05: 12% Level 15: 26%
Level 06: 14% Level 16: 26%
Level 07: 16% Level 17: 27%
Level 08: 17.5% Level 18: 28%
Level 09: 19% Level 19: 29%
Level 10: 20.5% Level 20: 30%

"Dryad hunters look with some amusement upon all the armor warriors wear to
survive an attack. They feel it's to simply move out of the way."

Increase in Chance to Dodge Melee or Ranged Attacks:
Level 01: 4% Level 11: 28%
Level 02: 7% Level 12: 30%
Level 03: 10% Level 13: 32%
Level 04: 13% Level 14: 34%
Level 05: 16% Level 15: 35%
Level 06: 18% Level 16: 36%
Level 07: 20% Level 17: 37%
Level 08: 22% Level 18: 38%
Level 09: 24% Level 19: 39%
Level 10: 26% Level 20: 40%

Far Shot
"It is said that the archers of the Elven town of Haelea can put an arrow
through the eye of a foe that is barely visible on the horizon. Archers
have travelled there for generations to learn their secrets."

Increase in Bow and Crossbow Range:
Level 01: 6% Level 11: 40%
Level 02: 10% Level 12: 43%
Level 03: 14% Level 13: 46%
Level 04: 18% Level 14: 48%
Level 05: 22% Level 15: 50%
Level 06: 25% Level 16: 52%
Level 07: 28% Level 17: 54%
Level 08: 31% Level 18: 56%
Level 09: 34% Level 19: 58%
Level 10: 37% Level 20: 60%

Mortal Wound
"There is no special secret to striking an enemy's most vulnerable point, but
it requires tremendous focus, mediation, and experience. An archer who
perfects it is regarded as a legend in his own time."

Increase in Bow and Crossbow Critical Hit Damage:
Level 01: 224% Level 11: 322%
Level 02: 242% Level 12: 327%
Level 03: 256% Level 13: 332%
Level 04: 268% Level 14: 336%
Level 05: 279% Level 15: 340%
Level 06: 288% Level 16: 343%
Level 07: 296% Level 17: 346%
Level 08: 303% Level 18: 348%
Level 09: 310% Level 19: 349%
Level 10: 316% Level 20: 350%

"The ranger Lyssa could shoot an arrow or throw a knife that would pass
through three blocks of wood before striking its target. Her enemies feared
experiencing her skill firsthand."

Increase in Chance Projectile Will Pass Through Victim:
Level 01: 12% Level 11: 63%
Level 02: 22% Level 12: 65%
Level 03: 30% Level 13: 67%
Level 04: 36% Level 14: 69%
Level 05: 41% Level 15: 70.5%
Level 06: 46% Level 16: 72%
Level 07: 50% Level 17: 73%
Level 08: 54% Level 18: 74%
Level 09: 57% Level 19: 74.5%
Level 10: 60% Level 20: 75%

Quick Draw
"A dryad hunter's training is considered complete only when she can
accurately throw three daggers in the space of a single breath."

Character can equip thrown weapons.
Increase in Weapon Firing Rate:
Level 01: 3% Level 11: 16%
Level 02: 5% Level 12: 17%
Level 03: 7% Level 13: 18%
Level 04: 9% Level 14: 19%
Level 05: 10% Level 15: 20%
Level 06: 11% Level 16: 21%
Level 07: 12% Level 17: 22%
Level 08: 13% Level 18: 23%
Level 09: 14% Level 19: 24%
Level 10: 15% Level 20: 25%

"Foes facing the Dryad chakram-master Kaara never knew whether her next
attack would come directly from her hand or from a chakhram bouncing off
one of their own comrades."

Thrown Weapon Critical Hits Ricochet to a Nearby Enemy
Increase in Ricochet Damage of Projectile Damage:
Level 01: 66% Level 11: 130%
Level 02: 78% Level 12: 133%
Level 03: 86% Level 13: 136%
Level 04: 94% Level 14: 139%
Level 05: 101% Level 15: 142%
Level 06: 107% Level 16: 144%
Level 07: 112% Level 17: 146%
Level 08: 117% Level 18: 148%
Level 09: 122% Level 19: 149%
Level 10: 126% Level 20: 150%

"A master archer can cause damaging shockwaves when his arrows travel a
certain distance. Scholars wonder if the ability if magical or not, but
archers who rely on it only care that it is useful."

Decrease in Shockwave When Arrow or Bolt Travels Farther Than x meters/
Increase in Shockwave Damage: (Radius is always 2 meters)
Level 01: 9/8% Level 11: 7.5/36%
Level 02: 9/12% Level 12: 7/28%
Level 03: 9/16% Level 13: 7/40%
Level 04: 8.5/20% Level 14: 7/42%
Level 05: 8.5/23% Level 15: 7/44%
Level 06: 8/26% Level 16: 7/46%
Level 07: 8/28% Level 17: 7/47%
Level 08: 8/30% Level 18: 7/48%
Level 09: 7.5/32% Level 19: 7/49%
Level 10: 7.5/34% Level 20: 7/50%

"Since their travels take them far from home, rangers train to survive long
periods in the wild. They develop a resistance to extreme weather and learn
to distill certain berries and fruits into health potions."

Can Harvest Health Potions.
Increase in Fire/Ice/Lightning Resistance:
Level 01: 10% Level 11: 49%
Level 02: 17% Level 12: 51%
Level 03: 22% Level 13: 53%
Level 04: 27% Level 14: 55%
Level 05: 31% Level 15: 56%
Level 06: 35% Level 16: 57%
Level 07: 38% Level 17: 58%
Level 08: 41% Level 18: 59%
Level 09: 44% Level 19: 59.5%
Level 10: 46.5% Level 20: 60%

Magic Combat [DS.09.04]

Level 1----------Level 5----------Level 12----------Level 24---------Level 36

[Debilitation] [Summon ]
[ Alacrity]
[ Casting ] [ Fury ]
-------------------[Grim ]-----[Vampirism]
/ [ Necromancy]
\ [ Flames]
--[Amplified ]----------------------------------------[Arcing]
[ Lightning]


Chain Lightning
"A favored attack of young Combat Mages, Chain Lightning hurls a bolt of
lightning that shocks the nearest enemy then jumps to other nearby foes. The
bolt deals reduced damage with each jump."
Automatically Targets Nearest Enemy - Fast Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Amplified Lightning Level 1.
Number of Jumps: 2.
Level 2
Requires: Amplified Lightning Level 4.
Number of Jumps: 4.
Level 3
Requires: Amplified Lightning Level 8, Arcing Level 5, and Devastation
Level 12.
Number of Jumps: 6.

Corrosive Eruption
"Enemies caught within this noxious cloud are infected by gasses that rot
them from the inside out. Corrosive fumes violently erupt from victims when
they die, burning and poisoning nearby foes."
Area of Effect Targets an Enemy or Terrain - Normal Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Debilitation Level 1.
Cloud Radius: 4 meters.
Curse Duration: 30 seconds.
Eruption Damage: 45% Max Monster Health
Eruption Radius: 2.5 meters.
Level 2
Requires: Grim Necromancy Level 4.
Cloud Radius: 5 meters.
Curse Duration: 60 seconds.
Eruption Damage: 65% Max Monster Health
Eruption Radius: 2.5 meters.
Level 3

"The greatest power of the fire mage is a dangerous weapon. The Mage reckless-
ly gathers more energy than he can control, releasing it in a massive
conflagration that burns his enemies."
Area of Effect Targets an Enemy or Terrain - Slow Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Ignite Level 1, and Searing Flames Level 8.
Radius: 3 meters.
Level 2
Requires: Ignite Level 6, Searing Flames Level 12.
Radius: 3.5 meters.
Level 3
Requires: Arcane Fury Level 8, Ignite Level 10, and Searing Flames Level 16.
Radius: 4 meters.

Energy Orb
"The Elven Mage Arinth could summon a ball of energy that hovered above him
and shot fire at his enemies. He later perfected it, learning to weave
additional types of energy into the orb."
Automatically Summons Orb Above Self - Fast Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Brilliance Level 4, and Devastation Level 2.
Power Duration: 20 seconds.
Level 2
Power Duration: 20 seconds.
Level 3:
Requires: Brilliance Level 8.
Power Duration: 20 seconds.

Flame Nexus
"Convectus the Red communed with Lava Spirits, learning to summon and launch
them as weapons in battle. The Spirit gleefully reaches out with tendrils of
fire to burn any nearby enemies."
Targets an Enemy or Terrain - Normal Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Devastation Level 2, and Searing Flames 1.
Level 2
Requires: Searing Flames Level 4.
Level 3
Requires: Devastation Level 12, Ignite Level 5, and Searing Flames Level 8.

Gathered Bolt
"The mage gradually builds up a massive electrical charge on the ground,
causing a tremendous bolt of lightning to crash down, devastating all enemies
it hits."
Area of Effect Targets an Enemy or Terrain - Long Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Amplified Lightning Level 8, and Quickened Casting Level 1.
Radius: 3.5 meters.
Level 2
Requires: Amplified Lightning Level 10, and Quickened Casting Level 6.
Radius: 4 meters.
Level 3
Requires: Amplified Lightning Level 14, Arcane Fury Level 6, and Quickened
Casting Level 12.
Radius: 5 meters.

Harvest Soul
"A deadly attack invented by the vilest mages in history, this dark ritual
creates a gigantic scythe that cuts away the life force of the Mage's
enemies allowing his allies to absorb it and heal themselves."
Area of Effect Targets an Enemy or Terrain - Normal Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Grim Necromancy Level 5.
Radius: 3 meters.
Percentage of Damage Healed: 6%
Level 2
Requires: Devastation Level 8, Grim Necromancy Level 8, Vampirism Level 4.
Radius: 3 meters.
Percentage of Damage Healed: 6%
Level 3
Requires: Devastation Level 10, Grim Necromancy Level 12, and Vampirism
Level 10.
Radius: 3 meters.
Percentage of Damage Healed: 6%


Amplified Lightning
"Dwarven mages were known to revel in the power of conducting electrical
energy. They had to develop techniques to increase how much of it their
bodies could withstand."

Increase in Lightning Magic/Power Damage:
Level 01: 8%/8% Level 11: 46%/46%
Level 02: 14%/14% Level 12: 48%/48%
Level 03: 20%/20% Level 13: 50%/50%
Level 04: 24%/24% Level 14: 52%/52%
Level 05: 28%/28% Level 15: 54%/54%
Level 06: 32%/32% Level 16: 56%/56%
Level 07: 36%/36% Level 17: 57%/57%
Level 08: 39%/39% Level 18: 58%/58%
Level 09: 42%/42% Level 19: 59%/59%
Level 10: 44%/44% Level 20: 60%/60%

Arcane Fury
"Overexposure to elemental channeling often results in the mage becoming a
conduit for the raw power of mana itself, which, though painful, can greatly
increase the intensity of their attacks."

Increase in Combat and Nature Magic Power Damage:
Level 01: 3% Level 11: 22%
Level 02: 6% Level 12: 23%
Level 03: 8% Level 13: 24%
Level 04: 10% Level 14: 25%
Level 05: 12% Level 15: 26%
Level 06: 14% Level 16: 26%
Level 07: 16% Level 17: 27%
Level 08: 17.5% Level 18: 28%
Level 09: 19% Level 19: 29%
Level 10: 20.5% Level 20: 30%

"It is said that the mage who created the Galeblade was capable of channeling
so much energy into his lightning spells that arcs of it sometimes jumped
from his primary target to other nearby foes."

Chance to Arc/Arc Damage * Intelligence:
Level 01: 5%/0.2 Level 11: 23.5%/0.8
Level 02: 8%/0.3 Level 12: 24.5%/0.8
Level 03: 11%/0.4 Level 13: 25.5%/0.9
Level 04: 13%/0.4 Level 14: 26.5%/0.9
Level 05: 15%/0.5 Level 15: 27.3%/0.9
Level 06: 17%/0.6 Level 16: 28%/0.9
Level 07: 18.5%/0.6 Level 17: 28.5%/1.0
Level 08: 20%/0.7 Level 18: 29%/1.0
Level 09: 21.5%/0.7 Level 19: 29.5%/1.0
Level 10: 22.5%/0.8 Level 20: 30%/1.0

"Through intense introspection, adventurers may extent their mind beyond
physical constraints, vastly multiplying their capacity for magical

Increase in Maximum Mana:
Level 01: 7% Level 11: 83%
Level 02: 14% Level 12: 90%
Level 03: 21% Level 13: 97%
Level 04: 28% Level 14: 105%
Level 05: 36% Level 15: 113%
Level 06: 44% Level 16: 121%
Level 07: 52% Level 17: 129%
Level 08: 60% Level 18: 136%
Level 09: 68% Level 19: 143%
Level 10: 76% Level 20: 150%

"There is power in disease and decay. Mages who study it risk their health and
sanity, but learn to inflict crippling curses on their foes."

Increase in Curse SpellPower/Duration:
Level 01: 24%/32% Level 11: 121%/160%
Level 02: 42%/56% Level 12: 126%/166%
Level 03: 54%/72% Level 13: 131%/172%
Level 04: 66%/88% Level 14: 135%/178%
Level 05: 77%/102% Level 15: 139%/184%
Level 06: 86%/114% Level 16: 142%/188%
Level 07: 94%/124% Level 17: 145%/192%
Level 08: 102%/134% Level 18: 147%/196%
Level 09: 109%/144% Level 19: 149%/198%
Level 10: 115%/152% Level 20: 150%/200%

"Combat Magic is an exercise in precision. The more accurate a mage's motions
and the more practice his incantations, the more energy and destruction he
can channel into his attacks."

