Myst 5 - End of Ages

Myst 5 - End of Ages

17.10.2013 22:33:01
Myst V: End of Ages.

K'veer Prison.

Hold down the right mouse button and swivel view any direction. You'll find Atrus's locked
Myst Linking Book on a low table. Door with no light over it, operate handle and proceed down
the corridor.

Down several flights of stairs. At a blue light, pick up your personal journal and a camera. Main
items are at the upper right corner of the screen. The camera is a solid round icon. When a picture
is taken, it appears in your journal. Each picture can be used as a Restore point in addition to the
automatic game save when you quit. On Restart, the Continue option is where you quit.

Continue through the archway and corridor to a large open room with a large shimmering bubble.
Inside it, click the transparent blue tablet, held in place with four stone locks.

Step out of the bubble and Yeesha appears and talks for awhile, then you get linked away.

Esher appears and talks for awhile. Look around, find a hole and enter it. Go through the cavern
and exit. On the ground right there is a small Yeesha journal number 1 by the lantern, read it and
journal 2 lying to the right, read that one too. The last page has an island sketch. Continue
towards the end of the hallway to an area, on the left, filled with broken D'ni artifacts.

Rest Area A.

After entering, turn left to an imager and click the blue button to see an angry Yeesha. Journal 3
is on a cot. The last page of the journal has an illustration of a stone tablet with a strange
illustration on it. Nearby on another cot is a drawing of the Great Shaft area. There's a pedestal
with a linking book, and a map below it showing a highlighted island and the D'ni number 1.
Touch the picture.


Esher talks again. A linking book allows you to return to the previous area if needed. There's two
bridges, open both gates of the bridges on your side. The other side will be taken care of later.

Inside the shimmering bubble is a transparent tablet. Below it is a tiny glowing pentagonal
symbol on the left side. Touch that tiny symbol to link out.


Exit the bubble and Esher talks again. He tells you to use the slate to free yourself. Pick it up and
make a few marks on it. Click the small icon with two lines to erase the slate. Up the tunnel, find
a slate outline on the ground, stand on it and drop the slate. The ground cracks a little. A Bahro
appears and places the slate back on the pedestal.

Take the slate again and walk on the crack. You drop into a cavern. Exit the cavern to a ladder.
Drop the slate so you can climb the ladder. At the pedestal, copy down the symbol (looks like an
anchor), and copy the symbol on the wall too (looks like a broken wheel). No use going down the
ladder for the slate, it's gone. After 15 seconds, the Bahro takes it back to the previous pedestal.

On the pedestal, at the top of the ladder, touch the small pentagonal symbol and link back to the
Tahgira link-in point. Take the slate again and carry it back to the ladder. Draw the anchor
symbol on it and drop it, then walk away a couple of steps. If you drew it correctly, a Bahro
places it at the pedestal above the ladder. Take the slate from the pedestal and wipe it clean.

Draw the broken wheel symbol on the slate, drop it, and go away a couple of steps. A Bahro will
make some gestures and cause a massive heat wave. Take the slate and approach the bridge, then
wait on the other end of the bridge for the steam to go away (1 or 2 minutes). Now with the slate
in hand, step beyond the bridge.

The Village.

A tall hut is in the center of the area surrounded by bulbous trees. Approach the hut to find
another pedestal at the beginning of the steps, and draw its symbol on the slate. Place the slate on
the ground and back away a couple of steps. Done correctly, a Bahro places it back on the
pedestal. Leave it on the pedestal for now. Each time the slate is placed back on a pedestal, its
new symbol appears at the bottom of the slate.

At the hut, Esher talks. Inside on the back wall is a 2x3 grid map with three red and three blue
intersections. Take a picture of the map. Exit the hut and investigate the thermal engine at the top
of the steps, there's a two-pronged handle. Don't bother it just yet. The other five are the same.
Go to the second engine to the right of the hut. Esher talks again. Just to the right of the pedestal,
follow the thermal engines pipes to what appears to be a gridwork, on the ice, similar to the wall
map in the hut. You have to create a pathway across the gridwork.

