Survival Project

Survival Project

20.09.2013 03:22:20
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Table of Contents

Description | Search Keys
1. Intro | ONIN
2. Background Story | TWBA
3. Glossary | THGL
4. Hawk's Stats | FOHA
5. Recommended Equips | FIXE
6. Battle Strategy | SIBA
7. Hawk and Maps | SEHA
8. Hawk vs. Other Characters. | EIHA
9. Symbol | NISY
10. Dodge | TEDO
11. Mole | ELMO
12. Kingslayer | TWKI
13. Anti Hawk | THXN
14. Final Words | FOFI

Intro [ONIN]

Survival Project is an online fighting game which involves 8 different
characters, one of which is Hawk. As you will notice, Hawk is the most
common character in lower channels, then suddenly dies off in higher
channels. He is generally considered the second worst character, right
after cream. Hawk is played completely differently than all the other
characters, making him unique and fun to use out of all the characters.

Background Story [TWBA]

There is a village called Katan, deep in the deadly Jahmal Desert where
no one dares to enter. The best Swordsmen dwell in this village. The
children of Katan are given swords as soon as they begin to walk. They
grow up strong enough to withstand the desert's sandstorms.

Among the children of the desert, Hawk outstands them all. There is no
match for him among the children of his age, and at the age of 12, Hawk
could hold his own with most adults. Everybody believes that Hawk is
the only one who can succeed Katan's chief and claim the title
'Scorpion of the Desert'.

Receiving the title, ‘Scorpion of the Desert’ that is given only to the
best swordsman, is his only dream. Hawk exerted himself in training
everyday. Hawk trained even before the coldness of the desert's dawn
faded away. Sometimes he intentionally practices under the hot noon sun.
Hawk’s only wish is to become stronger.

Glossary [THGL]

These are SP terms you should be familiar with in order to avoid
any confusion.

1) Arch - shooting projectiles

2) Attack delay - not to be confused with "delay," attack delay is
the duration of a character's cool down period before
and after an attack

3) Attack range - the reach of a character's melee attack

4) Attack time - how long the attack stays on the screen. Weapons not
only alter the cool down period but also the duration
of the attack i.e. an axe causes a xyrho slash to stay
on screen for a longer period of time

5) Bounce - the distance a character gets knocked back when he or she
is hit

6) Corner - repeatedly hitting someone back and forth against a wall.

7) Crit - when a dead player hovers over an living player on the same team,
the living player gets 'critical' which is 2x damage.

8) Delay - to purposely withhold one's attacks and attacking later to
bypass an opponent's defense time Although delay is very useful with
other characters, it is not with Hawk since Hawk's double slash
almost guarantees an unblocked hit.

9) Ghost Shot - Hawk's exclusive ability to arch through walls. Ghost
shot can also be a scroll or a skill.

10) Haunt - when a dead player hovers over a living player on the opposing
team, the living player is haunted. All HP, MP, and BP regeneration
of that player stops.

11) Rape - see corner. Rape usually applies to hawks.

12) Scroll - one shot items which can be activated using the 'q,' 'w,'
or 'e' button. Max 3 scrolls per game

13) Skill - additional properties on cards which can be similar to
either scrolls i.e. vampire shield and suction shield or
increase properties such as attack speed etc.

14) Sliding - the momentum a character has after he or she stops running
determined by the weight of the character and the speed he
or she was traveling.

15) Sprite - the symbol which represents a character in game.

16) Wall - pushing an opponent into the lava on the fire maps which
deals massive damage quickly

Hawk's Stats [FOHA]

For his stats I have exact values for some stats while for others I just
compared him to other characters and ranked him from 1 - 8 where '1' is the
best out of the 8 characters and '8' is the worst. I also included the stats
the programmers gave to hawk which I find inaccurate. Damage calculations
are non linear so I just posted the lowest possible value.

