Serious Sam Gold

Serious Sam Gold

13.10.2013 07:59:39
Platform: PC (Windows 2000+)
Author: SoftGrunt
FAQ version: 0.1


1. Introduction

2a. Enemies
2b. Items
2c. Walkthrough

3a. Enemies
3b. Items
3c. Walkthrough

4. Cheat Codes

5. FAQ History

6. End/Legal

1. - Introduction

SERIOUS SAM GOLD is the 2-disc set of the original Serious Sam game
However even if you've used other GAMEFAQS to review those games I
humbly recommend MY FAQ - I've updated and corrected a few issues
missing elsewhere.

This famed "budget game" is a slaughterfest that traps you in areas
and subjects you to vast waves of enemies, who must usually all be
killed before you can proceed. If this is not what you're up for,
you've been warned!

It's what I'd call a 'one true way' game, 'cause there's typically
only one way to move through each level to the next. In THE SECOND
ENCOUNTER you get lots of those 'stupid pet tricks' you have to
perform over and over again to advance, a la Tomb Raider.

Serious Sam's recommended specs are a 550 MHz Pentium III with 128
MB RAM, a GeForce- or Voodoo5-class video accelerator, and 450 MB
hard-disk space, running Win 2000 or better. I've played these
games on my ACER AS3002LCi, which runs XP on a Sempron 3000 with
256 MB RAM, a 40 gig HD, and a SiSM760GX chipset with Mirage 2
graphics. THE FIRST ENCOUNTER mostly runs fine, but I get
periodic stuttering when playing THE SECOND ENCOUNTER, and that's
in Single Player! There are some patches and trouble-shooting
hints at the site.


Since the game's manual covers the story and specifics about
enemies, items, and controls I won't cover that stuff in detail.
If you don't have the printed manual you can access the info by
selecting the "Manual" option from the game's main menu; you can
also find it as a text file in the Serious Sam "Help" folder that
is created when you install the game.

Note that when I capitalize the U in "Use" I obviously mean right-
clicking on something when the "USE" hint displays. I'm doing
the same with "Analyze."

By The Way - Trying to play this game using a mousepad is sheer
torture - you MUST have a mouse, which of course meant a USB one
for me.


> > > A Bit of General Advice < < <


Do I NEED to say "Save constantly"?!?

Secrets are usually not TOO secret - look for something out of
the ordinary. Any wall section you have to blast will be dark
and square. Destructible blocks or ledges are different in color
or texture. A tree (or pillar or barrel) blocking a recess
indicates a secret. There's usually a reason for a switch!
There's often a bit of sparkle around the walls, but a heavy
flow indicates a secret teleport.

If you can position yourself correctly you can 'blindside'
single opponents. Move so that some structure or object blocks
their view or weapon arm, then snipe at exposed portions of
their anatomy. You can take down Mordekai with pistols this
way, though it's time-consuming!

Occasionally a green bar with a heart on the left appears at
the top of the screen. This shows the health level of the 'boss'
you are fighting (although sometimes it appears for a wave of
lesser baddies.) Ordinarily it shortens and turns red as you
blast the enemy. If it gets longer that's a clue that you have
to find the secret of the bosses' regeneration.

Sometimes, of course, you have to pick up certain objects or walk
into certain areas to trigger secrets or spawn enemies. If you are
playing for the highest kill score you'd better have LOTS of time
set aside to play!

When the game calls for swimming use the Spacebar (Jump) to swim
up and the C key (Crouch) to swim down, while using the arrow key
appropriate for the direction. This will be a LOT faster and is
necessary for long dives.

If an obvious gate won't open, and NETRISCA's analysis doesn't
say why it's shut, you probably missed killing a few of your
opponents: typically you have to clear any arena where you're
subjected to waves of enemies.

Generally speaking previous sectors become inaccessible when
you pass through the sector exit, so make sure you've stocked
up on everything you need before continuing. Usually if you
have to return to a sector it gets restocked with goodies anyway.

Don't overstock on health, 'cause you'll need every pill - pay
attention to your life monitor!

There are SO many monsters even on normal mode I find it
pretty tedious fairly frequently. If you prefer the exploration
aspect play the game in easy or tourist mode. I suppose you
COULD use the ~ Please Killall cheat...

When you feel overwhelmed - which may be often - don't just
enter ~ Please God (the invulnerability cheat) and play on.
Many secrets and functions (like rocket jumping) won't work in
"god mode".




This is a "run through" of the game intended as a quickie guide
for the single-player who wants a FEW surprises but also wants to
find the secrets and not get wiped out constantly. Hats off to J.
Paterson and Derek Plote whose FAQs got me through the game
originally, but they've missed or mischaracterized one or two
things. Read J. Paterson (Slodeath) for a much more comprehensive
review of First Encounter gameplay, items, and enemies.

2a. - 1st Encounter Enemies

I'm going to review the enemies in order of appearance, which also
just happens to be order of threat level!

The Beheaded Rocketeer, who we'll just be calling "BR" from now on,
is the lowest threat in the game and his energy "rocket" is easy to
dodge. Even in groups it's easy to pick him off with your .45s.

The Beheaded Bomber, who we'll just be calling "BB" from now on, is
a marginally greater threat because he throws grenades and blows up
after death. I'd still go with .45s.

The Beheaded Firecracker, who we'll just be calling "BF" from now on,
is a marginally greater threat because of his semi-homing multi-
projectile weapon - kill him fast if there's no bigger threat. I'd
still go with .45s, or the Tommygun.

The Beheaded Kamikazes, who we'll just be calling "BKs" from now on,
are not, IMHO, as annoying as the Marsh Hoppers but are a bit of a
threat in packs. They run up to you screaming and explode. You can
tell how close they are by their scream. At first the .45s are fine
but in the later levels they attack in waves, so use the Tommygun.

The running Gnarrs, Male and Female, are easily dodged but you'll
want the shotgun to deal with 'em. There are some flying ones too.
The males, a little bluer, can be taken out with one shot but
females require two. Don't use the double-barrel (especially when
they're in packs); one shot knocks a female down. There are a few
transparent (not REALLY invisible) ones in the Secret Yards.

The Kleer Skeletons, which we'll just be calling "Kleers" from now
on, are nasty and although their spinning chainshot is easily dodged
their close attack is a pain. At first let one get close and blast
it with the Double-barreled shotgun as it leaps. When you start
getting 'em in mass attacks it's time to break out the Lasergun.

The Marsh Hoppers from Rigil Kentaurus, which we'll just be calling
"Frogs" from now on, are MY least favorite beasties. You don't see
many of these in the game - ha ha! The pistols or pump shotgun are
OK for these early on, but from the Valley of the Kings on you'll
want the Tommygun and later the Minigun to still the waves.

The Sirian Werebull, which we'll just be calling "Bulls" from now
on, is a mighty tough opponent and while dodge-able when attacking
alone is a big challenge in herds. 2.5 close-range Double-barrel
shots (in Normal mode) will do the trick for one, but the Grenade
launcher is best weapon when facing a few; use the Cannon on herds.

The Bio-Mechanoids, which we'll just be calling "Mechs" from now on,
require Rocket launcher treatment (In the Second Encounter the
sniper rifle is great!) One Rocket takes down a Minor, five Rockets
take out a Major. When they work together I would recommend
eliminating the Minors FIRST since their pulse lasers are more
difficult to dodge; You can often lead some of your other enemies
into the Major's slow rockets.

The Arachnoids CAN be difficult, especially in the open. In areas
with a lot of cover they can actually be taken out with the .45!
Just position a wall or pillar between you and their chaingun, then
aim at their legs or tail and shoot until they die! In the open use
the Rocket launcher against 'em. Juveniles get two rockets, Adults

The Common Aludron Reptiloids, who I'll refer to as "Reptiloids,"
are only difficult if you take them on with anything OTHER than
the Tommygun or Minigun. They hurl fireballs that are easily
destroyed by gunfire. Don't stand around trying to pick these off
with the shotgun; even late in the game the Tommygun is best for the
Common variety, since when several appear in arenas you can always
isolate some from you with a wall or pillar and pick 'em off one at
a time. Using the Tommygun saves you a LOT of ammo over the Minigun
but you'll want the Minigun for the big "Highlanders."
If you haven't got the Tommygun when the Reptiloids first appear, in
level 4, use the Rocket launcher. It will take about 15 Rockets to
kill the "Highlander," whose homing fireballs are orange instead of

The Reeban Electro-Fish, which we'll just be calling "Fish" from now
on, only appear when you're underwater and do so with increasing
frequency throughout the game. When close they zap you with a
disorienting electric discharge. Since all your weapons work
underwater select the pump shotgun (later the Tommygun) when
swimming and listen for their characteristic noise.

The Scythian Witch-Harpies, who we'll just be calling "Harpies" from
now on, are a RATHER provocatively-dressed threat and it's worth a
kick or two (at first) for a closeup view! A blast with the pump
shotgun at medium range will knock their wings off and they'll then
run after you until another shot puts 'em away. When they appear
run back (or around in a circle) until they bunch up, then fire
rockets (one at a time!) into the middle of the flock. After
thinning 'em pump 'em away individually.

The Lava Golem appears in 3 sizes, large (first you'll see), small,
and medium. Put an obstacle between you and them 'cause they toss
lavaballs in the direction you're dodging. Run back and forth
rocketing the big boys. When they die they spawn small ones, which
can be taken out with the Double-barrel; the Grenade launcher is
also good.

Last but not least is the big boss, Ugh-Zan III, The Vicious
Warlock. Yes, he is 330 feet tall and looking at him for too
long will confuse your sense of distance! He's got a pulse
laser, a rocket launcher, a homing fireball generator, a weapon
that shoots energy beams, and he spits lavarocks!
As described under THE GREAT PYRAMID you want to cannonade this
bozo as much as possible and use anything else you've got
(shotgun and pistols LAST) until you can reload. Just keep
shooting and dodging until you can leave him behind!

2b. - 1st Encounter Items and Weapons.

There are of course lots of items you can collect, including papyri
as well as ammo, health, and armor. Be aware that acquiring power-
ups of any kind often triggers enemy-spawning. Obviously you want
to husband your health carefully, but sometimes it's better to
overload and keep moving then come back for more later.

Let's talk weapons! If you read the Enemies section you know my
opinion that certain weapons are best for certain enemies.
We're going to pretty much review that here:

1) The Schofield .45 with TMAR (Techno-Magical Ammunition
Replenishment!) is an imaginative weapon indeed!!! Why this old
Smith & Wesson, I wonder? Anyway it's a lot of fun. It never
runs out of bullets, but reloads after 6 shots in a pistol-
whipping action. Watch the hammer fall and the cylinder spin
while you fire! I get a BIG kick out of it!
You start with one and pick up a second in the first level. You
can switch back to one by pressing the 1 key twice, but why
It's very accurate at long range, but its relatively slow rate
of fire makes it useless closeup against enemies tougher than a
Gnaar: except against blindsided enemies as described above.
Use it to pick off Beheaded Sirians until the BKs start
attacking in waves - then switch to the Tommygun.

2) There's a Military Knife in this game?!? I guess I never used it!

3b) The 12 Gauge Pump Action Shotgun is as usual a mighty useful
weapon under most circumstances and you'll want it for shotgun runs.
It's only really effective against Sirians, Gnaars, Fish, Frogs, and
Harpies. After getting the "Coach Gun" you must press the 3 key a
second time for the Pump shotgun.

3a) The Double Barrel Coach Gun becomes your first 3 key choice once
you acquire it, and it's great for short-range elimination of single
Gnaars, Kleers, and Bulls. It's a little slow to reload or it would
be lots MORE useful.

Both shotguns require shells for ammo; the amount you can carry
depends on the difficulty setting. There's typically lots of
shotgun ammo lying around in small, white boxes of 20+ shells.
The + means that you may get more or less in some boxes.

4b) The M1-A2 Thompson Submachine Gun is a twist on the famed
Tommygun, firing 5.56mm bullets at about 600 rpm over infinite
distances. It's very accurate and uses ammo less rapidly than
its cousin the Minigun, so I'd press 4 a second time for this
weapon. Best for waves of BKs, Frogs, Harpies, and the Common

4a) The XM214-A Minigun supplants the Tommygun as first 4 key choice,
but it eats 5.56mm bullets at 1200 rpm and takes a second or two to
start firing, so save it for Highlander Reptiloids or as a backup
when facing very tough enemies.

Ammo for these guns comes in green boxes of 50+ bullets.

5) The XPML21 Rocket Launcher fires hard-hitting, straight-line
rockets over infinite distances. It's best against Mechs, bunched
Kleers and Harpies, long-range Bull herds, and as a backup against
Golems and Ugh-Zan.

Rocket ammo is found in cylindrical sets of 5+ Rockets.

6) The MKIII Grenade Launcher is a fun gun that can arc bombs like
a mortar, skip bombs along the ground, or bounce off walls. They
detonate on contact with creatures. It's best used for Bulls and
waves of Kleers, also medium and small Golems. Otherwise it's a
fair backup weapon.

Grenades are found in red boxes of 5+.

7) The XL2 Lasergun fires laser bolts at about 600 rpm and is best
used against waves of Kleers. It's fair against Mechs, Bulls, and

Its power cells are spinning blue boxes containing 5 cells worth of power.

7) The SBC Cannon is the most powerful weapon in the game, firing HP
uranium-filled cannonballs that arc toward a target and will roll a bit if they
miss or fall short. It's great against anything and THE BEST weapon for Bull
herds, although too much against anyone less powerful. Let's go bowling!

Cannon ammo is found in pyramidal sets of 4 balls.


Secrets and Switches.

We'll review the secrets in detail during the walkthrough.
Some trip automatically as you approach, some must be activated
(click the right mouse key.)

If you have to use the right mouse key to activate a secret or
switch the USE message will appear on the screen when you're
targeting the right spot. If USE doesn't appear when you face
an obvious switch, move around a little and re-target it. You'll
get to recognize switches, which are 'most always grayish bricks
protruding from the wall or floor.


2c. - Walkthrough


We'll be twisting and turning a bit as we run through the game.
For your reference, when I say something is north, south, east, or
west I am calling the direction you were facing when the level
began north. You should save game frequently (F2 for Save or F6
for Quicksave).


