Free Enterprise

Free Enterprise

18.10.2013 08:29:29
Free Enterpri$e Guide ver. 1.0
by Playbahnosh
Copyright © 2005

Legal crap

This Guide may not be changed or reproduced, and is provided "AS IS".
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like that, that is illegal. The things written in this document are as
accurate as possible, but I'm only human, I can make mistakes. I take
no responsibility for any damage caused by the content of this document, so
use it at your own risk. Things answered in the Guide are subject to change
without further notice, so seek the most recent version. I delete hate-mail,
so don't even bother. Contact rules in the Feedback section.
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Thats about it.


1. Intro

2. The Basics

3. The "New Game"

3.1 Setting up your company

4. The Interface

4.1 The Layout

4.2 The Menu Bar

4.2.1 The Catalog

4.2.2 The Personnel Menu

4.2.3 The Management Menu

4.2.4 The Report Menu

4.2.5 The Miscellaneous Menus

5. Building your Factory

5.1 Machinery and Offices

5.2 The Staff

5.2.1 Hiring Personnel

5.2.2 Assigning Jobs

5.3 Progressing in the Game

6. Advanced Tactics

6.1 Research

6.2 Spying

6.3 Mechanize your Factory

7. FAQ

8. Feedback

| 1. Intro |

Free Enterpri$e is a very detailed and complex business simulation made by
Tsunami Media in 1996. You job is to lead a manufacturing company,
organise the staff, buy machinery and produce different stuff, buy
misc. equipement and everything you can think of. This is a hardcore business
simulation with every real life aspect you could expect if you were leading a
real company. The economy is fluctuating, the supply-demand market is changing,
your workers complaing about low wages, and everything. Your employees are
different in every aspect. They have 42 different attributes that determines
their personality. Starting from their level of education, through their
individual skills, to their addictions and fears. They are doing what a real
worker does. Working at their post, taking a break, smoking, chatting, lazing
around or goofing off. You can produce almost 100 different kinds of real
products, from real raw materials, with real machinery. This is the most
accurate and complex business simulator ever released.

| 2. The Basics |

This is a hardcore business simulation and barely fits in the game genre. Not a
Tycoon game, don't get confused. It's more like The Corporate Machine released
not so far. More like and educational game, and you will only enjoy it if you
like economics and business in general, and like to think, plan and strategize.
And it requires a whole lot of patience in the first place. If you want instant
fun, look elswhere. But if you'll like to become the industrial mogul of the
whole world, read on :D

The main menu has some buttons. Yay! Let's see!

The "New Game" button lets you create a new game, and you can set up all the
options to your liking.

The "Quick Start" button sets the options for you, and places you in a moderate
factory building with a plastic case machine and some starting supplys.

The "Open Game" button lets you load a previously saved game.

The "Start Tutorial" button starts the tutorial of the game. Recommended for

The "Start Scenario" button lets you chose a pre-made scenario, or you can
generate a map with random resources.

The "High Scores" button opens the High Score tabe. Wow.

The "Exit" button exits the game. Exciting huh?

Okay, let's start a new game.

| 3. The "New Game" |

I recommend you to play the tutorial first. It explains the basics of the game.
You can choose not to play it, you can read my tutorial. It is almost as good
as the original :D

When you star a new game, you will be taken to the map of the USA with many
cities marked. If you click on a label, you'll get a brief description of the
territory, the average rental prices/wages, the workers average experience and
the best markets.

The city with the lowest rental fee and wage and the highest population and
worker experience is the best. Choose one that you like, and click
the "Visit" button.

Now you are on the map of the choosen city's industrial area. You can see many
buildings here. The white and crowded ones are already belong to another
company. The grey ones are for rent.

Click on a white building to get info about it. You can see how many employees
it has, and what does is produce. The $ signs indicates the value of the firm.

If you click on a grey building, you can see the info about the dimensions of
the place, the rental fee/Sq.feet and the whole rental fee. The buildings are
cheaper on the edge of the map and gets more expensive towards the center.

If you click on the "Products" button, you'll get a box with hell a lot of
informations. You can choose the products in each chategory to get info about
it, such as the raw materials needed to produce it, the price of the
ingridients and the finished goods, the finished goods that utilises this
product...etc. If you check in the checkboxes, you can see the companies that
manufactures or consumes this product, and the firms that supplies the raw

The best place to chose: Far from the competitors but near the raw materials.
Try to find the lowest rental fee/Sq.feet but don't buy a too small warehouse,
becouse you'll run out of space. The best is around 50-80K Sq.feet with
around 0.62 $/Sq.feet.

The best product to choose to start with: The least competiton and the most
consumers. Use the checkboxes to determine the locations, and the boxes for
numbers. Try to find one with cheap raw materials and high sale price. The best
starting product is always "Plastic case", but if you like to risk, you can
choose another.

