Worms - Forts under Siege

Worms - Forts under Siege

16.10.2013 10:38:09

__ _____ ____ __ __ ____
\ \ / / _ \| _ \| \/ / ___| _
\ \ /\ / / | | | |_) | |\/| \___ \(_)
\ V V /| |_| | _ <| | | |___) |_
\_/\_/ \___/|_| \_\_| |_|____/(_)
__ _ _ _
/ _| ___ _ __| |_ ___ _ _ _ __ __| | ___ _ __ ___(_) ___ __ _ ___
| |_ / _ \| '__| __/ __|| | | | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ '__|/ __| |/ _ \/ _` |/ _ \
| _| (_) | | | |_\__ \| |_| | | | | (_| | __/ | \__ \ | __/ (_| | __/
|_| \___/|_| \__|___/ \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\___|_| |___/_|\___|\__, |\___|

by Wolfzoon
Created on: 2005-08-10
Last Update: 2005-08-14

%Table of Contents%

|VERSION HISTORY |VH01|Obvious... |Complete ?%|
|Author Information |AI01|Ditto... | Complete |
|Recommended Controls |RC01|Ditto... | Complete |
|Weapon Information |WI01|Ditto... | Complete |
|WALKTROUGH |WT01|Campaign Mode | Complete |
|The Army of the Dead |WT11|Egyptian level 1 | Complete |
|The City of the Ancients |WT12|Egyptian level 2 | Complete |
|Ooh, and it makes me Wonder |WT13|Egyptian level 3 | Complete |
|Pharaoh enough! |WT14|Egyptian level 4 | Complete |
|Giza chance Seth... |WT15|Egyptian level 5 | Complete |
|Kidnapped! |WT21|Greek level 1 | Complete |
|In Hot Pursuit |WT22|Greek level 2 | Complete |
|Ship of Fools |WT23|Greek level 3 | Complete |
|Enemy at the Gates |WT24|Greek level 4 | Complete |
|The Final Assault |WT25|Greek level 5 | Complete |
|Fall of the Warlords |WT31|Oriental level 1 | Complete |
|Rise of the Monks |WT32|Oriental level 2 | Complete |
|Fall and Rise of the Defences |WT33|Oriental level 3 | Complete |
|Rise, Fall and Rise of the Wonder |WT34|Oriental level 4 | Complete |
|Rise, Fall, Rise, etc... oh whatever|WT35|Oriental level 5 | Complete |
|The Magic of Merlin |WT41|Medieval level 1 | Complete |
|A Knight to Remember |WT42|Medieval level 2 | Complete |
|The Kingdom is Born |WT43|Medieval level 3 | Complete |
|A Quest |WT44|Medieval level 4 | Complete |
|Mordred and Morgana |WT45|Medieval level 5 | Complete |
|Deathmatch Challenges |DM01|Info on them... |Complete 0%|
|Hints and Tips |HT01|Ditto... | Complete |
|Multiplayer Tips |MT01|Ditto... | Complete |
|Legal Info |LI01|Obvious... | Complete |
|Credits |CR01|Ditto... | Complete |


version 1.01: Added Hints and Tips, and Multiplayer Tips.
version 1.00: Started this FAQ. Made walkthroughs on each level.

%Author Information|AI01%

Well, you'll know me as Wolfzoon who lives in the Netherlands. I play
puzzle and strategy games, and sometimes some shooters. Some classics like
Abe's Exodus are still on my computer, great game too! This is my first FAQ
by the way, and I'm 15, so anybody can write a FAQ. I also own a NGC and a
Nintendo 64. I have completed Worms: Forts under Siege for 100% now, I just
got gold on "Enemy at the Gates". Not much more interesting info about me,
let's move on to the game. :D

%Recommended Controls|RC01%

If you have a thumb button on your mouse, I'd recommend that as a first-
person-view button. And if you have a middle mouse button, make that one
blimp view. Obviously, most people will use the arrows to move, and if you
belong to them, make numpad 0 jump.

%Weapon Information|WI01%

As you might have noticed, the weapons are arranged in a certain way.
With a few exceptions, it's like this...

| Ground | Tower | Keep | Castle | Citadel |
Ballistic |Bazooka |Mortar |Onager |Homing Pigeon |Rocket Launcher |
Timed Throws |Grenade |Cluster |Carnage|Fridge Launcher|Trebuchet |
Controllable |50s canary|Old Woman |Rhino |Super Hippo |Monkey Troop |
God Powers |Elec.Storm|Earthquake|Flood |Nucleair Strike|Armageddon |
Strikes |Air Strike|Napalm |Mines |Animal Strike |Troyan Donkey |
Line-of-Sight|Fire Punch|Ballista |Minigun|Super Ballista |Laser Beam |

So, from left to right, everything deals more damage, but you shouldn't
use Troyan Donkeys on worms and Old Womans on buildings. Weapons that are
harder to use in a column usually deal more damage. Just find out which
weapons suit you. I hope this helps...