There's a "training" level you can play if you wish, but the layout
is identical to Karnak so why play the same level twice?

LEVEL 1: Hatshepsut Temple
Secrets: 7

Your task is to climb the stairs ahead, enter the temple, open the
doors to the inner temple, swim through the tunnel to the inner
courtyard, and enter the final room. But why rush? There's lots to
explore and find, and some BRs, SBs, a few Gnaars, and the odd Kleer
to test your weapons and agility on. If you run out to the secret
oasis you'll encounter some Mechs and Harpies, so get the secret
Rocket launcher first!

You'll be locked in once you enter the doors to the inner temple,
so eliminate the outer guards first, then get the secrets described
below. Be sure to eliminate any Harpies before entering the inner

Often it doesn't make much difference in what order you get the
secrets, but this time it does!

SECRET 1: If you go straight ahead from the entry
teleporter to the left or right of the stairs (I
recommend left) there's a big square eye-of-Ra
cartouche - actually a door - that opens onto a small
hall with a BR and an elevator to the top level,
where you'll find a second Schofield that comes in

SECRET 2: Don't enter the inner temple YET - go outside across the ditch and
go around to the east side. There's discolored bit of wall in an angle - go up
to it and it opens revealing the Coach gun, which will ALSO come in mighty

SECRET 3: This one is a little tricky. At the top of the stairs up from the
teleporter is a balustrade; jump on top of the east side. Now run along it -
the trick is to jump off JUST as you strafe right (right-arrow key) to leap
right and down to the roof of that east building. You'll find the Rocket
launcher there - grab it and jump down.

SECRET 4: This is the same as #3 but in the opposite direction. Run along the
top of the LEFT balustrade and strafe-jump to the left roof to find some Rocket

SECRET 5: With Rocket launcher in hand it's time to go down to the temple's
lowest level. In the western colonnade there's a cartouche-door. Use it to
release the fans; allow them to squeak past you and go down an inner ramp for
some more rocket ammo.

SECRET 6: On the OPPOSITE side of the bottom area is a cartouche-door that
won't open; blast it with the Launcher. You've released Croteam! Allow them
to squeak past you and go down an inner ramp for more rocket ammo and armor!

SECRET 7: Run south from the Croteam dungeon into the desert bearing east and
Quicksave. Four Mechs will appear - eliminate them with the Rocket launcher.
Look for a single tree towards the far left corner; you'll find some goodies
there. If you blow up the tree some Harpies wing their way toward you; run
backward to the temple firing a rocket or two into their flock, then pick the
rest off from cover.

LEVEL 2. Sand Canyon
Secrets: 6

You exit the Hatshepsut temple to begin, fighting across the desert to enter
that tomb ahead.

SECRET 1: This is VERY hard. After eliminating the opposition when you first
go outside, run from the Hatshepsut exit up to the opposite cliff face so the
tomb entrance is to your left. Look up to see a cleft by a tree at the top of
the slope. The trick is to run and strafe-jump up the side of the hill toward
that cleft. Once you reach it you'll be told that you've found the secret. Go
into the valley for goodies - and Kamikazes!

SECRET 2: This is much easier. To the left of the above, run and jump up the
narrow cleft between the cliff and the tomb's right side. Turn to face the
right wall of the tomb and go forward to open a secret room with goodies.

There're some items and a Kleer or two in that dark chamber to the left, but
you can skip it. Once the grate at the bottom of the ramp opens to let you
inside, go left to the room with some items - but run back right away to dodge
the giant rockball. You can easily avoid it (whistling the Indiana Jones
theme), then squeeze past it to get the goodies. Now go back past the entry
and around to the east to a room where you'll find more Kleers and Frogs.

SECRET 3: In the Frog ambush room, go to the rear-right wall section to
reveal a secret Tommy gun and ammo cache.

SECRET 4: After the Frog ambush the next room has a secret bounce pad in a nook
just to the left of the entrance. Bounce up and aim for the armor on the high
ledge above the doorway.

SECRET 5: Straight ahead of the #4 bounce pad is a dark side room with a ramp
back up to the room. Get the health bottle that's in the secret nook under the

Fight your way out and up. Be alert outside after exiting the tomb as you are
nearing the end of the level, and that's no bull! The entrance to Ramses' tomb
ahead is the exit.

SECRET 6: Before entering the final tomb, get on top of it. Just to the left of
its entrance you can run and jump up the side of the hill. You may have to try
it a few times but you can get the shotgun ammo and health pill up there -
along with a bunch of Gnaars!

LEVEL 3. Tomb Of Ramses III
Secrets: 8

Ramses must've loved stairs... There are a number of side rooms in this level
that contain goodies - and baddies!

After climbing the Ramses entry ramp, pass through the trellised hall of
pillars to the main foyer with stairs ahead and rooms to the left and right.

SECRET 1: Go to the right room and take the stairs in the front right corner
up to a gap between the edge of your ledge and the next. Jump across to the
other side and you'll be told you've found a secret place (actually the ledge
around into the left room.)

From the main foyer climb them the stairs ahead. There's some armor for you
there and a choice; jump on top of the fire brazier to your right and up to the
ledge for secrets 2-5 (described below) or continue up the next flight of
stairs for a monster ambush! You can do both of course!

SECRET 2: After climbing the stairs from the main foyer you'll see an armor
and an entryway to more stairs. Don't go in; go over to the square fire brazier
on the right and jump on it. Now jump to the ledge above it. If you wind
around to the right along the ledge for a while you'll reach the 'secret' Heart
powerup you saw earlier on top of the trellis.

SECRET 3: From the ledge area where you began #2 head left, taking a little
shortcut through part of the level. You're told "Secret passage found!"

SECRET 4: Immediately after #3 you'll be trapped and ambushed; killing the
monsters reopens the passage. Ahead you'll see stairs to the left and right.
You can take the left stairs to kill that BR and the next Juvie, then turn left
for the stairs to the platform that faces the Rocket launcher. On the
platform's left side is a little glowing nook: the secret teleport to the

SECRET 5: Having teleported move forward fast to grab the launcher or you'll
fall. Actually getting it counts as a secret.

No matter what route you take you must keep climbing up and around, up and
around, facing mostly Sirians of varied persuasions and the odd Gnarr, Kleer,
and Arachnoid. Again: picking up powerups, especially health, usually spawns

SECRET 6: When you enter the high chamber of bridges look left and you'll see a
Heart powerup in a nook above you. Climb two more flights of stairs. There's
a doorway to the right but go left onto the bridge instead. Walk toward the
central pillar and look down at two lower bridges; take the right one to find
the 'secret' Heart powerup you saw earlier. Now return to enter that doorway
you skipped previously.

Eventually you will reach a doorway flanked by two statues clad in white -
inside in an arena of cobbled square pillars is the Coach gun. If you've
picked up all the secrets you want so far, head on inside and grab the shotgun
for waves of action!

SECRET 7: Before you enter the Coach-gun arena turn 180o and go to the opposite
wall where there's a small passage to the left. Head into it and you'll be
told: "Secret passage found!"

SECRET 8: Continue down the secret passage to find the secret armor on the
platform where you killed that other Reptiloid.

At last a door opens so you can leave. Take the ramp up and eventually a
cutscene will show Sam getting the first element.

LEVEL 4. Valley Of The Kings
Secrets: 4

SECRET 1: Blow up every statue in this level to enable the secret pendulum.
Note that destroying some statues leaves you in the dark!

* NOTE * You do NOT have to destroy all the statues in this level to get to the
secret level! You can activate the pendulum by rocketing the block holding it
in place!! This is actually easier (and less ammo-intensive) than blowing up
all the statues!!!

Climb either set of stairs to begin. Load up from those shell boxes but don't
overload as you'll probably be retreating back in here... Save your game since
this level is wave after wave of monsters.

After fighting your way across the desert into the next tomb fight around to
the right, climbing the narrow stairs to the slippery-floored room where you'll
find a BR and the papyrus that clues you in to the existence of the Mountains
of the Moon. Leave heading around to the left, then right past the big
cartouche to enter the shadowed area. Use the switch and take the powerups you
need 'cause a Kleer wave is next.

Now you can enter the double doors ahead past the grate. Go through and around
to the right, where the cage containing the Heart is now open. Hopefully you
haven't been stocking up on Health recently 'cause you'll need some AFTER
picking up the Heart! The cage door slams shut and you're ambushed by BRs,
Kleers, and the odd Arachnoid. If you have the Tommygun you'll find it useful.
When the Kleers appear the cage door is about to open. Strafe right into the
next chamber, where you can Use the wall switch on your right to shut the door
against the Kleers and Arachnoids.

The next chamber is a kind of foyer with a locked door to Analyze. Enter the
left room to Use the floor switch that retracts the spikes above the pool, then
dive for the Stone Ankh.

You can now open the doors to the next room but save yourself some grief by
running STRAIGHT into the next room to get the Tommy gun in front of the
mini-pyramid, then run BACKWARD out IMMEDIATELY before the doors close. The
pyramid's capstone then levitates and Frogs spawn from the light below it,
while the odd kamikaze and Kleer attacks from the opposite side of the room.
If you didn't make it out of the room just aim the Tommygun at the light and
shoot each baddie as it appears. If you DID get out, return to the pool room
where you can shoot your .45s through a grate into the pyramid room and
eliminate the Frogs and BKs, shot-gunning the Kleer. Sure beats being up to
your ankhs in Frog slime!!!

SECRET 2: From the Tommygun room, enter the doorway to the front left and kill
the Kleer inside. Now go up the ramp and turn right onto the proscenium
overlooking the Tommygun room. The bounce pad to your right can throw you up
to the blue armor high above the pyramid.

Eventually you can open the door to the rear left of the pyramid and climb the
ramp to enter the room with the four statues. A cutscene shows Sam getting the
second element.

From this room enter the cavern with the rope bridge. The bridge will collapse
if you try to cross. You're going to plunge into the water that flows to the
Oasis - unless you succeed with the secret pendulum!

SECRET 3: The pendulum is in the exit cavern around the cliff to the right of
the rope bridge. Once the last statue is blown up it is released and begins
swinging. If it is not swinging all the way across from side to side (it slows
after a while) rocket it to speed it up. If the pendulum has not been released
go around the ledge to the right and turn back to blast the block securing it
(you don't get secret #2 that way).
Quicksave and position yourself to jump on the pendulum when its leading edge
is still a few yards from you - it's easy to overshoot it. Jump to the cliff on
the other side when you're all the way there.

SECRET 4: Once on the other side of the river go directly into the cave for the
secret level, Moon Mountains.

SECRET LEVEL: Moon Mountains
Secrets: 7

Your first task is to cross a series of high grassy islands. Cross the bridges
from one to the next as monsters and items spawn on each.

SECRET 1: On the 4th grass island run to the far north edge where an ammo box
becomes visible. Ahead and below it you'll see some +200 armor floating in
midair. Walk around the edge a bit to trigger a secret catapult that throws
the armor up onto the island near you.

You can either jump from the last one to that ledge below or try for secret #2
as described below. Either way takes you along a path through the waterfall
caves, dealing with a variety of monsters along the way.

SECRET 2: UNDOUBTEDLY the hardest secret on this level (thanks again Derek
Plote!) is that from the 5th grass island you can jump through the waterfall.
I've succeeded ONCE taking Derek's advice of aiming for the rightmost edge of
the area behind the waterfall. If you manage to make it across you're told
"Secret passage found!" If you reach the waterfall the 'easy' way, by jumping
to the ledge from island #6 and walking back, the secret isn't acquired.

SECRET 3: Once inside the waterfall caves walk carefully along the narrow edge
between the big rocks and the rim of the waterfall to find a secret Health box.

You'll reach an open area overlooking a circular waterfall; you want to jump
down to the next level and enter the cave with the square hole in the floor.

SECRET 4: Before jumping down the square hole, edge around the hole to the wall
behind it where a secret place opens. Stock up and eliminate the BKs.

Jumping in puts you in a pool of lots of those nasty Fish: swim up and out.

SECRET 5: Getting out of the pool you'll see a Heart powerup in a niche. To
reach it go to the exit doorway, turn around to face the pool, then ahead and
to the right.

Leave the pool and follow the passage to the inner cavern of the circular

SECRET 6: The passageway closes behind you; turn around and blast it open for
the "secret backstage."

SECRET 7: Having opened the secret backstage, reenter the passage to find a
secret teleporter.

There's ammo in the inner cavern (think you'll need it?) Cross the bridge
paying attention to your business and not the view of the circular waterfall.
A few more monsters delay your arrival at the pool edge that is the level exit.

LEVEL 5: Oasis
Secrets: 6

You fall from a waterfall into a pool and upon exiting are quickly subjected to
continuous attack by waves of almost everybody.

SECRET 1: Right at the beginning swim up to the waterfall and jump through it
into a secret cavern.

Fight your way into the temple. Once inside you might want to look for some
secrets. Hmmm, a Grenade launcher. Why would you need that?

SECRET 2: The "Sound-attack secret" is triggered just inside the building by
picking up the health pills around the big statue against the far wall.

SECRET 3: Blow up the big statue. Get the armor shard in the grenade chamber
(to the left of the statue) to trigger the message that a secret door has

SECRET 4: The "secret door" is a bounce pad on the pedestal where the statue
was. Return and jump up to the statue's pedestal, where the glowing green
bounce pad will throw you up to the secret minigun.

Quicksave before continuing ahead into the 2-story room. A Minigun would come
in REAL HANDY in there...

SECRET 5: In the 2-story room one of the east center wall sections (3rd on the
left) blows up revealing a secret cave.

SECRET 6: Enter the "secret cave" and pick up the goodies, then look sharp as
the wall pushes you back into the room for more Frogs.

Fight your way through until a cutscene gives you the water element.

LEVEL 6: Dunes
Secrets: 4

You're in a dune-arena where you are attacked by waves of Bulls, Mechs etc. If
you run across that eastern pass you can leave most of your enemies behind!

SECRET 1: After crossing the pass across the dunes to the city, head right
along the base of the dunes to find a Health box. Approaching it spawns
monsters and some items.

SECRET 2: Continuing right you'll see trees in the middle distance. Head to
this oasis fast or you'll start taking "Heat" damage. You'll find max health
and armor powerups.

