Crazy Taxi 3 - High Roller

Crazy Taxi 3 - High Roller

17.10.2013 16:35:17

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\_____/ /_/ \__,_/__//_____\ / / / / \__,_/__/ /_/ \_\ \_/ / /
/___/ /__/ H i g h R o l l e r
Crazy Taxi 3 FAQ/Strategy guide
For Microsoft Xbox/PC
Version 0.80

By Adam Copper

This FAQ is Copyright (c) 2005 Adam Copper

Last Revision 5:32 AM December 31th, 2005

Table of Contents

1. Introduction..........................................[INT]
2. Version History.......................................[VHS]
3. Crazy Taxi History....................................[CHS]
4. The Basics
4-1. Options............................................[BS1]
4-2. Controls...........................................[BS2]
4-3. Cabbies............................................[BS4]
4-4. Crazy Manoeuvres...................................[BS5]
4-5. Licenes............................................[BS6]
5. Playing Basics
5-1. Customers...........................................[PB1]
5-2. Picking-up..........................................[PB2]
5-3. Driving.............................................[PB3]
5-4. Droping.............................................[PB4]
6. Game Modes
6-1. Westt Coast.........................................[GM1]
6-2. Glitter Oasis.......................................[GM2]
6-3. Small Apple.........................................[GM3]
6-4. Replay..............................................[GM4]
7. Crazy X Guide.........................................[CXG]
8. Tips/Strategies.......................................[TPS]
9. Secrets/Cheats........................................[SCT]
10. FAQs.................................................[FAQ]
11. Legal Disclaimer.....................................[LDR]

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1. Introduction [INT]
This FAQ was made to help gamers that ether never played any crazy taxi game
before or they don’t know haw to play it properly. Crazy Taxi 3 mostly didn’t
add anything new beside a new city so basically it’s the same old game with
little enhancements, that’s why most of the information found in this FAQ is
taken from my previous Crazy Taxi guides and are reformatted and edited to be
a help in this FAQ. Also this FAQ was written from the PC version but it’s the
same as Xbox version with little different here and there if any at all, if
you find any big differences send me an e-mail and let me now, cheers.

2. Version History [VHS]
Version 0.80 June 16th - December 31th, 2005
Almost everything is done, but still has to do the Crazy Box FAQ.

3. Crazy Taxi History [CHS]
In 1999 Hitmaker realised Crazy Taxi in the arcades, it was the first game
of its kind. Fast, speedy and mostly crazy taxi game ever made! The game was
big hit to the arcades and made a lot of money.

In 1/24/2000 the game was ported to Sega’s Dreamcast. The port was great,
everything was perfect except for little slow downs here and there. Crazy Taxi
was so successful that Sega decided to make a squeal.

Yes Crazy Taxi 2 hit Dreamcast at 05/28/2001 with little extras such as
picking more than one customer at a time, jumping, new characters, and new
city. As the Dreamcast fall the original was ported to all the systems, PS2,
NGC, Xbox, PC, and GBA. In 04/24/2002 Hitmaker realised Crazy Taxi 3 on
Microsoft Xbox and later ported to the PC.

4. The Basics
4-1. Options............................................[BS1]
This time the options screen has fewer options then the other crazy taxi games.

Time Setting: 30-70

Time Difficulty: set haw fast the time goes, 1 slow - 8 fast.

Traffic Difficulty: set the difficulty level of the traffic.

Sound: click on it to go to another screen with the following options:

Music Volume: set the music volume.

SE Volume: set the volume of the sound effects

Voice Volume: set the in game voice volume.

4-2. Controls...........................................[BS2]
The controls can be see/changed in the configuration program that’s saved
in the same directory as the game, it also can be found at the start menu
of window. Example: if you used defaults instillation than the program
address will be C:\Program Files\Sega\Crazy Taxi3\CT3Config.exe.

Command Key

Up Up arrow
Down Down arrow
Left Left arrow
Right Right arrow

Accelerate Up arrow
Brake Down arrow


Drive S key
Reveres X key
Jump Space bar

Destination Reminder TAB
Headlights 1 key
Arrow Mode 2 key

These commands can easily be changed and customised the way you like.
Just click on any key and assign your own. You can also do the same
with Joypad if you have one.

4-3. Cabbies............................................[BS4]
As you may already know this game is a mix of all the crazy taxi games that
came out, as a result it contents all the cabbies that appeared in previous
games, total 12. They all will look the same at first But as time passes
you will discover little differences.

4-4. Crazy Maneuvers....................................[BS5]
Crazy Manoeuvres get you tips by customers, what are crazy manoeuvres you ask?

Release accelerator and brake, then shift back to drive and press
the accelerator at the same time.

Crazy Drift:
Release accelerate, reveres gear, shift back into drive gear and
keep holding drive while accelerating and turning sharply for
a power slide turn. Use this to get a fast turn, this will
get you some combos.