Increase in Combat Magic Damage:
Level 01: 10% Level 11: 49%
Level 02: 17% Level 12: 51%
Level 03: 22% Level 13: 53%
Level 04: 27% Level 14: 55%
Level 05: 31% Level 15: 56%
Level 06: 35% Level 16: 57%
Level 07: 38% Level 17: 58%
Level 08: 41% Level 18: 59%
Level 09: 44% Level 19: 59.5%
Level 10: 46.5% Level 20: 60%

Grim Necromancy
"Practitioners of this discipline commune with dark forces and master spells
that tear the life out of their enemies. Many mages wonder if any end is
worth such means."

Increase in Death Magic/Power Damage:
Level 01: 8%/8% Level 11: 46%/46%
Level 02: 14%/14% Level 12: 48%/48%
Level 03: 20%/20% Level 13: 50%/50%
Level 04: 24%/24% Level 14: 52%/52%
Level 05: 28%/28% Level 15: 54%/54%
Level 06: 32%/32% Level 16: 56%/56%
Level 07: 36%/36% Level 17: 57%/57%
Level 08: 39%/39% Level 18: 58%/58%
Level 09: 42%/42% Level 19: 59%/59%
Level 10: 44%/44% Level 20: 60%/60%

"No one can truly say they have bested a mage trained in these arts, as the
lingering flames continue to burn deeply long after the battle is over, and
the unmistakable scars will always tell the tale."

Increase in Chance to Ignite/Ignite Damage per Second * Intelligence:
(Ignite Duration is always 3)
Level 01: 5%/0.1 Level 11: 23.5%/0.4
Level 02: 8%/0.1 Level 12: 24.5%/0.4
Level 03: 11%/0.2 Level 13: 25.5%/0.4
Level 04: 13%/0.2 Level 14: 26.5%/0.4
Level 05: 15%/0.3 Level 15: 27.3%/0.4
Level 06: 17%/0.3 Level 16: 28%/0.5
Level 07: 18.5%/0.3 Level 17: 28.5%/0.5
Level 08: 20%/0.3 Level 18: 29%/0.5
Level 09: 21.5%/0.3 Level 19: 29.5%/0.5
Level 10: 22.5%/0.4 Level 20: 30%/0.5

Quickened Casting
"When the legendary archer Alamus became to old to string his bow, he sought
a new life in magic and learned that principles of battle meditation could
drastically increase the rate of his casting."

Increase in Cast Speed:
Level 01: 4% Level 11: 21%
Level 02: 7% Level 12: 21.8%
Level 03: 10% Level 13: 22.5%
Level 04: 12% Level 14: 23%
Level 05: 14% Level 15: 23.5%
Level 06: 15.5% Level 16: 24%
Level 07: 17% Level 17: 24.3%
Level 08: 18% Level 18: 24.5%
Level 09: 19% Level 19: 24.8%
Level 10: 20% Level 20: 25%

Searing Flames
"Convectus the Red spent a lifetime communing with Lava Spirits and learning
the secrets of the inner flame. His students are still famous for the
intensity of their fire magic."

Increase in Fire Magic/Power Damage:
Level 01: 8%/8% Level 11: 46%/46%
Level 02: 14%/14% Level 12: 48%/48%
Level 03: 20%/20% Level 13: 50%/50%
Level 04: 24%/24% Level 14: 52%/52%
Level 05: 28%/28% Level 15: 54%/54%
Level 06: 32%/32% Level 16: 56%/56%
Level 07: 36%/36% Level 17: 57%/57%
Level 08: 39%/39% Level 18: 58%/58%
Level 09: 42%/42% Level 19: 59%/59%
Level 10: 44%/44% Level 20: 60%/60%

Summon Alacrity
"Mages who study this skill can accelerate the metabolism of the creatures
they summon and agitate them to a frenzy, drastically increasing their
attack rate."

Increase in Summoned Creature Attack Speed:
Level 01: 7% Level 11: 32.5%
Level 02: 12% Level 12: 34%
Level 03: 16% Level 13: 35%
Level 04: 19% Level 14: 36%
Level 05: 22% Level 15: 37%
Level 06: 24% Level 16: 38%
Level 07: 26% Level 17: 38.5%
Level 08: 28% Level 18: 39%
Level 09: 29.5% Level 19: 39.5%
Level 10: 31% Level 20: 40%

"While most death mages are content with the ability to tear the life force
from their victims, some have secretly learned to channel some of that stolen
vitality into their own restoration."

Increase in Amount of Death Magic Damage Added to Health:
Level 01: 3% Level 11: 19%
Level 02: 6% Level 12: 20%
Level 03: 8% Level 13: 21%
Level 04: 10% Level 14: 22%
Level 05: 12% Level 15: 22.5%
Level 06: 14% Level 16: 23%
Level 07: 15% Level 17: 23.5%
Level 08: 16% Level 18: 24%
Level 09: 17% Level 19: 24.5%
Level 10: 18% Level 20: 25%

Nature Combat [DS.09.05]

Level 1----------Level 5----------Level 12----------Level 24---------Level 36

[Summon ]-----[Summon]---------------------------[Summon]
[ Fortitude] [ Might] [ Bond ]
[Natural]-------------------------------------------[Arcane ]
[ Bond ] [ Renewal]
[Enveloping]-----[Feral ]------\
[ Embrace ] [ Wrath] --------------------[Absorp-]
--------------------[Nurturing]---/ [ tion ]
[Aquatic ] / [ Gift ]
[ Affinity]------[Arctic ]-------------------------[Freezing]
[ Mastery]


Aether Blast
"Aether Blast channels a spike of magical energy through the mage's link with
his summoned creature, creating a devastating explosion. The more powerful
the creature, the more deadly the blast."
Can only be used when mage has summoned a creature.
Automatically Blasts Enemies Around Summoned Creature - Normal Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Arcane Renewal Level 1, and Summon Might Level 8.
Blast Radius: 3.5 meters.
Blast Damage: 420% of Summoned Creature Maximum Health.
Stun Duration: 5 seconds.
Level 2
Requires: Arcane Renewal Level 6, Summon Bond Level 2, and Summon Might
Level 10.
Blast Radius: 4 meters.
Blast Damage: 590% of Summoned Creature Maximum Health.
Stun Duration: 5 seconds.
Level 3
Requires: Arcane Renewal Level 8, Summon Bond Level 12, and Summon Might
Level 14.
Blast Radius: 5 meters.
Blast Damage: 780% of Summoned Creature Maximum Health.
Stun Duration: 5 seconds.

Circle of Frost
"Circle of Frost banishes all heat from an area. The ground cracks as
moisture turns to ice, the very air freezes, and any creature unlucky enough
to be caught in the circle is frozen until it thaws."
Area of Effect Targets an Enemy or Terrain - Long Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Arctic Mastery Level 8, Freezing Level 1, and Natural Bond
Level 5.
Radius: 3.5 meters.
Freeze Duration: 12 seconds.
Level 2
Requires: Arctic Mastery Level 10, Freezing Level 6, and Natural Bond
Level 6.
Radius: 4 meters.
Freeze Duration: 15 seconds.
Level 3
Requires: Arctic Mastery Level 12, Freezing Level 12, and Natural Bond
Level 8.
Radius: 4.5 meters.
Freeze Duration: 18 seconds.

Glacial Aura
"Nature Mages of frozen mountains can focus glacial power around themselves,
creating an aura that emits waves of frost that damage and briefly freeze
any enemies who draw near."
Automatically Enhances Self
Level 1
Requires: Feral Wrath Level 8, and Freezing Level 4.
Radius: 2.0 meters.
Power Duration: 10 seconds.
Level 2
Requires: Absorption Level 6, Feral Wrath Level 12, and Freezing Level 12.
Radius: 2.0 meters.
Power Duration: 12 seconds.
Level 3
Requires: Absorption Level 12, Feral Wrath Level 14, and Freezing Level 15.
Radius: 2.0 meters.
Power Duration: 15 seconds.

Gravity Stone
"The mage summons a monolithic stone of such density that its gravitational
force pulls enemy creatures toward it and holds them in place until it
collapses under itself."
Area of Effect Targets an Enemy or Terrain - Fast Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Natural Bond Level 4.
Radius: 4 meters.
Power Duration: 4 seconds.
Level 2
Requires: Natural Bond Level 5.
Radius: 5 meters.
Power Duration: 5 seconds.
Level 3
Requires: Arcane Renewal Level 6, and Natural Bond Level 8.
Radius: 6 meters.
Power Duration: 6 seconds.

Icicle Blast
"A deadly attack inspired by the North Dragon's breath, Icicle Blast launches
shards of ice from the caster's fingers in a fan of destruction, knocking
enemies back and blasting them with cold."
Cone Effect Targets an Enemy or Terrain - Normal Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Aquatic Affinity Level 2.
Level 2
Requires: Aquatic Affinity Level 5, and Arctic Mastery Level 5.
Level 3
Requires: Aquatic Affinity Level 10, Arctic Mastery Level 10, and Freezing
Level 8.

"The most powerful defensive magic a Nature Mage can posses, Invulnerability
protects the party so completely that no physical or magical attack can
harm them."
Automatically Protects All Nearby Allies - Normal Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Enveloping Embrace Level 1.
Power Duration: 6 seconds.
Level 2
Requires: Enveloping Embrace Level 6, Nurturing Gift 4.
Power Duration: 8 seconds.
Level 3
Requires: Arcane Renewal Level 6, Enveloping Embrace Level 12, and
Nurturing Gift Level 8.
Power Duration: 12 seconds.

Summon Provoke
"With an Agallan rhyme, the mage provokes enemies around himself to focus
their wrath upon his summoned creature. Once provoked, monsters won't always
respond to additional provocation."
Can only be sued when mage has summoned a creature.
Automatically Provokes Enemies Around Caster - Fast Recharge
Level 1
Requires: Summon Fortitude Level 3, and Summon Might Level 1.
Provoke Radius: 6 meters.
Level 2
Requires: Summon Fortitude Level 7, and Summon Might Level 4.
Provoke Radius: 7 meters.
Level 3
Requires: Summon Bond Level 6, Summon Fortitude Level 12, and Summon Might
Level 6.
Provoke Radius: 8 meters.


"Nature Mages of legend were so attuned to magical energy that they could
absorb a portion of magical attacks and use it to restore their mana. It is
said the Dryads still hold this secret."

Increase in Magic Damage Absorbed/Percentage of Damage Absorbed Added to
Level 01: 14%/8% Level 11: 67%/40%
Level 02: 24%/14% Level 12: 69.5%/41.5%
Level 03: 31%/18% Level 13: 72%/43%
Level 04: 38%/22% Level 14: 74.5/44.5%
Level 05: 44%/25.5% Level 15: 77%/46%
Level 06: 49%/28.5% Level 16: 79%/47%
Level 07: 53%/31% Level 17: 81%/48%
Level 08: 57%/33.5% Level 18: 83%/49%
Level 09: 61%/36% Level 19: 84%/49.5%
Level 10: 64%/38% Level 20: 85%/50%

Arcane Renewal
"Through study and meditation, Nature Mages can draw on reserves normally out
of reach. This increased flow of energy revitalizes the mage and restores
his most powerful abilities."

Increase in Combat and Nature Magic Power Recovery Rate:
Level 01: 3% Level 11: 22%
Level 02: 6% Level 12: 23%
Level 03: 8% Level 13: 24%
Level 04: 10% Level 14: 25%
Level 05: 12% Level 15: 26%
Level 06: 14% Level 16: 26%
Level 07: 16% Level 17: 27%
Level 08: 17.5% Level 18: 28%
Level 09: 19% Level 19: 29%
Level 10: 20.5% Level 20: 30%

Arctic Mastery
"Rimen the White spent half his life in self-imposed exile in the frozen
north. He learned ways to combine water and air magic to make all manners of
ice do his bidding."

Increase in Magic/Power Damage:
Level 01: 8%/8% Level 11: 46%/46%
Level 02: 14%/14% Level 12: 48%/48%
Level 03: 20%/20% Level 13: 50%/50%
Level 04: 24%/24% Level 14: 52%/52%
Level 05: 28%/28% Level 15: 54%/54%
Level 06: 32%/32% Level 16: 56%/56%
Level 07: 36%/36% Level 17: 57%/57%
Level 08: 39%/39% Level 18: 58%/58%
Level 09: 42%/42% Level 19: 59%/59%
Level 10: 44%/44% Level 20: 60%/60%

Aquatic Affinity
"Nature Mages cultivate a shamanistic bond with water, the life blood of the
world. They channel its strength for both healing and offense."

Increase in Healing Magic/Nature Magic Damage:
Level 01: 5%/5% Level 11: 32%/30.5%
Level 02: 9%/10% Level 12: 34%/32%
Level 03: 12%/14% Level 13: 36%/33%
Level 04: 15%/17% Level 14: 38%/34%
Level 05: 18%/20% Level 15: 40%/35%
Level 06: 21%/22% Level 16: 42%/36%
Level 07: 24%/24% Level 17: 44%/37%
Level 08: 26%/26% Level 18: 46%/38%
Level 09: 28%/27.5% Level 19: 48%/39%
Level 10: 30%/29% Level 20: 50%/40%

Enveloping Embrace
"The essence of hardwoods and vines, known for their ability to endure, is
often invoked by empathic mages who wish to strengthen their protective
Embrace spells, which protect their party in battle."