SECRET 3: On the opposite side of the dunes from #1 (left and down from the
dune pass) is a green health bottle. Like #1, approaching it spawns items and

SECRET 4: There's nothing more to the west, so face the city wall and go to
that lone tree to the left of the gate area. Blowing it up spawns secret items
and monsters.

After crossing the dune hills you'll see the city gate; items spawn between it
and the pass when each wave of monsters is defeated. Acquiring the items
triggers the next wave. Once all the monsters are destroyed the city gate

The entrance to the city is inside the projecting central walled area. It is
possible to run around the walls to the "city" behind them, but there's nothing
there. However if you head to the right of the gate, there's a corner with a
little ledge upon which lies a health pill. You can rocket jump up to that
ledge and from there into the city itself without ever going to the trouble of
fighting all the monsters and triggering the opening of the gate! This costs a
little health...

The central walled area is another arena where you'll be subjected to waves of
monsters including Kleers, Mechs, and Reptiloids. Remember to switch between
weapons as appropriate. Once they're eliminated the level exit opens.

SECRET 5: Once inside the city gates head to the far right corner and rocket
jump up onto the platform, then get off immediately; it blows up after a few
seconds. There's a Heart powerup in the rubble.

SECRET 6: On the opposite side of the inner arena from #5 (the far left corner)
rocket jump up onto the platform for a "You found the secret depo[t]" message
and some
ammo. Also a pretty defensible niche!

LEVEL 7: Suburbs
Secrets: 7

Secret stuff is in alleys along the outside left wall of the first neighborhood
so go that way! The sector exit is straight ahead of the entrance, past all
those little buildings, around which are many monsters.

SECRET 1: In the first neighborhood there're some items in the secret alley on
the left side about halfway between the entrance and the sector exit.

SECRET 2: Also, a tree between two buildings in the far left corner can be
blown up; there are items back of it.

The next neighborhood is similar but larger. I wonder if the monsters will be

SECRET 3: In the second neighborhood there's some max armor in another secret
alley also about halfway down on the left side.

SECRET 4: Picking up the items in the far right corner triggers a secret
ambush, walling you in with some Mechs. Be prepared!

SECRET 5: Go around to the right of the level's un-openable "exit" door: along
the wall is an armor shard that triggers - the yodel secret!?!

SECRET 6: On the opposite side from #5 is a green health bottle that counts as
a secret.

This final sector's "exit" doors are locked - the release switches are on the
sides of pedestals halfway across the arena. From the center of the courtyard
walk directly left or right to activate a pedestal-switch, then cross to the
opposite side to throw the other's switch. A cutscene shows the sewer hatch in
front of the "exit" door opening. Jump down to exit to the Sewers.

SECRET 7: Before jumping into the sewer stand on the side closest to the
"exit" door. Quicksave! Now jump across so you fall along the opposite side of
the sewer pit, nearer to the sector entrance. You'll land on a small ledge and
can enter a tiny room with some health and armor. This generates the "Secret
hole found" message.

LEVEL 8: Sewers
Secrets: 5

Lots of deep, opaque water and gloomy rooms and passages. The whole game is
beautifully laid out but I thought this level was the masterpiece. Enjoy!

SECRET 1: Upon arrival dive down towards the bottom of the pool and go forward
looking for the secret underwater passage with the Heart powerup.

SECRET 2: There is also a secret +50 Armor powerup off to the right a little
bit in the #1 underwater passage.

Clamber out of the water into the first sector. However the sector exit switch
is underwater - it's about halfway down one of the central pillars supporting
the bridge in room 2. The switch is on the lighted side of the pillar, so it's
EASY to find, ha ha! The sector exit is on the upper balcony on the room's
west side.

SECRET 3: In the 2nd chamber there's a low bridge (the door switch is under
it). Above it is a trellis. Jump from the nearby platform onto the trellis to
reach another secret armor.

Now it's down a ramp back into the water. Various lower-level monsters appear;
you won't be surprised to hear of Fish and Frogs.

SECRET 4: After entering the first room of the second sector, go down the
stairs fighting through the Frogs and turn left. Go down that short passage
that looks like a dead end: at the back is a secret underwater passage leading
to some powerups.

Go around to the right a ways of the sector 2 entry stairs and NETRICSA will
alert you to a "Long Dive."

SECRET 5: A wall will drop when you get to this area. Get behind the wall
before it rises again to get the secret +200 armor. Use the switch to reopen
the wall.

Swim down and up, the "Long Dive," bearing right as much as possible, to reach
the exit.

LEVEL 9: Metropolis
Secrets: 1

This level is a series of open arenas: keep varying your weapons since there
are a LOT of enemies. Keep an eye out for Reptiloid and Arachnoid 'snipers' on

A couple of low-level monsters guard the ramp that takes you up into this
level. Follow the perimeter of the square to find various needful things, and
start saving your game!

Your Rocket launcher is useful in the first neighborhood, but it'll be MORE
useful later so husband your ammo. Once you've completed this arena more
needful things spawn in the center. Take them and enter the building ahead for
more goodies before entering the second neighborhood.

This sector's exit opens once you've collected four scarabs that are in
mini-courtyards around the sector. As there are only courtyards where there
are scarabs, and your opponents are mostly Sirians, Gnaars, and Minor Mechs,
you shouldn't have much trouble finding 'em. The sector exit is straight ahead.

SECRET 1: Upon entering the huge-alley area turn to face the entrance and
rocket the wall to the left of the doors, revealing a secret ammo depot.

The next sector is that huge alley you may recall from the demos. Monsters
attack in waves as you hack your way forward to the central ditch - don't try
to jump it as it is filled with stakes. Once at the ditch Bulls begin charging
across one at a time. A cover slides across the ditch to allow them to cross;
when this happens quickly jump on it and run across, picking up the Minigun on
the other side. Continue forward through scattered Bulls and Kleers until the
attack of the near-endless Kleer wave! I'd recommend a few Rockets from long
range, retreating carefully (don't forget the ditch) while spraying grenades,
then switch to the Lasergun and finally the Minigun until the Kleers are gone.

Another courtyard, more waves of enemies. This is getting to be Tedious Tom! A
wave of Kamikazes is first, spawning from all four corners simultaneously:
choose a corner to shoot 'em from as the center is not the place to be. Your
.45s should be sufficient if you pay careful attention to which BKs are closest.
After each wave a backpack, some armor, and health spawns in the center; take
it to spawn the next wave. You get 2 Harpy waves, a Bull herd, and FIVE Kleer
waves!!! Note that the Kleers are accompanied by Major Mechs - careful dodging
should allow you to use the Mech rockets to clear some Kleers! Polish off the
final Mech LAST!

After the last Kleer wave the exit doors open. Whew!

LEVEL 10: Alley of the Sphinxes
Secrets: 1

NETRICSA explains that you've ditched all your weapons (except pistols and
shotgun) to cross the desert. Ahead is a long road leading to a city; various
items are scattered upon it. Taking items spawns trouble!

SECRET 1: Not the lamest secret but for just the one... Anyway there's a small
oasis in the desert off to the left of the second pair of towers you reach
while walking down the entry road. Run left out into the desert until you see
the trees, where there's some rocket ammo. Let enemies follow you out and
shoot 'em while they're bunched up!

Initially it's BRs and Gnarrs, followed by tougher Gnaars and some Kamikazes.
Run ahead for the items about halfway down the road. Taking them spawns BRs and
a single Bull; careful dodging should result in the Bull running over most of
the monsters, but treat him with some shot to prep him for the coup de grace.
The next set of items spawns Mechs - a tedious problem for pistol and shotgun,
so dodge on ahead - there's the Cannon! Don't waste it on the little guys: you
may indeed be able to take out a Bull AND Mech with one shot, but you're going
to have a use for all your Cannonballs right soon!

Having cleaned up the alley you may now enter the first courtyard, where you
face two more waves of monsters: a wave of mixed Kamikazes and Kleers (think
tactically when blowing up those BKs!) followed by the Bull herd you've been
saving those cannonballs for.

Between waves a Heart and some ammo spawn in the center: after the waves the
sector exit opens ahead. Enter the building, get all the items inside, and
save your game!!!

The next courtyard is a puzzle arena: you must collect four runes and place
each on its appropriate corner platform. Every time you place a rune monsters
spawn, including Arachnoid and Reptiloid 'snipers' on the walls. So do goodies!

After all four runes are in place run to the center for the powerups while
switching to the Cannon. A HUGE monster appears in the center - the Lava
Golem! Dodge his lava balls, shooting him until he dies. He spawns
mini-Golems that are a lot easier to deal with; I'd grenade and shotgun 'em.
Now the door opens to exit the level.

LEVEL 11: Karnak
Secrets: 8

Although this is the same layout as the "test" level the monster placement

SECRET 1: While the level loads press down the down arrow key. Thus when the
level starts you immediately move backwards out the doors behind you before
they can close, entering the "Generous Yard." It's not so generous that there
are no monsters!

From the room with the backpack enter the colonnaded room ahead, where those
BRs you may remember are now supported by Frogs and even Bulls!

SECRET 2: In the colonnaded room with the high ceiling there's a switch on the
west side of the first pillar to the west and on the one opposite it on the
east side. Use both switches to lower the secret platform west of the door
inside the previous (start) room. Ride the platform up to reach the secret area
in the colonnaded room.

Having cleaned up the baddies, enter the following hallway for a few monsters
and supplies, then exit into the first courtyard.

The door between the sphinxes is inaccessible for now so turn right to enter
the courtyard with the temple and two small chapels to the left and right.
Climb into the chapels and Use the switches that activate the sand-sphinxes,
also opening the temple doors.

After playing with the Mechs, Kleers, etc in the courtyard, enter the porched
temple for items, BRs, and Gnaars. Use the wall switch in the main chamber to
activate the sand, returning to the courtyard to eliminate the medium Golem and
his spawn. Switch to the Tommygun for the Reptiloid spawning by the exit.

Reenter the first courtyard to eliminate the monsters and enter the
now-accessible door. Look at that high ceiling! There are items and monsters
in the two side rooms, but your priority is to Use all those switches around
the central column to open the door to the rear.

In the next room you see a sleeping Arachnoid - rocket it to death, switching
to the Tommygun for the mourners it spawns: mostly BRs and Frogs. Take the
gold ankh and enter the next suite. If you take the Heart in the center of the
inner chamber you get trapped inside for a foggy ambush. Collect the items in
the side rooms and enter the next courtyard. Analyze the door ahead: it won't
open for now, so go left to enter the yard of the ankh-shaped pool.

You CAN skip fighting the first team of monsters by jumping in the pool and
swimming right across to the underwater tunnel. However I'd say that in a
wide-open area, skipping monsters is just investing trouble for later interest!

SECRET 3: There are a few items in the ankh-shaped pool; a secret area is on
the bottom directly in front of the entrance. Dive to the cannonball piles on
the bottom, which sit on a hidden hatch you can open to reach a secret room.

SECRET 4: The right-hand wall of the right-hand arm of the ankh-shaped pool can
be opened to reveal a secret area containing max armor and a scroll about

In any event, the entrance to the Amon temple at the end of the pool is the
underwater tunnel in the pool's far wall. Swim through to enter the inner

SECRET 5: In the inner court there are switches on the left and right walls.
Uncover both to open a secret passage next to the giant obelisk in the middle
of the ankh-shaped pool (you'll get a message that a secret room has opened).
When you're back outside, swim to the base of the obelisk, climb up, then swim
and run down the passage to find the items in the weird room.

Enter the inner chamber to get the Amon statue, then enter that cool teleport
slab to return to the ankh-shaped pool. Hmmm, more enemies...

Make your way past them to re-enter the courtyard with the locked door. A
medium Lava Golem and his spawn are now inside, so eliminate them and enter the
previously-locked doorway into a chamber containing two pools and some goodies.

SECRET 6: In the room with the two side pools jump in the left pool and open a
hidden hatch in the middle of the left side to reveal a secret passage leading
to a weird room full of shields and a Gnaar or two.

Stock up, then go out into the Anubis courtyard. There you'll face a massive
Frog attack, followed by a Kamikaze attack! Keep running for the Frogs; find a
good post for the BKs. When you're done destroy the Anubis statues which
contain hidden items. Analyze the exit door but sidestep immediately and a
Bull will crash through it. Another courtyard, another wave or so of enemies,
and you're done.

SECRET 7: The final arena is the two-sphinx courtyard. Turn to the far left
wall, crouch, and walk through the slightly discolored area in the middle to
find a secret backpack.

SECRET 8: Same thing as #7, but on the right wall instead of the left. This
secret must be enabled by picking up the health pills scattered on the ground.
Once you get the message about the secret health, Crouch and enter the right
discolored area for a Heart powerup.

LEVEL 12: Luxor
Secrets: 8

This may be the most complicated level, but you should be up to speed by now!

The first arena is a warm-up of a few Gnarrs and Kleers, followed by a
courtyard with two Mechs. The second north door is locked.

Now you are ready for the first main event, finding the gold heart and feather.
You may obtain them in any order. Either go west for the heart or east for the
feather. You can't get up to those raised doors on either side of the Mech
courtyard from here, but two pairs of doors have now opened on either side of
the previous (Gnaar) courtyard.

We'll go for the golden feather first. Enter stage right (east) into a
cluttered courtyard with Mechs, Arachnoids, and Reptiloids. Fight your way
ahead into an area of structures, stairs, and bridges. Climb the stairs to the
right and follow the walkway around the right side and forward to get the
feather on the central pedestal. Harpies and Kleers spawn; when ready head
back around the room's right side to a high door in the west side, which
returns you to the Mech courtyard.

SECRET 1: In the first part of the golden feather sector (the rear right
courtyard) are 5 tall monuments. Two can be blown up to reveal some
cannonballs and generate the "secret cannon ammo found" message.

SECRET 2: In the second part of the golden feather sector (the front right
courtyard) a bounce pad in the back left corner sends you to a heart on a

SECRET 3: From that rooftop, fire a rocket across the ammo box to blow up the
wall and reveal a secret ammo depot.

SECRET 4: After picking up the golden feather, go around to the high door that
is now unlocked but instead of exiting turn around and jump to the roof of the
adjacent building. You'll see a glowing square on the roof. Shooting it lowers
a platform into the building where you'll find a Heart powerup. Shoot the
platform again to make it rise.