On each side of the grid, a large pipe leads back to a junction. Facing the grid, turn left to the
junction with three red switches, and the other junction, on the right side has three blue switches.
Right now, they're all frozen in place. Go back to each of the 6 thermal engines and move all
levers to the right. Now go to the pedestal and take the tablet. Remember, you only have about 15
seconds, after dropping the slate, before a Bahro places it on the previous pedestal.

Go stand at the left red junction, and draw the broken wheel (heat) symbol, drop the slate and
back away a couple of steps till the spell starts.

Quickly go to that Red junction and set the three switches as follows:
from left to right, LEFT RIGHT LEFT.

Now quickly go to the right, Blue junction and set the switches to RIGHT LEFT LEFT. Done
correctly, an algae path grows and it can be crossed. If the heat ends or the switches were not
right, the correct ones remain in place. You just have to create more heat and adjust the wrong
switches. With the slate in hand, cross the algae path.

The Graveyard.

Esher talks again. At the graveyard pedestal, draw the symbol on the slate, drop it and back off 2
or 3 steps. Again a Bahro places it on the pedestal. Take the slate form the pedestal and approach
the shimmering bubble of the Keep, but it moves away from you.

In the far distance you can just make out the pedestal symbol of two fat rectangles, one over the
other, with two lines connecting them, and a shorter fat rectangle on the bottom that matches the
two connecting lines. Do the gravestones look rather similar? This one may take several tries of
drawing and dropping the slate.

Once the Bahro places the slate at the distant Keep pedestal, return to the most recent pedestal
and touch the small bottom lit icon and link to the first pedestal, which now has the Keeps
rectangle symbol. Touch it and link out.


Esher links in and talks some more. Enter the bubble and touch the large transparent slate and
one of the four locks will release. Now touch the bottom center small pentagonal symbol on the
pedestal and link back to the first pedestal at Tahgira. Just above the small bottom icons, is the
single center icon. Looks like a flat dome with three vertical rectangles. Touch that icon and link
to Tahgira island in Direbo. Use the linking book there to return to Rest area A.

Exit the rest area, turn right and go along the lava tunnel to a large round room on the right with a
huge center hub. Approach it and Esher talks again and gestures to a door.

To the right of the switch, walk through the open doorway to a short tunnel and pick up Yeesha
journal 4. The last page has a facial sketch. Go back to the round room and turn right. Just to the
right of the door, that Esher indicated, is a lever. Operate it and go through the door into a large
tunnel beyond. You arrive at a huge vertical shaft. Turn right and step once. Esher talks again.
Step two more times, turn left twice and step to a lever and pull it to call the elevator. Wait, the
get on the elevator and pull the overhead lever to go down.

Rest Area B.

Clockwise from the elevator, go through the door on the left. Yeesha journal 5 is on a cot. The
last page has a sketch of the tablet. Use the nearby linking book to return to island 2 of the rest
Age. Now open the two bridge gates from this side. While on this same side, enter the
shimmering bubble and use the small pedestal link that's a glowing pentagonal symbol.


Pillar One.

Exit the bubble, turn left and continue up steps. You pass under some pulleys and complex
machinery on top of some of the pillars. Continue down to a room, on the left, with huge
machines bathed in a red glow.

Control Room.

Esher talks again. Turn left and step five times around the perimeter of the room to the dark area
and turn right. There's a blue globe and two switches. Set the right switch all the way to right and
the left switch at half. The globes outer ring should be turning when power is restored. Back at
front of room, face the steps and step twice up them. There's four control panels, two on the left
and two on the right. Don't touch them yet. Leave the control room, turn left, and continue up the
steps of the pillar.

The cables connect to large devices, on other pillars, and point at the sky (telescopes!). Continue
on up the pillars stairs to see blockage by some cables. Return to control room and go to the right
rear panel. It shows static (broken pulley). Move its vertical slider all the way up and press the
flashing green button. This winds the broken cable. Return up the pillar and continue on up.
Here's a smaller telescope, with a flashing red light. Look through the small telescope.