Increase in Embrace Spell Power/Duration:
Level 01: 20%/32% Level 11: 118%/160%
Level 02: 36%/56% Level 12: 124%/166%
Level 03: 48%/72% Level 13: 130%/172%
Level 04: 58%/88% Level 14: 134%/178%
Level 05: 68%/102% Level 15: 138%/184%
Level 06: 78%/114% Level 16: 142%/188%
Level 07: 88%/124% Level 17: 144%/192%
Level 08: 96%/134% Level 18: 146%/196%
Level 09: 104%/144% Level 19: 148%/198%
Level 10: 112%/152% Level 20: 150%/200%

Feral Wrath
"The dangerous wild essence of thorns, nettles, and cacti can be harnessed
by skilled mages to magnify the potency of their offensive Wrath
enchantments, which increase their party's strength."

Increase in Wrath Spell Power/Duration:
Level 01: 20%/32% Level 11: 118%/160%
Level 02: 36%/56% Level 12: 124%/166%
Level 03: 48%/72% Level 13: 130%/172%
Level 04: 58%/88% Level 14: 134%/178%
Level 05: 68%/102% Level 15: 138%/184%
Level 06: 78%/114% Level 16: 142%/188%
Level 07: 88%/124% Level 17: 144%/192%
Level 08: 96%/134% Level 18: 146%/196%
Level 09: 104%/144% Level 19: 148%/198%
Level 10: 112%/152% Level 20: 150%/200%

"The ice magic of Nature Mages can be honed to freeze the moisture in the air
around their enemies into immobilizing blocks of ice."

Increase in Chance to Freeze/Freeze Duration:
Level 01: 5%/1 Level 11: 23.5%/1.5
Level 02: 8%/1 Level 12: 24.5%/1.5
Level 03: 11%/1 Level 13: 25.5%/1.5
Level 04: 13%/1 Level 14: 26.5%/1.5
Level 05: 15%/1 Level 15: 27.3%/1.5
Level 06: 17/1.3 Level 16: 28%/2
Level 07: 18.5%/1.3 Level 17: 28.5%/2
Level 08: 20%/1.3 Level 18: 29%/2
Level 09: 21.5%/1.3 Level 19: 29.5%/2
Level 10: 22.5%/1.3 Level 20: 30%/2

Natural Bond
"Dryads share an instinctive affinity with all living things. They can cast
spells using less of their mana by drawing from the life force of their
surroundings. They have also learned to create mana potions from certain

Can harvest Mana Potions. Decrease in Mana Cost of Spells:
Level 01: 6% Level 11: 45%
Level 02: 12% Level 12: 47%
Level 03: 17% Level 13: 49%
Level 04: 22% Level 14: 51%
Level 05: 26% Level 15: 53%
Level 06: 30% Level 16: 55%
Level 07: 34% Level 17: 57%
Level 08: 37% Level 18: 58%
Level 09: 40% Level 19: 59%
Level 10: 43% Level 20: 60%

Nurturing Gift
"Shamans that focus on the restorative arts can eventually wield healing magic
that is nothing short of miraculous in its effectiveness."

Increase in Healing Magic:
Level 01: 8% Level 11: 70%
Level 02: 16% Level 12: 75%
Level 03: 24% Level 13: 79%
Level 04: 30% Level 14: 83%
Level 05: 36% Level 15: 87%
Level 06: 42% Level 16: 90%
Level 07: 48% Level 17: 93%
Level 08: 54% Level 18: 96%
Level 09: 60% Level 19: 98%
Level 10: 65% Level 20: 100%

Summon Bond
"The bond between the mage and a summoned creature can be strengthened to the
point that the creature will trade its own life force to absorb damage dealt
to the mage who called it."

Increase in Percentage of Damage Transferred:
Level 01: 12% Level 11: 52.5%
Level 02: 20% Level 12: 54.5%
Level 03: 26% Level 13: 56.5%
Level 04: 31% Level 14: 58.5%
Level 05: 35% Level 15: 60%
Level 06: 39% Level 16: 61.5%
Level 07: 42% Level 17: 63%
Level 08: 45% Level 18: 64%
Level 09: 47.5% Level 19: 65%
Level 10: 50% Level 20: 66%

Summon Fortitude
"Dryad summoners are taught to respect the companions they call and are
constantly developing methods to increase their creatures' ability to
survive in combat."

Increase in Summoned Creature Health:
Level 01: 16% Level 11: 80%
Level 02: 28% Level 12: 83%
Level 03: 36% Level 13: 86%
Level 04: 44% Level 14: 89%
Level 05: 51% Level 15: 92%
Level 06: 57% Level 16: 94%
Level 07: 62% Level 17: 96%
Level 08: 67% Level 18: 98%
Level 09: 72% Level 19: 99%
Level 10: 76% Level 20: 100%

Summon Might
"Elves discovered that magic could be woven around the teeth and claws of
summoned creatures to create an effect not unlike the tempering of steel.
Through short-lived, it proved quite effective."

Increase in Summoned Creature Damage:
Level 01: 24% Level 11: 121%
Level 02: 42% Level 12: 126%
Level 03: 54% Level 13: 131%
Level 04: 66% Level 14: 135%
Level 05: 77% Level 15: 139%
Level 06: 86% Level 16: 142%
Level 07: 94% Level 17: 145%
Level 08: 102% Level 18: 147%
Level 09: 109% Level 19: 149%
Level 10: 115% Level 20: 150%

Spells [DS.10.01]

Coming in the later versions - most irrelevant. You can help by sending a

Weapons, Armor & Misc [DS.11.01]

Sets [DS.11.02]

Note: For now I only have the sets listed. I'll add the "normal" armor later

-Bloody Vengeance Set (4 Pieces)
-Vengeance (Bow)
55-92 Damage
Range: 16 Meters
+52% Damage
15-25 Death Damage
+2 to Ranged Skills
+3 To Biting Arrow, Far Shot, and Shockwave
-Ire (Amulet)
+35 Dexterity
35% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
+20% Health Regeneration
+7% Power Recharge Rate
-Set Bonus:
-2 Pieces: 10-20 Death Damage, 5% Health Steal, +1 to Ranged Skills, +2 to
Biting Arrow, Far Shot, and Shockwave, +2 Armor
-3 Pieces: Unknown
-4 Pieces: Unknown
-2 Pieces Missing

-Chaos' Avatar Set (3 Pieces)
-Unravaler's Boots
Armor: 33
+12 Int
+12 Mana Regen
+22 Armor
+2 to Debilitation, Grim Necromancy, and Vampirism
-Endbringer's Vestment
Armor: 52
+48 Mana
20% of Physical Damage Reflect to Enemy
+60% Armor
+2 to Brilliance, Amplified Lightning, and Arcing
-Chaos Grips (Cestus)
9-15 Damage
+14 Intelligence
+20% Combat Magic Damage
+6% Power Recharge Rate
+2 to Devastation, Searing, Flames, and Ignite
-Set Bonus:
-2 Pieces: +80 Mana, +12% Combat Magic Damage, +3% Power Recharge Rate,
+1 to Combat Magic Skills, +4 Armor
-3 Pieces: +110 Mana, +20% Combat Magic Damage, +6% Power Recharge
Rate, +2 to Combat Magic Skills, +13 Armor

-Eternal Grace Set (4 Pieces)
-Eternal Finesse (Gloves)
Armor: 17
+13 Dexterity
+8 Max Health
7% Health Steal
+8 Armor
+8% Power Recharge Rate
-Eternal Elegance (Boots)
Armor: 23
+9 Dex
+9 Armor
+15% Fire Resistance
+12% Chance to Dodge Melee Attacks
-Eternal Dignity (Jerkin)
Armor: 42
+15 Health
+50% Armor
+1 to Biting Arrow, Far Shot, and Shockwave
+1 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate
-Eternal Beauty (Hood)
Armor: 27
5% Health Steal
+12% Health Regen
+70% Armor
+1 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival
-Set Bonus Unknown

-Fallen Soldier Gift Set (3 Pieces)
-Soldier's Justice (Arbalest)
68-135 Damage
Range: 10 Metres
+30 Dex
+26 Max Damage
+45% Damage
12-15 Fire Damage
+2 to Ranged Skills
-Soldier's Reborn Shroud (Body Armor)
Armor: 120
+100% Armor
+22% Death Resistance
+8% Melee and Ranged Resistance
+3 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival
-Soldier's Vigilance (Gloves)
Armor: 31
+18 Dexterity
+15 Armor
+12% Magic Damage Resistance
+6% Power Recharge Rate
-Set Bonus:
-2 Pieces: +75 Health, 11-13 Fire Damage, +2 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and
Survival, +25 Armor
-3 Pieces: +100 Health, 13-16 Fire Damage, +3 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and
Survival, +40 Armor

-Frostheim's Trappings Set (4 Pieces)
-Frostheims Claw (Ring)
+8 Strength
5-8 Weapon Damage
20% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
7% Health Steal
-Frostheim (Flamberge)
46-78 Damage
+16 Str
+35% Damage
6-11 Ice Damage
+18% Fire Resistance
-Frostheim's Grips (Gauntlets)
Armor: 36
+55 Health
+15 Armor
+20% Ice Resistance
+2 to Fortitude, Overbear, and Smite
-Frostheim's Binding (Ring)
+36 Max Damage
+12% Health Regeneration
+20% Ice Resistance
+6% Power Recharge Rate
-Set Bonus:
-2 Pieces: Unknown
-3 Pieces: Unknown
-4 Pieces: +25 Strength, 9-15 Ice Damage, +25% Ice Resistance, +2 to Melee
Skills, +15 Melee Damage, +8 Armor

-Ghostly Visions Set (3 Pieces)
-Spirit of Unrest (Ring)
+4-6 Weapon Damage
5% health Steal
20% Reflect Physical
+15% Death Resistance
-Spirit of Rest (Ring)
+35 Health
+35 Mana
12% Health/Mana Regeneration
-Spirit of Repose (Necklace)
+80 Health/Mana
+3% Power Damage
+6% Power Recharge
-Set Bonus:
+15% Health/Mana Regen, +20 Armor, +8% Magic Resistance

-Jewels of the Nexus (5 Pieces)
-Jewel of Fire (Ring)
+4 Str
+1-2 Weapon Damage
10% Fire Res.
8% Find Magic Item
-Jewel of Death (Ring)
+10 Int
+6-11 Weapon Damage
Restores 5 Health per Hit
+18% Death Resistance
-Jewel of Ice (Ring)
+4-7 Weapon Damage
+8 Armor
+16% Ice Resistance
+14% Ranged Resistance
-Jewel of Lighting (Ring)
+2-5 Weapon Damage
+6 Dex
+12% Lighting Resistance
+60% Gold Dropped
-Nexus Prism (Amulet)
Requires Character Level 34
+68 Health
+12% Magic Damage Resistance
+1 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
+1 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival
+1 to Aquatic Affinity, Arctic Mastery, and Freezing
+1 to Devastation, Searing Flames, and Ignite
-Set Bonus:
-2 Pieces: 2-4 Ice Damage, 3-4 Fire Damage, 2-5 Lightning Damage,
2-4 Death Damage
-3 Pieces: 4-7 Ice Damage, 5-6 Fire Damage, 3-8 Lightning Damage,
4-7 Death Damage
-4 Pieces: 7-12 Ice Damage, 8-10 Fire Damage, 5-14 Lightning Damage,
7-12 Death Damage, +1 to Melee Skills, +1 to Ranged Skills,
+1 to Nature Magic Skills, +1 to Combat Magic Skills
-5 Pieces: Adds 10 to 16 Ice Damage, Adds 12 to 14 Fire Damage, Adds 6 to
19 Lightning Damage, Adds 10 to 16 Death Damage, +2 to Melee
Skills, +2 to Ranged Skills, +2 to Nature Magic Skills, +2 to
Combat Magic Skills

-Lorethal's Legacy (8 Pieces)
-Lorethal's Honor (Amulet)
+7 Health
1-2 Weapon Damage
+3 Armor
+8% Chance to Find Magic Items
-Lorethal's Grace (Gauntlets)
Armor: 12
+3 Strength
+5 Armor
+10% Lightning Resistance
+3% Power Recharge Rate
-Lorethal's Nobility (Helmet)
Armor: 15
5% Health Steal
+33% Armor
+12% Death Resistance
+1 to Barricade, Toughness and Reinforced Armor
-Lorethal's Determination (Boots)
Armor: 17
+22 Health
+7 Armor
+12% Ice Resistance
+12% Fire Resistance
-Lorethal's Sacrifice (Mace)
18-37 Damage
+6 Str
+8% Max Damage
+25% Damage
+4-5 Fire Damage
-Lorethal's Command (Shield)
Armor: 58
+10% Health Regen
+80% Armor
+12% Ranged Resistance
26% to Block Melee Attacks
-Lorethal's Eminence (Ring)
6% Health Steal
+12% Health Regen
+8% Death Magic Resistance
+1 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
-Lorethal's Courage (Full Plate)
Armor: 136
+14 Str
+100% Armor
+6% Melee Resistance
+1 to Melee Skills
-Set Bonus:
-2 Pieces: +3 Str, +5 Armor, +2% Magic Damage Resistance
-3 Pieces: +5 Str, +12 Armor, +4% Magic Damage Resistance
-4 Pieces: +6 Str, +18 Armor, +6% Magic Damage Resistance, +1 to Barricade,
Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
-5 Pieces: +8 Str, +25 Armor, +8% Magic Damage Resistance, +1 to Barricade,
Toughness, and Reinforced Armor, +5 Melee Damage
-6 Pieces: +10 Str, +35 Armor, +10% Magic Damage Resistance, +1 to Melee
Skills, +1 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor, +10
Melee Damage
-7 Pieces: +14 Str, +50 Armor, +12% Magic Damage Resistance, +1 to Melee
Skills, +2 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor, +20
Melee Damage
-8 Pieces: +18 Str, +65 Armor, +15% Magic Damage Resistance, +2 to Melee
Skills, +3 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor, +27
Melee Damage