Crazy Through:
Drive through traffic without hitting any thing.
This is hard if you're driving like crazy, but it will get you the most
combos and that will get you more cash. Use it carefully because if you
hit another car you will lose all combos and start from zero again.

4-Crazy stop:
Crazy dash, then hold reverse and brake.
Vary useful for fast stop; use it all the time when stopping.

5-Limit Cut: Crazy dash, crazy drift, and then crazy dash again.
A must use all the time; this will get you to the top speed.

Here are 4 reasons why you should use Crazy Manoeuvres:

1. You will get tips, more money.
2. You may get faster to your drop-off zone.
3. You will look cool and want to use them again.
4. You will get a lot better and score high when done right.

4-5. Licenes............................................[BS6]
Just like the previous games, you get a license after the timer runs out.
The mix result of haw many customers you dropped, haw fast you did it, and
what crazy manoeuvres you did!

Fare License
$0.000 No License
$0.001-0.999 E Class License
$1.000-1.999 D Class License
$2.000-2.999 C Class License
$3.000-3.999 B Class License
$4.000-4.999 A Class License
$5.000-9.999 S Class License
$10.000-19.999 Awesome License
$20.000-99.999 CRAZY License

5. Playing Basics
5-1. Customers...........................................[PB1]
Just like the previews games, customers are every where and some times in
unexpected places like under water! To win you have to end up with a good
rating, to get good rating you need to get big fare. To get this you need
to drop as many customers as you can. Fail to drop a customer to where he
want and you will lose time and not get anything.

There are 4 type of customers; the first one is customer that simply want
to go to another place. They are the most in the game. Second type is a two
customers standing under one fare, they both have one time and etch wants to
go to another place, you have to drop them etch separately in order. The third
type is the same as the sound except now they are 3 And the last type has 4.

For more in-depth information on customer types see the next diagram:

|Green 1 Biggest one Farthest destination Biggest Zone |
|GreenYellow 1 bigger one Vary far destination +Bigger Zone |
|Yellow 1 Big one More far destination Vary Big Zone|
|Orange 1 Medium one Farther destination Bigger Zone |
|Red 1 Small one Vary close destination Small Zone |
|Drak Blue 2 // // // |
|Black-Blue 3 // // // |
|Light Blue 4 // // // |

5-2. Picking-up..........................................[PB2]
As I mentioned earlier every customer stand under a fare icon, its a dollar
sign on a circle. To pick him up stop within the cercal. Here are some tips:

+ When stopping to pick a customer try facing where he want to go.

+ Know who to pick, when you're short on time pick the far destination
customer, otherwise mix.

- Don't stop to far from the customer, this will lose you some time,
as the customer is running to your cab.

- Don't try to hit you're customer, this will make him run away and will
lose you time as the customer is running back to your cab.

5-3. Driving.............................................[PB3]
As soon as the customer jumps in a timer will appear. Now you have to follow
the arrow and deliver the customer to where he wants to go the fastest way
possible. As you drive the customer gives you small tips depending on what
you do. To get many tips try doing Crazy Maneuvers often.

There are three types of a tip: Bronze, Silver, and Gold.
They can get you starting from $0.25 and up to 15.00.

5-4. Droping.............................................[PB4]
Now you have to drop the customer into his drop zone. it’s a square.
Stop anywhere in side and the customer will be delivered.
The fastest you get you're customer to his drop zone the better.
You will be given a rating on haw well you did you're job, here they are:

| SPEEDY...........+5 seconds........If the time color is Green |
| NORMAL...........+2 seconds........If the time color is Yellow |
| SLOW..............No Bonus.........If the time color is Red |
| BAD...............No Bonus.........If the time color is Purple |

Get you're customer to his drop zone fast and get SPEEDY, you will
need it to get high rankings.

6. Game Modes
6-1. Westt Coast.........................................[GM1]
The Arcade city from the first CT returns. Yes it’s the same city as you
last seen it with more customers to pick up. Its divided into two parts,
the small town like section and the other more city feel. The two connects
via not so long highway.

here are is a list of all the drop-offs in this city:

Cable car stop TOP
Freshtree Street
Sail Street
Cable car stop BOTTOM
Sea side Market
West side beach
Yacht Harbor
Pizza Hut
Square park
Popcorn Mania
The Original Levil's store
Tower Records
Kentucky Fried Chicken
R.B. Station
Baseball Stadium
Police station
Clock Towers theater
C.T. Hospital
Sky Bank
Boarders Paradise
Mall: west gate
Mall: east gate
Osmous Hotel
Crown Arena
Bus terminal
Look-out tower
Fire station
Tennis court
Universiry of S.C.G.P

This mode can be played with 4 ways:

1. PLAY BY ARCADE RULES: This mode lets you play as if you are playing
the arcade version. You have set time and you must add to it to get going
or it's GAME OVER! To add more time you must pick up customers and drop them
where they want to go!