Now we'll take a door on the left side of the Gnaar room to enter the west
yard. Inside there's a little building to the south containing goodies and a
switch, but beware: it's a compactor - throw the switch and get out. Monsters
have spawned in the yard; eliminate 'em and go through the north doors the
switch opened. Inside are ramps around a building of two floors; you must Use
three switches in side niches to open it. Brush aside the opposition and climb
the building's inner stairs, exiting it across the bridge to the platforms
around the room's perimeter. You find the golden heart at the top front.
Continue around, back through the main building, across a bridge to the high
doorway back to the Mech courtyard.

SECRET 5: In the golden heart sector (the left courtyard) throwing the switch
inside the small compactor building makes the ceiling descend (picking up the
Health bottle makes Bulls appear); exit quickly but once the ceiling is down
reenter to pick up the powerups that were on top.

SECRET 6: In the rear right corner of the golden heart sector, on the ledge by
the sector exit, there's bounce pad that sends you to a Health bottle. Another
bounce pad on the opposite side of the door bounces you onto the roof above the
entry door but there's nothing there.

Back in the Mech courtyard the previously locked door has opened a chamber with
another locked door: Analyze it. Take the left path up, fighting through the
narrow corridors to find the gold ankh, then return to the now-unlocked door in
the center.

SECRET 7: Jump into the spike pit in the room before the obelisk-beacon to be
teleported to items in a secret area. The teleportation only happens once; do
it again and you'll die.

Cross the spike pit, entering the obelisk room ahead. The obelisk rises,
treating you to a cutscene before some monsters spawn. Get the ancient papyrus
on the opposite side of the room and enter the ammunition depot.

Exit the sector to an outside area full of pillars; it's a puzzle arena. Four
gold ankhs appear one at a time; you must find each and place it on its
appropriate ledge around the central obelisk. As you pick up an ankh its
target ledge glitters. Oh, and monsters spawn, but you expected THAT! The
location of each Ankh is relative to its target ledge: the first appears on the
right side of the 2nd pillar on the center right; the second appears on the
left side of the 3rd pillar to the front left; the third appears on the left
side of the 2nd pillar to the center left; and the 4th appears on the front
side of the 3rd pillar to the rear right.
In the following diagram each O is a pillar, while + is the central monument.
The numbers represent the location of the ankhs in appearance order with their

Level Exit

2O O O O O O
O 4O O 4+1 O O1 O

Sector Entrance

Once all the Ankhs are in place the door opens. Enter SLOWLY and stop JUST
inside. Go straight ahead if you're ready for the great pyramid; or...

SECRET 8: After opening the exit door from the 4-ankh arena enter the building
but IMMEDIATELY turn left and head through the side door to go to the Sacred
Yards. If you go more than a few steps into the building you'll exit to the
Great Pyramid.

SECRET LEVE: Sacred Yards
Secrets: 10

After a scolding from NETRICSA grab the Backpack (but not that
Health pill!) and get ready for some mild killing with a bit of
puzzle solving thrown in. To add to the confusion you'll meet some mini
versions of the tougher monsters!

You start with a serving of Mechs and a sprinkling of Frogs and
Kleers. The next course is Harpies with a side order of Frogs and
some translucent Gnaars. And so it goes.

You'll enter a courtyard with a pool but no apparent exit: pull up
the Tommygun and dive in to swim through a tunnel up into a
courtyard with a barred door. Enabling the four switches on the statues
retracts the bars; Kleer out into the next courtyard.

Analyze the pedestal of the silver sphinx. It introduces the level
puzzle: getting the two golden sphinxes and inserting them into
those chunks on the pedestal. You may get them in any order.

We'll go through the west door first, finding ourselves in a yard of
weird gravity. The three buttons you need to Use are in upper
corners of the colonnade: approaching them flips you upside-down!
Once you've raised the ramp and drawbridge run up and jump to get
the gold sphinx - or try the secrets described below.

SECRET 1: As soon as you enter the weird gravity yard the
gold sphinx's pedestal begins to rise; immediately shoot
it (pistols are enough.) If you hit the platform before it
is fully risen it explodes and you can just walk over and
pick up the sphinx! [Plote credits Gamespy for this one
so I'll repeat the accolade!]

SECRET 2: Still in the weird gravity room, hit the wall
switch that raises the drawbridge-platform behind the
sphinx pedestal. Once it has risen Use the switch it
covered; this raises a secret platform behind you.
Jump onto it and jump to the Heart and max armor niches.

Returning to the silver sphinx courtyard we'll now try the east
puzzle. That central platform in the pool can be rotated to reach
the switches that raise the water level allowing you to swim to the colonnade
in which is the gold sphinx. Or you can try the
secrets described below... Oh, and there are some pesky monsters
to rocket!

Every time the switch on the foyer floor is crossed the platform
will rotate, so you MAY wish to avoid it the first time, jumping
to the platform to throw the switch ahead. Now go back across the
floor switch and jump back to the platform for the next switch.
You should only have to do this once more; then you can swim across
to the far side and jump up and in for the sphinx.

SECRET 3: At the pool of the gold sphinx
shooting the monument on the rotating
platform makes it slide aside, revealing
some secret health. (You can't get this
secret if, in the start room, you picked
up that health pill that sets off an explosion.)

SECRET 4: Still at the sphinx's pool, rotate
the platform to the left but before Using the switch jump onto it and up to
its pedestal.
From there you can jump forward onto a ledge
ahead of you for the max armor.

SECRET 5: Perform the actions for #4 on the
right switch-pedestal to get the Heart powerup.

SECRET 6: Similar to secrets #4 and #5, it is
possible to jump on the first switch-pedestal
and jump forward inside to where the sphinx is!
If you haven't raised the water level yet this
counts as a secret. Do this LAST - once you
pick up the sphinx the platform won't rotate anymore!

SECRET 7: Also at the pool, jump on the square
platform in the far left corner (the one that is higher out of the water)
and shoot it to raise
the other platform on the right side, which slides back so you can jump to
the powerups on the right
side of the room.

SECRET 8: Also at the pool there's a tricky backpack
in a bay to the left of the entrance. Get it and you
are trapped in an open area with a central pyramid
and a near-endless swarm of reptiloids. The Health
bottle on the pyramid's left rear side is a secret,
although in plain sight.

SECRET 9: Like #7, the Heart powerup on the pyramid's
right rear side is a secret.

SECRET 10: Once you've made a complete circuit of the
pyramid two Croteam developers appear in a go-cart by
a little niche in front of the pyramid. If you ignore
their objections and Use the switch there the pyramid
turns into a pile of "Serious Sam" cartons. You may
now exit the secret area from the place you left the pool.

Returning to silver sphinx courtyard press against those chunks on
the pedestal to 'place' the gold sphinxes: when both are placed
the pedestal opens. Jump in to exit the level.

LEVEL 13: The Great Pyramid
Secrets: 0 That's right, none. There's gonna be a lot of
unhappy occultists!

At last we are nearing the end! Ready? Go forward into the arena
with three pedestals in the center. On the pedestals are a backpack
and health. These steadily regenerate (after a moment) so take them
WHENEVER YOU NEED THEM. Soon after you enter, the waves of enemies
start coming out of the openings in the two side buildings.

Since the health and Backpacks regenerate you don't have to worry
too much about running out of ammo - just stay alert and keep
grabbing those items! When the final Kleer wave finishes, restock as the door
to the pyramid opens...

The first wave is Kleer skeletons. I'd put a few rockets and
grenades into 'em at a distance then use the Lasergun.

A HUGE herd of bulls is next. Try to get them bunched up and take
out rows with the Cannon, using up your grenades towards the end.
The Minigun should be the final backup.

Then it's the Mechs. Try to rocket out the Minors first, strafing
around so the Major's rockets do YOU some good! The Minigun should
be next. Grenades are the final backup.

The last wave is a relatively small number of Kleer skeletons.
Use the Lasergun and shotgun to finish up, simultaneously
restocking because...

A cutscene introduces Ugh-Zan III, the big boss. When it ends
he's behind you - but don't worry about him YET: head toward the
pyramid. There's health and regenerating backpacks ahead and
waves of enemies are going to appear: more Bulls, Mechs, and

Dodge Ugh-Zan, whose four arms develop a laser, rock launcher,
rocket launcher, and lightning weapon. Head up the pyramid's
stairs to the top, where you want to Cannonade poor Ugh-Zan
until his health dips into the red zone, as displayed at the
top of your screen by NETRICSA. Now you can enter the pyramid.

Note that Cannonballs will rip through his rocks and missiles
while your Laser and Minigun easily destroy them. Sidestep his
lightning and lasers.

Inside the pyramid you call the spaceship during a cutscene.
Afterwards you wind up in an arena below it. Run to one of the
corners immediately. Here comes Ugh-Zan!

In the corners are a Heart and Backpack as well as 8 jump pads,
which launch you through floating hoops. After you've been
launched through all 4 hoops a giant charge from the spaceship
zaps the center of the arena; you want Ugh-Zan there as being
hit by it will cost him enough of his health for you to kill
him. Constantly fire your Cannon at him, dodging his attacks,
picking up backpacks, and strafing into hoop jumps.

Eventually, he'll die. You beam up into the spaceship and
head for your next adventure!




3a. - 2nd Encounter Items

3aa. - 2nd Encounter Power-ups

There are four new power-ups in the Second Encounter: the Helmet
(5% armor), Serious Speed, Serious Damage, and Invulnerability.
All but the first have durations, which display in the lower right-
hand corner of the screen. They last less than half a minute in
Normal mode. Obviously, you want to get (more) aggressive during
the latter two power-ups.

3ab. - 2nd Encounter Weapons

There are four new weapons in the Second Encounter: the Chainsaw,
Sniper rifle, Flamethrower, and Serious Bomb. As a result the
Grenade launcher, which used to be weapon 6, is now paired with
the Rocket launcher as weapon 5(b). This can be a little confusing.

1(a) The Chainsaw breezes you through Gnaars and even Kleers and
Cucurbitos. Great for Sirians and Zorgs if you're in a confined
space. Too slow for the big guys, but it never needs reloading!

2(a)/(b) Pistols again

3(a)/(b) Coach/Pump shotgun

4(a)/(b) Mini-/Sub- machinegun

5(a)/(b) Rocket/Grenade launcher

6(a) You can fire the Flamethrower in short bursts or pour it on.
Tougher enemies require more pouring! Great for Frogs, Zorgs,
and Kleer waves. Surprisingly good on Werebulls! Also good for
Cucurbitos, Minor Mechs, and Juvies. Too slow for the big boys.

Ammo for the flamethrower is a 10% yellow capsule of napalm.

6(b) The Sniper rifle hits more heavily than a Rocket when
you right-click into "zoom mode." It's kind of a waste shooting
it otherwise. It has to recock or something between shots!?!

Note that if you're holding the sniper rifle when right-clicking
you switch its zoom mode, so you'll have to shift to another
weapon before Using or Analyzing anything.

Ammo for the rifle appears as clips of 10+ bullets.

7 Lasergun

8 Serious Cannon

9 (none)

0 Serious Bombs are black balls with fuses, like the Serious Sam
logo. They clear areas for about 100 yards, which usually
leaves someone around the next corner! They are fairly rare so
save them for the BIG-arena battles that typically take place
towards the end of the level (I'll provide recommendations below).
Don't be TOO thrifty because you can only carry three.
Note that Serious Bombs are the only major weapon that can be
carried over from one region (MesoAmerica, Mesopotamia, Eastern
Europe) to another.

3b. - Enemies

You'll meet all the enemies from the First Encounter, plus a
couple of newbies:

The Zumb'ul from Ras-Ad-Nyk is similar to DOOM's Mancubus - a
slow-moving toughguy wielding two handfuls of rockets. You can
dodge the rockets so he's not an immediate threat except in
groups: like the Major his rockets sometimes help! One zoom
rifle-shot will take him out.

Cucurbito the Pumpkin is a tough, speedy chainsaw wielder.
Double-Barrel him as he approaches, then dodge when he gets
close and finish him once he's run past. Use the minigun or
flamethrower when several are attacking supported by BKs.

The Fiendian Reptiloid Demon is actually less of a problem than
the OTHER reptiloids, 'cause his fireballs, though a LOT faster,
are easier to dodge. Like Commoners, 4 zoomed rifle-shots take
him out! Dodge and rocket him when encountered at close range.

The Zorg mercenaries and commanders from Beelmez IV are slightly
tougher versions of the Sirian rocketeers and firecrackers,
respectively. They'll absorb MANY pistol slugs so hose 'em with
flamethrower, MG, or lasergun when in groups.

The Static cannon and Rotating cannon are self-firing fieldpieces
that either fire straight ahead or rotate to target you. Give
'em 2 or 3 rockets or rifle shots.

The Highlander's bride is just a blue variation of the Highlander

Kukulkan the Wind God is the easiest 'boss' in the game -
depending on how you handle Mordekai! He spins around in one
spot without disappearing and generates mini-whirlwinds. Only
the rocket and grenade launchers, the laser gun, and the cannon
affect him. Just keep shooting him until he goes, taking his
whirlwinds with him.

The Exotech larva is the TOUGHEST 'boss' in the game - depending on
how you handle Mordekai! It slides around on tracks in the Tower
of Babel's basement, alternating between shooting energy bolts and
spawning speedy suicide-spiders. It gets regenerated by reactors
on the walls, which you want to destroy FIRST. Then rocket and
cannonade it when it shoots energy, and machine-gun it and its
offspring when it pauses to spawn.

Mordekai the Summoner is a floating hooded giant who appears,
spawns various monsters, then teleports to a new spot around the
courtyard of the Cathedral of the Sacred Blood. One way to take
him on is to cannonade and rocket him steadily, dealing with his
monster-spawn in the intervals when he disapparates and rolling
cannonballs through them to him otherwise. There's another way
to kill him, though, which I'll describe later...

3c. - Walkthrough


The Second Encounter contains quite a few homages to other games,
including Duke Nukem 3D, Tomb Raider II, Quake, and good old DOOM.
But the differences... Wow! The improved textures of this game make
it even more gorgeous than the First Encounter! It's certainly a
change from those gloomy techworld games. Hats off to Croteam
graphics developers Elezovic, Ivancek, and Pavicic!