Name | Exact Value | Ranking | Programmer's Grade
HP 500 2/8 N/A
Melee Damage 19 6/8 50/100 - C
Projectile Damage 20 2/8 Tie 55/100 - C
MP 420 7/8 Tie N/A
BP 550 2/8 Tie N/A
Turn Speed N/A 3/8 Tie 75/100 - B
Max Speed N/A 4/8 Tie 70/100 - C
Acceleration N/A 6/8 Tie 60/100 - C
Melee Attack Range N/A 4/8 N/A

*Note* Regeneration rates and mp/bp usage rates will vary.
**Note** The addition of Cara and Warren will change the rankings. I will try
to find the new stats asap.

Recommended Equips [FIXE]

Water Boots + Water Sword
I'm not a boot fan, but for Hawk it is a necessity. Boots allow Hawk
to chain hits and corner opponents. Water sword is also fast and
reduces bounce giving the players the ability to combo without too
much reliance on walling. However, the downside is that it is less
effective against other sword uses who can counter.

Earth Boots + Earth Sword
The bounce is the main difference between earth and water. Earth
swords can get opponents to the wall faster.

Wind Pendant + Wind Sword
Wind pendant and wind sword is another effective set but requires a
different playing method. The pendant is needed to recover
the large of amount of MP it uses.

You may have noticed I did not recommend wind boots and fire sets. Wind
can be effective but it also unreliable. The strategy with fast wind
boots is to run off the screen and sprint back on the screen at full
speed toward your opponent, catching him off guard. On smaller maps, the
opponent can counter this by constantly arching and slowly closing in.
Archers are more devastating against wind boots. Plus the wind sword
uses a ton of MP and needs a pendant to counter the amount of MP it uses.

As for fire, I simply find it too slow. I have tried all 4 elemental
types so I'm knowledgeable when it comes to equips. Pendants, shields,
and armors and geared toward defensive hawks. I personally find
cornering Hawks more effective. If you can get a boots with 'accel' skill
not 'acceleration up' skill that would be a definite plus. Accel boots
are only available on levels 1-3 and 7-9.

A fast sword is needed so both slashes will hit. Otherwise, your
opponent will just block one hit or the other resulting in minimal damage.

Battle Strategy [SIBA]

The secret to Hawk: corner, rape, wall. Hawk's unique double slash
was built for this purpose. It is very difficult, if not impossible
to block both slashes on a consistent basis without a shield (fire). Once a
player is in a corner, he can no longer bounce safely out of Hawk's
attack range.

The key to cornering is correct transitional play. Once you
successfully hit an opponent back, you must prevent your opponent from
recovering. Early in the game, you should pay attention to how your
opponent instinctively reacts after he has been hit. The majority of
players, including myself, tends to defend after he has been hit to
feel 'safe.' If your opponent does this, just run directly up to your
opponent and hit him. Other times, your opponent will swing. If he
does this, then run up to him and block his attack and respond with a

Before you can think about scoring a successful hit, you need to learn
effective rushing techniques. Running up to your opponent and block +
counter is one method, but many times your opponent will not be within your
attack range. Instead of countering immediately after you block, try dashing
closer for around 1-2 seconds and then attacking. Most of the time your
opponent will be blocking while you are dashing closer. The risk is that your
opponent will attack twice so stay alert and adjust as soon as possible. The
aforementioned are used against characters with a longer melee attack range;
against lower ranged units, attack directly out of the opponent's range. This
is mainly useful to ensure you get close to your opponent.

A great method to get your opponent close to the wall when all else
fails is to just run up and arch. Hawk's melee attack sprite and
arching sprite are very similar which can easily confuse your
opponent into thinking you are going to melee when you're actually not. The
opponent will react in 2 ways: trying to block, or hitting your
projectile. If he tries to block, he will mistime it because the projectile
moves slower than a melee attack causing him to block early. The more
common alternative is to hit the projectile and bounce back. This causes your
opponent to bounce back closer to the wall. Be careful when running after
shooting the projectile - it is common to run right into your opponent's

Once you get an opponent in a corner, don't lose him. If he does
successfully counter, then respond with a projectile and move in again.
Try being unpredictable in your attacks while trying to predict your
opponent's at the same time.

In case you ever need to play defense i.e. regenerate your mp, you
can use the basic block + counter or you can try inching backward by
holding down the defend button and attacking once your opponents run in
your attack range. The inching backward technique works well because
opponents are forced to run closer than usual or you'll just end up
slipping out their attack range. This creates an opportunity for you to
attack first.