If you have chosen your place and your product, click the "Select" button.

3.1 Setting up your company

You are now taken to the Game Options dialogue. You can set up your company and
the game options here. First, set up your new firm.

Click on the name box. Here you can change the first and last name of your
president, the gender, and choose one of the three color coded avatars.
Click OK. Then replace the name in the company name box to the name of your

Now you must choose a funding source and an amount.

The "Inheritance" gives the lowest money with the lowest risk. The 400K$ option
is the least amount, but it has no risk at all. The other two has a term that
needs to be completed in order to avoid the penalty.

With the "Loan" option, you take out a loan. You can choose the term and amount
too. This is pretty straightforward. If you don't pay back the loan in the
intended amount of time, you get fined and possibly go bankrupt.

The "Capital" option can get you a lot of money instantly, but you have to work
hard to complete the term of the contract, or the creditors will bail you out
of your own company.

On the bottom, you'll find the "reality switches". Let's have a look:

"Free Economy" turns off the supply-demand simulation. This way, you can
purchase and sell goods whenever you want without any restrictions. No more
shortage of supplys, maket or price wars. Every businessman's dream. It takes
away a lot of realism though.

"Auto Paperwork" turns off the administration part of the game. You don't need
to hire any White Collar workers, buy offices or anything. The paperwork will
handle itself, rendering all admistrative workers and equipement needless. But
it takes away your option to improve or fine-tune your business.

"Robo Workers" every boss's ultimate dream. Your employees are mindless,
programmed robots. They don't need any food or drink, they don't take a brake,
they don't go to the bathroom or have any addictions to satisfy. Furthermore,
they don't complain about anything, including low wages, and they are not
affected by stress. The personality is a factor however. A poorly programmed
robot is still useless.

"Editable Personalities" turns on the personality editor. This way, you can
edit every aspect of the personality of your workers including your president.
Be careful with the tampering, or you'll end up with a bunch of defective

"Postal Mode" is just that. If one of your worker had a really bad day, he goes
mad (going postal), and wrecks havoc around the factory. After that, he will
return to his everyday job, relieved. With this mode off, your worker won't go
on a rampage, but he (and his job performance) will continue to suffer until
you do something about his working conditions.

You can always see the difficulty rating assigned to the currently chosen
options in the lower-left corner box, along with your share in the company for
Capital mode.

If you are happy with your settings, click the OK button.

| 4. The Interface |

After the Game Options dialog, you are presented with a warehouse in top-down
view. At first, you will only see some red-striped areas and some wierd
drawings. But first, let's see the layout:

4.1 The Layout

The interface's layout is very simple. On the top, there are the menus. Under
that are the quick buttons, the symbol says it all.

On the bottom is the status bar. On the right you can see your balance, and
the detailed current game time. On the left is the "For help, press F1" message
wich is quite pointless, as the help file is useless most of the time.

On the rest of the screen, that's the graphical interface. You will play your
game here and take care of your factory building.

The various dialogs of the game appear in different windows all the time.

Well thats about it. Move on.

4.2. The Menu Bar

The menu bar consists of several buttons under the regual menus. My explanation
may seem a bit confusing, but I'll try to do it as easy as I can. I will only
talk about the important menus. The rest is self understanding I gusess.

4.2.1 The Catalog

The "Catalog" button is a blue catalog book. If you click on it you'll be
presented with the Buy Menu. You'll see a lot of machine categories, and two
misc. ones.

If you click on a machine category, you can see the currenty avalible machines
for purchase. You can get a bunch of info about the machine using the radio
buttons there.
The "General" is the first one, it just shows you the look of
the machine, what it produces and it's price.
The "Diagram" let's you view the layout of the machine divided into sections.
This is a very handy feature, you'll use this often.
The "Details" presents a lot of info about the machine, it's product and the raw
The "Products" shows you what finished goods use this product as a raw material.

There are two other categories. The "Equipement" and the "Office".

Let's start with the "Equipment" tab:
The "Conveyor Belt" and the "Storage Bin" are advanced features, we'll talk
about them later.
The "Hand Cart" allows your workers to move a whole pallet of boxes, instead of
transporting them one-by-one with hand.
The "Forklift" is the same, but with two stacked pallets. Your workers will not
use these tools unless they have to move a lot of boxes. They prefer carrying
boxes themselves.
The "Storage Zone" lets you store four double pallets of raw materials or
finished goods. One Storage Zone can only hold one kind of product.
The "Safety Zone" warns your machine operators of danger. You must place a
Safety Zone in front of every machine input or your workers may be sucked into
the machine resulting emloyee loss, a broken machine and tons of fines.
You cannot place them elswhere though.
The last one is the "Smoking Zone". This a place where your smoking employees
may feed their cancer. Place this zone at least two squares away from machinery
and offices. If there are no Smoking Zones present, your employees will smoke
in the Breakroom. Place Smoking Zones near machinery and offices where
smokers work.