Game structure is also somewhat different from the First Encounter,
most notably that there're big differences between the difficulty
settings! Don't expect to see any "rotating cannons" if you're
playing this game in "Easy" mode!




The intro gives you a brief overview of the story of SERIOUS SAM:
THE FIRST ENCOUNTER, then follows Sam's spaceship into space/time.
As the spaceship travels, Croteam flies after it in a "crate bus."

Secret 1: This infamous "secret" appears to be a programming
glitch. After the intro, when NETRISCA's Statistics display
at the start of Level 1 (Sierra de Chiapas) the overall secrets
total (displayed at bottom) is 13, but the total for Level 1 is
just 12. You've also missed 1 enemy, and you haven't even
started playing!!! Many unsuccessful efforts have been made to
find this secret and the Level 2 Secret 2. This shouldn't put
you off exploring, though! You're saving lots of time by
reading this FAQ!




Secrets: 12

Your spaceship has crashed and you fall into a pond with only your
knife and revolver in hand. NETRISCA explains your mission, but if
you got a look at the size of that map you'll know things just
ain't goin' down that easy!

SECRET 1: Swim down to find the Rocket launcher.

Jump out of the pond to the ledge at east rear to find a second .45

SECRET 2: Get the nearby green (50%) armor.

SECRET 3: Find the nearby red phone booth. You may enter it
and Use the phone to make a call to Vegas.

Cross the pond to the wooden pier where you will find the chainsaw,
then go forward.

NETRISCA's tactical data identifies this area as the "Lost Valley"
and mentions that temple you'll soon see ahead. Now the fun begins!
Look around to find the pump (single-barrel) shotgun and other
goodies scattered through the cool high grass.

SECRET 4: Before entering the temple yard go around to the west
(left) side and blast or hack the dark section of wall (near
where it meets the cliff) to open a tunnel and release Croteam.

SECRET 5: Go down the tunnel to discover the "hall of fame,"
where a picture of Croteam is presented.

SECRET 6: Exit the hall of fame tunnel and continue straight
forward to the smoking wreck of the "crate bus."

SECRET 7: Continue up the slope beyond the wreck for the
"secret" rocket pack. Fight back through the BKs.

Enter the temple yard to find a new weapon, the sniper rifle.
Think you'll have a use for it? Zoom way off to your right, then
ahead. Killing the Harpies opens the next yard to meet a new enemy:
the Zumb'ul rocketeer. You also get a new power-up: Serious Speed,
a pair of winged sneakers that give you a temporary speed boost.

A variety of goodies awaits you inside the temple, including the
flamethrower. In the next room once you kill the Juvie a Cucurbito
breaks through the wall - exit through the hole that he's made,
which is actually the mouth of a huge idol head. Jump down and
fight your way through the lower chambers and out of the plant room.

SECRET 8: Go down the hall from the plant room and around to
your LEFT, where you will find a lighted ledge overlooking
Mental's secret room. Note that mask-panel across from you and
look down; why, those lit letters spell MENTAL!!! They're bounce
pads - bounce-spell Mental, then jump to the mask-panel which
opens to reveal a Heart powerup (max health.) Don't screw up
your spelling or the jump pads will go dark, the niche won't
open, and spikes will descend from the roof...

Continue back down the hallway, through the tedious crushing-block
passage, and up the ramp to jump down the hole at the end. Below
is a double-barrelled shotgun and a golden figurine - a new power-
up, Invulnerability! Think ya might be needing it? It doesn't last
too long...

Ahead is yet another stupid pet trick - a room with a ceiling
crusher. Obviously you have to run from those square safety areas
to the two wall switches that open the exit door. Now you can cut
your way out of the temple to...

As you exit the temple, cross the suspension bridge and deal with
that Arachnoid across the deep gulch on your left.

SECRET 9: On your side of the gulch, down to the right, there's
a deep ledge. Drop down for the Rocket launcher, then jump across
to the lower ledge on your left to be teleported up to the high

If you skip secret #9, wind around to your right and cross the
bridge to reach the high ledge. Jump to the lower ledge ahead, then
slide down the cliff to the rocket launcher below.

SECRET 10: Once you are down in the valley look at the cliffs to
your left where you will see a large, conspicuously light block.
Blow it up to reveal a secret cave.

SECRET 11: Inside the cave is a long underwater tunnel. Swim
through, exit the passage ahead, and cross the bridge to get
the secret Heart.

Fight across the valley to the Temple of Courage.

SECRET 12: In front of the Temple of Courage is a pond that has
a secret Medi-kit under a ledge near the bottom, together with
some nasty Fish.

From the wooden pier go through the gate and walk into the temple
to end the level.

Secrets: 8

This is when you get your first Serious Bomb, and you may be
tempted to use it. However by now you SHOULD be able to deal with
masses of enemies in the open. You're also introduced to the
Serious Damage power-up, which boosts your weapons' impact. I'd
recommend the flamethrower in conjunction with it for close-quarters
work, switching to your rockets for long-distance problems!

Sigh, it's stupid pet trick city! As NETRISCA indicates, you must
use the bounce pads to cross the chasms. Save often, 'cause if you
miss a pad that's the end of you!

The first bounce-pad cave is just a warm-up for the second cave.
Bounce across to pick up the Serious Bomb on the far platform, then
enter the next chamber CAUTIOUSLY, picking off the BKs as they scream
down the stairway. When THAT's over jump on the right-hand baseboard
and walk up alongside the stairs to get past the lava spewed by that
stone head at the top (destroy it for kill points!)

WHOA! BIG cavern! It's not as bad as it looks, though, since those
blue ramps hurl you directly from platform to platform. Getting to
them is the tricky part...

Reptiloids spawn, one at a time, on the far right side of the cavern
as you advance. Use that sniper rifle!

First you must jump-bounce to that ledge on your left, where Using
the switch repositions a pad in front of the entry ledge. Return
there and bounce to the first of the translucent blue ramps. They
throw you along to the far right ledge.

Use the switch there to reposition another pad so you can jump-
bounce to the second left ledge. Grab the goodies, then plan your
jump-bounce onto that moving pad. Note that no matter where you hit
it you can angle up to the final platform where the red (200%) armor

SECRET 1: On the final platform destroy the brazier on your
left and jump down to that small ledge on the left wall, which
catapults you up onto the structure's roof for secret ammo - and
Harpies... A Werebull charges to the platform below. You can
drop down (backwards) and try to dodge him, or jump down to the
small ledge again - he should charge off at you and fall away as
you bounce back up. Exit to a chamber where you will find the
Grenade launcher and a red backpack, then fight down the exit

You go outdoors through an opening at the base of a slope. A wave
of Kleers and a Mech or two are a foretaste of the opposition you'll

SECRET 2(?): A LOT of time has been spent trying to register
this 'secret', which appears to be a programming glitch! As
you exit into the valley, turn around and look about halfway
up the slope above the opening and to your right to detect a
little ledge; rocket it and an Invulnerability rolls down.

If you climb the stairs to the top of the central pyramid NETRISCA
explains your task: get the gold jaguars in the east and west temples
and bring them there to open the north temple. There's also a
backpack up there: two more spawn as you get the jaguars. However
demons spawn there too...

SECRET 3: In the far-east (right) corner of the valley, where
you can see a huge ball at the top of a ravine, there's a
"secret" armor. Once you grab it the ball rolls down the ravine:
run up the side FAST. Try making a strategic retreat up the
ravine after provoking the baddies - then jump way up the
ravine's side so YOU aren't squashed, but THEY are!

SECRET 4: Up in the valley's far west corner are big letters
spelling "Crollywood." Their secret registers as you approach
the sawhorses below them.

It's kind of a waste of time now, but you CAN go up the stairs of
the main (north) temple for NETRISCA's explanation. You can't get
in until you've gotten those jaguars, though.

SECRET 5: Around to the right of the main temple's base, in the
angle against the grassy slope, is a "secret" medi-kit.

It makes no difference in what order you get the jaguars. We'll
start on the valley's right (east) side.

After climbing to the eastern pyramid Sam says he smells some
serious firepower nearby.

SECRET 6: Drop down to the pyramid's penultimate ledge on your
right and blast the dark section of wall to reveal the Minigun.
Jump all the way down and climb all the way back up...

From the top of the pyramid cross into the temple and cut your way
through several rooms and ramps, avoiding another lava-spewing
stone head. You will then enter a pillared chamber that features a
traveling belt of shadow. This is to make it a bit more of a
challenge to take on those waves of Kleers and Cucurbitos. However
you also get a new power-up: Serious Damage, which temporarily
boosts the amount of damage your weapons inflict. The male jaguar-
statue is in the next room.

Once you have your first statue exit to the valley, where some foes
have spawned, including the Fiendian you saw in the cut-scene. The
top of a side pyramid is a good vantage point to snipe away some of
your opposition. Get the backpack atop the central pyramid if you
need it and head to the second temple.

From the top of the western pyramid cut your way inside until you
reach a chamber walled with spikes. NETRISCA gives you a fairly
useless warning (sorry dear!) The trick is that you are blown
towards the spikes on one side, then the other. Advance slowly,
strafing against the side winds to stay towards the center of the
room. You will pass through here again to exit...

SECRET 7: In the pillared passage ahead there is a gray ramp on
the left side of the final section. This bounces you up to a
trellis where you can get ammo and secret blue (100%) armor.

The final chamber has a traveling light path. The advantage of
walking in it is that the enemies won't trigger until AFTER you
pick up the female-jaguar statue and the chamber is illuminated.
Enemies spawn elsewhere too...

Once you have collected both jaguars a Fiendian appears near the
valley entrance. Deal with him, then climb the central pyramid to
place the jaguars at the top. A cutscene shows the opening of the
temple door. Fight your way across and up to it.

SECRET 8: Climb the final pyramid's first flight of stairs and
enter the left side-chapel to find the secret ammo depot. It
makes a good fighting position, too!

Enter the main temple for a cut-scene showing Sam picking up the
crystal skull.

Secrets: 15

TIP: You're going to find 2 Serious Bombs in this level, so don't
be too thrifty! You'll also get lots of cannon balls.

You start in a small yard full of ammo. Stock up and exit either
gate to enter the larger yard. You need to collect two masks in
this yard. Cut your way to the right through new enemies: the

SECRET 1: Following the perimeter wall to the right corner you
will see a tree between the wall and the back of a house. Cut
it down to get a secret Medi-kit.

SECRET 2: To the left of those chunky black columns is one of
those four-section buildings; blast a dark section of its right
side (aim slightly up) to get secret armor.

SECRET 3: Behind another building to the right of those chunky
black columns is a health pill; picking it up activates a "secret

SECRET 4: There's a "secret" backpack in a far-right corner.

If you Analyze the gate with the blue snake on top NETRISCA reminds
you that you need those masks!

The masks are in buildings to the east and west of the yard. You
may get them in any order.

The "happy" mask is on the ground floor of the right-hand building,
together with lots of goodies.

The "scary" mask is up the left corridor of the big building

SECRET 5: Once inside the "scary" mask building go right and
destroy the fallen pillar to reveal a corridor.

SECRET 6: Follow that corridor up into the room with cannon balls
and destroy the central pillar to reveal the cannon.

Once you have both masks a cut-scene shows you the altar by the
central pyramid where you must place the masks to open the snake
gate. The Tommygun appears on a nearby pedestal.

Exit the snake gate and pass through a short puzzle alley of arrow-
firing heads to the next large yard.

Your objective is, of course, the next snake gate. It will be
unlocked as soon as you defeat the Major mech that appears when
you approach the gate. The four-section building to the left of
the gate contains ammo.

SECRET 7: There is a secret backpack behind that building.

SECRET 8: Before leaving the sector enter the twinkling
teleport behind the third tree to the left of the snake-
gated yard's entrance.

You're in a "yard of strange-looking heads." Blasting 'em
releases baddies, so eliminate your tiny enemies first. The
pools are full of goodies - and nasty fish! When you've had
enough fun enter the colonnaded building on the far side of
the yard where the teleport will take you back.

Upon exiting the snake-gated yard you're in a two-part giant alley
where waves of enemies attack. Use your cannon freely (especially
when the Werebulls appear) as some BKs carry cannons and cannon
balls that you can collect after killing them. This will be a good
place to unload a Serious Bomb.

After exiting from the very long run you enter a village.

SECRET 9: Look for the hut with the snake ornament on the roof.
Enter the hut but sidestep immediately when you discover the
"lost Spanish cannon."

SECRET 10: Directly opposite the sector entrance, behind the
house that angles off the perimeter wall, is a secret Medi-kit.

Enter the snake-adorned gatehouse in the sunken area beyond the village.

SECRET 11: In the inner foyer, blast the middle triangular
'keystone' to get a Heart.

Continue through the door at the end of the foyer to reach a steep

TIP: BEFORE you start to slide you CAN jump over either side into
lower chutes that contain lots of power-ups. However they end in
spike panels that kill you! Apparently it's possible to slow your
descent by using the chainsaw, angle to a side brace, then
strafe-jump out! I haven't managed it!!!

The room you (hopefully) slide into has some baddies and two

SECRET 12: The central section of the wall on the right can be
blasted open for goodies.

SECRET 13: The same repeated on the left wall reveals 3 Zumb'uls
playing a "secret poker game!"

Continue forward, entering a shifting-wind corridor with spike pits
in the floor and round holes in the walls. However you can avoid
some danger...

SECRET 14: The first hole in the right wall is the entrance to
a secret passage containing a mini-Cucurbito. It's a shortcut
taking you past all but two final spike panels.

Proceed through a number of rooms and passageways to a smaller cave
with ammo, then enter the big lava cavern.

SECRET 15: Turn right and go to the far right side of the
half-sunken building, where "secret" rockets are on a low
ledge just above the lava.

The central bridge is broken. Go to the far left and jump to the
floating piece of hardened lava; jump off it once you are close to
the piece by the ledge on the other side.

Exit the cavern and follow the stone bridge, fighting your way into
a small ammo depot.

In the next chamber the bridge collapses before you can reach that
Heart ahead; the floor below is one big bounce pad. Waves of baddies
soon drop in and you must kill them all to leave.