If all else fails, then simply arch your opponent repeatedly until you find
the opening you were waiting for.

The wind sword and wind pendant is good for players who want to play
Hawk as a fighter similar to Xyrho. Instead of relying on the speed
of the boots to get close, pendant users have to be experienced
rushers. Whenever rushing with any character, players should always
hit or block coming out of a turn. Or a player should run close to the
opponent, wait for him to swing, and close in. The wind sword is so fast
that the damage down does not even matter as players will be able to
score both hits instead of one.

I'm also going to include a short ghost shot arching section simply
because ghost shot arching is so effective albeit cheap. Use a water
bow and a water pendant. An interesting attribute of Hawk's projectile
is its distance. Hawk's projectile distance can be altered since the
projectile expires after a certain amount of time. By increasing the
speed of which the projectile travels, the distance is altered also.
Water bow suits this task. Water pendant is also useful because of the
crazy HP healing. To ghost shot arch, simply hide behind an object and

Hawk and Maps [SEHA]

The Woods - Poor map for Hawk since opponents can run away or abuse
the water. Also most of the fights will take place over the healing
circle which is a disadvantage for Hawk since he cannot use range.
For other characters, it is not as big of a deal. Try to fight near
the rocks or lower right corner of the map. Rating - 1/5

The Ice Cave - Great map for cornering and ghost shot arching. Beware
of flying characters who hover over the water though. The ground
is also extra slippery which benefits hawk by increasing the amount
sliding so Hawk can cover the distance between him and his opponent
quicker. Rating - 4/5

The Boat - Also a great map for hawk because of its tiny size. The
best map for the ultra cheap ghost shot arching. Fight
on the top and bottom portions on the map. Rating - 3/5

Lava Valley - Both fire maps are awesome for Hawk since cornering
becomes a guaranteed way to win. The main drawback is an archer who parks
himself right behind the teleport pod. Rating - 4/5

Wind Temple - Not a good map for Hawk because most of the fighting
occur on the healing circle. Hawk is not good at controlling a specific
space since he is an offensive character. Rating - 1/5

Sanctuary - The most popular map and fortunately the best map for Hawk.
The teleports make it easy to win without relying on
cornering by allowing you to chain hits through the teleports.
Rating - 5/5

Stadium - Avoid fighting in the center. Stay along the outer alley.
The outer alley is so confined that it is almost impossible
not to corner. Make sure you keep opponents in the outer part,
or they can escape back into the large center square and heal.
Rating - 3/5

The Village - Poor map for hawk. It is too large and too open. The fence
makes great ghost shot arching and cornering though. Rating - 1/5

Hawk, unlike other characters, is map reliant.

Hawk vs. Other Characters [EIHA]

Xyrho - Xyrho is an all around character so just stick to the tactics
described earlier. Also note that he outranges Hawk.

Shamoo - Hawk outranges normal shamoo, but is outranged by premium.
Against normal shamoo just run up to her and attack her
directly out of her attack range. Against premium, block
+ counter. Shamoos tend to jam the attack button like crazy
so skip the block + dash + counter. Shamoo also has the most noticeable
attack delay. When shamoo opens her arms, block. This only works against
Shamoo. However, actively watching Shamoo's attacks requires too
much attention and can become mentally exhausting.

Cara - Cara is very similar to Xyrho. More on Cara coming soon when I
gain more experience...

Sven - Sven's bounce is huge, making block + counter less effective.
Run up to sven and arch, faking a melee attack to get him to
the wall. When he's closer to the side, run up to him but stay
out of Sven's attack range and he will attack or block. If he
attacks, run in after his hit is over and rape him. If he
blocks, then arch him once and close in and rape him. If he
jams the attack button, then arch, run in, and block + counter
+ rape. Sven's right side is also weaker than his left. He is
Hawk's main weakness because his projectile really limits
Hawk's mobility. Move slowly to avoid getting dragged since the
bounce is multiplied if you are hit while running.

Cream - Treat her the same as normal shamoo except she should be
cornered or else she will run and aura heal.