The "Office" tab contains different Offices for your White Collar emloyees to
work in. The Basic Office is the most basic and the
"Computerized Records Office" is the most advanced. Don't care about the name
of the office, every White Collar worker can work in any type of office.
What matters is the % boost it gives.

The "Rotate" button lets you rotate the machinery or equipment you chose, this
will come in handy later. The "Place" button lets you place it in the warehouse.

After you are finished, you must close the Buy Menu. You'll be presented with
the billing dialog to confirm your purchase.

4.2.2 The Personnel Menu

The "Personnel" button is next. It is symbolised by two figures. If you click on
it, you'll be presented with the personnel screen. You can see your current
employees in the employee list and a (no task) sign if that worker hasn't been
assigned to any workplace. You can see the name of the worker, his/her status
and salary on the left. If a worker is doing good or bad, you can give a raise
or cut the salary. Click on the % amount you wish to modify either + or -, and
click the "Compensate" button to adjust the workers salary. The task list show
the tasks currently assigned to the worker. The stress graph shows the amount of
stress the worker sustained in the time inteval you choose. The yellow line is
the warning zone, and the red line is the postal zone. The History button lets
you view the last ten actions this worker performed and how much time he/she
spent with that. If a worker was doing misc. things or just lazing around too
much instead of working, you can cut their salary or even fire them. The Change
button let's you modify your workers name and appearance, and with
the "Edit Personalities" enabled, more than 40 attributes of your worker.
The Place button lets you assign a task to your worker. Blue Collar workers
cannot work in offices.

4.2.3 The Management Menu

In the "Management" menu, you'll find the "Bank", the "Personnel" and the
"In-Basket" dialogs seen earlier. But there are additional menus here too.

The "Product Information" dialogue, contains informations on every raw material
and finished goods found in your warehouse. This dialogue can be important in
advanced management.
You can set the purchasing guidline for every raw material used in your factory.
For example, if you set it to "Price" your Purchasing Agents will buy it from
the cheapest source avalible regardless of the quality, but if your change it
to "Quality" your agents will buy only the top quality materials no matter the
price. The "Value" switch balances the two. You can also turn off the purchasing
of that material if you think you have too many already.
You can set the price of your finished goods here. Setting it to low will get
rid of the inventory fast but wont yield much profit, whereas setting it too
high will scare away the low budget costumers leaving only poor sales
performance. Take note of the quality of your finished goods, the price of the
raw materials, the avaregae sales and set your prices accordingly.
You can also purchase emergency stocks here from any material. This is a fast
but extremely expensive way to get raw materials during shortage.
Notice: The changes made on the Product Information dialogue will only apply in
the next turn.

With the "Hire Consultant" option, you can hire an outsider market researcher to
assemble a report. It contains your rivals performance, market share and
standing as well as yours. It reviews your machines productivity and efficency,
your research standing and everything. It costs money so don't use it

The "City Ranks" dialogue will show your companies standing in pretty much
every aspect of the game. Check your standing regurarly. If you fall behind in
some areas, you better start improvments.

4.2.4 The Report Menu

This menu contains different reports from your company, the factory, the assets,
the economics and pretty much everything. Very detailed, accurate and useful
reports so read them regurarly and adjust your strategies accordingly.
The reports are one of Free Enterpri$e's streghts. Well done!

4.2.5 The Miscellaneous Menus

The file menus:
The "New" button starts a new game
The "Load" button opens a saved game
The "Save" button saves your current game.

The "Start Turn" button is symbolised by a traffic light. If you click on it,
you can start the turn. You can choose the amount of time of the turn, from
days to a whole year.

The "City View" button takes you back to the city view. You can do anything
like before, but you cannot change your warehouse. Also the "Spy" button became
avalible if you click on a white building, that allows you to spy on rivals for
a price.

The next one is the "Inbox". You will recieve a lot of memos and other messages
from your employees and other sources. The personnel resumes go here too.

The $ sign is the "Bank". You can view your balance and transfer money from
checkings to savings and vice versa. The savings account gives a monthly
interest but you can't spend anything from that until you transfer it
to checkings.

The next one is the "Game Options" dialogue. You can adjust the speed of the
game during the turn. If Auto-Throttle is turned on, the game will slow down to
normal speed if something significant is happening on screen, this way you won't
miss anything. The rest is self-understanding.

| 5. Building your factory |

Now that the basic menu system is covered, let's set up shop! Look at the
warehouse layout.

In the upper-left corner, you'll find the warehouse door. Your workers will use
this to come to work or go home.