This walkthrough can't help you aim or anything, but it helps you build
the right buildings, it shows you what's in some crates, and tells you which
weapons to use. If needed, I will make a building chart. In this letters mean
buildings, and stripes mean walls. If a letter is a Capital, it means a
victory location is beneath it. I will show what is needed. The legend goes
like this:

X=Stronghold H=Hospital
T=Tower F=weapon Factory
K=Keep S=Science lab
C=Castle W=Wonder
D=citaDel L=Lighthouse
*=Victory Location can never have star on it

%The Army of the Dead|WT11|Egyptian level 1%

Just a basic first level, jump and collect the crates, evade mines by,
well, going away, and double backflip(which doesn't need to be a BACKflip, by
the way) when it's about to explode, so you're way further from it. Fire
punch the targets, and get to the star...

%The City of the Ancients|WT12|Egyptian level 2%

With your first worm, jump on the building with two enemy worms on it.
Punch one off the ledge, and grab the crate in the retreat time. Second worm,
second enemy off. Then with your third worm, create a keep and flood the

%Ooh, and it makes me Wonder|WT13|Egyptian level 3%

Build Chart:
The ??? means that W
in some versions, the \
lighthouses ARE a pair, L4
but in some,(like mine,)
they aren't. Then they 4L-S
sometimes do come in pairs, \
and sometimes they are just s-d-c
connectable, like these two. \

?|? 1


Create a tower on the star and bombard the yellow worms with strikes.
Then just create keeps to the lighthouses while destroying blue's stronghold
with a siege Onager or A Rhino something. Keep building Keeps until you reach
the star. Then, wipe out some yellow worms using a mine strike. You can just
launch a Rhino in and let him crush the Stronghold. If everyone died, just
keep building and skip go. By the way, on top of the pyramid is, among some
utilities, a laser. A long way to climb...

%Pharaoh enough!|WT14|Egyptian level 4%

Build chart:

c k
/ |
X k

Firstly, use the Jet pack(s) to collect the building crates, and
then build a castle. For, if you get a building out of a crate, you don't
need all the stars required to build it. Forget the weak link, just fire
Rhinos and Onagers at the Stronghold. Beware with Rhinos, however, that if
they haven't landed yet but bump into something, they can fly off. After a
while you should destroy it and the pharaoh explodes.

%Giza chance Seth...|WT15|Egyptian level 5%

The enemy starts off with three science labs, so their damage is 250%!
Just start buildin' towards the stars and cover yourself with girders.
Especially the first tower is targeted a lot. After building a keep with a
fair line of sight, launch a Rhino at the tower and after it's done, storm
the Stronghold. Just Rhino, Hippo, and Pigeon it to destruction.

%Kidnapped!|WT21|Greek level 1%

Let's see, towers in the well, health behind the house, and a useless
crate on a bungee cord. Another useless crate is atop the stairs. You can
grab the buildings and build them as shelter and distraction for the enemy,
but you real goal is to travel on foot to the worms and blast a bazooka
between their eyes. One shot, one kill. Even a bazooka on the left enemy
tower could destroy it. Don't use any tower-weapons, except for the ballista
to shoot the barrels atop the temple. Quite fun, not good... Also, don't take
the stairs, but just go straight forward with double forwardflips. On the
house, cliff, cliff, and there you are. Don't spend half an hour climbing

%In Hot Pursuit|WT22|Greek level 2%

There's a Rhino and a Keep crate on the ship to your left, that which
you can't normally see on the map, it's too far. There's also two health
packs behind you, if you're low on it. Basically, just shoot ballistas at the
towers, and after that's done, advance with towers, while punching 'em. Build
a hospital and spawn your army.

%Ship of Fools|WT23|Greek level 3%

First, jetpack to the two nearest weapon crates, there's nice ammo in
it. After that, just Pigeon, Hippo, etc. their stronghold. Shouldn't take too
long, you have a science lab. After that, jetpack the crates, and skip go
with your other worms until you have the farthest worm.