TIP: Picking up the health pill from the floor below the entry
door turns on a temporary "no gravity" mode, in which everybody
has neutral buoyancy, making them easy to kill; YOU can 'swim'.
The pills re-spawn so you can turn it back on. If you're being
overwhelmed by the BKs you might want to drop a Bomb, then bounce
to the pill.

When you're done, the door behind the Heart opens.

Secrets: 10

Everything's peaceful here - until you try climbing the steps

SECRET 1: Go to the right corner from the entrance to get the
"secret" rifle clip.

SECRET 2: In the opposite (left) corner from #1, picking up
the armor shard activates the "suicidal plant."

Climb the steps ahead. The upper yard has an inner enclosure; there
are Kleers and Zorgs around it. As you pass into the next yard,
where a snake statue and goodies are on a moated mound, Mechs
blast through the wall behind you.

SECRET 3: After the wall falls you have access to the "secret"
Medi-kit inside.

A fireball bombardment begins in the yard of the snake-statue mound;
it ends when you kill all your Major opponents. On the right-hand
side of the yard's upper level there's another phone booth where you
can make a call if you wish.

When you're ready, go out the left-hand corner of the mound yard and
around to your right.

SECRET 4: In that yard there're "secret" cannonballs behind the
house on the right.

You're in an angled corridor-arena that NETRISCA calls a "force-field
passage." Toward the end is a jump-able ray, followed by a wall of
shooting faces and then a force-field. Remember the sliding hatch
in the METROPOLIS? Yes, the field opens to let bulls through. Run
through when you can and fight into the yard beyond. Go through the
gate into the next yard.

NETRISCA explains that to open the snake-topped gate you must get
the Ix Chel mask and attach it to its altar on the stone statue.
Go through the gate opposite the entrance to get it.

The mask is in a sort of trellised structure in front of the Moon
Pyramid. So are baddies, and some roaming teleport fields that
shift you around the area when they touch you. A Serious Speed is
available to help you dodge in and get the mask, then back out.

SECRET 5: Once you have the mask, approach the shorter head
to the right of the trellis, blast it when it attacks, and
get the Heart that consequently spawns.

SECRET 6: Behind the Moon Pyramid there's a detonator you
can Use to set off a "mega ultra explosion." If you have
a Bomb drop it on the resulting Highlanders: otherwise use
your cannon to deal with them.

Return to the snake-gate yard. The eyes of the giant head on the
roof of the building opposite the mask altar are now glowing, and
it shoots fireballs at the altar as you approach to attach the
mask. Attach it quickly and get out of the line of fire: the altar
statue then blows up the head.

SECRET 7: After the "bad head" is destroyed enter its building
to collect the secret armor.

Leave the yard through the snake gate.

SECRET 8: Follow the perimeter wall to the three houses on the
right and in the corner behind them pick up the health pill.
Two eyeballs appear high above you: the "secret watcher."

SECRET 9: Shoot the eyeballs and fall back when the giant
kamikaze appears; it soon self-destructs.

Eventually you come to an open walled area with two buildings.
You may cross the small bridge and enter the wall's gatehouse to
Analyze the sector exit door: you must enter the side buildings
and Use the switches to open it. You may do so in any order.

The switch in the right-hand building is inaccessible: shoot it
to activate it.

Swim through the water passage to the other building.

The switch inside the left-hand building is in the basement
together with some goodies and a couple of Zumb'uls.

When the sector exit unlocks enter the gatehouse for some action.
When the opposition is gone a hole opens in the floor of the
canopied dais.

SECRET 10: Before jumping into the hole, destroy the two jaguar
statues on its canopy to get a Medi-kit.

Secrets: 10

You fall into a pool: there's a Medi-kit at the bottom. After you
are done with the Fish in the water and the Zorgs ashore, pass
through the door into the next gallery.

SECRET 1: Behind the fourth pillar on the right is a dark
passage; follow it to a Heart.

Next is a room of pounding pillars: avoid them and get the Laser
gun in the next chamber.

As you climb the long staircase you're subjected to a rain of
lava balls, which stop when you reach the top - but meanwhile
some enemies have started! When you get out the door a well
opens: jump in and slide into a hall of "dangerous forces." You -
and lots of Kleers and BKs - are blown back and forth across a
big room: it's flamethrower territory.

SECRET 2: The following gallery has corbelled archways; if
you look up you can see an armor power-up in one. To reach
it, jump into the glittering brazier at the left rear. You'll
be teleported up to an arch; jump from ledge to ledge to get
the armor.

I hope you don't get seasick easily, because the floor of the next
room rocks and rolls. Kill the Kleers etc and you can exit to the

You're on a trellised bridge in front of a high tower.

SECRET 3: At the end of the first bridge, on the outside
right, there's a twinkling teleport. Jump over the rail
between the last two beams to be teleported to some secret
ammo. A nearby teleport takes you back to the bridge.

Fight your way into the tower with the spiral stairwell.

SECRET 4: As soon as you enter the tower go right,
around and under the stairwell for the secret Medi-kit.

SECRET 5: Halfway or so up the stairs, kill the mini-
Fiendian to generate a secret Heart.

Fight your way from the stairwell tower across the high bridge to
the second tower.

SECRET 6: Once inside the L-shaped intersection on the high
bridge, turn right and rocket the two braziers on the first
outer ledge to summon "annoying Pinky's lost brothers": two

SECRET 7: From #6, go out onto the other ledge and (carefully)
jump in the glittering right brazier, which is the "secret
broken teleport." Shoot at the red armor to get it, then drop
fall back down to the ledge.

Inside the final tower you enter a giant fun-house cylinder where
you can run upside-down around the walls. So can Frogs, Kleers, BKs,
etc... Exit into a weird passage that curves down into a room
containing two Serious Bombs.

SECRET 8: In the corridor ahead, destroying all eight braziers
spawns cannon balls in the next hallway.

Exit into a small arena.

Use all your Serious Bombs in the small arena, 'cause there are
regenerating ones in the main arena.

Looking up and ahead of the small arena you'll see the Sun Pyramid,
the final destination of this game region (Mesoamerica). After
appropriately greeting all the celebrants of the "welcome ceremony,"
the door under the ledge unlocks.

SECRET 9: Walk up the stairway, turn right, and jump onto
the glittering brazier in the corner. You're teleported to
an upper ledge; drop down to the roof of the skybox below
to get some "rocket-festival gear."

SECRET 10: IMMEDIATELY after #9, jump down from the skybox
onto the ledge where a nearby Heart is between the two lamps.
Chase it to activate the "rocket festival."

Leave the small arena when you're done, collecting needful things
and getting the lowdown from NETRISCA. Slide down the center of the
ramp, avoiding two spike panels that drop from the ceiling, into the
big arena.

A cutscene shows Sam placing the crystal skull on the central
rondelo. Now Kukulkan, the Wind God, appears. As soon as his 'boss
bar' appears start shooting at him, dodging the baddies and
tornadoes (though contrary to NETRISCA's opinion they are not
dangerous) that spawn in support.

TIP: NETRISCA gives you some vague info on Kukulkan: the key is
that only "explosive" weapons work against him, namely the rocket
and grenade launchers, the laser gun, and the cannon. Note that
his tornadoes deflect shots.

Regenerating power-ups spawn during the battle: use Serious Bombs
when things get serious. However they will not affect Kukulkan.

After Kukulkan finally disappears, kill any remaining baddies
(look out for the roof-based Fiendians) and the central rondelo
area becomes a teleport: the level exit. Don't enter it before
collecting some needful things, but bear in mind that you will
be stripped of all weapons (and ammo!) except knife, pistol,
and Serious Bombs upon entering the next region.




Secrets: 10

You're back to basics when you emerge on top of the ziggurat.

SECRET 1: Walk around behind the entrance structure to get
the secret Sniper rifle.

Enter the building ahead to get more weapons, then jump onto the
rim of the well and look down. You'll see a Heart power-up in
the spikes below but don't jump all the way down to it! There's
another way to get it.

Jump down the two inner ledges to get inside, then pass through a
few rooms to reach another well that is full of crisscrossing beams.
Jump down from beam to beam. At bottom hop down the ramp and out the
door to the square area on the floor: the sunken part is an elevator.

Passing through the door ahead you enter a hall of tall pillars.
Two have angled platforms, like stair steps, that you can jump up.

Climb either pillar and jump to the upper-level platforms. In
addition to a variety of goodies there's a switch you can Use to
deploy the staircase to the exit door.

SECRET 2: Once the switch is thrown, a door opens behind one
of the pillars. Jump inside to the Heart that you saw earlier.
You get two bounces; get the Heart, then jump-bounce back up to
an inner ledge, from whence you can return to the pillared hall.

Go up the ramp and outdoors.

When you enter this yard NETRISCA explains your task: get the hawk
wings in the two side temples. You can confirm this by Analyzing
the gate on the opposite side of the yard. It makes no difference
which temple you enter first.

SECRET 3: Behind the left-hand temple is a dark section of
the perimeter wall that any weapon will open. Picking up
the armor shard inside spawns a monster.

SECRET 4: In the left-front corner of the perimeter wall (by
the entrance) there's a backpack. Picking it up activates the
"suicidal avenger plant."

SECRET 5: Blast open the dark section of the ziggurat's right-
front wall, in the corner where it meets the perimeter wall,
to reveal a medi-kit.

Once you've collected both hawk wings the exit gate unlocks.

NETRISCA explains that the door at the end of the first corridor,
on the right side, is locked. Go through the opposite door and
Use the switch in one of the rooms to unlock the first door. Return
and enter it.

SECRET 6: After entering walk to the right into the dark area
between the first two warrior-adorned pillars on the right
wall for some goodies.

Moving forward, you can Analyze the round stone embedded in the
wall, but NETRISCA won't tell you that When you step into the chute
ahead of it, it and half a dozen others roll down at you! Dodge
them and when the first one stops, jump it to the ledge above.
From there you can jump into the next room.

Jump into the millstream and swim to the far right side of the
watermill, using the last rising spoke to lift you so you can jump
to dry land.

Continuing ahead you'll enter the bottom of a tower. Carefully jump
from ledge to ledge to reach the moving platform at the top that will
take you to the surface.

In the next room picking up the Coach gun spawns a Kleer attack -
and a Serious Damage. When you're done follow the passageway ahead
and jump across the well. You might want the armor power-up on the
ledge nearby, but it's not a secret. Pass through another passageway
and you are outdoors again.

NETRISCA now tells you what to do with those hawk wings you had so
much trouble getting: they go in two prism-shaped temples somewhere
in this fairly open neighborhood. You may place them in any order.

SECRET 7: Some distance out in the desert from the right temple
there's a lone plant where a secret Speed power-up is located.

SECRET 8: Blast the plant to get a Damage power-up.

Once both hawk wings are placed the gate to the next neighborhood

In the next neighborhood, which has four giant horse statues, Analyze
the exit gate. Go through the door on the left, which leads to
another walled neighborhood. The only building that you can enter
is in the far right-hand corner. Inside is a sacred blue stone:
walking up against it is a blast! Now you can return to the four-
horse neighborhood and enter the sub-neighborhood on the other side.
Walk to the wall opposite the entrance, past the lone statue of a
winged horse. Turn left there.

SECRET 9: Collect the health pill by the two-story building
to enable the "Boxing Barry" secret.

Walk along the building until you hear a squeaking sound. Look up
and shoot off the flapping window shutter, which takes out the
Reptiloid that has spawned on the roof of the building opposite!
Ahead is the other sacred-stone chapel.

SECRET 10: Before entering the chapel face away from its
entrance and blast the dark section of wall in the niche
to your left. Enter, look up at the wood ledge above you,
and blast it for an invulnerability power-up. You may want
to wait before picking it up, however, as things in general
are going to pick up after you touch the next sacred stone!

When you're through you can return to the four-horse yard as the
exit gate is now unlocked.

NETRISCA identifies this room as the "Chamber of Punishment."
Picking up the power-ups here spawns enough Kleers to generate a
'boss bar,' so be prepared.

Look up too see a Heart on a high ledge. We'll get there in a

Go through the right-hand door and Use the switch on the wall
inside: the left wall collapses. Enter and Use the switch inside,
revealing the door to the room with the barred window. The switch
in there opens locked doors in the Chamber, but the Bull in there
wants to lock horns with YOU!

Return to the Chamber. Before exiting through the open door on your
right, you may wish to enter the room opposite the one with the

Don't Use the switch in there yet! Save game (constantly, right?!?)
Looking up you'll see two moving platforms. The switch reverses the
gravity in the room, so you need to time Using it so you'll fall
'up' to a platform (Step 1 below). If you miss you'll be impaled
on the spikes 'above'. If you succeed you flip upside down to land
on a moving platform (Step 2). You want to get on the lower platform
with the switch: Use it to fall back 'down' to the underside of the
moving platform 'above' you (Step 3). Now you can jump to the high
stairs that lead above the Chamber of Punishment (Step 4).

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
|||||||| |||||||| |||||||| ||||||||

=== === === ===
* b* * *
-_ -_ -_ p -q
-- == -- == -- == -- ==

______p* ______* ______* ______*

p : You * : Switch
__ : Platform ==: Moving Platform || : Spikes -_ : Stairs

Jump across to the ledge to get the Heart, then down to the floor.
You're good to go.

Enter the next arena but Analyze the main gates on the far side
before picking up the various power-ups scattered around. Waves
of baddies spawn. When you've defeated them the gates open. Go
inside to end the level.

Secrets: 12

Pass through the entry hall into a slippery-floored chamber. Fight
through it to the door to the right, turn left to go up the stairs,
and make another left.

SECRET 1: Make another left to reach a platform overlooking
the slippery chamber. Use the bounce pad in the left corner
to get on top of a pillar, then jump your way to the Heart on
the far side. Drop down and return to the area described in
the previous paragraph.

This time bear right and go through several rooms, staircases, and
passageways until you get outdoors.

If you wish you can Analyze the door on the opposite side of the
square, past the elephant statue. NETRISCA identifies it as the
"Door of Purity." NETRISCA also offers you a choice of actions,
which you can do in any order.

SECRET 2: To the right of the entrance, towards the corner of
the perimeter wall, there's a health pill. Pick it up and
several Mechs crash through a section of the wall, revealing a
secret yard.