-Luun's Deathblades (2 Pieces)
-Giethaa (Short Sword)
Fast Attack Speed
Damage: 31 to 52
Requires Melee 34
+18 Strength
+67 Health
Adds 9 to 15 Death Damage
-Citaa (Long Sword)
Fast Attack Speed
Damage: 40 to 68
Requires Melee 34
+28 Dexterity
+42% Damage
Adds 9 to 15 Death Damage
+2 to Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity
-Set Bonus:
-2 Pieces: Adds 10 to 16 Death Damage, 8% Health Steal, +6% Power Recharge
Rate, +2 to Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity

-Mysterious Set (3 Pieces)
-Mysterious Token
-Mysterious Bucket
+40% Belligerence
+10% Looking like a Fool
+20% Chance to Find Magic Items
-Set Bonus:
-1 Piece : 5 2 6 4 3 9 2 8
-2 Pieces: 3 11 7
-1 Piece missing

-Nature's Vigilance (4 Pieces)
-Vigilant Gloves (Gloves)
Armor: 5
+4% Nature Magic Damage
+5% Mana Regeneration
+4% Lightning Resistance
-Vigilant Hauberk (Armor)
Armor: 20
+4 Strength
+12 Health
-Vigilant Boots (Boots)
Armor: 11
+4 Dexterity
+5% Health Regeneration
+4 Armor
-Set Bonus:
-2 Pieces: +5% Lightning Resistance
-3 Pieces: +6 Armor, +5% Lightning resistance
-4 Pieces: +20 Health, +15 Armor, +10% Lightning Resist

-Night's Shadow Set (5 Pieces)
-Phantom Razor (Falchion)
26-44 Damage
+14 Str
7-12 Ice Damage
+2 to Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity
8% Health Steal
-Whisper (Dirk)
21-48 Damage
+12 Max Damage
+25% Damage
4-7 Death Damage
+5% to Dodge Melee Attacks
-Smoke's Cowl (Hood)
Armor: 15
+16 Health
+5% Health Regen
+12% Death Resistance
+4% Power Recharge Rate
-Shadowstep (Boots)
Armor: 20
+7 Armor
+8% Melee Resistance
+12% Chance to Block Ranged Attacks
+15% Change to Find Magical Items
-Nightspirit (Gloves)
Armor: 28
+9 Str
+12 Armor
+16% Fire Resistance
+75% Gold Dropped
-Set Bonus:
-2 Pieces: 3% Health Steal, +4% Change to Dodge Melee Attacks, +20% to Find
Magical Items, +3 Melee Damage
-3 Pieces: 4% Health Steal, +6% Change to Dodge Melee Attacks, +1 to
Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity, +25% to Find
Magical Items, +5 Melee Damage, +2 Armor
-4 Pieces: 5% Health Steal, +10% Change to Dodge Melee Attacks, +1 to
Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity, +30% to Find
Magical Items, +8 Melee Damage, +4 Armor
-5 Pieces: 7% Health Steal, +12% Change to Dodge Melee Attacks, +2 to
Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity, +40% to Find
Magical Items, +14 Melee Damage, +6 Armor

-Olimarch's Bane Set (4 Pieces)
-Savior's Signal (Gloves)
+6 Dex
+12% Ice Resistance
+3 Power Recharge
+2 to Critical Shot, Dodge, Survival
-Savior's Halo (Ring)
+25 Health
+5% Health Regen
+5% Health Steal
+12% Lightning Resistance
-Skewer of Olimarch (Bow)
Damage 15 - 29
Range: 12 Meters
+9 Dex
+22% Damage
+2-7 Lightning Damage
+1 to Biting Arrow, Far Shot, Shockwave
-Savior's Trail (Boots)
+8 Health
+10% Fire Resistance
+5% Dodge Melee
+10% Find Magical Items
-Set Bonus:
-2 Pieces: +5 Dex, +3% Magic Damage Resistance, +4 Max Ranged Damage
-3 Pieces: +8 Dex, +6% Magic Damage Resistance, +1 to Critical Shot,
Dodge, and Survival, +1 to Biting Arrow, Farshot, and Shockwave
+6 Max Ranged Damage, +2 Armor
-4 Pieces: +12 Dex, +10% Magic Resistance, +1 to Critical Shot, Dodge,
Survival, +2 to Biting Arrow, Farshot, Shockwave, +9 Max Damage,
+6 Armor

-Plainwalker's Journet (Unknown Pieces)
-Plainswalker's Relic (Ring)
+9-28 Weapon Damage
+11% Health Steal
+25% Death Resistance
+10% Power Recharge Rate

-Ghostly Visions (3 Pieces)
-Spirit of Rest
Requires Character Level 26
+35 Health
+35 Mana
+12% Mana Regeneration
+12% Health Regeneration
-Set Bonus:
-2 Missing Pieces

-Secrets of the Forgotten Set (3 Pieces)
-Soranith's Amulet (Necklace)
+15 Int
+15 Mana Regen
+15 Death Resistance
-Soranith's Gold Ring (Ring)
+20 Str
+4-6 Weapon Damage
+20% Fire Resistance
- Soranith's Silver Ring (Ring)
+27 Dex
+4-7 Weapon Damage
+20 Lightning Resistance
-Set Bonus:
-2 Pieces: +3% Health Steal, +4% Magic Resistance, +20% Find Magical Items
-3 Pieces: +5% Health Steal, +6% Magic Resistance, +40% Find Magical Items

-Silks of the Master (4 Pieces)
-Mage Silk Boots
+3 Int
+5% Health Regen
+5 Armor
+10% Lighting Resist
-Masters Focusing Charm (Amulet)
+10% Combat Damage
+10% Nature Damage
6% Mana Steal
+1 Aquatic Affinity, Arctic Mastery, Freezing
-Masters Insight (Ring)
+5 Int
+6% Magic Damage Resistance
+4% Power Recharge Rate
+1 to Devastation, Searing Flames, and Ignite
-Magesilk Gloves
Armor: 11
+15 Mana
+5% Mana Regen
+6 Armor
+12% Fire Resistance
-Set Bonus:
-2 Pieces: +3 Int, +10% Nature Magic Damage, +10% Combat Magic Damage,
4% Mana Steal, +2 Armor
-3 Pieces: +5 Int, +15% Nature Magic Damage, +15% Combat Magic Damage,
6% Mana Steal, +4 Armor
-4 Pieces: +8 Int, +20% Nature Magic Damage, +20% Combat Magic Damage,
8% Mana Steal, +8 Armor

-The Circle of Four (4 Pieces)
-Corum of Four's Helm
Armor: 38
+14 Int
+22% Combat Magic Damage
+20 Armor
+2 To Brilliance, Amplified Lightning, and Arcing
-Kreya of Four's Pendant
+18 Int
+25% Nature Magic Damage
+1 to Nature Magic Skills
+2 to Aquatic Affinity, Arctic Mastery, and Freezing
-Treil of the Four's Boots
Armor: 40
+10% Mana Steal
+25 Armor
+1 to Combat Magic Skills
+2 to Devastation, Searing Flame, and Ignite.
-Azuka of Four's Robe
+150 Mana
+120% Armor
+3 to Summon Fortitude, Summon Might, and Summon Bond
+3 to Nurturing Gift, Enveloping Embrace, and Feral Wrath
-Set Bonus:
-2 Pieces: +100 Mana, 8% Health Steal, 15% Ranged Resistance, +2 to Summon
Fortitude, Summon Might, and Summon Bond, +2 Armor
-3 Pieces: Unknown
-4 Pieces: Unknown
-1 Piece Missing

-The Furious Tempest (Unknown Pieces)
-Windstep (Boots)
Armor: 62
+30 Armor
+25% Lightning Resistance
+25% to Dodge Ranged Attacks
+2 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival

-The Legend of the Fire King (Unknown Pieces)
-Fire King's Will (Ring)
+20% Health Regeneration Rate
+25% Fire Resistance
+6% Power Recharge Rate
+1 to Melee Skills
-Set Bonus:
-Unknown Number of Pieces Missing

-Thena's Serenity (4 Pieces)
-Thena's Companion (2 Handed Staff)
+ 9-15 Damage
+3 Int
+12 Health
+10% Nature Magic Damage
+10% Find Magic Items
-Thena's Calming Gaze (Hood)
Armor: 18
+6 Int
6% Mana Steal
+80% Armor
+1 Summon Fortitude, Summon Might, Summon Bond
-Thena's Tranquil Path (Boots)
Armor: 8
5% Mana Regen
+5 Armor
+10% Fire Resistance
-Thena's Soothing Touch (Gloves)
+22 Mana
+2 Mana per Hit
+12 Death Resistance
+1 Nurturing Gift, Enveloping Embrace, Feral Wrath
-Set Bonus:
-2 Pieces: +1 Int, +20 Mana, +3% Magic Damage Resistance
-3 Pieces: +5 Int, +30 Mana, +6% Magic Damage Resistance, +1 to Summon
Fortitude, Might, Bond, +1 to Nurturing Gift, Enveloping Embrace,
Feral Wrath, +2 Armor
-4 Pieces: +8 Int, +40 Mana, +10% Magic Damage Resistance, +2 to Summon
Fortitude, Might, Bond, +2 Nurturing Gift, Enveloping Embrace,
Feral Wrath, +5 Armor

-Treasures of the Dwarven Lords (3 Pieces)
-The Iron Crown (Helm)
Armor: 53
+20 Strength
+25 Max Damage
+20 Armor
+8% Melee Resistance
-Stonecase (Body Armor)
Armor: 203
+95 Health
+20 Armor
+75% Armor
+3 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
-Forge Gauntlets (Gauntlets)
Armor: 61
+32 Strength
+30 Armor
+15% Ranged Resistance
+2 to Melee Skills
-Set Bonus:
-2 Pieces: Unknown
-3 Pieces: +40 Strength, +100 Health, +10% Melee Resistance, +15% Chance to
Find Magic Items, +12 Armor

-Vistria's Undoing (4 Pieces)
-Skin of Vistria (Greaves)
Armor: 45
+16% Health Regeneration
+20 Armor
+15% Magic Damage Resistance
+1 to Melee Skills
-Mirror of Vistria (Shield)
Armor: 140
30% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
+90% Armor
+24% Death Resistance
+15% Chance to block Melee Attacks
-Set Bonus:
-2 Pieces: +50 Health, 20% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy, +4% Magic
Damage Resistance, +1 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced
Armor, +4 Armor
-3 Pieces: Unknown
-4 Pieces: Unknown
-2 Pieces Missing

-Wind of Kel'Drassil Set (5 Pieces)
-Wind of Calamity (Ring)
+13 Max Ranged Damage
+10 Min Ranged Damage
20% of Physical Damage Reflected on Enemy
+1 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate
-Gale Raiment (Hauberk)
Armor: 105
+10 Dex
+65% Armor
+15% Health Regen
+5% Power Recharge Rate
+1 to Ranged Skills
-The Fourth Wind (Glaive)
27-62 Damage
Range: 8 Meters
+16 Dex
+16 Max Damage
+33% Damage
+2 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate
-Wind of Recovery (Ring)
+55 Health
Restores 6 Health per Hit
+15% Health Regeneration
+6% Power Recharge Rate
-Set Bonus:
-2 Pieces: Unknown
-3 Pieces: Unknown
-4 Pieces: +24 Dexterity, Restores 8 Health per Hit, +2 to Ranged Skills,
+2 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate, +4 Armor
-5 Pieces: Unknown

Uniques [DS.11.03]