2. WORK FOR 3 MINUTES: Play for three minutes. No Time Bonuses add.

3. WORK FOR 5 MINUTES: Play for five minutes. No Time Bonuses add.

4. WORK FOR 10 MINUTES: Play for ten minutes. No Time Bonuses add.

6-2. Glitter Oasis.......................................[GM2]
This city is new and set in lass Vegas. Your driving at night time and you
see some night effects. It feels like a busy city witch it is.

This mode can be played with 4 ways:

1. PLAY BY ARCADE RULES: This mode lets you play as if you are playing
the arcade version. You have set time and you must add to it to get going
or it's GAME OVER! To add more time you must pick up customers and drop them
where they want to go!

2. WORK FOR 3 MINUTES: Play for three minutes. No Time Bonuses add.

3. WORK FOR 5 MINUTES: Play for five minutes. No Time Bonuses add.

4. WORK FOR 10 MINUTES: Play for ten minutes. No Time Bonuses add.

6-3. Small Apple.........................................[GM3]
The great CT2 city makes a return, this time at night time! It got many
cool places like subways. This city was great at night time so I don’t
understand why Sega decided to shift to night when they already have a
night city here. Any way it’s the best city of all CT games.

This mode can be played with 4 ways:

1. PLAY BY ARCADE RULES: This mode lets you play as if you are playing
the arcade version. You have set time and you must add to it to get going
or it's GAME OVER! To add more time you must pick up customers and drop them
where they want to go!

2. WORK FOR 3 MINUTES: Play for three minutes. No Time Bonuses add.

3. WORK FOR 5 MINUTES: Play for five minutes. No Time Bonuses add.

4. WORK FOR 10 MINUTES: Play for ten minutes. No Time Bonuses add.

6-4. Replay..............................................[GM4]
In this mode you can record your driving for a small time, save it to the
hard drive, and watch it any time in game.

7. Crazy X Guide [CXG]

8. Tips/Strategies [TPS]
Some useful tips that will help you be better:

+ Use Crazy Moves to get Crazy Combos, which will get you more money.

+ Use Crazy Stop every time for a fast stop.

+ Mix long runs with short runs, this will help you get more time.

+ Remember the shortcuts; this will help you save some time.

+ When you feel that you don't have time to drop a customer don't
go to his drop-off, just go to another customer and wait till the
time of the old customer runs of so you can pick the new customer.

+ Know who to pick in the right time, when don't have much time try
picking long run customers.

- Don't pick 2-4 customers allot, you may not get the time to drop them.

The most important strategy is to know the city and its short cuts. Don’t
rely on the arrow, know your own way.

9. Secrets/Cheats [SCT]
Unlock New Rides
To unlock the Carriage, Stroller and Bike, finish level 2 of Crazy X Mode.

Unlock All Drivers
To unlock all drivers, finish level S-S of Crazy X Mode.

Unlock Another Day Mode
To unlock Another Day Mode, which places fare seekers in different places on
the map, finish level 3 in Crazy X Mode.

Unlock New Maps
To unlock maps for Small Apple, Glitter Oasis and West Coast, finish level 1
in Crazy X Mode.

10. FAQs [FAQ]
Q: What platforms was this game ported to?

A: It was created for Microsoft Xbox later ported to PC. That’s it.

Q: Wasn’t this game on the Arcade first?

A: No. Although CT started as an Arcade game not its home consoles
and PC only.

11. Legal Disclaimer [LDR]
Copyright (c) 2005 Adam Copper
This FAQ is registered with the Copyright Office. It may not be placed
on any public display including and not limited to websites, magazines,
or any other distributed form. Any part of it may not be used anywhere
under any circumstances. No money must be made of it, selling, giving
away with a parches is prohibit. This FAQ was created for private personal
use only, violation any of these terms will result in taking legal action
against you immediately.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by
their respective trademark and copyright holders.


This FAQ can only appear on the following websites:

.(Cheat Codes)

If anyone fined this FAQ on any unlisted site please inform me ASAP.

Contac information

I may be contacted at any time via my e-mail, (
If you have any questions, contributions, corrections, or anything else
feel free to e-mail, just make sure to put "Game Name" as a subject and
watch how fast I delete your e-mail if you acutely put "Game Name" as a


Types I WILL accept:
. Questions that are NOT answered in the FAQ
. Contributions
. Corrections
. Asking if you can put it on your website

Types I will NOT accept:
. Chain letters
. Unreadable/Unclear Question
. Questions already answered in this FAQ

Credits/Special Thanks
. All listed websites for accepting my FAQs.
. You for reading this FAQ.
. Me for creating this FAQ for all of you out there.

FAQ Created by
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-End of Document-
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