A vertical slider on the left controls vertical scan, slider at lower right for horizontal scan, and
slider at up right for zoom. Zoom at pillar already aimed at. Cable tram is docked at distant pillar
and three glowing symbols below the dock. Center them and zoom in close for a better look. A
3/4 symbol open at upper right, and two D'ni numbers. Draw all three symbols here:

Leave the telescope and look out from the edge of the pillar top. A second set of cables, for the
tram, from your location to two other pillars. Again look through the small telescope, scan left
and try to see the tops of the lighted pillars. A cable spool at floor level and between two yellow
lights, blocks the view. Enter the small tram house across your pillar, examine map on rear wall.
Four red circles, telescopes, large blue circle your location, green line (tram line) to second blue
pillar, and third blue pillar in the distance.

Each of the four telescopes can be set up to view different quadrant of the sky. Three symbols
seen through small telescope are coordinates for one of the large telescopes. Return to the tram
room door, press dull silver button in the center to close it from inside. Press new button, new
stairs appear at rear of room. Go down those stairs to the dock outside. Stand at edge, hold right
mouse button, look up and to the left to see a large spool. Turn around, approach the door and
turn left.

There's only two controls for the tram. Top lever for left and right (direction), and lower lever up
and down for turning the large spool overhead. Leave the top lever in rightmost position, pull
bottom lever once to turn spool. Return up, open the door and outside to the small telescope.
Look through and move it left to the large gear wheel at floor level. Look through the spokes and
gradually zoom and center to see second pedestal on top of new pillar.

Copy the revealed symbol (sort of like 3 tiny balls hanging from a tiny ball at top). Return down
to the bubble pedestal at link-in, pick up the slate and exit the bubble. Draw the symbol you just

Drop the slate and move away a couple of steps. A Bahro takes it and links away. You might
have to try this several times because the Bahro are particular about some of the drawings.

Return to the first pedestal and look to see the second pedestal symbol glows on its base. Touch
the symbol to link to the top of the second pillar. Turn left twice to see the first pillar in the
distance, not far away.

Pillar Two.

Use the small telescope and slowly pan right to the first pillar. At the upper left is an arch
doorway. Center and zoom to locate three symbols. Center and zoom those to see a circle with
lower right quarter missing and two D'ni numbers. Copy the three symbols. So far two sets of
coordinates. Zoom out. Turn view left, past the moon, toward the third pillar but two telescopes,
one large nearby and one beyond it, block the view. At the pedestal, use the bottom glowing
pentagonal symbol and link back to the first pedestal.

Use the steps and return to the red control room on the left. The first coordinates found are for
the front right panel. Enter those and press the flashing green button. Enter the second
coordinates for the front left panel and press that flashing green button. Return to the first bubble
pedestal and use the bottom four-ball link to the second pedestal.

Use the telescope and zoom in on the large telescope's eyepiece (there's two tiny yellow lights to
the left of the eyepiece and a tiny yellow light to the right). You'll see the third pedestal icon
(large circle with upper right line and small inner circle with down line). Copy the symbol, then
draw it onto the slate. Place it on the ground and step away a couple of steps.

A Bahro should link to the third pedestal. Use the second pedestal link back to the first pedestal,
and touch the two-circle pedestal icon to link there.

Pedestal Three.

Walk onto the large round platform and go right. Esher talks again. Try to open the tram house,
it's locked. Next to the pedestal, go down stairs to the tram dock. Tram is too far away. You
moved it earlier to see the second pedestal. Use the third pedestal's link and return to the first
pillar, then walk back up all the stairs, enter the tram house, and downstairs to the first pillar tram
dock outside. Move the top lever to the left, to reverse the tram, and pull the bottom lever once to
move the tram back into the third dock.

Return to the first pedestal and link with the two-circle icon to the third pedestal. Go down the
nearby stairs to the tram, get on top of it, go right, turn left and climb twice, all the way down the
ladder and turn right. The long lever in the middle cannot be used right now.

Tram House.

Go up the short stairs and through the doorway leading to the locked tram house. Along the way
up is a darkened panel window with two controls beneath it. Set the right lever to middle, and the
left lever about 2/3 of the way up. Done correctly, the window ring turns and power has been
restored. Continue up to the tram house. Press the doorway button to lower the hidden staircase
inside the house, then climb on up. On the wall of the tram house is a glowing symbol (an upside
down large T with two tiny circles). Copy it for later use.

