Fly for Fun

Fly for Fun

17.10.2013 05:14:54
FlyFF quest guide and FAQs

Last updated: June 19,2005

[---] Index

Introduction [000]
Basic controls [111]
Regular Quests [aaa]
Quest Office Quests [bbb]
Fly Quest (not done) [ccc]
Senario Quest (Empty) [iii]
Frequently Asked Questions [ddd]
Mercernary Skills [hhh]
Assist Skills [eee]
Magician Skills [fff]
Party Skills [ggg]
Legal [xxx]

[000] Introduction

This guide can currently be found at:

The purpose of this guide is to help newbies find and complete quests.

The quest list will likely not be updated anymore, as I've stopped playing right
after they've fixed assist/magician quest. Sorry.

HOWEVER, if someone would like to send me quest info, I'd be happy to include it
in the guide and credit you.

If you want to contact me for whatever reason, such as questions, corrections,
suggestions or information, send an e-mail to
skynet03 at cogeco dot ca
Or you can comment on my topic on GameFAQs.
If you can contribute missing informations, that'd be great.

[111] Basic Controls

Movement and attack:

To move, Left click on a spot on the ground.
To move, use W S A D (NOT recommanded!)
To jump, press space bar.
To attack a monster, hold Ctrl and left click on the monster.
To change camera angle, hold right mouse button and pan.
To zoom, use mouse wheel.
To take screenshot, press 0 (zero).
To toggle run/walk, press x.
To pick up item, press M and select the 3rd icon (Pickup Nearby Item).
To sit, press M and select the 2nd icon (Sit Down).

Put on or take off your board in the inventory screen.
Press space bar once to accelerate and once to decelerate.


To talk, press Enter.
To shout, type /p [message]
To whisper, type /w [name] [message]
To talk to your party, type /p [message]
To talk to you guild, type /g [message]

To formate fonts add the following in your message:
Colour #c [colour code]
Example: /s There will be #c #ff0000 blood when I get my hands on you!
Bold #b
Underline #u
Example: Please #b #u die away from me!

I'm not sure you to close those commands though. Like, everything you type
after "#b" will be bold.

[aaa] Reguler Quests

General Note: You should only level up STR when you are a wanderer, your stats
will reset at level 15.

Note: Some of these quests MAY not work after you've changed class.
Note2: Unlimited means you can turn in quest items for that quest as many times
as you want. But be warned, quest NPC may take ALL the quest items for
that quest from your inventory!
Note3: Quest names may have been updated, please contact me if there's any

Quest Level 1 (Limited)
Quest Name To get the Map
Quest Giver Jeff (Town)
Monster None
QUest Details You have to visit Jeff, Tommy and Mesa
Jeff is in centre part of town, Tommy is in eastern part of town
and Mesa is at the bridge north of Tommy.
Quest Reward Map of Flaris (Not that useful...)

Quest Level 1 ~ 2 (Unlimited)
Quest Name Want To Go Home
Quest Giver Paul (At the bridge north of town)
Monster Aibatt
Quest Item 20 AibattWing
QUest Details Kill Aibatts (any) and gather 20 AibattWings.
Quest Reward 100 Penya

Quest Level 5 (Limited)
Quest Name Favor From Dunkan
Quest Giver Dunkan (Beside the road north of town)
Monster Captain Mushpang
Quest Items Bluemill 25
QUest Details
Quest Reward Dunkan Helmet(M) Defence Rate 25 ~ 27
Dunkan Halmet(F) if you're female (Thanks HTEM from gamefaqs!)

Quest Level 5 (Unlimited)
Quest Name Revenge for Puppy
Quest Giver Lasha (Food merchant east part of town)
Monster Small Burudeng
Quest Item Small burdeng Tooth 20
QUest Details -
Quest Reward 500 Penya

Quest Level 8 (Limited)
Quest Name Mind of Vagrant
Quest Giver Stin (North of town by the road)
Monster None
Quest Item NovelMule, CookieValin, Refresher of Rooney
QUest Details Mule is far east of the river north of town. (7282,100,3500)
Valin is North West of the town, by the river. (6820,98,3396)
Rooney is South West of Stin, not far away. (6933, 100,3600)
When you turn in the quest, make sure you press the blue arrow
Quest Reward NONE!

Quest Level 8 (Limited)
Quest Name Mind of Vagrant
Quest Giver Stin (North of town by the road)
Monster Captain Pukepuke
Quest Item Pukepuke knife x10
QUest Details
Quest Reward *shrug* I don't have a character that can do this
quest. Vagrant Suit or Armor (Thanks xxx hunter from gamefaqs)
Special Note The information of this quest has not been confirmed.