Armor Uniques

Head Armor

Unique Carved Cap
Armor: 12
Requires Ranged 13
+24 Health
Restores 2 Health per Hit
+14% Ice Resistance
+6% Melee Resistance
+1 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival
Bogrim Thul -- The Demon's Visage
Unique Evil Helm
Armor: 53
Requires Character Level 40
+8% Pure Evil
+30 Evil Intensity
+100% Evil Resistance
+3 to Evil Skills
Calix's Mask
Unique Warlock Mask
Armor: 54
Requires Combat Magic 46
+25 Intelligence
35% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
+125% Armor
+22% Ice Resistance
+3 to Devastation, Searing Flames, and Ignite
Chaos Glare
Unique Studded Helm
Armor: 18
Requires Melee 17
+8 Strength
+30 Health
18% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
Restores 3 Health per Hit
Unique Adept Helm
Armor: 21
Requires Combat Magic 20
+6 Intelligence
+40 Health
+75% Armor
+15% Fire Resistance
+2 to Debilitation, Grim Necromancy, and Vampirism
Diamond Mask
Unique Sorcerer Cowl
Armor: 44
Requires Combat Magic 34
+105 Mana
+10% Combat Magic Damage
+25 Armor
+22% Lightning Resistance
+2 to Brilliance, Amplified Lightning, and Arcing
Unique Chain Helm
Armor: 43
Requires Melee 30
+15 Strength
+15 Armor
+20% Lightning Resistance
+30% Chance to Find Magic Items
Eli's Bucket
Unique Bucket
Armor: 23
Requires Character Level 40
+20 Life of the Party
+8% Happy Oblivion
Glacial Crown
Unique Obsidian Helmet
Armor: 121
Requires Melee 63
+180 Health
+20% Health Regeneration
+120% Armor
+28% Ranged Resistance
+2 to Melee Skills
Gram's Relic
Unique Raven Cap
Armor: 34
Requires Nature Magic 31
+70 Health
+100% Armor
+18% Death Resistance
+2 to Aquatic Affinity, Arctic Mastery, and Freezing
+30% Chance to Find Magic Items
Nightwolf Crest
Unique Leather Helm
Armor: 12
Requires Melee 10
+6% Health Regeneration
+12% Fire Resistance
+5% Chance to Dodge Melee Attacks
+1 to Fortitude, Overbear, and Smite
Restless Gaze
Unique Explorer Helm
Armor: 39
Requires Ranged 27
+18 Dexterity
+18 Armor
+6% Chance to Dodge
+2 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival
Rogue's Hood
Unique Leaf Hood
Armor: 8
Requires Ranged 7
+15 Health
10% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
+11% Lightning Resistance
+10% Chance to find Magic Items
Sight of the Eagle
Unique Tribal Headdress
Armor: 23
Requires Nature Magic 18
+6 Intelligence
+50 Mana
5% Mana Steal
+12 Armor
Unique Elementalist Cap
Armor: 6
Requires Combat Magic 8
+54 Mana
4% Health Steal
+5% Mana Regeneration
+12% Death Resistance
The Omniscient Oracle
Unique Archmage Hood
Armor: 100
Requires Combat Magic 68
+45 Intelligence
+15% Combat Magic Damage
+25% Mana Regeneration
+65 Armor
+2 to Combat Magic Skills
Untamed Eyes
Unique Ancestral Helm
Armor: 73
Requires Nature Magic 51
+30 Intelligence
+10% Nature Magic Damage
+20% Mana Regeneration
+46 Armor
+24% Ice Resistance
Vagabond's Hood
Unique Apprentice Hood
Armor: 4
Requires Combat Magic 4
+2 Intelligence
+4% Health regeneration
+10% Fire Resistance
+5% Melee Resistance
Wyrmskin Cowl
Unique Elven Helm
Armor: 66
Requires Ranged 43
+110 Health
10% Health Steal
+35 Armor
+1 to Ranged Skills

Body Armor

Amren Family Armor
Unique Twilight Armor
Armor: 49
Requires Ranged 20
+12 Dexterity
+8 Armor
+10% Fire Resistance
Arinth's Robe
Unique Archmage Robe
Armor: 61
Requires Combat Magic 30
+77 Mana
+18 Armor
+20% Fire Resistance
+25% Chance to Find Magic Items
Artech's Raiment
Unique Explorer Armor
Armor: 133
Requires Ranged 35
+30 Dexterity
+105% Armor
+15% to Magic Damage Resistance
+1 to Ranged Skills
Unique Leather Jerkin
Armor: 48
Requires Melee 14
+8 Armor
+13% Lightning Resistance
+13% Death Resistance
+6% Chance to Dodge Melee Attacks
+18% Chance to Find Magic Items
Etched Spirit
Unique Elven Armor
Armor: 237
Requires Ranged 55
+160 Health
+145% Armor
+22% Fire Resistance
+3 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival
Inferno Mantle
Unique Elementalist Robe
Armor: 56
Requires Combat Magic 26
+10 Intelligence
+56 Health
+18 Armor
+18% Fire Resistance
+18% Lightning Resistance
Lescanza Skin
Unique Chain Mail
Armor: 110
Requires Melee 38
+22 Armor
+12% Chance to Dodge Ranged Attacks
+22% Lightning Resistance
+1 to Melee Skills
Lunar Petals
Unique Leaf Jerkin
Armor: 38
Requires Ranged 18
+10 Dexterity
+8% Health Resistance
+15% Ice Resistance
+15% Fire Resistance
Unique Carved Tunic
Armor: 61
Requires Ranged 24
+50 Health
+13 Armor
+16% Death Resistance
+6% Melee Resistance
Unique Tribal Armor
Armor: 51
+85 Mana
25% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
+12 Armor
+18% Ice Resistance
+30 Chance to Find Magic Items
Ravager's Skin
Unique Studded Tunic
Armor: 104
Requires Melee 23
+10 Strength
+50 Health
20% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
+80% Armor
Serpent Vestment
Unique Adept Robe
Armor: 125
Requires Combat Magic 42
+165 Mana
+16% Health Regeneration
+120% Armor
+1 to Combat Magic Skills
Traveller's Robe
Unique Apprentice Robe
Armor: 24
Requires Combat Magic 14
+25 Health
+35 Mana
+14% Ice Resistance
+3% Melee and Ranged Resistance
Trickster Feathers
Unique Raven Armor
Armor: 116
Requires Nature Magic 39
+18 Intelligence
+115% Armor
+22% Fire Resistance
+1 to Nature Magic Skills

Arm Armor

Unique Ancestral Gloves
Armor: 37
Requires Nature Magic 43
+110 Health
8% Mana Steal
+18% Health Regeneration
+120% Armor
+8% Power Recharge Rate
Unique Raven Gloves
Armor: 25
Requires Nature Magic 24
+70 Mana
6% Health Steal
+15 Armor
+18% Fire Resistance
+5% Power Recharge Rate
Culling Touch
Unique Warlock Gloves
Armor: 63
Requires Combat Magic 58
12% Mana Steal
+40 Armor
+24% Death Resistance
+12% Power Recharge Rate
+3 to Debilitation, Grim Necromancy, and Vampirism
Ethaniel's Gloves
Unique Arboreal gloves
Armor: 85
Requires Ranged 64
+200 Health
Adds 24 to 40 Weapon Damage
+25% Health Regeneration
+52 Armor
+12% Power Recharge Rate
Gauntlets of Cleansing Fire
Unique Mythril Gauntlets
Armor: 97
Requires Melee 73
Adds 36 to 44 Weapon Damage
10% Health Steal
+50 Armor
+14% Power Recharge Rate
+4 to Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity
Horizon's Reach
Unique Explorer Gloves
Armor: 39
Requires Ranged 31
+65 Health
+22 Armor
+7% Power Recharge Rate
+2 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate
Moon Needle
Unique Leaf Gloves
Requires Ranged 11
+6 Max Damage
+10% Nature Magic Damage
Restores 3 Health per Hit
+8% Health Regeneration
+12% Ice Resistance
Unique Plate Gauntlets
Armor: 43
Requires Melee 34
Restores 8 Health per Hit
+80% Armor
+20% Fire Resistance
+1 to Melee Skills
+80% Gold Dropped
Unique Elementalist Gloves
Armor: 8
Requires Combat Magic 17
+6 Intelligence
18% of Physical Damage reflected to Enemy
+15% Fire Resistance
+2 to Devastation, Searing Flames and Ignite
Unique Apprentice Gloves
Armor: 5
Requires Combat Magic 10
+25 Mana
4% Mana Steal
+12% Death Resistance
+10% Chance to Dodge Ranged Attacks
+10% Chance to Find Magic Items
Ruby Gauntlets
Unique Sorcerer Gloves
Armor: 47
Requires Combat Magic 50
+200 Mana
+135% Armor
+22% Fire Resistance
+10% Power Recharge Rate
+3 to Devastation, Searing Flames, and Ignite
Scaled Blessing
Unique Dragon Gloves
Armor: 61
Requires Nature Magic 55
+40 Armor
+24% Death Resistance
+10% Power Recharge Rate
+3 to Nurturing Gift, Enveloping Embrace, and Feral Wrath
Shattering Gauntlets
Unique Obsidian Gauntlets
Armor: 61
Requires Melee 46
+30 Strength
Adds 14 to 23 Weapon Damage
+30 Armor
+25% Ice Resistance
+3 to Fortitude, Overbear, and Smite
Unique Chain Gloves
Armor: 31
Requires Melee 26
+12 Strength
Adds 4 to 12 Weapon Damage
+12 Armor
+18% Lightning Resistance
+5% Power Recharge Rate
Thief's Finesse
Unique Carved Gloves
Armor: 18
Requires Ranged 15
+8 Dexterity
Adds 2 to 6 Weapon Damage
+8 Armor
+15% Chance to Find Magic Items
+50% Gold Dropped
Verdant Touch
Unique Woven Gloves
Armor: 9
Requires Nature Magic 7
+18 Mana
4% Mana Steal
+5 Armor
+12% Ice Resistance
Unique Tribal Gloves
Armor: 7
Requires Nature Magic 14
+5 Intelligence
+10% Nature Magic Damage
+10% Mana Regeneration
+12% Ranged Resistance
Wyrmscale Gloves
Unique Adept Gloves
Armor: 32
Requires Combat Magic 30
+12% Combat Magic Damage
7% Mana Steal
+20 Armor
+8% Power Recharge Rate

Feet Armor

Chimaera Tracks
Unique Adept Boots
Armor: 25
Requires Combat Magic 23
+8 Intelligence
+45 Health
+15 Armor
+16% Fire Resistance
Companion's Wisdom
Unique Raven Boots
Armor: 21
Requires Nature Magic 21
+8 Intelligence
+12 Armor
+8% Magic Damage Resistance
+2 to Summon Fortitude, Summon Might, and Summon Bond
Corrupting Wake
Unique Warlock Boots
Armor: 71
Requires Combat Magic 54
+155 Health
40% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
+50 Armor
+24% Death Resistance
Unique Explorer Boots
Armor: 24
Requires Ranged 21
+40 Health
+10% Health Regeneration
+12 Armor
+2 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate
Grace of Night
Unique Leather Boots
Armor: 11
Requires Melee 6
+12 Health
+4 Armor
+12% Ice Resistance
+8% Chance to Dodge Ranged Attacks
Unique Leaf Boots
Armor 5
Requires Ranged 5
+3 Dexterity
+5% Health Regeneration
+5% Chance to Dodge Melee Attacks
+20% Gold Dropped
Infused Boots
Unique Chain Boots
Armor: 27
Requires Melee 20
+8 Strength
+12 Armor
+16% Lightning Resistance
+6% Chance to Dodge Melee Attacks
+70% Gold Dropped
Kale's Resolve
Unique Obsidian Greaves
Armor: 76
Requires Melee 54
+38 Strength
+130 Health
40% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
+40 Armor
+25% Death Resistance
Unique Carved Boots
Armor: 12
Requires Ranged 9
+5 Dexterity
+5 Armor
+12% Lightning Resistance
+10% Chance to Dodge Ranged Attacks
Panther's Paw
Unique Tribal Boots
Armor 5
Requires Nature Magic 9
+16 Health
+6 Mana Regeneration
+12% Death Resistance
+3% Chance to Dodge Melee and Ranged Attacks
Sapphire Boots
Unique Sorcerer Boots
Armor: 31
Requires Combat Magic 38
+20% Mana Regeneration
+110% Armor
+22% Ice Resistance
+35% Chance to Find Magic Items
+125 Mana
Tracker's Boots
Unique Elven Boots
Armor: 45
Requires Ranged 39
+115% Armor
+22% Ice Resistance
+22% Fire Resistance
+3 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival
+35% Chance to Find Magic Items


Flame of Ibsen Yamas
Unique Heater Shield
Armor: 51
Requires Melee 30
Requires Barricade 1
Adds 9 to 11 Weapon Damage
+15 Armor
+20% Fire Resistance
+10% Chance to Block Melee Attacks
Flechette Ward
Unique Large Shield
Armor: 86
Requires Melee 42
Requires Barricade 1
+25 Strength
+90% Armor
+22% Ranged Resistance
+15% Chance to Block Ranged Attacks
Unique Buckler
Armor: 11
Requires Melee 8
Requires Barricade 1
+15 Health
+12% Lightning Resistance
+8% Chance to Block Melee Attacks
+10% Chance to Find Magic Items
Razor Mane of Culahn
Unique Tower Shield
Armor: 105
Requires Melee 54
Requires Barricade 1
40% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
+40 Armor
+20% Death Resistance
+12% Chance to Block Melee Attacks
+20% Chance to Block Ranged Attacks
Utrean Bulwark
Unique Small Shield
Armor: 22
Requires Melee 18
Requires Barricade 1
+8 Strength
+35 Health
+8% Health Regeneration
+10% Chance to Block Ranged Attacks