Open the tram house door for future use, then go back down the stairs to the tram. The single
lever in the middle is direction and throttle. Step beyond it, turn around and pull it to move
towards the first pillar. Half way, the tram stops. Turn right. Four symbols on machinery outside
the tram. A ringed planet with a tilted ring about 100 or 120 degrees. Other three are third set of
coordinates. Lower left quarter of circle vacant and two D'ni numbers. Copy them all.

Pull the control again to continue to the first pillar. Turn around, exit, and up stairs to first tram
house. Then outside, go down several stairs and return to the red control room on the right. At
the rear left panel, enter the third set of coordinates and push the flashing button. Step away from
the panel. Now you need to align the stars and planets, figure out what the symbol inside the third
tram house means, and what importance is the planet symbols?

Advancing the Seasons.

Using the mystery Bahro symbol (upside down T with two tiny circles). Exit the control room
and go right. Return to the first pedestal and link bottom middle icon back to the third pedestal.
Pick up the slate and draw the mystery symbol, then drop the slate and step back onto the round
platform. The Bahro should raise its arms to cause a flash of light. The stars noticeably shift
because time is moving faster. Quickly pick up the slate (or you'll have to go to the first pedestal
and get it, then link back here). Swivel view up and right to watch the planets ring tilting.

Wait for the spell to wear off in about 1 « minutes with a final flash. Wait for the spell to stop.
The ring of the planet has tilted, but not enough. With the slate, cause time to speed up a second
time. Quickly pick up the slate. Turn around and look up to watch the planet ring tilting. Wait for
the spell to wear off and there's a final flash. Now the ring is properly tilted.

The Space Pod.

With the slate in hand, link back to the first pedestal. Use stairs and go up to red room on left. Go
to the rear left panel in the control room. Three buttons above the monitor at upper right control
the zoom. The middle one should show a small blinking light on the edge of the ring. The third
one zooms in on the blinking light to reveal the fourth pedestal icon (circle within a circle and a
tiny circle 45 degrees top-right of center and directly on the outer ring).

Copy the symbol. Go outside. Use the slate and draw the symbol, and drop the slate. Walk away
two steps and turn around. A Bahro should link away with the slate.

Go back to the bubble pedestal, wait for the fourth symbol to appear, then use it to link to a space
pod. Esher talks a long time. Turn around and go down the ladder to the Keep under where you
just linked to. Before entering the bubble, look out some of the windows.

Inside the Keep bubble, touch the large Todelmer Slate to release the second of four locks. Now
touch the pentagonal symbol below it to return to the first pedestal, then use the Direbo symbol
(small dome with 3 vertical rectangles) to return to the rest age. Exit the bubble.

Return to Direbo.

Use the nearby linking book to return to the D'ni rest area B (D'ni number 2). Exit the rest area
and turn left. Follow the great shaft to another lever and journal 6. Read the journal, then pull the
lever. Step into the elevator, pull the overhead lever and ride down. Turn left and go down the
red carpeted stairs and listen to Esher again. You have to raise the floor and turn on exhaust fans.
There's an open door near you and one on the opposite side of the shaft.

Raising the Floor.

Continue to the doorway on the left and down the stairs. Keep going down and bear right at every
turn. At a blue switch, don't bother it.

Here's journal 7, read it. On the last page, Yeesha mentions about taking time to Sing and there's
a strange symbol. Copy it down. If it's not in Journal 7 of the twelve found, it will be in one of
the others.

There's a door right and left. Go through either one and continue down stairs to the floor of the
shaft. A large button in center of floor won't do anything yet. Opposite the entry door is another
one. Go through that new door. You'll find a yellow switch. This switch is on a timer. Press it
and run back down stairs, hurry past the glowing yellow button.

Return up to the blue switch and press it. Return down to the previous floor and press the red
button. After a few seconds the floor will begin to raise. It will stop level with four balconies at
the second elevator. Now go through the first door, to left of the elevator, to a large opening in
the wall and into a dark hallway. Turn right and read journal 8 next to a switch. Pull the switch to
the left and a generator starts up. To the left is another rest area.

Rest Area C.

On entering, to the left is another imager with a blue button to push and listen to Yeesha again.
Use the linking book to the fourth island (D'ni number 4, looks like a K) of Direbo. Open the
two bridge gates to have access to Tahgira island. With the new gates open, enter the shimmering
bubble with the single glowing symbol, shaped like a slate, at the lower left. Press that symbol to
link out.

