Cabelas Big Game Hunter 2006

Cabelas Big Game Hunter 2006

18.10.2013 05:12:48


Tschuldige Leute, aber ich werde diesen Wust an Cheats nicht übersetzen, bitte schaut euch die englischen Cheats an.


Be aware that there are MANY more console commands than we are listing.
However, most of them are strange Debug codes.
It is difficult to determine the exact syntax to run these other Codes and they
do not seem to "help" your game playing experience.

So, we are leaving out debug codes that we do not think are useful.

NOTE: ALL the Cheat Codes can be entered multiple times.

Arg (Argument) *Legend*:
# = Integer (A whole number, can be positive or negative in value)
Example: 429

F = Floating Point value (Either a fractional number or A whole number,
can be positive or negative in value)
Example: 4923.32

STRING = A set of Characters of course (letters and/or numbers)
Example: Wolverine

0 / 1 = A Toggle (0 will Disable, 1 will Enable)

1. Start the game.

2. Open the game Console:
Hit the key " ` " or " ~ " also known as Tilde.
A CONSOLE window should open with a cursor.

3. Enter your codes.


You may type PART of a command (such as the first few letters) and then hit
the TAB key to fill in the best matching command (ala 4DOS/4NT woot woot).
Also, the Up/Down arrow keys cycle through previous commands. Finally, the
PageUp/PageDown keys browse through the log of the console commands.

For most commands with an Argument Requirement, you can run the command
WITHOUT any arguments to display its current value.

Most of these Cheat Codes should be used when you have a Map loaded.
Although many of the Codes work within the Menu System, most have little
effect there.

4. Hit ESCAPE to leave the console.

Cheat Codes (case insensitive):

Cheat Code Arg(s) Effect
----------------------- ------- ------------------------------------------------

mod_ctbmul F Set the Detail of the world
Example: mod_ctbmul 0
0 seems to be MAXIMUM detail of the foliage and
the ground textures.
Example: mod_ctbmul 500
This does very little detail on the foliage.
The plants look like Cartoons!

mod_GiveMission # In Career Mode, this will give you the Mission
# specified
Example: mod_GiveMission 2

mod_AutoEquip Fills your backpack with lots of nice items FOR

mod_fogColor # # # Set the Colour of the Fog graphics.
The format is probably "R G B" for
"Red Green Blue" values.
However, we saw no noticeable effects.

mod_spawnAnimal STRING Bring a new Animal into the World!
You must know the NAME of the animal to Spawn
it. Also, it only seems to work if you add an
EXTRA character in front of the NAME.
Example: mod_spawnAnimal gWolverine
Example: mod_spawnAnimal wwolverine

mod_playvoice Some Narrator tells you something about the
Level you are on, based upon your current
location on the map

mod_endmission Completes your current Mission

mod_gotoanimal Teleports you to the Location of an Animal
(seems to choose a random Animal each time you
run it)

mod_needMoney # Increases your Credit by the # specified

mod_animalCam 0 / 1 The Camera will follow a random Animal.
Run it again with an Arg of 1 to switch to
another animal.

mod_botCam #

mod_setTiredness F Set how Tired you are (Sleep Stat)
Every Arg except for 0 caused the Player to die
in our tests!
0 will set your Sleep Stat to 100%

mod_setHunger F Set how Hungry you are (Food Stat)
Every Arg except for 0 caused the Player to die
in our tests!
0 will set your Food Stat to 100%

mod_setThirst F Set how Thirsty you are (Drink Stat)
Every Arg except for 0 caused the Player to die
in our tests!
0 will set your Drink Stat to 100%

mod_setSoundStealth F
Assume this sets how quiet your actions are
perceived by the animals

mod_setSmellStealth F
Assume this sets how much your scent is
perceivable by the animals (like if you're
pissing on a tree or something. lol!)

mod_setVisualStealth F
Assume this sets how visible you are to the

mod_setTime # # Set the Time of day in the game
Arg 1 = Hours
Arg 2 = Minutes
Example: mod_setTime 14 56
This will change the Time to 14 Hours (2 pm)
and 56 Minutes

mod_moveToEnt STRING Teleports you the Entity "STRING"
Example: mod_moveToEnt 2
That teleports you somewhere up in the air on
Mission 1 of the Career (and then I fell and
died on impacted! haha)

mod_moveToPos # # # Teleport to the specified "X Y Z" map location

mod_moveToSpawn STRING

mod_moveToCar If you have a Vehicle in the world, this will
teleport you right on top of the Vehicle

mod_teleportHere Teleports you to a Location.
It seems to jump you just a few feet in front
of where you are.
But, we discovered a 'secret', if you shoot
your weapon toward where you want to teleport,
and then engage the Cheat when the BulletCam
is at the location you wish to go, it will
teleport you there.
(Even 1/2 way across the map for example)

mod_playerModel STRING
Assume this Changes the Model of your Player.
Such as if you are a Male/Female and which of
the 3 Aged Models you are.

We assumed this would Kill the animal in your
Targeting Reticle. However, it did nothing.

mod_BSPAndPos 0 / 1 Display the current Map File and your current
"X Y Z" location

mod_sspd F

mod_tspd F

mod_hspd F

mod_damagepart 0 - 5 5 = You become fully healed
0 = Damage your Head (ack!)
1 = Damage your Right Arm
2 = Damage your Left Arm
3 = Damage your Right Leg
4 = Damage your Left Leg

mod_stealthMode #

mod_showatr #

mod_showatrval 0 / 1 Displays information about your Player's
current Condition and Credits

mod_TagCheck 0 / 1
Assume this Disables the Tag Checking, so that
you can kill any animal without Penalty

mod_EndTournament 0 / 1 Win the currently loaded Tournament

mod_BulletGuide 0 / 1 Grants you the magical ability to control your
bullet (use the Character Movement keys after
shooting to alter the bullet's course)

mod_fogEnd #
After setting any value, it still seems to be
stuck at (reset to) "500" if you check it again.

mod_fogStart # Set the fogginess in the world
NOTE: a large Negative number such as -5000
will make it very foggy

mod_animalFreeze 0 / 1 Prevent all animals from moving (they will be
stuck at their current locations).
If you get too close, they can still attack and
wound you though.

mod_jumpOn #

mod_freeCam #

mod_force3rd 0 / 1 Force 3rd Person view (it is weird because you
are just a pair of hand with no body, haha)

cheat_TrophyHorns # # # #

cheat_AvailableItems Unlock all Items at the Store
(You can buy these items in the Lodge of the
Career Mode)


cheat_FinishCareerFlag Unlocks all Sub-Regions of "Quick Hunt" Mode.
You must be in Career Mode when you run this
Cheat for it to be effective. Then, you must
Save your game and the easiest way to do this
is at the Lodge. Finally, the Sub-Regions will
be unlocked when you go to "Quick Hunt" from
the Main Menu.

mod_BuyItem STRING Get the item named "STRING" for FREE (will be
added to your backpack)
Example: mod_BuyItem bow3
to get a free Crossbow.
There are too many items to list (Hundreds).

spmap STRING Load the SinglePlayer Map File named "STRING"

aiDisableAct 0 / 1 Prevents all Animals from taking actions.
They can neither move nor attack you.

aiDisableThink 0 / 1 Disable Artificial Intelligence of the Animals.
It makes them dumb, so that they will not
attack you. (They can still run around if they
wish to though)

AppVersion Display the Game Name and Version Number

Exit Terminate the entire game

help Display *most* of the Console Commands

? Same as the "help" command

Found by Team TNT

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