One-handed Weapons

Unique Val'Kesh Cleaver
Fast Attack Speed
Damage: 66 to 68
Requires Melee 67
+200 Health
+26 Min Damage
16% Health Steal
-25% Death Resistance
+20% Power Recharge Rate
Assassin's Kiss
Unique Dagger
Fast Attack Speed
Damage 6 to 15
Requires Melee 6
+4 Strength
+4 Dexterity
+4 Max Damage
Restores 2 Health per Hit
+18% Gold Dropped
Claw of Kajj
Unique Short Sword
Fast Attack Speed
Damage 18 to 18
Requires Melee 10
+7 Min Damage
+20% Damage
5% Health Steal
+10% Chance to Find Magic Items
Desert Fire
Unique Rift Axe
Fast Attack Speed
Damage: 115 to 175
Requires Melee 76
+68% Damage
Adds 38 to 47 Fire Damage
12% Health Steal
+18% Magic Damage Resistance
Feanden's Lash
Unique Elven Sword
Fast Attack Speed
Damage: 53 to 168
Requires Melee 62
+60 Max Damage
Adds 15 to 45 Lightning Damage
+15% Chance to Dodge Ranged Attacks
+3 to Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity
Fortune's Favor
Unique Hammer
Fast Attach Speed
Damage 9 to 16
Requires Melee 8
+20% Damage
+6% Chance to Dodge Melee Attacks
+10% Chance to Find Magic Items
+25% Gold Dropped
Frost Talon
Unique Dryad Sword
Fast Attack Speed
Damage: 24 to 40
Requires Melee 21
+11 Strength
+26% Damage
Adds 5 to 8 Ice Damage
+17% Fire Resistance
+2 to Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity
Unique Gladius
Fast Attack Speed
Damage: 24 to 40
Requires Melee 37
+20 Strength
+12% Magic Damage Resistance
+14% Power Recharge Rate
+35% Chance to Find Magic Items
+80% Gold Dropped
Grimsteel Reaver
Unique Forest Pick
Fast Attack Speed
Damage: 32 to 54
Requires Melee 29
+18 Strength
+30% Damage
Adds 7 to 12 Death Damage
10% Health Steal
-75% Health Regeneration
+20% Death Resistance
Hak'u Ceremonial Dagger
Unique Hak'u Ceremonial Dagger
Fast Attack Speed
Damage: 3 to 7
Imbued with Hak'u Magic
Heartwood Cudgel
Unique Club
Fast Attack Speed
Damage: 8 to 14
Requires Melee 4
+30 Health
+50% Damage
+15% Health Restoration
Heirloom Sword
Unique Sword
Slow Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 9 to 30
+15 Max Damage
Mace of Agarrus
Unique Mace
Unique Mace
Fast Attack Speed
Damage 13 to 22
Requires Melee 13
Adds 3 to 4 Fire Damage
+8% Health Regeneration
+8 Armor
+15% Death Resistance
Silver Dawn
Unique Elven Axe
Fast Attack Speed
Damage 43 to 88
Requires Melee 52
+42 Strength
Adds 11 to 34 Lightning Damage
+24% Death Resistance
+3 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
Spirit of Bolivar
Unique Sword
Fast Attack Speed
Damage: 25 to 58
Requires Melee 38
+15 Liberator Power
+18% Latino Flavor
+18% Latino Beat
+18% Futbol Love
+18% Chibcha Soul

Two-handed Weapons

Arinth's Staff
Unique Staff
Blackened Tooth of Karsha
Unique Totem Sword
Slow Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 60 to 75
Requires Melee 34
Requires Overbear 1
+15 Min Damage
Adds 9 to 15 Death Damage
Restores 8 Health per Hit
+22 Armor
Unique Staff
Slow Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 20 to 34
Requires Combat Magic 26 or Nature Magic 26
+62 Mana
20% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
7% Health Steal
+8% Melee Resistance
Unique Soldier Hammer
Slow Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 61 to 94
Requires Melee 44
Requires Overbear 1
+100 Health
Adds 16 to 19 Fire Damage
+18% Health Regeneration
+1 to Melee Skills
Fury of the Elements
Unique Fighter Staff
Slow Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 23 to 40
Requires Melee 12
Requires Overbear 1
Adds 2 to 4 Ice Damage
Adds 3 to 4 Fire Damage
Adds 2 to 5 Lightning Damage
+7% Magic Damage Resistance
Unique Bastard Sword
Slow Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 33 to 44
Requires Melee 18
Requires Overbear 1
+9 Min Damage
Adds 3 to 8 Lightning Damage
7% Health Steal
+8% Lightning Resistance
+2 to Fortitude, Overbear, and Smite
Manastorm Spire
Unique Elven Staff
Slow Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 22 to 37
Requires Combat Magic 29 or Nature Magic 29
+13 Intelligence
+105 Mana
+15% Nature Magic Damage
+15% Combat Magic Damage
+20% Lightning Resistance
Unique Longsword
Fast Attack Speed
Damage 38 to 96
Requires Melee 42
+32 Max Damage
Adds 12 to 20 Death Damage
+26 Armor
+22% Fire Resistance
Rimen's Dragoneye Staff
Unique Yearling Staff
Slow Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 45 to 75
Requires Combat Magic 65 or Nature Magic 65
+45 Intelligence
+35% Nature Magic Damage
+50% Ice Resistance
+2 to Nature Magic Skills
+4 to Aquatic Affinity, Arctic Mastery, and Freezing
Unique War Axe
Slow Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 44 to 72
Requires Melee 26
Requires Overbear 1
+66 Health
+30% Damage
Adds 7 to 9 Fire Damage
25% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
+20% Ice Resistance
Soul Staff of the Nexus
Unique Staff
Slow Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 35 to 54
Requires Combat Magic 34 or Nature Magic 34
+16 Intelligence
+32 Mana
+10% Nature Magic Damage
Adds 10 to 12 Ice Damage
+20% Ice Resistance
+25 Armor
The Curving Stream
Unique Ritual Staff
Slow Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 19 to 32
Requires Nature Magic 24
+10 to Intelligence
+15% Nature Magic Damage
+18% Ice Resistance
+2 to Aquatic Affinity, Arctic Mastery, and Freezing

Bows, Crossbows and Throwing Weapons

Abyssal Avatar
Unique Throwing Star
Normal Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 61 to 95
Range: 8 Meters
Requires Ranged 44
Requires Quick Draw I
+112 Health
Adds 16 to 19 Fire Damage
Adds 13 to 22 Death Damage
+24% Death Resistance
Unique Glaive
Normal Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 63 to 69
Range: 8 Meters
Requires Ranged 58
Requires Quick Draw 1
+65 Dexterity
+22 Min Damage
+25% Ranged Resistance
+3 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate
Unique Throwing Crescent
Normal Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 40 to 63
Range: 8 Meters
Requires Ranged 30
Requires Quick Draw 1
+35% Damage
Adds 9 to 11 Fire Damage
30% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
Restores 7 Health per Hit
+12% Power Recharge Rate
Circle of the Night
Unique Chakram
Normal Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 77 to 203
Range: 8 Meters
Requires Ranged 70
Requires Quick Draw I
+75 Max Damage
Adds 28 to 46 Ice Damage
12% Health Steal
+25% Ice Resistance
Crystal Cloudstrike
Unique Arbalest
Slow Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 61 to 116
Range: 10 Meters
Requires Ranged 50
Requires Biting Arrow 1
Adds 11 to 32 Lightning Damage
+45 Armor
+20% Lightning Resistance
+3 to Biting Arrow, Far Shot, and Shockwave
Dalziel's Forsaker
Unique Ironwood Bow
Faster Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 70 to 103
Range: 10 Meters
Requires Ranged 70
+88 Dexterity
Adds 33 to 41 Fire Damage
+18% Magic Damage Resistance
+4 to Biting Arrow, Far Shot, and Shockwave
Unique Scout Bow
Faster Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 10 to 22
Range: 10 meters
Requires Ranged 10
+6 Max Damage
Adds 2-3 Death Damage
15% of Physical Damage reflected to Enemy
6% Health Steal
-75% Health Regeneration
Despair of the Void
Unique Stalker Bow
Faster Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 67 to 112
Range: 9 Meters
Requires Ranged 57
+54% Damage
Adds 20 to 33 Death Damage
+24% Ice Resistance
+3 to Crtical Shot, Dodge, and Survival
Lunar Grace
Unique Dryad Bow
Faster Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 11 to 22
Range: 10 meters
Requires Ranged 16
+11 Dexterity
+24% Damage
Restores 1 Health per Hit
+2 to Critical Shot, Dodge and Survival
Lyssa's Bow
Unique Short Bow
Faster Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 6 to 20
Range: 9 meters
Requires Ranged 4
+4 Dexterity
Adds 1-2 Fire Damage
+5% Chance to find Magic Items
+15% Gold Drop
Rogue's Spirit
Unique Throwing Axe
Normal Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 18 to 34
Range 8 Meters
Requires Ranged 18
Requires Quick Draw 1
+13 Dexterity
Adds 3 to 8 Lightning Damage
+4% Melee and Ranged Resistance
+2 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate
Sarah's Mug of Frothing Goodness
Unique Mug
Normal Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage : 41 to 62
Range: 8 Meters
Requires Ranged 38
Requires Quick Draw 1
Adds 13 to 15 Foaming Damage
+90 Great Taste
20% More Refreshing
10% Less Filling
-12% Inhibitions
Unique Light Crossbow
Slow Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 25 to 57
Range: 9 Meters
Requires Ranged 22
Requires Biting Arrow 1
+42 Health
+15 Max Damage
+18% Fire Resistance
+2 to Biting Arrow, Far Shot, and Shockwave
Unique Throwing Knife
Normal Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 15 to 15
Range: 8 meters
Requires Ranged 8
Requires Quick Draw 1
+6 Minimum Damage
+8% Magic Damage Resistance
+6% Power Recharge Rate
+10% Chance to find Magic Items
Unique Mercenary Crossbow
Slow Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 12 to 20
Range: 11 Meters
Requires Ranged 6
Requires Biting Arrow 1
+16 Health
Adds 1 to 2 Ice Damage
+5% Health Regeneration
+5 Armor
The Blood Rose Thorn
Unique Curve Bow
Faster Attack Speed
Damage: 37 to 61
Range 11 Meters
Requires Ranged 43
+40 Dexterity
Adds 13 to 21 Ice Damage
10% Health Steal
+18% Health Regeneration
Undermountain Catapult
Unique Heavy Crossbow
Slow Attack Speed
Two Handed Speed
Damage: 54 to 115
Range: 10 MEters
Requires Ranged 36
Requires Biting Arrow 1
+20 Strength
+25 Max Damage
+42% Damage
+15% Power Recharge Rate
+100% Gold Dropped
Venerable Hunter
Unique Elven Longbow
Faster Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 34 to 57
Range: 10 Meters
Requires Ranged 64
+300 Health
Restores 20 Health per Hit
+25% Health Regeneration
+65 Armor
Virtuous Rebellion
Unique Bow
Faster Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 32 to 60
Range: 16 Meters
Requires Ranged 33
+24 Dexterity
+35% Damage
Adds 6 to 17 Lightning Damage
+2 to Biting Arrow, Far Shot and Shockwave

Hand-to-hand Weapons

Ancestor's Hands
Unique Cryptic Cestus
Slow Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 13 to 21
Requires Combat Magic 49 or Nature Magic 49
10% Health Steal
+24% Mana Regeneration
+22% Fire Resistance
+16% Power Recharge Rate
+40% Chance to Find Magic Items
Druid's Companions
Unique Arcane Cestus
Slow Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 9 to 15
Requires Nature Magic 33
+100 Mana
+18% Mana Regeneration
+20% Death Resistance
+2 to Summon Fortitude, Summon Might, and Summon Bond
+1 to Fortitude and Toughness
Unique Cryptic Cestus
Slow Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage 13 to 22
Requires Nature Magic 52
+200 to Mana
+20% Mana Regeneration
+14% Damage Resistance
+3 to Summon Fortitude, Summon Might, and Summon Bond
+3 to Nurturing Gift, Enveloping Embrace, and Feral Wrath
Unique Arcane Cestus
Slow Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 9 to 16
Requires Combat Magic 35
+112 Mana
+18% Mana Regeneration
+20% Lightning Resistance
+14% Power Recharge Rate
+3 to Summon Alacrity and Quickened Casting
Rubicon's Bracers
Unique Arcane Cestus
Slow Attack Speed
Two Handed Weapon
Damage: 5 to 9
Requires Combat Magic 16 or Nature Magic 16
+37 Health
+10% Health Regeneration
+9 Armor
+4% Melee and Ranged Resistance

Miscellaneous Items

Hero's Amulet
Unique Amulet
Magic Damage Reduced by 4%

Unique Jewelled Ring
Requires Character Level 28
+40 Health
+40 Mana
+25% Gold Dropped
+15% Chance to Find Magic Items
Hero's Ring
Unique Ring
+5 Armour
+10 Health
Outride's Signet
Unique Gilded Ring
Requires Character Level 10
+4 Dexterity
+3 Intelligence
+5% Mana Regeneration
+8% Ice Resistance
Rahvan's Fist
Unique Gold Ring
Requires Character Level 30
+10 Strength
+10 Max Damage
+12 Armor
+8% Magic Damage Resistance
Unique Adorned Ring
Requires Character Level 26
+30 Health
Adds 3 to 5 Weapon Damage
+15% Fire Resistance
+4% Melee and Ranged Resistance
Unique Ornate Ring
Requires Character Level 34
+12 Intelligence
+75 Mana
+5% Combat Magic Damage
+5% Nature Magic Damage
Unique Gold Ring
Requires Character Level 36
+15 Strength
+65 Health
+5% Power Recharge Rate
+40% Gold Dropped
Queen's Husk
Unique Elaborate Ring
Requires Character Level 13
+6 Armor
+2% Health Steal
+10 Health
+10% Death Resistance
Xeria's Seal
Unique Silver Ring
Requires Character Level 20
+5 Strength
+6 Max Damage
Restores 3 Health per Hit
+10 Armour

Prefixes/Suffixes [DS.11.04]
This section is mostly for the list of, well, prefixes and suffixes that come
with most magical items. Just a small repertoire of their names and effects
if you will.