Noloben: The Pool.

Exit the bubble and turn left to see Esher sitting at the edge of the water. Approach him and
listen. Continue along the beach to a dais under a canopy. Four stone bowls surround a large egg-
shaped rock. If you're close in to the bowls, you'll have to look down to see the base symbol
(hold right mouse button and move the cursor down).

The base of the dais has a glowing symbol of three vertical lines with a tiny circle at the ends. Go
to the first pedestal and bring the slate back here. The symbol is upside down, so draw it on the
slate with the circles on the bottom and the middle line lower than the other two.

Drop the slate and step away twice. If done correctly, a Bahro should create a rainstorm. Quickly
pick up the slate and stand under the canopy which leaks. The four bowls eventually fill with
water and reflect symbols from the wall into the pool. As soon as the rain stops, take a few
pictures, especially of the four symbols in the bowls. About 2 minutes later, the pool returns to

Continue two steps past the pool, to a tunnel on the left, and go through to the other end. Turn
left and go four steps and turn right. Wade across the water to a smaller island. A large boulder
seals off a cave. The boulder has a tree design on it, take a picture of it. Return to the first
pedestal, on the main island, to place the slate on the pedestal.

Finding a plateau.

Head three steps toward the other end of the beach, and turn right twice to another tunnel that's
blocked off deep inside. Facing the entrance, to the left of there are seven holes in the ground.
Look up to see a hanging rope, and look further up to see a coiled rope. Pull the loose end to drop
a ladder. Look up and climb on up. There's a big egg-shaped rock decorated with carvings like
the ones at the reflecting pool. Fifteen windows in the rock can be opened. The top of the rock
has a big lense. Evenly spaced around the rock are four smaller ones with rotating tops with

The four symbols reflected in the pool's bowls are engraved on the inside wall of the lab, one
above each window. Two different sets of symbols to consider. One set used in the reflecting
pool and on the inside of the lab. The other set used on the exterior sides of the lab windows and
the smaller rotating stones around the lab.

Shut all the lab windows except one and look through it to find a symbol inside that matches one
from the reflecting pool. Once done, walk around the lab and open window directly below the
symbol. Return to the first window opened and look through to make sure the second window is
the correct one. By using this method, you eventually match the four pairs of symbols:

Pair 1: a cross of two vertical and two horizontal lines, and three fat dark horizontal lines.
Pair 2: a fat light color circle with a fat light color vertical line, and dark circle with dark line
from its center and going up over the circle.
Pair 3: two dark vertical lines, and three dark splotches over three dark splotches.
Pair 4: a dark circle with two vertical dark lines crossed with two horizontal dark lines, and two
dark fat lines crossed by a thin dark line near the bottom.

Now you know which symbols from one pair corresponds with the other pair, it's a simple matter
of turning each smaller rotating stone so that the marker on the back of it lines up with the
appropriate symbol. So all you have to do is match the shadows of the rotating stones to the
engraved shadows of the reflecting pool bowls and set the rotating stones to the symbols that
were paired with the symbols reflected in the corresponding bowls.

In other words; each small stone has the same bottom symbol of a small circle with long line up
from its top and on the bottom of the small circle is a very short line with two short horizontal
lines. With the sun out, set the small stones as follows:

1. Shadow pointing directly away from the lab; three thick horizontal lines over the bottom
2. 90 degrees clockwise from stone 1; small circle with vertical line from center upwards over the
bottom pointer.
3. 90 degrees clockwise from stone 2. Shadow pointing directly toward lab; six dark splotches
over the bottom pointer.
4. 90 degrees clockwise from stone 3; two dark fat vertical lines with thin dark bottom line over
the bottom pointer.

Now climb back down to the beach and go to the nearby tunnel. You should now see a doorway.
Go through it and three more. At the end of the long winding runnel is the bottom floor of
Esher's laboratory. Here is the second pedestal with a large glowing symbol. Copy it down and
record it in your journal, then head up the stairs. Esher talks again. Finally, continue up the stairs
to a wood platform. Go around left to the other end. A bulletin board has a scrap of paper of a
tablet outline with the snake design that Esher drew in the air with his finger. Click it for a
closeup. Copy it down. You can examine five other scraps on the bulletin, and two on the floor.