If you look slightly right, you'll see the two transport doors. One for import
and one for export. This will be used by transporters to ship raw materials to
your facotry or take away finished goods.

On the left side, you can see five red-striped areas. These are storage areas
where your raw materals and finished goods are stored.

On the upper-center part of the building, you'll see a grey area with some wierd
markings. This is the Staff Room. It consists of a Break Room, a Conference Room
and two Toilets. Regardless if you are a good boss or not, your workers will
spend most of their time here, unless you turned on Robo Workers.

Apart from these areas, your warehouse is empty. We're gonna fix that!

5.1 The Machinery and the Offices

First of all, we need some machines and equipment to produce stuff.
We already have some storage areas placed, so we will use that.
Let's assume you chose Plastic Case as your starting product.

Open up the Catalog, and select the "Case" tab. Select "Plastic Case".
Now you can see the machine in the dialog and the picture of the product.
If you wish, you can take a look at the detailed description if the machine,
but after that select the "Diagram" box. You can see your machine in a top-down
view each part labeled. Now rotate the machine with the button until the
copper and nickel inputs face to the left. This way, your workers can more
easily load the machine or take back the finished goods. Place the machine two
squares away from the storage area and two square from the top wall, so the
machine's upper edge lines up with the storage areas topmost square:

* +------+<-staff room
| ++ +-+
| || | |<- machine
| || | |
| || +-+
| ||
| ++<- storage

Like this. Now select the "Equipment" tab and place a "Safety Zone" in front
of every machine input, to avoid accidents. This is enough for a start. Later,
if you want to place more machines, place them in line with each other, at least
two quares far from each other. And don't forget the safety zones.

Now let's assume you have the "Auto Paperwork" turned off, so we need offices,
for our management staff. The golden rule is to buy the most advanced office
you can buy. This way, fewer employees can work more efficently, and you
don't have to pay more staff for equal performance.
Place the offices as far from the machinery as possible, this way they won't be
bothered by the noise and stuff, and that reduces stress.

Open up the Catalog again and select the "Office" tab. We need offices for every
admistration employees. For the start we need and Accountant, a Salesperson,
a Purchasing Agent and don't forget our President. So we need four offices.
Select the "Computerized Records Office" and rotate it so the opening faces to
the left. Now place four of them along the right wall. Put the first in the
corner and the others lined up. Like this:

-------+---+ <- wall
| |
| | <- Office
| |
| |
| |
| |

Okay, we have four offices now. That good for the start.

Now we have to place down some Smoking Areas for our addicted workers. The best
spot is one near the offices and one near the machinery. And a Hand Cart or a
Forklift won't hurt either. Just place it near the storage areas.

There! You have a fully equiped factory ready to start!
Only one thing remains...

5.2 The Staff

Okay, we have all the machinery and equipment, but they wont operate
themselves. We need to get some workers to operate them.

5.2.1 Hiring personnel

Select the "Hire Person" option from the management menu. You'll end up on the
hiring dialog. You see all the jobs of the game. On the left are the White
Collar emloyees alias management, on the right the Blue Collar workers alias
modern slaves. You can see the city's average salary for the job type under
the job's description.

Hiring is done by selecting the job you want to hire workers for and press the
"Place Ad" button. Now your ad is placed in the local newspaper and some job
applications will appear in you In-Basket.

Go to your Inbox and select a job application. You can see the applicants name,
the job it applies for (and the number of workers we already have of that type).
Below that is the desired salay, the sum of the job interview conducted by
your President, the estimated job fit and the job experiences.

Choose the one with the best skills and lowest salary, and the highest job fit
rate. Seek the ones with the most job experience. Don't hire anybody
under 80%, becouse their performance will be poor. And don't hire anybody
who has a salary demand much over the average. Be careful though, there are
some unashamed freaks who asks much more then their skills permit. Reject them.

The minimal staff requirement for the factory to funtion is: Accountant,
Salesperson, Purchasing Agent, Machine Operator and a Minteneace Engineer.
Without these jobs filled, your company won't make any profit nor function.
(This is no entirely true. You President can do EVERY job in the factory.)

The other jobs just add boosts to the present staffs performance, exept for the
researcher. Read the descriptions for information.

5.2.3 Assigning Jobs

After you hired your desired staff, give them work. You can assign the jobs to
your employees through the "Personnel" dialog.
Click the "Place" button to assign a job the selected worker.

White Collar workers are intended to work in offices, however you can assign
them to machines as well, but their work there will be disastrous.
Blue Collar workers cannot work in offices, you can only assign them to

All administrative employees should be assigned to offices. They'll do the rest.

All the two-hand workers should be assigned to machines and Storage Bins.
You have to assign your Machine Operators to every part of the machine,
like loading, unloading, controlling. The Maintenance Engineers should be
assigned to the maintenance ports, they'll repair the broken machinery.