SECRET 3: At the end of the secret yard you'll find a switch;
Using it destroys "the secret pyramid" and spawns a Highlander.

The prism-shaped temple to the left of the entrance can be entered
for the Tommygun and other goodies.

The prism-shaped temple to the right of the entrance is the "Holy
Bathhouse." In the downstairs hot-tub room there's a new item: the
helmet (5% armor). Jump into the hot tub to unlock the Door of
Purity, but swim down to the bottom to get the backpack. Before you
can exit the temple you must jump past either of the punching blocks
at the top of the staircase.

SECRET 4: Blast the dark section on the left side of the "Holy
Bathhouse's" outside wall to get an armor shard.

Fight your way out the Door of Purity.

Try to eliminate the Major BEFORE entering the courtyard.

SECRET 5: Ideally BEFORE entering the courtyard, switch to the
Rifle. Once inside turn right to face the perimeter wall about
halfway down from the entrance and zoom to pick off six Kleer
skeletons that are catapulted, one by one, into the courtyard.
If you succeed in picking off each one before it hits the
ground you'll be congratulated.

If you Analyze the door opposite the entrance NETRISCA tells you it's
"locked forever." Exit through the door to the left of the entrance.

Pass through a room of goodies into a larger yard.

SECRET 6: Make two rights from the entrance. Picking up the
backpack spawns a "mutated plant."

SECRET 7: Like #6, only going left, blast the dark section of the
wall of the entrance building to get an armor shard.

SECRET 8: Diagonally across from #6 is a niche in the perimeter
wall that contains a Heart.

If you Analyze the door near the elephant statue NETRISCA identifies
it as "Yet Another Locked Door." Cross to the door on other side of
the yard and enter the next yard.

This area has a deep pit with a gold elephant statue on a platform
in the middle. Walk around to the right to enter the open entrance
of an area with various goodies. Use the switch there to unlock
the "Yet Another Locked Door."

SECRET 9: There's another switch on the perimeter wall, to your
left of the gold elephant pit. Using it opens a secret yard we'll
come to in a moment.

Return to the yard of the elephant statue and exit the now unlocked

Enter a gate room for supplies, passing into a yard where a Minigun
is on a platform of four minarets. Analyze the "Elephant Door" to
the right, and NETRISCA says you must have the gold elephant to open

Walk through the opposite (left-side) door, which will be un-
locked if you Used the secret #9 switch. Pass through a gate-
house into the yard and take the call in the red phone booth.

SECRET 9: Get the goodies at the screened end of the yard.

Return to the yard of the Elephant Door and go through the archway
on your right and downstairs to get the golden elephant. Now that
you have it you may go open the Elephant Door.

In the entrance room, in the middle of the floor, there's a green
armor. It's on a trapdoor.

* Walking on the trapdoor drops you into the room below. Take the
armor and fight up the ramp to a pit. Jump the long sides of the
rotating platform to get across, then go right and jump up to the
ledge, walking around a hallway leading past two wooden doors.

* If you didn't trip the armor trap, pass through a door into a
room of goodies, then follow the hallway that runs around the
rotating-platform's pit to the two doors. Continuing past the
doors leads to the previously-mentioned ramp.

One door is the "locked forever" one from the courtyard of purity.
The other door is the sector exit.

Before leaving, check out the side rooms for goodies and baddies.

When you enter this yard NETRISCA tells you that you're approaching
the Courtyards of Gilgamesh.

SECRET 10: To the right of the winged-horse statue is a
building with a locked door. Use the switch to the left of
the statue (to the left of the staircase) to open the locked
door, inside which is lots of MG ammo - perhaps that's a hint?

SECRET 11: Approach the horse statue from behind and jump up
to its rump, where the "Use" message will appear. Use the rump
to... well... *produce* some "secret horse power."

Go through the door behind the statue.

There's a minigun inside with lots of ammo - another hint! Ahead
is an area screened with meshwork, but stock up in the other rooms
first as when you enter the screened area you are locked in while
Kleers spawn outside, a la the TOMB OF RAMSES. If you shoot 'em as
they run around they'll stop at the grill: otherwise they'll come
in to join you. You have to kill them all to exit. Before leaving,
go down the narrow ramp right of the door for more ammo.

Secrets: 11

Pass through the entrance hall and enter a yard with giant winged-
lion statues.

SECRET 1: There are two ledges on the wall to the right of the
entrance; jump from them to reach the Heart on the far-right ledge.

A pit of spikes surrounds the lion pedestal in the middle of the
yard. As you approach it (or if you Analyze the door to the Temple
of Gilgamesh) NETRISCA explains that a switch off to the left raises
a bridge from the bottom of the pit, which will allow you to get
the winged-lion statue. Go out the door to the left into the yard
of pools.

If you Analyze the gate on the opposite side of the yard NETRISCA
tells you to look for a water passage.

SECRET 2: In the left-side pool there is only one opening
without a grating. Inside and down there's a backpack that
you may not need - yet!

SECRET 3: The backpack behind the right-hand pool is also
a secret. Again, you may want to hold off on picking it up
for now if you're good for ammo.

Dive into the right-hand pool and swim into any of the upper side-
openings. Bear left to reach an underwater chamber with a central
pillar, swimming right into a tall shaft where you can surface for
some air. Now swim straight down and along the bottom passage to
an intersection.

SECRET 4: At the intersection swim straight ahead, up, and
turn around to find a room with a health pack. Swim back to
the tall shaft for some air, then return to the intersection.

Swim right at the intersection, then up, continuing up and around,
up the ramp and around, until you reach the surface.

Once out of the pool you are in the yard beyond the locked gate.
You want to enter the basement of the pyramid at the end of the
yard of short towers.

SECRET 5: Just before entering the grove ahead turn around
and look left at the short tower outside the yard. On your
side of this tower there's a bright area - zoom at it and
you'll see a red-and-white target. Shoot the target and a
niche full of goodies opens in the yard's right-hand wall.

SECRET 6: Blast the dark section of the wall directly opposite
the #5 niche to reveal a detonator switch, which gives you a
fling with a Highlander.

In the basement of the pyramid, Use the switch, which raises the
bridge to the lion pedestal and unlocks the gate between this
yard and the two-pool yard.

SECRET 7: Pick up the backpack behind the pyramid to face
"a mutated plant and friends."

Now exit the gate to return to the two-pool yard (the water
passage is blocked). Get the secret backpacks if you haven't
done so already.

You can now cross the bridge to get the statue of the winged lion
from the central platform. Look around for a while as the lion's
pagoda makes good cover. When you're ready, enter the Temple of

Pick up the grenade launcher in the foyer and a niche full of
Juvies opens. If you need some health, there's a Heart at the
top of a staircase in a room to the right...

SECRET 8: Go get the Heart! But beware! As you return
across the meshwork floor it lowers into a foggy basement
where you're attacked. After killing everyone you're lifted
back to leave.

TIP: You can avoid the ambush by jumping across to the entry
steps before you cross the trigger line, about halfway across
the floor. It then lowers without you. No health loss, but
then you don't get the kill points either...

When you're ready, leave the foyer through the next corridor,
which ends in a slide leading to a spike-filled pit: jump across
as soon as you reach the bottom of the slide. Eliminate the Zorgs,
then grab some goodies to the left before passing through the door
into the next corridor. Switch to the flamethrower. As you near
the end of the narrow corridor, waves of enemies charge down at
you. Pour on the napalm and retreat tactically. Then exit the
narrow corridor to the stairway ahead.

SECRET 9: Around to the left of the stairway there's secret
green armor in a niche.

Go up the stairs. After you killing the Zumb'ul you can get the
green backpacks in the side room. As you enter the next hall,
move fast to get by the spike panel that will thrust forward in
a moment. Proceed into the Grand Hall.

Jump down into the Grand Hall. After you eliminate the first round
of baddies the floor collapses and drops you to a lower level!
This happens four times. When the Fiendian breaks in you can exit
through the hole he made in the wall.

At the end of the passage leading from the Grand Hall, go right
first, picking up some goodies, then go for the Medi-kit. NETRISCA
warns you about dangerous spikes above. When you pick up or walk
over the box the floor collapses yet again! You fall down, but
bounce up into a roomful of trouble.

A passage opens when you're done. Walk up and around a couple of
ramps until you reach the high chamber with a long central chasm.
NETRISCA mentions the ancient "leap of faith" ceremony.

If you look into the chasm you'll see a broad platform and a Heart
on a right-hand ledge. When you're ready, just jump down to the
platform. When it starts moving, turn towards the Heart and try
to target the baddies shooting at you out of the fog ahead.

SECRET 10: The platform eventually passes under the Heart's
small ledge, which should now be up on your left. Wait until
the ledge is about 5 feet BEHIND the moving platform, then
blast it and the heart will fly over to the side and down
onto the platform.

Wait until the platform comes to a complete stop, then get some
goodies and fight around across bridges, through passages, and
across slippery-floored rooms. You'll find a Serious Bomb, and
shortly afterwards you reach a door that opens to the outside.

This first area subjects you to intensive Mech attack; that walled
enclosure in the middle is full of Majors. There are some goodies
inside but of course grabbing 'em spawns more baddies. When you
have a good number of baddies you might want to deploy a Bomb.

Exit the sector picking up some supplies along the way before
entering the final arena of the level.

Of course you'll be facing several waves of baddies but all
originate from the far end, so you'll have plenty of room for
tactical retreats. Some supplies are spawned.

SECRET 11: Look outside the arena to your left and between
the two minarets; shoot the bright area on top of the mosque
doorway (zoom at it and you'll see a red-and-white target).
Eventually a Heart lands in the arena.

The door on the far side of the arena opens when all opposition is

Secrets: 10

There are some goodies in the foyer so stock up before entering the
Ceremonial Hall. Get the statue of King Tilmun that unlocks the
door on the opposite end of the hall.

SECRET 1: Look for a niche in the wall of the dark area left
of the exit door and get the secret rockets.

The next room has more goodies; stock up and enter the next chamber.

This Piranesi-esque room contains lots of levels and guards.

SECRET 2: After entering the chamber go around to the right,
but before climbing the staircase drop down to a low ledge
by the second (squared) pillar where you can find a Heart.
A teleport takes you back up.

Fight your way around, crossing the narrow bridge lined with
armor shards. Halfway across you can jump over to that ledge of
goodies: jump back carefully.

SECRET 3: After crossing the narrow bridge go ahead and left,
down to the lower ledge for the "secret" Rifle clip.

Go up the staircase until you reach the upper platform, where you
will see a square section of floor in a niche in the central shaft.
It's an elevator that will eventually take you down to the lowest
level, where you'll find goodies and baddies.

SECRET 4: Shoot one of the mouse holes down there for a wave
of "deadly midgets."

Deal with your problems, then Use the red and green switches on the
opposite side of the central shaft to bring down the up elevator.
Ride it up to the other side of the Chamber of the Cosmos, where
various baddies are waiting. Follow the stairs around to the right
and up to reach a ramp. Slide down towards the door at the bottom.

SECRET 5: Before leaving go left of the slide to the brazier;
behind it there's a bounce pad that throws you onto a platform
for the "secret" cannonballs. Teleport back.

Leave the Chamber through the door at the bottom of the ramp: stock
up on goodies in the antechamber ahead.

The next chamber is dark, which will bother you more than the
baddies! The bright circle above the opposite door is a light
switch; shoot it for some temporary light, and again whenever the
room goes dark. When you've cleaned out the Chamber the exit door
unlocks. Pass through one more room to get outside.

At last you are at the Tower of Babel! Analyze the door to the
tower and NETRISCA explains that you have to find three tablets of
wisdom in the gardens nearby to enter.

You must enter the garden whose gate is to the left of the tower.
But first...

SECRET 6: On the left side of the courtyard's perimeter wall
there's a large stele - almost opposite the door to the gardens.
Destroy the stele to find the "passage to Egypt" teleporter.

You'll find a movie set of the end of SERIOUS SAM: THE FIRST
ENCOUNTER. Destroy the mini version of Ugh-Zan III to spawn a
red armor - but do NOT kill the mini version of Sam (YOU)!!
Killing the other mini-beasties seems to be what spawns the Heart
power-up. Return via the teleport.

The first two tablets of wisdom can be found in chapels located on
the right side of each garden. Pick up the tablets and proceed. The
buildings that you pass through to reach each next garden contain
various goodies.

This tablet is also in a side chapel; it's guarded by some Mechs...

SECRET 7: Directly opposite the garden entrance, past the stele,
there's a bay in the perimeter wall. Blast the dark section on
the bay's right wall to reveal an Invulnerability.

Exit the garden through the gatehouse into the next courtyard.

Deal with the baddies as you head toward the stairs up into the
building on the far right.

SECRET 8: Picking up the health pill in the right corner
by the exit building spawns the "mighty gizmo." It's no
threat but its spawn of mini-Frogs is! Torch all 60-odd.

Climb the stairs and pass through the building back into the initial
courtyard. Some other folks are there too, and that's no Bull!

SECRET 9: Go to the left of the base of the entrance to the
Tower of Babel for an Invulnerability power-up.

SECRET 10: Before going up into the Tower of Babel head back
into the tablet-gardens. This starts a "secret round two" for
more kill points. You'll meet the Highlander Reptiloid's bride
in the 2nd garden. She wouldn't be such a problem if it
weren't for all the Bull...

Upon entering the tower slide down the ramp to get some goodies,
Then enter the next chamber to face this region's 'boss' enemy:
the Exotech larva.

To defeat it you must first to destroy its four regenerating
reactors, which are found on each wall. It takes five direct
rocket hits to destroy each completely - meanwhile dodge the
larva's blue energy balls and grab the regenerating backpack.

TIP: Serious Bombs are useless here - you'll want to switch between
the rocket launcher, the cannon, and the laser- or machine-gun while
fighting the larva because between hurling energy balls it pauses to
spawn lesser larvae that attack you - wipe those out with a gun
whenever the larva pauses to spawn them.

As the larva loses strength it loses limbs; when both are gone it
starts firing lasers from its antennae. Just keep strafing and
weaving until it's dead, then a teleport will appear in the middle
of the room.