Turn around and climb up the ladder to a cage and another to the top of the cage. Look up to see
a ladder to the roof is too high up to reach. It will lower if the slate was on the second pedestal.
Bahro will not link to the second pedestal with the slate, you have to place the slate, with the
proper symbol, on the pedestal. This creates the link. Go outside to the bubble, get the slate and
bring it back to the second pedestal.

Draw the second pedestal symbol on the slate and place it on the second pedestal. After doing
this, return outside to the first pedestal to make sure the second pedestal symbol appears on the
first pedestal base. Climb back up to the plateau and move one of the rotating stones to seal off
the tunnel leading to the lab. Now return to the first pedestal and use the small bottom icon link
to the second pedestal. Leave the slate on the pedestal and climb the lab's stairs and ladders and
up the roof ladder.

Accessing a small island.

At the top of the ladder is Noloben's third pedestal. Record the image in your journal (a circle
within a circle and a short horizontal line on the left and right on the outside of the large circle).
Examine the large lens behind you. It's focused on a sealed door. The same tree illustration is on
the ground in front of the lens. Step onto the tree illustration and is glows. Through the lens, the
island door glows and opens. You need to trick the Bahro into standing on the symbol where
you're at.

Return down the ladders and stairs to the second pedestal, pick up the slate and use the second
pedestal to link to the first pedestal. Step out on the beach, draw the third pedestal on the slate,
drop it on the beach and step away a couple of steps. A Bahro will take it to the third pedestal.
Go back into the bubble of the first pedestal, then when the third pedestal icon shows, link to the
third pedestal. Draw the snake symbol on the slate and place it on the tree symbol in front of the

Quickly use the third pedestal and link to the first pedestal. Exit the bubble, turn left, go 8 steps,
then go through the tunnel. Turn left and go 4 steps, turn right and across to the small island.
Wait in front of the door. Eventually a Bahro causes the door to open, so go inside. Note down
the keep symbol, a circle surrounded by four small circles in a square pattern. Use the link back
to the first pedestal.

The slate should be there. Take it and step out on the beach. Draw the keep symbol on it and drop
it on the beach. Walk away two steps and turn around. A Bahro takes it to the. Inside the bubble,
when the keep symbol appears, link there.

Esher angrily talks. Finally, click the slate to release the third tablet lock. Now link out to Direbo
using the pedestals in this order: the small dome shaped icon, then the small icon with 3 vertical
rectangles. Explore across the bridges till you find the linking book with the D'ni number 3
(looks like a square with a K on the left of it. Use it and link back to D'ni rest area C.

Exit the room, turn right and return to the section of the great shaft floor you raised and press the
red button to lower the floor again. The doors for the yellow and blue switches are sealed. Press
the red button again and quickly get off the floor. After the floor raises without you, you'll see
several ladders leading down to a floor. Don't bother the switch there, but read journal 9. Strange
symbols on the last page.

Continue down the long tunnel, away from the pit floor. There's a switch with several pipes
connected to it. Drag the switch left to start a big fan above you. Return through the tunnel to see
a new ladder, half way along the tunnel, hanging from the ceiling. Climb the ladder to another
tunnel. Approach the sealed door at one end, swivel view down and read journal 10. The last
page has strange symbols on a slate. Flip the switch there to open the door, which leads back to
the great shaft. Don't go there, but explore the other end of the tunnel you're in.

You find a hub room with two doors. One locked because of a broken switch. Read journal 11
lying there. Go through the other door to the fourth and final rest area, D. On entering, go left to
another imager and push the blue button to hear an angry Yeesha. The final Yeesha journal, 12,
should be on a cot, so read it. Use the linking book to Direbo's fourth island (D'ni number 4
indicated on the shaded map below the link picture). Open the two bridge gates. All eight bridge
gates should now be open. Enter the shimmering bubble and use the small left icon that links you
to a new area.


Exit the bubble, turn right, and approach Esher standing at the door to a big stone building. Look
through the left window to see a scrap of paper with a line of shapes. Take a picture. Return to
the first pedestal, turn right and go to the beach, turn right again and walk six times along the
beach past a wall made of stone blocks and reeds. At a small passageway between several large
boulders, go through to a boneyard. Across from the crane mechanism, is a glowing symbol of
three wavy lines on a large rock.