5.3 Progressing in the Game

If you've set up everything, you can start to test your planning in real time.

Select "Start Turn!" from the View menu, or just press the Traffic Light button
on the menu bar. You'll get a menu where you can select the duration of the
turn, from days to a whole year.

WARNING: You CAN'T stop the turn once it's started! It is highly recommended,
NEVER choose the year option, better yet do not choose the month
neither. You can encounter some unforseen problems, and you cannot stop
the turn to solve it. Only choose the longer interwals when you are
sure your firm will run itself in that period. Think before you choose
or you can ruin your day's work with one wrong decision.

When the turn starts, the screen swiches to a 3/4 isometric view of the factory.
The normal time option is 1/60 so 1 minute in game = 1 sec in real time. The
other options are exponentially faster or slower.

You can see your employees come to work, attend the morning conference, then go
to do their daily workload. You management personnel will go to their offices
and start oredring supplys, advertising finished goods and do all the paperwork.
When the first shipment of raw materials arrive, your assigned workes will load
the machines and start producing goods. You can see your emplyees behave just
like in real life. They occasionally go and have a rest or smoke. You can see
them talking to each other, lazing around or just goofing off. You can check
what each workes does by selecting the History option from the Personnel dialog.

Eventually, you'll get notices if something unusual happens inside or outside
your factory. You'll get memos from the staff for different things, be it a
low-salary-complain or just a staff report.

You can watch your workers load up the machines, operate them and take the
finished goods back to the storage area. You can see the transporters arriving
with raw materials and taking away finished goods purchased by other companies
or consumers. Just watch how the your salesman licking the butts of the
consumers through the telefone or the accountants hammering the keyboard all

Later, when you'll have more machines more personnel and equipment, the place
will become a bee-hive, swarming with life.

When the turn ends, you will be taken back to the top-down view and you can
adjust your settings once more.

Okay, this covers the basic gameplay. If you read this all along, you know
everything to confortably play Free Enterpri$e. From now on, it's up to you
to become an industrial tycoon. Good luck! (You gonna need it!) :D

| 6. Advanced Tactics |

Here are some advanced game features that hasn't been expalined in the tutorial
nor the help file. If you want to, you can discover these while you play, these
things are not essential to play. However the research is pretty important...

6.1 Research

This is a very important part of the game. Without researching new products,
you will be shoved out of business in no time. Your products will go out of
"style" and you will be left to dry with your priceless stock.

Unbeliavable, but this important part is somehow left out of the game's tutorial
and the help file too. So, I'll have to clear things out for you.

First of all, you'll need a significant capital to even think about research,
because it will just burn your money away if you don't pay attention. The
ammunt needed depends on what you want to research. Basic and easy research
is not too expensive, but the new product won't yield to much either. The
more lenghty and difficult research will cost tons of cash, but will return a
huge amount of profit in the future if the right market develops. This is a long
term investment, so don't expect instant millions.

How to do it?

It may seem confusing, but its actually easier than it seems.

Fist of all, decide what do you want to research. Just open up the Products
dialog and choose a category you want a new product for yourself, be it Radio,
Digital, Garden or anything that has THREE PRODUCTS ONLY. The rest, like
Case, Motor and the like, cannot be researched any further!
(Just a tip: Wood is the most basic and Media is the most advanced :)

If you picked your favorite (and hopefully profitable) category, and you have
enough money, open up the Catalog and select your category. Now buy a machine of
that category (no matter wich one) and place it in the factory, farther away
from the real production if possible. Place the safety zones like earlier.

Now open up the Hire Person dialog and place ad for Researcher. Go to your Inbox
and browse through the applicants. Hire at least two researchers from the best
ones. Additionaly, you can hire an R & D Director, to boost the research
performance and reduce the time it takes to complete, but not necessary if you
don't have much money.

Here comes the fun part! Now open up our research machine's dialog. Click on the
Upgrade button. Move the slider right until the dropdown boxes become usable
and the upgrade button changes to research. Now we're talkin!

Move the slider and note the product names on the top, and the tech level. The
higher the tech level the more money and time needed to research, but it'll be
more profitable if complete (only if the right market is developed too, I can't
stress that enough).

But don't go overboard with your imagination! Don't try to research the most
advanced products, like the Holoroom, right when you start the game. The raw
materials needed aren't even discovered/invented yet in the game, and it will
probably burn away all your money in a flash, so it'll be a waste of time. And
if by some miracle, you succeed, nobody will be interested in your product, so
you invented the most expensive and modern useless piece of shit of all times.
So take care!

In the beginning, only go for level 4 or 5 products. The market is not yet ready
for the more advanced ones, and probably no raw materials are avalible now,
wich will render the research a waste of time righ now.