Quest Level 13 (Limited)
Quest Name Letter from Boboku
Quest Giver Boboku (Weapon Merchant)
Monster Young Lawolf
Quest Item YoungLawolfTOoth 20
QUest Details Talk to Juria and then go back to Boboku and press "Questcancel".
Don't worry, the quest won't be cancelled. Boboku asks you to
get tooths. So accept the second quest and head north to hunt
Young Lawolf
Quest Reward Penel sword

Quest Level 14 (Unlimited)
Quest Name Secretmap Piece
Quest Giver Demian
Monster Elder Lawolf
Quest Item Secretmap Piece 15
QUest Details -
Quest Reward 3 Kimbap (676 HP) + 5 Pizza (552 HP)

Quest Level 16
Quest Name First Test for Fly
Quest Giver Mikyel
Monster 2Class Fefern
Quest Item FefernLeg x6
QUest Details -
Quest Reward Broom Head, Blinkwing of Aaintmorning

More quests will come when I have time.

[bbb] Quest Office Quests

Note: has a list of quests now, if you think this document
sucks, you can take at their info.

Note2: Quest office is in the east part of the first town.
Note3: You can ONLY get the quest when you're within the specified level range!
Make sure you remember to go back to town for new quests when you level!
Otherwise you'll miss out on a lot of easy money.

Quest Level 7 ~ 10
Quest Name Party of Is
Quest Giver Mikyel
Monster Pukepukes
Quest Item Chupim
QUest Details Pukepukes are to the north.
Quest Reward 3500 Panya + 70 EXP

Quest Level 7 ~ 10
Quest Name Unknown Situation -one-
Quest Giver Mikyel
Monster None
Quest Item Unknown Letter 1-
QUest Details To find unknown letters, go north from town and follow the path.
The path is brown / green on the minimap.
You will eventually see a resurrection pillar, the letters are on
the floor scattered around the camp north east of the pillar.
If you can't find the pillar, follow the path until you're at a
bridge, the letters are south east from the bridge.
Quest Reward 3500 Panya + 70 EXP

Quest Level 7 ~ 10
Quest Name Unknown Situation -one- (Ha they made a typo when they first
released the game)
Quest Giver Mikyel
Monster None
Quest Item Unknown ID 10
QUest Details To find unknown IDs, follow the road out of town and cross the
bridge. The IDs are neear a group of Bangs north east of the
Quest Reward 3500 Panya + 70 EXP

Quest Level 8 ~ 10
Quest Name Flying Board
Quest Giver Mikyel
Monster Peakytutle
Quest Item Peakyind x 7
Quest Details Peakyturtles are far north west of town.
Quest Reward 4000 Panya + 70 EXP

Quest Level 9 ~ 10
Quest Name New Start for Mop
Quest Giver Mikyel
Monster Demian
Quest Item Mop
QUest Details Demians are pretty easy to find. Go north and then east.
Quest Reward 4500 Panya + 118 EXP

Quest Level 11 ~ 12
Quest Name Gem for Wand
Quest Giver Mikyel
Monster Doridoma
Quest Item Poporam
QUest Details To find Doridomas, follow the road north of town and then when
you see a bridge, jump down that valley.
Quest Reward 5500 Panya + 194 Exp

Quest Level 13 ~ 14
Quest Name Cookie Muchine, Valin Baget
Quest Giver Mikyel
Monster Lawolf
Quest Item Slain
QUest Details -
Quest Reward VitalDrink 400 (FP 120) x20

Quest Level 15 ~ 18
Quest Name Magic Quill Tabling
Quest Giver Mikyel
Monster Fefern
Quest Item TarinRoot 12
QUest Details Feferns are past the bridge to the left.
Quest Reward Fouth Refresher (100 MP) x20

Quest Level 17 ~ 18
Quest Name Open 10th Year Gift
Quest Giver Mikyel
Monster Nyangnyang
Quest Item StarStone
QUest Details Nyangnyang's are just past the bridge.
Quest Reward Town Blinkwing + 8500 Panya

Quest Level 17 ~ 18
Quest Name Lyangglatang
Quest Giver Mikyel
Monster None
Quest Item Nyanyang x10
QUest Details The Nyannyangs are on the floor under a tree.
To get to the From the broken bridge, go STRAIGHT NORTH, past
the East side of the lake, until you're near the foot of the
hill. The NyanNyans spawn under a tree.
If you still can't find it, look for the NPC Zaikun and go NWW.
The spawn time is pretty long -_-.
Quest Reward 8500 Panya + Barbecue x20

More will come when I finish them. Which may be never.
You can find some quest information from the offical website though!