Copy the symbol into your journal, then return to the bubble pedestal and pick up the slate, exit
the bubble. Draw the wavy symbol on the slate, drop it on the ground, and walk away two steps.
A Bahro causes strong winds to blow. Quickly pick up the slate and wait. About 90 seconds later,
the wind should end. Get the slate and return to the boneyard and walk directly across to find
another path between boulders to a small stream.

There's a triangular opening to a holding pen of sorts. Wade to it and enter. The far end has a
submerged pedestal inside a cylindrical cage. Turn around and go back the other way two steps
and turn right. A crack, in the wall allows you to climb to a grassy shore surrounding the pen.
Walk around the outside of the holding pen cage to find a windmill. Continue walking clockwise
around the pen to see another stream leading away from it and into a tunnel protruding between
several large boulders.

Mounted tusks prevent you from dropping into the tunnel. From the back of the windmill, access
its control panel which has three levers and two buttons. The windmill has to be moving for
anything to happen with the controls. Step down off the windmill, draw the wind symbol on the
slate and drop it on the ground. After wind starts, pick up the slate and get to the windmill

1. Pull the left lever once to power up.
2. Pull the middle lever once to raise the cage to water level.
3. Pull the right lever once to rotate the pedestal.
4. Go into the holding pen to see the symbol of pedestal two. Draw it and picture it.
5. Go back to front of windmill, cause wind to blow again, pick up slate.
6. At controls, pull left lever once to power up.
7. Pull the right lever once to rotate the cage for its opening to face the second stream.
8. Push the left button once to open the cage to the second stream.

Away from the windmill, draw the second pedestal's symbol (two triangles back to back) on the
slate and drop it, walk off two steps. A Bahro should place it on the second pedestal. Return to
the first pedestal and link to the second pedestal. Take the slate and wade down the second
stream. At the end is a huge stadium lined with benches. A gate to your right eventually leads to
the boneyard if you want a shortcut to retrieve the slate. There's two small triangular gates that
you'll soon open.

Counterweight machine.

Go up a ramp at the end of the arena to see the third pedestal sitting on top of a wood column. In
back of the column four small gold lids on the left of a large button, and four small gold lids to
the right. Press the buttons below the caps till all are closed, then push the large gold middle
button and the column will lower so you can see the symbol, a square with the bottom missing
and a medium circle above. Take a picture of it. Now do the following:

Open both caps above the left-most four-unit button.
Open both caps above the three-unit button (second from left).

Now on the right side of the large gold button: Open one cap above the two-unit button.
Both caps above the one-unit button should be closed.

Now press the large central gold button and the column goes back up just above the walkway
where you need to get to. A bit of weight will lower it to the walkway. You can only do that by
linking to the third pedestal. Step out in the water, draw the third pedestal symbol on it, drop it
and step away two steps. A Bahro should take the slate to the third pedestal.

Return to the second pedestal and link back to the first pedestal, then link, bottom center, to the
third pedestal and the platform sinks even with the level two bridge. Take the slate and step onto
the second level and the platform behind you rises. From the end of the short bridge, turn left and
go to the end, turn left and forward to a large red button. Push it to open a small triangular gate
down in the water.

Go back the other way, to a large red door, and Esher appears. Once he links away, continue
forward three times, turn right and forward, press another large red button. Go back to the red
door. Five buttons of geometric shape are on the lock. Refer to the picture you had taken of the
scrap of paper near the beginning of Laki'ahn. So the combination is:

Circle Square Triangle Hexagon Diamond. Enter the trade house, turn right and enter the first
room on your right. A scrap of paper on a table has four splotches of color, click on it to see Red
Red Green Blue.

Return out the door you just opened, and go out to the arena area. Walk down through a gap in
the railing to the water. Turn left and enter one of the small triangular gates you just opened. You
can see a light at the end.

Elevator to the second floor.