If you picked your future product, comes a little puzzle. Now you make use of
those dropdown boxes. You have to GUESS what raw materials are needed to
produce this good. I'm not joking, you have to guess. Imagine the product and
try to guess what is that made of. Select the raw materials of your choice from
the drop-down menus, and hope for the best. If you are happy with your setup,
click the research button. A will tell you how much will the research
cost. Click OK to continue.

The only thing left to do is to put our researchers to work. Assign each
researcher to EVERY part of the test machine. If you hired a R&D Director, put
him in an office and assign him to every machine part too.

Now wait until raw materials arrive. Yes the research machine needs the same
ammount of raw materials to work, but it won't produce anything. That is why
research is so expensive in the first place, cuz many of the needed materials
costs a lot of money, and those are all wasted during research.
If no shipment of a material arrives in two weeks at the longest, consider the
project dead, becouse that material is not yet on the market. Try again a couple
of months or a year later, or try to research something else.
However, you can purchase non-avalible materials on the emergerny purchase
dialog but that is horribly expensive, not worth it.
If all types of the needed materials arrive, we are ready to work.

Okay, the only thing left to do is wait until our smarties finish the
development. You can check the % of completion if you open up the test machines
dialogue, and eventually you'll get messages regarding the status of the
research. It will take much time according to the tech level, the complexity
of the research, and the number and knowledge of your R&D staff.

Sometimes the research may stop at 50% and you'll get a message that informs
you that the research is failed. It'll also tell you what components you guessed
right. Go to the upgrade dialog, try another guess and change the wrong
materials. Start the research again and hope for the best.

Eventually, you will guess the components right! If that so, you'll get a
message that the research is completed and a newsflash that informs that your
company discovered a new product. The machine will become active and ready
for production. You can now assign machine operators to the machine and produce
your fresh goods. If there is a market for it, you'll be booking some major
income during the next year or so, until your product loses it's novelty and
other companies start to produce it too.

Congratulations, you researched a new product! Now you can assign your R&D staff
to a new, possibly more advanced project. Have fun!

6.2 Spying

Somehow, this part is also left out of the tutorial, and the help file too.
Well, it seems I'll have to tell you the secrets of spying.

Industrial espionage is the part of real business. You can't win without knowing
your enemy, the competitors. You have to find out your rivals plans, strategy
and everything, and turn that to your advantage. Information means power, power
means money and you can't have enough of that.

First of all got to find out who is your rival in the city. After you set up
your business, go back to the City View. Now open up the Products dialog and
select your manufactured product (or one of them if you have more). Now check
the Production checkbox, and you'll see the factories also producing this kind
of product.

Select one of your competitors building. The first stop: the publicly avalible
informations. You can see how many employees the firm have, and how many other
products does the firm manufacture. Also, you can see the little icons on
the buildings picture: A $ sign means $100,000 in net worth, and a box
means 1000 units of goods produced monthly. Just add up the $'s and boxes to get
the net worth and production of the rival factory. I there is no icon from a
type that means that either the companies net worth is below $100,000 or the
production is below 1000 units monthly, or eventually both.

Second phase: Going underground. Click on the Spy button. Be careful with that
becouse it costs $5000 per view. Now, you'll see a whole lot of info about the
rival. This dialog gives the same informations as the Hire Consultant button,
but about your competitor's company.

You can get information about the standing of your rival, the sales in $ and
units, the market share and the price of the finished goods. You can also get
info about the competitor's machinery, the volume, and their efficency.
And the most important info is the research informations. You can see what
products the rival is researching, the completion status and the materials used
by the research. This is golden information.

(If by some miracle, you know that the competitor is researching with the WRONG
materials ;) , you can start your own project with the RIGHT materials,
rendering his research a waste of time and money therefore set back his progress
a LOT! :D )

You can use the collected informations to figure out the right price and set the
production volume for your goods, and hire needed staff if you fall back
accoring to your rivals. This is a very important part, and it helps you stay
in business when your competitors get far ahead of you.

That's about it. It's up to you now to put the information to good use.

| 6.3 Mechanize your Factory |

Another feature greatly neglected by the tutorial and help file, is the usage of
the Conveyor Belt and the Storage Bin. These utilities can greatly improve the
efficency of your machinery and worker staff management.

Basicly the Conveyor Belts replace your two-hand workers by transporting raw
materials and finished goods to or from a machine, hence reducing the machine
operators workload rendering some of them needless, and speeding up production
a lot. For example, the Conveyor Belt can transport a material (Plastic Case),
from the producing machine's output, straight to another machine's (Radio
Machine) input, and requires no interfeering from your workers at all.