Crimson - +10% Fire Resistance
Scarlet - +14% Fire Resistance
Red - +18% Fire Resistance
Bloodshot - +22% Fire Resistance
Ruby - +25% Fire Resistance
Azure - +10% Ice Resistance
Beryl - +14% Ice Resistance
Blue - +18% Ice Resistance
Cerulean - +22% Ice Resistance
Sapphire - +25% Ice Resistance
Pale - +10% Lightning Resistance
Ivory - +14% Lightning Resistance
White - +18% Lightning Resistance
Crystalline - +22% Lightning Resistance
Pearl - +25% Lightning Resistance
Indigo - +10% Death Resistance
Lavender - +14% Death Resistance
Purple - +18% Death Resistance
Violet - +22% Death Resistance
Amethyst - +25% Death Resistance
Formidable - +5% Melee Resistance
Imposing - +7% Melee Resistance
Daunting - +9% Melee Resistance
Fearsome - +14% Melee Resistance
Disorienting - +8% Ranged Resistance
Obscuring - +12% Ranged Resistance
Blurring - +15% Ranged Resistance
Confounding - +18% Ranged Resistance
Displacing - +20% Ranged Resistance
Noble - +3% Melee and Ranged Resistance
Regal - +5% Melee and Ranged Resistance
Imperial - +7% Melee and Ranged Resistance
Sovereign - +10% Melee and Ranged Resistance
Midnight - +12% Magic Damage Resistance


of the Rat - +4 Health
of the Weasel - +9 Health
of the Fox - +15 Health
of the Badger - +24 Health
of the Panther - +36 Health
of the Ram - +50 Health
of the Boar - +67 Health
of the Wolf - +90 Health
of the Horse - +150 Health
of the Bear - +188 Health
of the Lion - +237 Health
of Consumption - Restores 2 Health per Hit
of Gorging - Restores 6 Health per Hit
of Feasting - Restores 14 Health per Hit
of Devouring - Restores 23 Health per Hit
of the Parasite - 3% Health Steal
of the Predator - 5% Health Steal
of the Vampire - 7% Health Steal
of Blood - 8% Health Steal
of Mending - +4% Health Regeneration
of Reconstruction - +6% Health Regeneration
of Regeneration - +12% Health Regeneration


of the Swift - +1 Dexterity
of the Spry - +4 Dexterity
of the Nimble - +9 Dexterity
of Proficiency - +16 Dexterity
of Expertise - +27 Dexterity
of Finesse - +40 Dexterity
of Deftness - +57 Dexterity
of Adroitness - +76 Dexterity
of Effortlessness - +100 Dexterity
of Hardiness - +1 Strength
of Sturdiness - +3 Strength
of Vigor - +7 Strength
of Force - +20 Strength
of Virulence - +30 Strength
of Might - +42 Strength
of Prominence - +56 Strength
of Colossus - +72 Strength
of Awareness - +1 Intelligence
of Insight - +3 Intelligence
of Judgment - +6 Intelligence
of Foresight - +10 Intelligence
of Acumen - +16 Intelligence
of Knowledge - +24 Intelligence
of Enlightenment - +45 Intelligence
of Omniscience - +60 Intelligence


Steadfast - +26% Armor
Vigilant - +40% Armor
Resolute - +52% Armor
Persistent - +65% Armor
Unremitting - +78% Armor
Relentless - +90% Armor
Abiding - +100% Armor
Eternal - +115% Armor
Stout - +2 Armor
Repellant - +4 Armor
Stable - +6 Armor
Enforced - +8 Armor
Tough - +10 Armor
Hardened - +15 Armor
Durable - +22 Armor
Rugged - +30 Armor
Fortified - +40 Armor
Impenetrable - +52 Armor
Masterword - +68 Armor
Adamantine - +85 Armor


of Deflection - +5% Chance to Block Ranged Attack
of Repulsion - +5% Chance to Block Melee Attack
of Prevention - +10% Chance to Block Melee Attack


Scorching - Adds 2 to 4 Fire Damage (Melee)
Burning - Adds 4 to 6 Fire Damage (Melee)
Flaming - Adds 16 to 20 Fire Damage (Melee)
Blistering - Adds 25 to 30 Fire Damage (Melee)
Cremating - Adds 36 to 46 Fire Damage (Melee)
Heated - Adds 3 to 3 Fire Damage (Ranged)
Smoking - Adds 4 to 6 Fire Damage (Ranged)
Cauterising - Adds 10 to 12 Fire Damage (Ranged)
Igneous - Adds 16 to 20 Fire Damage (Ranged)
Carbonising - Adds 25 to 30 Fire Damage (Ranged)
Incinerating - Adds 36 to 46 Fire Damage (Ranged)
Chilling - Adds 3 to 4 Ice Damage (Melee)
Shivering - Adds 4 to 8 Ice Damage (Melee)
Snowy - Adds 5 to 8 Ice Damage (Melee)
Frigid - Adds 8 to 14 Ice Damage (Melee)
Arctic - Adds 13 to 22 Ice Damage (Melee)
Glacial - Adds 19 to 32 Ice Damage (Melee)
Boreal - Adds 27 to 45 Ice Damage (Melee)
Frosted - Adds 3 to 4 Ice Damage (Ranged)
Icy - Adds 8 to 14 Ice Damage (Ranged)
Frozen - Adds 13 to 22 Ice Damage (Ranged)
Jolting - Adds 2 to 5 Lightning Damage (Melee)
Electrified - Adds 4 to 12 Lightning Damage (Melee)
Charged - Adds 6 to 20 Lightning Damage (Melee)
Shocking - Adds 12 to 32 Lightning Damage (Melee)
Thundering - Adds 16 to 50 Lightning Damage (Melee)
Storming - Adds 24 to 70 Lightning Damage (Melee)
Glimmering - Adds 2 to 5 Lightning Damage (Ranged)
Glowing - Adds 4 to 12 Lightning Damage (Ranged)
Dazzling - Adds 12 to 32 Lightning Damage (Ranged)
Suffused - Adds 16 to 50 Lightning Damage (Ranged)
Incandescent - Adds 24 to 70 Lightning Damage (Ranged)
Grim - Adds 4 to 6 Death Damage (Melee)
Corrupt - Adds 6 to 12 Death Damage (Melee)
Vile - Adds 10 to 18 Death Damage (Melee)
Gruesome - Adds 16 to 28 Death Damage (Melee)
Depraved - Adds 24 to 40 Death Damage (Melee)
Necromantic - Adds 35 to 58 Death Damage (Melee)
Somber - Adds 4 to 6 Death Damage (Ranged)
Dispiriting - Adds 6 to 12 Death Damage (Ranged)
Mournful - Adds 10 to 18 Death Damage (Ranged)
Desolate - Adds 16 to 28 Death Damage (Ranged)
Caliginous - Adds 24 to 40 Death Damage (Ranged)
Stygian - Adds 35 to 58 Death Damage (Ranged)
of Affliction - +3 Min Damage (Melee)
of Disaster - +4 Min Damage (Melee)
of Grief - +6 Min Damage (Melee)
of Misery - +9 Min Damage (Melee)
of Calamity - +13 Min Damage (Melee)
of Piercing - +3 Min Damage (Ranged)
of Driving - +4 Min Damage (Ranged)
of Puncturing - +6 Min Damage (Ranged)
of Boring - +9 Min Damage (Ranged)
of Perforating - +13 Min Damage (Ranged)
Cruel - +10% Damage (Melee)
Wicked - +15% Damage (Melee)
Callous - +20% Damage (Melee)
Heartless - +25% Damage (Melee)
Vicious - +32% Damage (Melee)
Ruthless - +40% Damage (Melee)
Rancorous - +48% Damage (Melee)
Excrutiating - +56% Damage (Melee)
Sharp - +10% Damage (Ranged)
Honed - +15% Damage (Ranged)
Stinging - +20% Damage (Ranged)
Jagged - +26% Damage (Ranged)
Serrated - +40% Damage (Ranged)
Keen - +48% Damage (Ranged)
Razor - +56% Damage (Ranged)
of Wounding - +1 Max Damage (Melee)
of Pain - +4 Max Damage (Melee)
of Torment - +12 Max Damage (Melee)
of Injury - +25 Max Damage (Melee)
of Torture - +72 Max Damage (Melee)
of Accuracy - +1 Max Damage (Ranged)
of Focus - +4 Max Damage (Ranged)
of Puncturing - +6 Max Damage (Ranged)
of Sighting - +11 Max Damage (Ranged)
of Precision - +25 Max Damage (Ranged)


Rime - +2 to Aquatic Affinity, Arctic Mastery and Freezing
- +3 to Aquatic Affinity, Arctic Mastery and Freezing
- +4 to Aquatic Affinity, Arctic Mastery and Freezing
Knight's - +2 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
Templar's - +3 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
Paladin's - +4 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
Archer's - +2 to Biting Arrow, Far Shot, and Shockwave
Marksman's - +3 to Biting Arrow, Far Shot, and Shockwave
Sniper's - +4 to Biting Arrow, Far Shot, and Shockwave
- +2 to Brilliance, Amplified Lightning and Arcing
- +3 to Brilliance, Amplified Lightning and Arcing
Shining - +4 to Brilliance, Amplified Lightning and Arcing
Wanderer's - +2 to Critical Shot, Dodge and Survival
Nomad's - +3 to Critical Shot, Dodge and Survival
Vagabond's - +4 to Critical Shot, Dodge and Survival
Duelist's - +2 to Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity
Slayer's - +3 to Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity
- +4 to Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity
Vanquisher's - +2 to Debilitation, Grim Necromancy and Vampirism
Necromancer's - +3 to Debilitation, Grim Necromancy and Vampirism
Blightwalker's - +4 to Debilitation, Grim Necromancy and Vampirism
- +2 to Devastation, Searing Flames, and Ignite
Incendiary - +3 to Devastation, Searing Flames, and Ignite
- +4 to Devastation, Searing Flames, and Ignite
Brawler's - +2 to Fortitude, Overbear, and Smite
Barbarian's - +3 to Fortitude, Overbear, and Smite
Berserker's - +4 to Fortitude, Overbear, and Smith
Warrior's - +1 to Melee Skills
Champion's - +2 to Melee Skills
Watcher's - +1 to Nature Magic Skills
Advocate's - +2 to Nurturing Gift, Enveloping Embrace and Feral Wrath
- +3 to Nurturing Gift, Enveloping Embrace and Feral Wrath
Warden's - +4 to Nurturing Gift, Enveloping Embrace and Feral Wrath
- +2 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate
Tempest's - +3 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate
Fusillier's - +4 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate
Adventurer's - +1 to Ranged Skills
Ranger's - +2 to Ranged Skills
Caller's - +2 to Summon Fortitude, Might, Bond
Summoner's - +3 to Summon Fortitude, Might, Bond
- +4 to Summon FOrtitude, Might, Bond


of the Toad - +4 Mana
of the Hawk - +13 Mana
of the Eagle - +30 Mana
of the Serpent - +43 Mana
of the Falcon - +59 Mana
of the Raven - +81 Mana
of the Owl - +107 Mana
of the Griffon - +136 Mana
of the Dragon - +274 Mana
of Candlelight - Restores 2 Mana per Hit
of Moonlight - Restores 6 Mana per Hit
of Daylight - Restores 14 Mana per Hit
of Starlight - Restores 23 Mana per Hit
of the Ghost - 5% Mana Steal
of Brightening - +4% Mana Regeneration
of Illumination - +6% Mana Regeneration
of Awakening - +10% Mana Regeneration
of Visions - +12% Mana Regeneration


Glittering - +5% Gold Dropped
Wealthy - +15% Gold Dropped
Opulent - +40% Gold Dropped
Affluent - +70% Gold Dropped
Fortunate - +4% Chance to Find Magic Items
Charmed - +8% Chance to Find Magic Items
Serendipitous - +35% Chance to Find Magic Items


of Reversal - 10% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
of Punishment - 20% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
of Vengeance - 30% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
Savage - +8% Nature Magic Damage
Wild - +10% Nature Magic Damage
Ferocious - +12% Nature Magic Damage
Destructive - +4% Combat Magic Damage
Eradicating - +8% Combat Magic Damage
Ruinous - +12% Combat Magic Damage
Rousing - +5% Power Recharge Rate
Energizing - +7% Power Recharge Rate

Party [DS.12.01]

Note: Description taken from the official manual.

Deru - Like most Dryads, Deru is very straightforward. She is energetic, lives
completely in the present, and adapts instantly to changing circumstances. She
doesn't spend much time pondering the mystery of the universe, but she'll spot
danger before anyone else does. She's also decisive to the point of being
impulsive. If she thinks it's time to attack, she'll do it and deal with the
consequences later. She's not all straight-faced, though - she's able to
defuse tense situations with her wicked sense of humor. She might be a bit too
impulsive however. Her love of adventure overwhelms her, particularly when
there's a mystery to unlock. The slightest rumor of a lost treasure is
irresistible to her. Though her habit of bald truth-telling comes off as
impolite in some circles, she is an extremely valuable ally for exactly this
reason. In a combat situation, your best friend is someone like Deru: quick,
clear, and on the job.
Found near the merchant in Act 1.