Secrets: 16

SECRET 11: Here's a challenge for speed freaks. It is 11:45 p.m.
citadel-time when you start this level. When the citadel's clock
strikes 12, the "midnight mega SECRET is enabled" and the door of
the house to the left of the gate of the clock yard (see below)
opens. Some very useful "midnight items" are now accessible - for
1 minute!!
To get them you must reach the clock yard within 15 minutes - a
very brisk timeframe! However you can register the secret even
if you can't reach the house by 'midnight': when you're in that
sector get close to the house's rear wall for the message
"you've found the midnight items!"

NETRISCA informs you that your task is to find a "Book of Wisdom"
and that you've been stripped down to knife and pistol again.
Happily there're lots of weapons in the area, including the
shotguns, chainsaw, and second Schofield.

SECRET 1: There's a house right of where you first appear;
blast its creaking door to get the coach gun inside.

Leave the yard through the gate adorned with a double-headed eagle.

Passing down a couple of ramps you enter the "Kill-o-Matic" room.
Your best move is to walk into the room and back out immediately
so that the machine can eliminate most of those pesky Frogs who leap
into the room when the door closes. Eventually, jump your way
across the center of the room to reach the elevator on the far side.

TIP: At the bottom of the next ramp you'll find a switch that
deploys a hard-hitting boxing glove. On NORMAL mode a common
Reptiloid appears behind you when you're close enough to display
the "Use" message. Use the switch while standing to the side and
KO the monster!

Exit the next gate to the bridge entryway.

As you start across the left blockhouse at the middle of the bridge
explodes revealing a flamethrower, then trouble appears. So does a
Serious Damage, scooting around on a tiny beastie.

SECRET 3: Jump down to the rock base of the left blockhouse
to get the "secret" health bottle; there's a glowing bounce
pad for your return. (You can do the same on the right side,
but you don't get a secret!)

When your enemies are defeated, continue into the next sector.

Analyze the gate on the left and NETRICSA explains that you need a
cross-shaped key to open it. The obvious place for that is the
cemetery through the opposite gate.

SECRET 4: To the right of the courtyard entrance there's a
corner house; behind it is a secret backpack.

SECRET 5: Like #4 but slightly to the left of the entrance.

TIP: On NORMAL mode there are two "static cannons" in this courtyard:
one on the wall by the locked gate, another on the ground by the
cemetery gate. They'll start shooting after you return from the
cemetery unless you destroy them first!

Enter the cemetery gate and the chapel at rear left: the cross is

SECRET 6: Inside the cemetery on the right side are graves
you can open to raise the horny Croteam.

Once you have the cross, fight out to the first courtyard and open
the gate. Killing your opponents inside opens the exit gate to the
second courtyard.

SECRET 7: There is a dead tree in the far left corner from
the entrance. Collecting nearby napalm capsules causes the
tree to turn into a "secret jumping plant."

TIP: On NORMAL mode, as soon as you enter you should target the two
static cannons on opposite towers outside the yard and shoot them
before they start shooting you!

Power-ups spawn in the middle of the yard after the first attack;
you must pick some up to spawn the next wave. A Serious Damage-
scooter appears from time to time; that power-up is extremely useful
so try to get it each time.

SECRET 8: Destroy the barrel leaning against the house
diagonally across from #8 and look behind it for an
Invulnerability power-up.

SECRET 9: There is a phone booth behind the house to the
left of the entrance. There you can make a call to your self.

Pass through several ramps and rooms, some adorned with arrow-
shooting faces. Jump and crawl past their fire. Enter the room
of the big cogwheels.

SECRET 10: Walk into the hutch in front of the cogwheels,
Crouch, and dive below the cogs. There're rockets down there
and, in a hidden niche behind you, a secret medi-kit.

Face the cogwheels and shoot off the two 'broken' (point-tipped)
cogs. As the cleared section passes jump into the gears and up
to the opening, then hop outside.


SECRET 11: See above.

SECRET 12: Behind the houses to the right of the exit gate
there's a secret Red armor.

You can enter the next yard when you've cleaned up this one! Get to

The drawbridge is up; Once you've eliminated the opposition you can
enter the castle keep.

SECRET 13: The ammo behind the house to the left of the yard
entrance is a secret.

SECRET 14: Diagonally across from #1, the armor behind the
corner house is a secret.

The door at the top of the ramp is locked; take NETRISCA's advice
and jump in the "drainpipe," which is that nearby well. Inside is a
slide that drops you into a pool, where there are some useful items
and nasty Fish.

SECRET 15: The Medi-kit at the pool's bottom left is a secret.

Climb out of the pool and go up the ramp to exit. One more room,
one more ramp with shooting faces, and you're back at the "Kill-o-

TIP: You can blast those gears off the pillars and blow up the
pillars themselves. This gives you a clearer field - but gives
your enemies one too!

When the Mechs appear towards the end of the battle the right side
of the room has opened, revealing a switch. Throwing the switch
brings down an elevator platform. Throw the switch, jump over the
nearby barrels to the next platform, and jump on the elevator once
it's down. If you miss it just try again.

The elevator takes you up to a corridor adorned with a picture of
Croteam. Continue past it to the bounce pad ahead, which throws you
up into the next yard.

SECRET 16: There is a barrel in a corner that you can destroy
to get secret armor.

Climb the circular stairwell and cross to the door. The level ends
with a cut-scene of Sam finding the Book of Wisdom.

Secrets: 13

TIP: Save at least one Serious Bomb for the next level.

You start on a mountain slope covered in snow. Fight your way
through the village below. The background music is great, you

SECRET 1: There's a group of three chalets ahead and
Right of where you first appear; one has a creaking
door you can blast open for a Serious Damage.

SECRET 2: Use the switch on the windmill to summon a
"secret Santa."

TIP: If you shoot the running Santa you get presents!
The more shots it takes to make him disappear, the more
goodies you get.

SECRET 3: Beyond and to the left of the windmill, look
for a chalet with no smoke - Santa feet are poking up
out of the chimney. Blast the chimney to unplug the
"secret jammed Santa."

SECRET 4: Shoot the snowman near #3 to get secret armor.

NOTE: If the snowmen are destroyed before their secrets are
revealed you won't get their secrets.

When you are done, exit through the ornate Gothic gate into the pass
to the next village.

Shortly after you advance down the pass the music goes up-tempo and
waves of BKs, supported by Kleers and the odd Mech, attack. On NORMAL
mode there are a couple of kamikaze teams deploying rotating cannon.
If you can dodge past these characters you can leave most of 'em in
the pass behind you.

In NORMAL mode, about 5 cannons are lined up on the wall beyond the
village and fire in support of the Zorgs and Mechs infesting the

SECRET 5: Pick up the armor shard in front of the bespectacled
snowman, and he'll attack you as "the snowman avenger!"

SECRET 6: The chalet just to the right of #5 has a squeaky
door. Blast it and go in for an Invulnerability power-up.

SECRET 7: Not far from #6, on the right side of the village,
there is a snowman with a switch. Use the switch to summon
another "secret Santa." Treat him like #2.

When you are done you can exit through the gate in the stone wall.

Fight across the yard.

SECRET 8: Shoot at the snowman on the left until it
disappears; it was an "incredible shrinking snowman."

Enter the cave mouth and go forward. Exit the narrow passage into
a lava cavern and walk the twisting stone bridge, eliminating the
odd Golem. A falling rock breaks a gap in the bridge.

SECRET 9: Drop through the gap into a teleport that takes you
to a Heart. Jump back down onto the bridge.

Jump over the gap, and continue into the next passage.

This cavern is larger and the rock bridge spanning it is longer.
Are there more baddies? What do YOU think?!?

SECRET 10: Upon entering, look to the far side for a
glow halfway up the wall; blast it and secret cannonballs
fall down. You will have to pick 'em up later. You COULD
blast their ledge when you reach the other side of the cave,
but it's harder to see then.

SECRET 11: Before leaving, walk past the cave exit toward
the dark boulder ahead and go around its left ledge (or go
over it) to get the cannon tucked inside.

Leave this cave and follow another passage.

This is the largest (and toughest) one. After crossing the first
narrow span (under fire of course) to a large boulder in the lava
stream you must jump from one floating lava crust to another, some
of which begin sinking after you land on them. Move with all
deliberate speed.

SECRET 12: When you reach the lava crusts, jump to the
farthest one on your left - closest to the twin-peaked
rock to your left in the lava lake. This crust, which
does not sink, drifts toward secret red armor on the
rock's ledge; to get it you must jump. The crust slowly
circles the rock before drifting back to the other crusts.
Either jump back to it or skip back to the crusts. You lose
health either from enemy fire or lava burn - your choice!

Once you've finished with the lava crusts you must cross more
bridges and ledges. The exit is near when you reach the huge boulder
from which a narrow bridge arches to the mountainside.

SECRET 13: After crossing the last bridge, walk around the
ledge under it for a secret Heart.

Exit the cavern through one last passage.

The final cave contains a TV-like teleporter; enter it to reach...

You're now on a very slippery ice field where you'll face waves of
assaults. Previously Fiendian fireballs tended to break up after
missing you, but now you'll find that they too have "primitive homing

When THAT's over, enter the gate of the Ice Castle to complete the
level. Needless to say, the Grail's not there!

Secrets: 6

This is one of those long, wide, alley-arenas. It angles you
through seven sections, subjecting you to waves of attackers in
each. You will have to make frequent tactical retreats. You
should figure on using any remaining Bombs here.

[Entrance]__ _
* 1 | _5_ * : Secret location
2 | |
| | *|
*-3*-4 6*-7-[Exit]

SECRET 1: In the first section, the dark patch of wall
to the right of the entrance to can be blasted to reveal
a Heart and Serious Damage.

TIP: Eliminate the Zorgs in the first section, then try to dodge
past the baddies to the angle where the third section meets the
fourth. As the Fiendians hurl their fireballs, drop a Serious bomb!
Try to time this so you get most of the Werebulls. Be sure you are
in the angle so you get everyone in both sections. Then retreat for
the health and armor behind you.

SECRET 2: At the far end of the second section, a funky dude
is looking out a window of the right corner tower. Shoot him
and a Serious Damage lands behind you.

SECRET 3: There's a dark patch of wall towards the end of the
third section on the left. Blast it to reveal a teleport to
the "pumpkin field."

If you go into the outer mist you'll die: instead dodge and
torch the mini Cucurbitos that hatch from some pumpkins.
There's a Serious Bomb and other max items on the stone road.
When you're done teleport back.

SECRET 4: In the sixth section, blasting the dark patch of
the left wall reveals the teleport to the "embryo museum."

There are goodies on the carpet: snagging the Serious
Damage spawns two Highlanders. Either deal with them for
points or just run into the teleport foyer and leave.

SECRET 5: At the start of the seventh section, just
before the cannon mouths, look up to your left to see
a Harpy mooning you from a middle window! Give her a
laser enema to land an Invulnerability power-up, which
will come in MIGHTY HANDY!!!

Pass through the cannonade for some Adult action and exit the gate
to the next arena.

The arena after the Corridor of Death has jump ramps lined up in
rows at equal intervals. The first set throws forward and up, the
last set throws backward and up, while the inner rows have forward
AND backward sets. Baddies attack in waves, forcing you to go back
and forth. Four common reptiloids spawn on the walls for the final

TIP: When the reptiloids spawn, back into a far left or right
doorway, eliminate the Harpies, then inch out of cover picking off
the reptiloids one at a time.

When you are done, exit the center gate-door to see the Grail
Cathedral across the field.

Hmmm... cannonballs ... Think you'll need the cannon? After your
Highland fling go to that little fort in the middle of the field,
picking up the Serious Bomb. It should be the last one you'll need.
There are several waves of baddies, who have to be dealt with to
spawn the next wave, until you've eliminated enough of the final
Kleers to open the cathedral gate.

TIP: Ignore NETRISCA's idea of defending the fort. You'll want
its re-spawning power-ups from time to time, but it's going to be
showered with meteors and overrun with monsters. The best strategy
(thanks ML) is to run ahead to base yourself by one of the sides of
the cathedral, then snipe at the baddies, who circle around the
fort. When the baddies attack, cut them down as you retreat back
alongside the cathedral. Make periodic forays back to the fort for
the Speed powerup and other goodies. This tactic is no more time-
consuming and boring than the monster waves themselves, and vastly
improves your odds of survival!

After you and the meteors have eliminated BKs, Kleers, Mechs,
Zumb'uls, and Bulls the skies clear for the final Kleer wave.
Restock at the fort before entering the Cathedral courtyard.

There are bounce pads on the perimeter walls to the left and right
of the cathedral.

The final 'boss' is Mordekai the Summoner, whose powers are the
ability to spawn lesser baddies and to teleport himself afterwards,
changing his position in the field. He's got no regenerative
powers, but is fairly tough.

TIP: It was a scream to find this out - thanks again ML! Mordekai
only does his summoning and teleporting when you are in his line
of sight! Like the arachnoids and other big baddies if you put
something between you and his 'eyes', like the cathedral's
buttresses, you can shoot some exposed portion of his anatomy
until he's toast. The sniper rifle (about 50 shots) is obviously
going to be faster than the Schofields but it's your call!

SECRET 6: At some point you get a message that the "pink secret
has been enabled." This refers to the pink block just to the
right of the bounce pad on the bottom of the courtyard's right-
hand wall. While Mordekai lives, you can Crawl into that section
for the secret backpack.

When Mordekai explodes the final cutscene begins. Congratulations!
You have reached...

!!! THE END !!!

5. - Cheat Codes

To enable a cheat code, press the tilde (~) key to bring up the command
console. Type in
the code, press the ENTER key to activate it, then press the tilde key again to
to the game. Repeat the process to disable.

**** *****
**** *****

please fly No gravity mode - use arrow keys, SPACEBAR
and C key
to "fly"
please god Invulnerability

please ghost No clipping mode - use arrow keys, SPACEBAR
and C key
to "fly" through solid objects
please giveall Full health and ammo, all weapons and all items

please invisible Invisibility

please killall Kills all enemies in the level

please open Opens all doors in the level

6. FAQ History

0.1 - Unpublished. First draft.

7. - End/Legal

Croteam's website is at, and
there's supposed to be info on these games at and, respectively. However I
can never seem to access these sites.

This FAQ is (C) 2005 by SoftGrunt. Re-printings and
distributions are allowed. All trademarks and copyrights belong
to their respective owners.


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