The Storage Bins can geather finished goods from up to three(!) machines of
the same kind, and store it in one place, from where your workers can easily
carry them to the sotorage area. The Storage bin can also be used to distribute
one kind of raw material to up to three(!) machines in the same time. This way,
the Storage Bin can do three(!) workers job. Needs no pay wich is good for your
balance. One Storage Bin requires only one(!) worker to function, so you can
reduce your machinery staff. Storage Bins have no need to take a brake or go out
for a smoke, it doesn't even move, and only requires some regular maintenance.
Hell, it's better than Robo Workers, and it is real! This way the reality is not
damaged, but you can legally cheat :D

What do you need

First of all, you'll need a bigger factory building, becouse despite of all the
positive things, the conveyor belt and the storage bin takes up hella lot of
place even if placed correctly. Not much workers are needed, but the maintenane
staff and the operators must get through to the control stations and maintenance

So if you decide to use conveyor belts, some serious planning is needed
EVEN BEFORE YOU PLACE YOUR MACHINES. Becouse the machines can be moved after
you place them, BUT cannot be rotated. This is bad becouse the machine inputs
and outputs should be placed facing to each other or at least one rotation

First, let's face with the restrictions:

* You cannot place a conveyor belt: - perpendicular to machine inputs/outputs or
storage bins
- in front of control stations, maintenance
ports, storage areas, cargo doors, offices
or the staff room
- to block access to anything
- to overlap each other even if one of them
is lowered

In addition
* You cannot place a storage bin: - near anything or parallel to conveyor
- on top of lowered conveyor belts
- to block access to anything

In addition to all that: A conveyor belt can only start and end at a machine
input/output or a storage belt. So you cannot connect two storage bins, and
this, unfortunatly shatters the idea of a complex conveyor belt/storage bin
system. But fear not, I'll show you how to do it right.

Here comes the modern age

First of all, put your machinery at least three squares away from the storage
area and each other. This way, your conveyor belts and storage bins will most
certainly won't block anything important. Move or sell any misc machinery or
area in the vincinity of your machinery, like Hand Carts, Forklifts and Smoking
Areas. Now plan your belt and bin placement on paper if possible, this way you
won't waste any money on misplaced items.

I will only show some of the advanced placement tactics, you can figure out the
easier ones and experiment with even more advanced ones.

Lets see some examples:

* Direct Transportation +--------------------------------+
----------------------- | Legend: |
| |
+--+--+ <-Plastic Case machine | PO -> Plastic Case Output |
| | | | |
+--+--+ | PI -> Plastic Case Input |
| || | |
+--+--+ +--+--+ <- Radio Machine | # -> Conveyor Belt |
| |PO|#######|PI| | | |
+--+--+ +--+--+ | /-\ |
| | | | | | -> Storage Bin |
+--+--+ | \-/ |
| || | |
+--+ +--------------------------------+

This way, the Plastic Case from the machine will be delivered straight to the
Radio Machine's input. This is an efficent way to feed a machine with another
machine's product, no workers needed.
This is also a problem however, becouse the workers CAN'T take away the surplus
cases. If the reciever machine is not operational but the producer machiner is
working, the cases will pile up in the output/input of each machine. If the
output/input bacomes full, your workers will not operate the producer machine,
but if they do, your surplus cases will be sold as inventory leftovers.

This method spares on workers but not economic at all.

* Storage and Transportation

+--+--+ <-Plastic Case machine
| | |
| ||
+--+--+ /-\ +--+--+ <- Radio Machine
| |PO|###| |###|PI| |
+--+--+ \-/ +--+--+
| | |
| ||

This way, the finished Plastic Cases will go to the Storage Bin, and they will
be stored there. The bin will supply the Radio Machine with cases until it's
input becomes full, then it will only supply additional cases if required.
If too many cases start to pile up in the bin, your workers will deliver them
to the storage area. Easy, clean and effective, but most importantly economic.

* Dual-channel

+--+--+ <-Plastic Case machine
| | |
| ||
+--+--+ /-\ +--+--+ <- Radio Machine
| |PO|###| |###|PI| |
+--+--+ \-/ +--+--+
# | | |
# +--+--+
+--+--+--+ | ||
| | |PI| +--+
--| | |
+--+--+ <- another Radio Machine

Here's the ultimate solution, the Dual-channel as I call it. This way, your
Plastic Case machine will feed two Radio Machines simultaneously, and all this
requires only ONE worker. Your case machine works faster(provided the right
workforce) than the Radio Machines, so it can supply more than enough cases.
The surpulus will be taken by your bin operator to the storage area.

* Tips

Some useful tips: You can lower the Conveyor Belt underground if it is more than
three sqares long, so your workers can walk over it. This way, your belts take
up less space in your factory and your workers can walk around more easily.

Use your belts to feed more than one machine, you spare on the workforce.