[ccc] Fly Quests

Note: The more expensive the brooms/boards are, the faster they go.
Note2: Using fuel, you can temperorily boost your speed.
Note3: You DON'T need to do these quests inorder to fly!

Quest Level 16
Quest Name First Test for Fly
Quest Giver !!!!
Monster 2Class Fefern
Quest Item FefernLeg x6
QUest Details -
Quest Reward Broom Head, Blinkwing of Aaintmorning

Quest Level 18
Quest Name Second Test for Fly
Quest Giver Tina
Monster Bang
Quest Item Bang Chain x8
QUest Details Tina is in the second city, you can get there by using the
Blinkwing of Aaintmorning you received from the last step.
If you've lost it, you can buy another one from the magic shop.
Quest Reward ====
Note I suggest that you should wait til you can handle bangs before
heading to the new town as you'll need to fight Bang (lvl 19)
to get the quest items.

Last step coming as soon as I finish that quest.

[iii] Episode Quest

Uh... Can someone tell me how to complete this? I'm too lazy to find out.
Looks pretty complicated :x

[ddd] Frequently Asked Questions

Will my stats reset when I change class at level 15?

What do the stats do?
From offical Japanese/Korean website:
Str - Attack Power
Sta - Defense, Max HP, Max FP
Dex - Dodge, accuracy, attack speed
Int - Max MP, Magic atk Power

What's better? My +n armor/weapon or my higher level one?
I'm not sure how they calculate the stat bonus from items, but an
item with high +n may be more powerful than a higher level item because
the number n is added directly onto your atk power/armor rating.
Make sure you don't throw items with plus stats out!

Why can't I use bandish?
You have to drag Clean Hit to the first slot and Bandish ot the second.
You must use a skill while your Pxp bar isn't full to level up your

Where are Unknown letters?
Follow the road north of town until you see a blue pillar.
The letter are north east of the pillar near a camp.

Where are Valin, Mule, Roony?
Mule is far east of the river north of town. (7282,100,3500)
Valin is North West of the town, by the river. (6820,98,3396)
Rooney is South West of Stin, not far away. (6933, 100,3600)
When you turn in the quest, make sure you press the blue arrow button!

I'm level 15, why can't I earn any experience?
You must change class otherwise you can't get any exp.

I'm level 15, how do I change class?
Talk to Juria at the south part of town and then talk to a class

How do you perform trade / initiate party / follow another Player?
Alt + left click on a PC.

When can I fly?
After you've done a couple of quest, the earliest is leve 20.
There's also a quest that would lend you a board.

What is Pxp?
Public(or shared) Xperience is required to upgrade your skills,
when you defeat monsters or complete a quest, the experience will be
used to fill up your Pxp bar and then the well will go to your exp bar.

Note: More Q&A will come as soon as I find some more answers :)

[hhh] Mercernary Skills

Note: Leveling Protection is pretty easy, just cast it til you have no FP
left, sit down, come back after a while, and cast it again and again.
Make sure your Pxp bar is NOT empty though otherwise you'll be wasting
your time.
Defense can be casted from the quick bar.

Merc skills won't be coming soon.

[eee] Assist Skills

Note: STA does NOT increase knuckle damage!
Note2: You MUST be holding a staff in order to cast heal. Heal can be casted
from the quick bar.

Skill Heal
Requirement Chr-Lv15
Description Self explanatory

Requirement Heal Lv3, Chr-Lv18
Description Increases HP

Skill Resurrection
Requirement Patience Lv4, Chr-Lv20
Description Self explanatory

Skill Circle Healing
Requirement Resurrection Lv4, Chr-Lv25
Description Recovers HP of all party members within a specific area.

Skill Prevention
Requirement Circle Healing Lv4, Chr-Lv30
Description When HP decreased to a specific value,
player will recover 50% of his HP.

Skill Quick Step
Requirement Heal Lv3, Chr-Lv18
Description Increase movement speed.

Skill Haste
Requirement Quick Step Lv3, Chr-Lv25
Description Increase attack speed.

Skill Cat's Reflex
Requirement Haste Lv4, Chr-Lv28
Description Increase dodge.

Skill CannonBall
Requirement Cat's Reflex Lv4, Chr-Lv35
Description Increases DEX.