%Enemy at the Gates|WT24|Greek level 4%

Hardest level, trophy-wise. First, build a tower in front of the left
statue, given you're facing the gate. Collect the crate, which by the way,
appears every time that tower is built. Then jetpack up, and bazooka 'em. If
you destroy said tower yourself, you can build there right away instead of
waiting three turns. So build a tower and destroy the other, using an Onager.
Next turn, copy turn 1. Tower, crate, jetpack, bazooka. Then, build a tower
and launch a Hippo at the uppermost tower, supposedly with a worm on it. Aim
for the worm, as long as the upper bit of the tower is destroyed. Next turn,
bazooka. Rhino the LOWER Stronghold after building a tower. Go on by bazooka-
ing worms, building towers, and Hippo-ing the lower Stronghold. Three Hippos
and a Rhino should be enough. Then just fire everything you got at the worms
if they still live.

%The Final Assault|WT25|Greek level 5%

Kind of what the narrator tells you, destroy the stronghold using, I
don't know, RHINOS, and go for a Citadel. Put the Trojan Donkey between the
Stronghold and the citadel HELEN ISN'T ON! By the way, that TNT isn't that
strong, she's far away from it, and she will most probably survive if they
explode, just don't hit HER. Be careful all the time that your chain to the
fourth star isn't destroyed, and at the fourth star, be sure to build a
castle. The Trojan Donkey, will just damage the Stronghold A LOT, but won't
destroy it. You have to finish the job using well-aimed Chili con Carnages
and Miniguns. Just destroy it! By the way, the "the Stronghold is gone so
I'll explode too" explosion from the citadel Helen's standing on isn't big
enough to set off the TNT.

%Fall of the Warlords|WT31|Oriental level 1%

Hardest level, level-wise. Three poems:

The Sissy

Jetpack to him,
picking up the crate
in the lake,
and blast him to crap.

The Samurai

Jetpack to the crates, avoiding mine.
Next turn, build a Keep, and you shall whine.
From the Keep before those powers,
Fire a Rhino to destroy the right towers.
Build, if possible, another Keep
and Rhino the left row of towers will weep.
Ballista the towers that still stand
and they disappear by my magic wand.
Destroy then the castle, with mortars and stuff
until all that is left is a piece of fluff.
Circle the Stronghold, with towers you will
and it won't even cost you one lousy gil.

The Businessman

This one won't rhyme, just build a keep
on the star that's in your grasp.
Destroy the buildings, the enemy's built,
towards the next heavenly jewel.
Just build keeps, and make some cover
or your worms' life 'll be over.
In the end, a wonder will shine
over all the goodness of time.

That was nice, wasn't it?

%Rise of the Monks|WT32|Oriental level 2%

This is just a movin' level. Jetpack the crates, that's all. Now why are
all those lighthouses and victory locations here?

%Fall and Rise of the Defences|WT33|Oriental level 3%

Build Chart:

crate crate c
crate |
crate crate c
crate |
crate crate d
crate |


Just build Tower, Keep, Castle and get a cutscene.
Then Rhino the bottom and Onager the top of the Stronghold.
Easy peasy. :D

%Rise, Fall and Rise of the Wonder|WT34|Oriental level 4%

Build Chart:

crate t
|/ \|/|
t T-t d
E |
N c
For bet you didn't know, I |
there are mines here-->-->M M M k
crate here too! I I I |
with repair... NNN k
E |
crate t

Make tower, jump up building, grab crate, jetpack to crate above
Stronghold, MONKEY TROOP! Stand on Stronghold and bazooka worms. Make another
tower, to the right this time, and just shoot 'em off. Make keep, tower,
keep, keep, castle, castle, tower, citadel, as displayed in map. While doing
so, destroy the tower as it is build up all the time. When having built the
citadel, MONKEY TROOP! Goodbye Stronghold, or at least damage A LOT! Then
bang it with all you've got left. Make towers to the star, and make a wonder
at the EXACT same spot, where the Stronghold was. Otherwise, It's mission

%Rise, Fall, Rise, etc... oh whatever|WT35|Oriental level 5%

You're on a big stranded ship that just won't sink... Have your worms
build like crazy, and let one worm jump up the steer, up the pole, and grab
all the crates. You can go easy on this one and destroy all the worms first,
but then you have little firepower, and I don't think you can destroy the
Stronghold in time to get gold, but at least you'll advance. So put all your
firepower on the stronghold, as you need to destroy it, not all the worms.
Can't give many hints here...

%The Magic of Merlin|WT41|Medieval level 1%

Build a Keep to reinforce the towers, and Onage the tower near the
lighthouse. Make a Keep up there, and start Minigunning the next Tower.
Next turn, make a Science Lab, and Onage the roof of the faraway Keep. They
shouldn't be able to use it then. Fight your way through, and always start
with the top of the building so they can't use it. Save your Chilli for the
Stronghold. That's about it.