Try to put your Storage Bins close to the storage areas. Your machines will be
more efficent.

That's it! You now know the secret of the Conveyor Belt and the Storage Bin.
Use it wisely!

| 7. Freqently Asked Questions |

I gathered some questions and answers here that was asked before and I don't
want to answer them again. If your question is listed here, I won't reply to
it again, you can read I assume.

Q: Where can I get this game?/ Is it free?
A: If you are reading this FAQ I assume you already have the game, but if not,
you can get it at
And yes, it is completely free.

Q: Can you send me the game/help/trainer/etc?
A: No, I won't send you anything. You can download the game from the above
address, and I'm certain you can find a trainer or more help elsewhere.
Don't even email me about sending you stuff.

Q: The game is not working/crashing/lost my data/HEEELP!
A: Please read the README file and the help file of the game. Troubleshooting
is not my job. If everything fails, ask help on a forum or reinstall your OS.

Q: My machines aren't producing anything. What's wrong?
A: This could be caused by several things. Check your stock if you have the
raw materials for that machine. Hire more purchasing agents if necessary.
If no raw materials arrive in two weeks, consider selling that machine.
Check that every position on the machine is filled by a worker at least.
Check that your storage area is not full. If it is full, your workers won't
operate the machines until you sell some stuff or place more storage areas.
If your machine is broken down or in flames, it won't produce anyting until
it's fixed. I hope this is enough.

Q: I can't research anything. What's the problem?
A: Read the Research part in this document. The base component machines like
cases, motors and those that already have more than 3 products CANNOT BE
RESEARCHED ANY FURTHER! Don't even try. Second, you have to assign your
researchers to EVERY part of the test machine or it won't work. Most
importantly you need raw materials for the test machine too, if you don't get
any in two weeks, try to research something else instead becouse that raw
material is not avalible right now.

Q: My workers are constantly striking/quitting/not working! Help!
A: Make sure you pay your workers well. If you underpay them, they will ask for
a raise or even strike. Always monitor the average salary of the city and
pay your workers accordingly. Make sure you have enough smoking zones and
equipement for your staff. If they feel like they are being treated unfairly,
they will moan about it, won't work just laze around or simply quit. This is
a bad way to lose quality workforce.

Q: I've done everything but I keep losing money? What am I doing wrong?
A: The best thing you can do is check the statistics screen. See what cause you
to lose money and act accordingly. Check your sales. Maybe there is no market
for your product. Adjust the price of your good. Fire some not crucial
workers and sell eveything unneeded. Try to keep your expenses at minimum and
try to find a way to raise profits.

Q: The warehouse is too small. I can't put more things in there. What now?
A: Well, you are just unlucky I'm afraid. You can't buy a bigger one. If you
chose a too small warehouse at the beginning, you made your worst choice.
Remember to buy a middle sized building. If you buy a small one, you will
run out of space in no time, but if you buy a too big one, you will run out
of cash. Try to be reasonable. You must make use of what you have. Try to
reorganize your offices, machinery and misc. equipement. Try to sell not
needed stuff.

Q: This conveyor belt/storage bin stuff gives me a headache. No matter what I
do, it won't work...
A: Using the belt and the bin is advanced stuff. It is not required to run your
factory. If your can't get to use it properly, leave it. After some time
you will eventually learn how to do it right.

Q: This sucks! No matter what I do, I keep losing. I'm fed up!
A: Not everybody can play this game. If you are not patient enough and you are
bad with numbers, I suggest playing another game. Only the hard-core strategy
fans and economy students may enjoy this kind of entertaintment in the first
place. If you are not having fun playing this game, don't break your neck,
playing games is about having fun, seek a game that you can enjoy.

Q: Your FAQ/Guide is a piece of shit. Even I can do it better!
A: Well then, do it! Feel free to write a FAQ/Guide and show the world how
good you are, but don't come and flame me about it.

Q: What is this? I can't understand this/that! What's your problem man?
A: I'm Hungarian, that's all. I tried to keep grammar and language mistakes
at a minimum, but English is not my mother language. I'm working on it
but bare with me for the time being okay?

Q: You suck! I hate you!
A: This is your problem. Why do you even bother to tell me?

This is it. More questions and answers shall come with the next update. For now,
this is what I had.

| 7. Feedback |

If you still have questions or opinions about the game or this guide, feel free
to write email. But there are some rules here:

- I delete hate-mail! Don't bother.

- Don't ask me to send you anthing like trainers, games or any files! I won't
do it.

- I don't do warez! Don't even ask!

- If you ask something that is covered in this guide, you won't get any answer.

- Do not send any attachments! I delete it ASAP!

- Don't spam! If you don't get your answer in a week, check the rules again.

If you obey these rules, you will get answers.

My email address:

This is it!


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