Roland - Block + Dash + Counter is crucial here. Roland has very long
range so you need to ensure you get close enough. The arch-that-looks-
like-melee-attack is less useful since Roland accelerates when
he hits. Roland has slow turning speed so run circles around him and
close in when he lets his guard down.

Hazel - Same as normal shamoo. Dodge the bats instead of defending

Warren - Warren is very powerful but also very slow. Since he lacks a
far reaching secondary attack, he will be much more susceptible to
arching. More on coming soon when I gain more experience...

Hawk - Hawk vs Hawk fights are really boring. You'll mostly be exchanging
hits. Try using your range to maximum effectiveness. Hawks can be
cornered too.

Aurelli - Run in zig-zag pattern to rush her. Your zig-zag should not be
symmetrical. Running the "perfect" zig-zag mostly comes with experience.
Zig-zag running applies to other archers as well.

Most players tend to focus their eyes toward their own character. I find
looking at the opponent's character more effective. However, when fighting
archers, look at your character when caught under a barrage of arrows.
Look at the opponent when dodging.

Symbol [NISY]

Hawk is perfect at "raping" inanimate objects because unlike another
player, an inanimate object cannot block the hits. Thus, his attack
is can be treated as a single 40 damage attack instead of a 20 damage attack.
His double slash feature also grants twice as many chances to KO the object.
In symbol Hawk should attack the symbol and not much else. Going after the
symbol aggresively encourages your teammates to attack the symbol. Many teams
just play defense with no one taking the initiative to attack the symbol.

In symbol, the number of KOs do not affect your records, making it safe to
die for the team. Small details such as critting and haunting can make a big
difference in symbol.

Dodge [TEDO]

Hawk should use a water pendant for dodge to heal HP. The water
pendant's large HP percentage increase works well with Hawk's
already fast regeneration rate. Hawk is also preferred over other characters
because of his high HP, fast regeneration rate, decent speed, and good grip.

During Dodge, the best place to stay is near the side. Corners are
easy to get trapped while centers are too dangerous. Just make sure
to pay extra attention to the snowman you are standing directly in
front of. And if taking a hit is inevitable, take the hit in the face.
The back is 2x damage; the sides are 1.5x. Also, it is best not to run
at full speed.

Mole [ELMO]

Again Hawk is perfect for killing inanimate objects. The mahogany
colored moles explode, stunning hawk. Avoid those, as well as the
tree trunks. When you and your opponent are attacking the same mole,
try to position yourself so you attack both your opponent and the mole.

Kingslayer [TWKI]

Many new players are confused when they first play kingslayer. When they are
king, they are torn between running away or helping their teammates. Players
should only attack the king and no one else. The king should run away and
attack the enemy king before the guards arrive.

Hawk performs well in kingslayer mode because his cornering ability allows
him to clear out players very quickly. Hawk too should usually focus
on the king but is granted one exception. Any opposing player standing near
the side should be promptly raped and dispatched. The ability to corner
gives Hawk greater flexibility in kingslayer mode.

Anti Hawk [THXN]

Also, it may be a good idea to learn your opponent's strategy in order to be
more prepared. Strategies against Hawk:

Flying characters rely on their projectile to get close. They like to arch,
then run in while Hawk is defending. Block + Counter does not work well
against Hawks because of the double slash.

Ground characters abuse their melee attack range advantage. They try to hit
Hawk as far away as possible so that Hawk's melee cannot reach them. Sometimes,
when Hawk repeatedly blocks + counters, ground characters will slide toward
Hawk at an angle and hitting which causes Hawk to mistime the block. It also
allows the ground opponent to stay out of range for insurance.

Final Words [FOFI]

Q. What should I do if someone whines about cornering?
A. Players will always complain about something whether it is arching, lag,
hazel, etc. You can either ignore the complaining or listen. Your choice.

Q. What is the difference between premium Hawk and normal Hawk?
A. Premium deals more damage, runs faster, turns faster, accelerates faster,
hits faster, and hits from farther away. It does not grant any HP bonuses.

If you have any questions or criticisms, feel free to contact me.
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Hawk FAQ
Engl. FAQ

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