%A Knight to Remember|WT42|Medieval level 2%

Build a Tower next to the existing one, and protect the existing one
with girders. Advance to the next star and pick up all the crates down below
using the jetpack. If the girder disappears, recreate it, and if not, try to
lob some Hippo's, pigeons, or Chilis at the enemy Stronghold. Always see
where the next lighthouse connects to, and build castles and stuff over
there. 'Nuff said.

%The Kingdom is Born|WT43|Medieval level 3%

Thou should build Camelot, Castle of all Castles. Thy plan should be
under thy enemy's arse. Keeps diagonally, and towers horizontally. But
beware, like this: or this:

K-t-k K-t-k
|/|\| |\|/|
t-X-T t-X-T
|\|/| |/|\|
k-t-k k-t-k

Thou should wipe out thy enemies too. Using Chilis and Miniguns at the
Stronghold, no problem...

%A Quest|WT44|Medieval level 4%

Get the Grail! Easier said than done, hmmm? Backflip twice and then open
your parachute and you should easily make it. After awhile, you're placed on
a citadel, and have been given limited ammo to destroy the enemy Stronghold.
Aim with Timed Throw-weapons first, then march in with Rhinos. 'Nuff said.
Then you will have to jump to thy grail. as there's a girder in every
package, you start with one, you can enlarge them, and the first jumps can be
made without, it's too easy!

%Mordred and Morgana|WT45|Medieval level 5%

After quite a long story, you'll start off. Build a tower to the right
and destroy the two middle enemy worms with a Rhino. Perhaps even take the
Tower down with them. Shouldn't be that much of a trouble, as a Rhino deals
180 damage to a worm every fraction it touches them. Just build to the star,
take your chance Rhinoing the worms, or Onage the top of buildings if you
can't take a shot. After they died, it's even easier. Build to the other
star, pickup the Science lab with the jetpack, and destroy the Stronghold.
It's a pity Worms 3D and Worms: FuS have such easy final levels...

%Hints and Tips|HT01%

1.Always try to get a weak link to a group of buildings. It sounds truly
basic, because it is.
2.If you yourself have a weak link somewhere, try to make a strong
building there, by capturing all other stars first.
3.You can shoot from a building if its central platform on top is still
intact. Thus, you can also shoot the top of enemy's buildings off so
that you disable the building.
4.Don't forget that harder to use weapons inflict more damage.
5.Always decide what to do to win, kill all the worms or destroy the

%Multiplayer Tips|MT01%

This section isn't here to help you aim, or anything like that, but to
help you with some settings of the fortpot, weapons, etc.

The fortpot reels are like this.

Reel 1 Reel 2 Reel 3

All Or Nothing ---- ----
Anyone's building Anyone's building Anyone's building
Attack Or Build ---- ----
Build Crates Only Build Crates Only Build Crates Only
Building stockpiles Building Stockpiles Building Stockpiles
Crates Galore Crates Galore Crates Galore
Crate Spy Crate Spy Crate Spy
Deadly Bazookas ---- ----
Don't Push Me Don't Push Me Don't Push Me
God Buildings ---- ----
God Only Knows God Only Knows God Only Knows
Building Protection ---- ----
Gimme Shelter ---- ----
Low Gravity Low Gravity Low Gravity
No Links No Links No Links
---- Put It There ----
Rhino-A-Go-Go Rhino-A-Go-Go Rhino-A-Go-Go
Specialist Worms Specialist Worms Specialist Worms
---- Stand Your Ground ----
Stronghold Power Stronghold Power Stronghold Power
Super Bazookas and Grenades ---- ----
Wind Affects All Wind Affects All Wind Affects All
2X damage 2X damage 2X damage

This all makes for 24X19X17=7752 possibilities.
So far, I've got 1344 possibilities double.
Some kind of math guy could tell me the real number if he wants to.

Nice options are:

All Or Nothing, No Links, Stronghold Power; Buildings pack a punch but must
all be destroyed. Works great if you set a lot of buildings.
Deadly Bazookas, Crate Spy, and Crates Galore; Everyone hunts for the
bazookas, and if you set weapons low...
All Or Nothing, No Links, Deadly Bazookas; Combination of before 2...

Combinations are endless...

Gimme Shelter, Don't Push Me, Low Gravity; better be on Buildings when turn
Super Bazookas and Grenades, Wind Affects All, Specialist Worms; Prepare for
a long, exhausting battle.
Rhino-A-Go-Go, Crates Galore, God only Knows; Do this one with no weapons and
with tons of weapon factories for TOTAL CHAOS!!!

These were just some nice ideas... Feel free to mail me some more...


You : For reading this far.
Me : For writing it.
My parents : For raising me.
Sega and Team 17: For making such a great game.

If you want to contact me, send mail to wolfzoon@hotmail.com

%Legal Info%

Copyright 2005 Oscar Brandt
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.
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