Skill MentalSign
Requirement Heal Lv3, Chr-Lv18
Description Increases INT.

Skill HeapUp
Requirement MentalSign Lv4, Chr-Lv20
Description Increases STA.

Skill BeefUP
Requirement HeapUp Lv4, Chr-Lv25
Description Increases STR.

Skill Accuracy
Requirement BeefUp Lv4, Chr-Lv30
Description Self explanatory

Skill Tamping Hole
Requirement Heal Lv3, Chr-Lv20
Description A hard punch.

Skill Stonehand
Requirement Tamping Hole Lv4, Chr-Lv25
Description Damage skill, always hit, causes target to faint.
(Not too sure about this one.)

Skill Burst Crack
Requirement Stonehand Lv4, Chr-Lv28
Description Using fist, does damage to nearby enenmies.

Skill Power Fist
Requirement Burst Crack Lv4, Chr-Lv35
Description A damage skill of some sort.

[fff] Magician Skills

Note: These skills are really difficult to translate because... =.=

Skill Mental strike
Requirement Chr-Lv 15
Description Non elementaly attak.

Skill Fire Boomerang
Requirement Mental strile Lv 3, Chr-Lv18
Description Fire magic boomerang. (shrug)

Skill Hot Air
Requirement Fire Boomerang Lv 25, Chr-Lv25
Description Poison fart instantly kills enenmy.
(J/k, it's actually "Continuous fire damage)

Skill Fire strike
Requirement Hot Air Lv7, Chr-Lv 30
Description Uses strong fireball to light enenmy on fire.

Skill Sword wind
Requirement Mental strike Lv5, Chr-Lv 20
Description Basically what the topic says.

Skill Strong wind
Requirement Sword wind Lv5, Chr-Lv 25
Description Strong wind (Causes enenmy to be knocked back?).

Skill Wind Cutter
Requirement Strong wind Lv7, Chr-Lv 30
Description Sharp wind piereces enenmy's body.

Skill Ice Missle
Requirement Mental strike Lv3, Chr-Lv 25
Description Basically what the topic says.

Skill Water Ball
Requirement Ice Missle Lv5, Chr-Lv 25
Description "Collects moisture from the air to form a water ball and shoots
it out"

Skill Spring Water
Requirement Water Ball Lv7, Chr-Lv 30
Description "Summons water pillar to attack enenmy, enenmy's body will
continuously be wet."

Skill Lightening Ball
Requirement Lightening Ball Lv5, Chr-Lv 25
Description High voltage ball, seriously damages enenmy.

Skill Lightening Shock
Requirement Lightening Palm Lv7, Chr-Lv 30
Description Something about surrounding enenmy with lightning.

Skill Spike Stone
Requirement Mental strike Lv2, Chr-Lv 18
Description Attack causes enenmy to faint.

Skill Rock Crash
Requirement Spike Stone Lv5, Chr-Lv 25
Description Throws a boulder towards the enenmy, causes his body to shatter.

Skill routing
Requirement Rock Crash Lv7, Chr-Lv 30
Description Cages the enenmy.

Skill Blink full
Requirement Mental strike Lv3, Chr-Lv 30
Description Teleports to a specified location (within certain area).

[ggg] Party Skills

Skill Call
Requirement Party lvl 10.
Description Summons members to party leader.

Skill Blitz
Requirement Party lvl 10.
Description Signals members to attack specified target.

Skill Retreat
Requirement Party lvl 10.
Description Signals members to retreat.

Skill Scout
Requirement Party lvl 12.
3 party points.
Description Used to invite new member.

Skill Sphere Circle
Requirement Party lvl 17.
1 party points.
Description Increases leader's critical chance proportional to number of
members in the party.

Skill Link Attack
Requirement Level 20.
1 party points.
Description Increases leader's attack power proportional to the number of
members in the party.
Lasts 20 seconds.

Skill Fortune Circle
Requirement Party lvl 25.
5 party points.
Description Increases chance of monster dropping rare item.
Lasts 5 minutes.

Skill Stretching
Requirement Party lvl 30.
2 party points.
Description Allows members who are not currently engaged in combat to sit
down and rest, the recovery rate is 1.5 times normal. If the
leader is an Assist, the recovery rate is 1.8 times.
Lasts 2 minutes

Skill GiftBox
Requirement Party lvl 40.
8 party points.
Description Monsters drop twice the amount of items.

[xxx] Legal

You may not reproduce any portion of this guide anywhere.
You may not upload this guide to any website without my permission.
You may not modify any of this guide's content.
Whatever. I don't really care.hj
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