Lothar - Half-Giants are normally reserved, but Lothar is even more so. His
few verbal expressions are gruff and terse, and he silently communicates his
dislike for most people. The key to his isolation may lie in the accusations
of thievery levelled at him years ago in his home town of Aman'lu. Though that
Elven town is famous for its diverse population, a few residents harbor the
worst kind of bigotry in their hearts, particularly against Half-Giants. Did
such bigotry drive him from his home? He doesn't seem the type to run from
anything. More likely, he prefers the lone path of battle and adventure to a
small-town life as a craftsman. He fears no one, and if you are one of the
rare people he considers a friend, you'll find a fierce loyalty. He also has a
deep understanding of craftsmanship and can make, build, or forge almost
anything. This talent makes him invaluable before, during, and after
battle-building, using, and then repairing weapons. His size and strength
don't hurt either, and there is little chance he will let that go unnoticed.
If your friendship should extend to the battlefield, there is no one you would
rather have at your side than Lothar. An expert swordsman, he is all business
in combat. And that is where he is most comfortable; misanthrope that he is,
he enjoys ridding the world of bad characters. He doesn't have much to say
about Valdis, but seeing the destruction he creates makes Lothar want five
minutes alone in an arena with him, but the open battlefield may have to
Found near the merchant in Act 1.

Taar - Taar is acutely aware of the world around her, but she is more laid
back and relaxed than her Dryad sisters. As a child, she was a good
communicator with both humanoids and animals, qualities she has retained in
her adulthood. Taar's passion for animals is intense. If you have pets, she is
instantly drawn to them. Taar is cautious around Half-Giants, wary of their
size. Her relationship with Elves, though, must be described as nothing short
of fascination. It is said that Dryads were created partly from Elven blood
during the great cataclysm. But the trait that most attracts her to Elves is
their talent for tapping into the subconscious of the creatures around them.
Found at the end of Act 1, chapter 4.

Vix - One of the stronger and more assertive Humans you'll meet in Aranna,
Vix's first words were probably, "Move over, I'll handle this." Vix is a
natural leader despite his spontaneity and apparent hubris. He values truth
above all and is not convinced by emotional appeals - he wants the cold, hard
facts. One such fact is the devastation that war has wreaked on his troops. He
is very close to his men, and any entity that harms them will answer to a
very angry Vix. He strives toward mastery in all things, not just battle. He
instinctively sizes up people and situations and naturally asserts his innate
dominance any time he can. Though he's extremely competitive, the people he
admires are as strong as he is. He takes more pleasure from a pushy, surly
Dryad like Deru than one he can easily control, like Taar. He can be
argumentative and hard to approach, and he doesn't welcome advice on the
battlefield. He acts quickly - his impulsiveness sometimes puts himself (and
others) in harm's way. All the same, he's very entertaining at a party: No
one can put away flagons of mead like Vix.
Found during Act 1, chapter 6. Can be found at the inn once rejected.

Sartan - Half-Giants - as naturally solitary creatures, have difficulty making
friends. Most are considered contemplative and mysterious, but that is the
last thing people would say about Sartan. The words "narcissist", "lunatic",
and "overbearing" are somehow more appropriate. Needless to say, he has more
problems making friends than most, but he always tries. If you are female, he
will remind you often of his nearly perfect physique and battle prowess. For
all his faults, Sartan is a natural soldier who thrives on challenge and
action. He's realistic and practical and understands exactly what any given
situation needs. He can be reckless at times, but those who adventure with him
can temper this trait.
Found at the end of Act 1, chapter 9. Side-quest needed to release him.

Amren - Many residents of Aman'lu have only heard legends of this wayward Elf.
His travels have taken him to exotic places, and his stories are now gilded
into legend. Amren is known throughout Aranna for his wisdom and his gift of
sight. He is one of the few trusted advisors to the Dryads on Greilyn Isle and
frequently spends long periods of time away from his hometown. He is "Amren
the Absent" to those in Aman'lu who feel abandoned. To others, he is Amren the
fearless warrior, expert archer, and visionary. But the opinions of others are
meaningless to Amren; he has always trusted his inner voices. He joined the
resistance against Valdis, for instance, long before people knew it was
necessary. The accuracy of his arrows and his complete lack of fear have made
him a priceless comrade and a fearsome foe on the battlefield. But his private
life is a bit more mysterious. He suffers from tremendous headaches and
accompanying visions. While second sight is common among Elves, it is much
stronger in Amren's family, and particularly strong in Amren himself. The
visions themselves, though, are sometimes disturbing. There are times when he
would prefer blissful ignorance. He takes comfort in the handful of kindred
spirits he has found in his travels, like Lothar the Half-Giant. Amren has
also always admired Finala but has never been able to approach her as more
than a friend. Maybe someday he'll be able to speak as freely of his emotions
as he does of his visions.
Found in Act 2, at the inn.

Finala - the famous Elven engineer of Aman'lu, has a reputation as a
perfectionist. While this is not strictly true, she has set very high
standards for herself and expects the same of others. If you can endure her
sometimes prickly personality, though, you will reap the rewards of a
sparkling mind. She is a true mechanical genius; if anyone has a problem
fixing an object, it is to Finala they turn for a solution. Long before the
Morden joined the mercenary forces of Valdis, Finala held them in contempt for
the ruffians they are. Now that all of Aranna seems to be in conflict with
them, she is confident she can outwit the plans of their generals, not that
she would try to take them on her own - she's far too practical for that. But
if Finala were in your raiding party, you would certainly rely on her for your
next strategic move. For all her impatience, Finala has a warm and caring
heart. You won't always see it during crisis, but only because she puts first
things first. She knows the best way to show her friendship is to help her
friends survive.
Found in Act 2, chapter 2.

Evangeline - Princess Evangeline, from the Northern Reaches, is a
strong-willed woman who speaks with authority. But this gifted regent is also
full of surprises. She resists the formality of royalty. If called "Princess,"
she's likely to insist that you call her Eva. Her personality is mercurial
and demanding. This is not to say she's self-centred, however. If she is
demanding of others, she is even more demanding of herself. In fact, no one
in Aranna is more fiercely loyal to her friends. Her talent as a leader
depends on her ability to see and appreciate other people's abilities, and
she’s very good at combining her talents with theirs. She’s also extremely
creative and inventive. Nothing stops her once she’s made up her mind. But
she can also be willful and quick to anger, especially when someone is being
dense. The other key to her success is that she’s a master strategist. In a
combat situation, she can analyse the logistics with frightening speed and
announce the correct course of action before you know what’s happening. It's
no surprise that people around her just wind up following orders; her orders
are usually correct.
Found in Act 2, Chapter 6.

Pets [DS.12.02]

Dark/Light Naiad
Cost: 1375 Gold
Class: Nature Mage
Weapon: Duskbeam (Nature Magic, ranged spell)
Spell: Fade Wounds (Chain heal)
Power: Arboreal Rejuvenation (Heals party members instantly)
Emanation: Regeneration (+200% health regeneration rate)

Dire Wolf
Cost: 500 Gold
Class: Fighter
Weapon: Bite (Melee attack)
Spell: n/a
Power: Furious Howl (Cone-effect sonic damage)
Emanation: Vicious Counter (60% physical damage reflected to enemy)

Fire Elemental
Cost: 1000 Gold
Class: Combat Mage
Weapon: Firestrike (Combat Magic, ranged spell)
Spell: n/a
Power: Inferno (Cone area damage)
Emanation: Fire Resistance (+40% fire resistance, +8% magic damage)

Ice Elemental
Cost: 500 Gold
Class: Nature Mage
Weapon: Icestrike (Nature Magic, ranged spell)
Spell: n/a
Power: Freezing Aura (Damage and freeze nearby enemies)
Emanation: Ice resistance (+40% ice resistance, +150% mana regeneration)

Lap Dragon
Cost: 2250 Gold
Class: Nature Mage
Weapon: Dragon Fire (Nature Magic, ranged spell)
Spell: Dragon Scales (Protects from Curses, increases Lightning/Death
Resistances by 60% and Power Recharge Rate by 90%)
Emanation: Dragon Vitality (+34 Dexterity, +22 Strength, +21 Intelligence)

Cost: 1750 Gold
Class: Fighter
Weapon: Claw Strike (Melee attack)
Spell: N/A
Power: Enrage (Gets enemy attention, like a Provoke)
Emanation: Defence Aura (+12% Armor)

Cost: 2250 Gold
Class: Combat Mage
Weapon: Deathstrike (Combat Magic, ranged spell)
Spell: Dissolution (Reduce armour and make vulnerable to Death and Ice Magic)
Power: Decompose (Dead bodies heal party members)
Emanation: Mana Steal (+10% mana stolen)

Pack Mule
Cost: 300 Gold
Class: Fighter
Weapon: Kick (Melee attack)
Spell: n/a
Power: Staggering Kick (Shockwave + stun target)
Emanation: Reveal Treasure (Opens chests and breaks containers around
the mule)

Scorpion Queen
Cost: 350 Gold
Class: Ranger
Weapon: Scorpion Sting (Ranged attack)
Spell: n/a
Power: Explosive Sting (Area damage)
Emanation: Evasion Aura (+20% chance to avoid attacks)

Cheats and Secrets [DS.13.01]

Unlocking Higher Difficulties [DS.13.02]

Not a real secret, but whatever ;p To unlock a higher difficulty, you need
to finish the game on an easier difficulty.

Infinite Resurrection Scrolls [DS.13.03]

In Act 1, chapter 1, you'll come to a room with a few wounded Morden and a
closet. You can keep clicking on the closet to get Resurrection Scrolls. It
doesn't have much use though, because you'll lose them at the end of chapter

Cheats [DS.13.04]

Press enter, and then enter the code with a + in front (to active) or with a
- in front of it (to deactive):

version - Display version
quwhba - Instant kill
drlife - Invincibility
krisrox-lzjlcoj - Less chunky
superchunky - More chunky
movie - Record a movie
iraqsux-eszaryz - Silver ring
luvtana-aeviyaa - Silver ring, weapon, garment
bushsux-oluaowr - Teleport

FAQ [DS.14.01]

Q: How much can you play in the demo?
A: Everything that does not involve leaving through the south gate.

Q: Once I saved, and reload, I end up in town!
A: Yes, lovely, isn't it? It's to make the game a bit harder.

Q: Pet or human as party member?
A: That's up to you. Human can do unique stuff (like how Finala can fix
stuff), plus they open unique quests.

Q: In Act 1, there are two areas I can't seem to visit. One if a high cliff,
the other one is a wall that blocks the path. How do I get there?
A: In Act 2 you'll find a party member who can fix things. That way, in the
Kithraya cave, you can fix the elevator and go there.

Q: There is some guy called "???" that's level 100 running around. What to do?
A: Simply hit it as much as you can. You'll get a mysterious stone once you
killed it. It won't even be in the room for 10 seconds though, so hurry
up (you probably should be around level 35, and use full powers on him)
with it. He'll also steal rare drops.

Q: The innkepper won't let me register a 5th slot, and says something about
me needing to be a Veteran. What's that all about?
A: Open up the game, select Single Player (No, not Continue), then your hero
and look at the difficulty screen. Veteran is the second difficulty, so
you would need to finish the game before you can get a 5th character with

Conclusion [DS.15.01]

I hope you enjoyed our guide, since we put a lot of work in it. If you
encounter problems, feel free to mail us. Also suggestions, feedback, comment
etc. are accepted. The mail addy is on top of this file.

Thanks-list: AnuBeazh (Bug/Missing Quest/Armor), GameFAQs Board (Revant -
Armor, RoyceGA - Armor, Aladrin - Armor, Gustuf - Armor, Devistater -
Armor, Kazmir - Armor), Peter Hauk (A LOT of Unique/Set items), Andrey
Abutin (Several Unique/Set items), Tim (Error), Josh (Error/Specialities),
Gordon Haines (Several Unique/Set items, plus the Prefix/Suffix section),
Gunhan Kaytaz (Quests info), Abhishek Thakkar (Some Unique items),
Alican Muezzinoglu (Pets section).

And especially you, for reading this.

This guide is made with a lot of alcohol, soda, food and Ys music. This however
only applies to Grawl.

For other guides, you can check this link:

Copyright (c) 2005 by Grawl and Gray Fox. All rights reserved.
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Dt. Megatrainer (für v2.0 und 2.3 (Steam)

16.Octombrie 2013
Gegenstände für mysteriöses Rätsel gesammelt, bereit für Zugriff (für v2.2)

17.Octombrie 2013
Megatrainer (für v2.20)

18.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Octombrie 2013

17.Octombrie 2013
Engl. FAQ

16.Octombrie 2013

15.Octombrie 2013
Dt. Trainer für Gold, Talentpunkte, Mana und Gesundheit

17.Octombrie 2013
Megatrainer (für v2.1)

18.Octombrie 2013
Drei Charakter, alle Beta Quest (Primary and Secondary) sind gelöst, viel Geld (für die Betaversion)

12.Octombrie 2013
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