Go through a long tunnel and make a right at the intersection. Just beyond a large round elevator
pad, to a heavy red lever and a red pressure plate. Take a picture of the pressure plate, so that you
can restore this location. Sometimes when you ride the elevator up, and the elevator doesn't stay
up, and you move through the lower hallway when the elevator comes back down. By that time, a
Bahro has taken the slate back to a pedestal and you have to go find it.

You need the Bahro to trigger the pressure plate while you're on the elevator. Yeesha had said, in
journal 7 (if you've been closely following this walkthrough) on the last page, about taking time
to sing. One of the 12 journals has the symbol. So draw the "sing" symbol on the slate and place
it on the pressure plate. Then raise the lever to its highest and quickly get on the elevator. A
Bahro appears, you go up long enough to step off the elevator. If the elevator doesn't stay up,
quickly get the slate and try again.

Through a maze.

From the elevator at the second floor, there's four hallways, each with a colored lit switch at the
end. The key is the piece of paper with four colored splotches. Red red green blue.

Two of the hallways each has a red button at the first junction, and the other two, one is green
and the fourth is blue. Find the red button hallway that does not have elevator controls before it,
in a short hallway next to the main elevator shaft. In that hallway press the small red switch, go
right and press another red switch. Another right and press the green switch, then go left and
press the blue switch. Go out the door to the fourth pedestal. The door behind you locks. Take a
picture or copy the icon that resembles a large Y with a smaller y on each top branch.

Now use the pedestal link back to the first pedestal, take the slate and step out of the bubble.
Draw the fourth symbol on it, place it on the ground and step away twice. A Bahro takes the slate
to the fourth pedestal. The first pedestal soon has the fourth pedestal symbol, so link there. Take
the slate, turn left from this fourth pedestal and walk toward a wrecked boat and Esher appears.
Finally, turn right and continue along the beach to a crude hut. Another counterweight system of
seven boulders of various sizes to the right of the hut.

The boulders connect to two gates. If too many are lowered, the top gate remains open. If too
many are raised, the bottom gate remains open. Both gates have to remain open.

Raise one large,
one medium,
and two small ones,

to open the back door. Go through the hut to the beach, turn right and go three steps, turn right
and go through the tunnel leading up to the top floor. Go right and look out a window to see a
flag hanging off the window and a small island in the distance. With no wind, the flag symbol
can't be made out.

Go down to the beach, draw the wind symbol on the slate and drop it. A Bahro causes wind
again. Pick up the slate and go back up to the window. You can now see the flag symbol. Take a
picture and copy it also. Now go down to the beach and wait for the wind to stop. Now draw the
flag symbol on the slate and drop it. Step away twice and turn around. A Bahro takes it away.
Return to the fourth pedestal and link back to the first pedestal. The new icon is on the extreme
right, so use it to link out.

A Keep.

You appear on a small island keep of Laki'ahn. Esher talks again. Click your hand on the final
slate, to unlock the Tablet, and you automatically link back to K'veer to complete the quest.

The End of The Journey.

Take a picture of the unlocked slate, in order to preserve this location and try all three endings.
First you'll do the two bad endings, in order to see Myst Island from the original game, but now
in shambles.

Bad Ending #1.
As you approach the tablet, take it and approach Yeesha. She reaches for it but it slips and returns
to the Keep, the four locks holding it. Go under the left stairs and up several stairs, returning to
K'veer prison where Esher has unlocked the Myst Linking Book. Link to Myst and listen to
Esher. You can look around the island, but you're stranded forever. Restore the picture of the
tablet by clicking on the top words and try the second bad ending.

Bad Ending #2.
Take the tablet from the Keep and walk to the left of Yeesha and under the left stairs. Go up to
the prison in K'veer and use the unlocked Myst book to link to Myst Island. A heavy iron
pedestal is in the library at the center of the island. Place the tablet on the pedestal and Esher
links in. He eventually links out, leaving the tablet that's locked in place. You can look around
the island, but you're stuck here forever. Now restore the final picture of the tablet and try the
GOOD ending.

Good Ending #3.
After taking the tablet, place it on the floor and walk away two steps. Your face is covered and
when clear, the tablet is gone, reclaimed by the Bahro. Yeesha thanks you and you're linked to a
different age to see Yeesha and her father, Atrus.

Eventually, the Bahro takes Esher away. Enjoy the rest of the ending and beautiful mountain
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